View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
10-06-2011, 05:36 PM
Really admire u guys who get to pick up gals and BY-ing them. Really need to have a deep pocket to do what u all shifus does. Wonder do i have a chance to tag along with shifu or shifus to the hunting place.
10-06-2011, 06:36 PM
Thanks to Mr Chairman and bros for your kind advice. . .
"Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. "
For regular phone contacts with MM in PRC, are there any cheap pre-paid cards in the market that don't cost an arm and a leg like those prepaid from Singtel ?
Appreciation :)
City slicker
Bro TD,
Hopefully quite soon...
Ths bro besafe.
Bro city slicker,
I believe in sharing n in win-win-win-win-win situations.
Never give ur real names or work/residence address...see post by mr. Chairman below.
A jilted mistress can be very spiteful n vindictive! I always try to make our parting amicable. But a few still hate me...
Ideally yes.
Hi bro nameci,
Hope to meet up w/ u.
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Ths for ur contribution n insights.
.................................................. ................................
Good morning!
Just a quick update.
I hv arranged for two current high school students, both non-WLs to meet up w/ me in PRC. They hv done video calling w/ me n know that I'm a lao chi ko pek! They hv to take a leave of absence. Unfortunately, one of them (XB) already said no BJ or painting, but kissing is fine. I'm betting that when she is hving multiple orgasms, she will say yes to everything, hehe. The other is CL who has said okay to my kissing n licking/sucking every cm of her lovely body...I'm thinking of doing 双飞 w/ them.
Recently, I hv discovered that, in PRC, there r many, many chio n tall SYTs, non-WLs, aged 17-19, who r in high schools or uni, who want to be BY-ed by the right MAN. Why get fxked by boys their age for free? These boys can't even give them orgasms, hehehe.
SG is a very boring place compared w/ PRC...unless I can import some of these SYTs.
Bro WB
What's the process of getting a PRC girl to Singapore? Do you have to sponsor them for a visa? Does the girl go to a Singapore embassy and request for a visa or does she have to go through a travel agency?
10-06-2011, 10:22 PM
darn.. should not have up WB in past..
then can zap him, and identify myself and get some PMs.. hahahaha:D
11-06-2011, 11:34 AM
Bro Warbird
U have learnt much since your XX days. Trust u will not be so needy again for any pussy...
Hi bro seaman6969,
I hv learnt quite a bit n hv BY-ed many gals since I lost XX. Now even very chio pussies r fungible commodities to me, hehehe.
Really admire u guys who get to pick up gals and BY-ing them. Really need to have a deep pocket to do what u all shifus does. Wonder do i have a chance to tag along with shifu or shifus to the hunting place.
Hi bro hellme,
I'm just a junior apprentice w/ a mere 2 yr experience in the game of BY-ing.
There r many real masters or shifus here at SBF. I hope they will continue to share their expertise n insights w/ us.
What's the process of getting a PRC girl to Singapore? Do you have to sponsor them for a visa? Does the girl go to a Singapore embassy and request for a visa or does she have to go through a travel agency?
If the PRC gal has never been to SG, it's very easy for her to get a tourist visa. It's also inexpensive. If after fxking her for 2 months u still want her, u can get her to return on several different visas.
darn.. should not have up WB in past..
then can zap him, and identify myself and get some PMs.. hahahaha:D
Hi esteemed bro aczeta76,
How r you? Pls dun zap me.
When my RS is over w/ a gal n if she has never worked at local joints, I may release her pics, hahaha.
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning!
Yes, I hv made some progress in BY-ing my type of SYTs. I encountered great difficulties in early 2009 in my attempt to BY XX n XW. At that time I had zero experience in BY-ing n very poor self mastery.
I hv previously mentioned the plentiful supply of chio SYTs in China n that many r willing to come here if the price is right, hehe.
The other day I came across the pics of a 20 yo uni student (上海艺术学院 ), a part-time model n TV actress。 She appears very cute n chio to me. I baidu her but couldn't get her QQ nor her HP no. I hv requested assistance from Bro Woody n a model fren NK in Guangzhou to get her ctc. She is not very well known, so the damage for ST or BY (if she says no to ST) should be quite reasonable, hehe.
Bro WB
11-06-2011, 12:12 PM
Good luck with the hunt!
13-06-2011, 12:07 PM
Good luck with the hunt!
Hi bro,
Hunting SYTs of my type is lots of fun n gives meaning to life.
Happy bonking!
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning!
My recent foray into the vast Chinese internet n my actual experience in China hv convinced me that almost all chio SYTs, excepting those from wealthy families n very pious families, r looking for men to BY them. This is just my humble but honest opinion. Pls dun zap me.
The other day, a PRC agency sent me a msg on QQ, saying that there r very chio SYTs of my type: 有双胞胎,处女,19 岁,在校大学生,白领, 是上海的,能去新加坡的. Isn't it amazing?
BTW, two bros disapproved of my recent post under "Tian An Men KTV" :
Tian An Men KTV 12-06-2011 11:36 PM I cannot understand why you like to pay tons of $$$ to feed these PRC whores
Yes, I know I hv overpaid for exclusivity. But, in SG at this time, there r very, very few local/PRC FLs/WLs or legal CAT PRCs who r genuine SYTs of my type. Some so-so local gals r quite expensive. Most CAT150 PRCs r MILFs even if their passports state that they r 23-24. There r only a few who r chio n who r really 21-22. But none r tall n proportionate.
As for KTV gals, since my return to SG over a month ago, I hv only seen one SYT of my type. She was going into a lift at PC n I didn't hv a chance to meet her.
BTW, the reason I want exclusivity is that I NEVER kiss nor paint a gal who does ST.
I'm no sucker. I'm planning to move to PRC. I'll BY prettier n younger SYTs n save tons of $$$ at the same time, hehehe.
In the meantime, I hv chosen the expensive n complicated option of importing some of them.
Tian An Men KTV 12-06-2011 11:32 PM Good for you... you can spend the whole fortune that you made over your lifetimes in PRC.
No, I'll NEVER spend my whole fortune in PRC. I hv family obligations in Gotham City n elsewhere. It would be great if I could spend a 1/3 of my net assets before passing on. When I started BY-ing 2 yrs ago, the global stock markets were quite low. Since then my net worth/assets hv increased by at least 35%, despite recent downturn.
We all should work hard n play hard...
Bro WB
13-06-2011, 12:22 PM
The most beautiful gals/women in the world r looking for a real MAN.
IMHO, being in control of one's own emotions under the most difficult circumstances is the mark of a dominant male, the real MAN. This attribute is most attractive to females at their subconscious level.
Let me also share w/ u one guru's description of how to be the MAN.
Be the Man
Lack of a backbone and feeling needy and insecure are the biggest obstacles to
being a leader and attracting women through your charisma. If you want to be
the strong guy who sucks others into his vortex, observe and practice the
following guidelines.
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. A man with charisma solves problems without placing
blame on others. As John F. Kennedy put it when discussing the immense
challenges of the presidency, “I do not shrink from this responsibility -- I welcome
Accept advice from others, but don't depend on them to make decisions. Always
be ready to take charge and make the decide what will be done.
BE ASSERTIVE. Have your own opinions and don't be wishy-washy. Remember,
as a leader, it's up to you to influence others. So make your own decisions in life.
And don't be afraid to ask for what you want.
And as a charismatic leader, although you take other people's viewpoints into
consideration, there's no need to ever be a follower, nor to be submissive to
anyone. If you have to disagree with someone, that's fine, since courage for your
convictions is a magical trait possessed by the charismatic.
Having said that, however, don't be combative either. You see, getting upset and
overly emotional about things reeks of insecurity.
When you're assertive, you tell people what you want, being respectful yet
resolute. There's never any reason to threaten, act hostile, or lose your temper.
Just be honest about your needs.
BECOME DRIVEN TO SUCCEED. A charismatic person has an overpowering urge to create a better life and fulfill his potential in life. Create goals, and focus
on doing what it takes to reach them.
PLACE A HIGH VALUE ON YOURSELF. That means you don't need other
people's approval. You're placing a low value on yourself when you:
• Brag about yourself. The only reason you'd ever brag is because you feel
• Try to impress people. A man of high value isn't required to prove himself to
• Feel that anyone's better than you. You never need to put a woman up on a
pedestal or feel like you have to impress your friends or followers. Remember,
no one out there is better than you! As such...
• Don't give people your attention unless they have earned it. And then
when you do give them your attention, they'll feel so much better about
• Be busy enough in your life (due to your drive to succeed) that when
you give your time to others, they can be sure that they have earned it.
• Never feel as if you need to buy anyone's affections. Instead use your
charm. A well-placed sincere compliment for someone will bring you far
better results than buying them gifts or giving them fake flattery.
Bro WB
15-06-2011, 10:50 AM
Good morning!
I joined an esteemed bro at LV 4th Fl sh last nite. This bro is such a fantastic singer that I honor him as Elvis of SG! He was obliging enuff to sing several of my favourite Elvis' songs. Wow!!
He was correct in his assertion that there r still very chio babes available n that engaging the service of the right mummy is the key to finding them, hehehe. I brought one of my beloved 老婆 there to listen to her singing...n therefore didn't get to book any new gals.
Additionally, I was also fortunate to meet a new bro who spends a lot of time in Shanghai n Suzhou. He has agreed to audition my prospective mistresses there.
BTW, I believe greed is good. But it must be controlled greed. Being too greedy can be negative in many ways n is indicative of lack of self control n self mastery. I may hv been a bit too greedy in BY-ing so many gals...I'll try to slow down my pace.
At this time I like to share the traits of "Extinct Man" according to another guru.
Bro WB,
Most men are unsuccessful with women.
It's a fact and established "law" that 80% of women want 20% of men.
It's called Pareto's principle.
Pareto's "law" applies to almost everything in life.
80% of results are gained from 20% of actions.
If you're not in that 20% of men that get 80% of the success
with women, it sucks doesn't it?
It means you have to watch the same guys getting all of the best
But you know what?
The BEST thing about being a man today is that women are not
exclusively looking for good looks, great body, money or whatever.
They are looking for a whole package.
And here at...we've unravelled the mystery of
exactly what women want... Even though, most of it they don't even
realize themselves!
... And we've broken it down into 10 easily trainable parts.
We call these parts...
***The 10 Rarest Qualities Of The Extinct Man***
Why do we say men with these qualities are extinct?
Because they are SO rare, that if you can just emulate a few of
these qualities, you'll find yourself in the top 20% of attractive
If you manage to master all 10 of these qualities and let them
"become you", you'll be amongst the rarest... Almost extinct...
0.1% of highest quality men that ALL women want.
That's what we're doing here... Teaching you
how to use these "mental attraction triggers" that short circuit
women's minds and generates massive unstoppable floods of
attention from women.
Then, once you've gotten a few of these qualities mastered, you can
use our step-by-step system for meeting women and generating massive
attraction for you in their minds.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves...
Here are the 10 qualities of the extinct man (there are MORE but
that is highly advanced material beyond the scope of this free Email
When you read this list, don't let any of them put you off
thinking "well, I am NOT this or that..."
...See the thing is, you don't even NEED to BE these things... there
are ways to flip the "mental triggers" in her mind so that she'll
ASSUME you are these things without you ever needing to say it, or
even be it...
1. The leader (at work, socially, amongst peer group etc)
2. Popular (people want to know you and be around you)
3. Confident
4. Funny (have a good sense of humor)
5. Have social proof (be attractive to other women)
6. Be socially competent and have social intelligence
7. Strong/protective over loved ones
8. Looks/body (have good genes for her offspring)
9. Emotionally wired correctly
10. Have power (be willing to use resources to protect her)
As I said, there are MORE, but these are a good start...
If you can just flip 5 of these mental triggers,
you'll have her WANTING YOU BADLY...
Seriously, this material is powerful enough to create total
stalkers out of the most gorgeous high quality women that you would
never dream would want to stalk you right now, I've been there...
more than once. It's a great feeling to know women want YOU... And
exclusively you. It's like you short circuit their brain to only
SEE and THINK about YOU...
Anyway, this email is getting a little longer than I wanted it to...
I'm going to tell you more of the "do this" "do that" details
in my next email Bro WB,
Mr. XYZ.
15-06-2011, 11:07 AM
Good morning!
At this time I like to share the traits of "Extinct Man" according to another guru.
...See the thing is, you don't even NEED to BE these things... there
are ways to flip the "mental triggers" in her mind so that she'll
ASSUME you are these things without you ever needing to say it, or
even be it...
1. The leader (at work, socially, amongst peer group etc)
2. Popular (people want to know you and be around you)
3. Confident
4. Funny (have a good sense of humor)
5. Have social proof (be attractive to other women)
6. Be socially competent and have social intelligence
7. Strong/protective over loved ones
8. Looks/body (have good genes for her offspring)
9. Emotionally wired correctly
10. Have power (be willing to use resources to protect her)
As I said, there are MORE, but these are a good start...
If you can just flip 5 of these mental triggers,
you'll have her WANTING YOU BADLY...
Bro WB, sharing your nuggets of wisdom again...:D
To me, those I highlighted in red are the 5 more important traits...:p
17-06-2011, 12:18 PM
Bro WB, sharing your nuggets of wisdom again...:D
To me, those I highlighted in red are the 5 more important traits...
Hi Bro TD,
What nuggets of wisdom? I'm merely quoting some "foreign talents," hehehe.
Yes, I fully agree that if u hv all those 5 traits, you're THE MAN. Chio gals/women will flock to u...
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ....
Good morning!
I started this thread 2 yrs ago becos I like to share info on how to pick up chio gals at minimal cost. The reason was that I hate spending money on the intermediary. You can say that I like to reduce the "friction cost"of investing, hehe or u can call me cheapskate...
I just replied to an esteemed bro who thought I had spent big at TAM complex in "Tian An Men KTV." Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.
Originally Posted by lover8boy View Post
Warbird dude...
you arent the only one who spends big at TAM...and IMO nothing wrong with that.
My friends regularly go to Vegas...blow away $40k 50k a month. They like the Syts there too. Like the attention they get. Capitalism at its best! But no matter how they spend, they wont blow their fortunes away. They alway say drinking and cheonging bills will never make them poor. Not to sound crass but they can well afford it. Lifestyle to them.
Singapore has all types of cheongsters.
Hi bro lover8boy
I hv never spent big at KTVs.
I want to spend the minimal while maximizing my chances for making ctc w/ my type of chio SYTs. PERIOD. Pls read my thread "Picking Up KTV gals outside KTVs."
I hate giving the medium or intermediary (KTVs, mummies, agents, etc.) a penny if I could avoid it.
I only like to spend money on ST-ing or BY-ing chio pussies of my type, w/ ZERO going to the intermediary.
Nowadays, I prefer making direct ctc w/ SYTs of my type wherever they r, in SG, PRC, Gotham City, in cyberspace, anywhere, anytime...hahaha.
Recently, I got two chio n tall high school students to spend a few nights in BJ w/o paying the intermediary a penny. That is what picking up is all abt. Picking them up inside KTVs/HFJs n similar joints is much less fun.
Bro WB>>>
BTW, I hv seen incontrovertible proof that a man's perceived ranking on the Male Dominant Scale is the SOLE determinant of his attractiveness to females. PERIOD. And possessing all 5 traits highlighted by Bro TD will put a man at the apex of the scale.
I like to add that the foundation of these traits n male dominance is self confidence/self mastery, without it a man is a fraud n he can only fake it for the time being.
I'm making progress in every area of my life, every hr, every day n I live in the eternal present moment...
After 2-yr of BY-ing, I'm ready to move to a higher level of game w/ higher quality of gals. I'm now after high school n uni students, chio SYTs of my type, in PRC n elsewhere. Some 电影学院,艺术学院 in PRC hv my type of gals. I hv identified a very chio SYT CE, a student n a part-time model/actress in Shanghai. I want her to come here for a month.
Bro WB
17-06-2011, 02:47 PM
BTW, I hv seen incontrovertible proof that a man's perceived ranking on the Male Dominant Scale is the SOLE determinant of his attractiveness to females. PERIOD. And possessing all 5 traits highlighted by Bro TD will put a man at the apex of the scale.
I like to add that the foundation of these traits n male dominance is self confidence/self mastery, without it a man is a fraud n he can only fake it for the time being.
I'm making progress in every area of my life, every hr, every day n I live in the eternal present moment...
After 2-yr of BY-ing, I'm ready to move to a higher level of game w/ higher quality of gals. I'm now after high school n uni students, chio SYTs of my type, in PRC n elsewhere. Some 电影学院,艺术学院 in PRC hv my type of gals. I hv identified a very chio SYT CE, a student n a part-time model/actress in Shanghai. I want her to come here for a month.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
You are the man...:D
The next level up will be to get chio gals to stay with you without paying them a penny...:p
17-06-2011, 11:51 PM
Have to agree. Ultimate is without money involved. Otherwise still a commercial transaction and not really a true test. My opinion only.
18-06-2011, 02:07 AM
Wah Bro WB, you 双飞 two SYT!!!
Well done .... i think that should be on my bucket list :P
19-06-2011, 02:31 PM
bros, if you are looking for advice on how to pick up girls with little money now.. i have a website to recommend:
lots of useful advice on how to be a man and turn girls into sex partners.. cool shit!
20-06-2011, 12:14 PM
Bro WB,
You are the man...
The next level up will be to get chio gals to stay with you without paying them a penny...:p
Hi Bro TD,
No no, I'm not the MAN, bcos I'm still working very hard towards my goals.
Yes, the next level up would be Level 3 when a man gets to stay w/ a chio gal of his type w/o paying, but I'm barely out of level 1...
Have to agree. Ultimate is without money involved. Otherwise still a commercial transaction and not really a true test. My opinion only.
You're right bro.
Wah Bro WB, you 双飞 two SYT!!!
Well done .... i think that should be on my bucket list :P
Hi Bro MillerV,
双飞 or even 三飞 is quite common in PRC, hehehe.
bros, if you are looking for advice on how to pick up girls with little money now.. i have a website to recommend:
lots of useful advice on how to be a man and turn girls into sex partners.. cool shit!
Hi bro spainrule,
Pls just share w/ us the strategies for picking up gals, etc. I hv quoted many gurus n I urge u to do the same.
BTW, I dun like to visit any unknown websites.
If u trying to use this thread to advertise for financial gains, u dun belong here.
.................................................. .................................................. ...
Good morning!
Bro TD's idea of bringing the game of BY-ing to a higher level is very interesting n challenging. If a man is able to keep a chio SYT for free, he is not BY-ing her, or is he? The question is how does she support herself n her poverty-stricken family back in China? If she has to work at KTVs, there is no exclusivity which is intolerable for me.
I'll leave the above questions aside for now n describe my personal concept of the different levels of "BY-ing."
Level1 : (a) BY-ing a chio gal of ur type but allowing her to work. This was my MO for most of 2009. If u find her in SG, she is most likely an undereducated PRC gal.
: (b) BY-ing a similar gal but her pussy is exclusively yours. She doesn't work at all. Almost all my gals since Jan 2010 belong here. (My current level.)
Level2 : Finding chio uni students or recent graduates of ur type in PRC, importing them to SG for BY-ing. (My next level.)
In retrospect, I was at this level once unwittingly. Last May I briefly kept a chio 22 yo SH gal I picked up at TAM. She was a recent graduate of 上海电影学院 who had a small role in a TV series, but our RS lasted only 2 wks. She was from a relatively well to do family. The kicker here was that she was a virgin, hehehe.
I was quite frugal then n when I refused to buy her a high end Apple laptop (over 3K I think), she cried n was angry w/ me, n we separated. Was I heartless? She returned to SH two days later n has not been back to SG since. Her pussy was very pretty n of course couldn't get any tighter, hehehe. A few esteemed bros met her when I brought her to PC 2nd FL on Fri 7 May, 2010. I still think of her pussy sometimes.
Level3 : (a) Getting FOC from a gal of ur type, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a gal of ur type FOC n her pussy is exclusive to u.
Level4 : (a) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u AND her pussy is exclusive to u.
Believe it or not, this is still NOT the ultimate.
Drum roll please...this is the ULTIMATE test of a real MAN.
Highest Level or Level5 : (a)Staying w/ many chio gals of ur type AND they pay u AND their pussies are exclusive to u!!!
(b) Accomplishing the above despite the fact that YOU r wealthy!!
I guess the very rare MAN who attains Level5, either a or b, may be said to be a master of mass hypnosis, Gong Tao or black magic, hahaha.
Are there any Level5 bros here? Pls come forward n tell ur story. Thank you! Would u accept me as ur most humble disciple?
Bro WB
S i l v i a
20-06-2011, 12:25 PM
Level 1(b)
BY-ing a similar gal but her pussy is exclusively yours. She doesn't work at all. Almost all my gals since Jan 2010 belong here. (My current level.)
>>> seen quite a few prcs over here, claimed never work, yet go to work & offer their pussies.... bitches brains :)
20-06-2011, 01:01 PM
Level 1(b)
BY-ing a similar gal but her pussy is exclusively yours. She doesn't work at all. Almost all my gals since Jan 2010 belong here. (My current level.)
>>> seen quite a few prcs over here, claimed never work, yet go to work & offer their pussies.... bitches brains :)
I know. A few yrs ago, I met a chio GL streetwalker who offered herself for $80 ST. She said she was BY-ed by a local man, hehe.
I'm aware of the possibility that my current 2 老婆 here r secretly working. They stay in master bdrms at City Square owned by a fren who monitors their activities. Of course I dun trust anyone completely. I use unexpected QQ video calling at odd hrs or show up suddenly.
I hv known both of them quite long time, one since Sep 2009 n the other since Nov last yr. Both hv never done ST to the best of my knowledge n one took 8 1/2 months before agreeing to BY...
I'm going to dump one of them anyway, to make rm for new fresh pussies from PRC.
Bro WB
20-06-2011, 02:57 PM
Bro WB. U are very funny and modest. I like how u have created the different levels of chionging. I am very low on the scale but reading this thread diligently so I can level up. Waiting for your next piece of sharing and advice.
20-06-2011, 05:39 PM
They stay in master bdrms at XXXXX XXXXX owned by a fren who monitors their activities.
Bro WB
Hahaha Bro WB
Meaning I may have seen or bump into them before unwittingly.....:)
20-06-2011, 11:58 PM
Bro WB
hahaha ... your level 5 very tok gong..
I currently back at level 0 ... out of touch and a ction ... 一年多 never been to PC
21-06-2011, 11:41 AM
Bro WB. U are very funny and modest. I like how u have created the different levels of chionging. I am very low on the scale but reading this thread diligently so I can level up. Waiting for your next piece of sharing and advice.
Hi bro mama88,
Life is fun, isn't it?
I want to level up too, hehehe.
Hahaha Bro WB
Meaning I may have seen or bump into them before unwittingly.....:)
Bro besafe,
Indeed you may hv. It's a big complex. They still dun know each other. I met both of them Sunday, they stay in different blocks, hehe.
I like the swimming pool n hv told them to go swimming in bikini...
Bro WB
hahaha ... your level 5 very tok gong..
I currently back at level 0 ... out of touch and a ction ... 一年多 never been to PC
Hi bro aczeta76,
Honestly, very few modern men hv achieved Level5.
But like they say, "Aim for the stars: You might hit the moon". All of us should aim high...
Bro WB
21-06-2011, 12:16 PM
Hi Bro TD,
No no, I'm not the MAN, bcos I'm still working very hard towards my goals.
Yes, the next level up would be Level 3 when a man gets to stay w/ a chio gal of his type w/o paying, but I'm barely out of level 1...
Good morning!
Bro TD's idea of bringing the game of BY-ing to a higher level is very interesting n challenging. If a man is able to keep a chio SYT for free, he is not BY-ing her, or is he? The question is how does she support herself n her poverty-stricken family back in China? If she has to work at KTVs, there is no exclusivity which is intolerable for me.
I'll leave the above questions aside for now n describe my personal concept of the different levels of "BY-ing."
Level1 : (a) BY-ing a chio gal of ur type but allowing her to work. This was my MO for most of 2009. If u find her in SG, she is most likely an undereducated PRC gal.
: (b) BY-ing a similar gal but her pussy is exclusively yours. She doesn't work at all. Almost all my gals since Jan 2010 belong here. (My current level.)
Level2 : Finding chio uni students or recent graduates of ur type in PRC, importing them to SG for BY-ing. (My next level.)
In retrospect, I was at this level once unwittingly. Last May I briefly kept a chio 22 yo SH gal I picked up at TAM. She was a recent graduate of 上海电影学院 who had a small role in a TV series, but our RS lasted only 2 wks. She was from a relatively well to do family. The kicker here was that she was a virgin, hehehe.
I was quite frugal then n when I refused to buy her a high end Apple laptop (over 3K I think), she cried n was angry w/ me, n we separated. Was I heartless? She returned to SH two days later n has not been back to SG since. Her pussy was very pretty n of course couldn't get any tighter, hehehe. A few esteemed bros met her when I brought her to PC 2nd FL on Fri 7 May, 2010. I still think of her pussy sometimes.
Level3 : (a) Getting FOC from a gal of ur type, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a gal of ur type FOC n her pussy is exclusive to u.
Level4 : (a) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u AND her pussy is exclusive to u.
Believe it or not, this is still NOT the ultimate.
Drum roll please...this is the ULTIMATE test of a real MAN.
Highest Level or Level5 : (a)Staying w/ many chio gals of ur type AND they pay u AND their pussies are exclusive to u!!!
(b) Accomplishing the above despite the fact that YOU r wealthy!!
I guess the very rare MAN who attains Level5, either a or b, may be said to be a master of mass hypnosis, Gong Tao or black magic, hahaha.
Are there any Level5 bros here? Pls come forward n tell ur story. Thank you! Would u accept me as ur most humble disciple?
Bro WB
Bro WB,
If you are at Level 1, I'm probably at Level -10 now...:D
21-06-2011, 06:02 PM
Bro besafe,
Indeed you may hv. It's a big complex. They still dun know each other. I met both of them Sunday, they stay in different blocks, hehe.
I like the swimming pool n hv told them to go swimming in bikini...
Bro WB
I am sure may people will be gawking at them.:p
21-06-2011, 08:25 PM
Bro WB,
If you are at Level 1, I'm probably at Level -10 now...:D
lol...level 5...hmmm.....hugh hefner?
u r too modest darklord...
21-06-2011, 08:28 PM
I am sure may people will be gawking at them.:p
City Square is a good place, i nearly bought a unit there last time too bad now prices are just too high there now and i can't afford.....recently met some singers from club de kenzo just next to city square...interesting and cheap place....hang flower can start from $10....I hung 50 times in one night lol...
21-06-2011, 08:55 PM
City Square is a good place, i nearly bought a unit there last time too bad now prices are just too high there now and i can't afford.....recently met some singers from club de kenzo just next to city square...interesting and cheap place....hang flower can start from $10....I hung 50 times in one night lol...
So.. did you pick up any girls around city square?
Please write more FR on Kenzo.
22-06-2011, 12:46 PM
Bro WB,
If you are at Level 1, I'm probably at Level -10 now...:D
Bro TD,
Not true. Since gals hv fallen for u n given u FOC, you're securely at Level3.
I am sure may people will be gawking at them.:
There r many Ang MOHs, Chinese Nationals n Japanese there...gawking them is OK, as long as they dun take action.
I hv frens, husband n wife, staying w/ one of them...
lol...level 5...hmmm.....hugh hefner?
u r too modest darklord...
I think Hef has to pay n pay. Although he could get some FOC. I'll put him at Level3 only.
So.. did you pick up any girls around city square?
Please write more FR on Kenzo.
FRs pls.
.................................................. .................................................. .
I hv posted my thoughts on BY-ing n faithfulness under "TAM KTV."
<<<Yes, faithfulness of a man's sexual partner has always been a problem from time immemorial. Nothing is foolproof, hehe.
I hv used simple guidelines to turn the odds in my favor.
1) I never BY a gal who does ST or is known to hv done ST
2) I keep my gals full-time n keep them in a studio or master bdrm of my choice, close to me. They dun work. Period.
Let's analyze the words BY or 保养.
包 means inclusive, assured, guaranteed, bundled, packed, contained, to undertake the whole thing, etc. And 养 means provide for, keep, support, look after, maintain, etc. in other words, u undertake n assure/guarantee that u provide for n look after her total well being n livelihood n in return her body n pussy is exclusively yours. And she should not work at all.
So if ur beloved gal has to work at KTVs or HFJs n expose her beauty n body to other men, her faithfulness is at great risk. Bcos there will always be some men who r willing to offer more money...10X or 20X more in some cases.
3) Get some trusted frens who live in the immediate vicinity or, even better, in the same house/condo, to monitor ur gals.
4) Use unexpected video calling n/or visits. If she is not there, it's a red flag. Engage a PI or just dump her.
5) Ignore what she says, but carefully observe her body language, facial expressions n voice tone, etc. This is better than PI, hahaha.
There r times when I already hv 2 full-time 老婆,n I happen to meet a new gal I like very much, n if I fail to ST her, I may offer her "BY" but allowing her to work. This is usually a short-term arrangement n I'll usually terminate the arrangement after 2 wks. If she proves her worth n her faithfulness, I may keep her much longer.>>>
Any comments or criticisms?
Bro WB
22-06-2011, 03:54 PM
Bro TD,
Not true. Since gals hv fallen for u n given u FOC, you're securely at Level3.
Bro WB
Hahahahaha...Those gals have already gone back to China so it doesn't count anymore, though one of them has been pestering me to go to China and meet her...:D
Anyway, these days it is just going for FLs, pay, fuck and forget...:p
23-06-2011, 10:18 PM
So.. did you pick up any girls around city square?
Please write more FR on Kenzo.
Ok this Kenzo, basically is a pub, a ktv, and a low end hanging flower joint, level 1 is pub, level 2 is ktv rooms, and level 3 is a hanging flower joint....customers there are probably the more average kind of customers who dun really hang much more....the singers will also butterfly around the rooms and even the pubs for is located just next to city square which means if u r a resident u can just walk did i get to know the singers there? in the true spirt of picking up ktv gals outside ktvs i did just that...i was bored and wanted to fetch my virgin singer from her joint to her official workplace...then while waiting for her i saw 3 gers waiting for a cab...i pulled up next to them and stared at them....haha....luckily one of them quite smart and wave at me and ask if i could give them a ride....3 girls vs one virgin....the choice is clear and i said no problem....took the number of one of the girl in the car to follow up....unfortunately when i dated them out another day all cannot make it...i guess that night was petty dark and they looked quite pretty then so now i totally cancelled all of met a singer from orchard k...fresh and new but i think will be expensive so i will not pursue her but leave the ball in her court with some teasers
23-06-2011, 10:28 PM
Got to know a singer in Jade who sings in one of the Geyland HFJ (Now close already). One fine day, pick her up and 2 other gf for dinner. WL all cannot make it in the day. If you want to find nice looki singers, must go to establish joints. Dynasty, Jade , Hwang Chow etc....
24-06-2011, 10:39 AM
Hahahahaha...Those gals have already gone back to China so it doesn't count anymore, though one of them has been pestering me to go to China and meet her...
Anyway, these days it is just going for FLs, pay, fuck and forget...:p
No, it does count.
If I could find many chio SYTs of my type for ST, I'll stop BY-ing. I guess only in China, ya?
Ok this Kenzo, basically is a pub, a ktv, and a low end hanging flower joint, level 1 is pub, level 2 is ktv rooms, and level 3 is a hanging flower joint....customers there are probably the more average kind of customers who dun really hang much more....the singers will also butterfly around the rooms and even the pubs for is located just next to city square which means if u r a resident u can just walk did i get to know the singers there? in the true spirt of picking up ktv gals outside ktvs i did just that.......unfortunately when i dated them out another day all cannot make it...i guess that night was petty dark and they looked quite pretty then so now i totally cancelled all of met a singer from orchard k...fresh and new but i think will be expensive so i will not pursue her but leave the ball in her court with some teasers
Ths for the info.
Got to know a singer in Jade who sings in one of the Geyland HFJ (Now close already). One fine day, pick her up and 2 other gf for dinner. WL all cannot make it in the day. If you want to find nice looki singers, must go to establish joints. Dynasty, Jade , Hwang Chow etc....
Hi bro,
Most gals can't make it in broad daylight. Once I happened to enter the condo housing 9-10 singers from a well known joint at around 4PM. I saw 4-5 gals n they had just woken up, all w/o makeup n one would be wondering why there r men who would want to hang anything for them!
.................................................. .................................................. .
Good morning!
I got zapped yesterday.
Tian An Men KTV 23-06-2011 12:33 AM Please change your mindset dun alway 包养 when you said you need to share your KTV bills with your bros. I know you are malaysian but spare a thought for Singaporeans. Do not let these PRC whores think that we are stupid you should
I don't exactly understand what he is trying to say. Perhaps he meant that I shouldn't be so stingy as to share KTV bills when I could afford to BY so many SYTs?? The M'sian n Singaporeans part is baffling to me.
Well, what can I say, I always want to minimize the friction cost of doing equity or pussy transactions. Period.
Could some smart bros here try to explain his complaints n what he was trying to say in simple English? Ths!
BTW, I'll be very busy for the next 2-3 wks n will post infrequently.
Bro WB
24-06-2011, 12:25 PM
God afternoon!!
Just received an e-mail from my favourite guru on sexual chemistry.
The following account applies to non-WLs. However, even though WLs r after money, deep down in their subconscious minds, they r basically the same.
The Building Blocks Of Sexual Chemistry
Mr. Guru
[email protected]
Dear Bro Warbird,
Here's a no-brainer: would YOU like to free yourself from the
emotional burden of feeling like a failure with women? Do you want
to set yourself apart from the hordes of AFCs who can't seem to go
from attraction to seduction?
Of course you do. That's why you're gonna need some serious,
field-tested, heavy-duty knowledge to get you going in the right
What you need is a map of the female psyche so that you don't get
lost in the virtual maze that is her mind. If you're ready to
learn about the strategies and techniques to trigger her attraction
The disparities between men and women are worlds apart, just like
some books suggest. Yet, that reality shouldn't daunt you from
using it to your advantage.
For instance, guys and gals don't view the concept of SEXUAL
connection in the same manner, and there are a lot of useful
lessons you can derive from these differences. Sit back and relax,
as your good buddy Slade tells you all about the forces behind male
and female attraction.
Pair-Bonding Dynamics
First of all, men are generally (meaning there are exceptions)
attracted to the more tangible aspects of women first (like
physicality), and personality second.
The thing with us guys is that we're naturally predisposed to
hooking up with women whether or not we're going to stick around
for the long haul. Our attraction circuitry is more likely to
initially respond to a healthy-looking female who's fit for
Evolutionarily speaking, men are preprogrammed to interact and
ultimately mate with multiple partners rather than just one. Like
it or not, our primal instincts drive us to go forth and multiply
to ensure that our genes will be passed on through the generations.
When it comes to women however, they generally need to feel that
they've bonded with their partner before deciding to get sexual.
Deep in the back of a girl's mind, she has to know that a man is
going to stick around even after they've consummated their physical
What's funny is that a woman needs to feel this emotional
connection EVEN if her own commitment may not go beyond the morning
after. What's important is that she has the OPTION of having you
around in case she wants more than just a one-night stand.
See, the female set of instincts are designed to be wary of men who
might leave her out in the cold once he's gotten what he wants.
Again, if we were to look at our species from a much earlier time,
women would need their partner to PROTECT her from the elements as
she raises their offspring.
Imagine if the schmuck just bailed on her - she'd be left with her
child and no one to help her survive in a harsh environment. This
way of thinking has been passed on women today.
In other words, a girl has to feel that a man is emotionally
invested (i.e. a series of shared experiences like multiple dates
over different locations) in her before giving him the green light.
Otherwise, her natural defense mechanisms will shut you out.............
The importance of balance
Consider the following concepts: light and dark, black and white,
fish and chips, chocolate and strawberry ice cream, etc. They all
have a harmonious ring to it, don't they?
One wouldn't be complete without the other. In the same way, there
has to be an element of balanced factors for sexual chemistry to
A man and woman's individual traits needs to COMPLEMENT each other
for there to be a relationship, long-term or not.
Just take a look at the yin-yang diagram. Each partner needs to
contribute their specific traits to make this model a symmetrical
A typical man is a logical thinker who likes to analyze all
situations in his life. He's also goal-driven and has various
pursuits which give him a feeling of accomplishment.
That's why in many ways, guys are often compared to hunters because
their way of thinking is largely defined with a sense of unwavering
purpose. He likes to size things up, get a good feel of the
terrain before carrying out his plan of action.
After he's taken all the factors into consideration, he'll make his
move and go for the kill. That's how the male brain works.
On the other hand, women operate on a different level. The female
essence is all about artistic expression, tactile interaction, a
nurturing personality and above all, being in tune with the world
of emotions.
This is why it's more common for the ladies to get together and
talk about how they're doing with their respective relationships.
It's all about the connection between people and the energies they
share with one another.
Even the most career-driven woman would find it hard to make her
job her foremost priority as opposed to her role at home as a
mother and wife. She'll definitely put her best effort into her
work, but the strong sense of family life will always be in the
back of her mind.
After taking the typical male and female characteristics into
consideration, you'll now see that a relationship will need to have
all of these traits before it can work.
Although some men might be more in touch with their feminine side,
and some women might have a lot more "guy traits" than her peers.
Nowadays, you'll find guys who are naturally adept at discussing
relationships on an emotional level. At the same time, there are
women out there who act like hunters (as we discussed earlier) and
enjoy the thrill of chasing their goals and passions.
However, on a broader scale, you'll find that both genders will
naturally have a stronger affinity toward their respective traits.
Men are more likely to have male characteristics with a dash of
female sensibilities and vice-versa for the women.
This is the reason why a woman naturally responds to a strong male
presence in her life. She's hardwired to be attracted to certain
men, just like how gasoline is inevitably meant to react to
elements such as fire.
That's simply how the brain works; depending on the stimulus
involved, we're conditioned to react in certain ways. So, having
alpha male qualities is a sure-fire ticket to turning her on.
No matter how independent a woman is, she's programmed to respond
to a man who can take care of her and look after her welfare, even
if she's well capable of doing that herself. Again, she wants to
have the OPTION of your protection, much like the sense of security
a safety net provides for a trapeze artist.
If you lead other guys and can demonstrate PROOF that you can also
look after those dear to you (like family and friends), a woman is
definitely more likely to have sex with you.
This all goes back to what I said earlier about our evolutionary
INSTINCTS. A thousand years ago, women needed to have the
comforting knowledge that her partner is going to brave the dangers
of the outside world for her.
The same goes for the present. While times have changed, today's
self-sufficient women still have that same programming encoded into
their attraction circuitry. She wants to know that you're capable
of pulling your own weight in a relationship.
In essence, she has to see that you can be a pillar of strength she
can lean on before actually considering the possibility of having
sex. She's not about to share such an important part of herself
for some wimp who's going to pull down her survival rate.
All in all, men and women are largely defined by the general traits
which have been shaped by countless centuries of history behind us.
Although we now live in a modern age where survival has shifted to
a different context, there are still core traits that dictate how
each gender interacts with their partner.
The better you can understand these differences, the easier it will
be to figure out how to tap into a woman's emotional framework..............
It's your inside track to what women truly want in a man. Once
you've got that covered, no woman is out of your reach!
I'll see you around.
Your Friend,
Mr. Guru
24-06-2011, 12:25 PM
I am sure Chairman Mao is at Level confirmed by his personal doctor who wrote a memoir about his being the personal physician for Chairman Mao which was published several years ago. The doctor went on to write Part II of his memoir but died of a heart attack before completing the task.
24-06-2011, 12:44 PM
I am sure Chairman Mao is at Level confirmed by his personal doctor who wrote a memoir about his being the personal physician for Chairman Mao which was published several years ago. The doctor went on to write Part II of his memoir but died of a heart attack before completing the task.
My Dear Bro Woody,
BTW, we posted only seconds apart!
IMHO, Chairman Mao is beyond Level5, hahaha.
He would be 2nd only to my greatest hero Cao Cao.
He was THE Alpha Male, a military genius, a great leader, a good poet...he was very courageous n was perfectly calm n was even joking when bombs exploded all around him.
In later yrs he was senile n made grave mistakes. No man or woman is perfect, hehehe.
BTW, ths for intro that pretty 20yo SYT who works for Metlife in Chengdu.
She is a non-WL n although only 158, is quite proportionate n classy. She used to hv a very rich 25 yo BF, a UK-educated investment banker, the son of a powerful official in SZ. This powerful man forced his son to stop seeing her as she is from a small town...
I hv called her n done QQ video calling w/ her. Will see if she can come in August.
Ths again!
Bro WB
24-06-2011, 02:44 PM
No, it does count.
If I could find many chio SYTs of my type for ST, I'll stop BY-ing. I guess only in China, ya?
Hi bro,
Most gals can't make it in broad daylight. Once I happened to enter the condo housing 9-10 singers from a well known joint at around 4PM. I saw 4-5 gals n they had just woken up, all w/o makeup n one would be wondering why there r men who would want to hang anything for them!
.................................................. .................................................. .
Good morning!
I got zapped yesterday.
Tian An Men KTV 23-06-2011 12:33 AM Please change your mindset dun alway 包养 when you said you need to share your KTV bills with your bros. I know you are malaysian but spare a thought for Singaporeans. Do not let these PRC whores think that we are stupid you should
I don't exactly understand what he is trying to say. Perhaps he meant that I shouldn't be so stingy as to share KTV bills when I could afford to BY so many SYTs?? The M'sian n Singaporeans part is baffling to me.
Well, what can I say, I always want to minimize the friction cost of doing equity or pussy transactions. Period.
Could some smart bros here try to explain his complaints n what he was trying to say in simple English? Ths!
BTW, I'll be very busy for the next 2-3 wks n will post infrequently.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
If you are looking for young and chio PRC chicks, then PRC is the ONLY place to go...:D
Well, many gals look extremely different with and without makeup...:p
24-06-2011, 11:13 PM
Today at around 5.30 pm, I was waiting for my dinner date at City Square (Kopitiam)
I noticed an elderly gentlemen accompanying a young lady having her dinner.
Quite attractive looking PRC chick... but no chance to chat her up.
25-06-2011, 12:51 AM
i think to pick up girls outside, other than having money, you need to display sexy and confident language ( too
I did picked up a china chick (quite chio) outside tiananmen before.. she just finished her work and is looking for some fun. So I brought her for supper. After that, we went east coast park and have a good chat, followed by some hanky panky in my van. I only gave her some tips after that... Have to respect her for a job well done
25-06-2011, 10:48 AM
Bro WB,
If you are looking for young and chio PRC chicks, then PRC is the ONLY place to go...
Well, many gals look extremely different with and without makeup...:p
Hi Bro TD,
I agree. Planning my move there asap.
There r very few gals who r very attractive w/o makeup...
Today at around 5.30 pm, I was waiting for my dinner date at City Square (Kopitiam)
I noticed an elderly gentlemen accompanying a young lady having her dinner.
Quite attractive looking PRC chick... but no chance to chat her up.
Bro besafe,
You should hv approached the ah pek first, chat up w/ him, then wait for oppty to get the gal's HP no.
Amaing! We were both ard there at the same time. I picked up my 老婆 across the street ard 5:45PM n took her to Chinatown to book her flight to Fujian. We r leaving SG on the same day.
BTW, you should try Putien restaurant there. Very good food.
I'm in the area almost every day. The other place I frequent is Great World City, hehehe.
i think to pick up girls outside, other than having money, you need to display sexy and confident language ( too
I did picked up a china chick (quite chio) outside tiananmen before.. she just finished her work and is looking for some fun. So I brought her for supper. After that, we went east coast park and have a good chat, followed by some hanky panky in my van. I only gave her some tips after that... Have to respect her for a job well done
Hi bro hh,
Pls just post the most useful content of the website here. Many bros n I dun like to visit unknown websites.
More FRs on pickup would be appreciated.
Bro WB
25-06-2011, 12:03 PM
Amaing! We were both ard there at the same time. I picked up my 老婆 across the street ard 5:45PM n took her to Chinatown to book her flight to Fujian. We r leaving SG on the same day.
BTW, you should try Putien restaurant there. Very good food.
Bro WB
Is it..
BTW, We had our dinner at Putien.
Hahaha.. you leaving for China too?
Have a safe trip.
26-06-2011, 10:38 AM
Is it..
BTW, We had our dinner at Putien.
Hahaha.. you leaving for China too?
Have a safe trip.
I might hv met u unwittingly, haha.
Just a very short stay in PRC, then back to Gotham City.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
Picking up gals outside KTVs/HFJs/Pubs is a good way to reduce FRICTION COST. It's more fun n more challenging too.
I believe the best time to pick up chio gals is during the day, in early afternoon. Some may call it the DAY GAME.
Here is a good summary of this game written by another guru.
6 *Never Break* Rules for Daytime Pickups
There are a lot of different ways to meet women.
Yet, most guys ONLY use places like bars & clubs.
The truth is the BEST chance to really meet a
woman is OUTSIDE a loud, noisy venue.
To skyrocket your success with women, you need to
be ready to meet women at any point in your day.
I've found that it's actually easier to meet a
girl when you're out during the daytime.
In fact this can be your SECRET WEAPON for meeting
One that your friends will wonder how you're
"getting" all these girls.
Now I want to be honest here. "Day Game"
requires a different style than what's commonly
used in the bar scene.
It's a great way to meet women.
But if you're using the same tactics you'd use
in a noisy club, you'll come across as a crazy
To help you get started with daytime meetups, I
recommend following these SIX rules:
==> Rule #1- Look your best
To make day game work, you MUST look your
ALL times.
Remember, you never know when you'll come across a
women you want to approach.
If look like a slob, then you'll give off a
slobbish appearance.
You should always look sharp if you want to meet
women during the daytime.
This means adhering to basic guidelines for a
top-notched appearance (I.e.: Shave, shower, apply
cologne wear nice clothes, etc.)
==> Rule #2- Talk to everyone
We're all guilty of going "autopilot" as we run
errands and do stuff during the day.
For many it's not the "time" when we meet women.
They're doing chores and don't want to think about
approaching a random girl.
So it seems weird to walk up to a woman during the
daytime and start a conversation.
Unfortunately this attitude will get you NOWHERE.
To improve your day game, you must get into the
habit of initiating conversations with those around
you. (Even if they're not women)
The more you practice talking to people, the more
natural it'll seem to approach a girl.
Rule #3- Have an extraction plan
Too many guys have the "One Night Stand" mentality.
They only concern themselves with how to 'get laid'
within the first few hours of meeting a woman.
To have success with Day Game, you should give up
the idea that you can "speed seduce" a girl the
same day you meet her.
Sure it can happen. But it's pretty rare.
With that being said, you can easily meet a girl
and move the conversation to place where you can
get to know one another.
What I suggest is simple...
When you're out during the day, find a place where
you can have a quick "mini-date."
This could be a coffee house, shopping at a mall,
or even a trip to a park.
My point is this:
You want a place where you can immediately go and
continue the conversation.
By pre-planning a location, you'll make it seem
like a normal part of your daytime activities.
==> Rule #4- Demonstrate high status
Even when you're outside the "singles scene",
it's still important to demonstrate a high status
To be attractive to a woman, she has to see that
you're a confident guy who can naturally attract
She should feel like you're a guy who has a busy
life, filled with interesting things.
So if you're not comfortable with your confidence,
then I recommend you learn why women are attracted
to guys who can show this side of their
==> Rule #5- Be an interesting guy
Again, this is another rule which applies in ANY
environment. To build attraction, you must show
that you're a genuinely fun guy.
This means IMMEDIATELY showcasing a personality
which she'll like. For instance, you should:
- Tell fun stories about your life
- Use humor in a funny but teasing manner
- Make interesting comments about her
- Ask her provocative questions.
The more interesting you appear, the more she'll
be into YOU!
==> Rule #6- Establish Physical Contact
The final rule is absolutely important for making
a "connection" with a woman...
If you want to be interesting to woman, you must
CREATE sexual chemistry.
And one of the quickest ways to do this is to
establish physical contact.
Within 5 minutes of initiating a conversation,
you should be touching her a fun, familiar manner.
This can include giving high-fives, handshakes, or
using humorous body language routines.
The key here is to do it in a FUN way. So don't
act like a creepy pervert that likes to grope
Just remember that it's often easier to meet
women during the day. If you keep your eyes open
and know how to take advantage of hidden
opportunities, then you'll discover that it's
easy to pick up women.
The secret ingredient to this process is to be
someone who can naturally attract women.
This is a special kind of mindset when you *know*
you're badass guy who can magnetically attract
ANY woman............................................. .........................
Talk Soon,
Guru XXX
29-06-2011, 05:22 PM
To Bro Warbird,
You called me on 14 June evening. I answered the phone but no response from you even after repeatedly shouting your name. I guess you accidentally called me cos I heard background noises. I didn’t call back because I just finished a marathon bonking session in a suite in a 5 star hotel and was getting ready to have free dinner and drinks at the Executive floor. Went to catch a movie with my gal afterwards so was unable to join you.
I flew out of Singapore to join my family for a holiday and so was out of action for another week.
Last night, was at LV 五楼的大厅 with my gal during standard hour. Wrong choice – should have stayed in the room cos all the singing and dancing was so noisy, my ears were still ringing this morning. My gal and the MMS had to shout into my ears. Anyways, just a few things to report:
Our usual MMS was on holiday and her new assistant MMS was damn chio! From Shanghai, she’s only 1 month into her new job as a MMS. She’s 31 but looks younger than her age. Had a nice chat with her. She lost a bet – I told her my age but she didn’t believe I was that old. In the end showed her my driver’s license and she lost the bet. I told her, 你的人属于我了。
Didn’t know why my gal became horny and asked me to leave. We left slightly before midnight with the MMS jokingly said to do 双飞 with me and my gal. When I insisted on it, she politely defer it to the next time we meet. End up sending my gal home and bonked her till we cummed together. I guess that when she sense competition, or when there is competition, it makes you more sexually desirable... one of those theories of yours, I guess.
My gal is currently staying with her friend, a mother of two boys who quarreled with her husband over trivial matters and now putting up with my gal in her bedroom. When I bonked my gal on Monday, she had to leave the house early to make way for me. Last night, she was at LV working so the room was empty again for us to bonk. My point is – a mother of 2 boys, one of whom will enter Pri 1 next year, can still work in LV?? I know her and she’s the type I would never bed. But when you are at the Havelock Road joints, magic happens, apparently, to a lot of guys. Surely things can’t get that bad huh? And to husbands with PRC wives – never let them stay with their other PRC gfs… they go to KTVs to work and get bonked by customers.
Just an update because I had mentioned to you to meet up at LV that week but couldn’t make it due to work and other unexpected commitments.
End of rant.
02-07-2011, 05:14 AM
To Bro Warbird,
You called me on 14 June evening. I answered the phone but no response from you even after repeatedly shouting your name. I guess you accidentally called me cos I heard background noises...............................
My gal is currently staying with her friend, a mother of two boys who quarreled with her husband over trivial matters and now putting up with my gal in her bedroom. When I bonked my gal on Monday, she had to leave the house early to make way for me. Last night, she was at LV working so the room was empty again for us to bonk. My point is – a mother of 2 boys, one of whom will enter Pri 1 next year, can still work in LV?? I know her and she’s the type I would never bed. But when you are at the Havelock Road joints, magic happens, apparently, to a lot of guys. Surely things can’t get that bad huh? And to husbands with PRC wives – never let them stay with their other PRC gfs… they go to KTVs to work and get bonked by customers......................................
Dear Bro FA,
I called to invite u to a KTV outing. It must be a bad connection...
Ths for sharing ur personal experiences w/ PRC MMs.
.................................................. .................................................. .........
Good morning!
I'm in Gotham country. Will be very busy for some time.
Of my 2 老婆 in SG, XW is back w/ her family in Fujian n TC started work at TAM complex last wk.
BTW, TC saw me w/ XW one day n both gals were perturbed. I later told both gals that the other gal was my ex mistress, hehe. TC was quite hostile for a few days. She was also angry that she had to go back to work...
I hv been w/ XW for so long bcos she has the exact right body proportions, perhaps the most proportionate I hv had, from head to toe. Unfortunately, she is not young at 23. But she has the slimmest arms/wrists n has very pretty pussy n is very easily orgasmic. I like her loud moaning n screaming. TC is a close 2nd.
Received another interesting email from a guru:
Bro Warbird,
How to make your voice sound attractive and confident when you talk to women?
NOTE: OVER 94% of women find these CERTAIN personality traits HIGHLY
ATTRACTIVE, and when you display them she FEELS that somehow you
are "different".
She'll forget how you look. She'll forget how tall you are.
She'll forget your age.
She'll forget that you're not her "usual type".
She'll find you so refreshing and RARE that she will want you... and
she simply won't know how you've made her feel this way.
Want to know the best way to meet women, OPEN conversation and make
them FEEL these attraction triggers all within minutes of meeting
Hi Bro Warbird,
Our voices are important, because without them we can't communicate
very much. Mimes are good at getting across the idea that they're
stuck in an invisible box, but when asked to sexually attract a
woman, they don't fair as well.
Jokes aside, you need to use your voice in a specific way when you
talk to women to get across the following messages:
- I'm not nervous
- I'm not stuck for words--I know what to say and how to say it
- I'm interesting
- I'm socially intelligent and experienced
- I'm generally the bomb
If you don't use your voice in the right way, you'll soon find that
it's impossible to get the woman feeling the things she needs to
feel to find you sexually attractive, like:
- Happy
- Amused (as in, laughing, not assumed by you because you're like a
- Motivated (she wants to continue the conversation and build more
rapport with you)
- Teased (without some kind of teasing, it's hard to attract a woman)
- You get the idea.
So, how do you get the woman feeling all of these things?
Well, you can't just make unintelligible sounds in the right
way--you need to say stuff that is interesting, funny and
So when you're saying what you're saying, how do you control your
voice to make yourself sound the most attractive? Here's how.
There are 3 aspects of using your voice that you need to know about.
They are: speed, pitch and word choice. Speed is how quickly or
slowly you speak. You need to strike a balance between the two.
Speaking too quickly and rushing through your words makes you
appear jumpy and anxious, whereas talking too slowly can get really
boring, really fast and put a girl to sleep. So, aim to talk at a
medium pace most of the time.
The exception to this rule is when you notice the girl you're
talking to is speaking particularly fast or slow. To create and
maintain a connection with her, you can mirror her speech speed by
either picking up or slowing down the pace of your own dialogue.
Next is pitch - how deep or high your voice is when you speak. Now,
clearly you can't change your voice's natural pitch, but you can
pay close attention to how your voice sounds when you talk.
Focus on each sentence and how each word within that sentence
resonates and try and control it a little.
Elongate the end of words to create a subtle croak and give the
impression that your voice has a lower intonation than it actually
does. You'll find that ensuring you don't hurry your speech also
helps you do this.
The reason a slightly lower voice is a good thing to have as far as
attracting girls is concerned is because, in-built in the
subliminal minds of women, is a connection between a low voice and
a powerful, muscular, dominant man - the kind of guy that was truly
useful back when protecting the cave from wild beasts was of vital
importance. Lastly, we've got word choice.
I guess this one ventures slightly out of the "how to use your
voice" category, but it's too important not to mention. Basically,
most guys - regardless of how they talk to other guys and work
colleagues, etc. - seem to have their descriptive vocabulary
slashed in two when they start talking to a woman they're attracted
to. You must try to stop this happening to you.
Remember that the words you choose to describe things will have a
direct and immediate effect on the opinion of the girl you're
talking to regarding what she thinks about what you've just said
and about you in general.
Joan Manes and Nessa Wolfson, both experts in social linguistics,
conducted a large study and discovered that around 33% - that's one
third - of compliments paid by men to women included the word
'nice'. And that's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.
Try your hardest to use interesting and engaging words whenever
you're talking to women, whether you're describing things or making
a statement. For example, read the following two sentences.
Each roughly says the same thing but the latter is much more
descriptive and interesting. And, therefore, preferable for use in
seductive conversation. Sentence one: "Yeah, I went on one of those
zip-lines while I was there, over a lake.
That was a little scary but definitely fun." Sentence two: "Yeah,
while I was there I went on a zip-line that was suspended over a
huge blue lake, totally surrounded by tall trees. It was really
fun. I definitely recommend it to get the adrenaline pumping!"
The simple addition of a few descriptive words, even though they
weren't particularly long or complex, really helped to describe the
Getting the girl you're talking with to become emotionally and
intellectually engaged in what you're telling her is really
important if you want her to be attracted to you, so always try to
add depth and interest to the things you say.
And that's a good start. Using that information, you can pretty
instantly make your voice, and therefore yourself, more attractive
to women when you talk to them.
Talk soon Warbird,
Mr. XM
05-07-2011, 07:06 AM
Greetings from Gotham City!!
A 19 yo SYT of my type in SG told me today that 我很想你,我要和你在一起。你不要我, 我就回中国了。 Normally this is good mews, but in her case it could be bad news. Firstly, my plate is already overflowing. Secondly, the gal is KK. Yes, she is still only 19 as she was born in Sep 1991.
In the past 1/2 yrs, my proposal to BY someone has been rebuffed a no of times. Additionally, several gals consented to BY at first but later had a change of heart. A few gals hv left me. I'm always unfazed and those who rejected me initially, 100% of them later said yes. 100%. As for the several gals who had a change of heart, all got BY-ed by me some months later. A noteworthy case was that of CD. She was a big disappointment. For the few who left me, I had some KC for 2 of them: XW n KK. Later, they all wanted me to BY them again. XW is still w/ me.
The ONLY exception had been KK until today. She was the 18 yo, 170-cm tall, fair Chengdu gal w/ natural D boobs who fell in love w/ a 20 yo student from her home town while I was in Gotham. I offered to double her monthly allowance. She said NO. She said they were getting married. It was quite a blow to me but I recovered quickly. And now, after 14 months, she wants to be my mistress again.
KK contacted me this morning Gotham time, we spoke n did video calling. She is now 19 yo, still fair n attractive n, despite losing 2 Kg or so, her boobs r still very big...n I remember her pink tits n pink pussy, hehehe. She broke off w/ her BF in Jan, after 9 months together. She has not worked since I started BY-ing her in Jan last yr. She had been strapped for cash but she dare not n was too ashamed to ask me to take her back. She said she made a serious mistake n was deeply sorry...she never wants to work at KTVs ever n is ready to return to China, but her frens urged her to ctc me. I told her I would keep her on my return next month, at original terms. Of course she must undergo a complete medical workup before I would dare to fxk her raw.
BTW, I always practice what I preach. I trust no one. I'll not give her a penny until after I hv had her pussy in August.
Bro WB
05-07-2011, 07:40 AM
Greetings from Gotham City!!
A 19 yo SYT of my type in SG told me today that 我很想你,我要和你在一起。你不要我, 我就回中国了。 Normally this is good mews, but in her case it could be bad news. Firstly, my plate is already overflowing. Secondly, the gal is KK. Yes, she is still only 19 as she was born in Sep 1991.
In the past 1/2 yrs, my proposal to BY someone has been rebuffed a no of times. Additionally, several gals consented to BY at first but later had a change of heart. A few gals hv left me. I'm always unfazed and those who rejected me initially, 100% of them later said yes. 100%. As for the several gals who had a change of heart, all got BY-ed by me some months later. A noteworthy case was that of CD. She was a big disappointment. For the few who left me, I had some KC for 2 of them: XW n KK. Later, they all wanted me to BY them again. XW is still w/ me.
The ONLY exception had been KK until today. She was the 18 yo, 170-cm tall, fair Chengdu gal w/ natural D boobs who fell in love w/ a 20 yo student from her home town while I was in Gotham. I offered to double her monthly allowance. She said NO. She said they were getting married. It was quite a blow to me but I recovered quickly. And now, after 14 months, she wants to be my mistress again.
KK contacted me this morning Gotham time, we spoke n did video calling. She is now 19 yo, still fair n attractive n, despite losing 2 Kg or so, her boobs r still very big...n I remember her pink tits n pink pussy, hehehe. She broke off w/ her BF in Jan, after 9 months together. She has not worked since I started BY-ing her in Jan last yr. She had been strapped for cash but she dare not n was too ashamed to ask me to take her back. She said she made a serious mistake n was deeply sorry...she never wants to work at KTVs ever n is ready to return to China, but her frens urged her to ctc me. I told her I would keep her on my return next month, at original terms. Of course she must undergo a complete medical workup before I would dare to fxk her raw.
BTW, I always practice what I preach. I trust no one. I'll not give her a penny until after I hv had her pussy in August.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
as usual, you are the man...the ultimate predator...:D
05-07-2011, 09:02 AM
Greetings from Gotham City!!
A 19 yo SYT of my type in SG told me today that 我很想你,我要和你在一起。你不要我, 我就回中国了。 Normally this is good mews, but in her case it could be bad news. Firstly, my plate is already overflowing. Secondly, the gal is KK. Yes, she is still only 19 as she was born in Sep 1991.
In the past 1/2 yrs, my proposal to BY someone has been rebuffed a no of times. Additionally, several gals consented to BY at first but later had a change of heart. A few gals hv left me. I'm always unfazed and those who rejected me initially, 100% of them later said yes. 100%. As for the several gals who had a change of heart, all got BY-ed by me some months later. A noteworthy case was that of CD. She was a big disappointment. For the few who left me, I had some KC for 2 of them: XW n KK. Later, they all wanted me to BY them again. XW is still w/ me.
The ONLY exception had been KK until today. She was the 18 yo, 170-cm tall, fair Chengdu gal w/ natural D boobs who fell in love w/ a 20 yo student from her home town while I was in Gotham. I offered to double her monthly allowance. She said NO. She said they were getting married. It was quite a blow to me but I recovered quickly. And now, after 14 months, she wants to be my mistress again.
KK contacted me this morning Gotham time, we spoke n did video calling. She is now 19 yo, still fair n attractive n, despite losing 2 Kg or so, her boobs r still very big...n I remember her pink tits n pink pussy, hehehe. She broke off w/ her BF in Jan, after 9 months together. She has not worked since I started BY-ing her in Jan last yr. She had been strapped for cash but she dare not n was too ashamed to ask me to take her back. She said she made a serious mistake n was deeply sorry...she never wants to work at KTVs ever n is ready to return to China, but her frens urged her to ctc me. I told her I would keep her on my return next month, at original terms. Of course she must undergo a complete medical workup before I would dare to fxk her raw.
BTW, I always practice what I preach. I trust no one. I'll not give her a penny until after I hv had her pussy in August.
Bro WB
My dear guru, that’s the abundance mindset! 塞翁失马焉知非福…
05-07-2011, 12:00 PM
Dear Bro Andy
Your plate is really full and overflowing!! How are u going to accomodate a couple more from PRC....? Add more plates, hahaha.
06-07-2011, 06:43 PM
Secondly, the gal is KK.
Just make sure you still keep your head around with you, and not lose your heart to her!
06-07-2011, 07:07 PM
Just make sure you still keep your head around with you, and not lose your heart to her!
Bro WB is one of the most accomplished pussy hunters here. No way he will lose his heart to any pussy...:D
06-07-2011, 10:00 PM
Noticed this thread was started 2 years ago.
I had a couple of experience picking up KTV girls, so here goes.
The first one occured because heaven helped me. LOL.
Was in a car near Mustafa, with my friend and we just had supper. Was sending him back to his car, so he rode in mine. And as he jumped into my car and I was starting the engine, I saw an attractive girl. Really nice, actually, though I was late, from far you can kind of discern between an attractive girl from a so-so girl. I told my friend, hey, Radar, Radar! And he turned around and say, woo, nice! So, I didn't drive off and waited for her to walk past... and then sure enough, she was a pretty girl Fair, long, jet-black hair, sharp nose. Dressed down in slim jeans and black blouse, simple look.
And I started driving along the road, REAL slow.... . And came next to her and said, "Xiao jie, qu na li"? (Miss, where are you going?) In a very cheeky way. My friend chuckled. And then she totally ignored us, carrying on walking.
I said, "Wo song ni yi chen ba" (Let me give you a lift) and she continued ignoring us, and just carried on walking. I wound up my window and released my brakes. "KABOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!" A very, very loud thunder, and within 2 seconds, HEAVY RAIN! LOL! She literally RAN to my car and opened my door, jumped in like a wet kitten!
My friend and I burst out in laughter!!!! Hahahaha! Turned out, she was living in Lavander and worked in Hoo Cheng KTV. So we exchanged contacts and dropped her off.
Few days later, after supper, I suggested to my friend, why not let's go check this Hoo Cheng place out. It's just behind Eminent Plaza.
Quite unused to this place, we popped our head in an 20 girls were looking at us. Closed the door and walked away. A few minutes later... after gaining our composure at the Cheers convenience store next door, we went in again.
Surprise! She was right at the door eating fruits! What a different look! This time, she was in full makeup, and wearing a gown (wtf) and heels.
So we said, "Hey! It's us". And she's like, "Ooooh, it's you! Come in, come in". And since it was a quite night, she played pool with us, and brought us a jug of beer and drank with us. (She paid). And we wanted to pay, but she drew another jug and refused payment, as well.
Time for the singing, so all singers went on stage and one by one sang songs in Chinese, waiting for tips and 'flowers' etc... .
We were not really into this scene, but thought of 'paying her back' by giving a $100 sash for her (different from those guys who drop $1000 on their favourite girls... this is simply just not our cup of tea, but just thought to pay her for drinks). She did a curtsy on stage, as if to 'thank' us. Then the moment she came down, she gave us a scolding and said we shouldn't have given her this sash, etc... .
Oooo k!
So we chatted, laughed, drank some more and we went off.
From then on, we never visited that place but went out with her and friends, beach, shopping (never made to buy anything for them or her) and I discovered that she actually has HUGE BOOBS! Small D or a very ample C.
Spent some days and nights together and thought she was a really fun person to be with. Then, I think she was planning to change KTV with her 'sisters' and I got involved with other girls, so we drifted apart.
Another time, I was at Tanjong Pagar.... and at the end of Shenton Way, just before the CPF building, there is this entertainment/KTV place, right? I have never been inside, so I don't know how it is. Presently, one of the joints there is called 'Sabai Sabai', etc. And out walked 2 pretty girls onto the streets. I think it was about 2AM and I was heading home. For some reason, I didn't have my car with me, as I remembered. So, seeing 2 attractive girls.... in the middle of the night, they looking at me, me looking at them, well, I just went forward and started talking to them. Asking if we should share a cab (because I was first there, so they would have to take the one after me) and turns out we went to almost the same place... so we did end up taking the same taxi and these two girls were pretty... I would say 8/10 at first glance. Told me they were cousins, one was a year older, etc.... . Here to study, etc. Even though I know roughly that from the way they dressed, their smell of perfume, at that hour, they were 99% from the KTV, I just played along.
We were joking and laughing and etc in the taxi until the destination, and for some reason that I cannot remember, I didn't give them my contact and neither did they. Maybe I didn't ask or asked but they didn't give. Don't recall anymore.
Anyway, a short time later, I was hunting in Geylang.... and was walking along the Lorong 16 area.... and saw her, the older one! Dressed in exactly the same clothes as I met them weeks ago! :)
So I walked over and she said, "Liang zai, qu ma"?
I winked and said, "Do you remember me''? And I repeated a Beijing slangword for scolding people which they taught me in the taxi (but cannot remember it now)... and she smiled sheepishly. "Ooooh! *smile* na.... qu ma"?
"Qu lor......." . LOL.
Damage $100. Not bad, I guess. Not the best, but the looks was ok. Only thing I remember is that some girls look better dressed than undressed. :)
Some girls look GREAT undressed! :D
Those are my experience with "KTV girls" outside of their KTVs. Haha!
07-07-2011, 02:29 AM
Bro WB,
as usual, you are the man...the ultimate predator...:D
Dear Bro TD,
No no, I'm a beginner.
Yes, I aspire to be a predator, not one who is heartless n ruthless, but one who is rational, efficient, tactical, lighting fast, unflappable n unemotional. I'll not cheat or shortchange my preys.
My dear guru, that’s the abundance mindset! 塞翁失马焉知非福…
My Dear Bro FA,
You hv the right mindset n attitude!!
Even the prettiest pussies r fungible commodities!
QUOTE=woody17;6098822]Dear Bro Andy
Your plate is really full and overflowing!! How are u going to accomodate a couple more from PRC....? Add more plates, hahaha.[/QUOTE]
Dear Bro Woody17,
Too many is a waste of money. I'll keep just XW, maybe KK. Perhaps a couple from PRC.
You must be in SG now. Dun forget to call the bro who is my good kaki n my favourite mummies. Hv a great time!
Just make sure you still keep your head around with you, and not lose your heart to her!
Dear Bro CZ,
Ths! If I dun keep my head n let my heart control me, I'll be in deep trouble...
That is why I'm trying to keep so many gals. But it has some disadvantages. It's expensive n I'm physically too exhausted. Spending some time in Gotham is necessary to restore my vitality n energy...
Yes, I had KC for her over a yr ago. But now she is just a nice n youthful pussy to me...
Bro WB is one of the most accomplished pussy hunters here. No way he will lose his heart to any pussy...:D
Dear Bro TD,
Of course not to KK or XW.
But who knows? I may not hv met the right gal yet. When I meet her, I may fall into abyss just like so many other esteemed bros. When that happens, pls dun forget to pull me out of my predicament!!
Noticed this thread was started 2 years ago.
I had a couple of experience picking up KTV girls, so here goes.
.................................................. ..................................
Some girls look GREAT undressed! :D
Those are my experience with "KTV girls" outside of their KTVs. Haha!
Dear Bro r0cksteady,
Welcome aboard!
Ths so much for ur detailed FRs on picking up...
Pls continue to share ur experiences.
Bro WB
07-07-2011, 05:13 PM
Dear Bro TD,
No no, I'm a beginner.
Yes, I aspire to be a predator, not one who is heartless n ruthless, but one who is rational, efficient, tactical, lighting fast, unflappable n unemotional. I'll not cheat or shortchange my preys.
Dear Bro TD,
Of course not to KK or XW.
But who knows? I may not hv met the right gal yet. When I meet her, I may fall into abyss just like so many other esteemed bros. When that happens, pls dun forget to pull me out of my predicament!!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
You are already a GURU here...:D
If a person slips too deep into the KC trap, there are only 2 ways to help him. If he realizes that he is in a KC trap, then most likely a simple wake up call will be sufficient. On the other hand, if he does not realize or wish to accept that he is in a KC trap, then the best method is to get the gal to suck his money until he feels the pain in his pocket. This method usually works because we will feel the pain when we see how much money we have spent on the gal...:p
08-07-2011, 06:51 PM
Bro WB is one of the most accomplished pussy hunters here. No way he will lose his heart to any pussy...:D
I know, but good friends will always remind, to make sure. Unless Bro WB starts to find me naggy, of course. :D
08-07-2011, 07:22 PM
Dear Bro TD,
No no, I'm a beginner.
Yes, I aspire to be a predator, not one who is heartless n ruthless, but one who is rational, efficient, tactical, lighting fast, unflappable n unemotional. I'll not cheat or shortchange my preys.
Bro WB
Everytime I am in need of inspiration I just read this thread and feel inspired!
13-07-2011, 09:15 AM
Bro WB,
You are already a GURU here...:D
If a person slips too deep into the KC trap, there are only 2 ways to help him. If he realizes that he is in a KC trap, then most likely a simple wake up call will be sufficient. On the other hand, if he does not realize or wish to accept that he is in a KC trap, then the best method is to get the gal to suck his money until he feels the pain in his pocket. This method usually works because we will feel the pain when we see how much money we have spent on the gal...:p
Dear bro TD,
I'm merely good at quoting gurus...
Ths so much for ur expert opinion on how to rescue someone mired in KC trap. I may send SOS to u someday, hehehe.
I know, but good friends will always remind, to make sure. Unless Bro WB starts to find me naggy, of course. :D
Dear Bro Chenzong,
Your reminder is always greatly appreciated.
Everytime I am in need of inspiration I just read this thread and feel inspired!
Bro ME,
Really? You're an inspiration yourself.
You're youthful, energetic n a very accomplished pussy-getter, hehehe.
Bro WB
13-07-2011, 09:17 AM
Dear bro TD,
I'm merely good at quoting gurus...
Ths so much for ur expert opinion on how to rescue someone mired in KC trap. I may send SOS to u someday, hehehe.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
The day you need to send an SOS to me when u are mired in a KC trap will be the day I am mired in numerous KC traps...and I might need your help more then...:D
14-07-2011, 03:01 AM
Bro WB,
The day you need to send an SOS to me when u are mired in a KC trap will be the day I am mired in numerous KC traps...and I might need your help more then...:D
Dear Bro TD,
No healthy human beings r immune to KC trap.
I know I can count on ur help n vice versa.
.................................................. ......................................
Good morning!
Another good email on being a MAN:
Unleashing Your Masculinity...
Wednesday, 13 July, 2011 11:38 AM
Mr. Guru
Bro Warbird,
What's up ?
Here's the truth - being attractive is done from the INSIDE, and
not from anything you put on. Being a manly man is not the cologne
you put on, or the car that you drive.
Neither is it the kind of clothes you wear nor is it how your beard
is trimmed. In other words, all that EXTERNAL stuff doesn't make a
man who he is.
The heart of attraction lies in the truth that opposites attract,
plain and simple. The kind of energy you have should complement or
balance the traits of the woman you're trying to win over.
Think of the forces of attraction like the contrasting poles of a
magnet. The only thing a positive charge could ever hope to
attract is its OPPOSITE.
This is where the famous expression "opposites attract" comes from.
Fortunately, this simple reality also applies to human
In dating, the two people in the equation will only be attracted to
each other if one person's set of qualities "fills in" the natural
"gaps" of the other. This is where the concept of MASCULINE and
FEMININE energy comes into play.
You see, a masculine person is more likely to attract a feminine
person simply because of their opposing "charges". That's why if
your masculine energy isn't as high as it should be, you'll have a
hard time appealing to the feminine folk.
Traditionally, masculine traits have been associated with the male
gender, and feminine qualities with women. However, the
increasingly changing socio-political landscape has given rise to
"feminine men" and "masculine women".
In this day and age, you'll see men and women performing functions
that, just a few decades ago, couldn't be interchanged between the
genders. It isn't rare to find men today doing the cooking,
cleaning and other "girly stuff" while the women are out there
taking on managerial or supervisory roles in the corporate world.
All of these developments are awesome because it's paved the way
for a higher sense of equality in the family and workplace. Let's
face it, the different situations in our lives will require us to
tap into BOTH our masculine and feminine sides as needed.
However, being a masculine man and a feminine woman is still
necessary when it comes to pair-bonding. In dating, it's still
your duty as a man to espouse your masculine traits to attract the
Now, before we go any further about unleashing your masculine side,
let's get briefly into the central traits of a masculine and
feminine essence, shall we?
Masculinity is largely defined by the strength of purpose and the
determination to move in a desired direction. A masculine essence
is all about the focus of achieving a given set of goals and fully
realizing the end result of your efforts.
You might even say that being masculine means having a bit of a
one-track mind, but in my opinion it's more of having a singular,
unstoppable purpose. Furthermore, it's also about being
analytical, logical and cutting through the murkiness of matters.
Above all, masculinity has a great deal to do with providing for
the family as well as protecting friends and loved ones from harm.
What it's NOT about is being a booze-guzzling, idle slob who has
nothing better to do than veg out in front of the TV while shirking
"ladies' stuff" like dishes, laundry and meal preparation.
On the other hand, a feminine essence is all about being a nurturer
and a caring, gentle companion. Feminine energy thrives on
exploring relationships and humanity in general. It's defined by
artistic and emotional expression as well as pursuing the finer
things in life.
Conversely, being feminine is NOT defined as crying over a broken
nail or acting like a helpless victim. Purposely playing the
eternal "damsel in distress" may be endearing at first, but it'll
soon lose its charm and is more fitting to be labeled as "annoying
With that said, being a "man's man" in the context of our little
discussion is the key to making a woman's heart MELT. So, I'll be
giving you a quick primer on how to make the most of your masculine
gifts, starting TODAY:
#1: Have the determination to be committed to an ideal, a way of
life or a set of principles. As we've just discussed, the feminine
essence is naturally drawn to an attitude that just reeks of GRIT.
When you stick to your guns or ADHERE to certain cause that's close
to your heart, that's a sign of PASSION. And I gotta tell ya, this
one trait is like "chick crack". Even the hardest of women are
impressed by a man who has the strength (not necessarily in the
physical sense) to be CONSISTENT in his actions, beliefs, thoughts
and values.
#2: Be really good at something. Nothing gets a woman's engine
revving better than a guy who rocks in his element. When you have
the ability to be an authoritative voice on a subject matter, it
really does plenty to polish the brass on your balls.
It's an incredible turn-on for women to meet a guy who's
passionately dedicated to a certain field of knowledge, whether
it's science, literature or sports. Besides, being able to teach
them something they didn't know before makes you an interesting
#3: Be committed to achieving various life goals. Like I said
earlier, masculinity is about attaining objectives. What I mean by
this is to have a purpose-driven approach to life.
If you're dedicated to being more than who you are at this moment,
it makes you hungry for life. The feminine essence is helplessly
drawn towards a person who's totally engaged in squeezing the juice
out of living.
That's why having a set of meaningful goals makes the possibility
of sharing a life with you an EXCITING one. She'll be thinking,
"Wow, this guy sure has a happening life going on - I'd LOVE to be
part of that!"
Being focused on your life makes you slightly unavailable, or a
"wild child" from a certain point of view. Feminine eyes see this
as a challenge to "tame" your fiery nature.
In fact, lots of women are fueled by the desire to uncover your
feminine side. The thrill of the pursuit lies in the pleasure of
trying to "have you 100%".
#4: Be savvy about personal style, but don't be obsessively VAIN
about it. Looks are important in the sense that they say key
things about your personality.
However, don't mistake looking good for making appearances the most
important thing in life. The main idea is to be clean, neat and
presentable so that you give the impression that you've "got it
Having a good sense of style means being up-to-date on your looks,
but not to the point of being too picky with brands. Investing
JUST ENOUGH on quality items is cool, but don't go overboard with
the compulsive shopping.
A healthy and respectable physical appearance is essential in the
context of implying that you have your life UNDER CONTROL.
However, anything beyond that purpose is superficial.
As long as you have well-fitting clothes that suit your body frame
and don't smell like a gym bag, you're on the right track.
In essence, women want a MAN, and not a kid in adult's clothing.
They're into mature guys who are absolutely decided on a SOLID
course of action and aren't easily swayed by impulses or whims.
It's about having the lack of fear to go for what you really want,
and having the RESOLVE to accomplish it.
All in all, these masculine-boosting tips boil down to cultivating
an intangible "hardness" that women look for. If you possess this
"X-factor", reeling them in will be a cakewalk.
I'll see you around.
Mr. Guru
Bro WB: Your purpose-driven life n the "hardness" of ur manly character depend ultimately on ur SELF MASTERY.
14-07-2011, 08:03 AM
Dear Bro TD,
No healthy human beings r immune to KC trap.
I know I can count on ur help n vice versa.
Bro WB: Your purpose-driven life n the "hardness" of ur manly character depend ultimately on ur SELF MASTERY.
Bro WB,
You are absolutely right. No person is immune 100% to the KC trap. The only way not to fall into the KC trap is to be vigilant and know your own feelings towards the gal. Once you find yourself developing feelings for the gal, then it's time to take a couple of steps back and take a break for a while. In this way, hopefully you can lessen the KC effect...:D
16-07-2011, 03:52 PM
Thanks bro WB for another enlightening post. The forces of attachment are strong, whether it's for family or a WL. Men have weaknesses or rather gaps in their lives that need to be plugged. I just hope that in our pursuit of these distractions that nobody gets hurt... Which is often difficult to do. I'm sure we all know the story of juggling glass balls. Thanks again.
16-07-2011, 06:14 PM
I just hope that in our pursuit of these distractions that nobody gets hurt... Which is often difficult to do. I'm sure we all know the story of juggling glass balls. Thanks again.
I've come across too many stories of bros getting hurt, mama88. Too many. Hence we should keep reminding each other and watch out for each other. Those MMs definitely won't be watching out for us - they're looking at the wallets.
16-07-2011, 08:53 PM
I've come across too many stories of bros getting hurt, mama88. Too many. Hence we should keep reminding each other and watch out for each other. Those MMs definitely won't be watching out for us - they're looking at the wallets.
Yes it's true. In the same vein, do take care to minimize the hurt to our families too. it can be both emotional or financial. Or even MMs who eventually fall for us or over rely on us. Many are conniving but there are also a few innocent ones. IMHO only.
18-07-2011, 02:40 AM
Bro WB,
You are absolutely right. No person is immune 100% to the KC trap. The only way not to fall into the KC trap is to be vigilant and know your own feelings towards the gal. Once you find yourself developing feelings for the gal, then it's time to take a couple of steps back and take a break for a while. In this way, hopefully you can lessen the KC effect...:D
Dear Bro TD,
Yes, no person is immune to KC trap.
Even an abundance mindset n hving multiple RS may not prevent it.
Thanks bro WB for another enlightening post. The forces of attachment are strong, whether it's for family or a WL. Men have weaknesses or rather gaps in their lives that need to be plugged. I just hope that in our pursuit of these distractions that nobody gets hurt... Which is often difficult to do. I'm sure we all know the story of juggling glass balls. Thanks again.
I've come across too many stories of bros getting hurt, mama88. Too many. Hence we should keep reminding each other and watch out for each other. Those MMs definitely won't be watching out for us - they're looking at the wallets.
Yes it's true. In the same vein, do take care to minimize the hurt to our families too. it can be both emotional or financial. Or even MMs who eventually fall for us or over rely on us. Many are conniving but there are also a few innocent ones. IMHO only.
Hi bros mama88 n chenzong,
Yes, don't get hurt n try not to hurt others. But there will always be unintended consequences. The key is total acceptance of the outcome.
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....
Good morning!
Life has many unexpected twists n turns...
Despite being a lao chi ko pek, I now hv more chio SYTs of my type as my wives/lovers/mistresses or whatever u call them, than when I was in my 20s.
I had rejected or dumped some gals whom I later missed badly. I got a few back but a few were gone forever.
On the other hand...I hv been rejected by some chio SYTs for BY n dumped by a few BAO-ees in the last 2 1/2 yrs. But my persistence n self assurance had paid off n ALL of them, including those who dumped me, later said YES. EVERYONE of them. Many actually took the initiative to pursue me, hehe. The last one was KK.
Two wks ago I only had XW, TC plus 2 new gals to be imported from PRC. Since then KK has suddenly entered my life again. How could I resist her? She is still only 19, 170-171, still very fair n has voluptuous figure n natural D boobs. And she begged me to take her back. She is also a very naughty gal now...hahaha.
Bro WB
18-07-2011, 05:14 AM
Good one WB
U gotta parade them for us one day :P
NPNT ... no picture no talk :P
18-07-2011, 05:19 PM
Two wks ago I only had XW, TC plus 2 new gals to be imported from PRC. Since then KK has suddenly entered my life again. How could I resist her? She is still only 19, 170-171, still very fair n has voluptuous figure n natural D boobs. And she begged me to take her back. She is also a very naughty gal now...hahaha.
Bro WB
How you satisfy them without being exhausted yourself.
I am amazed by your sexcapades.
I can only handle one girl at a time.
Have fun and take care.
19-07-2011, 02:25 AM
Good one WB
U gotta parade them for us one day :P
NPNT ... no picture no talk :P
Dear Bro MillerV,
It's unwise for me to get them under one roof, hehe.
Pic? I could send a few to ur email if u promise to keep them strictly confidential. All fully clothed though.
How you satisfy them without being exhausted yourself.
I am amazed by your sexcapades.
I can only handle one girl at a time.
Have fun and take care.
Dear Bro besafe,
How to satisfy all of them? I'm wondering abt that myself. I'll do my best n perhaps only import one gal from PRC this summer.:(
.................................................. ...............................
Some musings on BY-ing PRC gals n KC.
There r so many chio SYTs in China who r eager to come to be BY-ed. The fact that I'm going to keep XW n KK despite hving made love to them so many times means that I hv at least some KC for them? If I'm perfectly rational n unemotional, shouldn't I just dump them n import several more gals from PRC?
Are mistresses like wine? Do they get better w/ age?
Your comments n criticisms r welcome.
Bro WB
19-07-2011, 08:13 AM
Dear Bro MillerV,
It's unwise for me to get them under one roof, hehe.
Pic? I could send a few to ur email if u promise to keep them strictly confidential. All fully clothed though.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Can send the pics to me also??? :D
19-07-2011, 12:33 PM
Hi Supreme Brother Warbird
Can you enlighten me on these:
1) Who's the girl in your Avatar? One of your prey? She's cute! You've got good taste.
2) How do you keep your Mojo flowing? Is there some kind of virility Kryptonite in Gotham city?
3) Did you get to know some of the China gals through QQ and websites (and which websites)? What's the success rate? I ever received uninvited chat request in QQ and the girl hinted she needed money. Didn't follow up because I didn't find her pretty - but she's very young though. I think the success rate of finding a pretty young girl in QQ willing to be bao-ed should be quite low, right?
Everything you wrote about being a men's man to attract pussies is so true. Wish I had known these when I was younger. Made so many of the mistakes you mentioned.
Keep writing Supreme Brother WB .....
Your loyal disciple,
19-07-2011, 05:53 PM
Dear Bro Warbird
Interested to know which 2 MMs u will be importing from PRC? Can u send me their pics as well
22-07-2011, 02:55 AM
Bro WB,
Can send the pics to me also??? :D
Hi Bro TD,
I hv many...I'll send a few if I hv ur email.
Hi Supreme Brother Warbird
Can you enlighten me on these:
1) Who's the girl in your Avatar? One of your prey? She's cute! You've got good taste.
2) How do you keep your Mojo flowing? Is there some kind of virility Kryptonite in Gotham city?
3) Did you get to know some of the China gals through QQ and websites (and which websites)? What's the success rate? I ever received uninvited chat request in QQ and the girl hinted she needed money. Didn't follow up because I didn't find her pretty - but she's very young though. I think the success rate of finding a pretty young girl in QQ willing to be bao-ed should be quite low, right?
Everything you wrote about being a men's man to attract pussies is so true. Wish I had known these when I was younger. Made so many of the mistakes you mentioned.
Keep writing Supreme Brother WB .....
Your loyal disciple,
Hi Bro AP,
Hahaha, I dun hv the expertise n experience u think I hv. Despite my advanced age, I started BY-ing MMs of my type only 26 months ago
1) The gal in my avatar is a student in China. I hv not BY-ed her yet.
2) I take nutritional supplements n herbs plus judicious use of Cialis. I must do it at least everyday, no, 2 or 3 times daily when I hv 3-4 mistresses, to get my money's worth.
3) It's very time consuming trying to find chio SYTs thru social websites. I hv engaged the service of some frens n agents w/ a modicum of success.
The problem is that pics n 视频 may be very misleading n very different from the real person.
I'm most attracted to a gal's bodily n limb proportions n her posture/body language, which is very difficult to gauge unless I meet her in person. Youthfulness n a chio/cute face r next in importance.
I need to see her whole body/curves n especially bare arms/legs n watch how she walk, etc. She must hv 媚力 n X-factor n be hiao ( 凤骚?), yet must be cute, chio, youthful n innocent...
And, last but not least, the proof of the PUSSY is in the must be very chio, wet, tight n responsive...and of course it must also hv a pleasant fragrance n taste DELICIOUS n be NUTRITIOUS.:D
Dear Bro Warbird
Interested to know which 2 MMs u will be importing from PRC? Can u send me their pics as well
Dear Bro Woody,
I'm still not sure who will come this summer. I'll send u a few pics. You hv seen one of my mistresses last Sep in SG, another one in HK in March. BTW I hv dumped both of them, haha.
How was ur recent trip to LV? Did u meet the mummies n the good bro?
Bro WB
26-07-2011, 02:10 AM
Good morning!
In the very beginning, I was satisfied w/ BY-ing chio SYTs of my type, claiming n taking exclusive ownership of their youthful bodies n pretty pussies, fxking them whenever n wherever I want. Later, I also demanded good services. Her ease of achieving COS is always an added bonus.
Now I hv upped the ante. My goal is to hv exclusive ownership of her body, pussy n heart. The last is a very difficult challenge. I want her to be addicted to me, financially, sexually n emotionally, hehehe. The stakes r much higher.
To induce emotional addiction is the hardest. I use push-pull n connect-disconnect methods. They need strong feelings n emotional experiences. If a gal never said: 你很坏。。。我很恨你, etc, it's unlikely she has been KC-ed. Say no n push her away...then pull her towards u. We men r primarily attracted to what we see in a gal. Whereas women/gals r attracted to the perceived ranking of a man in the Male Dominance Scale. But females e more complex than that. A man's ability to make her feel strong emotions, make her feel pretty, feminine, sexy, etc is vital. Give her a good reason to be sensual n be sexually aggressive. Her imagination must also be aroused...If u do all that n give her regular COS, she will want to fxk u more than u could ever imagine or could ever manage, hahaha.
Let me digress. I happen to know 2 teenage gals, both 18, in 天津 China. Though non-WLs, they r looking to be kept in天津only. It's impossible for me to go there. They r quite chio though not exactly my type bcos their bones r medium not the tiny type. One is 170, abt 53-54kg, the other 166, also abt 53-54kg. They will go out for a good time n ask me to intro some bros ( must be living in Tianjin only) to them. Not sure if they will do ST. Interested bros pls PM me.
Bro WB
26-07-2011, 09:22 PM
They will go out for a good time n ask me to intro some bros ( must be living in Tianjin only) to them. Not sure if they will do ST. Interested bros pls PM me.
Goodness, you've gone from BYing to introducing!
26-07-2011, 11:13 PM
Bro WB,
Any chio ones in Chengdu?
29-07-2011, 02:05 AM
Goodness, you've gone from BYing to introducing!
Bro chenzong,
Yes, I'm trying to spread good cheer n to do good deeds by connecting people. My services r strictly FOC.
In accordance w/ the spirit n ideals of this Forum, I'm trying to share some pussies. I can't go to Tianjin at this time.
Bro WB,
Any chio ones in Chengdu?
Bro besafe,
There is one gal there who was intro by a dear bro. She wants to come to SG though.
.................................................. .......................................
Good morning!
BY-ing chio SYTs of my type is a lot of fun. But it's time consuming n costly.
When I return to SG next month, I'll hv XW, KK n TC plus one gal to be imported from PRC. I'll hv a different arrangement w/ TC. She will go to work n I'll pay her every time I fxk her. She recently told me a customer in his 30s proposed to keep her. But she flatly rejected him n later told me 我都跟你在一起了那么久了,我不要跟别人。。。I'm going to tell her, pls go ahead w/ him, it's OK w/ me, hehehe.
BTW, my "niece" BB is coming on singer permit soon. I'll not be able to take care of her (I hv not told her yet). She is 21, from the same cluster of tiny villages in Fujian where my maternal grandparents were born, still chio n cute, 168 w/o shoes, 48kg w/ natural B boobs. Very proportionate figure.
But she SMOKES.
BB met me in HK in early March n bro Woody took us to Vistoria Peak for dinner. Her pics r available for genuinely interested bros. She wants 10K a month ( 8K possible). She wont work n her pussy will be strictly exclusive to the man who BY her. A good fren hv told me repeatedly that she is the prettiest gal who has ever sat w/ me. He thinks XW is a close 2nd.
Bro WB
29-07-2011, 08:47 AM
Bro chenzong,
Yes, I'm trying to spread good cheer n to do good deeds by connecting people. My services r strictly FOC.
In accordance w/ the spirit n ideals of this Forum, I'm trying to share some pussies. I can't go to Tianjin at this time.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Now you are sharing pussies which you found in China...:p Keep up the good work...:D
01-08-2011, 02:13 PM
Hi Venerable Supreme Bro AP
Can u send BB's pics to me? I'll PM my email address to u.
Thank you very much in anticipation.
You are a true connoisseur of women! While it is true that one man's meat is another poison, there are still some universal standards on beauty - and proportion, as any fine arts student will tell you is most important. Followed by symmetry. A well proportioned and symmetrical physique is a sign of healthy genetics. There is a good reason why men place so much emphasis on a girl's looks (which translate to healthy genes) - because the Bell curve of women's IQ is very steep - almost 90% of women are in the average band, i.e., very few women are geniuses or idiots. The Bell curve for men's IQ on the other hand is rather flat, i.e., more geniuses as well as idiots than women. So men concentrate on looks when looking for a mate. Almost all girls are of the same intelligence. So why bother about her intelligence.
Yes, small bone in a girl is nice. And fair smooth skin is a must have. And pink nipples and pussy too.
Thank you for all your wonderful posts.
Your loyal disciple AP
I'm most attracted to a gal's bodily n limb proportions n her posture/body language, which is very difficult to gauge unless I meet her in person. Youthfulness n a chio/cute face r next in importance.
I need to see her whole body/curves n especially bare arms/legs n watch how she walk, etc. She must hv 媚力 n X-factor n be hiao ( 凤骚?), yet must be cute, chio, youthful n innocent...
Yes, I'm trying to spread good cheer n to do good deeds by connecting people. My services r strictly FOC.
In accordance w/ the spirit n ideals of this Forum, I'm trying to share some pussies. I can't go to Tianjin at this time.
BTW, my "niece" BB is coming on singer permit soon. I'll not be able to take care of her (I hv not told her yet). She is 21, from the same cluster of tiny villages in Fujian where my maternal grandparents were born, still chio n cute, 168 w/o shoes, 48kg w/ natural B boobs. Very proportionate figure.
Bro WB
03-08-2011, 01:11 AM
Bro WB,
Now you are sharing pussies which you found in China...:p Keep up the good work...:D
Bro TD,
Except for my current pussies, everyone else is for sharing.
Hi Venerable Supreme Bro AP
Can u send BB's pics to me? I'll PM my email address to u.
Thank you very much in anticipation.
You are a true connoisseur of women! While it is true that one man's meat is another poison, there are still some universal standards on beauty - and proportion, as any fine arts student will tell you is most important. Followed by symmetry. A well proportioned and symmetrical physique is a sign of healthy genetics. There is a good reason why men place so much emphasis on a girl's looks (which translate to healthy genes) - because the Bell curve of women's IQ is very steep - almost 90% of women are in the average band, i.e., very few women are geniuses or idiots. The Bell curve for men's IQ on the other hand is rather flat, i.e., more geniuses as well as idiots than women. So men concentrate on looks when looking for a mate. Almost all girls are of the same intelligence. So why bother about her intelligence.
Yes, small bone in a girl is nice. And fair smooth skin is a must have. And pink nipples and pussy too.
Thank you for all your wonderful posts.
Your loyal disciple AP
Hi Bro AP,
I'll be happy to send u BB's photos. Just get to know her 1st. She is still in Fujian. You hv QQ?
Don't tell her I'll not BY her at this time.
Your hypothesis on female attraction n intelligence is interesting n has a lot truth. There r some very smart gals though, hehehe.
Bro WB
04-08-2011, 02:14 AM
Good morning!
Everything changes constantly and unexpectedly.
Paradoxically, letting go of what we want is the only way to get it.
Lao Zi said: "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need."
A modern guru writes: “When you don't get what you want, you suffer. If you get it, ... You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever”.
I lost XW in Dec of 2009 n KK in April of last yr. I let them go n didn't beg them to come back. And of of course I "lost" XX when she went back to PRC in April 2009.
I had completely forgotten abt them...
I hv several pleasant surprises this yr.
My one key investment has gone up n paid me a big bonus in a very tough yr for equities markets. Is it bcos of TC, my good luck charm?
Then my 1st BAO-ee XW made overtures to me in Jan this yr n became my lao po shortly later.
Exactly a month ago, KK reestablished ctc w/ me n begged me to take her back. She broke off w/ her 21 yo BF for a no of reasons. He is a tall 帅哥,a PRC student from a well to do family. He has spent over 50% of what I would hv paid her over the past 14 months...but they hv had many problems n conflicts while together...but I suspect one crucial reason is his inability to give her COS, hehehe. She hinted that she had suffered greatly n is sexually very hungry. She will go to Changi at very inconvenient hrs to welcome me back. She will don a sexy new dress to show off her natural D assets. I jokingly said that I might lose control...she replied that 耐不住才好呵,证明你是个正常的男人, hehehe.
Will I ever see XX again? She is 22 n may be married now.
One of my most respected gurus sent this email to me the other day:
Creating 'Subliminal' Attraction
Hey Bro Warbird , what's up?
Today, it's time to talk about how to connect
on a SUBLIMINAL LEVEL with females. More
specifically, I'm talking about how to SEEM like
an extremely confident guy.
Now, clearly this sounds a little at odds with
my usual policy. I'm not a big one for 'faking it
til you make it', because I think it's pretty easy
for women to sense any kind of inauthenticity and
be instantly and MASSIVELY turned off by it. It's
like a bucket of cold water in the face: any
progress you've made so far gets instantly reversed.
Another reason I don't tend to advocate the
'fake it til you make it' approach is because
there's often a lot of stuff to REMEMBER, and that
gets in the way of your ability to relax, get into
the momentum of what's happening, and involve
yourself intensely in what's happening around you.
It's a little difficult to be spontaneous and
chilled-out if you're repeating bullet-points
inside your head to 'keep you on track'.
But fortunately, today's subject matter is a
horse of a different color. Yes, there's going to
be some stuff to remember here - but this isn't
'bullet points' that we're talking about here. No
factoids to learn by rote.
Instead, this about showing you how to get in
touch with your own, physical confidence and then
portray it to those around you.
This is about positioning your BODY in such a
way that her instinctive impression of you is that
you are an at-ease guy.
It's another way of LEADING her: you're setting
an atmosphere of easy relaxation which she can
then enjoy and contribute to.
So just to clarify: this isn't about 'faking'
ANYTHING. It's about making an EFFORT to man up
and prove to her on a subconscious, GUT LEVEL that
you're a calm, competent, laid-back kinda guy.
And after we've dealt with the physical aspect
of confidence, I'll have a few words to say about
the importance of congruence, as well. But that
can wait til later.
Onward ...
There's a phrase that's remarkably appropriate
to today's subject matter, and that is: 'Motion
creates Emotion.'
In other words, your body and what you're doing
with it has not only a massive impact on how
OTHERS PERCEIVE YOU, but - first and foremost - it
actually impacts HOW YOU FEEL inside yourself.
So if you STAND like a dude who's in control,
chances are, you'll start FEELING like one too.
Authenticity guaranteed and 'on the house' ... which
means your CONGRUENCE is ALSO guaranteed.
Meaning, you're not going to be attracting
females using a 'trick' that they'll soon figure out
... it's actually the REAL DEAL.
Not bad for a quick postural realignment.
Think about most of the 'nervous' guys that you
see who are trying to forge connections with
Chances are, they're looking pretty
uncomfortable. And that winds up making HER
Once again, this is because most women will
unknowingly FOLLOW YOUR LEAD. If you seem anxious
and weird, she'll pick up on it and start feeling
that way herself ... and she'll rightly blame you
for it.
So let's take a closer look at the unseen
pitfalls that your body's setting up for you.
Here's something that literally MOST MEN
unknowingly do when they're not 100% at ease: they
actually can't even stand up straight on their own
two feet.
I bet you know what I'm talking about here.
They're rocking all over the place, they might
have one ankle hooked around the other one, or
they've got one foot kind of heeled over to the
side, or they're leaning on the wall, or they're
leaning on a chair ...
This connotes a very strong message of UNEASE
to whoever happens to be around. It's very simple,
but not even being able to stand comfortably on
your own two feet makes it quite clear that you're
not at home with yourself. And if you're not
comfortable with YOURSELF (so the logic goes) how
will you ever manage to be comfortable with HER?
... and if you're not comfortable with her, you
can just bet that you're going to transfer that
discomfort onto her ... so that EVERYONE'S having a
nervous, anxious, and all-round low-quality time.
Hmmm. That's a lot to infer from just one
little postural imperfection.
But unfortunately, it's true. Think about any
'alpha males' that you know. Now think about how
they hold themselves. As a general rule, men who
are 'high value' tend to KNOW IT, and hold
themselves accordingly - in a way that's very
calm, very powerful, and with very little 'wasted
(To be Continued)
04-08-2011, 02:15 AM
So now might be a good idea for you to get a
full-length mirror and practice striking some
poses in front of it. Pay attention to the
difference between how comfortable and at-ease a
posture LOOKS, and how it actually FEELS.
Most guys get fidgety because they can't slot
themselves into a posture that feels as though
it's going to look natural, so they end up
squirming all over the place.
But if you actually pay attention here, you'll
notice that postures that might FEEL WEIRD at
first actually LOOK very natural and relaxed. So
take a look and get used to how particular
positions feel so you can use them in public.
A few quick pointers:
- Shoulders relaxed and down.
- Midsection tight and sucked in toward your
- Feet a good distance apart.
- Hands hanging relaxed at your sides.
But WHY are these things attractive to females?
Does it REALLY matter if your feet are a couple
inches apart or not?
It's like this. None of these things are
attractive PER SE. For example, a woman won't take
a look at a man's relaxed hands and think, 'Wow,
check it out.'
CAUSED by these little physical details that DO
count in a very big way towards gut-level
Specifically, all of these physical postures
have the cumulative effect of portraying you as IN
In other words, they're the physical hallmarks
of a high-value, confident, dominant man. And as
you know, these are the types of men who tend to
CONSISTENTLY SUCCEED with quality women.
It's a little like the little physical details
that we, as guys, pay SUBCONSCIOUS attention to
with women.
For example, something that I've noticed is
that men tend to be attracted to females with small
noses and long eyelashes.
Now, neither of these characteristics is
necessarily something that we'd bother noticing in
and of itself. You don't usually hear a guy
talking about what a 'sexy nose' a woman has, or
going on about her eyelashes.
But if you take a look at some pictures of
really attractive females, not a ONE of them will
have short eyelashes or a big nose.
Just as things like long lashes connote
FEMININITY for women, certain POSTURES connote
Know it. Use it.
The 'little details' are more important than
most people believe.
Your body screams out the truth about what
you're feeling and thinking, long before you could
articulate it verbally.
If you want proof of how important, and SUBTLE,
body language is, then check this out:
... the case of the Counting Horse.
About 20 years ago, this horse trainer claimed
to have taught his horse to be able to add,
subtract, and multiply mathematical figures. He
actually proved it many times over, throughout
county fairs, vaudeville acts, and theaters
throughout the country.
Audience members would call out complicated
equations, and the horse would tap out the answer
with his hoof.
And every time, the horse got it right. Nobody
could figure out what was going on. Scientists
examined the horse closely. They screened for
electronic cheating devices - none were found. The
trainer stood absolutely motionless every time -
no cheating there, either.
Finally, a communications expert videotaped
what was happening. It was discovered, after many
YEARS of debate about this phenomenon, that the
trainer wrinkled his brow slightly and blinked
whenever he expected the horse to stop tapping his
I.e., whenever the correct answer was tapped
out, his HOPE that the horse would get the answer
right showed itself upon his face. The horse
noticed this TINY little change in his expression,
and stopped tapping.
Here's the weird part.
The trainer didn't even know he was doing it.
He wasn't TRYING to help the horse cheat. But
his face twitched just a TINY little bit when the
horse reached the 'right answer' ...
... which was all that was needed for the horse
to cotton on, and stop tapping.
Now, granted, women are not horses. But the
You need to accept the fact that right now, you
are communicating things to others via your body
language that you are NOT EVEN AWARE OF. That's
spooky stuff.
Obviously, this isn't something to get bogged
down in. It's just a small, but IMPORTANT, detail
to consider in the overall scheme of reinventing
yourself as a top-notch, high-caliber, EXCELLENT
human being who's worthy of the women of his
I'll talk to you again soon.
Be cool,
Your Guru
04-08-2011, 01:01 PM
Interesting post, Warbird. =)
09-08-2011, 02:13 AM
Interesting post, Warbird. =)
Hi bro,
Life is always interesting...pls share ur sexcapades here, haha.
.................................................. .......................................
Good morning!
Yes, life is interesting. It's all fun. Even the recent turmoil in the global markets is more than interesting. It's time to get ready to load up on high quality n undervalued stocks. Buy when others are very fearful...hahaha.
Of course nothing is more interesting n more fun than BY-ing SYTs for a lao chi ko pek. An incident reminds me that I'm getting quite old. When I was in Beijing recently, my PRC lao po CL accompanied me on our sight seeing tours. In the taxi, the driver asked my gal: 小姑娘你要去那里玩。。。这位先生是。。。she said...我们要去故宫。。。他是我的干爹。Turning to me, he asked: 老先生, 你从那里来的。。。even though he himself is in his 50s.
I'll return to SG soon. KK insists on coming to greet me at Changi. It will be our 2nd honeymoon, hehe.
Bro WB
09-08-2011, 09:39 AM
Does that mean bro Warbird is in his 60s or 70s? Anyway if you are old, you are old. There is no running away from time and tide. And the more you expend your sperm on the young PRC pussies, the more you lose your "chi" and the faster you grow older and weaker. I am 55 but look like 30 plus because I abstain.
09-08-2011, 10:24 AM
Thanks Bro WB, thanks to all your sextics, I managed to up this very beautiful ChengDu girl in 3 days! She told me that many guys propositioned her but I am the only guy in Singapore who upz her yet....although maybe not for long unless i bao her
09-08-2011, 04:25 PM
Does that mean bro Warbird is in his 60s or 70s? Anyway if you are old, you are old. There is no running away from time and tide. And the more you expend your sperm on the young PRC pussies, the more you lose your "chi" and the faster you grow older and weaker. I am 55 but look like 30 plus because I abstain.
Bro...what for look young and die without tasting the pussies?:D
09-08-2011, 09:32 PM
Bro...what for look young and die without tasting the pussies?:D
I am reminded of this man who saw his doctor, and asked, "Doctor, what must I do to live a long life?"
The doctor paused, and answered, "Do not smoke, do not drink and do not womanise, and you shall live a long life."
The man paused even longer, before replying, "Then what is the point of living a long life?"
10-08-2011, 04:20 PM
I'll return to SG soon. KK insists on coming to greet me at Changi. It will be our 2nd honeymoon, hehe.
Bro WB, let me know when you're back... i wont go to Changi to greet you but we can catch up for a drink :) cheers
14-08-2011, 10:17 AM
Does that mean bro Warbird is in his 60s or 70s? Anyway if you are old, you are old. There is no running away from time and tide. And the more you expend your sperm on the young PRC pussies, the more you lose your "chi" and the faster you grow older and weaker. I am 55 but look like 30 plus because I abstain.
Hi Bro EKP,
Good for u!
Although I look much older than 35, my wt is unchanged since I was 25, my BP is actually lower than when I was 20 n the only prescription drug I take is occasional Cialis.
I don't believe making love n ejaculating my sperm into young pussies every day will deprive me of chi. However, it may hurt my health if such activities reduce the time I hv for sleep n exercise.
Don't abstain from sex. It increases ur risk of getting prostate cancer...
Thanks Bro WB, thanks to all your sextics, I managed to up this very beautiful ChengDu girl in 3 days! She told me that many guys propositioned her but I am the only guy in Singapore who upz her yet....although maybe not for long unless i bao her
HI Bro ME,
Well done! I like to hear more success stories like yours.
Most PRC gals want to be BY-ed. Period.
Bro...what for look young and die without tasting the pussies?:D
For a heterosexual male, such a sterile life would be meaningless.
I am reminded of this man who saw his doctor, and asked, "Doctor, what must I do to live a long life?"
The doctor paused, and answered, "Do not smoke, do not drink and do not womanise, and you shall live a long life."
The man paused even longer, before replying, "Then what is the point of living a long life?"
Very good question, bro.
Bro WB, let me know when you're back... i wont go to Changi to greet you but we can catch up for a drink :) cheers
Hi Bro Legend,
I just came back.
KK did come to welcome me at Changi in the wee hrs...
Pls call me when you want to go.
Bro WB
14-08-2011, 11:14 AM
Bro WB, the girl I mentioned in the earlier post has left for China after just one week of whirlwind romance, I was sad to let her go and we had a passionate kiss before she left, she told me she will be back in a couple of months time and will contact me in china. I don't believe in this long term r/s shit and will forget her. As fate has it, the day after she left I ran into another girl whom she claims know me, a very nice and polite 23 year old singer, hmm, so the saying if the old don't go, the new one won't arrive applies. But as she is a singer, I think the costs will be higher and I will use KC on her to see if I can bonk her without spending too much. I wanted to meet her yesterday but she wasn't feeling well and did not go to work and even more fated, I ran into an old girl whom I always had the hots for, but somehow never managed to consumnerate. Hmmm, she claims that she always wanted to be my gf but because she always see me with other girls ignored me all this while, this time round she said she has changed and is not as greedy as last time, she had earned alot of money but lost it all at the casinos so she is looking for a life of contentment and a simplier life now, she hint to me that if she won't to become my gf/wife, she will just ask for 2k a mth for daily expensess.....hmmm.....I wonder how should I proceed and who should I proceed with...
14-08-2011, 05:30 PM
I wonder how should I proceed and who should I proceed with...
You should just give me her number and I will visit her in Chengdu. Hahaha
14-08-2011, 06:05 PM
You should just give me her number and I will visit her in Chengdu. Hahaha
The Chengdu one left leow, she said she will contact me when she's back but I doubt it, anyway fucked leow so don't think you want la, now is between the syt singer and the more mature old lover...but now i know why the casinos in spore are thriving, some of my girls lost 100K there! I am convince the girls are richer than me
15-08-2011, 12:43 AM
she claims that she always wanted to be my gf but because she always see me with other girls ignored me all this while, this time round she said she has changed and is not as greedy as last time, she had earned alot of money but lost it all at the casinos so she is looking for a life of contentment and a simplier life now, she hint to me that if she won't to become my gf/wife, she will just ask for 2k a mth for daily expensess.....hmmm.....I wonder how should I proceed and who should I proceed with...
Kanina, public toilet!
20-08-2011, 11:26 AM
Bro WB, the girl I mentioned in the earlier post has left for China after just one week of whirlwind romance........................................... ........................ she hint to me that if she won't to become my gf/wife, she will just ask for 2k a mth for daily expensess.....hmmm.....I wonder how should I proceed and who should I proceed with...
hi Bro ME,
Ths for sharing ur sexcapades.
Pls keep it up.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
The mark of a real MAN is his icy calmness, confidence n self mastery, when confronted by the most stressful n life-threatening situations. We should all aspire to be a real MAN.
I came across an interesting book on "macking" recently.
Nasheed Tariq of "The Art of Mackin" fame described a fren whose face was disfigured by a car accident, who was not rich n yet, "And even
with his disfigurements, my friend still has a
different female at his crib every night."
Because he knows how to "put his bid in." He
keeps "fishing for females" until one of them
takes the bait. Plus, he has become totally
immune to getting dissed."
"He also understands
that one woman's frog is another woman's
Very sound advice, hahaha.
BTW, I picked up a very fair skin PRC gal yesterday evening as she was waiting for taxi. She was QQ, abt 22-23, 165 w/ nice figure. Unfortunately, she works at a HFJ. I told a fren if I really like her I would buy all her sessions for the month. My fren's advice is to do it for a month then get her to return to PRC n apply for a different visa to come back. I could save half my money that way. A bit too complicated for me.
Bro WB
24-08-2011, 10:31 AM
Good morning!
Went to lV HH the other day w/ a bro in his mid 20s. He picked a gal, probably in her early 20s who appeared quite chio, to sit w/ him. After 30 mins he tipped her n dismissed her. Later I asked him why. At first he said they didn't communicate well. Really? He later confided that he didn't like her upper arms which were a bit loose...n the fact that her thighs n legs were slightly larger than his preferred size. He is speaking my lingo!
After 930PM, we went to review n critique the 50-60 gals in the hallway. All CMI man. Either too old or too ugly or too short or too thin or too fat or too big arms/legs or bowed legs or flat chest or thick wrists or disproportionate figure or narrow butt or flat butt, etc, etc.
We proceeded to look at the singers. Same shit! Mostly quite old w/ thick arms n flat ass. Couldn't even see their thighs n legs!!
INHO, the $100-per-ST gals lining up at L8 n Talma Rd 3 yrs ago were much much better, much more chio n much younger...many gals like that r getting BY-ed in China before they hv a chance to apply for a passport.
We later compared notes n discovered that, despite our age difference, we hv very similar taste in pussies, although I prefer taller gals in general. Actually it's not the height per se, but the right proportions from head to toe which r attractive. He said there is a singer at China Doll who might be my type although he never looked at her legs. Hmmm...even if she were my type I may want to avoid that joint for personal reasons.
BTW, the young bro goes to China once a month on family business n I request that he keeps an eye for my type of SYTs to intro to me for BY, hehehe.
In the meantime I'll hv to import some gals of my type from PRC. Still planning to move there asap.
I'm becoming a disciple of MACKING.
Let me share some cool tips on Macking w/ u all.
10 Cool Tips To Help U Score With The Ladies ( but only 9 at last count?)
10) Set a boundary with her as soon as possible
Setting boundaries with women -- when done correctly -- establishes
leadership, status and masculinity. This is especially important if
you’re one of those guys (like I was) who feels an urge to give a
woman whatever she wants. The problem with giving her exactly
what she wants is that it kills attraction. A woman doesn’t want you
to be a doormat -- she wants you to be a man. Let’s say a woman
reaches over and touches you; tell her, half kidding, “Don’t touch
me.” Even though you’re having fun here, your comment
communicates that you understand boundaries -- that you “get it.”
So, set boundaries in a playful and fun way, but set them when it
comes to serious issues as well. And don’t hesitate to set boundaries
if a woman is playing games with you.
9) Don’t give all of yourself to just any woman
When most guys meet a woman they really like, they immediately
offer “everything” they have to her. Unfortunately, the message that
a woman gets when you do this is that you aren’t the most important
person in your life -- she is. This is a bad, bad move. Instead, keep a
part of yourself “off limits” and totally unavailable to women. If you
want to maintain the attraction, don’t hand over the keys and the
pink slip, but let her enjoy the feeling of being able to be near you for
a while.
8) Be the star, not the planet
When it comes to dating, most men behave like planets looking for a
star to orbit. If you want to build attraction with a woman fast,
however, take on the mindset of being the star instead. Be a
“centered” man whom women want to orbit. When you become so
rock-solid internally that no random woman can knock you off
course, then you begin to affect them. Work on losing your concern
for what women think of you. When you do, you’ll free up your mind,
emotions and communication to be yourself. The positive aspect is
that it makes you far more transparent and authentic and the
negative is that if you don’t have your “inner game” together and
your immature boy nature dealt with, it will shine through and reveal
things that will hurt you. Learn how to handle this part of you,
7) Learn to deal with “two-sided” women
As a mature man, you will encounter many attractive young women
who have “double identities.” On the one hand, they’re the perfect,
proper and innocent little girl, while on the other, they’re the
promiscuous, herd-following, manipulative, and distrustful girl-woman. Unfortunately, most men fall into the trap of seeing only the
“angel” in a woman and not seeing the “other” side of her
personality -- and even worse, they’re not suspecting that it’s even
possible that it could be there.
One mark of a mature man is the combination of his ability to see
and accept the reality of any and all “sides” of a woman with his
ability to make a woman feel accepted for who she really is. Don’t
get confused; this doesn’t imply that you must “tolerate” or “accept”
second-class behavior or poor ethics from any woman.
(To Be Continued)
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro MACK aka WB
24-08-2011, 10:43 AM
6) Cultivate the “real man” inside
Women want to be with a “real man,” but what exactly does that
mean? It means that you feel comfortable in the presence of
beautiful women, high-status people and uncertainty. It means you
keep composure in the face of competition from other men, tests
from women and drama. It means you have clear values when
dealing with the women you’re dating, other men and people in
influential positions. Keep these concepts in mind, make them a part
of who you are and your success with women will skyrocket.
5) Build a happy single life
Most guys go from being unhappy alone to finding a woman to cling
to and end up holding on too tightly and giving away power,
effectively destroying the attraction in the relationship. If you want
to succeed with women, you need to build a single life that’s so fun
that you actually prefer and choose to be single for a while -- and
then decide if you want to find a special lady with whom to settle
down. Make your single life so fantastic that you almost don’t have
time for a relationship. Enter a relationship to improve your already
great life, not to be your life. And if you’re already hooked up, build a
personal life to enjoy on your own so you can be at your best when
you’re with your woman.
4) Stop worrying about what she’s thinking
Most guys make the mistake of acting based on what they think
women will think of their true thoughts. Let’s say you’re with a
woman and you’re thinking, “Wow, I can’t believe how beautiful she
is…” Most guys start acting as if she knows you’re thinking about her
looks, which causes all sorts of unnatural and “weird” behavior.
Instead, be OK with whatever you’re thinking, and don’t care about
what she’s thinking. Work on being open and authentic, and you’ll go
a long way in making women feel a gut-level attraction to you.
3) Get your “cool” on
We all know that women have a special attraction for guys who are
“cool,” but what exactly is cool? The word implies a temperature
that’s between warm and cold; if you apply this idea to your attitude,
it means neither coming on too strong nor being overly standoffish. A
“cool” guy isn’t too excited about anything, isn’t too affected by
anything, isn’t emotionally reactive, and has control of himself. A
cool guy has an offbeat sense of humor, a sense of style, music and
food, and can make fun of himself. He has a calm confidence, doesn’t
act “above” others and assumes a “cool” connection with everyone
he runs across. You have a hidden potential for cool deep inside of
you -- learn how to bring it out and women will react instantly.
2) Polish up how you talk
Most of what you communicate to a woman has more to do with how
you communicate than with the words you use. So, work on
communicating in a way and style that dials up the attraction. Here’s
a simple exercise that will get you thinking about the way you
communicate: Try saying...
Bro WB
26-08-2011, 11:06 AM
Good morning!
I hope more bros can share their picking up, ST n BY experiences here.
I hv learned a few principles abt man-woman RS in the last couple of yrs.
1) Never, ever reveal to a gal that u need or want her badly, even if u already own her body/pussy n heart/soul. If u do, her addiction n love for u will fade away. Be the one who cares least in the RS n make it clear to her that u will leave her if she ever violates ur boundaries or principles.
2) Females r very perceptive. They can gauge ur true confidence n emotional state from ur posture, movements, demeanor, voice n body language...
3) Most men r primarily attracted to a gal's looks. Period. Looks r notoriously subjective n one man's meat is another man's poison.
Of course gals also judge a man by his looks, for the initial 10-30 secs when she meets him for the 1st time, bcos that's all she has to go by. But after that, it's his perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale which determines his INITIAL attractiveness to her. Period. He needs to demonstrate his status, self mastery, etc to keep her attracted.
4) This is controversial. In my personal experience, a man's ability to give a woman regular COS, beyond anything she has ever experienced, will make her addicted to him. It will make it very difficult for her to leave him...
So go the extra mile n give ur women regular COS, for an hr or longer if possible.
Despite recent Market swoons, my one key investment has held up very well. It also pays a fat dividends. Although my plate is full, I can't afford to dump TC, my good luck charm. However, I hv changed our arrangement to part-time...Ironically, she now treats me even better...bcos she can sense that she may be losing me. She keeps asking me if I'm keeping other women. Of course I said no. I told her I'm very busy n I now feel weak n fatigued bcos of her...haha.
BTW, all my other major investments r down 10-30% or more, EXCEPT for silver, gold n tobacco stocks. One large gold mine in South America has gone up 30% since I added to my position abt 2 months ago. If the overall markets decline another 20-30%, it would be a great buying oppty. Back up the truck, bros.
BTW, I hv been to LV a few times recently n I hv been very disappointed. Is TAM better now? Will go there next time.
I also hv several agencies in China trying hard to get SYTs to come here to be my mistresses.
Bro WB
26-08-2011, 06:12 PM
1) Never, ever reveal to a gal that u need or want her badly, even if u already own her body/pussy n heart/soul. If u do, her addiction n love for u will fade away. Be the one who cares least in the RS n make it clear to her that u will leave her if she ever violates ur boundaries or principles.
2) Females r very perceptive. They can gauge ur true confidence n emotional state from ur posture, movements, demeanor, voice n body language...
Interestingly, what you mentioned works for the workplace too - I work in a female-dominated environment. An employee tried to make herself "badly needed" by me. Sorry, it does not work. I'd rather let go of her than be "needy" of her.
And women are really very perceptive indeed. They can sense when I am having trouble with my boss, and when whether I have enough support from above to deal with them. Amazing.
29-08-2011, 11:07 AM
Interestingly, what you mentioned works for the workplace too - I work in a female-dominated environment. An employee tried to make herself "badly needed" by me. Sorry, it does not work. I'd rather let go of her than be "needy" of her.
And women are really very perceptive indeed. They can sense when I am having trouble with my boss, and when whether I have enough support from above to deal with them. Amazing.
Hi bro chenzong,
Ths for sharing ur insights on human RS in the workplace.
Any chio gals to intro?
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ...
Good morning!
Went to DC SH 2 days ago to celebrate a dear bro's birthday. I didn't expect to pick up any gals bcos I heard the quality was very poor. Not many gals n few customers there. Saw a tall attractive n fair woman in the corridor behind 6-7 gals led by a mummy, ready to enter a rm...I walked up to her n told her to come to my rm instead.
She is 24 yo RR, a young MILF from SC, chio n sharp facial features, 168 w/o shoes, 52 kg, fair smooth skin, nice boobs n sexy curves n big firm butt (she let me squeeze it after I mentioned BY). Of course her arms r long n quite slender. An uni graduate (3 yrs), she arrived 6 days ago on student visa. Her command of English is clearly better than most PRC gals n she sings quite well. Very good personality, friendly, jovial, vivacious n very smart n confident n poised...
BTW, any chio female OVER 23 is a MILF to me, haha.
She refused ST. She only wanted to be BY-ed. I made my offer. She would need some time to consider my offer. But she has some conditions that worry me: 你要多多陪我,我喜欢看电影我们每星期要看一次...etc, last but not least n this one is tough, 我和你在一起你不可以和别的女人发生关系. What to do? She will make a very good companion n I can't wait to fxk her...
Unlike many true masters here in SBF n elsewhere, I hv not been able to manage multiple RS very well. I'll detail my difficulties n problems in due course.
Comments r welcome!
Bro WB
31-08-2011, 11:04 AM
BTW, any chio female OVER 23 is a MILF to me, haha.
She refused ST. She only wanted to be BY-ed. I made my offer. She would need some time to consider my offer. But she has some conditions that worry me: 你要多多陪我,我喜欢看电影我们每星期要看一次...etc, last but not least n this one is tough, 我和你在一起你不可以和别的女人发生关系. What to do? She will make a very good companion n I can't wait to fxk her...
Unlike many true masters here in SBF n elsewhere, I hv not been able to manage multiple RS very well. I'll detail my difficulties n problems in due course.
Comments r welcome!
Bro WB
Hi sifu WB, my one cents thought on this, is some are good at managing multiple r/s and some don't. There are people who can remember every bit of details they said to which person and there are those (like me) who sometimes mixes things up. So to make it simple, I have a comprehensive story in mind (what type of job, what are my usual hours, I like to go with friends to KTV or accompany clients for dinner on week nights, weekend is my own time etc), this way I appear consistent to every gf I deal with.
Well, you can set your conditions to her as well, and you apply your mastery on them. You can state out front that you, if you like, don't fancy movie or state what you like and she follows.
There are those fiery type and there are those 老婆type, each has its fun factors. If you don't have time and would like this 23 yo girl (wah, so young and you think she is milf), then so be it. Go with your flow.
Usually, the gal don't ask if you have other companion, but if she asks, well one way you can say that this type of r/s is trust, plus if she wants 三光政策(钱挤光,时间挤光,精子挤光),you only want the last category if you choose, if not it's up to you, take it or leave it.
If you don't have the time, then don't forgo the whole forest for a single tree. quoting a famous phrase from HK classic 五福星 movie ;-)
I personally had at one time juggle three gfs and it is very tiring mentally (keeping the details and arrangements straight) and timing wise with family, work and leisure (I still like to go with friends to KTV).
Now I just like one GF, and go KTV HH leisure. My one cents worth.
01-09-2011, 11:49 AM
......some are good at managing multiple r/s and some don't..............I have a comprehensive story in mind (what type of job, what are my usual hours, I like to go with friends to KTV or accompany clients for dinner on week nights, weekend is my own time etc), this way I appear consistent to every gf I deal with.
Well, you can set your conditions to her as well, and you apply your mastery on them.................
There are those fiery type and there are those 老婆type, each has its fun factors. If you don't have time and would like this 23 yo girl (wah, so young and you think she is milf), then so be it. Go with your flow.
Usually, the gal don't ask if you have other companion, but if she asks, well one way you can say that this type of r/s is trust, plus if she wants 三光政策(钱挤光,时间挤光,精子挤光),you only want the last category if you choose...
If you don't have the time, then don't forgo the whole forest for a single tree. quoting a famous phrase from HK classic 五福星 movie ;-)
I personally had at one time juggle three gfs and it is very tiring mentally.............
Now I just like one GF, and go KTV HH leisure. My one cents worth.
Dear bro jnewwit,
Ths so much for sharing ur experience n insights in BY-ing multiple gals.
Yes, it's very taxing mentally n physically...n very time consuming.
There r a few masters here who keep 3-5 women under one roof, like a mini harem. The women co-exist peacefully. Most gals I know won't tolerate that kind of RS. Perhaps I don't hv enuff self mastery n dominance to do it.
I think I'm going to keep just 1-2 lo po long-term n continue to pick up gals for ST or short-term BY.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Met RR for lunch the other day. She looked prettier in broad daylight w/ light make up than when she first sat w/ me at DC. I took her to Raffles Place to pick up her medical report which was all normal. She is not quite 24 as she was born in late 1987. She is very diligent in learning English as she hopes to apply to SMU. I'm looking for a place to keep her close to her school. I'll consummate the RS soon. She n LL (the Shanghainese virgin I had in May 2010) r the best educated n most intelligent gals among my mistresses.
XW n RR r the lo po type. But KK is the fiery, passionate n possessive type. She was very angry when she learned from a gal (whose BF apparently knows me) that 你名誉很坏, 每个月都包养好几个女孩子, 这是公开的秘密。。。of course I denied it n told her there was only one other gal XW whom I had told her before..
Let me digress.
IMHO, if ur wife/GF/mistress/er nai/BAO-ee/lo po doesn't want to fxk u more than u want to fxk her, either u hv done something wrong or r not giving her enough COS or she is in love w another man or fxking another man. You need to change n improve or dump her asap.
Let me share w/ u a useful email.
She's Lost Interest In Sex - What To Do About It
You want sex more often than she does...
She just doesn't seem as interested in sex as
you are...
She's not as sexual as she used to be...
She's hardly ever in the mood...
Needless to say I get emails like this a lot, so
it's time to send you a newsletter to solve the
issue for you once and for all.
So if this is a big issue in your life, and
your willing to to make some changes to turn it
around, then you're in the right place.
I found a good extreme case from a reader for us
to use as an example. If you "get" my reply to
this man, you will be able to solve this issue in
your own relationship as well.
Dear Mr. Guru, I do enjoy your answers to readers
questions. I have another to throw at you after
reading your last answer session. I have M.S. and
I feel very inadequate in the bedroom (my problem
is mainly physical) and I have tried your remedies
mentioned in the last session. I am having problems
maintaining an erection while performing these
exercises you mentioned. Another problem is that
she does not accept my compliments or "all day
foreplay" even when this is done during times when
there is no possible way we could have a "sexual"
encounter. We have been married for 10 years and
I am only looking for satisfaction on the weekend
and I give "all week foreplay." I would feel good
about her just placing her hand on mine or on my
knee. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
One of your greatest fans, J.
Hey man, I am going to be straight up with you
here-- your problem does have a solution, but it
ain't gonna be EASY...
Many, many men face the identical challenge.
Their wife begins to lose interest in sex, she
withdraws romantically, she just wants you to
get with the program and be a good partner in the
business of running your lives...
Most men just blame HER.
They say things like: She's less interested
in sex, so it must be that her libido is lower, or
she has lost interest because of stress or whatever.
It's funny how we never want to see it as "our
fault". This is a big challenge for any man...
And the MS is going to make it even more of
a challenge, NOT because of the way it affects
your strength and your physical ability to have
sex, but because of the way it is affecting your
relationship to your SELF and your confidence.
On the physical side, you can get prescriptions
from your doctor that will work very well to solve
it easily enough (or you could do the exercises in
my Command & Control program, which will probably
also help you substantially).
But let's be real -- The hard part is
the emotional issues of your wife pulling back
from physical intimacy with you.
Here's the very center of the issue between
you and your wife:
Women are massively turned on by "masculine
And since you have challenges with physical
strength, that means you must rely on the strong
masculine qualities of your PERSONALITY...
That means things like courage, aggression
when necessary, never accepting second class
treatment from anyone, being CALM AS ICE in
emotionally stressful situations, being a rock
when she is weak or cranky or tearful, yet
showing deep passion when appropriate...
And most powerfully of all: The willingness
to be vulnerable and open about what is true
for you. (In other words, the courage to
authentically be yourself in all situations)
Unfortunately, because of your illness, you
say you "feel very inadequate in the bedroom".
And what you need to know is...
It's that FEELING of inadequacy itself that is
keeping your wife from being turned on and wanting
Let me say that again--
The problem is NOT your physical inadequacy,
it is the FEELINGS you have about your physical
condition that is creating the problems.
Here's the proof:
I have a friend whose genetic disorder prevented
him from growing any taller than 3 feet, and has put
him in a wheelchair for life... but he behaves and
believes that he is a sexy bad-ass, and I see the
affect that he has on women...
In fact, that is the exact adjective that
I have heard many women use to describe him:
He recently married a gorgeous, smart, and
sassy woman who adores him, and while I wouldn't
want to repeat any confidential conversations,
I'm pretty sure most able bodied men would be pretty
jealous of his sex life.
Bottom line:
Confidence is sexy. Period. And a lack of
it is a big problem.
Here's what you MUST understand...
When you say that "I am only looking for
satisfaction on the weekend" and "I would feel
good about her just placing her hand on mine..."
...THAT is exactly what is CAUSING the problem!
You have trained her to think of you as a
second class citizen in your relationship... and
you tacitly agree with her about that.
You have conditioned her to think of you, not
as her lover, but as a man who is looking for her
occasional sympathy
You've probably heard the old John F. Kennedy
quote: "Once you say you're going to settle for
second, that's what happens to you in life."
There are dozens of quotes from successful
people just like that one.
That's because it's true.
It sounds like you feel that she should give
you this small amount of attention because she
should be "nice" to you-- but you don't want to
trouble her for more.
Maybe that's because you feel like you are
already asking much of her in living with a man
who has M.S. Obviously neither of you saw that
one coming... and let's be real here... I have no
idea how hard that must be, or how I would handle
it if I were in your situation.
I don't want to sound unsympathetic...
I'm not putting you down here. You are in
a situation that few men would be feeling heroic
about. It sucks. And I have no idea how I myself
would handle it.
So it seems to me there are a lot of complex
issues in your life and your relationship, and
I'm not going to try to answer all of them.
But consider for a moment that if you can
train your wife to treat you like a second class
citizen in your relationship, then it follows that
there must also be some possible way in which you
could have trained her to think of you as her
heroic and sexy love-god.
So while I can't talk intelligently about all
of your challenges with MS, I CAN tell you how
to get more sex in your relationship...
Limiting myself to only the question of "how
to improve your sex life," then the answer is:
You've got to reclaim your masculine power in the
(To Be Continued)
01-09-2011, 11:51 AM
Ideally a woman wants a man who DEMANDS sex
all of the time, not the weekends. She wants a man
who says with gentle command, "take off your clothing
and dance sexy for me while I sip my drink."
A man who knows how to take control...
Because that's what makes HER feel sexy.
A lot of guys have been confused by my concept
of "All Day Foreplay," thinking that it meant you
should give her a lot of compliments.
That is not the case. I used the example of
giving compliments to a woman who specifically has
issues with her body image (which is very, very
common). But the object is not to give compliments,
but to do whatever it takes, throughout the day, to
make her feel sexual.
If your wife is attractive and she knows it and
men compliment her all the time, then that is not
going to work at all.
The idea behind All Day Foreplay is to train
her to feel sexy when she is around you by doing
the things that make her feel sexy.
Sometimes that's giving her compliments...
But it could be telling her that you love her,
it could be tickling her, it could be spanking
her whenever she walks by, it could be whispering
romantic things in her ear, it could be pulling her
hair back and biting her neck, it could be saying
really dirty, raunchy things to her...
Whatever her blueprint is to keep her on a nice
slow simmer so that by the time you get to the
bedroom she can't wait for you to rip her clothes
Here is the very, very difficult challenge in
front of you...
Now that you have trained her into this idea
that you are not a powerful, masculine presence in
her life-- it is going to be very hard to get her
to change her mind.
People are VERY resistant to change... and they
can be especially resistant to a change in the
people that they love.
The crazy, messed up paradox of this is that
she is not going to want you to change... even if
that change is for the better... even if that
change is going to give her a better relationship,
better sex, a sexier and more confident life-partner,
and a much more fulfilling life.
She has made her decision. Staying consistent
to that decision is a powerful force of human
nature. If you start acting in powerful,
masculine, and demanding ways, she is probably
going to react with anger and frustration, and
possibly fear.
Can it be done?
Yes. It can. But it's going to take time,
persistence, patience, courage... and a big bucket
of masculine strength to do it.
If you can understand what I say in the next
paragraph it has the power to lift your life
to unbelievable heights:
Perhaps the M.S. is the gift that will allow
you to rise up above ordinary men and fully
demonstrate your heroic strength of mind and
become a powerful role model for others.
I have seen others turn set-backs, tragedies,
and insurmountable-looking challenges into the
fuel that launched them into greatness. In fact,
it's hard to find many great men in history who
did not fit that pattern.
I said above that being vulnerable in your
authentic truth was one of the most powerful
indicators of pure masculinity to women...
For you this might a conversation that begins
with, "I have allowed my fear of my disease to
make me feel weak and less than masculine in our
relationship. I know that this was entirely my
own doing and that it made me sexually repulsive
to you. Whether or not your sexual desire returns
to me and to this relationship, I am committed to
living a life of courage and passion and deep service
to our love, regardless of my physical condition..."
Then you have to start living your truth.
Don't LET her have sex from you until she is
prepared to come to you as a surrendered woman
to her lover.
Don't accept second class treatment... not
by pouting or showing anger, but by calmly and
lovingly denying her power over you.
If you can follow this path, trusting yourself
and knowing that your life is yours alone to choose,
then she will soon be begging you to make love to
I wish you luck my friend. I have confidence
in you and believe you can do it if you choose to.
This is, I know, some very advanced material
that some men may find difficult to apply in their
But at the minimum, if you are reading this
and in a similar relationship, at least commit yourself
to making a new beginning, to making a pact with
yourself to take the steps to reclaim your masculinity
in your life through vulnerable, authentic truth.
For Passion,
Mr. Guru
01-09-2011, 01:02 PM
There r a few masters here who keep 3-5 women under one roof, like a mini harem. The women co-exist peacefully. Most gals I know won't tolerate that kind of RS. Perhaps I don't hv enuff self mastery n dominance to do it.
I think I'm going to keep just 1-2 lo po long-term n continue to pick up gals for ST or short-term BY.
I ever had a gf who ever she knows she cannot satisfy me (timing because she study part-time course on some nighst and also sexercise wise), she don't mind if I have other outlet/gf. So I think part of it is also the type of girl and "feeling". But I think keeping a number of women under one roof does not apply to everyone and if all the girls are alike, or gang up to share their info about you, quite a scary thought. I'd rather keep them apart if I have the chance, although cost wise it may be cheaper since rent one place to house them all should be more cost effective ;-)
01-09-2011, 02:05 PM
Hi bro chenzong,
Ths for sharing ur insights on human RS in the workplace.
Any chio gals to intro?
Not from my workplace, definitely! Haha!
05-09-2011, 10:52 AM
QUOTE=jnewwit;6292268]I ever had a gf who ever she knows she cannot satisfy me (timing because she study part-time course on some nighst and also sexercise wise), she don't mind if I have other outlet/gf. So I think part of it is also the type of girl and "feeling". But I think keeping a number of women under one roof does not apply to everyone and if all the girls are alike, or gang up to share their info about you, quite a scary thought. I'd rather keep them apart if I have the chance, although cost wise it may be cheaper since rent one place to house them all should be more cost effective ;-)[/QUOTE]
Hi bro jnewwit,
Your GF was an understanding gal AND u had power over her, hehehe.
Keeping several gals/women under one roof saves time n money n, more importantly, it saves lots of precious spunk n vital chi, hehehe. Imagine the joy of penetrating 3 chio pussies n only need to ejaculate once.
Not from my workplace, definitely! Haha!
Hi bro,
NP. Go out n look around.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
It has been 2 yrs n 2 1/2 months since my "induction" to the "fabled" TAM in June of 2009.
According to TAM's mummy K, there r many new chio gals who come for HH n who can't or won't go to LV.
Is it true or is it all BS?
I like to organize outings to TAM n other joints where chio gals can be found. Although I now hv several mistresses, my mission to TAM is the same. Bringing pussies I already own to TAM is a waste of time as it would deprive me of oppty to meet new gals. The following is my post in June 2009 when I invited bros to join me.
"Hi to all esteemed bros,
My first tentative expedition to TAM HH will be...
Pl PM or sms me for confirmation.
My mission statement: To organise KTV outings for rest n recreation, for getting acquainted w/ like-minded bros n, last but not least, to find, meet n bonk the prettiest PRC SYTs at the least cost n in the shortest possible time. All expenses shall be shared equally except for gals.
Let me reiterate that all expenses will be share equally except for gals. All r welcome unless u r a freeloader ( dun come otherwise ur nick n HP will be exposed in this forum). Bros r also encouraged to share info n HP nos of all gals. If TAM proves to be disappointing, we will go to explore other joints.
BTW, I drink very little or not at all. My only addiction? Very pretty PRC MMs, fair complexion, 18-24, tall (165-173 w/o heels), slim w/ proportionate figure, small to medium bony frame, B/C natural boobs, nice perky ass n long slim n straight legs. Of course no prior childbirth, ugly scars, etc. Oh, must be sexually responsive w/ tight n wet pussies, hahaha.
Pls PM me now! State ur preferred date n time. I'll organise other trips...
Thx for reading n good day!"
The above was posted earlier under "TAM."
Bro WB
08-09-2011, 11:48 AM
Good morning!
I did organzie an outing to TAM HH yesterday. There were 6 bros n mummy K n her assistant were very helpful.
There were many, many gals n very few customers, hehehe.
Surprise surprise...I met a long lost fren, an 18 yo SYT (now 20 yo) whom I 1st met at TAM in 2009.
She is YB from Fujian, 166 w/o shoes n 47 KG. She used to weigh 2 kg more. Still my type of SYT. BTW, I never upped her as she rejected me before. Mummy K knew her intimately as she had a TAM singer permit before n assured me that YB never did ST n had never been BY-ed by any man. She came back a few days ago. K said it's up to me to try to BY her. I like the challenge.
Her attitude n body language towards me is now very different compared to 2 yrs ago. We now hv good rapport. Yes, after 2 hrs, she was enjoying my massage on her neck n shoulders n I was kissing her neck, etc. I shall tell u the significance of this move.
I also had a 172cm student-MILF (she is 25) who sat w/ me. No ST according to mummy K. She is chio n very sexy w/ big shapely ass. Unfortunately, she will leave for Shanghai in 2 days to do modelling. She will be back in 3 wks...
I'm very confident that I could up both gals. It's easy. Why? It's all in the mindset.
I believe "self confidence n self mastery rules the world."
If u walk into a KTV, or any situation or place for that matter, as if u own everything, as if u r the prize, as if ur the most confident man n the coolest MF in the universe...people will react differently to u. The prettiest gals will flock to u n u want o judge them if they qualify n good enuff to be fxked u...this is the MACK mode.
Back to the significance if a gal who is willing n is actually enjoying being massaged on the neck n shoulders by u n let u kiss the nape of her neck. It means she trusts u n accepts u...n there r several erogenous zones in those areas...u will arouse her sexual desire for u if u know wat u r doing.
In my personal experience in the last 2 yrs, those gals who let me massage n kiss their necks willingly, etc., I hv been able to up them shortly thereafter. There hv been NO exceptions, hehehe. None.
The other great move is french kissing a gal. If she is willing n eager, her pussy is yours, whether she is a WL or non-WL.
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
08-09-2011, 12:12 PM
Good morning!
I did organzie an outing to TAM HH yesterday. There were 6 bros n mummy K n her assistant were very helpful.
There were many, many gals n very few customers, hehehe.
Surprise surprise...I met a long lost fren, an 18 yo SYT (now 20 yo) whom I 1st met at TAM in 2009.
She is YB from Fujian, 166 w/o shoes n 47 KG. She used to weigh 2 kg more. Still my type of SYT. BTW, I never upped her as she rejected me before. Mummy K knew her intimately as she had a TAM singer permit before n assured me that YB never did ST n had never been BY-ed by any man. She came back a few days ago. K said it's up to me to try to BY her. I like the challenge.
Her attitude n body language towards me is now very different compared to 2 yrs ago. We now hv good rapport. Yes, after 2 hrs, she was enjoying my massage on her neck n shoulders n I was kissing her neck, etc. I shall tell u the significance of this move.
I also had a 172cm student-MILF (she is 25) who sat w/ me. No ST according to mummy K. She is chio n very sexy w/ big shapely ass. Unfortunately, she will leave for Shanghai in 2 days to do modelling. She will be back in 3 wks...
I'm very confident that I could up both gals. It's easy. Why? It's all in the mindset.
I believe "self confidence n self mastery rules the world."
If u walk into a KTV, or any situation or place for that matter, as if u own everything, as if u r the prize, as if ur the most confident man n the coolest MF in the universe...people will react differently to u. The prettiest gals will flock to u n u want o judge them if they qualify n good enuff to be fxked u...this is the MACK mode.
Back to the significance if a gal who is willing n is actually enjoying being massaged on the neck n shoulders by u n let u kiss the nape of her neck. It means she trusts u n accepts u...n there r several erogenous zones in those areas...u will arouse her sexual desire for u if u know wat u r doing.
In my personal experience in the last 2 yrs, those gals who let me massage n kiss their necks willingly, etc., I hv been able to up them shortly thereafter. There hv been NO exceptions, hehehe. None.
The other great move is french kissing a gal. If she is willing n eager, her pussy is yours, whether she is a WL or non-WL.
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
missed out on the fun yesterday...
shall look forward to joining you guys soon!!
08-09-2011, 02:44 PM
how much the total bill before split? I just wanna know what's the budget like so as not to embarass myself with insufficient money should I want to join future round ;)
09-09-2011, 10:54 AM
missed out on the fun yesterday...
shall look forward to joining you guys soon!!
Hoping to meet u in person soon.
how much the total bill before split? I just wanna know what's the budget like so as not to embarass myself with insufficient money should I want to join future round ;)
Hi bro,
Surprisingly modest, depending on the no of bros. I dun drink when I drive n most of my kakis r light/moderate drinkers.
Most of my recent outings at TAM cost abt $100 each, not including tip for gals.
Investing/trading n St-ing/BY-ing pussies r the same for me as I always try to minimize my friction cost or transactional cost.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
Life is fun.
Late last evening I drove to Changi to pick up my favourite Fujian lo po who flew in from Xiamen. Her 22 yo fren who came along is surprising chio n fair n slim, although only 164 in height. On tourist visa, first time here. I like to ST her if at all possible, BY her if necessary. I need to act fast before some other men take her off the shelf, hehehe. If I could do 双飞w/ them it would be wonderful...and if I could make both of them squirt during COS...hahaha.
A guru just sent me an email abt squirting orgasm which I know very little abt. I hv a very long way to go...
The Five Types Of Female Orgasms
1.) The Clitoral Orgasm
A clitoral orgasm is the most common type of female orgasm, and I'm sure you already know that a girl experiences this type of orgasm from clitoral stimulation, usually by your fingers, your tongue, or a toy.
This is the most common female orgasm. Most guys can give this type of orgasm to a girl, so it's likely that most girls you have been with have had one of these orgasms with another guy before you.
2.) The G-Spot Orgasm
A G-spot orgasm is a little more tricky. Some people call this an "internal orgasm", or a "deep spot orgasm", because a girl experiences it from stimulation on the inside of her.
Because of this she gets more of a "full body" sensation than she does from just a clitoral orgasm.
While G-Spot orgasms used to be a mystery, in the last decade or so the word has gotten out, and now more and more guys know how to give a girl these orgasms.
This the type of orgasm a girl is likely to have through penetration if she is with a guy who is good in bed. Special G-Spot orgasm toys have also now become popular with women, so more and more women are having these orgasms on their own.
These internal orgasms feel much better to a girl than a clitoral orgasm, so when a guy can give a girl this type of orgasm she'll automatically consider him to be pretty good in bed.
3.) The Simultaneous Orgasm
A "Simultaneous Orgasm" is when a girl experiences a clitoral orgasm and a G-Spot orgasm at the same time.
This is a difficult one to pull off for a guy, as it requires just the right finger and tongue technique, or finger and penetration technique.
But what's really tough is the TIMING. Even if you have the technique right, the timing has to be perfect.
Because of this it's very hard for a guy to give a girl a Simultaneous Orgasm. Girls who are experienced "self lovers" will have probably had this, but not often, because the feeling is not THAT much better than having the different types of orgasms on their own.
4.) Multiple Orgasms
"Multiple Orgasms" is when a girl experiences either Clitoral or G-Spot orgasms over and over again!
This is a very exciting feeling for a woman, and if a guy has great tongue technique or amazing stamina, he can usually give a girl Multiple Orgasms... and she will consider him to be GREAT in bed!
5.) The Squirting Orgasm
And that brings us to the "The Squirting Orgasm"... which is entirely different than all of the orgasms listed above.
The best way to understand what a Squirting Orgasm feels like for a woman is to think of your own orgasm.
Go ahead and think about what it feels like right now.
Now, imagine how it would feel if you had an orgasm... but NOTHING CAME OUT.
Like if you had the orgasm, but you didn't ejaculate.
Wouldn't it feel WEIRD? Even INCOMPLETE?
Well THIS is what the Clitoral and G-Spot Orgasms feel like for a woman.
But here's the thing:
If they have never had a Squirting Orgasm, they don't KNOW what they are missing.
They THINK a Clitoral or G-Spot Orgasm is the best feeling they can get. After all, it's the best they've ever had.
But then, they meet a guy who can give them a Squirting Orgasm... and...
"OH MY GOD!!!"
It's unlike anything else they've EVER experienced... and makes all other orgasms they've had in the past... seem like nothing!
And from then on, their sex lives are never the same.
Let me explain it to you in a different way:
Think about getting in your own car right now, finding an open road, then GUNNING IT with the pedal to the medal.
Always fun, right?
Well now think about if you got your hands on a Ferrari... and going and doing the same thing.
BIG difference, right??
That's what the difference feels like for a woman between having a Clitoral Orgasm and a G-Spot Orgasm.
But, the difference between the feeling of these types of orgasms, and the feeling of having a Squirting Orgasm...
Is like the difference between taking off in a Ferrari... and...
Getting In The Cockpit Of A FIGHTER JET... And Slamming On The Afterburners Full Force!
What I'm trying to tell is that there is really NO comparision!
Ask any woman who has had a Squirting Orgasm, and she'll tell you the same.
Needless to say, a guy who can give a woman one of these mind-blowing orgasms isn't considered, "good" or even "great" in bed... no sir.
He's Put In A Category ALL His Own!
And that category is simply called...
The BEST She's Ever Had.
No matter what your "size", no matter how long you last, regardless of sexual experience, and even if you do everything else wrong!
When you give your girl this "Ultimate Orgasm"... you've done something that NO other guy has ever done before. From that moment, on she considers you the best she's ever had, period.
The mystery behind the Squirting Orgasm is just being figured out now. Just as the G-Spot orgasm is no longer a mystery, I'm sure 20 years from now everyone will know how to give a girl a squirting orgasm, and it will be no big deal.
But for now, there are just a few of us who are on the cutting edge of this sexual revolution, and we have a HUGE advantage over all other men. Now it's time for you to join us...
I hope experienced bros here can share their insights n the what n how of female ejaculatory orgasms.
BTW, there r actually more than 5 types of female orgasms.
Ths n hv a great day!
Bro WB
09-09-2011, 11:33 AM
Bro wb is really a SEX EXPERT...These days I only go for #4, multiple orgasms...tiring but shiok!!!:D
10-09-2011, 03:56 PM
I hope experienced bros here can share their insights n the what n how of female ejaculatory orgasms.
Bro WB
Just sharing my personal perspective on this ultimate orgasm. I think it depends on the female cycle and her emotional state.
i remember giving one of this type of orgasm to a girl whom i have been seeing awhile. Just kissing, frenching, petting, and a bit of fingering slow and sexily..She sort of tensioned up and then released a colourless, odorless fluid ...not just released but poured..As we were in a standing doggie position..the floor was all wet. She just collapsed into my embrace after that.
Shortly after that fateful night, she wanted to marry me..:D haha..
So i guess there is some truth in what your shared in the email. There is NO comparison - feeling the VROOM of a jet engine vis-a-vis a car engine.
10-09-2011, 05:36 PM
it is a out-of-the-world feeling. the first time i achieved this i was illegally young, and doing silly things like sneaking out of tuition class with her getting a quickie in the staircase. part of the preparation was me going down on her while she was in standing doggie, and i think the thrill of being caught and maybe my tongue-fu got her into spasms in under 2 mins... and next thing i knew, she cummed into my mouth and face!!! oh the sweet sweet nectar of teenage girls!!! (we were the same age) she was shaking so bad and just collapsed, so there was no action for me. her panties were wet from the spillover though. throughout the class i looked like this :D. after that she made it up to me... and there were a few other occasions with this one... dirty skanky nanyang girls... :p
my theory is there are a lot of girls who can achieve ejac orgasm, but many hold back because it feels like peeing and they become confused from a young age, and then just maintain this approach throughout. when reaching the climax many will just clamp up and hold back like we do when we can't find a WC. the ones who let go, the screamers moaners scratchers... they do much better. mostly non WL -obviously- but i have achieved this once with a prostitute and twice with KTV girls... the prostitute was many years ago when i was a young steed, she was like that cytheria (sp?)... the jet flew beyond the bed and hit the wall... crazy stuff. and she wasn't known as a squirter. the two KTV women decided to use me... and usually the day sex is better than the night sex, especially after they've drank. as far as analogous evidence goes, easier to achieve when sober.
would love to hear more ejac org experiences shared as well :D
10-09-2011, 11:12 PM
it is a out-of-the-world feeling. part of the preparation was me going down on her while she was in standing doggie,
Hmm..looks like standing doggie works?'s an article on female ejac orgasm.
10-09-2011, 11:17 PM
quote for yahoo answer:
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
This is something that can be taught to others. I know this from experience teaching others how to make their wife and girlfriends squirt. I do it with my fingers and can do it every time. in fact I can do it multiple times in a row. OK so let me try to explain this. I get on the side of her while she is laying on her back. i use my right hand and cup my two middle fingers that are between my pinky and pointer finger. I insert my fingers inside and use my left hand to feel for my fingers that are inside. inside of her my fingers are pointing upwards about 1.5-2 inches deep. I start off slow pulling my hand in a upwards motion feeling for my fingers to hit my hand that is on the outside of her. I then go faster and faster and bam.. happens every time. the fastest I have made my girl squirt from start to finish is under 30 sec. Hope this helps.. she loves it and so do i. one thing to point out is I usually do this after we already have sex and I make her ***. the reason for this is because the squirting isn't a good lube.. trust me on this one.
no harm trying it out :D
11-09-2011, 09:57 AM
Bro wb is really a SEX EXPERT...These days I only go for #4, multiple orgasms...tiring but shiok!!!:D
Hi Bro TD,
Paiseh..despite my advanced age, I'm really a newbie in squirting orgasm. I hv had some success in BY-ing n giving COS.
Yes, very shiok. When ur gal is in COS, try to link her pleasures n feelings to u n u only. Repeat, repeat will be very difficult for her to leave u, hehehe.
Just sharing my personal perspective on this ultimate orgasm. I think it depends on the female cycle and her emotional state.
i remember giving one of this type of orgasm to a girl whom i have been seeing awhile. Just kissing, frenching, petting, and a bit of fingering slow and sexily..She sort of tensioned up and then released a colourless, odorless fluid ...not just released but poured..As we were in a standing doggie position..the floor was all wet. She just collapsed into my embrace after that.
Shortly after that fateful night, she wanted to marry me..:D haha..
Hi bro saabking,
Ths for sharing...yes, if u give a gal squirting orgasm regularly, she will beg u for sex, hahaha.
it is a out-of-the-world feeling....................
my theory is there are a lot of girls who can achieve ejac orgasm, but many hold back because it feels like peeing and they become confused from a young age.................................
would love to hear more ejac org experiences shared as well...
Hmm..looks like standing doggie works?'s an article on female ejac orgasm.
quote for yahoo answer:
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
This is something that can be taught to others. I know this from experience teaching others how to make their wife and girlfriends squirt. I do it with my fingers and can do it every time. in fact I can do it multiple times in a row. OK so let me try to explain this. I get on the side of her while she is laying on her back. i use my right hand and cup my two middle fingers that are between my pinky and pointer finger. I insert my fingers inside and use my left hand to feel for my fingers that are inside. inside of her my fingers are pointing upwards about 1.5-2 inches deep. I start off slow pulling my hand in a upwards motion feeling for my fingers to hit my hand that is on the outside of her. I then go faster and faster and bam.. happens every time. the fastest I have made my girl squirt from start to finish is under 30 sec. Hope this helps.. she loves it and so do i. one thing to point out is I usually do this after we already have sex and I make her ***. the reason for this is because the squirting isn't a good lube.. trust me on this one.
no harm trying it out :D
Hi bro newbieboy,
Ths for sharing.
In practice, it's difficult to give a gal squirting orgasm. She has to believe in herself n let go of all inhibitions...
Bro WB
12-09-2011, 12:54 AM
Hi Bro TD,
Paiseh..despite my advanced age, I'm really a newbie in squirting orgasm. I hv had some success in BY-ing n giving COS.
Yes, very shiok. When ur gal is in COS, try to link her pleasures n feelings to u n u only. Repeat, repeat will be very difficult for her to leave u, hehehe.
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB,
Recently, I had my gal orgasm 4 times in a row in about 30 mins and after resting for 20 mins, had her orgasm another 4 times within 10 mins. The second time was a multiple G-spot orgasm. Those were the two most tiring shots I had in recent memory.
13-09-2011, 12:40 PM
Hi Bro WB,
Recently, I had my gal orgasm 4 times in a row in about 30 mins and after resting for 20 mins, had her orgasm another 4 times within 10 mins. The second time was a multiple G-spot orgasm. Those were the two most tiring shots I had in recent memory.
Hi Bro TD,
Must be a wonderful experience!
For most gals, multiple orgasms n COS would be more than enuff. But what if they meet a man who could give them regular squirting orgasms?
I just bought the acclaimed Secret Orgasm Tips series from The Master this AM. It will take me at least 2wks to go over the materials n then start practicing...hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. ........
Good morning!
Never, ever believe any gal u hv is special or THE one or is perfect. Treat the most beautiful pussies as a fungible commodity n u will never be KC-ed.
Have an abundance mentality n care least abt any RS.
Right now I hv rather tangled RS w/ 3 Fujian gals: XW, TC n YB. I hv known all three for a surprisingly long time. Only one is full time now n the others part time, hahaha.
Fortunately, I hv almost zero KC for the gals n they can take it or leave it.
Bro WB
Jackal Junior
15-09-2011, 12:31 AM
Bro Warbird
How was the latest mission to TAM? Any success? Look forward to our next mission: I have a target in mind from our previous mission; even though she is from the 'tak boleh' camp, I think she is worth a shot.
15-09-2011, 04:10 PM
ok bros, long time no post here. Reality check for those who are still thinking of making a love kill in HFJs or even KTVs.
Recently one of my younger sister is back in town (obviously she was farked good by me even though she is a sister) and asked me to go down and see her. I did and we ended up in a hotel romping happily away. While I was at her joint, a so-called guy with reputation bombed her $6.5! She told him her aunty came and tummy pain thus need to rest... that idiot even 买场 for her to rest for the last set. I left before she went to the customer and once he PAID, she went "home" into my car across the road and off we go for supper plus some serious farking.
As she was bathing, I was playing with her iPhone 4 and I went to her address book and strolling through the list of her customers.
?????? $500
#### $1000
@@@ $200
and the list goes on...
For iPhone address book when you open up each contact individually, you will notice the below has a [Notes] item. I was surprised but not really unexpected to see some sobering remarks she placed beside each contact.
?????? $500 【色鬼,拉】 ($5200)
#### $1000 【可以吊,笨蛋】($62000)
&&&& $ 200 【梦幻侠】 ($800)
%%% $ 500 【装B者, 破产】 ($600)
Obviously as you see from the above, the (...) indicates the total amount hung on her plus the 【...】 remarks.
This little sister of mine was in her second stint and I can see how she has grown to be a woman as well as a person of thoughts. From innocent to pure mercenary. She still calls me 哥 even when we are farking but I know she still trying to comprehend me and my style of operations.
Fast forward to my recent invited trip to a joint along middle road where I met my ex. She also has a iPhone 4 and having problems with it. While fixing the software, she went to another table and I took the opportunity to scroll through the contacts pad. There were many familiar names and places where I used to cheong. The remarks associated with these fellows were amazing. Since I am retired, I have no need to prove any point but I know even singer has multiple strategies on how to deal with a customer/patron. They tell you in your face 【你是好人】 but in their heart you are a sex fiend or 【烂客】.
When she came back, I told her I fixed her problem and I praised her for her superior CRM skills. She told me, as a matter of fact, she is here to make a living. While saying, she opened up her iPhone [Notepad] and passed it to me for reading. Every flower hung, 买场, supper locations, dates, promises etc are in FULL details. This gal is the devil, like what bro DYBJ said "not even 30 but here for 7 stints". I have been playing for almost 10 years, this gal knew almost every trick in the book. Now I know how she managed to amass 1 condo in 东莞 and 2 condos in 湖南.
Well bros, no matter how good you think you treat a HFJ singer or how strong your reputation is/was; tell me honestly do you really think the singers will say good or positive things about you when you stopped hanging for whatever reasons? Remember this note: 【装B者, 破产】.
Anyway, me seldom cheong HFJs now... even if I managed to do so at a bro's invitation, I will hang only $100/- or not even hang at all.
Wakie wake my friends...
15-09-2011, 05:31 PM
Wakie wake my friends...
Best advise so far...
15-09-2011, 06:22 PM
Hi LovingDickHead,
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
This is really 'awakening' .
16-09-2011, 02:28 PM
Your observation is insightful and a sober revelation to those bros who think they could win a MM's heart by dishing out money....
17-09-2011, 11:31 AM
Bro Warbird
How was the latest mission to TAM? Any success? Look forward to our next mission: I have a target in mind from our previous mission; even though she is from the 'tak boleh' camp, I think she is worth a shot.
Hi Bro JJ,
Not that many gals of my type. We may want to go LV next time. A 'tak boleh' gal means that u need to spend more time n more money to bed her...
ok bros, long time no post here. Reality check for those who are still thinking of making a love kill in HFJs or even KTVs.
Recently one of my younger sister is back in town (obviously she was farked good by me even though she is a sister) and asked me to go down and see her. I did and we ended up in a hotel romping happily away. While I was at her joint, a so-called guy with reputation bombed her $6.5! She told him her aunty came and tummy pain thus need to rest... that idiot even 买场 for her to rest for the last set. I left before she went to the customer and once he PAID, she went "home" into my car across the road and off we go for supper plus some serious farking.........................
Fast forward to my recent invited trip to a joint along middle road where I met my ex. She also has a iPhone 4 and having problems with it. While fixing the software, she went to another table and I took the opportunity to scroll through the contacts pad. There were many familiar names and places where I used to cheong. The remarks associated with these fellows were amazing. Since I am retired, I have no need to prove any point but I know even singer has multiple strategies on how to deal with a customer/patron. They tell you in your face 【你是好人】 but in their heart you are a sex fiend or 【烂客】.............................
Well bros, no matter how good you think you treat a HFJ singer or how strong your reputation is/was; tell me honestly do you really think the singers will say good or positive things about you when you stopped hanging for whatever reasons? Remember this note: 【装B者, 破产】.
Anyway, me seldom cheong HFJs now... even if I managed to do so at a bro's invitation, I will hang only $100/- or not even hang at all.
Wakie wake my friends...
Hi Bro LDH,
Ths for ur detailed discourse on the dark side of these singers. It's quite a revelation. BY-ing singers is definitely not for the faint of heart, n to a lesser extent it also applies to BY-ing any gals.
.................................................. .................................................. .
Good morning!
It's clear from Bro LDH's post that BY-ing is tricky n a tough game to master n takes lots of time n money. If a man can't control his ego n his heart, he doesn't belong in the game. He will get burnt n scarred, both financially n emotionally, hehehe.
It all boils down to a man's self mastery. If he doesn't hv it, he will surely fail in BY-ing n in any man-woman RS for that matter, n he will also experience great difficulties n misery in all areas of his life. He will be a failure. Period.
I normally shun singers for many reasons. Bad hrs, very high friction cost...also, before I can see a gal's bare thighs n legs, how would I know she is my type? Why should I risk one dollar?
One of my gals is returning to PRC soon n the other day she showed me a pic of a singer, her good fren. Her fren is 22, who has been here 2 wks, n is 171 w/o shoes n has nice figure n legs, which caught my attention. She asked me to take care of here, haha. I need to meet her in person 1st, not at the HFJ, but outside, in broad daylight...
My strategy is simple. If she is my type, I'll execute Plan A: I'll "keep" her for a fixed amt per wk, a low amt bcos I'll fxk her only once a wk n I dun care if her pussy is exclusive to me. I'll not even set foot in her joint.
Plan B will be costly. It will happen only if she is extremely attractive to me (very unlikely). I'll need to see her at least twice before deciding (see my reasons below). I'll then negotiate w/ her company n buy all her working sessions for the whole month. I'll keep her in a place very close to me.
In my personal experience, gals who look stunningly attractive the 1st time I see them may turn out to be rather average looking n, in rare cases, downright homely only days or wks later.
Abt 10 days ago, I was at PC food court talking to a well-connected fren who spends most of his time there, then I saw her...OMG! She was very pretty, abt 22-23, 170-171, wearing sandals n hot pants. Very fair n sexy figure, B/C boobs, round n shapely butt n nice long legs. I told myself, if I could hv her, I would forget all my LAO POs. She was w/ couple of gals (I dun remember how they look like) n I approached her n asked: 美人,你在那里上班?She replied: 我没上班。Before I had a chance to continue, she was pulled away by her frens...I later asked my fren abt her n requested that he get her ctc for me. I knew she was being kept by some man, but I told my fren I would double whatever she was getting.
Didn't see her again until yesterday where I found her hving late lunch w/ several gals. To my big disappointment, she looked very ordinary!!? Still had a body to die for though. Could her boobs be augmented n how pretty n tight is her pussy? I talked to my fren abt the fact she looked quite different now. He laughed n said she didn't hv make up today. Well, I still want to fxk her, but not sure abt BY, hehehe.
I should approach investing in stock n BY-ing gals the same way. Never be too hasty in BY-ing a gal until u hv seen her a few times in broad daylight n got to know her well enuff. I hv had my share of unpleasant surprises in the past.:eek:
Bro WB
17-09-2011, 10:31 PM
brother warbird,
i have read through most of your post in this thread. you are one truly wooing girl expert. :D learned a few pointers from you. thanks!:p
19-09-2011, 01:25 AM
ok bros, long time no post here. Reality check for those who are still thinking of making a love kill in HFJs or even KTVs.
I used to frequent hfjs when I was stationed in SH. I was never a big spender, and was there more for my friend the manager than any of the girls anyway. Perhaps because of my status (friend of their manager, not a big hanger, and everyone knows I'm not interested in bedding anyone), those singers do talk to me about their patrons.
HFJs are truly not for the faint of heart if you want to bed a singer. I do not see them as good ROI, seriously speaking. If you want an ego trip, of course, then that's another story. One patron I know of is going bankrupt and yet still dump his money there. It's really so interesting how a person wants to look good at any cost.
20-09-2011, 10:54 AM
brother warbird,
i have read through most of your post in this thread. you are one truly wooing girl expert. :D learned a few pointers from you. thanks!:p
Hi bro,
I'm a beginner who is very eager to learn...n working very diligently toward my goals.
I used to frequent hfjs when I was stationed in SH....
HFJs are truly not for the faint of heart if you want to bed a singer. I do not see them as good ROI, seriously speaking. If you want an ego trip, of course, then that's another story. One patron I know of is going bankrupt and yet still dump his money there. It's really so interesting how a person wants to look good at any cost.
Hi bro chenzong,
Ths for ur post.
There r some people out there who need to put up a facade of wealth n status to protect their fragile/damaged ego n profound insecurity/inferiority complex.
They would rather die than to lose face. I feel deeply sorry for their pathetic behaviour.
My mentor always reminds me to make my ego smaller n smaller every day...he says the smaller the better n when it becomes infinitesimal, I'll hv no worries n only lots of happiness n security, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. ...
Good morning!
Has anyone here ever been rejected for sex by ur OC/wife/lao po/mistress/er nai/GF/lover/FB/xiao san/xiao mi, etc? It sucks, doesn't? Of course, if u r dominant enuff, they will never say no, even if they r not in the right mood. The best approach is to make them horny all the time, give them regular COS n they will want to fxk u more than u want to fxk them.
Men r ready for sex when they r w/ women who find physically attractive. Women r very different. The key to turning them on is anticipation/sexual tension n a man's magic touch, hehehe. What he says n the way he says it is also crucial.
I like to share w/ bros here some useful info on a concept known as "All Day Foreplay," written by a famous guru.
“All Day Foreplay”
The concept of “all day foreplay” is one that I talk about a lot,
and it’s one of the most important ideas to get if you want to learn
to NEVER be sexually rejected.
It is the easiest and most reliable way to get her
And, for relationships, it is one of the best ways to make
your woman feel appreciated, to make her feel beautiful, to make
her feel well cared for, and to make her feel sexy.
And when she feels that way, she will want to make you feel
great too.
Make no mistake about this: TRYING to make each other
feel great is very good medicine for any relationship.
Unfortunately, the truth is, that the longer you have been in
a relationship, the more familiar you become with each other, the
more you take each other for granted.
Foreplay usually consists of rolling over “going for it” after
you finished brushing your teeth and getting into bed.
But there is nothing more flattering to a woman than when
you take the time to SEDUCE her, to make her feel like you are
trying just as hard to get into her pants as you did on your third
She will respond much more powerfully to your advances if
you make the effort to romance her and not just try to fuck her.
All of the ideas above are important…
You can seduce her with words, with touch, with the way
you look at her, with the way you act towards her, or with the
emotional messages you send towards her.
And if she is feeling frustrated, tense, or pissed off, then you
will have to do these things gradually, and work your way through
intermediate emotions to make her relaxed or happy or laughing or
And then you can turn on the romance and the seduction.
She will appreciate you in powerful ways the next morning if
you can transition her in this way.
Remember this: If a woman says that she is not in the mood
to have sex tonight, that statement means absolutely nothing in
terms of how she MIGHT feel 30 seconds later.
But all of these things are the HARD WAY of going about it.
The EASY WAY is “all day foreplay.”
When you are doing all day foreplay right it is a lot of fun for
both of you.
The basic rule—do and say things throughout the day that
make her feel sexy.
Don’t be concerned with getting her turned on. That is not
the point. Don’t be concerned with making her think that YOU are
sexy. That is not the point either.
Make HER feel sexy and desired, and she will respond
immediately when you are ready for sex.
Because she will really like being your sexy and desired
creature… the object of your affection.
And when it is time for making love, she will not want to
break that beautiful fantasy.
What are some specific things that you could do to create all
day foreplay?
When she catches you staring at her and asks what you are
looking at, tell her that you are just looking at her because she is
…Or tell her that you are having a sexual fantasy about her.
Come up behind her during the day and whisper something
in her ear like, “I can’t wait to make love to you later,” or “You’re
beautiful,” or “I’m going to eat you alive,” or “You smell good,” or
just about anything else that makes her feel sexy and desired.
Send her an email, or a text message, or a voice mail saying
the same kind of thing if you are at work.
But most important of all…
And touch her often.
Women love to be touched. It is a powerful reward to them.
And withholding your touch is probably the worst thing you could
do for your relationship.
Many men have a problem with touching too often. Sure,
they’ll touch when it’s time for sex…
But when a woman feels like the only time you are touching
her is when you want to get laid, she will begin to feel cheap and
unloved. She will feel nervous and begin to reject you more.
Touch her throughout the day whenever you can.
Stroke her hair, give her arm a squeeze, pat her on the ass…
and give her hugs as often as you possibly can. Kiss her ear, bite
the back of her neck, run you hands over her legs, and if nobody is
around, look into her eyes and give softly stroke her breasts.
Strong, full-body hugs, showing off a bit of masculine
strength while wrapping her up in your arms will make her feel
protected and happy… if you hold the hug for more than 20
seconds or so, some studies say that it will cause her body to
release the hormone oxytocin, which will make her feel powerfully
bonded feelings towards you.
And smile at her. Smiles are both contagious and sexy when
it comes to all day foreplay.
Here’s my personal guarantee:
If you touch her twice as much as you do now, she will reject
you half as often...
Bro WB's 2 cents: The other secret is ANTICIPATION. Go fast n slow n connect-disconnect from her, bro. Be unpredictable n make her laugh. And of course give her regular COS n squirting orgasms. Be careful, she will fall for u, hahaha.
Cheers n hv fun!
Bro WB
22-09-2011, 09:03 AM
Hi Bro Warbird, how was your catch yesterday? I had a not so shabby catch myself at LV last night and I’m planning to work on it though her singing contract will end in about 3 month’s time. She’s gonna buy me lunch next week so let’s wait and see… that’s her in my avatar and I have also MMS you…
Btw, LV is celebrating its 8th anniversary the whole of this week so they are providing buffet for HH and SH, and the place is overflowing with so many gals. But not to be too happy, about 30 to 40% of them really CMI, just there to try their luck but like you said, one man’s meat is another man’s poison.
22-09-2011, 11:22 AM
that’s her in my avatar and I have also MMS you…
Hmmmmmmmmmm, damn familiar hehehehe
22-09-2011, 02:59 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmm, damn familiar hehehehe
Hahaha… I won’t be surprised bro DYBJ… there may be lots of fishes in the pond but the better ones are few and far between… she’s from 广西, 23-turning-24-next week… is she your 菜? I’m still contemplating whether to go for the kill so if she is one of yours, let me know and I’ll just move on to the next target… there are so many fishes but so little time for me…
22-09-2011, 03:41 PM
Hahaha… I won’t be surprised bro DYBJ… there may be lots of fishes in the pond but the better ones are few and far between… she’s from 广西, 23-turning-24-next week… is she your 菜? I’m still contemplating whether to go for the kill so if she is one of yours, let me know and I’ll just move on to the next target… there are so many fishes but so little time for me…
Cfm no bro, mine is from across the road
22-09-2011, 03:44 PM
Cfm no bro, mine is from across the road
you mean LP eh?
22-09-2011, 04:10 PM
you mean LP eh?
I plead ignorance totally ignorant heheheeh
23-09-2011, 10:49 AM
Hi Bro Warbird, how was your catch yesterday? I had a not so shabby catch myself at LV last night and I’m planning to work on it though her singing contract will end in about 3 month’s time. She’s gonna buy me lunch next week so let’s wait and see… that’s her in my avatar and I have also MMS you…
Btw, LV is celebrating its 8th anniversary the whole of this week so they are providing buffet for HH and SH, and the place is overflowing with so many gals. But not to be too happy, about 30 to 40% of them really CMI, just there to try their luck but like you said, one man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Hi Bro FA,
I was indeed my good fortune to run into u at TAM complex 2 days ago.
I guess u were too busy to come to my rm on the 1st fl to say hello.
I didn't call the tall gal I met outside the lift. I found another gal YY who is also 169, quite chio w/ nice figure. She said no ST, but I was able to massage her neck n kissed her lips, in front of my lao po TC, hehehe. I need to find time to ST her.
You got a singer? High friction cost...but good luck!
BTW, I didn't receive ur MMS.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, damn familiar hehehehe
Hello Mr. Chairman,
Hahaha, are there any singers u dun know?
Hahaha… I won’t be surprised bro DYBJ… there may be lots of fishes in the pond but the better ones are few and far between… she’s from 广西, 23-turning-24-next week… is she your 菜? I’m still contemplating whether to go for the kill so if she is one of yours, let me know and I’ll just move on to the next target… there are so many fishes but so little time for me…
Cfm no bro, mine is from across the road
you mean LP eh?
I plead ignorance totally ignorant heheheeh
Many PRC pussies do look alike. Mr. chairman has encyclopedic knowledge of singers in SG, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Went to DC HH yesterday to celebrate mummy D's birthday. I was surprised that there were so many gals n not that many customers. There were 7 bros/frens who joined me for the fun. Quite a young crowd as 4 bros/frens were in their 20s. I got 2 gals to butterfly plus I had my other lao po XW w/ me. TC called me at 8PM as her frens saw me there. So what? I'm going to do SF w/ XW n TC, finally. I like one of the new gals. She is a 20 yo student from Fujian. Very sexy n youthful body. Must also find time to up her.
My young former sidekick asked me: Why r all ur gals so obedient to u? My answer: I pay them well n I fxxk them well. The real secret is my improved self mastery.
At this time I like to recommend a great e-book: David X's Be Relentless.
I'll quote some of his writings from time to time to whet ur appetite:
I lived in Texas for two years and when I came back to Montreal I called up this woman that I used to go out with. And she was extremely pissed off at me for just getting up and leaving without telling her goodbye. I said, “You were the first one I called. I’m looking at my list and you came in with the highest rating. Now is there a chance for me to come over or not? I’m too horny to argue.” She said, “Come over.” So I went over and fucked her.
After I finished, she sqwaked for another two hours. I let her complain (who cares what they say) while I went to sleep. In the morning she made me breakfast and sqwaked for another two hours. Finally I asked, “How long do I have to take your complaining for? How much sqwaking is two years in Texas worth?” And she said, “I’m almost done.” How much is two years in Texas worth? Yes I didn’t call. Yeah, I fucked tons of other women. No, I wasn’t thinking about you. Yeah yeah yeah. You’re so right honey!
Ok, fine, she’s right. I’m a terrible man. But they like bad boys. Remember that Seinfeld episode when George was the bad boy? He decided to do the complete opposite of what he had always done, and all of a sudden he had more women than ever. It’s a fact that women like bad boys.
Now, every once in a while, and especially as you learn to develop this attitude, a woman might tell you that she loves you. And if you say, "I love you too", then you're fucked! You might as well chop off your dick and hand it to her..... Remember: He who loves least controls the relationship. I have only said, "I love you" to two women in my life. I married them both. I tell them, "I’ll tell you that I love you when I’m putting a ring on your finger.”
When you set a precedence you have to stick to your guns. If you tell her no, then later on for whatever reason you allow her, she will view you as weak. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. Stop making excuses and stop making exceptions. When you set a precedence you can't go back. One of the big diseases that happens to men that are in a relationship is laziness.
You have to do what YOU want relentlessly. You cannot give in ever. They want the strength and they will love you for it. You always have to be on top of the situation. What happens to most guys is that once they fuck her,
they doze off. They get lazy.
Your comments?
I want to be relentless...
Bro WB
23-09-2011, 01:24 PM
Bro WB,
No no no, the honor and pleasure is all mine, to have bumped into you, Bro WB! Actually I did receive your SMS reply telling me that you will be at TAM HH that very same day but my iBlacklist was so flooded with messages it just got lost and buried among other SMSes/calls (those with JB iPhones would probably know what I’m talking about) and it was only when I was home that night that I saw your message.
The friend I was with that evening, I haven’t seen him for a year (and more than 3 years since we last chiong KTVs together), and it was so hard to get him out now that he is married (and held hostage) to a ex-MMSan (long-story) and I didn’t want to leave him alone waiting for me for too long.
Yes, I was too busy once I got the gal to sit with me. When I entered the room at 6:30pm, I didn’t leave the room until almost 10pm! Not even to go to the toilet, which was just beside our room! The gal, KX, also never leave the room until we left. She can really sing, Chinese songs, Hokkien songs, Cantonese songs but she is not a singer. Just to clarify – she got here on a 6-months singer pass from another outlet which, according to her, she has never been to, and never required to… she just goes to work at Havelock Road.
I pass her my (i)phone and asked her to take pics of herself which she gladly obliged. We took some pics together too but no worries, I stored them all in my iDiscrete app. Hehehe. I am planning to show them to my regular gal to make her jealous and keep her on her toes. What do you think? Hehehe. Btw, I email you the pic yesterday… wonder if you received it.
I’d love to meet luminaries like Bro DYBJ and the rest, and I know their reputation and vast experience and I try to find time to read the HFJ thread. I’m not into hanging flowers and as you know me, I’m a miser and will not incur high friction cost. I’m not rich (yet) to begin with. The only reason I can think of for people to throw big money in HFJs is to launder money – I was told by a celebrity I bonked recently. We were chatting away after the deed and she was telling me how one of her guy friend, who despite being on the brink of being declared a bankrupt, is still going to these joints to hang flowers to a singer he has the hots for. And the reason he can still hang flowers is becos he was hanging on credit. And so if he can’t pay up, the singer has to make good the promise to the company. She said she will bring me to a HFJ next time, hahaha.
23-09-2011, 05:13 PM
The only reason I can think of for people to throw big money in HFJs is to launder money – I was told by a celebrity I bonked recently.
Bingo! And one of my friends actually sat next to an illegal money lender, at a hfj!
24-09-2011, 11:25 AM
Bro WB,
No no no, the honor and pleasure is all mine...Actually I did receive your SMS reply telling me that you will be at TAM HH that very same day was only when I was home that night that I saw your message.
Yes, I was too busy once I got the gal to sit with me. When I entered the room at 6:30pm, I didn’t leave the room until almost 10pm! Not even to go to the toilet, which was just beside our room! The gal, KX, also never leave the room until we left. She can really sing, Chinese songs, Hokkien songs, Cantonese songs but she is not a singer. Just to clarify – she got here on a 6-months singer pass from another outlet which, according to her, she has never been to, and never required to… she just goes to work at Havelock Road... Btw, I email you the pic yesterday… wonder if you received it.
I’d love to meet luminaries like Bro DYBJ and the rest, and I know their reputation and vast experience and I try to find time to read the HFJ thread. I’m not into hanging flowers and as you know me, I’m a miser and will not incur high friction cost...The only reason I can think of for people to throw big money in HFJs is to launder money – I was told by a celebrity I bonked recently...
Hi Bro FA,
Ah, KX is very nice. Just up her.
Abt the celebrity u mentioned, is she my type? Is she under 25, over 165 w/ proportionate body, slim arms, long straight legs, perky ass n at least natural B boobs? If so, I'm interested.
BTW, you're young, tall n handsome. If I had half ur good looks, I won't be able to keep SYTs from stalking me, hahaha.
Bingo! And one of my friends actually sat next to an illegal money lender, at a hfj!
Hi bro chenzong,
About 2/3 of big spenders at KTVs/HFJs r those in the cash business.I hv more to say abt this.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
I hv noticed that many of my regular kakis/bros/frens r not spending as much n r shunning more expensive joints. Some bros/frens hv definitely fallen on hard times, due to business failures, stock declines, gambling losses, etc.
Of the new bros who hv joined my outings recently, a few r well heeled. One young man appears to be from a rich family, even though he is quite frugal. I like him very much as he understands that we must minimize the friction cost of living n all business transactions.
Although the bookies n ah longs r big spenders at KTVs/HFJs n appear to be flushed w/ cash. They can never be truly rich.
Four reasons. Firstly, they squander their money. Secondly, it's difficult for them to invest n grow their money legally. Thirdly, they lack the knowledge , experience n education to invest successfully. Fourthly, the risks of running an illegal business r real. Their assets could be seized n they could spend time at Changi, hahaha.
As men we should go after what we want, be it money, status, fame, power, good health, love, peace, happiness, pussies...
At this time, I like to share some pearls from David X's Be Relentless:
I’m giving you two rules. Not two-hundred. TWO. Who cares what she thinks, and you are the most important person in the relationship. And at first, they sound like two very stupid rules. But everytime you hear them, they start to make more and more sense to you. If you don’t care what she thinks, then your fears are gone. And if you truly believe that you are the most important person in the relationship, then you start to take responsibility for your own life. It forces you to be strong, decisive, honest and congruent. What you decide is up to you. I’m not telling you to be me, I’m telling you to be you.
You’re not being rude to her by not caring what she says. There’s a façade of nonsense that people put out, and you don’t know if they’re playing games or fucking with you. These two rules are your shield from all that shit. These rules really have a way of cutting through all the crap.
Men are free until they get married, and women are free when they get married. Once I was dating this girl who said, “Either we have to get married, or I won’t sleep with you anymore.” And I felt bad. Here was this woman telling me that she loves me, that she wants to spend the rest of her life with me. She wanted all of me, and if I couldn’t give that to her, then she would leave me forever. A lot of guys actually got stuck that way. They fell for that line. But what was this woman really saying to me? She was really saying, “Do what I say, puppy! Marry me so that I can use sex to control you for the rest of your life.” Now, if you had a harem of 5 or 6 women, and a woman said that to you, what would you say? "Goodbye!"
A lot of guys are afraid to look at the women that attract them. They're afraid she might get upset. If I’m watching a porno movie, if I feel like it, I might start jerking off. Do I care what the TV thinks? I don’t care what anybody thinks. Period. When I say ‘who cares’, I live it. If she can’t handle me looking at her, what the fuck do I want her for?
Tell me to fuck off anytime. Try me. I don’t care. If you don’t care, you can just let go and have a good time. What do I have to lose if they get 'offended'? I can only gain. When you’re trying to pick up a chick, no matter what you do, you can ONLY GAIN. You can’t have less than zero. If you care what they think of you, then you can’t go further. And if you can’t be honest and straightforward about what you want, you can’t succeed with women. This whole book is just a way of explaining the two rules. It always comes back to the two basic rules. If you can integrate those two rules into your life, it frees you from Fear Prison.
Bro WB
26-09-2011, 10:02 AM
Hi Bro FA,
Ah, KX is very nice. Just up her.
Abt the celebrity u mentioned, is she my type? Is she under 25, over 165 w/ proportionate body, slim arms, long straight legs, perky ass n at least natural B boobs? If so, I'm interested.
BTW, you're young, tall n handsome. If I had half ur good looks, I won't be able to keep SYTs from stalking me, hahaha.
Hi Bro WB,
Yes, KX is quite cute. If I up her now, no difference from ST. Prefer to KC her a little first, so that I can milk some GFE out of her, haha. Brought her out last Saturday to a very nice and quaint little place for a drink. She never asked (or hinted) for any “compensation”… I like
I know the type you want bro WB but unfortunately, the celeb is not your type. She is not exactly my type either, but unlike you, I am not a choosey eater, hahaha. Well, I RTF her because we clicked and whenever we meet up, we catch up on things in our lives, she hears me out, etc., basically, there’s lots of communication, all in the privacy of a 5 star hotel room. And we still SMS and FB (FaceBook) each other. I had this crazy idea of turning her into a FB (not FaceBook), you know, bonking a celeb is one thing, been there done that, but having a celeb as a FB, now that would be upping it a notch, another achievement for me. But my friend promptly shot me down when I told him my intentions and he reprimanded me for trying to negotiate a lower price (which I did without success, hahaha). He said I don’t know the going rates (for celebs) and that if I can have the cheek to bargain (or can’t afford to pay her price) “then obviously she is not your type and you are not her type of client”, he told me off. Well, if I have achieved Shifu WB’s Self Mastery, nothing is impossible anymore, right? Hahaha!
Bro, if like you said, I am twice as handsome as you, explain why no gals stalk me? Hahaha. Maybe I haven’t achieved self mastery yet, hahaha.
26-09-2011, 10:19 AM
Bingo! And one of my friends actually sat next to an illegal money lender, at a hfj!
Hi Bro chenzong,
Well, I haven’t been to a HFJ except the main hall at LV (and other KTVs)… to me, it just make no sense to throw $$$ at singers thinking that they will go to bed with you, or thinking you can outbid those people who are there to launder money. The way I see it, its an ego trip I can do without. I prefer to give my already limited cash more mileage… hehehe. Bad times are ahead of us, so if want to chiong, must chiong wisely…
26-09-2011, 10:53 AM
Not all are from the illegal biz trade la
There are some from perfectly legit backgrounds and perfectly legit businesses.
But then again, LV is known for having a "SPECIAL" kinda clientele base unlike across the road at 5th floor hehe
26-09-2011, 11:48 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Yes, KX is quite cute. If I up her now, no difference from ST. Prefer to KC her a little first...................
I know the type you want bro WB but unfortunately, the celeb is not your type. She is not exactly my type either, but unlike you, I am not a choosey eater, hahaha............................. Well, if I have achieved Shifu WB’s Self Mastery, nothing is impossible anymore, right? Hahaha!
Bro, if like you said, I am twice as handsome as you, explain why no gals stalk me? Hahaha. Maybe I haven’t achieved self mastery yet, hahaha.
Hi Bro FA,
You know I'm no sifu, just a student who is RELENTLESS...
Yes, if u hv formidable self mastery, ur success would be formidable.
No, I said if I had half ur good looks, meaning I dun even hv half ur good looks.
If u improve ur self mastery, chio gals will be stalking u. I need 10X ur self mastery to do that bcos I'm a lao chi ko pek., hahaha.
Hi Bro chenzong,
Well, I haven’t been to a HFJ except the main hall at LV (and other KTVs)… to me........... Bad times are ahead of us, so if want to chiong, must chiong wisely…
I couldn't agree w/ u more.
Not all are from the illegal biz trade la
There are some from perfectly legit backgrounds and perfectly legit businesses.
But then again, LV is known for having a "SPECIAL" kinda clientele base unlike across the road at 5th floor hehe
I figure abt 1/3 of big senders r in legit business.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
Bro seabeng related the story of a singer at a HFJ who was playing hard to get n later he found out she was a $150 a shot FL (Hang Flower Joints).
I replied to his post bcos my story is the reverse. I met a SYT FL in August 2008 n later found out that she was a real singer at a HFJ, hahaha.
My post:
Bros, sometimes I dont know why we are all so silly and go and hang flowers for one aim and that is to screw the singer. Surely we are not there for their singings. Sometimes we hang between 100 to 200 or maybe more for a non regular singer and yet this girl will still put up a show as though she has gold below. But today I found out and has proven that all that glitters are not gold.
On Monday a friend gave me a contact to say that this girl a singer and is going home next month (6 months due) and dont mind doing something extra so that she could bring home more money. She will only entertain close and regulars friends and strictly on a hush hush. I told my friend, if she is on a hush hush for regulars where I dont even know her will she entertain?
I told a chance anyway so I called this afternoon and she answered. As I was talking to her I find that her voice was somewhat familar anyway I take it as coincidence.
I arranged to fetch her at 4pm at her place of stay. All this while I find it somewhat funny because beside the voice is familar but the place is also familar. Nevertheless I made my way there since everything has been arranged and given her my car number.
I waited at the roadside near the landmark she gave and waited for about 15 mins maybe more. I was beginning to have second thoughts when suddenly someone open the door coming from the back and as she was about to step in, both of us were spell bound for a few seconds. She could only utter eh eh eh and finally she said.....shi ni ah!!! I told her to come in the car. I could not drive and have never felt to be in a situations like this before.
She was from a joint that I went a couple of times and cant say I like that place. She had sat with me before though not the usual singer that used to sit with me and each and every time I was there her token flowers from me were usually $100 for her ppc. I remember once another friend of mine tried dating her for supper and she flately refused with some kind of excuses that make herself upper class not going supper with first timer. By the way, I dont drink when I am out for a drink and had never sent her back.
Here, for less than 150 I got to screw her. Since she knew why we are meeting up and she's aware that I know about her extra, we went on to have our fun. I also wonder how long has she been into this?
In order not to make things looks so emmm how shall I put it......I went down to the joint tonight and hang her another 100. The beautiful thing is that she has quite a good number of regulars and supporters and my friend who gave me her contact did not know that I had been to that joint before. And if I remember right for her show, she gross about 17k in July. Not that bad for a mid size joint.
The story behind is still........not all that glitters are gold so I now wonder why spent so much where at the end of the day is still that lump of hairy meat below. Anyway she was really hairy below but was very tight.
Hi bro seabeng,
Very illuminating post...hahaha.
I like to add my 2 cents.
In August of 2008, before I ever set foot in a KTV or HFJ, I got ctc of a PRC FL from a bro. The whore LX was a 20 yo SYT, tall (169), fair n quite chio, A very good fxxk for a princely sum of only $120, hahaha. The damage was later reduced to $80. I upped her quite a few times. Friction cost for me: Zero.
A couple of wks later, she confided that she was a real singer at a HFJ n that she was going to hv a show in 2 days. She wanted me come to show support. A SBF bro knew the joint n told me abt a taller(173) n prettier singer there n hinted that I could fxxk her, so I called a few experienced frens to go along.
LX was very pleased to see me n my frens. The taller n supposedly prettier gal wasn't that pretty n was definitely older. In fact, among the 14-15 or so singers whom I saw taht nite, LX was the only one I wanted to fxxk in that joint. I hung $100 for LX n $100 for the taller gal bcos she came to sit w/ me ( I was a hapless "nice guy" then; nowadays I'll give zero unless I like to fxxk the gal). My frens also hung $100 for both gals n for a few others. They wanted to give me "face."
BTW, clients who met LX at her HFJ would end up paying 5 to 10X for ST.
A few days later, the same grp of frens brought me to a KTV, my virgin visit to one, where I met my 1st BAO-ee n my current favourite lao po XW. That is another story.
LX completed her 6-month contract n returned to PRC. In May of 2009, LX called me one day n said that she had returned on a TAM singer permit n wanted to meet up. She wanted $500 for ST!! I told her $200, take it or leave it. She said no n hung up the phone. Two wks later she called n said OK, hehehe. The next month, June 2009, in my 1st ever visit to TAM, I saw her there n she was one of my 3 butterflies...
The other day a tall singer called n asked me to go to her joint. She was intro by my GF YB (who returned to Fujian last wk). This gal is supposed to be 172 but is at least 174. She looks fine n has long slender arms, nice legs n butt, but her breasts look like A/B only. Nowadays I want gals w/ at least a full B Boobs which must be beautifully shaped. Why would I ever go to her joint? Next!
Bro WB
Dear Bro, you have actually managed to set a target for me personally and all other newbies in this thread.
With your one single post, you have managed to collapse the market for singer pussy...
I personally take so much inspiration and enlightenment from your post, that i am going to offer the next few singers only $150 for a short time or quick lunch!
Hi bro,
Outrageous, isn't?
Same gal, same country, different times, different locations, vastly different prices.
Same gal, same country, same time, different locations n vastly different prices.
And worst of all, same gal, same country, same time, same location, but vastly different prices to different clients.
I therefore like get a feel of the big picture n regularly take a look at the quality n potential damage of meat/pussies at different joints at different times, including KTVs/HFJs/FLs/legal GL gals, escort service, etc. in SG n overseas, to hunt for n fxxk my type of gals at minimal cost.
Be Relentless. Leave no stone unturned.
Bro WB
26-09-2011, 12:02 PM
I hv finished reading David X's Be Relentless.
Here is more of his wisdom:
You can’t treat a hot one like she’s a hot one, and you can’t treat her like you’re not trying to treat her like she’s a hot one and maybe she knows that you know. Read that again, just to make sure it sinks in. Because if you do that you’re ignoring her because she’s hot. Treat them all the same, no matter what they look like. And remember that while you think she’s hot, I may think she’s ugly.
What’s the difference in how you treat a ten versus a one? Depends on how horny you are. Next question. How do you treat an 8 versus a five? Depends. Am I horny? What about young versus old? Treat them all the same. Young to me is probably old to you. I’m 53 years old.
You have to stop thinking about them and instead think of you. After all, you are the most important person in the relationship. “But she is just so…” Forget it. The whole orientation of seduction psychology is wrong, by the way. It just trains you to be over-analytical and causes you to forget the most important person in the relationship, you. You can’t be thinking for her. Let her do that. Think for you. Instead of thinking, ”What does she want?” think about what you want and only you. Do it honestly and completely. What will happen is it will teach you something more valuable than money and more valuable than technique. It will teach you honesty.
Women are constantly testing us. I really believe that. Children test you to see how far they can go, and women are the same. Being with children can teach you a lot about how you should be with a woman. As soon as you give in, you lose. You’ve failed the test. Any psychiatrist will tell you that. Because if you’re willing to give in now, then you’ve just demonstrated that you’ll also give in later. Once you’ve set an example of something, it’s too late. If you give in now you’re making your life more difficult later on. I'm tough with kids, but they love me. My sons friends love me, I’m like the Pied Piper.
Why? Because the rules aren’t hard to follow when I live by them also.
You need to be in control but not controlling.
When I was still dating, sometimes women would start to have a hissy fit, saying things like, “It’s always your way!” and I would say, “I’m glad you remember the rules.” It’s my direction in life and I don’t care what they say. I know what I want in my life, and I know myself better than they do. My life is not a democracy.
My mother told me that I have to ask for everything politely. “Can I please fuck you tonight?” Your mommy meant well, but try to forget her advice, because she left out the important stuff. Your mommy didn’t tell you, “Treat a lady like a whore and treat a whore like a lady.”
Your mommy forgot to mention, “Who cares what they think.” She never told you that the most important person in the relationship is you. And that’s because it’s your life. Women don’t know what’s good for you, your mom doesn’t know what’s good for you, and I don’t know what’s good for you.
I’m not saying that your mother did anything wrong. You’re probably a very nice person. But you’re not nice to yourself, you’re nice to other people. You’ve been conditioned to be a pussy. “Say please.” “Be nice.” “Share your toys.” “Say thank you for that cookie.”
But in this world today, we’re finding out that being nice to certain people is dangerous. When you go out to meet women, you’re on dangerous grounds. Who knows what these women are like. Some of them have AIDS, some of them are prostitutes, coke whores, manipulative cunts, thieves, murderers, liars, the list of fucked up women goes on and on. I’ve had women rip me off while I was taking a piss. They went into my wallet and took my money. And they’ll cheat on you given half the chance.
Do you honestly believe that your girlfriend wouldn’t fuck George Clooney behind your back? What if Brad Pitt showed up in her life? Would she stick around for you? You’ve got to be nice to you first."
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
26-09-2011, 05:48 PM
Not all are from the illegal biz trade la
There are some from perfectly legit backgrounds and perfectly legit businesses.
But then again, LV is known for having a "SPECIAL" kinda clientele base unlike across the road at 5th floor hehe
Yes, not all big timers are in illegal businesses. But even those in legit businesses, sometimes, the cash is undertable money, cannot see the light of day kind of cash. Then some are gambling windfalls - legit. Those really legit business and legit money… these are the really rich people. To me, playing in the same playground with them, trying to outbid/impress the singers, is like using an egg to hit a rock… 以卵击石
I was with KX late Saturday night and playing with her… iphone… when it rang… it showed “丽都XXX”… ah so familiar. I handed the phone back to her to answer. When she was done, she explained that a mummy from 丽都 called her becos she couldn’t reach someone else on the phone, blah blah blah… I can’t really remember what she said cos I wasn’t listening and I didn’t care. :)
LP is a ghost town, or so I heard… a lot of gals unwilling to work there cos they usually get paid once a fortnight or week… to these gals, cash is king… who wants to wait till month’s end to get paid?
27-09-2011, 09:16 AM
Hi Bro FA,
No, I said if I had half ur good looks, meaning I dun even hv half ur good looks.
Bro WB
战鸟大哥,别再赞小弟了,这样下去,总有一天我会被你KCed的… 哈哈哈…
28-09-2011, 05:26 PM
Some updates on KX, my new target…
KX showed me a pic she took, which I have uploaded as my new avatar. I told her she looked like Dawn Yang, a Singapore blogger, and I showed her Dawn’s pics on my iphone’s safari browser. She said: 一点都不像,我嘴巴哪有那么大?Hahaha...
It was KX’s birthday yesterday and I treated her lunch. I think I have KCed her (under 1 week) when she messaged me afterwards:
KX: …因为你人好,所以我跟你一起会很开心!
FA: (totally freaked out, beating the retreating drum while acting cool) 哈哈哈,我哪里好?你不怕我扮猪吃老虎吗?
KX: 哈哈!你不知道女人的直觉一般都很好吗?
But I think I will not up her.
During lunch, she showed me the scar on her wrist and told me how she cried for 3 months after her previous failed relationship and finally slashed herself. She was rescued by her girl friend.
KX has no airs. Doesn’t wear/carry branded stuff – Zara, Charles & Keith handbag, etc… not the Ferragamo shoes, Chanel or Balenciaga bags I’m so used to her peers carry.
Sigh, I’m battle-harden and knows how to and so used to dealing with similarly battle-harden, manipulative, calculative veteran PRC KTV mms but KX is freaking me out! Damn!
What should I do, fellow old birds and shifus?? I don't want to be responsible for ending someone's life.
28-09-2011, 06:53 PM
LP is a ghost town, or so I heard… a lot of gals unwilling to work there cos they usually get paid once a fortnight or week… to these gals, cash is king… who wants to wait till month’s end to get paid?
Bro, either you've been misinformed or you should check wif the LV HFJ Manager Kelvin凯文 or the female Assistant Manager Angie辣椒 for their moneys payout is only once a month!
It was KX’s birthday yesterday and I treated her lunch. I think I have KCed her (under 1 week) when she messaged me afterwards:
KX: …因为你人好,所以我跟你一起会很开心!
FA: (totally freaked out, beating the retreating drum while acting cool) 哈哈哈,我哪里好?你不怕我扮猪吃老虎吗?
KX: 哈哈!你不知道女人的直觉一般都很好吗?
But I think I will not up her.
I feel that she's using reverse psychology to play wif you and seems that it's totally working!
Why would i say that?
That's Y i bold the words u said!
During lunch, she showed me the scar on her wrist and told me how she cried for 3 months after her previous failed relationship and finally slashed herself. She was rescued by her girl friend.
同情计 thus making you more compelled to give & not take yet care more for her.
旁观者will see that this is a pure win win for her and a pure lose lose for you bro F.A
KX has no airs. Doesn’t wear/carry branded stuff – Zara, Charles & Keith handbag, etc… not the Ferragamo shoes, Chanel or Balenciaga bags I’m so used to her peers carry.
This doesnt mean anything, it may just mean she's not a slave to brands but she does know that money is hard to earn so she doesnt want to throw it away stupidly.
Of cos, if one buys for her at their own expense, its a diff story.
I know singers who are so branded that when they're wif new potential clients, they doll themselves up so down to earth you'll think she's your typical gal next door!
Sigh, I’m battle-harden and knows how to and so used to dealing with similarly battle-harden, manipulative, calculative veteran PRC KTV mms but KX is freaking me out! Damn!
What should I do, fellow old birds and shifus?? I don't want to be responsible for ending someone's life.
Do not be too eager to pass judgement.
Its only been a week bro.
Make her proof her worth, then give her your penis, then a penny!
But before she did anything, you already proclaiming how good blah blah she is.
I am not saying you're wrong in your judgement bro, but note, neither am i saying you're right.
Its clear your liking and emotions for this gal has got the better of you.
Time to move a step back & not be too impressed wif words but actions.
Only a week bro....only a week!
Jackal Junior
29-09-2011, 01:07 AM
Okay so I'm a completely new noob to this and will appreciate hearing from those who are experienced in this and have gone down this road before...
What are your views and advice on the best way of broaching the issue or opening negotiations with the girl?
There is this Shenyang girl in TAM that I sat in one of the recent outings, she is MCOT and speaks good english and is a good conversationalist, beyond the mindless bimbo talk that many meimeis seem only capable of. Of course she claims she only "sits" and does not go for ST, has never gone out/slept with customers before and has even rejected previous offers of exclusivity ie. baoing by other men. And of course I am taking this with many many pinches of salt. I have gone out with her once after that, just for drinks and nothing else. Thing is, I have dropped many hints and she has flat out not picked up on them. I am planning to raise it directly with her the next time; in fact I intend to bluntly ask her to just spend the nite with me, dinner, drinks and sleepover in my hotel room. If she says okay, I can assess her performance and decide whether to take it further. But if she says no, then I am just going to forget it, albeit with a tinge of regret.
What do you seniors think of this approach?
29-09-2011, 09:58 AM
Thanks for your reply, appreciate it very much, make me see from another perspective, and always very insightful.
Now I don’t know how often singers get paid at HFJs, like I’ve already said, I’ve never hung flowers before nor in contact with any singers. I was referring to how the KTV mms who sit with you in the rooms in LP – they are usually paid fortnightly or monthly, unless sometimes the mummy has the cash on hand. Anyways, I’ve heard about this system many times from different mms and sadly and admittedly, I haven’t step foot into LP to verify cos my cheong-ing kakis are total cheapskates and shun high-end high-spending KTVs like the plague… sigh.
Her reverse psychology is working on me? If her objective is for me to abandon my intention to screw her, what’s in it for her? She doesn’t get paid a cent you know. I’ve met her outside LV twice in less than a week, without any rejections, and once was within an hour from my SMS. Sans the picking up the tabs for drinks and lunch, she did not ask nor hint, to be compensated, which btw, I’m so used to her more aggressive peers do to me. So maybe she’s playing the longer-term game whereby she tries to KC me first before showing her true colors? Now, that I can handle, but then again, I’d be passing judgment too early ya?
Well, I still have self mastery so I’m not so worried about getting KCed till I’ll lose my sanity in this game. People like us, we know ultimately where our responsibilities lie, no matter how ironic that sounds, coming from players like us. Hahaha! Other guards against losing our sanity to this KC game – having an abundance (of pussies) mindset, and calculative when it comes to $$$ matters. Way I see it, it’s a cost-benefit analysis – how much do you have to spend to screw a mm? That’s why I never like the idea of hanging flowers to singers just to fxxk them. Remember I talked about my regular gal asking for a pay rise in the beginning of the year? Guess what? I not only stood my ground, but I have also managed to reduce the cost by 40% recently, giving her excuses like losing lots of money in the stock markets etc etc… hahaha. But I have digressed too much.
Anyways, after all that I have said, you are right Bro! Its too early to pass judgment now. Afterall, its only been a week, so lets take a step back and wait and see… :)
29-09-2011, 10:01 AM
Okay so I'm a completely new noob to this and will appreciate hearing from those who are experienced in this and have gone down this road before...
What are your views and advice on the best way of broaching the issue or opening negotiations with the girl?
There is this Shenyang girl in TAM that I sat in one of the recent outings, she is MCOT and speaks good english and is a good conversationalist, beyond the mindless bimbo talk that many meimeis seem only capable of. Of course she claims she only "sits" and does not go for ST, has never gone out/slept with customers before and has even rejected previous offers of exclusivity ie. baoing by other men. And of course I am taking this with many many pinches of salt. I have gone out with her once after that, just for drinks and nothing else. Thing is, I have dropped many hints and she has flat out not picked up on them. I am planning to raise it directly with her the next time; in fact I intend to bluntly ask her to just spend the nite with me, dinner, drinks and sleepover in my hotel room. If she says okay, I can assess her performance and decide whether to take it further. But if she says no, then I am just going to forget it, albeit with a tinge of regret.
What do you seniors think of this approach?
Hi Bro JJ, I’m no senior but here’s my 2 cents…
I think you can find out from the mummy – she should be able to tell you whether the gal is open to ST/bao-ing. Failing which, just ask her directly lor, since she has completely ignored all your hints and acted blur. Some gals prefer to get to know her customer a bit better first (just another excuse IMO) or simply just need that extra push/nudge. Sometimes, I enjoy the BGR process or simply the company, other times when I don’t have the luxury of time, I go WL/FL.
29-09-2011, 10:54 AM
战鸟大哥,别再赞小弟了,这样下去,总有一天我会被你KCed的… 哈哈哈…
Some updates on KX, my new target…
KX showed me a pic she took, which I have uploaded as my new avatar......
It was KX’s birthday yesterday and I treated her lunch. I think I have KCed her (under 1 week) when she messaged me afterwards..................
But I think I will not up her.
During lunch, she showed me the scar.................
Sigh, I’m battle-harden and knows how to and so used to dealing with similarly battle-harden, manipulative, calculative veteran PRC KTV mms but KX is freaking me out! Damn!
What should I do, fellow old birds and shifus?? I don't want to be responsible for ending someone's life.
Hi Bro FA,
Congrats to u if u hv KC-ed her in one wk。
请不要见怪,我有一说一, to be blunt, I'm not sure who is getting KC-ed here. I believe you're enamored w/ her...
Be very cautious, bro.
Pls read the comments n advice by Mr.Chairman below.
[/COLOR].................................................. .........................................
..................Its clear your liking and emotions for this gal has got the better of you. Time to move a step back & not be too impressed wif words but actions. Only a week bro....only a week![/COLOR]
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Timeless advice. It behooves me to remember those words.
You sound like Dr. Marius Panzarella, the RS guru n expert on female psychology...I guess great minds think alike, hehehe.
The way I see it, in KC-ing n BY-ing game n in any RS, it doesn't matter how much I like the gal, it's how much she likes me that counts.
Okay so I'm a completely new noob to this and will appreciate hearing from those who are experienced in this and have gone down this road before...
What are your views and advice on the best way of broaching the issue or opening negotiations with the girl?
There is this Shenyang girl in TAM that I sat in one of the recent outings............Of course she claims she only "sits" and does not go for ST, has never gone out/slept with customers before and has even rejected previous offers of exclusivity ie. baoing by other men........I have gone out with her once after that, just for drinks and nothing else. Thing is, I have dropped many hints and she has flat out not picked up on them. I am planning to raise it directly with her the next time; in fact I intend to bluntly ask her to just spend the nite with me, dinner, drinks and sleepover in my hotel room. If she says okay, I can assess her performance and decide whether to take it further. But if she says no, then I am just going to forget it, albeit with a tinge of regret.
What do you seniors think of this approach?
Hi bro JJ,
I'm no expert on this matter. I hope Mr. Chairman will give u the advice u need...
IMHO, there r many possibilities/reasons why she is behaving the way she is n every gal is different. She may actually do ST for selected clients or she may already hv a BAO-er/patron/BF/husband/lover...
Hv u established good rapport w/ her? Hv u been physical w/ her? Hv u french kissed her yet? If u hv, she is very likely to say YES to ur approach, regardless of her current situation.
Just my 2 cents.
Bro WB
29-09-2011, 02:53 PM
There is this Shenyang girl in TAM that I sat in one of the recent outings, she is MCOT and speaks good english and is a good conversationalist, beyond the mindless bimbo talk that many meimeis seem only capable of.
Of course she claims she only "sits" and does not go for ST, has never gone out/slept with customers before and has even rejected previous offers of exclusivity ie. baoing by other men.
And of course I am taking this with many many pinches of salt.
I have gone out with her once after that, just for drinks and nothing else. Thing is, I have dropped many hints and she has flat out not picked up on them.
I am planning to raise it directly with her the next time; in fact I intend to bluntly ask her to just spend the nite with me, dinner, drinks and sleepover in my hotel room.
If she says okay, I can assess her performance and decide whether to take it further.
But if she says no, then I am just going to forget it, albeit with a tinge of regret.
What do you seniors think of this approach?
Dear Jackal Junior, please see my 2cts worth of perspective from the view point of a newbie noob
This kind a WL only got 2 possibilities that i can think of.
1) She already got a fulltime BF or lao gong liao, so she dun have to do these kinda stuff for she is already sufficient wif the current arrangement.
2) There are some who will not do ST but will only allow someone to shack her if he/she is so called BF/GF
To me, she meets how many men a day, to act blurr on your hints means to me that she has picked up ur hints but flat out ignored them.
She could be playing a diff game all together.
The type that wants a man to invest & chase her wif monetary & gifts before she even submits.
Remember, there is no bitch unbedable but then again, one must always remember, is she worth it?
This, u gotta decide on your own.
May i suggest you ask her out for dinner, then go to her joint and after that for supper.
Plain platonic but do that.
Observe phone patterns and little actions.
Mostly, it will happen during supper & you'll know her true availability.
Drag till near sunrise or close to sunrise cos most WLs wif fulltime BFs would be bombarded wif sms n phonecalls to track her whereabouts!
Also see if she keeps hinting to go back blah blah then come back here n update the think tanks avail here for me scrutiny.
Good Luck!
29-09-2011, 02:57 PM
after all that I have said, you are right Bro! Its too early to pass judgment now. Afterall, its only been a week, so lets take a step back and wait and see… :)
We all always make mistakes cos we are too eager to be the lead actor in any scenarios.
Bro F.A, take a step back & see from her eyes & think from her mind what she's doin to get the most out of doing nothing but sharing a SOB SOB SOB life story & you'll already see her plot.
Remember, best stance to take is always to make yourself the 旁观者 and everything you never tot u cud see will be seen as clear as day.
This is the nite scene, so if you apply compassion, angelic traits, you're already dead before u started.
If she's that good, y did she end up at the nite scene in the 1st place?
She knows what she's doin bro.........
Never believe what u hear or see in the nite scene.......
Like this case, all i can say is, still water runs deep bro
29-09-2011, 02:58 PM
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Timeless advice. It behooves me to remember those words.
You sound like Dr. Marius Panzarella, the RS guru n expert on female psychology...I guess great minds think alike, hehehe.
The way I see it, in KC-ing n BY-ing game n in any RS, it doesn't matter how much I like the gal, it's how much she likes me that counts.
Bro WB, as usual, tks for the compliments.
Me no expert, me just a newbie noob sharing my novice ideas nia.......
29-09-2011, 04:42 PM
We all always make mistakes cos we are too eager to be the lead actor in any scenarios.
Bro F.A, take a step back & see from her eyes & think from her mind what she's doin to get the most out of doing nothing but sharing a SOB SOB SOB life story & you'll already see her plot.
Remember, best stance to take is always to make yourself the 旁观者 and everything you never tot u cud see will be seen as clear as day.
This is the nite scene, so if you apply compassion, angelic traits, you're already dead before u started.
If she's that good, y did she end up at the nite scene in the 1st place?
She knows what she's doin bro.........
Never believe what u hear or see in the nite scene.......
Like this case, all i can say is, still water runs deep bro
Thank you very much Bro DYBJ!! I have spent enough time on KX for 1 week and I promise you I have already taken a step back liao! In fact, yesterday she asked me to join her this weekend for she is celebrating her BD with her girl friends but I have rejected her.
If I ever go back on my words, and just so you know, I hereby authorize you and Bro WB to slap me until I wake up my fxxking idea, but only with enough force so as not to permanently damage my “handsome” face lah, cos I need it to sian the gals… LOL!
Your sentence in bold is the essence of it all. *salute*
29-09-2011, 04:45 PM
Dear Jackal Junior, please see my 2cts worth of perspective from the view point of a newbie noob
This kind a WL only got 2 possibilities that i can think of.
1) She already got a fulltime BF or lao gong liao, so she dun have to do these kinda stuff for she is already sufficient wif the current arrangement.
2) There are some who will not do ST but will only allow someone to shack her if he/she is so called BF/GF
To me, she meets how many men a day, to act blurr on your hints means to me that she has picked up ur hints but flat out ignored them.
She could be playing a diff game all together.
The type that wants a man to invest & chase her wif monetary & gifts before she even submits.
Remember, there is no bitch unbedable but then again, one must always remember, is she worth it?
This, u gotta decide on your own.
May i suggest you ask her out for dinner, then go to her joint and after that for supper.
Plain platonic but do that.
Observe phone patterns and little actions.
Mostly, it will happen during supper & you'll know her true availability.
Drag till near sunrise or close to sunrise cos most WLs wif fulltime BFs would be bombarded wif sms n phonecalls to track her whereabouts!
Also see if she keeps hinting to go back blah blah then come back here n update the think tanks avail here for me scrutiny.
Good Luck!
Wah liao! This is the best advice man!!! This can only come from a very very experienced lao chiao player! Again my salute to Bro DYBJ… 请受小弟一拜!
This thread/place really is 卧虎藏龙
29-09-2011, 05:38 PM
One other way, dear Bro FA, is to bring another friend (be it a guy or a gal, effect may be more apparent if you bring another gal so that you can see if it invoke jealous reaction), and ask your friend what do they think of this gal.
29-09-2011, 05:49 PM
One other way, dear Bro FA, is to bring another friend (be it a guy or a gal, effect may be more apparent if you bring another gal so that you can see if it invoke jealous reaction), and ask your friend what do they think of this gal.
My chiong kakis that night never commented anything. Actually, KX is very plain looking and never dressed to stun. She was carrying her Charles & Keith handbag. She told me many customers reject her after she sat down with them – you know, the classic “pretty from far, far from pretty” case. She doesn’t know how to make up/doll up herself.
But when I showed her photos to my regular gal… woohoo… well, let’s just say she is still not talking to me… but I sense great sex coming soon… hahaha… will keep you posted…
01-10-2011, 11:58 AM
Never believe what u hear or see in the nite scene.......
Like this case, all i can say is, still water runs deep bro
Bro WB, as usual, tks for the compliments.
Me no expert, me just a newbie noob sharing my novice ideas nia.......
Hi Mr. Chairman,
I also admire ur humility...
Hv a great day!
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
I wrote the following post under "TAM".
<<<I was zapped by a bro n I like to thank him cuz he woke me up in many ways...
I learn a lot more from my failures than from my successes. And, ironically, I also learn a lot from zappers who leave detailed comments n criticisms. This happens to be an exceptionally beneficial one.
Tian An Men KTV 30-09-2011 09:21 AM You never learn and still want to ask people to waste unnecessary money on such high end KTV with no value at all you will end up getting nothing and to leave this world poor
My reply to Mr. zapper:
Believe it or not, I hv learned a lot in the last 2 -3 yrs, abt gals of the nite scene, both in SG n PRC, abt ST-ing n BY-ing them, abt how to minimize the friction cost, abt RS n female psychology, abt COS, etc.
Yes, I still want to ask my frens n bros to share the expenses cuz that would reduce my friction cost of finding new pussies of my type. See my thread "picking up KTV gals outside KTVs" in which there r many discussions on how to reduce friction cost n the game of ST-ing n BY-ing gals, etc.
Waste money n no value at all? It often happens, that is life; get over it. Although there r always many noteworthy exceptions, I hv found more chio n tall gals of my type at high end joints than low end joints.
End up getting nothing? Well, I hv ST-ed n BY-ed many, many SYTs of my type at TAM complex n PC complex in the last 2 1/2 yrs. However, It's getting harder n harder to find my type of gals as they get BY-ed in China. Time to import them to SG or move to PRC.
The zapper is spot on in saying "you (meaning I) will end up getting NOTHING" in that in the end,
We come to this world with nothing,
we leave this world with nothing!
It applies to all of us, to every human being...Hahaha.
Me leaving this world poor? Actually, that would be wonderful, thank u! It would be a nightmare for me if I leave this world rich.
I'm reminded of the 6 principles of life:
1. No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.
2. No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.
3. Money is not yours until you spend it.
4. When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.
5. How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.
6. No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.
Most importantly, money is not mine until I spend it. I want to leave this world poor, meaning that I'll hv spent all my money n hv no regrets, hahaha.
In the last 2 1/2 yrs I hv only spent a small fraction of my passive income in BY-ing SYTs of my type. Thank u, Mr. Zapper, I must n will spend a lot more so that I'll leave this world poor, hehehe.
It was my dumb luck that I made some key investments several decades ago. Passive income from those initial small investments now give me enuff money to live quite well n to BY these young pussies.
TAM or LV HH is not expensive if we only open one btle of Martell n there r 5-6 bros. I dun drink n the others can hv my share. It's only abt $60-80 per pax not including tip for gals.
Why go to low end joints?
Bro WB>>>
01-10-2011, 01:33 PM
You are very smart! Hard liquor is very bad for health including sexual health. Wine has some nutritional value but hard liquor like Martell none at all. Avoid alcohol and tobacco if u want to stay strong and virile!
You are The Man, WB! I hope to be as strong as u when I reach your age.
TAM or LV HH is not expensive if we only open one btle of Martell n there r 5-6 bros. I dun drink n the others can hv my share. It's only abt $60-80 per pax not including tip for gals.
Bro WB>>>
02-10-2011, 12:13 PM
You are very smart! Hard liquor is very bad for health including sexual health. Wine has some nutritional value but hard liquor like Martell none at all. Avoid alcohol and tobacco if u want to stay strong and virile!
You are The Man, WB! I hope to be as strong as u when I reach your age.
Hi bro AP,
Ths for ur health advice. I neither smoke nor drink.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good afternoon!
Some random musings on the subject of health...
Like they say, "If you have health you have hope, if you have hope you have everything."
I hv been obsessed w/ healthy living since I was a teenager.
In the last 5-6 months, I hv tried to emulate ONLY the positive aspects of the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers. I hv continued to take nutritional n herbal supplements, which r totally unavailable to our ancient forebears.
The results r astonishing. My libido n virility r now as strong as when I was 20. I can now fxxk everyday n, at least some days, 2-3 times a day. My 2 young lao po r more exhausted after a prolonged session than I'm.
Let me digress.
IMHO, to completely satisfy a woman sexually, u need to fxxk her for at least 10 min. Of course u need to engage in foreplay n prime her pump by giving her multiple orgasms w/ ur fingers n/or tongue 1st. Then u must insert ur didi into her meimei n rock her for at least 10 min, preferably 20 or longer. It feels different, more satisfying n more complete, my 2 lao po both told me that. They never seem to get enuff w/ vaginal intercourse. It is associated w/ stronger n more prolonged oxytocin surge n more pleasure n more bonding, hehehe.
The problem is that many men can't last 10 min n they r clueless.
Here is proof ( taken from Revolutionary Sex written by an Ang Moh).
"It would be easy to just learn some techniques for
keeping your erection harder for a longer time (in
the “You” section of the book), and stop there, or
read a technique for stimulating her clitoris that will
drive her wild (in the “Her” section of the book, and
stop there… but those are the least important
aspects of what makes a great lover.
That stuff is just the mechanics. And women
don’t go crazy for even the best mechanical lovers
They go crazy for passion, intimacy, and a man
that can listen to their body and understand what it
is saying to them.
And the key to becoming that kind of lover is
difficult for me to communicate to you, man to man.
I believe to understand it properly you will have to
read through to the end.
Let me begin by telling you a little story…
A few years ago I was in bed with a woman for
the first time, giving her what I thought was the time
of her life. Judging from the noises she was making,
I was driving her crazy with pleasure… which was my
intention because I really liked her and could see her
being part of my life for a while, and the first time
with a new girlfriend is always a bit special.
Then something strange happened. About ten
minutes into the actual intercourse part of the sex,
she put her hands on my chest and asked me to
stop, and then, almost tearfully, she asked me if she
was doing something wrong.
To say the least, I was confused!
Then she told me that she was having the best
sex of her life… but that she couldn’t understand why
I hadn’t come yet… she had never been with a man
who had lasted over ten minutes before… and
because I was so PASSIONATELY into what I was
doing, she was sure that I was about to come… and
then didn’t.
So she was worried that I was trying hard to
come… but couldn’t get there because she was doing something wrong or because I wasn’t attracted to
her enough.
Here’s another little detail: This woman was no
virgin, and no inexperienced teenager. She was over
30 and had plenty of boyfriends in her past, both
long-term and short-lived relationships over the
It was then that I began to realize that the things
that I was doing in bed that I thought were
ordinary… were not.
But more than that, I realized that it was not hard
to be an amazing lover… because most other men,
truly, are completely clueless when it comes to
giving sexual pleasure to a woman.
When I realized why she had stopped me, I
stroked the hair from her face, gently, and reassured
her as honestly and sweetly as I could that she was
doing nothing wrong and that I found her very
attractive… because I could see that she really was
feeling insecure and worried.
Then I gave her an evil grin and told her to fasten
her seatbelt, because she was about to have a
seriously wild ride.
Although she had brought herself to orgasm
before with a vibrator, that night was the first time
that she had ever had an orgasm with a man.
After this experience, I began to seriously
consider writing a book… and so I began to more
actively try to figure out what I was doing differently from other men, and what MORE I could do to
improve my sexual relationships with women.
For what it’s worth, I was not born with any
special skills except for one: I am an exceptionally
good listener and communicator.
The women that I have dated over the years felt
extremely comfortable in talking to me about their
sexual needs.
And I listened.
And I learned.
And I have given many, many women their first
orgasm since then.............................................. ........"
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
05-10-2011, 02:18 PM
Hi Bro.Warbird, Thanks for the great lessons and notes that you gathered through your years of experience. Take Care and keep up the good work!!!:D
05-10-2011, 08:55 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
You always amaze me with your coolness and life's philosophy. :)
07-10-2011, 01:38 PM
Hi Bro.Warbird, Thanks for the great lessons and notes that you gathered through your years of experience. Take Care and keep up the good work!!!:D
Hi Bro Warbird,
You always amaze me with your coolness and life's philosophy. :)
Hi bros blacktadpole n singlad,
Ths for ur encouragement.
I'm a bit unconventional in my approach to life, sexual fulfillment n happiness, hehehe.
.................................................. ......................................
Good afternoon!
In the last 3 yrs, one gal I hv missed the most is XX. She was a 19 yo SYT who had agreed to BY by me while I was in Gotham City. Unfortunately, she returned to PRC before I could consummate the deal.
I miss XX so much cuz like all humans, I tend to want what I can’t have. That could also explain why I still like XW cuz it took me 8 1/2 months of chasing to bed her. Yes, she has become my best lao po n we r still together. She goes into COS only if I use a specific clitoral method, followed by certain positions, hehehe.
I like to quote Dr. MP on some behaviour rules for attraction:
Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have
Have you noticed how the less available someone is, the more we’ll want them? And the more needy someone is, the less we’ll like them? That’s why it’s ALWAYS important to remain a challenge when it comes to the dating game.
If we’re too easy, we’re going to die lonely.
So…we know that being a challenge can cause doubt, which is an important part of the equation for building passion. But what about the other variable, desire?
Desire comes from our subconscious mind. For example, we hope we will get a good job because we WANT a good job. Desire is therefore based on our emotions.
It’s like buying a new Porsche. When we buy a new Porsche, are we buying a new Porsche because of its powerful engine or nice gear? Ha. That’s what you tell your parents. But deep inside, you know you bought it because you wanted to buy it – and you’re now only justifying your feelings by coming up with logical reasons to “backup” your decision.
Behavior Rule #2: People Make Conscious Decisions Based on Subconscious Feelings
A good thing to remember is that love is based on feelings, not logic. We don’t “choose” to love at a conscious level. We only “feel” we’re “falling in love”.
In short, in doesn’t matter how logical it may seem that a woman “should” be in love with you. If a girl does not feel attracted to you, than no amount of convincing her that you’re the “right” one will do.
This is also why you can’t really ask girls to “explain” why they are in love with a certain man. The things they say…like “he’s funny” or “he’s a nice guy” are only EXCUSES they’ve come up with to explain the decisions they’ve made based on their feelings.
This is exactly why if you would like to be good with the ladies, you should attack their FEELINGS instead of their logic. We will learn to do this with the “tease to please” and “flirt for skirt” methods later in the course.
Bro WB
07-10-2011, 08:55 PM
Another solid post bro. I will start practising it tonight. I'm pretty sure it's effective already. :)
07-10-2011, 11:50 PM
Long time since I read Bro WB's posts, but always inspiring, can I ask you what supplements you are taking to maintain your libido and health?
10-10-2011, 12:39 PM
Another solid post bro. I will start practising it tonight. I'm pretty sure it's effective already. :)
Hi bro mama88,
Wish u great success!
Long time since I read Bro WB's posts, but always inspiring, can I ask you what supplements you are taking to maintain your libido and health?
Hi bro ME,
You got PM.
I believe good general health, nutritious n balanced diet n physical fitness r vital as well.
Drinking excessively, smoking n lack of sleep n rest would be very negative, IMHO.
.................................................. ................................................
Good afternoon!
I know I hv some way to go before I can achieve true success w/ gals/women.
I didn't answer ALL of the following questions, which were posed by a RS/sex guru, "correctly."
I'll do whatever it takes to reach my goals asap.
Most men hv no clues what attraction means.
Let me quote Dr. MP:
But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
Hi Dear Bros,
Pls answer the above questions truthfully. I'll give the "correct" answers in my next post.
Any comments? Some of u may not agree w/ Dr. MP's "correct answers," but I know that he is spot on.
Bro WB
10-10-2011, 02:00 PM
Let me try:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
Hmm, I guess half the time.
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
No, I seldom say "No" to a gal I like. Sigh, my weakness.
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
Not really.
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
Yes, trying to.
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
Hmm, not sure about the question, but I guess Yes?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
Hmm, no. Fortunately, I only love once, and like many ;-)
10-10-2011, 04:06 PM
Let me try:.............................................. .................................................. ........
Hi bro jnewwit,
Ths for ur truthful answers.
I would like to get replies from more bros before giving Dr. MP's "correct answer."
Bro WB
10-10-2011, 07:52 PM
Bro WB, another quiz from you ahhhh...:D
Nothing to do so let me share my answers...:p
But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
Yes. Gifts are only for occasions which are important to her and may not be important to me...:D
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
Focus on what she does.
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
Primal attraction
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
12-10-2011, 10:49 AM
Let me try:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
Hmm, I guess half the time.
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
No, I seldom say "No" to a gal I like. Sigh, my weakness.
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
Not really.
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
Yes, trying to.
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
Hmm, not sure about the question, but I guess Yes?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
Hmm, no. Fortunately, I only love once, and like many ;-)
Hi bro jnewwit,
Both of us hv a long way to go, hehehe.
I know what I must do but sometimes just can't do it. I'm making gradual progress though...
Bro WB, another quiz from you ahhhh...:D
Nothing to do so let me share my answers...:p
But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
Yes. Gifts are only for occasions which are important to her and may not be important to me...:D
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
Focus on what she does.
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
Primal attraction
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
Hi Bro TD,
Kudos to u!
You hv given ALL the correct answers. Now I know why SYTs hv fallen for u. You get it n you're a MASTER OF ATTRACTION.
The last question is the hardest.
But a man's ability n willingness to walk away from a gal he truly loves is indicative of his dominance, self confidence n self mastery. He knows there r many other gals who r better n more compatible. Of course he walks away cuz she has done something very wrong like cheating on him or committing a serious error in judgment or a felony...n he will hv no pain or remorse.
It's a moot point for me as I hv never fallen in love w/ a gal/woman. I hv been KC-ed n it's not too difficult to walk away.
Bro WB
12-10-2011, 11:16 AM
Hi Bro TD,
Kudos to u!
You hv given ALL the correct answers. Now I know why SYTs hv fallen for u. You get it n you're a MASTER OF ATTRACTION.
The last question is the hardest.
But a man's ability n willingness to walk away from a gal he truly loves is indicative of his dominance, self confidence n self mastery. He knows there r many other gals who r better n more compatible. Of course he walks away cuz she has done something very wrong like cheating on him or committing a serious error in judgment or a felony...n he will hv no pain or remorse.
It's a moot point for me as I hv never fallen in love w/ a gal/woman. I hv been KC-ed n it's not too difficult to walk away.
Bro WB
Bro WB, you are too kind. I am nowhere near being a babe magnet...:D
But my answers are based on what has worked for me before.
13-10-2011, 12:19 PM
Fallen Angel bro, nice chick in your avatar. Wats her number & under which mummy? Would like to engage her when i go LV tomorrow night.
Hi Mr Rockin’ President!
Sorry for the late reply bro! Just an update on KX. She has only sat with me once + a couple for drink/lunches thereafter and that was it, though we still SMS/Whatsapp/QQ each other.
She is now working at some KTV in Cuppage, running tables (anyone know where that is???) cos she can’t get customers at LV (打白板 for many nights in a row). She can’t dress up and make up to save her life so even if I introduce her to you, you may just outright reject her.
So that’s it for KX. Will update whenever there’s any new developments – you never know right?
Now busy trying to bonk a totally different class of pussies… ah, so little time (and money), so many pussies… :P
13-10-2011, 12:57 PM
The last question is the hardest.
But a man's ability n willingness to walk away from a gal he truly loves is indicative of his dominance, self confidence n self mastery. He knows there r many other gals who r better n more compatible. Of course he walks away cuz she has done something very wrong like cheating on him or committing a serious error in judgment or a felony...n he will hv no pain or remorse.
It's a moot point for me as I hv never fallen in love w/ a gal/woman. I hv been KC-ed n it's not too difficult to walk away.
Bro WB
The Q "Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?" without context is not conclusive. It is a Yes as said by you if she has done something very wrong but let's say if it is a "couple quarrel" and will one walk way, my answer is No. My view is 'heart' is more appropriate than 'guts'
13-10-2011, 04:34 PM
Brother Warbird I enjoyed reading your post 2416 you put thought in very simple to understand words. Thank for sharing.
14-10-2011, 10:46 AM
The zapper is spot on in saying "you (meaning I) will end up getting NOTHING" in that in the end,
We come to this world with nothing,
we leave this world with nothing!
It applies to all of us, to every human being...Hahaha.
Me leaving this world poor? Actually, that would be wonderful, thank u! It would be a nightmare for me if I leave this world rich.
I'm reminded of the 6 principles of life:
1. No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.
2. No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.
3. Money is not yours until you spend it.
4. When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.
5. How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.
6. No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.
Most importantly, money is not mine until I spend it. I want to leave this world poor, meaning that I'll hv spent all my money n hv no regrets, hahaha.
In the last 2 1/2 yrs I hv only spent a small fraction of my passive income in BY-ing SYTs of my type. Thank u, Mr. Zapper, I must n will spend a lot more so that I'll leave this world poor, hehehe.
It was my dumb luck that I made some key investments several decades ago. Passive income from those initial small investments now give me enuff money to live quite well n to BY these young pussies.
TAM or LV HH is not expensive if we only open one btle of Martell n there r 5-6 bros. I dun drink n the others can hv my share. It's only abt $60-80 per pax not including tip for gals.
Why go to low end joints?
Bro WB>>>
Sorry to digress but let’s keep stock and talk about finances, which IMHO, is critical when we want to chiong and engage in ECAs… if you don’t like my post, by all means zap me :)
Now, I totally agree with bro WB. But first we need to work hard and smart to earn that pot of gold. I think the first pot of gold (like the first million) requires dumb luck. The second pot (2nd million) would be a little easier and faster to achieve than the first. But the trick is to get to about $10 million which is the hardest and to me means having achieved a “critical mass” so that by then you will be able to generate a passive income of about $1 million every 2 to 3 years – that’s about $333K to $500K per year, or 3.33% - 5% p.a., an achievable return. So I’m working on getting to critical mass, which is by far the hardest thing to do and I’m nowhere near it, and time is running out.
What I have also done is bought some universal life (UL) policies that gives my kid a guaranteed sum when I pass on. There are 2 things I learnt about ULs:
1, you may have a portfolio or net worth of $10M now but 5, 10, 20 years down the road, your net worth will change, for the better, or worst (if you get hit by another financial crisis along the way). UL is able to freeze that $10M and prevent it from shrinking because you dictate the cover.
2, if you want to leave behind all your money, say, $10M, to your family, you can’t spent it. But with UL, and based on my age and health condition, I am able to pay $1.25M for a $10M cover and then spent away the rest $8.75M. In fact, I don’t even have to come up with that $1.25M premium cos banks will be able to finance it!
So, like all kinds of vice, when we chiong n BY SYTs, we have to chiong responsibly. And only with what we can afford to lose – not what is meant for the family. When the family and finances are taken care of, then bonk away!!!
Bro WB is relentless in his pursue of the best pussies, never compromise and pays top dollar when he finds one. I’m different, I am like a value investor – I seek out value, nevermind a little imperfection here and there. I need to generate more mileage from my limited dollars until I achieve critical mass or bro WB’s financial prowess.
Lastly, I’d like to quote something I came across…
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow, what a ride!”
14-10-2011, 11:28 AM
Bro WB, you are too kind. I am nowhere near being a babe magnet...
But my answers are based on what has worked for me before.
Hi Bro TD,
Very hv achieved unconscious competence n mastery thru ur vast personal experience n the right mindset.
The Q "Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?" without context is not conclusive. It is a Yes as said by you if she has done something very wrong but let's say if it is a "couple quarrel" and will one walk way, my answer is No. My view is 'heart' is more appropriate than 'guts'
Hi Bro TheBanzai,
Very good point!
At this time, I know I hv the heart to walk away from a woman I truly love if she has cheated on me or done something seriously wrong, but I may feel a little hurt n pain, for at least a few hours?
Even a few minutes of negative emotions is totally unacceptable to me.
Until I can walk out feeling very relaxed, calm, happy n excessively confident as if something good has happened, I'm not a real MAN.
Why shouldn't I feel great when I walk away from a woman I truly love?
There is nothing either good or bad,
but thinking makes it so.
William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
Brother Warbird I enjoyed reading your post 2416 you put thought in very simple to understand words. Thank for sharing.
Hi bro airbush,
Thank u!
Sorry to digress but let’s keep stock and talk about finances, which IMHO, is critical when we want to chiong and engage in ECAs…
Now, I totally agree with bro WB. But first we need to work hard and smart to earn that pot of gold. I think the first pot of gold (like the first million) requires dumb luck. The second pot (2nd million) would be a little easier and faster to achieve than the first. But the trick is to get to about $10 million which is the hardest and to me means having achieved a “critical mass” so that...................................
What I have also done is bought some universal life (UL) policies that gives my kid a guaranteed sum when I pass on. There are 2 things I learnt about ULs:...................................
So, like all kinds of vice, when we chiong n BY SYTs, we have to chiong responsibly................................
Bro WB is relentless in his pursue of the best pussies, never compromise and pays top dollar when he finds one. I’m different, I am like a value investor – I seek out value, never mind a little imperfection here and there..........
Lastly, I’d like to quote something I came across…
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow, what a ride!”
Hi Bro FA,
Excellent post! Ths for recommending ULs.
The 1st million is always the hardest, next hardest is the 1st 10 big one, hehehe. Unless u inherit it, a little luck would certainly help...
The quote u give is very good.
I hv another one:
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.
Helen Keller
BTW, pls get CC for me, hehehe.:D
Thank u!
Bro WB
14-10-2011, 02:48 PM
Bro WB, you are my idol!!! CC would be like the epitome of it all and she won’t come cheap!! Probably more than a $100K per month? But the experience will be priceless man!!! And you dare to dream… I like! Me? I can only pick up and feed on the scraps like the one I mentioned… hehehe…
Another quote that I like, from Mark Twain:
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
15-10-2011, 12:49 PM
Bro WB, you are my idol!!! CC would be like the epitome of it all and she won’t come cheap!! Probably more than a $100K per month? But the experience will be priceless man!!! And you dare to dream… I like! Me? I can only pick up and feed on the scraps like the one I mentioned… hehehe…
Another quote that I like, from Mark Twain:
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Bro FA,
C'mon, wat idol? If only I had half ur good looks...
Yes, I'm relentless in my pursue...
I wont call "the one u mentioned" scraps. She is just not my type.
Pls dun reveal CC's identity.
Ths n hv a great day!
Bro WB
15-10-2011, 07:44 PM
100k a month? She must be someone spectacular. I have heard perhaps tens of thousands but this one makes me fall off my chair. :D
17-10-2011, 10:20 AM
LOL, yeah, I can’t reveal anything and $100K is just my guess…
17-10-2011, 07:30 PM
Sorry to digress but let’s keep stock and talk about finances, which IMHO, is critical when we want to chiong and engage in ECAs… if you don’t like my post, by all means zap me :)
Now, I totally agree with bro WB. But first we need to work hard and smart to earn that pot of gold. I think the first pot of gold (like the first million) requires dumb luck. The second pot (2nd million) would be a little easier and faster to achieve than the first. But the trick is to get to about $10 million which is the hardest and to me means having achieved a “critical mass” so that by then you will be able to generate a passive income of about $1 million every 2 to 3 years – that’s about $333K to $500K per year, or 3.33% - 5% p.a., an achievable return. So I’m working on getting to critical mass, which is by far the hardest thing to do and I’m nowhere near it, and time is running out.
What I have also done is bought some universal life (UL) policies that gives my kid a guaranteed sum when I pass on. There are 2 things I learnt about ULs:
1, you may have a portfolio or net worth of $10M now but 5, 10, 20 years down the road, your net worth will change, for the better, or worst (if you get hit by another financial crisis along the way). UL is able to freeze that $10M and prevent it from shrinking because you dictate the cover.
2, if you want to leave behind all your money, say, $10M, to your family, you can’t spent it. But with UL, and based on my age and health condition, I am able to pay $1.25M for a $10M cover and then spent away the rest $8.75M. In fact, I don’t even have to come up with that $1.25M premium cos banks will be able to finance it!
So, like all kinds of vice, when we chiong n BY SYTs, we have to chiong responsibly. And only with what we can afford to lose – not what is meant for the family. When the family and finances are taken care of, then bonk away!!!
Bro WB is relentless in his pursue of the best pussies, never compromise and pays top dollar when he finds one. I’m different, I am like a value investor – I seek out value, nevermind a little imperfection here and there. I need to generate more mileage from my limited dollars until I achieve critical mass or bro WB’s financial prowess.
Lastly, I’d like to quote something I came across…
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow, what a ride!”
Hi Bro Fallen Angel,
I think if you have to depend on dumb luck to get your first $1 million, you are unlikely to even get to your $10 million or even your second millions because it is really dumb to believe that your luck will continue forever.
Further I think if you are convince that Universal Life policies which I assume is a life annuity policy will safeguard your standard of living or your family in the future, you are unlikely to ever achieve your goal of $10 million to retire. You are just too fearful to risk anything to achieve your financial goals.
To become rich, I believe that you have to work very hard and risk your hard earned savings on a few great investment or business ventures. Then repeat the process again and again after you have the right formula and your $1 million will turn into $2 million and so on.
You have to be like Bro Warbird who make some bold investment decisions when he was young and poor a few decades ago. Now, he is living a life most of us can only dream about. thanks Bro Warbird for sharing his dream life here with us.:)
19-10-2011, 11:32 AM
100k a month? She must be someone spectacular. I have heard perhaps tens of thousands but this one makes me fall off my chair. :D
She exudes sex...
LOL, yeah, I can’t reveal anything and $100K is just my guess…
Oh, I know she will be expensive. Pls keep it as a little secret between us.
Hi Bro Fallen Angel,
I think if you have to depend on dumb luck to get your first $1 million, you are unlikely to even get to your $10 million or even your second millions because it is really dumb to believe that your luck will continue forever.
Further I think if you are convince that Universal Life policies.................
To become rich, I believe that you have to work very hard and risk your hard earned savings on a few great investment or business ventures................
Hi bro singlad,
Ths for ur insightful post.
Luck n randomness do play a major role in life. Of course it's true that luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
The economy is very bad n a lot of people can't get a mortgage or a loan from the banks, especially in Gotham country.
Ironically, bankers r very eager to lend money to those who dun need them. They shun those who need them.
They r behaving like pussies!
If a man likes a certain gal too much n thinks she is "special" or "THE ONE," n becomes obsessed, needy n desperate, she will avoid him like a leper, regardless of his looks, age, status n wealth...this is exactly what happened to a handsome n wealthy fren last yr. He was rejected by a MILF whore.
If a man displays his dominant/masculine traits, connect then disconnect from the gal, her passion n attraction for him will be ignited, regardless of his age, looks, etc, hahaha...
It's true that "The hungry don't get fed," whether the desperate man is after money or chio pussies, hahaha.
It is an ancient principle that is based on the Law of Attraction. It's another way of saying that a person who is desperate for something will NOT get it-but the person who already has plenty will get more.
When I first met 20 yo XW in Sep 2008, I was so stunned by her youthfulness, fair skin, her beauty n proportionate n sexy body (not to mention her long. slim arms n tiny wrists) that I wanted her pussy desperately. She flatly rejected me n wont even consider hving lunch w/ me. She hung up on me several times! My other target XX behaved exactly the same towards me!$@#3@!.......................................
Along the way, I hv gradually changed. And now I'm behaving like a over fed man, hahaha. I'm getting too satiated as I often fxk my 3 lo po (one of them is XW) 6-7 times a wk. I now hv tremendous sexual confidence. BTW, KK returned to PRC a few days ago n I already hv 2 gals here n several gals in China ready to take her place. But I may not get a replacement, at least for now, as my didi is begging for the very first time that he needs a well-deserved rest!
A guru sent me the following yesterday:
What makes women fall in love?
Every day I get an email similar to this:
"There is this girl I'm talking to. I really want her to be my girlfriend. What can I say to her?"
Here is my answer:
Nothing you can "say" will make her fall in love with you.
In fact, you will usually "blow it" if you attempt to let a girl know how you feel (especially if its early on)
Here's the problem most guys run into...
Once they like a girl they think they need to express this to her... they think that "if she knows how much I like her" she'll want to be my girlfriend.
Love is psychological.
Women (and men) fall in love due to a psychological process that occurs in our own mind.
Women don't fall in love while they are with you...
Women fall in love while they are away from you... thinking about you.
And the more you can get her thinking about you....
The more she will begin to convince herself that she is in love with you.
In the "Control the Attraction" portion of Amplify the Attraction I teach 10 weapons of seduction...
These are 10 things that will keep her thoughts focused on YOU when you're not around.
The first and easiest of the 10 weapons is ambiguity...
Women love drama (how else do you think there would be 5 different Housewives of (insert city) shows on TV?)
If you want to keep her attention... you've got to provide her that drama she craves.
Ambiguity is a great way to do this. You are sending her mixed signals. You are showing her multiple sides of your personality...
Sometimes you make her feel like she excites you...
Sometimes you make her feel like you are losing interest and she bores you...
Sound cruel?
Well, if you think back on the girls you fell in love with...
Chances are she made you feel this exact way...
Chances are she sent a lot of mixed signals.
Am I correct?
I didn't invent the game.
But I play to win.
There are nine more weapons in Control the Attraction (some much sneakier than this)
Remember "attention" is a commodity.
We only have so much of it.
He who occupies the most of her attention wins.
It's all laid out in Control the Attraction.
More soon,
Your Guru
Bro WB
20-10-2011, 12:00 PM
Well said again, Bro WB!
20-10-2011, 02:17 PM
Bro WB, can you please clarify… 6-7 times a week… is it per gal, or all 3 lao pos of yours? If 6-7 times per lao po, that means 18-21 times a week!!! Then you are god of sex, man!!!
My regular, after I bonked her and made her cum a few times in the afternoon, can call me in the evening and say not enough, want to bonk again! If I have 3 regulars, I tell you I will be sapped dried and my didi can no longer stand on occasion after a few months of continuous bonking!!
I really like the article you posted. Is there any chance for you to post the rest of those 10 weapons of seduction?
Btw, how was last night?
20-10-2011, 04:48 PM
Bro WB, can you please clarify… 6-7 times a week… is it per gal, or all 3 lao pos of yours? If 6-7 times per lao po, that means 18-21 times a week!!! Then you are god of sex, man!!!
Haha! 榨干金钱、榨干时间、榨干精子。They managed to do the third!
21-10-2011, 11:09 AM
Bro WB, can you please clarify… 6-7 times a week… is it per gal, or all 3 lao pos of yours? If 6-7 times per lao po, that means 18-21 times a week!!! Then you are god of sex, man!!!
My regular, after I bonked her and made her cum a few times in the afternoon, can call me in the evening and say not enough, want to bonk again! If I have 3 regulars, I tell you I will be sapped dried and my didi can no longer stand on occasion after a few months of continuous bonking!!
I really like the article you posted. Is there any chance for you to post the rest of those 10 weapons of seduction?
Btw, how was last night?
Hi Bro FA,
You hv forgotten that I'm a lao chi ko pek, not a superman lah.
It's 6-7 times per wk, not per gal, but for all lao pos.
Your regular is sexually addicted to u, bro. Do u do her raw?
My outing to DC the nite before was OK. Nowadays I'm not looking for any new targets as I still hv 2 lao pos n 2 new gals who hv agreed to my BY but I lack the time n energy to consummate. They hv refused ST, but I'll try again, hehehe.
I dun know the other 9 weapons yet.
Haha! 榨干金钱、榨干时间、榨干精子。They managed to do the third!
Actually, they hv managed to do the 2nd n the 3rd. If I continue, they may even mange to do the 1st, hahaha.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
Good morning!
Another guru sent me the following yesterday. I hv yet to receive anything from him today. He has a different take on the meaning of "High Status."
Being a “High Status” Guy
Was at “Happy Hour” the other day with a friend.
Let’s call him “Ed”… don’t want to embarrass him by using his real name.
So Ed spots a girl. Thinks she’s giving him the eye.
Cute girl. Red hair. Creamy white skin. Slanky body.
Eds been out of the game a bit. Been awhile since he been laid.
Confidence is pretty low.
I understand. I been there.
That feeling like ‘why even bother?’
That feeling of hopelessness.
I lived with it for a long time. I don’t miss it.
So I felt for him.
…Ed has to piss. Has to walk past the slanky red head to get to the bathroom.
On the way to the bathroom she sticks out her legs sort of gets in his way.
That’s Flirting 101
She was inviting him to talk to her.
Ed kept walking. Must have had to piss real bad I guess.
Comes back and sits down next to me.
I say “That girls wanted you to talk to her. Stuck her legs out to get your attention.”
Ed says “I know.”
I say “You need a good opening line… I got a few?”
Ed says “Nah… I though, what’s the point. She bites. Then what? A hot girl like her. She ain’t gonna be interested in me. I got nothing to offer her.”
See what Ed said to me… is what a lot of guys think. Even if they don’t admit it. Even to themselves.
They think “Why would a hot girl want me?”
And then thoughts go through their minds:
- I ain’t rich.
- I ain’t good looking
- I ain’t super popular
- I ain’t done too much cool shit to talk about with her.
- I ain’t never been with a woman that hot, so there must be a reason.
Im gonna tell you something.
This might be one of the most important things you ever hear.
So pay attention.
Your “value” in the eyes of a woman doesn’t come down to how much money you make. Or how handsome you are. Or how big your dick is.
There’s a lot of rich handsome big dicked guys that will agree with me…
Just take a look around a strip bar. A lot of rich good looking guys handed out $100s just to get some girl to give them affection.
No. Value is based on something entirely different.
Write this down.
Tape it to your refrigerator.
“Your value is defined by what you bring into the moment she is experiencing”
Let that sink in for a bit.
There are 3 things that define your value. These 3 things make all the difference.
Tomorrow you get the specifics.
Today I need that drilled into your mind.
Get ready!
Bro WB
21-10-2011, 01:26 PM
She exudes sex...
Oh, I know she will be expensive. Pls keep it as a little secret between us.
Hi bro singlad,
Ths for ur insightful post.
Luck n randomness do play a major role in life. Of course it's true that luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
The economy is very bad n a lot of people can't get a mortgage or a loan from the banks, especially in Gotham country.
Ironically, bankers r very eager to lend money to those who dun need them. They shun those who need them.
They r behaving like pussies!
If a man likes a certain gal too much n thinks she is "special" or "THE ONE," n becomes obsessed, needy n desperate, she will avoid him like a leper, regardless of his looks, age, status n wealth...this is exactly what happened to a handsome n wealthy fren last yr. He was rejected by a MILF whore.
If a man displays his dominant/masculine traits, connect then disconnect from the gal, her passion n attraction for him will be ignited, regardless of his age, looks, etc, hahaha...
It's true that "The hungry don't get fed," whether the desperate man is after money or chio pussies, hahaha.
It is an ancient principle that is based on the Law of Attraction. It's another way of saying that a person who is desperate for something will NOT get it-but the person who already has plenty will get more.
When I first met 20 yo XW in Sep 2008, I was so stunned by her youthfulness, fair skin, her beauty n proportionate n sexy body (not to mention her long. slim arms n tiny wrists) that I wanted her pussy desperately. She flatly rejected me n wont even consider hving lunch w/ me. She hung up on me several times! My other target XX behaved exactly the same towards me!$@#3@!.......................................
Along the way, I hv gradually changed. And now I'm behaving like a over fed man, hahaha. I'm getting too satiated as I often fxk my 3 lo po (one of them is XW) 6-7 times a wk. I now hv tremendous sexual confidence. BTW, KK returned to PRC a few days ago n I already hv 2 gals here n several gals in China ready to take her place. But I may not get a replacement, at least for now, as my didi is begging for the very first time that he needs a well-deserved rest!
A guru sent me the following yesterday:
What makes women fall in love?
Every day I get an email similar to this:
"There is this girl I'm talking to. I really want her to be my girlfriend. What can I say to her?"
Here is my answer:
Nothing you can "say" will make her fall in love with you.
In fact, you will usually "blow it" if you attempt to let a girl know how you feel (especially if its early on)
Here's the problem most guys run into...
Once they like a girl they think they need to express this to her... they think that "if she knows how much I like her" she'll want to be my girlfriend.
Love is psychological.
Women (and men) fall in love due to a psychological process that occurs in our own mind.
Women don't fall in love while they are with you...
Women fall in love while they are away from you... thinking about you.
And the more you can get her thinking about you....
The more she will begin to convince herself that she is in love with you.
In the "Control the Attraction" portion of Amplify the Attraction I teach 10 weapons of seduction...
These are 10 things that will keep her thoughts focused on YOU when you're not around.
The first and easiest of the 10 weapons is ambiguity...
Women love drama (how else do you think there would be 5 different Housewives of (insert city) shows on TV?)
If you want to keep her attention... you've got to provide her that drama she craves.
Ambiguity is a great way to do this. You are sending her mixed signals. You are showing her multiple sides of your personality...
Sometimes you make her feel like she excites you...
Sometimes you make her feel like you are losing interest and she bores you...
Sound cruel?
Well, if you think back on the girls you fell in love with...
Chances are she made you feel this exact way...
Chances are she sent a lot of mixed signals.
Am I correct?
I didn't invent the game.
But I play to win.
There are nine more weapons in Control the Attraction (some much sneakier than this)
Remember "attention" is a commodity.
We only have so much of it.
He who occupies the most of her attention wins.
It's all laid out in Control the Attraction.
More soon,
Your Guru
Bro WB
thanks for sharing bro...
am sort of practicing what you mentioned as above but am not sure if i am doing the right way...
recently a gal that i knew went back due to pass expire so have been calling her consecutively for few days from the day she left but conversation didnt last long and she seems busy all the time no matter what time the call was...
she promised to call back but never and also didnt reply to sms...
so i told myself..what the #%* i told myself no more calling...
so this went on for 2 weeks...i totall stopped callin and sms...
guess what , i tried my luck calling yesterday and the response from her was different.... ;)
21-10-2011, 03:20 PM
Hi Bro FA,
You hv forgotten that I'm a lao chi ko pek, not a superman lah.
It's 6-7 times per wk, not per gal, but for all lao pos.
Your regular is sexually addicted to u, bro. Do u do her raw?
My outing to DC the nite before was OK. Nowadays I'm not looking for any new targets as I still hv 2 lao pos n 2 new gals who hv agreed to my BY but I lack the time n energy to consummate. They hv refused ST, but I'll try again, hehehe.
Bro WB,
6-7 times a week is still formidable especially when its over a long period of time. I can do 3 times a day – morning, afternoon, night, BUT, I can’t repeat that every day for 1 year.
Yes, my regular is sexually addicted to me cos I not only make her cum, I can make her: 1, cum multiple times; 2, cum very fast and 3, cum together… but not all 3 together lah! Its not that I’m that good, its just that we have the sexual connection or harmony or 默契 or whatever you call it. I can never achieve the same with FLs/WLs. And no, I don’t do raw with her.
Now I have discovered this iphone app call 微信 and have being messaging each other with KX (the one in my avatar). She sends me a lot of her photos and I also go to her QQ空间 to read her diaries and surf her photo albums. My regular thinks she is ugly... well, to each his/her own... hahaha...
22-10-2011, 01:45 PM
thanks for sharing bro...
am sort of practicing what you mentioned as above but am not sure if i am doing the right way...
recently a gal that i knew went back due to pass expire so have been calling her consecutively for few days from the day she left but conversation didnt last long and she seems busy all the time no matter what time the call was...
she promised to call back but never and also didnt reply to sms...
so i told myself..what the #%* i told myself no more calling...
so this went on for 2 weeks...i totall stopped callin and sms...
guess what , i tried my luck calling yesterday and the response from her was different.... ;)
Hi bro,
Dun call or sms her. You're THE PRIZE.
Never chase any gal, especially if she is ur dream gal. You should attract her, but let her do the chasing. Be prepared to walk away from ur dream gal. Your excessively confident attitude n positive vibes give u the best chance of getting her.
In my personal experience, the more I ignore a gal, the more she wants me. And when n if she finally "got" me, she would be so wet before I even touch her...hahaha.
Bro WB,
6-7 times a week is still formidable especially when its over a long period of time. I can do 3 times a day – morning, afternoon, night, BUT, I can’t repeat that every day for 1 year.
Yes, my regular is sexually addicted to me cos I not only make her cum, I can make her: 1, cum multiple times; 2, cum very fast and 3, cum together… but not all 3 together lah! Its not that I’m that good, its just that we have the sexual connection or harmony or 默契 or whatever you call it. I can never achieve the same with FLs/WLs. And no, I don’t do raw with her.
Now I have discovered this iphone app call 微信 and have being messaging each other with KX (the one in my avatar). She sends me a lot of her photos and I also go to her QQ空间 to read her diaries and surf her photo albums. My regular thinks she is ugly... well, to each his/her own... hahaha...
Hi Bro FA,
I hv reduced my sessions to abt 5 a wk, 2-3 times a wk each for my 2 long-term lao pos. Lately, I dun even hv energy to eat outside.
Yes, ur regular is addicted to u. IMHO, if you're sure she has been exclusive to u for 5-6 months, n if her blood tests r negative, it's very safe to do her raw. Of course nothing is 100% safe in life.
.................................................. .................................................. ........
Good afternoon!
In my personal experience n from reading all those ebooks/newsletters, if a man thinks he is not good enough for a very attractive gal/woman bcos he is too ugly, too short, too tall, too old, too poor, too fat, too thin or has a small penis, he still doesn't understand how attraction works in women. He just doesn't get it. Most men never get it.
Take a very small penis. A lot of men r worried abt it. Unnecessarily. The following e-mail from a sex guru will put this to rest, once n for all.
What a lesbian can teach you about Fxxking women . . .
Hey, it's your guru Mike X. . .
OK, this was one of the most shocking things that's
happened to me in a long time.
Over the weekend I was down in Phoenix
when I got into a conversation with a gorgeous lesbian.
We were joking around a bit, talking about sex when
this girl looked me right in the eye and said:
"Listen, Mike, I guarantee my dick is smaller than yours, but
I can make your girlfriend cum harder than she ever
has in her life."
And then she fixed me with a little smile that made me
believe her. She sent a shiver up and down my spine and made my balls
want to crawl up inside my body and die.
See, over the last couple weeks I've been getting a LOT of
questions from guys like this:
"Mike, I am needing your help. I want to satisfy
my wife, but I am afraid that I am too small for her. What
do I do?"
(For some reason, these questions are always in really bad
broken English. I don't get it.)
Talking to my new lesbian friend she told me two important things
about giving a woman incredible pleasure:
1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.
2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)
Plain and simple, women aren't that complicated if you understand
how to touch them the right to use your hands to master any woman's body in minutes.............
The best part about learning these techniques is the incredible
sexual confidence it gives you..............................................
Mike X
24-10-2011, 08:39 AM
Hi Bro FA,
I hv reduced my sessions to abt 5 a wk, 2-3 times a wk each for my 2 long-term lao pos. Lately, I dun even hv energy to eat outside.
Yes, ur regular is addicted to u. IMHO, if you're sure she has been exclusive to u for 5-6 months, n if her blood tests r negative, it's very safe to do her raw. Of course nothing is 100% safe in life.
Hi Bro WB
I’m quite sure she has been exclusive to me but like you said, nothing is 100% sure, especially when I can’t monitor her 24/7 and the fact that she has a few regular customers before she quit KTV – she’s now a beautician in training and I go to the salon for weekly facials to let her practice on me, LOL… but strictly legitimate and clean joint!
I go for very comprehensive medical checkups, including testing for HIV and VDs, once or twice a year, due to the insurance policies I have, so I know I’m clean. But the thought of doing raw with her didn’t really cross my mind. I just don’t want to risk getting her pregnant. That said, there were a few close calls when the condom slipped and got sucked into her pussy and didn’t realized until we both cummed. It always happen when she cowgal me and ride me so violently that the condom slips. (Certain types of condoms are more susceptible to slip outs). When she pulls out the condom (from her pussy), the semen is usually still in the rubber, but that is still quite scary.
24-10-2011, 11:15 AM
Hi Bro WB
I’m quite sure she has been exclusive to me but like you said, nothing is 100% sure, especially when I can’t monitor her 24/7 and the fact that she has a few regular customers before she quit KTV – she’s now a beautician in training and I go to the salon for weekly facials to let her practice on me, LOL… but strictly legitimate and clean joint!
I go for very comprehensive medical checkups, including testing for HIV and VDs, once or twice a year, due to the insurance policies I have, so I know I’m clean. But the thought of doing raw with her didn’t really cross my mind. I just don’t want to risk getting her pregnant. That said, there were a few close calls when the condom slipped and got sucked into her pussy and didn’t realized until we both cummed. It always happen when she cowgal me and ride me so violently that the condom slips. (Certain types of condoms are more susceptible to slip outs). When she pulls out the condom (from her pussy), the semen is usually still in the rubber, but that is still quite scary.
Hi Bro FA,
Since you're her regular, u should demand that she go for blood tests n gyne exam n swabs for amplified DNA tests for GU/NGU. Tell her that GU is asymptomatic in 50% of women, yet it could cause serious future complications including infertility n tubal pregnancy, etc. You care for her n r thinking abt her future...
Pregnancy is no big deal. Get her to take the pill. Otherwise, a few days before n after her visit from Big Auntie is relatively safe. To be more accurate, you could get her a thermometer to time her ovulation. In the unlikely event that she gets pregnant, send her for an abortion.
Should ur condom slip out or break, n if she is very worried abt having ur baby, give her ECP within 72 hrs. End of story.
Hv fun, bro.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ...
Good morning!
I'm going to bring up a controversial subject. Doing a KTV gal/singer raw. Pls bear w/ me bcos the way I do it is very safe, IMHO. Very safe doesn't mean 100% safe. Nothing in life is 100% safe as sitting in a car or airplane has very real risks.
When I was a young man, before the era of HIV/AIDS, I used to fxk raw. Not whores, but some high class call gals, models, good time gals, nite club gals, etc. The most feared STD then was syphilis. It was easily curable w/ long acting penicillin.
Then came the dreadful disease called AIDS n I decided to get married, hehehe. I had been a one-woman man until a few yrs ago.
I hv used condoms 100% except for 2 gals. The following conditions must be met before I would do any gals raw.
1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.
2) She has had 2 negative blood tests
3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.
4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.
5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.
6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.
Then n only then I'll make love to her raw. Ongoing monitoring n vigilance r very important. If there is any doubt, I'll stop.
It's difficult to find gals who satisfy all the above conditions n who r my type . When I find such a gal, it behooves me to continue the RS, as long as she is still my type of pussy after 4-5 months...for expediency, not bcos I hv any KC for her.
Your comments n criticisms r welcome.
Bro WB
24-10-2011, 09:44 PM
That sounds like quite safe practice. Doing raw brings a whole new dimension to having sex ImHO and I have kept it for only a handful of girls I trust ... Less than the fingers on one hand, in my lifetime. So far so good (touch wood) as I've gone for my tests. :D
24-10-2011, 10:19 PM
Double, Triple Protection...........Well Done! :cool:
Kyser Soze
24-10-2011, 10:44 PM
I'm going to bring up a controversial subject. Doing a KTV gal/singer raw. Pls bear w/ me bcos the way I do it is very safe, IMHO. Very safe doesn't mean 100% safe. Nothing in life is 100% safe as sitting in a car or airplane has very real risks.
When I was a young man, before the era of HIV/AIDS, I used to fxk raw. Not whores, but some high class call gals, models, good time gals, nite club gals, etc. The most feared STD then was syphilis. It was easily curable w/ long acting penicillin.
Then came the dreadful disease called AIDS n I decided to get married, hehehe. I had been a one-woman man until a few yrs ago.
I hv used condoms 100% except for 2 gals. The following conditions must be met before I would do any gals raw.
Wow Bro warbird, you are really an old bird in chionging.
I supposed you chiong way before I was born. :D
In any case, thanks for the advice. :rolleyes:
27-10-2011, 11:36 AM
That sounds like quite safe practice. Doing raw brings a whole new dimension to having sex ImHO and I have kept it for only a handful of girls I trust ... Less than the fingers on one hand, in my lifetime. So far so good (touch wood) as I've gone for my tests. :D
Hi bro mama88,
Yes, a whole new dimension!
Fxking my young lao po raw n shooting my load deep into her pretty cunt is very shiok n uplifting, both physically n emotionally. I told her that it's good for her skin n her immunity...hahaha.
It's especially gratifying cuz when I 1st met her in Sep 2008, she flatly rejected my advances n hung up on me numerous times. She finally agreed to meet me for dinner 4 months later. I now know that it was my creative persistence. Unfortunately, when I finally got to BY her, after 8 1/2 months of pursue, our RS was very rocky n ended quickly. She dumped me. Why? I was too needy n behaviour must hv been most repulsive to her. However, I NEVER gave up on her even though she implied that I wasn't her type n tried to intro her GF to me on 12/12/09:
She has been w/ me since earlier this yr. What is different this time? In the last 2 yrs, I hv been gradually acquiring the traits of a MAN, hehehe. The progress has been very slow n steady. I'm now a badass, surround myself w/ a bevy of lao po is zealous n upset. She says, pls respect me when u bring me to a KTV, dun call any other gals! She often texts me in English: Where r u? She would call if I dun answer within 30 min.
Finding a chio n SAFE pussy of my type has been an arduous journey n keeping it exclusive for my personal use is quite expensive, in addition to being very time-consuming.
At my advanced age, I'm actually more cautious than many young people in their 20s. But what for?
Double, Triple Protection...........Well Done! :cool:
I hv been too cautious.
Wow Bro warbird, you are really an old bird in chionging.
I supposed you chiong way before I was born. :D
In any case, thanks for the advice....
Hi bro Kyser Soze,
I'm a lao chi ko pek, but I only hv 29 months of BY-ing experience.
Bro WB
28-10-2011, 11:42 AM
Good morning!
The following is great advice from a respected Ang Mo guru on attraction:
How to Get a Girl to Chase You (And Win the Game)
So you followed yesterday’s advice. And you escalated. Got the kiss. Maybe closed the deal.
Here’s where a lot of guys go wrong and blow it.
I get dozens of emails from guys around the world wondering why some girl suddenly lost interest in them.
Once I get the details out of them it becomes crystal clear.
They gave their hand away way TOO SOON.
Have you ever had a girl who was once hot for you get cold and distant within a couple weeks?
If I had to guess why, I would say that you got too comfortable too quickly, and stopped PLAYING THE GAME.
I know I know.. we all hate ‘the game.’
But you have to play it.
Because women love going after a guy who is a challenge.
They love it.
She’s not different. Stop telling yourself your situation is different. It’s not. “The Game” is supposed to feel unnatural.
A few years back I hooked up with a girl I had wanted for years. Then I got lazy. Thought she was “different”. It ended up with me getting the shit kicked out of me in a parking lot. If you ever got “crazy” over a girl… read this (LINK)
Women love not knowing what the deal is. Sure, they say they hate it. But they will keep chasing that feeling.
And when you don’t give them “the chase” they usually find another guy who isn’t so easy to figure out.
So how to do you stay a challenge?
For some of us its easy… If you’ve got a reputation around your social circle as a “player”, or are seen as having really high statusby the girl, you don’t have the play ‘the game’ as hard.
Trust me, I made that mistake. Sometimes I’ve even made the mistake of thinking I have to show a girl MORE interest because she thinks I’m a player and I need to prove I’m not.
Big Mistake.
The whole reason the girl liked you in the first place was because of your ‘player like’ qualities.
Don’t hide them, and don’t give in to the temptation to ‘drop the games.’
Here are the three biggest signs you are about to FUCK UP.
1. You start thinking “I don’t want to play games with this chick. I like her. Why can’t I just let her know?”
2. You think “This girl is different, I don’t have to play games with her.”
3. You think “She definitely likes me. We’re past the point I need to play games.”
The minute any of those thoughts creep into your mind, re-read this lesson. And DO NOT convince yourself that she is different.
She wants to chase you. She wants a challenge. She wants a guy she can not completely figure out.
Texting is deadly effective way to play “mind games” with a girl. Tomorrow we discuss how to use texting to keep a girl’s mind fixated on YOU.
How to be a challenge.
A lot guys think that when I say you can’t express interest this means you can’t let a girl know you are attracted to her.
You HAVE to let her know you are attracted to her.
Express your sexual intent and attraction all you want.
That is perfectly fine.
But, do no let her know you want more than that. (for at least the first 3 or 4 months)
You have to be stone cold impossible to read.
Every time she leaves you she should be wondering if she will ever see you again. She should be wondering how much you like her. She should be wondering if you’re seeing other girls.
Let her wonder.
———————Golden Nugget————————-
One of my favorite things to do at an end of a date or hanging out with a girl is to say “see you soon.”
This drives a girl crazy because she feels like you might be blowing her off and becomes afraid she will never see you again.
This is completely different then most guys who try to plan the next date before the first date ends.
———————/Golden Nugget————————–
That is the art of the chase. The more time she sits around wondering what you’re doing… the more she begins to convince herself she is in love with you.
As David D once said “Give her the gift of missing you.”
Make it Happen,
Your Guru
I hv some musings on BY-ing.
Having money will let u get the chio pussy fast, but you will hv turned her off in her subconscious mind, u become very money is really a hindrance.
Making ur mistress fall for u will take time, effort, mental gymnastics, etc. It's a very difficult game. Of course, if u can give her sexual pleasure she has never experienced before, it's a great help, but by itself it's not enuff. There r other powerful emotional forces that repel in a patron-mistress RS, hehehe.
If u are already paying a gal, how could u be a challenge? Do say NO to her whenever justified n use push-pull n let her know you could walk away anytime if ur boundaries r ever violated. But u need to walk a fine balance between providing her security n the ever present uncertainty...give her hope mixed w/ doubt.
Any comments?
Bro WB
28-10-2011, 07:36 PM
Bro WB
Almost kana kc'ed by my PRC GF until I start reading your threads. GF because no BY but meet often. Things are improving now and I am back slightly in the upper hand in the relationship.
Will continue to practice what you wrote and hope to attain some standard in this game of pursuit or being purse.
28-10-2011, 10:44 PM
Bro WB
Almost kana kc'ed by my PRC GF until I start reading your threads. GF because no BY but meet often. Things are improving now and I am back slightly in the upper hand in the relationship.
Will continue to practice what you wrote and hope to attain some standard in this game of pursuit or being purse.
My advice to you is don't follow blindly what has been written. :D
30-10-2011, 11:11 AM
My advice to you is don't follow blindly what has been written. :D
You sound like a true blue vetaran :D
30-10-2011, 03:33 PM
Bro WB
Almost kana kc'ed by my PRC GF until I start reading your threads. GF because no BY but meet often. Things are improving now and I am back slightly in the upper hand in the relationship.
Will continue to practice what you wrote and hope to attain some standard in this game of pursuit or being purse.
Hi bro lovetogive,
Pls detail ur exploits w/ PRC MMs n ur subsequent improvements.
Your self mastery is crucial.
My advice to you is don't follow blindly what has been written. :D
Hi Bro TD,
You're right.
Every gal, every man n every RS is different. And then there r the imponderables...
No one method will work for all gals. I hv more to say abt this.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
Good afternoon!
About 3 yrs ago I learned a clitoral stimulation technique known as The Welcome Method. I had not BY-ed any gals then n didn't want to do it on FLs or GL gals. So I waited n waited.
In May of 2009, I consummated my RS w/ my 1st BAO-ee XW n I applied the Method. It worked like a dynamite n she came fast n hard in 3 minutes. Later, she said: 你好利害。。。I thought I had found the Holy Grail of female orgasm, hahaha. Despite my ability to give her incredible pleasure she had never experienced before, she dumped me. I was very needy n placed her on a Arnold said: Big Mistake.
I hv BY-ed 20 plus gals since n I hv tried this Method on all of them. The results r mixed at best. Abt 1/4 hv very strong response, 1/4 hv good response, 1/4 hv so so response n 1/4 hv no response. G spot stimulation is the same. KW is completely turned off by G spot stimulation?#$#!!
The morale of the story is that a man needs to PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to a gal's responses in real-time n modify his techniques...
I BY-ed XW briefly twice in 2009. She took the initiative to ctc me n wanted to see me in Jan this yr....
I hv kept XW, my 3rd time BY-ing her, since early this yr. I hv tried many different techniques on her but nothing works like The Method. for example, I hv used some other techniques for 7-8 min n she will still be dry. In 30 secs w/ Welcome Method,she would become very, very wet n moaning n groaning loudly. It's magical, hehehe.
Likewise, certain positions work very well w/ some gals, but not w/ others.
Techniques, etc r of secondary importance, the most crucial factor in a RS is a man's masculine traits.
"Be very confident, assertive, dominant n mentally icy calm under the most stressful conditions.
But NOT angry, aggressive, belligerent, abusive...
Be in control, but not controlling.
Throw in some humor, mystery n unpredictability.
Make urself a challenge. Be often unavailable to her. Use push-pull strategy.
And once u get her pussy, give her multiple orgasms n COS she has never experienced before...she will be addicted to u."
How to develop these Masculine Traits/self mastery if u dun hv them? Impossible to fake them cuz ur true state will be revealed by ur actions n body language, especially under very stressful conditions...
You need to replace ur negative beliefs by positive ones in ur subconscious mind. Use meditation, self affirmations, chanting, NLP, praying, self hypnosis, etc., etc. Your positive beliefs will control ur emotions which in turn r manifested by ur positive body language, etc.
I'm a student of self mastery n masculine traits. I'm a newbie but I'm making progress n I'm confident that I'll reach my goals. Why? I'm better today than yesterday n I'll be better tomorrow than today, in everything n every way.
Bro WB
31-10-2011, 08:31 AM
I hv some musings on BY-ing.
Having money will let u get the chio pussy fast, but you will hv turned her off in her subconscious mind, u become very money is really a hindrance.
Making ur mistress fall for u will take time, effort, mental gymnastics, etc. It's a very difficult game. Of course, if u can give her sexual pleasure she has never experienced before, it's a great help, but by itself it's not enuff. There r other powerful emotional forces that repel in a patron-mistress RS, hehehe.
If u are already paying a gal, how could u be a challenge? Do say NO to her whenever justified n use push-pull n let her know you could walk away anytime if ur boundaries r ever violated. But u need to walk a fine balance between providing her security n the ever present uncertainty...give her hope mixed w/ doubt.
Any comments?
Bro WB
Depends on what you want to achieve. But money is never a hindrance in my opinion...:D
Having money will make it much easier to get the chio pussy, what happens next is entirely up to what you want to do.
If you want to KC your mistress, then u have to know her character inside out. Knowing your enemy is key to winning the battle. Without knowing her character, you will run the very big risk of turning her totally off and things will probably not work out the way you want or wish. :p
If you want to be a challenge to any gal, then the only 100% sure way to do it is to know her inside out. Before doing anything, you have to know what her most probable reaction will be. If you can foretell her reaction accurately 80%, 90% of the time, you will be able to twist her around your little finger.
31-10-2011, 02:03 PM
Depends on what you want to achieve. But money is never a hindrance in my opinion...:D
Having money will make it much easier to get the chio pussy, what happens next is entirely up to what you want to do.
If you want to KC your mistress, then u have to know her character inside out. Knowing your enemy is key to winning the battle. Without knowing her character, you will run the very big risk of turning her totally off and things will probably not work out the way you want or wish. :p
If you want to be a challenge to any gal, then the only 100% sure way to do it is to know her inside out. Before doing anything, you have to know what her most probable reaction will be. If you can foretell her reaction accurately 80%, 90% of the time, you will be able to twist her around your little finger.
Dear Bro TD,
Ths so much for ur post.
Of course money is indispensable to BY chio pussies of my type.
But to get my lao po/mistress to fall deeply in love w/ me depends entirely on my degree of self mastery/masculine traits plus my ability to give her sexual pleasure she has never experienced before plus certain love triggers, some of which r universal n one or two could be very specific (to her).
IMHO, money doesn't help n may be a hindrance in the induction of love addiction. A gal may not respect herself cuz she is a kept woman n may view the RS negatively. This can be overcome by the above. Also, even if his mistress truly loves him, a man may still be suspicious that she is only after his money. He needs more sexual confidence n self mastery.
I totally agree that knowing a gal's character is vital in a longer term RS. If I dun know her character traits, I'll never feel safe to make love to her raw, even if all her tests r repeatedly negative. Knowing her childhood n understanding her feelings, likes n dislikes, may help to identify her unique love trigger. The ability to hypnotize her could be a powerful tool in this regard.
Bro WB
31-10-2011, 11:32 PM
Hi WB , your postings are really an eye opener! Lust4ML :D
01-11-2011, 07:17 PM
hi brother Warbird, I like the way you post in big text it make it easy to comprehesive and one did not stress on eye further more it burns into people mind. Thanks for sharing.
02-11-2011, 11:57 AM
Hi WB , your postings are really an eye opener! Lust4ML :D
Hi Bro Lust4ML,
Ths, but all the insightful materials n pearls r written all many different gurus.
hi brother Warbird, I like the way you post in big text it make it easy to comprehesive and one did not stress on eye further more it burns into people mind. Thanks for sharing.
Hi bro airbrush,
You'e welcome!
I post the sayings n writings of various mentors in big text to differentiate from my own writings which r of little significance.
I narrate my own experiences to illustrate the principles n strategies expounded by these mentors. Some r certainly not applicable to my individual case.
.................................................. .........................................
Good morning!
To all SBF bros:
Are u worried that ur looks, age, weight & height, etc. may not be attractive to chio gals?
Pls forgive me for being blunt. You r still clueless abt attraction.
Here is good piece by a master of attraction:
Attraction Is Illogical
Before I go any further, I want to make one thing clear: every woman is a unique creature that responds differently to different types of guys. Some girls like bad boys. Some women are attracted to the confident, laid back types. And others just want to settle down with a great guy.
But beneath all the external beauty of women, there are more similarities than there are differences. The quality of any relationship with a woman comes down to your ability to make a woman feel attraction and comfort around you. This is true whether you want an exclusive relationship, or whether you want to date multiple women at the same time.
In order to better understand the female mind, and in order to learn how to trigger attraction in a woman, you first must understand how attraction REALLY works.
Men are programmed by evolution to be attracted to young, healthy, and sexually attractive females. It has to do with natural selection. Fertile women are, generally, more attractive.
As human males, we are naturally drawn to perky breasts, tight asses, and beautiful skin in an evolutionary sense. Recent studies have shown that a woman’s hour glass figure can affect a man’s brains like a drug!
And here lies one of the biggest confusions men have about women… Because of these natural desires we have for attractive women, guys will falsely assume that women are attracted to the same physical qualities in us men.
The thing is, women do not sexually respond to the same qualities as men do... Women are primarily attracted to men of status and power. This includes men who are leaders in life, guys who are successful or famous, and the rich and wealthy.
Women do not consciously choose who they are sexually attracted to. Attraction is unconscious. It’s a hardwired emotion and it’s illogical. Feeling attraction for somebody is not something that we consciously choose to experience, rather it’s instinctive and instantaneous.
Women are not nearly as superficial as us men when it comes to physical appearances. When women are sizing up a potential mate, physical appearance only counts for about 25% of your attractiveness.
Regardless of your age or physical attributes, your attitude is your greatest asset.
Sure, women like handsome men, no surprise there. But the real emotional trigger in a woman comes from the charm and confidence that usually go along with his good looks.
A needy man with self-esteem issues will have a tough time keeping a woman attracted to him, regardless of how tall and handsome he is.
Women are more emotionally complex than men. It’s your energy and personality that’s going to sweep her off her feet.
Neil Strauss, author of The Game, is a perfect example of what is possible regardless of your genetic predisposition. He’s bald, short, and skinny. But you’d never know that by looking at the gorgeous women that he’s used to dating.
Your physical appearance is only a problem for a woman IF it’s a problem for you.
Of course, you should always dress and look your best. If you dress like a slob, you’ll be treated accordingly. And if you don’t take care of your personal hygiene, women will be repulsed by you, that I can guarantee you.
But just because you’re not as good looking as the other guy, don’t assume you’re playing a losing game. With the right beliefs, women will overlook almost any physical shortcoming that you have.
But, just like any other pursuit in life, you have to believe you deserve success. In other words, in order to attract hot women, you have to believe that you deserve hot women.
The master is right on.
Two quick examples:
A handsome n wealthy fren became obsessed w/ a MILF WL n she eventually rejected him. He was in love!
A young n good looking bro TT in his 20s w/ a good job couldn't get a KTV gal to go to dinner w/ him even though he offered to pay her booking!
He must be enamored w/ her n very desperate. He gave me her no n I called her. The gal had never met me but agreed to go out w/ me. When I called her to pick her up, I mentioned that I would be bringing my GF n TT, she changed her mind immediately n said she couldn't make it. She wouldn't even answer when I tried to call again!
On the other hand, I, a lao chi ko pek, hv had success beyond my wildest imaginations...I rest my case.
Bro WB
02-11-2011, 12:51 PM
Bro Warbird,
After reading your posting, I wonder have you considered writing a book? Think you are far more qualified by now :P
Have a nice day
03-11-2011, 12:32 PM
Bro Warbird,
After reading your posting, I wonder have you considered writing a book? Think you are far more qualified by now :P
Have a nice day
Hi Bro Niceman,
No, I'm merely a student, a forever apprentice.
Only masters r qualified to write books.
Pls share ur insights in picking up n BY-ing chio pussies.
.................................................. .................................................
Good afternoon!
According to some Chinese gurus, if a Chinese gal willingly let u french kiss her, her pussy will be yours, not 100% but over 95% of times. I couldn't agree w/ them more.
Therefore, getting the kiss is crucial, hehehe.
From an Ang Moh guru:
How to Get the Kiss
Hi Bro Warbird,
I was just watching the movie Glengarry Glen Ross last night.
In probably the best scene of his life, Alec Baldwin states an eternal truth:
A- always
B- be
C- closing
Always be closing! Always be closing!!
I remember when I first saw that movie.
It gave me a nagging feeling.
Because deep inside i knew the truth.
If coffee was for closers… I wouldn’t get any.
I’d have a great conversation with a girl. Sometimes talk for HOURS.
She’d be laughing. Giving me all the signs.
Sometimes she’d even come back to my place.
But for some reason, I couldn’t get the “kiss”
And the next day, I’d have to make another excuse to my friends why I couldn’t close the deal.
They probably thought I was gay.
But I wasn’t.
What I had was Kiss Anxiety.
It got to the point that I couldn’t enjoy going on a date with a girl.
The entire time I’d be worried about how I was gonna “make my move” later on.
Later never came.
I’d built it up so much in my mind that I’d always talk myself out of the moment.
Which was a horrible mistake.
Again and Again I learned that if you don’t “get the kiss”…
You ain’t got SHIT.
There are 4 reasons getting the kiss is so huge.
1. The girl becomes “invested” in you. Makes it much more likely you’ll see her again.
2. Girls are awesome at rationalization. This means once you get the kiss. She looks at your good qualities. This helps her justify her decision to kiss you.
3. If you don’t get the kiss you run the risk of being “Friend Zoned.”
But most importantly…
4. Just like men, women have natural horniness. So by hooking up with you. She gets closer to sex. She realizes this. And begins imaging sex with you.
Bad new first…
If you build up the attraction and don’t go for it. The tension evaporates and its VERY HARD to get it back.
Now for the good news…
It’s easier that you think to get the kiss.
A few years back I learned a lesson that changed my life.
I mean, it literally changed my life.
Here it is:
There is absolutely NO DAMAGE that can be done going for the kiss. (assuming you sense attraction)
In fact, even if she turns her cheek or rejects your attempt…
And she becomes 10x more attracted to you.
When I figured this out I became a MACHINE.
All the kiss anxiety disappeared and it turned into a sort of game.
I no longer waited to the end of the night to kiss a girl.
I would kiss them at the most random moments.
And they loved it.
———————Golden Nugget———————
The best possible time to kiss a girl is mid-sentence. When the tension is increased. And the moment is there. Right as she is talking. Lean in and kiss her. Drives them crazy.
——————–/Golden Nugget———————
As she was in the middle of telling me something I would kiss her mid sentence.
If we walked past a secluded run, I would lead her in and quickly kiss her.
I’d kiss girls in parking lots.
Coats rooms.
Gas stations.
It didn’t matter when or where.
In fact, it didn’t even matter if she pulled away or stopped me.
Because I showed her that I was the kind of guy who could MAKE IT HAPPEN.
And that is an extreme turn on for a woman.
Much more than a guy who spends the entire night second guessing himself.
Or weekly attempts an “end of the night” kiss, or worse, ending the night with a hug or handshake.
Make it Happen!
Your Guru
Always Be Closing!
Get The Kiss from the chio gal n her pussy will be yours!!
Bro WB
03-11-2011, 01:05 PM
Good afternoon!
According to some Chinese gurus, if a Chinese gal willingly let u french kiss her, her pussy will be yours, not 100% but over 95% of times. I couldn't agree w/ them more.
Therefore, getting the kiss is crucial, hehehe.
Get The Kiss from the chio gal n her pussy will be yours!!
I agree. This worked for my wife (then-girlfriend)! But you really cannot be hesitant. You have to really zoom in for the kill.
04-11-2011, 05:27 PM
Yes, every gal is different and respond differently to different methods. Great if you have a collection/arsenal of techniques/weapons to choose from.
I’m also trying to get my idol, bro WB, to teach me the powerful welcome method, and other methods… hehe.
I once did a combination of fingering + licking on a KTV gal and she came and squirted in less than 5 minutes. It felt like she farted from her love hole with my 2 fingers still in there, a gush of air and fluid. She pulled my fingers out of her pussy, looked at me with big big eyes, in disbelief and then tried to rape me.
Another gal didn’t like to have fingers inserted into her hole cos she thinks that fingers are dirty and that it would introduce germs/bacteria into her virginal. Even if I washed my hands before the deed, she would still feel uncomfortable and therefore didn’t achieve supernova kind of orgasm.
An ex-FB was extremely conscious about her pussy so much so that when I got pass her defenses and go down on her, she would cum in less than 3 minutes.
When doing it with my regular, we can actually time our big Os and come together. Sometimes I fake it to make her cum first, cos unlike us guys, after a gal cummed, its extremely easy to make her cum again and again.
Just yesterday, I got to bonk someone very very special (Bro WB will know who but I’ll not disclose it here) and she initiated frenching. She allowed me to finger her.
05-11-2011, 10:35 AM
I agree. This worked for my wife (then-girlfriend)! But you really cannot be hesitant. You have to really zoom in for the kill.
Hi bro chenzong,
Yes, if a man is hesitant or timid, he will be perceived as a weak girlie man...very repulsive to gals.
Always kiss like a real MAN!
Yes, every gal is different and respond differently to different methods. Great if you have a collection/arsenal of techniques/weapons to choose from.
I’m also trying to get my idol, bro WB, to teach me the powerful welcome method, and other methods… hehe.
I once did a combination of fingering + licking on a KTV gal and she came and squirted in less than 5 minutes. It felt like she farted from her love hole with my 2 fingers still in there, a gush of air and fluid. She pulled my fingers out of her pussy, looked at me with big big eyes, in disbelief and then tried to rape me.
Another gal didn’t like to have fingers inserted into her hole cos she thinks that fingers are dirty................
An ex-FB was extremely conscious about her pussy so much so that when I got pass her defenses and go down on her, she would cum in less than 3 minutes......................
Just yesterday, I got to bonk someone very very special (Bro WB will know who but I’ll not disclose it here) and she initiated frenching. She allowed me to finger her.
Ths for sharing ur insights.
Hahaha...I know of that special someone.
Your vast ctc n lobang r most impressive. I know I can rely on u to get the gals I want.
Bro WB
08-11-2011, 09:26 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Please don’t be impressed until I’ve got you a gal you like. In your presence, I’m but just a “toddler”. Hehehe…
09-11-2011, 10:48 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Please don’t be impressed until I’ve got you a gal you like. In your presence, I’m but just a “toddler”. Hehehe…
Hi Bro FA,
You're too humble, hehehe.
.................................................. ..................................................
Good morning!
I hv mentioned before the power of kissing in getting a gal's pussy.
I like to share a tip on kissing from The Master:
How to Amplify the Arousal Power of Any Kiss You Give Her on the Mouth or Face!
This is a rather recent discovery I have made and I am rather embarrassed to admit it because it was blatantly obvious and I had been doing it for years without actually realizing the power of the technique by itself.
Now as I share it with you;
You can immediately start using it to powerfully get her juices flowing and turn up the sexual heat for both of you. Ready? You are gonna kick yourself!
Has this ever happened to you?
Have you ever been kissing a woman and suddenly she just reaches up and touches your face? Maybe she reaches up and just sort of touches you on the side of your lips as she’s kissing you or maybe she cupped your face in her hands? What did that feel like? Did it add something to the power of the kiss? Test this! Go out and do that to your woman. Kiss her normally (that is without touching her face) then kiss her and touch her face in some way.
For example:
• Cup her face in both your hands
• Cup her face with just one hand
• Hold the back of her head in your hands as you pull her in to kiss you
• Touch her face with the back of your hand lightly as you kiss her
• As you kiss her touch her face on or around her lower lip
Pay attention to the difference in her responses!
Keep doing what ever is getting the strongest responses from her.
You’re Welcome!
Every woman kisses differently, in fact kisses and snowflakes have a lot in common in regard to their uniqueness. Kissing is the perfect way to transition from one sexual arousal technique to another (no I didn’t forget this chapter was about sexual arousal) We have discussed kissing her on the lips now lets talk about other places to kiss her that are just as exciting.
The places I recommend you focus your kissing talents on are
Her lips (of course)
There are many ways to kiss a woman’s lips and that’s a good thing. By this point we all understand that every woman has an internal set of pre-conceived notions about what a kiss is supposed to feel like and that’s what we use to take her to the next level.
But its also true that every conceivable way of kissing is “not” included within a woman’s sexual map of how things are supposed to work and many of the techniques or characteristics that are not included in her personal map may be just as or more pleasurable than those on her pre-conceived map.
We use the way she kisses as the doorway into her sexual/erotic world and then we begin to modify the map by introducing elements that may not have been there in the first place.
Pay attention to what she responds most strongly to and throw out what doesn’t work...............................
Get the kiss! Always be closing!
Bro WB
11-11-2011, 06:27 PM
Bro warbird, u are the man!! I wish I read your articles 25 years ago. Looking back my life, I am 100% failure in wooing gals. But now, I know what mistakes I made.. Thanks again for the articles..
12-11-2011, 12:55 PM
Bro warbird, u are the man!! I wish I read your articles 25 years ago. Looking back my life, I am 100% failure in wooing gals. But now, I know what mistakes I made.. Thanks again for the articles..
Hi bro power37,
No no no. I'm merely a student who is determined to improve myself in every way...
To be honest, I wish I knew 35 yrs ago what I know now, hahaha.
But it's always better to be late than never.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..............................................
Good Afternoon!
A few yrs ago, I began to pursue my type of SYTs after many yrs of monogamous RS, n initially met w/ many rejections...couple of gals I liked very much hung up on me! That was when I decided to do whatever it takes...
I hv made some progress after consultations w/ many masters/gurus/mentors n after reading hundreds of newsletters/books, etc. However, I hv had only 30 months of BY-ing experience. I'm still a newbie.
I now know that women r most attracted to men w/ certain masculine traits or called hero traits by a famous RS guru. The underlying foundation of these traits is a man's self mastery, which is largely a function of the subconscious mind.
To achieve self mastery one needs to replace one's negative beliefs w/ positive beliefs, using meditation, self hypnosis, chanting, praying, auto-suggestions, self affirmations, NLP, PLUS daily real life practices, over a prolonged period...there is no shortcut.
In retrospect, it was very fortunate that I met w/ early n dismal failures n I was very frustrated. Why?
"Success is not built on success. It's built on failure. It's built on frustration. Sometimes its built on catastrophe." Sumner Redstone
He added, "Great success is built on taking your negatives and turning them around."
Well said.
The corollary is also true.
Dismal failures always follow when you are too intoxicated w/ your great success n thus become arrogant n complacent...
IMHO, it's much better to be a lifelong student than a great master. One must NEVER stop improving, every hour, every day...if u are persistent n relentless, u will soon surpass The Master who has rested on his laurels, hehehe.
IMHO, in the race of life, it's much better to be an adaptable tortoise than a fit hare, hahaha.
I also realize that most men r clueless abt women n sexual RS.
I hv mentioned my two frens who were needy n hungry. Both lack self mastery.
My favourite lao po's ex-BF was very similar, at least in the later stages of their RS.
I hv pieced together the following from what she has told me, amplified n confirmed by her sayings n dialogue w/ her close frens/relatives in her QQ space.
They were together for abt 7 months. He is a classic example of what we should never become.
He was in his early 30s, still single, ran his family business, drove a very expensive sports car ( I cringe when I know how much it would cost to buy the car) n had been very generous to her. He was also tall n muscular. But he lacked self mastery, would become flustered n angry easily...behaving like an immature little boy (my words).
He fell for her n became needy n desperate. She went back to PRC n then told him she wasn't coming back. He went berserk n tried to ctc her unsuccessfully. He then called n texted her close relative in PRC many times a day. Via her relative, he even confessed his love n offered to give her lots of cash n buy a house in PRC in her name, if only she would come back to him. His obsessive behaviour further drove her away. She was scared n upset...
Several days after she decided to leave him for good, she made overtures to me. I was a bit indifferent at first as I was already "well fed" then. To make a long story short, she chased me for 2-3 months n finally I told her I would take care of her, hehehe.
This was the same gal who initially refused to hv lunch w/ me n hung up on me several times, who implied that I was not really her type n asked me to find someone else, who rejected a young man's confession of love n offer to buy her a house plus cash. Instead she chased a lao chi ko pek like me?!! Incredible but true.
Morale of the story: Never ever confess ur liking or love for a gal. Never ever become needy n desperate. Never ever get angry or lose ur cool...
Remember: You're a MAN, not a physically big man on the outside but an immature, insecure little boy on the inside. Now go out n kiss the gal of ur dream n always be closing!!
If a gal rejects u or says goodbye to u, be as calm as ice n tell her NO WORRIES! Act as if nothing has happened. Your unexpected behavour n self mastery r highly attractive to her at the subconscious level n she may change her mind abt u later n may turn around n pursue u, that is if u still want her. If u lose ur cool, u will drive her away forever.
Bro WB
17-11-2011, 02:09 PM
Good afternoon!
I'll be going to Beijing and Gotham City soon. Will probably not be able to post for a wk.
Pls continue to share ur sexcapades n insights...
Bro WB
21-11-2011, 10:27 AM
Good afternoon!
I'll be going to Beijing and Gotham City soon. Will probably not be able to post for a wk.
Pls continue to share ur sexcapades n insights...
Bro WB
have a safe trip bro... :)
21-11-2011, 11:58 PM
Good afternoon!
I'll be going to Beijing and Gotham City soon. Will probably not be able to post for a wk.
Pls continue to share ur sexcapades n insights...
Bro WB
Bro WB, hope to see you sharing more of your insights. I'll probably not be accessing the forum much in future as I've decided to call it a day. 19years of cheonging is a darn long time...:D
22-11-2011, 03:33 AM
Morale of the story: Never ever confess ur liking or love for a gal. Never ever become needy n desperate. Never ever get angry or lose ur cool...
Bro WB
I almost made this mistake! :eek: Now I know better. Thanks bro WB for this timely awakening. I now have to play my cards wisely. :)
26-11-2011, 04:39 AM
was in LV last night and met this shanghainese girl yuanyuan. drop dead gorgeous, classy dress well.. anyone knows her? No ST, only BY
27-11-2011, 03:17 AM
have a safe trip bro...
Ths bro jf66312,
Bro WB, hope to see you sharing more of your insights. I'll probably not be accessing the forum much in future as I've decided to call it a day. 19years of cheonging is a darn long time...
Bro TD,
Your retirement is a big loss to the cheonging world of SG!
Pls continue to contribute to this thread.
I almost made this mistake! :eek: Now I know better. Thanks bro WB for this timely awakening. I now have to play my cards wisely...
Hi bro pro.d.igy,
Show her that you're a MAN!
was in LV last night and met this shanghainese girl yuanyuan. drop dead gorgeous, classy dress well.. anyone knows her? No ST, only BY
Hi bro assky,
These gals often use different names. If u PM her assigned no at LV n her HP to me, I'll ctc a couple of mummies to find out more abt her.
What's her age n height?
Offer up to 2K for ST. If she still says no, BY her, hehehe.
.................................................. ...................................
Greetings from Gotham City!
Several bros are curious abt my research activities in Beijing recently.
I managed to meet 2 gals from 2 different OKTs who specialize in procuring models/actresses/singers/beauty queens. They provided names of these celebs for me to look up their particulars n photos on Baidu. No video calling though. There is a 3rd OKT who charges a lot more for the same class of gals. After spending 4-5 hrs looking at 60 plus gals, I booked one gal each from the other OKTs.
The gals I met were definitely the same as those I saw on the internet. However, I was at least mildly to moderately disappointed for several reasons.
1) These "celebs" in BJ wouldn't go to hotels. They refused to come even though I stayed at a famous 5-star hotel. Initially, I was quite hesistant to meet them cuz of personal safety. I relented n went to their condo in a taxi n one gal was very, very difficult to locate. Their taxis dun even hv functional safety belts! Fortunately, the gals drove me back to my hotel in their cars (BMW n Mercedes, respectively).
2) Both gals r 3-4 cm shorter than their stated heights. I'm most fussy abt the exact height n body/limb proportions of any gal I'm going to bonk.
3) They r both quite pretty but not as pretty as the pics in the internet.
4) Their figure is proportionate but not as proportionate as I had expected.
5) Their service was satisfactory, but not outstanding.
In retrospect, my BJ trip in May was more enjoyable when I had 2 high school gals who stayed w/ me at my hotel. It was an unforgettable n unique experience. One of the gals was CL who is currently attending school in Shanghai. I found the 2 chio teenage gals on my own thru various Chinese websites n video calling.
BTW, I know I'm biased here, but to me at least, my 2 long-term PRC lao pos r at least as chio, n definitely taller n hv more sexy n proportionate figure than the 2 gals I met in Beijing. Nicer pussies too. So much for celebs.
The take home lesson for me: I must actually see the gals in person. I normally need to look closely at many, many gals, including a clear view of their legs n arms n see how their hips swing while walking , before I'll know which gal is really my type. A gal may be very chio n sexy, but if the way she swings her hips is not sexciting to me or if I dun like her voice, she is not my type...
In retrospect, I could've found better gals If I had gone to high end KTVs as recommended by my BJ fren.
Bro WB
28-11-2011, 02:34 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for your update… IMHO, I don’t think the experience was a let down…
1) Going to their condo may compromise your personal safety but at least you are now safely posting your FR in the comfort of your lair in Gotham City… the celebs would also not want to compromise their safety and jeopardize their fame/future in the industry if they were caught by paparazzi/media/police… they have their entire future to lose… think about it, at least you get to be chauffeured back by the celebs themselves in their Mercs & Beemers! How cool is that!? If it was me, they would probably kick me out of their condo once the deed is done.
2) I think you are too fussy when it comes to their height… I for one can’t tell a 3-4cm difference… you know, depending on the time of the day, we can measure a few cms apart… before we go to bed and when we wake up… LOL
3) Well, sometimes you have to lower your expectations a little… I mean, makeup, photoshop and trick photography can make a hell lot of differences! The entire industry is like that dude! Fan BingBing may look beautiful on screen or in print but without makeup and all those fake eyelashes, she would look very very plain…
4) Well, they ARE proportionate right? How much more proportionate can proportionate be?
5) Service – this is very subjective bro!! And also depends on your expectations. You are bonking celebs, not any no-name FL/WLs.
As you know, I have bonked and RTF both local & overseas celebs. You don’t expect them to have GL 150 kind of service standards cos they are afterall celebs with thousands of fans. They don’t know your preferences and peeves like your long term lao pos do. It is just one shot – fire and forget, no recurring businesses, unless you want to BY them. I believe sexual nirvana with your partner takes time, can only be achieved through repeated performance and tweaking, and there must be chemistry between the 2 of you. And when that is achieved, as in the case between you and your lao pos, other bonks won’t feel the same. So can’t compare.
And like I’ve always tell you – you can’t see them in person before deciding, due to the very nature of the gals you are trying to bonk – they are celebs for crying out loud! There’s enough photos and videos on the web and also in movies they appear in!
So bro, you must set your expectation right. Bonking celebs is a totally different experience. You want service? Go to GL. You want looks – go to KTVs. If you want sexual intimacy, then go and BY the gal. As for the one you bonked, IY – she’s my dream gal! LOL!!
Your humble little “toddler”…
Big B
28-11-2011, 08:54 PM
I have devoured pages of insights from senior brothers here for the past few days and have walked away impressed with these posters who unabashedly share their trade secrets and "kung-fu" with us mere mortals. :D
Having said that, Rome was not built overnight and fans who think these masters have given you magic powers to steamroll the opposite sex will likely walk away dissappointed. What they have given us is the proverbial yellow brick road, not the keys to the city.
Many of us will need to walk step by bloody step, fall and fall again before we reach the desired end result. Nothing else to do but start and enjoy the ride! LOL
Some comments:
1) Bro WB is obviously a wealthy man and being rich does give you options in today's world. He knows this and exudes confidence in palpable waves. Still, he doesn't ALWAYS gets his way. I think most of us would be delighted if we got great results 99% of the time like him. ;)
2) Unless wealth was passed onto you, you need to work hard at it. The experience builds mettle.
3) All the skills shared are static due to the limits of a forum. Don't challenge them and say they don't work for you when you do not achieve a result you want. Rather, challenge yourself and ask how you can execute them better. Don't expect to be spoon-fed.
4) Last but not least, please be careful on who you use these skills on. The sharing provided in this thread are from apex predators who consistently win in the art of BY and KC of WLs. If you use these skills on none WLs or even "good" girls, do not cause unnecessary trauma.
5) Learn from the humilty shown by the contributors. When you stop being humble, you stop improving. Cup being full and all that.
And now, back to your regular adult education channel. :D
02-12-2011, 02:42 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for your update… IMHO, I don’t think the experience was a let down…
1) Going to their condo may compromise your personal safety but at least you are now safely posting your FR in the comfort of your lair in Gotham City… least you get to be chauffeured back by the celebs themselves in their Mercs & Beemers! How cool is that!? ...
2) I think you are too fussy when it comes to their height….....
3) Well, sometimes you have to lower your expectations a little… I mean, makeup, photoshop and trick photography can make a hell lot of differences! The entire industry is like that dude!..........................
4) Well, they ARE proportionate right? How much more proportionate can proportionate be?
5) Service – this is very subjective bro!! And also depends on your expectations. You are bonking celebs, not any no-name FL/WLs.
As you know, I have bonked and RTF both local & overseas celebs. You don’t expect them to have GL 150 kind of service standards cos they are afterall celebs...........They don’t know your preferences and peeves like your long term lao pos do............ I believe sexual nirvana with your partner takes time, can only be achieved through repeated performance and tweaking, and there must be chemistry between the 2 of you. And when that is achieved, as in the case between you and your lao pos, other bonks won’t feel the same. So can’t compare.
And like I’ve always tell you – you can’t see them in person before deciding.......There’s enough photos and videos on the web and also in movies they appear in!
So bro, you must set your expectation right. Bonking celebs is a totally different experience. You want service? Go to GL. You want looks – go to KTVs. If you want sexual intimacy, then go and BY the gal. As for the one you bonked, IY – she’s my dream gal! LOL!!
Your humble little “toddler”…
Hi Dear Bro FA,
You're right, not a letdown but below my expectations. It was actually quite an experience, hehe.
You hv bonked a lot more of celebs than I. If u r a little toddler, I'm a new born, hahaha,
I have devoured pages of insights from senior brothers here for the past few days and have walked away impressed with these posters who unabashedly share their trade secrets and "kung-fu" with us mere mortals. :D
Having said that, Rome was not built overnight and fans who think these masters have given you magic powers to steamroll the opposite sex will likely walk away dissappointed. What they have given us is the proverbial yellow brick road, not the keys to the city..................
Some comments:
............................Unless wealth was passed onto you, you need to work hard at it. The experience builds mettle.
All the skills shared are static due to the limits of a forum. Don't challenge them and say they don't work for you when you do not achieve a result you want. Rather, challenge yourself and ask how you can execute them better. Don't expect to be spoon-fed...............................Learn from the humilty shown by the contributors. When you stop being humble, you stop improving. Cup being full and all that.
Hi Bro Big B,
Ths for ur comments.
We all need to keep learning n improving...there is no shortcut.
Bro WB
11-12-2011, 06:20 AM
Good morning!
IMHO, for healthy n heterosexual males such as me n most bros here, beginning at the age of 13-15, give or take a few yrs, the single most important goal n usually the biggest challenge in life is finding, wooing n owning chio, exclusive n safe pussies. It's hardwired in our genes. Every thing we do n every action we take is related, directly n indirectly, to achieving this mission. Some famous men hv sublimated this powerful instinct into socially acceptable activities such as starting a business, inventions/explorations/adventures, politics, sports, artistic expressions, etc.
Our instinct for sex/reproduction is very strong, but not as strong as survival instincts. The strongest urge is for fresh air. What would u do to breathe some fresh air if u r trapped in a car 50 feet below the surface of a lake? Next is for water. What would u do to get some water if u r stranded in a desert n hv been w/o a drop of water for 3 days? Next is food...last is our urge for chio pussies...hahaha.
Religious puritans n the institution of marriage dictate that a man can only hv one sexual partner for the rest of his life. This is against human nature n most men n also most women do hv multiple partners...
I'm a man n I want to taste as many chio, exclusive n safe pussies as I can get n afford.
Any comments or criticisms?
At this time I like to share some writings of RS guru MP on Acting towards Success (w/ women):
Have you ever noticed how "nice guys" never get the girls? They always shower the girls with gifts and expensive dinners. They are never late on a date. They never do anything their dates have told them not to do. They obey their dates’ every wish. So why to they always lose to the jerk down the street?
Simple. Because most nice guys carry the two venoms that make them unattractive to women:Insecurity and neediness.
Insecurity and Neediness
These two almost always come together. An insecure man is usually needy because he is insecure about himself. He is always trying to “do” something to please a girl because he believes that if he doesn’t keep on appeasing a girl, she’s going to dump him.
Don’t make the same mistake.
Keep in mind that more beautiful a woman is, the more spoiled she is. Attractive women are used to men throwing themselves at their feet. So if you do the same, they are not going to like you. As a matter of fact, they are not even going to notice you. After all, girls like special things, and you are not going to be very special if you act insecure or needy like all the other men.
In many ways, a needy guy is a girl’s worst nightmare. My friend Betty once went out with a needy guy who would phone her like every hour. Bad, bad, bad. She almost suffocated from the whole experience. While there are SOME girls that like playing mommy, most girls see neediness as a big no-no in a guy.
After all, she can’t feel safe in your arms if you’re not even strong enough to be secure about yourself. To a girl, the insecure guy is like a “fat chick” to a guy - very unattractive!
Most women can detect insecurity from five miles away. Some example traits of an insecure and needy guy include:
1) Being over-possessive. Always give a woman some breathing space! She can’t like you if she does not feel comfortable around you.
Dating Technique: Always Leave Some Breathing Room
Hot women break up with their boyfriends all the time because they are too needy. As soon as a needy guy ends up dating a hot chick by luck, he’s scared of losing her and starts doing all sorts of stupid things like calling her 10 times a day. Well, guess what? You can never really possess a woman physically, you control freak. The more you try to possess her physically, the faster she will break up with you, get it?
I don’t care how hot your new girlfriend may be. Just don’t be over-possessive. If you do, you’re going to be single again very soon.
2) Being showy. Lots of men try to show off, act cool, or simply say or do things just to attract attention or compliments. Wrong. If you’re truly confident, you should radiate charm. You don’t have to bring it up every five minutes. Remember the golden rule – show, not tell.
Dating Technique: Hide Your “Bottom Card”
When you play Poker, you always hide your bottom card so nobody knows what it is.
Dating is no different. Don’t ever show your “bottom card” to a woman.
Let me show you what I mean. For example, if you’re the owner of a construction company, you can just tell her you’re in “construction”. Don’t tell her you’re an entrepreneur with a Porsche, get it?
Women love playing detective and getting information out of you – so let them. Don’t ruin their fun by offering information about yourself. If you tell them too much about yourself, they are going to find you boring by the second date and dump you by the third. You want to remain mysterious!
Furthermore, hiding your “bottom card” will let you come across as MUCH more powerful and dominant. In Poker, if everyone knows what your faced-down card is, then there isn’t any point to playing since you can’t bluff. In dating, if a woman knows everything about you already, you’re going to appear as a lot less powerful.
Powerful people are powerful because nobody knows just how powerful they are. Cult leaders never reveal anything about themselves. Politicians never let you know about their backup plans. Armies always hide their true strengths until they attack
The same with women. Don’t boast too much. Let her find out things about you. This way, she has absolutely no idea about how exactly powerful you are, so she will just think you’re a real powerhouse or guru, get it?
3) Being negative and speaking badly of others. And we’re not just talking casual funny remarks. You know how some men ramble on and on about people and events? Don’t do it.
Dating Technique: Don’t Act Like A Whiny Bitch
Has a beautiful woman ever ruined a date for you because she acted like a whiny bitch – even just for once?
Just not so long ago, I went out with this beautiful girl. We were having fun until she bumped into some girls. After talking her “friends”, she turned towards me and said “I hate those bitches!”
Ouch. Who’s the bitch here?
Listen. Talking about other people ALWAYS creates a negative atmosphere, and that’s the LAST thing you want on a date. So just don’t talk about any negative or unhappy stuff, okay?
Do not say ANYTHING bad about other people in general… and try to stay cool the whole time. I don’t care if someone scratches your car or if the waiter forgets to bring the cheque. The assertive man never loses his temper. So neither should you.
Bro WB
(To Be Continued)
11-12-2011, 06:30 AM
4) Being indecisive. Don’t be the wimp who always asks her what to do. Make up your own mind. Be in control. She can’t feel safe around you if you can’t even make decisions for yourself!
Dating Technique: Make Decisions
Women love it when their men are in control. It’s their secret fantasy. So don’t act like a little wimpy going out with his mother when you go out with a woman, okay?
When you walk into a restaurant, choose where to sit. Just say “Let’s sit over there” and take her hand. If she makes a suggestion about where to sit, say something like “No. Let’s sit over there. It seems like a nice spot” and just take her there. No further questions.
I am not asking you to be a control freak. I just want you to start acting more assertive. Most guys are too weak in this area.
Women love to “surrender completely” to a guy. So make their darkest fantasy come true!
5) Being pushy. Confident guys don’t need to push their way into a date or into the bedroom. Remember: the more you push, the more a woman pulls away!
6) Trying too hard. It’s easy to tell you’re a needy person if you’re always too over-eager.
7) Being defensive. Some guys tend to get pissed in response to a woman’s questions of negative mood. A major sign of weakness.
8) Boring. Insecure guys are usually boring because they never talk about anything fun.
9) Asexual. Insecure guys are usually afraid of showing their urges because they are afraid of ruining their “powerful loner” self-images. Well, if a woman didn’t want sex, she would be dating a rag doll instead of a man, wouldn’t she?
In short, instead of being needy and insecure, you need to be ASSERTIVE, which means you’re “confidently aggressive”.
Dating Technique: How To Be Assertive 101
1) Do not express anger and annoyance while on a date. Always remain calm, even when you total your car, okay?
2) Speak up and learn to say NO.
Women “tests” guys all the time – even at a subconscious level. They act like little brats and see if you will let them get their way. If you do, they will see you as a wimp and dump you. But if you don’t even budge, then they will have more respect for you. Have the “You don’t have me fooled for a minute, dear” attitude every time a girl throws a tantrum.
3) Look at people when you talk to them. Stare at her eyes, not at her boobs!
4) Ask for help if you need it. The real man realizes he’s not all-powerful and isn’t afraid of asking for help.
5) Be in charge. You’re taking the woman out, not the other way around!
Start acting more assertive, and the women will notice a difference in you almost immediately.
Hv a great day w/ a chio pussy of ur choice today!!
Bro WB
11-12-2011, 10:06 PM
*Speechless* :D
But I'm finding myself losing a battle... :(
11-12-2011, 10:20 PM
4) Being indecisive. Don’t be the wimp who always asks her what to do. Make up your own mind. Be in control. She can’t feel safe around you if you can’t even make decisions for yourself!
Dating Technique: Make Decisions
Women love it when their men are in control. It’s their secret fantasy. So don’t act like a little wimpy going out with his mother when you go out with a woman, okay?
When you walk into a restaurant, choose where to sit. Just say “Let’s sit over there” and take her hand. If she makes a suggestion about where to sit, say something like “No. Let’s sit over there. It seems like a nice spot” and just take her there. No further questions.
I am not asking you to be a control freak. I just want you to start acting more assertive. Most guys are too weak in this area.
Women love to “surrender completely” to a guy. So make their darkest fantasy come true!
5) Being pushy. Confident guys don’t need to push their way into a date or into the bedroom. Remember: the more you push, the more a woman pulls away!
6) Trying too hard. It’s easy to tell you’re a needy person if you’re always too over-eager.
7) Being defensive. Some guys tend to get pissed in response to a woman’s questions of negative mood. A major sign of weakness.
8) Boring. Insecure guys are usually boring because they never talk about anything fun.
9) Asexual. Insecure guys are usually afraid of showing their urges because they are afraid of ruining their “powerful loner” self-images. Well, if a woman didn’t want sex, she would be dating a rag doll instead of a man, wouldn’t she?
In short, instead of being needy and insecure, you need to be ASSERTIVE, which means you’re “confidently aggressive”.
Dating Technique: How To Be Assertive 101
1) Do not express anger and annoyance while on a date. Always remain calm, even when you total your car, okay?
2) Speak up and learn to say NO.
Women “tests” guys all the time – even at a subconscious level. They act like little brats and see if you will let them get their way. If you do, they will see you as a wimp and dump you. But if you don’t even budge, then they will have more respect for you. Have the “You don’t have me fooled for a minute, dear” attitude every time a girl throws a tantrum.
3) Look at people when you talk to them. Stare at her eyes, not at her boobs!
4) Ask for help if you need it. The real man realizes he’s not all-powerful and isn’t afraid of asking for help.
5) Be in charge. You’re taking the woman out, not the other way around!
Start acting more assertive, and the women will notice a difference in you almost immediately.
Hv a great day w/ a chio pussy of ur choice today!!
Bro WB
Well said bro WB!
Something I go dead into conversation.
Don't know what to say to keep the conversation going.
11-12-2011, 10:59 PM
Fabulous post Warbird! I like!
11-12-2011, 11:27 PM
Looks like the thread is still going strong
Bro Teebs retiring huh?
Aiyoh.. lurk around like me lah..:D
Bro WB, long time no swing by... shall take time to read your postings
12-12-2011, 12:40 AM
Looks like the thread is still going strong
Bro Teebs retiring huh?
Aiyoh.. lurk around like me lah..:D
Bro WB, long time no swing by... shall take time to read your postings
Ya, finally decided to retire after abt 20 yrs in sbf. :D
But will still be lurking ard here when i have the time...:p
Boat collector
12-12-2011, 01:28 AM
Hi Bro Niceman,
No, I'm merely a student, a forever apprentice.
Only masters r qualified to write books.
Pls share ur insights in picking up n BY-ing chio pussies.
.................................................. .................................................
Good afternoon!
According to some Chinese gurus, if a Chinese gal willingly let u french kiss her, her pussy will be yours, not 100% but over 95% of times. I couldn't agree w/ them more.
Therefore, getting the kiss is crucial, hehehe.
From an Ang Moh guru:
How to Get the Kiss
Hi Bro Warbird,
I was just watching the movie Glengarry Glen Ross last night.
In probably the best scene of his life, Alec Baldwin states an eternal truth:
A- always
B- be
C- closing
Always be closing! Always be closing!!
I remember when I first saw that movie.
It gave me a nagging feeling.
Because deep inside i knew the truth.
If coffee was for closers… I wouldn’t get any.
I’d have a great conversation with a girl. Sometimes talk for HOURS.
She’d be laughing. Giving me all the signs.
Sometimes she’d even come back to my place.
But for some reason, I couldn’t get the “kiss”
And the next day, I’d have to make another excuse to my friends why I couldn’t close the deal.
They probably thought I was gay.
But I wasn’t.
What I had was Kiss Anxiety.
It got to the point that I couldn’t enjoy going on a date with a girl.
The entire time I’d be worried about how I was gonna “make my move” later on.
Later never came.
I’d built it up so much in my mind that I’d always talk myself out of the moment.
Which was a horrible mistake.
Again and Again I learned that if you don’t “get the kiss”…
You ain’t got SHIT.
There are 4 reasons getting the kiss is so huge.
1. The girl becomes “invested” in you. Makes it much more likely you’ll see her again.
2. Girls are awesome at rationalization. This means once you get the kiss. She looks at your good qualities. This helps her justify her decision to kiss you.
3. If you don’t get the kiss you run the risk of being “Friend Zoned.”
But most importantly…
4. Just like men, women have natural horniness. So by hooking up with you. She gets closer to sex. She realizes this. And begins imaging sex with you.
Bad new first…
If you build up the attraction and don’t go for it. The tension evaporates and its VERY HARD to get it back.
Now for the good news…
It’s easier that you think to get the kiss.
A few years back I learned a lesson that changed my life.
I mean, it literally changed my life.
Here it is:
There is absolutely NO DAMAGE that can be done going for the kiss. (assuming you sense attraction)
In fact, even if she turns her cheek or rejects your attempt…
And she becomes 10x more attracted to you.
When I figured this out I became a MACHINE.
All the kiss anxiety disappeared and it turned into a sort of game.
I no longer waited to the end of the night to kiss a girl.
I would kiss them at the most random moments.
And they loved it.
———————Golden Nugget———————
The best possible time to kiss a girl is mid-sentence. When the tension is increased. And the moment is there. Right as she is talking. Lean in and kiss her. Drives them crazy.
——————–/Golden Nugget———————
As she was in the middle of telling me something I would kiss her mid sentence.
If we walked past a secluded run, I would lead her in and quickly kiss her.
I’d kiss girls in parking lots.
Coats rooms.
Gas stations.
It didn’t matter when or where.
In fact, it didn’t even matter if she pulled away or stopped me.
Because I showed her that I was the kind of guy who could MAKE IT HAPPEN.
And that is an extreme turn on for a woman.
Much more than a guy who spends the entire night second guessing himself.
Or weekly attempts an “end of the night” kiss, or worse, ending the night with a hug or handshake.
Make it Happen!
Your Guru
Always Be Closing!
Get The Kiss from the chio gal n her pussy will be yours!!
Bro WB
Where was this site when I was still single! hahaha... Good advice and very true.. I wished I knew all these pearls of wisdom when I was in my teens..
Of course, I can still try things out now, but playing with fire now days! hahaha..
Boat collector
12-12-2011, 02:55 AM
Excuse me for asking a newbie question.. what is the going rate for BY (I'm assuming this means Bao-ing)? And what is the usual agreement?
12-12-2011, 08:26 AM
Thank you for posting once again Bro WB… been busy and will be drown in work for this last month of the year but I will find time to read your posts – they are gems!
12-12-2011, 08:38 AM
Excuse me for asking a newbie question.. what is the going rate for BY (I'm assuming this means Bao-ing)? And what is the usual agreement?
Bro Boat collector
Yes, BY is Bao Yang (抱养) or in short, bao-ing, a term popularized here on Sammyboy, by our dearest bro WB, hahaha!
Well, it depends on you and the gal right? It’s a negotiation process. Different terms and conditions come with different price tags. End of the day, it boils down to how much you are willing to part. Can be as low as $2K per month to how deep your pockets are.
I also know KTV gals whose bfs don’t support them, damn power! Their bfs go casino and 1 night can gamble away $1,000 but don’t give a cent to their gfs – then their gfs complain and complain but what’s the use? They already got hooked by them and so I know for sure that one of the gems of WB works like a charm – in a relationship, the one who cares less controls it.
Sometimes, you have to pay through the roof. 2 cases in point:
1. A local celeb (I’ve bonked a few times) confided in me recently. There’s a 27 yo guy who wants to marry her. He told her he has $2M net worth, will ask lawyer to draft an agreement to give her half of it - $1M, but only paid out in equal monthly payouts. I told her, “good ah, got $1M!” Then she told me how much she earns a month. But somehow, I feel that the guy is just trying to play around with her. I haven’t got time to follow up with her.
2. A HK actress I rtf last Friday told me there’s a Singapore businessman who wanted to BY her for 2 to 3 years for $50K per month:
(Dialog was in Cantonese, but I can’t type Cantonese, can only speak it fluently)
Fallen.Angel: 好啊!
HK actress: 神经病,我理都没理他。
Fallen.Angel: 一个月五万很多钱啊。
HK actress: 不是钱的问题。
Fallen.Angel: 那是什么?如果我是你我会接受,哈哈哈
HK actress: 我还没玩够。要对着同一个人两三年太辛苦了。
Fallen.Angel: 那结了婚要对一世不是更辛苦!?
HK actress: 结婚就不同啊!他又没说要娶我。再说他已经结婚了。
Fallen.Angel: 。。。。。。
Someone offered $100K just to bonk Fiona Xie. Do you think its too much? But if that person can afford it and treats $100K as loose change, who’s there to judge ya?
12-12-2011, 02:12 PM
Bro Boat collector
Yes, BY is Bao Yang (抱养) or in short, bao-ing, a term popularized here on Sammyboy, by our dearest bro WB, hahaha!
Well, it depends on you and the gal right? It’s a negotiation process. Different terms and conditions come with different price tags. End of the day, it boils down to how much you are willing to part. Can be as low as $2K per month to how deep your pockets are.
I also know KTV gals whose bfs don’t support them, damn power! Their bfs go casino and 1 night can gamble away $1,000 but don’t give a cent to their gfs – then their gfs complain and complain but what’s the use? They already got hooked by them and so I know for sure that one of the gems of WB works like a charm – in a relationship, the one who cares less controls it.
Sometimes, you have to pay through the roof. 2 cases in point:
1. A local celeb (I’ve bonked a few times) confided in me recently. There’s a 27 yo guy who wants to marry her. He told her he has $2M net worth, will ask lawyer to draft an agreement to give her half of it - $1M, but only paid out in equal monthly payouts. I told her, “good ah, got $1M!” Then she told me how much she earns a month. But somehow, I feel that the guy is just trying to play around with her. I haven’t got time to follow up with her.
2. A HK actress I rtf last Friday told me there’s a Singapore businessman who wanted to BY her for 2 to 3 years for $50K per month:
(Dialog was in Cantonese, but I can’t type Cantonese, can only speak it fluently)
Fallen.Angel: 好啊!
HK actress: 神经病,我理都没理他。
Fallen.Angel: 一个月五万很多钱啊。
HK actress: 不是钱的问题。
Fallen.Angel: 那是什么?如果我是你我会接受,哈哈哈
HK actress: 我还没玩够。要对着同一个人两三年太辛苦了。
Fallen.Angel: 那结了婚要对一世不是更辛苦!?
HK actress: 结婚就不同啊!他又没说要娶我。再说他已经结婚了。
Fallen.Angel: 。。。。。。
Someone offered $100K just to bonk Fiona Xie. Do you think its too much? But if that person can afford it and treats $100K as loose change, who’s there to judge ya?
Bro fallen.angel, I think every bro out here will want to aim for the point in red. Haha! But what if she decides to bring it to the next level? Afterall, she has proven to you that she's with you not for the $$...
12-12-2011, 03:54 PM
Well, any OKT offer BY service by allowing us to choose the girls to BY at a certain price? I think its going to be excellent business ideas for OKT besides the usual ST/FL/WL which I have no interest in apart from the necessary relief. Having an exclusive girl with the right taste is so much more fun and enjoyable.
I don't have time to go and shop at those KTVs and try one by one to offer/negotiate with them all these BY terms. We shall have it standardized.
12-12-2011, 04:58 PM
Bro fallen.angel, I think every bro out here will want to aim for the point in red. Haha! But what if she decides to bring it to the next level? Afterall, she has proven to you that she's with you not for the $$...
Oh believe me you will! The gals hold no candle to their bfs. These gals are my new gal’s (the one in my avatar) 姐妹…
I listen to my gal complain about her stupid 姐妹… these gals kenna KC deep deep by their respective bfs. They never talked about money issues at the onset so the gals feel that its too late to talk now. The bfs reckon that since the gals earn their keep at LV/TAM, they shouldn’t come asking for money. They break up, patch up, break up, patch up (*yawn*) and end up the gals still stick to their bfs… some of them can go to work every night but 打白板 few nights in a row… their morale can become so low 1 of them even commented that she 好想拿把刀捅自己
12-12-2011, 05:12 PM
Well, any OKT offer BY service by allowing us to choose the girls to BY at a certain price? I think its going to be excellent business ideas for OKT besides the usual ST/FL/WL which I have no interest in apart from the necessary relief. Having an exclusive girl with the right taste is so much more fun and enjoyable.
I don't have time to go and shop at those KTVs and try one by one to offer/negotiate with them all these BY terms. We shall have it standardized.
Don’t think can work. Firstly, OKTs depend on recurring income/business from a stable of gals… a few gals, many customers/repeat customers. BY means a one-off transaction, a long term lease. Secondly, unlike visiting WL or FL where you enter room, strip, do your deed, pay and off you go, BY is quite like a BGR, it takes time to understand or get to know a gal before committing for the longer term. Thirdly, this type of things cannot be standardized – its like bespoke everything, and the T&Cs can evolve with time. Just my views…
13-12-2011, 12:41 PM
Bro fallen.angel, I think every bro out here will want to aim for the point in red. Haha! But what if she decides to bring it to the next level? Afterall, she has proven to you that she's with you not for the $$...
It gets very dangerous when it gets to the "next level", with Chinese girls. They can do anything once they felt they've nothing to lose...
13-12-2011, 11:40 PM
It gets very dangerous when it gets to the "next level", with Chinese girls. They can do anything once they felt they've nothing to lose...
It depends I suppose. If they have other commitments back home, they will have something to lose. :o
14-12-2011, 04:23 AM
*Speechless* :D
But I'm finding myself losing a battle... :(
Hi bro pro.d.igy,
You hv a defeatist mentality. Turn it around n hv a winner mentality.
Well said bro WB!
Something I go dead into conversation.
Don't know what to say to keep the conversation going.
Hi bro sgboy2010,
No need to say anything. Look at her eyes, then her mouth...pull her towards u n kiss her, hehehe.
Always be closing!
Fabulous post Warbird! I like!
Hi bro MillerV,
Pls join my outings next month.
Looks like the thread is still going strong
Bro Teebs retiring huh?
Aiyoh.. lurk around like me lah..:
Bro WB, long time no swing by... shall take time to read your postings
Hi bro aczeta76,
How hv u been?
Ya, finally decided to retire after abt 20 yrs in sbf.
But will still be lurking ard here when i have the time...:p
Hi bro TD,
It's good to retire from chionging n settle down.
Unfortunately, I'm still looking...
Excuse me for asking a newbie question.. what is the going rate for BY (I'm assuming this means Bao-ing)? And what is the usual agreement?
Pls read the post by Bro FA.
I'll add my 2 cents later.
Thank you for posting once again Bro WB… been busy and will be drown in work for this last month of the year but I will find time to read your posts – they are gems!
You make my day!
Bro Boat collector
Yes, BY is Bao Yang (抱养) or in short, bao-ing...
Well, it depends on you and the gal right? It’s a negotiation process. Different terms and conditions come with different price tags. End of the day, it boils down to how much you are willing to part. Can be as low as $2K per month to how deep your pockets are.
Sometimes, you have to pay through the roof. 2 cases in point:
1. A local celeb...
2. A HK actress I rtf last Friday told me there’s a Singapore businessman who wanted to BY her for 2 to 3 years for $50K per month.................................
Someone offered $100K just to bonk Fiona Xie. Do you think its too much? But if that person can afford it and treats $100K as loose change, who’s there to judge ya?
Hi Bro FA,
Ths for ur post.
Well, any OKT offer BY service by allowing us to choose the girls to BY at a certain price?...............Having an exclusive girl with the right taste is so much more fun and enjoyable.
I don't have time to go and shop at those KTVs and try one by one to offer/negotiate with them all these BY terms. We shall have it standardized.
Hi bro boombang789,
Yes, several mummies hv intro gals to me for BY. Most mummies don't get a cut of the BY fees but a greedy LV mummy actually demanded 2-3K a month from the gals!
Personally, part of the fun in BY is finding, wooing n negotiating w/ the gals, hehehe. Otherwise, where is the challenge?
Oh believe me you will! The gals hold no candle to their bfs. These gals are my new gal’s (the one in my avatar) 姐妹…
I listen to my gal complain about her stupid 姐妹… these gals kenna KC deep deep by their respective bfs.............
Don’t think can work. Firstly, OKTs depend on recurring income/business from a stable of gals… a few gals, many customers/repeat customers. BY means a one-off transaction, a long term lease..........…
Unless u tell a mummy u will pay her 2K a month if u BY a gal she intro.
It gets very dangerous when it gets to the "next level", with Chinese girls. They can do anything once they felt they've nothing to lose...
Ths for the warning.
It depends I suppose. If they have other commitments back home, they will have something to lose....
Be careful.
.................................................. ......................................
Good morning!
BY-ing chio gals of ur type is a wonderful pastime. Part of the fun is finding n getting the gals to say yes, hehehe.
In the last 2 1/2 yrs, over 60 gals in SG n PRC hv said yes to me, but I hv consummated the deed w/ less than half of them, hahaha. It's humanly impossible to BY all of them.
Just recently, several gals agreed to BY but I hv not followed thru w/ our agreement...just didn't hv the time. Two of them r being BY-ed now.
PRC gals r dangerous. Remember the 17 yo high school student CL I met in Beijing in May this yr? She is studying in SH n will try to graduate in 2 yrs. She wants me to keep her as er nai n she is eager to hv 2 kids w/ me!!
was in LV last night and met this shanghainese girl yuanyuan dr.op dead gorgeous, classy dress well.. anyone knows her? No ST, only BY
Hi bro assky,
Ths for giving YY's HP no.
SH gals r very mercenary.
Despite that, I hv exchanged SMSes w/ YY from Gotham City. She wanted to know the person who gave me her HP no. I said my fren SKY, hahaha.
I'm negotiating from a strong position. I'm trying to qualify her, not the other way round...
I basically told her: 我朋友说你很漂亮很有气质, 他知道我眼光很高, 很少女孩子我看得上, 不过他相信我会喜欢你, 会照顾你。。。
She awaits my return to SG...hahaha.
If she is drop dead gorgeous n my type, I'll BY her. If not, what hv I got to lose?
Bro WB
14-12-2011, 12:40 PM
It depends I suppose. If they have other commitments back home, they will have something to lose. :o
You are assuming they think rationally. I have friends who have been burnt, and I've read much in my 8 years in China. Try not to get it emotional, keep it transactional.
19-12-2011, 03:05 AM
19-12-2011, 03:27 AM
Good morning!
First, I like to add my 2 cents on what attributes in a man which r most attractive to a chio gal/woman n, once they r together, what will get her addicted to him. IMHO, his masculine (character) traits r most attractive to her, well above money, status, power, looks, height, physiques, physical strength, etc. I hv alluded to theses traits many times. The underlying foundation is self confidence/emotional control/self mastery. I do not know of a modern man w/ absolute self mastery. Do you? Pls give me his name. Maybe only ancient sages had such absolute power, haha. So don't worry, as long as u hv a lot more self mastery than all ur competitors, u will get n keep ur gal.
According to many gurus n in my personal experience, a man's ability to give his woman regular multiple orgasms/COS will be very addictive to her. He must, of course, keep all his masculine (character) traits. If, for any reason, he becomes insecure, needy or loses emotional control/self mastery, he will lose her (if she is a beautiful, high quality woman w/ plenty of options).
Second, I like to update my training progress in BY-ing over the last 31 months.
After keeping more than 2 dozen gals, most of them from 2 to 8 wks, I hv "settled down" w/ 2 long-term mistresses. One of them is my 1st BAO-ee XX or XW who was only 20 when we met in 2008. I'll give a brief acct of my saga w/ her to illustrate my learning curve. She was my 1st n initially the worst BAO-ee n now she is my best.
In May of 2009, I consummated BY-ing of XW, after chasing her for 8 months. It was a failure n I hv detailed my encounter w/ her in several different threads in May n June, 2009.. Here is one:
The main problem was that I was insecure, needy n desperate. I got KC-ed n she was in control of the RS. I also had little self mastery at the time n got angry easily, big mistake haha . After our 1st separation, I offered her a small fortune to BY her full time n begged her to return to me but she ignored me completely.
I started this thread in June 2009 n began chasing n BY-ing many pussies of my type. My KC for her faded quickly, hehehe. I still tried to call n text her once a wk.
In August, 2 months later, she suddenly replied my sms n later agreed to BY. Again, the BY-ing was short lived for various reasons. Little KC this time as I had many other chio pussies to worry abt, hehehe.
In Dec 2009, XW tried to intro her childhood fren for me to BY. But her fren was not my type. I reiterated my liking for her.
In Jan of 2010, while hving dinner w/ my new mistress, the 18 yo KK, XW texted me...I was too busy to BY her as I had 3 gals at the time.
In early May that yr, I broke a "date" w/ her as it was late at nite. I tried to call n text her a few days later n got no reply. She also took me off her MSN list of frens.
Now I know that she was being BY-ed by a wealthy man in his early 30s from mid May till Dec of 2010.
In early Jan this yr XW emailed my MSN n asked if I would go to meet her in Fujian. I didn't go. She continued to make overtures to me. The table had turned, hahaha. To make a long story short, she left the young BF n became my lover/lao po shortly thereafter. The young man was too needy n possessive n later, too desperate, hahaha.
We hv been together to this day. She is in PRC now n will return to SG when I'm there early next month.
At this time I know that it would be very difficult for her to leave me. She is addicted to me financially, sexually n emotionally...I know for sure that I hv given her intense orgasms/COS that she has never experienced w/ another man before. Yes, I still like her pussy n her companionship, but I wish she will marry a fine young man in PRC next yr. It's good for her, hehehe. I'll just find a younger n prettier pussy. It's a win-win-win situation.
Bro WB
21-12-2011, 09:19 AM
Dear bro assky,
I hv kept in touch w/ YY by texting, will try to call her soon. She told me she got her business primarily from mummy A n asked whether I'm in good terms w/ her. I said yeah, but added that I had had major problems w/ one of her 小妈 in the past.
I just asked her, 等我们在一起了, 你要不要上班? Of course I want her to continue working as I already hv a lao po n a mistress in SG n dun hv much time for her. The fact that she plays hard to get n won't do ST is reassuring.
BTW, I ASSUME that she is drop dead gorgeous n that she is already 我的女人, hehehe.
Positive assumptions r very powerful. A gal can sense it 15,000 KM away. I assume that she will quickly agree to my offer to BY her n I further assume that I shall give her intense sexual pleasure she has NEVER experienced before n that she will be addicted to me before she leaves SG in late Feb.
Will return to SG soon.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................
Good evening!
It's getting cold here in Gotham City!
I hv mentioned the importance of masculine traits, self mastery, etc in attracting n keeping women. But if a man can't give his woman multiple orgasms/COS regularly, she will leave him IF she is very attractive n desirable. This is a certainty.
A noted sex guru just sent me an email on Oral Sex Skills To Drive Her Wild.
Hi Bro Warbird,
Let's begin with this true story:
I was meeting some friends out at a casual
place for a couple of drinks... and, as it turns
out, all of them happened to be female.
Anyway, I arrived a couple of minutes late, and
they were already in the middle of a conversation
when I got there.
"Girl talk."
I guess because they know that I'm not a judgmental
guy... or maybe because they know I wrote a few books
about sex... or, heck, maybe it's because I'm so "in
touch with my feminine side"... they just kept
the conversation going when I got there as if I was
just one of the girls.
As you might have guessed based on the subject line
of this newsletter, they were talking about oral sex...
And you would be right.
What you might not have guessed is that they
were swapping stories about the WORST oral sex
that they had ever received.
Talk about uncomfortable.
I was just sitting there, smiling and nodding
while the girls were laughing their heads off
talking about the guy who slobbered too much, and
the guy with the "corpse tongue" (no, I did not
make that up), and the guy who didn't know where
anything was, and the guy who...
Well, okay. You get the idea.
It was kind of awkward because I felt really
BAD for these guys... but I didn't want to come
out and "defend" them--
At the same time, I sure didn't want to start
acting like a big know-it-all and saying something
like, "Well... I wrote a book on this stuff so
let me tell you ladies how it gets done right..."
So, basically, I just kept my mouth shut and
And while it was very awkward, it was also
very interesting.
One of the main things I learned was that
there are VERY few guys who really know what they
are doing when they go down on a girl.
And that when a girl does meet a guy who knows
exactly how to send her into orbit, it's a big
deal. She's going to definitely want to keep
that guy around, and she will brag to her friends
about him.
The other thing I learned was that a lot of
women are basically clueless as to what they
themselves actually like...
but they didn't seem to really know EXACTLY why.
I guess they can't really see what's going
on down there-- or maybe it's just that when it's
really great, they completely lose the ability to
think AT ALL.
Because as I was listening to them, I could
hear that they would talk about the SAME things
as the "worst" or "the best" depending on the guy
they were with.
In other words... the guy that "slobbered" too
much was bad, but the guy that made it really wet
down there was good...
Was it all in their heads?
Not exactly.
The big "ah-ha" here is that when it comes to
going down on a woman, WHAT you do is far less
important than HOW you do it.
And maybe that's why I figured the "basic"
material on this subject wouldn't be that great
to share with you... even if you KNOW all that
basic stuff, it's still possible that a group
of girls will be sitting around in a bar somewhere
making fun of YOU.
I want to make sure that when you use the tips
I give you in these Newsletters that you will
absolutely give her the best sexual experience of
her life when you try them out.
I'll tell you up front that the three tips
that I'm going to share are all much more
about getting into her mind than her body, because
seriously, for women, THAT is where it ALL
For men, a certain amount of what makes great
sex is what goes on in our heads... I mean, being
distracted and nervous can kill it... but for
the most part, it's not about our mood... it's
about the physical stuff:
-What she looks like
-what she feels like
-what she smells like
-what she sounds like
-and what she's doing to us.
That is just NOT the case for women.
Yes, that stuff matters. But for women
the physical things you do don't matter
anywhere near as much as things like:
-sexual confidence
-sexual trust
-the things you say to her
-HOW you say them
-and how you CONNECT with her.
Now, if you're thinking that "connect with
her" sounds kind of vague... don't worry. I'm
going to tell you EXACTLY how to do that.
With the following tips I'm going to tell you
EXACTLY how to make her FEEL that you are
connecting with her in the way that will drive
her wild with lust.
If everything goes really well, YOU'LL feel
it too, and the experience will be incredible for
both of you...
21-12-2011, 09:40 AM
>>> 1. Pay Attention
I talk about this idea of "paying attention"
all the time. I believe that it is one of the
most important ideas that a man MUST understand
to become a truly great lover.
It is a particularly important concept when
it comes to going "down town".
The CRITICAL thing to remember when it comes
to great sex is that every woman is DIFFERENT.
This fact just gets lost on most guys because
either, they read about some great move in a book
or in a magazine article or website... and they
are SURE that it will work if only they keep at
it long enough...
Or, there is a thing they did that drove their
first/last girlfriend absolutely crazy... and they
keep doing it over and over on every new woman they
date... even though NONE of them respond to it.
This is just the way we men are built. We
like hard and definite solutions to problems that
will work in a variety of situations.
We like to problem solve-- but once we've
solved it, we can be very stubborn about holding
on to our solution.
That just doesn't work when it comes to
making love to a woman.
Some women like direct pressure that is
so firm that you might fear injuring her, while
others like feather-light and even indirect touch.
Every woman is unique, and finding out how
to touch her takes experimentation and paying
It is very unlikely that she will come out and
TELL you how she wants it... "a little to the left,
now not quite so hard, but a little bit faster..."
Not going to happen.
Yet, she WILL "COMMUNICATE" all of that
information to you, and more... if you know how
to listen with your body.
You've got to "tune in" to the woman you are
in bed with.
Listen to changes in her breathing, the way
her skin softens and her muscles tighten, the
way the blood flushes beneath her skin in her
face and breasts, the way she moans...
She is definitely communicating. She is
telling you all of the secret ways that she wants
to be touched and teased. But it's up to you to
understand what she's communicating...
And that comes back to paying attention.
If you are doing it right, you will really
enjoy it and it will really draw you deeply into
the experience of her.
It will make it better for both of you.
If you insist that you need a bunch of different
"techniques" to experiment with... you can get all
of the positions and specific techniques by going
But I want to say again-- that kind of basic
information is available many places online...
But the fact remains:
You can do EVERYTHING right. You
can make all the right moves with your fingers,
lips, and tongue... and still not really drive
her crazy...
On the other hand, you can do only the most
basic stuff, and if you can dial into her emotional
state and stay connected with her, you'll completely
fry the circuits in her brain.
>>>2. Stay Connected
I guess I really should back up a bit and start
with "Get Connected" before I have you worry
about staying there.
MOST men never really figure out how to connect
to a woman's sexual emotions. And that's a shame
because that is where the most intense orgasms
begin-- not in her vagina, but in her brain............................
She needs to feel connection, and she needs
to feel trust, and she needs to feel that she
won't be judged or humiliated by her partner
before she can have her deepest and most powerful
sexual experiences.
You make those connections with the things you
say, the way you hold her eye-contact, the way
you smile confidently at her, the tone of your
voice, the way you put your hands on her, and
the way you hold her.
Making her feel connected and then STAYING
connected is especially difficult when you are
going down on her because she is pretty much
No doubt a woman can really "enjoy" oral sex
even if she is not feeling connected to you down
But she can't really have mind-melting orgasms
that way. And more importantly, for many women,
they just begin to feel awkward... or even have
feelings of anxiety.
But it's so easy for you to completely take
care of all of those issues for her.
All you have to do is give her some small
signs to let her know that you are still aware
that there is a whole person attached to that
Look up at her and make eye-contact once in a
Stop and tell her how much you are enjoying it
or how hot you think it is.
Reach up and stroke the side of her face and
Take her hands and give them a gentle squeeze.
Any signal that lets her feel that you are
connected to her as a person...
You don't have to do all of these things, and
you don't have to do them all the time. Just
give her a few signs every few minutes and watch
what happens immediately afterwards...
First, her body will relax into what you
are doing, and then, very quickly, she'll have
a MUCH more intense orgasm.
And just as easy as that, you are in the
Master Class!
>>>3. Push Her Limits
This is not something you ought to bust
out on a third date.
It is very important that you know the girl
you are with and understand her on an emotional
level before you attempt this sort of thing.
Please note that nothing I am about to
write involves the use of force or of doing
ANYTHING against a woman's will.
I hate having to write that, but unfortunately
there are a few dumb-asses out there that can
twist the meaning of things, and I want to make
sure I am perfectly clear:
You should NEVER do ANYTHING to a woman that
she does not consent to and want you to do.
Okay, with that out of the way...
Women are frequently "resistant" to having their
most intense orgasms. They can feel it's about
to happen... and they nearly panic.
It's bigger than anything they have experienced
before and it can be frightening.
Usually this happens after she has come a few
times already and is on the verge of going into
multiple orgasms. And suddenly she feels like if
she comes that hard, she just won't be able to take
So she clamps her legs closed, or she wiggles
her hips out of the way. She may even moan,
"Wait! Wait! I can't take any more!"
If you and your partner are in a trusting
relationship, and if she is emotionally healthy,
try to ease her past this limit.
Here is a great way to do it...
When she begins to squirm or resist as she
reaches her "pleasure limit", reach up and place
your palm firmly in the center of her chest, and
press her "down" onto the bed.
This will not prevent her from squirming
away, and it will not prevent her from closing
her legs, or confine or entrap her in any way...
It is simply a dominant and masculine gesture
that let's her know that you want her stay calm
so that you can continue taking her higher.
Most women, if you do this gently but with
confidence, will become sexually submissive, and,
if there is enough trust between you, she will
surrender her fear to you and let you take her to
the "next level."
You can also do it verbally by calmly and
confidently saying to her, "I'm going to take you
higher, all you have to do is relax and remember
to breath."
Or "You're okay, I've got you," and then
Saying something like this... that is both a
gentle command and a reassurance that you know
what is going on and that you can confidently
pilot her through the experience will do amazing
It allows her to psychologically surrender
control of the "decision" to you. She simply
can't make the decision herself to experience that
much pleasure-- but if she completely trusts you,
she will LET YOU make the decision for her.
At this point, if you have followed the first
2 steps...
You have been paying attention so that you know
exactly how to drive her wild...
And you have stayed connected with her so that
is feeling the emotions of sexual trust...
Then by taking her past what she had thought
were her limits of pleasure, she will experience
an orgasm that will knock the walls down.
PLEASE remember:
When you give a woman this kind of pleasure it
is not something YOU did alone. It is something
Allowing this to happen, for her, is emotionally
dangerous. She will feel EXTREMELY emotionally
vulnerable afterwards.
Just hold her, stroke her hair, and say something
Be aware that if you laugh-- even if it is
just a laugh of pure happiness and pleasure,
she may misunderstand and become very upset.
Sarcasm is strictly off limits.
Be gentle.
If you are in love with her, tell her so.
If not, tell her that she is amazing and that
you really enjoyed what just happened.
I'll repeat at this point that these 3 tips
are "advanced" and that they will produce
amazing results.
You probably were not aware before of just
exactly how LOUD your woman can scream........................
And don't forget... with great power comes
great responsibility. I was a little bit nervous
sharing this stuff. It is much more powerful
than it seems on the surface.
I hope that you, like me, cherish the woman
in your life and that you don't use this kind of
knowledge without understanding the emotional
responsibility that goes with it.
And I'll talk to you again soon.
Your friend,
22-12-2011, 03:28 AM
alright man hurry come back !!! keep me updated and if possible an FR as well! :D:p:cool:
25-12-2011, 07:57 AM
alright man hurry come back !!! keep me updated and if possible an FR as well! :D:p:cool:
Hi bro assky,
I hv also requested a trusted TAM mummy to extol my virtues to her, hahaha. She knows exactly what to do...
I know u n many other bros find her drop dead gorgeous, but my only concern is that she is not even my type as my taste is different. I place undue emphasis on a certain head/ figure/limbs proportions above all other attributes.
One man's meat is another man's poison.
Merry Christmas!!
Bro WB
.................................................. ..................................
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!
This is a joyous time and a good time to be introspective and reflective on life in general...
IMHO, to be very successful in any area in life, one needs to do something opposite to what 99% (or >99.9%?) of people r doing. Take investing for example. Most investors become more n more bullish when the stock markets hv been climbing higher n higher, until it becomes a mania. In Nov 1999, a janitor in a large building at Gotham City asked me abt stock tips, I knew the bubble was going to burst, hahaha. I started selling short several dozens internet companies. Difficult to do n potentially very risky cuz the stock markets may keep on climbing.
The opposite occurs in a severe bear market when all the stocks continue its steep declines, lower n lower. It's sickening...but that is the best time to back up the truck n load up. Time to get rich! It's more difficult to do than most people realize cuz we humans hv a herd mentality which is in our genes n primitive parts of brain. Our ancestors had to follow the crowd just to survive because, as a loner, the chances of survival r very slim in those days. It takes balls or lots of emotional control/self mastery to go against the crowd, hahaha. Dun become a lemming like the other 99%...
Put it another way, to succeed big in the stock markets, one needs lots of self mastery. High IQ n encyclopedic knowledge of the markets r not enuff.
BTW, I'm addicted to only two things in life:
First, how to hv absolute self mastery/unconditional happiness.
Second, how to accurately calculate the intrinsic value of public companies.
Everything else in life is secondary to me. Owning n KC-ing chio pussies of my type is only a minor hobby.
IMHO, if u hv supreme self mastery, getting the prettiest pussies of ur type n even ur dream gal is very easy, it's too easy...
The secret is that u must behave opposite to what 99% of men r doing when u r infatuated w/ a beautiful gal or ur dream gal. What would most men do? They put her on a pedestal n worship her. Some may become insecure n needy n when the gal pulls away, they call n text her many times a day...the worst is to confess his true feelings, his liking for her, his love for her, etc. He will likely lose her forever. Do the opposite, hahaha. Even if u r dying to make love to her or you're deeply in love w/ her, never show her ur hand, ur trump card. You want to be attentive to her, like an Ang Moh gentleman, but dun tell her how u feel abt her, hehehe. Give her the impression u want her, but u don't need her n u could walk away anytime if ur boundaries r violated in any way. Say NO to her, ignore her, let her chase u! Be very slooow to reply her texts or her calls, break a date...
Recently, a PRC guru in Beijing gave me the 8 magic words in dealing w/ women: 无微不至,不动声色。 It works very well for non-WLs n WLs alike n it doesn't matter if u r meeting the gal for the 1st time or u hv been w/ her for 10 yrs. In my personal experience, he is right on! It's very difficult to do as it's counter-intuitive n the craving n sexual tension could become unbearable.
I must mention two other factors in addition to self mastery in attracting n keeping ur gals. No1, adopt a positive body language. I used to move n talk too fast. That was negative n repulsive. I'm learning to slooooooow down in every movement n speech...n of course we all can hv better posture n stay physically fit. No 2. give ur gals COS n sexual pleasure she has never experienced before. Push her limits, make her squirt. You will need extensive knowledge n lots of practice. Every woman is different n u need to pay attention to her...n find out exactly what makes her tick n scream n squirt...
Just my 2 cents.
Pls share ur personal experiences w/ us. Comments r also appreciated.
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
25-12-2011, 12:16 PM
Bro WB
Good summary to remind ourselves as we prepare for the new year ahead!
The only problem now I see is that stock markets are too volatile... Hence, its a challenge to form a view (long or short).
Merry Xmas n Happy New Year! Huat Ah!
26-12-2011, 03:52 AM
Bro WB
Good summary to remind ourselves as we prepare for the new year ahead!
The only problem now I see is that stock markets are too volatile... Hence, its a challenge to form a view (long or short).
Merry Xmas n Happy New Year! Huat Ah!
Hi Bro Rolec,
I love volatility more than SYTs, hehehe.
If you're an investor, buy when high quality stocks r very undervalued, sell when they become very overvalued.
If you're a trader, buy when there is very negative sentiment n sell when there is very positive sentiment.
I truly wish there will be violent volatility, such as STI dropping to 2,000 n then surging back up to 3.000 every couple of months, haha.
Happy New Year!
Bro WB
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Happy New Year to all samsters!
I hv not received feedback from my trusted frens on how pretty YY is.
In the last 1 wk, HY, a 22 yo SYT whom I met only once n who had agreed to BY arrangement which was not consummated n who later was BY-ed by a young man, has been warming up to me in her text msg. She apparently broke off w/ her BF of 3 months. Her saga w/ him was detailed in her QQ. Some frens rate her very pretty, at least 8 w/ little makeup. But her boobs appear small. I think I'll go for ST but she is likely to say no.
I hope YY is my type n has natural B.
I just received an email from another guru:
What Make a Lesser Man?
Hey Guys,
In this day and age of the girlie men, there are many behaviors
that make a lesser man. But one of the worst ones, one that is now celebrated by the girlie men in the media is mooching.
No one likes a mooch, that cad who shows up, partakes of
everything, contributes nothing, then repeats it again.
The girlie men in the media love mooching. Most of them are
incapable of producing anything on their own, but feel entitled
because of their position. So, they celebrate mooching.
The recent "Occupy Wall Street" protest was nothing more than one, giant mooch-fest with moochers stealing food, coffee, and sleepin space. What should have been dismissed as unmanly mooching wadelightfully celebrated and squealed over by the media, breathlessly identifying with the moochers.
Don't you buy it. Mooching is unattractive behavior, something no man should ever do, and no man should ever tolerate.
Mooching is the lifestyle of getting something for nothing, taking without compensation.
You want to have the opposite attitude. You want to be a man who produces value, and demands compensation for it. You want to be a man who is generous to women, but not a chump. You want to be a man who believes in abundance, not scarcity.
In the end, the mooch has the worst kind of scarcity mindset. He doesn't believe he can produce anything, nor does he have the inclination to learn. But because he arrived on this earth, he believes others should share what they earned with him, and he owes them nothing in return.
I can always tell the measure of a man by seeing if he ever reaches for the tab. A man who never has his wallet handy, but always shows up for the fun is not a man I want to associate with.
This has little to do with how much money he makes. I have friends who have been up and down, flush and dead butt broke, but reached for the tab with no compunctions--if they didn't feel they could afford it, they never went out. They share my aversion to mooches.
Mooching is always an unmanly behavior, perhaps the worst kind.
Don't do it, don't tolerate it, and damn sure don't celebrate it.
It's the surest way to drive women away.
On with the fun...
I'm more blunt. The type of man he describes cannot be called a man. There is a subset of men who r a lot worst: Your "frens" or "relatives" who want a loan from u, w/ no intention of ever paying back.
I hv had frens n relatives who belong to the subset. I'm sure every bro here knows a few.
Never lend them a penny.
If u hv money coming out of ur wazoo n dun know what to do w/ it, throw some money at them as gifts.
IMHO, these subset of humans r a lot more shameless n more deceitful n heartless than a 婊子. He is a human parasite n a coward. I hv much more respect for a man who sticks a gun at my ribs n rob me. At least such a man has guts.
Bro WB
26-12-2011, 04:15 AM
Bro WB,
I would love very much to rob you.
Please tell me when is the next time you will be carrying a load of cash.
Looking forward to read about your "next conquest".
26-12-2011, 06:28 AM
Bro WB,
I would love very much to rob you.
Please tell me when is the next time you will be carrying a load of cash.
Looking forward to read about your "next conquest".
Hi bro besafe,
How r u?
Never rob someone in SG. The penalty is too stiff, the risk -reward ratio is too high, hehehe.
There will be no conquests, I'm merely trying to qualify these gals to find out if their pussies r suitable for me n if my assumptions r correct.
Bro WB
26-12-2011, 07:43 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Am now domesticated, as GF is now working and residing in SGP, and keeping an eagle eye on me.
No more KTV outings and late nights, except for the few forages into the legal GL domain.
28-12-2011, 04:05 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Am now domesticated, as GF is now working and residing in SGP, and keeping an eagle eye on me.
No more KTV outings and late nights, except for the few forages into the legal GL domain.
Hi bro besafe,
I know you're joking, hehehe.
It must be the other way round, she is ur domesticate pet?
The gender role reversal is common n very damaging to natural man-woman RS which makes both parties deeply frustrated...
Happy New Year!
.................................................. .......................
Good morning!
I'm working hard to improve myself, in every way every day, even though I'm a lao chi ko pek.
I just received some coaching from a famed guru on Sexual Mojo. I need to practice n practice. BTW, Sexual Mojo is a lot more than sexual confidence. It will take me 12 months of intensive training n re-programing...
First of all, I need to imitate the body language of a very masculine character...I need to step into his character.
My choice is Humphrey Bogart who was probably less than 168 in height. No smoking or drinking for me though.
Watch him here:
Can anyone compete w/ him? Maybe James Cagney.
Bro WB
28-12-2011, 04:10 AM
wow.. learnt plenty from this thread.. bookmark it!
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