View Full Version : Foot massage parlours at People's Park
10-04-2003, 09:44 AM
Was just strolling pass people's park (the one nearer chinatown point) at the third level when I saw a crop of foot massage parlours with quite a few chio PRCs outside smiling at every guy walking by. Dared not go in cos I wonder if they are the ones providing the massages. Anyway, anyone been there? How are the rates?
10-04-2003, 10:19 AM
yeah, you are right, mostly they are the one who provide you the massage. But for the skill, it's all depends on your luck, some may have very good massage skill, but some just wanna do the special. I had tried some of them, prefer LMKC on the top floor, the enviroment is good and the gal is quite okay, some more you can choice the massage gal for yourself. Just don't be shy to ask for the price. Remember that you are the customer who to give them the money, and you are able to ask for anything...
Please post your FR after you have try it...
10-04-2003, 10:20 AM
Wat's the damage? They do full body massage?
10-04-2003, 11:29 AM
Usually, in those shop circumstance, they don't charge you much, and seldom they do FJ, for your information, the HJ is about 30 to 50, if you are a good negotiator, you can go down to 20 bucks, it's quite a good deal. However, if you are consider quality, don't go to those shop, those operate the shop is usually late 30 or 40 plus. They had their hayday over, and now they only settle down with a shop which usually serve those uncle.
10-04-2003, 03:40 PM
Hi Bro Fingerpop,
There's a thread of this called 'Mermaid'.U will get the informations u need. Happy cheonging.
10-04-2003, 03:51 PM
Yeah, brudder, that's a nice place to chiong also, you may enjoy your time there, as what i hear there is a young lady working here and it's worth your money. But after you have your great time there, please post your FR here. As we will all will share your fun.
10-04-2003, 11:37 PM
Juz walked ard PPC last wk n found a newly opened joint JIN RI Health Care on the 2nd fl. Maybe cos its newly opened, no biz when I walked past. Managed to catch a glimpse of the gals ... got 1 or 2 not bad ones. Std $40/hr for full body massage.
16-04-2003, 08:15 AM
When there last night to PPC #02-31 WRC. Here is my FR
Name: Fang Fang
Age: about 30+
Boobs: around B
Environment: lousy
The place there is full of aunties, expect for this one. No need to ask for special, after u flip over for front message, she will signal to u. Claim that she seldom do HJ. Offer HJ at $50 but i manage to bargain till $30. She will give u the CFM look during HJ.
Total Damage: $40 + 30
16-04-2003, 07:42 PM
Just visited 1 of the foot massage parlours in PPC during my lunch time.
The shop name is called "LOUD" There is 2 shop with the same and owner. 1 is on the 3rd floor the other is in 2nd floor.
I went to the shop located in 2nd floor. There is 3 girls when I was there, 2 chinese national and 1 dont know fron where. Anyway, went to try for massage.
The girl who massage from me is called "xiao xiang". Go in strip until leave with underwear. Than lay down on bed, she was wearing a spgetta strip t shirt with hot pant. Started to massage my back and once a while will touch my arm with her tight. So, started talking and after a while, she start telling me dirty joke. Than asked about girl friend have sex with me or not kind of thing. After finishing my back, she proceed to my tight and legs. Once a while, her arm will touch my cock and inner tight. I try putting my hand over her wairst, no rejection.....! Hao Sei Liao, than started to touch her tight and the wairst part under her t shirt. Her skin very smooth, in fact all the china girls that I have encounter whether massage parlours or FJ back in china all have very good skin.
Than try touching her neh neh, wow no rejection. So, put hand into her bra and let my finger do the walking already. Than cock hard hard and ask her "how" than she say later will solve my harden problem. After the massage my legs, she sit beside me and start massage my harden cock, once in while will lay on my tummy say that she is tired. Than she whisper to me that the price for PCC is $30. I say okie, removed my under wear and covered my cock with towel and play with my cock under the towel. I think becaused scared kanna raid. But she PCC kung hu not very good but can be conpensated with the touching and nibbling of nipples. Allow me to get real closed to her with body contact and she smell very the nice. Overall, performance not to bad, quite girl friend like.
18-04-2003, 02:26 AM
Hi bro cocky
I too went to Cloud last Sunday (acutally shd be Cloud - Bai Yun in chinese); was svcd by a gal Ping Ping in her late 20s. Not bad looking but didnt offer any specials.
Even tho the shop was not located strategically, biz was pretty good when I was there as all the cubicles were filled. got no chance to bio all the gals there. But I guess biz was good partly cos the gals were aggressive - they distribute flyers as u walk past the shop. Caught anthr gal with long nice legs in shorts, not bad looking .. may try her next time. What I dun like is the lack of privacy - cubicles r separated by curtains so if u talk abit too loud yr next door can hear everyth u say.
How old is xiao xiang? How do u rate her for looks?
18-04-2003, 02:31 AM
Btw any bros tried the shop on the 1st level? Its located near the 4D shop. Difficult to miss .. from main entrance walk pass 4D, turn right ... on right side there's a shop, always got 1 auntie there jio-ing biz ... inside got 1 sexy PRC, the neh dam big, n every time dressed in sphagetti, breasts like goin to explode. Looks fr far not bad, close view I dunno. But cos the place is very open, I need to knw the name so tt next time can juz walk in n ask for her. When I pass by, she's always wkg.
18-04-2003, 10:10 AM
hi bro owen10
think u r talking abt the 1 at pc rite ?
a lot of bro hv very bad comments on this place lah !!
i think u hv miss the thread previously put up by our fellow bros.
18-04-2003, 01:36 PM
Hi bro axeman
u mean the one i mentioned on the 1st level, with the tua neh??
got prev thread meh? Ppl Pk Ctr n not Pearl Ctr u know ... hehehee ... i thk u may ve mistaken for the Pearl Ctr next to 4D shop. I posted a thread there as well, that one i definitely ban liao! :D
21-04-2003, 02:12 AM
Bros Owen,
I think the gal with long leg and wear short should be xioa xiang. Below is my rating.
Face : 6.5/10
Massage skill : 7.5/10
Body : 7.5/10 (Skin very smooth)
PCC Skill : 5/10
Overall rating : 7.5/10 because allow touching of neh neh and nibble nipples.
21-04-2003, 11:52 AM
I think the gal that Bro Owen10 mentioned is called 'Feifei'. I once tird this gal somewhere a mth ago. I was there around 10pm and they were closing but this gal gave me 1/2 hr massage.Due to time constraint, no special was offered. But this gal was quite chio, tall and sexy.
After this session, I passed by this shop a few times. This gal is quite 'ang pai',always being booked for her services.
does anyone know if this fei fei provide any special? not bad looking from far but from near make up very thick and also a bit too big size.
25-04-2003, 12:03 AM
Any bros tried Ting Ting??? Not too bad looking, shoulder length hair, ard 1.65m ...
So far tried her twice, quite gf like but massage sucks .. touch touch here touch touch there onli ... not someone to look for if u want solid massage
25-04-2003, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by tys90246
yeah, you are right, mostly they are the one who provide you the massage. But for the skill, it's all depends on your luck, some may have very good massage skill, but some just wanna do the special. I had tried some of them, prefer LMKC on the top floor, the enviroment is good and the gal is quite okay, some more you can choice the massage gal for yourself. Just don't be shy to ask for the price. Remember that you are the customer who to give them the money, and you are able to ask for anything...
Please post your FR after you have try it...
U meant LMKZ ? Tried Anna, Do Do cheng lookalike. Very responsive and sexy, horny
25-04-2003, 12:36 PM
bro 36908
i'm referring to Cloud in PPC;
25-04-2003, 01:11 PM
Agreed with Bro Owen10. This Ting Ting does not perform specials and her massage sucks.The only plus pt is she looks cute.I understand that she just come back from China one or two weeks ago.
25-04-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by owen10
bro 36908
i'm referring to Cloud in PPC;
I m posting this query to tyz90246
26-04-2003, 02:07 PM
bro andrew
dun frighten me leh! ... i juz tried her twice for past consec wks!!! Cow! ... dunno whthr she went for health checks or not!!!
That cha bor a lot of bf one ... 1st time i went, her hp rang twice. Got bf asked her out eat seafood. 2nd time i went last wk, got guys go there askin for her but got turned down cos servicing me.
Guess she's 1 of the betta lookin gals there...
29-04-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by 36908
U meant LMKZ ? Tried Anna, Do Do cheng lookalike. Very responsive and sexy, horny
Tried Anna at LMKZ before. A bit plump. Massage are so so. Ask her for HJ but she said she dont do. Sian liao!!! :mad:
30-04-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by dkong
Tried Anna at LMKZ before. A bit plump. Massage are so so. Ask her for HJ but she said she dont do. Sian liao!!! :mad:
I find this hard to believe ? She asked me "want to masturbate ?" exactly on English, the moment I turned over. Asking price was $50. She even gave me her card with her hp. She has very, very soft boobs. She allowed me to lick them too.
30-04-2003, 06:05 PM
When did you go there? When to LMKZ today to look for Anna, but was told she left already. Then i went to Loud on the 2nd floor was served by Xiao Xiang.
Here is my rating on Xiao Xiang
Face : 6/10 * Got 1 mole near right side of the mouth
Massage skill : 7/10
Body : 7/10 (smooth)
PCC Skill : 5/10 (Lots of talking cock n dirty jokes)
Environment: 4/10 (noisy)
HJ available at $30 allow touching of neh neh n sucking nipples. But i find her neh neh one big one small, so I sian liao. Dont think I will go there again.
Any gal to recommend at LMKZ? Thanks!
01-05-2003, 01:02 AM
Wow, first time hearing girl neh neh one big one small. Maybe she decided to get plastic surgery done on her neh neh and changed her mind half way through! Have to go down there to take a look! Ha! Ha!
01-05-2003, 05:47 PM
FYI her neh neh is not very big. :D
01-05-2003, 11:26 PM
Or perhaps she still saving up to get the second one done lah!Ke Ke Ke.....
04-05-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by STARLET BOY
:D hi brother , at pcc which shop give the good massage ?
OPEN YOUR EYES BIG BIG and look around :mad:
05-05-2003, 05:46 PM
bro can try LMKZ i think the gals there r better looking, dont forget to post your FR here. :D
06-05-2003, 11:43 AM
Hey bro! i was there last week, recce the whole place but couldnt find it leh. i notice there's alot of reflexlogy around but cant confirm which one. can pls advice?
06-05-2003, 12:02 PM
Wah lau eh....... They are located on the 3rd floor, near the toilet. Open your eyes big big. Dont forget to post your FR here! :D
06-05-2003, 12:35 PM
Thax, bro DKong! will post FR once i'm there. cheers!
06-05-2003, 01:02 PM
Unfortunately and ironically, for most of them, their hands are not soft and smooth but the opposite !!!
06-05-2003, 02:00 PM
beware gals at LMKZ, if they see you gong gong they will
chop you one. went there 1 month back. the gal
wanted to charge S$100 for JG.. Crazy... i offer S$30
say no money, she sommore want to check my wallet
WTF (lucky these place dont take credit card muahahha).
this is just my experience.. other bros have better luck
anyway LMKZ is easy to find becoz its the only one that
has 2 shops side by side. there will be alot of gals
siting outside on both ends. I think its the biggest one in
the whole complex..
06-05-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by dkong
When did you go there? When to LMKZ today to look for Anna, but was told she left already.:confused:
I just called Anna. She's still there at LMKZ !!!
Have we the same girl , same place ???
06-05-2003, 05:23 PM
I am sure is the same place, but maybe another girl by the name of anna. i called on her hp, there was no reply. the old lady, i think is the boss says that she is not working there any more??? :confused:
07-05-2003, 12:10 AM
Tried this 32 yr old petite fair skinned lady who always dons black attire. Baboon-like horny face. #02
HJ incl licking and stroking her thighs and boobs (a real handful with light brown nipples), squeezing of boobs.
Got another real tall one who looks like the prettiest of the lot. Did not see her earlier. Will post FR after trying her.
Msg : 8/10 (90 mins for $60)
HJ : 5/10 (lacks technique but makes up for it by being obliging to my demands)
Note : Allows u to do her at hotel after hrs
Originally posted by 36908
Tried this 32 yr old petite fair skinned lady who always dons black attire. Baboon-like horny face. #02
HJ incl licking and stoking her thighs and boobs (a real handful with light brown nipples), squeezing of boobs.
Got another real tall one who looks like the prettiest of the lot. Did not see her earlier. Will post FR after trying her.
Msg : 8/10 (90 mins for $60)
HJ : 5/10 (lacks technique but makes up for it by being obliging to my demands)
Note : Allows u to do her at hotel after hrs
are u referring to xiao liu???:confused:
07-05-2003, 02:08 PM
Seemz like nothg much has changed in PPC during past few mths ... walked ard whole bldg last Sun n it was the usual gals.
Ang Thiam Wah on the L3 has got 1 cute n innocent (shoulder length hair, abt 1.6m) which I always want to try but she nvr see her wear skirts yet, n dun thk she provides any special ... Cloud, LMKZ n Mermaid still the usual gals ... boring
2 newly opened shops ... Jin Ri (less than 2 mths i guess) on L2, anthr one Yu Quan ( i thk) which juz opened with red paper still pasted on signboard. Jin Ri's gals seem not bad but too many shops there liao, so no chance to try yet. Any bros tried? Will post an FR if i see any chio ones n try.
09-05-2003, 02:59 PM
Went to Mermaid yesterday, got this girl with long hair n big eyes call Yan Yan.
Here is my rating on her
Face : 7/10 * Big eyes
Massage skill : 7/10
Body : 7/10 (smooth)
PCC Skill : 6/10
Environment: 5/10
She knows about this forum, must be some idiots who told her, HJ available at $30 allow touching of neh neh n sucking nipples.
Any bro try this place before???
09-05-2003, 10:50 PM
Hi bro dkong
do look under the MERMAID thread, this shop was mentioned b4. I only went there once, tried so cos I was mesmerised by Yan Yan. Yeah I think she's probly the prettiest if not 1 of the prettiest there. D other time I went, she told me cannot kiss cos she scared Sars so I sianzzz oredi ... did she let u kiss her on the mouth? I was also put off by the place cos gotta wear their boxers which was worn by dunno how many uncles n ah pehs.
has anyth changed sinz abt 2 mths ago? Gals still the same? In my opinion d other gals r so so only in terms of looks.
10-05-2003, 04:55 PM
dkong Wah lau eh....... They are located on the 3rd floor, near the toilet. Open your eyes big big. Dont forget to post your FR here!
Went LMKZ yesterday at about 9.00pm. opt for an hour of massage. served by a auntie named Ann Ann (i think). no special at all leh. the place looks desserted. massage no strength at all, just rub and rub. Sigh... :(
12-05-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by dkong
Went to Mermaid yesterday, got this girl with long hair n big eyes call Yan Yan.
Here is my rating on her
Face : 7/10 * Big eyes
Massage skill : 7/10
Body : 7/10 (smooth)
PCC Skill : 6/10
Environment: 5/10
She knows about this forum, must be some idiots who told her, HJ available at $30 allow touching of neh neh n sucking nipples.
Any bro try this place before???
That's the IVY LEE look-alike. Dark skinned, Sharp nose and mouth. Big eyes.
16-05-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by owen10
Hi bro dkong
do look under the MERMAID thread, this shop was mentioned b4. I only went there once, tried so cos I was mesmerised by Yan Yan. Yeah I think she's probly the prettiest if not 1 of the prettiest there. D other time I went, she told me cannot kiss cos she scared Sars so I sianzzz oredi ... did she let u kiss her on the mouth? I was also put off by the place cos gotta wear their boxers which was worn by dunno how many uncles n ah pehs.
has anyth changed sinz abt 2 mths ago? Gals still the same? In my opinion d other gals r so so only in terms of looks.
went there couple of days back. nothing much there. all the gals still the same. no change. any brudders notice any changes? saw a new shop with red paper paste on the sign. any FRs?
17-05-2003, 12:18 AM
Bro Graffiti if u r referring to e one with red paper it is Yu Quan, which is newly opened.
I nearly tried d other day; Walked into the shop n saw a lao chio wif long hair (shd b late 30s). Offered full body massage for $38/hr. While I was procasinating, she offered me hj for $30 'tips'. I talked to her abit, n glanced at her boobs ... too bad dam small, cannot make it lah! She also started sneezing n sneezing, so I sian 1/2 liao, told her will come bk next day ... but after tt went off to Mermaid n look for Yan Yan.
17-05-2003, 12:45 AM
... went off to look for Yan Yan of Mermaid agn as none of d gals in PPC caught my eye tt day. Surprisingly she was avail on a Sat nite.
Went for full body massage. Not bad, esp when she climbed on u n sit on yr buttock to massage u. After 1/2 hr popped e qn. Wanted 50 bucs for hj initially but later bargained down to 30, cos I told her tt was the px she offered last time.
Her hj was nothg fantastic lah, juz up n down motion kind. She seems very scared when providing special. She did not feel comfortable when I rubbed her boobs n buttock. She felt uneasy whenever she hear some1 walking past her cubicle, always glancing outside to see if anyone peeping. I asked her can strip or not, she told me cannot lah ... nowadays AV very strict, once they r caught, they ve to be deported bk to China.
Walau sianzzz! Cannot kiss her somemore.
She seemed bored when my bro failed to ejac after 10 mins. She asked me izzit always so long to come out, then I said if u strip then easier to come out. She then unhooked her bra. So I rubba her tits abit, n tried to suck but she was so reluctant! I wondered how a bro managed to suck her nipples!!! So I juz continue rabba rabba until my dick spills the load out.
Overall, the hj was not very enjoyable but she made up with her good looks n firm breasts.
Looks : 6.5/10
HJ : 4.5/10
Attitude : 5.5/10 (tend to complete session in 45 mins)
Massage: 6/10
Damage: $40 + $30
Any bros got the same experience I encountered??? If she is more spontaneous I dun mind returning again.
17-05-2003, 08:52 AM
Went to loud on 2nd floor, been attracted to a girl call Wu Ping, breast quite big. Overall her massage was good but at her for HJ, ask her for HJ her face is like been rape like that. sian liao. Think i will not go to this shop again. Any bros try her special before?
17-05-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by owen10
Bro Graffiti if u r referring to e one with red paper it is Yu Quan, which is newly opened.
I nearly tried d other day; Walked into the shop n saw a lao chio wif long hair (shd b late 30s). Offered full body massage for $38/hr. While I was procasinating, she offered me hj for $30 'tips'. I talked to her abit, n glanced at her boobs ... too bad dam small, cannot make it lah! She also started sneezing n sneezing, so I sian 1/2 liao, told her will come bk next day ... but after tt went off to Mermaid n look for Yan Yan.
sneezing?? got sars anot? keke.... there's only one gal there? sigh... sian liao. guess only YY can make it over there. :)
19-05-2003, 12:49 AM
No lah, I thk there shd be anthr 1 or 2 gals there. The new n fresh decor gives u a certain comfortable, clean feeling.
Anthr shop u may want to take a look is Jin Ri on 2nd level. You gotta walk past the chinese emporium n take the back passage en route to OG where u can find the shop. The last time I passed by abt a mth ago there were 1 or 2 chio babes there, but cos of the secluded location it's rather difficult to seize the opportunity to approach when they r avail. If I get to try will provide an FR; Any bros tried?
19-05-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by owen10
No lah, I thk there shd be anthr 1 or 2 gals there. The new n fresh decor gives u a certain comfortable, clean feeling.
Anthr shop u may want to take a look is Jin Ri on 2nd level. You gotta walk past the chinese emporium n take the back passage en route to OG where u can find the shop. The last time I passed by abt a mth ago there were 1 or 2 chio babes there, but cos of the secluded location it's rather difficult to seize the opportunity to approach when they r avail. If I get to try will provide an FR; Any bros tried?
Jin Ri at #02-03, 62200203, hiding at the back.
Tried Xiao Wei, late 20s or early 30s.
Look - 7
slim, quite tall and nice and big boobs.
Never ask for special but really wan to caress her boobs but chicken out.
Any bro got special from her?
19-05-2003, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by ray922
Jin Ri at #02-03, 62200203, hiding at the back.
Tried Xiao Wei, late 20s or early 30s.
Look - 7
slim, quite tall and nice and big boobs.
Never ask for special but really wan to caress her boobs but chicken out.
Any bro got special from her?
when did u try XW ?
I recce the place few days back but only saw 2 lau gos inside. Cannot make it ones, so din border to go in.
19-05-2003, 11:30 PM
just imagine she does 10 in a day. wit tat all coming all out and dripping on her hands. and she touches yor dickkie..... Eeeeeee
19-05-2003, 11:55 PM
come on lah!!!! pussywillo,
u think they very stupid meh....they will definitely wash their hands after shaking dick.....prc women in my opinion not that stupid 1 lah......last wk, i accompany my frenz to LMKZ n he got a hj from a prc while i was waiting outside the rm.....the girl came out only immediately go n wash her hands and ask my frenz to wait for her a while to collect the becos of sars....everyone now very concern abt hygiene....
20-05-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by mlloh
when did u try XW ?
I recce the place few days back but only saw 2 lau gos inside. Cannot make it ones, so din border to go in.
I think last Tue or Wed. She's by far the better one in there (the one I saw). The rest are typical PRC auntie.
You should call and book her if you dun wan to take your chance.
24-05-2003, 03:43 PM
hi bros,any recommandation on prc at ppc #02-31,use to massage by a prc woman call Fang Fang,look seducing,but it seen that she is away from there, any bros knows where she goes?:confused:
any good recommandation in "wan nian" beside fang fang?Thanks!:D
24-05-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by ray922
Jin Ri at #02-03, 62200203, hiding at the back.
Tried Xiao Wei, late 20s or early 30s.
Look - 7
slim, quite tall and nice and big boobs.
Never ask for special but really wan to caress her boobs but chicken out.
Any bro got special from her?
tried her before, massage not bad, talkative always ask about my personel life. her boobs quit seductive as she was wearing white singlet with pink brassire the other day. will go again for bombardment.
24-05-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by volvoxc90_4367
tried her before, massage not bad, talkative always ask about my personel life. her boobs quit seductive as she was wearing white singlet with pink brassire the other day. will go again for bombardment.
Manage to get any special or even any hint from her? Or you were just like me, wanted to attack but no guts? haha
25-05-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by ray922
Manage to get any special or even any hint from her? Or you were just like me, wanted to attack but no guts? haha
come on lah, first good impression is the most important thing, but anyway i will visit her again and i will let you know the outcome.
26-05-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by volvoxc90_4367
come on lah, first good impression is the most important thing, but anyway i will visit her again and i will let you know the outcome.
how's the damage like?
26-05-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by superdic1
how's the damage like?
yes, $40 per hour. Give an FR after u tried.
26-05-2003, 07:33 PM
ang thiam wah tui na got special anot???
i try ting ting for an hour, $40... no special :(
any info??? thnx
27-05-2003, 01:10 AM
Hi all bros,
remember the old sun taipei? well apparently, i walked around ppc recently and saw that they have another joint on the 3rd level making it to 2... looks like the barber shop is no more there... sigh.. been awhile..
i was recently served by this pei du mama at the sun taipei joint beside the ex-barber near the side exit... and this is how the story goes...
Went in.. ask for half hour massage...and was told 25 bucks... ok... so i strip..
lie on my back...
and she came in took off her jacket.. revealing this singlet.. and one glance... i saw some armpit hair LOL!!... nvm i acted like i never see before... so the massage was brief.. (half hr i guess) and when i turned around, my bro alredy marikita... so i ask her in mandarin... got other special massage..then she acted dumb.. and so i pointed to my didi... and she signalled 50.. i signalled back 20 she shook her head.. then she signalled 30... bingo! ok... i agreed... HJ for the remaining 10 minutes while i get to sotong her top n bottom with little resistance..
shot on her skirt... but she wasn't angry... i wanted to aim at her tits.. but my shooting not much power... haha..
clean up.. paid 55 in all... and left.. oily but satisfied...
Total damage 55 bucks
Total time approx 30-40 minutes
On another occasion. I went to LOUD... it seems that walking on the 2nd level is like going to war... you dunno when u can kena ambushed... by the prcs!!
i went past this tui na shop.. dunno the name.. then hairdressing saloons... then the LOUD and was ambushed by this sweet thing. named Sophia. Petite.. cute face.. got a mole near her lips... well.. took an hr massage... afterwhich... she said.. 1 hr finish.. wanna extend?? then i say .. extend then do what? i ask her if i extend can massage there or not? then she just gave me that sly look.. so i took that as a yes cos while she massaging.. i was touching her backside without any resistance.. and she was wearing those hugging short skirts..soft material... and she was wearing G STRING! .. so anyway back to the story... did HJ under towel... yes she scared lah anyway the traffic outside also very heavy and i also scared so let it be.. but i managed to sotong/suck her nipples.. butbottom no entry... dunno why.. met with tough resistance!! damn! only managed to raba her G-string.. every time i wanna slide my finger inside.. she do her tai chi.... my hands away... ....
well it was an OK experience cos this sophia looks cuter than all the other prcs in ppc.. yes even those from LMKZ...
total damage 70 (got bargained cos i was there for about 1.5 hrs)
incl of HJ...
I dont know where i shld put this next FR.. cos this one is abt the one at the 3rd level of bt timah shopping center.. anyway i just write here lah.. cos i seldom come in here and dunno where to look for the thread also...
this joint is near the toilet... of the 3rd floor.. oh yah.. basement got the notorious bodyworks.. which i have yet to try..
anyway this massage joint.. must go in very fast leh.. cos just beside it is a hairdressing place.. where some chio bus go cut their hair.. i went inside the tui na joint when nobody was at the hairdresser.. yes la must recce the area first.. skali kena caught by my wife's dunno who cutting hair.. lol!!
anyway.. as i said went in commando style ... then ask for 1 hr massage.. quoted 40 bucks.. ok...lead to this cubicle..
while the lady massaging.. she was singing.. and theres another lady outside sitting .. singing like a karaoke joint... ok nevermind i try t relax.. but the music too loud...
anyway.. she provided with good hard massage.. at some point i cant tahan! hahah ... pain sia... but it was good.. then turn over.. i tot wanna auto roam my hands liao.. but then.. she like very fierce looking so i relax lah.. to my disapointment..s he never ask for anything .. so i thought.. perhaps this place clean lah..
as for the gals there... one of them looks chio.. ok lah.. but mid 30s perhaps... the other .. who massaged me... looks abt 30 also.. but not as chio as the other one...
hmm.. dunno la.. u guys go and recce from outside then tell us lah...
ok folks thats all the news today from me.. yup so long i never write cos been outstationed...
anyway.. i saw a few threads of people looking for kat... former dickson... last i heard she at bukit inn... the one at bt timah plaza... dunno if she still there... happy hunting!!
27-05-2003, 01:21 PM
Bro Crocodile
The Sophia u mentioned, izzit the one with pony tail, quite tall n always wear mini shorts which exposes her long white slender juicy legs? I agree she's 1 of the cuter PRCs ard ...
hi ginola_19, mi tried tingting too (ang thiam huat tuina),
but sad 2 say, no special, says whole shop no special,dunno if true. any bros tried there b4?
02-06-2003, 01:55 AM
hi yawn, did you try Coco before?? I think she is different from the rest. She is young, pretty, friendly and accomodating. Just try her and you won't regret.:)
02-06-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by dennisbkp
hi yawn, did you try Coco before?? I think she is different from the rest. She is young, pretty, friendly and accomodating. Just try her and you won't regret.:)
tell us a bit more about Coco and her coconuts :)
02-06-2003, 11:08 PM
bro dennisbkp did u go to the ATW on the 2nd or 3rd level?
on the 3rd lvl (facing staircase) there is 1 quiet, cute , innocent n not too bad looking PRC (untied shoulder length hair), probably early 30s ... have u ever tried her or do u know her name? Juz wondering such an innocent face, does she do hj or not .. hmmm .. dun mind tryin tho
03-06-2003, 09:50 AM
hi owen10, from what you have describe it could be her. They have another shop on 3rd flr just next to LMKZ and she used to station there. But one thing abt this shop, the price is abit ex. Everything included could add up to abt 90+ bucks (1 hr massage + sp. svc).
Went to mermaid and had a prc in a black dress with big eyes. Quite pretty looking but keep shunning away when i try to ruba ruba with her. Told me her name is Linda. Can anyone tell me if this Linda is Yan Yan pls
03-06-2003, 10:35 PM
Not sure if Yan Yan got herslf a christian name, but d onli wide eyed, pretty gal i knw who always wear black n sexy in Mermaid is Yan Yan lor. Didnt visit her for awhile look at my prev thread...quite pissed she's so kiasee...dun wanna waste my 30 bucks for HJ! But has anyth changed tho???
05-06-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by owen10
...on the 3rd lvl (facing staircase) there is 1 quiet, cute , innocent n not too bad looking PRC (untied shoulder length hair), probably early 30s ... have u ever tried her or do u know her name? Juz wondering such an innocent face, does she do hj or not .....
i think the girl i tried match what as brudder owen10 described here..
but didn't asked for her name, should ask next time n let the brudders here know.
FR on her
Went to ATW the other day and she's wearing a blouse with white long skirt on that day. Can see her not-so-sexy panty.
As usual, striped till my underwear n lying facing down, waiting for her. She starts massaging my back n without wasting anytime, i start testing water by rabaing her thigh, wow, super smooth skin. No rejection at all, n she starts chit chat with me while massaging my back. Then i continue raba n proceed to squeeze her butt.. hmmmm firm butt.... (no rejection as well!!!) Ho seh liao, then i keep on raba as she massaging me, till both my hand get tired... :p
After 30mins, she asked me to turn around. n she looked at me with super sweet smile... she start massaging my legs n occasionally raba my inner thigh n my harded didi... of course i continue roaming her boby as my tired hands recovered. As i fingered her, she just smile at me n adjust her possition to suit me... damn "song" after sometimes, she gets wet (perhaps i still don't have good kang hu on fingering)
As she's wet, she starts teasing my nipples n give me an extremely innocent smile (those smile showing the tips of her tongue). Suddenly she pulled down my under wear n start HJ....
i hugged her n ask how much. she giggles and say "sui bian" wow... lucky me....
then I striped her blouse n bra, she rejected at first saying it's hard to wear back, but at last, i manage to get her topless also... :p
while doing her hj, she's steasing n kissing my nipples, of course i was busy playing with her handful boobs, sucking her nipples n fingering.. very very busy me...
Hj for 10 mins n i shot like no tomorrow, till kena her blouse.. after which, she cleaned me n her blouse, and her body as well. ...
overall damage : 40 + 20 (since she said sui bian, so just give her 20)
look: 7/10 (as what brudder owen10 described)
body: 7/10 (tall, firm thigh n good in shape)
boobs: 8/10 (closed to C, but a bit saggy)
massage: 6.5/10 (not enough strenght, could be better)
hj: 8 to 9/10 (can't descbribe... just feel good g/f treatment)
overall: 8 to 9
any brother her knows her name? as i was in the rush, didn't manage to get her name...
05-06-2003, 10:29 PM
bro superdic, the gal u tried at ATW could be the same Coco bro dennisbkp described. Wow! didnt expect an innocent face like her will give specials oso .. hehehe ... wolf in sheep skin? hehee .. maybe i will try ... btw has never seen her wear skirts yet
05-06-2003, 10:41 PM
FYI, Coco is one of the best in terms of massage skills. Coming from XiChuan, ChengDu, She is not a PeiDu Mama. Those of you who are rich and single can consider taking her as a wife. Her voice sounds like Wang YenQing, the newsreader from Channel-U. All others are mothers accompanying their children studying in Singapore. Sinseh Ang has put up notices inviting good-looking PeiDu Mamas to work in his shops. Frankly, his gals are better-looking than other shops which is why he was the last to bring down the massage prices to current levels. Those opting for 1.5 sessions beware: this shop computes differently. Confirm the price before stepping in.
06-06-2003, 01:10 AM
Looks like my next mission is Coco! Since she's so playful, I shall test her to the max :D
06-06-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by 2003_newbie
Looks like my next mission is Coco! Since she's so playful, I shall test her to the max :D
i'm not sure if the girl i tried is COCO,
anyway, do post ur FR here after trying, brudder.
what is their operating hours ah? wanna go check it out...thanks
06-06-2003, 11:30 AM
Yo Bros,
Sorry being so blurr like sotong, I really like to know the actual unit number of this massage parlour cos too many massage parlour at post the address for bros who visited the shop before if possible the shop tel number so can call to book the PRC.Thanks a millions........
06-06-2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by philip02j
Yo Bros,
Sorry being so blurr like sotong, I really like to know the actual unit number of this massage parlour cos too many massage parlour at post the address for bros who visited the shop before if possible the shop tel number so can call to book the PRC.Thanks a millions........
* see how philip is going to get flamed * heh heh
06-06-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by philip02j
Yo Bros,
Sorry being so blurr like sotong, I really like to know the actual unit number of this massage parlour cos too many massage parlour at post the address for bros who visited the shop before if possible the shop tel number so can call to book the PRC.Thanks a millions........
if u free, go count and let us know:confused:
06-06-2003, 05:31 PM
OK, just got back from PPC - what a waste of time! a$#%&^&
Walked the whole 3rd floor 3x and most of them are 30s (late 30s) and 40s, and really CMI. Even LMKZ cannot man! Kenna pull inside some more, but rejected their offer. They called me 'xiao huo zi' and kept smiling and sending signals.
This ATW 'Coco' looks ok, except her big eyes quite nice. should be at least mid 30s, but tall & fair skin. But very crowded, and she's damn busy man! All the uncles and old men like nothing to do, just sit and hog around.
2nd floor ATW got one quite cute, but generally disappointed. But at least on the way back gound a short cut, can reach there from office <10min now :D
Will wait for more news from brudders here before going there gain.
Quick FR of CLOUD, Sophia
I went around the entire 3rd floor and saw many old ladies..went to ATW and lady said COco no loger works there??..So, look around for Mermaid but cant find it ( sighs)
So, proceed downstairs amidst all the shops and found a row of hairdressers and saw this cute China chick outside..came to me with leaflet and said how much wanna try..I thought wah quite cute...ok lah..anyways stare at her push up bra booby.
Then i realise it was went into little cubicle diverted by can see other gal moving behind the curtain..( maybe should try and touch her butt too:)
Started massage..and it was in one word >>> here and there..then started talking cock with me..halfway thru' she deicided to shout across to order Red Bean soup..( alamak)
When she was massaging my back..can feel boobies on my head..very nice indeed..then turn to the front...can feel boobies on my head again..full force man..
Too bad she wearing cannot rubba i tried to rubba tits..ok no enjoy lah..
After 55 wanna extend time ( where is the you want HJ question coming ) So i said ok I extend for 15 mins hoping for some action..Came to a point..she only rubbing my led her hand to me brother..she just smile..and then she said you want ah..must give tips..I said ok..
She started up and down..but weak one good..So I took initiative and lick nipples..she was okay but looks worried...Then I was about to cum...good....BUT.....just as I shoot initial shot...she just stop..( all bros must hate that feeling of cum like never cum feeling ) FED UP lah...URGH...
Face - 6.5/10 ( pass lah, quite a head turner, not drop dead)
BOD - 7/.10 ( nice smooth skin)
BOOB - 6/10 ( 32 max..with push up look like 34)
HJ - 2/10( realli fail lah)
RTF - nope
Before i left, she gave me her HP number cos found out she stay 5 blocks from me..
BTW>>can any bro give me an idea where mermaid is? near any particular shop
06-06-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by 2003_newbie
OK, just got back from PPC - what a waste of time! a$#%&^&
This ATW 'Coco' looks ok, except her big eyes quite nice. should be at least mid 30s, but tall & fair skin. But very crowded, and she's damn busy man! All the uncles and old men like nothing to do, just sit and hog around.
2nd floor ATW got one quite cute, but generally disappointed. But at least on the way back gound a short cut, can reach there from office <10min now :D
Will wait for more news from brudders here before going there gain.
Originally posted by Hag4
Quick FR of CLOUD, Sophia
I went around the entire 3rd floor and saw many old ladies..went to ATW and lady said COco no loger works there??.......
So? Where is COCO? in ATW or not in ATW? Then the gal i tried was not coco lor?
06-06-2003, 06:20 PM
mostly like not coco, this tall PRC is mid 30 I think. the colleagues there are damn fucked-up! asked her and don't want to reveal the name. becos of her fucked-up face nobody want her to massage, and she just sits there like eternity, while the rest are fully booked!
06-06-2003, 11:09 PM
to get to mermaid, very simple lah.
u knw the bridge linking chinatwn pt to ppc? walk fr the bridge fr chinatwn pt towards ppc ... u will soon see an uob atm .. on the left is a staircase .. walk up there where u will c a few small coffeeshops ... Mermaid is there!
Orrrr .. now tt I give u some hint, u betta post an FR once u tried hor .. :D
07-06-2003, 08:47 AM
went to look for 'my girl' again.
as i apporached the shop, she recognised me n jio me into the shop. (too bad, she's wearing jeans this time :( )
I was suprised that she recognised me, then she said, 'aiyo, u look so cute, of course i remember u.' (i'm fair n have single eye-lid, she laf at me n said i am a "fake Japanase")
then I took up a 1 hour massage...
her service is still the same, just that couldn't finger as she wears jeans.
When doing HJ, i couldn't cum, n she smile n smile " wah, zhe me li hai ya.... " then bend down to lick my balls... wow wow...
within 2 mins i cum liao... :D
this time i tried to asked her name, but she refused to give me, saying that must have some "shen mi gan" (knn).... but she gave me her number instead, then i asked, " since i don't know ur name, how i gonna address u, n what if u don't wanna pick up my call?"
then she asked me to call her on the spot so that she could save my number. ok deal......
n she asked my name so that she could store in her phone....
i just said, 'well, since i don't have ur name, i also don't wanna tell u mine...' she laf n key in "fake Japanese" in chinese in her phone... kekeke... and i don't care what's her name anymore... hahahaa
though she refused to give me her name, she did tell me she's from He Fei /He bei??(or something, can't remember, n don't border too).....
07-06-2003, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by superdic1
went to look for 'my girl' again.
as i apporached the shop, she recognised me n jio me into the shop. (too bad, she's wearing jeans this time :( )
I was suprised that she recognised me, then she said, 'aiyo, u look so cute, of course i remember u.' (i'm fair n have single eye-lid, she laf at me n said i am a "fake Japanase")
brudder, what's the unit no and name of the shop? must try her :D
07-06-2003, 10:59 AM
hey brudder,
08-06-2003, 12:39 AM
Strange discovery at ATW today ....
Went to look for the much talked-about Coco a ATW ... then saw the innocent looking gal I was talking abt, thkg she was Coco.
So I asked "Are u Coco?"
She replied "Coco has left here for many months oredi."
Strange thg, when I asked her for her name she refused to give me ... said "y leh? which gal do u wanna look for?" Walau, dam dao! Told her I'll walk ard 1st, may come bk later.
Either bro's info not accurate here or these bitches keep changing names or do not want to tell us their real names! I got this feeling tt these gals are haunted by our bros here visiting their shops everyday asking for this 'COCO' after reading the thread, in d end they so scared dun dare reveal their own names!
08-06-2003, 11:04 PM
was at ATW 2 weeks back. The one next to LMKZ.
Din know they provide special!
Went with friends and the shop was about to close at 9pm.
took 1/2hr BM.
The PRC that serves me was around mid-late 30s. Long hair and quite tall. Should be a peidu ma. The whole session we only chat about language. Never get any hint, maybe too late all ready to rush home.
Any bro ever has any impression of this lady?
09-06-2003, 08:05 AM
ATW a level 3 got 2 shops . all the old hags at both shops insist Coco has left , no more working except one who is not bad looking , forgot to ask name but will try next time . anyway , went to mermaid to look for yan yan , for me first time . yes , she does have a nice pair of eyes . everything else sop except she ask to HJ at about half an hour , same kiasi atitude mentioned by bros here but still , I had my hand in the bra . an hour's massage plus tips = $70 , a bit ex . will not RTF . try other place .
10-06-2003, 02:06 AM
Would someone please enlighten what does peidu mama means? I assume it means PRC ladies in 30's who brought their kids to SG but what does that term peidu mean? e.g. JG means Catch Vein.
10-06-2003, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by icecoolbeer2001
Would someone please enlighten what does peidu mama means? I assume it means PRC ladies in 30's who brought their kids to SG but what does that term peidu mean? e.g. JG means Catch Vein.
"pei" as in accompany and "du" as in study hence peidu mama . your assumption is correct
16-06-2003, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by dennisbkp
hi yawn, did you try Coco before?? I think she is different from the rest. She is young, pretty, friendly and accomodating. Just try her and you won't regret.:)
hi dennisbkp, when was the last time u try Coco. Heard from the PRC in ATW that she has left the shop 4 a few mths already.
16-06-2003, 02:40 AM
hi juzjoin, i tried her few mths back and recently i also heard from them (PRC ladies) that coco has left the shop since april.
16-06-2003, 02:37 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by superdic1
hi superdic1, i tink d PRC u tried at ATW is by the name of Lihua. wen 2 look 4 her last wk. she was wearing the white blouse with the not so nice undies. her massage is average but her HJ is terricfic. She does it with feelin n she does not mind how much u gave her 4 tips. she will tell u 'shui bian.' will go back 2 her again.
16-06-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by juzjoin
[QUOTE]Originally posted by superdic1
hi superdic1, i tink d PRC u tried at ATW is by the name of Lihua. wen 2 look 4 her last wk. she was wearing the white blouse with the not so nice undies. her massage is average but her HJ is terricfic. She does it with feelin n she does not mind how much u gave her 4 tips. she will tell u 'shui bian.' will go back 2 her again.
tried her b4,the message was soso.the hj was no bad.She licked your neinei during the hj.
16-06-2003, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by owen10
Juz walked ard PPC last wk n found a newly opened joint JIN RI Health Care on the 2nd fl. Maybe cos its newly opened, no biz when I walked past. Managed to catch a glimpse of the gals ... got 1 or 2 not bad ones. Std $40/hr for full body massage.
tried one of the prc,the message soso,no special offered
16-06-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by superdic1
hey brudder,
hi bro superdic1, read ur post abt the PRC who lick ur balls till u come. give us some light on the location or the name of the shop. as the saying goes..................good things r meant 2 b share[COLOR=red]
16-06-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by kaakoii
tried one of the prc,the message soso,no special offered
was the PRC u tried name Xiaowei
16-06-2003, 03:44 PM
bros , if you don't mind , can specify which ATW ? now at the same level got 2 , one nearer to LMKZ and the other just at the staircase
Saint Anger
16-06-2003, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by juzjoin
[QUOTE]Originally posted by superdic1
hi superdic1, i tink d PRC u tried at ATW is by the name of Lihua. wen 2 look 4 her last wk. she was wearing the white blouse with the not so nice undies. her massage is average but her HJ is terricfic. She does it with feelin n she does not mind how much u gave her 4 tips. she will tell u 'shui bian.' will go back 2 her again.
hello juzjoin, is lihua the PRC who has a shoulder length hair, quite tall (for a gal) and look above average? I had try her a few times last year June, but no extra offered. i remember must wear short and she used to work in the old ATW? i have her hp no. care to exchange whether we are talking about the same gal here. (exchange by pm). i understand that she is also a pei dun PRC.
if we are talking about the same gal, i dun mind finding her again. thanks bro.
17-06-2003, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by juzjoin
hi superdic1, i tink d PRC u tried at ATW is by the name of Lihua. wen 2 look 4 her last wk. she was wearing the white blouse with the not so nice undies. her massage is average but her HJ is terricfic. She does it with feelin n she does not mind how much u gave her 4 tips. she will tell u 'shui bian.' will go back 2 her again.
sorry to all the bros here...
I'd made a HUGE mistake, n created a confusion here...
the joint i went was LMKZ instead of ATW, so.. "my girl" is in LMKZ, not ATW, personally i didn't go to ATW b4, perhaps i will go next time... :D
as for "my girl" i still don't have her name.. can't tell u guys......
by the way, since she said 'shui bian', then how much u gave her in the end????
18-06-2003, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by superdic1
sorry to all the bros here...
I'd made a HUGE mistake, n created a confusion here...
the joint i went was LMKZ instead of ATW, so.. "my girl" is in LMKZ, not ATW, personally i didn't go to ATW b4, perhaps i will go next time... :D
as for "my girl" i still don't have her name.. can't tell u guys......
by the way, since she said 'shui bian', then how much u gave her in the end????
Hello bro superdic1
total damages $40+$20(shui bian) = $60:
18-06-2003, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by superdic1
sorry to all the bros here...
I'd made a HUGE mistake, n created a confusion here...
the joint i went was LMKZ instead of ATW, so.. "my girl" is in LMKZ, not ATW, personally i didn't go to ATW b4, perhaps i will go next time... :D
as for "my girl" i still don't have her name.. can't tell u guys......
by the way, since she said 'shui bian', then how much u gave her in the end????
wah lan eh, LMKZ and ATW are very different!!! that's a good trick you played on us...
18-06-2003, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by 2003_newbie
wah lan eh, LMKZ and ATW are very different!!! that's a good trick you played on us...
sorry, sorry, when i typed the FR, i was mixed up the LMKZ n the ATW........ i tho i was typing LMKZ, at the very begining....
sorry bro....
18-06-2003, 04:48 PM
yesterday walked passed merlin,saw 2 0f the prcs not bad looking.Wanted to try them with my bud,too bad one of them booked.
will try next time.
Saint Anger
18-06-2003, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by juzjoin
[QUOTE]Originally posted by superdic1
hi superdic1, i tink d PRC u tried at ATW is by the name of Lihua. wen 2 look 4 her last wk. she was wearing the white blouse with the not so nice undies. her massage is average but her HJ is terricfic. She does it with feelin n she does not mind how much u gave her 4 tips. she will tell u 'shui bian.' will go back 2 her again.
Can u tell us more about this Lihua. I can still remember that she dun provide extra. thanks bros:)
18-06-2003, 09:56 PM
PRC girls said "shui bian" but their mind said "Ye Tall Ye How"
Normally their mind is thinking of get the extra $$ from the special
rather than proper massage.
If ones looking for proper massage, it is not at PPC but housing board estate such as the one @Tampines Mart.
Not Hj, however, go home PCC if your buay tahan after massage.
20-06-2003, 04:28 PM
tried LMKZ - alice today around noon. very good service. solid big boob, mid 30 i think.
massage 1 hr for $40. at the end of the session, asked me want to extend or not. asked her, what to do in the extend hour. she replied where else need massage. Put her hand on my didi, and she said i very naughty. HJ for $40, but I said me regular(good lie never hurt:), so she settled for $30.
was doing sucking and frenching, but refused to let me touched her pussy. She said never allow customer to touch below. After some sweet talks, and agreed to top up $20. The next thing was pulled down her pant, and dug her. She was reacting like crazy, swinging her head. Told me that she cannot take it anymore. I knew, if I do her then, she will not resist much. But my big brother brain said no condon, dont risk.
It took another 10mins to jerk me off, as everytime I start to dig her, she forgot the hand action, and laid back and bite her lip.
20-06-2003, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by sco25
tried LMKZ - alice today around noon. very good service. solid big boob, mid 30 i think.
massage 1 hr for $40. at the end of the session, asked me want to extend or not. asked her, what to do in the extend hour. she replied where else need massage. Put her hand on my didi, and she said i very naughty. HJ for $40, but I said me regular(good lie never hurt:), so she settled for $30.
was doing sucking and frenching, but refused to let me touched her pussy. She said never allow customer to touch below. After some sweet talks, and agreed to top up $20. The next thing was pulled down her pant, and dug her. She was reacting like crazy, swinging her head. Told me that she cannot take it anymore. I knew, if I do her then, she will not resist much. But my big brother brain said no condon, dont risk.
It took another 10mins to jerk me off, as everytime I start to dig her, she forgot the hand action, and laid back and bite her lip.
i tried her liao but her face so so onli but overall quite satisfying :D
20-06-2003, 05:19 PM
so how much did u pay for the digging?
Originally posted by itchyDICK
i tried her liao but her face so so onli but overall quite satisfying :D
20-06-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Saint Anger
Can u tell us more about this Lihua. I can still remember that she dun provide extra. thanks bros:)
she is in her early 30's. wif shoulder length hair. she is at the shop facing the staircase at level three.
21-06-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by sco25
so how much did u pay for the digging?
bro, i didn't try to dig her but juz auto roaming her upper body nia....:)
Ah Wang
22-06-2003, 06:59 PM
Well posting my first FR after all the research from the forum. Had recce a few places mentioned in this tread and decide to give PPC a try cos happen to be around that area. The place rather crowded think becos its sunday and the opening of NEL. Prefer somewhere less crowded so happen to go past the shop Sun Taipei. Found out that got 2 of them, tried the one which is more run-down as happen to have 1 PRC sitting outside wearing skirt(read that those wearing skirts more likely to do special).
So decide to give it a shot and try the massage, went to the room, confirm the price then proceed with the massage.
Massage ok onli, more like rubbing, decide to try and raba her legs, no rejection until venture too deep. So continue to touch the tights and legs while trying so small talk. Can feel her tickling the balls n dick when massaging the lower body, so presume will have special later.
While she massage my chest, raba her back and waist area, think she got the hint, ask "u want to" (point at my dick) so ask her how much she said total $70, so ok lor.. Think either she experience or i too weak cos after she HJ awhile i shoot liao. Anyway managed to raba her breast as well.. Didn;t venture too much cos shoot to fast liao.(think long time no shoot liao) .
The PRC name is Xiao Yan(dunno if anyone tried her before)
Looks:5/10(ok for her age, my expections not high lah. Too desprate i guess)
Body:6/10( rather busty, though a bit plump)
Massage Skills:5/10
HJ:6/10(i too weak i guess, can't tahan)
Service not bad, got a bit of gf feeling though. Will return once my budget recovers.
Sorry if too long winded cos first time post FR.
BTW need to clear some doubts from experience bros here.
The tip is included in the $70 rite, no need to give the gal extra rite.
22-06-2003, 07:22 PM
walked around ppc,and saw the prc in jinri 2nd floor not bad looking.The name is xiaowei.not bad looking in early 30s,body 7-8/10.The massage was not too good,and no special offered.
Any one has tried this shop b4?any special?
22-06-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Ah Wang
Well posting my first FR after all the research from the forum. Had recce a few places mentioned in this tread and decide to give PPC a try cos happen to be around that area. The place rather crowded think becos its sunday and the opening of NEL. Prefer somewhere less crowded so happen to go past the shop Sun Taipei. Found out that got 2 of them, tried the one which is more run-down as happen to have 1 PRC sitting outside wearing skirt(read that those wearing skirts more likely to do special).
So decide to give it a shot and try the massage, went to the room, confirm the price then proceed with the massage.
Massage ok onli, more like rubbing, decide to try and raba her legs, no rejection until venture too deep. So continue to touch the tights and legs while trying so small talk. Can feel her tickling the balls n dick when massaging the lower body, so presume will have special later.
While she massage my chest, raba her back and waist area, think she got the hint, ask "u want to" (point at my dick) so ask her how much she said total $70, so ok lor.. Think either she experience or i too weak cos after she HJ awhile i shoot liao. Anyway managed to raba her breast as well.. Didn;t venture too much cos shoot to fast liao.(think long time no shoot liao) .
The PRC name is Xiao Yan(dunno if anyone tried her before)
Looks:5/10(ok for her age, my expections not high lah. Too desprate i guess)
Body:6/10( rather busty, though a bit plump)
Massage Skills:5/10
HJ:6/10(i too weak i guess, can't tahan)
Service not bad, got a bit of gf feeling though. Will return once my budget recovers.
Sorry if too long winded cos first time post FR.
BTW need to clear some doubts from experience bros here.
The tip is included in the $70 rite, no need to give the gal extra rite.
Bro Ah Wang, the $70 is oredi incl the 'tips.' Normal $40/hr........don't spoilt d mkt by tipping hehe.............
22-06-2003, 10:58 PM
bro kaakoii
i thk 1 of the bros mentioned abt this Xiao Wei in JIN RI previously ... so i guess she muz b quite pretty ... but last time tt bro said no special offered oso ... There's anthr gal LAI LING ... face not too bad, boobs quite big ... other than tt i thk all d others are average onli ...
23-06-2003, 02:20 AM
Bros, why go these joints now? Especially at the prices these women are expecting nowadays.
You can get 45 min massage at most HCs for $25-33, and HJ plus all the digging you want for between $30-50. For 20-30 more, you can get a BJ and sometimes a BBJ.
Total damage will therefore range from $55-83 for a hj and $75-103 for a bj. And most times, you get a good massage as well!
Prime spots for girls who do cheap HJs and look as good or better than these Pei Du mamas at HCs are Upper Serangoon SC- Hougang De Sauna, Relaxation Spa at Grandlinks Square, Soon Lee HC at Furama and TAKE5 at Katong.
I am only writing this here because there are bros who are driving the price of these services up and if you are going to pay so much to these ladies, it's no longer what we went there for in the first place- a cheap sexperience!
I agree got shiock to visit these ladies at PPC and PH, but nowadays, they are charging HC prices for less than HC service! just my humble opinion - no insult to anyone intended.
This email is intended purely as a public service, not to flame anyone.
23-06-2003, 07:00 AM
Originally posted by fredeboy
Bros, why go these joints now? Especially at the prices these women are expecting nowadays.
You can get 45 min massage at most HCs for $25-33, and HJ plus all the digging you want for between $30-50. For 20-30 more, you can get a BJ and sometimes a BBJ.
Total damage will therefore range from $55-83 for a hj and $75-103 for a bj. And most times, you get a good massage as well!
Prime spots for girls who do cheap HJs and look as good or better than these Pei Du mamas at HCs are Upper Serangoon SC- Hougang De Sauna, Relaxation Spa at Grandlinks Square, Soon Lee HC at Furama and TAKE5 at Katong.
I am only writing this here because there are bros who are driving the price of these services up and if you are going to pay so much to these ladies, it's no longer what we went there for in the first place- a cheap sexperience!
I agree got shiock to visit these ladies at PPC and PH, but nowadays, they are charging HC prices for less than HC service! just my humble opinion - no insult to anyone intended.
This email is intended purely as a public service, not to flame anyone.
not to mention the facitlites , tui na shop sometimes don't even have a washing basin
23-06-2003, 10:40 AM
serious ah i never knew furama got good value HC, bro can give more info?
25-06-2003, 11:10 PM
Sinz we r in this PPC thread, let me intro bros to this offer which looks like a good deal. Saw this banner outside Apollo Centre (opp Furama hotel) for SPRING SPA which is located in B1.
Special offer of $60 for the following:
-45 mins full body massage
-free 30 mins foot reflex
-free use of pool/jaccuzzi
-free food/beverage
Usual px i thk $100+; offer valid til 30 June onli.
Sorry bros, havent tried this place yet cos happened to see d banner when passed by the bldg today. Recep told me they ve got Thai, M'sian n S'porean masseusse. But whthr pretty or not or provide HJ i dunno hor. I may try over d weekend but no promises that this place will be good hor.
26-06-2003, 02:01 AM
Tried Wan Nian (WRC) but no special... juz to confirm wif brudders does this shop provide special??? If have, next visit will hanky panky liao....
26-06-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by owen10
Sinz we r in this PPC thread, let me intro bros to this offer which looks like a good deal. Saw this banner outside Apollo Centre (opp Furama hotel) for SPRING SPA which is located in B1.
Special offer of $60 for the following:
-45 mins full body massage
-free 30 mins foot reflex
-free use of pool/jaccuzzi
-free food/beverage
Usual px i thk $100+; offer valid til 30 June onli.
Sorry bros, havent tried this place yet cos happened to see d banner when passed by the bldg today. Recep told me they ve got Thai, M'sian n S'porean masseusse. But whthr pretty or not or provide HJ i dunno hor. I may try over d weekend but no promises that this place will be good hor.
bro owen, most of the gals' age there are on the older side. it's located at the basement of the building. if you want to opt for a good massage and some JG, it's the place but if you r looking for younger gals, maybe you can give it a miss.
26-06-2003, 10:15 PM
Bro Graffiti
Thanks for d info. Anyway, juz went there to reccee the place today but didnt try; It has got a cool jacuzzi n lounge. Too bad cant get to see any gals there. It looks like a clean place with many executives ... thk it's a place more for relaxation rather than hanky panky.
26-06-2003, 10:58 PM
has any bros tried Star Health Ctr in PPC, unit 02-45? (Its a small outlet near to the 2nd floor entrance linking PPC to Chinatown Pt) Saw 1 PRC Ah Xin, quite cute n sweet looking. $40 for full body, add $10 more for mo sha. She looks abit serious n innocent so suspect no hanky panky. Appreciate if bros who ve tried can advise whthr they provide any specials. Its frustrating spending 40 bucks, in d end goin home empty ended. Thanks!
29-06-2003, 12:13 PM
i don't think they pffered special.:D
30-06-2003, 11:42 PM
Tried Star Health Ctr - Ah Xin before. Was not offered special. She looked serious when she's working so neber tried hanky panky with her. The massage + mo sha was good. Not sure whether the other gal do special. May be difficult to do special coz the 'cubicles' were very small & cramp.
01-07-2003, 11:40 AM
Tried this place b4 but forgot her name but managed to touch her but cannot dig , think if u are a regular there shud be some special
01-07-2003, 02:27 PM
Well need to pee so went to the toilet and saw one quite alright one among the oldies, sitting outside LMKZ. After peeing looked for her and asked for 1hr - $40 massage.
Her oil massage is surprising good! Very strong fingers and hands, and she likes to chat. Asked me how old, what's my profession, how much salary (??), any wife/children. Then I asked her the same questions, and she's 32, unmarried with a 7-yr old kid and working here for only 1mth. I mentioned she's quite pretty and she replied that she's quite fashionable and likes to dress sexily and also sexy talk. "Ho Say Liao" - in my heart, cos I'll definitely test her to the limits later :).
After the massage, she'll cleaned me, then put powder and cleaned again. Asked me to flip over and immediately asked to massage my didi - wow! so fast & direct! I asked how much, $40! Damn, I said market rate $30 and I very fast cum one, but she said hers is special than the rest, that's why $40. I didn't relent and she a bit buay song but no choice and accepted. KNN, it's the standard PCC but with AR. I tried to raba her but she said cannot unless I pay $40. This woman is damn $$-face. OK, I'll make her suffer later.
I pulled down her blouse to reveal a nice red bra. Pulled that down too, and a nice pair of B cuppers. Sucked and fondle them and straightaway erected. Tried to dig below but she said cannot. After a little while she siam away and asked me to concentrate. LAN LAN, I just continue to suck hard on her tits and bit her nipple until she screamed! HAHA, this is to teach her a lesson of being so $$ minded and yet to refuse me to raba below.
Although I overshot the time for at least 10min, I don't care. She said she's tired and told me she's duped cos I can really tahan very long. :D kekekek. Finally enough of fun and unloaded. Shot everywhere and her whole hand is covered with my cum. She cleaned me front to back and powder bath. Wanted to give me her hp but I decline. Said my love-making skill must be very good cos I can suck very well and can tahan long. (Her flattery skill is good, but I ain't buying them)
Damage: $40 + $40
Look: 7 (easily the prettiest among them)
Body: slim and tall, no fats. Around 1.65m
Tits: B cup
Massage: 7.5
If you're looking for good massage by a above average look, she's ok. But for raba, she'll siam here and there. Heck care her and test her to the limit! kekekek
01-07-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by striker42
Tried this place b4 but forgot her name but managed to touch her but cannot dig , think if u are a regular there shud be some special
you forgot her name , you don't mention the place , whats the point of your message ? are you refering to an earlier message ?
02-07-2003, 09:11 AM
I tried Apple in May and she must be a great liar. At that time, her hp was always ringing and she told me she is looking for a new place to move. She even said that she had been around for a year. She is a cock teaser.
I liked your style - do it hard on them so they do not take us local as sucker for money.
03-07-2003, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by 2003_newbie
Well need to pee so went to the toilet and saw one quite alright one among the oldies, sitting outside LMKZ. After peeing looked for her and asked for 1hr - $40 massage.
Her oil massage is surprising good! Very strong fingers and hands, and she likes to chat. Asked me how old, what's my profession, how much salary (??), any wife/children. Then I asked her the same questions, and she's 32, unmarried with a 7-yr old kid and working here for only 1mth. I mentioned she's quite pretty and she replied that she's quite fashionable and likes to dress sexily and also sexy talk. "Ho Say Liao" - in my heart, cos I'll definitely test her to the limits later :).
After the massage, she'll cleaned me, then put powder and cleaned again. Asked me to flip over and immediately asked to massage my didi - wow! so fast & direct! I asked how much, $40! Damn, I said market rate $30 and I very fast cum one, but she said hers is special than the rest, that's why $40. I didn't relent and she a bit buay song but no choice and accepted. KNN, it's the standard PCC but with AR. I tried to raba her but she said cannot unless I pay $40. This woman is damn $$-face. OK, I'll make her suffer later.
I pulled down her blouse to reveal a nice red bra. Pulled that down too, and a nice pair of B cuppers. Sucked and fondle them and straightaway erected. Tried to dig below but she said cannot. After a little while she siam away and asked me to concentrate. LAN LAN, I just continue to suck hard on her tits and bit her nipple until she screamed! HAHA, this is to teach her a lesson of being so $$ minded and yet to refuse me to raba below.
Although I overshot the time for at least 10min, I don't care. She said she's tired and told me she's duped cos I can really tahan very long. :D kekekek. Finally enough of fun and unloaded. Shot everywhere and her whole hand is covered with my cum. She cleaned me front to back and powder bath. Wanted to give me her hp but I decline. Said my love-making skill must be very good cos I can suck very well and can tahan long. (Her flattery skill is good, but I ain't buying them)
Damage: $40 + $40
Look: 7 (easily the prettiest among them)
Body: slim and tall, no fats. Around 1.65m
Tits: B cup
Massage: 7.5
If you're looking for good massage by a above average look, she's ok. But for raba, she'll siam here and there. Heck care her and test her to the limit! kekekek
Bro this Apple that u mention, has been in LMKZ for a period of time oredi.(at least 4-5mths) dun b con by her sweet talk. I do agree she is 1 of the prettiest PRC in LMKZ. tried her b4 but manage to bargain to $30 4 special. most of the PRC in LMKZ will (lion open big mouth) if they tink u r a newcomer or 'gong gong' so b careful.
03-07-2003, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by juzjoin
Bro this Apple that u mention, has been in LMKZ for a period of time oredi.(at least 4-5mths) dun b con by her sweet talk. I do agree she is 1 of the prettiest PRC in LMKZ. tried her b4 but manage to bargain to $30 4 special. most of the PRC in LMKZ will (lion open big mouth) if they tink u r a newcomer or 'gong gong' so b careful.
I think so, cos her massage is quite good & experienced, & I didn't buy that at all. It's ok cos I just play along & act green, and make her damn impatient when her hj seem like no effect :D
Also I bit her nipple till she scream pain pain! $40 to teach her a lesson :D
03-07-2003, 10:21 PM
Anyone tried Anna of LMKZ before???? :D
03-07-2003, 10:47 PM
Juz to remind bros here agn abt this knn bitch SANDY fr LMKZ which I tried abt 3 mths ago. She's still there cos I juz saw her last wk.
Eyes abit small, pony tailed, boobs abt B+, ard 1.6m ... early 30s. this PRC dam $$$ faced - asked $50 for BJ which I refused, then give a black face, then massage end after 40 mins. Rmbrd asking her to massage my neck as it was still early, then she said 'massage anthr 5 mins more also wont help'.
I have sinz NEVER patronised LMKZ fr tt day ...
11-07-2003, 11:08 PM
Try Ah Jin in LMKZ. She don't wear bra. When time is ripe, she will give special and also strip everything. She even let me dig her pussy.
12-07-2003, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by UltimateWarrior
Try Ah Jin in LMKZ. She don't wear bra. When time is ripe, she will give special and also strip everything. She even let me dig her pussy.
Hmm... sounds good. what size are her boobs? What are the damage for specials???
17-07-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by UltimateWarrior
Try Ah Jin in LMKZ. She don't wear bra. When time is ripe, she will give special and also strip everything. She even let me dig her
pussy. .................
Is ah jin pretty n ve big boob ........ Bro pls. tell us more about it ,
m getting shiok n wanna try her out . Need more info fr. u b4 i 1 2
attack her..........esp. the tipping n damaged u paid ? thks.:D
17-07-2003, 02:42 PM
First flr, on entering the building with OCBC on the right and the 4D store on the left, turn left immediately after OCBC, there are two massage shops ... Fu Li Hua on the right and Xin Fu Li Hua on the left. At Xin Fu Li Hua, there is a sexy vamp - 30+. Usually there from 1 pm onwards. From her looks, thot she was the boss. However, I think not as I saw her enter the massage room. Anyone with FR on her? Hanky panky allowed? Very much tempted to try her but didn't want to waste if hanky panky is not allowed.
17-07-2003, 02:46 PM
Sorry, I meant turn right immediately after OCBC ..
19-07-2003, 01:29 AM
vshyboy, I knw which gal u talking abt. the vamp with heavy make-up, sexy outfit, quite tall n big boobs? looks wise, not too bad fr far lah .. will give her a 6.5. Had always wanted to try but always didnt cos she was always occupied e few times i was there. Thk she has got many loyal supporters ... always see lao uncles hanging ard in the shop.
19-07-2003, 03:20 AM
seen this vamp very often at chinatown pt taxi stand. there is 1 regular(young chap) who pick her up there after work.
19-07-2003, 11:03 AM
Yep .. that's the person I am talking about. Anyone with FR on her ?
19-07-2003, 02:02 PM
Tried Alice today at abt 11 am, first time at LMKZ and 1st time at PPC, looks like there are 2 LMKZ diagonally opposite to each other. 4 women are inside, all q chio,30+, actually I was looking 4 Ah Jin, ever talked abt in this thread. But this woman just came up to me and brought me to the room. Like the name of the shop implies, inside looks like those dimly lit inn, Long Men Ke Zhan. Got lantern in the room, looks more like a red-light district!
Okay, below is my FR on Alice
Age: 37 - 40
Boob: Firm, 32 - 33 B, but it's firm
Massage: 5/10
Looks: 5.5
HJ: 5/10
$$$Face: Yes. Asked for 50 for HJ which I laughed off, reduced to 40 herself, and said no touching underneath her, kanina, sian alredi. In the end, ended up sucking and touching her neneh, skin smooth and fair. I asked for half an hour at $22, she later charged me $20 + $40 instead of 22 + 40. BTW, she alredi got two bookings for 2moro as her h/p rang twice while doing business 4 me. One of them booked her for 2moro 6 p.m., q angpai ah?
Heard fr some brudders, she allowed digging! I am hoping for that also but I knew that I might have to pay extra to be conned by her. I also asked her if they have Ah Jin, she said yes and I probably missed it! Saw one tall lanky long-hair lady touting one ah-peh when I stepped out, q chio and big boob, wonder if she was the one?
Overall impression: Mayb 30 minutes is too rush for us, so can't strike a chord wif her, will look 4 Ah Jin next time.
21-07-2003, 11:04 AM
tried her twice, her name is fei fei. first visit six months ago, saw her walking in PPC and she look chio and trendy so I follow her wanting to know her. follow her till the tui na shop and she walk in , that when i realise she doing tiu na. Follow in and another lady greeted me, I pointed at fei fei and say i want her, was led to a crampy room beside the counter.
she is abt 30plus and her face is quite pretty but very heavy makeup and her body wah lan even haven't undress already cannot tahan. massage no skill and uncomfortable but hack care her attitude is good and give you a girlfriend feeling. told me she from northen china.
started to touch her butt, no resistance and give me a cheeky smile say i'm naugthy. ho say liao, turn to attack her breast, wah lau big and soft. compliment her looks and body and she lie on top of me and put her head on my chest and used her finger to circle my nipple. I cannot tahan anymore and sit up and grab her from behind and unbotton her top. saw a lacy bra inside and unhook the bra, her snowy breast just fall out, her nipple a bit dark and i commented 'wah, so dark', and she put on a angry face and smack my head, i let out a ouch and she started giggling making her breast bouncing up and down. on seeing those dancing melons, i pushed her down on the bed and started to suck on them. she closed her eyes and and seem to enjoy herself. then i pull down my brief and pull her hand to my dick and she slowly shake me while looking me in the eyes, after 10 mins ask her shake faster and can see her face blushed and her breathing fastened. camed and a few drop shoots to her pants and she say its ok and say i am strong to shoot this far. clean me up with tissue paper but ask me to throw outside dustin in the toilet later. we hug each other and she gave me her phone no.
tell myself will return again to go all the way with her.
cost: $100 for 1.5 hr and hanky panky
no privicy as there is no door only curtain and the counter is just beside the room and can hear the boss talking outside and sure he can hear us.
my first FR although much to learn from all the samsters here, pls give your precious feedback, thanks.
21-07-2003, 11:45 AM
Halo bro benix , izit u mean $60 4 1.5 hrs n $40 tipping on h/j . 1 more tink did she quote u the h/j price or by yr. wish ???:confused:
21-07-2003, 12:53 PM
their price when i visit is 45/hr and she didn't ask for the hj. just give on my wish.
22-07-2003, 02:13 AM
Good FR bro Benix! This Fei Fei doesnt solicit for biz outside the shop unlike other PRCs cos she is hot n has got many regulars. Fr appearance she may even look dao to u. At least we knw what to expect now!
22-07-2003, 02:30 AM
you are right, bro owen, she looks dao but once you break the ice, she will treat you very nice.
her regulars really pamper her very much, some brought chicken essence, others bird nest which she prefer and one even draw her a protrait which she hang on the wall. me only gave her my cream heeee. bro owen, have you try her? i will rate her higher then many prc in ppc.
22-07-2003, 03:01 AM
Hi Benix this FF seems like 1 of d hottest chicks in PPC. I havent tried yet, partly cos of the location - where there r so many ppl walking on the 1st level. Me used to stay opp PPC n now stay quite near there so probability of bumping into some1 there is high. May try her 1 day when the plc is quieter tho.
For me, I dun really believe in 'investing' in these PRCs, which many of them are super $$$ faced. It's a one-off thing for me - if their svc sucks n the $ is not justifiable I'll not return no matter how chio she is. Maybe these ah pehs are lonely but rich, with a war chest of retirement funds n pension to spare. Sure I can spare more, but I often restrained myself to a disciplined budget. :)
25-07-2003, 11:06 AM
2 wks back, visited a tui na shop @ PPC, cannot remember the name.. think @ level 3... serve by a PRC.. later known as Ting Ting.. age 34.
1st time..... me not TT..hahahaha
When in the cubica.. strip all... except my underwear... act blurr.... 1 2 test water...
TT immediatly ask me to strip naked..if not how to massage...?
Massage ok...later turn around n start the GOLDEN QUESTION...
said total package $70...i opt for it..
HJ feels good... not just going through the motion.....manage to remove her bra... suck n lick the tits...
1 2 fingering....cannot..said she come......nevermind then....
Total damage = $70 for 1 hr...
Overall... above average...
Look.... not bad... still can do..
Body.... not fat not thin... for me just nice...
Yesterday..... go back again.... searching high n low for the shop...
Finally... got it... Xin Tai Pei...
Ask for the same gal...
Went into the cubica... strip all..lay down...this time... act like lao jiao.....hehehehe..
TT came in n start massgae.. good solid massage... hard but not pain.... maybe too tired....
while massaging my hand start to auto roam... stroke her leg...tight....butt.... n a bit fingering....outside her panties... she giggle n said i naughty...she was wearing it was easy....
after abt 30 min massage on my back.... turned around.... massage my chest... now she was closer to me... i 1 hand arousing her tit... another fingering....
Manage to remove her bra..suck n lick her tits... shiok....
did fingering.... after remove her panties.. wet man....till she cannot tahan... hug my n start kissing me around...french some more... hmmmm.... really shiok....she start to breath hard... telling me she feels like to F by me cause my didi was huge...n must be very shiok....hahahaha...i say ON lah... but she like 1 2 but dare not... say not prepare....hahahahahahaha....
Finally finished the whole thing...she was sweating... n look like she really enjoyed....lay beside me.... like gf feeling....resting after a war...hahahahahaha....
overall... good... feels more gf like....HJ was very TLC type... (Tender Lover Care).....will sure go back for her again... maybe try to get her h/p no. next time.......
Total damage this round....guess...... $60...for 1 hr ... cause she never state the price..hahahahaha....took advantage... give her $60... n she never say a thing....
Maybe next time....try give $50...hahahahahahaha...till can get free..maybe....
25-07-2003, 02:15 PM
Hi bros out there, was wondering do they provide 1/2 hr massage instead of 1 hour? Me concentrate on part 2(special only)not so much on massage.
25-07-2003, 02:30 PM
Hmm... only HJ only $70?? kind of high right??
25-07-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by bradpitt968
Hmm... only HJ only $70?? kind of high right??'s 1 hr massage + HJ.. total $70....
25-07-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Sexman69
Hi bros out there, was wondering do they provide 1/2 hr massage instead of 1 hour? Me concentrate on part 2(special only)not so much on massage.
Yes...they do have 1/2 hr tai na... but normally will extend...
26-07-2003, 02:04 PM
bro sexman
if im not wrong all tui na shops provied 1/2 hr massage. juz tt they charge more. most of them charge $25-$30 for a 1/2 hr massage. logically tis gals shd be happier for 1/2 hr massages 'cos they earn much more fr specials.
08-08-2003, 07:46 PM
In this thread
Are we refering to Peoples Park Complex or Peoples Park Centre ?
Going thru the postings, it can be confusing.
Please clarify.. Many thanks.
08-08-2003, 11:59 PM
Bro. in this forum PPC (People's Park Centre), PP Cmpl. (People's
Park Complex) and PC (Pearls Centre).
Bros. here patronized PPC n PC where the actions are.
09-08-2003, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by leglover
Bro. in this forum PPC (People's Park Centre), PP Cmpl. (People's
Park Complex) and PC (Pearls Centre).
Bros. here patronized PPC n PC where the actions are.
Hmmm.. go to PPC, get a PDMM to help you PCC. ;)
15-08-2003, 07:36 AM
When to ATW on the 3rd floor near the stair about 8pm. Got a girl by the name of MingYan. Never ask for specail cos they are closing at that time about 9pm....Can anyone confirm they do or do not do special??? Thanks!
15-08-2003, 01:22 PM
When to PPC a few days back. Cross the overhead bridge from Chinatown Point. At the 3rd level, saw no less than 10 Tui Na girls, standing along the corridor, waiting to grab any customer that walk past.
As I looked across, all eyes were on me and ready to pound. Scarry siah!! Felt like the Tang Shan Zhang in the Spider Cave ... (or is it Black Wind Cave??) .... whatever! the sight make me chicken out man! :eek:
15-08-2003, 05:19 PM
any one been to mermaid recently?:)
16-08-2003, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by XcN5410
When to PPC a few days back. Cross the overhead bridge from Chinatown Point. At the 3rd level, saw no less than 10 Tui Na girls, standing along the corridor, waiting to grab any customer that walk past.
As I looked across, all eyes were on me and ready to pound. Scarry siah!! Felt like the Tang Shan Zhang in the Spider Cave ... (or is it Black Wind Cave??) .... whatever! the sight make me chicken out man! :eek:
Yeah, they want to eat your flesh to prolong longevity......hehehe.
That time I went there also chickened out bcos of the large number!!
26-08-2003, 05:10 PM
Noticed Oasis' gals on the 3rd floor are much better looking but hardly any FR on them lately ?!
26-08-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by 36908
Noticed Oasis' gals on the 3rd floor are much better looking but hardly any FR on them lately ?!
wat i knoe they dun do hj, any way ah ching the ex - sms pioonier is there, she provide good massage, but then nothing much can say about her in this forum, coz its' jus plain good massage.
For jua ken, the one in eunos is best , by nicole and May.
May is in Bishan , any idea where is Nicole?
27-08-2003, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by 2003_newbie
Well need to pee so went to the toilet and saw one quite alright one among the oldies, sitting outside LMKZ. After peeing looked for her and asked for 1hr - $40 massage.
Her oil massage is surprising good! Very strong fingers and hands, and she likes to chat. Asked me how old, what's my profession, how much salary (??), any wife/children. Then I asked her the same questions, and she's 32, unmarried with a 7-yr old kid and working here for only 1mth. I mentioned she's quite pretty and she replied that she's quite fashionable and likes to dress sexily and also sexy talk. "Ho Say Liao" - in my heart, cos I'll definitely test her to the limits later :).
After the massage, she'll cleaned me, then put powder and cleaned again. Asked me to flip over and immediately asked to massage my didi - wow! so fast & direct! I asked how much, $40! Damn, I said market rate $30 and I very fast cum one, but she said hers is special than the rest, that's why $40. I didn't relent and she a bit buay song but no choice and accepted. KNN, it's the standard PCC but with AR. I tried to raba her but she said cannot unless I pay $40. This woman is damn $$-face. OK, I'll make her suffer later.
I pulled down her blouse to reveal a nice red bra. Pulled that down too, and a nice pair of B cuppers. Sucked and fondle them and straightaway erected. Tried to dig below but she said cannot. After a little while she siam away and asked me to concentrate. LAN LAN, I just continue to suck hard on her tits and bit her nipple until she screamed! HAHA, this is to teach her a lesson of being so $$ minded and yet to refuse me to raba below.
Although I overshot the time for at least 10min, I don't care. She said she's tired and told me she's duped cos I can really tahan very long. :D kekekek. Finally enough of fun and unloaded. Shot everywhere and her whole hand is covered with my cum. She cleaned me front to back and powder bath. Wanted to give me her hp but I decline. Said my love-making skill must be very good cos I can suck very well and can tahan long. (Her flattery skill is good, but I ain't buying them)
Damage: $40 + $40
Look: 7 (easily the prettiest among them)
Body: slim and tall, no fats. Around 1.65m
Tits: B cup
Massage: 7.5
If you're looking for good massage by a above average look, she's ok. But for raba, she'll siam here and there. Heck care her and test her to the limit! kekekek
Bro, if i not wrong, she is Big Apple. Damn money face. There are 2 apple there, big and small..
First Time i kenah from her also, said her special is 40, in fact not much of a difrerence, just like washing cucumber in from of the sink.
nabei, but she asked me to add extrra extra, kaninah until i complained said:" ehogh is enogh"...then she paiseh. anyway, she allowed me to suck tits and finger her cos she was SOOOO WET!
anyway, went back to her a few times and now she gives me "special" rate not too bad....
Heee...but brothers who's checking her out. remember to go for just $30 HJ...don let her con you like how she conned a few of us here liao..
Take care and CHEONG ARR!
02-09-2003, 11:50 PM
Dear bros,
Sucking of tits I will never do that in any tui na shops. After all the Ah PEKs and AH LAOs sucking their tits. Guess what, those ladies do not wash their nipples after entertaining customers. All they will do is wipe their tits with a dy cloth and wear back their bra and prepare for the next customer. Imagine you are the 6th customer, how will their tits smell??
03-09-2003, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by UltimateWarrior
Dear bros,
Sucking of tits I will never do that in any tui na shops. After all the Ah PEKs and AH LAOs sucking their tits. Guess what, those ladies do not wash their nipples after entertaining customers. All they will do is wipe their tits with a dy cloth and wear back their bra and prepare for the next customer. Imagine you are the 6th customer, how will their tits smell??
yeah man , I never do that ! I also pretend to be nice and refrain from digging/licking pussy .
03-09-2003, 11:01 AM
Went to LMKZ on Monday. Ask for Ah Jing after reading some FR on her. BTW she is also known as Mango.
FR on Ah Jing:
Look: 7/10
Body: 6/10
Tits: 6.5/10 quite big.
Massage: 7/10
Before the massage, she ask me got wear underware a not? I think she scared kanna raid by AV. She will auto rub your brother on you back. After the flip over, she will ask u if u need to shake out. HJ standard price at 30. Overall expericence, so so she is rather friendly but her hp always ring. :(
03-09-2003, 01:13 PM
hi bros, last sat i brought one pdmm to hotel 4 massage n later fuck. massage was sop n fucking was shok. after fucking hv massage again n hug u like gf. total damage: $200 (booking for 2 hrs).
hv any bros try booking the pdmm ?????
03-09-2003, 09:29 PM
Hmmm sounds interesting....... care to share more info with us.... body, tits, face, age??? :D
04-09-2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by doublemilo
hi bros, last sat i brought one pdmm to hotel 4 massage n later fuck. massage was sop n fucking was shok. after fucking hv massage again n hug u like gf. total damage: $200 (booking for 2 hrs).
hv any bros try booking the pdmm ?????
Sound very interesting! does she from LMKZ? please PM me, where to locate her........
05-09-2003, 09:12 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by dkong
[B]Went to LMKZ on Monday. Ask for Ah Jing after reading some FR on her. BTW she is also known as Mango.
FR on Ah Jing:
Look: 7/10
Body: 6/10
Tits: 6.5/10 quite big.
Massage: 7/10
Before the massage, she ask me got wear underware a not? I think she scared kanna raid by AV. She will auto rub your brother on you back. After the flip over, she will ask u if u need to shake out. HJ standard price at 30. Overall expericence, so so she is rather friendly but her hp always ring.
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Halo dkong , 4 how long did she allow u 2 rabba her neinei & did u manage 2 suck her tits n dig her cunt :D
06-09-2003, 08:04 AM
During the HJ lah....:o
08-09-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by doublemilo
hi bros, last sat i brought one pdmm to hotel 4 massage n later fuck. massage was sop n fucking was shok. after fucking hv massage again n hug u like gf. total damage: $200 (booking for 2 hrs).
hv any bros try booking the pdmm ?????
Which tuina shop did you go to?who is the pdmm that can bring out.
Please share.
I wanted to try.
08-09-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by doublemilo
hi bros, last sat i brought one pdmm to hotel 4 massage n later fuck. massage was sop n fucking was shok. after fucking hv massage again n hug u like gf. total damage: $200 (booking for 2 hrs).
hv any bros try booking the pdmm ?????
Which tuina shop did you go to?who is the pdmm that can bring out.
Please share.
I wanted to try.
08-09-2003, 04:12 PM
Last week brought another PDMM out and then .......... FOC lah.
Lately need to be very discrete (commando style) while moving in PPC cos need to avoid some of the gals from a few of the shops like STP, LMKZ and MM.
08-09-2003, 05:31 PM
hello , does anyone got mango contact no , tried her once , i tell you bro it damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn good
09-09-2003, 09:09 PM
Walk pass Xin Fu Li Hua, saw a pretty face babe ask me to go for massage. Got to know her name is Fei Fei.
Here is my FR on here.
Looks: 7/10 * Quite pretty
Tits: Ok lah not very big as describe by some brother here.
Environment: 5/10 to noisy
Special: Not complete...
RTF: NO no *Dont think i will go there again
Never ask her for HJ but her hand auto move to my brother.. says that is strong... blah blah. I think she really know how to talk cock. Ask her how is her business today says only got 2 people for massage. Ask her to show tits but she refuses say afraid of AV. So lan lan only manage to rub outside her blouse. Her hand just touch the shorts provided by them only. Tell her i cant shoot cos never suck tits. Till about time i told her nicely maybe next visit. :p
Overall paid $45 for n hr massage & free rub on her tits.
10-09-2003, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by cheongster#7
hello , does anyone got mango contact no , tried her once , i tell you bro it damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn good
How was ti damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn good , pls. tell us more about it . Dun keep it by yourself leh , aiyo:p
10-09-2003, 05:57 PM
bro steamer, she really good! just bring 40 bucks for half an hour session(plus HJ)!
try her and you will get the sextisfaction, no joke! me tried liao; half hour session plus HJ. total damage is $40. up to you to believe it. but pls observe the samster rules; no disclose what is being said here.
any fucker read and then revealed to the PDMMs wat is discussed here "may you die cock satnd!"
10-09-2003, 06:05 PM
Ya man <bro 69 you are right , hey steamer learn from him>
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo siok \\\\\\\\\\ you feel like doing again again and again
10-09-2003, 07:36 PM
hi bro, where to look for this mango?
12-09-2003, 11:34 AM
On two separate occasions, I passed by LMKZ on the 3rd floor and saw this very young girl (below 20 years I think). It is the first unit on the right (since they have many units) in the direction of the toilet. I was too shy to ask as she might be one of the children of the massage girls there. Anyone any info on this young, sweet and beautiful chick ?
12-09-2003, 11:39 AM
Just went pass the place about half an hour ago. It is at the basement of PPC beside the barber shop (which is beside the makeshift post office). Saw a lovely girl there, but she is in white uniform. Wonder if there is any hanky panky there .. any bros have any info on this joint ??
12-09-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by cheongster#7
Ya man <bro 69 you are right , hey steamer learn from him>
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo siok \\\\\\\\\\ you feel like doing again again and again
Hmmmm..................M finally pull my courage 2 try !!!!!!! Fantastic .....thks. bros 4 yr. kindness information!!!!!:cool:
12-09-2003, 01:13 PM
no regret, right???
i am going to check out the right, pretty young thing from LMKZ..... me just as curious as one of the brother here. i saw here a few times liao!
hope that i can share more with you guys after the weekend.
happy bonking to all guys, over the weekend!!!
12-09-2003, 01:26 PM
me just as wanted as you , and i got this feeling i will taste the fruit before all of you try....................... hahahahahahahah................................ yayayayay she is damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn jude
12-09-2003, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by dkong
Walk pass Xin Fu Li Hua, saw a pretty face babe ask me to go for massage. Got to know her name is Fei Fei.
Here is my FR on here.
Looks: 7/10 * Quite pretty
Tits: Ok lah not very big as describe by some brother here.
Environment: 5/10 to noisy
Special: Not complete...
RTF: NO no *Dont think i will go there again
Never ask her for HJ but her hand auto move to my brother.. says that is strong... blah blah. I think she really know how to talk cock. Ask her how is her business today says only got 2 people for massage. Ask her to show tits but she refuses say afraid of AV. So lan lan only manage to rub outside her blouse. Her hand just touch the shorts provided by them only. Tell her i cant shoot cos never suck tits. Till about time i told her nicely maybe next visit. :p
Overall paid $45 for n hr massage & free rub on her tits.
I finally found this Xin Fu Li Hua place at ard 7 plus, but I don't see any potential Fei Fei there leh. All i see is 3 aunites there... doing foot massages at the seats there, cannot make it ones. Any bro care to tell me if he knows if this Fei FEi works there everyday or from what time and til wat time?? Thanks!!
12-09-2003, 08:59 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new here so can any kind soul pls give me a brief low down of the standard price and where are those good one in that area? Oh, also can anyone tell me wat some of the shorthand term which you all always use means, like HJ??
12-09-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by avalon6996
Hi everyone, I'm new here so can any kind soul pls give me a brief low down of the standard price and where are those good one in that area? Oh, also can anyone tell me wat some of the shorthand term which you all always use means, like HJ??
go and read the FAQs b4 asking.
12-09-2003, 10:59 PM
I passed by Xin Fu Li Hua a few times over past 3 wks but everytime cant seem to find the ang pai Fei Fei now leh .... could possibly be wkg in the room ... aftrall, those who go there will prefer to try her in the room rather than foot reflex which u can barely do any hanky panky!
13-09-2003, 12:28 AM
i read the FAQ but it does not provide me much hint. Anyway, just the place can already.
13-09-2003, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by avalon6996
i read the FAQ but it does not provide me much hint. Anyway, just the place can already.
You sure u can't find what is HJ in the FAQ? Follow this link and if you still don't, that means u r not suit for this forum.
As for standard price, if you've taken some time to read the postings (hardwork of bros here), you would have know the answer. Also, information on the shops, places, girls are all available if you've read the threads. Spend some time on reading, be patient and remembered this: If you are old enough to be in this forum, then you are too old for Spoonfeeding.
13-09-2003, 10:08 PM
Went to PC today and goto this level 3 shop right at the corner. Approach by a PRC with a bit of extra here and there asking for $20 half hour so went in cos rushing. Then the usual stuff lah, can cannot touch below so make do with wat's available. Later, do HJ but me no use, cum very fast so not much time to handle her boobs. Also, when I went out I hear them calling the name "Alice". Maybe some of you bros here visited that shop before. Any comment on their service??
Face : 7/10 (not that young but face quite ok)
Boobs : 4/10 (B cup but not firm)
Massage : 6/10 (me not interested in that)
HJ : 4/10 (me can't last long)
Damage : $20 + $40 (a bit X for the special)
Btw, if anyone happen to go to Soon Lee @ Furama, pls give a FR as I wanna go there.
13-09-2003, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by owen10
I passed by Xin Fu Li Hua a few times over past 3 wks but everytime cant seem to find the ang pai Fei Fei now leh .... could possibly be wkg in the room ... aftrall, those who go there will prefer to try her in the room rather than foot reflex which u can barely do any hanky panky!
Passed by Xin Fu Li hua at ard 9 plus today. Think I saw a very potential Fei Fei there hanging around the shop with some other ladies... almost just want go straight for her liao. But think quite late liao and very weird if i go in that time with all the char bo hanging ard in the shop. Must try next wk!!
13-09-2003, 11:42 PM
Went to Mermaid today after hearing about YY. Wow! bizness must really be bad becos her attitude change. She is not so kiasee as some other bro mentioned in the Mermaid thread. Here's my short FR.
Lie down and kept my underwear on (i.e. refused to wear the shorts). She came in and we talk cock abt her kid and stuff. Press press here and there whilst my hand autoroam. Best part was when she was standing in front of my head and she stretch to massage my lower back. Her pussy is pressed agst my head. I immediately put both hands around her butt and squeeze tight with fingers pressing agst her pussy. At same time play with her panty line. After that switch to front and she gave me the eye (u want or not). Of cos lah...thats the main reason man!
Her HJ is kinda diff from the up down kind. She will twist with her thumb and forefinger. At the same time, she will give u a seductive look and lick her lips. Wah...lucky i can tahan for quite long. So she alternate between hard and soft while I massage her ample boobs and dig under her panties until she dripping wet. I can see from the expression on her face..she also cannot tahan. With that I exploded in her hands....RELIEF!!!! After that she clean me up and can stiill smell her pussy juice on my fingers.
Actually overshot 1 hr but paid her $70 ($40+$30) plus used their soap & antiseptic in the sink behind to wash hand.
Well spent I think. RTF-YES!!! Next time will dig her until she orgasm!!!!
14-09-2003, 12:06 AM
There's already a thread on can do the usual searches...
However...being in a good mood, its on the 3rd Fl of PPC but on the outside corridor. You can access by crossing the bridge connecting from Chinatown Point and walking up a short flight of steps on your left. There are some kopi tiam there so kinda open. The girl I had is YanYan. Big eyes and quite chio but on the fleshy side.
14-09-2003, 02:07 PM
good to hear YY's attitude have changed. well, wont be surprised if bros here had given her d feedback. furthermore biz is poor these days ... if she doesnt change she will lose out
14-09-2003, 04:34 PM
Freshy one are usaully juicy. I like! Must try sometime.
15-09-2003, 02:20 AM
I hv tried this Ah Y recently, and her mouth is really very stink!!!
I really cannot tahan lah. Did anyone try her b4? She is not Ah Yan lah, but Ah Yin fr Szechuan.
15-09-2003, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by avalon6996
Went to PC today and goto this level 3 shop right at the corner. Approach by a PRC with a bit of extra here and there asking for $20 half hour so went in cos rushing. Then the usual stuff lah, can cannot touch below so make do with wat's available. Later, do HJ but me no use, cum very fast so not much time to handle her boobs. Also, when I went out I hear them calling the name "Alice". Maybe some of you bros here visited that shop before. Any comment on their service??
Face : 7/10 (not that young but face quite ok)
Boobs : 4/10 (B cup but not firm)
Massage : 6/10 (me not interested in that)
HJ : 4/10 (me can't last long)
Damage : $20 + $40 (a bit X for the special)
Btw, if anyone happen to go to Soon Lee @ Furama, pls give a FR as I wanna go there.
Hi Samster,
Soon Lee sounds like a seafood restaurant. ANywa, been there a month half ago.
Place just opened for a few weeks. A bit run down, gals are so-so. mix of thai and local ah lians, though in their late 20's or early to mid 30's. If u don mind Lao Zhai's (old vegetable).
Then it's not bad, had a rub for $28 and FJ (sop with licking and sucking) for $80 (initially quoted me $100, say no way man!).
Anyway, can't remmber the gal liao, a little plump but big and loose tits...
think she's one of the owner's gal or something cos thereafter, saw them leaving together, as I went pretty late....
Hope this helps...
18-09-2003, 10:59 PM
Hi Bro,
Have u try the young gal? I passed by a few times but no young gal there. Tks.
Originally posted by dirty69warrior
no regret, right???
i am going to check out the right, pretty young thing from LMKZ..... me just as curious as one of the brother here. i saw here a few times liao!
hope that i can share more with you guys after the weekend.
happy bonking to all guys, over the weekend!!!
22-09-2003, 02:26 PM
sigh, forget about the pretty young thing! she is not one of those messueses..... she is not working.
sigh, quite tired of the gals in PPC liao, always the same old faces. any new recommendation of gals(in PPC) from any bro, who is worth trying? my expectation very simple one; can raba-raba, suck tits, and not money face. no fingering needed.... hehehe. apperance wise, somthing like linda like that lah. of course, must be able to do a little decent massage also lah.
23-09-2003, 05:19 PM
wow wow wow..... bro playboy, your are so 'chim' in your speech. thanks for the response, anyway!
24-09-2003, 01:21 AM
After all the read up about Ah Jing, I went to LMKZ last Tuesday, the one near to the toilet, about 6.45pm, and ask for ah jing, was told she had went home, so this lady call Mi Mi want to service me, since I'm here so ok, let try her.
Though of having an hour for relex massage and a special HJ, f... she told me half an hour enought, don't need one hour, and she rushing on the massage, like mopping floor, quickly finish the back than ask me to turn to front, than ask me want HJ, and lion open big mouth, want $50 for it, f... of cos' don't agree, later down to $30, fine go ahead. The hj not so bad, so make-up the bad service, but I'm away take longer time to shot, she was waring a dress, my hand rom her tide to panty, and try to finger her, she try to move away, she said can not, so I turn to her top, move inside the dress to the bra, and move away the bra to the "nei nei", she did not reject, her breast are not firm and dark, not intreseted, I prefer firm type, so I go back to the panty, this time I quickly move my hand inside the under ware, shit! she having a pad inside, dam! she said her "Big aunty" is here, can not touch, in my mind, I think she may be trying to avoid been touch there and put a pad, so to reject with a reason, but I tested her, I move my hand to her back side, ruba ruba a bit than move my finger to her pussy, it was not wet at all, after a while she seem to be tired, hee hee... rush me for the massage, I make her longer time to service my brother, later can not tahan and shot out. After hj finish, she quickly any how use the tower to clear up my body oil and rush me to dress, f... I take my time to clear my self with the tower, than pay her $30 + $20 half hr.
Hope to try Ah Jing next time.
Is this Ah Jing only work till 6pm, did any bro know?
24-09-2003, 11:50 AM
Bro PowerX,if u want to try Ah Jing.The best time is from 11.00a.m to 5.00p.m.The reason is that she had a boyfriend who will come to pick her out at around 6.00pm.
24-09-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by andrew1149
Bro PowerX,if u want to try Ah Jing.The best time is from 11.00a.m to 5.00p.m.The reason is that she had a boyfriend who will come to pick her out at around 6.00pm.
is ah jing always wear tight white neckless t shirt and light blue jean????
24-09-2003, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by andrew1149
Bro PowerX,if u want to try Ah Jing.The best time is from 11.00a.m to 5.00p.m.The reason is that she had a boyfriend who will come to pick her out at around 6.00pm.
Thanks for the info bro Andrew1149, will try her one day.
28-09-2003, 02:01 PM
Kena tricked by this China girl at cloud 3rd floor PPC. She say 0.5hr 20, then after message for 45 min tell me she thought i say 1hr..damn shit!! I will never say 1 hr cos i only looking for special!!worst no special!! Come out of the curtain curse and swear!:mad:
28-09-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by stamina
Kena tricked by this China girl at cloud 3rd floor PPC. She say 0.5hr 20, then after message for 45 min tell me she thought i say 1hr..damn shit!! I will never say 1 hr cos i only looking for special!!worst no special!! Come out of the curtain curse and swear!:mad:
for those shop and gal which not familiar, i would ask for 1/2 hr only, play safe, then if massage is good, and hard.........
I proceed to ask her for another 1/2 hr .
if she insist tat i take 1.5 hr, then i would take the opportunity to bargain for hj at a lower price.
nowadays is the customer market, always win one, dun be chicken out by those Prc
29-09-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by stamina
Kena tricked by this China girl at cloud 3rd floor PPC. She say 0.5hr 20, then after message for 45 min tell me she thought i say 1hr..damn shit!! I will never say 1 hr cos i only looking for special!!worst no special!! Come out of the curtain curse and swear!:mad:
This Cloud is famous for exending the time. I kenna that before also. I never go to this place any more.:mad:
01-10-2003, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by stamina
Kena tricked by this China girl at cloud 3rd floor PPC. She say 0.5hr 20, then after message for 45 min tell me she thought i say 1hr..damn shit!! I will never say 1 hr cos i only looking for special!!worst no special!! Come out of the curtain curse and swear!
This Cloud is famous for exending the time. I kenna that before also. I never go to this place any more.
Agreed with bro. dlong. They are always playing the same kind of trick. Especially the lady boss, rude n bossy with lousy attitude.
I will never patronize Cloud again, maybe bros should join force be smart n avoid cloud.
01-10-2003, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by leglover
Originally posted by stamina
Kena tricked by this China girl at cloud 3rd floor PPC. She say 0.5hr 20, then after message for 45 min tell me she thought i say 1hr..damn shit!! I will never say 1 hr cos i only looking for special!!worst no special!! Come out of the curtain curse and swear!
This Cloud is famous for exending the time. I kenna that before also. I never go to this place any more.
Agreed with bro. dlong. They are always playing the same kind of trick. Especially the lady boss, rude n bossy with lousy attitude.
I will never patronize Cloud again, maybe bros should join force be smart n avoid cloud.
I'll second that. That's what they did to me on my first visit as well. Halfway thru massage say not enogu time and then add 30 mins. then later add the end paid nearly 100 Bucks!!! kanina!!
Never patronise again, brothers here should also keep a look out for some gals in LMKZ who has that tendency to do that. Especially those non ang pai's ones...
Only ATW (so far my own experience) doesn't resort to that....
Cheong with prudence as well...heee
03-10-2003, 03:01 PM
Thinking of having specials, u can forget about Oasis.
06-10-2003, 11:40 PM
hello brothers... first posting here
is xiaoliu still in CLOUD?? used to patron her quite often 6mths back.. but ain't sure whether is she still around??
now i'm closely been monitored by GF, so might got a problem going there.. anyone can provide any information?
07-10-2003, 08:00 PM
When to PPC yesterday,seems that a lot of joints closed already ???? Even my favourite place is not longer operating. Any recommendations >??
08-10-2003, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by goodboy169
When to PPC yesterday,seems that a lot of joints closed already ???? Even my favourite place is not longer operating. Any recommendations >??
I was there during the weekend and it seemed OK then except no more pestering of customers . heard from a girl @ ATW that there was a raid about 2 weeks ago
08-10-2003, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by goodboy169
When to PPC yesterday,seems that a lot of joints closed already ???? Even my favourite place is not longer operating. Any recommendations >??
Went there around 8.40pm last evening. Wasn't that entirely horny just needed a good rub down.
Walked aroun a few times and then came across some old PRC goats and then saw a few chio bu's on the one new shop (i think) at the staircase part on the 4th level?there were a few chio ones .a few brothers were roaming around looking sheepishly at the gals when they walked by.
Anyway,did a second round and went into LMKZ.Saw this one around late 30's Anna.
Looks: 6/10 (tonnes of face powder),smooth white skin though.
Boobs: 6/10 (confirmed 38C by her) but doesn't seemed so leh?
HJ:4/10 (SOP,hurt a little,but what the heck.
Damage:$50 Half hour as it was closing time $20 and $30HJ
She did quite a good strong massage as my neck was a little achy.then after nearly 25mins,she pop the magic q. didn't strip nor anything,but i managed to rubba the ni ni.
Then Some Indian guy walked in and it was so hilarious cos the masseur doenst speak english and she was repeating every word she said to him in Mandarin...was so funny man, like asking him to undress...and not to take off under wear (i think) and then he was trying to take off everything. and the masseur walked out to grab something and grumbled away in mandarin...hahaaaaaaa!!!! (all this I overheard cos they were talking soooo loudly over the partitions).
Then next gentleman (another forum bro i guessed) came in,in his 40's i think? then masseur quizzed him long and short...then he also was very evasive...gave out his car number 5861 as 4D ang dee for tonite...hehehhehe. All the best man to whoever goes buying 4 d tonite.!
09-10-2003, 06:31 PM
Remember a few months back I mentioned about the hair saloon on the 3rd floor and I got a 3some and paid only 80. After a while I was a bit sian so did not go there for quite awhile.
On Mon I happened to pass by and that horny saw me and grab me inside, feeling a bit horny , I thought why not but told her I only want one lady this time.
After giving me a massage and in the meanwhile I was auto roam but sad to say, std dropped, she was wearing stockings so cannot dig her pussy.
Then out of the blue the other lady entered the cubicle, I protested but both of them quickly tell me they will charge me all in 50 only and even before I could say yes or no , the other horny lady started to HJ for me , so no choice and in the meantime the other lady was licking and sucking my nipples.
But overall, for those for are lookign for PYT (pretty young things) u can give it a pass as all the ladies there CMI (cannot make it)
09-10-2003, 10:48 PM
Ya I tried the hair saloon before. The lady really CMI, and the sheets look dirty. Overall I think the place is quite sleaze where anything goes.
Today I went for this shop at basement, Foot reflexology. But I opted for 0.5hr message. The massause have very good skin. Was very satisfied with my choice but after the message I pop the question and she say there is no special over there. I was very surprised bec the place is dark and looks like it offers special. After the rejection she asked if I feel disappointed and unfulfilled. Ya, but I told her ok loh. - never ask her name. But feel like going back cos still think there might be special there, and I like her smooth skin and friendly attitude.
After that really felt like have a HJ so walked up to LMKZ. Saw this PRC, she have quite pretty face. So opted for 0.5hr again. Initially was quite disappointing as she seems not very friendly and talked with her friends across the cubicle. Then after I turned around she massaged the chest area asn asked if I felt good. Of cos, I said yes.
She messaged the stomache area. She has this part where she rubs her hand together rapidly and after it is hot she pressed the hand against my stomach - it reminds me very much of wha my granny did when we have stomach ache while I was small. We talked a little more, she asked if I was nervous and I shoke my head. Then was the head message, it felt good. After finish, I pop the question and was very disappointed when she said she dont do special but she can recommend her colleague. I was reluctant bec I was quite fond of her - FeiFei.
Two disappointments in a night and I was really down.
Finally I said ok. Her colleage - nana was very lousy. I dont like her look at all. Hate her voice. Regret letting her HJ me. I would rather give the tip to the other girl.
Really was a very bad night for me. :(
09-10-2003, 10:51 PM
Wonder, I post so many liao still considered new samster. Wow maybe must try and report all the girls in spore before I am no longer considered 'new'. ha ha
13-10-2003, 03:15 PM
Hi bros
My FR on Cloud.
Happened to be at PPC last week around 6pm so decided to explore the shops that you good bros have been raving about. Passed by LMKZ, oasis and Xin Fu Li Hua but most of the PRCs available then CMI…….probably close to dinner time so not many choices.
Anyway, was at the 2 floor that I was “charged” at by this rather good looking prc offering $20 for half hour massage. She was wearing a short mini denim skirt that kinda turned me on. So what the heck, try lor. The cubicles are just divided by blue curtains so not much privacy but decided to try since no customers at the shop yet.
Std stuff…….ask to strip to underwear n lie on bed. She then proceeded to oil me n massage my back first. Quite satisfying for a petite woman……then she ask if want to extend. I agreed hoping the other half hour would be more adventurous. I flipped over n she began to massage my legs n inner thigh, which resulted in my didi “mari kita”. Continued to tease me by caressing her boobs over my head while rubbing my nipples. Wow damn shiok man, so getting the hint, my hand wandered up her skirt n fingered her. Could see that she was enjoying it………..when suddenly she pulled away n said that time was up n massage was over. What the f%$k! She said now got many AV raids so cannot do special. Man another one of those cock teasers. Quite pissed. Got dressed n paid $40.
RTF – no way.
Wonder if any of you bros had experienced this before……
13-10-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by burnout
Hi bros
My FR on Cloud.
Happened to be at PPC last week around 6pm so decided to explore the shops that you good bros have been raving about. Passed by LMKZ, oasis and Xin Fu Li Hua but most of the PRCs available then CMI…….probably close to dinner time so not many choices.
Anyway, was at the 2 floor that I was “charged” at by this rather good looking prc offering $20 for half hour massage. She was wearing a short mini denim skirt that kinda turned me on. So what the heck, try lor. The cubicles are just divided by blue curtains so not much privacy but decided to try since no customers at the shop yet.
Std stuff…….ask to strip to underwear n lie on bed. She then proceeded to oil me n massage my back first. Quite satisfying for a petite woman……then she ask if want to extend. I agreed hoping the other half hour would be more adventurous. I flipped
over n she began to massage my legs n inner thigh, which resulted in my didi “mari kita”. Continued to tease me by caressing her boobs over my head while rubbing my nipples. Wow damn shiok man, so getting the hint, my hand wandered up her skirt n fingered her. Could see that she was enjoying it………..when suddenly she pulled away n said that time was up n massage was over. What the f%$k! She said now got many AV raids so cannot do special. Man another one of those cock teasers. Quite pissed. Got dressed n paid $40.
RTF – no way.
Wonder if any of you bros had experienced this before……
Nope bro, but i guessed there's been a lot of negative stuffs written about the above-mentioned. U just gotta make sure u stretch ur money lah. $40 bucks? and no "release" me, not so worth it leh?
U can also forget about ATW,cos the 4 times i've been there, massage is not bad but then no hankies. LMKZ? very selective, but i don blame them for fear of some Stupid AV people here deciphering thru our messages.
Enjoy! and take care!
ps: One brother here had a rap most goes like:
AV AV Mai Ah Neh.
Wah Lung is ai deh Neh neh.
Lee Chor Kung, Wa Chor Cunt....
13-10-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by burnout
Hi bros
My FR on Cloud.
Happened to be at PPC last week around 6pm so decided to explore the shops that you good bros have been raving about. Passed by LMKZ, oasis and Xin Fu Li Hua but most of the PRCs available then CMI…….probably close to dinner time so not many choices.
Anyway, was at the 2 floor that I was “charged” at by this rather good looking prc offering $20 for half hour massage. She was wearing a short mini denim skirt that kinda turned me on. So what the heck, try lor. The cubicles are just divided by blue curtains so not much privacy but decided to try since no customers at the shop yet.
Std stuff…….ask to strip to underwear n lie on bed. She then proceeded to oil me n massage my back first. Quite satisfying for a petite woman……then she ask if want to extend. I agreed hoping the other half hour would be more adventurous. I flipped over n she began to massage my legs n inner thigh, which resulted in my didi “mari kita”. Continued to tease me by caressing her boobs over my head while rubbing my nipples. Wow damn shiok man, so getting the hint, my hand wandered up her skirt n fingered her. Could see that she was enjoying it………..when suddenly she pulled away n said that time was up n massage was over. What the f%$k! She said now got many AV raids so cannot do special. Man another one of those cock teasers. Quite pissed. Got dressed n paid $40.
RTF – no way.
Wonder if any of you bros had experienced this before……
Cloud always like that!!! Damm piss me off. BTW who is the prc who massage u? So that we also can blackist her. :mad:
14-10-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by dkong
Cloud always like that!!! Damm piss me off. BTW who is the prc who massage u? So that we also can blackist her. :mad:
The prc name Ting Ting with shoulder length hair and CFM look........but unfortunately a cock teaser!! Damn f$%k AVs also to blame for current f$%kingnomics downturn......
14-10-2003, 11:29 AM
i have tried Ting Ting fr cLOUD months ago. she is 1 of the better looking ones in cLOUD but her massage sucks man - probably a 3/10 ... throughout d 1 hr she was more interested to caress me rather than solid massage. do manage to get HJs fr her last time probably cos i was quite a regular there. thk she is 1 of the more popular gals there ... often hear guys calling her on her hp dating her out.
18-10-2003, 01:09 AM
Yesterday morning went 2 look 4 ah jin @ 1130 but was told 2 come back @ 15min times Bcause she was servicing 1 of our fren here , i suppose . R u d 1 :D
18-10-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by owen10
i have tried Ting Ting fr cLOUD months ago. she is 1 of the better looking ones in cLOUD but her massage sucks man - probably a 3/10 ... throughout d 1 hr she was more interested to caress me rather than solid massage. do manage to get HJs fr her last time probably cos i was quite a regular there. thk she is 1 of the more popular gals there ... often hear guys calling her on her hp dating her out.
Ladies in this joint lacks Customer Service professionism! So many personal calls (maybe popular lah, people making booking), have to leave you in the cubicle once in awhile to settle some personal matters, shouting to each other while massaging customers (like kopitiam). Never complete the 1 hour massage on time, I mean always end 5 to 10 minute before actual 1 hour. Sorry for the feedback, they are genuine on a personal findings.
19-10-2003, 11:56 AM
A bad experience with this place...
One day, called the shop number and asked if XX is around. A gal answered and said she was XX. Booked her for 12.30. When I was there but was told XX was not in yet. I was surprised and said I called the shop number and XX answered my call. A gal said she answered my call and thot I asked for her and asked me if I wanted another gal. @#$% KNN, you mean I could not pronounce XX properly. I never step into that con place again.
19-10-2003, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by TomHarryDick
A bad experience with this place...
One day, called the shop number and asked if XX is around. A gal answered and said she was XX. Booked her for 12.30. When I was there but was told XX was not in yet. I was surprised and said I called the shop number and XX answered my call. A gal said she answered my call and thot I asked for her and asked me if I wanted another gal. @#$% KNN, you mean I could not pronounce XX properly. I never step into that con place again.
This place sucks! Avoid at all cost, I rather go LMKZ :mad:
19-10-2003, 03:45 PM
some gals over there really cant make it lah. haha!
23-10-2003, 02:56 PM
hi bros, anybody tried the younger looking gal from star health on the 2nd floor? i passed by the place and saw this gal and i was very tempted to try her. she kinda of sweet looking. anybody care to advise if there is any special at the place?
25-10-2003, 11:25 AM
since there is no response from any of the bros here, i decided to try her out myself. somehow, after seeing her, i became lembik and such a gentleman! i did not get a chance to autoroam as i only requested for half hour to test-test water! sigh!
although no autoroam, she did give a good good massage, no joke. the damage of 20 bucks is not wasted.
well, i will try again today! maybe after seeing me for the 2nd consecutive days, she might be more comfortable with me and thus allow me to autoroam. all bros wish me luck and hope that i will bring a good FR!!!
02-11-2003, 12:39 PM
Hi dirty69warrior
how's it after trying the 2nd time at this star health?
02-11-2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by TomHarryDick
Hi dirty69warrior
how's it after trying the 2nd time at this star health?
Me and my friends tried these place a few times. NO SPECIAL at all. Dun think is worth it for a $40/h message in cramped and dirty place like this.
I even caught them not changing the blanket before serving me, only did it after I raised it up. WTF.
Will not go back unless someone here manage to get special from this place.
03-11-2003, 10:42 AM
Do not think there is any special there, I tried once as I too was quite attracted to that sweet cutie PRC, did 1 hour and when I turned over, I tried to do some auto-roam but she backed away when I tried to pull her panties down.
03-11-2003, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by striker42
Do not think there is any special there, I tried once as I too was quite attracted to that sweet cutie PRC, did 1 hour and when I turned over, I tried to do some auto-roam but she backed away when I tried to pull her panties down.
You r one big BUAYA.
03-11-2003, 06:19 PM
i went to star health again over the weekend.
WTF, no hanky-panky lah! me tried to roam, she stopped my hands! nabeh, don't think i will go back there again.
i hope you bros got better luck!
26-11-2003, 08:04 PM
Anymore FR on People's Park? I think nowadays this place is very low profile due to the raid at Pearl Center... :mad:
28-11-2003, 08:34 AM
Walk around PPC for almost an hr to scount the place so i dun miss out on the potential good places...
Walk past mermaid at least 3x... never c any Linda look alike... only 2 old aunties sitting outside...
There is one shop on the 2nd floor, corner unit.. 2 nice looking PDMM there but sincce i dun recall any FR from there, decide to skip the place.
Finally decide on LMKZ, ask for ah jing since the brothers in here say she looks the best... they called her on her hp to come back.. from far, she really looks pretty, but once up close can see her age..
Looks: 7.5/10 from far, 6/10 up close
Massage: 6/10
Attitude: 7/10, keep talking and keep telling xrated jokes...
Golden Q: ask for 50, told her that she open lion mouth... always charged 30... she says now bizness is bad.. hence have to charge more, manage to bargain it down to 30..
HJ: 5/10, mechanical, no sound effects unlike the next cubicle lady.. allow autoroam everywhere but say cannot pull down below..
RTF: think i prefer the younger ones in HC, and the price also not that cheap in tui na shop.. so no
28-11-2003, 12:24 PM
HJ: 5/10, mechanical, no sound effects unlike the next cubicle lady.. allow autoroam everywhere but say cannot pull down below..
Hmmm any idea who is the next cubicle lady??? :D
29-11-2003, 12:17 AM
some changes in PPC when i went there 2 days ago. I thk Star Health on L2 was closed down. there was a 'Shop for Lease' notice next to it. Likewise was ATW on L2. Same thg for cLoud on L3. seems like fierce competition are forcing shops to close down or downsize (ATW n cLoud). i believe more to come ...
01-12-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by beetlebum
[TF, FR:
Looks: 7.5/10 from far, 6/10 up close
Massage: 6/10
Attitude: 7/10, keep talking and keep telling xrated jokes...
Golden Q: ask for 50, told her that she open lion mouth... always charged 30... she says now bizness is bad.. hence have to charge more, manage to bargain it down to 30..
HJ: 5/10, mechanical, no sound effects unlike the next cubicle lady.. allow autoroam everywhere but say cannot pull down below..
RTF: think i prefer the younger ones in HC, and the price also not that cheap in tui na shop.. so no [/B]
Bro beetlebum, Talking about prices bet HC and Tui Na shop, I guess going to HC is a better choie.
For HC, entry say $33 plus Hj say $50 = $83
At the tui Na, entry for one hr. is $40, plus another $30 to $50, minimun is $70
BUT at Hc U can take yr time to bath, have coffee and relax in hot/cold pool or suana etc..
Comparatively, Hc should be a better choice......just my personal view
02-12-2003, 11:30 AM
bro aviation
me into tui na shops but would like to try HCs one day. I'm more into PRC gals cos of their good service n work attitude. do i find many PRCs in HCs, or in the 1st place r those PRCs on work permits allowed to work in HC? 1 thg i dun like abt HCs, u cant see how the gals look like fr the dark glass entrance door so its all based on bros' recommendations here, n tastes do vary.
02-12-2003, 06:31 PM
Went down to jalan jalan yesterday at about 5 ish,. nothing much these days. All the gals seen are CMI type.
was raining heavily, did see one chio PDMM walking past me heading to the basement. wonder if these are baits to pull brothers here in and then after the massages, no spay-cial type.
Anyway, just my two cents worth of comment.
04-12-2003, 12:09 PM
just wondering if the beauty of PPC(linda from mermaid) is still around and looking just as good?
going thru' a crisis now and have not ventured much these days. anyway, anybody tried her recently and is she providing anything more?
04-12-2003, 12:09 PM
just wondering if the beauty of PPC(linda from mermaid) is still around and looking just as good?
going thru' a crisis now and have not ventured much these days. anyway, anybody tried her recently and is she providing anything more?
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