View Full Version : aBortioN..can help?
07-01-2009, 05:21 PM
a friend of mine is 3weeks pregnant. Dunno which guy did it to her, ok besides the point. She wants to abort it as she isnt financially and mentally ready to be a mum(shes 20). So bros, any private clinic that does abortion and roughly how much?
07-01-2009, 05:43 PM
go to KK Hospital. It aint as expensive as you think.
around 400+.
Avoid those private clinic which provide abortion at 300+.
I heard they are indeed very fucked up and once collect money, si beh attitude.
Need help ask her call
Pregnancy Crisis Service at 6339 9770
07-01-2009, 07:26 PM
I think there are some pre and post abortion connsultation charges too. Price depends, private clinic definitely cost more. I wonder how can she not know who. But what is important is to be more cautious lor.
07-01-2009, 07:38 PM
there is a woman clinic st jurong east.
i cant remember the blk. there is a macdonal and a mattress showroom around the vicinity.
any bro stay around there can help to post the blk.
cost 1000 +
07-01-2009, 07:39 PM
Can use CPF Medisave to pay, no worries.
07-01-2009, 07:45 PM
go to KK Hospital. It aint as expensive as you think.
around 400+.
Avoid those private clinic which provide abortion at 300+.
I heard they are indeed very fucked up and once collect money, si beh attitude.
Need help ask her call
Pregnancy Crisis Service at 6339 9770 there any risk of anything? btw 400+ for everything?:confused:
07-01-2009, 07:48 PM
I think there are some pre and post abortion connsultation charges too. Price depends, private clinic definitely cost more. I wonder how can she not know who. But what is important is to be more cautious lor.
Hahaha..Shes the party type.. So dunno la which guy responsible for that.. Well now that she realise her mistakes, i hope she change 4 the better.. ;)
07-01-2009, 07:54 PM
my fren did it once at yishun... there's a clinic for women there.
Near the famous 848. price i think less than 500?
Go there try asking.
07-01-2009, 08:00 PM
Besides that, She will have to go through watching a film about the abortion. It is suppose to make her "wake up" and decide if she reallys wants to goes through the abortion. What I heard is that the film is shows about what happens to the fetus during the abortion, so expect it to be gross...
Just another point, she has to be at least 18 or 21 years old to sign on the papers to agree on the abortion. If I am not wrong, at least 21 years old. If her age can't meet the minimum age criteria of the hospital or clinic, she will have to get a guardian to sign on the agreement papers.
Just for sharing...
07-01-2009, 08:19 PM
Besides that, She will have to go through watching a film about the abortion. It is suppose to make her "wake up" and decide if she reallys wants to goes through the abortion. What I heard is that the film is shows about what happens to the fetus during the abortion, so expect it to be gross...
Just another point, she has to be at least 18 or 21 years old to sign on the papers to agree on the abortion. If I am not wrong, at least 21 years old. If her age can't meet the minimum age criteria of the hospital or clinic, she will have to get a guardian to sign on the agreement papers.
Just for sharing...
thanks bro. Hope she realise the danger of sleeping around raw..:cool:
07-01-2009, 08:21 PM
Hope she turn over a new leaf.
Abortion is "murder" of a new life
07-01-2009, 09:08 PM
i'm definetly against abortion.. but... sigh....Hope your friend will take more precaution and to insist the guy to put on condom. I would also encourage all females out there... if you are the party type or u are going on a blind date / date that u think might end up in bed, pls pls.. carry 1-2 condom in your purse / bag.. nothing beats own protection.. and the guy cannot give excuse of.. never bring condom / no 7-11 nearby etc.. becos U have it!!!!
okie, if she prefer pte clinics, google Mount E / Gleng E hospital / medical to filter out the gynaecologist. There are male and female gynaecologist. Some Gynae don't perform abortion.. so call and check with the staff.
Prices for pte clinics may range from $500 to $700 depending.. Consent wise, patient herself can sign if she's above 18. (if i did not remember wrongly).
Procedure is done under sedation and LA. takes about 30 mins. Patient can go home after 1-2 hours rest.
Value Life. Baby Don't come easy. They are Innocent...
07-01-2009, 09:36 PM
i'm definetly against abortion.. but... sigh....Hope your friend will take more precaution and to insist the guy to put on condom. I would also encourage all females out there... if you are the party type or u are going on a blind date / date that u think might end up in bed, pls pls.. carry 1-2 condom in your purse / bag.. nothing beats own protection.. and the guy cannot give excuse of.. never bring condom / no 7-11 nearby etc.. becos U have it!!!!
okie, if she prefer pte clinics, google Mount E / Gleng E hospital / medical to filter out the gynaecologist. There are male and female gynaecologist. Some Gynae don't perform abortion.. so call and check with the staff.
Prices for pte clinics may range from $500 to $700 depending.. Consent wise, patient herself can sign if she's above 18. (if i did not remember wrongly).
Procedure is done under sedation and LA. takes about 30 mins. Patient can go home after 1-2 hours rest.
Value Life. Baby Don't come easy. They are Innocent...
That was useful info bro. Thanks!!:cool:
07-01-2009, 09:47 PM
Hope she turn over a new leaf.
Abortion is "murder" of a new life
Seriously, some guys wanna have fun at the same time without having their protection on and this is the result of their fun. So, what do you mean by turn over a new leaf and blame her for "murder"?
I mean, will you wanna adopt the baby dude? The answer is most probably no.
Are you Catholic?
Just a piece of my mind for those who oppose abortion.
07-01-2009, 10:00 PM
That was useful info bro. Thanks!!:cool:
It's sis....
Thank u.
07-01-2009, 10:54 PM
KK is safest place but the process will be very painful and she will probably have to stay one night in the hospital. will take at least 2 weeks to fully recover.
07-01-2009, 11:26 PM
It's sis....
Thank u.
Hehe.. Thanks sis!!:D
08-01-2009, 12:34 AM
Dunno if they change the video for the pre abortion session that one...
but got one part... is he put a scissor like instrument with round rings at the end inside the pussy, finding the head of the baby and crushing it.
Prior to crushing, doc can feel vibrations on the instrument as the fortes is struggling.
Kinda sick... think similar vid can be found on youtube.
Avoid those sleeze clinic and sincere advice would be to go to a hospital.
Safety is of most impt...
if she is short of 50 to 100 bucks, u pm me... i pong u...
08-01-2009, 12:50 AM
Dunno if they change the video for the pre abortion session that one...
but got one part... is he put a scissor like instrument with round rings at the end inside the pussy, finding the head of the baby and crushing it.
Prior to crushing, doc can feel vibrations on the instrument as the fortes is struggling.
Kinda sick... think similar vid can be found on youtube.
Avoid those sleeze clinic and sincere advice would be to go to a hospital.
Safety is of most impt...
if she is short of 50 to 100 bucks, u pm me... i pong u...
Thanks alot bro. I dun think so she has financial problems.:D
08-01-2009, 06:50 AM
What the fuck are you talking about?
First posting no money, last posting got money. You fucking idiots.
U dump or what? She isnt financially ready to support the baby with his needs u DumBass!! :mad:
08-01-2009, 07:09 AM
a friend of mine is 3weeks pregnant. Dunno which guy did it to her, ok besides the point. She wants to abort it as she isnt financially and mentally ready to be a mum(shes 20). So bros, any private clinic that does abortion and roughly how much?
theres one in joo chiat.. think just next to an open air carpark.. joo chait rooad i think
08-01-2009, 07:17 AM
Proceed to dr venga's clinic at tamp..Blk 800plus...Shud be arnd $300-$400..
Here's the add n details..
Dr Venga Clinic For Women.801 Tampines Ave 4 #01-273 Singapore 520801. Tel/Hp : 67842300.
08-01-2009, 08:52 AM
a friend of mine is 3weeks pregnant. Dunno which guy did it to her, ok besides the point. She wants to abort it as she isnt financially and mentally ready to be a mum(shes 20). So bros, any private clinic that does abortion and roughly how much?
go thomson hospital lar same day can go home. Theyare famous for creating or destroying baby.
08-01-2009, 09:30 AM
What the fuck are you talking about?
First posting no money, last posting got money. You fucking idiots.
Bro, read properly before u post any comments!! :p
08-01-2009, 11:17 AM
Its more complicated in the earlier stages (3 weeks as TS stated) as the baby is still not develop into shape yet,
therefore more ex.. Around 800-900 for Pte clinic...
Around half an hour, rest awhile and can go home..
But need some time to fully recover..
Bad experience for both mental and physical.
Try to keep the baby if possible...
Results shows after abortion, the chances of miscarrige when pregnant again is 3 times higher than those
who never went for abortion...
08-01-2009, 12:22 PM
Its more complicated in the earlier stages (3 weeks as TS stated) as the baby is still not develop into shape yet,
therefore more ex.. Around 800-900 for Pte clinic...
Around half an hour, rest awhile and can go home..
But need some time to fully recover..
Bad experience for both mental and physical.
Try to keep the baby if possible...
Results shows after abortion, the chances of miscarrige when pregnant again is 3 times higher than those
who never went for abortion...
Haizz! Unwanted pregnancy is like getting STD, sebei mah fang. Physically and emotionally drained. 9 seconds of pleasure 9 months of pains.
Happy to see so many bros and sis's rushing forward to help. Hope TC's friend will finally settle the problem.
I know that a herbal brew made from Tibetan red flower can help to flush out the foetus. Save money, save trouble. Wonder if any Chinese physicians can prescribe it and whether it is legal for them to do so.
In ancient times the Chinese used this method to terminate pregnancy with high success rate. Newadays, with so many legalities surrounding this issue and the pro-western medicine attitude. I would only mention it for knowledge and not for use.
08-01-2009, 12:28 PM
In the early stage, i think drinking lots of beer will helps in getting miscarriage.. This was what my fling did last time... really feel regret and sorry for her then. Must learn from lesson, wear condom always!!
08-01-2009, 02:59 PM
After the abortion, the baby's spirit will follow the mother until it's destined lifespan is up before heading for reincarnation.
It's not uncommon for the mother to have dreams or nightmares related to babies after abortion. Poor health and luck in her life also commonly experienced after the operation. It's just the unborn child's way of seeking revenge against the mother for killing it. FYI, the aborted child bears alot of anger(yuan qi) against the mother.
Best to ask your friend arrange for a "chao du" ritual held in some temples so that the baby will be able to go for reincarnation earlier and leave the mother alone. I think the ritual is more expensive than the cost of the operation.
09-01-2009, 07:44 AM
Keep the baby..Y must abort?Hmm..
09-01-2009, 11:39 AM
After the abortion, the baby's spirit will follow the mother until it's destined lifespan is up before heading for reincarnation.
It's not uncommon for the mother to have dreams or nightmares related to babies after abortion. Poor health and luck in her life also commonly experienced after the operation. It's just the unborn child's way of seeking revenge against the mother for killing it. FYI, the aborted child bears alot of anger(yuan qi) against the mother.
Best to ask your friend arrange for a "chao du" ritual held in some temples so that the baby will be able to go for reincarnation earlier and leave the mother alone. I think the ritual is more expensive than the cost of the operation.
Bro edmund, don't frighten TS's friend lah. She already so traumatized.
Anyway, I do quite believe in this. However, I like to sound a warning to people who are affected. Some mediums use this to scare ppl and take advantage by demanding for sex and money. Do be careful. If want to appease the spirit, go to the right channel. Genuine ones will not ask for sex or a lot of money. Their intention for helping is to accumulate good karma and will only charge nominal fees for the costs involved.
09-01-2009, 02:28 PM
times r bad...give birth n sell the baby..then can make some money...good idea?
09-01-2009, 02:37 PM
times r bad...give birth n sell the baby..then can make some money...good idea?
BAD idea...Can be charged under human trafficking...:cool:
09-01-2009, 02:56 PM
Having abortion is very traumatic experience for the mother. I have seen my friend did it before and she was haunted (not literary, I mean you can see she is not as cheerful as she used to be) for a few years before recovering and yes, she never sleeps around anymore after that. However, since you friend so young and daring, she may just recover from the experience faster.
09-01-2009, 03:18 PM
Bro edmund, don't frighten TS's friend lah. She already so traumatized.
Anyway, I do quite believe in this. However, I like to sound a warning to people who are affected. Some mediums use this to scare ppl and take advantage by demanding for sex and money. Do be careful. If want to appease the spirit, go to the right channel. Genuine ones will not ask for sex or a lot of money. Their intention for helping is to accumulate good karma and will only charge nominal fees for the costs involved.
not trying to scare her lah, got to know this from a friend whose father is a Taoist medium.
i personally know a couple of girls haunted by their aborted babies for years until they perform the ritual for their babies.
anyway, the mother should not go to a medium for "chao du" ritual it should be performed by monks. the ritual is similar to those you see performed by monks during funeral wakes.
The Vet
09-01-2009, 03:23 PM
Angel Eye,
What is a sister doing in this forum?
Keeping an eye on things?
09-01-2009, 04:48 PM
I know that a herbal brew made from Tibetan red flower can help to flush out the foetus. Save money, save trouble. Wonder if any Chinese physicians can prescribe it and whether it is legal for them to do so.
Bro, I think you are talking about Saffron (Zang Hong Hua). It's DAMN Expensive. It's cheaper to go for a proper abortion. I bought the flower before in Tibet. A tiny amount is good for women's health. Not sure how much u need to cause miscarriage but if you drink a lot and it causes damage to health and yet doesn't cause miscarriage... it will be very bad. Chinese medicine cannot anyhow eat.
Imagine the power of this flower. When you cut 1 fingernail (when it grows too long), then cut this single finger nail into 10 small pieces. 1 piece of saffron this size can turn a big glass of chinese tea very red. I buy back for my mum cos it's supposed to be good for women's health in tiny amount. See already also don't dare to let mum drink.
09-01-2009, 05:03 PM
Angel Eye,
What is a sister doing in this forum?
Keeping an eye on things?
Learning and gaining new knowledge every visit! and Yes i'm keeping an eye on......................:rolleyes:
09-01-2009, 07:38 PM
Bro, I think you are talking about Saffron (Zang Hong Hua). It's DAMN Expensive. It's cheaper to go for a proper abortion. I bought the flower before in Tibet. A tiny amount is good for women's health. Not sure how much u need to cause miscarriage but if you drink a lot and it causes damage to health and yet doesn't cause miscarriage... it will be very bad. Chinese medicine cannot anyhow eat.
Imagine the power of this flower. When you cut 1 fingernail (when it grows too long), then cut this single finger nail into 10 small pieces. 1 piece of saffron this size can turn a big glass of chinese tea very red. I buy back for my mum cos it's supposed to be good for women's health in tiny amount. See already also don't dare to let mum drink.
U are right bro. The effect of this flower is to promote blood circulation. As it is quite strong, it is advisable to consult a trained herbalist before taking. This flower is not recommended for pregnant woman as it can lead to miscarriage due to its power in moving the blood flow.
09-01-2009, 11:07 PM
i've always been watching, learning, watching people sharing their very precious experience on this forum and this is my first post of my account after like 2 years, i seriously find this thread . . very sensible to everyone, either party go'ers or those bros tat go for bonk parties at GL, i mean after so many incidents happen how do people really get over with it ? it's painful, as in to the mind and body and yet i see people really making unwanted pregnancy so common, hmmm i don't mean tat i'm some sort of saint tat's faithful to 1 but after reading this thread . . i feel the pain . . for those who underwent the operation and stuffs. just to share some thoughts and i'm also afraid tat 1 day this might happen to me. but of coz i'm someone that emphasize protection like wearing a rubber or not to do it during the "danger period" of the mth.
10-01-2009, 10:21 AM
i've always been watching, learning, watching people sharing their very precious experience on this forum and this is my first post of my account after like 2 years, i seriously find this thread . . very sensible to everyone, either party go'ers or those bros tat go for bonk parties at GL, i mean after so many incidents happen how do people really get over with it ? it's painful, as in to the mind and body and yet i see people really making unwanted pregnancy so common, hmmm i don't mean tat i'm some sort of saint tat's faithful to 1 but after reading this thread . . i feel the pain . . for those who underwent the operation and stuffs. just to share some thoughts and i'm also afraid tat 1 day this might happen to me. but of coz i'm someone that emphasize protection like wearing a rubber or not to do it during the "danger period" of the mth.
yeah.She always get drunk then get laid, get wasted.:(
10-01-2009, 10:23 AM
Hi bros,
does pte clinic do abortion for foreigner in singapore for visit? I know that government do not do that.
10-01-2009, 10:26 AM
not trying to scare her lah, got to know this from a friend whose father is a Taoist medium.
i personally know a couple of girls haunted by their aborted babies for years until they perform the ritual for their babies.
anyway, the mother should not go to a medium for "chao du" ritual it should be performed by monks. the ritual is similar to those you see performed by monks during funeral wakes.
Emmm. That friend of mine is a minah.
12-01-2009, 09:50 AM
Hi bros,
does pte clinic do abortion for foreigner in singapore for visit? I know that government do not do that.
If you have money, why not?
Emmm. That friend of mine is a minah.
Alamak! Minah's don't believe in this kind of Taoist ritual stuff. If they do believe in spirit, they have to look for bomoh. Got such thing or not? Any Malay bros care to enlighten?
12-01-2009, 12:24 PM
If you have money, why not?
Alamak! Minah's don't believe in this kind of Taoist ritual stuff. If they do believe in spirit, they have to look for bomoh. Got such thing or not? Any Malay bros care to enlighten?
Shes the type that dont believe in spirits. Youngster nowadays u know. :D
12-01-2009, 12:28 PM
To all bros n sisS who have given ideas n suggestions to this thread, thanks alot. Couldnt have gotten so much info alone. Cheers!!:D:D:D
Besides that, She will have to go through watching a film about the abortion. It is suppose to make her "wake up" and decide if she reallys wants to goes through the abortion. What I heard is that the film is shows about what happens to the fetus during the abortion, so expect it to be gross...
Just another point, she has to be at least 18 or 21 years old to sign on the papers to agree on the abortion. If I am not wrong, at least 21 years old. If her age can't meet the minimum age criteria of the hospital or clinic, she will have to get a guardian to sign on the agreement papers.
Just for sharing...
What if is a married woman, does the private clinic require the husband for consent?
or she alone consent is enough.
03-04-2009, 07:17 PM
It may sound stupid to most people here but what I'm about to suggest is really for the good of the mother and the unborn.
Please find a chinese temple to "Chao Du" the soul of the unborn and the mum please do some donations or go to the temple for to redeem yourself.
If Christian then ask your pastor what can be done?
I'll be praying for both the mother and her baby. I know she is going through alot of Emtional, Mental and Physical trama...TS, Take care of her!
I'm not rubbing salt lah but just think about it...Permanant relieve from problem? Eternal punishment from Guilt! Whatever the decision is made, it comes with pain! To add...No one is ready to become a parent, as the matter of fact, the child teaches the parent how to be a parent!
03-04-2009, 07:33 PM
It may sound stupid to most people here but what I'm about to suggest is really for the good of the mother and the unborn. Please find a chinese temple to "Chao Du" the soul of the unborn and the mum please do some donations or go to the temple for to redeem yourself.
If Christian then ask your pastor what can be done? !
Bro lovebigtits, she is a minah. How to "chao Du"? Mosque don't have Chao Du la. Unless get a Bomoh or dukun (a shaman) to perform the ritual.
Anyway, this thread is more than 2 months old liao, maybe she gave birth to a healthy baby?? We never know sial.....
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