View Full Version : Gary Ng, Spore's Edison Chen - He posts videos of sex encounters on blog

23-03-2009, 06:52 AM
Any samsters have this link ??

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He posts videos of sex encounters on blog

In yet another online scandal that had Singaporean Netizens riled, a blogger who calls himself posted some 33 sex videos of himself to a blog on an obscene website.

According to a post on omy blogger Alvinology's site, Gary claims to work in the banking industry, and is not shy at all about describing his sexual encounters with the various women.

Local Chinese evening daily Lianhe Wabao, reported that about 22 women were featured in the 33 videos Gary uploaded. Gary also titled the videos such that they profile the women whom he was having sex with.

From the titles include, 'Gary Ng vs. Beer Auntie', 'Gary Ng vs. Ah Lian' and even 'Gary Ng vs. Friend's Niece'. A real estate agent, an NUS student, a bank employee and a neighbour were also among Gary's 'conquests', Lianhe Wanbao reported.

The Wanbao report said that Gary first uploaded the sex clips to a blog hosted on an obscene website. He then made a number of posts on several popular Singaporean online forums, describing his sexual experiences in great detail and posting links to the videos.

Response to the videos were rife with criticism, with many Netizens condemning Gary's actions and sending 'flames' or angry posts. However, a handful of bloggers were found to have posted links to Gary's sex videos on their own blogs as well.

Lianhe Wanbao said that the first clip was uploaded sometime in August 2008, and the videos last from between more than 10 seconds to some 30 seconds.

From the angle the video were shot, the camera was likely to have been placed at a high point in the room. The women seem not to be aware of the fact that their actions were being recorded.

In a later email reply to Lianhe Wanbao, Gary admitted that "most of the women" were unaware he was taping them.

'Singapore's Edison Chen'

Because of his actions, blogger Alvinology called Gary 'Singapore's Edison Chen', but it seems the man behind the sex videos was not shy at all about Netizens seeing all of his intimate moments online. According to the Alvinology blog, Gary even left his email address at the end of every video.

When Lianhe Wanbao wrote to Gary, he was happy to reply. He told the Chinese newspaper that he was disappointed with the 'quality' of sex videos found online, and decided to upload clips of his sexual conquests to show how good he is in bed.

"I came up with the idea of videotaping myself, to show off my techniques. I didn't expect to get a such a good response, so when the comments started coming in, I uploaded more." Gary told the newspaper.

As to Alivinology calling him 'Singapore's Edison Chen', Gary told Lianhe Wanbao, "Actually the Netizens don't have to treat me as some superstar. I am just trying to contribute some sex videos for the enjoyment of the Singaporean men surfing the web."

Gary also told the Chinese newspaper that he left his email address in the video clips because Netizens would want to send him private messages. Thus, the move was just to "satisfy demand".

Singaporean law states that anyone who distributes pornographic material can face a fine of up to $40,000, be jailed up to 2 years, or both.

23-03-2009, 09:15 AM
Think he removed the video or the blog liao, saw the report oin newspaper.

upz ya

23-03-2009, 09:26 AM
tot he said he was in bunkering biz and drive sport car and 29 ???? now who is providiving accurate infos ???? he is a samster here too .... well, i enjoyed his video and the public website he posted have been removed.

23-03-2009, 09:31 AM
hmmz...first post from me..and i wish it should be helpful...

anywayz..this blog link had been posted by some other samster already:

SeX iS A Natural Part oF Life, Love it. (http://garyng174.blogspot.com/)

there you go...enjoy..i personally like the SG NUS girl.. =)

23-03-2009, 09:35 AM
SeX iS A Natural Part oF Life, Love it. (http://garyng174.blogspot.com/)

there you go... don't know where my first post go to... =(

23-03-2009, 09:35 AM
I think that it is only after he had brushed off the dust and chips of his life that he will be left with a hard question.

23-03-2009, 10:05 AM
Everythings about Singapore.. girls, life, promotions, events, .....: Full collections of Singapore Gary Ng Videos (http://singaporeagnestan.blogspot.com/2009/03/full-collections-of-singapore-gary-ng.html)

23-03-2009, 10:19 AM
hey samsters, i would like to share the latest never seen before Gary Ng's videos via this link with you :p

Wayang Times: Latest New Gary Ng Video Revealed (http://wayangtimes.blogspot.com/2009/03/latest-new-gary-ng-video-revealed.html)

hope you guys like it!

23-03-2009, 10:23 AM

His thread on SBF incase anyone missed it..

23-03-2009, 11:53 AM
SeX iS A Natural Part oF Life, Love it. (http://garyng174.blogspot.com/)

this is his blog

23-03-2009, 08:49 PM
watching his clips making me horny..!!

23-03-2009, 09:20 PM
i think he different from Edison Chen... at least he cover the gals face..

23-03-2009, 11:26 PM
ya thats what i suspect too. and then he just rename the videos to something else to booze his ego.

23-03-2009, 11:28 PM
Most are paid sex.

24-03-2009, 12:28 AM
Most are paid sex.

I have to agree, the niece is so old (Whose nieces?).

The mother and daughter - apart from the bed sheet which look similiar, the 2 had different body construction...unlikely

The few looks like same girl..

Tattoo ones ..remind me of the Idol...M got tyres

The others are all budget hotel rooms

His bonking quite similar for each of the video...variation is the timing

24-03-2009, 08:58 AM
i think his blog is close down..can anyone confirm?

24-03-2009, 11:08 AM
I read the report on newpaper on sunday. Was surprise he even use his real name, drives what car and even works in what line. I mean he claims to drive a GTR which if we look around it wouldn't be long before he's pictures would be surfaced. Gary if you are watching this i hope you'll be alright man, i felt there was no need for you to disclose so much about yourself. After all this is still sillypore. Dun need to get into trouble over all this. But that being said we still love your stuff here man!:D

24-03-2009, 11:12 AM
he is no edison chen - all the girls shown looks like they are pros from ya long - he is just all bull in his conquests - some ego trip.

24-03-2009, 11:54 AM
I read the report on newpaper on sunday. Was surprise he even use his real name, drives what car and even works in what line. I mean he claims to drive a GTR which if we look around it wouldn't be long before he's pictures would be surfaced. Gary if you are watching this i hope you'll be alright man, i felt there was no need for you to disclose so much about yourself. After all this is still sillypore. Dun need to get into trouble over all this. But that being said we still love your stuff here man!:D

And you think Gary Ng is his real name? :D

24-03-2009, 01:24 PM
dun tink is his real name...

24-03-2009, 01:27 PM
dun tink it his real name!

24-03-2009, 11:44 PM
Actually, something struck me when I was paying real attention to his ID... Esp the last 3 numbers... 174... To our non-Chinese bros, it means die together.

Suddenly it occurs to me that he might be suffering from AIDS and passing it around and hence 174...

Just a guess... Maybe 174 means something else to him... :p

Zai Zai
25-03-2009, 12:19 AM
For his sharing and contributions, give that man a beer!

25-03-2009, 12:49 AM
Could 174 be on his car plate no.??? or he trying to drop us some hints?:confused:

25-03-2009, 01:42 AM
Actually, something struck me when I was paying real attention to his ID... Esp the last 3 numbers... 174... To our non-Chinese bros, it means die together.

Suddenly it occurs to me that he might be suffering from AIDS and passing it around and hence 174...

Just a guess... Maybe 174 means something else to him... :p

nice observation.... his videos are really no big deal, coz can see alot of them are of the same people..... i think other bros saw and pointed out the flaws in his thread......
in fact for bros who think highly of the sg nus girl clip... pls look again at 3min 22secs of the clip to catch a better glimpse of the gal's face....definitely not that pretty... though can see she's in her twenties....

25-03-2009, 03:41 PM
Actually, something struck me when I was paying real attention to his ID... Esp the last 3 numbers... 174... To our non-Chinese bros, it means die together.

Suddenly it occurs to me that he might be suffering from AIDS and passing it around and hence 174...

Just a guess... Maybe 174 means something else to him... :p

Wah, if that's the case, CDC would be on his tail already. I guess the moral of his story is to tell people not to screw around or you'll never know what you'd catch.

The Sunday New Papaer did say he's suffering from low self esteem and out for vengence.

His first gf cheated on him after 3 years, second one after 6 years and 3rd gf cheated on him and he was shown the sex tape. Perhaps it's a classic case of the Stockholm syndrome or something where the victim starts to become and identify with his tormentor.

Either way, what a sad sad life he's leading. :(

25-03-2009, 09:30 PM
His first gf cheated on him after 3 years, second one after 6 years and 3rd gf cheated on him and he was shown the sex tape. Perhaps it's a classic case of the Stockholm syndrome or something where the victim starts to become and identify with his tormentor.

Either way, what a sad sad life he's leading. :(

Sounds to me more like a rape victim trauma - one who was hurt and turns round inflict the pain on others to soothe his pain. Anw, dun see whats wrong with his videos except for the fact he is a Singaporean lol. :p