View Full Version : How not to get wrong signal from her?

28-01-2009, 03:07 PM
Dear Sammyboy Brothers & Sisters,

I am new and so please forgive me if I post wrong thread.

Lately met this lady who is pretty sweet and I respect her. In fact I know one of her sibling... but it is unfortunate that she is a widow and perhaps due to that I pity her and perhaps I somehow developed a likely for her...

She invited me to her place for CNY and I accepted the offer but she seems not too sure and so suggested we can meet outside but then again she asked me to go over to her place again...

She is staying alone and I just hope that I will not get the wrong signal when I visit her place for CNY. Maybe she is being friendly and so I have no problem on this one because like I have said I respect her and will keep my distance...

But what if she invite me because she too has a liking for me... and some of you experience Sammyboy brothers and sisters know la... things may just develop too fast and she actually may want to ...deepen... the understandings.

So I need to seek your advise my dearest Sammyboy brothers and sisters to identify any possible signal from her which allows my advancement and how can I indirectly hint that I am ready but still with full respect... :confused:

Thank you in advance for your advise and my best wishes for all and a wonderful holiday season.

28-01-2009, 05:56 PM
ai yo bro are you still a virgin or have very little boy-girl relationship before?
because you're very contradicting..

It doesnt matter if she first invite you than say meet outside, than invite again. You are thinking too much liao. Since she finally invited you again than you just go lor .. if you're worry than wear JEANS lor.. since you dont know what is her intention of inviting you, as you know jeans does a better job in hiding a hard-on than pants right? when you go inside her house and confirm that its only you and her, you act as normal... dont give a hum sup face can already. Just be smart and observe her reaction, when she drop some HINTS than you just grab her hand and ask if it is possible to for the 2 of you to get together? if she say yes than you ALL-IN liao.. just do some gentle smooching than your hands roam around her BACK.. not anywhere else than gentle blow air into her ear see her reaction if her heart beat increase and turn hot than you turn into a Gorrilla and the BONK starts from there.

28-01-2009, 08:19 PM
Agreed wit bro jizzmo, you think too much liao.

Just go ahead to meet her in her house, don't go with harbouring evil thoughts in you. Follow the flow, when it's time you will definitely know it.

28-01-2009, 09:01 PM
why i still under moderated?

is it becos of my nick? :eek:

28-01-2009, 10:14 PM
Thanks for the kind reply. She actually asked if I drink and want to have wine or liquor... when I go over... I do not drink at all... and so I say if I drink then I need to spend the night there... she laughed...

She asked me not to be too nice to women or else they will get the wrong signal... actually I treasure her friendship more. I think I will just go easy with full respect like the brother here advise. A long lasting friendship is better than a few minutes of wrong pleasure and hurting her. I want to be a man, not a jerk...

Many thanks again... :)

28-01-2009, 10:27 PM
different ts?

anws. u still can be a gentlemen. by this golden rule, giving in to her needs. and i think sex includes that.

but yes. u shouldn't ask for it. wait for signals.

28-01-2009, 10:35 PM
just follow ur instinct. only two outcome.. a) kena slap cos make wrong move.. or b) loss opportunity to bonk lorr.. but still can try again another time.. :D

29-01-2009, 09:11 AM
Or simply don't do anything.

29-01-2009, 09:50 PM
:o she change appointment again... but we were chatting and she seems stress today. We chat about sex related matters and she laughed and suggested that I do sit up.

Well... I thank you all for the responses. I am sure all of you care and put in your best thoughts and I am thank you.

Have fun and I will post should there be changes in status but I am taking all your advises to stay clean and nice. :D