View Full Version : Story 2: Cont'd from Discovery of Minahs...
25-02-2009, 03:50 PM
Some of you may have ready my earlier thread on Faridah... my first minah experience when I was in secondary school. That was Story 1, the Bus Experience when I got intimate with Faridah after I rubbed my dick against her ass on the bus.
Well after that I really had a dry spell for many years to come as far as minahs are concerned. My luck changed when I was in the army which was in the mid 80s.
I was a clerk and for those who are this vocation in NS will know that really its a waste of time. I got to know another clerk, Johari (Jo) who is a part time musician playing lead guitar. I had played guitar (the strumming type) for many years and was impressed by Jo's guitar skills. I saw him performing in lounges a couple of times. I often bugged him to teach me and he often played hard to get by only teaching me bits and pieces.
Anyway, weekend Jo invited me to his flat in Ang Mo Kio. Said he had some time and we can jam and he can teach me more. Of course I jumped on that opportunity.
So there I was at the door of his flat one Saturday afternoon. Before that he told me he lived with his mom and one of his aunties. Jo had other siblings but all married and stayed away. He mentioned that his father is a sailor or something like that and never at home.
I knocked the door and a woman opened and I am sure was his mother. I was expecting to see some old makcik for his mom, but to my surprise, while his mother was not young she was extremely shapely. She looked like maybe late 40s, about 1.58m tall. She was wearing a rather fitting t-shirt with a decent looking pair of shorts.
Me: Hello auntie, I am Jo's friend. Is he in?
Jo's Mom (JM): Yes, let me call for him....... Jo kawan anda tiba! (your friend has arrived)
Jo: sebentar, biar dia duduk dulu (in a while, let him sit first)
JM: He will be coming. Come in first. I get you some water.
I sat down and for a strange reason, I felt lust and began staring at her body. Through the t-shirt I could see a black lacy bra and it seemed like a half cup bra too. Definitely a C cup. You can see the t-shirt a bit tight at the armpit area giving her a kinda sexy appeal as you can see the tightness of her flesh. I saw also that her tummy was not saggy (I stop short of saying that its flat, cos its not) as women her age tend to be. Her legs were slim and her toenails were painted red....hmmmm really promising. All of a sudden memories of Faridah came flooding back.
Facewise, Jo's mom is not exactly pretty. But definitely a CFM look. I guess minahs with full lips, dark eyes (I think eyeliner) tend to exude such sexiness. She tied up her hair which I can see is shoulder length and a bit wavy.
She walked towards me with the water and I was staring at her face (I dont think she noticed as she was watching the glass she was holding). She must have been doing housework as I can see some beads of perspiration on her forehead and upper lip.....which for some reason makes her look more sexy.
JM: There you go, some cold water for you. So panas outside.
As she bent down to put down the glass on the table, my eyes automatically shifted to her chest hoping to catch some downblouse. But her t-shirt was not loose so I only saw her black bra strap.
Me: Thanks auntie.
I could feel my cock waking up slightly but before I could think of any more evil thoughts, Jo came out from his room
Jo: Hi bro, so what shall we do
Me: Teach me some guitar tricks la.... you so good and pro.
So for the rest of the afternoon, we played guitar. i hoped Jo had not noticed how distracted I was by her mom whenever she walked by. I must really get to know her more and maybe I can finally find another "Faridah"
To be continued
26-02-2009, 03:07 AM
woo hoo.... gone with faridah.... here comes jo's 的老妈.. nice start... eagerly waiting for more!!!!
26-02-2009, 08:53 AM
Camp here for it :)
26-02-2009, 09:03 AM
Another nice story to go after :)
26-02-2009, 09:18 AM
eager to know about jo's mum, please continue.
26-02-2009, 11:25 AM
So it became a regular affair, me visiting Jo on Saturday afternoons to jam. His MILF mom is always in. Sometimes I also see his auntie who is a bit younger than his mom and in my opinion always too heavily made up.
My lust for Jo's mom never ceased. Looking at the outline of her lacy bra thru her t-shirt always makes me steam. I also lust at her painted toenails in fiery red. I make it a point also to make as much eye contact with her as possible and giving her a slight smile. After a couple of such eye contacts and smile, I sensed that she was feeling a bit shy but she will always return with a shy smile as well. When that happens, my cock just hardens and throbs, knowing that I might hit jackpot in time.
Before I continue, let me describe a bit about myself. I am average looking, about just over 1.7m tall. During that NS time, I really worked out on my own and was proud of my lean and muscular body. I am usually in tight t shirt and jeans.
Alright to continue. So after a string of regular visits, I feel that I have made some progress in the sense that we are into subtle flirting. All this while of course, I hv to be doubly sure that Jo has no clue at all and hence I was very careful in bioing his mom only when he is doing something or not paying much attention.
One day, when she was passing me a glass of drink as usual, I purposely held her fingers when taking over the glass. I held her hand a little longer than necessary and used my thumb to raba a bit as well. I looked at her face and the little smile and the look on her eyes, I was quite sure she is game.... I felt a sense of triumph....
I started to plan my next move... which will be my most daring yet...
26-02-2009, 12:21 PM
setting up camp here.
26-02-2009, 01:18 PM
Good steamy story ..plse cont...
26-02-2009, 02:01 PM
So anyway, nothing happened after the finger rubbing, just some shy look and smile from her. That however was enough to convince me that I hv a good chance of upping her.
I chose one saturday afternoon when I knew Jo was having guard duty. I went to his flat pretending that we were supposed to meet.
Me: Hi auntie, is Jo in?
JM: No la, he is not back yet. Were you supposed to meet?
Me: Ya, he told me to wait for him as he wants to pass something to me.
JM: Ok la, you come in first and duduk. I got to do my housework.
She led me in. I deliberately walked near her to smell her aroma and watch upclose her beads of perspiration on her forehead and around her neck. Her white t-shirt that day looked especially thin. Her lacy black bra can be seen clearly thru her t-shirt. The half cups of lace supporting those 2 delicious mounds of flesh was immediately giving me a hard on. That day cos of the thinness of the material, I can for the first time also make out the shape of her nipples and I can see that they are large and ripe.... my favourite.
She was wearing a pair of loose jogging shorts. As she walked past me I can see those bouncy, juicy and perky butt cheeks sticking out and just begging to be doggied. I told myself siao liaow, hope I dont end up raping this minah MILF.
JM: You help yourself to the soft drinks in the fridge ok, I busy ironing clothes in the room.
Me: Sure auntie. I will make myself at home.
My plan, which may be a stupid one but I couldnt think of anything better, was to visit Jo when he is not at home. Go to the toilet, leave the door unlocked and ajar. Wank myself until my cock is big and swollen.... and hope that his mom will walk in an see my cock and hopefully tempt her. I know, looking back this sounds really dem stupid plan but at that time was the best I could come up with :)
I walked myself to the toilet and left the door about six inches open. I unzipped my jeans and pulled out my cock which was already hard. I was standing over the squatting toilet and my back was diagonally facing the door. I began stroking my cock thinking about Joe's mom and in no time I could feel pre-cum dripping out and my cock was hard and swollen. My heart was beating super fast anticipating the mom to walk in (that was my plan remember :))
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a bucket of clothes lying nearby. A naughty thought came to me and I started to search the bucket to find the mom's underwear. Bingo, I saw some panties and a pair of lacy black bra. I put the bra to my face and smelt the mom's sweat and perfume....... omg, it was like Faridah all over again. I took a pair of the black panties and saw streaks of white stains. It must be the mom's mucus from her cheebye. I used my fingers to feel the stains and rubbed it and put my fingers to my mouth to taste and smell it...... my cock twitched instantly from that excitement.
I gripped her panties in one hand, with my other hand stroking my swollen cock, I went back to my original position over the toilet and waited... and waited. WTF, maybe it was a screwed up plan after all.
JM: Dan, lu mana, where are you?
I heard her voice and my heartbeat quickened. She must be wondering if I have left the house or what...... I could hear footsteps coming into the kitchen and towards the toilet door.... I was on super alert. I must timed it right such that when she opens the door I will turn around and show her my stiff cock.
JM: Huh!!!! Apa tu!
Bingo, she opened the door, I swung round holding my erected dick at the base and pretended to look shock myself.
Me: Oh sorry sorry auntie, I forgot to lock the door.
I pretended to cover my cock and pretended to be difficult since its so big and sticking out.
Joe's mom quickly shut the door behind her. But I know she has seen my cock. The real test would be how she would react after this incident.
Slowly I zipped up my pants and walked out of the bathroom..... the verdict awaits!
26-02-2009, 04:36 PM
Great story bro . More please.
27-02-2009, 08:49 AM
Slowly I zipped up my pants and walked out of the bathroom..... the verdict awaits!
I walked out of the toilet feeling nervous as to what to expect. I saw Joe's mom still in the kitchen. She was sitting on a semi high stool, back facing me. Seems like arranging some stuff in the kitchen.
Me: Sorry auntie, err... I forgot to lock the toilet door, didnt really mean to shock you....
JM: Aiya, why you so careless...... so malu you know.....
She paused in mid-sentence. All this while she avoided eye contact and continued speaking to me with her back facing me. Well the relief was that she was not mad. But is she gian? I have to test water some more. I walked slowly towards her.
JM: Lucky auntie so old already, if not people can say you molest you know
She said this in a half joking manner and I can see a slight smile
Me: Auntie, you where got old.... I think you look very good
I plucked up my courage and complimented her for the first time. I see her smiling more and can sense she is enjoying this. I moved nearer to her. All this while she continued doing what she was doing without looking at me. As I moved closer, I can see again her black lacy bra thru her thin white t shirt. My hard on was getting more intense and the bulge on my tight jeans was super obvious.
As I got nearer, I saw that her knees were just at my cock level (she was on a stool). I got bolder and moved in with my swollen cock and planted my cock on her knees. I put it there, without moving but I can feel my throbbing member against her knee. No rejection from her, ho sei liao!
JM: Oh thank you Dan.... but you dont have to flatter an old auntie like me la... malu only
Me: No auntie, i mean it. You should notice by now that I always stare at you. In fact, I find you very attractive and sexy....
As I flirted with my words, I slowly and gently grind my cock on her knees...her eyes remained looking at the table and arranging the stuff, avoiding eye contact. I can sense that she was feel a bit embarrassed and was definitely breathing a bit heavy. The thrill of this was really extreme and no commercial sex can ever produce this effect.
I realised that I am so close to her now that face was literally inches away from hers. I was looking into her side face profile with my cock firmly pressed against her knee and doing a slow and sexy grind.
Becos she was too shy to face me, I took the opportunity to study every part of her body at the close range. Her face even without make up was fucking sexy... those thick and full lips and the nice dark eyes. My lustful eyes moved down and stared at those full breasts. I cant see any down blouse as her t shirt neck was quite high but as I looked down those 2 mounds of lustful minah boobs can be seen clearly thru her thin t-shirt and bursting out of her half cup lacy bra. I can trace clearly her bra lace designs and I was literally drooling
JM: Dan, dont la.....
Me: Auntie, I really really cant help myself (I said, almost whispering into her ears and smelling her sweet hair).
JM: Please Dan, Jo may be coming home soon...... (her eyes were almost half closed when she said this and I know she was getting hot)
I continued grinding my cock on her knee, standing very very close to her and taking in all her womanly scent. Her chest was heaving more now and I saw her two big nipples thru her tshirt even tho she was wearing a bra. I was filled with lust imagining sucking those juicy nipples. Her aureole must be big as well.
Joe's mom now began to respond by moving her knees against my cock. My heart pounded. I slowly stuck out my tongue and was about to lick her ears when suddenly we heard the door at the living room opened. Joe's mom in a flash pulled herself away from me and pushed me away from her. We looked briefly into each other's eyes. She was flushed and her hair also looked kinda dishevelled. Altho we didnt fuck, somehow she had this after sex look (not sure if you know what I mean). At that time, I can sense that both of us were a bit embarrassed.
It was Jo's aunt who came home. She looked into the kitchen but by then we were standing quite far apart. Jo'e aunt didnt say anything but moved into her room.
Me: Errr..... I think I better go now. Jo is probably not coming home...
JM: Yes I think you better go...... bye
I can sense the awkwardness in her and I wondered if I had made a mistake. Would my future visits be welcomed or would she avoid me....sigh if only the auntie didnt come home, I would have fucked her for sure.... has the moment passed... will she regret and resist me in the future?
Honey Boon
27-02-2009, 11:13 AM
can't wait for the next episode .... :D
27-02-2009, 12:48 PM
Best written story, in my opinion
Totally agreed on commercial sex failing to re-create the type of tension and anxiety when u r doing the seduction and execution of plan
27-02-2009, 01:08 PM
Bro u hang up and sell eh?
lol camping here:D
27-02-2009, 01:19 PM
camping here :D
27-02-2009, 03:42 PM
I think i kanna confine this weekend for guard duty
02-03-2009, 10:22 AM
It was a Saturday night. Jo and I were out drinking late. By past midnight, Jo was totally wasted and I had to bring him home in a cab.
As we stood at the door of his flat, I tried but could get his keys and had to ring the door bell. As we waited, the memory of rubbing my cock on his mom's knees gave a slight hard-on. So there I was back again....
Soon I heard footsteps and the door unlocking.
JM: Adoi, what happened, drink until mabuk issit?
Me: Ya auntie, sorry but he had too much la.
JM: OK help bring him in
Jo's mom moved towards Jo to help me support that fella into the house. She was wearing a one piece sleeveless sleep dress. It was long and floral - the type you see aunties wear in the market. I thought I can see the shape of her nipples....hmmm maybe not wearing bra.
As we both moved Jo, I took the opportunity to touch and "molest" her as much as I could - accidentally touching her arm, brushing her butt cheek etc. She was concentrating on carrying Jo so I dont think she noticed.
JM: Nanti, I go get his mattress (I realised Jo sleeps in the hall as her auntie occupies the other room).
The mattress came and I helped lower Jo down. His mom bent down to adjust his pillow. As she bent down, her full naked glory was exposed to me. Her neckline totally opened up and I saw a pair of huge naked breasts and her white panties staring at me. I pretended to half squat in front to adjust Jo's legs so that I can properly lust at those tits. This unexpected treat gave me a super hard on now - I mean how often can you get to see your friend's mom's naked body.
I was leering and lusting at those boobs and nipples, trying to capture everything to my memory that I didnt turn away in time when she looked up. She obviously knew I was staring at her nuts and instinctively covered and pulled up her neckline with her hand. We were both embarrassed.
JM: Dan, why dont you stay over since its so late (I appreciated that she changed subject and didnt make me feel worse)
Me: Ok thanks auntie, thats a good idea.
She came up with another mattress and a pair of Jo's shorts and t-shirt for me to change.
That night I could not sleep but lay awake thinking of nothing but those glorious C cup boobs, brown nipples and her white panties. Naturally I got hard. I pulled down my shorts and gently stroked my cock. Should I go in her room and make a move? Since she did not reject my cock rubbing the other day. But what if she screamed and Jo found out etc..... scary thoughts.
About an hour later, I heard footsteps and the bedroom door opening. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. She must be going the toilet. The footsteps continued, but they were coming towards me. OMG, I could now feel her sitting on my mattress next to me. My hand was still on my exposed, fully erect cock. Too late to pull up my shorts now so I continued to close my eyes as if sleeping.
I felt her gently stroking my hand, the hand that was still holding on to the prick. Ho Say Liao, I thought. However for some reason, I was paralysed into inaction and just couldnt make myself to move. The stroking continued... and moved to gentle stroking of my hardened shaft. I could feel her using her thumb to gently move up and down my shaft. By now, my cock was throbbing, my heart was beating at breakneck speed. She moved her thumb to my cock head and started circling it using my pre-cum as a lubricant. I could sense now that she was breathing heavy and she circled my cock head faster. I was also starting to moan softly from this intense teasing.
Without warning, I felt her mouth engulfed my whole cock. The wet and warm sensation just took me by total surprise and I let out a soft groan. She covered my mouth with one hand asking me to be quiet. I opened my eyes and say her head over my cock... but something's not right. Jo's mom had shoulder length hair, but this chick sucking my cock had very long straight hair. OMG, it was not Jo's mom but his aunt instead! The one that doesnt talk much.
I was too weak to protest or say anything as her mouth continued sucking like a vacuum cleaner. What the fuck, I will just use this slut to satisfy me tonight. No need to ask questions. With that, I took control and held her head with my two hands to control the speed. I slowed down her head and pushed my 7-inch cock deep into her throat... surprisingly no gagging.... hmmm seasoned BJer. Her mouth was very wet and warm. Her tongue continued lashing around to give me maximum sensation.
I pulled out my cock and lay her down on my mattress to have a better look at this minah. The hall was dark but there was some light coming in from the common corridor. She is a bit younger than Jo's mom. Without her usual heavy makeup, she looks simple. But looking at those minah full lips and knowing that those lips were just round my cock earlier, made my dick tingle again. Her huge tits were straining out against her bra less t shirt. Even without a bra, her breasts were unusually perky. She was wearing a sarong.
I started to french her. In fact it was more like fucking her mouth with my tongue. She seemed to enjoy the roughness and reciprocated with wild tongue lashing. Both of us had so much saliva dripping from our mouth that our faces were wet. The aroma of sex and lust was so strong. I rubbed and squeezed her tits furiously thru her t shirt. Her nipples were almost as hard as stone in all her excitement. I pulled up her t-shirt and went down to feast on those boobs. I positioned her such that the little light coming in shone on her breasts for me to fully lust at her. I squeezed one of her breast till I see only her big brown aureole and nipple between my thumb and index finger. Her nipple was hard and glistening with my saliva. Her aureole was now rough and tight due to the erection. The sight of this delicious, succulent minah boob just filled me with intense lust. I half squatted over her and sucked and licked and bit. She grabbed my dangling cock and started masturbating and circling my cock head with her thumb. Her moaning became a bit louder and I was afraid she might wake up jo. Her other hand squeezed the boob I was eating and pushed it to my mouth as if asking me to swallow her whole 36C breast.
Thru the corner of my eye I can see her sarong almost totally parted exposing her sexy, creamy thighs. My hand slid in, wanting to explore her cheebye. Surprisingly she crossed her leg and denied me access. I was too weak from the intense stimulation to fight her as I could really feel my cum building up. I decided not to waste my sperms on a HJ and positioned myself over her head. I half sat/squatted over her head with my cock staring right in front of her. Without needing any instructions, she shoved my meat into her mouth and sucked away, her eyes staring unblinkingly at me with a super CFM look. I reached out my hands behind and tuned her nipples furiously. She seemed to enjoy this as her eyes opened wider and her body thrashing around in ecstasy. I could feel the intense build up and I know I am going to cum big time, its gonna be a tsunami. Her sucking became faster and harder like a vacuum cleaner. I could not hold back anymore and started spurting my sperms into her mouth. She did not stop our pull out but continue blowing. I could see sperms dripping out from the corner of her mouth and decided to spray the last drops on her face. I pulled out my cock and unloaded on her face. The sight of my white cum on her brown skin was priceless.
We laid back. Totally exhausted. We were silent. Then just as suddenly as she visited me, she stood up and went into her room and closed the door. What the fuck happened tonight.... I was in a daze but was too tired to analyse. I fell asleep... a happy man.
That was the start of an unusual and sexy period of life for me which lasted about a year......I really thought that after Faridah I wont be lucky again... but this is really jackpot as you will see later.
To be cont;d
02-03-2009, 11:15 AM
NIce plot and twist of the story....:D
04-03-2009, 02:48 PM
Thanks to all bros for their support.
Will update again when I got some time later
04-03-2009, 05:25 PM
Camping here.. great story.. :cool:
05-03-2009, 12:26 PM
yea ur are one lucky bastard...tio jackpot liao! 2 minah milfs. ho say liao.
05-03-2009, 04:27 PM
Woke up the next day. By way of recap, it was the morning after when Jo's mysterious aunt sucked me off and I did a COF on her.
JM: Adoi Dan, what time now then you wake up...
I looked around the house, seems like no one is in but Jo's mom.
Me: Oh sorry auntie, what time is it?
JM: Its nearly 2pm now. Jo has gone out already.
I saw that the auntie's room door is open and no one in as well
JM: You looking for who ha? (she gave kinda strange smile)
Me: Err nobody la
JM: Hey Dan, how come you sleep so late, so tired is it. What did you do last night
Wah lau, how come she asked like that and her smile like she know something like that. I was kinda nervous. I looked at Jo's mom who was in her usual white t-shirt and shorts. Am I seeing things or am I really seeing her big brown nipples thru her t-shirt bra-less. I was sitting up on my mattress and she walked passed me. Her tits were jiggling. OMG, she is braless. My cock immediately mari kita. I was just wearing Jo's shorts as I didnt wear back my underwear after fucking his aunt's mouth last night.
Jo's mom walked passed again, this time her gaze moved to my cock area and she obviously saw my cock sticking thru the shorts. She looked in my face and smiled. I guess after the other day rubbing myself against her, we have kinda broken the ice a bit and she is now more relaxed, esp there was no one in except the two of us.
JM: Wa you dem gatal ya, last night so busy but now so fast hungry again
She said sarcastically looking at my hard cock. Oh shit, she definitely knew what happened last night for sure. Since I definitely sense a CFM and flirty type of behaviour, I told myself to move in for the kill. Time to fuck a minah pussy since last night was just mouth and my hunger still not satisfied.
Me: Auntie, dont know what you mean (I stood up and moved towards her. She was back in the kitchen standing next to the dining table with her back towards me)
JM: Aiya, boy... you know I know enough la (she said this without looking back at me but I think she knows I was walking towards her)
As I approached her, my cock was just pointing straight ahead, almost 90 degrees. My heart was pounding as I approached her. She was wearing a pair of satin material jogging shorts which highlighted her delicious perky ass. Those pair of ass cheeks looked big and firm and I could see the outline of her panties. I plucked up my courage and gently pressed my hardened cock against one of her butt cheeks. It felt nice and warm. To my surprise, there was no resistance at all. Looks like I have chance to unload this morning again!
To be contd
05-03-2009, 04:29 PM
She didnt turn back or say anything. There was an unusual silence but this only help heightened my excitement and lust. My hands didnt touch her but I started to grind my cock on her butt cheek. It was so fleshy that my cock really pressed in deep like a cushion. I could see her breathing got heavier as her chest heaved heavily. Next I slide my cock into that delicious ass crack and moved my bare chest against her back. My hands were still not touching her but I was jamming my cock into her ass as if giving her an anal. My own nipples were hardened now as I pressed my chest against her and my nose and lips were next to her neck smelling her womanly scent and seeing small drops of perspiration on her neck as she got more aroused.
I could sense Jo's mom now pressing hard against my body and cock. She did not grind or gyrate but simply pressed and provided resistance to my hardened prick. I began to gently lick the back of her neck, taking in and tasting her salty sweat. My tongue then gently licked her ears and I could literally smell lust now. Only then did I move in with my hands and gently cupped her C cup boobs thru the t-shirt. I outlined the contours of her succulent breasts with my fingers and slowly circled her hardened nipples thru her t-shirt. As she was braless, those 2 nipples were really pushing out thru the t-shirt and were sensitive to my every touch. As I gently scratched her nipple tips, I began to sense some twitching on her body.
I squeezed her boob with one hand hard, and with my other hand turned her face towards me. I stuck out my tongue and jammed into her mouth as if I was fucking her mouth rather than kissing her. She seemed to respond well to such animalistic lust and started to moan.
JM: oh, aaargh........ I am fucking horny now Dan. Squeeze my nipple harder ok, I cant feel anything...
Her hand began rubbing my cock furiously but she did not attempt to pull it out of my shorts. We were now facing each other and she was sitting on the dining table and I was standing between her legs. Her eyes were closed in ecstasy and her soft moaning continued.
JM: Dan I cant take this anymore, I need you inside me. But I want to wash you first. I dont want to taste Jo's aunt....I saw what you did to her last night. You were so rough and you got me so horny.
She led me to the bathroom and she turned on the tap with the hose. Jo's mother squatted in front of me and pulled down my shorts. My cock sprang out in front of her face. She sniffed at it and made a face, prob it was the smell of the remnant sperms or maybe Jo's aunt's saliva. She washed my cock with soap. She did this in a very sensual way, almost as if she was giving me a slow masturbation. All this while I resisted the temptation to strip her, wanting to prolong the excitement and anticipation longer. Luckily I had unloaded big time, otherwise her sensual rubbing would have exploded me by now. She used her finger to gently rub the entrance of my anus as she continued to stroke my shaft with soapy lather. She rinsed the soap and squattd down again. She glanced up at me with wide eyes and opened her mouth as wide as she could. Still staring straight at me, she held my harded cock and put it into her mouth. She wrapped her thick minah lips round my cock and started to slurp hungrily. I was in ecstasy. Good thing was that I knew I was going to last a long time as despite the incessant sucking, I felt no risk of my sperms building up.
After 5 minutes of glorious blow job, I pulled her up and started frenching her. Her t-shirt was quite wet by now and her big brown nipples were like naked. Those big brown tits were an indescribable turn-on. I used my thumbs and pressed against them, circled them till Jo's mother was squirming and moaning, with saliva dripping freely from her mouth as we frenched passionately.
Me: lets go to your room Ok. I want to see you fully naked for the first time.
JM: Really ah. I old lady where got nice to see (she said almost breathlessly)
Me: I have known you for nearly 6 months and have been imagining your naked body ever since. I always PCC when I imagine you naked.
JM: Which part you imagine most (she asked cheekily)
Me: I will always start by imagining your delicious boobs and juicy nipples. Then I will think about your naked butt and your hairy cheebye
The word cheebye seemed to excite her
JM: So you like my cheebye is it....mmmmmm. I will give you a treat ok. have you seen a malay cheebye before
Me: No auntie (I lied.... but I was playing along with her as I can sense that she too may have her own fantasy)
JM: Believe me after you taste a Malay cheebye you wont want a cheena cheebye.
We were already in the room. She shut and locked the door. The room was quite dark as the curtains were drawn. To me surprise, she switched on her room lights as usually ladies prefer dark and "romantic". Hmmm I guess Jo's mom is more lustful than I thought.
She stood in front of me and began a slow strip tease. She lifted up and removed her wet t shirt revealing a pair of yummy, bouncy, juicy 36C breasts with big brown erect nipples. Her stomach was surprisingly flat. I guess she was very confident of her body that she dared to turn on full blast her room lights. She pulled down her shorts and I saw a pair of quite ordinary looking red panties. Could see her pussy was quite hairy as her pubic hair was sticking out the side of her panties. She gave me a CFM look and moved towards me. I was already naked. She stood next to me and grabbed my cock with one hand. She raised one leg and rested that leg on a small short stool nearby. She began to rub my cock against her pussy thru that red panties. She was using it like a dildo, pushing it against her clitoris. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning softly. Actually I was quite surprised by her sudden animal lust and her uninhibited way of simply using me to satisfy her lust. But who's complaining right :)
As she continued to use my cock to rub her clit, I can see a growing wet patch on her panties as she got more and more turned on. She peeled the side of her panties with her thumb and put my cock indirect contact with her drenched pussy. I felt a warm sensation as our bodily fluids were mixed and as my bare cockhead rubbed against her swolled clitoris. I glanced downwards and saw her pussy absolutely drenched and her vagina lips parted revealing her red cunt. The sight of her red cheebye and her dark skin on her vagina lips and pubic hair was really exciting and made me super lustful.
She continued to use my cock while I frenched her and squeezed her hardened nipples. I moved down my hand to wet my fingers using her cunt juice. I soaked my index finger in her wet and sticky juice and slowly moved to her anus. I felt her body jerked slightly in reaction to my finger touching the entrance to her shit hole. But as she was super lustful now, I knew she was game for anything and tried to relax so that my finger can slide in. Slowly but surely my finger went inside her arse and I started feeling the smooth wall inside her anus. I gently rubbed and she groaned in ecstasy.
Jo's mom could not control anymore and guided my hard shaft into her cheebye, while we were both still standing but one of her leg was raised and supported by a stool. her pussy was really warm and the feeling of it surrounding my cock was just too great. I held on to her waist while I thrust vertically into her. I could feel her cunt juice drippind down my leg as I increased my thrusting speed. The swell within her pussy is quite obvious by now and I sense she could be coming soon.
I slowed down slightly and whispered to her to move to her bed. I layed her down on the edge of the bed with her legs spread open. I stood in front of her holding her legs apart and continued to thrust her violently. By now her head was thrashing side to side and she was moaning loudly. Her brown nipples were hardened and seemed much darker now. I could see beads of sweat glistening over her whole body. I moved my hand to her cheebye and rubbed her swollen clit with my thumb to heighten her excitement and lust.
JM: Fuck me dan, Fuck me..... my cheebye is burning and need your fucking!!!
Her extreme wildness tells me that she is going to come soon. I felt good and in control as I know I could probably bring her to climax before I come myself. I flipped her over to doggy her minah ass. Her legs were on the ground and her hands on the bed as I banged her hard against her ass. The phiak phiak sound was super loud as her minah ass cheeks bounced furiously. I pulled at one of her hands to expose her wildy bouncing tits and to see her ecstatic face.
JM: Sayang, I cumming soon, dont stop, faster faster.......arghhhhhh.....
She gripped the bedsheet hard and let out a dem loud scream which I am sure all the neighbours would have heard. She had cum. I then focus to also unload my sperms into her cheebye and continued rocking her ass. I shoved my thumb into her anus and she was too weak to protest. The sight of her big brown ass slapping against me and my thumb fully penetrating her anus was finally too much for me. I unloaded raw into her cheebye and I felt and really hot sensation as I spurted continuously. I felt the sperms dripping out and I pushed some of it from her pussy to her anus and pushed my white cum in her shit hole.
I pulled out my cock and moved it towards her face. I pulled at her hair to lift her head and positioned my cock at her face for her to lick me clean. She obediently sucked me and looked at me adoringly with open eyes as she slurped me dry.
We both slumped into the bed tired and fell asleep. It was up till then the best sex I have ever ever had.
To be contd
06-03-2009, 08:33 AM
The sexual tyrsts with Jo's mom continued for a few months. But after a while it became quite SOP.
Anyway, time to move on....
BTW, just curious, how many bros out there find minahs sexy and attractive?
06-03-2009, 09:40 AM
hi bro , i never hv a chance to try , always go for chinese .
but if u introduce 1 for me , i b very happy:D
06-03-2009, 11:27 AM
Damn ... i found minahs damn attractive....u guys know wat....2 days ago i went over to a mini mart near my place ....saw this minah ...damn attractive....and the best part she is a milf (already has a kid ard 3 yrs old)...but her boobs is definitely least C++ and she is slim ...furthermore she was wear a very tight white tshirt and a tight pant...can see her lacy bra and VPL too...from the bra...i guess they cant hold on to her boob anymore...overflow liao hahaha....
but no guts to test water tat day...after watching yr post...went down ytd ard the same timing...but couldnt find her...if i ever see her...definitely gonna test water...any bro here wanna give me some tip on how to test water in tis case
06-03-2009, 12:10 PM
The sexual tyrsts with Jo's mom continued for a few months. But after a while it became quite SOP.
Anyway, time to move on....
BTW, just curious, how many bros out there find minahs sexy and attractive?
minahs are the best.
06-03-2009, 01:23 PM
hi bro , i never hv a chance to try , always go for chinese .
but if u introduce 1 for me , i b very happy:D
I would if I could. But nowadays no stock liao. Those stuff happened long ago. Looking back they provided me the best sex so far.
Still got a couple more incidents. Will update later.
06-03-2009, 02:47 PM
Great. Thanks for sharing.
06-03-2009, 04:23 PM
hey bro, you are damn good....auntie killer
06-03-2009, 05:34 PM
so jon's mum should be almost 70 this year?
09-03-2009, 08:44 AM
Damn ... i found minahs damn attractive....u guys know wat....2 days ago i went over to a mini mart near my place ....saw this minah ...damn attractive....and the best part she is a milf (already has a kid ard 3 yrs old)...but her boobs is definitely least C++ and she is slim ...furthermore she was wear a very tight white tshirt and a tight pant...can see her lacy bra and VPL too...from the bra...i guess they cant hold on to her boob anymore...overflow liao hahaha....
but no guts to test water tat day...after watching yr post...went down ytd ard the same timing...but couldnt find her...if i ever see her...definitely gonna test water...any bro here wanna give me some tip on how to test water in tis case
Bro, you need to strike when iron is hot. But before that you need to get ready a few one-liners that you could use. For eg: In the mini mart situation, follow her a bit and find chance to smile and make a simple comment like - "wah dem hard to find things in this place" or "so hot in this shop" etc. Always look harmless and not as if you want to fuck her.. that will either scare her or turn her off. Once she responds then can either carry on conversation and ask some questions like whether she lives around there or say her kid is very cute etc. From these egs you can test water... if not keen or give you weird look, just move on, nothing to lose. If friendly, must quickly pluck up courage to get contact, buy drink, etc etc.... depends on situation.
All the best. Hope you succeed and can write us your story :P
09-03-2009, 09:48 AM
great story...
09-03-2009, 10:40 AM
Another nice story to read, thkx.
09-03-2009, 02:11 PM
Thanks Bros for all your encouragement!
09-03-2009, 02:20 PM
Thanks Bros for all your encouragement!
bro,reply with more story pls.....:D
12-03-2009, 10:14 AM
Camp fire started. BBQ hotdogs and waiting for more :D
13-03-2009, 03:29 AM
thank bro AngusYoung
tml gg to the minimart again...will try out what u said hahaha
13-03-2009, 10:52 AM
Sorry bros for taking so long to continue this.
But the truth of the matter is sex with Jo's mum subsequent to that was pretty routine and SOP. I recalled it went on for about 6 months, on off type and finally she kinda felt bad and I also felt less thrilled so we called it quits. I remain friends with Jo for quite some time then eventually lost touch.
But one interesting in fact very interesting thing that happened throughout this period was what I found out about Jo's aunt. Not sure if you remembered but she was the one who gave me heavenly BBJ. Well during the course of my sexual relationship with Jo's mum, she divulged that she actually witnessed what happened that night. I kinda guessed so that wasnt too much of a surprise. Jo's mum asked me if it felt good, how I liked her body etc etc. It was kinda weird I remembered as she kept having this smile. Then she revealed the truth to me.... Jo's aunt is really a Ah Qua! Wah lau, I nearly choked when I heard that.... no wonder she had prevented me from feeling her up her thighs that night.... must be a pre-op. As I really dont feel inclined towards transvestites I made it a point to avoid Jo's aunt since then.
So thats the end of the whole episode. I will write my last non commercial experience with another MILF minah which was my last.
13-03-2009, 11:07 AM
Freaking hard on I having now. Camping for more :)
25-03-2009, 03:34 PM
Freaking hard on I having now. Camping for more :)
You can look at my Story 1 and Story 3 where I have more exploits with brown sugar :)
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