View Full Version : kana love Black Magic?? Pls Help!!!
08-08-2009, 02:18 AM
Hi all, a year ago I met a ex school mate and I have no feeling on her when I saw her that time. Since then, she will constantly sms and invite me for any outing. I will just entertain her when I am bored at that time. But suddenly in February I have feeling for her, I confessed to her and got rejected. But we still remain as friend, and she still treat me ok at first but suddenly treat me coldly in the middle of April when she told me I ruined my 2nd chance to be together with her. She treat me coldly since then, and I, knowing that I have no chance on her, still try to keep contact with her by SMSing and invite her for outing but got scold or cold treatment always. I try to force myself to forget her and delete all her msn and SMS history, but end up I still fail and I will sms her all the time. Sometime she will entertain me a while, but sometime totally “bochap”. But she always emerge in my mind, and I will automatically contact her every time although being scold, cold treat, and verbally harass by her even in front of my own friend. And in my view, she is not beautiful as all!
Can any brother here please provide me some view whether I have been poisoned by any black magic of her or any other people? Did I being curse with the so called love “kong tao”? Is there any physical symptoms that show that I got the black magic? I really just cannot forget and let go off her. Can you intro me any master that can help me to heal me from this kong tao and to forget her?
I have been trying so hard to leave her alone, but I will return to the lame side after few days and keep begging her to entertain or spent some time with me. I even buy her gift all the time which she will just keep aside at home. She is the one who come into and disturb my life at first, and now I have fallen to her trap and cannot get out. Pls help!!
08-08-2009, 02:26 AM
i have a master but i think what u should do is juz forget her.... dun cos of a tree let go of the whole forest...i also tio b4... my "ex-gf" tio by 1 guy and was confirmed by few masters that the guy used "kong tao" ... but i did not do it back as there will be more karma.... so leaving her is not a bad choice either... i think u should cheer up and do what u want now.... life still goes on... stay cheerful and happi always and everday is a new start... cheers... :)
08-08-2009, 02:33 AM
I think TS must wear his underwear on his head for 7x7=49days to see the truth.
Before wearing on the head, this piece of underwear must be worn for 7days straight without washing to accumulate more potency, more power to exorcise the evil.
it's not black magic whatsoever lah. It's just your mind playing tricks on you. You are too weak and easily manipulated. Part of growing up lah. Dont worry. You'll come out stronger.
08-08-2009, 02:48 AM
TS. this is not Kong Tao, its Tao Gong Gong aka Head Over Heels
you Fallen in Love with her la, dummy!!!:D
Another method is to wear an odd pair of red and pink socks for 7x7 days = 49 days without washing, on the 50th day whenever yuo think of her, just smell your socks to wake you up and do it for a week, after that you be cure of her magic because whenever you see or think of her, you will remember the aroma !!
08-08-2009, 04:19 AM
TS. this is not Kong Tao, its Tao Gong Gong aka Head Over Heels
you Fallen in Love with her la, dummy!!!:D
Another method is to wear an odd pair of red and pink socks for 7x7 days = 49 days without washing, on the 50th day whenever yuo think of her, just smell your socks to wake you up and do it for a week, after that you be cure of her magic because whenever you see or think of her, you will remember the aroma !!
Hey bro, when i saw your post, i immediately brust into laughter !!! Damn Hilarious
Upped you for your sense of humour. Keep it coming.
08-08-2009, 08:02 AM
So oblivious that he has fallen in love with her,maybe she not his cup of tea that y his sub consicous keep denying it.
08-08-2009, 09:17 AM
I think TS must wear his underwear on his head for 7x7=49days to see the truth.
Before wearing on the head, this piece of underwear must be worn for 7days straight without washing to accumulate more potency, more power to exorcise the evil.
Hahahahaha bro bangster you really knock me off the chair with the above advice (SAM NOTICE IT IS ADVICE AND NOT ADVISE) for TS.:p:p:p
08-08-2009, 11:21 AM
Pls help!!
Find something that you can do everyday. Meet up with your normal friends and get to join their healthy activities like Golf, Gym and forget all the relationship stuff.
I am not sure if this is your first time falling in 'love' but you'll be seasoned after a few trips with Cupid.
08-08-2009, 11:35 AM
Hi all, a year ago I met a ex school mate and I have no feeling on her when I saw her that time. Since then, she will constantly sms and invite me for any outing. I will just entertain her when I am bored at that time. But suddenly in February I have feeling for her, I confessed to her and got rejected....................But she always emerge in my mind, and I will automatically contact her every time although being scold, cold treat, and verbally harass by her even in front of my own friend. And in my view, she is not beautiful as all!
Can any brother here please provide me some view whether I have been poisoned by any black magic of her or any other people? Did I being curse with the so called love “kong tao”? .................................................. ...................She is the one who come into and disturb my life at first, and now I have fallen to her trap and cannot get out. Pls help!!
Hi bro,
No, you're not dumb n u didn't kena Gong Tao, despite what some uninformed people may think.
You hv fallen in love w/ her! Falling in love is not a choice. One can't choose whom one should/could or would fall in love w/. It occurs at the subconscious level, beyond the control of ur higher brain, the neocortex.
Consciously, u dun find her attractive or desirable at all. I believe she has, tru her interactions w/ u, triggered some neuro mechanisms in the primitive areas of ur brain n u are falling for her. It occurs at the subconscious level n u cant help it!! This trigger probably occurred in Feb. In fact, she is also very puzzled n frightened by ur sudden affection for her n she is running away from u.
What should u do? Stop all ctc w/ her!! Try meditation, mind reprogramming n /or NLP exercises. You could google them n go from there.
Good luck!!
08-08-2009, 11:47 AM
Bro dummydummy, you may want to try this cure:
Tell her you sorry to disturb her for so long, now u are attached. then make sure you do not comm her at all. Pretty sure she will start disturbing you soon. Personally feel young gals mostly like dat. Growing up process.
Dun be bo liao abt you getting GONG TAO. LAN JIAO TAO mostly probably you have kena!!! :D
08-08-2009, 12:04 PM
-.- It's not black magic.
Its called psychology manipulation.
Just like what guys always do to girls.
Try their luck sms her everyday.
Until she is used to it,
she will become curious if she dont recieve any sms from you.
My advice?
Try hating her.
08-08-2009, 12:57 PM
Could be just infactuation or even love. Wait and see.
But if you no day or no night, and don't care about eating, drinking, everyday life and work, and just want to see her or spend time with her, no matter what or how woo liao, maybe black magic.
08-08-2009, 01:11 PM
My advice?
Try hating her.
Agreed that TS is in love but hating the lady will still keep her in his frame of mind. Best way is to learn to love urself more first - that will make u stronger and less susceptible to such "spells". :)
08-08-2009, 01:34 PM
hmm..........interesting story. However whether is gong tao or just mind playing tricks is very difficult to knw. Have worked in Thailand b4 and have seen qong tao at work even know some gals resort to these to make them more appealling but most as working gals. However TS, I think your case is more of your own mind. Ask yourself these questions.........did you wake up every having dreams of her. have eaten anything done by her even her saliva. Have you given her anything suc as money or gifts that she wants?
Toyota Honda
08-08-2009, 02:02 PM
I was in a similar situation before. Its not a case of gong tau on you. But rather you just want her badly cos you don't have her at all... And because you can't get what you want, you are not happy and cannot tahan not getting it, thats y you want it even more that makes you do what yo are doing.
The best way is to not contact her. Its definitely impossible for you to not think of her. But all you nee to do is don't sms or call her at all. Just don't do it and you really have to achieve that stage.
If she doesn't contact you after 1 mth still, you have nothing to lose..
If she contacts you, then you have found out her weakness and play along tihs line. and I bet you, she will try to play hard to get etc but don'give in. Let her win you over this time and you play cool. If she don't even try to get you back, not worth..
And please, start getting a good girl for backup. U will win this battle easily. Cos either way, you don't need that woman at all...
One word of advice.... Girls who play hard to get does not deserve good guys. This is the fundamentals. As fundamental as y=mx+c staright line equation.
08-08-2009, 02:11 PM
google "oneitis"
all the best
Hi all, a year ago I met a ex school mate have fallen to her trap and cannot get out. Pls help!!
Try to keep yourself occupied and soon forget about her.
One of the best way is to start a new hobby and join a Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). Once you invested your time in a game and got yourself addicted, you will forget about her totally.
Heard that there is a new F2P game called Metin2 SG coming soon. You may want to try it. :)
08-08-2009, 02:39 PM
It sounds as if you acted "being cool" and you didn't move fast enough when the iron was hot!
There are 2 possible explanations for her confusing behaviour:
1) In both her (during and out of school) “High Interest In You” periods, you were not interested in her, you used her to kill time and perhaps looked bored all the time when you’re out with her - just to “entertained” her as you mentioned.
You have brought her Interest Level down from Ground to Basement which is why she said you have ruined your 2nd chance and her Interest Level stayed in the basement and never moved up since. So when you expressed your interest to her, you have boosted her ego, so she flirted with you into thinking that she had renewed interest feelings for you. Then when she knew that she had you back under her “spell”, she acted disinterested again so she could have the pleasure of confusing you and hurting you. Thus she was able to put you back in her place and demonstrate to you that you shouldn't try to beat her at her own game. Although I may sound quite cynical here, the truth is that some women do this sort of thing and get away with it!
2) She never really had any romantic feelings for you, like you, she contacted you at a time when she was bored and lonely. She had nothing else going on, so she flirted with you, but she kept her heart to herself. Remember, a woman with low interest level can still do all kinds of things that will make you think that her interest level is high. Now she's got something else going on with someone (not YOU!) she has real interest in, she's reluctant to tell you to your face because you are just a casual ex-school mate and never her soul why bother with you.
TS, regardless of the reason why this girl is now acting, as she is, the reality factor is that you don't look for an explanation for her behaviour. You simply look at reality and note that at this point, this girl is not available to be in relationship (at least not with you). Plus, she's making you work too hard. Remember, when girls like you, they help you along, but now she's giving you about as much help as Boss Sam - advice and advise only help here.
So at this point, I'd say it's time to move on to greener pastures because this girl is going to continue to be more of a pain in the butt than you started your thread at 2.18am. Just look at this whole episode as a learning adventure so you don't waste so much time next time around.
Remember, TS, every girl is practice for the next.
kurosaki ichigo
08-08-2009, 02:50 PM
Not worth the trouble going after such women. Have seen my share of it and the most effective tool they have against you is playing with your ego.
The most effective tool you have against them is being nonchalant about it. STOP contacting her. I guarantee that she will crawl back to you being curious why you lost interest.
Of course she won't contact you if she's not playing hard to get in the first place but looking at your description of her behaviour... I know she is.
Play with her mind and see how she crawls back. Enjoy but remember it is bad to do so.
Just find a nice good girl who don't fuck your mind up.
08-08-2009, 06:43 PM
Think the TS love kanna suan by ppl calling him "BAKA":p
08-08-2009, 07:03 PM
Haha........TS u not kana gong tao.......u kana lan jiao tao.............
dick start itchy liao..........keke :)
09-08-2009, 01:04 AM
TS, if you believe in the power of your belief, go pray pray for a few days la and everything will turn out fine for you.
all the best
09-08-2009, 04:34 AM
i tried very hard to stop contact her, but after like maximum 2 days, i will automatically sms her, and so i am saying that i kanna her black magic, else i wont be doing such lame act. I just went out with her again because i try very hard again to persuade her for the outing today, and we have a great time. However, she still treat me coldly some of the time but at least i sent her back just now. I dunno if she will avoid me again nex time, but i will try my very best stop contacting her to see how she behave towards me.
09-08-2009, 03:04 PM
what do u mean even afer deleteing contacts u still sms her??? :confused:
so you deleted all sms, all call log, all number related to her but mysteriously a hour later u recalled the number?
09-08-2009, 03:06 PM
i still dont understand. so u mean you just like sitting there watch tv and you somehow pik up phone, and remember her num to msg her...???
Avant Garde
09-08-2009, 03:09 PM
you need love potion no 9
09-08-2009, 03:53 PM
dummydummy,'s the result of YOUR hurt ego, pride, sense of self-worth and your feelings of rejection, because she no longer seems to be interested in you anymore....You lost your grip in this game and why did you need to beg for a date with her? Come on, a woman dont fancy a man with low self esteem. Pick yourself up and keep your emotion in check!!! Good luck!
kurosaki ichigo
09-08-2009, 06:25 PM
dummydummy,'s the result of YOUR hurt ego, pride, sense of self-worth and your feelings of rejection, because she no longer seems to be interested in you anymore....You lost your grip in this game and why did you need to beg for a date with her? Come on, a woman dont fancy a man with low self esteem. Pick yourself up and keep your emotion in check!!! Good luck!
Why you use the same name as me har? :D:D:D
10-08-2009, 01:33 AM
i dint delete off her number because we have common frens (who actually are my frens at first), and all our frens tot we are so close that everytime theres an outing, i am the one to inform her. She also will invite my frens for other activities also, which i was last to be informed. So i still need her number for my frenship purpose. I am so lost now....
10-08-2009, 01:35 AM
i admit i fall for her already...but i dun wish to be together with her...I jus wanna know how can i forget her or breaking the black magic of she cursed on me....
10-08-2009, 01:41 AM
the chinese say, the bestest cure for anything is super extreme measure ;)
orthewise know as when beyond medicine help, u use operation
(if beyond operation help, use ... er.. other method ) :D
gambling? cut hand
fcking too much? cut dick.
cant stop smsing her? delete all contact.
if you really think she is magicking you then delete her num, go and have a heavy dririk, and see if u can still remember. if you can... oops. time to find other helps :cool:
10-08-2009, 01:44 AM
Visit more KTVs. Don't you know a lot of true love can be found there?? ;)
10-08-2009, 01:45 AM
i admit i fall for her already...but i dun wish to be together with her...I jus wanna know how can i forget her or breaking the black magic of she cursed on me....
er so what does this mean? u really like her now but u dont want to do any of the following?
a) fuck her
b) marry her
c) be her bf :D
relationship problem like this belong to Girl, Not Guy. :cool:
Girl say " i like you, but i don want to be your stead"
boy say"" i like you, lets fuck ok"
if the "black magic" she casted allows you to find help from other places.... it cant be a very good magic can it?? isnt a good spell supposed to make the recipient not know is under a spell?
kurosaki ichigo
10-08-2009, 02:58 AM
i dint delete off her number because we have common frens (who actually are my frens at first), and all our frens tot we are so close that everytime theres an outing, i am the one to inform her. She also will invite my frens for other activities also, which i was last to be informed. So i still need her number for my frenship purpose. I am so lost now....
Don't give yourself excuses lah.
You can contact your friends for outing by yourself if you wanted to and you know that!
The rule is simple! STOP contacting her and see how things turn out (to your pleasant surprise)
Up to you whether you wanna follow our advice or you wanna be played continually by her.
10-08-2009, 04:20 PM
i admit i fall for her already...but i dun wish to be together with her...I jus wanna know how can i forget her or breaking the black magic of she cursed on me....
No black magic or curse. In order to forget yr previous love, you must fall in love again...will someone else...GET IT! Good luck.
10-08-2009, 05:08 PM
I have another problem is that nobody will like me. I cant get love because i am ugly. She is the only girl that say my look is OK but my attitude is bad.
10-08-2009, 05:32 PM
I have another problem is that nobody will like me. I cant get love because i am ugly. She is the only girl that say my look is OK but my attitude is bad.
You're ugly and you still have a bad attitude?!
1. Change your bad attitude
2. Change your number and dont give her your new number
3. Give her some midnite nuisance calls (Hopefully, She'll change her number as well)
4. Spend some money on your way of dressing and styling
5. Do all these stated above within 1-2 days time
11-08-2009, 12:03 AM
Just fyi, I never get the comment of bad attitude from my last few crush who have rejected me, the reason they gave was something like we are not suitable, and i am good guy but nothing mention about my OK looking. So she can be considered the first one to compliment on my looking but bull shit about my attitude.
I just hang out with her just now, and she start treating me coldly again for whole night, and until i try to be annoyed at her attitude before we are go back, she told me that i was one of her fren and don't expect so much. Then she just throw the money she owe me, which was not full amount, on the floor and left on a cab. Is ok with the money, but i really don't understand why i still stick my face on her cold ass. So i again believe i kanna her poison. Don't think she will be contacting me this few weeks, hope god will give me faith not to disturb her again. She is like drug to me...Help!!!
11-08-2009, 01:00 AM
Just fyi, I never get the comment of bad attitude from my last few crush who have rejected me, the reason they gave was something like we are not suitable, and i am good guy but nothing mention about my OK looking. So she can be considered the first one to compliment on my looking but bull shit about my attitude.
I just hang out with her just now, and she start treating me coldly again for whole night, and until i try to be annoyed at her attitude before we are go back, she told me that i was one of her fren and don't expect so much. Then she just throw the money she owe me, which was not full amount, on the floor and left on a cab. Is ok with the money, but i really don't understand why i still stick my face on her cold ass. So i again believe i kanna her poison. Don't think she will be contacting me this few weeks, hope god will give me faith not to disturb her again. She is like drug to me...Help!!!
Bro know it hurts to kanna rejected, for such a struck up atitude ass by the way she throws ur money. No respect at all as if u owe her big time. there is no need for you to be with her. Hopefully u will find someone suitable;)
Tits & Nipples
11-08-2009, 09:56 AM
i admit i fall for her already...but i dun wish to be together with her...I jus wanna know how can i forget her or breaking the black magic of she cursed on me....
By looking for another skirt.... fire against fire
11-08-2009, 10:26 AM
dear TS,
i been there and done that before....check this website and i am sure u will learn something from there. Unless u r not determine to change yourself. Check it out!
Top 10 Reasons Why 'Nice Guys' Finish Last With Women (
11-08-2009, 10:36 AM
By looking for another skirt.... fire against fire
That's what I tried to tell TS. Hope he understand.
11-08-2009, 10:39 AM
I have another problem is that nobody will like me. I cant get love because i am ugly. She is the only girl that say my look is OK but my attitude is bad.
Nobody is 100% beautiful or 100% ugly in this world. Forget the past. There's always someone for someone. Is just that you have not met her yet. Listen son, just be yourself, work hard, be good, socialize and save some $$$. You will meet the one very soon;)
11-08-2009, 12:45 PM
HI bro,
I have been camping here, and all I have to say is that you do not like to kena rejected, and you are doing you best to get her to accept you.
The more you want to get even the more you will fall into her trap.
Leave her alone, it should be best for you.
Like fishing, no matter how many fish you catch, you will always be thinking the one that got away.
My humble two cents.
11-08-2009, 08:58 PM
actually i have been following this guy stuff for quite some time, but i found that his way cannot be use in all circumstances, eg. this one. Because she actually told me that there are few guys that act like after her but they suddenly dissapear for a while, like 2 weeks or more, then pop up again and ask her for a date. It seem like this few guys are using the same tactic also, but she just told me that she just going to ignore them and she like the guy to confess to her openly, which i did so!
From now on i will ignore her as well, but i don't think she will "crawl" back to me or miss me cause she experience this kind of chasing tactic before. I just hope that i can find another crush and forget about her, hope God will cure the magic poison of her on me....
11-08-2009, 10:05 PM
Looks like u haven't gotten outa of ur mind:D
11-08-2009, 10:20 PM
I've been there before too bro! Believe me, its just a matter of mind over mind!!
Need to learn to have strong self-control....see other gals, it will help....
Just my 2 cents worth.....
13-08-2009, 12:46 AM
pls help me, all the bro here...just tell me how to forget her..either in dark or normal way.. I must clear away this curse ASAP else i am very suffering now...
And how to i get a new target as well...i have only a few girly fren in sg.. which they always play fun at me as well and totally impossible for them to even consider me..
13-08-2009, 12:48 AM
go wear a skirt lah
13-08-2009, 10:36 AM
Hi bro,
The best way to fight fire is with fire.
Go out and date more girls, the more yo do the easier it would be for you.
My humble two cents.
13-08-2009, 03:06 PM
The cure is very simple, take your cock, make it harden and hit it
on your head ! this way the black magic or your so called kong tou will
run away ! :D:p GOD BLESS YOU !
TS go be a monk 归依我佛 then you will be saved.
13-08-2009, 06:57 PM
Please, Please, Please help us here too!!!
What you want actually??? You just want her to crawl back to you or you want to crawl out from her ???...
Are you seeking black magic to make her like you but too shy to ask?
Please dont find another crush till you get your head check-out at Buangkok View..Just 1 girl you merry go round & round & round...if you kenna another crush, you be a much mega theme park than Disneyland and Universal Studio combined..........
it be like: Bros, can help me to get ride of the black magic for 1st girl and how to make the 2nd girl to like me....but to make both girls to like me..err....wait.....I cannot forget the 1st girl, so now, how to get ride of the 2nd girl black magic?....wait...errr....I still like the 2nd gal and how to make the 1st girl magic go away....round and round it goes...
In japan, we have a word for this type of person...
You should just sit with your cousin on a wall! :mad:
17-08-2009, 08:06 PM
Sorry all bro, i just sms her again by apologizing about our arguement last week. But i just want to be on friendly term with her. And i wont contact her again if she giving me cold face again....
18-08-2009, 12:09 AM
lets talk about a man, who doesnt understand, to choose one love cos then, his life wont be the same...
if u scared kana the black magic then u still go sms her.
come i teach u, if the magic make u sms her, so easy, u take the sim card out. then no more magic. :D
18-08-2009, 02:03 AM
Sorry all bro, i just sms her again by apologizing about our arguement last week. But i just want to be on friendly term with her. And i wont contact her again if she giving me cold face again....
Bro advise u:D better forget her and move on with ur life. BTW she doesn't give a shit if u give in to her:cool:
18-08-2009, 11:11 AM
The best way to find out if she really cares two hoots about you is to give her the "out of sight no contact" treatment...dun contact her for a period of time..if she really cares or even have the slightest tinge of thought for you, she will try to contact you...if not...then too bad like those scums PAPPY always say..."LETS MOVE ON"...:D:D
10-01-2010, 11:45 PM
does any bro here know any black magic to make girl like me? i have been hurt over and over again. A stranger can courtship my crush in few weeks although i put my effort for her for months.
10-01-2010, 11:57 PM
Why you keep thinking of using Black Magic?
How old are you har?
I last time asked you to go wear skirt, did you? No, right?
That shows you are still awake and you have a mind of your own! So FUCKING STOP asking us for black magic advice dammit!
11-01-2010, 12:06 AM
different, last time i asking if i kenak black magic, now i wanna know how to use black magic other. I really feel like dying.. I let got but she have a bf in weeks. I am lame and useless.
11-01-2010, 12:07 AM
different, last time i asking if i kenak black magic, now i wanna know how to use black magic on other. I really feel like dying.. I let got but she have a bf in weeks. I am lame and useless.
11-01-2010, 12:55 AM
different, last time i asking if i kenak black magic, now i wanna know how to use black magic on other. I really feel like dying.. I let got but she have a bf in weeks. I am lame and useless.
fXuk this lame girl and forget lah... use black magic, u will get retribution also
11-01-2010, 01:25 AM
ya just forget it and thats it
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