View Full Version : Just now I was at Ikea... woah a chio lian she...
05-07-2009, 01:36 AM
Just now I was at ikea... damn hungry. Coz the eating house 2nd level close at 10pm So I go downstair where they sell hot dog and buy the hot cheeze dog. SOme people likes to eat hot dog togethr with the bread but for me I got a very unique liking. I like to eat the beard beside the cheeze dog first before eating the hot dog..
SO there I was eating the beard beside the cheeze dog. Wah you know I was like super hungry... gobbling abit.. like 10 days never eat like that suddenly I realised there was this Super CHio Lian right infront of me... SO as any hot blooded young man would do. I give her a smile lor like as if trying to say hi like that. Wiggling abit of the exposed hot cheeze dog while the cheeze drool out of the tip abit...
She look at me in a weird look and point the finger at me before walking off... I'm like !!??? WTF!?
Something totally unrelated...
I'm actually not a newebie was here very long ago since the delphi server. But too long never come liao so lost the old username... now I'm a newbie.. Up me please if you like my story.
05-07-2009, 10:20 AM
Just now I was at ikea... damn hungry. Coz the eating house 2nd level close at 10pm So I go downstair where they sell hot dog and buy the hot cheeze dog. SOme people likes to eat hot dog togethr with the bread but for me I got a very unique liking. I like to eat the beard beside the cheeze dog first before eating the hot dog..
SO there I was eating the beard beside the cheeze dog. Wah you know I was like super hungry... gobbling abit.. like 10 days never eat like that suddenly I realised there was this Super CHio Lian right infront of me... SO as any hot blooded young man would do. I give her a smile lor like as if trying to say hi like that. Wiggling abit of the exposed hot cheeze dog while the cheeze drool out of the tip abit...
She look at me in a weird look and point the finger at me before walking off... I'm like !!??? WTF!?
Something totally unrelated...
I'm actually not a newebie was here very long ago since the delphi server. But too long never come liao so lost the old username... now I'm a newbie.. Up me please if you like my story.
Wat storrryyy???! :confused:
05-07-2009, 10:28 AM
Ya what story??
05-07-2009, 11:06 AM
what? this kind of writing also classified as story?
The starting is really disappointed, at first, I was thinking as you are telling your accident in Ikea.. but suddenly, the message end at no way.
05-07-2009, 11:09 AM
Just now I was at ikea... damn hungry. Coz the eating house 2nd level close at 10pm So I go downstair where they sell hot dog and buy the hot cheeze dog. SOme people likes to eat hot dog togethr with the bread but for me I got a very unique liking. I like to eat the beard beside the cheeze dog first before eating the hot dog..
SO there I was eating the beard beside the cheeze dog. Wah you know I was like super hungry... gobbling abit.. like 10 days never eat like that suddenly I realised there was this Super CHio Lian right infront of me... SO as any hot blooded young man would do. I give her a smile lor like as if trying to say hi like that. Wiggling abit of the exposed hot cheeze dog while the cheeze drool out of the tip abit...
She look at me in a weird look and point the finger at me before walking off... I'm like !!??? WTF!?
Something totally unrelated...
I'm actually not a newebie was here very long ago since the delphi server. But too long never come liao so lost the old username... now I'm a newbie.. Up me please if you like my story.
Did you chase after her? Story to continue? Or nothing liao? Nothing means this is rubbish, not story. I can write better then this. No offence brother.
05-07-2009, 11:20 AM
TS, what were u trying to tell us? :confused:
05-07-2009, 11:24 AM
She look at me in a weird look and point the finger at me before walking off... I'm like !!??? WTF!?
The story ended?? Nothing special worth starting such a new thread. :rolleyes:
05-07-2009, 11:30 AM
TS waiting to be Zap...
05-07-2009, 11:39 AM
no head no tail??
05-07-2009, 11:51 AM
i supposed TS is trying to tell us.. the girl pointed the finger at him, meaning 'fuck me'? After which he gobble his hot dog and follow the girl somewhere to carry on fucking her?
That's the only story i can make out from what he had mentioned earlier.. LOL!
05-07-2009, 11:57 AM
If u know it is totally unrelated and dare dare open up 1 new thread, then i dun think u are old-bird...... i also didnt see your story. If People here dun like your "story", can ZAP you or not??? :D;):p
Something totally unrelated...
I'm actually not a newebie was here very long ago since the delphi server. But too long never come liao so lost the old username... now I'm a newbie.. Up me please if you like my story.
fl saviour
05-07-2009, 12:04 PM
i think ts is tryin to say tat the hot dog and the cheese in his mouth is like a dick with cum, and the ah lian is offended and pointed middle finger and go off lor, hahah u guys know rite like cim la.. but of course its my view nia lor, so dun zap him la, cant really express well isnt a sin rite, not everyone can express well ma, cant expect everybody to be a super writer, hahaha if really everyone gd writer then the fls here will be jobless la, we will just read and pcc instead of patronising em liao lol
05-07-2009, 12:06 PM
She look at me in a weird look and point the finger at me before walking off... I'm like !!??? WTF!?
_|_ _|_ _|_
Like this? :rolleyes: :confused:
Something totally unrelated...
I'm actually not a newebie was here very long ago since the delphi server. But too long never come liao so lost the old username... now I'm a newbie.. Up me please if you like my story.
Dare to say you old bird some more?
Really lame leh ... :eek: :eek:
05-07-2009, 12:10 PM
Ok ok sorry... errmm maybe you see the cheeze dog...
with the beard exposed.. you kinda understand what I mean...
05-07-2009, 12:14 PM
Ikea got sell cheese hotdog ??
I thought all along they just give a hotdog with bun then you would add the sauce: mustard, chilli or ketchup ?
05-07-2009, 12:17 PM
You deserved that middle finger from the girl...:cool:
05-07-2009, 12:20 PM
actually quite farni lah the story, not a bad intro. Camping here to see what happened during the 3 hours before you post here. Pls don't disappoint us... Cook up the next chapter if you need to... ;)
I hope to learn a trick or two on how to pick up ah lian... From her reaction to your wiggly hotdog with dripping source, I think she got the hint liao... Such reaction from ah lian is expected and may not mean bad...Any further approach from you, if successful, will lead to a very nice story. Don't waste your chance to gain points! :D
Else the opposite will happen...
05-07-2009, 12:27 PM
the sub forum here is 'Adult discussion' , it did not say 'Adult Stories' so in this aspect the TS has done nothing wrong, but most threads are on stories. TS merely bringing up a topic for discussion,in this case he ate the hotdog in suggestive manner in IKEA while smiling to young gal may be mistaken as perverted.
anyway, IKEA is a good place for looking downblouse of milfs esp ang mos or those chio bus to engross in furniture to care about their compromising postures, i caught many eyefuls while there too, many hard ons, but always got to be weary of my OC noticing...:D
05-07-2009, 12:33 PM
Hmm...TS got see properly anot ? LOL... :D
05-07-2009, 12:41 PM
May TS has more to tell and he wanted encouragement from us to continue.
05-07-2009, 02:28 PM
GREAT STORY!! camping here..
heheh..sorry, i just see so many of such replies, felt the need to add it here.
05-07-2009, 03:32 PM
ts tio gan
05-07-2009, 03:43 PM
Ok ok sorry... errmm maybe you see the cheeze dog...
with the beard exposed.. you kinda understand what I mean...
bro don't be kan chong, type slowly and express yourself in a more easy to understand way and what is your beard doing with the dog...:D
05-07-2009, 04:05 PM
ya lor...there selling cheese hotdog meh? how come i never see before? :confused: the lead cast is the cheese hotdog or the ah lian??? lolz
anyway...good imagination :D
05-07-2009, 05:10 PM
morale of the story
dont b like TS who was fxxked by ah lian with middle finger for ogling & flirting at her with a hotdog.... :D
05-07-2009, 06:25 PM
I've to agree with everyone else. No head nor tail, very strange story of a guy eating beard, then some chio lian point don't know which finger at him. Trying to visualize it makes it weirder.
05-07-2009, 08:23 PM
i think i might have seen the same girl you saw. Hair was long and dyed something like ash gold colour.
Good stuff i would say
05-07-2009, 09:56 PM
I've to agree with everyone else. No head nor tail, very strange story of a guy eating beard, then some chio lian point don't know which finger at him. Trying to visualize it makes it weirder.
Ya, dun know what is this thread too:confused:
05-07-2009, 10:07 PM
anyway, IKEA is a good place for looking downblouse of milfs esp ang mos or those chio bus to engross in furniture to care about their compromising postures, i caught many eyefuls while there too, many hard ons, but always got to be weary of my OC noticing...:D
You are so on the dot ! :D
05-07-2009, 10:28 PM
C'mon guys, spare the rod and spoil the brat......:mad:
05-07-2009, 10:37 PM
Ok ok sorry... errmm maybe you see the cheeze dog...
with the beard exposed.. you kinda understand what I mean...
Maybe TS really got some kinky story cumming up leh... His hotdog got beard one leh!! :eek:
05-07-2009, 11:55 PM
Kaoz why zap me sia? Trying to entertain also kana zapped... but important thing is the fun. not the point... so hope you guys felt entertained.
06-07-2009, 12:25 AM
Kaoz why zap me sia? Trying to entertain also kana zapped... but important thing is the fun. not the point... so hope you guys felt entertained.
Look, i think you are seriously over excited about joining the forum, which is why you started 2 bo liao post. the other one being some stupid fish dying.
please dedicate your time to your studies, since school has reopened unless yours is the one kenna closed due to H1N1 then i think you should spend your time playing computer games.
06-07-2009, 12:42 AM
Thanks... actually I'm working... anyway tml I'll post my first offical story...
Look, i think you are seriously over excited about joining the forum, which is why you started 2 bo liao post. the other one being some stupid fish dying.
please dedicate your time to your studies, since school has reopened unless yours is the one kenna closed due to H1N1 then i think you should spend your time playing computer games.
06-07-2009, 02:51 AM
Hey TS!!!:mad:
Don't you have any real friends you can talk to, you should go and talk to them more often instead of starting such a 'Bo Liao' thread and getting ZAP and become a target. You Silly Boy!
Can you feel it? I am also pointing my longest finger at you now, inf act, me pointing 2 of my longest finger at you for posting such nonsense. There is nothing interesting about your story, until you come up with a real story, I suggest you simply read and receive advise from other sensible ppl in this forum.
Everyday, we see chio bu, damn sexy MILF and SYT on the road and in our buildings, you don't see us acting so excited! I guess you are still a virgin, getting wet dreams just by looking at a pretty gal. However, if something sexual happens to you and the chio bu you had seen, then by telling us in the forum will be highly appreciative and I am sure you will received the thumbs UP.
So in the meantime, STOP starting such stupid thread and aggravating ppl here.
06-07-2009, 04:56 AM
Thanks... actually I'm working... anyway tml I'll post my first offical story...
bro relax and get over excited, the best is fro you to cool down and than post a more juicy for bros & sisters to read and if they find it meaningful you will gain back your points.
sorry i am not qualify to upz you yet...:D
06-07-2009, 06:28 AM
I guess TS wont be coming back.
06-07-2009, 09:30 AM
Maybe TS really got some kinky story cumming up leh... His hotdog got beard one leh!! :eek:
Haha after reading i was also like ?? beard exposed .
06-07-2009, 09:33 AM
Hmmm after reading i also went wtf?? too...
06-07-2009, 10:38 AM
haha.... TS,.... ur so-called story really left me feeling like... WTF....
I can't believed i was F**k-ed.... best ah.... u gave me a chance to laugh at myself on why should i even bother to see carry on reading every thread,,,
06-07-2009, 10:48 AM
Are u the hotdog owner promote yr own hotdog.
06-07-2009, 10:54 AM
hmmm TS.. so no more next session le?
she jus poiint den u "WTF" only??
hmmm i think u better cont the story before samsters can decide to up u or not..
think its kinda too short.. keke..
06-07-2009, 11:35 AM
Kaoz why zap me sia? Trying to entertain also kana zapped... but important thing is the fun. not the point... so hope you guys felt entertained.
You know what? Actually I do feel entertained. Got potential la. So here's my humble points hopefully to get you out of moderation so you can start your story ;)
If not enuff, maybe some other bros can also cut you some slack being new here. Welcome to SBF! We're a fun loving lot :D
Thanks... actually I'm working... anyway tml I'll post my first offical story...
Oh, not schooling? Great, look forward to your ADULT story then.
Again, I still think this one has a good and refreshing start oredi. Don't have to think of another one, since so many have "camped" here (meaning, we made a reply here and thus has been "subscribed" to this thread and get notice for new posts)
Just continue writing the next installment after that ah lian pointed you the finger... Give it a shot mate!
Btw, maybe this thread can also turn into one of those "chain reply" thread where any able bro can continue with the next paragraph for a juicy story? We'll up those that are good and zap those who anyhow write. :rolleyes:
06-07-2009, 11:55 AM
For crying out loud you wanna have pts for a story that tells us about you having hot dogs!!@@!$???? gimme a break. :mad:
07-07-2009, 05:24 AM
Give the cheese hotdog more air time pls.
Did you stick the cheese hotdog back to the girl in reply for her middle finger? lolz
this thread really make me laugh
shanghai kid
07-07-2009, 09:54 AM
maybe TS can wear the same clothings, go to ikea the same time,buy the same hotdog,stand at the same place to eat..and wait for the same ah lian to point the middle finger at him...
then he can continue this story...:)
07-07-2009, 10:02 AM
Thanks... actually I'm working... anyway tml I'll post my first offical story...
Waiting to read your redemption story.
07-07-2009, 11:36 AM
Or maybe this time, bro TS can point his middle finger back at the Lian?:p
07-07-2009, 12:09 PM
SORRY for my late reply... coz the administrator haven't approve my reply and posting :)
08-07-2009, 12:45 AM
this is 1 of the most entertaining threads started by a "Lao Cheow" (veteran).
chio girl showing middle finger...
cheeze dog with beard (fucking scary animal mutant!!)
eating the beard before the cheeze dog (even more fucking scary predator!!!)
anyone bonked inside Ikea's mockup rooms b4? Hahah
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