View Full Version : Cheating stories : Dun you hate them?

28-01-2009, 12:02 AM
Hi everyone, I would like to start a thread for everyone to vent their frustration on those ex-gf they came to hate.

I had 5 girlfriends before, the last of whom I married. This girl I am talking abt is my 4th gf. Her name starts with F, and turns out she is a real F-er. I was with her for 3 years plus, of which the last year, she graduated and found a job. As she found a job near my place, she stayed over at my place pretty often. During that time, one of my friends was suggesting why not me and her get a flat, rent it out for a couple of years while she continue working, and then use the rent for wedding and renov subsequently. As I am not THAT sure F was settled down, I just toyed with the idea. So one day, there was an agent gave a flyer at my place, so I decided to make a call. My idea was to just find out who much does it cost to buy a flat near my parents’ place, and how much cash is needed.

F overheard my conversation and suggested we go and see some flats, for the fun of it. So ok lo. Who knows, this agent is super efficient. First meeting, she brought us to see 5 flats, coz our specifications are only nearby my parents place. No mention of flat size, price, whatsoever. Then there is this flat, an EA which caught her eye. I din really like it as it was huge. But as that flat had a deadline on that particular Sunday, the agent called on Sun to see if we want to make a last minute offer. I passed. But F heard it, and was crying and sobbing and said she really like the flat. I told her, once the deposit is placed, the decision is final. We will have to get married sometime down the line. She agreed. So we bought the flat, and went thru ROM and stuff.

6 mths gone, and nothing unusual happened. After 5 mths of job hoping, she finally decided to be a financial planner with Manulife. It is her life, so I let her be. 3 mths passed and nothing unusual happened. Then slowly, she is beginning to meet clients on weekends, and almost every weekdays. She would also sms a lot when she is with me. Soon I was feeling something is amiss, but told myself to trust her. Then another 2 mths passed. It was near V-day. So I booked bus tic and hotel for us to go to KL for a short get-away. I tot it will be a good idea, coz she is cheating on me, she will sure try to contact the guy during the trip. I also purposely brought my laptop along for internet connection as msn chat is one of the best way to keep contact.

The time came for us to go. And I was suspecting that she was cheating on me, as she had been spending less and less time with me

So we went, and true enuff, she tried to contact the guy, thru a series of sms and msn chat. Before the first night end, she also purposely send an sms, presumbly good nite. I already prepared, and decided to check her hp next morning. And when the morning comes, I knew it could be the last morning we woke up together, so I decided to bonk her. As we always do it raw with withdrawal method, she sure have to go toilet and wash up, and I can check her handphone. In the phone’s “sent items”, was 2 msg from her to the guy, and a few in the inbox saying things like “I miss u”, “I love u”, “I hope you are here” and goodnite.
The sad part is, she was really cheating on me... but least I got a last bonk!!!

I drove her out of the hotel, and ask her to return to SG herself. She actually have the cheek to use the sup card I gave to her to sign for an air tic back. I returned to SG via air too. The next day, I went to the lawyers to ask for procedures for an annulment of my ROM with her as we did not hold any wedding banquets. The worst is, as she had little CPF in her account, the flat was mainly paid by me. Becos of the fact that we took a grant, we cannot sell until 5 yrs later. But becos of my annulment, I was forced to return the flat to HDB, at 90% of the market value or transaction value, whichever is lower. So die die, sure got losses. The case took about 5 mths to complete, and I even have to appear in court. After that, HDB took abt another weeks before the money is returned to my CPF. The loss, a whopping 48 grand. The lucky thing is, when my lawyer contacted her to ask her to go down to the law firm, her father went down with her. My request to share the loss was agreed, mostly coz of the father’s insistence. So my loss was cut to 24k.

Who says only china girls can cheat? SG bitches can cost u a bomb too.

28-01-2009, 01:41 AM
bro , i understand how u feel.
Everybody cheat. Regardless of race or nationality.What goes around come around. Look forward. Life is short , play hard:)

28-01-2009, 01:53 AM
Take care Bro,

28-01-2009, 04:46 AM
Having a GF is fine.
Getting a GF to marry to be a wife...terms change liao.
Loving and getting married is 2 different things.
Many marry outta love and live to regret it.
Never marry someone out from UNI n just entered the workforce and trying to find their place in society...cos there's a world yet to be seen by that individual...thus ones needs and aspirations will change.
When wanna marry, find someone matured enuff mentally and is really willing to settle down.......

Get married cos both parties wanna marry
Never marry for the sake of getting something that requires you both to be married.

Also, dun hate her dude...be a man...let it slide....read your post....like i said above, she was growing up.....but for you, you were already grown up.....
See the diff?????????

Take care dude!

28-01-2009, 04:57 AM
well said bro

28-01-2009, 08:38 AM
Well...... it cost me abt 100K for that, but it's been 8 years down the road. I know u hate her and it's hard to forgive. This will make your life miserable. As for me, i dun feel a thing any more, but i will not forget. I am happily alive and i look forward everyday with a smile ^.^

28-01-2009, 10:47 AM
Never get married for the stupid HDB. It's not worth it. I've quite a few friends who got married cos they are hitting the $8k combined income ceiling already. End up marrying before they are mature or love each other enough for life.

Be careful of the showroom trap too. Once you enter a condo showroom or a nice resale HDB, you will think.. hmm, this is the lifestyle i don't mind living. and you turn around and look at your gf and think... hmm... this is the girl i wish to live this lifestyle with. Bang! End up divorced also. :D

That's why so many couples lose their deposits.

28-01-2009, 12:37 PM
I used to have an ex also very horny and always up for exhibitionistic sex... suits me fine but because she is so horny she can never keep her panties on.

Even thought outwardly she tells me she only loves me and all that she is only in it cos I can provide her the lifestyle she likes...

I went early to pick her up at her poly once and I saw her being quite close to one of her classmates so I gradually got suspicious of her. One night she said she had to stay back late to rush a project... on a weekend that was our anniversary?! I decided to play it cool and popped by later in the night at the poly to see what she was really doing. I caught her and the other guy having sex in one of the labs! And best of all? They were filming themselves!

I took their clothes that they left by the door and walked out... I hung everything on the bushes on the way out.... haha... :p

gu du
28-01-2009, 02:47 PM
well atleast yr ex gf din go around acting pityful and telling everyone stories which benefits her...

I encounter 1,was blinded by love i guess. Got cheated by her in work,cheated of money n feelings. When i found out i just brokeup with her and i kept quiet & juz let it go.

But i happened to find out she was still telling tales around after almost 2yrs. Wanted to take "revenge" but after some advice from my close friends decided to let it go once more.:(

28-01-2009, 08:08 PM
Sorry to hear of the bad experiences brudders xiaogui1502, Den34, virginpulp and gu du.

I have had similar experience too but it was with a malaysian. She cheated on me twice. The 1st time, i forgave her for i believed i was at fault too. But the next time, i just let her go.

But luckily for me, the only thing that she cheated from me was 4 years and a diamond ring that i used to proposed to her during our 3rd year.

Now, she seems rather regretfully of what she did back then. I know as we still keep in contact. Her hp line is under my name.

What i learn from this and other kinds of life experiences is this, One should learn to forgive but not forget, for it is from the past that we learn to be more carefully and protective of ourselves.

28-01-2009, 08:52 PM
Sad to hear the stories from u all....But nowadays not only guys but gals are so good at cheating as well. Too much temptation and distraction from everywhere for both parties, so watch out, some small little behaviors when you two are close to each other, you can always notice it when it firstly started. Try to stop it as early as possible to minimize the damage, be it physical, financial or mental torture.

I had a sad bad experience in the past either, life can't be perfect, just move on and forget about the whole damn thing ASAP. Forgiving is the best revenge.

All the best to everyone. :)

28-01-2009, 09:54 PM
hi, thanks to all the bros who had given me their advice.

What also pissed me off then was that when she returned home, she told her parents that i got other girls. The lucky thing is I brought her to KL for V-day.

So I asked the mother, "auntie, if i wan to break up with her, why wld i spend my money to bring her to KL to break up with her? and the hse is all paid by me, why would i slap myelf in the face? ur daughter is capable of what u shld b aware." After that, the mother also realised that she is the one lying. SHe even called me one more time to ask me to forgive her for once and restart again. I told her, it is impossible, and went on with the annulment, and she told me she understand my position and dun blame me. I was glad i manage to clear my name, if not, I dun think the father would persuade her to return me half the losses.

Now, I am happily married and my wife is pregnant, and in another 3 mths, i will be a father.

To all the bros who suffered the same cheating fate as me... i agree with the rest of the kind bros, all we got to do is get on with life. I think there are always people who got worse fate than us. Maybe we kena-cheated bros should hold a gathering, to let out our complaints.

28-01-2009, 10:19 PM

Congrga to u. I am happy for u.
Good that u ditch her. DOnt let woman take us man for a ride.

28-01-2009, 10:32 PM
sympathies to you. But commitment is one of heart, not just financial. and never let urself be put in a decision that you have to commit. it should be you want to commit.

China have many stories .. i think SG gals and KL gals more straightforward, and way more sincere.

28-01-2009, 10:40 PM
Bro Xiao Gui,

I feel you are blessed with this break up.

You mananged to break off before its really too late like going through the full wedding ritual and getting a kid with her.

You managed to married the love of your life and am going to be a father soon.

It does cost you $24k in the process. But in exchange for the life you are having now, its a priceless.

I hoped you are feeling much better now since you have let it out.

28-01-2009, 10:45 PM
I'm glad it turned out alright for you too. Really can't tell such things one.

But if looking back, is there any advice you wldhave given to brothers? Tell tale signs? What not to do? Cos like u said. its apply flat liao then she start to flirt.


28-01-2009, 10:58 PM
thanks to all the bros' encouragement.

I totally agreed with bro alphonsus. It was a blessing in disguise. actually, if she did not try to bluff her parents that i cheated on her instead, i wont be so angry then.

To the other bros, i am not sure whether my "signs" are the same as the rest. For me, it was a combination of things.

first, is definitely less time spent together, for my case, since she is a financial planner, i dun think that can be helped. Thus, it masked a lot of her activities.

Secondly, is her msn activities. Whenever she come to my place, she will msn a lot, besides watching tv. Usually, she will try to cuddle up with me on the bed.

Thirdly, is the strange mood swings after sms when we are together. I figured must be them arguing abt things.

Lastly, which i think is the most common, is the usage of the phone. For instance, sending a lot more sms, erasing them after sending, erasing the incoming. The last one who really got my suspicion, was her "dial list". It is either empty (which shows she intentionally erase it), or there will be a "john" at the top of that call list. She will also purposely dun answer a call and said it was some irritating bugger, or answer and tell the perosn "i am busy" and hang up.

Just some of my experience. ONce again, thanks to all the bros with encouragement.

28-01-2009, 10:59 PM
though no one wants this to happen, i guess it takes a strong man to move on. i found some tell tale signs of cheating spouse - Warning Signs of a Cheating Spouse (http://www.cheating-spouse.org/warningsigns.htm) but the mother of all is - when you start to suspect. If you start to suspect, then it prob is, unless you are one with a suspicious nature.

just to add, there are gprs system that you can install in your call to check the location real-time or delayed.

28-01-2009, 11:18 PM
totally agree with onlyou. When u suspect and decided to chk, do be mentally prepared. I was lucky to be that, thus, when i found out, i was exceptionally calm, until my parents were pretty worried. But if u need to, let it out. I did not let my tears out until abt 1 mth after the incident, when i was with my fren.

29-01-2009, 09:32 AM
Bro, hope you doing fine now with yours wife. I can understand how you feel after found out being cheat.

Yes it true, not all cheater are from PRC. Infact most of the cheater are SG girls, here are some example as follow

SG Girl
1) Demanding in life (car, house, what other have they want)
2) SG girl have more friends (guy friends) in their life, to wit work life, sch mate, FB before married
3) SG girl always like to listen to their so call buddy (some even guy buddy) rahter then believed and listen to their own husband

above are just some example, of cos there are more.

Sometime it just depend on ours luck bah, some SG girl are still good in their nature, but most of those work life SG girl are all F***ker as what u mention.

29-01-2009, 10:06 AM
Bro hearing all these story besides the monteary terms, the damage is not so bad. For me i got married due to "ShotGun" during my Ns days. I paid the whole marriage through savings and a little help from my parents. Got a little boy, which was the joy of my life, stayed at my ex-wife side as had not got a house yet. But having a kind set of parents they wanted to get me a place near them. Luckily before everything i found out that i was wearing a green Cap for quite sometime. (I had a kid before marrying was together was 2 years married for last then a year.) Then when i confronted her she said "You don`t spend much time with me, i feel that you don`t love me etc.) Bros, i had to work man to make ends meet. Then i found out she was actually sleeping with more than 10 man during the course of less than a year marriage. Thus i thought her divorce but i wanted the kid, she says ok as she was unable to bring the kid up. (She is a lazy gal who always wanted to be a tai tai) and i insisted that i wanted the kid as i do want him calling so many other ppl "Dad" knowing her character. Thus everything was settle read from Bl*g that what i snatch the kid away, what she hates me then now the hates is all over.(All the time she paid nothing even till lawyer fees also never paid a single cent.) Even though wanted to file for divorce also cannot as lawyer say this say that, in the end now separation. lucky for me is the last year already. Even before finally year of separation, she got another kid and said going to get married sometime soon. Realise that some gals really thick skin and cannot think straight. Hope all the best for the guy going to marry her! Lucky me things are going ok now even though things are not so good :) SOrry to all bros (Me just venting some past frustrations.)

29-01-2009, 10:47 AM
1) When you found your true love, must work hard and fight for the relationship
Because when she leave, everything will be too late.

2) When you met a trusted friend, must cherish the friendship together
Because to find a true friend is very hard in life.

3) When you met your GUI REN, must thank her good
Because she might be your turning point of life.

4) When you met someone whom you love before, remember to smile back
Because she is someone who makes you understand love more.

5) When you met someone whom you hated, remember to smile back
Because she is someone who makes you stronger.

6) When you met someone whom betrayed you, have a nice chat with her,
Because if its ain't because of her, you will not see the true colour of the world.

7) When you met someone you secretly admire, remember to congratz her,
Because when you secretly admiring her, didn't you wish you she will be happy?

8) When you met someone who leave your life suddenly, remember to thank her,
Because of her, you have a wonderful memory.

9) When you met someone who had a misunderstanding, remember to clear the misunderstanding,
Because you might only have 1 chance to explain yourself.

10) Cherish the one that is by your side and thank her,
Because NOW both of you have both true love and happiness

Had this sms in my hp, just wish to share with all bros out there, read it, the meaning is very nice.

yang punk
29-01-2009, 12:51 PM
But luckily for me, the only thing that she cheated from me was 4 years and a diamond ring that i used to proposed to her during our 3rd year.

But you get to fuck her for 4 years right? So more than fair exchange!

29-01-2009, 03:49 PM
..... I was cheated twice by my wife, back then was gf. I have finally let that go and accepted her forgiveness... I feel the love I felt back when i first met her... which is all very good... but now got one problem... I hooked up with FLs when i learnt she cheated now I can't stay away from FLs!! -_-"

29-01-2009, 04:57 PM
i can understand your frustration.

my ex initiated the break up with me and i was silly enough to wait for her for 3 years! she kept saying that she need time.

i then discovered that she became a butch, then what readiness is she preparing for? wasted my past 3 years waiting for her.

but it'll be another thing if i managed to fuck a butch... haha

29-01-2009, 10:00 PM
My marriage is also some sort in the rocks now. My wife doesnt wana have a baby & a wedding dinner & i gotta know a china girl whom im beginning to like her. I dont know what to do. I also will be flying to China to see her this march for a week. I really hope that the china girl is the 1 for me.

29-01-2009, 10:34 PM
hi, thanks to all the bros who had given me their advice.

What also pissed me off then was that when she returned home, she told her parents that i got other girls. The lucky thing is I brought her to KL for V-day.

So I asked the mother, "auntie, if i wan to break up with her, why wld i spend my money to bring her to KL to break up with her? and the hse is all paid by me, why would i slap myelf in the face? ur daughter is capable of what u shld b aware." After that, the mother also realised that she is the one lying. SHe even called me one more time to ask me to forgive her for once and restart again. I told her, it is impossible, and went on with the annulment, and she told me she understand my position and dun blame me. I was glad i manage to clear my name, if not, I dun think the father would persuade her to return me half the losses.

Now, I am happily married and my wife is pregnant, and in another 3 mths, i will be a father.

To all the bros who suffered the same cheating fate as me... i agree with the rest of the kind bros, all we got to do is get on with life. I think there are always people who got worse fate than us. Maybe we kena-cheated bros should hold a gathering, to let out our complaints.

thanks for your story. In my case now, its me who like a china girl because my wife refuses to have a baby & a wedding dinner. We have ROMed & bought a flat & stayed for 3 years now. Its now up to the china girl if she can give me her heart.

29-01-2009, 10:43 PM
My GF, a property agent, in a company starting P---n-t, Call her SS stay Sk, and we had been together for about 3 yrs, she was so call sharing property with a D.....e guy and she will lie to me that he give a lift to the HUb, she also go dancing, some salsa type, I can't dance and she even refuse to answer my phone, claimed she put in locker until she didn't go home a few times then I am sure something is wrong, she even pass me STD thru her sexual encounteer with the guy or guys.., she even claimed it's me who pass it to her, but I insist I didn't do anyone and she then pit the blame on her past relationship when she was an air stewardess...we broke off and I don't want to see her again in my life..

30-01-2009, 12:15 AM
Bro, hope you doing fine now with yours wife. I can understand how you feel after found out being cheat.

Yes it true, not all cheater are from PRC. Infact most of the cheater are SG girls, here are some example as follow

SG Girl
1) Demanding in life (car, house, what other have they want)
2) SG girl have more friends (guy friends) in their life, to wit work life, sch mate, FB before married
3) SG girl always like to listen to their so call buddy (some even guy buddy) rahter then believed and listen to their own husband

above are just some example, of cos there are more.

Sometime it just depend on ours luck bah, some SG girl are still good in their nature, but most of those work life SG girl are all F***ker as what u mention.

Felt sad for TS.. But good to hear that he has found his true love.. A blessing in disguise indeed.. When this kinda chance comes by.. We must all cherish it.. Anw.. Haha.. I personally think it is not fair to condemn SG gals like that la.. Coz we, SG guys also go around cheating behind their back.. So a bit not fair to call them F***kers.. As we have no right to say them if we also go ard f-ing FL, WL etc..

30-01-2009, 12:24 AM
I'm sorry to hear abt your story bro.

But I truly admire your courage to initiate the break up and make a clean cut

30-01-2009, 09:20 AM

I have a similar story to share.

Years ago, I met this girl in mdm Wong. Managed to hook up on her and went out on several dates.

Her name was C and she is a Nurse. However, her friends called her J.
This makes me suspicious.
She will only meet me early in the morning when i send her to work or late at night .
Whenever, she stay over at my house, she would have massage late at night and early in the morning.
Each time after bonking, I would buy whatever she wants.

Strange thing is I am alway unable to contact her as she doesn't answer.
Only she contact me.
Her phone also ring when she is with me and she never pick up.

This makes me further suspicious and upon investigating found that she is married with the traditional custom coming soon.

Heartbroken, I decided what some guys will do......
Manage to contact her, booked a hotel in Ritz and bonked her.

And all these action capture on my video camera without her knowledge.
Confront her after that and went our separate ways.

Now when I am free, I will watch my action video.

30-01-2009, 11:03 AM
Sorry to hear abt your encounter, but its still good to break the relationship earlier, then to regret later. There are more better 'trees' out there in the 'jungle', bro!

30-01-2009, 01:09 PM
hell yes. I now subscribe to the forest philosophy.

wasted 10 years of my life on an ingrate.

women are the greatest liars. women are sluts and should be treated as such. those of you with faithful wives cherish them. you don't know how fortunate you are.

30-01-2009, 07:52 PM

I have a similar story to share.

Years ago, I met this girl in mdm Wong. Managed to hook up on her and went out on several dates.

Her name was C and she is a Nurse. However, her friends called her J.
This makes me suspicious.
She will only meet me early in the morning when i send her to work or late at night .
Whenever, she stay over at my house, she would have massage late at night and early in the morning.
Each time after bonking, I would buy whatever she wants.

Strange thing is I am alway unable to contact her as she doesn't answer.
Only she contact me.
Her phone also ring when she is with me and she never pick up.

This makes me further suspicious and upon investigating found that she is married with the traditional custom coming soon.

Heartbroken, I decided what some guys will do......
Manage to contact her, booked a hotel in Ritz and bonked her.

And all these action capture on my video camera without her knowledge.
Confront her after that and went our separate ways.

Now when I am free, I will watch my action video.

this sounds more like she is cheating on her would be hubby with you! not the other way ard..

my story is that i got together with a colleague, tall (1.71m), slim (a tad less than 50kg) and well endowed (a definite C). Whenever i go out with her, i will take note of the guys looking at her and there is certainly no lack of oglers. She is also quite horny to a point that she can masturbate herself while i drive.

But her demanding ways made me quite tired of her, so i begun to neglect her and stop adopting a long term view with her. As she is a attention seeker, she sought solace with other colleagues and eventually slept with one of them a couple of times. I found out through her MSN conversation history (big boobs really brainless lor). I won't say that i wasn't totally unaffected but i decided to have revenge. I continued my relationship with her solely for the sex while actively looking outside for greener pastures.

While she did betray me physically but she did love me emotionally (also found out from MSN history. I was like monitoring her MSN history for months without her knowledge. duh.) When i finally found someone else, i ditched her right before valentine's day. And of course, not forgetting to take some unceremonious pictures of her before that for my pleasure viewing from time to time. Maybe we can trade. :p

30-01-2009, 08:02 PM
this sounds more like she is cheating on her would be hubby with you! not the other way ard..

my story is that i got together with a colleague, tall (1.71m), slim (a tad less than 50kg) and well endowed (a definite C). Whenever i go out with her, i will take note of the guys looking at her and there is certainly no lack of oglers. She is also quite horny to a point that she can masturbate herself while i drive.

But her demanding ways made me quite tired of her, so i begun to neglect her and stop adopting a long term view with her. As she is a attention seeker, she sought solace with other colleagues and eventually slept with one of them a couple of times. I found out through her MSN conversation history (big boobs really brainless lor). I won't say that i wasn't totally unaffected but i decided to have revenge. I continued my relationship with her solely for the sex while actively looking outside for greener pastures.

While she did betray me physically but she did love me emotionally (also found out from MSN history. I was like monitoring her MSN history for months without her knowledge. duh.) When i finally found someone else, i ditched her right before valentine's day. And of course, not forgetting to take some unceremonious pictures of her before that for my pleasure viewing from time to time. Maybe we can trade. :p
Wow bro mysterious, that is the sweetest revenge! :)

Yes, women are attention whores and really stupid. I've yet to encounter one who thinks and acts logically and not emotionally.

30-01-2009, 08:21 PM
Bro, women who do not act emotionally is rare nowadays....:)

Wow bro mysterious, that is the sweetest revenge! :)

Yes, women are attention whores and really stupid. I've yet to encounter one who thinks and acts logically and not emotionally.

30-01-2009, 08:54 PM
Yes, women are attention whores and really stupid. I've yet to encounter one who thinks and acts logically and not emotionally.

It's true but sometimes blame it on their bf and hubbies for not giving them enough attention, because their attention is on other women :D

Otherwise how do we get to read and experience so many exciting chapters in ours and others sexual lives, it's easy to say that they cheat but guys do as well, statistically even higher :D

31-01-2009, 10:43 AM
Bro hearing all these story besides the monteary terms, the damage is not so bad. For me i got married due to "ShotGun" during my Ns days. I paid the whole marriage through savings and a little help from my parents. Got a little boy, which was the joy of my life, stayed at my ex-wife side as had not got a house yet. But having a kind set of parents they wanted to get me a place near them. Luckily before everything i found out that i was wearing a green Cap for quite sometime. (I had a kid before marrying was together was 2 years married for last then a year.) Then when i confronted her she said "You don`t spend much time with me, i feel that you don`t love me etc.) Bros, i had to work man to make ends meet. Then i found out she was actually sleeping with more than 10 man during the course of less than a year marriage. Thus i thought her divorce but i wanted the kid, she says ok as she was unable to bring the kid up. (She is a lazy gal who always wanted to be a tai tai) and i insisted that i wanted the kid as i do want him calling so many other ppl "Dad" knowing her character. Thus everything was settle read from Bl*g that what i snatch the kid away, what she hates me then now the hates is all over.(All the time she paid nothing even till lawyer fees also never paid a single cent.) Even though wanted to file for divorce also cannot as lawyer say this say that, in the end now separation. lucky for me is the last year already. Even before finally year of separation, she got another kid and said going to get married sometime soon. Realise that some gals really thick skin and cannot think straight. Hope all the best for the guy going to marry her! Lucky me things are going ok now even though things are not so good :) SOrry to all bros (Me just venting some past frustrations.)

hey ah ong, my heartfelt condolence. It is almost coming to an end. More importantly, take good care of the son. If u ask me, i would suggest u find a girl who is dun mind ur kid. I know it is hard, but it is not impossible.

u must tell ur son the truth, and let him decide what he wan to do with the mother as well.

31-01-2009, 11:06 AM
I have a similar stories... One of my ex, the 3rd one I had, despite of having 5 in total, cheated on me...

We were together for about 2yrs... And I often went her house to stay, as she stays with her flatmate. (Btw, she's a Malaysian though).

This day, I returned earlier from business trip, and had bought a gift from her, while I was in Hong Kong. Thought of given her a surprise. So instead of heading home upon arrival, I went straight to her house. Upon entering (I have her house keys as she gave me a set), I heard some noise from the room. Seems that there's someone inside the room too..

I went closer, and opened the door. Intending to give her a surprise... But instead, she gave me a 'surprise' too... By having sex with my best friend.... They both were shocked when saw me... I was sad and angry, but did not say much. I turned and walked out of the house.... Threw the gift I bought for her in the nearby dustbin as I moved away from her flat...

31-01-2009, 02:00 PM
hey ah ong, my heartfelt condolence. It is almost coming to an end. More importantly, take good care of the son. If u ask me, i would suggest u find a girl who is dun mind ur kid. I know it is hard, but it is not impossible.

u must tell ur son the truth, and let him decide what he wan to do with the mother as well.

Thanks Bro...i am ok...now studying while working.....I will do whats best for my SOn Cheers Bro

02-02-2009, 12:17 PM
Just my past experience to share:

My ex bf used to travel frequently, because of that, he got the chance to get to know some SQ gal. That is how the story started.

2 years ago, 2 days before moon cake festival, i bought a box of moon cake and pop by his house, want to surprise him. Shocked me that a SQ gal was staying with him, I confronted him, he claimed that that gal is M'sian, got chased out by the owner, and no place to stay, that is why she's staying with him (later I found out they have been staying together for 1 year already). I told him either ask that gal to leave IMMEDIATELY, or we ended our 3-year relationship. He gave me all sort of stupid excuse, said that gal is homeless, where to go if he chased her out, said so late (that time only around 8pm) already, it is not safe. Of course, I didn't buy that, and walked out from his apartment.

Couple of days later, a gal called me, that was the SQ gal in his house, I think he got my number from his mobile. He told me they were together for more than a year, initially, she was staying with her sister, who is already married and has a 5-room flat at Pasir Ris, it is him who insisted her to move in, of course, without telling he was already attached. He created a nice story for her, and that is why she fell in the trap too till that night I appeared, the truth revealed. They are actually buying a house in Penang and planning to get married at the end of that year.

That is not the end of my story, that SQ gal after knowing the truth, left him too. He became single again. Then he went to Zouk for new year count down in that year, he got a gal, who is a normal office gal, but very very money minded. This gal cheated him 20k in 2 months time and dumped him, he bought 5 LV bags, 2 diamond watches, 3 Gucci bag and a trip to HK in business class with 5-room hotel, plus all shopping money on that gal....hahaha....

I always believe something called retribution in the world, someone up there is watch what you do, good and bad. We do not need to do any revengeful act, somehow, somewhere, he/she will get it back.

End of my story. Thanks. :)

01-03-2009, 10:26 PM
my ex-gf would chat with this guy friend about sex and flirt with each other. it really piss me off.

AND once she make out with another guy at his house, and she even gave him a blowjob. sigh

02-03-2009, 05:35 AM
the one that blew another guy is my current gf. sorry if there's any confusion bros.

02-03-2009, 10:46 AM
Seemed you carried a lot of hate in your heart.

But the sad thing is ppl don't cherish the other party till they lose him/her.

Let go ba, I really find letting it go is setting yourself free....Stay happy!!!

hell yes. I now subscribe to the forest philosophy.

wasted 10 years of my life on an ingrate.

women are the greatest liars. women are sluts and should be treated as such. those of you with faithful wives cherish them. you don't know how fortunate you are.

02-03-2009, 11:07 AM
My marriage is also some sort in the rocks now. My wife doesnt wana have a baby & a wedding dinner & i gotta know a china girl whom im beginning to like her. I dont know what to do. I also will be flying to China to see her this march for a week. I really hope that the china girl is the 1 for me.

thanks for your story. In my case now, its me who like a china girl because my wife refuses to have a baby & a wedding dinner. We have ROMed & bought a flat & stayed for 3 years now. Its now up to the china girl if she can give me her heart.

must be more circumspect. ladies from China, esp the cities, are more crafty... I've had the exp.

04-03-2009, 12:28 PM
Would just like to say this if we know or we have feeling that gals r cheating on us then something must b done but we cant have regret feeling coz we chose them so in a way we give them the chance to cheat or con us. So dun point finger and blame ppl. Look at ourselve

04-03-2009, 12:44 PM
i hate cheaters..

03-04-2009, 02:12 PM
i felt what you bros felt through too.

Im in mid of one similar situation now.

Im married, our relationship lasted 6 years already, we had a cute daughter. Yet, she still cant think straight. Because of her working environment, there are alot of customer would simply just talk to her.

In her mind, they are just normal friends who spend time chatting with her. But in those bastard mind, they just want to up her only.

So the unfortunate things had happened, but her parents begged me to forgive her on account for the sake of our daughter. btw, her parents was around mid 40s when they had her.

So okie, till now i forgave her one last chance, and i sincerely hope that she would change. If not i really forgo everything already.

One thing i mind most was not because other guy bonked her, but rather, it was the thoughts and efforts that she lied to me just for the sake of them only.

Btw, both of us are very young, currently in our early 20s only.

04-04-2009, 01:06 AM
Years ago, I was studying in university when I met 2 girls, A & B. Both liked me, and I liked both of them, especially B. Since B (Asian girl whose family migrated to US when she was young) already had a BF back in her adopted hometown, I pursued A and we became a couple, although we weren't serious, more like very good friends with "benefits".

B got jealous and came after me, even though she was attached at the time. I managed to resist B's advances for months but eventually one night I lost control and slept with B. I was very angry with myself, and shortly afterwards I broke up with A because I felt so guilty cheating on her. (Side note: At a later date, I confessed everything to A and begged for her forgiveness which she gave, and we became best of friends after that till today).

B and I then became a couple (B told me she broke up with her BF, but actually she didn't break up with him for another 4 months - I found this out by accident, but didn't raise the issue because then she had already ended it with him).

A few months after we officially became a couple, B accidentally got pregnant. I was very much in love with her and told her I would support her no matter what, and would take full responsibility. But B didn't want to interrupt her studies and she chose to have an abortion. I was very sad but at the same time, very relieved. After that, we became closer, and I was convinced that I would marry B someday.

We were apart for a summer, and apparently during that summer, she dated another guy. I don't know if they slept together or not, B said they were just hanging out. But knowing what I know about B, she probably slept with him. But at that time, I was blinded by love.

Back in school, I told her I wanted to marry her, and gave her an expensive diamond ring, which she accepted. A few months later, she suddenly took off somewhere without telling anyone. She came back a couple days later and was quite distant from me. I suspected something was up as when I was at her place, I noticed a few suspicious things.

After leaving her place, I went home but then turned back and drove by her house. I saw a strange car parked in her drive way. I drove by a few times until morning (I was too distraught to sleep) and the car was there until late morning.

I confronted her at school and insisted we have a talk in private, at her place. I drove her home, and once we were at her place, I headed for her bedroom's toilet (as I had to pee). B suddenly ran into her room ahead of me (saying she had to go to the toilet) and locked the door (which she never did before). I listened at the door and heard her rummaging through her trashcan, then I heard her flushing the toilet.

Immediately, I became extremely suspicious as B and I always did it raw, and so I became convinced she was flushing away condoms or other similar evidence. Before I could collect my thoughts, she came out and dumped me, saying she had just met someone (another student whom I knew - apparently he was once seen trawling the local bars trying to pick up girls, but that's another story).

So our relationship ended there, I didn't even get my ring back, she kept it.

After that, I was comforted by my good friend C (who gave me a few sympathy fucks). Although B was now with her new man, she was jealous of C and bad mouthed C, as well as A (who had become my best friend by then) for no reason other than they hung out with me a lot (I was a real emotional wreck).

A year later, when we had all left school and I was working in the US, I ran into B again. She suddenly wanted to hang out with me a lot, which I wasn't keen on. By this time B was engaged to her BF (the one who broke us up, even though he knew B and I were a couple) and he was working in another city. B actually came on to me a few times, and even suggested having an affair with me after her future wedding with her BF.

I was in a rather traumatic emotional state at the time (as I still hadnt gotten over her), and couldn't think straight and so I fell back into B's arms. We started sleeping together again, all the while knowing she was engaged to her BF.

B wanted me to come to her wedding, and just before her wedding, she took me on a one week trip (supposedly for business, but actually just so she could sleep with me, as her BF was back in town to get ready for the wedding). I was a basketcase by this point, and as our trip ended, I resolved to get revenge on B.

At first I wanted to tell her BF all about B's affair with me, which would probably kill the wedding. But then, I thought I shouldn't ruin their chance for happiness together. I also thought they deserved each other (a compulsive cheating slut and a relationship wrecker). I was alternating between kind and unkind thoughts (that time was probably the closest I've been to a nervous/mental breakdown).

In the end, I resolved to stay out of their lives forever, and never look back. But first I wanted one last bonk out of B. So two days before her wedding, while her BF was at his bachelor's party, B and I had a private party of our own at a hotel. B got very tipsy, and was all over me. That night, we did it four times. B and I always did it raw, and she refused to take the pill, so I always had to pull out or cap just before shooting. I don't know what came over me that night, but I decided to shoot inside her each time.

B wasn't pleased when I came inside her the first time, but she was too horny to complain for long when we started up again. The next morning, though, she seemed to have forgotten about it. I didn't remind her of it. To her shock, I told her good-bye, have a good life and don't ever call. She cried, I left.

I heard later from some of our mutual classmates that she had a baby about 9 months after her wedding. I don't know if the baby's mine or her husband's, and frankly I dont care. B had totally screwed up my emotions, and when I was on the verge of moving on, she came back and screwed me up again.

She also changed me a lot. Before her, I wasn't much of a player. Sure I had a few flings here and there, and of course the HC/MP gals, but no where near the kind of action a real player would pull in. But after B, I went to town and got so much pussy, maybe to make me forget about her, I don't know.

So should I be thankful to B for setting me on this path? In any case, I moved on and now, I am glad I had put it behind me.

Whew.. I didn't realize I was so long-winded! I guess this story was just dying to come out..

04-04-2009, 11:10 AM
One thing i mind most was not because other guy bonked her, but rather, it was the thoughts and efforts that she lied to me just for the sake of them only.

worst is when you get to uncover bits by bits the real reason behind all things she did or said to you during the affair when you tried your best to move on & not think of it.