View Full Version : Thank you fellow SAMSTER :)

23-04-2009, 06:26 AM
I would like to take this opportunity to thanks fellow samsters here.

Before i become regular visitor to this forum, my wife dont really enjoy sex with me because i tend to cum very fast, fast till always within 4 - 6 piak piak i shoot liao. Most of the time she was not really sextified.

Now thanks to you all, i browse through most of the stories thread way back from 2005, i must say i learnt a bit or two, if not three or four.

Now i can finally control, my recent record was close to one hour in piaking before i finally 'willing' to shoot out.

Please accept my deepest appreciation to you guys, thank you. :)

ah rat
23-04-2009, 06:33 AM
Now i can finally control, my recent record was close to one hour in piaking before i finally 'willing' to shoot out.

Did yours wife enjoy piaking :D

23-04-2009, 06:34 AM
Did yours wife enjoy piaking :D

yes, now i make sure i sextified her deep deep already before shooting off for the day.

Beside that, also did a few positions which i learnt while reading throughout all these wonderful stories in here.


23-04-2009, 07:38 AM
Now i can finally control, my recent record was close to one hour in piaking before i finally 'willing' to shoot out. :)

Wah! close to 1 hour, tat's great! Can you tell us which threads and stories you've read? I also wan to learn ;)

23-04-2009, 07:41 AM
look like i had wasted all my yrs over here......i cum less than 15mins.....need to spend more time here liao.:D

23-04-2009, 08:12 AM
As fellow brothers, we need to help one another.

I would like to take this opportunity to thanks fellow samsters here.

Before i become regular visitor to this forum, my wife dont really enjoy sex with me because i tend to cum very fast, fast till always within 4 - 6 piak piak i shoot liao. Most of the time she was not really sextified.

Now thanks to you all, i browse through most of the stories thread way back from 2005, i must say i learnt a bit or two, if not three or four.

Now i can finally control, my recent record was close to one hour in piaking before i finally 'willing' to shoot out.

Please accept my deepest appreciation to you guys, thank you. :)

23-04-2009, 08:14 AM
Have you learn how to SHOOT like Peter North???:D

23-04-2009, 10:45 AM
Now i can finally control, my recent record was close to one hour in piaking before i finally 'willing' to shoot out.

Please accept my deepest appreciation to you guys, thank you. :)

wah how did this site help you to control shooting out? i tor balik from you....when i started on this site in 2001 i could go on like a energizer bunny..on and on and on and on...but now after all these years of cheonging...haiz my "endurance" dropped liao..cannot tahan so long..:(:(

23-04-2009, 11:05 AM
Now thanks to you all, i browse through most of the stories thread way back from 2005, i must say i learnt a bit or two, if not three or four.

Now i can finally control, my recent record was close to one hour in piaking before i finally 'willing' to shoot out.

Wah, pls do share with us your new learned techniques ;)

23-04-2009, 11:07 AM
good , lets share , cheers:D

23-04-2009, 11:12 AM
Now i can finally control, my recent record was close to one hour in piaking before i finally 'willing' to shoot out.

From 4-6 piak piak to 1 hour of piaking! OMG! That's more than 1000% increase in performance! Perhaps you may like to share how you managed to control your urge to cum? :)

23-04-2009, 03:01 PM
Typical example of putting theory into practical.......:D

23-04-2009, 03:03 PM
wah seh bro u mean u piak 1 hr full time or gt break 1/2 time? if full time i think the girl sure cry toh long liao.:D

envy u man, me in my 30s only can only tahan less than 30 mins. mind share what techniques u used?:p

23-04-2009, 03:33 PM
hi all,

basically i can say i read most of the stories starting from the begining of the section. yes i started reading since 2005 stories lolx.

ya it came close to an hour and in between no breaks at all, only changing position and carry on live firing.

Along the way there are some guys seeking for advice on how to prolong before shooting mah. so basically, there are a few i could recall, first one very effective one was do mental calculation inside my mind when piaking. everytime i have the urge the kind of feeling to shoot ah, i would immediately start think equation like 36000 x 2 = how much like that loh. lolx.

Another one was in the most stories always got mentioned one, when you have the feeling to shoot liao ah, MUST change position liao. lolx. position like doggy, side to side can minimized your temptation to shoot. at least that what i felt loh.

if you want to 'enhance' the above effect, make sure you drink at least one bottle of beer or alcohol, that way confirm can last long one hahahaha.

side track about my past sex life ah, because i love my wife alot ah she dosent need much effort to get me aroused and into the mood loh. which is why last time we cannot have too much foreplay one, too much foreplay for me, i will shoot even more faster, lol got one incidents when we play too much liao she wanted me to go into her lovehole before going in i shoot liao LOLx!:o i can see that she very disappointed with me.

ya nowadays whenever we have sex we need to wet her hole occasionally, because lolx i make sure i piak her until she cum first before i finally letting go of myself and shoot :D

its very useful reading all these stories, i even mimic some sentences or words from the stories to say to my wife during sex. it greatly helps alot also.

now my wife show me the facial expression that she never marry the wrong guy afterall lolx.

23-04-2009, 04:17 PM

Glad you found your "XIN FU" here...:D

23-04-2009, 07:04 PM
Bro Saereht , one word. WELLDONE!! :)

Ass Lover
23-04-2009, 08:39 PM
did not know the stories here got secret gong fu to make one last longer.

looks like I have to start reading too.

btw how to access those 2005 stories ?

23-04-2009, 08:49 PM
wah how did this site help you to control shooting out? i tor balik from you....when i started on this site in 2001 i could go on like a energizer bunny..on and on and on and on...but now after all these years of cheonging...haiz my "endurance" dropped liao..cannot tahan so long..:(:(

hehehehehehehehheheehehehehe..... change battery la! use duracell.:D

23-04-2009, 10:05 PM
look like i had wasted all my yrs over here......i cum less than 15mins.....need to spend more time here liao.:D

Bro soundworks, don't feel inferior. Anything more than ten minutes is considered good liao. Your 15 minutes is already the envy of many men. Keep it up. Jiayu! Jiayu!

23-04-2009, 10:42 PM
Now i can finally control, my recent record was close to one hour in piaking before i finally 'willing' to shoot out.

Please accept my deepest appreciation to you guys, thank you. :)

bro, incredible! salute to u!

23-04-2009, 11:38 PM
hahaha please dont thank me, i should be the one who need to thanks you guys. :)

btw, im only 23 years old this year, i will have alot to learn from seniors here. kudos all~!

seriously if not for those great stories contributed by my fellow samster, i would not have any idea how much work or effort a man has to do inorder to work out a great sex.

Because throughout my life i have only one girlfriend which is my wife, therefore i do not have reference regarding how to improve or enhance it until i came here. :D

Sometimes we do quarrel but onces i wipe out my arsenal and sextified her, the next day she forgot about what had happen already hahahaa:D

Now i think my average around 25 to 35 mins like that. and I DO NOT FEEL PAISEH TO TELL OTHER PEOPLE I LEARNT MY SECRETE FROM HERE :D

24-04-2009, 12:00 AM
piak piak is good!!! n this forum promotes piak piak!

24-04-2009, 12:04 AM
peter north legend. now u r the man. LOL 1 hr power......kudos to all bros and samsters here. job well done. keep it up. have a sextisfying time here reading. cheers on:D

24-04-2009, 09:03 AM
Perhapes, maybe perhapes... the initial excitment and novalty that cause the 5 piak shot wore off, so you now can last longer till 3600 piak or on average 1500 piak. (Taking 1 Piak/Sec as the speed. Could be more, could be less):rolleyes:

Reading through the forum here isn't the cause. :D

24-04-2009, 10:37 AM
Perhapes, maybe perhapes... the initial excitment and novalty that cause the 5 piak shot wore off, so you now can last longer till 3600 piak or on average 1500 piak. (Taking 1 Piak/Sec as the speed. Could be more, could be less):rolleyes:

Reading through the forum here isn't the cause. :D

Bro HayHot, I beg to differ. Once u master the skill and with the knowledge of how to do it right, even if u piak piak a new gal with much excitement and novalty, u can still last longer instead of 'touch and go'

'SEX' is in short for 'SKILL, EXPERIENCE AND 'X' FACTOR'. 'X' FACTOR refers to those contributions by bros in this forum. :D

24-04-2009, 01:46 PM
hehehehehehehehheheehehehehe..... change battery la! use duracell.:D

hmmm no lah now i prefer to use "rechargeable" batteries..alkaline once "drained" cannot recharge..:D

eh you want to "recharge" for me my batteries??:D

24-04-2009, 01:48 PM
'SEX' is in short for 'SKILL, EXPERIENCE AND 'X' FACTOR'. 'X' FACTOR refers to those contributions by bros in this forum. :D

Well SEX for me and oc is Shoot and EXit..:(:(

24-04-2009, 03:52 PM
did not know the stories here got secret gong fu to make one last longer.

looks like I have to start reading too.

btw how to access those 2005 stories ?

you scroll down to the bottom of the page, and under display option, you select show thread from, you select the begining loh. Then after it refresh le, you go click 'last' and it will bring you to the first thread posted or at least the oldest thread which on the verge of replacing by new ones already.

24-04-2009, 06:31 PM
It is good to be able to last long... but i understand that for women, too long is no funny as they may dry up.

24-04-2009, 11:34 PM
It is good to be able to last long... but i understand that for women, too long is no funny as they may dry up.

yes i do agree with you, in fact when piaking some where around 13 mins, it tend to get alittle bit dry already, luckily for us was that we one have big tube of playgel to lubricant it.

Like the stories mentioned, you go long, they cum multiple times.

24-04-2009, 11:53 PM
i only can last about 5 mins..hi bro, can give me advance how to prolong..but i dont drink..tryi to mix 7-up with a bit martell.

25-04-2009, 12:36 PM
Congrats threadstarter. Hope you get better with the shared inspiration from the other bros/sis here. :)

Sex is an integral part of a relationship. Anyone who doubt that need to see a shrink! :p

25-04-2009, 11:55 PM
i only can last about 5 mins..hi bro, can give me advance how to prolong..but i dont drink..tryi to mix 7-up with a bit martell.

you on the way already bro, dont really need to drink on regular basic though, i myself dont really drink often.

there are alot different ways to prolong, hidden within all the threads. methods like mental calculations or changing position, or drink are commonly mentioned.

There also one more which i used to do in the past, before piaking, i make sure my wife bj till i shoot out and always love the way she swallows it. but please make sure you have a strong heart or fit body to do so, its quite tedious to immediately insert after you shoot out.

practice make perfect, watch more videos learn more position might help too.

26-04-2009, 12:11 AM
Hi bros here. I'm 26 this yr and married for a year. My wife keep complaining pain when I am fxxking her. Can anyone give advise? Already make her very wet. Dunno what went wrong.

26-04-2009, 02:19 AM
hmmm no lah now i prefer to use "rechargeable" batteries..alkaline once "drained" cannot recharge..:D

eh you want to "recharge" for me my batteries??:Dme not power station!:mad:

26-04-2009, 09:50 AM
Hi bros here. I'm 26 this yr and married for a year. My wife keep complaining pain when I am fxxking her. Can anyone give advise? Already make her very wet. Dunno what went wrong.

I think you better ask her how you can arouse her better.:)

27-04-2009, 02:13 PM
Hi bros here. I'm 26 this yr and married for a year. My wife keep complaining pain when I am fxxking her. Can anyone give advise? Already make her very wet. Dunno what went wrong.

some women are naturally dry even how much you try to stimulate them to let the juice flow...in this case bo pain lah use lub..

29-04-2009, 02:40 PM
Hi bros here. I'm 26 this yr and married for a year. My wife keep complaining pain when I am fxxking her. Can anyone give advise? Already make her very wet. Dunno what went wrong.

hi bro, now a days my wife also complaining pain, but i realised was because the way i insert in and out that actually cause her to be in pain.

so i suggest if you really dont want her to complain of pain, then maybe you will want to only insert halfway through only. for my case, when i insert more than half, she will start to feel pain liao. regardless of wet or not. but you can instantly relieve her pain by licking her immediately for a period of time. it works for my wife though.