View Full Version : entangled with a colleague

11-07-2009, 05:34 AM
hi all ... am quite new here ..

juz wanna share a story which i had the opportunity to experience a few months back ... :)


i was selected for a job in a call centre and had came down for the orientation full of anticipation. in the room was about another 12 peeps, mostly ladies as well. one of the girls caught my eye, (let's call her S). she was slightly shorter than me, having a slim figure but with round butts and nicely shaped breasts. furthermore, with a figure hugging skirt, you could see the nicely round shaped butt. she caught me looking at her and not wanting to feel awkward, i smiled at her. she smiled back ... and with a lovely smile at that. well, i thought to myself... at least things are going to be interesting around here.

the orientation started and we were told to get into groups of 5. i quickly got up and went over to S, asking her ...can we group up, since i do not know anyone here. she said ok and asked me to sit next to her. as i was walking past her, i looked at her and caught sight of her cleavage under her shirt... unbutton at the first two buttons, showing off a deep cleavage. it sparked off kinky thoughts in my mind , if only i could feel them in my hands or suck the nipples .. it would be so heavenly. i felt aroused at that point of time ..and i could felt a hard on coming. but i just sat down next to her and we started chatting. we introduced each other and i found out that she was going to be at another department. damn.. i thought, i'm not gonna let this slip away.

the orientation was fun, we had games .. and i did not pass the chance to have a chat with her whenever an opportunity cropped up. eventually, the orientation ended but not without me exchanging msn id and facebook accounts with her ( she did not want to exchange hp with me .. guess , she still wasn't trusting me then ).

i bade her farewell ... and it was time to go home. but i was planning on how to meet her often and get her to open up to me more, at the same time ... visions of those butt and boobs keep popping up in my mind. only left for a plan .... but what ?

11-07-2009, 05:49 AM
Thanks for sharing. Please continue.

11-07-2009, 06:40 AM
part II

days passed. i only managed to see her a few times during my lunch or dinner breaks. and the naughty thoughts keep playing in my mind, i began fantasizing about her naked .. her firm breasts in my hands and me bonking her ass. heavenly!

then one day, she appeared on msn. i began messaging her, asking her how is work and how she is coping. i then asked for her office extension, at the same time asking her if it's ok i ask her out to lunch together during break time. she was quite receptive to the idea .. telling me that she still have not gotten close to anyone in her department. ( well, if no one wanna get close .. i do wanna get close to her. in bed too. hehe )

we started having lunch breaks together , whenever i am on day shifts and i would ask her to accompany me on breaks too, going up to pantry to get drinks. we started to get close and i took the opportunity to get her number and ask her out. i did got her hp no. but she said as she was taking part time classes, it was difficult for me to go out and with me being in a mixed shifts, it was quite difficult to arrange a day out as well.

we get on with the arrangements a usual but by this time, we were quite friendly. we began calling each other "dear" , "hunny" .. whatever fancies her, i'd go along. we would be joking and me tickling her and such. the only thing why i did that, while tickling and squirming, i sometimes managed to brush my hand on her breasts. the soft bouncy feeling was great. i had to restrained myself hard from grabbing both of them. hehe. at least i could apologised and said it was an accident if she asked. but from the looks of it, she seems to be enjoying it.

one day, she was at home and me, at work .... she msged me asking what time i would be gng back. told her i would knock off at 11pm and i ask her why. she said she was bored ...and then asked me if i could meet her under her block, just to sit around and chit chat. having nothing to do at home ... i said ok. will call her when i reached her place. at 11pm, i quickly gathered all my stuffs and went over to her place. reached her block and called her. she came down dressed just in an oversized t-shirt and tight shorts. even under those t-shirts, i could her lurvely breasts potruding out. she got into my car and we sat there talking. as we were talking, i broached the subject of her having any bf. she said she used to have one but now no and she was not in a hurry to find one. i asked her whether she had done any intimacies with her ex bf. she blushed and nodded. but it was a long time ago, she said. well, i thought, not for long. my horns is starting to inch higher and higher now ... hehehe. after a while, she said she was cold, i asked if i could put my arms around her, she nodded. she moved her body closer to mine and i hugged her and pulled her close. she put her head on my shoulder and we just sat there. i moved my hand and rubbed her body slowly. she seemed to like it , just keep snuggling closer. i then called her name softly, "S.." , she turned and replied , "yes..."

and when she turned, i kissed her. and we frenched for what seems like an eternity ....

11-07-2009, 09:45 AM
Did you manage to get her contact number ?

11-07-2009, 10:00 AM
Nice story..camping here for more steamy stories

11-07-2009, 10:21 AM
So will you be continuing with the story ?

12-07-2009, 02:42 AM
Did you manage to get her contact number ?

yes bro .. at last ! .. hehe

Nice story..camping here for more steamy stories

thanks ..

So will you be continuing with the story ?

yups ...


part III

while frenching ... i tried to move my hands around to gauge whether she's quite ok but apparently, she pushed away my arms when i tried to move my hands behind her back ... was trying to unhook her bra strap. she stopped and told me that she's uncomfortable doing anything else more.. let alone in a car. ( i guess, i still got a chance ...only to find a suitable place ...heh) i said , "ok .. i'm not forcing u to do anything that u find uncomfortable. i'm sorry." " nahhhh , nuthin to be sorry about ... actually i like ur company. just that we'll take it slowly from here k? " ... i just nodded. i ws thinking, oh how i wish, i could just have her there and then. the silhouette of the t-shirt outlining her figure is already enuff to give me hard on. but like sensing what is on my mind, she patted on my crotch, stroked my hardened cock and giggled " must be patient , ok ?" ... and with that, she kiss me on the cheeks, open the door, wished me goodnite and left. i just sat there looking at her , while she ran up home. what a way to end the day. but at least, i'd made some headway. :)

after that, few times during work .. while we are going for breaks or lunch, we would find a corner, at the staircase or the fireman lift ..for a quick frenchie. she's getting bolder by the day ... sometimes, sliding her hand in my pants to stroke my already hardened cock, at times letting me grope her butt, but always rejected my advances to her breasts or pussy. nvm, i thot .. one of these days, i just have to play it patiently.

that day came ... it was a sunday. i was working the morning shift, ending at 4pm. there was not much people ard on sunday and other department are usually closed. i had a pleasant surprise then S called me on her extension.

me: hey hun , ur working today?
s: yeah, had to clear some sales stuff .. hmm , wat time u gng back?
me: in about 10 mins ... u wanna me to accompany u ? anyone at ur place?
s: dat would be nice ...but i have something nicer. i let u know when u knocked off k ?

i was wondering what it was. 10 mins seems like a long time when u are anticipating something. my mind was going astray ... would we be gng to check in? or her place ? or mine? haha ... the torture was terrible. but soon, it was time for me to log off frm work. at that moment exactly, my phone rang. it was s.

s: hey hun, come up to my level .. but go in the conference room 3 k?
me: ok ( not sure what to do ... coz that place is out of bounds to all except selected staffs )

i went up ... look for conference rm 3, went in and there she was...smiling her usual radiant smile. "come here hun" , she said. we hugged and kissed. "see, isn't it nice .. we have all the conference room by ourselves" .. i was not caring about that, i was only thinking on how can i go further with her ! hehe .. i kept on frenching her ... while she does the usual slide and stroke on my cock. however, this time .. she had unbuckled my belt, slid my pants down and remove my boxers swiftly.... leaving my cock standing at attention. ( this point of time, i knew that she's not first time doing this and i want more... ). "my oh my ..what do we have here ....little soldier at attention? " she giggled. the way she giggled makes me hornier. " hun, " i called ... " may i ... " , and before i could even said what i wanted to say, she had remove her top and whispered in my ear " u want them, dun u? " .. without hesitation, i unhooked her bra and rub her breasts roundly, slowly ... coming up to the nipple and slowly licking and suckling the breasts. she moaned softly .... only making me hungry for more. as i kept on licking and sucking on her soft nipples and breasts .. i led her to lie down on the conference table, where she could easily stroke my cock. at the same time, my hand roam ard, looking for the next target , her pussy. i unhooked her skirt, and rub her clits with her panties on. that made her more squirmy and moans getting louder. she was getting wet ... i inserted a finger into her pussy and finger fucked her. her cock stroking was getting more faster. a two finger fucked followed and she was now moaning loud. i devoured her breasts again and as i was about to cum .. i signalled to her. she moved so that i could get on top of her and stroked my cock harder while aiming for her breasts. a short while, i shot a whole load onto her breasts ... and she kept stroking , this time slowly and gently ...until all the load finishes up. she then use my cock to slowly swirl the cum on her breasts and rub it against her nipples. we kissed again and then wiped ourselves clean. she was smiling happily as she whispered in my ear " that's just a start.... next time ... " and she giggled. " next time, lemme cum in ur mouth k ? " i said. " let's see if i'm in the mood ok lurve? " ...

we got dressed , left the place and i sent her home... all the while guessing, what's next does she have in store? ....... i just can't wait .. :D

12-07-2009, 11:24 AM
Good story bro. I also can't wait . :)

14-07-2009, 12:59 AM
some pix of her for bros here to enjoy ...




14-07-2009, 11:41 AM
Not bad a start!:)

14-07-2009, 02:07 PM
wow she has a nice figure.. keke~~

can i have more???

14-07-2009, 03:17 PM
wow, more please! Normally a good start will lead to great journey.

14-07-2009, 03:31 PM
good contribution. up u.:)

14-07-2009, 04:38 PM
A good read. I am also eager to know what she has lined up for you. Please update.

14-07-2009, 05:17 PM
;3917467']some pix of her for bros here to enjoy ...



Her neh neh very huge. :eek::)

14-07-2009, 10:27 PM
Hmmm... wonder what she will do too .

15-07-2009, 02:45 AM
~ firstly, very much thank you to all the bros / sisters here who up for me .... :D

now lemme con't .. heh


few days passed .. we were back to our routine again. work. meet up secretly at some secluded corner for quick frenchie, gropings and she; mainly teasing my hard cock. she was really teasing me and making me wanting more of her. but knowing that she do not like to be pushed, i let her call the shots .... ( as long as i could continue getting her the way it is now, who's complaining .... haha )

one late friday nite .. i got a msg on my msn asking to meet her under her block after my work. not knowing what's the plan for tonite, after work .. i met her at her place. there she was.. in a spahetti strap top and shorts with some sort of duffel bag in hand. ( i was wondering what was the duffel bag for? ) " head to east coast ... we chill there tonite k ? " ... and off we went. all the way during the ride ..as usual, she keep on stroking my cock and was teasing me, giggling away. but when i tried holding her breast, she pushed my hands away .... asking to concentrate on the road. ( how the hell does one concentrate on the road when one's little bro is being teased and stroked continuously? ) upon reaching there, we agreed on a spot, she brought up the duffel bag and we started pitching the tent. once up .. we went in and rolled out the foam mattresses.

and she started stripping. took off her top and shorts. i was absolutely turn on by her black lacy bra n panties. without hesitation, i took off my shirt while she unbutton my pants and pulled them off , leaving only my boxer. she motioned to me to lie down and started crawling on top of me.... slowly kissing my nipples, licking them ..... making way down to my cock. with one hand she pulled off my boxers, the other pulling out my already hardened cock. she slowly licked my shaft, her tongue flicking on my cock head ... hmmmmmm ..... and proceeded to blow, alternating deep throating in between. when i motioned to her that i wanna cum ... she sucked at a faster rate and i let shoot my load in her mouth ..... best part, she swallowed all. with a smile ... she whispered in my ear, " now pls eat me .... hunny" ..

without a second invitation, i turned her over ... spread her legs ... and start licking her. i lurved a clean shaven, smooth , no smell pussy. licking slowly .. i then started to lick deeper into her pussy. her wetness together with my saliva ... licking and flicking her clits ... she was moaning soft moans. her squirmings getting more and moans getting rythymic ... until she said softly in between her moans .... "hunny....fuck me plsssssssss ... can't stand it ....." ..while licking, at the same time ... i inserted two fingers in and start finger fucking ..... she was holding on my head and tussling my hair ... and moanings got louder. i slowly licked upwards .... to her breasts and sucked her breast. at the same time, put on the cd and inserted my cock and start pumping her. slowly thrusting forward and backwards ... i was enjoying the look on S's face. as i was feeling another burst ...i turned her over and doggied her , this time fast and furious. she was grabbing the matresses had now and when the moment come i just shot it all off. we lay down in a heap .... with her head on my chest and me hugging her. she ... one hand on my limping cock ... playfully playing with my cum covered cock. ticklish but still i lurve her warm hand wrapping ard my cock.

we cleaned up ... i put on my boxers and she just put on her top and shorts. we then went outside to enjoy the cool breeze. we cuddled up ... staring at stars .... when suddenly she said in my ear, "hun , wouldn't it be exciting if we have sex on the beach under the stars ? " ....

i was like ..... :eek:

15-07-2009, 04:24 PM
Another round of sex coming?

17-07-2009, 10:13 AM
Must be frustrating for you eh bro TS, she setting the pace ever so slowly, but then again, its the anticipation that is very rewarding. :D. Thanks for sharing, cheers................

17-07-2009, 11:01 AM
SEX on the BEACH!!!!!

Wooooooo TS was like....?? wad ?? ....
turned on again?? =P

waiting for more~~

19-07-2009, 05:49 PM
I should go to east coast more often.:)