View Full Version : Mistress
01-06-2009, 04:57 PM
I start this thread as a discussion platform concerning the idea of “keeping a mistress” cum story telling session.
There are based on true life stories (with many learning points which I will periodically share). All stories are within the thread are either from a personal perspective or directly witness told first hand. Not heard from a friend of a friend variety.
I shall start from the present as it can kinda serve like a reality TV blog - “Current AFFAIRS” (pun intended). The outcome for the below story is still unfolding .....
The protagonists are four business associates who now become friends. Besides cheonging - all have kept mistresses.
A general description of Players:
Michael owns a string of factories in Indonesia and China. He travels frequently and he keeps a second “home” in these countries. Whenever he is in Singapore, he is the person who would initiate and jio the group to cheong. He is currently married with three children – all studying overseas. Despite having ‘second wives’ in Indonesia and China, he still always likes to have someone here in Singapore on call as well. He is the first among the group to have Singapore based mistress and he highly recommend it (“If suddenly horny, cannot travel to China just like that what, where got time to go KTV and romance …)
Terrence heads up an IT company. He is also its largest shareholder. His modus operandi is to join us for KTV sessions but then mostly never finishes the sessions with us. This is because he would invariably ta-bao a lady for a short time. Terrence is a type of customers girls like: He pays premium for his fucks – “Spoil the market Robert”, makes no qualms about “bar fines” for singers, always books the girls for the entire session and if time permits, usually dines them at a good Chinese restaurant after the deed is done. Terrence hardly does a bird more than four times. Lately however, he too is bitten by the “mistressing” bug. It is he who started us on the topic of exchanging our girls on our “retainer” because he seen “white panties covering the tight ass” of Hua’s soon to be ex squeeze.
Hua is also a businessman. He too is married with a child whom he is grooming to take over his business. He sometimes brings his son along with our cheong sessions because he wants to expose him to ways of doing business (incredibly with his wife’s blessing!!!). It is through him that all members of this got together in the first instance many years ago. First through business and then evolved later to become cheong buddies. Hua likes to keep someone on retainer rather than butterfly constantly. He does this for an on and off basis – never two months passed without him having someone on retainer. His calling card is that he likes to take the girls to his yacht and he houses them in his unoccupied condo at River Valley which he bought donkey years ago for investment purposes.
Jus, is the baby of the group although he is in his forties. He is divorced with two children. Of the Gang of four, he has the shallowest pockets but enough for some dalliance. A committed serial dater, he too has kept some mistresses (or rather Girlfriends as he is technically not married) on the side. Unlike the others who fishes almost exclusively at entertainment joints for their love mates, he cast his net further to include waitresses, stylist and students.
The Issue of the day:
Keeping someone on retainer is like a hit and miss situation. Although there is monetary transaction involved, some degree of emotions is involved (maybe subconsciously).
Three weeks ago, Terrence proposed that instead of ‘discarding’ a girl when some members of the group move on (sorry if it offends sensibilities to commoditize ladies like that!), he suggested that we “go green” and practice “recycling”
Hua has indicated that his mistress Xin2 (name is similar to that) ;) is getting too sticky for his liking and that he intends to break up with her. He pays her SGD 8, 000 monthly and lets her stay at his condo. Terrence mentioned that Xin2 has nice ass and would provide a fine doggy position screw. He then went on to vividly portray a description of her ass – always can see glimpse of that white panties when the girl she straddles him (yes- we occasionally do bring our mistress to join us at KTV sessions). Can see the outline of camel toe and firm mounds of white fleshy ass – dam shiok!. In response Hua then casually remarked to Terrence to why not he take over Xin2 if Terrence is interested and she consented.
This led to the present issue: do we pass round our mistress (or gf) to your friends after you are through – even if all parties involved in the ‘transaction’ consented.
Terrence’s view is why not let the group “first right of refusal” if the girl is good. Good is defined as having a High Girlfriend Quotient and terrific in bed. His main thrust of the argument is that if the girl is agreeable there should not be any awkwardness among friends. “Go for tried and tested rather than fresh issues”. After all we recognize that all of us need variety and will invariably move on with our current squeeze - what is the harm in that passing on good ones to friends. “Not as if we are like bladdy footballers roasting…”
Jus’ view is that keeping a mistress is a little different from having just an ordinary shag. Emotions may be involved. And this may result in some degree of disquiet if you watch your friend getting on with an ‘ex”. (Hua and Mike: “then work towards ménage a trios what is the problem?).
To Jus, this is setting a dangerous precedent and the ‘game’ may inadvertently harm the friendship perhaps unconsciously. (Hua, Mike and Terrence: No it won’t. Not that we will be leaving our wives – at most throw the back fish in the river and continue to fish).
Jus is also concerned about ‘bedside talk’. There are things that you tell a mistress you would not normally tell your wives or friends. And you wouldn’t want to know your friends peccadilloes in bed. :rolleyes: Hua generally see Jus' point but for Mike and Terrence, passing on your mistress to friends is a good thing. There is no disruption of income for the lass, if your friend occasionally horny still for ex squeeze can allow his to indulge a little (Mike says unselfishly: “my treat!"), giving your friend a proven product – (Mike: I personally do QC what more do you want?)
Inviting a discussion and testing the interest level on this post before proceeding …
01-06-2009, 06:35 PM
i guess its alrite to xchg mistresses arnd as long as she is agreeable to it. look in the first place what they want is financial stability. i dun think they are looking for love ya. the things is as long as the next guy can provide whstever they are enjoying nw and if the next guy can provide more...y not.
a word of cautio though. it might be good to send e gal for chkup for std. tis may sound not so nice but u dun know wat yr buddies haf since no 1 would actually admit passing e disease to her..
my 2 cents worth
02-06-2009, 10:38 AM
Hmmm Interesting topic. Let's see how far this discussions/story carry/flow thru.
02-06-2009, 03:24 PM
Common in Indo here. Rich guys sharing their GF and mistress and getting others to have fun when they are free. Dumping them when they got tired of them, some even had kids liao!
Upkeep of the mistress is not ex, as cost of living is low and money is easy to make. So the gals go down the chain, inevitably becoming a FL or go back to kampung where she will rise the kids if she has any, or moves about as a FL until they go back to their kampong where they PLACE their kids in others care.
02-06-2009, 04:13 PM
TS...u got a very interesting topic here...
would love to hear / read others' views too...
for is generally ok with 'recycling' GFs/mistresses...
me too understands Hua's pov about pillow-talk secrets... not too concerned about this...
as me dun talk much with these ladies...
they are there to 'appease' me sexual appetite...
if me wanted to would be talking to the MHA...
with regard to comparisons of bedroom performances...
me not concerned about it have confidence in meself...
02-06-2009, 04:16 PM
TS...u got a very interesting topic here...
would love to hear / read others' views too...
for is generally ok with 'recycling' GFs/mistresses...
me too understands Hua's pov about pillow-talk secrets... not too concerned about this...
as me dun talk much with these ladies...
they are there to 'appease' me sexual appetite...
if me wanted to would be talking to the MHA...
with regard to comparisons of bedroom performances...
me not concerned about it have confidence in meself...
Hahahha, it is well known that Dewi Sukarno(japanese) is a spy for Americans. She spied on Sukarno, the first Indo president. Talked too much to a lady? thats what happened.
However, got to admit he is a super womaniser
02-06-2009, 05:07 PM
so its a YES to changing around mistress so far..
but what mentioned is correct...women cant keep secrets...
02-06-2009, 05:22 PM
so its a YES to changing around mistress so far..
but what mentioned is correct...women cant keep secrets...
remember this always...
they have more mouths than us...
but at least we have more heads than them...
so make use of them heads...
02-06-2009, 05:31 PM
haha..yup bro...3 mouths for us to use!
02-06-2009, 10:57 PM
haha..yup bro...3 mouths for us to use!
haha, that's a good one!
03-06-2009, 01:37 PM
It is an ‘Unwritten Rule” for some to not touch the ladies that have sat with your brothers previously. For others, there are no such issues. It is fair game. The latter principle applies for this Brotherhood, although out of courtesy, we would usually ask “permission” first.
Many a times during a KTV/Nite Club scenario, there would be ‘tiny’ exchanges. Mike and Hua are most active in this department. If they are seated with a gal with firm tits and/or have pink nipples, they would invariably invite everyone to partake in it. View, grope, squeeze and tweak. Sometimes in a display of voyeuristic delight, pussy lips will be parted (if it is moist) for other brothers to inspect – with fingering to boot in some instances. These mini exchanges are an oft experience and no one bats an eyelid for this practices.
The passing on of a mistress is an altogether different experience. Yes, there are such “mini exchanges” (especially for Mike) while the lady are under retainer-ship. There is even some ‘ménage a trios’ sessions (which I will narrate later on if this thread is well received). However the full scale transfer of alliance to one member of team to another has not been done heretofore. It is like a footballer, not being on loan, but rather being transferred to another club after professing loyalty (Rooney/Everton, Cashley Cole/Arsenal etc….)
From Jus’ perspective, there is always a vestige of emotion – after being in a relationship (albeit buyer-client). Emotions can often develop from what that starts of as a commercial transaction. This is borne out by several misadventures whereby the mistress’ want to take the relationship further or can’t accept the ending of one. The crazy shenanigans, Fatal Attraction scenarios and wayangs are indeed experienced by everybody in the group at some point in their philandering pursuits. Mike and Hua although find such things a big hassle whilst in it - but in a perverse way enjoys the dramatic experience in retrospect (once such drama is passed).
As an update: Mike and Terrence have broached the subject with Xin2. She says that she is thinking about it as she has developed some feelings for Mike. (Mike & Terrence: Xin2 can win “Golden Horse Award” for feigned ‘hurt’ when he says “Ni bu ai wo. Ni ai wo de qian". = “You don’t love me. You love my money”).
Any way after some theatrics, including the amazing classic of "when I am with you, there is no one else in my heart mind and body"; Xin2 finally made a show of acquiscence and says that she will consider such a proposal. THis thereby proves the validity of Mike’s observation. (Terrence: She only trying to “terik harga” – push up price. But I will only pay less than what she receives from Mike. If not, no deal).
Instead of “wife swapping”, we have “mistress swapping” – a new ‘epoch’ begins (or not) as the story unfolds. $$$$$$$$$ .. give your odd now!!!!:p
03-06-2009, 01:48 PM
i guess practically u guys will get bored with 1 gal after a period of time. its only a matter of time..
i am guessing..guessing that maybe the gal is worried after swapping, her odds of getting the same amount of love? no make that money wun be the same..but of course no risk no gain..if the gurantee of more money is available, i guess she would have agree much earlier..but of course she mux play hard to get..
maybe she trying the KC card with your friend?
ken li
03-06-2009, 01:58 PM
I think Jus is the smart one. Just MHO.
Only time will tell. Its not as if even one transaction has been completed yet. Jus has raised issues that may eventually be a problem among the guys. Do tell us what happens later.
04-06-2009, 12:43 AM
Drop by to provide a quick update on the situation. True to his word, Terrence did NOT offer more than Mike. The terms and conditions are as follows. SGD 6, 000 per month allowance plus SGD 500 housing subsidy. Xin2 is allowed to work to supplement her income but on condition that she cannot go to bed with customers.
Xin2 only today has completely moved out of Mike’s apartment in River Valley (without any undue fuss surprisingly) and is staying with her friends at Sims. Xin2 called Jus for advice on where to work even as she considers her options put forth by Terrence,
Jus recommends her to go for “No Mummy” places like Amani and Zara (Dong Men). Regular places like Las Vegas, TAM (where she first started) and Club Infinitude would place her in a dilemma. Mummy there expects to girls to ‘entertain’ (not talking about sex per se) their request in taking on their preferred clients sometimes till the wee hours of the night. If you did not indulge a Mummy her request, a girl can be rest assured that the Mummy will not push her services to clients subsequently. This may present a conflict should Terrence also demand to see her at the same time.
In a nutshell, it is like a bird in hand or two in the bush scenario for Xin2. There is a pun somewhere about “bird” and “bush”.;) Thinking from her perspective, it is wise to take up Terrence’s offer, supplement income by working and maybe meet another someone who may up Terrence’s offer to Bao her.
In the Grand scheme of things, it is Jus’ extrapolation that there will finally be no deal (or at most a very convenient short term arrangement) as the money proffered is too little to sacrifice Xin2 “freedom”.
The story unfolds ...
04-06-2009, 02:57 AM
SGD 6,000 per month allowance plus SGD 500 housing subsidy.Still need to work?
04-06-2009, 03:59 AM
Anymore update? :D
04-06-2009, 11:53 PM
Nice insight of this mistress trade.:)
05-06-2009, 02:01 AM
Update: Xin2 has not commenced working. According to her, she just wants to take break for a while to re-charge. She has confided in Jus that she actually feel a little insulted at the suggestion for the “transfer” although she have agreed in principle to it. Jus, perhaps feeling the emptiness of the post football season, used the analogy of a football club and the sale/transfer of players as an example to her case. Footballers, like WLs, have a shelf life. Sometimes it is not about loyalty of a football club, but rather how much money you can command for your own personal self interest that should be the main consideration.
(For football aficionados, I use G. Barry of Villa, L. Messi and W. Rooney as examples between professed loyalty and decision based on self interest). Admittedly, the analogy does not go far as Xin2 is hardly a fan of the beautiful game. Digression: Woman make good goalies as they can stop two balls from going in …..:rolleyes:
As Xin2 is considering her future with Terrence, and the 'reality' drama is unfolding let me do a flashback on how she became Mike’s mistress in the first place …..
The Arrival:
Xin2 is a supervisor of a major clothing apparel company back in Beijing (on the retail side). She came to Singapore on work visa (will not delve too much into this to preserve her confidentially). Essentially, she broke up with her fiancé back home because she caught him cheating on her. Through Joey, an Ang-pai friend, (or cousins – don’t know which is true. Everybody seems to be cousins) who works at Las Vegas, she decided to try her luck in the shores of Singapore.
In terms of physical attributes, she is tall, fair, and has a hair style like Fan Bing Bing. She also possesses a nice dimpled smile. While no Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce, for a mainland lass, she has got a reasonable set of bumpers. For headlights its B-C cuppers with Light Brown to Pinkish nipples. These physical attributes are known because of the ‘mini exchanges’ that I talk about earlier. (Yup, contrary to popular conception, we can cop-a-feel, divest articles of clothing in places like Las Vegas, Club Infinitude although I would not recommend it for non regulars.). Anyway, the gang also get to see her fully nude (just shy of gangbang) during one strip mahjong session at Mike’s place …story another day but it involves holding a mahjong tile in between the pussy lips!
Cost and Money Upfront:
When she came into Singapore, she has to pay upfront SGD 12, 000 to her sponsor who puts up the money on her behalf first. Besides the SGD 12, 000, she also has to pay monthly SGD 600 as stipend to her ‘employer’. Luckily for her, she does not need to pay for specially arranged accommodation – whose rental is often so inflated that it makes me mad!! She is staying with Joey who has also a patron even as she still ply her trade at Las Vegas. As a token gesture, Xin2 pays Joey around SGD 300 per month as her contribution. (Joey’s Patron I believe pays for her accommodation – so much for being cousins!).:p
Xin2 have a start at TAM working the happy hour shift followed by nights at Vegas should she not have any customers. During that fateful night, a customer who has booked her had to leave ‘early’ (near midnight). Xin2 out of the blue decided to try her luck at Club Infinitude where we were all that day (except for Terrence – who does his usual disappearing act with his girl). (Smart Pick Up Line: Use of Yuan Fen (or fate) to refer to your meeting with Zhong Guo Mei Mei seem to go quite far. They are quite the believers of destiny despite being generally an atheist).
To be con't ...
05-06-2009, 03:18 AM
(I am excited about the following narrative because I will reveal for the first time to those who is not in the Mistressing Game some incredible techniques that have worked time and time again. I am almost certain that only a few brothers here have tried it. I call it the MISTRESS MASTERSTROKE!)
Xin2 although has the physical attributes to be a hot commodity (“Ang Pai”); she unfortunately did not live up to her potential. There is a psychological element as well. I have seen Ang Pai who are shy and Ang Pai’s that were vivacious. Some Ang Pais come with a naïve package while others present a worldly attitude. Indeed within the group, we have kept them all.
What’s Xin2 lack (she comes under the classification of naïve package above) is that she does not know how to communicate “selective attention”. An attractive lady has to have an inner confidence that many men desire her. This is the basis of being an Ang Pai. To operate at the highest level however the lady should stake out a single prey within the group of interested men and reciprocate the interest of only one. The forsaken of many for one work big time – you will have one obsesses soul who will call you every time he patronizes the joint. Overtime, the lady will have many seasoned regulars who sought her – thereby communicating the status of “ang Pai”.
Back to the story:
When the MMS (our regular mummy at Club Infinitude) first brought Xin2 to the room we (Mike, Hua and Jus) recognized that she is a pretty face but paid scant attention. Under the extol of the Mummy to look closer and the main selling point that she is only two weeks old, only Mike (who had already booked two lasses for the night) took a second look. He beckoned Xin2 to sit with him.
Xin2 is mostly quiet in the room even as bottles of cognac were opened ravenously consumed and rowdy dice games played. It is to Mike’s credit that he is able to notice the simmering potential of a flower vase.
At some point during the transaction, Jus was too busy to notice the dynamics of the interaction between Mike and Xin2, Mike decided to use the Mistress Masterstroke – in between the gentle fondling of Xin2, Mike would notice a vulnerable part of the dress Xin2 wore. (In this instance is a white flower buttons that traverse in front). Playfully twisting the flower, he suddenly gave a tug to rip the button off as if it got stuck in between his watch strap.
Jus have witness this maneuver several times already so he know what is up. Jus sees the usual dismay in the Xin2 eyes but her pretense to be nonchalant.
The masterstroke modus operandi is in fact something that everybody in group has tried at some point with 100% success rate. We would purposely rip or spoil a girls clothes and then promise to take her shopping as restitution.
In this case, Xin2 refused any ‘compensation’. However a simple collusion with the mummy is all that is needed to overcome the objection: the mummy simply whispers to the girl not to be so foolish like that, Xins should “ker-tok” Mike for a dress and a more expensive one at that as Mike can well afford it. The mummy would in effect force the girl into accept compensation.
At this point, some readers may wonder what is the difference between the Masterstroke action and an ordinary invitation to go shopping ……..
05-06-2009, 03:51 AM
interesting .. i think this is a good story .. pls cont !
05-06-2009, 11:38 AM
There is a difference between having a girlfriend relationship and a mistress (especially if she is kept). The power dynamics almost always favour the patron (at least initially). So to begin courting a mistress, boundaries must be set and the patron must be the one dominating from the start. Only then can patron call the shots (beck and call) and stretch the boundaries of kinky play should the he so desire.
So for Masterstroke #1: (no need for such theatrics – spilling red wine on the light coloured dress have the same desired effect)
1) By ruining the article of clothing, it will elicit a degree of emotion. Seasoned Casanovas know that nothing is worse the attitude of indifference when courting a girl. Casanovas would rather work from a position of hate. There really is a thin line between love and hate. It is the intensity of emotions. And emotions can be easily converted from one to another.
2) To establish a dominant position, you cannot be seen asking for a date. By asking for a date, the woman holds the power. At the very least, she wields the power of refusal. By proffering to buy her a replacement dress, a context is set. You are not needy. You can say, she better accept the gift because you always pay up and hate to owe anyone anything. Its sets the patron up in terms of his self interest.
3) You appear to be a hero in her eyes. Ironically, it is you who does the villainy and ruin her dress in the first instance. But once a purchase is set (always give a better one that what is ruined), she forgets that you are the culprit. Like casinos’ jackpots, people always remember their winnings and forget about the times and amount of money spent leading to the jackpot moment. Selective remembering I call this.
4) Ruining the dress and offer to compensate sets up a reference point. Shopping in general does not allow that control. By offering a dress, like for like, it ensures that cost is curtailed. No rubbish like LVs etc.
5) The patron dictates the presentation of her appearance early on. Generic items like expensive bags etc do not change radically how a girl looks. But a dress does. You are in control early on what a girl reveals, covers or accentuate.
6) Take it from me. No matter how nice the dress looks in a KTV, you can be sure that the majority is “cheap” and not branded per se. This applies to even Ang Pais. When shopping for dress, you can always cast aspersions on the quality (by direct implication suggesting that the mistress is unsophisticated.) Even Xin2 who is in the retail trade for mid range apparel store is also susceptible – imagine those ‘normal’ girl working in a KTV. (Rich girls who can already afford these gifts hardly need to work in KTV isn’t it?) Now you position yourself a guru and a sophisticate – something that is very attractive to girls.
7) You can always rake up the pressure on a potential mistress to accept going on a shopping trip with you by telling the mummy that you hate to owe the girl anything. Invariably the mummy or her friends whatsoever will always side with you. Forcing a date (depending on how assertive a mummy is) may not work all the time. But using ‘restitution and compensation’ as pretext does for the date is almost palatable.
05-06-2009, 12:06 PM
ups for some of the best english i've seen being used here!
05-06-2009, 01:23 PM
hmmm, mistress masterstroke #1, sounds cool. On the pretext, you probably have to have some intel on the recipient before execution ya, maybe from the mummy?Otherwise, you might be banging on some "untouchables" if you know what I mean...Anyway, good reading.....
05-06-2009, 02:25 PM
let's see what other masterstrokes our dear bro have the..:D
you guys are really seasoned players! mai pray pray!
06-06-2009, 10:52 AM
ups for some of the best english i've seen being used here!
Thank you RJ for your kind gesture and compliment. Language-wise, I did the best I could because I was ‘adviced’ that our venerable overlord Sam can be quite the grammarian ;)
let's see what other masterstrokes our dear bro have the..:D
Yes I will certainly share more Masterstrokes in the course of this story and others. There are a cartload of them!
Just a quick update on our reality blog before we get back on our flashback mode: on how Xin2 became Mike’s mistress and her acceptance in Mike introduction of “kink” in their sex life.
1) Xin2 is presently still in the “re-charge mode” and is effectively vegetating.
2) Terrence had to make an urgent trip to the Middle East and will get back only on Wednesday. Jus had seen and worked with Terrence before, he knows that he does not prevaricate when it comes to schedules and date. In this instance, he had given Xin2 two weeks to consider. Terrence did not pressure Xin2 for an answer in between the two weeks period. Cannot be seen to be desperate or needy. In addition, Terrence cannot really be bothered as he currently bonking a Jiangsu lass that he met at Macau (the KTV in Singapore). From what Jus knows (as he has not actually met her and only heard this through Hua), its a consecutive two days in a row that Terrence had an overnighter with her.
3) Note that: Its always an unequitable balance of power in a Patron-Mistress relationship. The Mistress will always have one (the Patron) and usually at most two on the side. The Patron, on the other hand, casts his net far and wide depending on his financial wherewithal, interest level and stamina. After this discussion topic of mistressing swaping between friends, I will share the notion about patrons being "Roberts" (by implication stupid and manipulated by the mistress and/or lover). Nothing can be further from the truth! It is the latter that is being manipulated. Will share exciting stories and observations on that ... one that will shock some who think that its the Roberts are taken for a ride. (Apologies for the plug)
4) I am also deliberating whether to introduce another minor story arc in our reality blog at this time. Don’t know whether it will get too confusing for the reader. This time it is Jus who is considering whether to do the Indecent Proposal of offering a retainer-ship to a gal he recently met. This is however a rather a straight forward deal, without the need for much machination or masterstrokes. Jus had already suggested the idea bringing Bao Er (not actual name but near enough) under his retainer-ship and she already agreed in principle. Its only now the ‘negotiation’ of the Terms and Conditions.
Okay, back to flashback mode soon …..
06-06-2009, 10:10 PM
Mike had accepted the role of Xin2 as the “flower vase” that night without any qualms. Under pressure from the mummy and himself to go shopping for dress the next day – he had the luxury of time. He also wanted to focus on the other two damsels that he had seated with him. This is to implicitly communicate Xin2, (who is number on priority) intended target that he had choice. If Xin2 cannot be worked, there are others who can. At this stage, patrons don’t know which will be the best prospect. So it is best to keep prospecting!! It’s a truism in normal courting as well as in getting a complaint mistress, an aloof detachment of outcome works best!
Mike had checked with the mummy who confirms with Mike that Xin2 does not “Chu Jie”. Of course, Mike will not pose this question directly to Xin2. Whether she ‘Chu Jie’ or not have no bearing whether Xin2 will be his mistress. Mike knows that applying certain Masterstrokes Xin2 being his mistress is a foregone conclusion.
I’ll state the bladdy obvious: the Zhu Jie test is not the question of ‘wholesomeness’ of the girls. All girls plying this line are assumed NOT to be vestal virgins. It is also NOT to test whether the girl is “easy” or not. An easy girl, who “spreads her legs” readily for money, can have the entrance to her love box curtailed whereby only the Patron (and those whom he allows) can enter – selective entry.
The “Chu Jie” test is nothing more than groundwork for Mistress Masterstroke #2: there to simply give an estimation of the length of time before she comes under the Patron’s retainer-ship.
Though not always necessary step, Mike did not want it to known that he is the one interested in bonking her. It is presented as if Hua that is said to be the interested party. Mike role is simply to pay for Xin2 services if Hua ‘Chu Jie’ with Xin2 as Hua is the client.
It is often wise to conceal from the Mummy who is actual party interested. Note that the mummy has a vested interest in the transaction. Going through the mummy to arrange for any “Chu Jie” sessions will entail a commission – usually $50-$100 for those Havelock based nite clubs.
The Mistress keeping brotherhood will mostly go direct after the initial transaction. Only one time mummy ‘referral’ cost – not because we want to circumvent or begrudge the mummy her commission but rather because we want to form an “alliance” and empathize with the girl. To create a sense of “us” (patron and potential mistress) working together against the “greedy” Mummy. Our generous tips and commissions the mummy makes from our drinks more than covers it. In fact, we often would chide the mummy if we find a greedy mummy who forces girls to give them their tips for subsequent transaction that did not go through her.
The next day its payback time – shopping for dress with Xin2 as restitution for the one he ruined. A universal rule must be applied. No friends are allowed to accompany them on this trip. Mike is blatant and uncompromising in his refusal to allow any other third party to come along. This is subtle first step in possessing her.
During the shopping trip, Mike in fact helped Xin2 to choose ‘classy’ dresses instead of sexy and sensuous ones. Men, know that dresses that titillate have a better chance of landing a “tai”. Girls think a little differently regarding their presentation: They think that prettiness and elegance is the key to have a good “tai”. For them, there in differentiation - and not necessarily money. They have the mistaken notion that men who choose “pretty and elegance” over slutiness tend to be more refined. (They also erroneously think it is easier to handle refined man than lecherous ones). By going for “class”, Mike sets himself up under the refined category. Mike intentionally voices and articulates the girls’ truism of men choosing “classy” over “slutty” dressing as being more refined.
Instead of offering one dress, Mike buys for her two. A savvy line like: I can’t decide between either as you look equally good in both is a good compliment as well as serve to underscore Mike’s generosity. No lecherous attempts were made during and after the initial shopping trip. The idea of Mike being a “Hao Nan Ren” (Good Man) starts fermenting in Xin2 brain!
06-06-2009, 11:49 PM
masterstroke indeed. Ingenious idea. However, if the girl (in this case Xin2) decides to bring a friend along for the shopping trip, what to do then? :confused:
06-06-2009, 11:50 PM
Now its time to apply Mistress Masterstroke #2: Note that this Masterstroke involves understanding the operational parameters whereby Xin2 applies her trade.
(There are different applicable Masterstroke for Singers, Women already under retainer presently, ‘conservative’ gals, Ang Pais (different Rules of Engagement for Singer Ang Pais at Hanging Flower Joints), girls in committed relationships, the veterans in this trade….)
For Xin2, the general operational parameters are:
a) Pretty lady who is quite ‘conservative’ and a relative newcomer.
b) Not very hot as in having an “Ang Pai” status.
c) Xin2, being a new comer is slowly building her business (yes, KTV WL are a business just like taxi drivers etc.). Earnings are uneven. Some night takings are better than others. There may already be a small pool of regulars who call her whenever they are there.
Now Mistress Masterstroke # 2 is to take a ruthless step of first starving Xin2 of her income potential and then inculcating a crutch mentality.
Masterstroke #2 involves understanding the psyche of the ladies plying their trade at KTV. I can tell you for a fact that a majority of them prefer to have bookings rather than running for tables – even if the latter yields them more money. Running for tables is very exhausting physically and mentally. There will invariably be “scoldings” (or mini snide comments) for not staying long enough at a room and/or for being absent for extended periods of time.
There is also the risk of customer running away – hence the constant monitoring of TV screens for bills and mobiles. Add to that is the indignation of lining up while a customer exercises his choice (Xin2 operate in a mummy system). Consecutive days of running tables without bookings can easily deplete a new “two week old” girl like Xin2.
“Starving of Xin2 potential income”
First off, Mike anticipates that a pretty girl like Xin2 will be inundated with offers sooner rather than later. He does the sum: to book her throughout the night, it costs about $150 to $200 depending on whether a week day or weekend. (Caveat: Although generally correct, please know that some bookings may cost more – the rate quoted is Xin2! as it applies to Club Infinitude). Mike makes a booking and always pay premium as tips.
(To be continued….)
Truly enlightening. Upz u as appreciation :)
07-06-2009, 12:22 PM
masterstroke indeed. Ingenious idea. However, if the girl (in this case Xin2) decides to bring a friend along for the shopping trip, what to do then? :confused:
Remember, having a mistress is a play about Power. It is always the Patron who dominates. By being in an alpha position, he can command his mistress to accept many suggestions whereby a 'normal' girlfriend would reject. This can translated in many fun "bedroom" activities. You can introduce many kinky elements (especially if you apply certain "masterstrokes") to really spice up your sex life.
As for Xin2 (or anyone other for that matter) should she bring along he friend in spite of explicit instructions not to do so: Simply, tell her "I told you to come alone, why do you bring your friends along?" Drive off. You may complain to mummy to give that added scolding and pressure.
In the many many instances where the "don't suffer the fools gladly" stance is taken, only one prospect did not come back (Hua's prospect!). But this is no loss anyway because it will take that much more of an effort to pesuade her to try something that she is not comfortable with.
And if they do accept the second chance invitation to shop, like they almost invariably do. The Patron's position of strength is very much enhanced.
08-06-2009, 02:07 AM
Truly enlightening. Upz u as appreciation :)
Much appreciated Brother Juzz. By the way, one of my signature songs during a KTV session is "Juzz the way you are":cool:
08-06-2009, 02:32 AM
Smooth like my man Billy Idol.
Upz upz upz
08-06-2009, 02:38 AM
I am at a quandary: Not sure if readers would like details pertaining to the Mistress Masterstroke #2 or just a cursory overview. Mistress Masterstroke #2 is rather long and can be long winded. By providing too many details, it would certainly bog down the pace of the narrative and might even bore some as it can be quite dry (as most “instructional” literatures invariably are).
So instead of providing detailed Method of Instruction, I will leave “bullet points”. I am sure many of the readers can fill in the lacunas (“missing bits”) to elaborate on this Masterstroke themselves.
1) Like, any business, Cash flow is important. Mike would make the booking for the night – but know this: he charges Xin2 booking through the credit card instead of paying cash to Xin2. There will invariably be delays of a few days before Xin2 is actually paid. (As an aside: Kabuki KTV –under the old management - is the slowest paymaster of them all. Sometimes taking up to two weeks! )
Without seeing cash in her hands, psychologically Xin2 is affected and a sense of desperation prevails on a subconscious level. Xin2 will be thinking how come she works so hard but does not see money in her hands. At the back of their minds, WLs are generally fearful of being caught and repatriated. If this happens, they believe that they will lose out on what they painstakingly earned.
2) Mike needs to eliminate the competition. Booking Xin2 day after day is not only a monumental effort but also sounds needy. You lose the respect of the Mistress prospect. Yet, you do not want any other gentleman coming along and scuttle your efforts by also offering retainership.
What Mike does is to offer Xin2 tips through the mummy (the minimum $150 to $200 applies). Mike would instruct the mummy to get Xin2 to sit with any business associates and friends of his that the Mummy recognised – at his cost. Mike is a classy guy. In addition to the complimentary bottle of cognac, he offers his friends and associate Xin2’s company together in the arrangement!! :rolleyes:
It is an incredible Masterstroke, for not only would you business prospects be appreciative of that gesture (Impressive is for Mike not being here but yet still takes care of his business associates!).
Xin2 also foolishly thinks that Mike trusts her with an important job of taking care of his customers. In her reckoning, Mike is a good man. He gets and refers to her customers everyday. Mike esteem goes up in her eyes. What Xin2 does not recognise is that Mike is preventing her from building a customer base -even in his absence. The minimum amount of money offered for booking also serves to limit her income ceiling.
For added variety, instead of booking Xin2 for the whole session for him or his friends, he just call Xin2 to sit them i.e. Xin2 can continue to run tables. He makes this arrangement early, and tips her only $50 (remember that it is his intention to curtail her income potential).
Why? It is because once you sit a table, the WL is likely to not accept bookings. All the more so if she knows that her regular customer, Mike, is relying on her to take care of his esteemed guests. Xin2 also knows that she cannot leave Mike’s guest for too long an extended period unaccompanied. This limits the number of tables that Xin2 can run as she thinks that she cannot let down the thoughtful Mike who is her apparent benefactor.
3) Should Mike decide to leave early, he will always offer additional $50 to Xin2 to continue taking care of his friends who are still there (Hua and Jus are a stay long-long type of guest! ;)) – effectively this an extension to the booking.
Note that all these actions and bookings averagely cost $6, 000 per month ($200 per day for 30 days to simplify things). And then note that Mike offers her $8, 000 per month on retainer. You can see how compelling it makes for Xin2 to accept Mike's proposition from a financial point of view!!!
4) *To reiterate: Xin2 going rate is $200 for Fridays and Saturdays and $150 for the other days. Mike hardly pays premium on this. He does however occasionally adds tips to make the situation seem natural! His aim is to limit her income capacity by depriving her time and capacity to seek out new prospects and build a steady customer base.
Its a truism most seasoned cheongster can understand: familiarity breeds contempt. :eek:Sitting with regular for only a short while usually yields the same amount of tips (or even more as "gan qing"/rapport is established). Its therefore to a lady's financial advantage to secure as many regulars as possible. Mike's action is to slow down the process of "regular clientele building" or eliminate them together from Xin2 in order to make it more compelling to accept a retainer.
(Masterstroke #2 to be continued)
08-06-2009, 11:41 AM
Smooth like my man Billy Idol.
Upz upz upz
Appreciate the gesture Bangster. "upz upz upz" is also what I am hoping my banker and broker will be telling me today! :cool:
08-06-2009, 02:39 PM
thats interesting :D
08-06-2009, 02:53 PM
“Creating a Crutch Mentality”
The dollar proposition outlined above is accompanied by other manoeuvres working in tandem which I will soon elaborate.
I have earlier mentioned that a successful application of Masterstroke # 2 involves understanding the operational environment of the potential mistress. In Xin2 case, the context and her situation is such that for most of the time, it can already work in itself. -- If the would be Patron is relatively young with acceptable looks!
Know however that Mike is no spring chicken (to put it mildly). :rolleyes: Going out with him is like father/daughter relationship. WLs tend to be more reluctant to accept being a mistress if he looks like DOM. As such, added measures must be taken.
1) The thing to do now is wear out a potential mistress. Mentally and physically. It is generally true that China mei-mei cannot hold their liquor, especially if they are relatively new in this line. (Different tactics are required for the more veterans / lao jiao – but for now let’s focus Xin2 case first!).
We all know that in general woman’s enzymatic process is not as efficient as men’s when it comes to breaking down alcohol in the system. By taxing her system this way, it makes her very tired. Making the job easier for the Patron is the Job Requirements of being a hostess. It demands that Xin2 imbibes alcohol. It is therefore almost unavoidable for her to drink.
Again a lot of men know to that alcohol mixes are the most potent way to inebriation. In a KTV session unlike a pub, the girls cannot regulate her alcohol consumption. Mike would get the Mummy to toast with Xin2 (often neat). Peer pressure and Mummy pressure make refusal difficult.
If Xin2 has another table at another room (tips paid for by Mike), the drink would invariably be also different. Red wine and cognac does not really sit well it appears for Xin2.
As for pretending to drink (when in actual fact didn't). Forget it. Mike has businesses in China and he is familiar with all the 'tricks of the trade'. He "monitors" Xin2 alcohol consumption.
Why get her drunk if not to bed her? Simply put: it is to wear her down in her working environment. So that when respite comes in the offer of being a mistress, she is more receptive to the idea. (Note however that some girls may develop a tolerance – and indeed a liking for alcohol – relatively quickly. In this instance other ‘stokes’ needed to be quickly applied. This is not true in Xin2 case however).
Next comes “the blitz” in order to wear her down. Several consecutive days of reinforced binging. Get her drunk and get her to come home as late (supper can be thrown in – but Xin2 sometimes refused because she is truly tired) as possible. And the next day make her come for Happy Hour at TAM. She cannot refuse this work load. Mike also uses two different sets of mummy (And the TAM one is very strict).
With insufficient downtime to recover – especially knowing Mike – it will unrelenting pressure. In effect, Xin2 goes to work, comes back home to rest, and then it back to work again.
Know this key difference: in an ordinary setting, sometimes the WL would drink herself silly but other days she can end up with little alcohol in her system (which allows her to recover). Mike strategy to get rid of this randomness and make her truly exhausted.
(Frankly, I myself after two heavy days of drinking finds it dam difficult and exhausting to continue cheonging on third day. :) )
Once the drink "blitz" or binge is set in motion, Mike now plays the hero. He books her and then instead of the usual KTV sessions, he takes her to movies or a simple meal with an early night out for her to rest. The Mike as “knight in shining armour” thoughts being to percolate in Xin2 mind. The DOM natural ‘revulsion’ of an “old man” begins to recede a little.
Several other steps must be taken to complete the groundwork .. (to be continued)
08-06-2009, 05:17 PM
Reality Blog Update:
Jus called Xin2 to enquire on her well being. This is done with Terrence’s Blessing – and yes, he is still interested in having Xin2 under his retainer!
Xin2 replied that she is feeling restless and invited Jus for a movie. Jus declined as he has something to do (like writing this thread !!!!). :rolleyes:
Jus however promised Xin2 that he will take Xin2 to 3 no mummy system KTV for her to “look-see, look-see” this week.
09-06-2009, 03:03 PM
I would like to do some house keeping of the idea of Mistress and Masterstrokes at this junction:
1) First off, let me tell all that it is NOT that complicated as it seems. You also need not expand a lot of time and effort. Come on, it is not as if we are invading another country requiring Sun Tze’s strategies or Kong Ming’s cunning. We are talking about occupying a WL CUNTry and imposing your will on her so that she is made to do your sexual bidding (most of it anyway!)
A huge dose of common sense, some experience (Mike, Hua, Terrence and Jus have literally decades of experience) with a dash of audacity (“balls”, “Chutzpah”, “Lum Pah”) to frame the proposition.
For example (I did not cover this yet). When you enervate or drain a WL in order to make work seem a one big chore, besides getting her to imbibe alcohol like crazy, you would also want her to dash round from room to room, the further the better.
As an illustration:
Kabuki (pre- renovation) operates in two floors 6th and 7th floor. Arrange for two floors tai for would be mistress prospect and then get the mummy to constantly pressure her not to leave Tai for too long. Tip the mummy well ($100 goes a long way) and give mistress prospect only $50-$80 per room,
The same goes for Havelock Road Clubs. 3rd Floor Club Infinitude and 2nd Floor share same management. Have one additional tai at 5th Floor Las Vegas. The running up and down will surely deplete her.
Even for “no mummy” systems, we can utilize space. For Amani, book two separate rooms (one some in number 100 and one somewhere near number 600). The same apply for Macau KTV as is Dongmen (Zara). Even less fancy establishments like New Shanghai (Geylang Lorong 7) have two floors 3rd and 4th.
How to get the girls running like mad when there is no mummy to control? Use basic common sense … let you guys figure out a little before I proffer a ‘solution’ that we often use.
2) Secondly, some readers who want to take on a Mistress may bulk at the exorbitant amount of money involved. Not to worry. There is a “poor man’s” version – mainly for Jus whose pockets are not nearly as deep as his kakis. The secrets to this playbook and Masterstrokes involved, I too will share.
Obviously, when I say poor, I am speaking metaphorically here. Let’s face it, you will need some degree of financial leverage. Let me also state at the outset that with the “budget’ version, it does limit your range of choice. You will need to ‘pre-select’ the girls with certain predisposition and apply the masterstrokes accordingly. And if you are old and aesthetically challenged (one ugly MF), you will need to work a little smarter. And your choice gets smaller. But know this: you can still get a pretty girl to be your mistress. :cool:
3) Thirdly, a mistress is as different from a girl friend as night and day. A mistress will be obliged to do your bidding (until you really overstep the boundary). To get your girlfriend however to do anything kinky that she is uncomfortable with, is a process of negotiation. You need heavy duty persuasion and expand a lot of effort.
I recently came across a thread in the KTV section on “…Roberts to feed”. Let me tell you the examples cited are NOT keeping mistress as I know it. It’s a girlfriend based relationship and you give money (even if it is for her to stop working) in order to negotiate some love onto you. And from this love, you can hopefully get some ‘loving’ i.e. sex.
Give you a lurid and lucid example: In the earlier post I mentioned about shoving Mahjong tiles in Xin2 pussy after a game of strip mahjong. We are not talking about Mike being the only person who puts the tiles into Xin2’s pussy. Terrence, Hua and Jus also joined in the fun. For Mahjong aficionados, it gives the term “Chi moh” (pronounced in Hokkien like ‘pussy hair’) a whole new definition. For this to happen, Mike essentially ‘commands’ Xin2 to indulge him. Xin2, while may not be very happy (although she was laughing during the game), if falls within her ‘comfort zone’ will acquiesce to it. And the comfort zone in a mistress based relationship vis-à-vis girl friend based is mile wider. (By the way, even if the girl laughs until body is quivering, the pussy muscle still hold the mahjong tile in place. At least in Xin2 case!) :D
Now, try to have that same game with a girlfriend based, used money to buy love (and maybe hopefully sex) and see how far it will go!:rolleyes:
Bear with me here, and imbibe some of the lessons that I will share. Periodically join in the discussion too. There are the Patron Roberts (which is what I am advocating) and there are the Dumb Fuck Roberts. I know which side I am choosing …. :)
09-06-2009, 04:06 PM
I recently came across a thread in the KTV section on “…Roberts to feed”. Let me tell you the examples cited are NOT keeping mistress as I know it. It’s a girlfriend based relationship and you give money (even if it is for her to stop working) in order to negotiate some love onto you. And from this love, you can hopefully get some ‘loving’ i.e. sex.
Give you a lurid and lucid example: In the earlier post I mentioned about shoving Mahjong tiles in Xin2 pussy after a game of strip mahjong. We are not talking about Mike being the only person who puts the tiles into Xin2’s pussy. Terrence, Hua and Jus also joined in the fun. For Mahjong aficionados, it gives the term “Chi moh” (pronounced in Hokkien like ‘pussy hair’) a whole new definition. For this to happen, Mike essentially ‘commands’ Xin2 to indulge him. Xin2, while may not be very happy (although she was laughing during the game), if falls within her ‘comfort zone’ will acquiesce to it. And the comfort zone in a mistress based relationship vis-à-vis girl friend based is mile wider. (By the way, even if the girl laughs until body is quivering, the pussy muscle still hold the mahjong tile in place. At least in Xin2 case!) :D
Now, try to have that same game with a girlfriend based, used money to buy love (and maybe hopefully sex) and see how far it will go!:rolleyes:
Bear with me here, and imbibe some of the lessons that I will share. Periodically join in the discussion too. There are the Patron Roberts (which is what I am advocating) and there are the Dumb Fuck Roberts. I know which side I am choosing …. :)
Well, I can't say the least that you do have your ways around these PRCs, bro. Not trying to sing a different tune, but there are always something that these "dumb fuck roberts" get in a girlfriend based relationship which the "patron roberts" or the smart ones do not enjoy. Little gifts like T-shirts, ties, cuff-links to show her affection towards you might be some of the things that can happen in this kind of relationship, a little jealousy to spice up the bedroom talk or maybe standing on your side when you get a little down. A two-way traffic I will say, for good or bad, a double-edged knife I guess, not really the kind for the married, but sometimes, "DFR"s don't give a damn. Romancing are what these "DFR" are looking out for, to reminisce the good old days when courtship was so often the thrill instead. Please do not mis-interpret my intention, I am not a DFR nor a smart-PR. As objective as I can be, I am trying to understand the existence of these two types of Roberts. And how did they co-exist for the longest time. Of cos, I prefer to be "bao" by the ger if you let me have the choice, hahahaha....I am just kidding.
ken li
09-06-2009, 05:14 PM
Obviously, when I say poor, I am speaking metaphorically here... And if you are old and aesthetically challenged (one ugly MF), you will need to work a little smarter. ...
LOL... some parts of your posts have me in sticthes (in a good way), laughing my ass off! Look forward to your posts.
10-06-2009, 02:03 PM
..must say...this thread is one of the very educational pieces that one has not seen for a long while...
much to learn:D
11-06-2009, 01:58 AM
, I am not a DFR nor a smart-PR. As objective as I can be, I am trying to understand the existence of these two types of Roberts. And how did they co-exist for the longest time. Of cos, I prefer to be "bao" by the ger if you let me have the choice, hahahaha....I am just kidding.
You are being very modest Bro Bazic. You chances of being kept by a woman are certainly higher than that of the old geezers of the Mistress Brotherhood. Based on looks alone, it would take Susan Boyle winning FHM “Babe of the Year” AND Singapore winning the football World Cup before a woman would even CONSIDER taking on any of the DOM as lovers.
Also thanks for the wonderful post. I absolutely get and appreciate the purport of your post.
1) Yes, I do recognize that love and sex can be expressed in a myriad of ways. Some prefer being the dominant party, others the submissive. One side of the scale is sheer hedonistic debauchery while the other side is celibacy. Having a Patron based Mistress relationship is certainly not for everyone. Numerous people are happy and contented to operate only within the matrix of a monogamous relationship. All are valid choices with no one superior over the other.
2) However, the main thrust of my position is that the type of Robert a person who wants to be must be made in the context of choice. He should not settle at being a DFR just because he does NOT know better. Reading this thread and applying some of the skills that I will outline therein may just help him extract better value in the relationship. And if he still chooses to play the role of a DFR, it is then his personal choice.
By the way, the term DFR (Dumb Fuck Roberts) are intentionally made derisory and in fun, to create some flavour in the prose. No malice intended. The more accurate terminology is the ‘Uninformed Robert’. It is my hope that the Uninformed Robert would become a little more knowledgeable and then exercise his choice accordingly.
3) The loving scenario you painted between an Uninformed Robert and his love interest I am afraid is quite a “romanticized” notion. The Uninformed Robert usually is in that position because he does not know how to extract better value in the relationship. He overpays to get scraps of loving attention from his so called lover.
4) Don’t leave with the impression that the Patron Roberts is like an Emperor, dishing orders which the mistress meekly comply. There many lovey dovey interactions involved. Loving scenes of buying presents, striving over cooking stove to prepare a meal, displays of care and concern are found in abundance in Patron Robert relationship too. I would dare say it more so as it serves the mistress interest to stroke the fires of the relationship in order to prolong the Robert’s Patronage.
5) As for the normal ‘realism’ of interaction, Mike wants to exit the relationship with Xin2 because of her petty jealousy and insecurities which he find burdensome to deal with.
6) To illustrate an life example of the precise situation I am talking about: I once had a good friend who had spent half of his salary for a girl he is heads over heels in love with for four months in succession. When I asked him what did he get in return (physically or emotionally), he said that he is contented with just making her happy. He says that he derives his happiness from her happiness. :cool:
My first gut instinct is what a load of crap! I was quite shocked at this ‘self – deluded’ sense of being romantic. (Actually I was more stunned that he did not even tongue her once.). :eek:
Since he is my friend, and giving him a benefit of the doubt, I decided to probe further.
Starting with simple self apparent and revealing questions: Would you prefer if QiQi hugs you more often on her accord? Do you not like her to kiss you? Will it feel good if QiQi kisses? Describe the sensation you would feel when QiQi kisses you? As I probed further and forced out many little truths, the stark reality slowly emerges. We (both my friend and I) realized that he actually wants some affectionate physicality in the expression of their so call relationship. The only thing holding back is that he does not know how to proceed and steer the relation into what he wants and so settles with what he gets (the Uninformed Robert).
To cut the long story short, I became Master (“he may have a short dick but notice the long curved fingers”) Yoda and showed this Padawan friend of mine some masterstrokes to extract more value in the relationship. He did (extract more value) and he also did her. ;)
The act of 'consumation' is actually something he longs for but sublimated this longing because of his lack of confidence and knowledge on how to proceed!!!
In summary, if you want to choose to be an Uninformed Robert by all means. But recognize this caveat: make sure that you experience life as a Patron Robert first. Then see if you ever want to come back!
A mind once expanded can never go back to being the same.
11-06-2009, 01:54 PM
An update on the Reality Blog front:
Terrence had just gotten back from the Middle East. During a small get together a hawker stall (drinking Avocado shake), Terrence mentioned that he has quite heavy work load on his return and that he would be taking a rain check in joining the brothers for “cheong” sessions until next week. He will however get his rocks off with a ‘regular girl’ that he periodically activated from Macau KTV. This is a tall and fair ChongQing girl with average size hooters whom Terrence claimed screamed “like as if being murdered” enroute to orgasm (as if …. Men like to flatter themselves!).
Terrence also shared that he wanted to spend some quality time with his wife. In response, Terrence was greeted with expletives and given the finger.
Anyway, Terrence maintained that he still wants to make Xin2 his mistress. Yes, he is steadfast about the price – SGD 6, 000. He is of the view that SGD 6, 000 would represent fair and good value given this economic climate. And if Xin2 finds it too little or demeaning, she can go “ply her golden pussy at Geylang”.
Terrence also mentioned that he had contacted Xin2 only once during his trip and since his return. And that only Xin2 informed him that she is still considering his offer. He retorted to her that the offer is not indefinite and “got expiry date”.
Mike takes a detached view of the proceedings. He finds the situation amusing and hilarious. Mike also jokingly points out that Terrence wants “Tua Liap Nee” on the cheap. The subtle interpretation to this comment is Mike feels that the money is too little to provide sufficient inducement. It is well noting Mike’s view. He, after all, is exposed (literally and figuratively) to Xin2 money habits. We shall see as the transfer drama unfolds …. (kinda reminiscent of Ronaldo’s purported transfer to Real Madrid I feel).
Jus mentioned that he is supposed to take Xin2 to different KTV to investigate the scene. The plan did not come to fruition because Jus cannot find the time to do so.
Terrence suggests to Jus (don’t whether spoken tongue in cheek or not) to take her to SG, BS, New Shanghai to “see if she can survive the competition” as she is already spoilt by a certain lifestyle afforded under Mike’s patronage.
(Potential Mistress Patrons take note: the masterstroke is such a powerful tool, after you develop the ‘crutch mentality’ you will blunt a mistress competitive edge. Much like a lion bred in captivity, it will lose its hunting prowess over time!)
Will Xin2 accept Terrence indecent proposal?
(Only time will tell: but if I were to place a bet, I would say the chance is rather slim. Prevaricating on decisions, prolonging decision making time and "too much mulling over" usually a portends a negative answer. We shall see ....)
11-06-2009, 02:23 PM
Just to state the obvious:
Terrence approach to get a gal to be his mistress is very different from Mike, Hua and Jus. He prefers the direct route. (Football analogy: long ball versus possession football).
Terrence of course knows the Masterstrokes. He however only serves them to stunners. Xin2 , while undoubtedly beautiful and will turn heads when she walks, however fell a little short in Terrence’s criterion on when to apply the Masterstroke. Terrence wants the gal to be “jaw dropping beautiful” as well before he expands the effort.
For the rest, they will apply the Masterstroke as soon as they identify a prospect whom they want to be their mistress.
ken li
11-06-2009, 03:57 PM
Terrence approach to get a gal to be his mistress is very different from Mike, Hua and Jus. ....
Terrence of course knows the Masterstrokes. He however only serves them to stunners. .... Terrence wants the gal to be “jaw dropping beautiful” as well before he expands the effort.
Hmmm... I can certainly appreciate Terrence's point of view on when to put in extra effort.
BTW, as ur write up continues, I hope you will also have something on ending the patronage. I have always wondered if there are various ways to reduce consequential annoyance (apart from the player transfer you are now describing).
11-06-2009, 04:33 PM
2) Secondly, some readers who want to take on a Mistress may bulk at the exorbitant amount of money involved. Not to worry. There is a “poor man’s” version – mainly for Jus whose pockets are not nearly as deep as his kakis. The secrets to this playbook and Masterstrokes involved, I too will share.
Obviously, when I say poor, I am speaking metaphorically here. Let’s face it, you will need some degree of financial leverage. Let me also state at the outset that with the “budget’ version, it does limit your range of choice. You will need to ‘pre-select’ the girls with certain predisposition and apply the masterstrokes accordingly. And if you are old and aesthetically challenged (one ugly MF), you will need to work a little smarter. And your choice gets smaller. But know this: you can still get a pretty girl to be your mistress. :cool:
hmm...guess me falls into this category...
me really like the way you put it...
very smooth language and yet able to be right-in-your-face...
very appreciative of your effort in putting all these into writing...
me have much to learn...
11-06-2009, 05:34 PM
You are being very modest Bro Bazic. You chances of being kept by a woman are certainly higher than that of the old geezers of the Mistress Brotherhood. Based on looks alone, it would take Susan Boyle winning FHM “Babe of the Year” AND Singapore winning the football World Cup before a woman would even CONSIDER taking on any of the DOM as lovers.
Also thanks for the wonderful post. I absolutely get and appreciate the purport of your post.
1) Yes, I do recognize that love and sex can be expressed in a myriad of ways. Some prefer being the dominant party, others the submissive. One side of the scale is sheer hedonistic debauchery while the other side is celibacy. Having a Patron based Mistress relationship is certainly not for everyone. Numerous people are happy and contented to operate only within the matrix of a monogamous relationship. All are valid choices with no one superior over the other.
2) However, the main thrust of my position is that the type of Robert a person who wants to be must be made in the context of choice. He should not settle at being a DFR just because he does NOT know better. Reading this thread and applying some of the skills that I will outline therein may just help him extract better value in the relationship. And if he still chooses to play the role of a DFR, it is then his personal choice.
By the way, the term DFR (Dumb Fuck Roberts) are intentionally made derisory and in fun, to create some flavour in the prose. No malice intended. The more accurate terminology is the ‘Uninformed Robert’. It is my hope that the Uninformed Robert would become a little more knowledgeable and then exercise his choice accordingly.
3) The loving scenario you painted between an Uninformed Robert and his love interest I am afraid is quite a “romanticized” notion. The Uninformed Robert usually is in that position because he does not know how to extract better value in the relationship. He overpays to get scraps of loving attention from his so called lover.
4) Don’t leave with the impression that the Patron Roberts is like an Emperor, dishing orders which the mistress meekly comply. There many lovey dovey interactions involved. Loving scenes of buying presents, striving over cooking stove to prepare a meal, displays of care and concern are found in abundance in Patron Robert relationship too. I would dare say it more so as it serves the mistress interest to stroke the fires of the relationship in order to prolong the Robert’s Patronage.
5) As for the normal ‘realism’ of interaction, Mike wants to exit the relationship with Xin2 because of her petty jealousy and insecurities which he find burdensome to deal with.
6) To illustrate an life example of the precise situation I am talking about: I once had a good friend who had spent half of his salary for a girl he is heads over heels in love with for four months in succession. When I asked him what did he get in return (physically or emotionally), he said that he is contented with just making her happy. He says that he derives his happiness from her happiness. :cool:
My first gut instinct is what a load of crap! I was quite shocked at this ‘self – deluded’ sense of being romantic. (Actually I was more stunned that he did not even tongue her once.). :eek:
Since he is my friend, and giving him a benefit of the doubt, I decided to probe further.
Starting with simple self apparent and revealing questions: Would you prefer if QiQi hugs you more often on her accord? Do you not like her to kiss you? Will it feel good if QiQi kisses? Describe the sensation you would feel when QiQi kisses you? As I probed further and forced out many little truths, the stark reality slowly emerges. We (both my friend and I) realized that he actually wants some affectionate physicality in the expression of their so call relationship. The only thing holding back is that he does not know how to proceed and steer the relation into what he wants and so settles with what he gets (the Uninformed Robert).
To cut the long story short, I became Master (“he may have a short dick but notice the long curved fingers”) Yoda and showed this Padawan friend of mine some masterstrokes to extract more value in the relationship. He did (extract more value) and he also did her. ;)
The act of 'consumation' is actually something he longs for but sublimated this longing because of his lack of confidence and knowledge on how to proceed!!!
In summary, if you want to choose to be an Uninformed Robert by all means. But recognize this caveat: make sure that you experience life as a Patron Robert first. Then see if you ever want to come back!
A mind once expanded can never go back to being the same.
It's being cheeky on my part to suggest being kept by a woman, I hope you don't read too much into it, I am in no way better than those "DOM" you see ogling over some chicks sashaying across the streets of Geylang in their flamboyant outfits. After looking through your post, I come to realise that the defining difference between the two types of Roberts will be dominance in a relationship. I do see some of my cliques being at becks and calls, bending over at the very instance THE number appears on the screen. Somehow, I do find Singapore men being deprived and love-starved, not sex but attention. These women have clearly acknowledged our shortcomings and thus providing this "commodity" in exchange of fulfilling their dreams of building more houses in their homeland for their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and maybe parents-in-laws too. You guys (in my opinion only) has probably set a precedence to recover our so-called "lost pride". I would love to hear more of your experiences, it might not be a money-spinning proposition, but nevertheless, you are opening up a totally new perspective to me.
12-06-2009, 03:50 AM
BTW, as ur write up continues, I hope you will also have something on ending the patronage. I have always wondered if there are various ways to reduce consequential annoyance (apart from the player transfer you are now describing).
Hi Ken,
Yes, I do intend to touch on the topic of “ending the patronage”. Emotions, especially one that emanates from a woman scorned scenario (“Hell has no fury like a woman scorned”) can be notoriously hard to predict. There are times where mistresses exited with a sweet smile of gratitude and times whereby the reactions are that of the melodramatic, “Fatal Attraction” proportions. If the latter scenario prevails, let me tell you that “Consequential annoyance” (I like this turn of phase) will seem like a welcome relief.
That being said, there are certain actions that can (and indeed must) be taken to reduce the intensity of negative reactions. Note that negative reactions can be ‘others’ directed (lashing out at those all around, especially the ex Patron and his circle of friends and family) or ‘self’ directed (whereby the spurned mistress does violence – physical and mental – upon herself). We will want to mitigate and move away from these two unpleasant reactions. Will show you how we have done so (reducing the negative reactions through the years!)
Despite the literally hundreds of mistress the Brotherhood that has come and gone through the years, “Player transfer” (especially between one member of the group to another) is a new experience altogether for us. We are all still learning.
12-06-2009, 03:52 AM
hmm...guess me falls into this category...
me really like the way you put it...
very smooth language and yet able to be right-in-your-face...
very appreciative of your effort in putting all these into writing...
me have much to learn...
You are most welcome Ol'Coyote. Stick around. You should be able to find some useful insights and lessons that are culled from nearly one century* worth of cumulative mistress keeping experience that will enable you to spice up your life (even if don’t have any intention go into the mistress keeping route).
Jus (in his early forties) and keeping mistresses since his twenties.
Mike (in his mid fifties) and keeping mistresses since his twenties.
Hua (in his early sixties) and keeping a mistresses since his thirties.
Terrence (in his late forties) – been keeping mistress on and off for the good part of nearly a decade.
And All are still actively at it presently … (whoa! How scary is that? :eek: … now that I actually try to count the years!)
12-06-2009, 04:05 AM
.... After looking through your post, I come to realise that the defining difference between the two types of Roberts will be dominance in a relationship.I do see some of my cliques being at becks and calls, bending over at the very instance THE number appears on the screen. Somehow, I do find Singapore men being deprived and love-starved, not sex but attention. These women have clearly acknowledged our shortcomings and thus providing this "commodity" in exchange of fulfilling their dreams of building more houses in their homeland for their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and maybe parents-in-laws too. You guys (in my opinion only) has probably set a precedence to recover our so-called "lost pride". I would love to hear more of your experiences, it might not be a money-spinning proposition, but nevertheless, you are opening up a totally new perspective to me.
Bro Bazic, you are indeed a bright Padawan and an astute observer of people dynamics! (Pat on the back for you!).
And guess what? You are also on the money about one of my primary motivations in setting up this thread and the sharing all our life experiences.
Despite my philandering ways, I always have a strong sense of fair play. Seeing how the men here are being manipulated, exploited and “settling for crumbs” brings a sense of disquiet to me.
I compared our situation with regards to woman (refering only to KTV lass here) and to those that I observe and read here and elsewhere. I note the disparity in what we get from our investment vis-à-vis the men who has been given the run around despite putting in so much of themselves (I am not talking only monetary).
What I realized quickly is that people settle because they do not know any better. I then resolved to share our experience and knowledge – to let these people know that there better alternatives than to settle for meager returns.
Knowledge is a great liberator! Internally I know that I will derive great satisfaction if this thread helped even one such person to come to terms with his condition and take appropriate steps to up his Return On Investment when it comes to male female relationship.
I will share with you a story which encapsulates the above point:
Hua had a client, William (name changed), who literally spent close to SGD 150, 000 on a Hanging Flower Joint to win over a girl's heart.
Notwithstanding whether he can afford it or not, William had the mistaken notion that his generosity will ‘melt’ the girl of his dreams heart. William had the fantasy that by spending so much on her, she will reciprocate with love and affection. And he can live happily ever after.
Poor sod, the reality is very far removed from his fantasies and desires. William gets only the occasional loving from his dream girl (and that only on her terms!). He is short changed because he does not know better.
This is where if William is exposed to Mistress Masterstoke #2, he will certainly derive more from his investment.
The Masterstoke #2 is counter intuitive but will yield the desired result. Most people will think that kindness begets kindness and that generousity will invite gratitude and love. This does not however work in the real world. Our experience informs us that the so called ‘logical’ step William takes to win over someone does not hold true in the real world.
And why is William doing it all wrong? Instead of limiting his target’s income as Masterstroke #2 tells it – William feeds her income! Of course he will invariably get the complete opposite of what he desires. By giving her money, William inadvertently empowers her. With no financial pressure now, she makes her choice based on other criteria instead of survival (and material needs). And William may not meet her internal criteria!
And what if William threatens to withdraw the financial incentive? This is desperate threat measure that a poor Uninformed Roberts like to use in the last resort. Okay, I haven’t really finished expatiating on Masterstroke #2: “creation of a crutch mentality” at this point. But we can generally guess the probable outcome. If William does not “create the crutch mentality” – essentially designed to make the girl reliant on you (not only income support but emotional support) – you can be sure that any ‘loving that is derived from such threat is only transitory. And William will also probably not be able to dictate terms for the relationship.
Hope you are convinced now on the power of knowledge to free you! :cool:
Do be on a look out for the continuation of Masterstroke 2: Creation of a Crutch mentality ...
12-06-2009, 06:15 AM
You are too generous with your compliments, without doubt, it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out these dynamics, greatly appreciative anyway. I have never engage myself with activities associating more than a little fling with these PRCs which probably explain my intense interest in your group's escapades. Neither do I really give much of a damn with these PRCs' unreasonable demands due to the financial crunch currently. But there are always exclusive cases and one of them happened to me, will not elaborate further on this else it will rub shine away from this awesome thread. All in a day's work, it's poetic justice in the making, I have been deprived from that kinda "feel" with other gers ever since I pull the plug.
12-06-2009, 10:52 AM
Bro justime,
Been a wonderful thread, the best so far. Kudos to you, for taking the time to explain and breaking it down into simple terms for people like me.
It is really an eye opener for me to find out the strategies employed by the patrons.
I am now waiting eagerly for your updates.
Masterstroke #1 is priceless. A simple action like ruining a dress can have such a positive impact. With your simple and easy to understand English, it just re-affirm my beliefs that many newbies (like me) are often clouded by our our emotions, and ended up having being dictated by the girl's terms.
12-06-2009, 02:02 PM
.., it just re-affirm my beliefs that many newbies (like me) are often clouded by our our emotions, and ended up having being dictated by the girl's terms.
Hi cablesnwires, you are most welcome. It is precisely this kind of reaction and realisation that vindicates my efforts to share. I feel encouraged that someone, somewhere out there in the vast expanse of the WWW, has imbibed some of the lessons here and has 'profitted' from it. Good on ya mate ... and thanks for thy mini boost :)
12-06-2009, 05:00 PM
Bro justime,
Excellent thread. I wished u hv written ur strategies on the art of BY a little earlier. I hv had my share of problems w/ my first BY of a young PRC student whom I met at a KTV many months ago.
I like to comment on the followings:
1) By ruining the article of clothing, it will elicit a degree of emotion. Seasoned Casanovas know that nothing is worse the attitude of indifference when courting a girl. Casanovas would rather work from a position of hate. There really is a thin line between love and hate. It is the intensity of emotions. And emotions can be easily converted from one to another.
Very true. A jerk can be more attractive to a gal than a nice guy aka beta male bcos he elicits strong emotions in the gal. However, it's the cool, calm alpha male w/ emotional control who beats them all, hehehe.
2) To establish a dominant position, you cannot be seen asking for a date. By asking for a date, the woman holds the power. At the very least, she wields the power of refusal. By proffering to buy her a replacement dress, a context is set. You are not needy. You can say, she better accept the gift because you always pay up and hate to owe anyone anything. Its sets the patron up in terms of his self interest.
Another very good point. Never, ever appear desperate n needy. Otherwise, a gal w/ normal self esteem will run away no matter how good looking n rich you're. Give the impression that she is lucky to hv u n that a bevy of pretty gals are lining up for u, hehehe.
I also enjoy reading ur analysis of the 2 types of "roberts": DFR n PR. Mr. "William" is a classic example of DFR. He tried to be a nice guy n sucked up to the gal. Such beta male behaviour is very unattractive to gals.
However, there is just one point I beg to disagree w/ u.
You seem to imply that DOMs can never be attractive to pretty SYTs. Not so. Becos gals are attracted to words/voice/body language first, then character/personality traits second, high value status third n lastly to looks. And she can't choose whom she is attracted to as attraction occurs at the subconscious level. If a DOM has the body language, character traits n high value status of an alpha male n he is not physically repulsive, he will be very attractive to many pretty SYTs if they get to know him. Why? They can't help it!! :eek:
By way of comparison, we men are attracted to looks/figure first, words/voice/body language 2nd, character/personality traits 3rd n lastly to high value status of a gal.
Money can buy their bodies but never their hearts. Mr. "William' is very ignorant on this pt. He got KC-ed n was desperate. He forgot that the one who cares the least controls the relationship.:cool:
Just very recently, I was KC-ed by the gal I'm BAO-ing n lost control of the RS briefly bcos I was the one who cared more ....Thankfully, my KC has waned so much that I dun care a damn about her anymore, hahaha. Having a bevy of chio SYTs is a very important defense against any KC, which occurs at the subconscious level. To that end I'm organising expeditions to TAM n elsewhere to find, meet n bonk the prettiest SYTs.:D
Just my 2 cents.
Good day!!
13-06-2009, 03:13 AM
You seem to imply that DOMs can never be attractive to pretty SYTs. Not so. Becos gals are attracted to words/voice/body language first, then character/personality traits second, high value status third n lastly to looks. And she can't choose whom she is attracted to as attraction occurs at the subconscious level. If a DOM has the body language, character traits n high value status of an alpha male n he is not physically repulsive, he will be very attractive to many pretty SYTs if they get to know him. Why? They can't help it!! :eek:
Thanks Warbird for your very helpful comments. When I cast aspersions on the looks of the DOMs, it is always done in the context of "tongue in cheek". This self deprecatory joke (for example "Susan Boyle winning FHM Sexiest Babe") is mainly design to bring a little relief on the generally "instructional tone" of the posts.
Yes, you are indeed correct about other attributes being more important than physical appearance. (Jus "budget" Masterstroke mentioned earlier in my posts serves to precisely accentuate the other attributes so that looks and even money becomes secondary). Not to worry, I will touch on this topic in due time.
Since you broached the subject, I shall jump a gun a little and state that that the number one most important attribute that turns a girl on (notwithstanding 'regular' or WL gal) is: CONFIDENCE.
In fact so important is confidence that forms the foundation and basis of Masterstroke #3: "Be a Confident Bastard". Which I will expatiate after I finish elaborating on "creating a crutch mentality".
Know the joke about the little boy and girl trying to up one another?
Boy: I have got four toys.
Girsl" Well I have got five toys!
Boy: I have got a Wii and a computer.
Girl: Well I have two Wii and two computers.
Finally in exasperation, the little boy whipped out his pants, pointed to his balls and proudly proclaimed, "Well, I have got two of these!"
In response, the little girl too pulled down her shorts. Pointing to her pussy, she says: "I have only one of this. But with only one of this, I can get as many of those (balls) as I want".
Notwithstanding the above Punchline: If the boy indeed develops confidence in his later years, the girl's retort can actually be twisted to suit him in the form of: "I can get as many of those (pussy) as I want".
Its all in the attitude. :cool:
13-06-2009, 03:20 AM
Since you broached the subject, I shall jump a gun a little and state that that the number one most important attribute that turns a girl on (notwithstanding 'regular' or WL gal) is: CONFIDENCE.
Its all in the attitude. :cool:
Darn.. i really gotta work out the confidence & the attitude.. need more "practise sessions".. :p
13-06-2009, 05:29 AM
More house keeping time:
In the interest of readers who want to come up with a Brainstorming idea, I shall share a business technique that the “Mistress Brotherhood” uses periodically. In this thread, I shall structure the technique under the guise of “thread house cleaning” and “fun” and will not elaborate on the mechanics/ techniques of it. Know however it is really a very powerful business and thinking tool. For readers that are able to intuit or understand its underlying premise, I betcha that it is really worth its weight in gold!
There are now around four pages of this thread. I had assumed that readers would have got most of the concepts and general purport of what I am trying to communicate therein. Based on the facts presented, I also assumed that everyone would be on the same page when certain inferences is called for. My assumption could be wrong. Some readers might not get it – even clearly obvious ones (e.g. Jus is one of the protagonist of the story as well as the Tread Starter of this “Mistress” thread).
I shall therefore call the following pointers “Its bladdy obvious that….. “
Hua and Terrence use the terminology differently. They call it: (insert expletive) obvious! :rolleyes:
1) It is bladdy obvious that Hua, Terrence and Mike are not your ‘everyman’ and that they are relatively successful in terms of their career, business and wealth. They may not be Li Ka Shing (or even Ong Beng Send rich), but they would largely constitute “upper strata” in terms of income and position.
2) Its is bladdy obvious that Jus thinks the techniques employed by the Mistress Brotherhood can shared, learned and applied not only to “Upper Strata” but that the concepts can be distilled and translated across to many people with different financial and social standing.
3) It is bladdy obvious that the “Mistress Brotherhood” lives does not revolve around the KTV.
4) It is also bladdy obvious that the WL discussed is largely from China and that they are working at a KTV establishment in Singapore.
5) It is bladdy obvious that Hua, Terrence, Mike and Jus are not well blessed in the “looks” department. It is also bladdy obvious that they have the self confidence that their other attributes more than compensates for the lack of personal aesthetics.
6) It bladdy obvious that the protagonist know how to and have applied the MasterStrokes for their personal satisfaction.
7) It is bladdy obvious that the protagonist can forward plan and knows how to influence outcomes.
(As an aside: Even in the simple writing of this thread Jus knows the intended ending he wants. After imparting his masterstrokes and concepts, Jus will invite/recruit a volunteer on a field trip whereby he will personally mentor him to be a Patron in the fine art of keeping a mistress. His mentee will then blog the learning experiences and/or continue with the thread (if he desires), thereby leaving Jus to exit the scene.
8) It is bladdy obvious that there is an element of Power Play in the male-female interactions. This all the more apparent in the Patron based mistress relationship.
9) It is bladdy obvious that the Patron must the dominant one in the above relationship.
Followers of the thread, I would hereby like to invite you to join in the “bladdy obvious" game ……..
you may also start on ..."Its however not so obvious"
13-06-2009, 09:43 AM
Yes, you are indeed correct about other attributes being more important than physical appearance. (Jus "budget" Masterstroke mentioned earlier in my posts serves to precisely accentuate the other attributes so that looks and even money becomes secondary). Not to worry, I will touch on this topic in due time.
Since you broached the subject, I shall jump a gun a little and state that that the number one most important attribute that turns a girl on (notwithstanding 'regular' or WL gal) is: CONFIDENCE.
In fact so important is confidence that forms the foundation and basis of Masterstroke #3: "Be a Confident Bastard". Which I will expatiate after I finish elaborating on "creating a crutch mentality".
Notwithstanding the above Punchline: If the boy indeed develops confidence in his later years, the girl's retort can actually be twisted to suit him in the form of: "I can get as many of those (pussy) as I want".
Its all in the attitude. :cool:
Hi bro justime,
You hv hit the nail on the head! Self-confidence is the most important attribute of an alpha male. However, one needs to be LIKABLE as well, otherwise ur confidence n "high value status" can be a turnoff for many PRC MMs in terms of attraction at the subconscious level. Of course, u will still get their pussies, but never their hearts. A healthy dose of humour n occasional smile will do wonders...hahaha.:D
[/QUOTE=justime;3826800]More house keeping time:
In the interest of readers who want to come up with a Brainstorming idea, I shall share a business technique that the “Mistress Brotherhood” uses periodically. ... Some readers might not get it – even clearly obvious ones (e.g. Jus is one of the protagonist of the story as well as the Tread Starter of this “Mistress” thread).
(As an aside: Even in the simple writing of this thread Jus knows the intended ending he wants. After imparting his masterstrokes and concepts, Jus will invite/recruit a volunteer on a field trip whereby he will personally mentor him to be a Patron in the fine art of keeping a mistress. His mentee will then blog the learning experiences and/or continue with the thread (if he desires), thereby leaving Jus to exit the scene.
8) It is bladdy obvious that there is an element of Power Play in the male-female interactions. This all the more apparent in the Patron based mistress relationship.
9) It is bladdy obvious that the Patron must the dominant one in the above relationship.
Followers of the thread, I would hereby like to invite you to join in the “bladdy obvious" game ……..
you may also start on ..."Its however not so obvious"[/QUOTE]
Hi bro,
How do I sign up as a mentee? I'm game...:p
Thx n have a great day!!
13-06-2009, 10:51 AM
Nice thread, will bookmark it for reference:cool:
Dear Bro Justime
1) It is bladdy obvious that I have a great chance of being your 'mentee' since the first 2 letters of our nick are the same.
2) It is bladdy obvious that you will be sponsorship the 'training activities' during the mentorship.
3) It is bladdy obvious that I will be keeping the thread alive after I graduate from your training scheme.
hehehe...juzz keeping things light and obvious :p
ken li
13-06-2009, 10:59 AM
I shall therefore call the following pointers “Its bladdy obvious that….. “
Hua and Terrence use the terminology differently. They call it: (insert expletive) obvious! :rolleyes:
1) It is bladdy obvious that Hua, Terrence and Mike are not your ‘everyman’ and that they are relatively successful in terms of their career, business and wealth. They may not be Li Ka Shing (or even Ong Beng Send rich), but they would largely constitute “upper strata” in terms of income and position.
5) It is bladdy obvious that Hua, Terrence, Mike and Jus are not well blessed in the “looks” department. It is also bladdy obvious that they have theself confidence that their other attributes more than compensates for the lack of personal aesthetics.
Followers of the thread, I would hereby like to invite you to join in the “bladdy obvious" game ……..
you may also start on ..."Its however not so obvious"
From my understanding (& I could very well be mistaken) allow me some humble contributions. :)
Bladdy obvious contribution
* It is bladdy obvious that H, T, M & J's bladdy obvious confidence is at least in part (emphasis added) because of their bladdy obvious standing in the "upper strata".
** It is bladdy obvious that H, T, M & J are able, at least to a relatively large degree - as compared to a normal salary man(emphasis added), to control the amount of time they can spend in their patronage pursuit.
Not so obvious contribution
*** Taking * & ** (as they could affect each other) above into context, it is not so obvious whether this all important "confidence" can actually be transplanted to any person regardless of standing, or can actually be transplanted to any person to the same degree as "the HTMJ hood".
Hope the above is contructive in any discussion. :p
13-06-2009, 11:43 AM
Dear Bro Justime
1) It is bladdy obvious that I have a great chance of being your 'mentee' since the first 2 letters of our nick are the same.
2) It is bladdy obvious that you will be sponsorship the 'training activities' during the mentorship.
3) It is bladdy obvious that I will be keeping the thread alive after I graduate from your training scheme.
hehehe...juzz keeping things light and obvious :p
Hi Juzz, it bladdy obvious that Jus’ pockets who is not even at 10% of his brethren’s level, will “sponsor’ only the "Budget" version. Cost of maintaining the mistress however will be at mentee’s own account.
(At some point in the thread, I will talk about Mistress’ maintenance “cost sharing” – budget woh!) ;)
Continuing the “Bladdy Obvious ………
10) Its bladdy obvious that Budget version is somehow related the main Masterstroke strategies. It is just a few simple modifications which the TS will share.
11) It is bladdy obvious that any gift buying between Patron and Mistress must be done within a context. And that it is the Patron who defines the context. (Never asks her what she wants or even give her money to shop on her own!)
12) It is bladdy obvious that in order to make the gift meaningful for the Mistress recipient, a Patron must be “sensitive” to his mistress situation and select the appropriate gift.
13) It is bladdy obvious from the above that cost and price of the gift is not the overwhelming consideration. It is not so obvious, but true in most cases, that should a Mistress want some luxurious indulgences like jewelry, branded bags etc it should come from the allowance that the Patron gives his mistress.
Keep the bladdy obvious pointers coming in (I will accumulate your “bladdy obvious” and respond later).
Once we have “house cleaned” with the “Bladdy Obvious” I will continue on how the techniques on “how to develop a crutch mentality”
13-06-2009, 02:41 PM
13) It is bladdy obvious from the above that cost and price of the gift is not the overwhelming consideration. It is not so obvious, but true in most cases, that should a Mistress want some luxurious indulgences like jewelry, branded bags etc it should come from the allowance that the Patron gives his mistress.
My apologies but I should include the following caveats to this pointer (which should be "bladdy obvious" anyway ;)
This however does NOT mean that the Patron will not give "luxurious indulgences" as all. It simply means that "indulgences" should only be used as part of a reward system and/or to provide incentives for a certain behaviour trait that the Patron want to courage. It should never, ever be taken for granted and assumed that it is the mistress right to be pamper with these ‘big ticket’ items.
It should be obvious that the big ticket items can have different price range. Its contingent on a case by case basis. For example, two years ago, Hua provided the down payment to a condo in Shanghai for his mistress who had been faithfully serving him for four long years!
Continuing the Bladdy obvious:
14) It should be bladdy obvious that the Masterstrokes will NOT work 100% of the time. The psychological dynamics of human interaction are very complex. However, by adhering and applying its principles, it will give the best possible chance of success. After the all, the principles have been validated, tried and tested time and time again – with a very high success rate!
15) Looking at the reality blog, it should be bladdy obvious that Terrence carries very little attachment and “emotional” baggage with regards to the outcome of his proposal. Yes, he obviously wanted Xin2 to accept his offer, but he hardly fussed over it.
16) It should be bladdy obvious that Mike too have done some preparatory work before letting Xin2 go e.g..he easily get her to leave his apartment.
17) It should be bladdy obvious that the application of the Masterstroke is not only confined in getting a Mistress. The Masterstroke also can serve as strategy in courting girls. And even of a business and life strategy.
18) It should be obvious that the Mistress Brotherhood list of conquest reside does NOT only lie with Chinese KTV girls.
15-06-2009, 10:56 AM
Bro justime,
Excellent thread. I wished u hv written ur strategies on the art of BY a little earlier. I hv had my share of problems w/ my first BY of a young PRC student whom I met at a KTV many months ago.
.....................Money can buy their bodies but never their hearts......
Just very recently, I was KC-ed by the gal I'm BAO-ing n lost control of the RS briefly bcos I was the one who cared more ....Thankfully, my KC has waned so much that I dun care a damn about her anymore, hahaha. Having a bevy of chio SYTs is a very important defense against any KC, which occurs at the subconscious level. To that end I'm organising expeditions to TAM n elsewhere to find, meet n bonk the prettiest SYTs.:D
Hi bro justime,
You hv hit the nail on the head! Self-confidence is the most important attribute of an alpha male. However, one needs to be LIKABLE as well, otherwise ur confidence n "high value status" can be a turnoff for many PRC MMs in terms of attraction at the subconscious level. Of course, u will still get their pussies, but never their hearts. A healthy dose of humour n occasional smile will do wonders...hahaha.:D
PART 1 of my reply:
Hi Warbird, …. my heartfelt thanks for your support and contributions especially with regards to the discussion element for this thread. It sometimes monologue here. :)
But …. (takes a deep breath) …. are you aware of the fact that there is a disjunct between what you know about about the right behaviourial traits to present and what you actually "present on the ground"? Also there might be some tweaks needed in your current paradigm as it is very dis-empowering.
Obviously I do NOT know the context of your “Baoying” foray(s) and the details are sketchy at best. Yet, based on your paradigm on how to handle a PRC mei mei, I can make a guess on how the relationship will probably turn out – even if you did not mention it explicitly.
You didn't say it outright, but it should be quite obvious that you did not really want the relationship to end. However when it did, you accepted (whether willingly or reluctantly) and luckily for you, you managed to cope (I think/hope).
No, I am not some sort of seer with Nostradamus vision. It simply because my experience informs me that you gotten it all wrong. You seem too eager to please them, to gain their acceptance. You did not empower yourself in the relationship.
Couple of quick points before I elaborate on the above:
1) I think you got the notion of “confidence” quite wrong. You seem to equate confidence to boorish behaviour as well as being a ‘show-off’. Yes, “hao lian” behavior can be quite a turn off. Showing off and outright bragging are symptoms of poor self esteem. A confident person need not do such thing, he exudes confidence. Mike, Hua, Terrence and even Jus never need to blow our own trumpets. Everything is presented in a matter of fact way – good and bad. We know (internally) that we are good at certain things and acknowledge our deficiencies at others.
All of us like the braggart during our business dealings. Why? It is because we immediately know the Achilles heel of the person. We will manipulate his esteem into the end result we want.
2) You do NOT need to make yourself likeable nor do you need to win the heart of your gal. Forget whether you made a favourable impression on her or not. Just focus on presenting yourself in a certain manner. And let the outcome (whatever they may be) come naturally – without undue fuss whether you win over the girl or not.
(Assuming you are lacking in the type of confidence I talk about in point 1 – or just starting out to cultivate your “confidence muscle”):
At the start of the journey, all you only need to do is present an external image of being confident (don’t worry the inner confidence will soon catch up with your external projection). Learn to present the demeanor that seems to command respect. By doing so, the paradox is that not only will she respect, but will also be inevitably drawn toward you.
I will show you how project such a demeanor in Masterstroke #3.
Oh yes, and in terms of time and effort: it is easier project the above image and “create” the situation/context in which you can command respect than rather than working to make someone like you.
15-06-2009, 11:00 AM
Part 2 of my reply
3) You (and very often the girl herself) do not know what she likes. You may think that being nice, friendly and funny is the route to go, and that it is the so call “likeable attributes” are universally attractive to woman.
Let me once again put forth a counter intuitive point.
(Remember to always judge the success of a strategy against actual experience and results and not what you think should be correct. Take my statement at face value and validate it yourself against the actual result of your interaction if you should take my advise.).
First off, you will never know what a girl like or loves (a lot of this resides in subconscious and other esoteric places. We don’t go there – it is too complicated and speculative.
Never, never, never, (did I mention “never”?) assume that just because she appear or seem to enjoy your banters and laughs with you, you are getting to her heart. How is she supposed to react? She must indulge you. It is part of her job requirement. Just as in the case of a woman faking orgasm, she can easily put on such an act. Yes, put your ego away – you CANNOT tell for sure if it is an act or if it is genuine.
Okay, then even if she genuinely likes and enjoys your company, so what? It does not mean that she harbors romantic notions about you.
An empowering solution to always revert back to the golden axiom: “Don’t tell me you love me, SHOW me!” You tell whether she likes you by her deeds (which are observable). Yes, she may make pretence out of it and/or do the loving things out of obligation rather that love. But brother, this is the best indicator you have got. It is certainly better than verbal professions and mini lovey-dovey actions (“Love Wayangs” I call it!)
Mike had a case whereby his previous mistress-girlfriend (two ‘affairs before Xin2) indulges in heavy Love Wayangs coupled with huge dose of “sweet nothings”. But when he was sick for four days, she did not make the effort to even visit him. Numerous telephone calls and SMS telling him how she misses his hugs, his company etc does not cut it. If she genuinely likes him, she will make the effort to visit him (observable). No excuses, no prevarications – if she is “really into him”, she will make the visit.
15-06-2009, 11:02 AM
Part 3 of my reply
4) Please do not have the misconception that the Patron and Mistress relationship is tyrannical. The Patron is NOT a dogmatic army general, compelling the ‘foot soldier’ Mistress to follow his orders (even if she is unwilling).
Yes, just because the power equations favour the Patron, it does not mean that all the actions of the mistress are very robotic – devoid of emotions. Or even that she is unhappy to be in her submissive or ‘inferior status’ position.
A lot of woman (mistress or not) loves a ‘father – mentor’ figure and especially a ‘provider’. Present yourself as a confident someone who knows what they want in life. Show evidences that you can take care of her (emotionally and to an extent financially). For that added strenghth: be the mentor figure who also knows how to indulge and pamper her.
Let me tell you that the above traits are more effective (and sexy)than being nice and/or having a sense of humour.
Note: The use of banters, humor and all the sweet talk must always be subsumed under this image: a confident person who knows what he wants (in charge, go to person). If not, you are no better than an object of amusement for her.
5) In my younger (“xiang dang nian”) days, I had often played the clown. I have witty repartees and can regale everyone with a drop of a hat. (Hell, I even won a dancing competition!). It took some keen observations and a whole lot of instruction from my mentors (among them Hua and Mike) to realize that it is not the best or even the fastest way to a woman’s heart or pussy.
Yes, I may have had numerous “one night stand” based relationships. This however quickly fizzled out. At each conclusion of an affair, I would require a period of getting over it and then another period of seducing a new prey using charm. It is a vicious circle and time consuming indeed.
Speaking from my heart, let me tell you that being funny, warm and engaging can be enervating. Charm takes effort and time. My mentors drilled to me that this time and energy should be better used elsewhere – like building a profitable enterprise. And then use the fruits of the 'profitable enterprise' to get the pussy. It's simpler, faster and age-proof (unlike charm based seduction techniques). And you can get the girl to engage in kinky staff faster than charm (and likeability) ever will.
So in essence, why not adopt a persona that can be useful in the world of business and at the same time get all the chicks you want? (Confidence is the key by the way – “if you don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect other people to believe in you?).
15-06-2009, 11:39 AM
Part 4 of my reply
6) I have talked about the futility of second guessing whether a mistress likes you not. Ultimately it is of no consequence. You had implied that when the mistress likes you (as in she "gives you her heart"), you will have “extras” served onto you.
What exactly are these “extras” that you are referring to? To put it crassly, a Patron will have sweet wayangs and her pussy will be just as wet!
In fact the very thread will show otherwise. A Patron based mistress will have much more "extras" served up than a regular girlfriend and/or Uninformed Robert.
If you think that a relationship must have vexations before it is authentic (hence good?); let me tell that even in the course of Patron based relationship, the dynamics of human interactions is such that vexations will also exist. Only that it exists on a smaller scale and that you can control it to a much better extent.
As Hua puts it: “When you eat durian you know to eat the flesh (“the good bits in the relationship”). You also know to throw away the thorns after you eat and spit out the seeds when eating the flesh” (able to decipher this metaphor?) We got better things to focus on and more sexual dalliance to indulge in than to deal with vexations.
Warbird, Thank you once again for your posts. It allowed me to present another dimension of empowerment (which may better resonate with some readers here).
And if you are to take only one lesson from this thread (from a relationship in general perspective): "Always think in terms of how a relationship can empower you"
PS: By the way, I have recently concluded a new deal (the same one which I mentioned in my "reality blog" earlier). I have a new SYT on my retainer (SGD 1,500 monthly) hence my delay in responding. :D
This however is not strictly the Patron-mistress relationship, but a more 'commercial' arrangement (with some echoes of budget mistress).
Anyway at SGD 150 a pop (no need to be so fastitidous and make distinction about overnighter or one shot lah - all that its important is she accomodates to my schedule), I reckon that all I need to do is to do her more than 10 times a month and I am 'on top' - financially.
She is allowed to work but will likely do so on a part time basis (ooops, I created a "crutch mentality" in her under a week ... trying to help you guys paradoxically 'helped' hone this skillset!)
And my apologies for taking a 25 year old SYT off the market from Amani/Dong Men in only her third week of work - but she claims she doesn't chu jie anyway (or so she says ....... :rolleyes: )
PPS: Will address other comments on "bladdy obvious" posts - very many good observations here bros! And then its onward to continuing "Masterstroke #2: Creating a crutch mentality".
15-06-2009, 11:50 AM
this thread got many chim words for me.. like writing a thesis ler.. :p
15-06-2009, 12:04 PM
champ here , cheerrs:D
16-06-2009, 10:41 AM
PS: By the way, I have recently concluded a new deal (the same one which I mentioned in my "reality blog" earlier). I have a new SYT on my retainer (SGD 1,500 monthly) hence my delay in responding. :D
Congratulations to your recently concluded deal!
This however is not strictly the Patron-mistress relationship, but a more 'commercial' arrangement (with some echoes of budget mistress).
Would be interested to know how you came up with this arrangement.
Anyway at SGD 150 a pop (no need to be so fastitidous and make distinction about overnighter or one shot lah - all that its important is she accomodates to my schedule), I reckon that all I need to do is to do her more than 10 times a month and I am 'on top' - financially.
Looks like you got a good deal! haha...
She is allowed to work but will likely do so on a part time basis (ooops, I created a "crutch mentality" in her under a week ... trying to help you guys paradoxically 'helped' hone this skillset!)
Would really be interested to know how you created the "crutch mentality"
And my apologies for taking a 25 year old SYT off the market from Amani/Dong Men in only her third week of work - but she claims she doesn't chu jie anyway (or so she says ....... :rolleyes: )
Who would wanna admit that? haha...
Just curious, she may agree to your terms now, and rightly so. But what if she had managed to hook onto a bigger fish, and within a month or so? Expect to hear her giving excuses... How would you deal with that?
P/S: Sometimes things just don't work the way it should, and what are the contingency plans that you have?
16-06-2009, 11:24 AM
PART 1 of my reply:
Hi Warbird, ….
But …. (takes a deep breath) …. are you aware of the fact that there is a disjunct between what you know about about the right behaviourial traits to present and what you actually "present on the ground"? Also there might be some tweaks needed in your current paradigm as it is very dis-empowering.
You didn't say it outright, but it should be quite obvious that you did not really want the relationship to end. However when it did, you accepted (whether willingly or reluctantly) and luckily for you, you managed to cope (I think/hope).
No, I am not some sort of seer with Nostradamus vision. It simply because my experience informs me that you gotten it all wrong. You seem too eager to please them, to gain their acceptance. You did not empower yourself in the relationship.
Couple of quick points before I elaborate on the above:
1) I think you got the notion of “confidence” quite wrong. You seem to equate confidence to boorish behaviour as well as being a ‘show-off’. Yes, “hao lian” behavior can be quite a turn off.....................................
2) You do NOT need to make yourself likeable nor do you need to win the heart of your gal. Forget whether you made a favourable impression on her or not. Just focus on presenting yourself in a certain manner. And let the outcome (whatever they may be) come naturally – without undue fuss whether you win over the girl or not.
At the start of the journey, all you only need to do is present an external image of being confident (don’t worry the inner confidence will soon catch up with your external projection).
I will show you how project such a demeanor in Masterstroke #3.
Oh yes, and in terms of time and effort: it is easier project the above image and “create” the situation/context in which you can command respect than rather than working to make someone like you.
Hi bro justime,
I hv carefully read ur reply twice. Thx a lot! Your analysis of the problems w/ my first BY is mostly correct. Knowing n doing r indeed very different.
Yes, I didn't want the RS to end, but accepted it n got over it quickly.
No, my behaviour was never boorish. But I was trying to be cocky n funny n ended up being too funny...I did make the mistake of losing my emotional control when she refused sex after dinner one day.
By likable I dun mean being a needy wussy n sucking up to her. One can be arrogant, assertive n dominant n yet likable...
My major mistake? I was the one who cared more in the RS. Since I was constrained by time n circumstances, I thought it would be difficult to find another gal like her...I suffered from "scarcity or refugee mentality." I'm going to hv "abundance mentality" from now on, haha. I hv found CC...
Projecting an external image of confidence is very similar to having the dominant body language n personality traits of an alpha male.
Part 2 of my reply
Let me once again put forth a counter intuitive point. ................
First off, you will never know what a girl like or loves (a lot of this resides in subconscious and other esoteric places. We don’t go there – it is too complicated and speculative.
Never, never, never, (did I mention “never”?) assume that just because she appear or seem to enjoy your banters and laughs with you, you are getting to her heart.....
Okay, then even if she genuinely likes and enjoys your company, so what? It does not mean that she harbors romantic notions about you.
An empowering solution to always revert back to the golden axiom: “Don’t tell me you love me, SHOW me!” .....
Very keen observations on human psychology.
I got "out KC-ed" by her. But I know she has feelings for me. Why? She still habours hatred n resentment towards me. I know I can get her back but it's not worth my effort at this time as I hv other quarries, hehehe.
Part 4 of my reply
6) I have talked about the futility of second guessing whether a mistress likes you not. Ultimately it is of no consequence. You had implied that when the mistress likes you (as in she "gives you her heart"), you will have “extras” served onto you.
If you think that a relationship must have vexations before it is authentic (hence good?); let me tell that even in the course of Patron based relationship, the dynamics of human interactions is such that vexations will also exist....
As Hua puts it: “When you eat durian you know to eat the flesh (“the good bits in the relationship”). You also know to throw away the thorns after you eat and spit out the seeds when eating the flesh” (able to decipher this metaphor?) .......
And if you are to take only one lesson from this thread (from a relationship in general perspective): "Always think in terms of how a relationship can empower you"
PS: By the way, I have recently concluded a new deal (the same one which I mentioned in my "reality blog" earlier). I have a new SYT on my retainer (SGD 1,500 monthly) hence my delay in responding. :D
This however is not strictly the Patron-mistress relationship, but a more 'commercial' arrangement (with some echoes of budget mistress).
Anyway at SGD 150 a pop (no need to be so fastitidous and make distinction about overnighter or one shot lah - all that its important is she accomodates to my schedule), I reckon that all I need to do is to do her more than 10 times a month and I am 'on top' - financially.
She is allowed to work but will likely do so on a part time basis (ooops, I created a "crutch mentality" in her under a week ... trying to help you guys paradoxically 'helped' hone this skillset!)
And my apologies for taking a 25 year old SYT off the market from Amani/Dong Men in only her third week of work - but she claims she doesn't chu jie anyway (or so she says ....... :rolleyes: )
Thx again bro for ur revelations...
My biggest problem is that my didi is very choosy ( if u hv read my other posts, u will know wat I mean). As a result my potential quarries r very limited in number.
One man's meat is another...n reality is in the mind of the beholder.
You're very lucky to find a gal u like at Dong Men. I did go there recently bcos it's rumoured that DM has 300 gals at HH. Of the 150 plus gals I saw that day, I wont even want to hv ST w/ any of them!:(
Have a great day!!
16-06-2009, 11:37 AM
Part 3 of my reply
A lot of woman (mistress or not) loves a ‘father – mentor’ figure and especially a ‘provider’. Present yourself as a confident someone who knows what they want in life. Show evidences that you can take care of her (emotionally and to an extent financially). For that added strenghth: be the mentor figure who also knows how to indulge and pamper her.
Let me tell you that the above traits are more effective (and sexy)than being nice and/or having a sense of humour.
Note: The use of banters, humor and all the sweet talk must always be subsumed under this image: a confident person who knows what he wants (in charge, go to person). If not, you are no better than an object of amusement for her.
Speaking from my heart, let me tell you that being funny, warm and engaging can be enervating. Charm takes effort and time. My mentors drilled to me that this time and energy should be better used elsewhere – like building a profitable enterprise. And then use the fruits of the 'profitable enterprise' to get the pussy. It's simpler, faster and age-proof (unlike charm based seduction techniques). And you can get the girl to engage in kinky staff faster than charm (and likeability) ever will.
So in essence, why not adopt a persona that can be useful in the world of business and at the same time get all the chicks you want? (Confidence is the key by the way – “if you don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect other people to believe in you?).
Hi bro justime,
I love ur concept of being a "father- mentor" n "provider" to the gal u BY.
I like to emulate a very famous "father-mentor" figure. Just watch carefully how he speaks, moves, walks, sits, stands n his eye ctc, body language...he projects charisma, power, dominance, confidence, emotional control, assertiveness, etc. I always watch n learn. If only I had a small fraction of his mojo, I would hv bedded all the gals I ever wanted, hahaha.:D
Good day!!
16-06-2009, 12:16 PM
Just a quick response before I address some very good observations posted by bros to the 'bladdy obvious' pointers:
this thread got many chim words for me.. like writing a thesis ler.. :p
Hi asdfghjkl, Anyway, this style is my most comfortable way of expressing myself in writing. It is therefore faster for me to write and compose things in this manner.
Other than for business writing and correspondence, where got time to write other things one? Oso ah, writing in this type of ang mo can give a little different bawu and rasa to the thread. Chim neber mind lah, can check "dick"tionary what! (See how stilted, anal retentive and affected I sound when using "Singlish" to write?)
champ here , cheerrs:D
Coming from one so regal, this is high praise indeed. Thank you Your Highness!
16-06-2009, 12:23 PM
11. its bladdy obvious that we are smitten by the prc gals to have a discussion here
12. its bladdy obvious that bro justime should just come out with a dummy book to finding and keeping prc mistress :D
16-06-2009, 12:32 PM
Just curious, she may agree to your terms now, and rightly so. But what if she had managed to hook onto a bigger fish, and within a month or so? Expect to hear her giving excuses... How would you deal with that?
P/S: Sometimes things just don't work the way it should, and what are the contingency plans that you have?
Hi warbird, how would you react to this situation?
Hi bro justime,
I love ur concept of being a "father- mentor" n "provider" to the gal u BY.
I like to emulate a very famous "father-mentor" figure. Just watch carefully how he speaks, moves, walks, sits, stands n his eye ctc, body language...he projects charisma, power, dominance, confidence, emotional control, assertiveness, etc. I always watch n learn. If only I had a small fraction of his mojo, I would hv bedded all the gals I ever wanted, hahaha.:D
Good day!!
Can share who this "famous" figure is?
The best reference point I have is John Derek (who? younger ones may ask .. Bo Derek's husband who is purportedly a svengali figure in Bo's life. Google it!) and Mike Douglas (love Cat Zeta Jones .. imagine coming on 'that' face!)
16-06-2009, 12:44 PM
yo justime...
care to continue wif the masterstrokes ?...
me more interested in those than the friendly banter exchanges...
16-06-2009, 02:52 PM
Hi warbird, how would you react to this situation?
The easiest way is of course to dump her. But reading through your blog, I believe you will not take the easiest way out. ;) It is bladdy obvious that you have invested time and effort to be in this position.
I'm more interested to know how you would be able to keep the girl in check, going back to the original agreement, and not to renege the so called contract! Is there another masterstroke to be applied?
Also, where do you placed your OB Marker? When is the time that you will drop her, if she starts to "chute"patterns?
Haha, so many questions and so little time... sorry to all bros who is keeping tabs on this, eager to know what the crunch mentality is. Perhaps I shall ask via pm. :)
16-06-2009, 04:44 PM
Bearing in mind an absolute fact, these PRCs are here to work and expect to be paid. With time not on their side, they will gladly receive a higher amount within the constraint, expect them to jump the wagon without much hesitation.
Retaining her by increasing the ante is not gonna work in bro Jus' case, it will probably spur her into resentment. She will feel shortchanged in the first place and even she stays put, things are going to be very different in my opinion.
Gracefully alight her will be a better option to take, if she is worth it, keep her number and keep her in sight. When she has realised her "potiential perceived value" to the other party fully, you can always take over a "proven service/product", isn't it?
Never try to retain her using desperate measures, I have seen too much of these incidents taking place and they are ugly. There is always another in the pipeline, you cannot win them all.
By the way, isn't what this thread is all about? Except that you are taking over a "mistress" not from a close buddy but some stranger.
Bro Jus and Cablesnwires , pardon me for impeding.
16-06-2009, 05:31 PM
yes the prc are here to earn money..u have fun with them when u part with yr money..but how do we ensure that after we upgrade them from flings to mistresses..they wun haf nother godfathers who are oso baoing them?
if they be swap among friends i dun think they will be giving much thoughts about having numerous god daddys around...since they got so much time on their hands..
now how do we ensure that would nvr happen? perhaps another masterstroke from bro justime to solve it?
as long as there money to make, i believe they will go for it..this is just another transaction to them..remember they are here to make as mich as they can and not KC with us..mistress status or not i dun think they give much a damn ya...
so do we have a consensus that its perfectly alright to swap around? think we are veerong off the main qns TS started in the 1st post...which is it is alright to swap..
16-06-2009, 05:50 PM
yes the prc are here to earn money..u have fun with them when u part with yr money..but how do we ensure that after we upgrade them from flings to mistresses..they wun haf nother godfathers who are oso baoing them?
if they be swap among friends i dun think they will be giving much thoughts about having numerous god daddys around...since they got so much time on their hands..
now how do we ensure that would nvr happen? perhaps another masterstroke from bro justime to solve it?
I am not speaking on Jus' behalf, flings to mistresses is not an upgrade. It's just restricting yourself to a single target instead of numerous ones. Having flings with the same subject will be deemed as keeping a "mistress". You are still paying, but now it's to the same person in a more constructive nature. I believe that many of us has a mis-conception of ownership. Keeping a "mistress" is not about owning, not about locks and chains, it's about her serving you according to your fancy. If she gets the job done, you have your deal cut out. Whatever she does outside this context is totally irrelevant unless these occurrences undermined her services to you. Do you bother about what your staffs do outside working hours? The answer is no, unless they are always late for work due to late nights. If she has multiple so-called "god-fathers", then you can rest assured that they are not going to pay anything less than you, does this make you feel better?;)
as long as there money to make, i believe they will go for it..this is just another transaction to them..remember they are here to make as mich as they can and not KC with us..mistress status or not i dun think they give much a damn ya.....
There you are, you have answered your question full marked.
17-06-2009, 01:25 AM
Hi everyone,
What a week I have been having! it is now a little downtime for me. I have a slight respite from my business activities and I am quite drained (energy wise and my testicles’ spermatozoid fluid) to “ball” my latest squeeze anymore.
Since I am still of relatively fresh mind (until my tired body catch up), I think it is therefore an expedient time to put forth some elaboration on Masterstroke #2: the creation of a crutch mentality” first before tackling the issues raised in the discussion.
I shall start with the 'draggy' elaboration on what a crutch mentality is and then show some basic techniques used. This will be followed by rapid fire bullet points to reinforce what is described. I am pretty sure that quite lot of you will find a find points quite interesting (and workable as a strategy1)
This being said, please however do keep ‘em post coming brothers! I enjoy your posts very much and promise that every issue raised and every pertinent comments will be tackled accordingly.
Meanwhile also do keep up the spirit of discussion amongst yourself while I elaborate on Masterstroke #2 (during the time where my mental energy is still up) – I will join you in a bit.
17-06-2009, 02:16 AM
Let me preface my exposition of Masterstroke #2 by first putting a damper on some brothers who may not so proficient in the English language:
It “cr U tch” (as in a medical device that consist of supports to provide an injured patient stability of movement) and not “cr O tch” (as in area where you balls are). Fret not however, I will talk about the CROTHCH mentality in another Masterstroke!
As an analogy (quite typically Singapore), the use of crutches can develop into an unnecessary (and often unhealthy) reliance on it. It is often used here in the context of the government being prudent in the giving out of handout to the needy as they fear that the needy may become overly reliant on them over time.
In the Mistress context, it is used as a metaphor that the Mistress will rely on the Patron in such a way, that she becomes complacent and dependant on the Patron’s support for her income and emotional needs. The Patron can, by withholding or threatening to withhold the support, get the prospect to first agree to become his Mistress and then subsequently do his bidding.
In essence, the whole purport of the strategy is get the mei mei rely on you (her future Patron) for her income and emotional needs. This support provided by the Patron does not come for free (unless you are an Uneducated Robert), it must be paid ‘in kind’. In essence, it is like a business transaction with some emotional content thrown in
(The creation of a crutch mentality should ideally come in tandem with the ruthless step of starving the income potential of your intended quarry. This is the quickest way of positioning yourself as the ‘superior’ in the relationship).
17-06-2009, 02:33 AM
Essential information for the Creators of Crutch Mentality to take note of:
Many of us know the general attributes of a mei mei coming to Singapore to ply her trade. She has to be independent. After all she leaves her homeland to live and work in a foreign land. She must be ruthless and single minded in her pursuit for money (and must not be sidetracked in this primary mission). If confronted with a choice, materialism (as expressed by money) always takes precedence over psychic needs like acceptance and love.
It pays well to always remember the above at all times – through the tears, through the pulsations and quivering of her the body as she basks in the throes of an orgasm, through the jealous pouts and tantrums, through the Love Wayangs etc …. ,
Remember to also not provide justifications such as “China has a population of 1 billion people and therefore we cannot generalize. She is different and not like that”.
Taking such a perspective will disempower you! It usually starts with this line of thought, and in time, you will provide more and more ‘excuses’ and justifications of the mistress poor delivery on her part of her deal.
Now knowing the general attributes, it does not mean we cannot influence the manner (modus operandi) in which she goes about accumulating money. It also does not mean that the mei mei are like automatons – singular in the pursuit of money without the need for emotional fuel!
People are naturally inertia prone i.e. lazy and will look for the least effort in getting money. The mei mei are no exceptions. Once exposed to the easy way of life, they will find it difficult to get back to the grind. They rather rely on the generosity of the Patron (especially if coupled with emotional support) than work...... more so if the work is very draining and taxing.
And she is oblivious to the fact that the Patron can manipulate to make her work conditions much worse than it actually is in order to manipulate her into taking the easy way out! ;)
17-06-2009, 02:50 AM
Creating a “Crutch” Mentality: First "Drain" her
I have talked earlier about exhausting her through the combination of alcohol and giving her the runaround in her place of work. This is lay the groundwork, make her work unbearable so that she will think of a way out. (Its similar when companies want a deadweight employee to quit - simply make his work life a stressful living hell!)
Besides the above, there are numerous other ways as well.
(Its inevitable that someone will suggest a nice rogering session. Yes, its applicable, but execution and delivery in the real world quite tedious!)
I shall share some not so common ways:
Using the wuss method:
One secret: The Mistress Brotherhood would often utilize the wuss (the “girly” man, the needy, spineless guy) in her life to facilitate in the “draining” effort. It is not only mentally tiring but also physically exhausting to quarrel with the man in her life. Sometimes it can take a whole night and the following day as well. All we need to do is to intentionally create the situation and context (such a jealousy) to trigger a hissy fit from a wuss.
There are many many ways to do so. One effortless way is to simply talk and even ask her questions especially when she converses with her man. They like to do that – even when you are around. Thrust me, I encountered countless times whereby some lovelorn insecure brothers will keep calling his China mei mei girl friend (when she is with me) like some hungry baby in need of a feeding.
In "use the wuss" method:
Remember to not take the bullshit and ‘conspire’ with her to keep quiet while she talks to her guy with you around. You talk as and when you like – remember empowerment guys!. You may nod as if you agree to keep silent when she says she needs to take a call. But once is call is put through, talk as if normal.
(Mike and Terrence are more vicious, they would intentionally loudly mention “Hotel 81” – just to provoke a reaction!).
What if the mistress gets angry because you reneged on your promise to keep silent?
Simply shrug it of and cast aspersions on her guy by pointing to fact that he is so insecure and wuss and that she is better off without him. She may be annoyed and/or even ignore you for a while but later will cool down and assume normal interactions. (China mei meis by an large are a feisty bunch – fast to anger and also fast to cool down).
Okay, what if they still refuse to cool down and display apathy in the interactions subsequently? Now YOU show the annoyance and say that you will be sending her home. If you had bought her time to keep you company, never pay in full – near to the full (as you don’t want to leave the impression that you are miserly which is counter productive at this stage of the affair).
(To be continued ......)
17-06-2009, 03:45 AM
oh yes, we do "love" the wussy guy - especially if he is young! Not only does he help to drain the girls emotionally and physically, but we will use him as an example to illuminate to our future mistress the virtues of a more mature (read "older") and experienced guy who is in control of our emotions.
Suddenly our age is no longer seen only as a 'liability' by our future mistress but as a 'possibility'. We are not seen as old (and undesirable), but mature and experinced. And mature is a desirable trait espcially when contrasted against the petulant hissy fit of the wuss!
Yes, and we do "rub it in": We will make sure that our future mistress sees that the younger wuss is selfish (with no consideration that she is in Singapore to earn money) and immature. We will also show that he is unstable and therefore unreliable. :eek:
Its like killing two birds with one stone!
17-06-2009, 10:33 AM
Hi warbird, how would you react to this situation?
Can share who this "famous" figure is?
The best reference point I have is John Derek (who? younger ones may ask .. Bo Derek's husband who is purportedly a svengali figure in Bo's life. Google it!) and Mike Douglas (love Cat Zeta Jones .. imagine coming on 'that' face!)
I would just dump her.
The most famous n the oldest MENTOR in the world. Hint: He is a lawyer-politician.
.................................................. .................
Its like killing two birds with one stone!
Excellent strategies, bro justime.
17-06-2009, 02:42 PM
Crutch mentality and Animal farm: Identifying and Cutting Off the “Mother Hen”
Xin2 had it going with Joey. Its not so apparent is the Mummy system KTV but for a mummy less system, we see it every time. What is it? I call it the Mother Hen syndrome.
KTV WLs, especially the tortoises (new comers), can have a mentor or da jie (big sister) system going on. KTVs, such as the ones in Jalan Sultan and Peace Centre area, are replete with a no mummy system style KTV and the Mother Hen syndrome.
Here you can practically witness a purportedly more experience lady guiding a green horn in the art of securing a ‘tai’. I call the experienced KTV veteran the “mother hen”.
In fact some Mother Hens are so immersed in their zeal (largely to fill their own ‘ego’ needs) that they sometimes forego the tai themselves as they try to push and sell you the services of their more inexperienced friend.
Note however, that this mentoring and guiding system does not stop inside KTV world. The tortoise also defer to the Mother Hen in many other matters. Ironically, it is easier to get a Mother Hen to be a mistress than her tortoise chick.
The Mother Hen provides the tortoise chick with the emotional crutch. As such the chick will defer to the Mother Hen in many matters - especially “big decisions” regarding the acceptance of a Patronage.
You can work with and through the Mother Hen initially and then cut off the Mother Hen or loosen the power of the Mother Hen at the outset. I will with you some strategies on how cut off the interfering Mother Hen.
Like to mentioned that the payback of having provided the Emotional Crutch can be quite big. Once a Patron make himself the sole (or primarily source) of emotional support, he literally can twirl his mistress around his little finger. The Patron can get his Mistress to do things that she is not comfortable with by just temporarily withholding the emotional support.
Hua had a mistress, Lina, who is quite the conservative sort as far as sexual adventures are concerned. She likes the bedroom setting type of scenario. However, Hua had developed a “doing it in Public Place fetish” with regards to sex in that phase of his life.
Hua wanted to emulate Jus (who told him about his tryst in Europe with a cabin crew on the top of the mountain). Unfortunately, he is unable to persuade Lina to do indulge him in this kink. All that took Lina to come around to doing his will was to clam up a few days – Lina always confides in him about her activities of the day. And Hua usually just provide a listening ear and the occasional advice. (Mike and Terrence and to certain extent Jus – not really into the listening of babble type). Clam up - never pout - there is nothing so disgusting as witnessing a lao hero pouting and throwing tantrums!
This ‘subtle blackmail’ indeed got its desired response. Lina knowing that she disappointed Hua actually suggested to him to do so at a “mountain” (okay, hill, okay okay – its in Singapore … so a “Knoll” is more like it. Its at Kent Ridge Park near the suspended bridge).
Hua, after this “breaking Lina in” through emotional blackmail (you can 'blackmail' only when you have got it), gets to finally indulge his public sex fetish (until he tires of it and moves on his next new kink).
Getting the emotional dependency is therefore very powerful indeed. And usually a Patron will like to have this weapon/tool at his disposal. But first he must systematically identify and then destroy the Mistress existing emotional crutches and replace it with themselves.
Yes, despite their independenat exterior, almost every mei mei I know have their own sources of emotional crutch. And yes, it should also be obvious that some woman have a higher emotional maintance cost and hence you may want to leave some of her emotional supports in order that you will not be bothered too much .....
(To be continued …)
18-06-2009, 01:14 AM
Reality Blog update:
Xin2 and Mike:
In terms of 'entertainment value', I would really like to things to get moving to some sort of conclusion with regards to Xin2 and Terrence. Then we can discuss about the “ethics” of mistress transfer between friends (a new experience for me). In the absence of that, I had hope for at least some interim drama or anything to 'spice things up'. Unfortunately, this is real life. And sometimes events unfold at a glacial pace.
The fact is that I have been so busy with my own affairs that I have not spoken to Xin2 nor with members of Mistress Brotherhood until today for a quick update. There is no significant developments, mainly because Terrence is still busy at work after his Middle East trip and Xin2 still vegetating.
My new retainer XH:
As mentioned in passing, this is a straight forward deal that is concluded very quickly. There is no elaborate execution strategy needed like in the case of Xin2.
It is almost a direct proposition - "wanna let me take care of you?" (I find that this "line" is quite effective in the sense of how you position yourself - "I take care of you" is a subtle crutch mentality programming)
Of course I did run some Masterstrokes on XH. I presented a certain style that resonates with her (as will be explained in Masterstroke #3). In addition, I did a "mini" Masterstroke #2 by having her sit with me a long time (and then tipping her only $30 for two days consecutive), and lending some emotional support by some active listening and then providing a solution - basically I helped her a new place to live, one that is cheaper and better place to live.
////////// BUDGET MASTERSTROKE TIPS 1 (Only used by Jus) //////////
Know that there is unscrupulous housing agents / landlords taking advantage of a mei mei ignorance to charge them high rental. For a lousy location and four sharing bedroom which is quite small the average going rate is $250 - $280 a bed. In effect, they get a bed space for $250- 280 and they have to share it with four other persons.
What I did is to pool money with 2 other buddies of mine (not Mike, Terrence or Hua) - to rent an entire house and then sublet it to interested parties (including our mistress prospect). Of course, I will NOT inform our mistress that I am one of the main tenants.
Anyway, I will charge a token sum of "$300" for an aircon non master room for my mistress and top up the rest quietly. Unlike Mike and Hua (and to certain extent Terrence), I do not provide accommodation when I issue a retainer to my mistress. I used to but not anymore. Now, I simply say that I have an excellent ‘kang tao’ for accommodation which I will specially arrange for my Bao Pei (darling mistress) and I get this special deal because I know the landlord very well.
From her perspective, its indeed very special deal: Paying $300 (only $50-$20 extra) I get an "unshared", non-owner occupied, aircon room that allows cooking and "conjugal" visits from your loved ones.
I top up the difference because it would still be cheaper than overnighters at Hotel 81 and Fragrance (especially over the period of the month) and I can also get my laundry done here.
Because of my recent "Tao Hua Yun" (lucky streak with women), I may need to find new persons who will share the cost of renting the whole apartment (love nest I call it) ... and then sub-letting it to our mistress and/or girl friend. Perhaps someone here ?........
Hi bro justime,
Thx again bro for ur revelations...
My biggest problem is that my didi is very choosy ( if u hv read my other posts, u will know wat I mean). As a result my potential quarries r very limited in number.
One man's meat is another...n reality is in the mind of the beholder.
You're very lucky to find a gal u like at Dong Men. I did go there recently bcos it's rumoured that DM has 300 gals at HH. Of the 150 plus gals I saw that day, I wont even want to hv ST w/ any of them!:(
Have a great day!!
I share your sense of aesthetics with regards to the damsels at Dong Men and Amani. I too surveyed quite a fair bit of damsels at these two places. In fact, I had patiently sat through the entire gamut of singers. Of the girls (and including singers) that I came across, only two have struck my fancy - and one of them I had on retainer. :p
However to be fair to Dong Men and Amani, the girls do move about and roam freely. Since, there are no room allocation system and no 'gathering point' for speak of (unlike say Club Infinitude) … there may be quite a few gems that may go unnoticed in my radar.
That being said, my current flavour of mei meis is the fair and tall type. If this coincides with your current preference, (and if you want to give it a shot), I shall pm you a name and number. If she does not take to your fancy, the most you give her a $20-$30 tip for her troubles. By the way, she is the other one of the two potentials that I mentioned earlier.
By the way, I have not worked any Masterstroke on her whatsoever. Also, she is less than a month old here – similar to XH.
The one big caveat is that I had only a cursorily look at her. She may be good from far (but “far from good” on closer scrutiny). And if she does catch your fancy, perhaps you may join in the reality blog of this thread. :)
18-06-2009, 10:21 AM
Reality Blog update:
Xin2 and Mike:
In terms of 'entertainment value', I would really like to things to get moving to some sort of conclusion with regards to Xin2 and Terrence. Then we can discuss about the “ethics” of mistress transfer between friends (a new experience for me). In the absence of that, I had hope for at least some interim drama or anything to 'spice things up'. Unfortunately, this is real life. And sometimes events unfold at a glacial pace.
The fact is that I have been so busy with my own affairs that I have not spoken to Xin2 nor with members of Mistress Brotherhood until today for a quick update. There is no significant developments, mainly because Terrence is still busy at work after his Middle East trip and Xin2 still vegetating.
My new retainer XH:
As mentioned in passing, this is a straight forward deal that is concluded very quickly. There is no elaborate execution strategy needed like in the case of Xin2.
It is almost a direct proposition - "wanna let me take care of you?" (I find that this "line" is quite effective in the sense of how you position yourself - "I take care of you" is a subtle crutch mentality programming)
Of course I did run some Masterstrokes on XH. I presented a certain style that resonates with her (as will be explained in Masterstroke #3). In addition, I did a "mini" Masterstroke #2 by having her sit with me a long time (and then tipping her only $30 for two days consecutive), and lending some emotional support by some active listening and then providing a solution - basically I helped her a new place to live, one that is cheaper and better place to live.
////////// BUDGET MASTERSTROKE TIPS 1 (Only used by Jus) //////////
Know that there is unscrupulous housing agents / landlords taking advantage of a mei mei ignorance to charge them high rental. For a lousy location and four sharing bedroom which is quite small the average going rate is $250 - $280 a bed. In effect, they get a bed space for $250- 280 and they have to share it with four other persons.
What I did is to pool money with 2 other buddies of mine (not Mike, Terrence or Hua) - to rent an entire house and then sublet it to interested parties (including our mistress prospect). Of course, I will NOT inform our mistress that I am one of the main tenants.
Anyway, I will charge a token sum of "$300" for an aircon non master room for my mistress and top up the rest quietly. Unlike Mike and Hua (and to certain extent Terrence), I do not provide accommodation when I issue a retainer to my mistress. I used to but not anymore. Now, I simply say that I have an excellent ‘kang tao’ for accommodation which I will specially arrange for my Bao Pei (darling mistress) and I get this special deal because I know the landlord very well.
From her perspective, its indeed very special deal: Paying $300 (only $50-$20 extra) I get an "unshared", non-owner occupied, aircon room that allows cooking and "conjugal" visits from your loved ones.
I top up the difference because it would still be cheaper than overnighters at Hotel 81 and Fragrance (especially over the period of the month) and I can also get my laundry done here.
Because of my recent "Tao Hua Yun" (lucky streak with women), I may need to find new persons who will share the cost of renting the whole apartment (love nest I call it) ... and then sub-letting it to our mistress and/or girl friend. Perhaps someone here ?........
I share your sense of aesthetics with regards to the damsels at Dong Men and Amani. I too surveyed quite a fair bit of damsels at these two places. In fact, I had patiently sat through the entire gamut of singers. Of the girls (and including singers) that I came across, only two have struck my fancy - and one of them I had on retainer. :p
However to be fair to Dong Men and Amani, the girls do move about and roam freely. Since, there are no room allocation system and no 'gathering point' for speak of (unlike say Club Infinitude) … there may be quite a few gems that may go unnoticed in my radar.
That being said, my current flavour of mei meis is the fair and tall type. If this coincides with your current preference, (and if you want to give it a shot), I shall pm you a name and number. If she does not take to your fancy, the most you give her a $20-$30 tip for her troubles. By the way, she is the other one of the two potentials that I mentioned earlier.
By the way, I have not worked any Masterstroke on her whatsoever. Also, she is less than a month old here – similar to XH.
The one big caveat is that I had only a cursorily look at her. She may be good from far (but “far from good” on closer scrutiny). And if she does catch your fancy, perhaps you may join in the reality blog of this thread. :)
Hi bro,
You hv the strategies of a true master!
I can't resist gals who r "fair n tall" if they r also "young n pretty." Hahaha. Some gals look fantastic at a distance but may prove disappointing on closer scrutiny. If u could take a closer look, I would greatly appreciate. Thx again!
You got PM, bro.
18-06-2009, 02:09 PM
Hi bro,
You hv the strategies of a true master!
I can't resist gals who r "fair n tall" if they r also "young n pretty." Hahaha. Some gals look fantastic at a distance but may prove disappointing on closer scrutiny. If u could take a closer look, I would greatly appreciate. Thx again!
You got PM, bro.
Hi Warbird, not sure when I will ply Dong Men/Amani again to provide the QS. Okay - admittedly, I am myopic (short sighted) but my vision cannot be so bad that I would recommend a lass with a "lorry langa" type of face.
Yes, she may not meet your high exacting standards of beauty but then again she jolly well might. And the possibilty also exists that she could be one hell of a 'undiscovered looker."
As an aside, I am like a little Arsenal's Arsene Wenger in my approach to gals - always like to look into "undiscovered talent" and then groom them into something special. I kinda get my kicks from transforming an "ugly duckling" into an immaculate beatuy (Like Professor Higgins of "My Fair Lady" / Pygmalion fame)
Nice story!!!:p
Thanks "xiao Long", hope you get some important pointers on how to empower yourself in a relationship as well!
And for brothers who want to endeavour the Budget Masterstroke Tip 1:
It should be very obvious that you must check and ensure that your tennant possess all the relevant visas and documents first admiting her to the "Love Nest"! :cool:
ken li
18-06-2009, 03:42 PM
It should be very obvious that you must check and ensure that your tennant possess all the relevant visas and documents first admiting her to the "Love Nest"! :cool:
This is by far the most important tip!!!
Its no point being a patron with no conjugal visitation rights. :(
18-06-2009, 08:48 PM
And for brothers who want to endeavour the Budget Masterstroke Tip 1:
It should be very obvious that you must check and ensure that your tennant possess all the relevant visas and documents first admiting her to the "Love Nest"! :cool:
Definitely, this is a must, just like when the girls goes to the ktv, they will check their necessary documents. :)
19-06-2009, 01:25 PM
Thanks to all who have contributed to the “Bladdy Obvious” discussions. To round up:
From my understanding (& I could very well be mistaken) allow me some humble contributions. :)
Bladdy obvious contribution
* It is bladdy obvious that H, T, M & J's bladdy obvious confidence is at least in part (emphasis added) because of their bladdy obvious standing in the "upper strata".
** It is bladdy obvious that H, T, M & J are able, at least to a relatively large degree - as compared to a normal salary man(emphasis added), to control the amount of time they can spend in their patronage pursuit.
Not so obvious contribution
*** Taking * & ** (as they could affect each other) above into context, it is not so obvious whether this all important "confidence" can actually be transplanted to any person regardless of standing, or can actually be transplanted to any person to the same degree as "the HTMJ hood".
Hope the above is contructive in any discussion. :p
Hi Ken, let’s not put the cart before the horse. It is because of Mike, Hua and Terrence’s confidence that allows them to be in the position they are. And even when they started out with low income disposal, they had been keeping mistresses (which will definitely take more effort, use more budget techniques).
Just a short biography:
All are self made man who started out somewhere near the middle or middle bottom.
Mike took his father’s business to greater heights that his dad would ever imagine.
Hua started his business as a petty trader and then divested his investment and businesses.
Terrence on the other hand traveled the academic route. He had an accounts degree (chartered accountant) and climbed the corporate ladder bit by bit, acquiring a larger and larger stake in the company as he did so.
Now Jus is the exception, he had inherited an existing successful business but has incurred large
losses to the point of insolvency due to poor business decisions and general inexperience. It is through Hua and his kind ‘mentorship’ that he managed to stave off “chapter 11”. Hua is a family friend. Jus is still in the process of re-building the business. And Jus has learnt many valuable lessons from his “failure” (which should inure him against future losses). He now possessed the inner confidence, whether in dealings with business associates and rivals or with girls (whether high powered or KTV WL). His confidence is forged from fire. It is painful and he hopes to repay his ‘karmaic debt’ by doling out some useful “life’s lesson” in order to lessen others painful life lessons.
Just like Jus picked up and re-build the confidence which is rock bottom (including a failed marriage- if you remember), he knows for sure that confidence can be cultivated and learnt as he has been on that path.
Your point about time and the freedom to control your time is excellent. You need to have some discretion on how you choose to spend your time (which a normal salary man might not have) to be the most effective.
Not to worry though, I will provide some stop gap measures to pepper this disadvantage over. Thanks for bringing this up, I will cover this in my Master Stroke #2.
11. its bladdy obvious that we are smitten by the prc gals to have a discussion here
12. its bladdy obvious that bro justime should just come out with a dummy book to finding and keeping prc mistress :D
Yes, we do love em PRC girls don’t we?
And if there are any publisher(s) around, PM me – I will listen to any serious offer(s). :)
And finally,
** It should be bladdy obvious that you should question why something is bladdy obvious in the first place !!!!
Won’t be elaborating much but one reason why we use the “bladdy obvious” technique is to preclude business solutions that may be ‘right in front of you’. People are funny, they always have the mistaken notion that ‘complex, out of the box solutions’ is the most effective. This little exercise can save time and much resources.
ken li
19-06-2009, 03:46 PM
Hi Ken, let’s not put the cart before the horse. It is because of Mike, Hua and Terrence’s confidence that allows them to be in the position they are.
Touche my friend :cool: Well said!
I admit I might have been angling for an appropriate response on that one ;)
Cheers! Good on you!
19-06-2009, 05:30 PM
No Big words from me. Simple and Succint.
The "Winner" take's all. Like your sharing and insight, like you had mentioned it 1 of your post. Method of application not only in "Cheonging" but also applicable to business building and other's area in the right perspective. :D
Just UPZ you with my humble 3 points
Cheers. ;)
19-06-2009, 10:09 PM
No Big words from me. Simple and Succint.
The "Winner" take's all. Like your sharing and insight, like you had mentioned it 1 of your post. Method of application not only in "Cheonging" but also applicable to business building and other's area in the right perspective. :D
Just UPZ you with my humble 3 points
Cheers. ;)
Thanks for gesture Ocean! Glad you are able to see that many of the skillset and mindset needed for empowering "cheonging" activities can applied into other parts of your life as well.
As Terrence once noted: "The KTV scene is sometimes like a microcosm of real life. We are after all dealing with people and human dynamics. As such, there will always be the inevitable "power struggles" between the gals and you (whether you care to admit it or not).
Terrence also cautioned that if you want to take them on beyond the customer and service provider relationship, you must be "on top of the situation at all times". If not, be prepared to pay a heavy price: not only financially but emotionally as well - sometimes evento the extent of your work and family life as well.
So whether you intend to start a relationship or currently in one, please make sure that you are in an empowered position and not manipulated to the detriment of your personal well being (consciously or not).
Masterstroke #3 "Be a Confident Bastard" will demonstrate how.
As an aside, I am like a little Arsenal's Arsene Wenger in my approach to gals - always like to look into "undiscovered talent" and then groom them into something special. I kinda get my kicks from transforming an "ugly duckling" into an immaculate beatuy (Like Professor Higgins of "My Fair Lady" / Pygmalion fame)
And for brothers who want to endeavour the Budget Masterstroke Tip 1:
It should be very obvious that you must check and ensure that your tennant possess all the relevant visas and documents first admiting her to the "Love Nest"! :cool:
As my mind flashbacked "to all the girls I loved before" (another of my favourite tune that I sing in KTV), I realised that a number of them (WL as well as 'regular' girls) had really blossomed under me. As recently as a week ago, I got a call from WR, an old mistress of mine, telling me that she is expanding her business (opening one more shop - in this economic climate) in Beijing. I remembered that when I first saw her, she is so shy and a little plain. Most brothers here would likely not even call her to sit with him. But by the time after my retainer (she went back to being a KTV hostess), she has nice pool of smitten men throwing themselves at her. I was told by her that everyone commented that she looked like Vicky Chao after my makeover. And when she finally saved enough money, she left the KTV industry and set up shop in Beijing. (She is still presently single although dating!) ;)
New information on budget Masterstroke tip 1: At Sims Place (the same location where Xin2 is staying), the girls pay $300 a bed for - get this - a six person sharing room i.e. 3 double decker beds. The girls are from assorted places including BS, Amani and TAM. Good time to use the housing carrot so that they will eat your carrot!
19-06-2009, 10:47 PM
New information on budget Masterstroke tip 1: At Sims Place (the same location where Xin2 is staying), the girls pay $300 a bed for - get this - a six person sharing room i.e. 3 double decker beds. The girls are from assorted places including BS, Amani and TAM. Good time to use the housing carrot so that they will eat your carrot!
I had forgotten to put an :eek: icon after the $300 per bed ... its daylight robbery! I can get a 3 room private apartment for low $2, 000!!!.
This is an opening for absolute budget Mistressing - the girls would subsidize your love nest and get a better accomodation in the process.
Anyone care to attempt to explain how?
BTW, I am not a Property Agent - so please do not direct any property related enquiries to me ..... :cool:
20-06-2009, 01:13 AM
This is an opening for absolute budget Mistressing - the girls would subsidize your love nest and get a better accomodation in the process.
Anyone care to attempt to explain how?
BTW, I am not a Property Agent - so please do not direct any property related enquiries to me ..... :cool:
This is indeed a Win-Win situation for both the girls and the patrons.
Girls can get from the S$300 per bed to her own room, with peace and quiet.
Patrons can keep the girls under wraps and does not need to book into hotels.
Haha... masterstroke indeed. :thumbsup:
I think the challenge is to find 3 buddies who have the same "hobbies" as you. :D
20-06-2009, 02:50 AM
This is indeed a Win-Win situation for both the girls and the patrons.
Girls can get from the S$300 per bed to her own room, with peace and quiet.
Patrons can keep the girls under wraps and does not need to book into hotels.
Haha... masterstroke indeed. :thumbsup:
I think the challenge is to find 3 buddies who have the same "hobbies" as you. :D
Hi cablesnwires, thanks for your support throughout this thread!
I should have been a little clearer in my explanations but I was in a rush when posting my earlier thread.
But what I meant to say is that this situation can actually allow for a 100% subsidy on your Love Nest (talk about Budget!) and with all parties benefiting on the deal except for the unscrupulous landlord.
I had herertofore not known that the lady pays $300 each for a bed in a room shared by six persons. This worked out to the landlord pocketing $1800 per room (and its HDB with no aircon some more!).
Now, I know that I can get a three roomed private apartment (with aircon for all rooms) for $2400 per month.
What if I offer these ladies paying $300 per bed an aircon room that has only four person to a room? Theoretically, I can get all six ladies staying at Sims Place, put four of them to a room with the other two in another room. All I had to find another two ladies to share the other room. In other words, four ladies to a room for two rooms. I collect $2400 ($300 x 4 ladies x 2 rooms). This leaves one room free for me and my mistress.... and without me having to come out any money save maybe for the utilities!
Like I say, everybody benefits in this deal except for the old greedy landlord at Sims Place! Budget yah..... ;)
20-06-2009, 12:58 PM
Hi Warbird, not sure when I will ply Dong Men/Amani again to provide the QS. Okay - admittedly, I am myopic (short sighted) but my vision cannot be so bad that I would recommend a lass with a "lorry langa" type of face.
Yes, she may not meet your high exacting standards of beauty but then again she jolly well might. And the possibilty also exists that she could be one hell of a 'undiscovered looker."
Hi bro justime,
My standards r exacting but not necessarily high. They r different n quirky. I'm addicted to tall gals n w/ proportionate figure n small to medium bony frame. One man's meat is another man's....haha.
I met that tall n fair gal JJ at a KTV. Couldn't get a rm, so called her to meet me just inside the club. She is pretty (although the light was dim), tall n fair. Certainly my type. Will follow up ASAP.
Thx a lot!!
20-06-2009, 01:54 PM
Hi bro justime,
My standards r exacting but not necessarily high. They r different n quirky. I'm addicted to tall gals n w/ proportionate figure n small to medium bony frame. One man's meat is another man's....haha.
I met that tall n fair gal JJ at a KTV. Couldn't get a rm, so called her to meet me just inside the club. She is pretty (although the light was dim), tall n fair. Certainly my type. Will follow up ASAP.
Thx a lot!!
Hi Warbird, you are most welcome. Would have put JJ under my retainership myself if my "loving" plate was not so dam full. (Football analogy: I NOT Real Madrid you know!).
Now that you have stated your intentions to "follow up", I will hands off except provide you some pointers (if required) on the chase. Whether you want to do so in the private arena or public arena (as in a reality blog), its your call.
Also, regardless of the "lux reading" (measure brightness of light) when you met her, I am sure you can see that JJ has remarkable potential (quite apparant this case). And do know that I am quite good in the art of identifying potential! :cool: dam... should be a Talent Agent or Movie Director!
20-06-2009, 04:29 PM
Hi Warbird, you are most welcome. Would have put JJ under my retainership myself if my "loving" plate was not so dam full. (Football analogy: I NOT Real Madrid you know!).
Now that you have stated your intentions to "follow up", I will hands off except provide you some pointers (if required) on the chase. Whether you want to do so in the private arena or public arena (as in a reality blog), its your call.
Also, regardless of the "lux reading" (measure brightness of light) when you met her, I am sure you can see that JJ has remarkable potential (quite apparant this case). And do know that I am quite good in the art of identifying potential! :cool: dam... should be a Talent Agent or Movie Director!
Hi bro justime,
We could discuss her in the public arena as long as we dun give personal details which may reveal her ID. I'll certainly need ur guidance n expert advice as my first BY didn't fare well at all. Should I pay a fee for being ur mentee?
Yes, u hv an amazing ability to spot potential gems. Ur 6 senses r truly acute n sharp!;)
Good day!!
21-06-2009, 01:45 AM
New Reality Blog: Warbird & JJ
Hi bro justime,
We could discuss her in the public arena as long as we dun give personal details which may reveal her ID. I'll certainly need ur guidance n expert advice as my first BY didn't fare well at all. Should I pay a fee for being ur mentee?
Yes, u hv an amazing ability to spot potential gems. Ur 6 senses r truly acute n sharp!;)
Good day!!
Hi Warbird, congratulations, you have done three things right already!
1) First (and the most important of them all) is that you have taken action. Kudos on you! You did not sit on the contact that I gave. You acted on it!
I have not spoken on Masterstroke #3: Be a Confident Bastard, but one central tenant of this Masterstroke is “dive” headlong without fear of rejections (or should I say, without an imaginary fear in the prospect of rejection.). I would in fact encourage all brothers to start collecting rejections rather than contact numbers (and doing squat!). Collecting rejections builds resilience which will serve you in the long run (and make for one hellava humorous anecdotes that you can share with like minded brothers!
2) Secondly, you did not take things for granted. By proffering a fee, you have in fact displaying the attitude – that “money can buy anything” mentality. This attitude is very useful in your approach to cultivate a mistress. It trivializes the emotional ego ‘baggage’ surrounding the chase into one of commercial transaction.
(And as for my “fee”, there is none whatsoever. No need for even the ‘obligatory’ blanjar! Most important consideration is my personal satisfaction in that I had help someone in empower himself and that he had shitloads of fun & joy in the process).
Remember that you want to immerse in “Mistressing” in the first place because you want some excitement, some joie de vivre (“Joy of Life” in French). Both in the thrill of the chase itself and whatever romance that may come in your way in the course of your relationship. (Note that when I say “in the course of the relationship” I am actually stating the transitory nature of the relationship!)
And yes, this virtual mentoring is also opened to all brothers reading this thread as well – on a while “stocks last!” basis. I do not intend to keep this thread running beyond what is necessary. There will be an “end” – at least on my part! And I hope that during my tenure here, I would help empower as many people as possible.
3) Thirdly, your request on not disclosing any details in the public arena is duly noted. To prevent unnecessary potential competition is the correct approach. We do not want anyone to usurp your efforts halfway. Somebody out there may just be more savvy and with deeper pockets to boot! To engage in a bidding war (not only in terms of money but emotional) is something that I can do without. For me, it takes too much effort – better to go for new prospect and enjoy the delicious sex quickly as possible and for as long it sustains your interest.
There are some who actually enjoy the thrill of “the chase” itself. Let me forewarn you that if it is the case, it will be a hell of an expensive proposition. (Mike reckoned it to be like “Marlin Fishing”: spend money, energy and time to reel it in, only to throw it back to the sea!)
Before proceeding further, let me at the outset make it clear that there are two components in this: the chase and the maintenance of the Mistress. For now however, we will focus on the chase aspect. I will however, periodically give warnings of the do’s and don’ts even as you give chase. This is to prevent many potential problems that will invariably surface during the maintenance stage.
(To be continued)
21-06-2009, 02:41 AM
The Chase:
I have not met you and don’t know your financial status (Warbird may have the assets of Oei Hong Leong for all I know). I shall however assume that you want to take the “budget” approach in your pursuit of JJ.
In this case, let me remind you of an earlier posting of mine:
.....Let’s face it, you will need some degree of financial leverage. Let me also state at the outset that with the “budget’ version, it does limit your range of choice. You will need to ‘pre-select’ the girls with certain predisposition and apply the masterstrokes accordingly. And if you are old and aesthetically challenged (one ugly MF), you will need to work a little smarter. And your choice gets smaller. But know this: you can still get a pretty girl to be your mistress. :cool:
Initial Rules of Engagement:
1) The first stage is to establish whether JJ has that “certain predisposition”. At the point of writing, I do not have any information on your interaction to make such a judgment. You will need to provide me with as much information as possible. I will provide you with a simple template whereby you can account and document your experience thus far below.
2) Remember, this is mentoring in the virtual world. As such, I am missing many cues that I would have picked up on in real life interactions. To partially compensate for this, you will need two key attributes:
a) You must be brutally frank. Forget about the ego and tell it as you perceived it. Don’t worry if people think you are “hao lian” (proud) nor obfuscate and hide anything because you think that people will think less of you.
b) You must also basically have some degree of self awareness and be mindful of details. You should know by now that certain Masterstrokes utilize details in order to put one in an advantageous position.
3) You should also realize that at this point I have only barely scratched the surface on the Masterstrokes. So I may sometimes give suggestions and certain maneuvers that might not make sense to you. You need to take a leap of faith and believe that I am not Mad (to paraphrase Shakespeare’s Macbeth: ”there’s purpose in the madness!”).
It should be obvious that Masterstrokes can be counter intuitive and in many instances not politically correct. It focuses on what works!
4) Now the first step of the Budget Mistressing, as the name implies, is to set a budget. How much you do want to spend in the pursuit before calling it a day? How much time are you willing to invest?
Note however, that the time (and even money) wasted currently is not down the proverbial drain even if the chase ends in failure for the first time. The prospect’s (e.g. JJ) circumstances and situation is always in the flux and change. And now may simply not be the right time for JJ to be hitched. And this has nothing to do with yourself despite your best effort.
This being said, it does not mean that the future proposals will also meet with same response/result.
Those in the sales line would know exactly what I am talking about. You try to close the deal on the spot. However, even you did not succeed now. there should be periodical follow up. The prospect may be ready sometime down the road as her life situation changes.
After this quick fire introduction, Warbird, (or anyone else for that matter, you still game?)
If so, please provide a detailed as possible narrative of your interactions with JJ thus far:
Pay particular attention to:
I) How smooth is your interaction with her? Rate in based on YOUR personal assessment on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being JJ ready to jump into bed with you)
II) The number of times she is with you and the general length of time she is with you? (Note: length of time is Not equated with quality)
III) What information did she share with you about herself? If this information voluntary or was the information ‘coaxed’ through the questions you asked?
IV) What did you talk about? The general topics covered?
V) Provide body language inputs: Any light touches, you grope her, she grope you, the usual subtle signs of flirting (I presume you know this).
(Note again: For usual courtship, the ‘subtle signs of flirting’ is integral. However for mistressing, her initial reaction or lackof is not an essential. It is how your conduct yourself that is the key.)
VI) Who else accompanied you when JJ is with you?
VII) How did you present yourself? Serious, jokey or mixed? Include your clothing and styling as well.
VIII) How did the interaction end? You said you are leaving? Is there tips proffered? How much? Did you offer to call her? (and did you actually call her?)
IX) Do you sense "materialism" in the interaction? Whether JJ talks about money, clothes and in general ostentatious and branded goods.
Too challenging? Can still back out one you know ….. (anyway, ball is on your court!)
21-06-2009, 10:39 AM have done three things right already!
1) First (and the most important of them all) is that you have taken action. Kudos on you! You did not sit on the contact that I gave. You acted on it!
I have not spoken on Masterstroke #3: Be a Confident Bastard, but one central tenant of this Masterstroke is “dive” headlong without fear of rejections (or should I say, without an imaginary fear in the prospect of rejection.)....
2) Secondly, you did not take things for granted. By proffering a fee, you have in fact displaying the attitude – that “money can buy anything” mentality. This attitude is very useful in your approach to cultivate a mistress. It trivializes the emotional ego ‘baggage’ surrounding the chase into one of commercial transaction.
(And as for my “fee”, there is none whatsoever. ....
Remember that you want to immerse in “Mistressing” in the first place because you want some excitement, some joie de vivre (“Joy of Life” in French). Both in the thrill of the chase itself and whatever romance that may come in your way in the course of your relationship. (Note that when I say “in the course of the relationship” I am actually stating the transitory nature of the relationship!)
3) Thirdly, your request on not disclosing any details in the public arena is duly noted. To prevent unnecessary potential competition is the correct approach.....
There are some who actually enjoy the thrill of “the chase” itself. Let me forewarn you that if it is the case, it will be a hell of an expensive proposition. ...........
Before proceeding further, let me at the outset make it clear that there are two components in this: the chase and the maintenance of the Mistress. .......................
(To be continued)
Hi bro justime,
Thx so much for ur input n encouraging words. I believe in acting swiftly to get what I want in life. He who hesitates is lost. And I try to control my emotions very minute of the day. I hv learnt a lot from my first BY which I consider a failure.
The Chase:
I have not met you and don’t know your financial status...............I shall however assume that you want to take the “budget” approach in your pursuit of JJ.
Initial Rules of Engagement:
1) The first stage is to establish whether JJ has that “certain predisposition”. At the point of writing, I do not have any information on your interaction to make such a judgment. You will need to provide me with as much information as possible.....
2) Remember, this is mentoring in the virtual world. As such, I am missing many cues that I would have picked up on in real life interactions. To partially compensate for this, you will need two key attributes:
a) You must be brutally frank. Forget about the ego and tell it as you perceived it. Don’t worry if people think you are “hao lian” (proud) nor obfuscate and hide anything because you think that people will think less of you.
b) You must also basically have some degree of self awareness and be mindful of details. You should know by now that certain Masterstrokes utilize details in order to put one in an advantageous position.
3) You should also realize that at this point I have only barely scratched the surface on the Masterstrokes. So I may sometimes give suggestions and certain maneuvers that might not make sense to you. You need to take a leap of faith and believe that I am not Mad (to paraphrase Shakespeare’s Macbeth: ”there’s purpose in the madness!”).
It should be obvious that Masterstrokes can be counter intuitive and in many instances not politically correct. It focuses on what works!
4) Now the first step of the Budget Mistressing, as the name implies, is to set a budget. How much you do want to spend in the pursuit before calling it a day? How much time are you willing to invest?
Note however, that the time (and even money) wasted currently is not down the proverbial drain even if the chase ends in failure for the first time. The prospect’s (e.g. JJ) circumstances and situation is always in the flux and change. And now may simply not be the right time for JJ to be hitched. And this has nothing to do with yourself despite your best effort.
This being said, it does not mean that the future proposals will also meet with same response/result.
Those in the sales line would know exactly what I am talking about. You try to close the deal on the spot. However, even you did not succeed now. there should be periodical follow up. The prospect may be ready sometime down the road as her life situation changes.
If so, please provide a detailed as possible narrative of your interactions with JJ thus far:
Pay particular attention to:
Too challenging? Can still back out one you know ….. (anyway, ball is on your court!)
Hi bro,
I hv read ur posts twice. Thx for ur many pointers. Let's just say that I'm constrained by time n circumstances, but not by money. In fact, the damage involved in Bao-ing any PRC gal will be so minuscule as to be completely invisible to my family n my accountant unless I kena Gong Tao n sign over everything to her. The said, being a die-hard "value" buyer, I'll definitely use the "budget approach." Hahaha.:D
I'll be meeting w/ JJ for lunch in a couple of hrs. I'll give u a FR. I need to move quickly bcos I wont be free to meet her again until next Sat. I'll hv a lot of free time after the first wk of July. If it's mutually agreeable, I may start BY after that time.
Thx again n hv a great day!!
21-06-2009, 11:40 AM
Dear Bros Warbird and justime,
Hope you guys can share your experiences in this thread. Am very interested to learn!
21-06-2009, 11:43 AM
I'll be meeting w/ JJ for lunch in a couple of hrs. I'll give u a FR. I need to move quickly bcos I wont be free to meet her again until next Sat. I'll hv a lot of free time after the first wk of July. If it's mutually agreeable, I may start BY after that time.
Thx again n hv a great day!!
Excellent work. And whether conciously or not, the fact that you are busy favours YOU. You are telling her that the world does not revolve round her!
And to show you that we are on the same "psychic plane", I am being blown by XH even as I respond to this page, right now she is kneeling under the desk doing a Monica Lewinsky. ;)
No worries, I never ever show any girls any websites I visit! (Also XH doesn't know any English whatsoever except: "Hello, how are you?", "I love you" and "Fuck!")
21-06-2009, 04:26 PM
I didn’t realize that Warbird is such a prolific contributor to this forum till I did some searching. (Good on ya. Bro!).
Anyway to provide some context to the Reality Blog, I have extracted the relevant bits (mainly from TAM and “Pick up gals outside a KTV” threads) with regards to his BaoYing of girls.
From my reading of Warbird’s past contributions, it appears that I may be of only a miniscule “value add” in helping him catch and land a lass. In fact, I can perhaps learn a thing or two from him.
I guess the only key area whereby I might be useful is on how to extract the best possible terms when negotiating a “Mistressing” deal.
In the meantime, enjoy the little extracts below. I am sure there may be quite a few brothers here are waiting to hear more about the sexploits of “Project JJ”.
Can an old chi ko pek like me pick up young n beautiful gals outside a KTV? The answer is ABSOLUTELY YES. It would be a lot easier for those younger bros w/ ample time. You need a very thick skin which is immune to rejections n, yes, u will still need sufficient money to woo n bed these PRC MMs. But u will save quite a bit by picking them outside KTVs.
Unfortunately, she made it too easy as I could kissed her in the car n she shyly agreed to go to a "secure n safe place" next week. My interest in her has already dropped 50%. She should hv played hard to get to give me more fun in chasing her. In fact, when I first SMSed her, I was worried that she would reject a DOM like me n hence I arranged to go in a chauffeured limousine. I did give her a nice tip for spending time w/ me. I'll not call her to come to TAM Monday as she requested bcos I'm going hv her regardless. I'll just meet her in a hotel in a few days, hahaha.
If I'm looking for a quick fxk, I'll go to GL CAT150 houses. Yes, young pretty high-end KTV gals generally give very little (sexual) service. My first bao is a KTV gal whom I hv pursued for 8 months. Though she herself is very responsive, her service for me is essentially zero!
In my limited experience, eventually all KTV gals want a man to 照顾 her. Thus far all 3 PRC MMs whom I deem worthy of my BAO-ing hv all consented. The first one took 8 months of chasing, 2nd one 3 months n 3rd one only 3 days. I hv only BAO-ed the first one. The 2nd one was deported back to China. The 3rd one? I'm not going to BAO her as I actually live oversea n hv limited time here. She wants me to get a student visa for her n pay her enough so that she doesn't need to moonlight at KTVs for the whole yr. She will be deeply disappointed. But the negotiation w/ her has been a good learning experience.
Hi bro,
BTW, I like tall gals who r slim to medium build, not thin or skinny. BB is tall n slim. Must hv proportionate figure though.
Pls let me know. After this week I may not hv a lot of free time until mid July.
Personally I was unimpressed, to put it mildly.:( There were about 80 gals or so, of which only 4-5 chio SYTs. Unfortunately, those gals I wanted to bonk dun do ST, according to mummies. These chio SYTs were not prettier than the 4-5 chio ones (out of abt 60) who used to stand along L8/Talma Rd.
Damage was surprisingly modest: One bottle of Martell plus tip for waiters n mamasan came to $500 or $100 for each bro. All 5 of us drank little though.
Will I return to TAM? Yes, becos I'm confident that most of the chio ones would agree to be BAO-ed eventually. I also believe the STI would plunge again in the coming weeks/months, which will adversely affect the business in all KTVs, n by then these gals would be glad to accept my offers, hahaha. It's a long-term investment. They r for my next trip here...
.... be right back with "Developing a Crutch Mentality" soon!
21-06-2009, 09:36 PM
Excellent work. And whether conciously or not, the fact that you are busy favours YOU. You are telling her that the world does not revolve round her!
And to show you that we are on the same "psychic plane", I am being blown by XH even as I respond to this page, right now she is kneeling under the desk doing a Monica Lewinsky.....
Hi bro,
Good for u, hehehe.
Being busy may be a signal that one is up in the male dominance scale (which is very attractive to gals at the subconscious level). I often try to give the impression that I'm busy even if I'm not, haha. However, being too busy n not having time to meet up w/ the gal could be very negative, as has been my case lately.:(
I didn’t realize that Warbird is such a prolific contributor to this forum till I did some searching. (Good on ya. Bro!).
Anyway to provide some context to the Reality Blog, I have extracted the relevant bits (mainly from TAM and “Pick up gals outside a KTV” threads) with regards to his BaoYing of girls.
From my reading of Warbird’s past contributions, it appears that I may be of only a miniscule “value add” in helping him catch and land a lass. In fact, I can perhaps learn a thing or two from him.
I guess the only key area whereby I might be useful is on how to extract the best possible terms when negotiating a “Mistressing” deal.
In the meantime, enjoy the little extracts below. I am sure there may be quite a few brothers here are waiting to hear more about the sexploits of “Project JJ”.
... be right back with "Developing a Crutch Mentality" soon!
Hi bro justime,
I admire ur humility. I consider u a mentor/master in the art of BY. I may know a lot of strategies n theories about man-woman RS n gender differences in attraction, I hv had very limited experience w/ KTV PRC MMs n even less w/ BY. My first BY was a failure.
BTW, I didn't meet JJ today bcos she didn't pick up the phone when I called her at 12:50 PM. I acted fast but perhaps not fast enough.
Last night when I called her at 9 PM, she was out shopping n asked if we could meet at a certain KTV later, but I was busy n also feeling tired. So suggested that we met today at 1 PM.
Unfortunately, I'll not hv free time to see her until next Sat at the earliest. In the meantime, some "fast hand fast foot" bro may hv sealed the deal to BY her.:( He who hesitates is lost. In this case, I may be the loser.
But this setback will not deter me. I'll remember that it's now or never. Must be bold n decisive, hahaha.
Thx n goodnight!
21-06-2009, 10:31 PM
bro warbird and justime,
quite an intellectually stimulating topic. Fantastic info ... and I considered it in the past. Sadly, my limited command of chinese does not make it a worthwhile and enjoyable pursuit.
That being said, this has made very good coffee-shop-talk material with like-minded brothers. One experienced brother mentioned that 'security' is good leverage for negotiation (as in 'security' of not being caught and deported). Since this has not been discussed, i wanted to get the expert's view.
on another note, i think the content in this thread is very good and will make a good book when organized properly. If you have read the book 'The Game' by Neil Strauss - the same idea.
22-06-2009, 12:13 AM
Fantastic reading. Thank you - what I took away from everything thus far is that the tactics (and the reasons behind them) that you've employed are worth examining again and again.
Truly you are at the adept level in this particular branch of kungfu! :)
However, being the wide-eyed and inquisitive disciple that I am, I was wondering if you could expound more on of the philosophies behind this particular art that you are imparting to us all.
I can see clearly so far that it is all about having the confidence as a man to know what you want, and then going for the kill. It is this mental framework that I have been trying to develop, be it in my interactions with PRCs, in business or in just personal relationships.
How does one plant his feet so steadily on terra firma and deal with self-doubt about your own abilities and the future? What should one's attitude towards money be, knowing that $$$ is such an important factor in securing such arrangements with these women?
There is a time to rest, but the arrival of a grandmaster has made this novice keep his training robe on in delightful expectations of much more to learn.
22-06-2009, 03:56 PM
Apologies for the delay in my expatiation of “Creating a Crutch Mentality: The Mother Hen”. Quite inundated with business projects and XH was quite an energy sapper yesterday (in a good way).
In response to some of the posts:
bro warbird and justime,
quite an intellectually stimulating topic. Fantastic info ... and I considered it in the past. Sadly, my limited command of chinese does not make it a worthwhile and enjoyable pursuit.
That being said, this has made very good coffee-shop-talk material with like-minded brothers. One experienced brother mentioned that 'security' is good leverage for negotiation (as in 'security' of not being caught and deported). Since this has not been discussed, i wanted to get the expert's view.
on another note, i think the content in this thread is very good and will make a good book when organized properly. If you have read the book 'The Game' by Neil Strauss - the same idea.
Hi nitefyre, nice succinct post with many excellent points!
1) For your information, my command of the Chinese language is not that good as well. Whatever level you are at, it will probably be better than mine when I started my PRC mistress ventures. In fact, I still struggle with lack of Chinese proficiency. I know this for a fact because only last month, I tried helping my goddaughter with her homework - Primary Three Chinese as a Second Language – and could not do so!
Immersion (there is an innuendo in there), by the way is the fastest way in learning a language. So is necessity (the mother of invention). Notwithstanding my language handicap, but because of the need to communicate with my PRC mei meis, I had learnt to SMS in Chinese (an accomplishment in itself) and can even hold some basic philosophical discourse with them.
I will not be flippant and say that there is “no need to talk, only use body language”. Verbal communication adds a certain flavor to interaction, that is a given. But this is not to say that you cannot have fun during the picking up of the Chinese language phase.
More empowering perspective for you is therefore not to use your perceived lack of command of the language as an ‘excuse’. Use it to your advantage. Learning Chinese via immersion can be very enjoyable. It adds flavour and new dimension to the interaction too. In addition, you can teach your prospect English too (this is empowering).
(By the way, how do you think I learnt my Thai, Malay and German (which is very rusty now)?)
Assuming that your command of the language is at the below rudimentary level, here are some fun 'starter' activities:
Start with nouns – eyes, nose, ears, pussy, ass, clitorious,
Add verbs: run, walk, sleep, fuck etc (ask her variations on how to express verbs differently)
For adjectives, (my favorite as it allows me to slip in subtle compliments without being direct. Woman love this subtlety), go for things like radiant, elegant,
In time, you will pick up the language simply via immersion. (Come old gogies like me can also do it!).
Let the relationship stimulate both heads – the mental and the genital.
2) Yes, I will address the “security” element that you talk about. However, this will be put under the category of “Petty Masterstrokes” which will come in much much later in my treatise. Threats to a would be mistress' security have a blackmail dimension to it. Yes, it WILL work, but the efficacy is limited in scope. Why?
A new Patron that comes along can easily negate this hold you have on her. Threats emanating from the contravention of visas (study, work or social visit) can come only in the context of her having to work in a KTV. Take away the need to work at such establishment and the “security threat” hold is almost blunted.
Also, as the case of Professor Bryan Ngoi Kok Ann (accused of giving false information to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority) about Chinese national Guo Juan (his Chinese girlfriend), the blackmail based strategies such as via the threat of immigration may come to haunt you later. (Google for details if you are not aware of the above case).
And it should be very obvious to reader of this thread that notwithstanding his academic prowess, Professor Ngoi is one hellva “Uninformed Robert” when it comes to handling mistress!
3) I have not personally read Neil Strauss, 'The Game' although I have heard about him when discussing buaya strategies with friends. As such, it would not be right that I comment about his works without knowing its explicit contents first hand.
Only advice I can give is a general one (with regards to all self help materials – including this very thread itself): Take and weigh the advice against the context of your personal life. Use what’s useful and discard the non productive. Use the “What works in real life” test criteria to determine if applies to your life.
I presume that you are not gonna sit on the self help material without some form of validation in the context of your life. If not, might as well read porn - at least you will get a good reaction/erection out of it. :rolleyes:
22-06-2009, 04:04 PM
excellent content !
22-06-2009, 07:22 PM
Hi bro justime,
I Just want to give an update on JJ.
I was undaunted by her apparent lack of response yesterday. I called her today n asked why she didn't answer my call n she replied that she wasn't sure who I was. I told her I was the one who met her just inside the KTV that nite, gave her my name again, n reaffirmed my interest in "taking care" of her. :D
She has to go to Malaysia this weekend n will be back in 2 days. We hv agreed to meet this week near where she lives. If she looks half as good in broad daylight, I'll offer to BY her, haha. I called her again this afternoon n she answered X 大哥 (my name to her) w/ the most seductive voice, hahaha.
BTW, bro justime, I think u r right that she would not do ST. In that case how much should I offer her?
Thx n good night!
22-06-2009, 11:41 PM
bro justime,
good advice. agree that the pursuit of a mistress is good incentive for learning. will take that definitely as a key point.
In reference to the security issue, i wasn't quite referring to it as a blackmail per the case referenced. I think it is quite despicable, and frankly we shouldn't be resorting to such. I will give this a new name - RobertStroke.
To clarify further, I was referring to 'security' being presented as a benefit from BY and how (if at all) it can be leveraged to negotiate the final price. I am sure there will be exchanges before settling on an agreed price. Is there a BY price calculator for inexperienced brother like me? :p
Definitely do not intend to support a mistress with poor ROI (and of course, 'returns' here is subjective). The Masterstrokes you have discussed are very important to achieve the maximum ROI. I too, want to be 'blown' away :D
23-06-2009, 12:34 AM
I know that some brothers here may be “hungry” for more Masterstrokes as well as for me to get going on to “Creation of a crutch mentality: Dealing with the Mother Hen”. Rest assure, I am working on it – albeit slowly due to my very busy schedule.
Pardon the slow pace, but do note that the discussions and other so called distractions are equally integral to a successful cultivation of a mistress as the Masterstrokes itself.
That being said, I recognize that the Masterstroke makes for easier and more interesting reading as it is a radical and counter intuitive strategy that is proven to work in the real world.
So to temporarily assuage the hunger of some brothers, I hereby provide some bite size (tidbits) Masterstrokes. I call this Masterstroke Tit-bits. This is because they are not part of the overall Masterstroke banquet per se but rather stand alone nuggets of wisdom in the field of Mistressing and dating in general. Yes, and like the main Masterstrokes itself, they serve to empower you:
Ooooooooooooo Masterstroke Tit-bit 1 ooooooooooooooooO
What if you get a lady’s contact from a buddy or a brother here and then when you call, she insists that you disclose the identity of your referral?
1) First off, do not accede to her request unless you have checked with the referral first.
2) Then, you must make a judgment call on the “cool” factor of your referral. Like it or not, you are judge and assessed by the quality of the company you keep. You need to take to take a dispassionate and objective look at your friends.
For example, based on looks and general presentation alone (without the accompanying knowledge of the fact that Mike, Hua and Terrence high status), a casual referral from them might not take me far in upping my desirability factor to my prospect.
I may love and respect my friends to bits, but this respect is probably not translated onto the prospect – especially on the superficial level. The prospect may just see the picture of relatively well off old fogies who is not desirable by any stretch of the imagination. This poor perception will be rubbed on to me.
3) By succumbing to her insistence of you disclosing the identity of your referral, you already lose out in terms of dominating and controlling the interaction. It is very disempowering to you.
What then do I usually do?
a) If I were to meet her in person, as in I call her at her place of work and ask her to come over to “xx” room so that I can book her, I would “explain” how I got her number by simply looking incredulous and say that it is she herself who gave me the number – (an indignant “how can you forget”) is a good.
Allude to the fact that she must be drunk when she last met me and show a little “annoyance” and displeasure in a non threatening way for her 'forgetfulness'. The fact on how you get her number is soon swept away as you continue the interaction naturally.
By the way, if the woman does (pretend or otherwise) not buy the above story and is still insistent that I disclose the identity, I will simply just walk away. She is not worth the endeavour. You have got a long way to go in taming this shrew! Other strokes are needed.
b) If over the telephone, I will also apply the similar – “you must be drunk when you gave me your number routine”. And but then add “Meet me. I guarantee that once you see me, you will definitely remember me”.
Let the curiosity percolate in her brain. Like before, walk away (by hanging up the phone) if she gets too suspicious and insistent.
4) What ever her reaction is, don’t ever be bully into meekly submitting to her orders and reveal the informant (unless he has the "it" factor). Because even if you do get to meet her, you esteem and position in her eyes will be so lowered that you have to take massive steps to recover lost ground!
23-06-2009, 02:39 AM
I was referring to 'security' being presented as a benefit from BY and how (if at all) it can be leveraged to negotiate the final price. I am sure there will be exchanges before settling on an agreed price. Is there a BY price calculator for inexperienced brother like me? :p
Definitely do not intend to support a mistress with poor ROI (and of course, 'returns' here is subjective). The Masterstrokes you have discussed are very important to achieve the maximum ROI. I too, want to be 'blown' away :D
Hi nitefyre, I had so much 'fun' doing the Tit-Bit Masterstroke in my earlier post that I thought I do it again.
Ooooooooooo Masterstroke Tit-Bit 2 ooooooooooooooO
How do you broach the subject of BoaYing without disempowering yourself if she refuses?
nitefyre, this is where the "Security" that you allude to comes in.
These are more or less the words (need to be translated in Mandarin obviously) that I have previously used in presenting the offer:
"I would like to take care of you. How can I take care of you?"
"Working in a KTV is so stressful, always worrying about Immigration catching you and all that. How would I protect you from all this hassles?"
“Take care”, “protect” ect ... are euphemisms ("a substitution of an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant"). The Chinese Lass will understand your intended meaning so no need to go elaborating on this. Couching the offer thus does take away the sense of crass commercial-ness a little as well as leaves a hint of romance in the proposition. More importantly, it confers you an alpha position is the relationship.
(By the way, the line also works for Ang Mo prospect. Yes, I have ever kept Ang Mos (Eastern European Girl) under my retainer before as well)
If she refuses, don't beg or ingratiate yourself. Say simply, "think it over"!
Yup, there is a pricing calculation guideline in this. It is simply too long to elaborate in this post per se, but since you asked, let me mention some key guideline figures in the tabulation:
1) Knowing your own affordability limits. Note that besides the mistress allowances, there are numerous other plus plus which the Mistress expects the Patron to pay.
2) Having a sense of the true takings of your prospect (as opposed to her claims – which is often inflated)
3) Knowing the circumstances of your mistress life condition.
4) It is also dependant on whether you take the budget route or direct route. Jus always takes the Budget route by the way! Like a budget carrier, you will definitely need to give up something in the budget deal. One of which is that you may have to give up your first preference!
5) As a rule of thumb, it appears that for the direct route, the median amount of money that most Patron offer here is SGD 10, 000. It makes no sense to me, but this arbitrary ‘round number’ seems to be most popular going rate. When comparing notes amongst one another this is most often cited figure. Offer any less, and the prospect will feel a sense of being shortchanged – especially if the Patron is deemed as “old” aand/or "ugly".
I think I have “interviewed” literally hundreds of girls over the years under retainer and/or who are offered a retainer: From what I hear this “yi wan” (10, 000) figure props up the most often.
6) On a brighter note – the SGD 10, 000 has been around for ages. Inflation does not come into play. However, the economic crisis does seem to have its impact. Always use the “economic crisis” as your bargaining tool to get better deals monetary wise.
(Note that a true blue blood Patron will NOT use this strategy. They pay a comfortable and what they deem as a fair rate - never a bargained one. Almost a take it or leave it proposition).
7) After SGD 10, 000, the next most popular sum is SGD 6, 000 to 8, 000. This figure makes more sense to me. Why? It is because it the monetary target range of a Singer at a Hanging Flower Joint. They would rather be BAOed than to work the stage every night for seven days a week!
8) No ego, no thinking with the pecker, but an honest old hard fashion look at your financial status is the way to go in determining whether you can afford Mistressing or not. (Short time outlets can be quite fun too!)
Hope that the above helps a little in the formulation of your calculation.
(Give me more details and I will give you a better approximation! And remember, always think affordability)
And as for how to gun for better ROIs, I will cover this a little later in this thread.
But for now, I shall put forth my personal score card and general impression of PRCs mei mei about their ‘servicing element’ in terms of sex : Band “C to D” (to use a common Performance Appraisal system here.
Blow jobs are not standard issues and even when given, poorly executed. (An example is XH, her skills are perfunctory at best, she is now under my personal tutelage to become a better lover).
In short, to get the ROI you desire, be prepared to invest in some time and “training”. And I will show you what Masterstrokes to apply in order to achieve this!
23-06-2009, 10:04 AM
Ooooooooooooo Masterstroke Tit-bit 1 ooooooooooooooooO
What if you get a lady’s contact from a buddy or a brother here and then when you call, she insists that you disclose the identity of your referral?
1) First off, do not accede to her request unless you have checked with the referral first.
.................................................. ..................................................
4) What ever her reaction is, don’t ever be bully into meekly submitting to her orders and reveal the informant (unless he has the "it" factor). Because even if you do get to meet her, you esteem and position in her eyes will be so lowered that you have to take massive steps to recover lost ground!
Thx bro. Very good advice! JJ didn't insist on the source of referral.
Hi nitefyre.....
How do you broach the subject of BoaYing without disempowering yourself if she refuses?
nitefyre, this is where the "Security" that you allude to comes in.
These are more or less the words (need to be translated in Mandarin obviously) that I have previously used in presenting the offer:
"I would like to take care of you. How can I take care of you?"
"Working in a KTV is so stressful, always worrying about Immigration catching you and all that. How would I protect you from all this hassles?"
Yup, there is a pricing calculation guideline in this. It is simply too long to elaborate in this post per se, but since you asked, let me mention some key guideline figures in the tabulation:
3) Knowing the circumstances of your mistress life condition.
4) It is also dependant on whether you take the budget route or direct route...........................................
5) As a rule of thumb, it appears that for the direct route, the median amount of money that most Patron offer here is SGD 10, 000. It makes no sense to me, but this arbitrary ‘round number’ seems to be most popular going rate. When comparing notes amongst one another this is most often cited figure. Offer any less, and the prospect will feel a sense of being shortchanged – especially if the Patron is deemed as “old” aand/or "ugly".
I think I have “interviewed” literally hundreds of girls over the years under retainer and/or who are offered a retainer: From what I hear this “yi wan” (10, 000) figure props up the most often.
(Note that a true blue blood Patron will NOT use this strategy. They pay a comfortable and what they deem as a fair rate - never a bargained one. Almost a take it or leave it proposition).
7) After SGD 10, 000, the next most popular sum is SGD 6, 000 to 8, 000. This figure makes more sense to me. Why? It is because it the monetary target range of a Singer at a Hanging Flower Joint. They would rather be BAOed than to work the stage every night for seven days a week!
Hope that the above helps a little in the formulation of your calculation.
.................................................. ....................
Hi bro justime,
Thx for ur pricing guideline!
For SGD 10,000 or 6,000 to 8,000 a month, is the gal still allowed to work at KTVs? There will be additional expenses such as rental n food, etc.
I guess I offered my first BY too little, although I did let her continue to work at KTVs.
But how did u get to pay only SGD 1,500 for ur current gal??!!! You must be a gifted negotiator:cool:
Thx n hv a great day!!
23-06-2009, 12:46 PM
Thx for ur pricing guideline!
For SGD 10,000 or 6,000 to 8,000 a month, is the gal still allowed to work at KTVs? There will be additional expenses such as rental n food, etc.
I guess I offered my first BY too little, although I did let her continue to work at KTVs.
But how did u get to pay only SGD 1,500 for ur current gal??!!! You must be a gifted negotiator:cool:
Thx n hv a great day!!
Hi Warbird,
Again I can provide only a guideline. Every situation is unique you have look into all variable and pitch the proposition accordingly.
1) For SGD 6,000 to SGD 10, 000, it usually means that the girl is taken off the KTV market. In other words, she can go only when you do so.
Note however, that the girls have "no other life" besides those that involve the KTV establishment. Their friends are there and they are comfortable (as in accustomed) to the environment. As such, many will still go there to KTV with or without you Mistress arrangement/agreement notwithstanding.
Only two days ago, I played chauffer to one of XH 'friends'. She is purportedly under a retainer (I think it is SGD 5,000) by her so call Singapore Boyfriend. Yet, she still goes to Amani (she always dresses "Office Lady") in order to earn extra income.
From what I found out, initially her Boyfriend-Patron refused but later relented. Man are sometimes quite a sucker for "tare-tare" behavior of a gal (hell .. don't have an English equivalent that quite capture the essence – “manja” feminine wiles?).
2) By accepting the proposal, it is definitely a no-no for Chu Jie (Short Time, Long Time, BJ time – anything that has to do with sex!).
Crossing this line is a point of no return. In the context of my experience, I am pleasantly surprised of the Mistress by and large do keep their end of the bargain with regards to this 'line'. They know the limits!
3) The “grey area” is going out with other men. One on one is a definitely, no-no, while a group setting is more or less tolerated by more easy going patrons.
4) Usually accommodation should be provided. Like a “Lau-gong” providing a roof over her head – the Patron is also a provider and the home is the best expression and manifestation of this role.
Most Patrons usually factor this in under the allowance. For example, if his budget (and please always do budget) is say SGD8, 000, he will offer only $6,000 as allowance. The other SGD 2,000 is set aside as accommodation. Of course, in the proposition, he will mentioned SGD 6, 000 plus accommodation.
Due to my “cash flow” situation, I nowadays hardly provide accommodation. (See Page 6 post #89 of this thread – Budget Masterstroke #1) on how I get round this.
5) For my XH SGD 1500 deal is a loosely coupled deal. She has absolute freedom to go and work anywhere. She can see customers (even one-on-one) to entertain. However, the defining line is again – no sex of any sort whatsoever. Any instance of a breach and the deal is off.
As this is the Budget arrangement, I would have done some profiling on her. I will perhaps touch on some elements of profiling later on – but let me tell you that a lot of it is intuitive (perhaps cultivated over the years through experience).
From what I gathered, XH is not the aggressive type in pushing for a “tai”. She is passive (I think JJ is a little like that – despite my limited interaction with her). As such, XH does not maximize the “tai” potential she undoubtedly have – especially at Amani . She is the sort who sits a little longer with a prospect in the hope of getting a larger tip rather than going round to generate volume.
Also XH may do “ST” but is likely to be very selective with the prospect. (I think the same applies to JJ too – but her selection criteria will probably be much more stringent than XH – almost as good as no “ST”).
6) I’ll admit that I went a little on the “seductive” route with XH, plying her drinks, booked her (paid $250 for the first time) and take her out for dinner and then entertainment. I did that for two nights consecutively for XH.
Anyway, we clicked (got some Masterstrokes for that) and ended up in bed. This is when I first broached the subject.
Anyway to cut a long story short, I arranged accommodation for her (again see post # 89) and made it clear that sex on demand is on the cards as I have tight and relatively inflexible schedule (some semblance of truth here).
“Today I may “do” you 10 times (of course exaggeration lah – think I superman is it?), but there may stretches of consecutive days whereby I’ll be too busy to even kiss you”
7) Warbird, you have met and engaged more than a fair share of KTV lasses, do quick a snapshot profile of what you think JJ is about. I will help you with the interpretative / analysis part if you want.
(I am very hesitant to do any profiling as my interaction with JJ is cursory at best. – as I said to you – JJ is virgin and she is yours!) :)
23-06-2009, 03:36 PM
Oooooooooooooooo Tit-bit #3 oooooooooooooooooooooooO
Some brothers may want to know how to frame, present or persuade a mei mei into accepting a Bao proposition. Now to worry, I'll cover it on the Main Maserstroke Menu.
Meanwhile, a "Tit-bit" version of a recent example (in a narrative format) ....
…. my XH SGD 1500 deal is a loosely coupled deal. She has absolute freedom to go and work anywhere. She can see customers (even one-on-one) to entertain. However, the defining line is again – no sex of any sort whatsoever. Any instance of a breach and the deal is off.
From what I gathered, XH is not the aggressive type in pushing for a “tai”. She is passive ….
XH does not maximize the “tai” potential she undoubtedly have – especially at Amani . She is the sort who sits a little longer with a prospect in the hope of getting a larger tip rather than going round to generate volume.
Also XH may do “ST” but is likely to be very selective with the prospect. …
I’ll admit that I went a little on the “seductive” route with XH, plying her drinks, booked her (paid $250 for the first time) and take her out for dinner and then entertainment. I did that for two nights consecutively for XH.
Anyway, we clicked (got some Masterstrokes for that) and ended up in bed. This is when I first broached the subject.
Anyway to cut a long story short, I arranged accommodation for her (again see post # 89) and made it clear that sex on demand is on the cards as I have tight and relatively inflexible schedule (some semblance of truth here).
“Today I may “do” you 10 times (of course exaggeration lah – think I superman is it?), but there may stretches of consecutive days whereby I’ll be too busy to even kiss you”
The following are what I used as “logic” to help seal the deal with XH.
The “logic” I proffer to XH is frankly a whole lot of rubbish and riddled with poor assumptions, fallacies and inconsistencies!
What the hell – she bought it and it works though! :cool:
Anyway, just for fun, for the heck of it, here is my logical proposition (don’t laugh!) to XH to get her accept the offer.
(Precondition is of course XH must ‘like’ me at some level)
1) I know that you (XH) are uncomfortable with ST arrangement. However, face it. Most men here will want to have sex with you. All men who go to KTV will want to fuck, you must accept this truism. Most mei mei working here at Amani chu jie. If you keep refusing, you will get less and less customers.
2) How many men here do you really want to have sex with? Did you meet even one man here that you like for the past week that you don’t mind to sleep with?
3) My SGD 1500 means that for every 3 days, you get a confirmed ST arrangement with someone you like --- charming smile put on here ----- you will therefore not need to worry about considering ST anymore.
4) Also I will take care of how you live (I had already known about the price and living conditions of her existing accommodation arrangement).
5) You can continue to work and earn money and you get extra from me. Its a win-win situation and Who knows, if we strike it really well together, we may build a nice future together....
There, this is how it went
Big caveat:
This is a little anecdotal fun posting (and is applicable with XH and woman of a similar profile). Do NOT use this same logical reasoning for the experienced mei mei please!
Note also that my arrangement here with XH is NOT the typical patron-mistress. The power dynamics is subtle (slightly favouring me of course!), and there is a fair bit of "persuading" needed to be done before I can get XH out of her comfort zone when it comes to sex.
23-06-2009, 03:59 PM
A very interesting thread. I would recommend all the bros who have a mistress to read "The Pilot's Wife" by Anita Shreeve.
23-06-2009, 08:21 PM
.. "tare-tare" behavior of a gal (hell .. don't have an English equivalent that quite capture the essence – “manja” feminine wiles?).
Bro, would "coquettish" be a good equivalent?
This thread surely qualifies as "sticky"-worthy :)
23-06-2009, 08:35 PM
Bro, would "coquettish" be a good equivalent?
This thread surely qualifies as "sticky"-worthy :)
wow "jj" (double some more) - we are doing a reality blog on you! ;)
I was rather thinking of the word "minx" (especially as how a Brit would use it) but somehow I feel that it does not quite translate.
It is rather like the term "sian" (I know the ang mo equivalent is "ennui" - but somehow it does not quite encapsulate its essence. :cool:
cheers mate!
23-06-2009, 08:57 PM
Hi bro justime,
I'll be meeting JJ soon. I'll give a truthful FR here. My purpose is not for ST but to BY her. I now know how much to proffer her.
Thx again for ur expert guidance.
23-06-2009, 10:54 PM
I can see clearly so far that it is all about having the confidence as a man to know what you want, and then going for the kill. It is this mental framework that I have been trying to develop, be it in my interactions with PRCs, in business or in just personal relationships.
How does one plant his feet so steadily on terra firma and deal with self-doubt about your own abilities and the future? What should one's attitude towards money be, knowing that $$$ is such an important factor in securing such arrangements with these women?
Hi Rorchach, you write well. Maybe if the so called book deal does somehow come into fruition, you can be its editor.
I will address the above issues you raised in my next Masterstroke: Be a Confident Bastard. But even at this stage, I believe that it should be obvious to you that the concepts of self empowerment do not reside only in the realm of mistressing. It is applicable to other aspects of your life as well.
It’s a visceral and intuitive impression, but your post above suggests to me that you are someone who has quite a strong sense of introspection. And that you are probably just ‘starting out’ in a new phase of your life. For you then, may I suggest that you take all the concepts with regards to mistressing as a metaphor for self empowerment.
Being a ‘business person’ I am most concerned with practical application. The Masterstrokes are strongly action oriented. And the action is bias towards “what works” in real life rather than theoretical abstracts. Obviously the “what works” is forged in accordance to my own personal experience (which is largely validated by similar experiences of the Mistress Brotherhood and others).
That being said, I will whenever possible provide the logical and philosophical premises underlining why a particular Masterstroke works (such as Masterstroke #1).
But in the interest of not boring anyone with too much theorizing, my own personal philosophies (everyone has their own set of personal life paradigms), will be naturally woven in the context of discussion.
And I am pretty certain that you have the intellectual wherewithal to discern what my philosophies are from there. :cool:
24-06-2009, 12:44 AM
Okay, people who are inherently bored with discussion about books, movies and general philosophizing please ignore this post.
Unless there is a high level of interest in this kind of discourse, it will just be a one off post.
Fantastic reading. Thank you - what I took away from everything thus far is that the tactics (and the reasons behind them) that you've employed are worth examining again and again.
However, being the wide-eyed and inquisitive disciple that I am, I was wondering if you could expound more on of the philosophies behind this particular art that you are imparting to us all.
A very interesting thread. I would recommend all the bros who have a mistress to read "The Pilot's Wife" by Anita Shreeve.
Hi Swain, thank you for your interest in the thread as well as the book recommendation – I appreciate it.
But let me at the outset apologize for my straight talk with regards to this book. If you have any emotional attachment to the contents of it, I suggest you don’t proceed.
Not casting any aspersions here … but here are my frank views (mostly negative) on “The Pilot’s Wife”.
Remember, this is only MY PERSONAL TAKE!
1) As a recommendation, the book is way off the mark in terms of the intended audience. Most of the people at this forum here are lusty heterosexual males. The female perspective (right down to the title of the book itself – mind you) will alienate a lot of readers here in terms of emotional connectedness.
Myself: I would rather read it from the pilot’s perspective ………. I may just learn a thing or two.
2) I have read this book during a flight delay. My staff passed it to me and say that its "un-put downable" and that its part of the Oprah's book club recommendation.
My reaction was very "beng"-like (although I did not show it outright): "Oprah? sian 1/2 liao" ;)
But since she is a very good staff of mine, and as I was feeling a little restless about the delay, I indulged her recommendation.
And my initial visceral impression of the book is vindicated as can be obviously seen from the comments below..
3) Quickie plot summary: It basically about a woman’s journey of self-discovery as she learns of her husband’s double life when the plane he pilots crashed. What followed was the typical shocks, grieve and angst moments as the Pilot’s wife unveils the dreaded secret of her husband – he is a bigamist!
Anita Shreve also throws out some sub-plots of “pilot error” and the dynamics of mother-daughter relationship as they cope with their own personal tragedy among others.
Philosophical and ethical dilemma peppered the book – such as a marriage quietly morphing “from being in love to just loving each other” etc.
4) I don’t know about other readers, but for me personally – it’s a gigantic bore! Hell my personal life itself is so much more colorful from the narrative standpoint.
5) In addition, the Pilot’s wife internal battles too are very hackneyed. Essential angst aside, the ethical – philosophical dilemmas put forth are so shallow that I laughed outright.
I personally think that Anita Shreve (the author) does not have width in understanding cultural dynamics (and other non mainstream lifestyle variables). She appeared not to possess the sufficient depth of experience to draw on to make it thought provoking and at the same time within the real life possibilities that a truly good book should have.
Come on, men having two “wives” (hence double lives)!!. Alternative enough but not too far from mainstream … might as well say that you can screw a lady while administering cunninglingus simultaneously! Ahem …and that I have done! ;)
5) Wonderful writing aside, this book can also be subtly disempowering because of the undercurrents of guilt complex.
Anita Shreve does not ascribe attribution of guilt whether to the pilot, his wife or life circumstances per se. I am afraid she is trying too hard to be deep (chim). What life complexities? You can pass judgment. In Anita’s Shreve world (as espoused in “the Pilot’s wife”), “Everybody is at fault here (and then has redeeming features as well)”.
Don’t sit on the fence Anita – tell it like it is! Take sides and pass judgment. Say the pilot deserves to be castrated with a dull spoon. You may sound like a shrill feminist (like AWARE ah?) but at least you provoke a reaction.
6) Also the morose way she goes about the ending is not life affirming at all. Absolutely lame. Come on, the ending where the Pilot’s wife accepts / settles / come to terms to her husband deceit. It is a thrill ride only an “emo” person can apprehend and appreciate.
And it is definitely so NOT me!
7) I don’t read books to ‘get’ the different emotional flavours. There is no need to. I live life hard and experience it viscerally (as opposed to vicariously through books).
How’s that for a book review? :D
24-06-2009, 01:33 AM
Come on, men having two “wives” (hence double lives)!!. Alternative enough but not too far from mainstream … might as well say that you can screw a lady while administering cunninglingus simultaneously! Ahem …and that I have done! ;)
errrr.... it should be bladdy obvious that there are two ladies involved here. ;)
ken li
24-06-2009, 08:23 AM
errrr.... it should be bladdy obvious that there are two ladies involved here. ;)
LOL! Good one there. Its still early in the morning and halfway through coffee I was still trying to figure it out in the blurry transition from sleep to consciousness. :p
24-06-2009, 12:49 PM
Its been a while since I last update on the "main" Masterstrokes.
To recapitulate:
Crutch mentality and Animal farm: Identifying and Cutting Off the “Mother Hen”
…..some Mother Hens are so immersed in their zeal (largely to fill their own ‘ego’ needs) that they sometimes forego the tai themselves as they try to push and sell you the services of their more inexperienced friend.
Note however, that this mentoring and guiding system does not stop inside KTV world. The tortoise also defer to the Mother Hen in many other matters. Ironically, it is easier to get a Mother Hen to be a mistress than her tortoise chick.
The Mother Hen provides the tortoise chick with the emotional crutch. As such the chick will defer to the Mother Hen in many matters - especially “big decisions” regarding the acceptance of a Patronage.
You can work with and through the Mother Hen initially and then cut off the Mother Hen or loosen the power of the Mother Hen at the outset…
Like to mentioned that the payback of having provided the Emotional Crutch can be quite big. Once a Patron make himself the sole (or primarily source) of emotional support, he literally can twirl his mistress around his little finger. The Patron can get his Mistress to do things that she is not comfortable with by just temporarily withholding the emotional support.
Yes, despite their independent exterior, almost every mei mei I know have their own sources of emotional crutch.
The Mother Hen is like a double edge sword. You can utilize her services to serve as a catalyst in order to get the prospect to agree to become your mistress or she can be a huge stumbling block that will stymie any progress you make.
The first step is to obviously find the tortoise’s main source of emotional dependency.
Note that the Mother Hen may NOT be successful in her own right. She could be placed in that vaunted mentoring position simply by circumstance. For example, she may come to Singapore first (hence by implication more experienced and purportedly able to show the tortoise the ropes). The Mother Hen simply be a “friend of a friend”. The Mother Hen may be one who arranges and takes care of the tortoise’s accommodation. Or simply, a chance meeting that leads to ‘friendship’ between that of the tortoise and the Hen.
* Most people don’t go about actively cultivating friendship. We allow the diktats of “chance meeting” (usually brought about by similar life situation at that particular time) coinciding with some degree of rapport to deem someone as a ‘friend’.
In the above instance, the connection is not strong. If she is against the Tortoise to be your mistress, I would suggest that cut off the Mother Hen right away. Point out to your prospect the lack of success of the Mother Hen. Be direct, and ask point blank “How can the Mother Hen be qualified to dispense advice given her lack of personal success thereof”.
Conversely if the Mother Hen is strongly for you, you may want to demonstrate some kindness toward her (such as when buying your prospect food / flowers / mini gifts) by giving her token gift as well. It should be obviously that there must be differentiation. The Gifts to your prospect must always be superior to that of the supportive Mother Hen.
The bigger challenge is when the Mother Hen has already some pre-existing depth of connection (such as member of an ‘extended’ family and/or already friends). Obviously if the Mother Hen is in favor of you being the Patron, you ‘incentivize’ as per the above.
If she is against you, then its time you play down right dirty: you need to create a “distrust” situation between Mother Hen and your prospect.
Fortunately for you in a KTV situation, it is very easy to manipulate such conditions. Simply present it to your prospect that the Mother Hen always steals her customer. Do so several times and let the subtle resentment fester in your prospect’s mind.
For example, get an accomplice-friend to sit with your prospect and you call the Mother Hen to your tai. Your accomplice flirts with Mother Hen (who is sitting with you). When the tip comes, your accomplice-friend gives minimal to your prospect (remember the masterstroke about limiting the income potential of your prospect?).
For the next visit, your accomplice-friend calls the Mother Hen to his table. He now tips her generously. Repeat the generous tip routine for a couple of times.
For added effect, as Mike and Hua likes to play it, repeat the scenario in different room. Get the mummy to allocate the girls as per the above arrangement. Then tell the person (one who sits with the prospect) to flirt with the Mother Hen. Remember Mike and Hua determines the tips payment, they take care of the cost and the allocation of tips for this.
Take a while and imagine the above scenario. Try to get into the skin of your prospect and it is easy to empathize how she will be feeling.
Know that essentially there is an element of competition with regards to the girls working in KTV. And that they always compare notes among each other.
Don’t under estimate the power of competitiveness amongst girls (sub-conscious or otherwise). I had mentioned that Xin2 had a Mother Hen Joey. Joey and Xin2 connection is relatively tight. But even then, it takes only two such arrangements before Xin2 complains to Mike about her so called friend’s behaviour!
24-06-2009, 05:39 PM
This must be one hell of a gal for you to work out such exquisite "masterstrokes" on her. Basically, most of us would not have given a second dime if the lass proved to be a difficult character to manipulate, whether the complexity comes from the Hen or not. The effort could have been put to use on other secondary targets reaping better yields. Yet again, I can see that you have already develop an attribute to take on the challenges. This is definitely a valuable personality to develop since Singaporeans are known to be "followers", "queuers"....
Something useful I have definitely picked up from this thread.
25-06-2009, 01:08 AM
This must be one hell of a gal for you to work out such exquisite "masterstrokes" on her. Basically, most of us would not have given a second dime if the lass proved to be a difficult character to manipulate, whether the complexity comes from the Hen or not. The effort could have been put to use on other secondary targets reaping better yields. Yet again, I can see that you have already develop an attribute to take on the challenges. This is definitely a valuable personality to develop since Singaporeans are known to be "followers", "queuers"....
Something useful I have definitely picked up from this thread.
Hi Bazic, during my youth, I used to have an attitude that "if the girl does not respond to my overtures, it is her loss as I will move on".
I now know better. Successful people don't settle. They see what they like and then go get it. It more than just the "thrill of the chase" per se. It is a success habit that is all permeating and all encompassing, even to such a “mundane” enterprise as chasing girls.
Also, the Masterstrokes may look complicated on paper. But its actual execution is very easy. It just takes some astute observations (which already come naturally) and the clever use leverage. What’s more the so called “work” is mainly mostly “instructional” (e.g. to mummy and accomplice) in scope.
Always remember that the successful person is not outcome driven per se. (Jus has yet to master this attitude – he is still very obsessed with things going his way).
The successful ones are more concerned with the process that will allow for the highest probability in getting the outcome they want. They derive pleasure and relish the thoughts, analysis and rationalizations that go into the “process” itself.
It is precisely because of this discussion of the “process” that allows me to understand the underlying principles of Masterstrokes. It enables me to articulate what exactly is happening beyond that of simply witnessing and observing how they do it (whether in chasing girls or other ventures).
Now when I observe, I understand the rationalizations as well. And I can communicate strategies to people in order that they can benefit from it too.
25-06-2009, 03:35 AM
Hi Rorchach, you write well. Maybe if the so called book deal does somehow come into fruition, you can be its editor.
You are too kind. It would be an honor to lay my grubby and hungry paws on your manuscript before anyone else, then trying to make the gospel accessible to the hoi polloi, which I consider myself to be part of. Will you be writing this under a nom de plume? :)
It’s a visceral and intuitive impression, but your post above suggests to me that you are someone who has quite a strong sense of introspection. And that you are probably just ‘starting out’ in a new phase of your life. For you then, may I suggest that you take all the concepts with regards to mistressing as a metaphor for self empowerment.
Indeed - the thinking behind the masterstrokes and the personal empowerment with which you approach this art of mistressing is much more fulfilling to me as a reader. While doubtless there are some who are able to immediately learn from your personal experiences and emulate the steps that are the most practical in the here and the now, I am happy to read in between to understand the essence of where you are coming from and why is it that you do what you do.
Jeet Kune Do was a philosophy more than a martial art, but Bruce Lee embodied it both in form and substance. It is the substance that I seek at this stage of my life, and hopefully when the time is right, I can apply it (although I recognize there is always a learning curve and understanding the philosophy without a bit of practice is useless, ha ha)
Please keep writing, I am normally not that effusive with praise but this is just a damned good thread!
25-06-2009, 11:52 AM
You are too kind. It would be an honor to lay my grubby and hungry paws on your manuscript before anyone else, then trying to make the gospel accessible to the hoi polloi, which I consider myself to be part of. Will you be writing this under a nom de plume? :)
Please keep writing, I am normally not that effusive with praise but this is just a damned good thread!
Thanks for the compliments Rorschach. It really made my day!
Although I do occasionally rub shoulders with the rich, powerful and influential, I am still a 100% member of the "lesser mortal" club. Its kinda like a grassroot leader rubbing shoulders with Ministers; there is no real substantive transferrence of "status" by this association; he still remains a proletariat, a "common man" in essence, stature and in lifestyle! :rolleyes:
Yes, if the book deal somehow crystalizes, I wil definitely hide my real name behind a pseudonym (pen name). I will give this some thought. What I do however know now is that my pen name should not be something crass like "Chee Koh Peh" (3 common surnames concatenated with an all too obvious "hidden" meaning).
25-06-2009, 12:48 PM
hey bro if the book really materialise can you mention me in yr thanks page as in
thanks to bro bunnyrabbit for initiating the idea of writing this book.
hee..:p joking lah!
25-06-2009, 01:35 PM
Hi Bazic, during my youth, I used to have an attitude that "if the girl does not respond to my overtures, it is her loss as I will move on".
I now know better. Successful people don't settle. They see what they like and then go get it. It more than just the "thrill of the chase" per se. It is a success habit that is all permeating and all encompassing, even to such a “mundane” enterprise as chasing girls.
Also, the Masterstrokes may look complicated on paper. But its actual execution is very easy. It just takes some astute observations (which already come naturally) and the clever use leverage. What’s more the so called “work” is mainly mostly “instructional” (e.g. to mummy and accomplice) in scope.
Always remember that the successful person is not outcome driven per se. (Jus has yet to master this attitude – he is still very obsessed with things going his way).
The successful ones are more concerned with the process that will allow for the highest probability in getting the outcome they want. They derive pleasure and relish the thoughts, analysis and rationalizations that go into the “process” itself.
It is precisely because of this discussion of the “process” that allows me to understand the underlying principles of Masterstrokes. It enables me to articulate what exactly is happening beyond that of simply witnessing and observing how they do it (whether in chasing girls or other ventures).
Now when I observe, I understand the rationalizations as well. And I can communicate strategies to people in order that they can benefit from it too.
Translating them thru your narration would prove to be too obscure. Experience does matter.
Coming back to your masterstrokes, your crutch mentality is like forcing her to a place where you want her to be and subsequently cutting off all escape routes and supply lines.
In human dynamics, she will tend to take an easy way out, which is provided by you. Yet again, such mindset is not good enough to mount a challenge. A ger who deserved to be "masterstroked" should possess minimum calibre to free herself from this fix.
From my routinal observation everytime I am at some dodgy ktvs, gers who command attention are less likely to be easy preys. Totally agreeable with you on the process thingy, sometimes, an adrenaline rush cause by a worthy opponent..........priceless....:D
25-06-2009, 08:56 PM
Hi bro justime,
I met JJ yesterday PM. She was quite cold n aloof initially, but became friendly n warm once we got to know each other better.
Her assets: She is a classy n pretty woman, quite fair, very tall (about 172 w/o shoes), of small bony frame n medium build, n has proportionate figure n long legs. Natural B boobs (she told me) n perky ass. No prior childbirth or surgeries. She is 24 (born Mar 1985) according to her passport, but looks more like 28-29. Can the yr of birth in a passport be altered easily in China? She doesn't smoke n has a nice set of white teeth.
I normally prefer younger gals 18-24 in age n the previous 3 gals who accepted my BY are 19-21. I still want JJ bcos of her good looks, coveted height n sexy figure.
I expressed my desire to take care of her. She nodded her head. I inquired about the services I'll receive n the terms. She would prefer not to work at KTVs. She was a bit bashful but said OK to every service I asked for. I didn't want AJ or CIM though. I then offered a price. Not enough, she said, n requested X amt. I told her I would think abt it. I held her slender hand n touched her thigh...she didn't object.
Due to my time constraint from now until mid July, it would be more cost-effective if I allow her to continue running at KTVs but pay her much less. I called this PM to make my new offer. She kept saying 太少了, but agreed to meet. I assume that she has consented to my terms.;)
Thx n good night!
25-06-2009, 10:11 PM
Bro warbird,
Not trying to dampen your spirit, but I know a PRC girl who had 2 passports with different names and different birth dates. However, it is highly possible that she may be 25. Not a sure fireway, but you can probably test her out by asking which zodiac sign she belongs to. See how she respond to your question.
I'm also not sure how keen you are to get her, but to me your later offer may do you more harm than good; for the simple reason that she can always use your offer as a basis to lure other DFP and hold out for more.
Having said that, this is just purely my own conjecture, and may not have any relevancy to your proposal. I hope I am wrong...
26-06-2009, 10:07 AM
Bro warbird,
Not trying to dampen your spirit, but I know a PRC girl who had 2 passports with different names and different birth dates. However, it is highly possible that she may be 25. Not a sure fireway, but you can probably test her out by asking which zodiac sign she belongs to. See how she respond to your question.
I'm also not sure how keen you are to get her, but to me your later offer may do you more harm than good; for the simple reason that she can always use your offer as a basis to lure other DFP and hold out for more.
Having said that, this is just purely my own conjecture, and may not have any relevancy to your proposal. I hope I am wrong...
Hi bro cablesnwires,
Thx for the info.
I'll ask abt her Chinese zodiac sign.
I hv made my offer n if she says no, it's her loss. I normally prefer tall SYTs.
In dealing w/ these PRC MMs, we should adopt an "abundance mentality" n be fearless, flattering n funny. Drive a hard bargain, but always treat them w/ respect n be fair though. It should be a win-win situation. They get our money n we get their pretty pussies.:cool:
26-06-2009, 12:34 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
Let me share some of my experiences in BY..
Identity : You cannot trust what you see on their passport. Some has "brought" identity back home which is belong to country-side gal who has no chance to travel out and use it to apply a new passport. The age, name are all fake.
Time management : These gal are hell good in managing their time in such game. They may engage not 1 but a possible 2 or even 3 at the same time. I find out my ex-gal still going out with others as late as 3am in the morning. Even the truth might not involve sex, but it left my imagination runs wild. Therefore personally I feel there is no exclusive in such arrangement no matter what amount is being offered. As a gauge, I spend over $6000 per month.
Unless we take the stand of just enjoying the moment being together and discard the rest of what she will be doing (behind your back).
Or I should say, if I could have acquire 10% of the bro justime skill set.. I probably would have better managed it.
26-06-2009, 01:19 PM
Identity : You cannot trust what you see on their passport. Some has "brought" identity back home which is belong to country-side gal who has no chance to travel out and use it to apply a new passport. The age, name are all fake.
This I heard it before 6 years ex-PRC gal told me that they are doing this but only they cannot escape the biometrics that ICA setup here...:)
27-06-2009, 03:21 AM
I normally prefer younger gals 18-24 in age n the previous 3 gals who accepted my BY are 19-21. I still want JJ bcos of her good looks, coveted height n sexy figure.
I expressed my desire to take care of her. She nodded her head. I inquired about the services I'll receive n the terms. She would prefer not to work at KTVs. She was a bit bashful but said OK to every service I asked for. I didn't want AJ or CIM though. I then offered a price. Not enough, she said, n requested X amt. I told her I would think abt it. I held her slender hand n touched her thigh...she didn't object.
Due to my time constraint from now until mid July, it would be more cost-effective if I allow her to continue running at KTVs but pay her much less. I called this PM to make my new offer. She kept saying 太少了, but agreed to meet. I assume that she has consented to my terms.;)
Hi Warbird, sorry for the late reply, but I was busy entertaining some business associates from the "sub continent" for the last two days!. Just some quick comments before I collapse in bed.
Personally, I am not too concern with age per se. I go with looks (beauty). I had some lau chio stunners who are absolutely gorgeous and wild in bed. And I personally find Hsu Chi in her late twenties looked better than in her early years!
Also more mature lass being ‘more experienced’ can be more receptive to suggestions. For a mature guy like self, there is an added advantage of looking less conspicuous in public when I go out with her. (I had an 18 year old mistress Singer who once met me in public wearing high stockings on a platform shoes, pigtails and carrying a teddy bear bag! Holy Anime! Good for cosplay-role play in a bed room setting but terrible in public!
Now to the main purport of your drawing attention to her age:
Yes, the older you are, the price and market rate do go down. Like COE, the next category is older than 26 years old (this is the ‘psychological age mark of mei meis). You should not pay the price of a 24 year old.
Use this fact to your advantage. Mistress have the life of a footballer, very few can command “Ronaldo-esqe” figures in late twenties or thirties.
Go for value proposition and use the age card against her if need be. Make it subtle though. When asking, discussing or negotiating terms and pricing, subtly allude to age: her birthday, views about marriage, future plans lend itself naturally into “age” equation. You can also say that XXX, is 20 years old and she agrees to be baoed for only SGD 8, 000. The psychologically triggers the glass ceiling for an older prospect!
You did very well by laying out the cards on the services you expect. Don’t know you did this intentionally or not, but you did a very important step.
Many people use the courtship / girlfriend route and mistakenly assume that they are Baoying a girl (mistress). This is NOT correct. What you are doing is simply giving the girlfriend an allowance or as the mei mei like to put it – help them with their living expenses. Expectations are not communicated and your allowance to her is taken for granted (nan peng you ying kai zuo de = boyfriend’s obligation).
You therefore need to make a distinction that you purchase her time and service. (No need to be so commercially crass about it if it is not your style – you can romanticize the relationship saying that I take care of you in return for love, loyalty and devotion).
(One important Test whether your prospect is girl-friend or Mistress is your ability to assert and articulate the service you expect or want. If you cannot do this step – you pursuit is in a girl friend mode! And expect a “girlfriend” type of service!) :rolleyes:
Warbird, I see your point about letting her run KTV (just like I did with XH) especially if under time constraint. You must however be prepared to let her go. XH and JJ are obvious potential – they will defintely be ‘propositioned’ sooner or later. But unless a huge money is used as lures, I am confident XH will continue our little arrangement for quite some time yet as I did quite a good job of creating a crutch mentality in her.
Oh yah, I hope you do not pay all money upfront. Pay a small trench first. For XH, I give her upfront $500, followed by $500 every 10 days. I have an added advantage which you don’t have (presumably as you did not mention it!). I provided XH her accommodation! And accommodation is one way you can use to ‘control’ your mistress. :)
Gotta go zzzzz now. Cheers brother!
27-06-2009, 11:58 AM
Oh yah, I hope you do not pay all money upfront. Pay a small trench first. For XH, I give her upfront $500, followed by $500 every 10 days. I have an added advantage which you don’t have (presumably as you did not mention it!). I provided XH her accommodation! And accommodation is one way you can use to ‘control’ your mistress.
Some additional points:
1) Note that the accommodation I provided is the "budget" style Love style that I talked about earlier. Its a private apartment somewhere in the Balestier - Whompoa area. This arrangement is a 3-person sharing cost of a love nest organised by me. (There are altogether five girls living there but XH gets a single bed-single room -- my own personl Hotel 81 / Value Chain / Fragrance.) ;)
Yes, just like a country stockpiling strategic reserves of commodities and weapon, I do 'stockpile' some ready accommodation at various times for my "cheonging" pursuit. If there is a lull i.e. no girls, I would sometimes make use of it as a makeshift office or a resting point. Currently my strategic stockpile is down to zero. And the bad news is that rents are steadily going up.
(Any property experts care to do a Mistress Love Nest Index? I am sure you know where the "hot locations" are!)
2) Those that frequent mummyless KTV knows that sometimes the girls in trying to persuade you to take their tai often promises you a lot. (And they almost always obscure from you the actual number of tai they have)*.
But after landing you as a tai, there is almost always a failure to deliver the service to your expectation. For me, their propositioning of you is sometimes more fun than the Tai itself (especially for places like BS ... which I have not been for quite some time! Quite missed it.)
* You can see sometimes see the "actual" number of tais these girls have by looking at their hands. Quite a lot of them write the room number(s) on the wrists-palm. Alternatively, they will key in your room number on their handphone. Too long a number - macham calling overseas or many single doube digits under the call lists gives a good indication of the number of actual tais they have.
What I am saying above is that there may be a discrapency between what is promised and what is actually being delivered. Paying upfront commits you to her delivered service levels as there are practically no such thing as refunds.
By paying her in 'trenches', you can stop the deal halfway if the desired service delviery level is too far against your expectation. You effectively have a "cut loss" option. (And a psychological weapon to compel her to buck up - especially if the 'service lags' occur in between payments). :cool:
27-06-2009, 02:57 PM
Time management : These gal are hell good in managing their time in such game. They may engage not 1 but a possible 2 or even 3 at the same time. I find out my ex-gal still going out with others as late as 3am in the morning. Even the truth might not involve sex, but it left my imagination runs wild. Therefore personally I feel there is no exclusive in such arrangement no matter what amount is being offered. As a gauge, I spend over $6000 per month.
Unless we take the stand of just enjoying the moment being together and discard the rest of what she will be doing (behind your back).
Hi Ventu,
For "over $6, 000 a month", you should have been accorded you better treatment. As I do not have a context of your mistressing experience, I will just pen down two points for now.
1) Is the arrangement made in the context of a girlfriend or Mistress scenario (refer to my 2 earlier post)?
I suspect that it is likely to be the former arrangement i.e. girlfriend (with allowance) and that you did not take the steps to convert her to a mistress despite giving her a mistress like retainer fee.
I will elaborate more on this later, including what Masterstrokes are needed to convert a girlfriend to a mistress.
Notice that I have made qualifying remarks throughout when I talked about my experience / arrangement with XH. She is technically not a mistress per se. Its more like a hybraid arrangement with some elements of "Patronage" in it.
2) Your $6, 000 will not be enough if your 'mistress' is an Ang Pai (or even a semi Ang Pai) or if she has high consumption / consumerism habits. As such, there is a need for her to develop alternative 'income' channels to feed the habit. This is a practical and logical thing to do - and one which I myself will do if the roles are reversed.
Think of money in a mistressing context like this: It is not the sum of money that is important here. It is the use of money (regardless of amount) in enforcing and consolidating your power status in your relationship with her.
The corollary of the poor use/execution of "money as leverage" is that the 'mistress' will always stretch the limits of your tolerance. The more they can get away with it the better.
3) I will talk more about it later, but the typical reaction of the Singapore male is all wrong when handling the above scenario.
a) Never meekly submit nor play the 'hurt' man.
In getting your mistress to execute your desires, you do NOT ever seek her understanding (in the vain hope that she will be sympathize with you, feel kinda bad and then be somehow emotionally blackmailed into compromising with you). It never ever works this way!
b) Also Never get worked up and all riled up - to use anger as way to enforce the mistress desired behaviour.
The "My way or the highway" threats are very dispowering - especially if not backed up by deed!
Calm, factual and rational tone that underlies the seriousness of your intention is best. Follow up on the relevant "punitive measures" - there must be one. But never of the "throw the baby along with the bathwater" variety such as immediately ending the mistress patronage! (Or you will be missing a hellva good opportunity to take your relationship at the next level.)
3) In addition, there are some intangible factors at play too for such a behaviour. It should be obvious that you have not met her emotional needs at some level hence her need to seek others. You did not provide the "crutch".
4) Will talk about "Time Management" - the Patron's and the Mistress a little later.
So Ventu, recognise any of these observations in your relationship? Care to share and elaborate on your experience? There may be several learning points that can benefit us all.
27-06-2009, 06:07 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
Let me share some of my experiences in BY..
Identity : You cannot trust what you see on their passport.......................
Time management : These gal are hell good in managing their time in such game. They may engage not 1 but a possible 2 or even 3 at the same time.........................................
Or I should say, if I could have acquire 10% of the bro justime skill set.. I probably would have better managed it.
Hi bro ventu22,
Thx for sharing ur experiences...
Hi Warbird.................................
Personally, I am not too concern with age per se. I go with looks (beauty). I had some lau chio stunners who are absolutely gorgeous and wild in bed. .................................................. .......
(One important Test whether your prospect is girl-friend or Mistress is your ability to assert and articulate the service you expect or want. If you cannot do this step – you pursuit is in a girl friend mode! And expect a “girlfriend” type of service!) :rolleyes:
Warbird, I see your point about letting her run KTV (just like I did with XH) especially if under time constraint. You must however be prepared to let her go. XH and JJ are obvious potential – they will defintely be ‘propositioned’ sooner or later. But unless a huge money is used as lures, I am confident XH will continue our little arrangement for quite some time yet as I did quite a good job of creating a crutch mentality in her.
Oh yah, I hope you do not pay all money upfront. .......................... And accommodation is one way you can use to ‘control’ your mistress......
Hi bro justime,
Thx so much for ur guidance n suggestions. I'm truly indebted to u.
JJ wasn't feeling well today, probably due to drinking too much alcohol last night. She suggested meeting tmr to discuss abt ur "arrangement." Unfortunately, I wont be free until next weekend. I'm going to propose that her BY will begin in the 2nd half of next month when I'll hv more free time. She would stop running KTV (which she detests anyway). The arrangement could be renewed if our 感情 is good n if she could extend her stay in SGP. I'll also provide her w/ accommodation, not too far from where I reside. I'll pay her at the end of every wk.
Yeah, I shouldn't worry if she is 24 or 29 bcos I'm an old chi ko pek. She is quite a classy looker who happens to be very tall n sexy.
My 1st BY was a failure. I was treating the gal like a GF w/ monthly allowance n I didn't spell out the services she would provide. And I tried to please her...after I spent a good 30 minutes giving her multiple orgasms w/ my fingers n tongue, she merely opened her legs a bit wider n expected me to enter her in the missionary position. By then I was exhausted n my didi was completely limp...
What I really want is a mistress who can service me...after all, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Hi Ventu,
.................................................. ........
The corollary of the poor use/execution of "money as leverage" is that the 'mistress' will always stretch the limits of your tolerance. The more they can get away with it the better.
3) I will talk more about it later, but the typical reaction of the Singapore male is all wrong when handling the above scenario.
a) Never meekly submit nor play the 'hurt' man.
In getting your mistress to execute your desires, you do NOT ever seek her understanding (in the vain hope that she will be sympathize with you, feel kinda bad and then be somehow emotionally blackmailed into compromising with you). It never ever works this way!
b) Also Never get worked up and all riled up - to use anger as way to enforce the mistress desired behaviour.
The "My way or the highway" threats are very dispowering - especially if not backed up by deed!
Calm, factual and rational tone that underlies the seriousness of your intention is best. Follow up on the relevant "punitive measures" - there must be one. But never of the "throw the baby along with the bathwater" variety such as immediately ending the mistress patronage! (Or you will be missing a hellva good opportunity to take your relationship at the next level.)
3) In addition, there are some intangible factors at play too for such a behaviour. It should be obvious that you have not met her emotional needs at some level hence her need to seek others. You did not provide the "crutch".
Hi bro justime,
Fantastic advice!
One day after dinner, I had some disagreement w/ the gal n she said she won't go to hotel that night as originally planned, but asked me to meet her in a few days!?@#%...I was so upset that I ended my patronage right there!
I need to hv much better emotional discipline, hahaha.
Thx n hv a great day!
27-06-2009, 09:17 PM
My 1st BY was a failure. I was treating the gal like a GF w/ monthly allowance n I didn't spell out the services she would provide. And I tried to please her...after I spent a good 30 minutes giving her multiple orgasms w/ my fingers n tongue, she merely opened her legs a bit wider n expected me to enter her in the missionary position. By then I was exhausted n my didi was completely limp...
What I really want is a mistress who can service me...after all, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Bro Warbird, sorry for laughing sir, but I find it very funny. I want to wish you all the best with JJ. Keep continue with your story. I am very interested to know more and to learn from you and Bro Justime.
Best thread ever!
28-06-2009, 09:47 AM
My 1st BY was a failure. I was treating the gal like a GF w/ monthly allowance n I didn't spell out the services she would provide. And I tried to please her...after I spent a good 30 minutes giving her multiple orgasms w/ my fingers n tongue, she merely opened her legs a bit wider n expected me to enter her in the missionary position. By then I was exhausted n my didi was completely limp...
What I really want is a mistress who can service me...after all, he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Bro Warbird, sorry for laughing sir, but I find it very funny. I want to wish you all the best with JJ. Keep continue with your story. I am very interested to know more and to learn from you and Bro Justime.
Best thread ever!
Hi Anson:
Thanks for the support. Yes, I too enjoyed Bro Warbird’s sharing very much.
By the way, it is purely speculative but are you a regular visitor to International Plaza? I say this because when I ‘vocalized’ your nick – it sounded like “Anson de Sauna”.
Hi Warbird:
Great anecdote! As mentioned to Anson, I enjoyed it very much. Do you have more to share?
I believe a hearty congratulation is due your way. You have done everything right so far. Hopefully such incidents with your first BY are a thing of the past. (I will guide you along the way if you need me.)
I am now looking forward to you being a orchestral conductor, with JJ bobbing her head to the tune and the swing of your baton! Make beautiful music! (Innuendo in there somewhere).
1) I noticed that there is a ‘lag’ time (due to YOUR busy schedule - again good as you call the shots) before she ‘officially’ takes up position as your mistress. You might want to use this time for her to get a medical check up.
2) Now that you are on the verge of a Mistress based (as opposed to Girlfriend based) relationship, let me share with you some “benefits” by disclosing some fetishes that I and my brothers indulge.
I shall start ‘small’. I will share with you, bit by bit, the wilder and more radical kink elements as your relationship progresses.
BTW, brothers who are not in a Mistress based relationship can also try this:
Mistress Game 01: “Chocolatey fun”
This is useful game to indulge in - especially early on the relationship. (In fact I can say that is actually part of ‘creating a crutch mentality’ as it is quite a bonding and intimate experience).
My Secret recipe: Using a bottle of ‘Nutella’ (you may want to dilute it with milk or water) use a slow heat until it has a nice and googy constituency. Throw in some chillis in the mix (yes, chillis!) for some hellva nice flavouring. Add/sprinkle mint leaves to give it a nice colour and additional flavour.
Now the game is structured along ice breaker / getting to know you better basis. You want to discover each other’s erogenous zones early on.
Make sure that your chocolate mixture is just slightly warm, apply it on your gal’s body where you think is the most sensitive and lap it up by licking it off her body. Ask her if this is correct. And then get her to point out her parts that “she” thinks will get her off the most.( By the way, a lot of women don’t know where their erogenous zones are).
Now you do the same for yourself. Apply my chocolate mix on areas that gives you the most kick.
Experiment on other parts of your body. You will be surprised to discover a little more about yourself this way.
Now that you know her erogenous zones, it gives you an added advantage when it comes to pleasuring her!
Only one dis-advantage with this game for me:. Play it too much and you will gain weight!
Enjoy! :D
28-06-2009, 09:58 AM
Hello Brother [justime],
Although I am new to this forum, I have read all the pages in this discussion thread.
I congratulate you on your generosity, taking the time to share and if I may submit, to educate your fellow men, as well as your excellent command of the English language.
As I am happily married to my first wife, who is caring, loving and lovely, unfortunately, I am not into "mistressing." However, your posts are logical, practical, and make interesting reading.
I am at a quandary: Not sure if readers would like details pertaining to the Mistress Masterstroke #2 or just a cursory overview. Mistress Masterstroke #2 is rather long and can be long winded. By providing too many details, it would certainly bog down the pace of the narrative and might even bore some as it can be quite dry (as most “instructional” literatures invariably are).
So instead of providing detailed Method of Instruction, I will leave “bullet points”. I am sure many of the readers can fill in the lacunas (“missing bits”) to elaborate on this Masterstroke themselves.
1) Like, any business, Cash flow is important. Mike would make the booking for the night – but know this: he charges Xin2 booking through the credit card instead of paying cash to Xin2. There will invariably be delays of a few days before Xin2 is actually paid. (As an aside: Kabuki KTV –under the old management - is the slowest paymaster of them all. Sometimes taking up to two weeks! )
Without seeing cash in her hands, psychologically Xin2 is affected and a sense of desperation prevails on a subconscious level. Xin2 will be thinking how come she works so hard but does not see money in her hands. At the back of their minds, WLs are generally fearful of being caught and repatriated. If this happens, they believe that they will lose out on what they painstakingly earned.
2) Mike needs to eliminate the competition. Booking Xin2 day after day is not only a monumental effort but also sounds needy. You lose the respect of the Mistress prospect. Yet, you do not want any other gentleman coming along and scuttle your efforts by also offering retainership.
What Mike does is to offer Xin2 tips through the mummy (the minimum $150 to $200 applies). Mike would instruct the mummy to get Xin2 to sit with any business associates and friends of his that the Mummy recognised – at his cost. Mike is a classy guy. In addition to the complimentary bottle of cognac, he offers his friends and associate Xin2’s company together in the arrangement!! :rolleyes:
It is an incredible Masterstroke, for not only would you business prospects be appreciative of that gesture (Impressive is for Mike not being here but yet still takes care of his business associates!).
Xin2 also foolishly thinks that Mike trusts her with an important job of taking care of his customers. In her reckoning, Mike is a good man. He gets and refers to her customers everyday. Mike esteem goes up in her eyes. What Xin2 does not recognise is that Mike is preventing her from building a customer base -even in his absence. The minimum amount of money offered for booking also serves to limit her income ceiling.
For added variety, instead of booking Xin2 for the whole session for him or his friends, he just call Xin2 to sit them i.e. Xin2 can continue to run tables. He makes this arrangement early, and tips her only $50 (remember that it is his intention to curtail her income potential).
Why? It is because once you sit a table, the WL is likely to not accept bookings. All the more so if she knows that her regular customer, Mike, is relying on her to take care of his esteemed guests. Xin2 also knows that she cannot leave Mike’s guest for too long an extended period unaccompanied. This limits the number of tables that Xin2 can run as she thinks that she cannot let down the thoughtful Mike who is her apparent benefactor.
3) Should Mike decide to leave early, he will always offer additional $50 to Xin2 to continue taking care of his friends who are still there (Hua and Jus are a stay long-long type of guest! ;)) – effectively this an extension to the booking.
Note that all these actions and bookings averagely cost $6, 000 per month ($200 per day for 30 days to simplify things). And then note that Mike offers her $8, 000 per month on retainer. You can see how compelling it makes for Xin2 to accept Mike's proposition from a financial point of view!!!
4) *To reiterate: Xin2 going rate is $200 for Fridays and Saturdays and $150 for the other days. Mike hardly pays premium on this. He does however occasionally adds tips to make the situation seem natural! His aim is to limit her income capacity by depriving her time and capacity to seek out new prospects and build a steady customer base.
Its a truism most seasoned cheongster can understand: familiarity breeds contempt. :eek:Sitting with regular for only a short while usually yields the same amount of tips (or even more as "gan qing"/rapport is established). Its therefore to a lady's financial advantage to secure as many regulars as possible. Mike's action is to slow down the process of "regular clientele building" or eliminate them together from Xin2 in order to make it more compelling to accept a retainer.
(Masterstroke #2 to be continued)
28-06-2009, 04:17 PM
Hi Anson:
Thanks for the support. Yes, I too enjoyed Bro Warbird’s sharing very much.
By the way, it is purely speculative but are you a regular visitor to International Plaza? I say this because when I ‘vocalized’ your nick – it sounded like “Anson de Sauna”.
Hi Bro Justime, u r very clever n observation. I'm shocked tat u can guess how cum I got my nick. Few yrs back, I regular in Anson de Sauna bcos I fall in love with one of the WL there. It make me broken hearted. If only u hv write yur thread earlier but better late than never.
I learn alot fr yur adv n help. 谢谢你! n pls keep writing, it wl save ple like me many heart ache n learn empowerment wh i hope I can use in my relationship. Can I aso be yur 徒弟? :p
28-06-2009, 09:37 PM
Bro Warbird, sorry for laughing sir, but I find it very funny.... Keep continue with your story. I am very interested to know more and to learn from you and Bro Justime.
Best thread ever!
Hi bro,
It's regrettable that my first BY was such a failure. I really liked the gal very much n it took me 8 months (although I was overseas 60-70% of the time) to bed her. I'm her 1st ever BAO-er n she is my 1st ever BAO-ee.
Let me continue the story.....when I asked her to wake up my didi, she just gripped it firmly which caused a bit of pain. No BJ bcos she had never done it before. I then frenched her which helped my didi to stiffen. I completed the FJ in the missionary position. She refused cowgal or doggie. On standing up I felt significant pain in the low back...which persisted for almost a wk! And I later discovered a 1cm laceration on the shaft pf my didi which required antiseptic for 4-5 days to heal! The injury was caused by her long finger nails.
Hi Anson:
Thanks for the support. Yes, I too enjoyed Bro Warbird’s sharing very much.
Hi Warbird:
Great anecdote! As mentioned to Anson, I enjoyed it very much. Do you have more to share?
I believe a hearty congratulation is due your way. You have done everything right so far. Hopefully such incidents with your first BY are a thing of the past. (I will guide you along the way if you need me.)
I am now looking forward to you being a orchestral conductor, with JJ bobbing her head to the tune and the swing of your baton! Make beautiful music! (Innuendo in there somewhere).
I shall start ‘small’. I will share with you, bit by bit, the wilder and more radical kink elements as your relationship progresses.
BTW, brothers who are not in a Mistress based relationship can also try this:
Mistress Game 01: “Chocolatey fun”
Experiment on other parts of your body. You will be surprised to discover a little more about yourself this way.
Now that you know her erogenous zones, it gives you an added advantage when it comes to pleasuring her!
Only one dis-advantage with this game for me:. Play it too much and you will gain weight!
Enjoy! :D
Hi bro justime,
You're indeed a consummate master in the game of BY!! I wish u had published this thread a month earlier!
Your Mistress Game 01 is quite an eye opener for a novice like me. I must catch up w/ lost time! 我以前都是白活的!
I'm happy to report that JJ n I hv reached total agreement as to the terms of BY. Due to my circumstances n time constraints, the RS will begin on 13 July for half a month, until 29 of July when she leaves for China. I guess extension would be optional.
She has also consented to having a medical exam n blood tests (I'll pay the cost). Should I get her a private doc or just send her to DSC Clinic?
In the meantime, I suggest that she work at DC as I could intro some frens/mummies to help her. She is not interested bcos she doesn't enjoy running KTV, she says. She adds that should I change my mind, be sure to tell her early for she may just return to China. I hv promised to give her a good time....;)
Thx again bro.
Good night!
29-06-2009, 01:30 PM
Hi bro justime,
You're indeed a consummate master in the game of BY!! I wish u had published this thread a month earlier!
Your Mistress Game 01 is quite an eye opener for a novice like me. I must catch up w/ lost time! 我以前都是白活的!
I'm happy to report that JJ n I hv reached total agreement as to the terms of BY. Due to my circumstances n time constraints, the RS will begin on 13 July for half a month, until 29 of July when she leaves for China. I guess extension would be optional.
She has also consented to having a medical exam n blood tests (I'll pay the cost). Should I get her a private doc or just send her to DSC Clinic?
In the meantime, I suggest that she work at DC as I could intro some frens/mummies to help her. She is not interested bcos she doesn't enjoy running KTV, she says. She adds that should I change my mind, be sure to tell her early for she may just return to China. I hv promised to give her a good time....;)
Thx again bro.
Good night!
Hi Warbird,
1) For the Mistress Game #1, you might want to consider bringing on the works (seeing that it is YOUR first time trying it out too). Go for a slightly romantic ambience a little by bringing on scented candles and champagne (goes very well with my chocolate concoction I might add!).
2) It should be obvious here that you should not too enamored that you begin to invest in a whole lot of emotions (I gathered from your posting that you are quite an experienced “womanizer” so I need not talk more about it at this stage!).
Also take note that a significant majority of Chinese mei mei is unaccustomed to such a special treatment. It may jolly well develop into a too strong crutch mentality that may well be manifested into being “sticky”. Again, do not worry about it now. Enjoy the moment when it comes. (And I can tell you it is indeed a very sweet moment – even after trying it out so many times, I still have a kick out of the “chocolatey fun” now).
I will definitely share with you on how to handle both of these situations when it arises.
2) I think now that you may be beginning to see and experienced first hand the point that I am trying to communicate: mainly it is so much easier to introduce ‘kink’ elements in the sex when it is a mistress based relationship (vis-à-vis girl-friend based one). Yes brother, I have more games to share in the course of this thread – some of which (especially by Hua) can veer off the mainstream by quite a bit!
3) I cannot really comment on whether private doc or DSC clinic is better as I have never utilized the services of the DSC. It has always been private for me. I know that it is stereotypical but I have the impression that places like DSC has a long waiting time (from waiting to consult docs to getting the results etc). I may be wrong here – perhaps any brothers with experience care to enlighten?
29-06-2009, 02:54 PM
Update of Reality Blog
1) Terrence and Xin2
At last, things are starting to warm up a little with regards to the story development. The saga now plods along after a long period of inertia.
I have finally found some time to call Xin2 to enquire on her well being. What I have learnt from the conversation is that:
a) Xin2 has indicated to me that she might take up Terrence’s offer (she has not told Terrence yet and is waiting for Terrence to make the first move). She half jokingly told me to ask Terrence on her behalf and that if Terrence is not interested, I should be her Patron.
(Just like many of us, PRC mei mei too likes to create options for herself – even when in a Patron, boyfriend or spousal relationship. It’s a natural and logical thing to do. What a smart partner and/or patron must do is actually create a false illusion in the mei mei range of options i.e. non viable options that appear ‘realistic’ to her mind. So that when she actually does exercise the so called options, she will invariably fail. And it usually leads to her swallowing her pride and come back to you – empowering you tremendously. More about this later!)
b) Xin2 tried to run tables at Jade, Amani and Dongmen and finds it tiring (but of course!) and an alien experience after being away from the scene for 'so long'. I mentioned to her that she was operating on a mummy system the last time and that pushing doors to prospect for a tai might not suit her temperament as she is generally the non agressive sort. In order to thrive in this surrounding, she has to stretch her and learn to be agressive!
(Some readers may recall that I had suggested the mummy-less system for Xin2 the last time. I just knew that Xin2 is not able to cope in such an environment and will be thus more receptive toward Terrence's offer.)
c) She has also moved out of the apartment at Sims and is now staying with a friend (she told me about her new place but I have forgotten it)
2) Warbird & JJ
For your convenience I shall quote Warbird’s latest report/post on the situation:
I'm happy to report that JJ n I hv reached total agreement as to the terms of BY. Due to my circumstances n time constraints, the RS will begin on 13 July for half a month, until 29 of July when she leaves for China. I guess extension would be optional.
In the meantime, I suggest that she work at DC as I could intro some frens/mummies to help her. She is not interested bcos she doesn't enjoy running KTV, she says. She adds that should I change my mind, be sure to tell her early for she may just return to China. I hv promised to give her a good time....;)
3) Jus and XH
Not being too meticulous or calculative, but I think I have crossed the ten times fuck session that make the $1500 monthly “retainer/allowance/fee” worth it. (see my earlier post!)
It is still going on very well in terms with Love Wayangs and sex (quantity if not quality presently). In fact, XH hardly going out to run KTV anymore. She seems to be always at home when I called. ANd when its work time, its no longer at Amani/Dong Men anymore but at one of the joints at Selegie/Peace Centre!
By the way, despite the throes of lovey and dovey expressions by XH, I had actually wanted her to get off her ‘lazy ass’ and to work more as I have got other damsels* and work matters to take care of. In addition, I also don't want the situation whereby she realises at the end of the month her 'meagre' takings and start cajoling me for more allowance!
(*Will post who these are later in this thread. It should be obvious that XH is not the only one that I have on my sexual plate :rolleyes:)
XH is also getting a little bit more adventurous when it comes to sex. I requested that she put on a skirt without any underwear last night just in case we get randy and want to try it at a public place. She puts on a white micro mini skirt without any panties. I am sure some people must have gotten a couple of free shows as I can clearly see her pubes when she is getting on and off my car. (And no, we did not "do it" at a public place that nite as I wanted to catch the show "The Tonight Show - with Conan O'brien)
All in all, mostly favourable developments for all the would be Patrons in the reality blog. Cheers!
29-06-2009, 09:10 PM
Hi Warbird,
1) For the Mistress Game #1, you might want to consider bringing on the works (seeing that it is YOUR first time trying it out too). Go for a slightly romantic ambience a little by bringing on scented candles and champagne (goes very well with my chocolate concoction I might add!).
2) It should be obvious here that you should not too enamored that you begin to invest in a whole lot of emotions (I gathered from your posting that you are quite an experienced “womanizer” so I need not talk more about it at this stage!).
.................................................. ............
Hi bro justime,
Thx for ur guidance.
Actually I'm not very experienced. The day after I abruptly ended my patronage w/ my 1st BY, I started thinking abt her...:( It took me a few wks to forget her. She is young, tall, slim n very pretty...
Update of Reality Blog
.................................................. .........
Not being too meticulous or calculative, but I think I have crossed the ten times fuck session that make the $1500 monthly “retainer/allowance/fee” worth it. (see my earlier post!)
It is still going on very well in terms with Love Wayangs and sex (quantity if not quality presently). In fact, XH hardly going out to run KTV anymore. She seems to be always at home when I called. ANd when its work time, its no longer at Amani/Dong Men anymore but at one of the joints at Selegie/Peace Centre!
By the way, despite the throes of lovey and dovey expressions by XH, I had actually wanted her to get off her ‘lazy ass’ and to work more as I have got other damsels* and work matters to take care of. In addition, I also don't want the situation whereby she realises at the end of the month her 'meagre' takings and start cajoling me for more allowance!
(*Will post who these are later in this thread. It should be obvious that XH is not the only one that I have on my sexual plate :rolleyes:)
XH is also getting a little bit more adventurous when it comes to sex. I requested that she put on a skirt without any underwear last night just in case we get randy and want to try it at a public place. She puts on a white micro mini skirt without any panties. I am sure some people must have gotten a couple of free shows as I can clearly see her pubes when she is getting on and off my car. (And no, we did not "do it" at a public place that nite as I wanted to catch the show "The Tonight Show - with Conan O'brien)
.................................................. ...
Hi bro,
You're amazingly adept in this game. You must be very charming, perhaps relatively young n handsome as well.
What do u do if they fall for u?
Have u ever BY-ed more than one gal at a time?
Thx n good night!
29-06-2009, 10:52 PM
You're amazingly adept in this game. You must be very charming, perhaps relatively young n handsome as well.
What do u do if they fall for u?
Have u ever BY-ed more than one gal at a time?
Thx n good night!
Hi Warbird,
Remember in my earlier thread I mentioned that in order to be more 'objective' one needs to "tell it as it is" without fear of people looking down on you or deem you a "hao lian" (braggart)? Well this is an appropriate moment where I have to live up to my own credo.
1) I am only "relatively" young (when compared with the other members of the Mistress brotherhood). Only Terrence share the same decade with me - the forties!
2) Okay, I concede that I can be rather charming in the eyes of some girls. Not because I am blessed with good genetics but because I present myself rather well. I know how to maximize what I have (or lack of) and accentuate the positives.
I will endeavour to meet up with you sometime in July when you back so that you can literally "see" what I mean. I will even share some secrets of mine!
3) Just a snapshot of my 'cheonging' history and experience. I have been exposed to the KTV/Nite Club scene since my early twenties (more than two decades!). It is my dad who took me there as he showed me the ropes on how to entertain prospective clients. Yup, I am a "sao yeh" of sorts – I am groomed to take over my family business.
(I will also share in the course of this thread the many challenges I faced and how come I possess the “skill set” that I now have. It is literally forged from living life, making massive mistakes and learning and then later profiting from it.
I sincerely believe that I can save a lot of heartache and pain for patient readers by showing them the pitfalls to avoid and the shortcuts to experience sexual fulfillment.
As this skill-set is holistic in nature, it will rub onto other aspects of your life. Hence this skill can be translated as a life (and lifestyle) guide as well.
I know that this can be done because I myself have been guided by mentors and have personally field ‘tested’ the validity of its principles against my own personal life experiences.
4) Yes, I think you have guessed correctly. In fact I am now BY more than one damsel currently. (I don’t count XH as a mistress per se!).
One is in Thailand (two years now) and the other one is PRC national (ex waitress) here. I also have a ‘regular’ girl friend (who knows and more or less accepts my philandering ways – but still occasionally gets upset about it :rolleyes: ).
5) And now, in the spirit of sharing I talk about, I shall disclose one super secret: my nutritional supplement. This is not the usual ones which most readers know of* like tonkat Ali, ginseng etc….
And by the way, this is not ‘advertising’ at all: I got no monetary incentive whatsoever from this disclosure and recommendation. In fact I may run the risk of this being out of stock should word get round quickly and brothers start to buy it.
The product is “Tribestan” (As far as I know, you can only get it in KK hospital pharmacy). It is recommended by a sexual specialist friend of mine. I field tested it and feel that it not only it enhances the libido but gives you energy and virility too! (Usual disclaimer applies: it may or may not have the same effect on you!).
* I also take other supplements such as Nitric Oxide, Chinese herbs etc …. but the others are all the usual ‘suspects’ and commonly known ones.
30-06-2009, 09:13 AM
The product is “Tribestan” (As far as I know, you can only get it in KK hospital pharmacy). It is recommended by a sexual specialist friend of mine. I field tested it and feel that it not only it enhances the libido but gives you energy and virility too! (Usual disclaimer applies: it may or may not have the same effect on you!).
* I also take other supplements such as Nitric Oxide, Chinese herbs etc …. but the others are all the usual ‘suspects’ and commonly known ones.
Thought I just like to clarify that the "sexual specialist" is medical specialist- urology, sexual and reproductive health are his area of domain specialisation. First met him when my ex-wife and me is trying to conceive. (Thank god its not to be!)
30-06-2009, 10:39 AM
Thought I just like to clarify that the "sexual specialist" is medical specialist- urology, sexual and reproductive health are his area of domain specialisation. First met him when my ex-wife and me is trying to conceive. (Thank god its not to be!)
Originally Posted by justime
The product is “Tribestan” (As far as I know, you can only get it in KK hospital pharmacy). It is recommended by a sexual specialist friend of mine. I field tested it and feel that it not only it enhances the libido but gives you energy and virility too! (Usual disclaimer applies: it may or may not have the same effect on you!).
* I also take other supplements such as Nitric Oxide, Chinese herbs etc …. but the others are all the usual ‘suspects’ and commonly known ones.
## ## ##
Nitric Oxide??
30-06-2009, 04:30 PM
Hi Warbird,
Remember in my earlier thread I mentioned that in order to be more 'objective' one needs to "tell it as it is" without fear of people looking down on you or deem you a "hao lian" (braggart)?..................
1) I am only "relatively" young (when compared with the other members of the Mistress brotherhood). Only Terrence share the same decade with me - the forties!
2) Okay, I concede that I can be rather charming in the eyes of some girls. Not because I am blessed with good genetics but because I present myself rather well....
I will endeavour to meet up with you sometime in July when you back so that you can literally "see" what I mean. I will even share some secrets of mine!
3) Just a snapshot of my 'cheonging' history and experience. I have been exposed to the KTV/Nite Club scene since my early twenties (more than two decades!).....I am groomed to take over my family business.
(I will also share in the course of this thread the many challenges I faced and how come I possess the “skill set” that I now have. It is literally forged from living life, making massive mistakes and learning and then later profiting from it.
I sincerely believe that I can save a lot of heartache and pain for patient readers by showing them the pitfalls to avoid and the shortcuts to experience sexual fulfillment.
As this skill-set is holistic in nature, it will rub onto other aspects of your life. Hence this skill can be translated as a life (and lifestyle) guide as well.
4) Yes, I think you have guessed correctly. In fact I am now BY more than one damsel currently. (I don’t count XH as a mistress per se!)................
5) And now, in the spirit of sharing I talk about, I shall disclose one super secret: my nutritional supplement. This is not the usual ones which most readers know of* like tonkat Ali, ginseng etc…............................
The product is “Tribestan” (As far as I know, you can only get it in KK hospital pharmacy). It is recommended by a sexual specialist friend of mine.............................................. ...........
* I also take other supplements such as Nitric Oxide, Chinese herbs etc …. but the others are all the usual ‘suspects’ and commonly known ones.
Hi bro justime,
I appreciate the frank disclosure of ur background n experiences. You hao lian? Quite the opposite. I suspect that u hv actually understated ur high social status n consummate skills as a seducer.
When I showed JJ ur HP no, her eyes lit up n she said...oh, he is...I can see that she likes u, hahaha. Unfortunately, she is stuck w/ an old chi ko pek like me.:o Dun worry I'll take good care of her. Sometimes life is unfair: If I only had 20% of ur charm n charisma, 10% of ur physique n 5% of ur money....;) My experience is also laughable as my first visit to a KTV was Sep last yr.:(
Now u all know why I'm working overtime to develop my positive body language n fearless attitude n become an overconfident bastard. Otherwise, I wont hv any chance at all, hehehe.
BTW, I'll look into this product called Tribestan, thx.
Good day!
Originally Posted by justime
The product is “Tribestan” (As far as I know, you can only get it in KK hospital pharmacy). It is recommended by a sexual specialist friend of mine.
* I also take other supplements such as Nitric Oxide, Chinese herbs etc …. but the others are all the usual ‘suspects’ and commonly known ones.
## ## ##
Nitric Oxide??
Hi bro,
What bro justime meant is that he is taking supplements n herbs which boost the production of nitric oxide in his penile blood vessels...;)
30-06-2009, 09:26 PM
...Sometimes life is unfair: If I only had 20% of ur charm n charisma, 10% of ur physique n 5% of ur money....;) My experience is also laughable as my first visit to a KTV was Sep last yr.:(
What bro justime meant is that he is taking supplements n herbs which boost the production of nitric oxide in his penile blood vessels...;)
Hi Warbird, you are much too kind, way way too kind ... but 5% of my money??? With 5% of my money, you can't even afford to BY a 45 year old WL from Deskar Road ...granny droopy tits and all! :)
Thanks for the helping to clarify about "Nitric Oxide". Its exactly what I meant. I don't want to plug too much about specific brands in this thread so I intentionally left it vague (too vague I guess - apologies!).
For those brothers interested to find out about "Nitric Oxide", do Google it, you will find loads interesting informatioin there. And you can get a lot of Nitric Oxide based supplements right here in Singapore OTC (Over The Counter).
01-07-2009, 02:09 AM
Reality Blog Update: Terrence and Xin2 …. “that’s what friends are for” (Part 1):
Readers of this thread will undoubtedly know that Bog updates sometimes move slowly. The Real Time in Real Life as opposed to television viewing ‘reality’ often does not run on scheduling timetable requirement. So why does this Reality Blog come in so quickly after my earlier update? It is because of another unexpected and unprecedented development and has now taken a soap opera like complexion in the story arc.
(This happened on Tuesday June 30 around 1 pm)
Take a read back if you have forgotten the story and issues of the Terrence & Xin2 reality blog. It tells in real-life / ‘real-time’ story of Mistress transferring activities among friends (and the attendant ‘ethical’ issues involved).
After nearly a fortnight of not having everyone present at same table, the entire members of the ‘Mistress Brother’ finally came together today for lunch cum tête-à-tête (commonly known here as “liao tian” or TCSS) session at a Chinese restaurant.
After discussing the economy and some business specifics, the topic invariably came to sex and girls.
Jus, as per the earlier reality blog, then told his brothers about Xin2 asking him to communicate to Terrence about her purported acceptance of his offer. Jus also brought in the fact that Xin2 had jokingly mentioned that he should replace Terrence should Terrence not take up the offer.
Terrence reaction surprised Jus. Instead of feeling affronted or even slighted at Xin2 suggestion, he commends that it is indeed a good idea. Terrence mentioned that he did not approach Xin2 to follow up on his proposal because he is actually busy ‘mistressing’ another girl from Macau KTV. In addition, he is also inundated with work after coming back from the Middle East. (I have purportedly met this girl but the impression I have of this “Macau KTV” girl is vague).
Jus replied that he is cash strapped and have little bandwidth and stamina due to his latest “acquisition” of XH.
Now comes the interesting bit: Terrence then offers to pay half of the $6, 000 retainer fee for Jus to temporarily take custody of Xin2 until he has more time in his hand- estimated to be one to two months.
Mike joined in the fray by proffering to top up an additional $1, 500 and Hua later re-joined to provide further $1, 000 subsidies for this ‘venture’. In effect, Jus now needs to only ‘chute’ a token $500 monthly for him “enjoy” Xin2’s exclusive company for a period of time (of about one to two months).
Knowing Jus occasional penchant to use football analogy, they mentioned that it is like players on loan to another club with Terrence still holding the players rights and the recipient club paying the salary. (Andriy Shevchenko).
Implicit in the deal is that they reckoned that I would “train” her so that Terrence would reap a greater benefit later when my custody period ends.
Please note that this discussion is not made under a high pressured business scenario but rather in the informal context of friends persuading another.
(To be continued ...)
01-07-2009, 02:13 AM
Reality Blog Update: Terrence & Xin2: "That's What Friends Are For!" (Part 2)
I have to admit that I was a little surprised at the turn of event. Also I was a tempted on some level at the very compelling offer. Xin2 is definitely very pleasant to the eye and has a generally demure personality (as evinced by her acceptance of Mike’s decision to end the relationship and her leaving of his apartment without undue fuss). Yet there is an underlying “wild and adventurous” streak about her. And dam, her skin is silky smooth …
Other points they made to compel me to accept this “once in a life-time offer:
1) I am young man (of course … relative to them) and that I should reward myself at their expense. The Elders giving to Junior a special treat. They put it that I must subsidized Mistress as it is a “gift” from friends and to refuse is tantamount to not respecting the intent and friendship behind the gesture..
Remember that I am the only one amongst them who has the most qualms over such a transfer. (Hua’s reservations on the issue are only minimal at best. And even then in this instance, he is actively inveigling me for my acceptance).
2) To my objections that Xin2 may not want to be treated like a chattel, they actually made a call to Xin2 (on speaker phone) in everybody’s presence (we had lunch in a private room) and repeated this ‘indecent proposal’.
Xin2 accepted it without hesitation. She even added for not to delay and to start tomorrow if possible.
(I was quite at a lost for words during the call. A commingling of different emotions had swept me during the call that rendered me a relative mute:
Surprised (at the offer – caught me off guard),
A little stirring of the lusty loins (in Sexpecations of a good screw … dam that is one smooth skin she got),
Flattered (that Xin2 ‘like’ me to certain degree),
Honored and touched that my friends would gift me this little present
Confused (over the ethical issues)
Afraid (of the implications that might affect our friendship)
3) Mike also tried to playfully use emotional blackmail by using such psychological tactics as presenting Xin2 a ‘second hand good’ from him and that how come I can accept other gals that other men touched but not one that is touched by him.
This tactic did not work on me of course. I twisted around to say that if Xin2 so sticky that Mike has to ‘release’ her, why then foist this “burden” on me.
4) All three mentioned that by accepting temporary ownership, I am doing Terrence a favour as it will prevent other people from BY Xin2 in the interim. (“Come on, you are actually doing a favour for a friend and have fun doing it in the process – a perfect win-win scenario)
5) Terrence also reiterated that Xin2 Going through my “training” actually makes it better for himself. I do the “hard” work and he enjoys the spoils. I weakly replied that Mike had already trained her. But I was told that my methods are superior and that my stamina is better as I was younger. (Note that use of “older”/being more senior can be twisted to an advantage!)
6) Terrence also mentioned that if I get too attached to Xin2 subsequently, he will back off and let me have her. We all know Terrence style, always go for quickie relationships.
We need not talk about whether the subsidy still applies. It is understood that I will have to carry on the burden of finance myself if this situation happens.
There was no decision made during this lunch. It seem funny that a blog about Terrence and Xin2 had transmogrified into one about me.
At the time of writing this blog, I feel that I will most likely decline the offer although a part of me is seriously tempted to take it up. (Even as I write this, I can feel my little pecker down below screaming to “take the bladdy offer!” …dam that flawless porcelain skin!)
I invite your views please!
01-07-2009, 09:22 AM
I invite your views please!
I can understand the situation and the conflicts you are in. There are some degree of uncertainty surrounding this proposal. What if Terence backs out eventually when the time is up? What if Xin2 prefers to be with you than Terence? What if......and so on
If I can remember correctly, don't forget that the S$6,000 agreement is between Terence and Xin2, and it is not your agreement as per se.
I would propose, instead of dwelling too much on this whether to accept or not this once in a lifetime offer, that you think of another alternative without having your friends to sponsor the retainership. Do it on your own, perhaps having to negotiate with Xin2 on a separate agreement. However, it might be too late now, given the fact that the current proposal was put across to Xin2 via the telephone conversation.
Take it as a challenge to get her on your own. :) I doubt that you will fail. Don't forget Xin2 had already indicated that she took an interest in you, and you can exploit this to see if this interest will allow you have her based on your terms and conditions.
My 2 cents worth. :)
01-07-2009, 11:30 AM
Hi Warbird, you are much too kind, way way too kind ... but 5% of my money??? With 5% of my money, you can't even afford to BY a 45 year old WL from Deskar Road ...granny droopy tits and all! :)
Thanks for the helping to clarify about "Nitric Oxide"...
Hi bro justime,
You do hv a sense of humor, hahaha. And I must also add humility to ur long list of attractive traits...
Reality Blog Update: Terrence and Xin2 …. “that’s what friends are for” (Part 1):
Readers of this thread will undoubtedly know that Bog updates sometimes move slowly....
(This happened on Tuesday June 30 around 1 pm)
Take a read back if you have forgotten the story and issues of the Terrence & Xin2 reality blog. It tells in real-life / ‘real-time’ story of Mistress transferring activities among friends (and the attendant ‘ethical’ issues involved).
After nearly a fortnight of not having everyone present at same table, the entire members of the ‘Mistress Brother’ finally came together today for lunch cum tête-à-tête (commonly known here as “liao tian” or TCSS) session at a Chinese restaurant.
After discussing the economy and some business specifics, the topic invariably came to sex and girls....
Knowing Jus occasional penchant to use football analogy, they mentioned that it is like players on loan to another club with Terrence still holding the players rights and the recipient club paying the salary. (Andriy Shevchenko).
Implicit in the deal is that they reckoned that I would “train” her so that Terrence would reap a greater benefit later when my custody period ends.
Please note that this discussion is not made under a high pressured business scenario but rather in the informal context of friends persuading another.
(To be continued ...)
Reality Blog Update: Terrence & Xin2: "That's What Friends Are For!" (Part 2)
I have to admit that I was a little surprised at the turn of event. Also I was a tempted on some level at the very compelling offer. Xin2 is definitely very pleasant to the eye and has a generally demure personality (as evinced by her acceptance of Mike’s decision to end the relationship and her leaving of his apartment without undue fuss). Yet there is an underlying “wild and adventurous” streak about her. And dam, her skin is silky smooth …
Other points they made to compel me to accept this “once in a life-time offer:
At the time of writing this blog, I feel that I will most likely decline the offer although a part of me is seriously tempted to take it up. (Even as I write this, I can feel my little pecker down below screaming to “take the bladdy offer!” …dam that flawless porcelain skin!)
I invite your views please!
Hi bro justime,
I think u should accept the generous offer for the "transfer" of Xin2 to be ur mistress. It should be a win-win-win situation for all parties. You will need to take more supplements to boost ur nitric oxide production though...:D
Good day!
01-07-2009, 12:30 PM
//// A Small Announcement ////////
There might a a short lull in terms of my contribution to this thread for about 6 days starting from tomorrow. I need to fly urgently to Hong Kong for a business negotiation and then followed by a couple of days R&R at Macau (where I will inevitably contribute to Venetian's coffers again - yet to win even a single cent at that dam place!).
Anyway, I shall get my Thai mistress, Paeng (Thai for "powder") to keep me company in my Macau sojourn. (Been nearly three months since I last met her).
In my 'absence', please do keep the thread going if you can. Continue with questions, comments and personal stories. I really love to hear from you guys. I promise to 'catch up' on each and every posting made during my absence (and provide any relevant feedback/views) when I get back.
Cheers! :cool:
01-07-2009, 07:44 PM
//// A Small Announcement ////////
There might a a short lull in terms of my contribution to this thread for about 6 days starting from tomorrow. I need to fly urgently to Hong Kong for a business negotiation and then followed by a couple of days R&R at Macau (where I will inevitably contribute to Venetian's coffers again - yet to win even a single cent at that dam place!).
Anyway, I shall get my Thai mistress, Paeng (Thai for "powder") to keep me company in my Macau sojourn. (Been nearly three months since I last met her).
In my 'absence', please do keep the thread going if you can. Continue with questions, comments and personal stories. I really love to hear from you guys. I promise to 'catch up' on each and every posting made during my absence (and provide any relevant feedback/views) when I get back.
Cheers! :cool:
Hi bro justime,
Have a safe trip! Enjoy urself!!
My mistress-to-be JJ asks for some earnest money bcos she is worried that I may be too busy to BY her. I'll arrange to give her a deposit AFTER we spend a few hrs in a safe locale, hehehe. She says she is just waiting for me as she dislikes running KTVs n is not interested in going to DC or other joints for the next 12 days.
My questions for bro justime:
1) Do u let ur mistress know that u r still hunting n/or bonking other gals?
2) When u go to KTVs, do u bring her along sometimes? Actually, she could be an ally in convincing other chio gals that u r a good man who will take care of them.;)
3) Do u try to KC her?
4) What do u do if she falls for u?
Thx n good night!
04-07-2009, 05:34 PM
Hi bro justime,
I like to express my sincere thx to u for intro JJ.
The other day I met her n gave her some earnest money. In return I took the oppty to consummate the deal.:D
She is a beautiful young woman! She is wearing very little makeup n after looking carefully at her fair smooth skin around her eyes n eyelids, I'm now sure that she is indeed 24 as stated in the passport. She is 173 w/o shoes, has natural c boobs n good figure. Small bony frame n small hands n feet for her height. She is responsive, very wet n tight, hehehe. She does hv a few small pimples on the cheeks though.
My problem now is to find suitable accommodation for her.
Have a great time in HK/Macau!
07-07-2009, 01:09 AM
My questions for bro justime:
1) Do u let ur mistress know that u r still hunting n/or bonking other gals?
2) When u go to KTVs, do u bring her along sometimes? Actually, she could be an ally in convincing other chio gals that u r a good man who will take care of them.;)
3) Do u try to KC her?
4) What do u do if she falls for u?
Hi Warbird, wanted to frame this reply before my trip but was in rush.
Not sure if the questions you asked is still germane to your present circumstance but I feel that the issues you raised is ‘timeless’ in many aspects so I will just present a condensed version in the interest of brothers who are interested to learn more about Art of BY.
At any rate, Warbird, you are now (or soon to be) operating with new knowledge and concepts on BY wherein you will be a Patron rather than simply just a boyfriend.
Whatever the outcome, I think that you have already come up on top in many levels vis-à-vis your last experience.
So without any further ado,
1) It frankly does not matter in a Patron based arrangement whether you tell it to your mistress or not. You should be empowered to tell her if you want or obscure the fact if you so choose.
I myself choose to disclose the fact about me seeing other woman according to my whims and fancy. I told Paeng (my Thai mistress) about all my other women, while I only told my PRC that I have two girl friends (without letting her on that I have Paeng on retainer!
Note however the above advice must be weighted in accordance to own unique situation and context of your relationship.
So based on the information you gave me:
a) It seems that JJ is the insecure type. Perhaps you should NOT tell her about the other women (that you might be seeing) for the time being until your relationship settles a little.
In addition, you too will be journeying as a Patron for the first time – and you will discover a lot of interesting things to do that you really might not have the time or inclination to look for alternative (at least in the early throes of your romance with JJ)
2) Yes, another women if the perfect ‘wingman’ or wing person to convince other girls of your desirability. However, I note that you have already another person (as in your “Picking Up girls Outside of KTV thread) so this point is moot presently.
You can however use JJ or your other girl (CC?) for your buddies. We will thank you for it!
3) & 4) No worries about KC and/or JJ falling for you. In fact it would be desirous for her to do to fall insanely in love with you (at least initially) as it will add a lot to the Love Wanyang element (lovey dovey) in the relationship.
Don’t worry about future. I will share with you the techniques to disengaged the relationship with the minimal hurt and inconvenience to all parties.
For now, I would just like to highlight to you that in the course of human interactions, there will always be a natural ebb and flow in the intensity of emotions between one another. You simply use the period of ‘ebb’ to break off a relationship. And the timing, ‘ebb’ and event(s) can be orchestrated by you – I’ll show you how to do so in due time!
Hi bro justime,
I like to express my sincere thx to u for intro JJ.
The other day I met her n gave her some earnest money. In return I took the oppty to consummate the deal.:D
She is a beautiful young woman! She is wearing very little makeup n after looking carefully at her fair smooth skin around her eyes n eyelids, I'm now sure that she is indeed 24 as stated in the passport. She is 173 w/o shoes, has natural c boobs n good figure. Small bony frame n small hands n feet for her height. She is responsive, very wet n tight, hehehe. She does hv a few small pimples on the cheeks though.
My problem now is to find suitable accommodation for her.
Have a great time in HK/Macau!
1) It is indeed my pleasure to introduce JJ to you. I am glad that you have taken action – that is the most important thing. Also you must know that I am not the ‘dog in the manger’ type – keep for myself even when I don’t have the bandwidth to handle additional ‘responsibilities’. Also I only introduce someone that I myself would take without hesitation.
JJ certainly has the potential to be a dazzling diamond (I am sure that is quite obvious!). Applying the right grooming and poise onto JJ, you will certainly be an envy of many people.
2) I will talk a little about accommodation very soon. I have got several brothers here who are really enthralled with the concept of the Love Nest!
Meanwhile, you must continue with your effort to seek suitable accommodation. Thrust me for now – the Love Nest can add many dimensions to the relationship.
3) I had a wonderful time in Hong Kong Macau – some tears too! Paeng, my Thai mistress, actually proposed to me!
And I finally took HKD 5, 000 back from the Venetian by playing Blackjack. Token I know, but dam satisfying in lieu that I have never even won a cent there before.
4) No idea on Xin2 situation as I did not contact any of the principal players during my trip.
Cheers everyone! :cool:
ken li
07-07-2009, 01:47 PM
... I will share with you the techniques to disengaged the relationship with the minimal hurt and inconvenience to all parties.
2) I will talk a little about accommodation very soon. I have got several brothers here who are really enthralled with the concept of the Love Nest!
3) I had a wonderful time in Hong Kong Macau – some tears too! Paeng, my Thai mistress, actually proposed to me!
And I finally took HKD 5, 000 back from the Venetian by playing Blackjack.
Welcome back! HK/MC has always been a good playground for me. Glad you enjoyed yourself and made $$$!
Am waiting patiently for the disengagement segment of your lecture/tutorial.
Am also very interested in accomodation! :D
07-07-2009, 03:11 PM
Hi Warbird...............but I feel that the issues you raised is ‘timeless’ in many aspects so I will just present a condensed version in the interest of brothers who are interested to learn more about Art of BY.
At any rate, Warbird, you are now (or soon to be) operating with new knowledge and concepts on BY wherein you will be a Patron rather than simply just a boyfriend.
1) It frankly does not matter in a Patron based arrangement whether you tell it to your mistress or not....
I myself choose to disclose the fact about me seeing other woman according to my whims and fancy.....................................
So based on the information you gave me:
a) It seems that JJ is the insecure type. Perhaps you should NOT tell her about the other women (that you might be seeing) for the time being until your relationship settles a little.
In addition, you too will be journeying as a Patron for the first time – and you will discover a lot of interesting things to do that you really might not have the time or inclination to look for alternative (at least in the early throes of your romance with JJ)
2) Yes, another women if the perfect ‘wingman’ or wing person to convince other girls of your desirability....
You can however use JJ or your other girl (CC?) for your buddies. We will thank you for it!
3) & 4) No worries about KC and/or JJ falling for you. In fact it would be desirous for her to do to fall insanely in love with you (at least initially) as it will add a lot to the Love Wanyang element (lovey dovey) in the relationship.
Don’t worry about future. I will share with you the techniques to disengaged the relationship with the minimal hurt and inconvenience to all parties.
For now, I would just like to highlight to you that in the course of human interactions, there will always be a natural ebb and flow in the intensity of emotions between one another. You simply use the period of ‘ebb’ to break off a relationship. And the timing, ‘ebb’ and event(s) can be orchestrated by you – I’ll show you how to do so in due time!
1) It is indeed my pleasure to introduce JJ to you. I am glad that you have taken action – that is the most important thing. Also you must know that I am not the ‘dog in the manger’ type – keep for myself even when I don’t have the bandwidth to handle additional ‘responsibilities’. Also I only introduce someone that I myself would take without hesitation.
JJ certainly has the potential to be a dazzling diamond (I am sure that is quite obvious!). Applying the right grooming and poise onto JJ, you will certainly be an envy of many people.
2) I will talk a little about accommodation very soon. I have got several brothers here who are really enthralled with the concept of the Love Nest!
3) I had a wonderful time in Hong Kong Macau – some tears too! Paeng, my Thai mistress, actually proposed to me!
And I finally took HKD 5, 000 back from the Venetian by playing Blackjack. Token I know................................
4) No idea on Xin2 situation as I did not contact any of the principal players during my trip.
Hi bro justime,
Welcome back!!! Your wise advice n counsel r truly timeless.
I'm not sure if JJ is really insecure. She is smart, confident n poised...may be she is just playing a mind game w/ me...
Yes, she could be a valuable "wingwoman" for my KTV buddies, hahaha.
Although I'm a serious student of human psychology, NLP, love strategies, mind control, sex techniques, etc, n I'm becoming a fearless, "overconfident bastard," I dun for a minute believe JJ could possibly fall for an old chi ko pek like me. The time we will hv together is just too brief (she is leaving on 30 July). It would be a different ball game if only I had 10% of ur mojo, hehehe. But, give me 2 more months...who knows, bcos fact is stranger than fiction. After all, a gal falls in love w/ a man not for who he is, but for how he makes her feel (especially about herself).;)
Bro, u should take the offer from ur buddies n accept Xin2 as ur mistress, hehehe.:D
Finally, congrats on ur winning at blackjack. A win is a win...
07-07-2009, 08:50 PM
Anymore Masterstrokes to impart Justime. I am still trying to recover from my first failed attempt to BY.
07-07-2009, 11:15 PM
Accommodation Quick Pointers:
There seem to be quite an interest in the concept of the Love Nest that I talked about earlier. I thought it therefore expedient that I leave some quick pointers now before reverting to the main thrust of the thread as I know that some brothers are in the midst of setting up their own personal Love Nest.
1) For great sexual experience to happen: the girl(s), copulation activity, time, situation/context and place/venue are important variables. In general we seek to control all these variables so that you can take charge of your love life and define it in the terms of how you want it to be. (Paradox here: we even ‘plan’ for spontaneous fun!).
A Love Nest is useful because it allows you the biggest leverage to control these variables. It also confers you an “alpha” status like no other. In terms of giving you value for money, it is better than proffering her money directly, gift buying and subsidizing her rent outright.
Yes, from the context of my experience there is no better accommodation substitute than having your own personal Love Nest. And I have done them all: from having sex only in public/outdoors to long stays at service apartments!
Summary of place/venue/accommodation for sex:
a) Hotels/motels/service apartments are expensive options. Having the use of the entire house (plus a room for your personal living space) over the course of a month gives you more value in addition to being easier on the pocket.
Also in hotels & motels, you are in many ways limited by the range of “love equipment” that you might bring in and the type of copulation activity that you might engage in. (Will tell you what these Love Equipment are later)
b) To use your own place to accommodate your girlfriend/mistress limits the number of girls that you can have carnal relationship with simultaneously. Unless you have the financial wherewithal of the Mistress Brotherhood (except for Jus), most of us have only one house available.
Alternatively, you can have a harem like arrangement. This arrangement takes a little practice to successfully execute. I myself do not have direct experience with having all my mistresses living under one roof but Mike and Hua have done so.
c) When you are not the landlord (or main tenant) you have to abide the ‘rules of the house’ (sorry for that turn of phase – still in Casino mode presently!)
Your conjugal visits to your girlfriends/mistress house needs to be ‘scheduled’ around the other tenants’ and the Landlords’ timetables. I have gone to the ladies’ domicile countless times and I can tell you that a majority of them share a room with others and that most landlords prohibit male visitors to their premise.
d) For those living with parents etc, I suggest not to bring these lasses there at all. You don’t want them to know where you (or your loved ones stay). If the relationship sours for whatever reason, you will be putting them at risk. I have witnessed and even experienced first hand incredible scenes of PRC ladies going berserk when she is scorned or dumped.
At any rate, (for me at least), it will be awkward to say the least to be engaging in intercourse with the parents around.
(It’s a long time ago but I once had a “screamer” who is so loud during love making that it invited a knock on the door by my parents with the inevitable concerned “Are you alright?” Talk about libido and wood killer!).
In short, please grow up from being a teenager whereby you arrange for a tryst only when your parents or significant others are not in.
You are now a patron, whom the mistress is supposed looks up to. Be in control of your time when you want to indulge in carnal pleasures without the need to defer to anyone!
2) Assuming a budget Love Nest situation, please remember that in the cost sharing of the apartment, you are not only living with your mistress but also with your buddies (I call them co-landlords) and their mistress/girl friends as well.
I am incredibly fastidious about whom I choose to share my Love Nest with. I have two different groups of co-landlords for two different sets of apartment. This worked out to be one apartment for XH and one for GQ, my PRC ex –waitress mistress.
By the way, I am the one signing the main contract lease with the owner of the house but I did not tell either of one of my mistress about it, preferring to create a fictitious landlord in order to ascribed blame to the ‘landlord’ for any household rules that I want to introduce.
At present, I do not have any more excess capacity for additional Love Nest. Both in terms of rooms/apartment as well as the number of suitable people who is willing join in the Love Nest arrangement.
3) For my present Love Nests arrangement, my fellow co-landlords relationship arrangement with me is more than three years already. During this time, I have yet to experience a single problem with any of them. In fact, we got on so well, that one fella wanted to me to create another team of co-Landlords with me because he wanted to have another girl friend. Guess I inspired him with my lifestyle.
During these three years of budget accommodation, I even witnessed a ‘fairy tale’ wedding with members of my Love Nest - (not in scope and grandeur of the matrimonial ceremony but simply just for the fact that my co-landlord marrying a KTV WL. They move out to set a Love Nest of their own).
4) In general, tidy, easy going persons who are not terribly calculative are the best co-landlord partners. This principle is analogous to finding a good room mate.
One of my co-landlords, William is so easy going and generous here. He buys groceries for all at the household without any fuss whatsoever on whether other people chip in their share. He even stocks up toiletries (yes, even sanitary pads!) for common use. (For my part, I usually pay for utilities without asking the co-landlords to chip in (give and take)).
5) Possessive and jealous co-landlords are strictly no-no.
6) Always have some house rules. Make sure that you yourself can abide by this. Make the rules fair.
One of the rules we agree upon (the Love Nest where XH is staying presently) is that there should be no other male visitors except us!
I always ensure that all my co-landlords know the rules of engagement before I even rope them in project Love Nest.
7) It is generally more difficult to find a good co-landlord than girls etc. To this end, I am very patient and methodical about with finding suitable candidates whom I can share Project Love Nest with.
For my first effort, I actually started with only other person (and I absorbed a large proportion of the rent until I find another suitable person).
8) Collect on months rent from co-landlords in advance and/or always ensure timeliness in your paying your share of the rent.
9) Always check all records – from the girls to the co-landlords. Make sure that everything is in order.
(To be continued ..)
08-07-2009, 12:58 AM
Despite the heavy theorizing in this thread, I am pretty sure that most of you would have deduced by now that I am a firm advocate of “praxis”. Don’t believe what I write no matter how eloquent I sound. Theory must be validated against experience in order to make it meaningful and of use to you. Ultimately, there is NO substitute for direct experience.
That is why I am so profoundly glad that Bro Warbird actually utilizes what he learnt here and actually puts it against real life experience. I am confident that Bro Warbird will vindicate the concepts and theories of what I put forth. This is the best testimony and validation of the truism of what I write here. The pitfalls I mentioned and advice I give are gleaned the hard and expensive way. You can avoid this by learning from my experience.
Whether you are hesitant on BY or simply want to just empower yourself a little within the context of your present relationship - Just dive into it experientially.
Go for the ride and bear in mind the principles I mentioned. Apply the concepts and masterstrokes and you will see that your journey is so much more enjoyable. Test it – “rubber hits road” against your own experience. If you had a bad experience previously, all the better. You will plainly see the stark difference between what you have done wrong previously and the new improved approach you take in courting girls or BY.
With that in mind (experience as oppose to theory), I am introducing:
08-07-2009, 01:08 AM
I rushed out talking about accommodation instead of continuing on Masterstroke at this juncture because I know that some brothers are on the verge of setting out a Love Nest and don’t really know how to go about it. I know that it can sometimes be a challenge to find like minded persons to share costs (and enjoy benefit) for things such as Love Nest. It took me ages to find the people I want.
Now I want to take this practical approach a little further.
As a service and social experiment of sorts, I want to see whether I can get like minded brothers who intend or are in the process of setting up a Love Nest to come together and share cost. (I am presuming a budget version of the Love Nest)
I shall facilitate the setting up of a Love Nest for readers of this thread who are seriously contemplating it.
Obviously this is the first time I am using the internet as a modus operandi to set up a Love Nest. There will therefore be some kinks invariably in the execution of it.
As such, I suggest you take a “caveat emptor” approach when you buy into this proposition. I will NOT take any responsibility for the consequence at all for this venture. You are the adult, and the decision and responsibility to embark on this project is yours alone. I am merely helping out by expanding my time and effort (which in some commercial arrangement can be worth quite a fair bit!)
Some caveats:
i) This is a simple project that I thought of when writing my earlier post and in answering some PM that I received. Not much deliberation, ratiocinations and planning go into it. Hell, I am not even sure that I can get even one single person interested here!
ii) The Great Experiment basic aim is to find a pool of equally interested brothers there who is interested in setting up their personal Love Nest.
Please do so only when you have the financial means and are seriously interested in taking up the Project. Please remember that there is No such thing as look-see or even a maybe. If you hesitate, you are in the category of not interested. Look no further:
iii) For now, we work on a PM system basis, with me being the ‘exchange’ centre. Once you have decided that you are indeed interested, give me a PM. Once I have received your PM, I then assess your situation and will re-direct you to a specific e-mail address whereby you can send me all the relevant information as per below.
The general terms of the proposition are as follows.
Read carefully:
1) The Project will run for only ten days. It will end on 15 July 2009 midnight Singapore time.
2) The budget I set is an apartment of three rooms: about $800 per person per month for the normal room and $1100 for the master bedroom. All rooms are to be air conditioned.
For tenants/constituency mix, there will be three patrons living with one mistress each.
The location must be accessible to major KTV clusters – you should be familiar enough on where these are. Read this thread again carefully and/or go through this entire forum if need be.
As I am not a property agent or consultant, the above figure is only just a guesstimate. Be prepared to pay a little more.
2) The person who wants the Master bed rooms pays $1100. He also pays 40% of the utilities bills with the other two sharing the other 60% on a half and half basis (i.e. the other two co-landlords pay 30% of the bill each).
3) The period of commitment is tied with the lease arrangement. If you break up with your current squeeze, the onus is on you to find another one quickly because you will need to uphold your end of the accommodation arrangement.
4) Read carefully my budget Masterstroke regarding accommodation. Whether you do a co-sharing of rental with your mistress or with your girlfriend is immaterial. You must however communicate to her the purpose of this Love Nest explicitly. No prevarications putting on euphemisms about the accommodation. Tell it as it is- a private Hotel 81 among “friends”.
5) Be as objective and fair as possible regarding your character as well as your ‘significant other’. If you are a fuss pot, please look no further. We will be wasting each other time. Also look into your mistress’ character. If she is the difficult sort (with you the only one who can tolerate her), please do not even consider joining in this project.
6) At the outset, no visitors are allowed. Of course this rule can be amended once the actual co-landlords get together and define who can or can’t visit the Love Nest.
For me, I usually discriminate – only female visitors are allowed. No other males beyond that of the landlords to the Love Nest.
7) Please indicate in your PM whether you are willing to be the project leader for taking up the main lease with the actual owner. i.e. the main person who signs the lease agreement with owner and collects the rent from the other co-landlords. The project leader gets first refusal rights regarding the master bedroom.
Also give your maximum budget that you are willing to spend. Err on the side of being conservative in putting up your budget.
8) In the interest of transparency, I myself may be part of on the project* as co-landlord.
If that is the case, I will be the Project leader. I will also take up the master bedroom.
(* Depending on the Xin2 thingy or whether there is anyone else that come along during this Project phase).
I cannot confirm my participation now, but I will certainly help put parties together if there is sufficient interest out there. I also guarantee that I won’t “choose” co-landlords to favour myself. Whatever the outcome, I will share with all at every step of the way, about my participation in the project.
9) While I will help to match potential co-landlords, the onus is entirely up to the team members to make it work.
As a favour however, I can meet everyone on the team and give my own personal briefing on the expectations of a Love Nest and how to make it work.
The above favour should not be misconstrued that I will definitely do so. I am quite a busy person and cannot 100% commit that I can give you this time.
10) This is a social experiment of sorts – it’s the first time I use this internet platform to try and organize a Love Nest. Things may and will likely go wrong. I am not responsible whatsoever with the consequence with regards to the Great Experiment.
11) In order to make for as perfect match as possible, please share with me (through the special email address I will give you via PM) as much details as possible with regards to yourself and your girlfriend and mistress.
I promise that what you send remains with me**. Be absolutely candid. I have seen and experienced a lot of different things, your circumstances will likely NOT to surprise me at all!
**(I give you my word that NO disclosures about your personal information and story will be leaked out from my end. You have to take this on faith here. Intuit. Read through my thread again to get a flavour on what I stand for.)
12) I have no personal gain from this Great Experiment except for the psychic satisfaction that I helped someone in creating joie de vivre in his life (the Joy of living).
13) As I cannot ascertain on the authenticity of the information I receive. My role is just to put interested co-landlords together and hopefully a great friendship is forged among the like minded*** co-landlords of the Love Nest.
***(Like minded as in believes that you should always be empowered in your “love” relationship with girlfriends or mistress. Ideally, all roomies are on a Patron based mistress (or lease aspiring to be one!)
14) The choice in the use of property agents and/or third party agencies is strictly between prospective co-landlords. I have no role in it. In fact, in the interest of being transparent I will NOT recommend any third party to the group.
15) I invite comments and feedback on this. Finding co-landlords via this modus operandi is my first time too!
Okay, Let’s see how this Great Experiment 1: Project Love Nest shapes out!
08-07-2009, 07:46 AM
Anymore Masterstrokes to impart Justime. I am still trying to recover from my first failed attempt to BY.
Hi Koreanlover, the answer to your questions is yes - there are actually quite a fair bit of Masterstrokes that I have not touched on and will impart in due course. I do apologise for the plodding pace of Masterstroke 2. It will be finished soon I promise.
Anyway Koreanlover, the other concepts which I talked are not a distraction from the Masterstrokes. It is actually the philosophical underpinnings that support the Masterstrokes. It is equally important to know them well as the Masterstrokes itself. In essence you should look at BY as an integrated whole (and holistically). With the starting point always asking yourself this question: "How am I empowered if I do this (course of action)?".
I know about heart breaks and the pain of separation – I am a divorcee and the in the course of my life time, I think that I have gone through at least one hundred failed relationships – long and short. Some of which I was the initiator while other times I was unceremoniously dumped because she found a better prospect or simply find me a pain in the proverbial ass.
However, know this for a fact; the curious thing about the latter situation (of me being dumped) is becoming rather rare in the last several years. It is indeed ironical because even if I was involuntarily dumped I have the necessary coping mechanism to handle it. The last time I was “hurt” it took me a whole of three days to get over it! (Now I can’t even remember how she looked like except that she had big tits and large pinkish areolas ….hell I can’t even remember whether she had straight or curly hair).
It is not that I am certainly more desirable physically – how can it be? I am much older and I have had no enhancements done. But it is because of my change in attitude and life paradigm. I managed to empower myself tremendously in the last couple of years. In essence and substance what I had done is to create options and choice in my life – which I had not done so previously. Yes, Choice as to even how should I be feeling under different life circumstances. (Will share all these strategies in due course – please be patient)
Koreanlover, I will not trivialize your emotional pain and use hard talk like: “Get over it…. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger” (Friedrich Nietzche) etc when I don’t know the full context of your relationship. What I do know however is that time is a great healer. And an empowering life strategy greatly accelerates the healing process – not only in the relationship per se but also other disappointments that the very act of living a life will bring.
ken li
08-07-2009, 09:57 AM
[/QUOTE=justime;3900234]Despite the heavy theorizing in this thread, I am pretty sure that most of you would have deduced by now that I am a firm advocate of “praxis”. Don’t believe what I write no matter how eloquent I sound. Theory must be validated against experience in order to make it meaningful and of use to you. Ultimately, there is NO substitute for direct experience.[/QUOTE]
Bro Justtime, I would like to extend to you sincere thanks for your effort and time in this thread. Also perhaps encouragement.
Reading through your thread has indeed enlightened me on aspects of the BY/patronage/mistressing relationship I have missed before. To be totally honest, one of the biggest pointers to me from your thread has been the concept of empowerment. When I engaged in BY in the past, I never thought very much about this. I remember years ago when a potential target of mine wanted a new mobile phone, she asked me to get her one and I did (bloody model she wanted just happened to be f***ing pricey), not thinking at all about who was calling the shots. I learnt from that occasion (& a few others) that simply giving the target what she wants, when she wants it, does not mean you will get anything. Ouch! I was probably a target to her! Duh! Even after bedding her, it did not mean I got more out of it because I was simply not in much control of the dynamics.
Your theme on calling the shots puts many things in perspective. It really is not a "make her happy operation". Its a "make ME happy operation".
While I think I have matured a bit from those stupid days (and grown older in the process) (I no longer have qualms about telling any prospective mistress to get lost should they give me any nonsense), your thread has validated my own observations.
So, Great Thread! Please keep it coming!
08-07-2009, 06:34 PM
Bro Justtime, I would like to extend to you sincere thanks for your effort and time in this thread. Also perhaps encouragement.
Reading through your thread has indeed enlightened me on aspects of the BY/patronage/mistressing relationship I have missed before. To be totally honest, one of the biggest pointers to me from your thread has been the concept of empowerment.
I learnt from that occasion (& a few others) that simply giving the target what she wants, when she wants it, does not mean you will get anything. Ouch! I was probably a target to her! Duh! Even after bedding her, it did not mean I got more out of it because I was simply not in much control of the dynamics.
Your theme on calling the shots puts many things in perspective. It really is not a "make her happy operation". Its a "make ME happy operation".
Hi Ken, its great to see a post like that!
It is indeed quite a validation for me that my efforts are not in vain!
I also like the way you sumed things up: It really is not a "make her happy operation". Its a "make ME happy operation".
Perhaps in addition to asking yourself whether a course of action empowers me, we can also ask ourselves whether it ME happy!
Your anecdote about mobile phone also has a ring (pardon the pun) of familiarity about it. I am sure that many brothers during their course of cheonging have encounter this proposition at some point.
Some quick pointers about mobile phones as gifts:
1) Buying that phone will not give you that extra credit. Gifts (especially one that she requests) cannot buy her appreciation nor make that perfunctory sex any better.
2) Also note that she will make the same request to many other brothers simultaneously in the hope that at least one person would accede to her request (or demands).
If more than one Uninformed Robert bites, she will simply sell it to one of her friends and pockets the cash. (Note the inordinate number of times a KTV WL changed mobile phones vis-a-vis the general population!)
3) Another pschological trick that these damsels like to employ is when they thank you for the mobile phone gift, she will make it sound as if she is doing you a favour by accepting your gift (and by implication not from others who also offers her the same).
This gesture is the KTV WL's "masterstroke". They create the impression that they are heavily in demand (thus raising her perceived value in your eyes).
You will also be blind sided into thinking that you are special in her life. Hence you are predisposed to give even more (in order to continue enjoy that 'exclusive' special feeling).
I hate to break your bubble, but its very disempowering for you. It will actually harm your esteem in her eyes and reduce you to nothing more than a mere "shake money tree" that she can exploit. And any sex arising from her show of appreciation for the gifts is defintely perfunctory (and can never reach a high estasy for yourself or her). Might as well go for a Short Time - where the gf fantasy element can sometimes be better!
Now that you know ... please don't be that Uninformed Robert who is being exploited!
4) I have long been fascinated whether the girls themselves are aware of the inherent trickery and the psychological intricacies involved in such manipulation.
If they are aware, then they are in essence immoral. If unaware, then a case can be presented that they are simply amoral. They do what works because they are 'taught', socialised and programed for such strategy - without taking into consideration the larger "moral" consequences.
(For social science practioneers, I used the intensive interview and questioning as well as participant obsevation to get "my answer")
So which is it?
Keep you in suspense for a while before telling you my findings ...... :)
08-07-2009, 08:35 PM
Reality Blog:
Xin2 & Terrence:
- Issue of the day: Mistress Exchange between friends Page 1 / Post 1
- Terrence’s First Offer: Page 1 / Post 14
- Historical (Mike with Xin2): Page 2 / Post 18
- Reality Update (Terrence on Middle East Biz Trip): Page 2 / Post 25
- Reality Blog Update (Terrence Back from Middle East) Page 3/ Post 44
- Update Xin2 intends to take up Terrence’s offer (Page 11/Post 153)
- That’s what friends are for – Jus offered to try out Xin2 as a Mistress (Page 11 / Post 160- 161)
Jus & XH
- Introduction (Page 6 / Post 89)
- Strategy used to engage XH – in narrative format (Page 9 / Post 122)
- Pantyless night out (Page 11/ Post 153)
Warbird & JJ
- Warbird’s First Failed BY experience: Narration, Analysis & Reply
(Page 5 / Post 63 – 68, Post 72 – 73), (Page 10 / Post 151)
- First Meeting with JJ (Page 7 / Post 102)
- Correct Initial Approach for JJ (Page 7 / Post 105)
- Virtual Mentoring (Page 8 / Post 106 – Post 107)
- Update (JJ Malaysia Trip) (Page 8 / Post 116)
- Advise on Baoying JJ (Page 9 / Post 121)
- Negotiation of Terms with JJ (Page 10 / Post 138)
- Girlfriend based vs Patron based Mistressing (Page 10 / Post 143)
Mistress Masterstroke 1: Manipulation via Gifts
- The Psychological Reasoning behind the Manipulation via Gifts (Page 2/ Post 19 & 21)
- Mike’s application of Masterstroke 1 with Xin2. (Page 2 / Post 26)
Mistress Masterstroke 2: Ruthless step of limiting a target’s income potential & Developing a Crutch Mentality.
- Introduction: (Page 2 / Post 28)
- Limiting Target’s Income Potential: Bullet Points (Page 3 / Post 34)
- Creating a Crutch Mentality: Enervate the target and make her work conditions tough: The Use of Alcohol (Page 3 / Post 37)
- Elaboration on what a Crutch Mentality is (the principles behind the Masterstroke) (Page 6 / Post 83 – 84
- “Using the Wuss” method (Page 6 / Post 85 – Post 86)
- Crutch Mentality and Animal Farm: Cutting Off the Mother Hen (Page 6 / Post 88)
- Cutting off the Mother Hen (Con’t) (Page 9 / Post 131)
Budget Masterstroke
- Budget Masterstroke Tips #1: Building a Love Nest on a cost sharing basis (Page 6 / Post 89)
- Love Nest Opportunity: Rip off at Sims Place (Page 7 / Post 98)
Masterstroke Tit-Bit
- Masterstroke Tit-Bit 1: Identity of Referral (Page 8 / Post 118)
- Masterstroke Tit Bit 2: Broaching the Subject of Bao Ying (Page 8 / Post 119)
- Masterstroke Tit Bit 3: Strategy used to engage XH (Page 9 / Post 122)
Mistressing Game
Mistressing Game # 1: Chocolatey Fun (Page 10 / Post 147, Page 11/Post 152)
Uninformed Robert / Girl Friend Based Mistress vis-à-vis Patron based Mistress
- Casual introduction of Girl Friend Based Mistress (Page 3 / Post 39)
- Uninformed Robert (previously known as Dumb Fuck Robert) – “Romanticize” relationship (Page 3 / Post 43)
- Illustration of an Uninformed Robert – William (Page 3 / Post 51)
- Practical application of a Patron base relationship (Page 10 / Post 143)
- Money and Mistressing Ventu’s case study (Page 10 / Post 145)
Thinking / Business Tool:
- “It’s Bladdy Obvious” (Page 4 / Post 58)
- “It’s Bladdy Obvious” – continuation (Page 5 / Post 63 – Post 64)
- Success Traits (Page 9 / Post 133)
Book Review:
- “Pilot’s wife” (Page 9 / Post 128)
Accommodation and the Setting up of a Love Nest
- Quick pointers, why a Love Nest is the best option for sexual fun (Page 12/Post 171)
- Great Experiment1: Project Love Nest (Page 12/Post 172-Post 173)
- Mobile Phones (Page 12 / Post 176)
08-07-2009, 08:42 PM
Hi Ken, its great to see a post like that!
It is indeed quite a validation for me that my efforts are not in vain!
I also like the way you sumed things up: It really is not a "make her happy operation". Its a "make ME happy operation".
Perhaps in addition to asking yourself whether a course of action empowers me, we can also ask ourselves whether it ME happy!
Your anecdote about mobile phone also has a ring (pardon the pun) of familiarity about it. I am sure that many brothers during their course of cheonging have encounter this proposition at some point.
Some quick pointers about mobile phones as gifts:
1) Buying that phone will not give you that extra credit. Gifts (especially one that she requests) cannot buy her appreciation nor make that perfunctory sex any better.
2) Also note that she will make the same request to many other brothers simultaneously in the hope that at least one person would accede to her request (or demands).
If more than one Uninformed Robert bites, she will simply sell it to one of her friends and pockets the cash. (Note the inordinate number of times a KTV WL changed mobile phones vis-a-vis the general population!)
3) Another pschological trick that these damsels like to employ is when they thank you for the mobile phone gift, she will make it sound as if she is doing you a favour by accepting your gift (and by implication not from others who also offers her the same).
This gesture is the KTV WL's "masterstroke". They create the impression that they are heavily in demand (thus raising her perceived value in your eyes).
You will also be blind sided into thinking that you are special in her life. Hence you are predisposed to give even more (in order to continue enjoy that 'exclusive' special feeling).
I hate to break your bubble, but its very disempowering for you. It will actually harm your esteem in her eyes and reduce you to nothing more than a mere "shake money tree" that she can exploit. And any sex arising from her show of appreciation for the gifts is defintely perfunctory (and can never reach a high estasy for yourself or her). Might as well go for a Short Time - where the gf fantasy element can sometimes be better!
Now that you know ... please don't be that Uninformed Robert who is being exploited!
4) I have long been fascinated whether the girls themselves are aware of the inherent trickery and the psychological intricacies involved in such manipulation.
If they are aware, then they are in essence immoral. If unaware, then a case can be presented that they are simply amoral. They do what works because they are 'taught', socialised and programed for such strategy - without taking into consideration the larger "moral" consequences.
(For social science practioneers, I used the intensive interview and questioning as well as participant obsevation to get "my answer")
So which is it?
Keep you in suspense for a while before telling you my findings ...... :)
Hi bro justime,
Thx!! I shall always ask "How am I empowered if I do this (course of action)?"
Now I also know we must never accede to a gal's request for any gifts. Instead, we should use them to reward extraordinary services at our sole discretion.
If BY-ing is a "make me happy operation," does that mean I shouldn't try to give pleasure to the gal? I hv found it to be physically tiring n taxing even when I follow David Shade's best sex techniques.
08-07-2009, 09:29 PM
Hi Justime,
In case you are interested to be strong and virile to a ripe old age, you could try the hunter-gatherer diet.... full of science.
| (
I also found a local version:-
09-07-2009, 01:00 AM
Yes indeed I am still hurt by my first attempt. Its been five days since I confronted her and told her I will not see her and I am missing her - I even dreamt of her last night !
I should have discovered this thread months ago. To be honest, I am a self taught cassanova with Singapore girls but a total amateur in the the field and dynamics of BYing a KTV girl. I have tried to apply the cold-and-hot with little success. Each "bedding" exercise was successful and I have reached the point that she accepts me paying her less than her initial desired rate. That was what prompted me to BY her - with the hope that with a so called stable and predictable flow of BY "income", she could make me her almighty patron.
One interesting point to note was that when I made my offer to her, she kept saying "too little" instead of saying an outright No. I guessed thats the technique for fishing for more. When it came to the decision time, she did not even have the cheek to SMS me in reply. That really pissed me off and I chided her for being impolite. Well the thought of upping more offer did struck me at that time, but remembering some of the theories learnt in these lessons from bro Justime, I literally told her to "- - c- off". I was chiding her for her dis-respect in not responding to me rather than the fact of not accepting my terms.
Talking about handphone, I guess she is no different. She asked for me ages ago from me and I took literally months to buy her one. She even had to downgrade herself asking for the latest-and-greatest phone to the one that will allow her to make a phone call and simple SMS. In her simple words "I dont want complicated phone just any model will do" after my months of not wanting to get her one. Was she testing me ? I really dont know but what I did was to get her a fairly average phone. What I meant is that it is just another phone and not a showy model. But what the heck ! After getting the phone, she told me its not attractive enough and user-interface of the phone is crap. She has certainly changed tact when she said "any phone will do". It is obvious that I am not willing to change the phone for her and will remain so.
The phone lesson is a good one to learn from. You as the so called "Patron" should determine what she gets and not what she would think she likes to get. One should adopt "I decide what you deserves" attitude.
Anyway, having said all these. I still miss her very much. Should I continue my cold war and call her ? Damn ! The sex was good. And I have seen her cry and confess her liking for me. Could be another show.
These are conflicting thoughts going round my head.
I do have another new target and hopefully this will help me divert my attention away from "my first love".
09-07-2009, 03:34 AM
If BY-ing is a "make me happy operation," does that mean I shouldn't try to give pleasure to the gal? I hv found it to be physically tiring n taxing even when I follow David Shade's best sex techniques.
Hi Warbird, no need to take this literally. Happy here is construed as a state of being joyous and the feeling of contentment. You are internally satisfied that you have gotten a fair deal (or better yet – a good deal in your BY venture). You are glad that you are in an empowered position and that you cannot be bullied or ‘inveigled’ into submitting to her whims. Instead she has to cater to your whims!
I shall craft my next response carefully with regards to “giving pleasure to the girls” as it can tread on some sensitive toes. I can expect some 'disagreements' over the general purport as to what I write here as my argument can go against some apparant 'truisms' are very much in grained.
This being said, do try to be open minded and think through my points:
1) First you should not even bother to “try”. Let your natural instincts take over. You should not be fixated over pleasuring her as it paradoxically puts pressure, stress and anxiety onto yourself. And this very anxiety will in turn ironically diminish your sexual performance.
To put it bluntly in another way, she is there to satisfy you and not vice versa. You tell her what you want, and she has to find within her means to deliver on your request.
2) Second, (now this is rather controversial), the idea of pleasuring a woman lie in the feminist indoctrination of sexual liberation. Women now accept that sex can be pleasurable in itself and not merely as a means for procreation.
Once this idea of women as a sexual being is generally taken as a truism, men foolishly take it one step further to their detriment. They placed it upon themselves to prove their masculinity by linking the sex act of bringing a woman into orgasm / satisfaction as an affirmation of their manhood. This is actually not good for the psyche as it is essentially a manifestation of a fragile ego.
And a fragile ego will emasculate you as it robs you of your confidence (which is by far the sexiest attribute that a man can have)
3) In general, women response to sex involves more than the physical. It is the confluence of the mental and psychological context that sets up the arousal reaction for them. (Read a Harlequin or Mills and Boons novel vis-à-vis Penthouse / Sammyboy forum to sense the differentiation).
In other words, what I am suggesting here that its not where and how to touch that is important into bring her into heighten state of arousal, but rather in how you bring her into a sexual context that will trigger the biggest response.
Of course, I am not dismissing the physical aspect. Too clumsy and “losing your way” on a woman’s physical terrain is one of the biggest turn-off ever for a woman. It shows you up as an inexperienced person (by implication cannot provide for her well being and hence undesirable).
So guys, you must know the minimum “technique” (which sadly many don’t) and be comfortable and confident with yourself and your body image. There is really no need to obsess about mastering the entire rituals of the Karma Sutra or even engage in transcendent sex.
4) I will not go too much into sexual technique per se – there are some excellent threads in the excellent Sammyboy forum. Search and look out for it.
For me personally, the axiom that mind the sexiest organ (the top head) rings very true. I had women discharging copious fluids by her giving me a blow job the way I want it (without me expanding any physical effort). I am a very lazy lover in terms of physical exertion but I know how to mouth things that I know would turn her on as she is performing fellatio on me.
Trust me on that, a lot of women get off by giving pleasure to a man. Sometimes to the throes of quivering orgasm even with only limited physical contact. This is especially so for a man whom they hold in high regard (such as a Patron).
Seen or know any fat bastard tycoons (that you just know don’t have the physical wherewithal for hot pulsating sex) and yet women confide that they are good lovers? It mind fuck – and woman cannot tell the difference simply because of their different paradigm in viewing sex.
Cheers Mate!
09-07-2009, 05:58 PM
Hi Warbird, no need to take this literally. Happy here is construed as a state of being joyous and the feeling of contentment. You are internally satisfied that you have gotten a fair deal (or better yet – a good deal in your BY venture). You are glad that you are in an empowered position and that you cannot be bullied or ‘inveigled’ into submitting to her whims. Instead she has to cater to your whims!
This being said, do try to be open minded and think through my points:
1) First you should not even bother to “try”. Let your natural instincts take over. You should not be fixated over pleasuring her as it paradoxically puts pressure, stress and anxiety onto yourself. And this very anxiety will in turn ironically diminish your sexual performance.
To put it bluntly in another way, she is there to satisfy you and not vice versa. You tell her what you want, and she has to find within her means to deliver on your request.
2) Second, (now this is rather controversial), the idea of pleasuring a woman lie in the feminist indoctrination of sexual liberation. Women now accept that sex can be pleasurable in itself and not merely as a means for procreation.
Once this idea of women as a sexual being is generally taken as a truism, men foolishly take it one step further to their detriment. They placed it upon themselves to prove their masculinity by linking the sex act of bringing a woman into orgasm / satisfaction as an affirmation of their manhood. This is actually not good for the psyche as it is essentially a manifestation of a fragile ego.
And a fragile ego will emasculate you as it robs you of your confidence (which is by far the sexiest attribute that a man can have)
3) In general, women response to sex involves more than the physical. It is the confluence of the mental and psychological context that sets up the arousal reaction for them. (Read a Harlequin or Mills and Boons novel vis-à-vis Penthouse / Sammyboy forum to sense the differentiation).
In other words, what I am suggesting here that its not where and how to touch that is important into bring her into heighten state of arousal, but rather in how you bring her into a sexual context that will trigger the biggest response.
Of course, I am not dismissing the physical aspect. Too clumsy and “losing your way” on a woman’s physical terrain is one of the biggest turn-off ever for a woman. It shows you up as an inexperienced person (by implication cannot provide for her well being and hence undesirable).
So guys, you must know the minimum “technique” (which sadly many don’t) and be comfortable and confident with yourself and your body image. There is really no need to obsess about mastering the entire rituals of the Karma Sutra or even engage in transcendent sex.
For me personally, the axiom that mind the sexiest organ (the top head) rings very true. I had women discharging copious fluids by her giving me a blow job the way I want it (without me expanding any physical effort). I am a very lazy lover in terms of physical exertion but I know how to mouth things that I know would turn her on as she is performing fellatio on me.
Trust me on that, a lot of women get off by giving pleasure to a man. Sometimes to the throes of quivering orgasm even with only limited physical contact. This is especially so for a man whom they hold in high regard (such as a Patron).
Seen or know any fat bastard tycoons (that you just know don’t have the physical wherewithal for hot pulsating sex) and yet women confide that they are good lovers? It mind fuck – and woman cannot tell the difference simply because of their different paradigm in viewing sex
Hi bro justime,
Thx so much for ur reply!
Some frens say that the sex organ of a gal is in her brain, hehehe.
09-07-2009, 09:53 PM
Bro Justime and all others,
You may want to be careful about Nitric oxide. For me, Cod Liver Oil works, It has Vitamin A, which boosts testosterone.
Just Say NO!
by Cory Mermer
Excess NO may be responsible for causing glaucoma and possibly other conditions: how to address this naturally: There has been much publicity in the press recently about a finding that many people suffering with chronic open angle glaucoma (COAG) have excessive levels of Nitric Oxide (NO) (Neufeld 97).
By reducing these levels through drugs, researchers were able to reduce the damage caused by increased intraocular pressure to the optic nerves in rats (Neufeld 99). There is now a rush by pharmaceutical companies, to get a NO-blocking drug approved for the treatment of COAG. However, there seems to be little interest in finding out what is really causing these levels to be so high in the first place. Since artificially suppressing any natural physiological response of the body is bound to have unintended consequences.
Nitric Oxide:
Information about this neurotransmitter is still not fully known, since it was only first identified in 1987 (Ignarro, 1987), resulting in the authors receiving the 1989 Nobel Prize in Science. Nitric Oxide is made, at various sites in the body, from L-arginine. It serves many functions, such as inducing vasodilatation, controlling intragastric pressure, facilitating dilation of the uterus during pregnancy, inhibiting bone resorption, is essential for producing and maintaining an erection, and kills bacteria, fungi, and even tumor cells. However, it is also very dangerous at high levels, being a potent nitrogen free radical. It actually has the capacity to kill neurons and is thought to be responsible for much of the degeneration that occurs after strokes and in some diseases of the nervous system.
What are some of the possible causes of increased NO levels?
Based on current knowledge and available research, there are several factors which may cause or contribute to elevated NO levels:
Allergies (histamine)
Poor iron status
Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency)
Carbon monoxide exposure
Excess estrogen or 'estrogen dominance'
How can allergies cause increased NO levels? The answer is quite simple. It is common knowledge that allergies can cause elevated histamine levels, which is why antihistamine medications are such popular drugs. What is not widely known, is that histamine, in turn, stimulates a release of NO from various cells in the body (Mannaioni 97a, Mannaioni 97b, Champion 98).
It is actually proposed that some of the adverse effects of histamine, such as increasing permeability of the blood/brain barrier, are actually mediated by NO (Mayhan 96). Therefore, in individuals with allergies causing elevated histamine levels, addressing this problem may abrogate the need for pharmacologically reducing NO levels. Additionally, high histamine levels have been associated with of circulatory hypoxia, a condition that will be discussed further in another section (Sumina 78).
The question of how to address this problem can be done in several ways, the merits of which will not be explored now, since this is a topic which deserves more attention than can be given here:
Avoidance or reduction of allergens (e.g., dietary change, air filters, etc.)
Use of natural antihistamines (e.g., quercitin) (Bronner, Pearce)
Use of conventional antihistamine medications
Alternative allergy treatment (homeopathy, enzyme-potentiated desensitization)
Conventional allergy treatment
For those people with allergies, some of whom may not even know they have them, one or a combination of the above choices might help improve not just their allergic symptoms, but their overall health as well. Of course, in order to adequately address the allergy problem, it must be properly diagnosed by a qualified clinician.
Poor iron status
Another possible cause of increased NO is decreased iron levels. One of the reasons for this is that hemoglobin and other iron-containing compounds bind to NO in the blood, rendering it inactive.
Poor iron status and anemia may result from dietary insufficiency, not only of iron, but of folic acid and vitamin B-12 as well. Particularly in the elderly, B-12 deficiency is not uncommon. This is most likely due to an age-related decline in the production of Intrinsic Factor, a glycoprotein secreted by cells in the gastric mucosa, necessary for the proper absorption of B-12. Those at greatest risk for a deficiency of iron and B-12 are vegetarians and those with a diet very low in meat, the best source of B-12. However, deficiencies can be pharmacologically induced as well. As an example, drugs taken for gastrointestinal problems, such as the popular omeprazole (Prilosec in the US, Losec in Canada), are known to reduce B-12 absorption significantly, possibly by reducing IF levels (Marcuard 94).
Even in people with normal hemoglobin levels, their iron stores may be less than optimal. Many physicians feel that this is more accurately assessed through the evaluation of serum ferritin levels. Ferritin is the major iron storage protein, conserving it for use as needed, in the cells. It also serves other functions, such as protecting against certain free radicals, such as oxidized iron and peroxides, and is essential for proper cell growth and proliferation.
Therefore, it is likely that adequate ferritin levels act to reduce some of the negative effects of excess NO through its antioxidant function. NO in turn, helps to protect against the release of oxidative free iron from iron-containing compounds (Puntarulo 97, Juckett 96)
In addition to resulting in reduced hemoglobin and ferritin levels, iron deficiency may cause elevated NO levels through another physiological mechanism by causing anemic hypoxia, or subnormal oxygen content in the blood. Hypoxia is known to cause a stimulation of NO production, which is most likely a defense or survival mechanism of the body, which produces the NO to relax the blood vessels in order to supply more oxygenated blood to the tissues.
Other forms of hypoxia may also be present and have this effect as well. For example, diffusional hypoxia results from damaged pulmonary membranes and impaired lung function, as occurs with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (e.g., emphysema). Therefore lung diseases may cause elevated NO levels by causing chronic hypoxia.
As for natural treatments, some nutrients have been shown to enhance lung function. The most notable of these is N-acetylcysteine, commonly referred to as NAC.
Impaired lung function may also be pharmacologically induced with the use of common medications such as beta-blockers. These drugs have the potential to promote broncho-spasm and broncho-constriction. This class of drugs is often used for conditions such as hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, chronic angina pectoris, and others. Natural treatments of these conditions and elimination of the necessity of these drugs may therefore reduce NO levels.
Ironically, the most popular drugs in the treatment of COAG are beta-blocker eye-drops (e.g., Timolol). Therefore, it is possible that this type of treatment could raise NO levels and actually increase the risk of damage to the optic nerve. Additionally, if those glaucoma subjects in the study by Neufeld et al were being treated with these medications, it is possible that the elevated NO was not a result of the condition, but rather the treatment.
A condition of circulatory hypoxia, resulting from excessive vasoconstriction or myocardial insufficiency, can also cause an increase in NO levels. Magnesium has been shown to ease vasoconstriction, and other cardio-protective nutrients, such as coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, Taurine, etc. may prove helpful for myocardial insufficiency.
Recently, estrogen has been shown to enhance the bioactivity of NO (Blum 98). There are several ways that women can wind up with excessive estrogen levels or an imbalance in the hormonal system, causing an "estrogen dominance" situation.
One is that women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may not have their hormone levels properly monitored and may be given doses that cause levels to rise too high. Also, the most popular estrogen used, Premarin, is obtained from horses and has a completely different composition than human estrogen, with much more potent estrogenic effects. There are an increasing number of doctors who are using "natural" hormone replacement therapy and custom tailoring the composition and dosages to their patients.
It is also possible that excessive estrogenic activity is being induced in the body through estrogen-mimicking environmental pollutants. There may be some detoxification and lifestyle modification procedures (e.g., eating organically, avoidance of plastics, etc.) that can reduce these effects. Another possibility is a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.
Possible Dangers of Suppressing Nitric Oxide
Any drug that is developed to suppress NO production, in the hope of treating COAG or any other condition, could have many adverse effects, due to the many functions of the neurotransmitter. For example, NO plays an important role in controlling feto-placental circulation during pregnancy (Izumi 96), making it's use during pregnancy potentially dangerous. Suppression of NO could theoretically cause other problems such as impotence or sexual dysfunction, elevated blood pressure, digestive disturbances, increased susceptibility to infection, and even increased risk of cancer.
10-07-2009, 11:04 AM
Bro Justime and all others,
You may want to be careful about Nitric oxide. For me, Cod Liver Oil works, It has Vitamin A, which boosts testosterone.
Just Say NO!
by Cory Mermer
Excess NO may be responsible for causing glaucoma and possibly other conditions: how to address this naturally: There has been much publicity in the press recently about a finding that many people suffering with chronic open angle glaucoma (COAG) have excessive levels of Nitric Oxide (NO) (Neufeld 97)............................................... ......
Any drug that is developed to suppress NO production, in the hope of treating COAG or any other condition, could have many adverse effects, due to the many functions of the neurotransmitter. For example, NO plays an important role in controlling feto-placental circulation during pregnancy (Izumi 96), making it's use during pregnancy potentially dangerous. Suppression of NO could theoretically cause other problems such as impotence or sexual dysfunction, elevated blood pressure, digestive disturbances, increased susceptibility to infection, and even increased risk of cancer.
Thx for the info.
But under normal conditions, for most men who r older than 40, there is not enough NO in the blood vessels, especially in the penile circulation.:( Most supplements n herbs r weak boosters of NO. Viagra n Cialis r much more potent...
Hi bro justime,
I may not want to BY JJ.
She has been delaying her medical exam n blood tests at DSC, something she promised to do over a wk ago. Although it's not that important to me as I always practice safe sex, I feel that she has breached the terms of our agreement.
We exchanged a no of SMS-es yesterday. She told me that she is having her big auntie n abd cramps n would get the tests in a few days. I more or less ORDERED her to get them today or else. She was displeased, accusing me of being mean n insensitive.
She wrote, 你不懂对女孩子要温柔一点吗? I didn't fall into the trap of agreeing w/ her.
I replied, 我是不懂,我只知道君子一诺千金, meaning that I'm not a sensitive, wussy beta male who will agree w/ whatever she says, instead I'm a man whose words r as good as gold (one essential attribute of a dominant male). I also implies that she has reneged on her promise by delaying the tests. I know her respect n attraction (especially at the subconscious level) for me, if there was very little before, has just shot up. She suddenly became very affable n tender n admitted that perhaps she was overly sensitive n she would get the tests done ASAP.
There is one other thing I dislike abt her. She has a large tattoo which covers almost 1/4 of her otherwise nice ass n beautiful body!
BTW, I did give her a nice deposit plus fees to cover the blood tests the other day, in exchange for spending 2 hrs in a hotel rm. IMHO, it's a fair deal for both parties. So when I tell her I'm not going to BY her, she shouldn't be upset. I'll offer my continued friendship n will try to help her get some business at DC if she wants.
Also, my 1st BAO-ee, the 21 yo Fujian student, sent me a sms last night that she had just returned from China...hmmm. She had previously avoided me as if I was a leper after I abruptly terminated my patronage when she refused to go to a hotel rm after dinner. She hated me so much that she gave up a steady stream of income from TAM n DC n went to work at a smaller joint. But I continued to send her SMS-es on a weekly basis...If I do re-BAO her, firstly, I want to make sure she service me well n secondly, I want her to fall in love w/ me n beg me to make love to her, hehehe.:D
Thx n good day!!
11-07-2009, 01:46 AM
Bro Justime and all others,
You may want to be careful about Nitric oxide. For me, Cod Liver Oil works, It has Vitamin A, which boosts testosterone.
Just Say NO!
Thanks golfnut for the info. Appreciate it very much. Don't know whether the NO has a "placebo" effect on me - but I do feel a little more energetic after taking it for about one month. (I since have been taking NO for about a year already ... without any adverse effects watsoever).
Anyway, in the light of this new information, I may just desist taking NO for a couple of months (once I finish my current bottle) to see whether it this will impair and/or impact me adversely.
Medical findings always so contradictory. One minute coffee is said to prevent alzheimer's, and then another study from an equally respected medical study disclaims this and say that caffeine promotes dementia. (The same for the case of egg yolk - one study its good for you while another contradicts it ... and both from Lancet like medical authority!).
Certain Food is deem carcinogenic and then later retracted. Heard from my doctor friend that there are even some studies that show that anti-oxidents has a contary effect and actually facilitates cancer . :rolleyes: .... well perhaps what you consume and in what quantities is casino-genic. Literally like a gamble.
Anyway, thanks once again for your research and for posting the information golfnut!
11-07-2009, 02:16 AM
I may not want to BY JJ.
She has been delaying her medical exam n blood tests at DSC, something she promised to do over a wk ago. Although it's not that important to me as I always practice safe sex, I feel that she has breached the terms of our agreement.
We exchanged a no of SMS-es yesterday. She told me that she is having her big auntie n abd cramps n would get the tests in a few days. I more or less ORDERED her to get them today or else. She was displeased, accusing me of being mean n insensitive.
She wrote, 你不懂对女孩子要温柔一点吗? I didn't fall into the trap of agreeing w/ her.
I replied, 我是不懂,我只知道君子一诺千金, meaning that I'm not a sensitive, wussy beta male who will agree w/ whatever she says, instead I'm a man whose words r as good as gold (one essential attribute of a dominant male). I also implies that she has reneged on her promise by delaying the tests. I know her respect n attraction (especially at the subconscious level) for me, if there was very little before, has just shot up. She suddenly became very affable n tender n admitted that perhaps she was overly sensitive n she would get the tests done ASAP.
There is one other thing I dislike abt her. She has a large tattoo which covers almost 1/4 of her otherwise nice ass n beautiful body!
BTW, I did give her a nice deposit plus fees to cover the blood tests the other day, in exchange for spending 2 hrs in a hotel rm. IMHO, it's a fair deal for both parties. So when I tell her I'm not going to BY her, she shouldn't be upset. I'll offer my continued friendship n will try to help her get some business at DC if she wants.
Also, my 1st BAO-ee, the 21 yo Fujian student, sent me a sms last night that she had just returned from China...hmmm. She had previously avoided me as if I was a leper after I abruptly terminated my patronage when she refused to go to a hotel rm after dinner. She hated me so much that she gave up a steady stream of income from TAM n DC n went to work at a smaller joint. But I continued to send her SMS-es on a weekly basis...If I do re-BAO her, firstly, I want to make sure she service me well n secondly, I want her to fall in love w/ me n beg me to make love to her, hehehe.:D
* Clap! Clap! Your response toward JJ is exactly what I am trying to communicate with regards to handling woman. Don't be bullied and take no crap from them. Paradoxically this will win their respect and you appear more attractive in their eyes!
Anyway, as I mentioned to you in PM, whether you want to take JJ into the next level or discard her to move on, its your absolute perogative. Whatever that you think is in your best interest is the one I support.
Don't want to delve into the metaphysics and such, but in my personal experience, once you have that "attitude", it somehow magnetises you and draw new woman unto you (or old flames back). Previously luke warm response turn red-hot desire etc ....
Warbird, you may not know it, but you have imbibed some of the key principles here in the thread and have turn you into a raging Romeo. ;)
Without you being over conscious about the processes, you internalised the message, went out to field for experiential validation and reaped the benefits. I doubt you will be so traumatised or manipulated like in the case of your first BY foray.
All in all ... my heartiest congratulations! :cool:
11-07-2009, 09:54 AM
* Clap! Clap! Your response toward JJ is exactly what I am trying to communicate with regards to handling woman. Don't be bullied and take no crap from them. Paradoxically this will win their respect and you appear more attractive in their eyes!
Anyway, as I mentioned to you in PM, whether you want to take JJ into the next level or discard her to move on, its your absolute perogative. Whatever that you think is in your best interest is the one I support.
Don't want to delve into the metaphysics and such, but in my personal experience, once you have that "attitude", it somehow magnetises you and draw new woman unto you (or old flames back). Previously luke warm response turn red-hot desire etc ....
Warbird, you may not know it, but you have imbibed some of the key principles here in the thread and have turn you into a raging Romeo.
Without you being over conscious about the processes, you internalised the message, went out to field for experiential validation and reaped the benefits. I doubt you will be so traumatised or manipulated like in the case of your first BY foray.
All in all ... my heartiest congratulations! :cool:
Hi bro justime,
You r exactly right. I hv benefited greatly from reading n absorbing many of the BY principles n strategies u hv so eloquently expounded here. Plus the help of my "secret treatise" n NLP exercises......I'm now becoming a fearless, overconfident lao chi ko pek, hahaha.:D
BTW, I hv not decided on my future course of action w/ JJ. My only worry is that I may start missing her the day after I terminate my patronage. After all, she is very fair, tall n quite a looker. Despite her height, she can also be whimsical, very cute n alluring like a little gal...This also happened w/ my 1st BAO-ee.:(
Thx n have a great weekend!!;)
11-07-2009, 11:43 PM
This post and the next couple of posts will be a little “whimsical” to a certain extent. But it has an intended purpose. (Sorry for delaying Masterstroke yet again, but this is very important!)
In the course of writing this thread, I have several people contacting me about their particular situation. I want to do my level best to help, but sometimes I am operating on a very tight time constraint that does not quite allow me to give personalized attention. That being said, I will still try my best to assist whenever I can. So do contact me when you want some “wise counsel”.
What I want to put across is that time is really a great healer. I want to let you know that I am NOT always this composed and empowered. There was a time when I was very emotional and have no sense whatsoever about being empowered in a relationship. Hua, literally had to sit me down and share with me the lessons (some of which I am incorporating now in this thread). Hua’s wise counsel and life’s lesson literally saved me from doing personal violence against myself!
It is from this counseling session and heavy dose of self introspection that I had a life changing moment. I suddenly had a significant paradigm shift in how I look at life and relationship (from a self empowering perspective). This is where I made the most progress in terms of speed and alacrity to the empowered state that I am in currently. If you read my thread purposefully and with personal introspection, perhaps you too can have that moment. Or your personal growth might be more gradual – with incremental growth towards the goal of self empowerment!
To make things a little interesting, I shall share a little personal disclosure about myself. It was during a particular period of my life whereby my approach to relationship (and mistressing) was so disempowering. Learn from my failures / mistakes so that you need not suffer any unnecessary grief. (The time and energy used for coping from grief can be better applied elsewhere, like building a business or self development!)
As I am preparing my little story, let me refer to you another thread that I created at the Link and Picture Exchange Plaza at Sammyboy Forum.
Chloe, Kor-American SYT ("Pat's Dead Ringer) (
The thread has no real bearing to the substance and content of what I am about to write except that the protagonist – Pat (who is my Thai ex-mistress) look remarkably like the girl, Chloe, in the picture. A real Dead Ringer, including that little ‘scar’ on that belly. Sort of like a “visual aid” for my story narrative.
See you in a bit!
12-07-2009, 01:03 AM
BTW, I hv not decided on my future course of action w/ JJ. My only worry is that I may start missing her the day after I terminate my patronage. After all, she is very fair, tall n quite a looker. Despite her height, she can also be whimsical, very cute n alluring like a little gal...This also happened w/ my 1st BAO-ee.:(
1) Hi Warbird, as you know, I share your sense of aesthetics with regards to JJ. She really is beautiful in so many ways. As mentioned to you earlier in this thread, out of the many ladies I saw at Amani and Dong Men, JJ and XH are the only ones which I fancied.
Anyway, take your time in deciding. Be comforted that whatever your choice is, at least you had made love to her - which is a feat in itself as she is not the 'easy' sort! (We both know that some men spent oodles of cash, but have absolute no returns in physical intimacy).
2) Talking about beauty and sense of aesthetics, I don't have a particular type. It is transcient and shifts with different times of my life. My particular flavour is still "tall and fair".
Technically if I were to see Pat (the Chloe lookalike in my above post) who is a SYT, she may not make the impact like she did the last time (yes, albeit 15 years ago). Pat is definitely beautiful and desirable, and I still do remember every crevice and delicious curve about her like it was yesterday, but the same girl at different epoch of my life provokes different reaction and has different impact.
3) What is the implication of this? I am trying to make the point that impermanence and temporal nature of lust and the shifting sense in your sense of beauty*. (I speak from my perspective here)! The recognition of this fact can take away the power that a beautiful woman naturally command.
* You can and do get bored (not matter how beautiful your gal is). On the other side of the coin, Beauty can also "grow" on you.
4) So please remember that sense of beauty (as you define it internally in your mind and visceral) does shift. Remembering this adage, it can help you break that infatuation mode that a stunning and beautiful woman can command from you. "Weak in the presence of beauty" is unavoidable especially for a woman loving hetrosexual man who is into cheonging (I am one of them) - but the recognition of the transcient nature of how this beauty is defined can dilute the power of beauty a little.
And you want this mental weapon because you should take control of your emotional and rational self in the presence of beauty. (An over powering beauty can sometimes make you vulnerable because she catches you at a visceral level which many a times is more powerful than the mind!).
12-07-2009, 01:21 PM
The below story is dedicated to a “Thai champion” in Sammyboy’s Sex forum .. you know who you are! Do come out to share your interesting story if you are so inclined, I am sure we can help many brothers here see different dimensions on empowerment. I will dispense my “2 cents” within the confines of your story and apply the concept of empowerment in order that readers here can have a more through apprehension in the application of the concept.
In addition, just for you, I set up “visual surprise” in order to make the below story a little more delectable for you.
To make things a little interesting, I shall share a little personal disclosure about myself. It was during a particular period of my life whereby my approach to relationship (and mistressing) was so disempowering. Learn from my failures / mistakes so that you need not suffer any unnecessary grief. (The time and energy used for coping from grief can be better applied elsewhere, like building a business or self development!)
As I am preparing my little story, let me refer to you another thread that I created at the Link and Picture Exchange Plaza at Sammyboy Forum.
Chloe, Kor-American SYT ("Pat's Dead Ringer) (
The thread has no real bearing to the substance and content of what I am about to write except that the protagonist – Pat (who is my Thai ex-mistress) look remarkably like the girl, Chloe, in the picture. A real Dead Ringer, including that little ‘scar’ on that belly. Sort of like a “visual aid” for my story narrative.
See you in a bit!
Some factoids about the pictorial:
i) For those that do operate in the LOS (Land Of Smiles – Thailand), Chloe’s body type can be quite the norm. However, in Thailand they tend to be more tanned. In a quite a reversal however, Pat is actually fairer (albeit marginally) than Chloe.
Chloe’s sweet alluring features (“kawaii” like) appear also quite plentiful in Thailand. If this type of SYT appeals to your presence sense of aesthetics; you may want to consider visiting LOS.
ii) Yes, Pat too shares the “Bald Tiger” look in her groin area. I personally did her first shaving during the initial good times.
iii) And unfortunately down to the faintly visible ‘scars’ too. ( Read my story to find out).
Some important pointers to note:
1) An important point to note is that despite the different nationality and ethnic make up, the concept of empowerment that I talk about is still very much relevant and applicable. The use of a Tom Yum context as opposed to Dim Sum is just to add different flavouring (make the thread little more ‘colourful’ if you like!).
2) Yes, there will be certain cultural and social imperatives that are different. However, this is subsumed under “Principles of Empowerment”. The Principles of Empowerment still operate. I can vouch for that – in my relationship with Paeng (my current squeeze) and my other post Pat mistressing forays.
3) I have to go back a long way in narrating this story (think prequel!) - close to 15 years. This is because I have been operating under an empowered mode for many years now.
In spite of the intervening years with different mistress (between Pat and Paeng), my experience with Pat remains the most tumultuous by far! My relationship with Pat will therefore make an excellent case study on the don’ts when mistressing.
(I have since learnt a lot from this which I will share with you guys so that you can avoid the same mistakes I made – whether its PRC WL, Vietnamese mei-meis or Thai lasses).
12-07-2009, 03:20 PM
What I want to put across is that time is really a great healer. I want to let you know that I am NOT always this composed and empowered. There was a time when I was very emotional and have no sense whatsoever about being empowered in a relationship. Hua, literally had to sit me down and share with me the lessons (some of which I am incorporating now in this thread). Hua’s wise counsel and life’s lesson literally saved me from doing personal violence against myself!
It is from this counseling session and heavy dose of self introspection that I had a life changing moment. I suddenly had a significant paradigm shift in how I look at life and relationship (from a self empowering perspective).....
To make things a little interesting, I shall share a little personal disclosure about myself. It was during a particular period of my life whereby my approach to relationship (and mistressing) was so disempowering. Learn from my failures / mistakes so that you need not suffer any unnecessary grief. (The time and energy used for coping from grief can be better applied elsewhere, like building a business or self development!)
As I am preparing my little story, let me refer to you another thread that I created at the Link and Picture Exchange Plaza at Sammyboy Forum.
Chloe, Kor-American SYT ("Pat's Dead Ringer) (
The thread has no real bearing to the substance and content of what I am about to write except that the protagonist – Pat (who is my Thai ex-mistress) look remarkably like the girl, Chloe, in the picture....Sort of like a “visual aid” for my story narrative.
Very good bro. Yes, I'll remember to stay composed n empowered in a RS. Also, the one who cares the least controls the RS, hehehe.
Wow! Pat must be a very chio n sexy Thai gal!
1) Hi Warbird, as you know, I share your sense of aesthetics with regards to JJ...
Anyway, take your time in deciding. Be comforted that whatever your choice is, at least you had made love to her - which is a feat in itself as she is not the 'easy' sort! (We both know that some men spent oodles of cash, but have absolute no returns in physical intimacy).
2) Talking about beauty and sense of aesthetics, I don't have a particular type. It is transcient and shifts with different times of my life. My particular flavour is still "tall and fair".
Technically if I were to see Pat (the Chloe lookalike in my above post) who is a SYT, she may not make the impact like she did the last time...
3) What is the implication of this? I am trying to make the point that impermanence and temporal nature of lust and the shifting sense in your sense of beauty*. (I speak from my perspective here)! The recognition of this fact can take away the power that a beautiful woman naturally command.
* You can and do get bored (not matter how beautiful your gal is). On the other side of the coin, Beauty can also "grow" on you............................
And you want this mental weapon because you should take control of your emotional and rational self in the presence of beauty.....
Hi bro justime,
Getting bored is an understatement.
I hv been afflicted w/ a psychological illness since I was a young man. I long to fxxk gals I can't get or who play very hard to get. The chase can be very thrilling n sexciting. However, as soon as soon as I get her pussy, my interest seems to deflate like a punctured balloon! It's akin to a severe case of buyer's remorse. Strangely, very soon after the breakup, I start craving for her pussy again.:( It's like a riding a roller coaster!
I'm going break this curse once n for all.
I may yet continue my patronage w/ JJ bcos she is my 2nd BAO-ee n I hv not spent so many intimate hrs w/ a gal (other than my OC) for decades. It would be a good learning experience, hahaha.
The below story is dedicated to a “Thai champion” in Sammyboy’s Sex forum .. you know who you are! Do come out to share your interesting story if you are so inclined, I am sure we can help many brothers here see different dimensions on empowerment. I will dispense my “2 cents” within the confines of your story and apply the concept of empowerment in order that readers here can have a more through apprehension in the application of the concept.
In addition, just for you, I set up “visual surprise” in order to make the below story a little more delectable for you.
Some factoids about the pictorial:
3) I have to go back a long way in narrating this story (think prequel!) - close to 15 years. This is because I have been operating under an empowered mode for many years now.
In spite of the intervening years with different mistress (between Pat and Paeng), my experience with Pat remains the most tumultuous by far! My relationship with Pat will therefore make an excellent case study on the don’ts when mistressing.
(I have since learnt a lot from this which I will share with you guys so that you can avoid the same mistakes I made – whether its PRC WL, Vietnamese mei-meis or Thai lasses).
Hi bro justime,
I can't wait for ur case studies....should also consider a "mistress clinic." Hahaha.
I do hv a question. Do u pay a monthly "retainer" to ur mistress even though she is thousands of miles away? My 1st BAO-ee wants me to keep sending her some money (not the full amt she is getting in SGP) after she returns to China.
12-07-2009, 05:38 PM
Yes, I'll remember to stay composed n empowered in a RS. Also, the one who cares the least controls the RS, hehehe.
Wow! Pat must be a very chio n sexy Thai gal!
..... Getting bored is an understatement.
I hv been afflicted w/ a psychological illness since I was a young man. I long to fxxk gals I can't get or who play very hard to get. The chase can be very thrilling n sexciting. However, as soon as soon as I get her pussy, my interest seems to deflate like a punctured balloon! It's akin to a severe case of buyer's remorse. Strangely, very soon after the breakup, I start craving for her pussy again.:( It's like a riding a roller coaster!
I'm going break this curse once n for all.
I may yet continue my patronage w/ JJ bcos she is my 2nd BAO-ee n I hv not spent so many intimate hrs w/ a gal (other than my OC) for decades. It would be a good learning experience, hahaha.
I do hv a question. Do u pay a monthly "retainer" to ur mistress even though she is thousands of miles away? My 1st BAO-ee wants me to keep sending her some money (not the full amt she is getting in SGP) after she returns to China.
Hi Warbird, just a quick reply before I have my afternoon siesta.
1) Pat is indeed very cute! I can still vividly remember her curves and beauty despite it being fifteen years ago. However, in my current aesthetics (Beauty) orientation, JJ and XH is more my type. :)
With proper "grooming", she can be very appealing indeed.
2) Yup, absolutely agree about the comment on who cares less in the RS wields the greater power. (That is why an important attribute in empowerment is to always have options and choice - so that you will NOT appear needy!)
3) Will talk about losing interest after 'conquest' in due course. Of all members of the Mistress Brotherhood, Terrence suffers from this affliction the most.
I empathise and relate what you are trying to communicate - essentially its wanting what you 'can't' have and enjoying the psychic rewards of a successful chase. BTW I am still afflicted by this syndrome too.
4) There is no hard and fast rule with regards to sending money whilst she is overseas. Generally some degree of 'deposit' is needed to extend your hold on her. (How else could she eke out a living?)
Putting / investing money whilst she is away is kinda like a business proposition whereby you stake your future claim on her in anticipation that she will return. Most do however return (in the context of my experience) However, know the risk that she might 'run away' and leaving your wallet lighter.
Accept also that by you not being in close proximity, your authority, influence and span of control is reduced (- but not eliminated altogether). Will show you how to maximise this control while remote from her. Remote control!
Two obvious points. One, never pay the same going rate as in Singapore. Cost of living in China (or Thailand) is lower. Two, if your interest in her is begining to wane, pay minimal or even not at all.
(Absolute Max you should give is SGD 1800 - SGD 2, 000 for a girl you still have hots for!). Absolute max!
By the way, I did not give Paeng a cent. Have NOT been giving her any for close to a year now. I had earlier 'helped' her to set up a salon which now generates her income. Although it is profitable, I did not take my entitled share of profit that was due to me. So its kinda like a retainer of sorts.
12-07-2009, 07:43 PM
Hi Justime,
I found celery juice and pure cod liver oil (the vitamin A in it) works... especially after 30 minutes of weight lifting of fast twitched muscle training. I am 40 and still look and feel 28....
And libido and physical qualities remained the same.
13-07-2009, 11:45 AM
Hi Warbird, just a quick reply before I have my afternoon siesta.
1) Pat is indeed very cute! I can still vividly remember her curves and beauty despite it being fifteen years ago. However, in my current aesthetics (Beauty) orientation, JJ and XH is more my type. :)
With proper "grooming", she can be very appealing indeed.
2) Yup, absolutely agree about the comment on who cares less in the RS wields the greater power. (That is why an important attribute in empowerment is to always have options and choice - so that you will NOT appear needy!)
3) Will talk about losing interest after 'conquest' in due course. Of all members of the Mistress Brotherhood, Terrence suffers from this affliction the most.
I empathise and relate what you are trying to communicate - essentially its wanting what you 'can't' have and enjoying the psychic rewards of a successful chase. BTW I am still afflicted by this syndrome too.
4) There is no hard and fast rule with regards to sending money whilst she is overseas. Generally some degree of 'deposit' is needed to extend your hold on her. (How else could she eke out a living?)
Putting / investing money whilst she is away is kinda like a business proposition whereby you stake your future claim on her in anticipation that she will return............................................ ...............................
Two obvious points. One, never pay the same going rate as in Singapore. Cost of living in China (or Thailand) is lower. Two, if your interest in her is begining to wane, pay minimal or even not at all.
(Absolute Max you should give is SGD 1800 - SGD 2, 000 for a girl you still have hots for!). Absolute max!
By the way, I did not give Paeng a cent. Have NOT been giving her any for close to a year now. I had earlier 'helped' her to set up a salon which now generates her income. Although it is profitable, I did not take my entitled share of profit that was due to me. So its kinda like a retainer of sorts.
Hi bro justime,
I know a mild form of the syndrome is prevalent, but my case is quite severe. I'm seeking a cure from NLP n zen meditation...
Thx for ur clarification on the issue of retainer while the gal is overseas. What if the gal is in SGP n I'm in Gotham City? I guess I may hv to pay the same bcos of the high cost of living here.:(
[QUOTE=golfnut;3913799]Hi Justime,
I found celery juice and pure cod liver oil (the vitamin A in it) works... especially after 30 minutes of weight lifting of fast twitched muscle training. I am 40 and still look and feel 28....
And libido and physical qualities remained the same.
Thx for the info.
You're a young man compared w/ me. But I feel like 20 n my libido is at least as strong as before!! I can't seem to get enough...;)
Good day!!
13-07-2009, 12:51 PM
I found celery juice and pure cod liver oil (the vitamin A in it) works... especially after 30 minutes of weight lifting of fast twitched muscle training. I am 40 and still look and feel 28....
And libido and physical qualities remained the same.
Hi Golfnut, I am very impressed that you are so in touch with your physical self! Good on you. Good physical health, helps to make you look better (better body aesthetics does aid confidence) and also makes the love making session better. Sex is a physical activity after all that is said and done!
Guess from your nick that you are a golf aficionado and your fast twitched muscle training is geared to improve your round.
I really should take a cue from you to improve my physical condition via nutrition and exercise. Unfortuntely for me the only 'exercise' I have these days is the use of my "birdie" to get into "the hole". (and it ain't golf I am talking about) :rolleyes:
13-07-2009, 01:24 PM
i am following these posting very closely. Only to say i am lucky to see how other bros deals with their women and learn from them. Sure save me many many pain and time. Salute u guys!!!
big thank you.
13-07-2009, 01:49 PM
TS, nice thread you got going here.:D
I'm not in same league as you or other guys. Will try to share my experience.. no gems of wisdom but more of anecdotal dimension. Similiar to my other languishing thread here (lazy2, also not into graphical accounts like some bros who are write like screenplays):o
My tg side dish (non-WL) is now running into 6th year. Comes from a lower middle class family, with her stepfather as a retired senior ranking policeman. 6 years seems like a lifetime (as TS concurs), even for this late starter in his twlight years hehehe:p
Cannot deny that T brought sex part to new heights (over my own boring domestic version) at the start. Maybe not senasational to you vets here, but I only first got to experience bathtub fj (reverse cowgal ride) and a bbj thrown in for good measure. Was I smiling like a cheshire cat after!
Strong headed gal (fallacy that tgs are softies), and we had our fair share of fights. Boils down to different expectations, cultural differences. I stopped the music 2X (over last 3 years).. quoting Don Mclean's american pie piece " the day music died". Last time I threatened to pull the plug (not big fortune some of you guys better afford than me), and profuse apologies with promise to change for better. This had nothing to do with her messing about at my back... but rather I felt that I deserved better both tangible and intangible. By the latter, I mean emotional warmth in a already difficult to manage LDTR (long distance tirak r/s). Her's more of her personality, and she's even the "boss" of her family with other 2 elder sisters calling the shots on home matters.
Not sure if mine fits this thread, but with such a tenure, there are emotions attached in our r/s. I do not profess to give any insights here, but we all do learn from lessons in life.
Pause for a cause.. I come to terms with 2 things. LDTR can play havoc on your insecurities, so it may help to realise you cannot control what she does in your absence. And I can relate to what TS seem to say here (maybe diff ways): You deserve to be made happy, not just make her happy. I was wet behind my ears in the beginning, and feel foolish looking back (before both piece of self advice dawned on me later).
Future? Wish I had a crystal ball. And facts is that we know that women do amortise (sorry for better choice of words). ;)
13-07-2009, 01:52 PM
I really appreciate you sharing your experience with all of us and it has benefited me a lot both in and out of my marriage.
BTW, here is the link on Wikipedia about Celery:-
Celery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
Celery contains the natural steroid:-
Androstenone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
For Vitamin A, I copied this from Vitamin A ?(HEALTH & FITNESS PRACTICALITIES)? (
which pointed me to Basic Nutrition: Vitamin A Saga (
I think having an healthy and fit body helps when you are negotiating, based on some of experience in China.
For fast-twitched training, it helps promotes growth hormones (keeps you young) production. The easiest and most time efficient way is to sprint (I try to do it once or twice a week randomly) near my country club.
The other way is martial arts but I am too old for it. I heard qigong helps too and it can help to make your rod as hard as steel. A jewellery trader in his 60s I know was practising it and soon after, was caught by the wife for having Spanish mistress.
In any case, I like short powerful training since I do not have time.
13-07-2009, 02:06 PM
Sharing of a Mistress.
Well if with friends no If only friends via online then sure. Just going by the golden rule from where i grew up, I would never be allowed to date any of my friends ex GF's unless the friend was dead or he had moved away. Guessing I would put mistress in same catagory. But also depends on time spent with them. Our rule was 4 months. If with them less than 4 months was fair game, longer than 4 months then hands off.
Just my humble thought.
13-07-2009, 02:21 PM
Anyways, I have learnt from years of failure that you could choose to have emotions in romance or not. It is better to have some street-wise and informed compassion to your targets than emotions, regardless whether they are WLs or not.
I am keeping fit in order not to descend down the dreaded path of chronic degeneration, so as to continue to enjoy carnal pleasures as long as I can.
For health and fitness, I know someone in the US who is above 70 and is still having sex everyday. His body natural testosterone is so high that dogs howl in the neighbourhood when he walked past.
Golf is good. It helps us get some sun(Vitamin D3), which makes us horny and glow in front of the ladies. It also helps one to find an excuse to go out for hours. :)
Here is more info. H/w, I stay away from Human Growth Hormones, which could cause cancer.
Foods to Increase Libido and Testosterone (
I also stay away from soya beans and milk because years ago when my son was born, I learnt that milk has estrogen and so its not so good for men who wants their libido.
13-07-2009, 10:21 PM
Anyways, I have learnt from years of failure that you could choose to have emotions in romance or not. It is better to have some street-wise and informed compassion to your targets than emotions, regardless whether they are WLs or not.
Not disagree with yours on street-wise and informed thingy. But targets and romance can be 2 different things. And just strictly speaking from my own perspective, I consciously draw the big divide with WLs -as not so blind to harsh realities (abound here in this forum). This is no criticism of others who have fallen on the wayside... after all, we make our own bed.
Like I get tiresome with quite a few from my lil black book. But I have yet to find anyone close to my side dish (begs question how hard did I look, or wrong places!:p)
...know someone in the US who is above 70 and is still having sex everyday. His body natural testosterone is so high that dogs howl in the neighbourhood when he walked past.
Brilliant, liked this 1. Must try to remember this, next time swapping bar jokes 555:D;)
14-07-2009, 01:36 AM
The other way is martial arts but I am too old for it. I heard qigong helps too and it can help to make your rod as hard as steel.
I think you are referring to 'Sanchin" training ...... very effective :D
Other forms of qigong dun seem to have the same effect.
14-07-2009, 12:13 PM
Thx to bro justime n other bros for the most useful info posted here.
I just sent a sms to JJ stating that I'll not be able to continue my patronage bcos my inguinal hernia has flared up. I hope to remain a good fren n offer to take her to dinner n KTVs. Of course I'll compensate her for her time.
Good day!!
14-07-2009, 01:22 PM
I just sent a sms to JJ stating that I'll not be able to continue my patronage bcos my inguinal hernia has flared up. I hope to remain a good fren n offer to take her to dinner n KTVs. Of course I'll compensate her for her time.
Oh no, does it mean the end of the road for my hero, 西门庆? Got inguinal hernia means no sex? for how long? you and bro justime my sifu and i hate 2 tink that you got no more sex adventures to tell.
btw how is jj taking it? got in mind anyone to replacement for jj? I wish i can be but got no $$$ leh :(
14-07-2009, 07:53 PM
Oh no, does it mean the end of the road for my hero, 西门庆? Got inguinal hernia means no sex? for how long? you and bro justime my sifu and i hate 2 tink that you got no more sex adventures to tell.
btw how is jj taking it? got in mind anyone to replacement for jj? I wish i can be but got no $$$ leh :(
Just a temporary setback, not end of the road...
JJ has taken it well n will return to China this weekend. She will not stay bcos she dislikes running KTV. I'll meet her tmr for lunch.
15-07-2009, 03:24 AM
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone for keeping this thread running in my short absence. The views, discussion, stories, anecdotes and conversational exchanges very interesting and it give me great pleasure reading it. Thank you all – appreciate if you could keep this going.
i am following these posting very closely. Only to say i am lucky to see how other bros deals with their women and learn from them. Sure save me many many pain and time. Salute u guys!!!
big thank you.
Hi Sean, we are all here to learn and share from one another. Sharing enables us to tap into the rich tapestry of other people’s life vicariously. And in this regard, not can we enjoy a person’s life story but occasionally we can also profit from their experience. Keep the support going and remember to always empower yourself in all you do!
I'm not in same league as you or other guys. Will try to share my experience.. no gems of wisdom but more of anecdotal dimension.
This had nothing to do with her messing about at my back... but rather I felt that I deserved better both tangible and intangible. By the latter, I mean emotional warmth in a already difficult to manage LDTR (long distance tirak r/s). Her's more of her personality, and she's even the "boss" of her family with other 2 elder sisters calling the shots on home matters.
Not sure if mine fits this thread, but with such a tenure, there are emotions attached in our r/s. I do not profess to give any insights here, but we all do learn from lessons in life.
Pause for a cause.. I come to terms with 2 things. LDTR can play havoc on your insecurities, so it may help to realise you cannot control what she does in your absence. And I can relate to what TS seem to say here (maybe diff ways): You deserve to be made happy, not just make her happy. I was wet behind my ears in the beginning, and feel foolish looking back (before both piece of self advice dawned on me later).
Future? Wish I had a crystal ball. And facts is that we know that women do amortise (sorry for better choice of words). ;)
Yin Yang, you have my sincere appreciation for the sharing of your life story. To use your terminology, LDTR (Long Distance Tirak Relationship), is indeed a challenge. It is a dimension that we often forget when we court ‘foreigners’ be it Thai, PCR or Vietnamese.
Whatever the nature of the relationship (girlfriend, mistress, flings etc), if strong emotional attachment develops, we must be prepared to surmount the geographical challenges or compromise the relationship.
I wrote earlier that despite the fact that all of us has mistress overseas (except Terrence), we still need to cultivate one at your own domicile – in this case Singapore. There will be times where you have physical and emotional cravings where only proximity (being physically close) can address adequately.
The axiomatic expression “absence makes the heart grow fonder” does not bear out in the context of my experience. People largely get on with their lives. Just like time healing all emotional hurt, absence too in time, will diminish the intensity of the intimacy.
In addition to geographical barriers, there are also the socio cultural dimension to contend with when courting foreign girls (I will show this when I talk about my past relationship with Pat).
As for the “feeling of insecurity” aspect, it should be obvious that it is disempowering. The feeling of insecurity is actually a manifestation of some personal feeling of inadequacy at some level. And this feeling of inadequacy often stems from the lack of confidence (more commonly known as poor self esteem).
To illustrate the point, I shall jump the gun a little and talk about Masterstroke 3: Be a confident Bastard.
The lack of confidence usually manifests itself in “action inertia”. This means that you are not actively on the lookout to create choice in your life. So whatever and whoever that comes along (by chance I might add) and can satisfy your emotional needs you tend to hold on tightly.
I hope you recognize that this is the “reverse crutch mentality” - and this time YOU are the “victim”. In short: You need the lady to fulfill some emotional lack. You do NOT have viable options. You do NOT know how to break this vicious cycle so you accept and settle (to your own personal detriment). And the crutch can be so strong that you accept poor behaviour, sacrifice your finance, and give justifications (excuses) on why you must continue the relationship despite it not making you happy.
(And not to worry Masterstroke 3 will show you exactly how to break this vicious circle!)
15-07-2009, 03:26 AM
I think having an healthy and fit body helps when you are negotiating, based on some of experience in China.
The other way is martial arts but I am too old for it. I heard qigong helps too and it can help to make your rod as hard as steel. A jewellery trader in his 60s I know was practising it and soon after, was caught by the wife for having Spanish mistress.
In any case, I like short powerful training since I do not have time.
Interesting point golfnut, care to share? I have met decrepit invalids who were so tough to crack business-wise that I literally gave up despite me holding financial and morphological advantage over them. Don’t know how much mental toughness correlates with physical toughness. Care to enlighten?
Sharing of a Mistress.
Well if with friends no If only friends via online then sure. Just going by the golden rule from where i grew up, I would never be allowed to date any of my friends ex GF's unless the friend was dead or he had moved away. Guessing I would put mistress in same catagory. But also depends on time spent with them. Our rule was 4 months. If with them less than 4 months was fair game, longer than 4 months then hands off.
Just my humble thought.
Guess it is one of them unwritten/unspoken rules which are assumed to be understood and accepted by all parties. My contention is: what if you actually articulate this rule, find the assumption fallacious and that all the involved parties give their blessing to proceed (like in my case with Xin2)? Could there then be still an underlying moral imperative that still prevents this?
Thx to bro justime n other bros for the most useful info posted here.
I just sent a sms to JJ stating that I'll not be able to continue my patronage bcos my inguinal hernia has flared up. I hope to remain a good fren n offer to take her to dinner n KTVs. Of course I'll compensate her for her time.
Good day!!
Guess you jumped the gun warbird (and its all good), I have not yet talked in length about being a “bastard” (as in “confident bastard” of Masterstroke 3) and yet you applied this concept beautifully.
You know that you will not be getting your money’s worth with JJ (since you are temporarily sexually incapacitated) so you decide to terminate the relationship. You did not let vague notions of the agreement compel you to follow through on it (despite knowing that this uneven exchange). Many men would actually simply settle and pay the retainer till they recover. They are afraid of being seen as a ‘bastard” and hence acquiesced to the unfair and uneven exchange.*
(Yes, it is an exchange. You give your mistress money, she in turn provides you the service of satisfying your carnal desires as well provide gfe (via Love wayangs)).
I think you are referring to 'Sanchin" training ...... very effective :D
Other forms of qigong dun seem to have the same effect.
Didn’t realize that so many brothers here so well verse in fitness and wellness! Must call on you guys soon as I do want to improve my fitness level!
15-07-2009, 09:35 AM
Hi Justime
Compared to you, I am a rookie at this. However, I do get to go to China a few times a year and occasionally to Macau.
I do not consider myself good-looking but average. H/w, I maintained my skin (sun-kissed glowing skin) and body very well because of my diet and exercise, and still having hair on my head helps. I look a whole lot younger than my age. (PM me if you are interested in my research into 'caveman' diet and exercise. I subscribed to the theory that our genetic make-up is still cavemen of the last few hundred thousand years).
Looking pleasant also makes them feel comfortable that at least they are not going to be with some ugly old man and since they are new to it (unlike those in Singapore who are very experienced), some have also broken up with their bfs and a pleasant-looking man who is gentlemanly (but not a Robert) always helps. Not too long ago, someone I had in a KTV in Beijing, was in Singapore working at TAM and we have a great time together for old time sake and did not want to take my money. I gave it to her anyways.
I typically will ask Mummy to pick those ladies who had just started work (less than 1 month old). And to your point, they have just started out and feeling the dread of the drinking and bullying from some discerning (particularly Chinese and Taiwanese from what they share) clients. However, they are in it long enough to experience and get trapped in the financial attraction of this job but still rather green about the trade.
I will typically make them very comfortable by trying to be a big brother and will not make them drink at all the whole evening.
After our sessions in the hotel, I will always buy them a good breakfast and share with them how they made me feel, and how I would miss them. I will typically also call them to ensure that they are safely back. A few hours later, I will call them again and offer to pay them what they would be paid for the night fo them to stay with me the whole week or month (I typically also check to find out when they are having their period to make sure I maximizes my time). Almost 100% of the time, they would agree and in some cases, they would even offer to take less. I would always make it up to them at the end of it by buying them a HP of my choosing.
I am still in contact with many of them and some are on a retainer each time I go there because they know I am a reasonable person. Some are kept by very important people, who hardly have time for them and would be happy to 'hang out' with me when I visit the cities they are in, with no charge.
I have not tried nutella but whipped cream and strawberries are interesting too. ;)
One even invited me to her wedding a few years ago, which I politely declined but gave her an angbao.
15-07-2009, 09:53 AM
Guess you jumped the gun warbird (and its all good), I have not yet talked in length about being a “bastard” (as in “confident bastard” of Masterstroke 3) and yet you applied this concept beautifully.
You know that you will not be getting your money’s worth with JJ (since you are temporarily sexually incapacitated) so you decide to terminate the relationship. You did not let vague notions of the agreement compel you to follow through on it (despite knowing that this uneven exchange). Many men would actually simply settle and pay the retainer till they recover. They are afraid of being seen as a ‘bastard” and hence acquiesced to the unfair and uneven exchange.*
(Yes, it is an exchange. You give your mistress money, she in turn provides you the service of satisfying your carnal desires as well provide gfe (via Love wayangs)).
Hi bro justime,
Yes, it wont be a fair exchange. Our parting is amicable...
I should be OK in 7 to 10 days, hopefully.
BTW, I'm negotiating w/ a couple of gers (one KTV ger n one hairstylist) to be my mistress, beginning next month. They both want a long-term RS (at least a yr) n both ask me to pay off their family debts upfront (both from Fujian but dun know each other!). How do u handle such a request? How does this fit into the payment calculus?
Thx n hv a great day!!
15-07-2009, 03:27 PM
Hi bro justime,
Yes, it wont be a fair exchange. Our parting is amicable...
I should be OK in 7 to 10 days, hopefully.
BTW, I'm negotiating w/ a couple of gers (one KTV ger n one hairstylist) to be my mistress, beginning next month. They both want a long-term RS (at least a yr) n both ask me to pay off their family debts upfront (both from Fujian but dun know each other!). How do u handle such a request? How does this fit into the payment calculus?
Thx n hv a great day!!
Warbird, never, never pay upfront.
Once their burden (or crutch on you) is alleviated, they have a taken for granted attitude. They don't "need" you now - and ironically despite your help, you are now seen as an inconvenience. I yet to see a PRC display an attitude to gratitude to her benefactor that last for one year!
Know the feeling you sometimes get when you solve an apparantly insurmountable problem and the subsequent arrogance that comes in tandem. They think that just getting you to settle their debt (by their promise) is all to it - and to their personal credit. They think that they once have "sold" you their mistressing service, they often forget their obligation to deliver it on their sales promise.
Many in fact packed up and go, without even a second look at the promised commitment.
I would handle such request by saying that I am cash flow tight presently. You say (something alone this lines):
"I have regular money coming in throuhout the months - some months quite a lot while others less. Once I promise to help you re-structure your family debt, I will plan to see it through by setting aside money for regularly for you. At at times when I got more income coming, I will give you very big bonus so that you can be free of your debt quicker. And I expect to have a windfall soon!"
1) It should be obvious that you never sign anything or even promise your financial commitment to any other third party (don't want O$P$ and pigs money at your doorstep!) :rolleyes:.
Make it clear that the deal is with her and her only! Give a token two or three months advance max for her to show good faith - if her financial dilema is really pressing. Know however that a lot of exageration is in order on her part, the PRC mei want to collect as much upfront as possible.
(Your "winning position" is diametrically opposite hers: The less the advance payment the better for you.)
2) I would also ask her to be exceeding candid about her financial dilema so that I can plan how to help her free her debt as quickly as possible. I will tell her that once I take charge of alleviating her debt, I will see through my commitment (as long as she sees through hers).
3) Be mindful that she does not try this trick on multiple other would be "patrons" (or should I say "boyfriends"/Uninformed Roberts). They tend to do that. Getting sevaral small trenches of money from different men adds up. Be very upfront and specific about that if she wants your help, this cannot happen.
4) There is truism in that for hospitalisation in China, many a time a local must pay upfront in order to receive treatment. People there do suffer due to poor medical coverage.
The PRC mei think that this situation is applicabe to all nations and countries too (remember that PRC mei in general is very parochial in their outlook). Hence "hospitalisation" is their number one favourite reasons they use when getting money. Hospitalisation has the emotional blackmail element - made more realistic in their mind due to their personal context from living in China. And its also more disarming so that people is more receptive toward lending - the PRC is seen as "filial" and dutiful (and not greedy and self serving in seeking for the loan). Hospitalisation is the PRC mei's number one tactic in getting a prospect to agree to part with his money.
So make sure that the hospitalisation reason is not a ruse or pretext. I generally see alarm bells when Hospitalisation is proffered as a reason!
Hope this helps warbird!
... and by the way, in case you miss anyone misses my earlier posting, Paeng (my current Thai mistress) too was a hair dresser - now present business owner of hair salon! Me and warbird got some kind of yuan fen! :)
15-07-2009, 05:03 PM
(Yes, it is an exchange. You give your mistress money, she in turn provides you the service of satisfying your carnal desires as well provide gfe (via Love wayangs)).
It's a business transaction, although the ger n I use euphemisms n pretend that it's not.
Warbird, never, never pay upfront.
Once their burden (or crutch on you) is alleviated, they have a taken for granted attitude. They don't "need" you now - and ironically despite your help, you are now seen as an inconvenience. I yet to see a PRC display an attitude to gratitude to her benefactor that last for one year! .................................................. ...............
Many in fact packed up and go, without even a second look at the promised commitment.
I would handle such request by saying that I am cash flow tight presently. You say (something alone this lines):
"I have regular money coming in throuhout the months - some months quite a lot while others less. Once I promise to help you re-structure your family debt, I will plan to see it through by setting aside money for regularly for you. At at times when I got more income coming, I will give you very big bonus so that you can be free of your debt quicker. And I expect to have a windfall soon!"
1) It should be obvious that you never sign anything or even promise your financial commitment to any other third party (don't want O$P$ and pigs money at your doorstep!) :rolleyes:.
Make it clear that the deal is with her and her only! Give a token two or three months advance max for her to show good faith - if her financial dilema is really pressing. Know however that a lot of exageration is in order on her part, the PRC mei want to collect as much upfront as possible.
(Your "winning position" is diametrically opposite hers: The less the advance payment the better for you.)
2) I would also ask her to be exceeding candid about her financial dilema so that I can plan how to help her free her debt as quickly as possible. I will tell her that once I take charge of alleviating her debt, I will see through my commitment (as long as she sees through hers).
3) Be mindful that she does not try this trick on multiple other would be "patrons" (or should I say "boyfriends"/Uninformed Roberts). They tend to do that. Getting sevaral small trenches of money from different men adds up. Be very upfront and specific about that if she wants your help, this cannot happen.
4) There is truism in that for hospitalisation in China, many a time a local must pay upfront in order to receive treatment. People there do suffer due to poor medical coverage.
The PRC mei think that this situation is applicabe to all nations and countries too .................................Hospitalisation is the PRC mei's number one tactic in getting a prospect to agree to part with his money.
So make sure that the hospitalisation reason is not a ruse or pretext. I generally see alarm bells when Hospitalisation is proffered as a reason!
Hope this helps warbird!
... and by the way, in case you miss anyone misses my earlier posting, Paeng (my current Thai mistress) too was a hair dresser - now present business owner of hair salon! Me and warbird got some kind of yuan fen! :)
Hi bro justime,
Thx u so much for ur reply n insight.
I hv decided not pay any ger anything upfront. I'll tell her that I'll pay her X amount of dollars say twice a month n she can either save the money, or use it to buy stuff or pay off her family debt...if our 感情 is very good n she pleases me, I may choose to give her a generous bonus from time to time.
Yes, perhaps you n I hv some sort of predestined connection/affinity, hahaha.
15-07-2009, 06:34 PM
Have three interesting points to share (including a Masterstroke Tit-bit used by Hua and Terrence) when discussing about hospitalization/medical cost:
1) Some Interesting factoids about pretext for soliciting money:
I remember a discussion that a Mistress Brotherhood had concerning the ways a PC WL solicits for money. The following are the top three most common pretexts in my experience:
a) Hospitalization and medical fee.
b) Finance company re-possessing property cause of failure to pay mortgage (by implication, the family has to sleep in the streets).
c) Gambling debts (invariably a member of the family). (Seldom a friend or even themselves – which is ironically the most plausible pretext.)
Of all the above reasons, everyone in the brotherhood agrees that hospitalization / medical fees is the number one most common pretext we heard in our own respective experience. How about other cheongsters? Is this also the most common pretext in your case as well?
We are at a stage whereby we prefer the girls to tell us the upfront and unvarnished truth - that they over spent way beyond their means, they covet a particular merchandise, they are intrinsically shopoholics, they themselves incur the gambling debts rather than having to resort to lies in order to solicit money.
2) Now this part is really, really contentious and controversial, so please bear with me and reserve judgment.
We sometimes find the situation logically incongruous: A WL likes to portray herself as noble and filial when it comes to family matters. A WL who is independently staying alone and away from the family due to the fact that they can’t stand the stifling oppression familial oppression, suddenly gets all mushy and filial during crisis moments such as when a hospitalization situation occur.
At first we thought that the Chinese virtue of filial piety runs deeper than we thought, and that not being native Chinese we cannot really apprehend how deeply this virtue is internalized within the Chinese psyche. (PRC WL also likes to fuel this line of thinking, saying that despite how nasty their family treats them, they still have an obligation to them due to inextricable blood ties). We often praised this Cultural imperative and say that despite the meis meis deceitful attitude, being filial is the one redeeming virtue.
However over time when we encountered more and more of such cases, we began to probe and thoroughly investigate the perception. We delved deeper into the the purported hospitalization situation.
We find that we only get a partial picture. There is often many other ulterior motives involved even if it is a genuine case.
True story: one purportedly filial WL takes on medical expenses for their parents on condition that the family house is “mortgaged” under her name. Her justification is that if something happens to her parents, her sibling(s) will just avoid paying the bills and she does not want to be left carrying the burden all alone.
In business analogy: its like I pay first, but you secure repayment by collateralizing the family asset (which may be worth more than the money I pay).
All in all, we find that PRC are no more dutiful and filial piety than any of us here in Singapore and elsewhere. The WL knows however, to use this “cultural stereotype” to their advantage in order to make themselves a saint. This is so that the poor uninformed Robert will be more predisposed toward giving them the money!
/////////////////Masterstroke Tit Bit 4 /////////////////////
“Call their bluff!” (That is why I hate playing poker with Hua and Mike!)
When the ladies come soliciting them for money using the pretext of money, Hua and Mike like to proposition them thus (by calling their bluff):
Mike and Hua usually will give a show of being empathetic and then say that they will send a staff from their China office to the WL ladies’ home (or where ever their sick relative is). The made it clear tha their China staff will send the WL relatives to the hospital and then make arrangements for Mike and Hua to pick up the bill later. And he can only do so via this modus operandi as this is “company policy”.
(By the way, both of them really have the capability to do this should the hospitalization solicitation be proved true. I myself have tried this “call you bluff” Masterstroke Tit Bit only twice. And in both instances, I am really really convinced that the lady is bluffing).
Incredible thing is, after this proposition is offered (with no upfront money and no money given through the care of the WL), the WL's parents and relatives illness suddenly becomes not life threatening, operations can wait a little while longer etc……
And to put it into perspective on how widespread this fake pretext is, out of dozens of such “call your bluffs” scenario we administer collectively regarding hospitalization, we only encountered only one genuine case – Mike’s case.
And he did indeed take care of the bill (about only SGD 6, 000 as promised.)
15-07-2009, 11:39 PM
wow! this thread is really informative. but just wondering, how do u make sure that the gal is really not getting her hands other uninformed roberts and remaining loyal to u? how do u keep track of that? in my perspective it's easy to promise one thing yet do another.
cheers bro justime!:)
16-07-2009, 10:19 AM
Have three interesting points to share (including a Masterstroke Tit-bit used by Hua and Terrence) when discussing about hospitalization/medical cost:
1) Some Interesting factoids about pretext for soliciting money:
I remember a discussion that a Mistress Brotherhood had concerning the ways a PC WL solicits for money. The following are the top three most common pretexts in my experience:
a) Hospitalization and medical fee.
b) Finance company re-possessing property cause of failure to pay mortgage (by implication, the family has to sleep in the streets).
c) Gambling debts (invariably a member of the family). (Seldom a friend or even themselves – which is ironically the most plausible pretext.)
Of all the above reasons, everyone in the brotherhood agrees that hospitalization / medical fees is the number one most common pretext we heard in our own respective experience. How about other cheongsters? Is this also the most common pretext in your case as well?
We are at a stage whereby we prefer the girls to tell us the upfront and unvarnished truth - that they over spent way beyond their means, they covet a particular merchandise, they are intrinsically shopoholics, they themselves incur the gambling debts rather than having to resort to lies in order to solicit money.
.................................................. ....................
/////////////////Masterstroke Tit Bit 4 /////////////////////
“Call their bluff!” (That is why I hate playing poker with Hua and Mike!)
When the ladies come soliciting them for money using the pretext of money, Hua and Mike like to proposition them thus (by calling their bluff):
Mike and Hua usually will give a show of being empathetic and then say that they will send a staff from their China office to the WL ladies’ home (or where ever their sick relative is). The made it clear tha their China staff will send the WL relatives to the hospital and then make arrangements for Mike and Hua to pick up the bill later. And he can only do so via this modus operandi as this is “company policy”.
(By the way, both of them really have the capability to do this should the hospitalization solicitation be proved true. I myself have tried this “call you bluff” Masterstroke Tit Bit only twice. And in both instances, I am really really convinced that the lady is bluffing).
Incredible thing is, after this proposition is offered (with no upfront money and no money given through the care of the WL), the WL's parents and relatives illness suddenly becomes not life threatening, operations can wait a little while longer etc……
And to put it into perspective on how widespread this fake pretext is, out of dozens of such “call your bluffs” scenario we administer collectively regarding hospitalization, we only encountered only one genuine case – Mike’s case.
And he did indeed take care of the bill (about only SGD 6, 000 as promised.)
Hi bro justime,
Thank you!!! Kudos to ur amazing strategies, deft tactical moves n psychological warfare...may I call u the SUN ZI of of BAO YANG?
I hv followed ur advice faithfully bro.
Even if I'm smitten by a chio ger, I now pretend not to be interested.
After no ctc from me for 2 days, the hairstylist apprentice sent a SMS asking me what I'm doing...she is going to get the medical exam n blood tests. Not a word for any upfront money! She originally demanded SGD 16K!
Thx again!
16-07-2009, 01:41 PM
/////////////////Masterstroke Tit Bit 4 /////////////////////
“Call their bluff!” (That is why I hate playing poker with Hua and Mike!)
And he did indeed take care of the bill (about only SGD 6, 000 as promised.) ever applied this masterstroke...
but it was to a lean; bony guy at a coffeeshop...
he came around me table...asking for money to eat...
me saw him take $2 from another table already...
so me tell him to sit wif me...order whatever food he wants...
he looked shocked at me...then sat down and asked if can eat prata...
me called the prata fella and he ordered 3 kosong prata...
me then asked if he needed drinks...
he ordered iced-teh-o...
when food & drinks paid for all...
then later see him struggling trying to eat all 3 prata...
when he was into his 2nd prata...
me told him to enjoy his food and me walked off...
the next hving me breakfast at same kopishop...
the drinks fella tell me the guy walked off after me left...
he did not finish the 3rd prata...
guess he only wanted cash to get himself drunk...or some cigs...
will try tis masterstroke on gals...hopefully soon...
16-07-2009, 04:17 PM
Have three interesting points to share (including a Masterstroke Tit-bit used by Hua and Terrence) when discussing about hospitalization/medical cost:
1) Some Interesting factoids about pretext for soliciting money:
I remember a discussion that a Mistress Brotherhood had concerning the ways a PC WL solicits for money. The following are the top three most common pretexts in my experience:
a) Hospitalization and medical fee.
b) Finance company re-possessing property cause of failure to pay mortgage (by implication, the family has to sleep in the streets).
c) Gambling debts (invariably a member of the family). (Seldom a friend or even themselves – which is ironically the most plausible pretext.)
Of all the above reasons, everyone in the brotherhood agrees that hospitalization / medical fees is the number one most common pretext we heard in our own respective experience. How about other cheongsters? Is this also the most common pretext in your case as well?
Bro Justime, in my past experiences I encountered similar cases as yours plus the followings:
1. House damaged due to flood, typhoon, vandals etc.
2. Need to move house, because provincial governor was going to reprosess the property as the land was given by don't know who grandfather's uncle who had whatsoever royal links. Or, a certain road or rail will be built across the farm her parents owned etc... new farm costs lots more money.
3. Brother getting married, house too small. She will need to buy a new house for brother or renovate and enlarge current residence.
4. Brother(s) or Sister(s) having to pursue further education and need the money assistance.
Your call bluff strategy is certainly useful for such situations. I would say, hands on heart, 95% of such "loans" and/or "advances" are fictitious at best.
17-07-2009, 02:44 AM
Even if I'm smitten by a chio ger, I now pretend not to be interested.
After no ctc from me for 2 days, the hairstylist apprentice sent a SMS asking me what I'm doing...she is going to get the medical exam n blood tests. Not a word for any upfront money! She originally demanded SGD 16K!
Brilliant! Clap! Clap! (The number of times I shaved a women’s bottom should qualify me to be a hairstylist as well – a pubic hairstylist!)
You did well, you created options for yourself (and hence not needy in your interaction and transaction with her). You have that ‘take it or leave it’ nonchalance which is very attractive for women.
(Another tip:
Once a lady learns that you have multiple options besides her – and that you are likely to offer her ‘rival’ your patronage instead of her, the competitive beast in her kicks in!
It is really fun to see her ‘manipulations and machinations’ when she tries to win you over her purported competitor! … I will elaborate on the use of “Jealousy” in one of my Masterstrokes!) ever applied this masterstroke...
but it was to a lean; bony guy at a coffeeshop...
the drinks fella tell me the guy walked off after me left...
he did not finish the 3rd prata...
guess he only wanted cash to get himself drunk...or some cigs...
will try tis masterstroke on gals...hopefully soon...
Hi coyote, nice twist to the masterstroke. Absolutely loved your little anecdote!
17-07-2009, 02:59 AM
plus the followings:
1. House damaged due to flood, typhoon, vandals etc.
2. Need to move house, because provincial governor was going to reprosess the property as the land was given by don't know who grandfather's uncle who had whatsoever royal links. Or, a certain road or rail will be built across the farm her parents owned etc... new farm costs lots more money.
3. Brother getting married, house too small. She will need to buy a new house for brother or renovate and enlarge current residence.
4. Brother(s) or Sister(s) having to pursue further education and need the money assistance.
Your call bluff strategy is certainly useful for such situations. I would say, hands on heart, 95% of such "loans" and/or "advances" are fictitious at best.
Thanks Loving Dickhead for enumerating the excuses and pretexts that WL uses to get us part with our money. 95% of the stories/pretexts are fiction? I think more likely to be 99%!
What I find it strange is the paucity of hearing direct truths being touted as a pretext to solicit for your money.
“I am spend thrift and hence have to use my pussy to fuel my spending habits” or my favourite, “I gambled uncontrollably until I get myself heavily into debt”.
All the so call oft reasons usually offered come from sympathy mode – in essence appealing to your hero complex to her damsel in distress. It is quite bland and boring really. “Boo hoo hoo, I am essentially a demure girl who is compelled by circumstances to sacrifice my ‘morals’ / I hate to solicit money from you but circumstances forced my hand”.
It is as if she is trying to obscure the perception that you might see her as a manipulative, scheming, materialistic and greedy bitch. What she does not realize is that such a perception will manifest when she is found out – as it will invariably be the case for season players.
Okay maybe I am so jaded with hearing the self same reason, but I personally I like the pretext to come from a woman with fatal flaws such as a gambling addiction or shopaholic (instead of victims of circumstance).
Coming from such a situation makes her character seem more feisty and colorful. And women with poor impulse control in general can be ‘manipulated’ to go far in experimenting and tend to be more adventurous in bed!
As an aside, I had ever BY a lady (for three months) who told me in my face that she is a sucker for branded goods and is willing to go far if I give her “expensive presents.” In her case, No cash is exchanged – only presents. (Beware: this arrangement is often more expensive that standard retainer fee!). I accepted her proposition because of her sheer audacity and chutzpah!
Just a little anecdote about this particular girl:
Seeing the numerous of facial products she owns somehow brought out the little devil in me. I admit that I was ‘irritated’ seeing that she wants me to buy her more facial products despite her dresser being stacked high in them -most of them unused (I was not quite fully on the empowered stage then - still only in transition!)
What I did was to then intentionally asked to come on her face and then for her to use this come and apply it like a face cream. I made it difficult for her to say no. I can still vividly remember her attempts to please me. Her first hesitant attempts to apply my come on her face; then her slightly imploring looks for me to tell her to stop, and finally realizing the futility in getting me to change my mind, she took in a deep breath and then just applied my “cream” with such gusto (with lip licking relish, exaggerate moaning and all). Her subsequent slutty actions were in marked contrast with her earlier hesitance. Gotta say that it is hell of a turn on that I fucked her hard there and then. (Nope I didn’t kiss her and congealed spunk is indeed a little like facial mask - texture wise!).
And I didn’t buy her the face cream. Instead I bought her a ladies Tag Heuer watch that set me back $1800. Guess what? Two weeks later, she even had the audacity to ask me for my "scrotal facial cream treatment" again so that I could buy her another watch! :rolleyes: Talk about feisty!
(By the way, there should be no feeling of obligation of the necessity to 'reward' your mistress in participating such 'kinky activities'. You give when you feel that she is deserving - on your terms!
I gave her the watch then because I have not fully imbibed the prinicples of empowerment then. Admitedly I did feel a little sense of obligation in this instance!
17-07-2009, 10:26 AM
Brilliant! Clap! Clap! (The number of times I shaved a women’s bottom should qualify me to be a hairstylist as well – a pubic hairstylist!)
You did well, you created options for yourself (and hence not needy in your interaction and transaction with her). You have that ‘take it or leave it’ nonchalance which is very attractive for women.
(Another tip:
Once a lady learns that you have multiple options besides her – and that you are likely to offer her ‘rival’ your patronage instead of her, the competitive beast in her kicks in!
It is really fun to see her ‘manipulations and machinations’ when she tries to win you over her purported competitor! … I will elaborate on the use of “Jealousy” in one of my Masterstrokes!)
Hi bro,
I'm an eager n hard-working mentee, hehehe.
I hv made too many mistakes in the past. The biggest error was to reveal my liking for a chio ger the 1st time I met her. She would invariably played hard to get...
Now I let the gers compete for me, hehehe. I do hv a question though. Let's suppose u r in the process of discussing a possible RS w/ a KTV ger named A. When u visit that KTV one nite, u call a couple of other gers to sit w/ u instead of A, would she be so upset that she severs her ongoing discussion w/ u? Or should u also get A to sit w/ u but show interest in others as well?
Thanks Loving Dickhead for enumerating the excuses and pretexts that WL uses to get us part with our money. 95% of the stories/pretexts are fiction? I think more likely to be 99%!
What I find it strange is the paucity of hearing direct truths being touted as a pretext to solicit for your money.
“I am spend thrift and hence have to use my pussy to fuel my spending habits” or my favourite, “I gambled uncontrollably until I get myself heavily into debt”.
All the so call oft reasons usually offered come from sympathy mode – in essence appealing to your hero complex to her damsel in distress....................
Coming from such a situation makes her character seem more feisty and colorful. And women with poor impulse control in general can be ‘manipulated’ to go far in experimenting and tend to be more adventurous in bed!
As an aside, I had ever BY a lady (for three months) who told me in my face that she is a sucker for branded goods and is willing to go far if I give her “expensive presents.” In her case, No cash is exchanged – only presents. (Beware: this arrangement is often more expensive that standard retainer fee!). I accepted her proposition because of her sheer audacity and chutzpah!
Just a little anecdote about this particular girl:
Seeing the numerous of facial products she owns somehow brought out the little devil in me. I admit that I was ‘irritated’ seeing that she wants me to buy her more facial products .....
What I did was to then intentionally asked to come on her face and then for her to use this come and apply it like a face cream. I made it difficult for her to say no. I can still vividly remember her attempts to please me. Her first hesitant attempts to apply my come on her face; then her slightly imploring looks for me to tell her to stop, and finally realizing the futility in getting me to change my mind, she took in a deep breath and then just applied my “cream” with such gusto (with lip licking relish, exaggerate moaning and all). Her subsequent slutty actions were in marked contrast with her earlier hesitance. Gotta say that it is hell of a turn on that I fucked her hard there and then. (Nope I didn’t kiss her and congealed spunk is indeed a little like facial mask - texture wise!).
And I didn’t buy her the face cream. Instead I bought her a ladies Tag Heuer watch that set me back $1800. Guess what? Two weeks later, she even had the audacity to ask me for my "scrotal facial cream treatment" again so that I could buy her another watch!
I gave her the watch then because I have not fully imbibed the prinicples of empowerment then. Admitedly I did feel a little sense of obligation in this instance!
Hi bro,
You're amazing!
IMHO, if a man can come on a ger's face, it's the ultimate demonstration of her total submission n acceptance of him as her master...;)
17-07-2009, 12:04 PM
..hands on heart, 95% of such "loans" and/or "advances" are fictitious at best.
Common place fibs (or "strawberries") with thai crowd, not restricted to:
> sick buffalo (or died!)
> accident (road or home)
> hospital (miraculous recovery after!)
> behind in rent
..thread is really informative. but just wondering, how do u make sure that the gal is really not getting her hands other uninformed roberts and remaining loyal to u? how do u keep track of that? in my perspective it's easy to promise one thing yet do another
Good question, no straight answer. If trust is living in fools paradise, there are 1 or 2 things blokes are known to do (caveat: never tried):
> There's some software to spy on her mobile (calls, sms routed alerted to you).
> Private dick
> Pal in cahoots with you, going for the jugular
TS, liked your competition bit. Par for the course:p
17-07-2009, 01:00 PM
Now I let the gers compete for me, hehehe. I do hv a question though. Let's suppose u r in the process of discussing a possible RS w/ a KTV ger named A. When u visit that KTV one nite, u call a couple of other gers to sit w/ u instead of A, would she be so upset that she severs her ongoing discussion w/ u? Or should u also get A to sit w/ u but show interest in others as well?
IMHO, if a man can come on a ger's face, it's the ultimate demonstration of her total submission n acceptance of him as her master...;)
I would choose the latter option. Preferably with a girl whom you know covets you. This is to emphasize your status (girls often do not have an independent opinion, they like to get their cue from the choices made by other women - hence the desirability of the 'married man").
By sitting with a lady who likes you, your perceived value in A's eyes will go go up. Never mind if the other girl(s) is sitting with you pretty or not when compared to A. Women don’t see that way – they just see another “rival".
Also when you finally decide to go for “A”, she will feels a little triumph and have a nice shot of ego boost!
COF is really quite fun and enjoyable, but in the context of my experience it takes a lot more “work” to get a PRC accept this vis-à-vis other nationalities.
And believe it or not, for me Singaporean girls are the most receptive to the idea of COF! What about other brothers?
Common place fibs (or "strawberries") with thai crowd, not restricted to:
> sick buffalo (or died!)
LOL. :D Never heard that one before!
17-07-2009, 03:44 PM
Just a little anecdote about this particular girl:
Seeing the numerous of facial products she owns somehow brought out the little devil in me. I admit that I was ‘irritated’ seeing that she wants me to buy her more facial products despite her dresser being stacked high in them -most of them unused (I was not quite fully on the empowered stage then - still only in transition!)
What I did was to then intentionally asked to come on her face and then for her to use this come and apply it like a face cream. I made it difficult for her to say no. I can still vividly remember her attempts to please me. Her first hesitant attempts to apply my come on her face; then her slightly imploring looks for me to tell her to stop, and finally realizing the futility in getting me to change my mind, she took in a deep breath and then just applied my “cream” with such gusto (with lip licking relish, exaggerate moaning and all). Her subsequent slutty actions were in marked contrast with her earlier hesitance. Gotta say that it is hell of a turn on that I fucked her hard there and then. (Nope I didn’t kiss her and congealed spunk is indeed a little like facial mask - texture wise!).
And I didn’t buy her the face cream. Instead I bought her a ladies Tag Heuer watch that set me back $1800. Guess what? Two weeks later, she even had the audacity to ask me for my "scrotal facial cream treatment" again so that I could buy her another watch! :rolleyes: Talk about feisty!
bro jus, read your story already sibei horny leh! must go toilet pcc. :)
And thk u 4 continue post. i learn some more new things that i can use 2 make my life better.
i try so many times with tis gal in my same office building but no respond. so i use some masterstroke u recommend by being bo chap when i see her nxt time. After ignore me so long, she finally call me back without me make any prompting. Tis is first time happen in my life n i so happy.
kum sia sifu. Maybe no need go Health Centre so much for release myself. :D
18-07-2009, 01:13 AM
i try so many times with tis gal in my same office building but no respond. so i use some masterstroke u recommend by being bo chap when i see her nxt time. After ignore me so long, she finally call me back without me make any prompting. Tis is first time happen in my life n i so happy.
kum sia sifu. Maybe no need go Health Centre so much for release myself. :D
Hi ansonsohna, just thought that I would clarify the concept of “Bo Chap” a little:
1) “Bo Chap” does NOT mean Non Action. You cannot passively sit and wait for things to happen. You need to be proactive and take action. The fact that the lady who worked at the same building called you is not because you bo chap her per se. It is actually you suddenly bo chap her - a change in your usual sycophantic behavior towards her.
It is your change in attitude that intrigues her. That is actually what made you “suddenly” appealing to her. But do remember this: you did invest time and energy to woo her prior to this moment. The positive response is actually a culmination of the many days you took action in trying to get to know her and then suddenly displaying a confident attitude. It is NOT as if you bo chap and then she starts to notice you.
So Anson, when you see an object that is worthy of your pursuit. You need to take proactive action. Go for it! You need to take action to get to know her. And not simply adopt a “bo chap” attitude and hope that she will gravitate toward you because of the cool nonchalance you display.
(By the way only a few persons can successfully pull off the cool detached demeanor and get the girl excited by it. We shall not even try!)
2) “Bo Chap” used in the context of empowering yourself in a relationship means having a detached attitude in the outcome of your pursuits. It is confident nonchalance about how the object of your pursuit reacts. You do not leap for joy when she responds favourably. Neither do you despair should she spurn or ignores your efforts to woo her.
3) “Bo Chap” in the context of empowerment can be also construed as not needing her. You don’t need her to feel good or desired. You ‘bo chap’ whether she gives you positive response or not. You alone are responsible for your self esteem and how confident you are going to feel.
And bro ansonsohna, …. Congratulations, you had inadvertently locked in on the attitude to project with the object of your pursuit. And please do not purposely ignore or bo chap her now. The sudden display of confidence got you noticed. Don’t waste the opportunity to build on from here.
I have NOT elaborated on how to build from your present gain. So I would just need you to use your gut feeling and ‘muddle’ your way through. For now, just be confident in your dealings with her subsequently – without worrying or fretting whether you made a good impression on her or not! Project confidence by knowing what you want from her and from your life direction in general. Good luck.
18-07-2009, 06:17 AM
I am back and seeking advice. This new KTV girl I have been seeing does not chu jie. She does not have a BF yet as she is new. I am interested to BY her but since she does not chu jie, I am wondering if I should offer her to be BY by me. Should I do the acid test by asking if for one-off screw or just go straight to the terms of BY? Need some advice
18-07-2009, 09:39 AM
1) “Bo Chap” does NOT mean Non Action. You cannot passively sit and wait for things to happen. You need to be proactive and take action. The fact that the lady who worked at the same building called you is not because you bo chap her per se. It is actually you suddenly bo chap her - a change in your usual sycophantic behavior towards her.
2) “Bo Chap” used in the context of empowering yourself in a relationship means having a detached attitude in the outcome of your pursuits. It is confident nonchalance about how the object of your pursuit reacts.
3) “Bo Chap” in the context of empowerment can be also construed as not needing her. You don’t need her to feel good or desired. You ‘bo chap’ whether she gives you positive response or not. You alone are responsible for your self esteem and how confident you are going to feel.
And bro ansonsohna, …. Congratulations, you had inadvertently locked in on the attitude to project with the object of your pursuit. And please do not purposely ignore or bo chap her now. The sudden display of confidence got you noticed. Don’t waste the opportunity to build on from here.
Hi bro justime, I think very hard of what u write & contemplate. U are correct & hit nail on the head as usual. I actually kan cheong whether the girl like me or not. I now know that this is not empowerment me. Yes sifu I will build up from here. & even if she does not like me its her loss.
I actually 30 plus years old & very shy. I only go out with two gals in my life. & when last one break up with me, I was devastated. So I mostly go to HC.
Reading yur thread help me a lot to build my shattered confidence. I notice qte a lot of change in my life since yur “哲学”. I actually come to sammy boy to pcc and by chance I saw yur thread. This is my most heng moment, I say better than when I tiok 4D last year.
I tink a lot abt what u write and application of your theory. Not to por u, but I tink it really works at least in my personal life. I now more confident & since reading yur thread, dated 3 OL girls in tat time which is more than what I did for 30 yrs. My boss aso notice my change. I can see now tat its more than just BY. I cannot say kum siah enuff.
When u write abt ‘creating choice’ & taking action, i oso tink abt bro warbird. He is my other sifu. He is man of action. I not so heong & can choeng like him as I still shy (got improvement a lot but still shy). I really admire bro warbird for his courage & will learn from him to be action orientated.
So Anson, when you see an object that is worthy of your pursuit. You need to take proactive action. Go for it! You need to take action to get to know her.
Hi bro justime,
Thank you!!! Kudos to ur amazing strategies, deft tactical moves n psychological warfare...may I call u the SUN ZI of of BAO YANG?
I hv followed ur advice faithfully bro.
Even if I'm smitten by a chio ger, I now pretend not to be interested.
After no ctc from me for 2 days, the hairstylist apprentice sent a SMS asking me what I'm doing...she is going to get the medical exam n blood tests. Not a word for any upfront money! She originally demanded SGD 16K!
Thx again!
Gentle Beast
18-07-2009, 03:38 PM
Hi justime
Thanks for all the insightful tips to put the odds back in the guys favour in this game. I enjoyed your occasional musings and anecdotes amid the paragraphs of advice and tips, good stuff!
Pardon me for momentarily taking the tone of this thread on mistresses away. I'll be making a trip to my ancestral homeland in Fujian, to spend a few days with my parent's siblings and their offsprings. I;m prepared to meet them with an open mind, but nagging me is if they asked me for my address, contact in Singapore, can you advise how I can deal with this? I'm concerned if anyone of them will use that benefit of 'dropping by' or worse use excuses to come over to work etc..
I hope with your experience, you can offer me something I can use, thanks!
18-07-2009, 03:44 PM
Common place fibs (or "strawberries") with thai crowd, not restricted to:
> sick buffalo (or died!)
> accident (road or home)
> hospital (miraculous recovery after!)
> behind in rent
Good question, no straight answer. If trust is living in fools paradise, there are 1 or 2 things blokes are known to do (caveat: never tried):
> There's some software to spy on her mobile (calls, sms routed alerted to you).
> Private dick
> Pal in cahoots with you, going for the jugular
TS, liked your competition bit. Par for the course:p
Never add in
1. Phone no money
2. Need money for school
555 - heard most of them before
18-07-2009, 03:50 PM
How about need money for new ride? Brand new subaru wrx sti...
18-07-2009, 11:26 PM
I am back and seeking advice. This new KTV girl I have been seeing does not chu jie. She does not have a BF yet as she is new. I am interested to BY her but since she does not chu jie, I am wondering if I should offer her to be BY by me. Should I do the acid test by asking if for one-off screw or just go straight to the terms of BY? Need some advice
Hi Koreanlover, its is so much easier to couch your offer in terms of BY rather than chu jie. Ladies seem to be more amendable toward Client’s Patronage vis-à-vis solicitation to chu jie. Some ladies who absolutely say no to chu jie will gladly take on a patron.
Remember by earlier, masterstroke tit-bit? Do use euphemisms when making the offer: Such as “Can I take care of you?”
Also you can learn from Bro Warbird’s situation: Do go through some of the discussions we have here in the thread - it is theory as applied in the context of his real life. You may like to use some of the learning points there to frame your personal situation.
Just two quick reminders (in case you do not have the time to go through the thread again):
1) Don’t offer everything upfront. If she actually fails to deliver on the service as per your expectation, you can cut loss quickly – thereby minimizing the damage to your wallet.
2) Make sure that it is not a girl friend based relationship but a patron-mistress. If it is the former, this is simply a very expensive “chu jie” session!
All in all, do go through the thread again to remind you of key principles that you must apply. Good luck and have fun!
Hi justime
Thanks for all the insightful tips to put the odds back in the guys favour in this game. I enjoyed your occasional musings and anecdotes amid the paragraphs of advice and tips, good stuff!
Pardon me for momentarily taking the tone of this thread on mistresses away. I'll be making a trip to my ancestral homeland in Fujian, to spend a few days with my parent's siblings and their offsprings. I;m prepared to meet them with an open mind, but nagging me is if they asked me for my address, contact in Singapore, can you advise how I can deal with this? I'm concerned if anyone of them will use that benefit of 'dropping by' or worse use excuses to come over to work etc..
I hope with your experience, you can offer me something I can use, thanks!
Thank you Gentle Beast for the compliment and the rep points. Appreciate it.
In your case, the sense of apprehension and disquiet about your relations imposing upon you (and your lifestyle) is not without basis. They will likely call on this familial connection at some point if they want to venture overseas. This can take the form as simple and transient as a holiday / vacation or to something that has a more permanent ring to it such as asking you to guarantor to find work and/or get a long stay visa. So might as well take it as a given that they will do so.
(Mike & Hua have very deep familial connections in China and I can see from their experience that their relatives are not averse to using the familial connection to impose on them. It is survival after all. The Chinese in general do not feel “pai say” and have any hang-ups to utilize what they got. Also know that a lot of them are quite parochial (they hardly travel outside of the mainland and when they do its mostly on conducted tours). Thus an average mainlander has hardly any connections and network beyond their municipality. This means that understandably they gravitate will to you – a little “guan xi” is better than none at all!)
Again, I do not have any context of your personal life except what is given here above. But the thing to do is that you have to be pragmatic over the whole issue. In the case of Mike & Hua, they have businesses in China and there might be the possibility of them needed their China familial connections at some point. So Mike and Hua do indulge them.
It is difficult to refuse them your address and contact details. (I presume that you still want to maintain cordial ties). This being said, do however draw the line at inviting them to stay at their house at all. Once you allowed them in, it is difficult to chase them out without “shang gan qing”. So prepare an excuse in advance on why they cannot stay with you. If you have many spare rooms at home like Mike and Hua, give the excuse that your house also doubles up as an office – and that you will have partners and employees coming over frequently.
Another common way by which your ‘extended’ family will use the connection with you is to ask you to be a guarantor –for work/ social visit visas etc, and they may even solicit your help to look for a job for them. Generally for the guarantor bit to extend their stay, you cannot do much but to oblige. It should be obvious that if you feel bad vibes, do not even offer this.
So in the event that you provide the guarantor for social visa, do remember to take charge in ensuring that they do not overstay. Mike, Hua and even myself always remind our relatives of the imminent visa due date. To make the situation more diplomatic, we occasionally like to give the excuse that we got a call from immigration as part of their routine check to confirm the exact date our relatives will be leaving Singapore – especially after they have already extended their visa. (You can take advantage of the perception of Singapore’s reputation of being strict and efficient). Your relatives won’t know if that is true for sure and it also subtly communicates to them that they are being monitored (hence not to try anything funny).
Hua even tried this “trick” on his relative’s child because he wants to chase him out. Good kid but Hua simply doesn’t want the hassle to ensure that all is well with him. His nephew is a recent graduate who is trying to seek employment in Singapore and whose dad is a senior government official in China. And if people so high up can be sold this line (Hua and this relative is still ‘close’ till this day), the average Chinese should be similarly vulnerable to this simple machination.
Hope this helps a little. :cool:
18-07-2009, 11:31 PM
I would choose the latter option. Preferably with a girl whom you know covets you. This is to emphasize your status (girls often do not have an independent opinion, they like to get their cue from the choices made by other women - hence the desirability of the 'married man").
By sitting with a lady who likes you, your perceived value in A's eyes will go go up. Never mind if the other girl(s) is sitting with you pretty or not when compared to A. Women don’t see that way – they just see another “rival".
Also when you finally decide to go for “A”, she will feels a little triumph and have a nice shot of ego boost!
COF is really quite fun and enjoyable, but in the context of my experience it takes a lot more “work” to get a PRC accept this vis-à-vis other nationalities.
And believe it or not, for me Singaporean girls are the most receptive to the idea of COF! What about other brothers?
Hi bro justime,
Thx for ur advice.
BTW, JJ went back today.
18-07-2009, 11:56 PM
Never add in
1. Phone no money
2. Need money for school
555 - heard most of them before
How about need money for new ride? Brand new subaru wrx sti...
I will talk more about this later but for now remember:
1) It is not WHAT they say but HOW they say it (and under what context) that is important.
Sometimes despite the fact that we know it is an obvious lie, we still fall into their machinations. It is because of the PRC WL employment of the "how" (such as sheding copious tears, flatter your ego, threats of 'breaking up' with you because you can't even support her in such easy request, the use of love wanyangs and seduction ...).
2) In spite of the obvious lie, never lose control of your temper and emotions. (Unless you want to break off this relationship).
The more empowering approach (assuming that you still want to continue the relationship) is to use a negotiatory approach. In business dealings, you never lose your temper (unless it is a deliberate strategy). The same applies here to when dealing with the mistress.
The short version of the strategy when confronted with situation of a WL asking for money is:
1) Understand the real reason and motivation why the PRC WL needs the money(afterall your patronage fees should be more than adequate to cover her lifestyle)? Is it only greed per se? Or taught by a Mother Hen to extract more money from you?
2) Why the need for the lie?
3) Present generally a serious take charge mode of communication. Use man-speak (the use of cold, rational, problem solving tone) with a hint of threat of breaking off the relationship if she insist on getting the money.
* Know however that when a woman (whom you still want to keep) asks for additional money it is generally bad news. You want to minimise damage to your wallet and extract the most out of the situation!
4) After the hard talk, which use woman-speak (emotional caring tone) to drive home your point and the solutions. So that she will be ready to accept it!
I will elaborate more about this on Masterstroke 3: Be a Confident Bastard.
Gentle Beast
19-07-2009, 12:02 AM
Thank you Gentle Beast for the compliment and the rep points. Appreciate it.
Hope this helps a little. :cool:
Many thanks justime, for your prompt and comprehensive reply to my query. You have covered a wide area on the 'what ifs' and I deeply appreciate your sharing of thoughts. I'm mentally prepared on what to expect and will do whatever necessary even to the point of lying on my address and phone contact if pressed :o. I'm making this courtesy visit to my ancestral homeland as an extension of my holiday and partly as a respect for my late parents' wish that I will at least meet up with my relatives there in my lifetime.
Justime, one more question - I don't want to be there bearing '2 bunches of bananas' (without any gifts) so would appreciate if you can share some tips on what I can bring along (something that is thoughtful and yet not expensive). Thank you!
19-07-2009, 08:58 AM
Well bro Justime, I did not offer to BY my new target as explained by this incident.
SMS her yesterday afternoon and the conversation went :
Me - Its Sunday, where are you?
She - I am out shopping. Haven't shop for quite a while
Me - Thats nice. What did you buy? (trying to see wheather she goes for branded stuff)
She - only 3 dresses for work
Me - I see. I love shopping too
Me - Are you going to work tonite at TAM?
She - Yes but the late night shift only
Me - Why don't you skip that and meet me instead?
(long pause and no reply)
She - Haha. But you have to make up for lost in income for me ok?
Me - Sure. No problem at all
(another long pause from her)
She - I saw a nice handbag from a shop I liked so much and happens to be the cheapest
(me LOL to myself - here comes the fishing technique from her.)
Me - Which shop is it? Since it is nice, quickly buy it before someone takes it (I asked this way as I know what's coming next)
She - Its a LV bag that costs $1.1k but how can I afford it?
(so here's my chance to test her willingness to go to bed)
Me - Well I just got to know you, why don't I offer to pay half so at least you could buy the bag. Would you "chu jie" with me tonight?
(I could afford the LV easily but I want to be in a dominant position from ths start and thus testing how she reacts)
After 30 mind of silence...
She - You already know I don't Chu Jiie
(it could really mean she don't go to hotels and that she wanted me to pay for the whole bag. Well since she does not want my first offer, I did not proffer any further. )
Me - ok thanks. See you at TAM next time.
19-07-2009, 11:27 AM
I will talk more about this later but for now remember:
1) It is not WHAT they say but HOW they say it (and under what context) that is important.
2) In spite of the obvious lie, never lose control of your temper and emotions. (Unless you want to break off this relationship).
The more empowering approach (assuming that you still want to continue the relationship) is to use a negotiatory approach. In business dealings, you never lose your temper (unless it is a deliberate strategy). The same applies here to when dealing with the mistress.
The short version of the strategy when confronted with situation of a WL asking for money is:
* Know however that when a woman (whom you still want to keep) asks for additional money it is generally bad news. You want to minimise damage to your wallet and extract the most out of the situation!
4) After the hard talk, which use woman-speak (emotional caring tone) to drive home your point and the solutions. So that she will be ready to accept it!
I will elaborate more about this on Masterstroke 3: Be a Confident Bastard.
Hi bro justime,
Thx for stressing that emotional discipline is the key.
"When a woman (whom you still want to keep) asks for additional money it is generally bad news. You want to minimise damage to your wallet and extract the most out of the situation."
It's really very bad news. An experienced bro told me yesterday that my heart is too soft n that I hv to be a player rather than a playee. He is 100% right. Once a gal knows that I like her, she will play hard to get n try to squeeze money out of me w/o going to bed. I need to change my mindset n treat these PRC MMs like common whores.
Perhaps I was poisoned by the American saying: “You treat a queen like a whore and a whore like a queen. You can’t go wrong.” I now know that is total BS.
Thx again for intro JJ. Although I might hv paid her above market rate, I met her outside KTVs n didn't spend a penny on drinks, etc. ;)
Good day!!
19-07-2009, 11:50 AM
I guess its is not Not easy to make a "living" using the "CAT"..some are really BORN to make use of wat GOD has given to HER..i have a gf always living in her dream world..waiting for MAN to "provide a living" for her exchange of her "CAT"..her last record was hoooking up a 60 yr old ang moh..she is only 28...had fun for 6 months...then now seeking for MAN again...
so i can say if there is a BUYER there is a SUPPLY...
wish that i can do in such "trade"...then i do not need to work like a BULL.... :o
BitCh Blue AUnt|e
19-07-2009, 09:10 PM
wish that i can do in such "trade"...then i do not need to work like a BULL.... :o
BitCh Blue AUnt|e
Er,,,you should mean work like a Cow right, since you are an aunty? Hey, many ppl like myself, love MILF and aunties. Please dont sell yourself short. I am sure you have your attributes.
Just another guy with too many 2 cents worth
19-07-2009, 10:15 PM
……… I'm making this courtesy visit to my ancestral homeland as an extension of my holiday and partly as a respect for my late parents' wish that I will at least meet up with my relatives there in my lifetime.
Justime, one more question - I don't want to be there bearing '2 bunches of bananas' (without any gifts) so would appreciate if you can share some tips on what I can bring along (something that is thoughtful and yet not expensive). Thank you!
Hi Gentle Beast, now this is what filial piety is about: honouring your late parents’ wishes despite the feeling of discomfiture in the execution. You have my utmost respect for that GB!
It is difficult to suggest the type of gifts in the absence of key information. Like for how may persons you are buying for, male/female, age group, budget. Once I have this information, I will be in a better position to recommend.
For gifts buying I usually rely on my PA (even for those of my gf and mistress). Unless it’s a deliberate gift buying strategy to win over a ladies heart or capture that elusive biz deal – I hardly do my own “shopping”.
Now I learnt this important thing in my numerous shopping jaunt with a PRC mei mei: Despite China being the “world’s factory” and the proliferation of imitation goods there, it is important to communicate that the gifts come from overseas and not bought in China.
For example, my PRC mistress (ex waitress) for example bought her dad an Adidas shirt when she returned home. This is something “cheap” but not so readily available in China. This is Ironic, considering the prominence of China at garment manufacturing.
China may be the Contract Manufacturer for a brand but ironically the prices for the goods for the mainland Chinese cost more vis-à-vis overseas – especially for the non imitation originals). Trust me – I know this very well as I do own a China based factory which is a CM of a major brand!
Okay just off the cuff suggestions (in the absence of info):
1) If gifts are for many, it can be as ‘cheap’ as branded sports apparel (or even cigars) for the male and some trinkets for the ladies.
2) If for the family and not individuals, my last gift that went very well without breaking the bank – i.e. cost less than a bottle at Club Infinitude - is a Swarovski crystal of a dragon that I gave to the head of the household. (I got it cheap when I travel to Austria, Tyrol).
19-07-2009, 10:23 PM
Well bro Justime, I did not offer to BY my new target as explained by this incident.
SMS her yesterday afternoon and the conversation went :
Me - Well I just got to know you, why don't I offer to pay half so at least you could buy the bag. Would you "chu jie" with me tonight?
(I could afford the LV easily but I want to be in a dominant position from ths start and thus testing how she reacts)
After 30 mins of silence...
She - You already know I don't Chu Jiie
(it could really mean she don't go to hotels and that she wanted me to pay for the whole bag. Well since she does not want my first offer, I did not proffer any further. )
Me - ok thanks. See you at TAM next time.
Hi Koreanlover, you are right to walk away from the deal. She just wants to have her cake and eat it too.
We may marvel at how this so very obvious modus operandi can work when calmer minds prevail. But know this: many men (I hope that no readers of this thread would be among them) would have gone right in and offered to buy her the LV bag in the hope that it will touch her heart in actual situation. By at least ‘refusing’ at the outset, you are one up on all the Uninformed Robert wannabes.
Please do not buy into the ludicrous premise that by lavishing the prospect an expensive gift, you will win her heart. What you are buying for yourself is only a self perceived notion that you are foremost in her consideration vis-à-vis her other suitors (which she will invariably have).
Potential Suitor Ball park mathematics: I have actually sat down with at least ten WLs (mostly my ex-mistress) to work out the number of new men they met in a month.
Assuming a relatively conservative estimate of just three (new) tables a night for twenty nights; it will yield sixty different reactions/prospects for her*. Out of this sixty, I am sure there will be some who mistaken think the fantasy element of a KTV mirrors real life. There will definitely be some uninformed Roberts in the mix who will woo her by throwing money.
* (Come on, even for an unmotivated WL like XH working for slightly less than a month here, there are 153 men in her calling list!)
Self delusion aside, imagine paying a thousand plus simply for just the chance to be considered as her potential suitor – one of many too I might add! Might as well book her at least five times at her nite club and use her ‘trap’ situation to ensnare her!
Talking about self delusion, many a time we subconsciously dis-empower ourselves by limiting our choice. Once we see some beauty we like, we stop the hunt and focus on the single prey. There is no basis for this limitation except that she appeals to our sense of aesthetics currently. We then make it on our mind that she is unique and rare. We let her beauty so enamored us that we overlook (or intentional overlook) her flaws and materialistic ways.
There is some much to elaborate but so little time here to do so. I may be way off the mark but I sense that you are trying quite hard to replace your earlier “failure” by demonstrating quick success with another WL (instead of just taking it casual and take the love wayangs and sex as it comes.)
In case my intuition is correct, please just remember these quick wisdoms when dealing with a potential prospect:
1) Its axiomatic I know, but there are plenty of fishes in the sea. You must go out to seek them constantly. Forget the one that got away, Look out for the overall catch. My best mistress ever is one that I initially overlook and did not even want to have ST at first!
2) Face the facts: a lot of the WLs are here for primarily for money. Love is secondary. Don’t focus on the exception whereby the lady sacrifices money for love. Focus instead on the majority of cases (and the likelihood that despite your best efforts, you may never get into her heart at all).
Work on the basis that the women are materialistic and are out to take you for all you have got. Using this as a premise, see how you can take advantage of this fact for your own benefit.
The reason why the masterstrokes work and are so powerful is because it extrapolates the most effective and efficient course of action based on the above premise.
3) Love, infatuation and affection by the WL is extremely transient. It can be replaced by cold hard pragmatic consideration in an instant. Today she might think the world of you and the very next day she will think that you are dirt simply because you not indulge her the way she wants or just simply a new better prospect comes into her life.
Despite XH (got some new updates to share) extreme love wayangs for me currently, I never for once dismiss or forget the notion that the co called infatuation / love / like can be switched off easily and be replaced by a money grabbing attitude or that she may ‘butterfly’ when a better prospect come along.
The attitude above should NOT be construed to mean that I see ulterior motive in all her actions or that I don’t enjoy the pampering and saying sessions!
Thinking that once you won her heart, it will be permanent is worse than not making any headway in the first instance.
Take care and fun bro!
19-07-2009, 11:08 PM
There is some much to elaborate but so little time here to do so. I may be way off the mark but I sense that you are trying quite hard to replace your earlier “failure” by demonstrating quick success with another WL (instead of just taking it casual and take the love wayangs and sex as it comes.)
Bro Justime you have read me so well! Yes I did not realized it myself and frankly your advice, wisdom is like no other. I really find salace andcomfort that I can turn to you for advice. I must distant myself from the one that got away.
19-07-2009, 11:17 PM
if you have been following this thread closely, you will learn a lot and save yourself heartache and money! Remember the WL that asks me for an LV? After my test by offering just half the sponsorship. She did not call me or respond to my SMS. So don't fall for any of this tricks and be an uninformed Robert - money can't buy love, if it does Be Wary!
19-07-2009, 11:31 PM
wish that i can do in such "trade"...then i do not need to work like a BULL.... :o
BitCh Blue AUnt|e
Er,,,you should mean work like a Cow right, since you are an aunty? Hey, many ppl like myself, love MILF and aunties. Please dont sell yourself short. I am sure you have your attributes.
Just another guy with too many 2 cents worth[/QUOTE]
:) if me got "material" to do the "trade" .. i might forgo the PRIDE ..
But tHen i think i still hv some to keep for least :D n i believe in HARD EARNED MONEY ... like the COW in the field...
Well, if i am the GUY wif the $$$$ i would also like n can afford to choose what i wanna in life...
Good LUck guy with too many 2 cents worth..
BitChy Blue AUntiE
20-07-2009, 03:50 AM
Thx for stressing that emotional discipline is the key.
It's really very bad news. An experienced bro told me yesterday that my heart is too soft n that I hv to be a player rather than a playee. He is 100% right. Once a gal knows that I like her, she will play hard to get n try to squeeze money out of me w/o going to bed. I need to change my mindset n treat these PRC MMs like common whores.
Perhaps I was poisoned by the American saying: “You treat a queen like a whore and a whore like a queen. You can’t go wrong.” I now know that is total BS.
Thx again for intro JJ. Although I might hv paid her above market rate, I met her outside KTVs n didn't spend a penny on drinks, etc.
Hi warbird, do you know whether JJ will be coming to SIN again?
Anyway, I think overall you did quite well in the handling of the situation. Don’t berate yourself on paying premium (‘above’ market rate). We are all victims of paying for the “golden pussy” syndrome at some points of our cheonging life!
Yes, some girls are tough to chu jie (and I rate JJ as being one of them). And you being a TAM regular would no doubt witness cases whereby even if a thousand dollars are proffered for that ‘golden pussy’ it is turned down. So in the grand scheme of things, you did alright:
1) In actually getting her to agree to be your mistress. And your modus operandi and approach in getting to that agreement was spot on as you dictated terms throughout.
I really like the part whereby you negotiated / communicated your sexual expectations with her. Sex is part of the equation in the BY and you did not leave this all important aspect vague like a lot of Uninformed Brothers in their attempts to BY. If you leave it vague, it usually means that it will be her discretion whether to dispense her pussy (if at all) and at her convenience not yours!
So for a first foray using a ‘new’ approach, you did rather well, An you will get even better in time.
2) You controlled the financial transaction throughout. You are not bullied into paying upfront the entire sum. And you get to have sex with her. Many men I know will not even go past first base for a "difficult to chu jie girl" like JJ despite spending crazy money.
3) You actually get to shag a pretty girl with good potential to go very high in the aesthetics department. If JJ were to apply the right grooming technique, I tell you, many men will fall under her spell. She is tall and her figure is nicely proportionate – the type whereby appeals to many men here.
4) Yes, you may pay a little more than a direct chu jie transaction but this is mitigated by the fact that money is saved as it was done outside a KTV scenario.
Again add to the fact that JJ set her chu jie value very high, all in all you did get a bargain of sorts and you did well.
:) if me got "material" to do the "trade" .. i might forgo the PRIDE ..
But tHen i think i still hv some to keep for least :D n i believe in HARD EARNED MONEY ... like the COW in the field...
Well, if i am the GUY wif the $$$$ i would also like n can afford to choose what i wanna in life...
Good LUck guy with too many 2 cents worth..
BitChy Blue AUntiE
Welcome to the thread Blue Girl (how appropriate the Smurfette avatar!).
For a self proclaimed ‘auntie’ you displayed remarkably many cool factors in your post. : like the use of colour blue to harmonize with your nick, the radical insinuation of liking it ‘raw’ in your signature and tHe quirky uSe of cAPitalisations iN yOUr post …. I also like the way you refer to the “pussy” as Catand the thinly veiled sexual reference of 'water' in the well!
I am not sure if the “material” you refer to is the looks or beauty, but at least you have the psychological pre-disposition to tease up an interest. And with this you can ensnare a lot men if you so choose!
Blue Girl, I have not seen your other posts save what you write here in this thread earlier; and already initial vibes are showing that you must be:
i) one hell of a sassy girl
ii) guy adopting a girl persona in the net
iii) “one of the guys” kinda of lady (working in a predominantly male setting!).
iv) in the advertising or “entertainment” line – our kind of entertainment. :rolleyes:
v) none of the above? simply a salaried worker ekeing out a living?
Whatever it is, I simply love the different tone and flavour you bring in the thread Blue Girl! Do provide your views and perspective now and then on this subject of empowerment and some anecdotes about your personal life. I sure many brothers including myself would be interested to hear more from you!
20-07-2009, 10:14 AM
Hi warbird, do you know whether JJ will be coming to SIN again?
Anyway, I think overall you did quite well in the handling of the situation. Don’t berate yourself on paying premium (‘above’ market rate). We are all victims of paying for the “golden pussy” syndrome at some points of our cheonging life!
Yes, some girls are tough to chu jie (and I rate JJ as being one of them). And you being a TAM regular would no doubt witness cases whereby even if a thousand dollars are proffered for that ‘golden pussy’ it is turned down. So in the grand scheme of things, you did alright:
1) In actually getting her to agree to be your mistress. And your modus operandi and approach in getting to that agreement was spot on as you dictated terms throughout.
I really like the part whereby you negotiated / communicated your sexual expectations with her. Sex is part of the equation in the BY and you did not leave this all important aspect vague like a lot of Uninformed Brothers in their attempts to BY. If you leave it vague, it usually means that it will be her discretion whether to dispense her pussy (if at all) and at her convenience not yours!
So for a first foray using a ‘new’ approach, you did rather well, An you will get even better in time.
2) You controlled the financial transaction throughout. You are not bullied into paying upfront the entire sum. And you get to have sex with her. Many men I know will not even go past first base for a "difficult to chu jie girl" like JJ despite spending crazy money.
3) You actually get to shag a pretty girl with good potential to go very high in the aesthetics department. If JJ were to apply the right grooming technique, I tell you, many men will fall under her spell. She is tall and her figure is nicely proportionate – the type whereby appeals to many men here.
4) Yes, you may pay a little more than a direct chu jie transaction but this is mitigated by the fact that money is saved as it was done outside a KTV scenario.
Again add to the fact that JJ set her chu jie value very high, all in all you did get a bargain of sorts and you did well.
Hi bro justime,
I doubt that she will be back to work at KTVs here. She chose to leave Sat 18 July, 11 days prior to her visa expiration.
I hv her China HP n we hv exchanged SMSes. I'm beginning to miss her. I remember her puzzled facial expressions when I was having a dialog in Hokkien w/ two middle-aged men, both complete strangers, in a restaurant. We were talking abt her n she must hv vaguely sensed it. She looked demure n so very cute n pretty. I should hv kept her just for companionship.:(
Of course she will return as someone's mistress or er nai. I may want to be that someone when I come back in Nov (hopefully), haha. I'll need to arrange for suitable accommodation.
Good day!!
20-07-2009, 02:04 PM
Common place fibs (or "strawberries") with thai crowd, not restricted to:
> sick buffalo (or died!)
> accident (road or home)
> hospital (miraculous recovery after!)
> behind in rent
I really like the Buffalo one, something new to me as well. :D
Also, it looks like the hospital ruse is one of the most often stories we guys came across. They do (collectively) think we are fools, ain't they?
20-07-2009, 02:13 PM
Thanks Loving Dickhead for enumerating the excuses and pretexts that WL uses to get us part with our money. 95% of the stories/pretexts are fiction? I think more likely to be 99%!
My exposures not as overwhelming as yours bro so my guesstimate is around 95%. :D But I do reckon, as numbers and exposures to such WL increases, the percentages may even go as high as 99.5%. This, I would seek enlightenment from the Mistresses Brotherhood kingdom's statistician. :p
Just a little anecdote about this particular girl:
Seeing the numerous of facial products she owns somehow brought out the little devil in me. I admit that I was ‘irritated’ seeing that she wants me to buy her more facial products despite her dresser being stacked high in them -most of them unused (I was not quite fully on the empowered stage then - still only in transition!)
What I did was to then intentionally asked to come on her face and then for her to use this come and apply it like a face cream. I made it difficult for her to say no. I can still vividly remember her attempts to please me. Her first hesitant attempts to apply my come on her face; then her slightly imploring looks for me to tell her to stop, and finally realizing the futility in getting me to change my mind, she took in a deep breath and then just applied my “cream” with such gusto (with lip licking relish, exaggerate moaning and all). Her subsequent slutty actions were in marked contrast with her earlier hesitance. Gotta say that it is hell of a turn on that I fucked her hard there and then. (Nope I didn’t kiss her and congealed spunk is indeed a little like facial mask - texture wise!).
And I didn’t buy her the face cream. Instead I bought her a ladies Tag Heuer watch that set me back $1800. Guess what? Two weeks later, she even had the audacity to ask me for my "scrotal facial cream treatment" again so that I could buy her another watch! :rolleyes: Talk about feisty!
(By the way, there should be no feeling of obligation of the necessity to 'reward' your mistress in participating such 'kinky activities'. You give when you feel that she is deserving - on your terms!
I gave her the watch then because I have not fully imbibed the prinicples of empowerment then. Admitedly I did feel a little sense of obligation in this instance!
Whoa and Wow, factor of x100. Thats a 100% bitch for you to drive salvery sexually - ultimate domination, cum on face. Bravo Bravo, clap clap.
Incidentally, I have almost stopped going to TAM or LV. Nowadays, I am mostly doing my entertaining at Dynasty. Perhaps oneday, we should have a get-together, for all fun sake. :)
20-07-2009, 10:35 PM
I doubt that she will be back to work at KTVs here. She chose to leave Sat 18 July, 11 days prior to her visa expiration.
I hv her China HP n we hv exchanged SMSes. I'm beginning to miss her. I remember her puzzled facial expressions when I was having a dialog in Hokkien w/ two middle-aged men, both complete strangers, in a restaurant. We were talking abt her n she must hv vaguely sensed it. She looked demure n so very cute n pretty. I should hv kept her just for companionship.:(
Of course she will return as someone's mistress or er nai. I may want to be that someone when I come back in Nov (hopefully), haha. I'll need to arrange for suitable accommodation.
Good day!!
Hi warbird, I can literally imagine in my mind's eye what you meant when you said "she looked so demure n so very cute n pretty"! Got to say that JJ is a real gem.
Just a quick question: when will you be leaving Singapore? Coming back only in Nov? I am sure many bros here will miss you and your "sessions". Do PM or SMS me if you are organising a seesion for this week okay? I just cancelled an overseas trip and may have some time to finally meet you!
In order to help you forget JJ, I have a new recommendation. I have not heretofore shared in my thread but I have a Viet gal as well. And she is currently here n Singapore. Let me tell you that she has one of the most beautiful tits I carressed. Big, succulent and natural, fair with pink nips, all encased in a soft delicate skin. Sorry warbird, I will be having her (M is the name) for myself so I cannot do a handover to you. However, I heard that her younger sister is in town as well. I will introduce/recommend M's younger sister to you. Make it a double date (wow ... feels like I'm a teenager!). I have not met up with M's younger sis, but if genes are any indication, maybe you will be thanking me for some good mammaries / memories!
FYI they are not WL. And they are in their early 20's. Both are fair complexion but relatively short height wise. (Not my current flavour but what the heck - those are nice hooters!).
M by the way can speak Mandarin and Cantonese well enough for serious dialogue. Her younger sister is however not so proficient. More importantly for both of us - they are not averse to interacting with slightly more mature men! ;)
If okay, SMS / PM me. I will contact M (and through her - her younger sis) to see if they are available to go "dating" this week. Together we can go makan (talking literally about food here) at either a Jap or Viet restuarent. Just a casual date (and see what takes off from there) - no need to talk about BY and all that!
Sorry to bring in yet another character in this thread. As they may be too many different characters already in this thread (which may confuse some readers), I will go easy with this storyline*.
* M and I do have some interesting story which I will narrate somewhere in this thread when espousing some principle.
Incidentally, I have almost stopped going to TAM or LV. Nowadays, I am mostly doing my entertaining at Dynasty. Perhaps oneday, we should have a get-together, for all fun sake. :)
Hi LD, I feel like taking a short break from Havelock area joints and go to a place where the playability factor is higher. Just for a change of scene.
I am thinking of paying BS a long overdue re-visit (preferably during HH where the girls are more plentiful!)
I do find it harder to get friends to accompany me to the cheaper joints vis-a-vis the expensive ones.
(As I write this, I smiled at the recollection of Terrence's reaction - after overcoming his initial shock at the "mauling" he received from the aggressive BS babes in trying to sit table).
Only potential setback with this plan: from what I read in the BS thread, it appears that the 'action' now is very much reduced. Nonetheless, I am game for a BS session this week!
(Alternatively as a compromise, we can visit the newly renovated Kabuki. Haven't been there for ages - ever since my singer mistress 'broke up with me'). :cool:
21-07-2009, 10:17 AM
Hi warbird, I can literally imagine in my mind's eye what you meant when you said "she looked so demure n so very cute n pretty"! Got to say that JJ is a real gem.
Just a quick question: when will you be leaving Singapore? Coming back only in Nov? I am sure many bros here will miss you and your "sessions". Do PM or SMS me if you are organising a seesion for this week okay? I just cancelled an overseas trip and may have some time to finally meet you!
In order to help you forget JJ, I have a new recommendation. I have not heretofore shared in my thread but I have a Viet gal as well. And she is currently here n Singapore. Let me tell you that she has one of the most beautiful tits I carressed. Big, succulent and natural, fair with pink nips, all encased in a soft delicate skin. Sorry warbird, I will be having her (M is the name) for myself so I cannot do a handover to you. However, I heard that her younger sister is in town as well. I will introduce/recommend M's younger sister to you. Make it a double date (wow ... feels like I'm a teenager!). I have not met up with M's younger sis, but if genes are any indication, maybe you will be thanking me for some good mammaries / memories!
FYI they are not WL. And they are in their early 20's. Both are fair complexion but relatively short height wise. (Not my current flavour but what the heck - those are nice hooters!).
M by the way can speak Mandarin and Cantonese well enough for serious dialogue. Her younger sister is however not so proficient. More importantly for both of us - they are not averse to interacting with slightly more mature men! ;)
If okay, SMS / PM me. I will contact M (and through her - her younger sis) to see if they are available to go "dating" this week. Together we can go makan (talking literally about food here) at either a Jap or Viet restuarent. Just a casual date (and see what takes off from there) - no need to talk about BY and all that!
* M and I do have some interesting story which I will narrate somewhere in this thread when espousing some principle.
.................................................. .................................................. ...........
Hi LD, I feel like taking a short break from Havelock area joints and go to a place where the playability factor is higher. Just for a change of scene.
I am thinking of paying BS a long overdue re-visit (preferably during HH where the girls are more plentiful!)
I do find it harder to get friends to accompany me to the cheaper joints vis-a-vis the expensive ones.
Only potential setback with this plan: from what I read in the BS thread, it appears that the 'action' now is very much reduced. Nonetheless, I am game for a BS session this week!
(Alternatively as a compromise, we can visit the newly renovated Kabuki. Haven't been there for ages - ever since my singer mistress 'broke up with me'). :cool:
Hi bro justime,
Yes, I'm most eager to meet u soon. I now let some younger bros do the organising of outings as I find it too taxing. Is HH or SH more convenient for u? Will sms u if I go.
I'll try to stay here until early Sep.
I'm really very flattered for ur willingness to intro M's younger sister. I hv quite a few quarries on my sight n probably can't add another one as I'm still constrained by time. It wouldn't do her justice.
BTW, I'm not averse to going to less expensive joints as I hv discovered some gems there before.
21-07-2009, 01:56 PM
I'm really very flattered for ur willingness to intro M's younger sister. I hv quite a few quarries on my sight n probably can't add another one as I'm still constrained by time. It wouldn't do her justice.
BTW, I'm not averse to going to less expensive joints as I hv discovered some gems there before.
Great talking to you warbird. As promised, I will give you hints of M's "quality" as below. I have to however reiterate that I have not met M's younger sister.
Apologies for this 'private' conversation, but not to worry I will 'contextualised' the below by narrating how I won her (as a 'gf' and not mistress). I can do the gf thingy as well in addition to being a consumate patron! :rolleyes:
1) The vid is NOT of M, but of some random Chinese girl! BTW:
M’s move better than the SYT in the vid (
2) This is the only picture I have of M without her face showing, taken from my crap piece of Nokia handphone. You can meet the real thing (clothed of course!)
BTW I am NOT a collector of pics and vids (Learnt from Edison's experience) just a token few for keepsake.
21-07-2009, 06:21 PM
wow bro justime, just wow. u really got a handfull there.
Gentle Beast
21-07-2009, 09:25 PM
It is difficult to suggest the type of gifts in the absence of key information. Like for how may persons you are buying for, male/female, age group, budget. Once I have this information, I will be in a better position to recommend.
For gifts buying I usually rely on my PA (even for those of my gf and mistress). Unless it’s a deliberate gift buying strategy to win over a ladies heart or capture that elusive biz deal – I hardly do my own “shopping”.
Hi Justime
Again, I want to thank you for taking time to share your thoughts and feedback even it is on a subject about gifts. I shall not stray the this thread away from its main tone on 'Mistresses'.
With best wishes, GB
22-07-2009, 10:13 AM
Great talking to you warbird. As promised, I will give you hints of M's "quality" as below. I have to however reiterate that I have not met M's younger sister.
Apologies for this 'private' conversation, but not to worry I will 'contextualised' the below by narrating how I won her (as a 'gf' and not mistress). I can do the gf thingy as well in addition to being a consumate patron! :rolleyes:
1) The vid is NOT of M, but of some random Chinese girl! BTW:
M’s move better than the SYT in the vid (
2) This is the only picture I have of M without her face showing, taken from my crap piece of Nokia handphone. You can meet the real thing (clothed of course!)
BTW I am NOT a collector of pics and vids (Learnt from Edison's experience) just a token few for keepsake.
Hi bro justime,
Pleasure was all mine bro. I hv benefited from reading ur posts. You're very erudite n ur command of the English language is exceptional.
Wow! M is certainly a SYT who is quite well endowed. I would like to meet her n her sis at their convenience, haha.
I eagerly await ur narrative on how u managed to hook up w/ M.;)
Have a great day!!
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