View Full Version : How I win over my FB

25-02-2009, 04:50 PM
Hi all bros, after reading all your interesting story, I think I should contribute my own personal sexperience. This is a true story which happened only a couple o years back.

How it begin...
P (the girl) and I were JC classmates. I was in the commerce stream back then. You ppl will know that in commerce stream, most of the classmate are girls. There were only 3 guys (including me) and 12 girls in the class. Yes, you might have guess... I was spolit for choice. Back then I was into a relationship with another classmate L. So I did not have any eye for any other girls in the class.
Haiz, talking about L, my heart still ache. L was my first gf and I really thought I would marry L and love her for the rest of my life. However thanks to L who broke my heart, I get to know SBF and started my sexporation. heehee

Back to the story, P was just a normal girl back then. So normal looking that you will not give a second look at on the street. So 2 year of JC has passed and we lost contact for 5 years.

Now it starts...
After uni, I started working in an IT company doing IT support for the HQ office in Singapore. Not the job I wished for but at least I get to run ard (I hate desk bound job). I especially like helping female colleagues with their IT problems cos you can be up close with them... sometimes you can smell their perfume these will drive to estacy.. many a times I will immediately dive to the toilet and PCC after solving a problem for a female colleague... the sextisfaction is awesome.

One day, I noticed that there was this new finance colleague. She was sitting near the window facing window. At first I did not really notice who she was as I was "busy" solving another female colleague's (R) PC problem. R is those who is veri touchy and SYT. So whenever I have a chance to look into R's problem, I will make sure that i do a through check on her PC.

It was not until I heard a familiar voice calling out my name:

Unknow: "Hello B, so you are working here too... how qiao."
I was thinking WTF, spoitling my precious time with R. No choice, I unwillingly look up and to my surprise I saw P.
Me: "Hi hi P, so you are the new colleague.... how have you been?"

At this point, P was still a normal looking office lady type.

.... to be continue

Bro who like my starting pls up my points... and I shall continue

25-02-2009, 07:22 PM
I can't up ur point but i like ur story. Pls post more :)

25-02-2009, 07:33 PM
Do continue with the story.

25-02-2009, 08:00 PM
i see TS' points tio zapped till left 2 points nia, so poor thing -_-
shouldn't be asking for points oh :D

26-02-2009, 11:22 AM
Bro who like my starting pls up my points... and I shall continue

Continue up to LORRY? Still haven't read enuff of the trend in sharing
story... do not ask for points... :D

26-02-2009, 01:03 PM
Good start but do continue... points will come naturally if story's good.


26-02-2009, 01:20 PM
Camping here for more.

26-02-2009, 02:46 PM
Sorry for asking for point, since this is my first time writing my story, I din know the rules… :P


P: “Me? Still the same, single and happy. BTW since you are here, I have some installation problem with my PC. Need your help”

Me: “IC, ok…. I will go over once I am done with R’s PC”

After about 15 mins, I am done with R and walked over to P’s desk. P was wearing normal office wear with a spaghetti top and pants. Once over at P’s desk, look over P’s shoulder I almost had a nose bleed. As I look down towards the PC, I can see the down blouse of P. Although P is only a A-cup and since the bra she was wearing is slightly bigger than her breast, I had a full view of those big pinkish nip. *slurp slurp* Immediately I had a hardon but have to maintain composure since I have to act professional.

All the while, I was thinking to myself, “I definitely need to suck those big pinkish tits.” Although nothing happened while I was solving P’s PC problem, straight after that I head towards the toilet and PCC…. Shiok man. Over the next few weeks nothing much happen but I switch my target from R to P. I would spend a lot of my time at P’s desk looking at her downblouse. Remember that I mentioned that P is a normal girl? So you can guess that the bra that she wore to work are not those hot/loud pattern. But that make it more yummy since it is like the girl next door kind of feeling.

Soon even the colleagues were teasing about us but I just brush off that we were ex school mate that’s why have a lot of catch up to do. Our conversation started from work related, then to those JC days, then to relationship (oh yah I was just married at that time), to abit of flirting here and there…Since P just joined the company and did not have much friends, we used to lunch together… during one of our lunch conversation

Me: “Oei, how come you are still single… no bf meh?”
P: “Yah lor… good ones all married liao”
Me: “You already 30 liao not scare cant find the love of your life ah”
P: “Of cos worried lah, but what to do nobody want me”
Me: “You should take the initiative, women nowadays are very open already”
P: “But ……”
Me: “But but but what?”
P: “But how can a women be the first one to say ‘I love you’?”
Me (teasingly): “Huh! You mean you love me?”
Long silence…..abt 30 sec later
P: “Yah lor…”
Longer silence…..
P: “B, You looked surprise”
Me: “Of cos lah… how can you say this kind of things… choi choi choi”
P: “That’s why it is so difficult for me to say that…”
Me: “You are joking right…..(suddenly I had a hardon thinking all those downblouse incidents)”
Me: “I mean I know I am good looking but I am married”
P: “I dun mind at all…women are open nowadays….”
To be continue

26-02-2009, 03:18 PM
Nice story.. more to come please!!

26-02-2009, 04:34 PM
Waiting for your next chapter.

26-02-2009, 05:13 PM
bro .. more pls ..
wa lao

26-02-2009, 10:47 PM
continue! camping here

27-02-2009, 10:14 AM
Looks like something is going to happen liao.........TS quick write what happened. :D

27-02-2009, 10:45 AM
Bro, waiting for stories