View Full Version : Wh43 G9 Fr
09-07-2003, 12:32 PM
Hi all,
Last night my little brother feeling hot, went to GL to cool location at wh43....hearing that the OKT are very the fucker....but O.K...The OKT very friendly to me....
where i was looked i saw G9 keep on smiling at me, she look o.k lah...a bit like a school girl paid up and go...
Inside the room she keep on smiling at me and to my surprise she can speak chinese very well...she help me to take off my shirt and i also do the same to her too, after that we go bathing...she use her body to bath me and give me a deep BJ...oh my little brother go to cum...!!!! and i really cum....
I say i cum o really have finish o really...she say can cum one more to my surprise, we bathed and went stright to the bed...i started her with an french kiss...kiss like no tomorrow....then i fingering her little sister and her little sister are really really very wet...she suddenly ask me want to lick she little sister and i without say i stright down to lick her she really enjoy it....than we change to do 69...without the cap on..!!..put on cap and change to doggy...and change to she on top of me...harder and harder i go....she more enjoy it...till she say " i going i going...!!!!"...and so do i.......after that we hug each other for some time and have our bath together.....
Look : 5/10
body : small size
BJ : 7/10
FJ : 8/10
Attude : 9/10 girlfriend type
work rate : 9/10 very hardworking, do whenever you ask her to.
fingering : yes
69 : yes
ass licking : yes
tit licking and sucking : yes
good FR, looking forward to ur next one..... have fun. :D
09-07-2003, 11:56 PM
thanks for ur info.
10-07-2003, 05:24 AM
Great FR!
On my list. :)
10-07-2003, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by ICEGOD
Hi all,
Last night my little brother feeling hot, went to GL to cool location at wh43....hearing that the OKT are very the fucker....but O.K...The OKT very friendly to me....
where i was looked i saw G9 keep on smiling at me, she look o.k lah...a bit like a school girl paid up and go...
Inside the room she keep on smiling at me and to my surprise she can speak chinese very well...she help me to take off my shirt and i also do the same to her too, after that we go bathing...she use her body to bath me and give me a deep BJ...oh my little brother go to cum...!!!! and i really cum....
I say i cum o really have finish o really...she say can cum one more to my surprise, we bathed and went stright to the bed...i started her with an french kiss...kiss like no tomorrow....then i fingering her little sister and her little sister are really really very wet...she suddenly ask me want to lick she little sister and i without say i stright down to lick her she really enjoy it....than we change to do 69...without the cap on..!!..put on cap and change to doggy...and change to she on top of me...harder and harder i go....she more enjoy it...till she say " i going i going...!!!!"...and so do i.......after that we hug each other for some time and have our bath together.....
Look : 5/10
body : small size
BJ : 7/10
FJ : 8/10
Attude : 9/10 girlfriend type
work rate : 9/10 very hardworking, do whenever you ask her to.
fingering : yes
69 : yes
ass licking : yes
tit licking and sucking : yes
Hi Bro Icegod,
You are Right man, she is Good man.....just poke her last night and it was wonderful indeed.
Once went in she start to french kiss with me and warm up my brother with hand massage within...can't stand anymore hug her and stright to the bed with still our clothes on.....she like not having sex for long long time like that, want more and more from me, poke her harder she enjoy higher and indeed have a very good service and can do whenever you wanted her to do....and the rest of the story i can't remember at all cos i was feeling too good that i have forgot anything.....she indeed wonderful Brother...
12-07-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by theotherone
Hi Bro Icegod,
You are Right man, she is Good man.....just poke her last night and it was wonderful indeed.
Once went in she start to french kiss with me and warm up my brother with hand massage within...can't stand anymore hug her and stright to the bed with still our clothes on.....she like not having sex for long long time like that, want more and more from me, poke her harder she enjoy higher and indeed have a very good service and can do whenever you wanted her to do....and the rest of the story i can't remember at all cos i was feeling too good that i have forgot anything.....she indeed wonderful Brother...
Hi Bro Theotheone,
Thank Bro, can't stand think of her great service, have to poke her coming too????...
12-07-2003, 01:14 PM have to go down to recce liao!!
12-07-2003, 03:04 PM
Just note ....not a looker..
13-07-2003, 01:05 AM
agree with Mit Mit, she is not much of a looker, but she is out to please. Did go down on her and turn her on somewhat. Overall, enjoy her service but just don't feel that connected with her. Sigh!!! after cheoging so long ...... it seems that i get connected with those that service are only SOP, but those that are service oriented, often than not enjoy but no mood to go back.
Anyway, for bros who are looking for good service, i strongly recommend her.
13-07-2003, 02:58 PM
hm............ wanna try out
wats the damage??????
40 or 80?????
13-07-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by small1
hm............ wanna try out
wats the damage??????
40 or 80?????
wake up!....wake up!......want me to damage you huh!.... :(
13-07-2003, 07:11 PM
bro......... i only go geylang once how i noe how much there cost??
hope u guys understand!!!!!!
13-07-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by small1
bro......... i only go geylang once how i noe how much there cost??
hope u guys understand!!!!!!
that means you've not been reading, cat80 and cat150 the gals go by names while cat40 the gals go by numbers....anymore silly question, believe me flames will come your way......:o
14-07-2003, 08:01 AM
Hi All,
really good man, this is my second time visiting her, really wonderful....go in french kiss....warm up my little this time round she show me a paper with a lot of making love style and ask me which style i have not try before...really i have see alot of funny style and i have try some of them and really good for FJ...make me more high..but too less time throught i have 2 session with her but her new style making me too less time....have to poke her more session next time really really feeling fucking good with new fucking style and she will do as whenever i want her to do.....have to visit her in 2 to 3 day time....little brother can't stand anymore....
14-07-2003, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by ICEGOD
Hi All,
really good man, this is my second time visiting her, really wonderful....go in french kiss....warm up my little this time round she show me a paper with a lot of making love style and ask me which style i have not try before...really i have see alot of funny style and i have try some of them and really good for FJ...make me more high..but too less time throught i have 2 session with her but her new style making me too less time....have to poke her more session next time really really feeling fucking good with new fucking style and she will do as whenever i want her to do.....have to visit her in 2 to 3 day time....little brother can't stand anymore....
Hi Bro Icegod,
Wow bro, she so....good to i also visit her last night...2 session with her and also feeling the same as you bro...too less time....have too many thing to do with her....have to book overnight with her....
14-07-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by theotherone
Hi Bro Icegod,
Wow bro, she so....good to i also visit her last night...2 session with her and also feeling the same as you bro...too less time....have too many thing to do with her....have to book overnight with her....
Hi Bro theotherone,
wow overnight with her, then you can master all the style in the paper.....fucking non-stop for 2-3 can or not..????.
BTY i also wanted to book her overnight too....maybe this weekend above you....????
14-07-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by ICEGOD
Hi Bro theotherone,
wow overnight with her, then you can master all the style in the paper.....fucking non-stop for 2-3 can or not..????.
BTY i also wanted to book her overnight too....maybe this weekend above you....????
Hello Bro Icegod,
Please lah...bro..don't follow me can or not...i want to overnight you also wanted to overnight...!!!!..same timing somemore...!!!
Master the style in the paper...??? she have not show me lah....maybe overnight that time i ask her above it and see how many style i can master...2-3 hr fucking for me..!!! or problem Bro....
14-07-2003, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by theotherone
Hello Bro Icegod,
Please lah...bro..don't follow me can or not...i want to overnight you also wanted to overnight...!!!!..same timing somemore...!!!
Master the style in the paper...??? she have not show me lah....maybe overnight that time i ask her above it and see how many style i can master...2-3 hr fucking for me..!!! or problem Bro....
Hi Bro Theotherone,
Bro why don't we meet up with each other and we went there and ask the OKT can we book her with 2 to 1....??? above it Bro....overnight together with 1 that when you are tried you can rest and learn from me and when i tried i rest lah your turn to do hr non-stop also how above it bro..????
14-07-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by ICEGOD
Hi Bro Theotherone,
Bro why don't we meet up with each other and we went there and ask the OKT can we book her with 2 to 1....??? above it Bro....overnight together with 1 that when you are tried you can rest and learn from me and when i tried i rest lah your turn to do hr non-stop also how above it bro..????
Hi Bro Icegod,
Hello Bro, you Are sick is it...!!!???..out of you fucking mind man...indeed sick...have to mindwash you....
14-07-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by theotherone
Hi Bro Icegod,
Hello Bro, you Are sick is it...!!!???..out of you fucking mind man...indeed sick...have to mindwash you....
Hi Bro Theotherone,
Hi Bro, i just joking only lah....2 to 1 out of my mind man....BTY.. Enjoy your wanderful weekend with her as same to me i wanted to book her this Friday...o.k for you....and me...???
14-07-2003, 05:05 PM
Wah....this girl really power!! 18 styles of the Kamasutra also can perform???
14-07-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by ICEGOD
Hi Bro Theotherone,
Bro why don't we meet up with each other and we went there and ask the OKT can we book her with 2 to 1....??? above it Bro....overnight together with 1 that when you are tried you can rest and learn from me and when i tried i rest lah your turn to do hr non-stop also how above it bro..????
Sounds like fun to me. :)
15-07-2003, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Cool_Dick
Wah....this girl really power!! 18 styles of the Kamasutra also can perform???
Hi Cool_Dick,
From what i see the paper where are more than 18 style, may be 30 over style there.....more power...!!!!..she make my cock stand more harder....
18-07-2003, 06:00 PM
i just came from Wh43 G9, her service is mediocre. nothing of those mentioned in this thread, probably i was unlucky
18-07-2003, 06:10 PM
I tried this gal on 17/7/03. Noticed that her lower lips got black marks, asked her why she said those were birth-marks??!! Bros there can confirm? Any her service very normal leh...cannot french cannot 69, not like the bro who started this thread mentioned leh...Will not go back again...better still to stick back to WH10 & WH12.
18-07-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Cool_Dick
I tried this gal on 17/7/03. Noticed that her lower lips got black marks, asked her why she said those were birth-marks??!! Bros there can confirm? Any her service very normal leh...cannot french cannot 69, not like the bro who started this thread mentioned leh...Will not go back again...better still to stick back to WH10 & WH12.
Heng ah.. never go and try... Who knows maybe the thread starter is the okt themselves... Talking among themselves to pull customers to the house...
Just a guess....
19-07-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Cool_Dick
I tried this gal on 17/7/03. Noticed that her lower lips got black marks, asked her why she said those were birth-marks??!! Bros there can confirm? Any her service very normal leh...cannot french cannot 69, not like the bro who started this thread mentioned leh...Will not go back again...better still to stick back to WH10 & WH12.
Hi Bro Cool_Dick
Maybe you too hard for her at first time and she don't like it, so she don,t like you lah....
First time i poke her she also like that one, one going inside you have to talk soft for her than when she like you, you can do whenever you want man....she told me before..." you good to me, i will very good to you".....understand Bro..??? don't go in and start wanted to do 69....Frenching....have to do some connection first....have to plug in the pwr first before you can work...
19-07-2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by theotherone
Hi Bro Icegod,
Wow bro, she so....good to i also visit her last night...2 session with her and also feeling the same as you bro...too less time....have too many thing to do with her....have to book overnight with her.... overnight at H43? dun sian us la...
19-07-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by suckerll
overnight at H43? dun sian us la...
I second that Bro sucker... That stretch no Overnite one. Not even for super super regulars...
19-07-2003, 11:50 PM
gotta agree with bro sucker, overnights, if provided, only L6 and L8.. considering the popularity of the WH houses, if they did overnight, definitely chaos.. haha.. for sure i'm gonna book overnight if it's available, considering how i always go for 3 sessions at once.. that's $120 a pop already.. thank god my cheonging is a weekly (or at least i try to keep it weekly) affair, arboh really tough on my wallet.. haha..
20-07-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by small1
bro......... i only go geylang once how i noe how much there cost??
hope u guys understand!!!!!!
different houses have different prices. the Thai ones normally cost $30-$40. The rest are between $80-$200. Not sure which Thai houses offer $30 but I know there's one at Lorong 8, House 17abc which offer this price.
21-07-2003, 07:55 AM
Hi All Bro,
MY first i really don't know after i called up to the OKT to book her for overnight last friday night, the OKT told me they don't have any of the overnight service sad go down last friday and have 3 session with her lor...
Hi Bro Theotherone....don't heartpain...i also lah....
22-07-2003, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by TheUnforgiven
different houses have different prices. the Thai ones normally cost $30-$40. The rest are between $80-$200. Not sure which Thai houses offer $30 but I know there's one at Lorong 8, House 17abc which offer this price.
Thank you Bro Unforgiven for the information... I will surely go down and try 17abc for $30.... ;)
22-07-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by ICEGOD
Hi All Bro,
MY first i really don't know after i called up to the OKT to book her for overnight last friday night, the OKT told me they don't have any of the overnight service sad go down last friday and have 3 session with her lor...
Hi Bro Theotherone....don't heartpain...i also lah....
Bro ICEGOD, L8H17ABC got overnight service. OKT very friendly and girls provide tip-top service. Go try it out.
22-07-2003, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by scooby
Thank you Bro Unforgiven for the information... I will surely go down and try 17abc for $30....
Yeah man WHAT A bargain, the OKT's at h17abc are marketing genuises.;)
TOmmrrow going you Know?
22-07-2003, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by cheongkid
Bro ICEGOD, L8H17ABC got overnight service. OKT very friendly and girls provide tip-top service. Go try it out.
Hi Bro Cheongkid,
Thank You Bro. The last time i went there was above 8 month ago, asked the girl there they say don't provide overnight service...and the service provided from the girl where not so i stop going there for sometime now....
Hi Bro any good service girl there can french, 69...???.have i will go and try....
22-07-2003, 03:33 PM
Wah...L817ABC gals only $30?? Any bros there can confirm? Went there a year ago was standard $40. Hope this will start a price war so will benefit us cat40 cheongsters....
23-07-2003, 12:10 AM
yeah L8H18abc good... OKT nice.. go in dun call also Never mind....
GErs Service top notch...
dun be fooled by his look lahx...
somemore share abt the same name as me...
24-07-2003, 09:03 PM
no overnite :D :D
Originally posted by scooby
I second that Bro sucker... That stretch no Overnite one. Not even for super super regulars...
27-07-2003, 04:20 AM
Hi Bro,
Yesterday Night Going down to WH43 to Look for G9, But She was not working that night and from what her Friend have told me that she falled down and hurt herself....hope she get well soon as i miss her wonderful
27-07-2003, 05:29 AM
Originally posted by theotherone
Hi Bro,
Yesterday Night Going down to WH43 to Look for G9, But She was not working that night and from what her Friend have told me that she falled down and hurt herself....hope she get well soon as i miss her wonderful
Hi Bro Theotherone,
Real or not..???..I have some session with her few day ago, what happen to her..???...thinking that i going down have to call the OKT there to find out....i Hope she O.k....
29-07-2003, 04:44 AM
Originally posted by theotherone
Hi Bro,
Yesterday Night Going down to WH43 to Look for G9, But She was not working that night and from what her Friend have told me that she falled down and hurt herself....hope she get well soon as i miss her wonderful
Hi Bro Theotherone,
Good new bro, she back...yesterday called the OKT there and told me that she O.K and working now....And you know what i have oready having 2 session with her yesterday....poked her like no tomorrow man...
18-08-2003, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by ICEGOD
Hi Bro Theotherone,
Good new bro, she back...yesterday called the OKT there and told me that she O.K and working now....And you know what i have oready having 2 session with her yesterday....poked her like no tomorrow man...
Yesterday i just having 2 session with her, you know...!!!!...she eat my cum...!!!...i think she really eat it....for some....oh you..???Bro..
19-08-2003, 05:12 AM
Originally posted by theotherone
Yesterday i just having 2 session with her, you know...!!!!...she eat my cum...!!!...i think she really eat it....for some....oh you..???Bro..
Hi Bro Theotherone,
What...!!!...Eat your cum..??!!!...The last time i have this girl WH10 G23 eatting my cum too.....till now very hard to find one that can do it true or not...????...i have to ask her....may be your one is very nice to eat lah....
19-08-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by ICEGOD
Hi Bro Theotherone,
What...!!!...Eat your cum..??!!!...The last time i have this girl WH10 G23 eatting my cum too.....till now very hard to find one that can do it true or not...????...i have to ask her....may be your one is very nice to eat lah....
my cum contain a lot of ginseng,must ask her to try also:D
23-08-2003, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by jojoman
my cum contain a lot of ginseng,must ask her to try also:D
My one a lot of beer and thai girl love to drink beer.....after drink beer we will sing song...
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