View Full Version : My Panties Fetish - My Colleagues Panties
12-02-2009, 05:13 PM
Hello All
This is my first contri. Hope you all like it
I had panties fetish since when i was a teenager. I would sneek to the kitchen to pull down my auntie's panties to smell and then rub my cock.
Anyway to cut the story short, it was a company trip to Sentosa that i was the organinsing committee. There were about 20 of us (8 guys and 12 gals).. So i had to booked the room, coordinate the entire trip.
Before they arrived, i was at the hotel to do check-in and collect the door access card.... i requested for additional card for all the female rooms (all of 6 rooms)
I was planning to have my own little fetish fantasy trip........
to be cont..
12-02-2009, 05:31 PM
Setting up camp alpha:)
12-02-2009, 05:55 PM
Thanks for your contribution.. please write the story...looks interesting..
12-02-2009, 05:56 PM
ha ha interesting....wanna see how story progress
13-02-2009, 04:59 AM
finally, panties thread! keep it coming~ camping here.
will write my panties story here too.
13-02-2009, 06:46 AM
Pls continue, good start ..
13-02-2009, 12:26 PM
setting up some tents for me n my 'brother' to read..
keep it standing and never let him down!
cheers TS!
13-02-2009, 02:59 PM
Thanks Bro for the encouragement...This is my first contribution so please forgive me if i am nt good... But i would like to assure you bros that my stories are real stories...
When all of them arrive, i allocated rooms (2 to each room) and brief them of the same day's programme.... I keep track of which female occupy which room of course.
The day went on with lots of of programme, and we ended at about 6pm, i gave them 30 mins to take a shower and change for dinner.
However, i used the excuse to meet with the hotel staff to arrange the programmes for tomrrow that i excused myself from the dinner with them...
i took my handycam with me and gave myself 5 mins after they all meet up at the lobby..
I went directly to 517 --- Cynthia (our admin manager) and Sharon (our accounts manager) room first..
Both of them are in their late 20s and are good looker...espcially Sharon, she is usually in tight power suit and i always peep at her ass through her tight skirt (Her VPL always excites me) and i always imagine what type of panties she wears....
My heart beats some fast that i can hear them... as i tap the room access card..
The room smell of frangrance and perfume... i went directly to Sharon;s lugguage first (i actually note their lugguage when they arrive)...luckily it was not locked....inside the side of the lugguage was a Ziploc bag that contains what i wish it is... i switch on my handycam and start taking it while my left hand start opening the ziploc .... i was so excited that i my hands were shivering....
inside the ziploc was a pair of black bra and panties (satin type with lace at the side)... it was the pair she changed before dinner...
i took the panties and immediately smell it... it has the smell of Sharon (literally) her perfume, her smell.... i move on to the crotch area of the panties and was excited to find a smal patch of white stains.... i push the area near my nose.... and find the smell not too bad....
By now, my dick has erected and i am high... i continue recording the panties and bra by opening them from the inside and outside...
I then saw a small soft pouch at the same lugguage and my heart skip a beat to imagine what was it inside....... i opened it to find 3 pairs of panties (1 cotten, with a Sorella printed on the waist band / 1 pink satin with lace at the side and a area of lace infornt the crotch area / the last pair was a blue g-string)...i recorded the entire few pairs and pack them back
Next i went to Cynthia (she looks like Fiona Xie with a smaller breast)... and she is alwasy in mini skirt or jeans when she works..
I could find any used panties on her lugguage (so i assume she did not change her panties when they were back).... i think i will have afield day when i get that pair tomorrow...
Not wanting to waste time, i took Sharon's used black panties and one of Cynthia fresh lacy panties and placed it on one of the bed (that is already been slept on...)
I strip myself and placed the handy cam at the bedside table focusing on my cock... i took Cynthia's fresh panties and wrapped it around my cock and hold Sharon's used panties near my nose area and smell it... the conbination of Sharon's perfume and liitle sweat makes me high... as i jerk the other pair warpped around my cock harder and faster...
i move towards Cynthia's lugguage as i pull up a satin shorts (i think she wears that to sleep, cause its too shorts and sexy) and rub it over my body..
i was both high and excited.... knowing i am about to cum...i switch the panties and replace Sharon's used panties on my cock and start pumping it hard...i shift her [pantioes crotch area to the tipe of my cock and rub the small stain on my tip....
Before in know it i came... the entire load land on Sharon's used panties crotch area....
I used a tissue to0 clean up the juice and replace everything in their position... before i left their room......
To be Cont
13-02-2009, 04:16 PM
how come u are able to get another duplicate access key for the rooms one? i thought it's hotel policy to give only 1 key per room for security purpose? :confused:
13-02-2009, 05:13 PM
maybe the hotel staff see he orgainser.. give him spare lor.. who knows he so "kim siew".. hehe
13-02-2009, 05:46 PM
everyone return their room key to the counter everytime they go out. (Key-drop Box)
Cos i did that too
DJ Adriano
13-02-2009, 11:16 PM
TS, you like to sniff pantyliners also?
14-02-2009, 01:31 AM
post the vid lar ha ha:D
15-02-2009, 10:23 PM
Pls cont.. :p
15-02-2009, 10:32 PM
yes cont we are waiting hehe
16-02-2009, 12:04 AM
to think that there are still 5 more rooms to go for u?!?!??!:eek::D
16-02-2009, 08:49 AM
That evening my heart pumps extra hard due to the excitement of the earlier event and also i was very worried that they will find out...
But when i woke up next morning, i was ready to continue my mission... I had to use the breakfast slot to proceed to the next room as i was iinvolved in the entire day programme.
This time i selected Jove and Charlene's room... Both are our sales executives.. Jove is slightly on the fleshly while Charlene is slim..
After i issue the breakfast tickets to them at the lobby, i gave an excuse to my manager that i have to go check out the seminar rooms and also make some arrangement to get away from breakfast.
It took me about 5 mins to get the cards right, when i went into the room, i was surprised and excited to see a pair of panties hanging at the showerdoor! i guess they must have woke up late and rush to meet us at the lobby that everything was quite messy.
I took the panties and look at the was a L size, so must be Jove's panties..the panties is light brown and cotton.... i took it with me as it when into the bedside area to explore..
I wanted to get a pair of Charlene's panties so when directly to her bag (she did not have a lugguage but a sports bag)... She was very organised all her stuff are packed in small bags/pouches...
I found her panties/bra pouch, but was dissapointed that they are all the sporty type..sports bra and sports undies... i like the lacy and satin type..
not wanting to waste time, i took a pair of her bra and panties as well as Jove's bra and panties... i lie on one of the bed that had a pair of satin pajamas pantes and started rubbing Jove's panties on my hard cock...
i closed my eyes and smell the bra .. while imagainating she was on top of me riding me...
Suddenly, the door click! it was opened... i was too shocked to react and was about to run into the shower room when i see Charlene staring at me with shock.. as i covered myself with the blanket, the panties till in my hand
"What are you doing KS?" She screamed
"Charlene, i can explain.... please dont scream."
"Why are you doing in our room?? and is that you pants on the floor? YOU ARE NAKED??"
"Sorry, I guess i am not thinking right..."
"What are you doing? you better explain before i inform Mark (our manager) and please get out of the bed!"
"But i am not wearing pants, can you excuse me while i go into the shower?"
"NO! you get out of the bed."
Reluctantly, i got out of the bed, although i am still hard.. Charlene covered her mouth with shocked as i stood up, my left hand covered my hard private parts while out of shock, i was still holding to the pair of panties.
"My god...what did you do? why are you holding Jove's panties?"
" sorry, i am sorry..." I said and walked into the shower.. i pull out a fresh towel to cover myself and walk back to the room to retrive my pants
"sorry?? KS you better have a better explaination!" she was now sitting at the bed and staring at mye....
"i just wanted to satisfied myself on your bed as i always have a crush on you." I lied
"Crush on me? when? but you are holding Jove's panties..." she sound claimer..
To be cont
16-02-2009, 09:13 AM
i find is a fantasy story.. lol
you got caught already.. dont tell me it lead you to have sex with charlene.
16-02-2009, 11:15 AM
< i was too shocked to react and was about to run into the shower room when i see Charlene staring at me with shock.. as i covered myself with the blanket, the panties till in my hand
"What are you doing KS?" She screamed>
My heart was pounding along with yours too... This shock must have gotten you white with fright.
16-02-2009, 12:25 PM
"I thought it was yours? I didnt know its Jove's"
"But thats a sick thing to do KS... i never imagine that you are that kind of person."
"I am sorry, its my first and i never expected it to be like that." I explained while i put on my pants
"What if i didnt happen to come back to get my phone? You would have done something sick on our bed." she was getting very agitated
" I am sorry... but its my crush on you that makes me do somthing like that."
She stood up, i can see that she is also uneasy and not sure what to do.. The only way was to try to convince her to drop this and not report it to Mike... i know if it goes to him, i will definately lost my job and also be reported to the police.
"Look Charlene, i really am very embarassed that we are in this situation, but i really dont want to lose my job or get into trouble... can you forgive me and forget this? I am very frighten now..."
She kept quiet for awhile.
"Look, i am not sure if i can do that... but i got to get back to the lobby. and i want you out of the room before i change my mind. I will think about it and let you know what i think later."
"Thanks Charlene!! please dont let the others know..." I begged and walk out of the room....
By now, i was shivering with fear... i had to get back to the lobby to meet with theb rest and pretended that nothing has happened...
That was the worse and longest day, Charlene avoided me thorughout. At about 4pm, i got her message
<Meet me at the pool area after we finish. We need to talk!>
16-02-2009, 01:20 PM
hehe....story becuming sexciting liao....
Wonder what does Charlene had in mind.
16-02-2009, 03:18 PM
Or does she mean to say
<Meet me at the pool area after we finish. We need to F%$#!> ;p
16-02-2009, 04:03 PM
Hmmm... since when are singapore women so nice as to let you go after finding you in their bed naked, and with another woman's undies? Hehehehe
16-02-2009, 04:10 PM
Anxious to know Charlene's demands or actions.
Camping here.
16-02-2009, 06:06 PM
Hmmm... since when are singapore women so nice as to let you go after finding you in their bed naked, and with another woman's undies? Hehehehe
ya la so true :D
18-02-2009, 04:16 PM
When we met at the pool, Charlene was smoking... i was nervous but i acted more nervous than i really am...
"Hello Charlene...look i am sorry for what happen." i started
"Look, i dont care how sorry you are sick." she say while puffing the ciggrattes
"What do you want to see me about? i am sure we can resolve this."
She kept quiet while looking away from me, after a moment she let out a whisper "$3000."
"Huh? $3000??"
"Yes, for me not to tell Mike, Jove and loising your job. I also in a bad finaincial shape now... so i help you, you help me."
"Ok..i will pass you $3000 tomorrow. but are you sure you will not mention this?"
"I just need money and you happen to get caught... so keep quiet." She walked away
That night, i slept well thinking that it is resolved.
18-02-2009, 05:43 PM
"Huh? $3000??"
"Yes, for me not to tell Mike, Jove and loising your job.
Give me the panties, i will not tell them too. :p
Pls cont... (at a faster pace pls..._)
18-02-2009, 06:19 PM
wa ts so rich.. 3k accept so easy like 30 bucks
yup continue at fast pace :P
18-02-2009, 06:35 PM
wah bro... kenna blackmailed! :)
18-02-2009, 06:45 PM
walau neber bargain ar... 3k at least throw in a few bong mah :D
21-02-2009, 05:22 PM
so bro, when u goin to continue ur story? wat happen after that? hav u give her 3k?
22-02-2009, 08:34 PM
camping here for the story....:D
23-02-2009, 04:04 PM
maybe he raising the money now...any voluteers?
24-02-2009, 06:11 PM
I think TS is raising $$$ now so that he can finish his story..:rolleyes:
24-02-2009, 07:06 PM
26-02-2009, 08:34 PM
still no reply from bro TS....:D
27-02-2009, 07:50 PM
interesting story comon more!! :p
28-02-2009, 10:11 AM
wah where is TS....colleague report him to police already and kena up lorry to Changi??
28-02-2009, 10:37 AM
This kind is a bottomless well.. she'll keep asking for more til u dry up well TS.
Continue the story bro. Its very exciting :)
20-03-2009, 08:48 PM
still waiting hot story suddenly halted.:mad:
20-03-2009, 11:42 PM
Think TS ki chia liao... :eek:
21-03-2009, 12:05 AM
Interesting post but too bad TS busy looking for new colleagues panties???? Just my guess...:D
Camping here for more juicy stories...
21-03-2009, 01:06 AM
Think TS ki chia liao... :eek:
I think most likely..:(
21-03-2009, 01:40 AM
What happened bro? continue your story bro....
24-03-2009, 05:16 PM
Bro TS, anymore? What's the update??:p:rolleyes:
24-03-2009, 07:03 PM
TS kena police case liao? disappeared ..:confused::confused:
24-03-2009, 11:47 PM
sad for TS...:(
25-03-2009, 03:56 PM
Most probably paid 3K and the colleague still go and report police.
28-03-2009, 06:23 PM
or maybe.
the colleague threatened TS to be her sex slave for indefinite period, till she satisfied.
28-03-2009, 06:39 PM
TS, Most likely up lorry and lost his money also.:p
28-03-2009, 07:54 PM
Maybe bah... "Nu ren hen xin de shi hou zui du" :mad:
28-03-2009, 08:03 PM
No more story ? Was waiting leh ... poor TS .. :eek:
02-04-2009, 11:11 AM
Waiting for story to be continued......
02-04-2009, 02:15 PM
bro bad news....the story teller paid the ransom,and then got locked up
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