View Full Version : Sex stories archive

02-03-2009, 03:39 PM
I am not such a good writer so the chances of me contributing stories of my own originality/creativity is slim. However, while doing some random "research" earlier, I came across this web site....

T E X T F I L E S (http://www.textfiles.com/sex/EROTICA/)

Brings back some memories from those BBS days when I was younger... But it seems incomplete, especially singapore stories...

I recall there were a bunch of lau ah peks who used to lurk the bbs to get to know the young girls, as I was a little boy then, cannot compete... those ah peks wrote a hell alot of pron during those days... wonder if anyone still archive these things...

04-03-2009, 01:55 PM
try this. read till you siao

Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository (http://www.asstr.org)

04-03-2009, 06:24 PM
I recommend the Ol Joe Collection.. it's quite comprehensive :D

anyway thanks for sharing

05-03-2009, 01:36 AM
Still looking for the local repository... I remember reading some classics there...

05-03-2009, 02:25 AM
Still looking for the local repository... I remember reading some classics there...

Are you refering to those sex book sold in mama store?

05-03-2009, 07:47 AM
No... In the times of bbs, I got to know some people who wrote stories about some of my other friends in the bbs(fictional I guess)... I cant believe these are all totally unavailable on the internet anymore...

05-03-2009, 01:11 PM
The Kristen Archives (http://www.asstr.org/~Kristen/main.htm)

Kristen Archive has been around for quite a while and is categorised.

Have a look!

25-08-2009, 01:35 PM
Thought I'd share my first time experience.
"Auntie Ee"
She lived three doors away in the row of terrace houses that we lived in, in Serangoon. Ours was the second house from the left and hers was the fifth. She was about thirty-three and was short and slim with a small pretty face. I'd always greeted her as Auntie Ee for I was only sixteen. She didn't speak English and our conversations were always in Teochew, a common Chinese dialect. Her husband, whom I addressed as 'Uncle' was older and dealt in hardware and was often away in Malaysia and Sabah on business. Sometimes their home would be noisy with relatives who come over to play mahjong in the evenings and during the weekends. At other times she was always alone with their son, Ah Boy, who was about two. Often, in the evenings, she would take Ah Boy for a walk along the walkway fronting our row of terrace houses. They would always stop at our garden gate and Ah Boy would call out to me. I would always come to him if I was at home and carry him for awhile for he was cute.
One day Ah boy fell asleep in my arms while I was carrying him. So I took him home. Auntie Ee was busy taking down the laundry and asked me to wait. When she had finished, she came over to take the boy from me. While passing the boy to her, my hand brushed against her breast and she looked at me. I apologised and she smiled, and asked me if I did it intentionally. I denied it and she said that it was alright. I quickly left her house and wondered at how nice her breast felt. She was always dressed in a samfoo and I never really noticed if she had a nice figure.
I didn't see her for a few days. One day while I was doing some chores in the garden, I heard Ah Boy calling. I reluctantly walked to them, for I was still embarrassed of the breast incident. I carried Ah Boy, and not looking at Auntie Ee, walked with him along the walkway. I hadn't greeted her and she walked after me and asked me if there was something wrong. I told her I was ashamed of what I had done and was afraid that she would tell her husband. She laughed and said that she wouldn't tell if I also kept quiet about it. So I agreed and she smiled at me. As she walked away, I couldn't help but notice that she had a nice figure. Small but quite sexy.
Things went on normally but I noticed that she was looking at me quite differently. She would stare at me and when I looked at her, she would smile in a strange way.
One day, I was cleaning my bicycle in the garden when she called me at the gate. I went and asked her what she wanted and she said that an electric bulb in the bathroom had blown and wanted to know if I knew how to replace it. Her husband had left for Malaysia the day before and would be away for a week. I said I had never done it but I would try to replace it. We went over to her home and went to her bathroom. She didn't have a ladder and went to get a chair.
While she was getting the chair, I looked around the bathroom and noticed her panties and brassier hanging on the line. I reached out and touched them. She came back with the chair and caught me squeezing the cup of the brassier. She looked at me and I sheepishly took the chair from her, placed it under the bulb and climbed up to reach for the blown bulb. She watched me and must have noticed the erection in my shorts. When I passed her the blown bulb and took the new one from her, I noticed her staring at the bulge in my shorts. When I had fixed the light, I climbed down from the chair and she was staring at me and asked, in Teochew, why I had an erection. I didn't know what to say and mumbled something about her underwear hanging there. She playfully smacked my erection and jokingly said I was naughty. Her aim was good and she hit my erect penis. I was surprised and didn't know what to do. She must have been surprised, too, at what she had felt for she stared at me. I guess she was surprised at the size of my erection and asked how come my 'bird' was so big. I said that I was not a little boy and that I was already sixteen. She asked me if I had hairs around it and said I had. She stared at me for a while and asked me to take it out for her to see. I was shy and didn't want to. She asked me again and said that she only wanted to see how big it was. I slowly unzipped my shorts and dropped them onto the floor. Then I pulled down my underwear and my erect penis jumped out. She stared at it without saying a word. I dared not look at her and pulled up my shorts and ran home.
At home, in my room, I thought about what happened and got an erection again and relieved myself, thinking of Auntie Ee.