View Full Version : damm pai seh!
15-07-2003, 03:39 PM first time i gave my gf ended up in only 3-4 mins..kanna suan by her leh...sob..
i really need help to main my erection.......if not i dont dare to go geylang...wait i get laugh at...
could anyone tell me any vitamin or excercise i could do to prolong my erection
16-07-2003, 03:28 AM
Originally posted by Lawrence21 first time i gave my gf ended up in only 3-4 mins..kanna suan by her leh...sob..
i really need help to main my erection.......if not i dont dare to go geylang...wait i get laugh at...
could anyone tell me any vitamin or excercise i could do to prolong my erection
geylang will not laugh at you, they welcome you.....seriously.....:D
16-07-2003, 04:02 PM
Simi LJ ..... One says that he wants to cum faster and the other wishes to prolong his erection.... U can share pointers with each other lah....
16-07-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Lawrence21 first time i gave my gf ended up in only 3-4 mins..kanna suan by her leh...sob..
i really need help to main my erection.......if not i dont dare to go geylang...wait i get laugh at...
could anyone tell me any vitamin or excercise i could do to prolong my erection
my $0.02
1) ask gf to give you BBBJ until CIM
2) then start session proper with foreplay about 20 min
3) after that your didi should be able to salute again (male refractory period is about 20 min +/- a few minutes)
4) sure last longer than 4 min ...
16-07-2003, 06:42 PM
hi..i have got this paiseh experience recently too when i went for my first geylang exposure.
i think no brudders here will ever believe that i didnt even get a erection at all for the whole 25mins!!! end up i just lay on the bed talking cock to the WL.....
i also cant figure out why i am in this situation when with WL.. i dun have such problems when i am with IRC gals, ONS, chatline ladies? maybe i just got the mentality that WL is all about $$$ and everything they does are SOP..."not feeling at all like commercial sex" everything is done in a rush..
while with other ladies that i encounter...i dun have such thinking at all.." especially the turn-off thoughts of have fake sex lah" i mean even their moanings and expressions are fake man.. Or maybe me too lousy liao..hee... Anyone out there who also faces this problem? maybe we can share huh?
i still remember the one that i went to was lor8hse43g5...
any brudders tried her before can FR?
17-07-2003, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by jasper
hi..i have got this paiseh experience recently too when i went for my first geylang exposure.
i think no brudders here will ever believe that i didnt even get a erection at all for the whole 25mins!!! end up i just lay on the bed talking cock to the WL.....
i also cant figure out why i am in this situation when with WL.. i dun have such problems when i am with IRC gals, ONS, chatline ladies? maybe i just got the mentality that WL is all about $$$ and everything they does are SOP..."not feeling at all like commercial sex" everything is done in a rush..
while with other ladies that i encounter...i dun have such thinking at all.." especially the turn-off thoughts of have fake sex lah" i mean even their moanings and expressions are fake man.. Or maybe me too lousy liao..hee... Anyone out there who also faces this problem? maybe we can share huh?
i still remember the one that i went to was lor8hse43g5...
any brudders tried her before can FR?
Something must be wrong. A guy who is normal will erect regardless of WL or non-WL, unless the gal has something or does something that turns you off and not who she is.
17-07-2003, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by KID278
Something must be wrong. A guy who is normal will erect regardless of WL or non-WL, unless the gal has something or does something that turns you off and not who she is.
hmmm... think i may agree with u lor... i feel she very CHIN CHAI leh..... anyhow just flick flick water on me like that consider wash liao er? i see her expressionless face i also sian mah.. DIDI also sleepy man.. then on bed also just show show lick my nipples and brush my KOKUUU with her fingers and expect me to get hard? WOW LAO ER!!! my expectations not very high wan lah...but to this extend... really cannot lah...
my frds who cheong GL often ones still say got LICK ANUS!!!!! KNN where got... i think he meant lick your OWN ANUS huh? and the OKT still say very good and solid service.... BIG CANNONS!!!
or is there any WL that you brudders can recommend me? like at least must be patience with newbies like me lah..and of cos dun KETUK me in services lah...
greatly appreciate if got any good lobangs from u all..p's..dun flame me please okie..
happy bonkings guys:p
18-07-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Lawrence21 first time i gave my gf ended up in only 3-4 mins..kanna suan by her leh...sob..
i really need help to main my erection.......if not i dont dare to go geylang...wait i get laugh at...
could anyone tell me any vitamin or excercise i could do to prolong my erection
There's this book called the "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" (MOM). It'll show you how to control your ejaculations and achieve multiple orgasms without ejaculating. At the same time, you can keep the "qi" inside you and this is (according to the book), one way to keep healthy and look youthful.
You can buy it from all major bookstores. Hope this helps.
18-07-2003, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by jasper
hi..i have got this paiseh experience recently too when i went for my first geylang exposure.
i think no brudders here will ever believe that i didnt even get a erection at all for the whole 25mins!!! end up i just lay on the bed talking cock to the WL.....
i also cant figure out why i am in this situation when with WL.. i dun have such problems when i am with IRC gals, ONS, chatline ladies? maybe i just got the mentality that WL is all about $$$ and everything they does are SOP..."not feeling at all like commercial sex" everything is done in a rush..
while with other ladies that i encounter...i dun have such thinking at all.." especially the turn-off thoughts of have fake sex lah" i mean even their moanings and expressions are fake man.. Or maybe me too lousy liao..hee... Anyone out there who also faces this problem? maybe we can share huh?
i still remember the one that i went to was lor8hse43g5...
any brudders tried her before can FR?
Did u remember to get your $20 refund from the old man OKT?
18-07-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by jasper
hmmm... think i may agree with u lor... i feel she very CHIN CHAI leh..... anyhow just flick flick water on me like that consider wash liao er? i see her expressionless face i also sian mah.. DIDI also sleepy man.. then on bed also just show show lick my nipples and brush my KOKUUU with her fingers and expect me to get hard? WOW LAO ER!!! my expectations not very high wan lah...but to this extend... really cannot lah...
my frds who cheong GL often ones still say got LICK ANUS!!!!! KNN where got... i think he meant lick your OWN ANUS huh? and the OKT still say very good and solid service.... BIG CANNONS!!!
or is there any WL that you brudders can recommend me? like at least must be patience with newbies like me lah..and of cos dun KETUK me in services lah...
greatly appreciate if got any good lobangs from u all..p's..dun flame me please okie..
happy bonkings guys:p
Well, these gals dont really bother if you are newbie or not, everyone is a customer to them. Too bad you had a disappointment but surely it dont represent everyone of them. Sometimes it's also about chemistry, you will know as you go along...:p
19-07-2003, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Lawrence21 first time i gave my gf ended up in only 3-4 mins..kanna suan by her leh...sob..
i really need help to main my erection.......if not i dont dare to go geylang...wait i get laugh at...
could anyone tell me any vitamin or excercise i could do to prolong my erection
halo, seems that u do not have much sexual experience...anyway, u say that ur gf suan u, does she have many sexual experience?keke....
anyway, if u wana prolong ur erection, u can try to drink some alcohol 1st be4 fxxking her....
20-07-2003, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by CLEANER
halo, seems that u do not have much sexual experience...anyway, u say that ur gf suan u, does she have many sexual experience?keke....
anyway, if u wana prolong ur erection, u can try to drink some alcohol 1st be4 fxxking her....
alcohol does help abit but it also numb the brain and kills the joy...:p
20-07-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by KID278
alcohol does help abit but it also numb the brain and kills the joy...:p
I also agreed alcohol does help.... but not too much.....I remember one time I over drunk but still can walk..... when come to sex, my bro cannot even stand at all, no matter how the gal try to arose me..... sad
20-07-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by factor-x
Did u remember to get your $20 refund from the old man OKT?
WOWWWW!!!! got refund wan meh?????
how come no one tell me??/hehehehehe
20-07-2003, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by fun4evergood
I also agreed alcohol does help.... but not too much.....I remember one time I over drunk but still can walk..... when come to sex, my bro cannot even stand at all, no matter how the gal try to arose me..... sad
I concurred with you too, excessive alcohol can cause temporary impotency....:p
21-07-2003, 10:37 PM
Conclusion.... dont get drunk before u fuck :p
22-07-2003, 09:10 AM
maybe try some red bull lor..;)
22-07-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by fun4evergood
Conclusion.... dont get drunk before u fuck :p
you simply cant fcuk when you are drunk....:p
22-07-2003, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Noobz
maybe try some red bull lor..;)
what can redbull do, it's just a spiced up drink....:p
22-07-2003, 12:24 PM
Dont be fooled by television programmes upon believing in drunkards will commit something stupid as in having sex with other ppl.... It's totally impossible coz u will be damn drunk and u cant even erect not to mention having the consciousness to fuck... More likely u will be ended up sleeping like a log.... :D
22-07-2003, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by fun4evergood
I also agreed alcohol does help.... but not too much.....I remember one time I over drunk but still can walk..... when come to sex, my bro cannot even stand at all, no matter how the gal try to arose me..... sad
yup, i agree alcohol is bad when u trying to sleep with the girl. once i brought this girl with bloody big breast home from the pub but i was so damn drunk that all i did touch touch awhile then too tired and fell asleep liao... still regretting it till this day.
long time ago, this topic was also discussed i think, about making yr money worth in gl, how to hold until the girl complain. i remembered some advice given were
1) u DIY until cum a few time b4 u go so by that time very hard to stand liao... even if stand also very hard to cum... (not very pratical with gf, unless u do it a lot of times in the day b4 u meet her)
2) when u abt to cum, pull out and change position slowly so that prolong the thing
(i think must also can last abit longer then can work, if not ridiculous to change position every minute)
3) when u do it, think abt the ugliest woman u noe, yr boss, yr work or anything that will make u soft. or do difficult calculations to take yr mind from wat u r doing. (tried this, always kena distracted from my problem sum by my little brother, so this dun work for me)
4) take viagra (then u can be energizer bunny, just go on and on and on, but later if heart attack dun blame me.)
err think still got others but forgot liao, so long ago
22-07-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by waypastprime
Dont be fooled by television programmes upon believing in drunkards will commit something stupid as in having sex with other ppl.... It's totally impossible coz u will be damn drunk and u cant even erect not to mention having the consciousness to fuck... More likely u will be ended up sleeping like a log.... :D
those are pretending to be drunk, a person's body can take only to a certain level, anything excessive the brain will be semi conscious or unconscious......:D
22-07-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Junkboy
yup, i agree alcohol is bad when u trying to sleep with the girl. once i brought this girl with bloody big breast home from the pub but i was so damn drunk that all i did touch touch awhile then too tired and fell asleep liao... still regretting it till this day.
long time ago, this topic was also discussed i think, about making yr money worth in gl, how to hold until the girl complain. i remembered some advice given were
1) u DIY until cum a few time b4 u go so by that time very hard to stand liao... even if stand also very hard to cum... (not very pratical with gf, unless u do it a lot of times in the day b4 u meet her)
2) when u abt to cum, pull out and change position slowly so that prolong the thing
(i think must also can last abit longer then can work, if not ridiculous to change position every minute)
3) when u do it, think abt the ugliest woman u noe, yr boss, yr work or anything that will make u soft. or do difficult calculations to take yr mind from wat u r doing. (tried this, always kena distracted from my problem sum by my little brother, so this dun work for me)
4) take viagra (then u can be energizer bunny, just go on and on and on, but later if heart attack dun blame me.)
err think still got others but forgot liao, so long ago
Good suggestion..............
23-07-2003, 01:12 AM
if u r a healthy person
don anyhow take viagra
cos u will not get heart attack
u might get bird dead
as in yr kukujiao will no longer be able to erect
cos the muscle there all die liao
23-07-2003, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by jasper
hi..i have got this paiseh experience recently too when i went for my first geylang exposure.
i think no brudders here will ever believe that i didnt even get a erection at all for the whole 25mins!!! end up i just lay on the bed talking cock to the WL.....
i also cant figure out why i am in this situation when with WL.. i dun have such problems when i am with IRC gals, ONS, chatline ladies? maybe i just got the mentality that WL is all about $$$ and everything they does are SOP..."not feeling at all like commercial sex" everything is done in a rush..
while with other ladies that i encounter...i dun have such thinking at all.." especially the turn-off thoughts of have fake sex lah" i mean even their moanings and expressions are fake man.. Or maybe me too lousy liao..hee... Anyone out there who also faces this problem? maybe we can share huh?
i still remember the one that i went to was lor8hse43g5...
any brudders tried her before can FR?
I think there is nothing wrong with you lah. Out with IRC gals, ONS, chatline ladies, you mind had been set to achieve what you wanted. So all is tuned in. When you go GL, time is short and limited and all you wanna is F and F off so the mind is hinder by such thoughts, resulting stress hence you end up what you said.:D
23-07-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by jasper
WOWWWW!!!! got refund wan meh?????
how come no one tell me??/hehehehehe
Ya, the money handed to you in a Hong Bao.:D
24-07-2003, 04:28 AM
Originally posted by OceanEleven
Ya, the money handed to you in a Hong Bao.:D
that comes with a fat hope.....:D
24-07-2003, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by OceanEleven
I think there is nothing wrong with you lah. Out with IRC gals, ONS, chatline ladies, you mind had been set to achieve what you wanted. So all is tuned in. When you go GL, time is short and limited and all you wanna is F and F off so the mind is hinder by such thoughts, resulting stress hence you end up what you said.:D
the mind dictates too much, that's very sad and unfortunate......:D
24-07-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by KID278
that comes with a fat hope.....:D
Sorry, let me repharse, should be "Ang Bao"..........:D
24-07-2003, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by KID278
the mind dictates too much, that's very sad and unfortunate......:D
We are all born like. Seeing a sexy gal, the mind think and feel good and send signal down to react to such a pleasure sence. Next the mind will start wondering into dreams.......So no matter what, the mind dictates all.:p
24-07-2003, 12:44 PM
I juz think abt my bad debts is enough for mi to prolong for another 5 mins of pumping. :p
24-07-2003, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by OceanEleven
Sorry, let me repharse, should be "Ang Bao"..........:D
Does it make any difference, I dont think so. It's still about a 'bao' and that's a fat hope.....:D
24-07-2003, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by OceanEleven
We are all born like. Seeing a sexy gal, the mind think and feel good and send signal down to react to such a pleasure sence. Next the mind will start wondering into dreams.......So no matter what, the mind dictates all.:p
No doubt the mind dictates but if you cant control, you'll have to handle....:D
24-07-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Rof|maoxz
I juz think abt my bad debts is enough for mi to prolong for another 5 mins of pumping.
You are a funny man, that's a strange way to distract...:D you should go loan some more so that you can last longer....:D
25-07-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by KID278
you should go loan some more so that you can last longer....:D
yah, like tat not onli can last 5 mins longer, can also go GL a few more times
25-07-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by KID278
Does it make any difference, I dont think so. It's still about a 'bao' and that's a fat hope.....:D
Bro, that "Bao" after "Lai Ang". Now does that make a difference??:D
26-07-2003, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by OceanEleven
Bro, that "Bao" after "Lai Ang". Now does that make a difference??:D
That's about wrapping up, let me think about it.....:D
26-07-2003, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Junkboy
yah, like tat not onli can last 5 mins longer, can also go GL a few more times
he will end up as a bankrupt.....:D
14-08-2003, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by KID278
he will end up as a bankrupt.....:D
Then he can really last for a couple of hours. :D
05-09-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Lawrence21 first time i gave my gf ended up in only 3-4 mins..kanna suan by her leh...sob..
i really need help to main my erection.......if not i dont dare to go geylang...wait i get laugh at...
could anyone tell me any vitamin or excercise i could do to prolong my erection
I think you not so bad lah..some ppls altready game over b4 the dick can service the cunt!!
28-09-2003, 05:37 PM
hi yesterday i had my 1st visit to geylang n i oso have this problem of cum very fast, she catbath me n bj me like 1 min b4 she can put my dick inside i had already cum, i requested for 1 2nd shot, but she say cannot need to pay, but i think i abit bo hua, so i say pls la i 1st time, finally she agree n say gif u 5 min u can cum u cum cannot no more, i say ok den she proceed to catbath me n blow me but too bad cannot lan lan bath n go, any bros here can help for my problem to tahan long ? thanks in advance.
29-09-2003, 09:16 AM
Realli cant blame u also. U went to the geylang professional league without any proper training? Next time try to jerk off b4 u go lor.
For all the brothers out there, i have just bought some recommended pills call "nen zi han" in JB stores. It is some health tonic pills that consists of various penis powder from animals. i try 2 before sex , damn good man!!! natural and absolutely no side effects, feel energetic too after sex.... :)
13-10-2003, 02:33 PM
Bro Depp,
btw who recommend these pills? Izzit from China? Got pic of the bottle or packaging box? If not, go where to find?
the "nan zi han" pills can only be bought at JB, i was getting the supply in singapore until they they run out of supply. it was recommended by the chinese herbs store owner in chinatown. very paisei at first, but get use to it liao. if you want let me know , i can spare you some for testing .
31-10-2003, 05:14 PM
you may wish to try cock ring (suppose to prolong erections) selling at some adult shop or buy from
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