View Full Version : Waiaaaa Spa resort
02-08-2003, 03:22 PM
F*uk!! wrote a A4 size FR and after hit submit, kenna throw back to login page!!
Sammyboy, your website not working!
02-08-2003, 03:24 PM
the stupid thing is that I wrote Wai-ki-ki Spa resort which then becomes Waiaaaa spa resort!
02-08-2003, 03:33 PM
OK, so here comes the FR I had wanted to post.
Bad reception: Went there at around 2pm and asked for a young gal as its my first time there and don't know any ang pai. The recept said all rooms occupied and had to wait for 10mins, No choice, went for a shower and sat in the pantry area watching tv. This "joint" is quite big and spacious as its in Queenstown club where it has a lake beside the massage rooms and pantry area. Quite relax atmosphere but here comes the horror part...
After 30mins long wait, the captain finally came in and led me to a room. Went in, waited another 10mins, and in came an old auntie in her late 40s if not 50s, who looks very much like one of my relative and my didi immediately shrink!! I called after the captain for a younger gal but was told he cannot decision. and ask me walk back to the recption and ask her to decide....very poor customer service!
To be continued....let's see if this FR got submitted...
02-08-2003, 03:47 PM
And for those brudders who had been there before, you will know its not a short walk from the rooms back to the massage area...
Anyway, asked the recept for a young gal but she scream on top of her voice why I am still not in the room, so I said I don't want old lady. She gave me a dirty look and told me very loud in front of here customers that people come here for serious massage not hanky panky so okie, and youung gals are only available after 4pm, so I said then refund me the money and I'll leave. At that, her attitude immediately soften and ask me go back to my room and wait, and she try to arrange one within 30mins.
No choice, went back the room and after 15mins, in came a lady in her 30s, small and petite build. Said she is a Thai but speak quite ok mandarin. Her name is pronouce something like koni or connie.
Here's the score...
Look: 6.5
Skills: 9 superb, legendary thai message
Attitude: 7 Quite friendly but after 30mins of solid message, she kep saying want to go out to make racehorse bets with a uncle who will come and collect money....after her phone rang she immediately left the room and came back 10mins later, by the time I am very sian oledi...She kept on massaging and then came the golden question....
02-08-2003, 03:56 PM
I chose FJ and she starts to stripped...
Boobs: 6 (about 34B but fake. Nips quite pointed)
Pussy: 6 nicely trimmed
HJ: 8 very good, almost cum and asked her to stop
BJ: 6 put on cap, quite short and no feeling
FJ: 7 gal friend feeling with all the tight warm hugs, willing to change position
damage: 68 for 90mins and 120 for FJ
After session, went to take a shower and tried the big jacuzzi (bigger than casanova). There is also a cold pool but didn't dare try becos too cold after hot jacuzzi.
Feeling a little hungry then go to pantry area asking for food. Was told they got braised pork rice and salty duck soup so decided to give a try. Sat beside the lake, feeling quite shiok and relax.....the food is quite good too.
Overall, if not for the receptionist (who looks quite chio, maybe is the boss)'s bad temper, I may consider go back again.
02-08-2003, 04:01 PM
Luckily you had her changed.
02-08-2003, 08:40 PM
hi bro hearthrob2202, i didn't know there change so much. so now all massage done in private room, not like the past done in common room. In the past no special now have cool..... ;) can i ask you a question? FJ-$120 wat abt other service like HJ and BJ pricing? thanks
02-08-2003, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by benlee69
hi bro hearthrob2202, i didn't know there change so much. so now all massage done in private room, not like the past done in common room. In the past no special now have cool..... ;) can i ask you a question? FJ-$120 wat abt other service like HJ and BJ pricing? thanks
Yap, all have private room but no much privacy cos all the "ahr.." and the moaning can be heard :p
I think now is under same management as sapphire spa and heard that some gals came from there. Although now have special but the young gals are very hard to get, got to make advance booking if not will kenna old aunties.
I would believe FJ can be negotiated down to 100 though. Too bad, I didn't ask the price for HJ and BJ cos' that day feeling very horny, wanting something warm to comfort my didi...kekekeke...
Any brudders can share who are the Ang pai? Young and pretty ones I mean. The recept is damn dao....when I asked her she kept saying next time you come I recommend you, and do her own thing....worst I ever seen! And if next time I come again, I will sure get an Ah Ma!
03-08-2003, 10:02 AM
Yes, what a big change. I used to go there quite a lot for Thai massage. They used to have rooms different in size. I always request a one-pax room. Guess they now partition up all the rooms.
My favourite gal there was Micky. She is in her early 30s, damn fair skin and is a beauty. But she is petite in size so no much to brag about her critical 3 sizes.
But her Thai massage is one of the best so far coupled with her beauty is defintely no horse run.
But that was last time with no sp. Will go there look look c c and post a FR ( if I decided to try)
03-08-2003, 06:56 PM
most of the brudders here are not very active in posting comments other than reading...this posting has been viewed more than 711 times but no one (except bro sglookout) can suggest any good gals to share or post any this HC really that "Wu Lu"?
03-08-2003, 08:54 PM
hey bro hearthrob2202, the last time i go still old management so cannot FR.
04-08-2003, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by sglookout
Yes, what a big change. I used to go there quite a lot for Thai massage. They used to have rooms different in size. I always request a one-pax room. Guess they now partition up all the rooms.
My favourite gal there was Micky. She is in her early 30s, damn fair skin and is a beauty. But she is petite in size so no much to brag about her critical 3 sizes.
But her Thai massage is one of the best so far coupled with her beauty is defintely no horse run.
But that was last time with no sp. Will go there look look c c and post a FR ( if I decided to try)
I also like Micky but she don't work there anymore I think.
04-08-2003, 04:38 AM
Originally posted by hearthrob2202
of here customers that people come here for serious massage not hanky panky so okie,
No Hanky Panky...she must be joking.:rolleyes:
04-08-2003, 09:33 PM
Which means you have tried Mickey with special?
05-08-2003, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by hearthrob2202
most of the brudders here are not very active in posting comments other than reading...this posting has been viewed more than 711 times but no one (except bro sglookout) can suggest any good gals to share or post any this HC really that "Wu Lu"?
Agreed this is quite a "Wu Lu" place, but was advertised in NP as Paradise, Former "Paradise Spa Resort", went there on last Saturday, heard of this quite a while, wanted to try something new on Waiaaaa SPA resort,reach there, was offered with 1 1/2 hrs, went to the changing room and shower, number was not called, so went to the counter, was lead to the massage room in one of the hut with multiple partitions,not much privacy, cannot talk to loud, one Thai Auntie of about 40 quite chatty giving me a real 1 hr solid massage, she said she don't do hanky panky, but can be arranged.
I therefore, make a request to her, is there any good "Gua Gen" around, she said there is 2, but will offer me a younger one with reasonable skill, I also ask her for the lady on the NP ads, she passed me the photo in color, ask me whether interested, but I decline, caused I have the special twice the day before at other joint, kind of shyan and tired.
after one hour of massage, there came the Thai lady about mid 35, to offer me the Gua Gen, she smile at me and start to massage my dick & lower part, quite shiok, wanted her to do HJ for me, she said no problem, but finally time up still didn't cum, then she left, I saw not one lead me the way out, I decided get dress up and go back to shower.
step out the hut, saw one lao chiu, was introduce by that Auntie who did the massage for me just now, her name is Winnie, ask me to try her next time, if once any special service.
I smile said Ok, and left, ask me whether the Gua Gen Good, I didn't reply, just proceed to the carpark some distance away and drove off.
Total damages: 82 (massage) + 50 (Gua Gen).
This is really a place if you want some some hard & solid Thai Shiatsu massage, if want to look for young lady for special, avoid at all cost, no personal transport also is a problem to get there.
RTF: unless hot afternoon, no place to go, want good massage at country side, can consider to drop by, a cheaper version of Botanica spa. (with some hidden "hanky panky")
05-08-2003, 10:30 PM
Bro rexsee88, what's the name of the gal who di the Juagen for you? How old does Winnie looks like?
05-08-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by hearthrob2202
the stupid thing is that I wrote Wai-ki-ki Spa resort which then becomes Waiaaaa spa resort!
it's by system default that the word "k-i-k-i" is blanked out and replaced by "aaaa".
05-08-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by hearthrob2202
Bro rexsee88, what's the name of the gal who di the Juagen for you? How old does Winnie looks like?
The Jua gen lady was told by the name of Miss aaaa, the Winnie is at mid 30 "lao Chiu", fluence in speaking Cantonise.
06-08-2003, 01:24 AM
hi everybody, am a new guy here....
like to contribute some FR to start off with...
visited Waiaaaa spa at queenstown just now... following is the FR:
Gal: Vivien (Chinese gal) was expecting a thai gal but it turns out to be a chinese... so quite disappointed as i prefer that.
Massage: very tough and hard... for those who like it hard... but don feel right as i have been to numerous massage, both local and malaysia and thailand.
Special: actually me not in the mood to cum, but seems like this vivien is very persistent. then tell me that she's not offering HJ, just something call ping pong that will relieved my back by squeezing my balls!! anyway, she said others she will charge $80, but me special, charge me only $60... fuck man, think i first day come out to play, i continue to reject her. then she ask me how much i want... then i hack care and tell her $30, then she say cannot, too little, then i tell her that i don want, then she said ok la... fuck man, was hoping that it will piss her off but $30 still agreee... then nvm...
then she took offf my shorts and start to squeeze my balls, then next minute, i think about 5 minutes later, said finish liao.... CB i should have known.... like that also dare to charge $30.... so brudders out here, beware of this trick employed by all these gals....
Look: in her 30s, can consider lau chio under the dim lights, but the breast quite big...but never get to touch
HJ: i don think that can be considered HJ as my cork cannot even stand...
BJ: sure have one la... by the look of it
FJ: same as the BJ above
Total damage: massage $68 + $30 for the stupid ping pong....
so beware brudders of this trick.... don be too soft hearted, don want means don want, lowering the price may also lower the service.
06-08-2003, 11:49 AM
Bro Pallmall,
I got the exact same experience in Saphire Spa at Bencoolen Hotel. Kanna ping pong so painful and never cum. charge $50 and never get to touch. Fxxxk will never go there again. bros lets boycott these 2 places.
For more details read my tread "Saphire spa at Bencoolen Hotel"
16-09-2003, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by $$noenuff
I also like Micky but she don't work there anymore I think.
I think she is from the old management, and joined Sapphire since last year. I have tried her b4 at Sapphire, but have forgotten her new name. She was recommended to me by her boss. But since now WAiaaaa and Sapphire is under the same management, i'm not sure whether she is now still at Sap or has gone back to WAiaaaa.
16-09-2003, 10:22 AM
Last heard that the recept also kenna 'EATEN' by the boss (ALBERT) there leh.
16-09-2003, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by Small_Dicky
Last heard that the recept also kenna 'EATEN' by the boss (ALBERT) there leh.
What do you mean by 'eaten'? The recept not bad looking but very very tao.
Hey every1 out there, this Waaaaa FR is very interesting to me as i have been visiting since they last changed their management. (used to call Queens Spa).
Actually this place is not bad. As for those who got bad experience in this place (no offence), mayb u r not a regular there. Initially they charged $150 FJ, $80 BJ, $60 HJ. Think they had lower the rate by $20 becoz mayb they find it quite steep in the open market. When the new boss took over, there were quite few gals who provide the "special". Only 1 Hongkie n 3 thais. Now business is booming for them, so they "recruited" even more.
As for looking for "ang pai", at the moment stil dun have lar. Even though have, dun elaborate too much. Or else Av wil target this place.
18-09-2003, 10:20 PM
i used to koe the owner or one of the lady managers there... when it was paradise spa...that time no hanky panky....
now they changed...but the place really is relax..can eat beside the pond..kool..
should visit next time...but ex.
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