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20-10-2010, 03:28 PM
Last session 2yrs ago, H08 mine room had a toilet with shower attached. There is also a small basin for washing, we know the kind found at PT brothels.

I asked the WL can take shower, she don't mind but help myself. I did not washup at toilet, used the small basin because $30, wham and leave. Faster return home and wash clean clean.

All this yrs being thinking, WLs here stayed in door after biz closed. I think many leave here, different from say Desker PT where they travel in out of this country. Of course some rent houses so on.

20-10-2010, 06:28 PM
hmmm ... amy or rose i m confuse ...

i know hse.8 n 6B have shower but dunno 6A.
i visited before hse. 6B cat50 given me shower rm n hse.8 cat100 given me shower rm.

i am not sure whether WLs do stay in after biz closed but i think hse. 8 okt aunty does live there.

any update on the ks WL list n fr? thanks.

20-10-2010, 07:58 PM
The WLs Okts stay over night, well we don't really want to find out. But the houses does have cooking facilities, bathrooms and aircons etc. I believe all brothels in this country have these facilities.

20-10-2010, 08:44 PM
hmmm ... amy or rose i m confuse ...

i know hse.8 n 6B have shower but dunno 6A.
i visited before hse. 6B cat50 given me shower rm n hse.8 cat100 given me shower rm.

i am not sure whether WLs do stay in after biz closed but i think hse. 8 okt aunty does live there.

any update on the ks WL list n fr? thanks.

Hi Bros Song, sorry for misleading you. Both Amy n Rose came fm 35B n now both stationed in Hse 8. Amy is a CAT 30, in her late 40s, abit plump n tanned. Wherelse Rose is a CAT50, in her early 40s, figure is well maintain n hv shoulder length hair n not so tanned compare to AMY. Still hv a stunning look. Still retain her AP status in KS for all this yrs.

20-10-2010, 09:29 PM
thanks to bro hurricane2004 n tortoise89 .

below listing based on recent posts, hope all bros able to keep it updated for the convenience of ks cheongsters.


hse. 6A:
Yin Peng (30D),
Suet Li (30D),
May Yee (30D),
Alice (15D + 20D),
Hong Hong (15D + 20D)
Xiao Hong

hse. 6B:

hse. 8:
Kar Leng (70D),
Mary (30D),
Amy (30D),
Rose (50D),

21-10-2010, 02:52 PM
I not speak Chinese able to have service if speaking English?

21-10-2010, 09:15 PM
thanks to bro hurricane2004 n tortoise89 .

below listing based on recent posts, hope all bros able to keep it updated for the convenience of ks cheongsters.


hse. 6A:
Yin Peng (30D),
Suet Li (30D),
May Yee (30D),
Alice (15D + 20D),
Hong Hong (15D + 20D)
Xiao Hong

hse. 6B:

hse. 8:
Kar Leng (70D),
Mary (30D),
Amy (30D),
Rose (50D),
Hi Bros, just want to updated on the info given earlier by Song,

Hse 6B;
Vicky .....(100D)
Ling Zhi ..... (30D)
Helen ..... (15 + 20D)

Hse 8
Michelle ..... (100D)

21-10-2010, 09:43 PM
thanks to bro hurricane2004 n tortoise89 .

hse. 6A:
Yin Peng (30D),
Suet Li (30D),
May Yee (30D),
Alice (15D + 20D),
Hong Hong (15D + 20D)
Xiao Hong

hse. 6B:

hse. 8:
Kar Leng (70D),
Mary (30D),
Amy (30D),
Rose (50D),

Thanks bro song for the list, want to know for those ladies with 2 offering, e.g. Alice (15D + 20D), what services does it mean for 15D and 20D ?:rolleyes:

21-10-2010, 09:48 PM
Thanks bros song and hurricane2004, here consolidated list:

hse. 6A:
Yin Peng ..... (30D),
Suet Li ....... (30D),
May Yee ......(30D),
Alice ...........(15D + 20D),
Hong Hong .. (15D + 20D)
Xiao Hong ... ??

hse. 6B:
Vicky ..........(100D)
Ling Zhi ...... (30D)
Helen ......... (15 + 20D)

hse. 8:
Kar Leng ..... (70D),
Mary .......... (30D),
Amy ........... (30D),
Rose .......... (50D),
Michelle .......(100D)

22-10-2010, 08:05 PM
Thanks bro song for the list, want to know for those ladies with 2 offering, e.g. Alice (15D + 20D), what services does it mean for 15D and 20D ?:rolleyes:

Hi Bros Dala, 15D + 20D = hand massage (rate 15D) + FJ (rate 20D). No BJ. Most of this CAT 15D + 20D is WLs that is in matured yrs, at least 50s.

01-11-2010, 12:44 PM
may i know how long is the msg. session lasts, it is good? thks

01-11-2010, 09:23 PM
Hi Bros Song,

Normal sess is 15-20mins, u can opt to 2 sess. Just pay double the rate. Most of these WLs that does BM hv a strong hand n gd skill such as Hse 6A / Alice, 6B / Helen and Hse 8 / Mei Ling. FYI u can just opt for BM fm these WLs n then follow up with another CAT50/70/100 for FJ.

One thing is the inconvenience, just wearing yr underwear n sleeping in the rm waiting for yr next sess. If happen that the WL that u hv choose earlier is still working in another rm, u hv to wait a little longer than usual. It is very cooling n t4 yr bros may hv a hard time mari kita.

18-11-2010, 01:33 PM
Hi guys,

Just went for a session at ks, was waiting for kar leng then saw a 40+ lady that has quite plesant look. quite good figure and milky skin colour.
Asked the OKT, she told me she is xiao die something like tat.

But from the list, i did not see this name appearing.

Can anyone enlighten me what is this lady's name???


21-11-2010, 11:08 PM
Any mature chubby WL to recommend bro? :D

23-11-2010, 08:47 PM
Hi Bros chub07,

You did not classified what CAT you are interested in. Maybe just recommend a few,
for chubby type:

a) CAT 30 - Age 40s / Amy & Ling Zhi
b) CAT 70 - Age 30s / Kar Leng.

23-11-2010, 08:51 PM
Hi Bros KTEM,

Fm what u hv mention, a 40+ lady that has quite plesant look, quite good figure and milky skin colour.name is xiao die or something like that.

I am also curious, I hv never hear such a name in the past. I will tried to find out fm the OKT. Can u tell me which Hse you went to ?

23-11-2010, 09:36 PM
Thanks bros song and hurricane2004, here consolidated list:

hse. 6A:
Yin Peng ..... (30D),
Suet Li ....... (30D),
May Yee ......(30D),
Alice ...........(15D + 20D),
Hong Hong .. (15D + 20D)
Xiao Hong ... ??

hse. 6B:
Vicky ..........(100D)
Ling Zhi ...... (30D)
Helen ......... (15 + 20D)

hse. 8:
Kar Leng ..... (70D),
Mary .......... (30D),
Amy ........... (30D),
Rose .......... (50D),
Michelle .......(100D)

Long long ago i always go for June. She retired long ago liao. Since then never go to KS again.
So from this list any GOOD service Cat 30D one to recommend?

24-11-2010, 08:42 AM
Long long ago i always go for June. She retired long ago liao. Since then never go to KS again.
So from this list any GOOD service Cat 30D one to recommend?

It has been donkey years since I last went KS but these 3 names sound familiar...:D

1) May Yee ......(30D)
2) Ling Zhi ...... (30D)
3) Amy ........... (30D)

26-11-2010, 10:48 AM
It has been donkey years since I last went KS but these 3 names sound familiar...:D

1) May Yee ......(30D)
2) Ling Zhi ...... (30D)
3) Amy ........... (30D)

Out of these 3 which one provide frenching?

26-11-2010, 05:42 PM
Out of these 3 which one provide frenching?

I dun think they do that...:D

02-12-2010, 12:04 PM
Went to visit Rose at No. 8 a few days back.

She doesn't look 100% Chinese maybe a hint of Malay blood & can speak decent English so non-Chinese bros will not have any problem communicating with her.

After washing me up thoroughly, gave me a long bbbj & then proceed to fj. Like what one bro posted, her vagina muscle can really grip. Allow change of position without fuss but the overall experience is quite mechanically. No complaint for $50 but no RTF for me.

BTW, No. 8 business not bad leh. Must wait for room & some more bros coming in after me. Lots of WLs at the waiting area when I was leaving & one particular one quite young & chio but didn't ask about her because in a hurry. Maybe other bros who know can share info.

02-12-2010, 02:45 PM
Hi Bros KTEM,

Fm what u hv mention, a 40+ lady that has quite plesant look, quite good figure and milky skin colour.name is xiao die or something like that.

I am also curious, I hv never hear such a name in the past. I will tried to find out fm the OKT. Can u tell me which Hse you went to ?

Hi bro sorry for the late reply the hse I went to is no.8

10-12-2010, 05:05 PM
Hi bros
Are ther any big boob matured wl there? Pls recommend. Thks

11-12-2010, 09:03 PM
Hi bros
Are ther any big boob matured wl there? Pls recommend. Thks

Hi Bro Lukester,

For big boobs WL:
a) H8 = Kar Ling /0D
b) H8 = Mary / 30D
c) H6B = Ling Zhi / 30D

Hope above may interest you.

11-12-2010, 09:30 PM
glad to see KS still living, and still got some choice :p

13-12-2010, 05:22 PM
Thks bro hurricane. Will try n FR

15-12-2010, 12:09 PM
Any kind brothers can provide a FR for the Cat100? Michelle? Vicky? Any others?

23-12-2010, 10:19 AM
Any bros tried the massage in KS.

23-12-2010, 04:00 PM
KS is probably quite dead now compared to its heydays 10+ years ago. Many Ang pais there actually moved to Pertain a couple of years back. :p

26-12-2010, 07:56 PM
Hi Bros stonemike,

I hv tried many times n many of those WLs that provide massage in KS. Presently, I only look for Helen. She has strong fingers. If u are too tired n u request for extra massage for certain area of yr body, she doesn't mind. I also hv requested for sand scapling service, just pay her extra dollars, she doesn't demand how much.

Mei Ling svc is also not bad, but she seldom talk to customer during session. Maybe I do not "click" with her.
hv any

27-12-2010, 04:28 PM
Is there additional services at KS brothels? I thought only bonking nothng else, care to share what types of additional stuffs and charges.

I recalled Xiao Wei told me that KS is fighting strong, there is demand over there. Any members know is Yen Ping still available? I have not visit her come 2 yrs.

28-12-2010, 02:22 PM
consolidated KS list from bros' recent posts :

Hse. 6A :
Yin Peng (30D)
Suet Li (30D)
May Yee (30D)*
Alice (15D + 20D)
Hong Hong (15D + 20D)
Xiao Hong

Hse. 6B :
Vicky (100D)
Ling Zhi (30D)* - Age 40s, big boobs
Helen (15D + 20D)

Hse. 8 :
Kar Leng (70D) - Age 30s, big boobs
Mary (30D) - big boobs
Amy (30D)* - Age 40s
Rose (50D)*
Michelle (100D)
Mei Ling

15D + 20D = hand massage (rate 15D) + FJ (rate 20D). No BJ. matured yrs, at least 50s
Normal sess is 15-20mins

31-12-2010, 12:25 PM
consolidated KS list from bros' recent posts :

Hse. 6B :
Vicky (100D)

Hse. 8 :
Kar Leng (70D) - Age 30s, big boobs
Rose (50D)*
Michelle (100D)

15D + 20D = hand massage (rate 15D) + FJ (rate 20D). No BJ. matured yrs, at least 50s
Normal sess is 15-20mins

Thanks bro for the compilation, any FR for the above 4 girls? seems they are the only >50D wl, dont know standard can compare to PT 50D girl:D

04-01-2011, 02:14 PM
Hi Jack43
u ve tried Yen Peng, how was her service 2 yrs ago. Any comments

04-01-2011, 02:47 PM
2times so far, KS not my home ground, prefer PT brothels. First time with her was liked 3yrs ago, that time was the first batch of ex KS migration. We had Maggie, Mun Mun and Ting Ting.

We chat on this girls, asked her when she move over? She said no way, no choice she quit and return hometown. Oh! Second session was 2yrs ago, again she said the same thing. Actually, i would pay her $100 for her Virgin cross over to PT brothel, rest will be $50 she also said no.

I know my $ is no big deal, ok let me think of our session. First her outlook, 3yrs ago she was slim, white smooth skin and thick eyebrows. Last session she put on a lot of weight. There was mention of this too from a brother.

I said Yen Ping is early 40s, i don't remember much on SEX, for $30 she don't provide BJ, BBBJ of course no AR. 2 styles, missionary and doggy and, forget about frenching.

I love her MILF Malaysian housewife looks, think somehow we clicked a bit because both speak Canto. Till this now, no PT WLs allow fondle on bed, this girls straight proceed to "work", Yen Ping that time allow fondle, rumble a lot in bed.

If i recalled correct, 3yrs ago first time with her, she finished the deal with good HJ. That is all folks!

10-01-2011, 03:56 PM
KS still have cat100? how is her service? long long time never visit there already. last time always visit coco..... any brother have her news?

17-01-2011, 06:27 PM
KS still have cat100? how is her service? long long time never visit there already. last time always visit coco..... any brother have her news?

Surprise to see KS still got 100D girls, it is 3 years ago I tried then cat 100 Yvone then, services can not compare to now PT new girls.

dont know how their service will be now :rolleyes:

18-01-2011, 08:22 PM
Hey guys! im totally new here.. ive been to keong saik 3 times and i cant find any brothels.. can anyone help me? email me? [email protected]

18-01-2011, 08:35 PM
Hey guys. can you tell me where the brothels in keong saik are?

20-01-2011, 10:13 AM
Hey guys! im totally new here.. ive been to keong saik 3 times and i cant find any brothels.. can anyone help me? email me? [email protected]

Hey guys. can you tell me where the brothels in keong saik are?

hse 6A, 6B, 8 (hint: hse. no. in red on white and backlights indicate in operation)


20-01-2011, 08:58 PM
Hi Bros newkidintown11,

In order to locate the brothels easily, enter Keong Siak fm Neil Rd. When walking in on the right hand side is the coffee shop, then u will see a Wanton Mee / Roasted Meat shop. Beside the the shop is a stariways entrance of 6B & 6C.

Next to the stairways is the Entrance of No.4. (This unit is directly facing the
Chinese temple). After that is a road junction.

FYI, if you are interested in CAT100. No.4 hv 3 WLs - Michelle, Lily & Annie (Sorry if their name is wrong, cannot remember by hard).All free transfer fm GL FC recently.

20-01-2011, 09:02 PM
Hi newkidintown11,

Sorry for typpo error. Is Hse No. 8 not 4. Happy cheonging. Of all the 3 Hse, I consider Hse 8's rm to be well furnish n neat. Also they hv the most variety, eg 30D, 50D, 70D, 100D & bdy msg.

26-01-2011, 08:07 AM
Went there days ago. Tho gls standard not good mostly gilf but must say service is great for just 30d. Went hse 8 n rms are alrite.

27-01-2011, 11:09 AM
Went Yesterday at 6B.
Only one girl available, can't recall her name, MILF from Malaysia.
Not good looking but that was expected.
Very chirpy and willing to please. Bit too much conversation for my taste though.
I like the mirror everywhere in the room...too bad it is to see so so quality.
Which they had stunners :)
Anyway, would recommend, Phone number needed => PM me

24-02-2011, 07:53 PM
any shower facility over at ks? or is it the same like pt just a basin?

25-02-2011, 06:29 PM
My FR:
Name: Rose
Environment: Small room with bathroom attached. Mirrors at bedside & ceiling. Remind me the movie: Basic Instinct by Sharon Stone :)
Attitude: Very friendly & cheerful. Offer to bath me before & after, I was pampered like a young boy bathed by mummy. :D
Looks: 6/10 MILF, nearly 40yo
Body: 7/10 Tanned & smooth skin.
Boobs: 7/10 B Cup with brown nuts, still handy & solid.
Catbath: 8/10 Long catbath & playing with my little brother. While I looking at the mirror and enjoy.
BJ: 8/10 Good suction.
69: 7/10 Keep asking me to fingering her and she moan: "Oh yes, keep going" (just like porn movies).
Frenching & Painting: No time to try. Too horny after her foreplay, can't wait to penetrate.
FJ: 7/10 Cow Girl - Missionary. Lovehole still tight.
RFT: Yes if you like fast food. OKT is friendly and served with tea.

27-02-2011, 01:05 AM
Hi bros,

Can check, what is the operating hrs like? Is it open till very late?

01-03-2011, 08:02 PM
Hi Bros,
I agree with u that Rose's skill is good. Because of that, she can be a CAT50 for slightly over 10yrs n is still hv many regulars. Notice fm yr FR, she is friendly. Maybe in this recent yrs, she had chge her attitude. FYI, during her 'ang pai' yrs, she is very demanding n arrogrance. Same goes to Maggie during her 'ang pai' days in H28. Nowadays where in PT, she is more friendly and accomodating. Both of them hv change their attitude n PR.

03-03-2011, 10:22 AM
Last eve passed by after dinner at PRC town, 3 yrs have not visited this brothel. They have only 3 houses and, kind of organized compare to yrs ago. No more brothels spread along the streets, this is how it look.

H8 is beside a coffeeshop, it had 2 doors 1 is on the main street. The side door is behind the lane, u cannot miss it just walked behind the bldg. The other 2 brothels are next to H8.

There is a small door, u walk up the stairs it is H6A, 6B is above it. There are notices pasted on the walls, u will see it while going up the stairs. Something liked H4 moved over to H6A, something like this which i think is not necessary. Why?

Balances 3 brothels, no need details, typical people of this country, liked as if we don't know the way up the stairs.

By the way, across the road to PRC town, it is messy and is still a SEX hub. There are PRC pdmms selling 4Ds Toto shits, hanging around hawker ctrs with uncles drinking beers. Probably throw in special services and, HC is alive in the PPC. Yes it is kicking.

And, i saw a non PRC hawker assistant, she is selling drinks, small built and gave 1/2 balls. Man! I tell u she is in tight shorts and fair skin tone. Pretty around 25 yrs ago, maybe Chinese Thai?

Do drop by if u got the time.

03-03-2011, 08:37 PM
Dear Bros,

Just patronized House 6A. Got this gal called Yen Ping. A MILF in her fourties from Ipoh. Very nice bonk. Service orientated, no rushing. Had known her for quite a few years.

Damage: $30


05-03-2011, 05:59 PM
H8 is beside a coffeeshop, it had 2 doors 1 is on the main street. The side door is behind the lane, u cannot miss it just walked behind the bldg. The other 2 brothels are next to H8.

Do drop by if u got the time.

Bro thanks for sharing, Wooo KS still operating :D

07-03-2011, 12:17 PM
I think RLDs can only trim down, it cannot be fully erase off in all countries. Political reasons, 1 such rest too many to discuss over here.

But KS scene is not really clean, u walk along the pubs, u see many girls sitting working in pubs. There is a hotel i think many girls hanging over there, they are for taking if the $ is correct.

End of days, KS brothels exterior looks clean, inner remains same. Nothing really changes, never b fool by packing.

18-03-2011, 01:57 PM
Hi bros,

I just went to H8 and tried Anna, cat 100. The service is quite good reminds me to malaysian gers in GL. Yup, like what brother Hurricane said, got 3 CAT100 ladies.

FR on Anna

face: 7/10 (Got young mum look, abt early 30s, hee, she look like my lady boss, my boss fuckin guai lan, got chance to fuck her now, so happy)

body: 7/10, abit baba around tummy, but still look slim.

Breast: 6/10 (Big B cup, very soft and a nice handful, I give 6/10 cos I like the big nehneh type)

bbbj: 7/10 (After short shower, she squat down and did a quick sensual bbbj, using the shower head to shoot water onto little head as she suck)

On bed, i lie on my back first, the powder rub my back with her nehneh, quite shiok, then cat bath from left leg to right leg, a quick ass-rim.

Then ask me turn over and cat bath somemore, hwer skill to suck nipple also quite song. then follow by bbbj, the usual stuff, can use more suction :)

Fj: 7/10, Quite avrage, except when she mount me, she ask me not to start rocking and proceed to use her cheeebai muscle to grip my shaft, also quite shiok, continue for abt 1 minute.

Then I did two style only, both me on top, bt she did take the initiative to ask me if i wanted to change position.

Overall Service: 8/10 (quite chatty, told me abt GL now, all full of PRC, where she stays...)

RTF: Maybe after trying her 2 friends ;)

Hi Bros newkidintown11,

In order to locate the brothels easily, enter Keong Siak fm Neil Rd. When walking in on the right hand side is the coffee shop, then u will see a Wanton Mee / Roasted Meat shop. Beside the the shop is a stariways entrance of 6B & 6C.

Next to the stairways is the Entrance of No.4. (This unit is directly facing the
Chinese temple). After that is a road junction.

FYI, if you are interested in CAT100. No.4 hv 3 WLs - Michelle, Lily & Annie (Sorry if their name is wrong, cannot remember by hard).All free transfer fm GL FC recently.

08-04-2011, 10:22 PM
Hey bros, What's operating hour for these housese? today went down around 9:30pm, but they are all closed, light off. How should I do to see the girls?

10-04-2011, 02:16 AM
went to Keong Saik again around 4:30pm today, as yesterday all closed. But lucky me, today they are open. Went to H8 first, an old lady (the OKT) welcomed me with a cooled towel and a glass of water, also two men waiting there, kindof in their 40s. I felt that, “Am I too young for this area”, waited several minutes, the OKT introduced two young ladies to me. Nothing special, as I just want to check how the Keong Saik looks like. So proceed to H6. Both of them, not so good renovated (what else do you want?), and ladies there are a bit old, so are the customers. The price range from 20, 30, 50, 70, and 100. I lost my interest and left.

19-07-2011, 12:09 PM
Any updates, ks brothels still opening ??

19-07-2011, 02:09 PM
Think now only house 6A, 6B and 8 are still operating there, all others close lao :rolleyes:

Ah Ken
20-07-2011, 05:45 PM
I read through the last few pages. Thinking of trying before it's ALL GONE. :(
Can anyone show me a map of where to find the location? As I read through, still blur where to find leh.

Oh ya. Btw, does the room have a shower? Or it is like PT where there's only a wash basin?
Sorry arh, I newbie to Keong Saik.

Hope senior bros can help me with these queries.

Thanks a lot. :)

21-07-2011, 01:41 AM
I read through the last few pages. Thinking of trying before it's ALL GONE. :(
Can anyone show me a map of where to find the location? As I read through, still blur where to find leh.

Oh ya. Btw, does the room have a shower? Or it is like PT where there's only a wash basin?
Sorry arh, I newbie to Keong Saik.

Hope senior bros can help me with these queries.

Thanks a lot. :)

Yes, i wana try KS too before its demolished.:( This seems to be the only missing item from my resume:)

21-07-2011, 08:30 PM
yen peng 30 dlr cat , can try , house 4 upstair:D

21-07-2011, 08:35 PM
Yes, i wana try KS too before its demolished.:( This seems to be the only missing item from my resume:)

take outram mrt, walk to eu tong seng , its near indian temple

Zac Mistri
22-07-2011, 12:10 PM
take outram mrt, walk to eu tong seng , its near indian temple

I've been to Keong Saik but only to visit lb at their hotel room. Never been to the brothels. Can anyone pm me the add? Also is it ladies or lbs?

22-07-2011, 07:08 PM
Hi Guys, Sorry a newbie to that area. Can I ask who knows there still have any big boobs wls? And mostly what time it closes?

22-07-2011, 08:28 PM
Bros Ah Ken,

1) Go to www.streetdirectory.com

2) Type in 6B Keong Siak Rd

a) No. 8 - Locate at the junction of Keong Siak Rd / Jiak Chuan Rd (Across the road of this unit is a small temple.

b) No 6A & 6B - Locate next door to 8. Entrance is a stairway. (Facing the entrance stairway's right hand is the Wanton mee / chicken rice shop. Usually there is customer sitting outside the shop)

Remarks: If feel sly or maybe to avoid seeing someone you know, suggest walk to the back lane via Jiak Chuan Rd. Unit No. 8 have an entrance at the back lane. For 6A & 6B only the stairway.

Operating Hour: Starts business at 1pm, closing at 9pm. Last client will be 8.30pm.

Operating Day: 7 Days a week.

Wee furnish: Of all the 3 Units, No. 8 is the best and well furnish. Will serve you tea n a cool hand towel during yr waiting time. You can watch TV sitting in the comfortable sofa n in air condition enviroment. All this free of charge.

22-07-2011, 08:32 PM
Hi Roxatoma & Zac Mistri,

Rdgs to the WLs details, can refer back to Msg 282 that is previously been posted.

22-07-2011, 09:15 PM
Hi Roxatoma & Zac Mistri,

Rdgs to the WLs details, can refer back to Msg 282 that is previously been posted.

Thank U bro hurricane2004, hopefully can get to try a few good ones and post some good FRs. :D

23-07-2011, 06:17 PM
Bros Ah Ken,

1) Go to www.streetdirectory.com

2) Type in 6B Keong Siak Rd

a) No. 8 - Locate at the junction of Keong Siak Rd / Jiak Chuan Rd (Across the road of this unit is a small temple.

b) No 6A & 6B - Locate next door to 8. Entrance is a stairway. (Facing the entrance stairway's right hand is the Wanton mee / chicken rice shop. Usually there is customer sitting outside the shop)

Remarks: If feel sly or maybe to avoid seeing someone you know, suggest walk to the back lane via Jiak Chuan Rd. Unit No. 8 have an entrance at the back lane. For 6A & 6B only the stairway.

Operating Hour: Starts business at 1pm, closing at 9pm. Last client will be 8.30pm.

Operating Day: 7 Days a week.

Wee furnish: Of all the 3 Units, No. 8 is the best and well furnish. Will serve you tea n a cool hand towel during yr waiting time. You can watch TV sitting in the comfortable sofa n in air condition enviroment. All this free of charge.

thanks for sharing will try it out!

24-07-2011, 03:22 AM
ground floor shop ,no. 8;
got one gal, 80 dlr.
Thats is youngest i can see.
Ard mid 20 s.

24-07-2011, 03:43 AM
been there, done that...
but seriously, for non-GILF lovers (not MILF hor, is GILF), no point going there just to donate ur hard-earned $ lah :o

Ah Ken
24-07-2011, 03:22 PM
Bros Ah Ken,

1) Go to www.streetdirectory.com

2) Type in 6B Keong Siak Rd

a) No. 8 - Locate at the junction of Keong Siak Rd / Jiak Chuan Rd (Across the road of this unit is a small temple.

b) No 6A & 6B - Locate next door to 8. Entrance is a stairway. (Facing the entrance stairway's right hand is the Wanton mee / chicken rice shop. Usually there is customer sitting outside the shop)

Remarks: If feel sly or maybe to avoid seeing someone you know, suggest walk to the back lane via Jiak Chuan Rd. Unit No. 8 have an entrance at the back lane. For 6A & 6B only the stairway.

Operating Hour: Starts business at 1pm, closing at 9pm. Last client will be 8.30pm.

Operating Day: 7 Days a week.

Wee furnish: Of all the 3 Units, No. 8 is the best and well furnish. Will serve you tea n a cool hand towel during yr waiting time. You can watch TV sitting in the comfortable sofa n in air condition enviroment. All this free of charge.

Thanks for your help. :)

Zac Mistri
25-07-2011, 07:42 AM
been there, done that...
but seriously, for non-GILF lovers (not MILF hor, is GILF), no point going there just to donate ur hard-earned $ lah :o

That bad bro? Think I'll stick to GL then.

26-07-2011, 02:33 AM
That bad bro? Think I'll stick to GL then.

yup, tried KS twice many years back, one $40 GILF supposed to be ex-angpai, the other $80 MILF supposed to be angpai...
both i gotta cover the face bomb the base :o

different experience, no doubt, but might as well spent the hard-earned $ at petain for better bonk...

28-07-2011, 07:53 AM
Walk past yesterday, saw one late 20 lady smoking at backdoor ally (quite gd looking) of H8. Any bro have any latest update on the plc i.e. H6 n H8 to share tks ;)

29-07-2011, 08:58 PM
Woo ks still active, havn't visit the place for lamost 3 years after the then ks angpais moved to PT, like that classic setting, think should visit there soon :D

01-08-2011, 12:58 AM
hse 9 uncle towkay shifted to gl lor 18,?
Any bro confirm?

17-08-2011, 06:28 PM
Any bros knows hse 28 got 1 tall tall malaysia girl call 高 Yin (in cantonese) go where work anot ah? Really miss her. Her kangwu sibeh toa kong one especially her BBBJ

house 28 closed long time ago la cos you dont give them business ;)

if you find any tall nice girl in ks please let us know :D

22-08-2011, 09:29 PM
KS is not dead yet, if you compare many yr back there is a lot of different. if you are looking at MILF/mature lady there still some around. What best about the place is not so many peoples walking around only for lunch time. it still better compare to PT

25-08-2011, 09:14 AM
Anybody knows if Michelle is still working there? Also heard there is one call Anna, good?

25-08-2011, 11:58 AM
I went to KS as the direction given by bro Hurricane yesterday, but i find it quite quiet and i didnt see my refered type there.
There are not many choice there as compared to KL.

25-08-2011, 04:18 PM
Hi Bros eddietah,

Cfm yr info, yes Kuo Yan hv already retire fm KS scene n went back M'sia after Hse 28 closed.

12-09-2011, 06:57 AM
Went to Hse 8 and was served by a m'sia gal (i forgot her name..) not pretty n a bit ba but overall service quite good. Had a nice bbbj and Fj (2 positions). Cost is $80. Maybe will go try the $100 cat and see if they are good:p

12-09-2011, 05:47 PM
Hi Bros Kjames,

I am curious. If you do RTF, pls ask OKT abt her name n CAT again. So far fm what I hv know, there is no $80 CAT. Is she a new arrival ?

13-09-2011, 06:46 AM
Hi Bros Kjames,

I am curious. If you do RTF, pls ask OKT abt her name n CAT again. So far fm what I hv know, there is no $80 CAT. Is she a new arrival ?

Yo Bro Hurricane, tat time when i went to hse 8, the okt ask me what kind of girls i want, i say younger ones so she told me its a $100 den why nt get the $80 one? haha. Ok i will ask the okt the name if i rtf. :D

23-09-2011, 05:45 PM

Any $30 to recommended.I love MILF.

26-09-2011, 01:23 PM
Anybody know if Kah Ling is good? How much is her rate?

26-09-2011, 08:54 PM
Hi Bros Fuuck,

For CAT 30, MILF CAT - I recommend, (1) Ling Zhi / Hse 6B - Age/Late 40, Bdy/Freshy, Boob/C- but started to sagging already, maybe too many rubbing & squeezing allow. (2) Amy / Hse 8 - Age/Late 40, Bdy/Freshy, Boob/C but still in gd shape. (3) Mei Yee / Hse 6A - Age M40, Bdy/Slim & Tall, Boob/B+. All 3 does BBBJ & FJ. Gd wkg attitude n not a time washer. If this 3 is not enough, pls adv, will provide more CAT30 WLs.

26-09-2011, 09:01 PM
Hi Bros Anfield2468,

Kar Leng is CAT70 / Hse 8 - Lk is seductive n presentable. Age/Late 30s. A slutty & meaty bdy w/round butt. Cplxn is alittle tan. What svc she provide and standard unknown. Hope you go n hv a visit, n then give us a FR.

06-10-2011, 05:27 PM
Thanks to Bro Hurricane for the great directions.

Tried out KS just to sort of round out all the locations.

went to Hse 6A and had a Cat50 - Wee Yin?

Not a looker but better than the others sitting in the waiting room.

Face - 5/10
Body - 4/10
Age - late 30s/early 40s
BJ - none
FJ - 5/10 - not bad/lots of moaning and screaming -made me feel like an AV star

RTF- no better off getting a Cat50 from Geylang or heading to PT for a CAT30

07-10-2011, 09:00 PM
Hi Bros LostInSG,

Great to hear that u hv visited KS. I also visited KS this wk and was infm by the WL that AV officer hv arrange to meet this 3 Hse operator next week. They will likely to be told to re-locate or else their WLs under their care will not have their permit renew. This info is provided by the AV offr who told the WL who recently renew her white card. T4 KS days is numbered, so for old time sake, be part of the history, Bros go to visit KS again. I will also adv you Bros, if i hv a more accurate info, the next time.

07-10-2011, 10:21 PM
Hi Bros LostInSG,

Great to hear that u hv visited KS. I also visited KS this wk and was infm by the WL that AV officer hv arrange to meet this 3 Hse operator next week. They will likely to be told to re-locate or else their WLs under their care will not have their permit renew. This info is provided by the AV offr who told the WL who recently renew her white card. T4 KS days is numbered, so for old time sake, be part of the history, Bros go to visit KS again. I will also adv you Bros, if i hv a more accurate info, the next time.

is it ok for ang mo to go here - would like to be part of history as live close by

09-10-2011, 10:28 AM
Hi Bros Fuuck,

For CAT 30, MILF CAT - I recommend, (1) Ling Zhi / Hse 6B - Age/Late 40, Bdy/Freshy, Boob/C- but started to sagging already, maybe too many rubbing & squeezing allow. (2) Amy / Hse 8 - Age/Late 40, Bdy/Freshy, Boob/C but still in gd shape. (3) Mei Yee / Hse 6A - Age M40, Bdy/Slim & Tall, Boob/B+. All 3 does BBBJ & FJ. Gd wkg attitude n not a time washer. If this 3 is not enough, pls adv, will provide more CAT30 WLs.

Bro Hurricane2004,

Thanks for the reco as i love Malaysian MILFs. Tried Ling Zhi yesterday and she did not give BBBJ to me. :(

Need to be a regular, then get? Cheers.

09-10-2011, 02:21 PM
Bro Hurricane2004,

Thanks for the reco as i love Malaysian MILFs. Tried Ling Zhi yesterday and she did not give BBBJ to me. :(

Need to be a regular, then get? Cheers.

Yeah She one of my regular. I think she will choose ba. I oredi rtf 4-5 times.:)

10-10-2011, 08:41 PM
Hi bros horndog69,

Ling Zhi hv told me that tdy is her last day of work, she is going back for a month break. Will return to work on 18 Nov 2011. Be patience. At the meantime, you can look for Hse 8 - CAT50 / Rose or CAT30 / Amy. Both hv gd svc.

13-10-2011, 06:36 PM
Hello All,

who knows what are the working hours of hse 6A and 6B nowdays,not updated at all since was there 5 months ago?

14-10-2011, 09:27 PM
Hi Bros hunter88,

Nowadays, the WLs comes to work after 1pm, some come at 3pm. And they will attend to the last customer at 8.30pm. So I suggest that after yr visit to that WL n you hv the intention to patronise her again, ask for her wkg time.

15-10-2011, 12:59 AM
Hi bros horndog69,

Ling Zhi hv told me that tdy is her last day of work, she is going back for a month break. Will return to work on 18 Nov 2011. Be patience. At the meantime, you can look for Hse 8 - CAT50 / Rose or CAT30 / Amy. Both hv gd svc.

Thanks Bro Hurricane2004 for the reco. Will try out Rose and Amy. Cheers. :)

15-10-2011, 10:14 AM
Hi Bros horndog69,

FYI, Rose is on leave fm yesterday. Est Retrun to Work (RTW) on 19 Nov 2011.

15-10-2011, 05:55 PM
Hi Bros hunter88,

Nowadays, the WLs comes to work after 1pm, some come at 3pm. And they will attend to the last customer at 8.30pm. So I suggest that after yr visit to that WL n you hv the intention to patronise her again, ask for her wkg time.

Bro you mean can date her after working time or .. :rolleyes:

15-10-2011, 07:49 PM
Hi Bros,

I did not maen you can date her out after wkg hrs. What I mean is their Business Hour is 1pm to 9.00pm, last customer to attend is 8.30pm.

FYI, WL is not allow to meet customer for pte outing after work.

17-10-2011, 01:48 PM
Hi Bros,
FYI, WL is not allow to meet customer for pte outing after work.

Sipore AV law does not all the WL to go out with customers by the book. of course if wl likes you then anything can happen :p

28-10-2011, 12:46 AM
think GL still better, more choice :)

15-11-2011, 07:48 AM
Hey anyone here know whether Michelle is back frm m'sia yet? Thks

19-11-2011, 06:50 PM
Where are thru house? I just went there but cannot find. any bro pls advice. Thanks in advance. only see restaurant.

19-11-2011, 08:04 PM
Hi Bros OMF78, FYI pls find a msg that I hv posted on 22 Jul 2011 Msg #315. This info may help you.

22-11-2011, 08:15 AM
Do the WL clean up after each customer or they just like petain WL?

22-11-2011, 08:21 PM
Hi Bros OMF78, Both PT & KS WLs does pre & post session cleaning. Most of them will do the cleaning for u but some may just let u D.I.Y. cleaning. Some hv premium svc, such as offering mouth wash for u.

26-11-2011, 03:30 PM
Bros Ah Ken,

1) Go to www.streetdirectory.com

2) Type in 6B Keong Siak Rd

a) No. 8 - Locate at the junction of Keong Siak Rd / Jiak Chuan Rd (Across the road of this unit is a small temple.

b) No 6A & 6B - Locate next door to 8. Entrance is a stairway. (Facing the entrance stairway's right hand is the Wanton mee / chicken rice shop. Usually there is customer sitting outside the shop)

Remarks: If feel sly or maybe to avoid seeing someone you know, suggest walk to the back lane via Jiak Chuan Rd. Unit No. 8 have an entrance at the back lane. For 6A & 6B only the stairway.

Operating Hour: Starts business at 1pm, closing at 9pm. Last client will be 8.30pm.

Operating Day: 7 Days a week.

Wee furnish: Of all the 3 Units, No. 8 is the best and well furnish. Will serve you tea n a cool hand towel during yr waiting time. You can watch TV sitting in the comfortable sofa n in air condition enviroment. All this free of charge.

Thanks hurricane2004

30-11-2011, 01:17 AM

can describe what you mean by 'mouth wash.." ??

just curious...thnks!~

Hi Bros OMF78, Both PT & KS WLs does pre & post session cleaning. Most of them will do the cleaning for u but some may just let u D.I.Y. cleaning. Some hv premium svc, such as offering mouth wash for u.

30-11-2011, 01:31 PM

can describe what you mean by 'mouth wash.." ??

just curious...thnks!~

So you hv never used mouthwash before? It's a liquid which u gargle and it makes ur mouth fresh.

02-12-2011, 09:37 AM
So you hv never used mouthwash before? It's a liquid which u gargle and it makes ur mouth fresh.


i thought they use-their-mouth-to-wash-sth-for-you...thats why call mouth wash...was thinking there's something exotic i never try before..~~

this mouthwash quite common ..no?

03-12-2011, 12:39 AM
So you hv never used mouthwash before? It's a liquid which u gargle and it makes ur mouth fresh.

ha ha ha ha. Very funny bro

03-12-2011, 09:37 AM

i thought they use-their-mouth-to-wash-sth-for-you...thats why call mouth wash...was thinking there's something exotic i never try before..~~

this mouthwash quite common ..no?

Wah lau...u might as well think the gals use their pussies to wash fot you. Lagi more exotic rite?:D

03-12-2011, 10:12 AM
The one i like is White cloud <in chinese>. Retired long ago. So far not many good WL in the areas. Sadddddddd.

03-12-2011, 10:23 AM
Missed Kar Leng, chubby with big tits, great service... gone back to Malaysia... Still think Malaysian girls are the best!

btw, any bros know when they will move out of Keong Saik and where?

06-12-2011, 05:51 PM
Here is my FR today.

Name- Mary
Age- MILF late 30s
Body- fat , boobs saggy
Looks- 4/10
Fj- 4/10
Hj -5/10
No bj, no kissing
Rtf- no
Damage - $50

15-12-2011, 09:00 PM
Missed Kar Leng, chubby with big tits, great service... gone back to Malaysia... Still think Malaysian girls are the best!

btw, any bros know when they will move out of Keong Saik and where?

I read in some PT thread that KS brothel will be closed and all girls will be relocated to PT, dont know if true or not.

Seems ks not very active now, a old fashioned style red light area.

15-12-2011, 10:17 PM
If i remembered right? That was in last year papers, there will be an expressway of some sort, all the way towards MBS. Seems like this country is pampering people travelling to MBS.

No matters, ask those in constructions and, road works guys they somehow got wind of where all affected building will move away for good.

Till then, enjoy and take it easy. Timing is everything, maybe some of us would bonk there b4 it erase from the face of this country.

01-01-2012, 03:07 PM
hello all,

going to share some FR

at Keong Saik 6A , Was planning to go down and take a look only and the most go for a massage, but ended up a full service as I feel is not bad place

Name: forgot
Age: 40+
D Cup
Normal Massage
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 8/10 (If you like Big Ass and lots of sound * also can "hit" her ass ^^)

Total : $45 + $5 Tips
(It will be $35 dollar is no massage service i think and also even cheaper if you opt out BBBJ Service)

There is only one 30+ i think
seem like all is Malaysia Chinese
Good thing is nice air-con, towel and tea to drink FOC

04-01-2012, 12:28 PM
is it ok for ang mo to go here - would like to be part of history as live close by

Yes, Ang Mo are ok. I'm one of them ;) Don't expect great communications skills in English though

04-01-2012, 12:56 PM
how to make oneself bang an old tart???
that's beyond me..

but enjoy yourself anyways.
Happy New Year

09-01-2012, 03:28 PM

can describe what you mean by 'mouth wash.." ??

just curious...thnks!~

Latest addition to hygiene and foreplay. Die die must try.

WL will pour Listerine into her mouth and bbbj you. Two birds in one stone. You get a very clean bbbj same time wash your didi also. Berry berry good dah..............kekekekek No additional charge.

09-01-2012, 07:02 PM
Latest addition to hygiene and foreplay. Die die must try.

WL will pour Listerine into her mouth and bbbj you. Two birds in one stone. You get a very clean bbbj same time wash your didi also. Berry berry good dah..............kekekekek No additional charge.

Dude don't be too happy, Listerine is too powerful a disinfectant mouth wash...might just kill off all the good bacteria on your dick head...

12-01-2012, 08:53 AM
I've frequented KS many years ago, during the times of cat 100 - Ting Ting, Maggie, etc, mostly from Hse 28. (I heard they now 'downgraded' to Pertain Rd :()

saw the postings here and found closing soon, so went there 2 weeks ago to Hse 8

reached abt 6.15 pm, asked for any cat 100, was told that there's one but just left for the day :(

the auntie at the counter pointed to a lady (called Rose in Mandarin) and said why not try her (cat 70) since there... too horny to find alternative so reluctantly agreed

Rose seems abt age 35++, figure so-so, looks average, speaks Canto

many rooms occupied so was given an 'inferior' room (i was told by Rose later - the better rooms have attached showers), very small, barely enough for a super-single (or queen?) bed and the 'toilet bowl'

the 'toilet bowl' was for me to sit on as Rose clean my di di

once the cleaning done, proceed to action

not very good at describing the action, but she essentially licks and sucks my nipples and other places while moaning small dirty talk, also did BBBJ which i had to stop her a few times as almost cum :D:D

after about 15 mins of so action, she proceeded to put on the cap and rode me and i came

overall, i must say her services better than i expected (first time i tried cat 70 in KS)

after that TCSS a bit - she mentioned that the remaining houses in KS closing very soon (not known when exactly yet), and the girls may also relocate to Pertain Rd

WTF? yes, but only to try out that elusive cat100 girl (didn't ask her name)

bothers who want to relive their memories of KS bonks should hurry down before they are gone for good

12-01-2012, 01:54 PM
Just curious so anymore wl still working there and any good ones to intro ?

13-01-2012, 12:09 AM
I've frequented KS many years ago, during the times of cat 100 - Ting Ting, Maggie, etc, mostly from Hse 28. (I heard they now 'downgraded' to Pertain Rd :()

saw the postings here and found closing soon, so went there 2 weeks ago to Hse 8

reached abt 6.15 pm, asked for any cat 100, was told that there's one but just left for the day :(

the auntie at the counter pointed to a lady (called Rose in Mandarin) and said why not try her (cat 70) since there... too horny to find alternative so reluctantly agreed

Rose seems abt age 35++, figure so-so, looks average, speaks Canto

many rooms occupied so was given an 'inferior' room (i was told by Rose later - the better rooms have attached showers), very small, barely enough for a super-single (or queen?) bed and the 'toilet bowl'

the 'toilet bowl' was for me to sit on as Rose clean my di di

once the cleaning done, proceed to action

not very good at describing the action, but she essentially licks and sucks my nipples and other places while moaning small dirty talk, also did BBBJ which i had to stop her a few times as almost cum :D:D

after about 15 mins of so action, she proceeded to put on the cap and rode me and i came

overall, i must say her services better than i expected (first time i tried cat 70 in KS)

after that TCSS a bit - she mentioned that the remaining houses in KS closing very soon (not known when exactly yet), and the girls may also relocate to Pertain Rd

WTF? yes, but only to try out that elusive cat100 girl (didn't ask her name)

bothers who want to relive their memories of KS bonks should hurry down before they are gone for good

Those were donkey years back when the likes of JoJo, Crystal, Maggie, Ting Ting etc were still around. KS has been pretty dead since many years back. Most of the cat100 and cat70 gals have already shifted to Banana Leg a few years ago. I think it is a matter of time before KS is closed down for good.

Cat70 rose? Does she look a bit like malay? I think she should be older than 35 now.

13-01-2012, 01:01 PM
Those were donkey years back when the likes of JoJo, Crystal, Maggie, Ting Ting etc were still around. KS has been pretty dead since many years back. Most of the cat100 and cat70 gals have already shifted to Banana Leg a few years ago. I think it is a matter of time before KS is closed down for good.

Cat70 rose? Does she look a bit like malay? I think she should be older than 35 now.

Yes, she's a bit dark. Any idea who the cat 100 is and is she any good? TIA

13-01-2012, 03:15 PM
Sad to see this place go since that was the place i lost my v to in 1980....back when i was just 16 fresh out of school..used to work in Tg. Pagar container port and KS was just a short bicycle ride away...:(

18-01-2012, 05:35 PM
Yes, she's a bit dark. Any idea who the cat 100 is and is she any good? TIA

Rose suppose to be cat50? Rite?

19-01-2012, 12:47 PM
Rose suppose to be cat50? Rite?

I was told cat70 by the counter aunty. Maybe i kenna conned


19-01-2012, 09:26 PM
Hi bros Brandon66,

I patronise Rose many times, she charges only $50. I also witness once that the Hse 8 OKT hv introduce Rose to a new customer for CAT70. Rose hv downgrade fm CAT 70 to CAT 50 for abt 5yrs already.

If you want to find out the truth, risk another visit n ask for Rose. Inside the Rm, take out a $100.00 note for payment b4 sess, then you can see what is her charge.

20-01-2012, 12:01 AM
Hi bros Brandon66,

I patronise Rose many times, she charges only $50. I also witness once that the Hse 8 OKT hv introduce Rose to a new customer for CAT70. Rose hv downgrade fm CAT 70 to CAT 50 for abt 5yrs already.

If you want to find out the truth, risk another visit n ask for Rose. Inside the Rm, take out a $100.00 note for payment b4 sess, then you can see what is her charge.

You are correct. Rose has already downgraded from CAT 70 to CAT 50 more than 5 years ago...:D

21-01-2012, 11:41 AM
Recently check out hse 6 n found a m'sia Milf wif gd complexion n service. Think her name is yanzi. Too bad she don do bj. Look 5, service 7. Dmg 50

27-01-2012, 08:55 AM
You are correct. Rose has already downgraded from CAT 70 to CAT 50 more than 5 years ago...:D

WTF, kenna conned :(

27-01-2012, 09:36 PM
the auntie at the counter pointed to a lady (called Rose in Mandarin) and said why not try her (cat 70) since there... too horny to find alternative so reluctantly agreed

Rose seems abt age 35++, figure so-so, looks average, speaks Canto

age group in 35+++ not that old... matured at its best age :D

also did BBBJ which i had to stop her a few times as almost cum :D:D

Wow...must be a good "slurper" die die must try! :p

28-01-2012, 01:15 PM
Rose already in her early 40s. I know her since she is CAT70 at Hse 35. I agree with you that her BJ is good. Notice nowadays she is more humble to customer compare when she is still a Ang Pai more than 10 yrs ago.

07-02-2012, 05:29 PM
Went to house 8. Full house. Try next door, house 6 under Reno. Not sure if they have shifted.

07-02-2012, 08:13 PM
Hi Bros, you say the Hse 6 is under reno. There is 2 in Hse 6. Which one - 2nd Flr or 3rd Flr ?

08-02-2012, 12:12 AM
Both floor Reno

08-02-2012, 03:23 PM
Went there to have a look, but never saw anything, never see any house, those house is it we have to go up one? I
dont dare to go up, scare go wrong place go to ppl hse. Hahaha.. Sorry for my noob question, cause wanna try this place before it walk into history.

09-02-2012, 04:33 PM
Think it will be easier for you to identify the houses if you go in the night. Then you can see the numbers literally lighted up. But perhaps now a days harder to spot one, back in the good old days, practically every house on the street is a whore house.

09-02-2012, 09:08 PM
Hi Bros Binster,

You can refer to my msg 315 at Pg 21 that I hv posted previously for the location. Fm the grd floor you can see the signage showing Hse 6A (meaning 2nd flr) & 6B (meaning
3rd flr). Hope this can solve yr misery.

09-02-2012, 11:04 PM
Went there to have a look, but never saw anything, never see any house, those house is it we have to go up one? I
dont dare to go up, scare go wrong place go to ppl hse. Hahaha.. Sorry for my noob question, cause wanna try this place before it walk into history.

Bro if you walk along the road you will see RED Boxshaped lightbox with Numbers on it. Those are the house you should be looking for.

do not go too late, they close early these days (before 8 would be good time)

21-02-2012, 04:41 PM
Been going there my 2 fav have been Mun-ee & Rose. Mun-ee is the auntie-go-market type. very accommodating n sweet natured. of course abit on the plump side then again if you are head to a place like this cat can expect syt la :p

27-02-2012, 07:31 PM
This series caught my attention, did not really jot down the time, i think is this Wed. Channel 5 and, i urge every body not to miss it. Interesting something of, 70 years (that was WW2 periods), strange or perhaps murder?


I will not missed it, for I will chat maybe frighten PT girls during my next trip, probably in March.

27-02-2012, 07:57 PM
Allow me, please to come into the picture b4, the KS documentary this Wed eve. I recalled in papers, that was more than 5 years ago.

A man was handed down the death sentence, he threw up these shits in the court room and, it shocked everybody. He said the court is not fair to his family, his brother was the last gunman executed by the then home team in the 70s. So was his sister, one of the last 2 women hanged in this country. The other was the PH maid that has nothing to do with KS.

Of course, the media brought up this cold case. Forgive me for I wrote on memories.

In the 90s, a KS WL murders her “sister” and flew from this country. Years later across the causeway she was arrested and escort back to face the trail. Her lawyers fought on madness, claiming she has mental illness, something liked VD. She was not responsible to her actions because she thought her sister bad mouth her.

The court was told of her losing customers, thus made her killed her sister. Somehow the news was never clear, some said a customer another said was an OKT she stabbed to death. Anyway one thing is for sure, all RLDs has untold memories. Haunting I would said, our time my brother, we will never forget 3 years ago, PT brothels has Coco murder which is still unsolved.

Let all be well the next bonking trip.

10-03-2012, 01:59 PM
I tried Rose recently at H8. I must say she is very friendly and accommodating. She can really please you. On the other hand, the OKT lady was not friendly. I asked for Rose and pretended not to know the price and she told me $70. Then I told her that someone told me it was $50 and she then said 'why you ask if you already know'. So it is good to know the price b4 hand otherwise you will be cheated.

10-03-2012, 06:54 PM
the usual okt auntie i encounter would ask me what value? so play it smart be pro-active and tell them what u looking for :)

btw unless u have a fetish for going down on gals (which i do), rose is very particular on that ... i remember when i did that on her, she was lecturing me whilst doing it. strangely erotic thought :)

25-06-2012, 12:53 PM
Is Keong Saik really dead? What are the houses in operation now?
Is Lingzhi still working?

27-06-2012, 10:37 PM
Hi Bros Jaxxx, Lingzhi presently is on 1 month leave, will be rtw next month. Beside the Hse 6B where Lingzhi is based, there is another 2 hse, Hse 8 n 6A is still operating only.

28-06-2012, 12:57 PM
Hi Bro hurricane 2004. Had not been to Keong Siak for a long time. Can kindly list me the cat 30 and the massage ladies. Many thanks.

28-06-2012, 01:45 PM
Hi Bros Jaxxx, Lingzhi presently is on 1 month leave, will be rtw next month. Beside the Hse 6B where Lingzhi is based, there is another 2 hse, Hse 8 n 6A is still operating only.

Is this Lingzhi the Tina Turner lookalike? She has been around for like ages... :rolleyes:

28-06-2012, 06:40 PM
Hi Bros Jaxxx, Lingzhi presently is on 1 month leave, will be rtw next month. Beside the Hse 6B where Lingzhi is based, there is another 2 hse, Hse 8 n 6A is still operating only.

Thanks Bro, you still chionging KS? Think you last of the mohicans liao.:D
Any idea what are the Cat available and who is still around?
Heard that alot have retired or moved to Pertain.
Haven had the KS experience before.
I wanna try KS but currently i also on 1 month leave. :D

29-06-2012, 10:27 PM
Hi All the Bros, sorry I am unable to provide list of WLs. Since Maggie moved fm KS to PT, nowadays I do not visit KS often. The Lingzhi I mention is what Bros Trans5425mention Tiner Tina look alike.I do know her for more than 10yrs, happen yesterday she call me n infm me that she just came back fm 1 mth leave and hv a medical check up. Still waiting for her white card. Should be returning to work on Tuesday (3/7).

30-06-2012, 08:31 AM
Hi All the Bros, sorry I am unable to provide list of WLs. Since Maggie moved fm KS to PT, nowadays I do not visit KS often. The Lingzhi I mention is what Bros Trans5425mention Tiner Tina look alike.I do know her for more than 10yrs, happen yesterday she call me n infm me that she just came back fm 1 mth leave and hv a medical check up. Still waiting for her white card. Should be returning to work on Tuesday (3/7).

Muahaha.... Tina Turner :D
She should be GILF now.... long time not seen her liao maybe I should visit her one of these days.

05-07-2012, 10:43 AM
now noting much left there liao its used to be very interesting place

05-07-2012, 10:43 AM
notin much there liao but it used to be an interesting place

16-07-2012, 10:47 AM
Staying near KS, so went for a quick look there last Friday. Thanks to all sharings in SBF. Purposely took afternoon leave from office on the pretext of seeing a doctor.

Took a while to find the place - visited House 8.
Thought it was situated up the stairway but no.
Next to the kopishop, with the white signage 8 (Xia) "Down".

Went in, asked for massage, auntie@counter laid down the price - $30, $50, $70.
I hesitated a while, looked around, all the GILFs/fuddy waddies sitting by the sofa, looking @ the TV.
I said, $50 would be enough, since it's my bloody first visit to such places/"call chicken".
Auntie@counter pointed me to Room 2, the room with only a bed and toilet bowl lookalike (which washes the underpart - pussy and dick)

Then, 5 minutes later, one lady - plumpish walked in.
She identified herself as Juliet (or Julia).

She seems abt age late 40s, figure plump though I would nt say it's fat, looks average, speaks Canto.

Like most bros' sharings, she started by asking me to sit on the 'toilet bowl' as she cleansed by 2nd-in-command and my nipples.

Once cleaning done, proceed to action.

She essentially licked and sucked my nipples, and my rambutans.
After about 10 mins, she proceeded to put on the cap.

Both of us were closing our eyes as she started the ball rolling (I peeked at her on and off). She must have been trying to do her job professionally, while I was still trying to get over her plump average look, and thinking of the chicks in my other enjoyable experiences, doing the licking.

Because of such paradigm, I was unable to harden my 2nd IC (semi-firm/hard only) and she asked me to stand up to enter her while she lied on the bed, opening her legs. Still not feeling the experience, I asked her to lick my nipples (my turn-on body parts), while I PCC myself to finish the bloody process.
She removed my rubber, and proceeded to lick my nipples, while I put my left hand into action.

After 10 minutes, I shot, and some love juices landed on her body/hair, and professionally, she did nt utter any words of complaints.

Overall, i must say her service was better than i expected (first time i called chicken). Didnt really turn me on, but I was happy she did what I asked her too, and best of all, she didnt rush me (though she did subtly hint to me the difference between the various pricing - $30 vs $50 vs $70, in particular, in terms of timing).

I passed her her remuneration ($50) while still naked, and she was saying "no rush", and offered to bring me a cup of hot tea.

I am still hoping to land the legendary Rose or other better-looking MILFs. Still havent try 6A and 6B.

Thought it's good to share my experience.


17-07-2012, 11:10 AM
Thought julia is only $30?:rolleyes:

17-07-2012, 04:17 PM
:( Thanks, bro addthefun. Now I know!

17-07-2012, 06:10 PM
Hi bros whats the different Cat 30/50/70 .Time or Wl.Any regular KS cheongsters can enlighten more.

18-07-2012, 01:36 PM
Thought julia is only $30?:rolleyes:

Yes bro, Julia is only $30. I have tried her before.

I just upped your points.


18-07-2012, 01:42 PM
Its safe to say now Petain got more ex-KS ladies then KS itself.......
Dying breed......like bro said....Last of the Mohicans

18-07-2012, 03:01 PM
Its safe to say now Petain got more ex-KS ladies then KS itself.......
Dying breed......like bro said....Last of the Mohicans

Maybe more like Last of the Chickens....:p

22-07-2012, 12:32 PM
So if that is the current cats? Mine last trip was liked 5 yrs ago, where if i remember correctly, Yen Ping told me 30 50 80 and the highest 120.

And i pretty much think the older girls does all cats, the younger ones liked PT Cookie kind would never take below 80. Actually 70 is not too expensive consider the fact this girls would not rush off after session, vast different from PT where the girls put on makeup/ dress super fast after session.

KS has change model of business? I am curious might try it soon.

26-07-2012, 11:06 PM
KS still alive?

04-08-2012, 07:40 AM
KS is dying but i am a frequent for Yen ping for years. Hope it doesn't go as I dun want lost my regular partner Yen Ping. Have her four times a week.

05-08-2012, 02:27 AM
Was on keong siak this noon, but nth.. Really died? Or i just cant find out where is the hot spot..

11-08-2012, 02:46 PM
11 August 2012, Saturday btw 1125 am to 1145 am.

After 4 yrs I went back, walked up the second floor entered, and saw 2 MILF WLs. Mui Yi present me a cold towel she told me she will service me, I was game for her. The bonking room was small but clean, I loved the huge mirrors that PT does not have. Mine favor is w/o cigarettes’ smell, with a complaint of no frenching.

Her package comes with this:

6/ 10 for fair smooth skin, blond hair tighten up with a little plumb btw the waist line. She should be above 50s and we chat in Canto.

5/ 10 for soft moaning sounds during intercourse, it is me that goes stereo.

8/ 10 very friendly she putting me at ease, I never like rushing service. A different btw ex KS and GL girls is KS trained girls were submissive. Their Malaysian GL sisters were rather fierce even during sex.

8/ 10 for BJ with cap, Mui Yi is demure I watched her head moving up/ down btw mine dick. A beautifully scene captured by the huge mirrors. Same time I fondle her perky tits, they were hard and nature. It could be better if she tickle mine balls btw blowing; she did it less than a minute.

8/ 10, I love doggy her and looking at the mirror, Mui Yi legs and tits were soft to mine touching. She is well groom for a MILF WL.

8/ 10 don’t want to cum in doggy told her I wanted front. She slept down I insert her ramping away with Paik sounds. I tried to kiss her lips, she move away fast so I plan kisses on her face and arms.

Could not hold much longer, I came kissed her face for one last time. She only clean me before session, I help myself after it. Anyway liked some brother wrote, cleaning up is not a requirement of a call girl. I shall not give any points for this, even for another trip.

5/ 10 for RTF her, I might consider taking others and, a nick of this place. There are eating tables outside the 5 footer way, people are watching customer coming down the staircase. However there is a back door for 8A that is if I take girls of this brothel.

18-08-2012, 04:41 AM
my fav was june. world class service for 30 bucks. unbeatable lao chio

18-08-2012, 07:11 PM
my fav was june. world class service for 30 bucks. unbeatable lao chio
bro, is she still around? which house? thanks :)

19-08-2012, 07:31 PM
Hi bro,

I will like to ask

what is the house number in KS

that has the service ?

are the girls there all > 30 years old

thank you

19-08-2012, 08:04 PM
hi bro,

I like to ask

KS is like GL just that the girls there are old milf

right ?

thank you

20-08-2012, 02:34 AM
bro, is she still around? which house? thanks :)

don't think so bro. haven went KS houses damn long

28-08-2012, 11:31 PM
KS is dying but i am a frequent for Yen ping for years. Hope it doesn't go as I dun want lost my regular partner Yen Ping. Have her four times a week.

She still there? Y not write FR on her :D

30-08-2012, 12:01 AM
What tine ks close

30-08-2012, 12:42 AM
kd now are really dead lor all the wl cannot already

31-08-2012, 04:08 PM
Was there eating the wanton noodles few days ago. Saw the WL walking from unit 8 to 6. So the WLs are the same regardless which unit you visit? Wondering, is there any preview of the WL you are picking? Wish to have 30+ MILF...

14-09-2012, 03:15 PM
Any bros know which house is Lingzhi's homebase?

18-09-2012, 01:07 PM
Just go any unit n ask for her

19-09-2012, 08:30 PM
Time flies, missed the KS good old days:p

19-09-2012, 08:38 PM
KS street looks dead 2mi. Dunno abt wat e rest o bros tink.

19-09-2012, 10:09 PM
Went to hse 6A yest and a cat 30. Anyone have a list of wls working at keong saik?

23-09-2012, 07:27 PM
FR Hong Hong h6A

Finally decided heck care the F1 jam and headed to GL for release. At 0819, Xiao Ya on leave. Then at 2058, Blue Diamond long queue. Went off to do my errands then happened to be in Chinatown, remembered bro SonOfAGun's FR and detoured to KS. Reach already saw one happy 40s cheongster coming down from house 6, so up I go. kekeke

Looks: Short hair GILF. Jokes to relax mood.
Body: Slim
BJ n FJ: PT standard
Damage: $30
RTF: Want to check out h6b and h8 first.

The rooms definitely looks and smells cleaner than PT. OKT and WL were very polite too. Only saw 3 WLs at h6a.

25-09-2012, 09:43 PM
Consolidated list

H6A - Yen Ping $30
- Hong Hong $30

H6B- ling zhi $30

hi bros who went recently ps feel free to update to the list :)

06-10-2012, 01:57 PM
Consolidated list

H6A - Yen Ping $30
- Hong Hong $30

H6B- ling zhi $30

hi bros who went recently ps feel free to update to the list :)

Do you know their age?

06-10-2012, 05:02 PM
early 40s ?

30-12-2012, 12:28 PM
Went to KS for the first time last week.
Wanted to try it before they go extinct.

6A - May Yee $30

Nice frenly lady, chatted abit and got to work.
Dunno the SOP there, so she kinda took charge.
Started off with some nice rubba and catbath.
Then proceed to capped BJ. For this i can say they she quite hardworking, keep changing position during BJ until i cannot tahan and ask for FJ.
Shot quickly due to the nice BJ session.

Will visit her again but wanna try other 30D ladies.

Maybe Lingzhi next.

Any other 30D ladies to recommend?

30-12-2012, 10:51 PM
Do you know their age?

Hong Hong and LingZhi are in their 50s. :D

03-01-2013, 06:00 PM
Went there around lunch time..saw some coffee shops and there saw the houses. But was there during lunch time, abit paiseh alot of people the looking towards the houses so dare not go in. Btw the WL here what are their minimum age? Or shall i say the youngest? Im only 24 dont wana bonk an auntie or worst grandma.:(

03-01-2013, 07:38 PM
Went there around lunch time..saw some coffee shops and there saw the houses. But was there during lunch time, abit paiseh alot of people the looking towards the houses so dare not go in. Btw the WL here what are their minimum age? Or shall i say the youngest? Im only 24 dont wana bonk an auntie or worst grandma.:(

bro then i think you better not try ks cos the average age of the wl there are easily late 30s...

04-01-2013, 01:37 AM
bro then i think you better not try ks cos the average age of the wl there are easily late 30s...

Aiyoyo! Late 30s ahh? Haha like fucking my auntie sia.. Haha nvm, gonna stick to my GL and petain(at least got syt) there. Thanks mr wrestler!. :cool:

11-01-2013, 02:56 PM
Recently saw this WL auntie coming out of the stairwell, well-dressed with dignified tai-tai look. Hair also do up nicely.

Any bros knows her name and which house she from?

11-01-2013, 04:22 PM
Aiyoyo! Late 30s ahh? Haha like fucking my auntie sia.. Haha nvm, gonna stick to my GL and petain(at least got syt) there. Thanks mr wrestler!. :cool:

KS hardly can find a WL in her 30s ...

Miss those old days back in the 90s.....pei pei , yan hong and cai lian etc

11-01-2013, 06:53 PM
Which lady does raw? pm me will have $$$$ for u:)

14-01-2013, 10:02 AM
Recently saw this WL auntie coming out of the stairwell, well-dressed with dignified tai-tai look. Hair also do up nicely.

Any bros knows her name and which house she from?

Bro which hse ? ..thank

14-01-2013, 10:40 AM
which part of keong saik rdn?

03-02-2013, 05:22 PM
Hi bro,

What is the latest update at KS?



20-02-2013, 06:35 PM
which part of keong saik rdn?

KS now only left 2 house in operation. All 3 is near the junction of Neil road next to the coffee shop. You have to be thick skinned and not the paiseh type as going into the houses is in full view of the coffee shop customers, most of whom are from the nearby offices.

21-02-2013, 01:14 AM
sounds interesting

i shall go and have a look

the last time i went there was like 4 years ago, kena serviced by someone old enough to be my auntie, but i wo0uld say the service is top notch and unbeatable, especially the sucking of rambutans.

Just close your eyes and imagine it is done by some chio babes lor. their service canot be matched by the young chio babes

21-02-2013, 12:53 PM
just wondering do the ladies the same regardless of which unit U visit....? n any chance to preview, before selecting....?

21-02-2013, 01:55 PM
sounds interesting

i shall go and have a look

the last time i went there was like 4 years ago, kena serviced by someone old enough to be my auntie, but i wo0uld say the service is top notch and unbeatable, especially the sucking of rambutans.

Just close your eyes and imagine it is done by some chio babes lor. their service canot be matched by the young chio babes

most likely you will encounter the same ladies.... there has not been any new stock for years and those remaining are all the old timers.

21-02-2013, 01:57 PM
just wondering do the ladies the same regardless of which unit U visit....? n any chance to preview, before selecting....?

there are only a handful of ladies left..... less than 10 actually.

21-02-2013, 09:28 PM
feel tempted, my apache rotored to KS and survey area. but timing not correct, at about 1.30pm, area still packed with people at coffee shop, worst, got lunch table directly at the door step of House 6 and 8, what the fxxk.

I drove round a few more times until 2pm still the same situation.

No way am I going to go up and then kena seen by the lunch crowd.

21-02-2013, 10:01 PM
Go evening or night or weekends , no lunch crowd ,
Very quiet there.

25-02-2013, 07:39 AM
went on a nostalgic trip to 6B after a lap of 10 over year. The lady boss has changed hand, understand from the massuer she is operating L16H29. Went in there and asked for a massage and told to wait for the massuer who was working in another room. After 15 mins was called to go to the room and go massage by a lady called Helen. After the session she asked whether i wanted a girl. I asked her what the price now, she told me got $70 and $100 and i replied is it PRC and she said nope, they are Malaysian. Oh didnt know there still go these price. Then came out the lady boss also asked whether i want girls. I told her the next time. hehehhe

Incidentally, Helen massage with powder and is quite strong.

27-02-2013, 11:14 PM
went on a nostalgic trip to 6B after a lap of 10 over year. The lady boss has changed hand, understand from the massuer she is operating L16H29. Went in there and asked for a massage and told to wait for the massuer who was working in another room. After 15 mins was called to go to the room and go massage by a lady called Helen. After the session she asked whether i wanted a girl. I asked her what the price now, she told me got $70 and $100 and i replied is it PRC and she said nope, they are Malaysian. Oh didnt know there still go these price. Then came out the lady boss also asked whether i want girls. I told her the next time. hehehhe

Incidentally, Helen massage with powder and is quite strong.

$70 & $100!!! :confused:
I was under the impression that those WLs left still working were the MILFs who has been here since donkey years ago and should be cat30 now.

28-02-2013, 07:51 PM
well, today apache took a brave mission to keong saik in the afternoon after lunch so that no one sits at the entrance of door 6 and 8.

an old auntie went into door 8 and at that moment i cannot find door 6. so i went in to door 8. Onc e i open the door and went in and shut it quickly and turn to face the hall, i was greeted by many eyes of ..............guess what......... the type of aunties i would see in the wet market. they screamed "young man" here, errr, yes, I am the oly one in mid 30s in the midst of the older men, but the old hens know their limits that i will not want to even try them. in fact the lady boss thought i would leave.

It is so different from those days 7 years back where we still have crystal, june, rose etc who can still turn me on.

Since i am here, and i know that though they are old, their service is good, it took me a while before i choose another lady also called rose, but not the former rose. the lady boss told me crystal, rose and june are all history, have earned enough. June used to have 25 customers per day and getting $20 per customer, $10 to the shop. The first time i tried June 10 years ago, i waited 4 hours for her. It is like queueing up to have a bonk. Now she should be in her 50s, probably a rich lady in malaysia based on the exchange rate.

never mind, I chose another "rose". Lady boss says pay $50, OK lor, the rest really cannot make it. I request for a room with shower. I was told to shower by myself. errrr, okie lor what to do since I am already in the lions' den.

after i shower, rose came in and strip off everything. i lay on the bed while she cat batch me but no AR like June, she says. then she proceed to suck my brother with condom on. then she ride on me, but very slowly. she says she is old (about late 40s) and not as energetic.

I would have expected at least suck my balls, probably i got a wrong one today.

her "riding" is so slow like those old escalator that i said why not go doggie.

she told me to be gentle and slow as her hole is tight and small and she cannot take the jamming like those young gals, saying her backside and pussy will be pain.

errrr, hearing that, my brother starts to protests and getting softer. I turn her around and proceed to missionery. I pumped her for almost 5 minutes because it is so hard to pump her, as she does not have the figure body of the type i like. she said that stupid sentence again, that I am too strong for her and she is not ready to handle a young man like me, and if in 2 minutes cannot ejaculate, then she will stop. in the end, my brother really goes on strike and protests and become soft.

But she knows I am not too happy, and she quickly lick my nipples and caress my balls and later do hand job. But my brother very very angry with her that he refuses to bulge and satdn hard.

In the end, gave up. I showered by myself, and left the place.

rtf.... maybe i try house 6. In fact, I asked if there is a Mui Yee here as recommended by bros but lady boss said no such person.

any good recommendation?

28-02-2013, 08:58 PM
Some how I don't really? Mui Yee should be operating her business with Yen Ping. Seriously writing my feelings told me KS and PT shared the same package.

Still KS beat PT down in terms of quiet, and peaceful just to post a statement. Normally I could not spot other customers. However all girls are making money elsewhere.

28-02-2013, 09:18 PM
need so senior to guide me along there..anyone?

01-03-2013, 05:48 PM
Anyone can confirm Lingzhi still working at 6A?
Mei Yee is at 6B cat 30. Tried Mun Yee(not sure) at 6B before the CNY... Bah bah type.

02-03-2013, 01:29 PM
lingzhi is 6b.. not sure if still there...

how is mei yee or mun yee?

03-03-2013, 12:56 PM
haha, i am still recovering from my flawed mission to KS, but I will try again at 6a or 6b. house 8 no no no for me

03-03-2013, 11:40 PM
Anyone can confirm Lingzhi still working at 6A?
Mei Yee is at 6B cat 30. Tried Mun Yee(not sure) at 6B before the CNY... Bah bah type.

was at 6A for a massage then after the massage saw a decent lady age should be around 30 plus going to another room when i came out of the room so asked the okt lady is she one of the wl and she replied yes and her name is "yen zhi" (swallow) price is $50 want or not. I told her I will be back in the next couple of day. Yen zhi is a better looking then the rest that i saw but dont know how is her service so stay tune will post again after striking her

05-03-2013, 10:29 PM
As mentioned in my earlier post, went down to visit her yesterday during lunchtime but have to wait 40 mins as another customer was waiting for her. So since already make my way, just wait lor. While waiting chitchat with the okt and asked okt about her character and learnt that because of her friendliness and good attitude Yen zhi has a string of regular customers. 1/2 an hour past the okt offered me a room to take a rest while waiting for her. Shortly Yen Zhi came in and i immediately i got up and undressed while she also stripped off with her back facing me. I put my hand through her under arm and grabbed her breast. B size soft and tender. Nice lady with a rather tight pussy but no BJ. At no time she was rushing me to finish up. Rtf unlikely as it is rather contrasting paying $50 to fuck a wl of around 36 years old when I can get to fuck a 20+ years old at GLwith hot/cold water BBBJ and gets a shower also.

17-03-2013, 02:15 AM
Is mimi still around? I went back a few times to look for her but the aunt either said she code red or went home and will be back next week.

17-03-2013, 11:03 AM
hi bro mimi from wht house?

17-03-2013, 11:42 AM
Is mimi still around? I went back a few times to look for her but the aunt either said she code red or went home and will be back next week.

I ask okt yesterday.. she dunno WL by the name mimi.
You sure you got the right place?

17-03-2013, 05:10 PM
hi trans 5425.. any recommendations?

17-03-2013, 09:43 PM
hi trans 5425.. any recommendations?

I am not a regular there.... I also depend on recommendations from here. :)

18-03-2013, 10:48 PM
Hi seniors,

thank you so much for the detailed infors.

I went last week but was alr very late (9pm) , only left one to take (4A)

I like to try WLs in their 50s, anyone to recommend?

Thks. My first time there need your help.

19-03-2013, 12:21 PM
Went to the house that Lingzhi was supposedly working in a while back.
The OKT said that she retired liao.

Damn i should have started cheonging KS earlier as I'm into older ladies. Missed out on this gem.

Tried a CAT 30 called Xiao Qing(green). Kinda rush as she was about to go home, as i took long time to cum, she didnt seemed too happy. Guess i wont RTF her.

Any good recommendations for Cat 30 aunties who are accommodating and service oriented?

22-03-2013, 11:43 AM
As mentioned in my earlier post, went down to visit her yesterday during lunchtime but have to wait 40 mins as another customer was waiting for her. So since already make my way, just wait lor. While waiting chitchat with the okt and asked okt about her character and learnt that because of her friendliness and good attitude Yen zhi has a string of regular customers. 1/2 an hour past the okt offered me a room to take a rest while waiting for her. Shortly Yen Zhi came in and i immediately i got up and undressed while she also stripped off with her back facing me. I put my hand through her under arm and grabbed her breast. B size soft and tender. Nice lady with a rather tight pussy but no BJ. At no time she was rushing me to finish up. Rtf unlikely as it is rather contrasting paying $50 to fuck a wl of around 36 years old when I can get to fuck a 20+ years old at GLwith hot/cold water BBBJ and gets a shower also.

Thanks for the FR, looks like KS not worth anymore visiting, i like the good old memories of KS, not the current KS.

Will focus on GL and PT :D

29-03-2013, 04:22 PM
Hi guys, I wan try KS but I always cannot find where is it when I reach there.

I know it near the H81. Any kind bros pls pin point e exact location

19-05-2013, 05:18 PM
Anyone still frequently the remaining KS houses?
I just started...abit too late. Have only tried May Yee 30D. Any bros knows who are the ladies still working and perhaps care to recommend?


23-05-2013, 01:55 AM
Eh hello?!?! What happen to keong saik?? How to have buisness? No updates?!:confused:

23-05-2013, 09:47 PM
Eh hello?!?! What happen to keong saik?? How to have buisness? No updates?!:confused:

Keong Siak is going the way of the Dodo...... only 2 brothels and a handful of aging WLs left.

24-05-2013, 11:42 PM
where are these 2 brothels...? i can't find them... maybe looking in wrong place?

02-06-2013, 11:56 PM
Went down there today (Sunday afternoon) for the first time. Went to the place immediately adjacent to Foong Kee. Two floors (not sure if they were related), each with exactly one granny (70s-ish) working. Actually, each had one granny and one mamasan, although I wasn't exactly sure who wasn't who in one case. They asked if I was looking for xiao jie, and when I told them I was, both places generously offered to make a few phone calls for me. I asked if I could see first or if they had pictures I could look at, already knowing the answer. One place said 'no' and the other referred me to 'Ya Long' which I assume is the Chinese pronunciation of 'Geylang.'

Kind of expected as much after reading the forum, but certainly appreciated the adventure of looking for and finding the old school KS brothels. Sure beats my expensive, lame-ass night in Clarke Quay looking for a non-existent emerging RLD.

-The Boob out

17-06-2013, 03:13 PM
Went down there today (Sunday afternoon) for the first time. Went to the place immediately adjacent to Foong Kee. Two floors (not sure if they were related), each with exactly one granny (70s-ish) working. Actually, each had one granny and one mamasan, although I wasn't exactly sure who wasn't who in one case. They asked if I was looking for xiao jie, and when I told them I was, both places generously offered to make a few phone calls for me. I asked if I could see first or if they had pictures I could look at, already knowing the answer. One place said 'no' and the other referred me to 'Ya Long' which I assume is the Chinese pronunciation of 'Geylang.'

Kind of expected as much after reading the forum, but certainly appreciated the adventure of looking for and finding the old school KS brothels. Sure beats my expensive, lame-ass night in Clarke Quay looking for a non-existent emerging RLD.

-The Boob out

Do you mean that there was only a 70's year old granny available to fuck plus a mamasan at the brothel?!!!

17-06-2013, 07:00 PM
The place still there??? Went there yesterday night and looks like deserted... What's the operating hour there??

03-07-2013, 07:25 PM
The place still there??? Went there yesterday night and looks like deserted... What's the operating hour there??

Usu closed ard 6plus 7

06-07-2013, 11:31 AM
The place still there??? Went there yesterday night and looks like deserted... What's the operating hour there??
bought a friend to 6A & 6B yesterday around 6pm
one ah-chan looking center-parting hair guy customer quickly take newspapers to cover his face when he see 2 of us.
so scare then don't go call chicken lah!
hope it's one of u here

18-07-2013, 04:26 AM
The place still there??? Went there yesterday night and looks like deserted... What's the operating hour there??

Was there today also didno see much :o

19-09-2013, 10:08 PM
any bros visited in last 1-2 months.. any house still open ?

25-09-2013, 09:52 AM
keong saik used to be the best. gilrs looking like ordinary women with hong kong star looks .
its sad the way it is now :(

25-09-2013, 03:51 PM
keong saik used to be the best. gilrs looking like ordinary women with hong kong star looks .
its sad the way it is now :(

true...missed some of those WLs from the early 90s

28-09-2013, 10:41 AM
keong saik used to be the best. gilrs looking like ordinary women with hong kong star looks .
its sad the way it is now :(

still got 2-3 house working right, last time going there still got around 10 house, sad now:D

30-09-2013, 12:20 PM
any updates ?

07-10-2013, 03:45 PM
Went down last week. Had veteran Hong Hong at 6B. Patient and hardworking. However, not a looker and only A cups. OK for $30 for a quickie.

12-10-2013, 07:10 PM
I miss desk at in the 90's when all the ladyboys walk around freely doing their trades. It's like times of change & the gals have play hide & seek in those torn down shop houses. hai :(

24-10-2013, 03:20 PM
looks like this old ancient place has lost out due to the newly revamped and renovated place around Keong Siak....

19-11-2013, 12:08 PM
I was late to the KS scene so now only left 3 houses.
Only tried Mei Yee from 6A, there are 3 other WLs in 6A but never tried before.
I think one is Mun Yee, she is 50D, plump. Dunno about the other 2.

21-11-2013, 07:25 PM
I was late to the KS scene so now only left 3 houses.
Only tried Mei Yee from 6A, there are 3 other WLs in 6A but never tried before.
I think one is Mun Yee, she is 50D, plump. Dunno about the other 2.

bro which 3 house? long long time never go there and last time still got 6 - 7 houses

24-02-2014, 11:55 AM
I was late to the KS scene so now only left 3 houses.
Only tried Mei Yee from 6A, there are 3 other WLs in 6A but never tried before.
I think one is Mun Yee, she is 50D, plump. Dunno about the other 2.

ooo miss the old KS scene, now the 3 house still operating ?:rolleyes:

21-03-2014, 10:27 PM
I checked yesterday at 2.30PM... Shop 6A & 6B and 8 still open...i visited 8...seems nobody inside except for GILF. 6A got one SYT but cannot see the face clearly ... 6B empty... maybe i come too early.

03-04-2014, 02:04 PM
hey bro, u mentioned syt at 6a? what is her name btw? Thanks.

04-04-2014, 03:22 AM
Aisey!! Still got syt here ah?!? Must go see see haha

24-04-2014, 04:16 PM
Drive pass there this afternoon. light is on for these 2 house. never found a parking lot. so did not went and find out more.
Those bro been there, what is the rate there?

28-04-2014, 12:16 PM
Dont waste ur time n vit m

04-05-2014, 05:18 PM
Checked it out last year.cool historical stuff.the legendAry rose was still there.damages round 70 helps if you can speak canto