View Full Version : What are u tinking of when u masturbate....

03-07-2009, 11:42 PM
I'm very interested to know what fellow samsters here thinking abt when they masturbate. Any samster here has interesting thoughts to share?

Perhaps let me start the ball rolling. I need to PCC at least one everyday, day or shine. wherever I am. When I PCC, get extremely high when thinking of images of my mind started wondering whoever my targets are esp after watching Porn AV. My mind will start to drift to a charactor whom I know and then this person will blend to the porn actress. Try to be realistic as possible hee hee.

will share with you who my favourite "targets" are when I am back :)

04-07-2009, 03:37 AM
Sometimes, I really wonder whether I am a normal man or somehow I am a bit different from others. Hopefully, I am not too far from normal after some bros here share their art of masturbating.

For the last 10 years of so, my imagination "targets" range from female colleagues, friends, my friend's girlfriends and of cos aunties. Until 2005, my favourite target when masturbating is my auntie. She is one voluptous one with irresistable figure to my liking. a bit fleshy and well endowed breast. I often imagine or picture her having sex with strangers in scenes reminiscent of my best porn av. I remember one scene I particularly like is she got bonk by two men at a fish farm. We used to visit fish farms off Lim Chu Kang together and often, this auntie of mine was dressed in tight fitting spaghetti strips. I often peep at her cleavage when she accidently exposed herself and I knew the two workers there were also grabbing every opportunity to catch her two big melons partially covered in black lacy bra. This set my imagination and she was my target imagination with the two male workers. one malay worker in his late 30s and one one chinese man in his late twenties. I observed The foreman, a 70 year old man was also very interested to catch her exposing herself and always positioned himself at strategic spots where my aunt will usually bend. She's really a treat to all lustful men in the fish farm. occasionally if I have not eject, I will imagine him blowing the old man naked after being bonk by the two farm workers after a threesome. to make this more exciting, I have a jap av movie with two man bonking a women at a resort. Needless to say, that VCD is my treasure after so many years.

I started to shift my imagination to other target which I will continue later.

04-07-2009, 07:12 AM
i like to think of my ex, she's quite a slut and i always think about the times we bonked and when i came all over her face. sometimes i will print pics of her face and then just come all over it.

i last night also just went to a strip club last night. got a private dance from a damn big boobs ang moh girl. went back home and think about it and pcc. im currently overseas btw.

04-07-2009, 08:52 AM
I will bring a magazine which carry a sexy lady pic into the toilet. Then i will imagine i am bonking her.

04-07-2009, 09:09 AM
usually i will download some short clip online and go with the flow. :D

04-07-2009, 09:45 AM
Wonder what went wrong with my earlier post. It's missing. I have been spenting over 30 mins last night at 3am typing my experience and then it went missing. Alas, my efforts gone to drain and have to start again....hopefully will be able to continue later tonight if I am free.

04-07-2009, 09:45 AM
i like to watch clip or pics when i pcc.. imagine how rough i bang her puss.. squeezing the bug neh neh... :D

04-07-2009, 10:31 AM
tried to continue but seems cannot post. I try sort out the problem first

04-07-2009, 10:46 AM
i will tink of the best pcc session i had and i pcc hoping to achieve another best pcc session after that.

04-07-2009, 11:11 AM
My bonk with the latest FL. >.< I keep pcc to the wonderful time.

Kyser Soze
04-07-2009, 11:25 AM
Recently, I'm thinking of some chio colleagues in my office during PCC.
Quite shiok in fact. The reason is I might never have a chance to lay these girls, who are probably too good for me or attached/married. :rolleyes:

04-07-2009, 12:18 PM
i like to think of my ex, she's quite a slut and i always think about the times we bonked and when i came all over her face. sometimes i will print pics of her face and then just come all over it.

i last night also just went to a strip club last night. got a private dance from a damn big boobs ang moh girl. went back home and think about it and pcc. im currently overseas btw.

where is the strip club ?

04-07-2009, 12:19 PM
That I am.... Johnny Depp and having a FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFM session. :cool:

04-07-2009, 02:24 PM
I will recalled those time i had with my ex at varies public location that we had sex before. That kind of adventures feeling really makes me high when PCC.
As i stay with my gal, i don't really need to PCC like before. Just wake my gal up and do the job.

04-07-2009, 02:38 PM
Will fantasize on my dream gal or actress..

04-07-2009, 02:53 PM
i think of my SIL or 2 of my colleagues.... hehee esp the minah colleague thou married with kids but still damn sweee.... everytime c her also cannot tahan man...:P

04-07-2009, 03:23 PM
I think of my cousin ^^

04-07-2009, 03:30 PM
I imagine women I know and have a liking to them. I imagine them playing sex with me.

04-07-2009, 04:25 PM
tried to continue but seems cannot post. I try sort out the problem first

If you bothered to read the instructions when you signed up for an account, you wouldn't be stumbling around like a lost soul.


04-07-2009, 05:18 PM
I need to PCC at least one everyday, day or shine.

I've a friend who PCC at least 2 times a day & he said that it will help him to prolong his sex session, one of the doctor taught him.

I think you should PCC more than once a day, try to PCC 2 to 3 times & see how long you can prolong your sex session.


04-07-2009, 05:22 PM
whenever i am away from home. I will pcc n visualise my wifey at home fucking another man. Lol. Weird fetish though. N also whenever my wifey at work, i will pcc, while imagining her sucking her manager's cock trying to please him to get career advancement or her having sex wif her male colleagues in the lounge of her workplace.

It's not weird. Very common fantasy. Difference is if you actually put it into action and bring a 3rd party into your sex life. In this case a MMF episode.

QQ Lover
04-07-2009, 05:33 PM
The hand action must correspond to the imaginery pumping action

04-07-2009, 06:09 PM
LOl...will fantasize on my chio collegues in office who are attached liao..pcc thinking abt they sucking my dick and riding my dick ehind their bfs' back.

04-07-2009, 06:27 PM
i hav come to a stage whereby thinking of chio chicks or nude pic cannot satisfy my pcc. Now must at least a short video or an object which relate to female....like panties.

04-07-2009, 07:07 PM
i would think of my friend especially i would think of when we are alone in office or wat no body around or the bf make them sad then i would step in n fxxx them n CIM. shiok...:)

04-07-2009, 09:42 PM
i always fantasy abt my gf being bonked by other guys of different sizes dicks infront of me and i pcc thinkin abt how her face would look like when horny ... climax man..

WAH SAY... cool sia haha

04-07-2009, 09:57 PM
I think most of us here fantasize with "targets" that would be near-impossible to achieve.
For me, targets are like:
- my poly gal mate who is a mother but still looking hot. Will DIY whether i managed to steal of peep of her downblouse.
- my colleauge / boss, both are married and had kids. They are not exactly those sexy goddness type, but the idea of banging them is too arousing (esp my boss is those fair fair type.)

04-07-2009, 10:07 PM
I usually don't PCC but if I do I will think of my sexy sis-in-law. Even when I make love with my wife I think of her and it help me cum faster!!!

04-07-2009, 10:23 PM
I think of my next door neighbour daughter who is now studying in a local polytechnic.

04-07-2009, 10:36 PM
1 of my friend gf ... she look damn slutty tht i always fantasy about i bonking her hard and cum inside her ...

04-07-2009, 10:51 PM
When I PCC,I will think "Control...Dun choot so fast,I wan 2 be like a porn actor" :D

04-07-2009, 11:17 PM
i would usually pick butt and big tit gals on the street.

watch a good porn movie.

then demo on thes gals and fantasize them ....

Do not know... i may hav fantasized so and so.... hahhaha

04-07-2009, 11:19 PM
1 of my friend gf ... she look damn slutty tht i always fantasy about i bonking her hard and cum inside her ...

When u start pcc, do you think of the bonking scence or do you have any story line?

For me, I always try to recall the scenes I watch in porn movies and blend in the charactor. for example, if the sluttish porn actress has short hair, i will zero in on my potential "targets" as the charactor in my imagination. wow the feeling and thoughts are shiok.

Any bros have more suggestion and recommendations. Keen to learn to enhance my PCC experience... :D

04-07-2009, 11:32 PM
think of the gal you want to bonk so BADLY, but havent got the chance to, but. SOON :D

04-07-2009, 11:55 PM
think of the gal you want to bonk so BADLY, but havent got the chance to, but. SOON :D

That's the spirit - Make it happen lol. :D

05-07-2009, 01:19 AM
so many perverted samsters posted their thoughts and their adventures in the "MOST PERVERTED THINGS DONE" thread and it's a shame to see really tame posts here.

Ok I'll start the perverted ball rolling.

I get hold of my sister's barbie doll and my fav He-Man figurine....

then I will bend Barbie over and peek up her skirt

occasionally i rub my finger up and down her twat

the climax will be He-Man raping her

then I shoot all over the table

05-07-2009, 05:15 AM
so many perverted samsters posted their thoughts and their adventures in the "MOST PERVERTED THINGS DONE" thread and it's a shame to see really tame posts here.

Ok I'll start the perverted ball rolling.

I get hold of my sister's barbie doll and my fav He-Man figurine....

then I will bend Barbie over and peek up her skirt

occasionally i rub my finger up and down her twat

the climax will be He-Man raping her

then I shoot all over the table

wah .POWER. so pervert!!!! i like haha

05-07-2009, 07:58 AM
Sometimes, I think of my girl being taken by another man. Or us swapping partners.

But we have never swing-ed before and don't think we have the guts to do it :)

05-07-2009, 10:19 AM
There is 2 version that i like.

Think about fucking my friend's wife one day before her wedding at their new house on their bed and got her pregnant.

Fucking my sister in law who is in university with her 34B and snow white skin.....always wearing denium skirt and sometimes showing her g to me.

05-07-2009, 11:43 AM
Sometimes, I think of my girl being taken by another man. Or us swapping partners.

But we have never swing-ed before and don't think we have the guts to do it :)

If of all, you need a lot of courage and lust. second, you have to be comfortable with the other party (the other couple you make out with). How to be comfortable if you've just met them rite. Worse, make out with someone you know is not gonna be better. The worst part is, you may lose the respect of your own gf/wife. This is gonna hunt you forever. My advice is... resist the tempation, although it difficult if you have such fetish. but dun try it.... turn to imagination like mastubation! you will discover mastubation can save $ and relationship. hee hee

05-07-2009, 11:48 AM
That's the spirit - Make it happen lol. :D

On the contrary, for me. I may not wan what I imagine to happen. I just want to imagine... in reality, I can't stomach watching my aunties or my friend's gf being screwed by others. I oni hope to imagine she being screwed by someone else and the man is also someone I seen before and known to both of us

05-07-2009, 02:41 PM
To a sexual active man like me. mastubation is every thing. you can do it by yourself and no need to spend money on dates, breaking ice with a hot lass you want to screw. you also need to spend $ on FL and worried getting caught by anti vice or someone you know.

Save time, money and let you mind going wild at the same time keep you mind active. triple effects. better than vitamins and other synthetic drugs.

05-07-2009, 04:15 PM
Thinking of my lady boss .... :p

Blue Blue
05-07-2009, 04:35 PM
When i masturbate, i always imagine my sexy mature secretary colleague!!! Though she is 44 years old liao, still sexy and chio. She haf those long curly dyed hair. Sexy n fashionable dressing!

Her dressing to work includes:

- Halter Neck...very sexy, exposes her nice shoulders!
- Spagetti (with half cup bra)
- Low cut dress....can c her cleavage
- Mini white skirt.....when she sits downs, tats it!
- Black G string under white kakis....saw it when i help her move things n
she bends wif her backside in front of me!
- Translucent black top

Happening right?

Going to work used to be an eye candy for me. But not anymore, as she is transfered to another department. Din get to see her tat often.

I always mast wif her pics every nite.

3 of my fav pics of her are:

- Golden tube dress which she wear for a dinner function
- Black low cut dress which show her cleavage n breasts a lot.....still rem i
flirt wif her so much tat nite
- Black tank top which she strucks out her tongue so seductively

05-07-2009, 05:04 PM
pcc while thinking of my gf giving great bj.

05-07-2009, 06:38 PM
For me it's the usual stuff ba...hot colleagues, classmates, schoolmates, DXO/Officer when NSF time etc.

One of my favourite scenarios is imagining a 3some or 4some (FFM or FFFM) with my ex and her hot jc classmates or sec school friends. My ex is quite flat but nice legs and slim...she has some hot friends. One my favourite PCC target is my ex's best friend...long hair, fair skin, slim...think can be model...lives near me some more so sometimes I will bump into her wearing FBT...immediately fantasise she follow me back to my place for some action. Another of her classmates has damn nice boobs and super slutty CFM face. I love to imagine my ex plus the 2 of them all servicing me at the same time...

And I hate 2 of her sec school friends cos they were like always asking my ex to spend less time with me and go out with them instead plus my ex is the guai type and I liked it that way...didn't want her to get influenced by those 2 friends...they aren't like super hot but one got the super arrogant 'nu qiang ren' look and another one quite CFM...so I love to fantasise banging them HARD...stuffing my cock into their mouths and thrusting...that will teach them to not be so bitchy...

05-07-2009, 07:13 PM
the climax will be He-Man raping her

I'm suprised not many bros mention it, but rape scenes does give me a hardon and often great fantasies for PCC...

Video clips of such will feed me during the process.

There is this thing about F-ing someone who is straggling and unwilling. Or maybe I'm the few pervert one here :p

Ya right i know, have to stop short at that, a fantasy.

05-07-2009, 07:51 PM
when pcc-ing, i will recall girls zaogeng, upskirts, downblouse...otherwise, i will imagine that i was f-ing my friends.

06-07-2009, 12:44 AM
i always imagine of fking my target and cim or gangbang her

06-07-2009, 11:44 AM
always imagine my sec sch teacher. fuck her body dam tight. and always this cfm face. she always wears those super tight pant from behind can see her panty line she always wears a thong

or i imagine my friends mum. shes a fucking milf, still looking mighty fine. everytime i go over to his hse i look around, most of the time i see his mum cause shes a stay home wife. shes always wearing some tanktop and super short shorts. then she always says hi to me with that super sexy tone. fuck im gonna try up her one day. i cnnt tank

06-07-2009, 12:39 PM
always imagine my sec sch teacher.

OMG.... so young still schooling secondary already surfing SBF and getting polluted by bros here ah? :eek::rolleyes:

Dads out there, better block this site from ur kids man... ;)

07-07-2009, 12:41 AM
or i imagine my friends mum. shes a fucking milf, still looking mighty fine. everytime i go over to his hse i look around, most of the time i see his mum cause shes a stay home wife. shes always wearing some tanktop and super short shorts. then she always says hi to me with that super sexy tone. fuck im gonna try up her one day. i cnnt tank

Hi kinyfuckface, how old are you by the way ? Hahaha, same thing happened to my neighbour's son ( in JC ) keep coming to visit me to talk casually and then I notice his eyes sometimes stare at my wifey's boobs.:D The thought of it turned me on.

Sometimes, I masturbate while imagining wifey's moanings with facial pleasures while young men romp her wet pussy.

07-07-2009, 12:45 AM
Sometimes, I really wonder whether I am a normal man or somehow I am a bit different from others. Hopefully, I am not too far from normal after some bros here share their art of masturbating.

For the last 10 years of so, my imagination "targets" range from female colleagues, friends, my friend's girlfriends and of cos aunties. Until 2005, my favourite target when masturbating is my auntie. She is one voluptous one with irresistable figure to my liking. a bit fleshy and well endowed breast. I often imagine or picture her having sex with strangers in scenes reminiscent of my best porn av. I remember one scene I particularly like is she got bonk by two men at a fish farm. We used to visit fish farms off Lim Chu Kang together and often, this auntie of mine was dressed in tight fitting spaghetti strips. I often peep at her cleavage when she accidently exposed herself and I knew the two workers there were also grabbing every opportunity to catch her two big melons partially covered in black lacy bra. This set my imagination and she was my target imagination with the two male workers. one malay worker in his late 30s and one one chinese man in his late twenties. I observed The foreman, a 70 year old man was also very interested to catch her exposing herself and always positioned himself at strategic spots where my aunt will usually bend. She's really a treat to all lustful men in the fish farm. occasionally if I have not eject, I will imagine him blowing the old man naked after being bonk by the two farm workers after a threesome. to make this more exciting, I have a jap av movie with two man bonking a women at a resort. Needless to say, that VCD is my treasure after so many years.

I started to shift my imagination to other target which I will continue later.

In 2005 till now, my target turn to my elder sis. Something happened and captured my imagination and the impact is so great that not a mastubation is without her in my mind. It all started in that year.......

My uncle had booked a chalet but he can't turn up cos he need to fly overseas. I took over the chalet and invited my family and friends along. My Sis Kathy agreed as my bro in law is overseas. my bro in law has been attending a overseas training for two months and will only be back a few weeks later leaving my Sis alone with her children.

As it kinda last min, I made quick preparation stocking chips, snacks, beverages and etc. I went to Sis house to pick her up and went to the chalet. An army buddy of mine, Keith agreed to join me as the chalet is near his house and he has nothing to do during the weekend. we agreed to meet each other there in the afternoon.

When I reached Sis house, she was dressed in body hugging spaghetti stripes with tight shorts. even she's in 37 now, she is still sexy and an MILF. She is a bit on the plump side after giving birth to my nieces, who is at their grandparents on that day. She's tanned, fleshy and has nice, soft and round boobs which makes me drool. on a few occasions when I was young, have failed to resist temptation by softly caressing it when she was sleeping. but that years ago, now a bit embrassed.

07-07-2009, 01:03 AM
When you reached the chalet and collected the key. Sis went straight into it and began to sit and relax, reading newspaper. I told her that my friend, Keith will be coming later. she asked me with a pleasing look, you mean the keith is coming? I said yes, he is the one I managed to invite. Let me start how my sis met keith.

Keith is my army buddy and we have known each other about eight years. He is now doing his own business. He is of mixed percentage, born to an Ang Moh father and Malay mother. Keith is charismatic and appeals very much to the opposite sex. He is also popular among guys too due to his unassuming and humble nature. Keith is eloquent, suave, good looking, tall and has good body and he hit gym frequently since his army days. you can say he is basically perfect, driving a Lexus and staying alone. We went clubbing numerous times and at least two occasions, Keith went home with a babe pick up at the pub, to the envy of us. he did it without much effort. Why I said at least twice is because on several occasions Keith just disappeared and we speculated that he was picked up by women.

I remember that a year before 2005, I invited Keith for my family house warming. That is when Keith bump into my sis. I intro him to my Sis and they chatted. As usual to his jovial self,, Keith managed to engage in a lively conversation and break the ice very quicky. Suddenly I realised that my sis and keith and hit off quite well, laugh and hitting Keith as though as Keith making a mischevious remark on her. I suddenly notice that they have been chatting non stop for over an hour. When my sis wanted to left for home, Keith sent her back as they were leaving at the same time. I do not think they still contact after the first meeting.

07-07-2009, 01:31 AM
The second time my Sis met Keith was when Keith came to us for movie. My bro in law was there too. Sis came over to where Keith was seated and started to have light hearted jokes with him and then again, they were making fun at each other again. conincidently, my bro in law left the house for the market and Sis and Keith continue to tok to each other, cracking jokes. They started to tok seductively to each other, like next time you buy me drink, meal, never forget you, bring me go gym and even tok to strip poker and keith going home with underwear and that kinda of things. about an hour later, My sis asked my bro in law to go straight home as it inconvenient to ask him come again. Keith offered to drive her back. they were still laughing and talking when they leave my house.

That is 7 months earlier before the chalet. apparently, my sis missed talking to Keith. I guess. I was glad that at least my sis has company.

Return to 2005, My sis asked when Keith will be coming. I told her in the afternoon. I asked my sis what you wanted for lunch and I called Keith to packet for us. My sis snatched the phone and told Keith to fly down immediately. You can see how happy is my sis. I am pleased that my sis is able to click with my friend. I was so worried they be bored. However, whens keith turns up, he hit the swimming pool first while you can see my Sis idling and watching Tv.

when Keith came over, he was clad only in swimming trunk and towel as well as backpack with food he bought nearby of cos. My sis opened the door and they exchange greetings. Think the first time see Keith body, you can observe my sis a bit of sluttish look. afterall, my sis is known to have high sex drive and often tok about sex with her friends and I overheard it. I also knew she kept a lot of porn movies and her Ex boyfriends known to stay overnight whenever my parents not around.

Keith wiped his body and he still half naked in his swimming trunk. he then went to toilet and changed to a short but without shirt. Keith muscular body is an envy to guys and.....my sis as well. they began to chat and I joined in.

At one stage......

07-07-2009, 01:44 AM
we tok about everything under the sun and of cos, favourite dirty topics.
Keith had also brought wine and beer and we began to drink with out food. I still recall keith told my sis the chalet is a good place to play strip poker and I also add in saying I want to see my sis naked body, I yearn for it for a long time. Keith suggested I can peep at her while she showered and my sis just give a shy smile but said she won't strip in front of me. I then told her that imply it is all right to strip in front of keith and she said provided he wins. without poker cards,, we play five ten and the loser drink.

One thing I want to mention, I always caught my sis exposed herself in her spaghetti strips. she often bend down and will not be bothered about her big and juicy boobs exposing. of cos, during the chalet, Keith confirm to have peep at her for numerous time. There is one particular time when she bend to clear her bags, I can see Keith eyes glued at her soft rounded breast. I find it irresistable too and Keith could have noticed it, although I am quite uncomfortable Keith looking at her, my sis. it's about a few mins at least and more than 1/2 of my sis breast, not covered by her black lacy bra was exposed to us. Keith then made the suggestion and asked why my sis wanted to wear bra since she is in the chalet, she gave Keith a slap on his hand.

I suspect that my sis is aware that keith is looking hard at her exposed boobs and she seems to be intentional.

07-07-2009, 01:53 AM
Then the most unforgettable incident came, I received a call from my company duty personnel to inform me that our system crash and I need to rectify immediately or the operations will be affected. I said to myself, shit.. I have to rush back to my factory at Tuas. I apologised to them and promised that I will be back asap, although I knew it could take at least 6 hours to solve the problem. My sis is aware that it will be missing for hours. I wash up and went to take my car and head to Tuas, speeding all the way.

When I reached my office half an hour later, I was told by the duty technician that the problem was nearly solved as back up power was activated. I was really relieved. I stayed for half an hour after everything was all right before I left the office for the chalet. I had wanted to inform my sis and keith but wanted to give them a surprise so that they will liven their mood.

I realised that I almost ruin their mood... when I reach the chalet another half an hour later

07-07-2009, 01:56 AM
Well done, topic lidat also can have long story. Pls carry on...I'm really curious what you think of when you masterbate... ;)

07-07-2009, 02:10 AM
Well done, topic lidat also can have long story. Pls carry on...I'm really curious what you think of when you masterbate... ;)

07-07-2009, 02:11 AM
When i arrived at the chalet, I went to the unit and open the door quietly. I heard moaning sound of someone making love. I was really surprised to hear this sound and I tot they were watching some movies. I tip toe in and saw something that stunned me until now.

I went into the chalet quietly and I first I saw Keith shorts on the floor and my sis black lacy bra. then when I went nearer to the bed, I saw my sis and keith in 69 position, with my sis on top of keith. from their angle, it is unlikely they will see me and moreover, they were so deeply in passion. I was initially quite angry and wanted to shout what they are doing. However, when I saw my sis big round battock side way with Keith painting her vigorously, I relent. appears that Keith is enjoying licking my sis. I heard my sis moaning loudly as thou she is on climax. I believe she must be extremely high and hungry and it could be the absence of my bro in law for the last 9 weeks. I then crawl nearer and saw my sis blowing Keith off, Wow lan, Keith cock is long and thick, I can see my sis swallowing his cock and licking intermittently and she is enjoying every moment of it.

07-07-2009, 02:40 AM
THe sight of my sis sucking the cock of Keith really turns me on. Never know Keith cock is long and thick and my sis should really enjoy herself. savouring every inch of it. her boobs, which I am most interested in was partially hidden by Keith body, although the sight of the round curve is enough to make me wild. I can see Keith enjoying it too as he was emitting soft moans. Even though Keith is younger by my sis by 5 year old, seems like he was having a screwing her.

My cock became long and hard and how I hope I can take part too. wow what a spectacular scene. after about five mins, which I am amazed by how much both loved to suck cock and like pussy.

they began to switch position and now, I saw my sis boobs, wow at least a B cup thou a bit saggy. I saw keith placed both his hands and squeeze them. hOW i relish my hands were used instead. My sis gave Keith a sluttish smile and keith push her down and french her of a min or so being moving down, sucking her nipples and squeezing her breast, One of Keith's hand then started to move south to her pussy and before long, keith head was at my sis pussy and he raise her legs up to have a through lick. wow my sis seems cannot stand, she moan as thou as she already organism.

07-07-2009, 02:54 AM
keep it cumming :D different ppl got different fetishhh

07-07-2009, 12:27 PM
While HJ-ing myself, imageries running through my mind includes the following:

1. the 40 years-old MILF in my office who is not so much of a looker who married someone younger than her and already has two kids;

2. the FT PDMM from China who is a marketing manager who has arm pit hairs and who is not shy about sitting in a "exposed" position for people to peep into the colour of her panties;

3. the round and chubby aunty admin executive.

Usually, I imagine them giving a BJ and BM though their assets are seldom that substantial. But heck, it's just hidden desires. :p

07-07-2009, 01:27 PM
dong suhua... she is hot

07-07-2009, 03:23 PM
I've got this Malaysian MILF working in my office... used to report to me but she was transferred to support other division... She will always wear colourful bra (white, pink, red, brown, purple, black etc etc..) showing off her strap and sometimes low cut blouse showing her handful B cup..

She's not pretty at all...just another plain Jane but i just dun know why I have the urge to bonk her when ever I see her...especially during her pregnancy...she's just so normal but I really hope to have her...in the office...after work.. in the toilet... But I just have only the bloody balls to imagine...

Well.. she never fails to make me cum...:o

08-07-2009, 02:21 PM
i dreamt of my edison chen.. keke..
kinda high on him.. he is so sexy..
the next morning when i wanna go bath..
i realised i was wet.. =X

08-07-2009, 02:36 PM
1) Tinking of gb or rape session or 1 of my fantasies
2) tinking of d handsome "him" drools~ haha..duno he will see tis post or not.

12-07-2009, 10:10 AM
i would usually pick butt and big tit gals on the street.

watch a good porn movie.

then demo on thes gals and fantasize them ....

Do not know... i may hav fantasized so and so.... hahhaha

My hottest PCC is with *ati.

She is a real gem. She is 40E-36-46. imagine how voluptous she is.

I am seeing her many years but never talked to her. Her butt is ever-growing.

I always start with undressing her and sucking her boobs. The boobs are too big for my mouth. then she suck my cock. my cock too long to for her.

I bang her frrom back - doggie, reverse cowgal and so on

12-07-2009, 11:22 AM
I think of my neighbourhood bread shop sales gal. Man she has one hell of a sexy body.:D

12-07-2009, 10:07 PM
I would think about fucking my friend's wife one day before their customery wedding.........in her wedding dress, on their new bed

With her wearing a white lace g string (supposed to wear it for the wedding day).............and my friend's wife urging me to come all into her and allow her to carry my baby.......

Another is to fuck her on the dinning table..............hmm..............that would be nice...........

13-07-2009, 11:25 AM
When I PCC,I will think "Control...Dun choot so fast,I wan 2 be like a porn actor"

Maybe you think of Ho Jinx, you will not cum in 2 hours.

13-07-2009, 07:25 PM
Maybe you think of Ho Jinx, you will not cum in 2 hours.

Not only will he not cum, he will be traumatised and shrink. :p

15-07-2009, 11:13 AM
Always have a scenario when I masturbate.

The story is always like this. Targeted damsel in distress kanna attempted rape by 3 guys. I come to her rescue and got injured. She admired me and willing to please me with everything she can do.

As have wife, she will in secret satisfy me by bj, hj, fj, etc etc without wife knowing.

Usually targets are people I know, Sis in law, friends, colleague, ex school mate etc.

masturbate thinking of those

15-07-2009, 04:42 PM
I have an interesting incident on masturbating recently.

Went clubbing with some of my friends from office. One of the gals was super high and could not drive back home.. a few of the guys including me volunteer to drive her back. She choose me as she feels most safe with me...

We talk cock during the drive and most into sex and masturbating stuff. Both of us get damn horny but could not going into sex (both of us are married). End up, we drive to a small patch of forestry area near her place. She masturbate herself and I masturbate myself in full view of each other... it was interesting and exciting.. not sure if any bro try that before?

16-07-2009, 12:49 AM
i would think of my eng teacher in sec2. although she is tamil or indian and abit fierce, she is beautiful.

she always wore tight black pants and i can see her panty line and her nice butt shape clearly. everytime c liao will erect.

she always like to stand near infront of me during national anthem and i would gladly take the chance to stare at her lovely butt. during lesson also, when she wrote on the blackboard, i would look at her nice butt...

till now, most of the time i pcc, i would thinking that i am doggy styling her in the sch...

16-07-2009, 02:54 AM
She masturbate herself and I masturbate myself in full view of each other... it was interesting and exciting.. not sure if any bro try that before?

Interesting :) especially you two can still be sober enuff to control yourselves not getting into the real thing. Full view means naked or just facing each other as you jerk off? Can see each other's private part at least?

I masturbated a few times in the car where I blasted the volume of my stereo speakers (via bluetooth) while my tirak masturbated herself over long distance call. I even voice recorded the whole saga so I can replay it when needed again :D

But still can't beat what you're getting there ;)

16-07-2009, 11:38 AM
definitely not SFIV combo moves...

16-07-2009, 12:42 PM
End up, we drive to a small patch of forestry area near her place. She masturbate herself and I masturbate myself in full view of each other... it was interesting and exciting.. not sure if any bro try that before?

Sounds like both of you having martial problems? And not satisfied with each other half.

16-07-2009, 04:10 PM
Marriage problem? No la.. marriage people also masturbate what... it is just an experience that both of us is keen to try out... we decided to do so as we dont have any porn DVD at that time but since each of us has a tools and each has a need.. then let do it.. Any way... both are keen to see each other private tool too...

23-08-2009, 11:12 AM
i would think of my eng teacher in sec2. although she is tamil or indian and abit fierce, she is beautiful.

she always wore tight black pants and i can see her panty line and her nice butt shape clearly. everytime c liao will erect.

she always like to stand near infront of me during national anthem and i would gladly take the chance to stare at her lovely butt. during lesson also, when she wrote on the blackboard, i would look at her nice butt...

till now, most of the time i pcc, i would thinking that i am doggy styling her in the sch...

Bro dn good!

This reminds me of my experience!

Ah Goo
23-08-2009, 05:40 PM
I will think of my bio teacher. She is very short, about 1.5m. But she got a c-cup. Short short and big big. She has a perky ass too. Got once kneeling to place some carpet in the school library. (in doggie style) Saw her twin peaks juggling. From then, she became my pcc target.

24-08-2009, 12:21 PM
I think of my boyfriend! :)

24-08-2009, 12:28 PM
I think of my boyfriend! :)

U hv bf... why still need to masturbate... :rolleyes:

24-08-2009, 01:38 PM
so r u a guy or gal?
I think of my boyfriend! :)

i think of the maid next door... the MILF sitting with me everyday @ work... & the bus lady driver... hahahaaa

24-08-2009, 01:43 PM
Maybe you think of Ho Jinx, you will not cum in 2 hours.

hahahaa....yea think liao suddenly there's nothing below for your to masturbate.....:eek:

24-08-2009, 01:46 PM
Fiona Xie getting a GB on a pool table in a small pub......;)

24-08-2009, 04:28 PM
I masturbe thinking of a tall model wearing pantyhose squatting in front of my didi, caressing my didi while making seductive faces at me. occasinally she will touch my didi with her long legs.:D

24-08-2009, 04:36 PM
If I'm not watching some sexy video or pics, I must be thinking about some chio girls I've encountered: ex-gf, ex or current colleagues, WL, flight attendents, etc:D

24-08-2009, 05:42 PM
this morning, no need tink, switch on TV is miss universe, watch until buei tahan and finally give it all out to Miss Czech Republic :D

24-08-2009, 05:49 PM
new thoughts during pcc, my wifey drunk after clubbing or pubbing, 2 or 3 stranger bringing her to hotel n enjoying n sharing her meat like hungry hyenas. Keke. Woah. Come real quick with the thoughts. How i wish dream become reality.

i can help next time ur wife is drunk :D