View Full Version : My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards
12-08-2009, 10:12 PM
My name is John, and I am, or at least was, happily married to my wife Susan. We are both 27, having been married for 2 years before the event that changed our lifes.
We were each other’s first sexual partner, and throughout our dating years and marriage enjoyed sex very much. Susan was a petite girl, barely 5’1, but ample in the right places and with a sweet pretty face that looked younger than her 27 years.
Like I said, we enjoyed sex, but after 5 years of it I began craving for more excitement, and in a bid to spice up our sex life we started experimenting with outdoor sex. In the car at a secluded beach, in an empty cinema etc. Susan went along with the idea more because she wanted to please me then because she wanted to. However, the thrill of having sex at a strange place at the risk of being caught bought us both more intense orgasms.
One day, while driving far north to meet a client, I came across what I thought would be a perfect place, a old industrial building, sparsely tenanted, which would definitely be empty on weekends. I bought Susan there that very weekend, and we had a bout of great sex in a handicapped toilet. Over the next few weeks, we went to that place almost every weekend. Somehow, the grime and squalidness of that place made Susan very horny, and as that place was deserted she had had no qualms moaning aloud and shouting ‘fuck me!’ at every thrust and screaming ‘I’m coming!’ as her orgasm approached. Then, with our hair and clothes dishevelled, we would leave the place. Little did we know we were being watched.
12-08-2009, 10:29 PM
.....copy and paste from where one...too ang moh-lised.
12-08-2009, 10:54 PM
On that fateful day, we proceeded as usual to the handicapped toilet and locked it behind us. We were all over each other the second the door closed, frenching, my hands groping her c-cup breasts and hers unbuttoning my shirt when suddenly, there was a knock on the door and a gruff voice said, ‘sir, please come out of the toilet with your wife.’
Our blood ran cold as we stared at each other in shock. ‘Shit’, I muttered. Susan whispered frantically, ‘What shall we do? Just keep quiet and hope they are mistaken?’ There was another knock, harder this time, and again the gruff voice spoke, ‘we know you’re in there. Please come out or we will inform the police.’ Faced with no choice, we arranged our clothes and opened the door.
Standing outside the door were 3 security guards, 2 indian and 1 Chinese. They all looked to be in their forties and were big sized with beer bellies, but most of their weight seemed to be muscle rather then fat. As they looked at me and my wife with grim faces, we knew we were in deep trouble. ‘Please follow us sir’, the larger Indian, whose nametag identified him as Ganesh said. The other 2 guards, Vikram and Alan, grabbed our arms and led us down a corrider to a room. The first thing we noticed in the room were the many TV consoles showing various locations in the building, and my heart sank as I realised one of the scenes was that of the handicapped toilet area.
‘Let me show you something’, Ganesh said, and he clicked on a remote control. All the screens now showed the handicapped toilet, but the dates spanned several weeks, and the earliest date was the date I first bought Susan. All the screens showed the same thing, Susan and I, in different clothes but still identifiable, giggling and hugging and kissing as we enter the toilet, the door closing behind us, then the moaning and groaning and Susan’s enthusiastic cries of passion. Then a lull period as we dress up, then emerge with our clothes and hair in a dishevelled state. From the videos, there was no doubt as to what we were doing in the toilet.
Ganesh turned off the TVs and turned to us. ‘Right now’, he said, ‘I could call the police and hand over these tapes to them. You’ll be charged for public indecency, not to mention the scandal if I contact the press’. Susan, being a pretty girl, always had her way with guys, and she thought it would be no different this time. ‘Uncle, please give us a chance lah, we won’t do it again.’ Ganesh just smiled lecherously and looked at his 2 friends, both wearing the same leering grins, and said, ‘Sure, if you can do for us what you did for your husband in the toilet’.
Susan and I both reeled at the thought. We were both young successful executives, an arrest and conviction would ruin our careers, not to mention the shame that would follow a scandal. But the thought of allowing my pretty petite wife to be violated by 3 cocks was equally reprehensible.
12-08-2009, 10:55 PM
.....copy and paste from where one...too ang moh-lised.
I'll take that as a compliment, since this is an original story and fantasy of mine. I guess its 20 years of english education that did the trick. Ask me to write the same story in chinese I sure cannot make it
harman kardon
12-08-2009, 11:13 PM
cctv in a toilet???
13-08-2009, 07:06 AM
As I struggle to come to terms with the situation, I began to weigh the consequences. If this got out, our careers would be ruined, and perhaps we would never get the same high ranking position we held. Not to mention the shame we would bring upon our families in Singapore’s traditional society. But if what happened here stayed in this room…besides, they are in their forties, at most a handjob and they would surely be satisfied. I looked at Susan and saw the same conflict in her eyes. If what happened could stay within this room, perhaps all she had to do was to put up with some groping, and perhaps a handjob would finish them off. But what if they wanted more? I pushed that thought out of my mind, sensing Susan doing the same. We looked at each other and I voiced out the decision that would change our lives. ‘You can have her’ I said in a voice I barely recognise as my own. Susan merely lowered her head in resignation.
‘Good choice’ Ganesh said. Taking my wife’s hand, he led her to an adjoining room. I followed with the other 2 security guards flanking me, and I could see the lustful look in their eyes as they watched my wife’s buttocks in her mini shorts. I was having second thoughts by this time, but events had already been set in motion and I felt powerless to stop it.
The adjoining room appeared to be the guard’s rest room. Like the rest of the building, it was run down and dingy, with only a few pieces of furniture. There was an old sofa, a dining table with a few chairs, where I was told to sit by Alan, several mattresses, and a cabinet. Vikram took a bottle from the cabinet and filled a glass to the brim with it, handing it to my wife. ‘Here, this will help you relax’. From the smell and color of the liquid, it appeared to be cognac, and I felt my heart skip a beat. I knew Susan had a very low tolerance for alcohol, and if that was cognac, such a big glass would surely lower her inhibitations and senses.
Susan took the glass and drank from it slowly, grimacing as she did so. Instantly her face became flushed, and my worse fears were confirmed, it was definitely a strong alcoholic drink. In the meantime, Ganesh and Alan had already stripped to their boxers and were sitting on the sofa looking with undisguised lust at my wife. Like I said, both were large men, and their beer bellies and flabby chests were disgusting to look at. Alan was very tanned, while Ganesh was of course darker and also very hairy.
‘Alright, strip for us’ Ganesh ordered my wife. Even though she was already tipsy, Susan was still tensed with shame about having to submit to these 3 disgusting men. She merely stood there, still in a daze about the circumstances, till Ganesh said, ‘you know, the police is only a phone call away’. With that, I saw the resignation and shame in Susan’s eyes as she began to take off her tank top, revealing her milky bossom encased in a lacy red bra. There were wolf whistles from the 3 men clad only in their boxers on the sofa, Vikram having stripped and joined them in the meantime. I could swear the 3 men were salivating, and Alan said’ this chick is way better then the thai hookers we fuck every week bros!’ Then, as Susan unbuttoned her hot shorts and lowered them down her slim legs, the 3 lechers were treated to the sight of her hot ass, barely covered by a g-string, emphasized like her legs by the 3 inch heels she was wearing. My wife was now clad in only a lacy red bra and g-string, with her heels still on, showing her barely covered assets to 3 lecherous security guards who had complete control over us.
13-08-2009, 07:07 AM
cctv in a toilet???
If you've read carefully, the cctv is outside the toilet
How bros, like my story? Should I continue?
13-08-2009, 07:47 AM
Bravo TS! Go on and keep it coming!! Don't stop till the END!
13-08-2009, 07:55 AM
carry on bro....i wanna know how susan takes on those 3 leeches...great story. :D
13-08-2009, 07:59 AM
i think its not the grammer that is giving the story away as too angmoh-lised but the description of height as given by yourself.
when was the last time you heard good old local sporean gives their height in foot and inch instead of centimetre?
good edit after the 1st instalment tho.
13-08-2009, 08:07 AM
A good read. Up you a humble point.
13-08-2009, 08:31 AM
If you've read carefully, the cctv is outside the toilet
How bros, like my story? Should I continue?
Of cos u must continue! Its getting really hard to find likeminded bros like u who like to watch their wife get violated by others. Keep up the postings. Btw ur command of angmo really good!
Do support my thread as well...
6 tigers for u!
13-08-2009, 08:45 AM
I know it is not a real encounter by bro ts,but it is really a gd read.:)
13-08-2009, 08:47 AM
those are fucked up guards!:mad:
13-08-2009, 09:22 AM
...All the screens showed the same thing, Susan and I, in different clothes but still identifiable, giggling and hugging and kissing as we enter the toilet, the door closing behind us, then the moaning and groaning and Susan’s enthusiastic cries of passion....
I'll take that as a compliment, since this is an original story and fantasy of mine. I guess its 20 years of english education that did the trick. Ask me to write the same story in chinese I sure cannot make it
a run-down place having such high tech recording devices which can capture sound and motion???
those are fucked up guards!:mad:
dun get too worked up bro... TS already said that its a FANTASY... just enjoy the good read !! Nice work TS !! :D
13-08-2009, 09:29 AM
.....copy and paste from where one...too ang moh-lised.
Somehow I feel the same :)
13-08-2009, 10:21 AM
Nice. Please continue.
13-08-2009, 10:25 AM
Camp here for more
If this story is true, TS and wife are the most silly of all high flying executives around.
There is no public indecency to speak of since everything of significance happened in the handicap toilet, behind closed doors. The guards can report it all they want, the police would have just given them a warning for trespass at best. The press would only have highlighted a legally married couple passionately in love and in lust; trying to fulfil their national obligations as often as possible. Totally legit.
But all that said, let the fantasy continue.
13-08-2009, 11:51 AM
yah lah bros, its just a fantasy, so dont nit pick on the details and just enjoy. Thanks for all the feedback so far. Bro peterpan, if my wife was like yours, wah haha think I will be in 7th heaven. But don't think I can convince her to start swinging.
13-08-2009, 12:06 PM
At the sight of my beautiful luscious wife in front of them clad only in her lingerie and heels, the 3 lusty security guards could no longer stand it. Vikram stood up and with his large hands cupped my wife’s breasts from behind, at the same time bending down to nuzzle her ear and neck. Alan knelt in front of my wife and lifted her right leg, letting it rest on his shoulder. From this position, he began planting kisses up and down her inner thigh, as well as licking and sucking the back of her knees. Susan, aware of the consequences if our blackmailers were displeased, did not struggle, but she kept her body taut and her arms stiffly by her side, determined not to succumb to the skillful but illicit touches of the guards. Vikram tried to french my wife, but she kept her lips shut. He merely grinned and continued sucking and licking my wife’s ear and neck, knowing she would lose control sooner or later. Meanwhile, his large hands had made their way under my wife’s bra cup, and were busy squeezing and kneading her nipples with his rough fingers. Meanwhile, Alan, who was still savoring my wife’s lithe smooth legs, was now running his fingers lightly over the crotch of her panties, teasing her pussy lightly. Ganesh in the meantime had set up a video tripod, and was catching every detail of this raunchy and sinful scene on tape.
I started to become really worried and scared now. From Alan’s earlier comment, I knew they were seasoned fuckers, and from the way Alan and Vikram were teasing my wife, I could see they knew how to handle a woman, and began to acknowledge that my beautiful wife would, at the end of this encounter, would very possibly have her sweet pussy violated by the 3 security guards.
Vikram could wait no longer, and unclasping my wife’s red bra, he pulled it off violently, and immediately resumed his rough attack on my wife’s luscious breasts. I could see her nipples were already erect from the constant stimulation and the cold air. Seemingly on cue, Alan hooked his fingers under the waistband of her g-string and began sliding her last protection over her hips and down her legs. I do not know who was more surprised, myself or the guards, when she did not struggle and dutifully stepped out of her panties. The last vestiges of her modesty were now lying in a heap on the dirty floor. My lovely wife, who had never been naked before another man other then me, was now clad only in her heels, with her nipples erect and a shaved pussy (the way I liked it), being molested by 2 fat security guards in their forties, their dark skin a startling contrast against her smooth lily white body.
Next time say you did it on the top floor balcony walkway la. HAHAHA!!! Much more believable. Even fantasies need credible build-up.
Now continue with telling us how you fantasize your wife being mauled and abused.
13-08-2009, 12:17 PM
Things were starting to get intense now. The constant stimulation and alcohol was really starting to have an effect on my wife. Her face was flushed, and her breath was coming in short gasps, in my experience a sure sign of her arousal. Sensing her defenses beginning to collapse, Alan lifted her right leg and started flicking his tongue around my wife’s pussy. Suddenly, he clamped his mouth on her pussy and began sucking and licking on Susan’s clitoris. She gasped at the sudden stimulation, and Vikram took the chance to slide his tongue into her mouth in a passionate kiss. To my horror, this time she did not resist, but began frenching him back furiously as well, sucking on his tongue and sticking her tongue into his mouth as well. As a final sign of her submission, her hands were no longer by her side. One hand was behind her, cradling Vikram’s head, while the other was on Alan’s head, guiding him as he began tongue fucking her slit.
And there I was, sitting on a chair, free to at least attempt to stop the violation of my wife’s tender body. It was a husband’s worse nightmare, and yet I felt powerless to do anything. My wife was being assaulted by 3 strangers, blackmailed into succumbing to their evil lust. These 3 men were old, fat, ugly, and in the case of Vikram and Ganesh, Indian, the sort of men any woman would shun. And even though it was blackmail, even though I knew her judgement was impaired by alcohol, the fact that she was responding to their vile touch send pangs of anger, sadness and…was it a perverse excitement through my heart?
Susan suddenly broke the kiss and began moaning softly. Alan’s constant probing of her sweet pussy with his tongue was finally beginning to yield results. Her body began twitching with an impending orgasm, and as she came her hands tightened their grip on her 2 violaters.
13-08-2009, 12:46 PM
Up you a tiny point. Please continue.
13-08-2009, 12:48 PM
a run-down place having such high tech recording devices which can capture sound and motion???
Yo bro, today so free ah? Still got visit our good fren mystic or not?
13-08-2009, 01:20 PM
Nice story. Shoot you 4 points...:)
13-08-2009, 01:28 PM
Are u fantasizing your wife being raped by others? I think many bros here can play act as the security guards to your satisfaction. Do consider...........
13-08-2009, 01:44 PM
This was the sign that the lustful guards were waiting for. Vikram and Alan lifted my wife’s petite body easily and threw her onto the old sofa. All 3 of them now took off their boxers, and I saw for the first time the 3 penises that would soon be satisfying themselves in my wife’s tight pussy.
Alan had a pretty average six inches, but the gods must have given him something in return for having such an ugly face, because his cock was easily the thickest I have seen, rivaling even the male leads I’ve seen in several pornos. His cockhead, peeking out from his foreskin, looked like an angry purple plum. A large, unkempt mass of pubic hair completed the vile picture.
Vikram’s cock was not as thick as Alan’s, but it was still thicker then mine. It made up for it in length, being, in my estimation, about 8 inches. In addition, he was so hairy that if not for the length of his cock, it would probably be hidden in his pubic hair.
Ganesh’s cock was the average of his two subordinates, about 7 inches long, and while not as thick as Alan’s still thicker then the average Singaporean penis. He was definitely the fattest and hairiest among the 3, with a large beer belly hanging low over his waist.
Imagine if you can the sight before me, my petite, Chinese wife, totally naked except for her heels, her legs slightly open exposing her already glistering pussy, her nipples erect and recovering from an orgasm. And standing before her 3 large, dirty, unkempt naked men, scum you usually see hanging around coffee shops with several bottles of tiger, whats more 2 of them Indian, with their penises standing at attention and pointing straight at my beautiful wife.
Ganesh, being the leader, took the lead. He approached my wife, his penis dangling before him, and placed a hand behind her head, pulling her toward him. His other hand grasping his cock, he placed his cockhead at my wife’s pouty lips and pushed slightly. Even in her aroused and drunk state, Susan realized the enormity of the situation. If she gave in, it will be the first time she had a cock other then mine in her mouth, and this large, unwashed cock belonged to a fat ugly Indian guy who was blackmailing her!
Susan kept her lips pressed together and shook her head. Her eyes widened as she, for the first time, took a good look at the penis pushing at her lips and the other 2 behind Ganesh, realizing for the first time how much bigger and thicker the cocks were then mine. Ganesh however was not as patient as his subordinates. Reaching down, he took my wife’s nipple between 2 rough fingers and twisted it roughly, saying at the same time, ‘suck it, bitch, and if you bite you know the consequences’.
With tears welling in her eyes, Susan opened her mouth. Ganesh, grinning lustily, immediately slide his cockhead into her accepting mouth and began face fucking her with about 4 inches of his cock. Remember, Susan was a petite girl, and had trouble deep throating even my modest 5 ½ inches. So when Ganesh slowly built up a momentum and, both hands in her hair, began shoving more of his cock inside her mouth, she was already gagging and tearing by the fifth or sixth inch. Alan and Vikram meanwhile were both tugging at their erect members, with the occasional appreciative whistle at the sight of my wife’s pretty face bobbing up and down on their supervisor’s big dark cock.
13-08-2009, 01:49 PM
Good language skill. Please carry on.
13-08-2009, 02:23 PM
Good story...keep it going...Thanks
13-08-2009, 02:26 PM
Up you 6! I like the clarity and how you paragraph your writing. Making it very easy to read!:D
13-08-2009, 03:01 PM
I'll take that as a compliment, since this is an original story and fantasy of mine. I guess its 20 years of english education that did the trick. Ask me to write the same story in chinese I sure cannot make it
fellow samsters, pls give him a break!!! he explained himself that this is a fantasy of his. so pls let your small head take over, enjoy yourself and jerk off. stop acting like an investigating officer here!!!
13-08-2009, 04:43 PM
With such a harsh teacher, Susan soon learned to relax her throat and hold her breath when Ganesh thrusted his cock down her throat. After a few minutes, Ganesh finally managed to get all 7 inches into my wife’s little mouth. It was a disturbing and yet erotic sight, my petite Chinese wife, her forehead resting on Ganesh’s beerbelly, with her lips strained against his thick cock and her nose buried in his mass of dark pubic hair. Alan could no longer stand the sight before him and said, ‘eh boss, give chance leh!’ Laughing, Ganesh ordered Vikram to lay a mattress on the floor, while he, with his hands in my wife’s hair and cock halfway down her throat, shifted to a sitting position on the sofa. Susan was forced to move with him, and she was now on the floor in doggy position, orally pleasuring Ganesh, who had spread his legs wide and was now forcing my wife to lick and suck on his large hairy testicles. Alan approached Susan and lifted her hips higher. Her puckered asshole and pink slit peeking between her firm thighs was now high in the air, and Alan and I could both see that she was still wet from her previous orgasm. Alan audaciously winked at me, and, grasping his thick cock, positioned himself between my wife.
When Susan felt Alan’s thick cockhead rubbing against her sex lips, she attempted to struggle, but Ganesh immediately grabbed both her arms in one massive hand and pinned it behind her, his other hand still in her hair guiding her alternatively licking his balls or sucking his cock. Alan simply motioned to Vikram, who had laid a mattress on the floor by this time, to grab her legs while he held Susan’s hips in place. As much as she struggled, how could she, in her intoxicated state, prevail against 3 burly men? Perhaps, all this while, she believed that things would not go this far, that perhaps the dirty security guards would be happy with a little hanky panky, that perhaps she could still preserve some vestiges of her modesty and pride. But Alan’s large cockhead probing at her moist pussy brought her back to reality. Lifting her head off Ganesh’s cock, my wife looked at me for the first time since we were captured and whispered,’ darling, please…don’t look at me like this…oooh!’
The oooh was caused by Alan’s large cockhead finally slipping between her moist folds. Out of consideration perhaps, or more likely because he took a perverse pleasure in watching my wife’s face as she took a stranger’s cock twice as thick as mine, Ganesh let go off my wife’s head, which she immediately laid on his lap. From my position, I could see her eyes closed and her lips pressed together as she struggled to accommodate Alan’s large penis. ‘Wah lau!’ Alan exclaimed. ‘Her cheebye is fucking tight!’ Spoken like a true hokkien peng.
Even with her pussy already moist, Alan found he could not enter my wife smoothly. He withdrew his penis completely and spit twice on it. Ganesh however had decided that, as the leader, he should be the first to claim my wife’s sweet pussy. ‘You two!’ he ordered, ‘Lay her on the bed and hold her down! I want her husband to watch when I fuck her missionary!’ Alan was of course pissed off, but, not daring to disobey Ganesh, he and Vikram lifted Susan and dumped her on the old mattress. The two of them, each holding to my wife’s arms and legs, then pinned her arms above her head and held her legs spread wide open. Her sexy pussy, pink and moist with juices, was now fully exposed for all to see and ready to accept Ganesh’s vile cock.
13-08-2009, 05:38 PM
Ganesh, grinning lustily in anticipation, approached my terrified wife and knelt between her legs. She escaped Alan’s cock once, but the fact that she was going to be fucked by a large Indian cock was now inevitable. My wife again looked at me, ‘darling…stop them…please…’ I could only look back at her silently, powerless to do anything about the impending violation of her sweet pussy. My wife could only close her eyes and await the hard fucking she was going to receive from Ganesh.
Ganesh lined his cock against my wife’s pink pussy lips and began rubbing her clitoris with his cockhead. My wife has a very sensitive clitoris, and early in our relationship, before we had sex and was practicing mutual masturbation, I only had to rub her clitoris briefly and she would come. Her clitoris was now proving to be her downfall, as I could see her biting down on her lips, trying to block out the pleasure Ganesh’s cock must be giving her. But she could not control her pussy, and after a few seconds of stimulation we could all see her pussy was already glistering with her pussy juices. ‘Damn this bitch is horny…’ Vikram muttered, and I could see Susan bite her lips in shame.
Ganesh soon had enough of teasing my wife and wanted to sample her tight pussy. He lined his cock against my wife’s slit and began to slowly push his cock in. Already slightly loosened by Alan’s thick member and now well lubricated, he met little resistance as he slide 3 inches into my wife’s pussy. My wife’s eyes flew open and her mouth opened in a gasp as she felt, for the first time in her life a cock other then mine, enter her. The different thickness, the knowledge that the cock belonged to a dirty Indian man she wouldn’t spare a second look on the street, all this hit her like a bombshell as Ganesh continued sliding his penis in and out of her pussy, pushing it a little deeper each time. ‘Damn she’s tight…’he muttered. Vikram and Alan spread her legs wider till she was completely spread eagle and impatiently waited their turn.
As Ganesh slowly loosened up my wife’s pussy by allowing her natural lubrication to coat inch after inch of his cock, I could see my wife beginning to react to the fucking. I guess it was not only the physical stimulation caused by a thicker and longer cock stretching out her pussy, but also the psychological aspect of the situation. Being forced to strip and spread her slender legs for 3 rapists who were in all aspects ugly and undesirable, whats more 2 of them a different race, in such squalid surroundings, not to mentioned the alcohol, the sinfulness, the perverseness and the degrading circumstances, perhaps she had fantasized about such a situation before?
13-08-2009, 05:45 PM
keep up the great job! steam liao, can imagine my wife in susan's position getting 'raped' by them!
13-08-2009, 06:05 PM
Ganesh finally managed to get all 7 inches of his dark cock inside my wife’s pussy. He began to build up a steady rhythm, withdrawing his cock almost completely and then slamming it all the way in till his balls were slapping against her. By this time, a change had come over my wife’s countenance. Her eyes were glazed and staring straight into Ganesh’s eyes, her mouth was half open, and she was beginning to pant heavily. I could hear her faint pants ‘urg..urg…urg…’ every time Ganesh thrusted his cock all the way into her quivering pussy. Far from looking like she was being raped, my wife was starting to look like she was enjoying the fucking by Ganesh.
Sensing the change in her as well, Vikram and Alan released their hold on Susan. To my horror, instead of trying to push Ganesh away, Susan wrapped her arms around Ganesh’s neck and pulled him in for a french kiss, while her legs remained wide open to accommodate his large penis. This was no act, but a real, furious, tongue twisting, lip sucking kiss, never mind that he was Indian, grossly obese, much older, ugly, and forcing her to submit to his sick lust.
For the next 10 mins, the room was silent except for the ‘piak piak’ sound of Ganesh’s hips against my wife’s flesh and my wife’s muffled groans of pleasure as she frenched Ganesh furiously. All doubt that these security guards were seasoned fuckers had been banished from my mind, the deep throat alone would probably have made me come, but Ganesh was still going strong. As Susan became used to Ganesh’s larger penis, her legs were now wrapped around his dark ass, pulling him deeper into her, and I could see her hips rising to meet Ganesh’s thrust. Ganesh, close to coming, began fucking my wife really hard and fast now, his hips literally bouncing on her, just the way Susan liked it. Suddenly, Susan screamed, ‘OH FUCK I’M COMING DON”T STOP!!!!!’ As she came, I literally saw her entire body quiver as a huge orgasm ripped through her. As her orgasm subsided, she kept her arms wrapped around Ganesh, who was close to an orgasm himself. He was really ramming his cock into her now, with no thoughts of prolonging his pleasure. Seconds later, his fat body shivered as he groaned and thrust his cock all the way inside my wife’s tender pussy, coming and depositing his semen inside her. He kept his spasming cock inside her till his orgasm subsided, then rolled off my wife. As his dark cock, shining with my wife’s pussy juices, withdrew from my wife’s pussy, a huge amount of semen came flowing out as well. The bastards must have planned this rape for weeks and had saved up a huge amount of cum for my innocent wife!
13-08-2009, 06:11 PM
Love your style..
Very detailed descripition and good command of language.
keep it going..:D
13-08-2009, 06:16 PM
Wondering what the finale will be... I hope the guards forced TS to eat out the creampie from his wife's pussy. Tat will be the ultimate humiliation!
13-08-2009, 06:26 PM
Susan screamed, ‘OH FUCK I’M COMING DON”T STOP!!!!!’
The bastards must have planned this rape for weeks and had saved up a huge amount of cum for my innocent wife!
Don't seem like raping but willingly enjoying the encounter. :D
13-08-2009, 06:29 PM
Bro Jch...Everytime I read this thread, I feel like kicking your ass! I'm sorry but It's seriously well written and got me coming back for more!
Thank you for sharing!
13-08-2009, 06:31 PM
This is really kinky siah... but security guards... I thought they'd be more scared if you threaten to expose their blackmail scheme.
13-08-2009, 06:38 PM
Like i said, its a fantasy of mine to see my wife being gangbanged and enjoying it. But she will never willingly agree to start swinging, so in my first story she has to be blackmailed into it. I have more story arcs planned where she begins to succumb to her lustful desires and become a willing swinger like ms peterpan...
13-08-2009, 06:42 PM
Hoo.. Hoo.. I see.. I see... Good one bro Jchboy:)
13-08-2009, 06:51 PM
Woohoo! Bonfire started!
Excellent grammar coupled with precision description!
I hope it ends with the 3 reviled uncles queuing up to dump their 2nd loads into sweet suzie's ass & the TS doing the Big Gulp when his sweetie pushes out all that slosh that has been thoroughly mixed in her ass. Mmmm.....
13-08-2009, 07:09 PM
My wife had never looked or felt more abused before in her entire life. She was still lying on the bed, panting heavily, her c-cup breasts heaving as she recovered from the brutal fucking she had just received. Her pink nipples however were still erect, indicating her arousal, and as she lay there Ganesh’s cum continued seeping slowly from her abused pussy onto the mattress. Her ordeal, however, was far from over.
Ganesh sat his huge bulk on the sofa and nodded at Vikram and Alan. With Ganesh’s lust temporary sated, they could now ravish my wife’s body. Alan pulled Susan up, then laid down on the mattress, his fat stubby cock sticking up like a flagpole. ‘Come girl, sit on uncle Alan’s cock haha!’ With Vikram holding her, my wife was powerless to resist. Vikram directed her till she was straddling Alan, then pushed on her shoulders. Slowly, my wife begin to lower herself onto Alan’s fat cock.
With one hand resting on Alan’s beerbelly and the other one holding the base of Alan’s cock, my wife began the to lower herself down. The other 2 guards and myself watched in fascination as Alan’s thick cockhead made it’s way pass her vaginal opening with less difficulty this time. With her pussy stretched and well lubricated by Ganesh, Alan’s cock was easier to take this time. My wife threw her head back and bit her lips as she slowly slide down Alan’s pole, letting her aroused pussy get used to being stretched wider then it had ever been. Little by little Alan’s fat cock disappeared into the depths of my wife’s loins, and when she finally got his entire cock inside her she let out a soft moan of pleasure.
As Alan began thrusting his hips up and down, Susan seemed lost in ecstasy. She no longer seemed to care she was being raped, that this was the second cock fucking her that day, and that the disgusting man thrusting into her resembled a fat pig. All that mattered was the cock sliding in and out of her, stretching her pussy walls wider then mine could ever do, bringing her such illicit pleasure. When Vikram approached her and shoved his 8 incher into her face, she hesitated only briefly before wrapping her hands around his buttocks and pulling his cock into her wet hungry mouth. Along with the harsh lesson Ganesh put her through, she was now putting to use every trick I have teached her over 5 years, sucking and licking on his pee slit, alternating between licking his balls and deepthroating his long cock. Alan had stopped moving and was paying attention to twisting her erect nipples, but Susan was moving up and down of her own accord on his thick cock, and all the while her hands were pulling on Vikram’s buttocks, making sure he could get every inch of his cock completely down her throat. When her mouth was not occupied, we could all hear my wife panting’…yes..yes…oh…so big’. Her debauchery and submission to our blackmailers was now complete
13-08-2009, 08:03 PM
My wife was slowly but surely riding Alan’s cock to a huge orgasm. The final straw came when Alan sat up, no mean feat considering his belly, and took my wife’s erect nipple into his mouth and started sucking it. With that, Susan came again, and again it was obvious to everyone that the uncontrollable shudders running throughout her body and her sudden gasp ‘oh!’ indicated another orgasm. As if it was a cue, Vikram lifted Susan up and flipped her onto her front. He pulled on my wife’s waist, and Susan, knewing what he wanted, stood up and, bending over, lifted her hips, exposing her pussy to our blackmailers. It was a sight to behold. Her pussy lips were splayed wide open by Alan’s thick cock, and Ganesh’s semen in addition to her own juices made her pussy glister under the cheap fluorescent lights.
It was now Vikram’s turn to violate my wife’s pussy. Standing behind her, he slid his long cock easily into my wife’s stretched out and lubricated pussy. It was when his cockhead reached depths of her pussy that not even Ganesh reached and was withdrawn that Susan went wild. She was beyond caring now, only wanting to satisfy the fire raging in her pussy. Grabbing Alan’s hands for support, she began pushing back onto Vikram’s cock, letting only about 3 inches slide out before ramming in all the way back in again. Vikram, grinning at the effect his cock was having on my wife, placed his hands on her hips and was soon thrusting hard and fast into my wife’s pussy, while Alan had taken the opportunity to stuff his fat cock, wet with my wife juices, into her mouth. My sweet wife, who had never let me put my penis into her mouth after sex, was now sucking on a thick cock that was just seconds ago plundering her moist pussy! Ganesh, who was sitting and the sofa and tugging on his large penis, had by now recovered enough to join in. Standing beside Alan, he fed his cock between her moist lips. Every time Susan switched cocks, she would be panting and we could all hear her pleasure, ‘yes… good…oh please deeper!!’.
The scene before me was one right out of the most violent interracial porno. My petite Chinese wife in only her heels, bent at the waist with her pert ass sticking out and Vikram fucking her quivering pussy furiously from behind, while she alternated between Ganesh’s and Alan’s cock with her mouth and hands, wanting to pleasure them even as she was being fucked senseless. The sharp contrast between her petite, pale body next to their grotesquely obese dark bodies only made the scene before me more perverse and disgusting.
The debauchery of the scene proved to much for Vikram, and he intensified his fucking, before suddenly stiffening and again dumping another load of hot cum deep in my wife’s pussy. His spasming cock and the feeling of hot cum gushing inside her pushed Susan over the edge as well, and she screamed ‘FUCK YEESSS!!!!’ as another orgasm rushed through her body. If the building was not empty, her screams would already have bought people running to see what was going on.
Vikram withdrew his dripping long cock slowly from my wife’s pussy, savoring the sensation of having fucked a reluctant and beautiful young wife. He sank onto the sofa, but wasted no time and continued tugging on his cock for a second round. Alan was not about to let my wife’s pussy remain empty. He pulled over a chair and sat down on it, then positioned my wife straddling him, and pulled her down onto his cock. My wife’s literally swooned in pleasure as she felt Alan’s cock again entering her, and began bouncing up and down on Alan’s lap. Alan reached around and again started tweaking my wife’s nipples, while he stuck a tongue inside her ear and began licking her sensitive inner ear. The combined stimulation proved too much for Susan, who reached behind her and pulled Alan’s head toward her, arching her back over his belly to french him, while her other hand rubbed furiously at her engorged clitoris. Ganesh meanwhile was repositioning the video camera to better capture my wife’s lewd behavior.
The lewd coupling between Alan and my wife was nearing its climax. Her hand rubbing her clitoris was going so fast it was a blur now, and she was sucking hard on Alan’s tongue. Alan by now had both hands under my wife’s buttocks, lifting her slightly so that he could withdraw more of his cock before slamming it back in. With a final spasm, my wife’s threw her head back and thrust out her breasts, arching her back as she came for the what, forth or fifth time? As her pussy contracted around Alan’s thick cock, the quivering and clenching of her pussy drove him to a orgasm as well, and his cock spewed forth his dirty seed into her pussy, the third load today.
With her legs feeling like jelly from her consecutive orgasms, my wife flopped onto her knees on the dirty floor, Alan’s cock making a audible sluicing pop as it emerged from her by now dripping pussy. With her ass in the air, we could all see the combination of the 3 men’s semen slowly dripping out of her pink abused pussy onto the floor as my wife simply knelt there, her head resting on the edge of the mattress, panting from her exertions.
13-08-2009, 08:55 PM
well done bro ...u just stand there and enjoy ah...lucky this is a story if is it real than i think u better do something rather than enjoy yourself too....:)
13-08-2009, 09:02 PM
Bro keep the story going.. That's simply great pleasure readin..
13-08-2009, 09:35 PM
As my wife slowly came to her senses, the enormity of the situation hit her. She had just allowed 3 disgusting men to deposit their disgusting cum deep into her fertile womb. What’s more, despite it technically being a rape, she had thrusted back and given as good as she got. Not to mention the several orgasms that rocked her body as she felt the cocks spasm and spew warm cum deep inside her. She buried her face in her hands and whispered ‘oh my god…I…’
But, as mentioned before, Ganesh and his subordinates had been planning this for some time, waiting several weeks till they had several discriminating tapes of us to use as blackmail material. In anticipation of this day, they must have refrained from sex and masturbation for a few days to be able to cum so much. Ganesh and Vikram were already erect, while Alan was already tugging vigorously on his cock, bring it back to life again. I’ve always been a one shot guy, and my wife had already been fucked three times today. As she realized the men were not done with her yet, her eyes widened with fear and something else, something I recognized but refused to admit. It was anticipation at being roughly fucked and used again.
‘Whew’, said Ganesh, looking at my wife and me. ‘You cannot believe how hard it was to resist wanking thinking about how we were going to fuck your pretty little wife senseless. But fuck it was worth it! But paiseh I couldn’t last as long as I usually can, too horny lah bro. Now we’re really going take our time and fuck her long and hard!’ ‘Haha boss! I want to come in her mouth this time!’ exclaimed Vikram. My heart sank as I realized my wife was going to be fucked by these brutes again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Susan, when she thought no one was looking at her, lick her lips and caress her left breast.
Turning to my wife, the 3 men converged on her again. This time, she was lifted and bent over on the sofa’s armrest, with her head resting on the cushion and her hips propped up by the armrest, Her pussy was again in a position to be taken roughly. But the men, with their initial lust sated, wanted to prolong the pleasure and further humiliate us this time. What they did this time would forever be seared in my memory.
Ganesh positioned himself behind Susan, with instructions to Vikram and Alan to pin her down. With one hand, he grasped his cock, while with the other, he gently pulled my wife’s pert left buttock to the side, so that her pussy lips was now slightly open, exposing the tender pink flesh within. He placed his cockhead at her lovehole, but instead of entering her, begin to slowly, almost gently, rub his cockhead up and down her exposed sex lips. After awhile of this, we could all see Susan raise and move her hips, following Ganesh’s stroke, as if she was trying to get him inside her. But Ganesh would only allow the tip of his cock to slightly penetrate her before withdrawing again. He soon built up a pattern of rubbing his cockhead up and down my wife’s pussy, letting his cockhead penetrate her only slightly, then withdrawing it again, and rubbing it against her engorged and sensitive clitoris. The teasing was driving my wife crazy, as she was constantly squirming, trying to push back whenever she felt Ganesh enter her, only to be disappointed when Ganesh withdrew and continued teasing her clitoris. Alan and Vikram, requiring only one hand each to hold her down, was now putting their other hand to good use. Alan was gently rubbing my wife’s nipple with the palm of his hand, while Vikram was squeezing and caressing her other buttock, exposing her pussy wider for Ganesh’s assault. What were they trying to do? I wondered.
13-08-2009, 09:57 PM
whoa ..... so many good writers in tis forum .....
so many wild imaginations !!!
13-08-2009, 09:59 PM
Then, Ganesh spoke, ‘Do you want me to fuck you?’ With a startled flash, I realized what Ganesh planned. He wanted to further humiliate us by making my wife beg to be fucked! To throw away all her pride, shame and ask to be fucked by his big cock! Susan, realizing this as well, buried her face into the sofa and refused to answer. But Ganesh and his subordinates were expert fuckers, and his continued teasing on my wife’s hot pussy was taking effect. Even with her mouth muffled, I could hear her moaning away.
Now that Ganesh was less horny, he was taking his time to further tease my wife. After a few more minutes of teasing, I could tell Susan was ready to go over the brink. Her juices were already overflowing, and there was a large wet patch where her juices had soaked through the sofa. But with Ganesh’s skillful manipulation, she was in constant stimulation but yet unable to achieve orgasm. Sensing she was ready to succumb, Ganesh asked again
‘You want to be fucked?’
A barely perceptible nod from my wife.
‘I can’t hear you, you want to be fucked hard?’
This time, barely above a whisper, but unmistakable in the silence of the room
Ganesh and the other 2 guards grinned, knowing Susan was now totally under their control. Ganesh continued his light assault on my wife’s pussy, asking her more questions this time.
‘You want me to fuck you hard, don’t you?’
‘My cock is bigger and harder then your husband’s, right?
You’re a slut, aren’t you? You like spreading your legs and letting men fuck you, right?’
Again, my wife answered softly each time, yes, but keeping her head buried in the pillow to hide her shame. But with each yes, Ganesh inserted a bit more of his cock into her pussy. When he was about 2 inches in, my wife, recognizing the pattern, became much more vocal.
You want to be gangbanged by us?
Yes…oh please stop teasing me…
You want us to cum inside you?
Anything…please…just fuck me…
Are we better then your husband?
Yes…you all are so much bigger…oh please fuck me all the way…
Ask your husband for permission to let us fuck you
At this, Susan looked up. Her eyes were glazed over with lust by now, and looking at me, she said, ‘oh darling please…let them fuck me with their big cocks…they are so much better then you…please let them fuck me hard and cum inside me…ok darling?
My wife and I were now totally broken and shamed by the security guards. My sweet wife, begging me to let 3 disgusting men fuck her at once! Ganesh, said, ‘you asked for it slut’ and this time slammed his cock all the way in. Susan’s eyes flew wide open at the relief she had sought and finally achieved from Ganesh’s cock. This time, there was no doubt she was a willing participant. She pushed herself up and began thrusting furiously back at Ganesh, and her juices were literally dripping on the floor now. I have never seen my wife so aroused before, and when she was aroused she was very vocal. Throwing all inhibitions to the wind this time, my wife was shouting out loud all the way this time, encouraging and spurring the vile Indian behind her to fuck her. “OH FUCK ME HARDER YOU BASTARD……STICK YOUR COCK ALL THE WAY IN…OH….ITS SO MUCH BIGGER AND BETTER THEN JOHN’S…PLEASE…OH…DON’T STOP…OH…HARDER…HARDER….PLEASE…OH…..SCREW MY TIGHT LITTLE PUSSY HARD…OOOHHHHH! FUCK PLEASE SHOOT INSIDE ME…OH!!!
It was obvious by now to all that my wife had become a slut to their large cocks. Even as she came with an ear piercing scream of pleasure, Ganesh had no intention of letting her recover, and continued ramming his cock all the way till his beerbelly slapped against her pert buttocks. He fucked her in that same position for a good 15 minutes, during which Susan came at least 3 more times and shouted the house down. Among other things, she said my dick could never satisfy her again, that Ganesh and his friends could fuck her anytime and anywhere they wanted, even at our home on our bed, and that Ganesh could come anywhere on her. When Ganesh, with a loud groan, finally came, he took up my wife’s offer and stuff his twitching cock into my wife’s mouth, where she dutifully bobbed her head up and down and sucked him till he was completely dry.
Alan was next, and when he motioned to the mattress Susan dutifully walked over, lied down on her back, and spread her legs wide for Alan…
13-08-2009, 11:44 PM
good stuff!
13-08-2009, 11:52 PM
Powderful english! I can imagine how susan turned into a slut.
14-08-2009, 02:08 AM
Never so much in my life i wanted to be security guards.....
up u TS..........
14-08-2009, 02:13 AM
Wow... Seldom i see a good written story.. ( No offense to other story writers hor:D ) Keep up the good work bro..:)
14-08-2009, 07:35 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I hope you bros like how my wife is turned from an innocent wife into a cock hungry slut. To those bros who are looking for a rape story, I apologize if my thread title mislead you. Will continue the story later today if I have time
14-08-2009, 07:55 AM
Go have a kitkat. But dont chew too long. Hehehe...
14-08-2009, 08:23 AM
I have a rough outline of my next few story arcs, but if you bros have any idea of how you want my wife to be abused, fucked and humiliated, please let me know.
Bro peterpan, does ms peterpan like my story?:p
14-08-2009, 08:53 AM
wow , pervert ..... but i like :D
14-08-2009, 09:23 AM
Your partner kena screwed untill "buay lin chu".
14-08-2009, 10:06 AM
Thumbs up for a great story. Anymore cumng ? :)
14-08-2009, 10:19 AM
Hi bro,
Nice story, whether it is fictions or not.
14-08-2009, 11:50 AM
Sure there is more, but I will be more turned on and encouraged to write if you guys chip in and give suggestions on how you want to see my wife fucked and abused!
14-08-2009, 02:13 PM
bro double penetration in one vagina or one in the arse and one in the vagina?
hee hee...
14-08-2009, 02:38 PM
Alan, with a lecherous grin on his ugly face, was a hideous sight. His fat body was covered with sweat from his previous exertions, even his bald head was gleaming under the fluorescent lights. His cock, fully erect now, was glistering from my wife’s juices, and sticking out from his dark mass of pubic hair. Worse was his body odor, which I could smell mixed with the odor of Vikram and Ganesh, as well as the smell of sex hanging in the air. But my wife, with her legs spread invitingly open, was looking at him like he was a young hunk, the look of lust in her eyes was that palpable.
Alan knelt between my wife’s leg and lined up his cock with her now thoroughly wet pussy, but like Ganesh he wanted to further humiliate my wife and prolong his own perverted pleasure. ‘xiao mei mei, you want uncle Alan to fuck your cheebye anot?’ The tension in the air was high, as every one waited to see if my wife would submit again to our vile blackmailers. Alan in the meantime was using his large cockhead and rubbing it against my wife’s engorged clitoris in the circular motion.
I wondered what was going through my wife’s mind at that moment. Susan was born to a upper-middle class family, both parents high flying executives. Twice yearly vacations on first class seats, fine dining, branded clothes, being chauffeured around, she had it all. With her cutesy pretty looks, she pretty much got anything she wanted in life. Even with me, she usually expected to be dined and wined, and when we made love it was usually on our posh king sized mattress, with the lights dimmed and the aroma of scented candles in the air.
But here she was now, lying on a dirty mattress in a dilapidated building, the harsh fluorescent light in her eyes and showing every curve and contour of her petite sexy body to 3 strangers. 3 strangers, which she would have shunned on the street as being ‘dirty, old, fat, low-class, but who had just took turns to fuck her and dump their hot cum into her fertile womb. Whats more, she had enjoyed it, and had just begged to be fucked like a slut in front of me. And now, she was lying on her back with her legs spread wide open, practically inviting Alan to fuck her again. How horny must she have been to willingly be degraded in such a fashion? Was my sweet wife, who looked so virginal and angelic on our wedding day, actually a raving slutty nymphomaniac?
Alan was in no hurry. He was now rubbing his cockhead up and down her pussy lips, while he continued rubbing her clitoris with his stubby thumb. Susan, driven by lust, was now groping and caressing her own breasts, and rubbing her nipples to a rubbery stiffness, while arching her back and moving her hips in rhythm with Alan’s finger. After a few minutes of this, my wife realized she could not get any satisfaction unless she succumbed to Alan’s sick game. ‘ Uncle Alan…’she moaned, ‘please fuck my cheebye with your cock…I want to cum…’
‘Sure anot ah girl…don’t say I force you one hor…’
‘No uncle Alan…I want to be fucked hard by you…I want one…’
‘Your husband here leh…you not shy meh?’
‘Don’t care him…uncle…just fuck me like I’m a prostitute…uncle you are very big and strong…
‘wah uncle paiseh leh…uncle ask his friends all come and fuck you can anot?’
‘yes uncle…ask all of them to come fuck me…ask them all come my house and fuck me hard and cum all over me…ok?’
‘you say one hor…k lah you so pretty uncle also cannot say don’t want…you ready for my big hotdog…?’
‘Uncle you very naughty…please fuck me with your big hotdog…I want to cum already…’
14-08-2009, 03:45 PM
...encouraged to write if you guys chip in and give suggestions on how you want to see my wife fucked and abused!
Very nice & erotic, especially with all the humiliation stuff! Kudos!!
A 2 cent chip in: The 3 uncles doing an AirLock (ie. DP + mouth) on sweet suzie & dumping their final (3rd?) load inside each orifice? I would have further suggested them doing musical chairs after unloading if not for them currently onto their 2nd load already. SLURPS!!!
14-08-2009, 11:44 PM
great writing style!
15-08-2009, 01:29 AM
TS, you are a fantastic writer. Your engrish is powderful. :)
Keep it up. Continue posting for all bros here. ;)
15-08-2009, 01:58 AM
nice story here. next chapter please!
15-08-2009, 10:16 AM
The lewd coupling between Alan and my wife was about to begin. It was an unbelievable sight, my sweet, pretty, fair and lithe wife beneath Alan’s grotesquely obese body, dirty and oily with sweat, spreading her legs and begging to be fucked. As Alan began to slowly slide his thick cockhead into my wife’s pussy, Ganesh and Vikram let out a low whistle at the sight of my sexy wife’s submission. My wife arched her back and clutched at Alan’s arms as she felt his massive manhood providing her with much needed relief. ‘oh…uncle…slowly…you are so thick…my cheebye fills so full…’ she moaned as Alan’s cock began disappearing into the depths of my wife’s warm, willing pussy.
Alan finally got his entire cock in and began fucking my wife in a slow rhythm, letting her get used to the massive intruder now violating her. With his initial lust sated, Alan had no intention of cumming quickly, and was determined to prolong the sensation of his thick cock rubbing against the velvety walls of my wife’s pussy as long as possible. With my wife now a willing participant, Alan was able to use his ‘sword’ skills to full effect.
Alan began to quicken and vary his rhythm, sometimes only slowly fucking her with his massive cockhead, which made my wife crave for more, moaning ‘uncle don’t like that…deeper please…’, then suddenly intensifying his thrusts and slamming his whole cock repeatedly into my wife’s pussy. This sent my wife into a complete state of ecstasy. She could only lie there, hands clutching at the mattress, her eyes glazed with lust and her mouth hanging slackly open, her breathing in short gasps as Alan fucked her hard and fast. I could see Ganesh’s cum dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. As she felt an orgasm approaching, she began chanting, ‘fuck fuck fuck fuck…I’m coming….fuck fuck…’and moving her hips up and down. Alan, sensing Susan’s orgasm approaching, placed her legs on his shoulder and, bending my wife almost double, began fucking her even faster. The sound of his belly and hips slapping against my wife’s inner thighs and buttocks was intensifying with every second, as was my wife’s constant screaming for Alan to fuck her faster, that she was going to cum soon. When her orgasm finally hit, it was the biggest one yet. Her eyes literally rolled back in her sockets as she shuddered and spasmed for almost 20 full seconds. I could literally see the lithe muscles in her thighs and buttocks twitching under Alan’s bulk. At that moment, I wondered if she had ever had such an intense orgasm with me, and realized that I would probably never be able to satisfy her again.
My wife, recovering from her orgasm, looked lovingly up at Alan and put her hands around his head, pulling him closer to french him. Alan said, ‘eee yur ah girl ah your mouth got my boss cum don’t want lah!’ Giggling like a school girl after her first orgasm, Susan pulled his head down anyway and began nuzzling his neck, planting little kisses on his cheeks, ears and neck. Just like she would do to me after we had particularly satisfying sex.
But Alan was far from satisfied. He lifted my wife suddenly, who gave a little yelp of surprise. ‘Come, ah girl…bend over at the table and spread for uncle…’ My wife walked over to the dining table, her pert buttocks and thighs emphasized by her heels, grabbed the edge of the table and bent over, making sure to arch her back and thrust out her buttocks as far as possible, presenting a sight no straight man could resist. Her legs slightly apart, her pretty pink pussy peeking out from between her thighs, my wife looked back at Alan and licked her lips slowly…
How could Alan resist this invitation? My wife was probably the prettiest and most willing girl he had ever fucked, and here she was begging to be entered from behind. He stepped up behind her and with his 2 meaty hands grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling them apart as far as possible. Then, with no regard to my wife’s comfort this time, he slammed the entire length of his cock inside. The next 15 minutes was fucking of the most intense and lewd proportions, the slapping sound of flesh against flesh, the quivering of my wife as she came repeatedly, my wife squirting, something I have never managed to accomplish, Alan’s panting as he approached orgasm, my wife’s repeated screams to be fucked harder, that Alan’s cock felt so good and thick inside her, all this combined to form the most lewd and yet erotic sight I have seen in my life. It was the most intense porn bought to life in front of my eyes, my wife the main actress, and I was a willing audience.
Alan finally let out a loud groan and, stiffening, came again inside my wife. Despite his impressive fucking prowess, he was still a middle aged man, and he collapsed exhausted on the sofa next to Ganesh, panting heavily and with a huge grin on his face. My wife remained in the same position, her hips thrusted out lewdly, as Alan’s semen began slowly dripping out of her, pooling with the large pool of her own love juices that had formed between her thighs. I couldn’t see her face, but I can imagine the glassy eyed look of satisfaction and bliss on it. Have I not seen it many times in our 5 years together? Would I ever be able to bring on that look on her face again?
15-08-2009, 10:24 AM
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions bros. I do plan to have my wife forced into even more lewd and degrading sex acts in the future, but, as I'm sure bro peterpan will tell you, its not just the sex, but the humilation, the 'wrongness' of it, that is the real turn on.
In my next few story arcs, I have a few rough ideas.
1. We are called back, and unless we comply Ganesh releases the gangbang tape of my wife. We return and my wife and I are forced to perform even more depraved sex acts.
2. I discover my wife has gone back to find ganesh of her own will.
3. My wife, with the help of ganesh and his friends, fulfill her darkest fantasies on our marriage bed!
4. Ganesh whores out my wife to pay for gambling debts.
Am looking forward to more suggestions like these.
Keep the feedback and suggestions coming! They really inspire me to write more!
15-08-2009, 10:53 AM
u sound like a pervet but i do enjoy your storey..
how about u kena ass fuck by the 3 guards while yr wife sucks yr cock at the same time..
15-08-2009, 11:12 AM
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions bros. I do plan to have my wife forced into even more lewd and degrading sex acts in the future, but, as I'm sure bro peterpan will tell you, its not just the sex, but the humilation, the 'wrongness' of it, that is the real turn on.
In my next few story arcs, I have a few rough ideas.
1. We are called back, and unless we comply Ganesh releases the gangbang tape of my wife. We return and my wife and I are forced to perform even more depraved sex acts.
2. I discover my wife has gone back to find ganesh of her own will.
3. My wife, with the help of ganesh and his friends, fulfill her darkest fantasies on our marriage bed!
4. Ganesh whores out my wife to pay for gambling debts.
Am looking forward to more suggestions like these.
Keep the feedback and suggestions coming! They really inspire me to write more!
Hell , this storyline is great , can become bestseller.
Porn industry can use this to make movie. :D
15-08-2009, 02:49 PM
can make into some hentai. lols
15-08-2009, 03:01 PM
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions bros. I do plan to have my wife forced into even more lewd and degrading sex acts in the future, but, as I'm sure bro peterpan will tell you, its not just the sex, but the humilation, the 'wrongness' of it, that is the real turn on.
In my next few story arcs, I have a few rough ideas.
1. We are called back, and unless we comply Ganesh releases the gangbang tape of my wife. We return and my wife and I are forced to perform even more depraved sex acts.
2. I discover my wife has gone back to find ganesh of her own will.
3. My wife, with the help of ganesh and his friends, fulfill her darkest fantasies on our marriage bed!
4. Ganesh whores out my wife to pay for gambling debts.
Am looking forward to more suggestions like these.
Keep the feedback and suggestions coming! They really inspire me to write more!
maybe you wan to involve their wives(MILFs) or their children(SYTs) get everyone involved and make it mass orgy gangbang. if better add some incest. after all its jus a story.
15-08-2009, 03:37 PM
good 1 more please
15-08-2009, 04:31 PM
It was finally Vikram’s turn to fuck my wife again. Being a couple for so long, I could read my wife’s mood easily, and I could sense that, instead of wanting to be fucked hard and fast like a common whore, she now wanted to be fucked slowly and passionately, to be made love to. Of her own initiative, she walked over to the small attached toilet in the corner. 4 pair of eyes followed her every step, watching her slim legs in her heels, her swaying hips, her taut buttocks. And of course, there was no mistaking the glossy sheen coating her inner thighs, a mixture of cum and pussy juice flowing out of her ravaged pussy. In the toilet, we could hear running water, then the sound of gurgling and spitting. She must have been rinsing her mouth clean.
Coming out, my wife grinned at Vikram and beckoned to him, deliberately emphasizing the sway of her hips as she walked back to the mattress, Vikram, grinning like an idiot, followed her. For the sixth time that day, my wife lied down and spread her legs for a stranger to fuck her. As Vikram slide his long penis into her, she hugged him close and whispered, ‘take it slow k….treat me like a lover…’ Vikram was of course happy to do so. Looking into my wife’s eyes, Vikram began to slowly pump his cock in and out of my wife’s pussy, making sure to maintain eye contact. My wife’s legs wrapped around his dark buttocks, guiding his thrusts into her, while her hands were wrapped around his hairy back, clutching him close to her like a lover.
As their love making intensified, my wife and Vikram began frenching softly and passionately. This was not fucking, but love making. My wife’s body was tightly and eagerly pressed against Vikram’s. They were frenching, then nibbling on each other’s ear. Vikram would occasionally bend down and take my wife’s pink nipple into his warm wet mouth, and Susan would thrust out her breasts and let him, while she ran her hands through his hair. Then they would resume frenching again, and the whole would repeat itself. Throughout, Vikram never missed a single stroke as he drove his penis into my wife, touching and arousing the deepest parts of her pussy. Their bodies were soon covered by a thin sheen of sweat, Vikram’s body gleaming darkly as if he was oiled, while thin pearls of sweat formed and ran down the luscious curves of my wife’s body. The previous fucks were hard, fast, animalistic, pure lust. This was slow, loving, passionate, toe curling love making, a ritual that should be shared only between 2 people in love. I closed my eyes, not willing to watch my wife betray me completely, both physically and emotionally, as she gave up her loving pussy to her vile intruder.
They came simultaneously, Vikram stiffening as he dumped the final load into my wife, my wife clutching her Indian lover even closer as she moaned softly. She gave him one more passionate kiss before Vikram rolled off her, lying next to her on the mattress and breathing heavily. I have never seen my wife look more sexy and wanton. Her eyes were closed and her face was flushed, and as she panted her c-cup breasts, heaving up and down emphasized her erect nipples. Her legs, slightly open, revealed her pussy, previously trim and tight. It was now a ravaged mess, the pussy lips spread and flared open with arousal, glistening with her wetness, and a trail of cum flowing from the slit down to her asshole.
Our blackmailers had finally sated their lust on my wife. But it seemed that they had more in store for us. Ganesh connected the camcorder to a TV, and the scenes of lust and debauchery replayed itself on the small screen. With some video editing to remove the first part, no one would believe my wife was not a willing participant. Ganesh grinned at us and said, ‘give us your handphone numbers and address, get dressed, and you can go. But if we call you back and you don’t obey, this tape immediately gets copied and goes on sale, understand? Susan and I could only nod meekly as our blackmailers, laughing, got dressed and left the room.
I helped Susan get dressed, and when we left our first stop was the pharmacist, where Susan bought some after morning pills and took a double dosage just to be safe. As we drove home, the tension in the car was palpable. I had not looked my wife in the eyes since we left the factory, and I wondered what was running through her head. Scenes of my wife’s ravishment ran through my head as I struggled to come to terms with her wantonness. And even as I wondered what Ganesh had planned next, the look of lust on my wife’s face throughout the rape, her cries of pleasure as she arched her back and came with the vile men, her pleas to be fucked hard like a whore, how she spread her legs willingly to accept the men’s cocks, all this ran through my head. I knew then that our life had taken a perverse turn.
End of part 1
15-08-2009, 11:39 PM
How bros, like my story so far? If you guys do like it I'll begin my next story arc soon
16-08-2009, 12:06 AM
Bro TS, how not to like your story??
I think fellow bros are either out on this sat nite or maybe reach home login later, hand busy pcc to the latest episode. I tahan for later b4 I sleep! :D
Keep up the good work esp the kinky humiliation story line...
Bonfire now getting outta control !!! :p:p
16-08-2009, 01:43 AM
Wondering what the finale will be... I hope the guards forced TS to eat out the creampie from his wife's pussy. Tat will be the ultimate humiliation!
This eating of creampie scene sounds familiar, bro PP.. keke:D
I have read that thread and is still following for updates...:p
16-08-2009, 02:52 AM
powerful writing...
i'm having the "what will i do if i'm in that position" thoughts.... scary..
16-08-2009, 11:48 AM
How bros, like my story so far? If you guys do like it I'll begin my next story arc soon
of course we like, ur story is one of the best that i have ever read !!:D
16-08-2009, 11:22 PM
good story please cum more please
17-08-2009, 03:39 PM
Next story will be slightly delayed as my router is spoiled and I have yet to get a new one. In fact, I uploaded the last few parts at my in-laws house. Can you imagine...
17-08-2009, 04:39 PM
what a story...
turns me on every time i read it :)
17-08-2009, 09:32 PM
Fabulous. Thanks for sharing.
17-08-2009, 11:49 PM
ANAL!!!!... TS missed tat!!.. :)
18-08-2009, 07:34 AM
Arc 2 coming soon. In it...
1. anal sex and double penetration
2. more humilation
3. building up to even more perversity in arc 3
18-08-2009, 08:06 AM
Over the next few weeks, our life returned to a semblance of normality. At least in the day. We went about our daily schedules which kept us busy and out of the home most of the time, but the nights…the nights were different. We were like 2 strangers living in the same place, sharing the same toilet, sleeping on the same bed. For a fortnight after the incident, every time I felt like comforting my wife, or to ask her how her day was, or simply to put an arm around her when we slept, images of her spread eagle with Ganesh, Vikram and Alan thrusting her cocks inside her while she reciprocated their lust with ardor would run through my head and I would stay my hand. We usually made love at least once a week, but that stopped as well. I got through with plenty of lube and my own hands, but to my perverse surprise, more often then not as I came it was to images of my wife being fucked senseless by the three security guards.
One day, about a month after the incident, we received a package in the mail. In it was a sealed envelope, some clothes in clear plastic wrap, and a dvd. When I took out the clothes, my wife actually blushed. It was a pleated skirt that was so short it would barely cover the ass cheeks, and a skimpy white shirt with the top buttons removed so that my wife’s ample milky cleavage would be sure to show. It was, simply put, a whore’s uniform. There was also a pair of lacy pink panties and matching bra. By this time, I already guessed the package was from our blackmailers, and when I took out the letter my fears were confirmed.
‘next sat, 12pm, same place. Wear the clothes we sent. If we don’t see you by 1pm we release the dvd on internet and to newspaper’
It was not signed, but there was no question who it was from.
I crumpled the letter and threw it in the dustbin. Both me and my wife knew we had to comply, but, I could not, for now, reconcile the thought of having to deliver my pretty young wife back into their vile hands again, to be used and fucked and abused in probably more humiliating ways. I left my wife in the living room and into the bed room.
Lying down, I drifted into an uneasy slumber. I was awaken by my wife whispering, ‘lao gong, you awake?’ Sensing something, I feigned sleep. My wife nudged me lightly a few times, and when she was convinced I was sleeping soundly, she tiptoed out softly. My suspicions were fully aroused by now. What the heck was she planning to do?
I waited a while before slowly stepping out of our bedroom to look around. A cursory glance showed she was not in the living room or kitchen. Nor was she in the study or spare bedroom. That left only one place, our entertainment room at the penthouse level.
As I tiptoed slowly upstairs, I began to hear faint sounds from our entertainment system. The volume was turned almost all the way down, but already I could make out the screams and moans of my wife’s voice begging to be fucked hard, to be fucked like a slut, and the ‘piak piak’ noises of flesh against flesh. My wife was watching the dvd of her rape!
I finally climbed up high enough to peek into our entertainment room. Our flat screen TV was facing the stairs, so naturally the sofa’s back was facing the stairs, which meant my wife couldn’t see me. I, however, had a perfect view of my wife, thanks to several mirrors installed by the interior designer to make the place look bigger. The sight was just another scene of lewdness I would have to get used through over the next few months.
On the TV was Susan on her front, lying on the sofa, as Ganesh plunged his big cock in and out of her from behind at a furious pace. The video camcorder was actually closed up and, thanks to our HD TV, I was now treated to a repeat of my wife’s debauchery, only in HD, much larger and close up. It was interracial porn at its best. A dark, slick big cock sliding in and out of a small pinkish pussy, with the fair skin of my wife’s thighs and buttocks providing a startling contrast to Ganesh’s dark skin.
On the sofa was Susan, totally naked, and masturbating furiously. One hand took turns tweaking both her nipples, while the other hand furiously rubbed her clitoris. I realized that some of the moans were from her rather then the TV. As the scene got more intense, my wife’s plunged two fingers into her vagina and began to finger fuck herself furiously. And when she finally came, it was with a small shudder and light, somewhat dissatisfied moans. Her on screen persona however just had a hugely satisfying orgasm.
I crept back downstairs into our room, masturbated to what I’ve just seen, and awaited the day we would have to meet up with our blackmailers again.
18-08-2009, 02:36 PM
very very good!!!!!!!
cant wait for more!!!!!!!!
18-08-2009, 02:49 PM
Bro, great post. definitely one of the best story that I have come across
18-08-2009, 06:27 PM
you like very enjoy when u wife get fuck by 3 security guards.. YOU REALLY NO USE!!!!! i feel sad for your wife.. you jus CMI!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
18-08-2009, 10:08 PM
It's a st0ry. Duh get s0 w0rked up and enjoy the st0ry line... Cheers.
18-08-2009, 10:17 PM
you like very enjoy when u wife get fuck by 3 security guards.. YOU REALLY NO USE!!!!! i feel sad for your wife.. you jus CMI!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
wahpiang pls read properly before u comment. Its a fantasy story.
18-08-2009, 11:17 PM
you like very enjoy when u wife get fuck by 3 security guards.. YOU REALLY NO USE!!!!! i feel sad for your wife.. you jus CMI!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
TS have clarify that is a STORY and he is soliciting ideas :D
hey, in the lastest movie G.I Joe obviously must hve a secret organisations that have magic weapon to destroy Eiffel Tower. WHY IS THE EIFFEL TOWER STILL THER???? :D x 12
Must be some magic gobernment coverup! they make one new eifeel tower super quick and brainwash all the people who see it! HOw about Godzilla all the movies? Tokyo must be the most super rebuild city in the world!!
Oh and heres a Red pill. Please to wake up to The Real World and you've been in a Pod all this while. :cool:
19-08-2009, 12:09 AM
Bro TS,
steamy story. Waiting in anticipation for your next updates.
19-08-2009, 01:44 AM
you like very enjoy when u wife get fuck by 3 security guards.. YOU REALLY NO USE!!!!! i feel sad for your wife.. you jus CMI!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
why so worked up..?
Even if it's real, it's their choice wat. C-H-O-I-C-E, understand?? Every mother son is entitled to choices!
Why scold people no use?
You got use meh? Think about it, you are useful in how many ways?
TS can stretch his imagination to write such a juicy story for us to enjoy tremendously but what can you do?
Sigh, you also cmi ah. Probably worse.
19-08-2009, 01:55 AM
relax lah. jchboy already said it is his fantasy. anyway even if it is true he wld find some guys better to waste his wife rather than those he mentioned. moreover, he wont be so stupid to let ppl tape it down unless kena taped with a hidden cam.
19-08-2009, 02:15 AM
anyway if it was real, the court case gonna be a shocker :cool:
gurantee to be stink times headlines for a week or so.
the 3 security guards wouldnt have a fun time in jail or in court.
off the top of my head, (im no lawyer)
the guards could probably be charge with
criminal breach of trust
rape x several count
making porns
distributin porns
and all sort of other juicy charge :D
The Problem here is ........... all the 3 musketeer have to do to make sure YOU and Your Wife "name sweep floor", is to have a copy of the dvd with another pal. "in case of police catch, pls upload video to net". and good luck to u ;) They may be in jail, you wont be any better off either,
19-08-2009, 03:04 AM
Wow this is one of the best story i ever come across too bad i,m not working as a security guard. :>
19-08-2009, 09:26 AM
bro since your wife so desperate and horny why not u take some pic or video of her and share with us guys... i believe all bro out there will be waiting desperatly
19-08-2009, 01:02 PM
Hai before I post the next chapter just want to say again, this is a personal fantasy of mine, not a real story! I've even had bros pm me asking me the sex tape!
19-08-2009, 03:39 PM
sickly great story. :eek:
where u got all this ideas?
19-08-2009, 04:55 PM
I waiting for the next exciting part....pls faster :D
19-08-2009, 04:57 PM
Saturday finally arrived. I sat in the living room, channel surfing but not really paying attention to the programs as I waited for my wife to get ready. I had trouble getting to sleep the night before, as scenes of my wife being fucked repeatedly to orgasm by 3 men replayed itself endlessly through my head, as well as the dread of having to deliver my wife into their hands again. Judging from her tossing and turning, I doubt Susan slept well as well. But was it fear or anticipation that kept her awake?
When my wife emerged from our bedroom, she was truly a sight to behold. Despite her age (27 in case you’ve skipped the intro and went straight to the sordid scenes), she still looked like an innocent SYT in her early twenties. The only indication of her age was that her skin might not have the glow of youth, but it was still pretty radiant thanks to her regime of expensive moisturizers etc. The white top, a size too small and with the top buttons removed, did little to hide her C-cuppers encased by a pink lacy bra, and the result was a huge expanse of white creamy bossom with a deep cleavage plainly visible. The pleated skirt was another erection inducer. It barely covered her panties, and when she walked past me to get her handbag, I could catch glimpses of her ass cheeks in the lacy pink panties as the skirt swayed from side to side. When she sat down to put on her heels, the skirt rode up and the crotch of her panties became plainly visible. My wife had a strict dress code. Show either cleavage or leg, but never both together, it makes you look like a whore. At this moment, I realized she was right.
My wife caught the attention of other men barely minutes after leaving the house. One floor below us, Terry, our immediate neighbor below, got on the lift. He was an American in his thirties, and one of many expats living in our condo. We would usually greet each other with a smile whenever we bumped into each other, but the minute he got into the lift, his eyes were captured by the sight of my wife, usually pretty conservatively dressed in office clothes, but now in such a sexy package. For the rest of the lift ride, I could see him trying his best not to stare but still unable to help from stealing glances at my wife’s barely covered breasts and her legs. My wife, aware of but uncomfortable with his stares, looked straight ahead with acknowledging him.
3 floors down, Jason got in the lift. He was a gawky 16 year old boy when we first moved in 2 years ago. Kind of a typical mummy’s boy. Now serving his NS, he had buffed up quite a bit, gotten a tan, and actually looked pretty hunky. My wife had in fact commented a few months back that Jason was actually quite handsome without glasses and a tan. In addition, we had long ago suspected he had a schoolboy’s crush on Susan. It was nothing concrete, small things like offering to help her with the groceries, his awkward greeting and slight blush when he was alone with Susan in the lift etc. When he saw Susan, his mouth literally dropped open slightly before he hurriedly clamped it shut again, and he could only manage a muffled ‘hello’ before averting his gaze. But, as our condo lift was fully mirrored, every where he looked, the sight of my petite wife with her heaving bossom and barely there skirt was there to greet his eyes. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had imagined and jerked off to fantasies of my wife in such an outfit before. Like Terry, he tried his best not to stare, but couldn’t help stealing glances. My wife was thoroughly embarrassed and blushing by now. It was one thing to be fucked by strangers, but to be so exposed among familiar faces was quite a different matter. Thankfully, no one else got on the lift, and my wife only had to endure the peeks of these 2 neighbors.
Getting into our car, I drove on in silence. As it was a Saturday and the expressways were clear, it only took us about half an hour to reach the destination. Finally, we had arrived again at the place where it all started. And even as I cursed under my breath the day I first discovered this place, I felt my cock twinging as my wife and I walked towards the security room again…
19-08-2009, 08:32 PM
Post edited as I'm disatisfied with some parts of the story. Sorry for the delay
19-08-2009, 08:43 PM
cctv in a toilet???
a bit weird lor. rofl.
19-08-2009, 11:01 PM
camping 4 next chapter:D
20-08-2009, 12:58 AM
One of the best every stories i have read!!!
Keep it going bro. :) Can't wait for the rest of the story. :)
20-08-2009, 07:25 AM
I had actually written about half of part 2 when I realized that, other then anal and DP and more humiliation, it was largely the same as part 1. Kinda boring to write and to read. So I'm going to try a different angle and write the story from Susan's third person point of view, before moving on to the next story arcs. So let me know how it turns out. Will post a new chapter by tonight
20-08-2009, 08:11 AM
up u for gd effort.
20-08-2009, 09:01 AM
As we approached, the door opened, and standing there was Vikram with a lecherous grin on his face. He let out a low whistle at the sight of my wife, his gaze roaming freely over her tight body with curves emphasized and barely covered. My wife ignored him and, lowering her head, stepped past him to enter the room. But, as she passed, Vikram could not resist and groped her ass cheeks with one large hand. She let out a small yelp and scooted into the room. However, when I tried to follow, Vikram said bluntly, ‘boss say you cannot come in today’, and immediately slammed and locked the door in my face. I could hear Susan asking in a fearful voice what was going on, and frankly, I myself was surprised at this turn of events. What were these men planning for my wife? With no choice left, I made myself comfortable outside the door and tried my best to hear what was going on in the room.
The following part of the story was related to me afterwards by Susan, after we had both accepted her slut wife status.
When Susan heard Vikram turn away John and closed the door, effectively leaving her alone, barely dressed with her three blackmailers, she felt a shiver of fear and anticipation running up and down her spine. Throughout the past few weeks, Susan had been struggling between her lustful desires to be fucked like a common whore and her innate sense of pride, shame and right or wrong. After all, good Chinese girls from a well-off family, not to mention her looks, education and status, should not be begging to be fucked repeatedly by 3 old dirty fat men in a dirty dingy room on a filthy mattress. What would her friends and family say if they knew?
And yet she had came repeatedly. Even after her ordeal, despite her best efforts not to dwell on the ‘rape’ she found her mind drifting back to that day, and inexplicably she would find her pussy getting moist and her hands itching to touch herself. She often wondered why, but was unwilling to admit that it was most likely the humiliation, the sinfulness of it, the dirt, grime, being forced to submit that was such a turn on. Being fucked with John watching made the experience even more wicked and thus satisfying.
But she always managed not to succumb, till the day the letter, dvd and skimpy clothes arrived. The thought of having to dress so skimpily and parade herself like a stripper in front of the 3 security guards, who would then most likely gangbang her again, drove all pride and shame out of her head. She needed the relief! Susan took a huge risk, knowing John was a light sleeper, but she could not control herself and crept up to the entertainment room to watch the dvd of her rape. As scene after sordid scene replayed itself, especially when she was begging John to let Ganesh fuck her, her pussy got wetter and wetter, and she was soon masturbating herself to an orgasm, the first in many weeks, and yet one not as satisfying as the one her on screen persona was having.
And now here she was, back at the scene of her downfall. Susan asked Vikram meekly, ‘what’s going on? Can’t John come?’ Vikram didn’t reply, but merely grabbed her arm and dragged her into the guard’s rest room. In the room, sitting on the couch and already naked, were Alan and Ganesh. Susan shuddered at the sight, they were, if possible, even uglier then she remembered. Fat, middle aged, low-class and ugly, whats more Ganesh and Vikram were Indian! Lets face it, most Singaporean Chinese, especially the older generation, still harbor some racial scorn toward Indians, and Susan was bought up that way as well. But, only a few weeks ago, her lithe legs had been wrapped around their dark asses as they plunged their cocks into her moist, willing Chinese pussy. And here she was now, barely dressed, showing off her assets for the three filthy guards who would most likely fuck her repeatedly again. Inexplicably, even as she shuddered at the thought of their filthy hands touching her flawless body, she felt her pussy getting moist at the thought of getting tightly filled with big cock...
20-08-2009, 09:02 AM
How bros, like the different point of view?
20-08-2009, 09:24 AM
How bros, like the different point of view?
nice, just wondering , have u ever let your wife read your stories .
so talented :D
How bros, like the different point of view?
hmmmm. looks good. maybe u can post another part using this method again? but more on the sexual side. maybe then we can see how its like? :) but then again. so far everything is good bro. :)
Hollow man
20-08-2009, 10:14 AM
Super nice story bro, keep it up
20-08-2009, 11:29 AM
TS really into the NTR play(netorare, which seeing your girl succumb to other man in jap) like me lol
Really good story here, cant wait for your next installment
Hollow man
20-08-2009, 11:30 AM
more please, very fast gain gain liao leh, thank you.
20-08-2009, 02:48 PM
Vikram had stripped as well and joined Ganesh and Alan on the sofa. Dressed in such a arousing fashion, Susan felt an absurd sense of shame and arousal as the three lechers gawked at her barely covered assets. ‘Wah boss you got good taste in clothes man!’ Alan said. ‘Yah boss, see already my cock mari kita haha!’ added Vikram. Sure enough, to Susan’s horror, the three cocks which had fucked her lovehole weeks ago were now erecting to their full size. ‘How did I ever fit those cocks into my pussy’, wondered Susan as she looked upon the three cocks, all longer and thicker then her husband’s.
‘Come girl,’ Ganesh ordered. Catwalk to us then back to the opposite wall.’ Susan realized that, to these men, she was little more then a stripper, a piece of delectable flesh for them to sate their lust upon. But despite her shame and reluctance, she knew she had to comply. She walked toward the three men, aware of how every step made her soft creamy boobs jiggle in the tight bra. The look of lust in the men’s eyes were palpable as they feasted their eyes on the young forced wife before them. Things got worse when she turned around and started to walk back to the wall. The heels emphasized her slim legs and sway of her hips, while the skirt was barely long enough to cover her buttocks, encased in a pair of lacy oink panties. Susan heard the three men cheering and whistling behind her. ‘Wah lan eh see her kah cheng buay tahan liao! Must fuck her doggy later’ She heard Alan exclaim. Again, she felt a wave of arousal at the thought of taking Alan’s thick cock in her tiny pussy.
‘Now keep your legs straight and bend over,’ ordered Ganesh. Susan flushed with shame and bent over slowly as far as she could, grabbing her ankles with her hands. She knew what a sight she must be presenting to the three blackmailers. Her slender legs, the muscles taut and emphasized by her heels, leading up to her creamy pert buttocks, and her most secret part protected only by a thin piece of semi transparent cloth. She felt her pussy began to moisten again and hoped that the wet patch wouldn’t be visible. Thankfully, the men didn’t mention anything. ‘Now’, Ganesh ordered, ‘crawl back here like a bitch and suck our cocks.’ Alan and Vikram laughed at their boss’s ‘witty’ remark.
All this time I was outside the room, and thanks to the low quality thin walls I could hear everything clearly, even the clicking of Susan’s heels on the floor. Imagine how I felt, being able to hear Ganesh asking my wife to parade her body like a prostitue, but not being able to see what was going on.
While I was trying to picture what was going on in the room, Susan had gotten on her knees and was crawling toward the three grotesque men. ‘Eh look up at us leh!’ ordered Alan. ‘You think you sadako ah!’ Susan swallowed her shame and looked up at the security guards. She knew she was pretty. After all, hadn’t she used her looks all these years to get her way with men? So she knew she must have been a delectable sight to the three men, her angelic face looking straight at them, her heaving bossom almost popping out of her skimpy top. She knew she was going to get roughly fucked again soon, this time without alcohol to dull her senses and inhibit her shame. But still she felt her pussy moisten as she got closer to the sofa.
Susan finally reached the sofa. Dangling only a few cm in front of her pouty lips was Ganesh’s dark, large cock and his hairy balls. She could smell the sweat and urine odor of a penis that didn’t get frequent cleaning. Even with John, she had always insisted he wash his cock with soap thoroughly before giving him a blowjob. Ganesh’s cock was filthy, but Susan couldn’t help marveling at the length and girth of it. After all, John’s cock was the only cock she had ever saw, and it was only 5 odd inches, not to mention not as thick. Without realizing it, she realized that she had grasped the base of Ganesh’s cock with one dainty hand. Her fair skin and the engagement ring on her finger stood out in stark contrast to Ganesh’s dark cock, something that didn’t escape her notice as Ganesh’s cockhead seemed to threaten her. ‘Oh what would my family and friends say if they knew I’m kneeling in front of a dirty Indian about to suck his cock!’ she wondered
Ganesh was getting impatient. He grabbed the back of Susan’s head and pulled her mouth toward his cock. Susan closed her eyes and mouth but could not shut out the odor and taste as Ganesh rubbed his cockhead against her lips. She felt another hand snaking under her bra and knew that if she did not comply soon that same hand would be twisting her pink nipples painfully. Resigned to her fate, Susan opened her mouth and Ganesh slid his weapon in between her moist lips.
As Susan continued orally pleasuring Ganesh, she slowly became accustomed to the overwhelming smell of Ganesh’s pubic region. In fact, she was starting to discover that she liked the feel of a large cock filling her entire mouth, and felt an absurd sense of pride that she was able to deepthroat him with no trouble unlike their last encounter. Her hands were soon directed to Alan’s and Virkam’s cocks, and she was now pleasuring three men simultaneously. She finally opened her eyes to see Ganesh with his head thrown back in pleasure as he felt her warm wet tongue caressing his shaft, while Vikram and Alan were watching with great interest at Ganesh’s dark cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Determined to show these men that she was no novice, she took Ganesh’s cockhead into her mouth and flicked her tongue around his peehole vigorously, earning a satisfied groan from Ganesh and a surprised grin from Vikram and Alan.
Alan and Vikram soon wanted to sample Susan’s oral skills as well. Her head was now directed to Alan’s, and as she opened her mouth as wide as possible to accommodate his girth, her hand was directed to Ganesh’s cock. After a few minutes, Vikram’s cock took its place in her mouth, and so on and so forth. Outside the door, I could only hear faint slurping sounds and the occasional moan from the security guards.
Hmm. seems better if you write the story from Susan's point of view. Carry on the good job bro. :)
20-08-2009, 04:30 PM
Power story!!! Keep up the good work. Qn is, will susan get impregnated by her attackers? Since they all came inside her with all their thick sperm?
20-08-2009, 05:30 PM
fuck up la ccb u dont know how to call police n get those fucking bastard to jail meh u r really a useless man
20-08-2009, 07:04 PM
Bro nice story....keep it up!!!
20-08-2009, 07:15 PM
fuck up la ccb u dont know how to call police n get those fucking bastard to jail meh u r really a useless man
lol, bro relax. its only a fantasy by TS. not true story.
fuck up la ccb u dont know how to call police n get those fucking bastard to jail meh u r really a useless man
Bro. Its just a story leh. Not a real 1. If call police then nothing to write liao. :(
20-08-2009, 08:16 PM
fuck up la ccb u dont know how to call police n get those fucking bastard to jail meh u r really a useless man
we are here to get wet, not angry...just a story nia, take it easy..:D
20-08-2009, 08:29 PM
......1985 .......
20-08-2009, 08:34 PM
Bro peterpan, you sure you want my wife to get impregnated? Then my next few story arcs will be about doctor's visit and night feeds and burping babies etc etc. How to wank like that?
20-08-2009, 09:12 PM
Bro peterpan, you sure you want my wife to get impregnated? Then my next few story arcs will be about doctor's visit and night feeds and burping babies etc etc. How to wank like that?
The thrill of noeing ur wife getting impregnated by another man is beyond words!
Can u tell us y the guards didnt let u in to watch them bang ur wife? Mb u can share with us the scene u saw when it was all over and u walked in to 'collect' ur wife. I guess alot of bros wana noe that.
20-08-2009, 09:29 PM
I already have an explanation for why I was not allowed to watch, which I will reveal later. Going in to collect my cum drenched wife is the finale of this arc!
Hollow man
20-08-2009, 10:48 PM
bro ts, whatever it is, please keep on writing as it really make me gain whenever i read, more please, kumsia.
22-08-2009, 01:29 AM
great story!! camping here everynight!!
22-08-2009, 09:50 AM
In the room, the tables had turned. Susan suddenly felt three pairs of hand lift her and throw her onto the mattress. Before she could even catch her breath, the three men were on her like a pack of wild beasts. Ganesh ripped off her cheap top, probably bought from Geylang, with a single tug, revealing her pink bra completely. Meanwhile, Alan and Vikram had slide their hands under her short skirt. She tried to keep her thighs clamped shut, but the two men simply forced her legs apart and continued their exploration of her most private parts. Susan gasped as she felt a stubby finger, she had no idea whose, pull the crotch of her panties aside and began to gently rub her clitoris, sending small tingles of pleasure radiating from the aroused nub. Ganesh meanwhile had already tugged off her bra, and she felt the cold air on her nipples for only a few seconds before Ganesh began groping and sucking on her nipples. As she felt Ganesh’s warm and wet tongue circle her nipples, another finger began to slowly enter her pussy, while another was lightly tickling her asshole, a sensation she had never before experienced.
Susan had always been a sensual girl. Her ears, neck, shoulders, knees, were all sensitive areas that a skilful lover could manipulate to get her in the mood. But most sensitive of all were her nipples and clitoris. John had found out long ago that sucking on her nipples while rubbing her clitoris was the fastest and best way to bring her to orgasm and beg for more intimacy. And now, not only were her nipples and clitoris being serviced, but so were her other sensitive areas being touched and teased by rough fingers. Closing her eyes, Susan tried to block out the sensations, but against her will, she found herself getting wetter and wetter. When Susan felt her skirt and panties being pulled down her shapely hips, she did not resist, and once they were off, a slight tug from her molesters was suffice to spread her legs again. She was losing control, and when a cock head was placed at her mouth, Vikram’s from the size and smell, she hesitated only briefly before reciprocating the pleasure she was receiving.
As Susan pleasured Vikram orally, she felt the fingers arousing her lovebud stop and Alan changing position. Alan muttered ‘so pink…’and began planting kisses around her inner thigh and outer lips of her pussy. Even as her clitoris ached to be touched, she hoped Alan would not start assaulting her pussy with his tongue, knowing from the last experience how skilled he was with it. But it was a futile hope. Her three blackmailers were determined to unleash her nymphomaniac urges and arouse her till she was a willing participant in their sick game.
Susan felt Alan’s hot breath and tongue getting nearer and nearer her love bud. Even as she tried to say ‘no’, difficult with her lips wrapped around Vikram’s cock, she knew her clitoris must be betraying her by peeking out invitingly from her pussy lips. Sure enough, when Alan began licking her clitoris vigorously and inserted one finger to rub her G-spot, she gasped and arched her back with pleasure.
Hollow man
22-08-2009, 10:39 AM
More please more, don't stop.
22-08-2009, 05:01 PM
more bro waiting
Ugly Mutt
22-08-2009, 06:33 PM
Awaiting for next installment. :D
23-08-2009, 05:33 PM
jchboy... hats up to you...:cool:
i hv a similar fantasy about my wife... juz can't write it... dunno how to start...
the forced sex... the submission... the humiliation...
really turn me on...
tot of planned rape but she might insist on making a police report...
tot of tricking her... like blindfolding her... making her hot and horny...
then sumone take my place... :rolleyes:
keep it cuming... hope to get my wife to read it... :D
23-08-2009, 10:06 PM
Mr Great story teller JCH Boy,
I will suggest injecting new characters; like somehow your wife's sister get involved, more security guards/manager/cleaners etc.
More characters with "unique" physical attributes, that will inject freshness to the plot.
Great story so far, keep it up!
24-08-2009, 10:24 AM
Why not talk about how you can take revenge on the
bodyguards by fucking their wife?
And you blackmail them instead? Turn the tables on them.
And have some inter-racial fucking of your own.
At the same time, you can make your wife jealous too.
It's high time you make a stand too!
24-08-2009, 10:52 AM
Very interesting story, I'm eagerly waiting for next part! :D
24-08-2009, 04:02 PM
good work bro..
24-08-2009, 04:07 PM
interesting storyline...:)
24-08-2009, 04:22 PM
Bro TS,
Keep it coming.......:D
24-08-2009, 08:44 PM
nice, continue pls :)
24-08-2009, 11:21 PM
getting addicted reading. more more!:D
25-08-2009, 01:20 AM
Nice story! Thumbs up
25-08-2009, 06:55 AM
you are a great writer man
25-08-2009, 08:35 AM
Dear bros, due to work constraints have had no time to write these past few days. Will try to get next chapter up soon. Thanks for the support
25-08-2009, 11:35 AM
Dear bros, due to work constraints have had no time to write these past few days. Will try to get next chapter up soon. Thanks for the support
Thanks for the effort!:)
25-08-2009, 12:37 PM
obvious bullshit another copy and paste........ but who cares.......
25-08-2009, 03:26 PM
hi TS,
though quite disturbing but still 1 of the best story i've read in this forum,
keep going.
25-08-2009, 03:28 PM
The mere fact that a person speaks from a different perspective should not be taken as evidence of insolence. For everyone is an artist in his own rights.
26-08-2009, 11:05 AM
The mere fact that a person speaks from a different perspective should not be taken as evidence of insolence. For everyone is an artist in his own rights.
Quite true, i agreed. up u back a bit ba. :)
26-08-2009, 01:58 PM
Quite true, i agreed. up u back a bit ba. :)
Thanks bro for the points. It is quite troublesome to be in moderation. It took a long time before my posts appear. It was more than 10 hours. I thought I would quit this forum until I saw your points. Thanks again. Its bros like you that give some hope to this forum.
26-08-2009, 07:15 PM
If the world was black and you were white, who then is the oddity?
What is good for the goose is not so for the gander.
Insolence is a mysterious thing, some of it is refreshing but too much becomes irritating. :D
26-08-2009, 07:26 PM
I already have an explanation for why I was not allowed to watch, which I will reveal later. Going in to collect my cum drenched wife is the finale of this arc!
Hi bro TS, end it with a BUKKAKE with all 3 guys splashing cum all over her with your wifey holding a bowl beneath her chin collecting their cum, that would be some fantasy finale ! hahaha just an idea though ... keep it up bro :D
27-08-2009, 01:16 AM
oh man.... you are born to be a great writer!.. even i am in awe though i have written some books on dating etc.... ha
27-08-2009, 08:55 AM
If the world was black and you were white, who then is the oddity?
What is good for the goose is not so for the gander.
Insolence is a mysterious thing, some of it is refreshing but too much becomes irritating. :D
What if I am the only one who believe the earth to be spherical?
Year after year, we witnessed the advance of the human intellect, the rise and fall of each successive error, the discovery of each important truth and the gradual melioration in our moral feelings and mental views. What people once believe to be factual have proven to be fallacious. Oral sex which was once punishable by incarceration is now acceptable. As such, what we do not regard as righteous may not necessarily be morally reprehensible.
27-08-2009, 11:47 AM
woa.. lj sia.. if i was john. sure sad like no tomorrow la.
wife let people play until like changed person.
27-08-2009, 01:52 PM
What if I am the only one who believe the earth to be spherical?
Year after year, we witnessed the advance of the human intellect, the rise and fall of each successive error, the discovery of each important truth and the gradual melioration in our moral feelings and mental views. What people once believe to be factual have proven to be fallacious. Oral sex which was once punishable by incarceration is now acceptable. As such, what we do not regard as righteous may not necessarily be morally reprehensible.
The treacherous and unexplored areas of the world are in the minds and heart of men.
27-08-2009, 03:29 PM
Looks like we got to be patient and wait for the next installment.
27-08-2009, 05:31 PM
nice story bro, keep it up :D
27-08-2009, 06:21 PM
TS went to the moutains with his three security guards, Susan (Singtel) mobile Broadband got no signal there!
We can only wait!
Hollow man
28-08-2009, 04:53 PM
bro jchboy, waiting for your juicy story leh.
28-08-2009, 05:49 PM
Poor bro jchboy must be so busy with his work ... :(
Nice story,camping here for more.Cant get enough
28-08-2009, 09:41 PM
Waiting for your further posts. Please come back.
28-08-2009, 11:29 PM
Great story and great writing style. Good job!
28-08-2009, 11:37 PM
come on man dun let us wait so so long
29-08-2009, 02:49 AM
Great story, please do continue! :D
29-08-2009, 05:13 PM
More please....cheers!!
29-08-2009, 06:53 PM
Susan closed her eyes, oblivious to everything except the sensations coursing through her body. Ganesh’s warm, wet tongue was now alternating between her nipples, Vikram was sucking on her neck and ears, and Alan’s tongue was flicking and sucking at her aroused clitoris while one stubby finger gently massaged her g-spot. It was something she had never allowed John to do before, and even as she flushed in shame at the situation she was in, her body soon started to react to the new sensation of having her g-spot aroused. She closed her eyes, determined not to look at her young nubile body being surrounded and ravished by these 3 disgusting men, and thought to herself, ‘that’s it, one last orgasm and I’ll threaten to scream rape. I can’t live like this anymore!’
But as Alan’s skilful tongue and finger began bringing Susan closer and closer to orgasm, she felt her resolve slipping. Her thoughts drifted back to the first time she was violated by the 3 guards. Despite her outward protests, she loved the sensation of having her pussy stretched wider and penetrated deeper then John could, not to mention the duration of 3 men with great sexual stamina each fucking her twice. But more then that, more then the physical pleasure, was the complete control the 3 men had over her, the humiliation she was put through, and the wrongness of having her married pussy being consecutively violated by 3 men. As she remembered how she willingly spread her legs invitingly for the men, the mental and physical stimulation finally reached its climax and she felt a hot burst of pleasure began spreading from her g-spot. She bit her lips, but was unable to stop the moans of pleasure when her orgasm finally hit.
Susan lay on the mattress panting, feeling the warm afterglow of her orgasm subside. She opened her eyes and saw the 3 guards looking at her with perverse pleasure, knowing they had unleashed the nymphomaniac in her again. John had always found a woman at her most attractive when she is recovering from an orgasm, and he had often told Susan so. Her face slightly flushed, her mouth agape, a slight sheen of sweat covering her body with every curve highlighted by the fluorescent lights, Susan knew she must have been an irresistible sight. With the clarity of mind that comes after an orgasm, she tried to get up and face up to the three rapists, even though she noticed her nipples were still invitingly erect. But before she could speak, Ganesh said, ‘Our turn to shiok now. We’re going to fuck you in positions you confirm never tried before, but confirm you sure shiok also.’ With that announcement, Alan and Vikram let out a sinister laugh. ‘What could he mean?’ Susan wondered as she felt herself being lifted again.
29-08-2009, 07:03 PM
best story I read
keep up the good work
29-08-2009, 07:20 PM
can only say U R GOOD. Read liao must go find FL liao.
29-08-2009, 07:33 PM
Follow from page 1 to here, keep the story coming, up you...
29-08-2009, 09:54 PM
A fabulous story.
29-08-2009, 10:01 PM
Susan felt herself being laid on a table this time. The cold plastic surface against her back and buttocks and the harsh light in her eyes jolted her senses momentarily. She felt like one of those Japanese girls, naked except for sushi covering her body, as lecherous businessmen ate the sushi, exposing her body bit by bit. When John had mentioned such a strange fetish to her, she had of course scorned these ‘cheap’ women, along with all the other porn actress and prostitutes she thought were loose whores. But here she was, about to be fucked just like one of them! The thought immediately made her clamp her thighs shut while she tried to shield her breasts and vagina from the lecherous stares of the security guards. But Alan and Vikram simply pulled her hands off and pinned them down with little effort, while Ganesh once again pried her legs apart and positioned himself between her, his stiff cock barely a few cm away from her pussy. As Susan felt Ganesh’s cock head prodding against her sex lips, she wondered, why didn’t she struggle more or scream for help? At least John would know she was not a willing participant. And why was her pussy already moist and aching to be stuffed with cock? Was she really such a slut?
31-08-2009, 09:11 AM
Ganesh seemed to read her mind. ‘Don’t pretend lah girl’, he smirked as he rubbed his cock head in a slow circular motion against her clitoris, knowing how that would drive her crazy. ‘We know you liked being fucked by our big cocks. Your husband got fuck you after us anot? Not so shiok right? Your cheebye feels loose right? Lost in the sensation of having her love bud being maddeningly teased, Susan unknowingly nodded, then immediately realized what she had done and shook her head. ‘no…I’m not a slut..’ she muttered. But the fact was, Ganesh’s dirty talking and the constant arousal was having its effect. Susan could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter, and there was an aching deep in her loins that she knew only a large cock could reach.
Therefore, she offered no resistance when she felt Ganesh push her legs further apart and started to insert his cock into her warm pussy. Susan’s favorite part of love making had always been the initial penetration. It was the culmination of foreplay, but also the starting and anticipation of lovemaking. All thoughts of decency and shame flew out of the window as she felt Ganesh’s thick intruder slip between her pussy lips and slowly made its way deeper into her, stretching her out as she had imagined for the past few weeks. And she could no longer deny it. It felt good.
Susan opened her eyes. Ganesh, Vikram and Alan were all watching with rapt attention as Ganesh’s dark cock slowly entered her pretty pink pussy. What a sight it must have been, she wondered. A pretty Chinese girl, held down naked with her perky breasts exposed and lithe legs spread eagle on a table, while a fat Indian man was slowly entering her most private parts with his huge dark cock.
Hollow man
31-08-2009, 11:03 AM
bro jchboy, bth liao, cum some more please
31-08-2009, 11:41 AM
hei jchboy i know u r not a chinese u r a dirty indian man who 1 to insult all the chinese guy i know la
31-08-2009, 01:54 PM
No lah bro. I'm chinese. But interracial porn really turns me on haha.
31-08-2009, 03:29 PM
Despite her wetnesss, Ganesh was still a tight fit. ‘oh…oh…’ Susan moaned as she felt her pussy struggle to accommodate Ganesh. It was so tight she felt she could feel every vein on his cock. Closing her eyes, she opened her legs further to facilitate Ganesh’s entry. As she felt Ganesh withdrew and thrust, each time a little deeper into her pussy, she felt her own body respond in kind. Her pussy felt wetter and tighter then it had ever felt before, while her nipples were aching to be sucked on. Susan knew that the last time she was fucked, her senses were dulled by the alcohol, and the whole ordeal was a haze of sex and orgasm after orgasm. But she was now fully aware and in control of her senses. She was aware of every thing, Alan and Vikram holding her down, her nipples aroused and stiffly erect, the cold table she was lying on, her juices flowing down to her asshole, and most of all, Ganesh’s cock plunging in and out of her pussy. She could already feel a massive orgasm building, and when she felt Ganesh’s balls slap against her buttocks she knew he had finally gotten his whole cock into her.
The next few minutes were a blur for Susan. All she was aware of was the pleasure a cock belonging to a man other then John was bringing to her aroused pussy. Ganesh was so snug fitting that everytime he withdrew completely and slammed his cock in again, Susan could feel his cock head and shaft rubbing up against her g-spot and every nerve of her pussy. As Ganesh quickened his pace, Susan felt Alan and Vikram let go of her arms. She immediately began paying attention to her neglected nipples, rubbing and tweaking them to stiffness.
31-08-2009, 03:31 PM
Hows bros, prefer Susan's or my point of view? If prefer my point of view I'll end this arc more quickly and move on to the next episode
Hollow man
31-08-2009, 04:11 PM
Hows bros, prefer Susan's or my point of view? If prefer my point of view I'll end this arc more quickly and move on to the next episode
Bro jchboy, from the begining of the story till now, you had been a good teller, i believe that you'll carry on to have something better for your point of view. No more tentage for camping liao, now must build a house here for your juicy story, wahahaha, not just susan juice flow down to her asshole, my small hollow also start to catch a cold liao leh.
31-08-2009, 06:45 PM
applauds TS for the excellent story.. :p
maybe have some payback for John too?
31-08-2009, 09:05 PM
Bro jchboy, from the begining of the story till now, you had been a good teller, i believe that you'll carry on to have something better for your point of view. No more tentage for camping liao, now must build a house here for your juicy story, wahahaha, not just susan juice flow down to her asshole, my small hollow also start to catch a cold liao leh.
can rent me 1 room in your house bo? :D
31-08-2009, 09:33 PM
Your story telling is damn power!!
Prefer your view point then wife view point.
Wonder if a girl will actually get turned on reading your story too. ;)
31-08-2009, 09:51 PM
excellent excellent... point view from susan is damn good
keep up the good work
01-09-2009, 01:34 AM
you doing fine now from susan point of view. well done! u r building up the hot tempo. later u can let us know ur point of view when u c ur used susan coming out of the room. her dress kena torn, how is she going home? r u n her eva going to bonk or you leaving that to the disgusting guards and his friends? Just curious
Hollow man
01-09-2009, 10:39 AM
can rent me 1 room in your house bo?
Bro bberry, where got problem, not need rent lah just come in loh, bring some chio bu if you want so can read story together:p:D.
01-09-2009, 10:52 AM
cannot tahan....need more up-date hehehe!!! power....very shiok story.
btw...already upped u.
01-09-2009, 12:21 PM
After a while, Susan felt Ganesh shifting her, so that her head was now hanging over the edge of the table. She immediately felt another cock probing at her mouth. With little hesitation, she opened her mouth. At this instant, she wanted to feel as used and sluttish as possible to heighten her orgasm. As the cock slid between her mouth, she knew its was Vikram’s from the length, and when her dainty hand was directed to another cock to masturbate it, she knew it was Alan’s from the thickness. She felt an overwhelming sense of shame at being able to identify these three men by their cock sizes alone, but soon the thought of simultaneously pleasing three men like a common whore and Ganesh’s relentless pounding of her pussy overwhelmed her defenses.
Outside the room, I had no doubt as to what was going on. I could hear my wife’s muffled moans and knew she probably had a cock inside her mouth, while the ‘piak piak’ sound of flesh against flesh meant she was being vigorously fucked at the same time. The three guards were vocal about their pleasure as well ‘wah lan her cheebye damn tight and wet…’, ‘yah lor chiong so many years liao never see a girl so horny before, husband outside also buay paiseh!’ But at that moment, I could only imagine the lewd scene going on inside.
Inside, Susan felt an orgasm approaching. She could feel her pussy muscles already starting to quiver around Ganesh’s cock while her thighs were feeling like jelly. But, just when she was about to come, Ganesh suddenly pulled his cock out and stopped fucking her. At the same time, she felt Vikram and Alan both withdraw. Opening her eyes, she asked, ‘why you stop…’, then flushed in shame when she realized she had just asked the men to continue fucking her!
The guards just laughed, then flipped Susan over so that she was now lying face down over the table. Ganesh immediately held her down, pinning both hands behind her, while Alan stuffed his thick cock into her mouth, effectively muffling her completely. Susan could feel a tingle of anticipation running down her spine, the experience of being completely powerless to resist in anticipation of being fucked was a new and exciting one. She found herself looking forward to Vikram’s cock penetrating the deepest part of her pussy.
Susan felt Vikram’s smaller cock head rubbing against her pussy. It was strangely slick and cold, and she realized Vikram had applied a lubricant. What for? She wondered. Surely she was wet enough for Vikram’s slimmer cock. Suddenly, Alan stuffed his cock completely in her mouth and held it there, while Ganesh held her down even more firmly. At the same time, she felt Vikram’s cock pushing at her asshole, and the head sliding slightly into her rectum.
Susan’s eyes flew open ‘Oh my God they are going to fuck my ass!’ She now realized what they were doing. She could not scream nor struggle as Vikram’s cock slowly began to slide inside her ass, helped by a generous dose of lubricant. Luckily, there was no pain, but it was still an uncomfortable and strange sensation. As she struggled feebly, Ganesh spoke, ‘relax girl, later will shiok one, Vikram’s lanjiao smallest so let you get used to it first’. As Vikram continued sliding his cock into her virgin ass, she felt some gratitude for Ganesh's consideration. If Vikram’s entry was so uncomfortable, imagine what Ganesh’s, or, god forbid, Alan’s cock could feel!
01-09-2009, 12:45 PM
this is getting better lei....keep it cumming;)
fl saviour
01-09-2009, 01:43 PM
Bro bberry, where got problem, not need rent lah just come in loh, bring some chio bu if you want so can read story together:p:D.
sibei ho leh tis story, knn even u camp here build house ha? lai lai, i bring 2/10 cha bor can or not?:D u fuck i watch mwahaha
Hollow man
01-09-2009, 02:20 PM
sibei ho leh tis story, knn even u camp here build house ha? lai lai, i bring 2/10 cha bor can or not? u fuck i watch mwahaha
Cb you ah si fl saviour, your 2/10 not welcome here lah knn.
Bro jchboy, please continue leh, i pcc half liao haven't cum your story stop liao, waiting patiently for your juicy story, wahahaha.
01-09-2009, 02:58 PM
hi bro you are damm good writer! Keep on goin bro!
01-09-2009, 03:53 PM
Susan was, in a way, no stranger to anal sex. John had wanted to try out anal sex before, and had tried to explain the whole process to her in a bid to persuade her into it. But she had always refused, having a low threshold for pain and abhorring the very idea of such a dirty act. But as she felt Vikram relentlessly push his cock inside her, she frantically tried to remember all that John said. With that, the first thing she did was to relax the muscles in her ass as much as possible. That, of course, had two effects. The discomforted lessened greatly, and she was relieved to find there was no pain. However, this also allowed Vikram to slide his cock into her virgin ass more easily. Meanwhile, she felt a finger, she had no idea whose, slip between her legs and rub her clitoris gently. ‘relax baby…’ she heard Vikram whisper in a soothing voice. Following another lesson John had taught her, Susan focused all her attention on the pleasure the finger rubbing her clitoris was bringing.
After a while, Susan realized the discomfort was lessening. As long as she focused on her clitoris, the fucking her ass was taking didn’t feel so bad. It was in fact starting to feel numbly pleasant. With some alarm and pleasure, she realized that her asshole was actually deriving a completely different sensation of pleasure from being fucked. She remembered John saying that the ass had its own pleasurable nerves as well, but she had always thought he was bullshitting in order to get her to allow anal sex. Right now, she was finding out first hand that John was actually right.
Susan closed her eyes, focusing all her attention on the sensation of a cock sliding in and out of her ass. It was like being a virgin all over again, with the added pleasure of a skilled finger massaging her clitoris. ‘Different kind of shiok right girl?’ she heard Alan whisper. ‘uncle alan see charbor never wrong one. First time see you know you will like being fuck in the ka ching liao. Not every girl will like one.’
Susan had no idea how long Vikram fucked her asshole. It could have been mere seconds, it could have been minutes. But the new sensation and the masturbation of her lovebud was inevitably bringing her to an orgasm, as much as she tried to hide her depraved pleasure from the blackmailers. However, when she came, she was unable to control her body as her ass clenched around Vikram’s cock tightly, bringing a surprised hiss from him, ‘eh boss think she come liao!’ exclaimed Vikram. She heard the men high five each other, and wondered, ‘what more could they want from me?’
01-09-2009, 04:18 PM
nice work bro keep it up!:)
01-09-2009, 04:26 PM
maybe have some payback for John too?
next episode?!!
well done.. up u, bro TS.. keep it coming!!
wat's next? after they had conquered susan's all 3 holes??
01-09-2009, 10:22 PM
More please ... :)
02-09-2009, 08:58 AM
Amazing story. Keep it coming, bro.
02-09-2009, 08:59 AM
Bros, will be finishing this arc today, so please refrain from posting till I'm done for easier reading. Coming up after this arc
1. Short story, I find out Susan is cheating behind my back with the guards
2. short story, interview with ganesh and the guards
3. Long story, Susan fulfills her fantasies of a 'robbery cum gang rape' in our bedroom with help of ganesh's friends
then, in no particular order
Susan is whored out by ganesh to pay for gambling debts
Susan seduces terry and jason
02-09-2009, 09:21 AM
‘Alright bros, lets give this bitch the fucking of her life’. With that, Susan felt herself being lifted effortlessly for the third time that day, with Vikram’s cock still embedded in her ass. Vikram lied down on the mattress, and Susan now found herself in the reverse cowgirl position, but with a cock up her ass instead of her pussy. She found herself preferring this position as she could control the rhythm of Vikram’s thrust as well as finger herself. As she slowly grew accustomed to the ass fucking, she began to enjoy it more and more, and was soon riding her way to a second orgasm. When she felt her buttocks slap against Vikram’s groin, she knew she had finally managed to take all eight inches. When Ganesh and Alan approached her, she needed no encouragement and immediately took one cock into her mouth and masturbated the other. As the rank smell and taste of cocks filled her nose and mouth, she realized she didn’t even need to arouse her clitoris anymore, the sensation from the butt fucking was enough to stimulate her toward an orgasm. She decided there and then that she would simply derive all the pleasure she could from this encounter, then decide how to get her life back on track.
Susan lost track of the number of orgasms and the positions she was fucked that day. All she remembered was that she was pleasuring all three cocks simultaneously at all times. Vikram’s cock was replaced by Ganesh’s, whose thickness made her orgasm even faster, and even when Vikram stuffed his cock which had just been up her ass into her mouth, she was beyond caring and only took a slight lick to determine the taste before deciding it was acceptable and engulfing the whole length. And when Alan finally took his turn, he had to apply more lubricant before he could even get his cock slightly in, but once he broke pass her defenses Susan found herself liking Alan’s cock up her ass most of all. It simply filled her up so completely, making her feel like a complete slut.
The three guards changed positions regularly, making sure Susan could experience all three cocks in different positions. After a while, she was placed in the missionary position, where Alan proceeded to fuck her neglected pussy relentlessly, while Susan fervently sucked at the two cocks pushed into her face, determined to give as much pleasure as she was receiving. There was no need for words or dirty talking this time, all the participants knew what needed to be done.
Outside the room, I was stunned at the intensity and duration of the copulation. I had been eaves dropping for more then an hour, and the ‘piak piak’ sounds of flesh against flesh showed no signs of abating. There were only brief interludes of silence when the men changed position, then the lewd sounds would resume, along with the moans of my wife and the occasional exclamation of pleasure from the guards.
Hollow man
02-09-2009, 11:42 AM
Good morning bro jchboy, hollow man reporting for you juicy story liao. Bro jchboy, give susan a 2 cock attack leh, like that more shiok leh, i believe lah:p:D.
02-09-2009, 01:46 PM
Inside the room, Susan now had her arms wrapped around Ganesh’s neck, who was standing while his hand were hooked under her knees and cupping her buttocks, impaling her pussy up and down on his cock. All three men had already taken turns fucking her ass, vagina, and mouth, and Susan was already in such a state of arousal and horniness she no longer cared that the cocks stank of the men’s unwashed odor and her own juices. As Susan recovered from yet another orgasm, she felt another guard standing very closely behind her, his cock pressing up against her ass crack. Then suddenly, the now familiar sensation of a cock head pressing against her rectum. Her mind reeled with the thought, she was about to be double penetrated! The thought scared and excited her at the same time, but she was in no position to refuse now that she was sandwiched and held tightly between the two hulking men.
As the cock, she now recognized it as Vikram’s, slid slowly in, the tightness was amazing. The two cocks jostling for space in her petite body made her pussy and ass feel even more tight and stuffed then usual, and as they picked up the rhythm she could feel the cocks actually sliding against the thin membrane that separated her ass and vagina. With two cocks inside her, Ganesh frenching her while Vikram nuzzled her neck, she could no longer keep track of where the pleasure was coming from. And when the two men came simultaneously, she felt a warm burst of cum flooding both her holes, while the spasms of their cocks drove her to another orgasm, the most intense one yet, which she felt like it went on for minutes.
Over the next hour, Susan was continuously double penetrated in multiple positions while she orally pleasured the third guard. Alan came in her ass for his first shot, and she was now licking the semen from his penis as the recovered Ganesh and Vikram double penetrated her again. The highlight was when Ganesh and Alan double penetrated her, she felt so full and slutty that if not for Vikram’s cock in her mouth she would have screamed and cummed the building down. Finally, she was made to kneel in front of the three men as they jerked off and came all over her face.
As Susan kept her eyes and mouth closed while trying to hold her breath, she could still smell the 3 loads of cum deposited on her face and feel it trickling down her neck. Then, she heard a door open, and Vikram saying to John, ‘you can come in now…’
I walked in to see my wife kneeling on the floor, her face literally plastered with a white coat of cum. The three security guards were sitted on the sofa, panting heavily from their exertions. Between her legs was a pool of cum, and there was still a slow trickle from her pussy. Her fair skin, especially around her breasts, was marked with love bites, but beneath her cum mask she had the look of a very sexually satisfied woman. Vikram bought her some tissues, which was vastly inadequate to clean the amount of cum dumped on and inside her. Then, I helped her dress in the tattered remains of her clothes, after which we went home, Susan seemingly lost in a guilt trip, while I wondered what was coming next for us.
End of arc 2
k bros can shoot liao while I draft next story
02-09-2009, 02:15 PM
jchboy, your story is good. Keep on writing!!
02-09-2009, 04:38 PM
Over the next few weeks, I noticed a change in Susan. After our first encounter with the guards, I did not know what inner demons she was struggling with, but she came straight home after work and stayed home weekends other then visits to the gym, pretty much her usual schedule before the accident. But the last few weeks she stayed out late several nights, and on a few weekends she actually drove out alone in her mini cooper. Staying out late on weekdays was nothing surprising, since she did hang out with friends sometimes, but driving out alone on weekends was. Since we were married, her car had barely seen a day’s use, since we always went out together on weekends and I always drive her to and from work on weekdays. I asked her plainly where she was going one day, and she replied that she was going out with friends, so I did not pursue the matter.
My suspicions were aroused, and it was an easy matter to follow up on them considering the technology available. Susan was a techno bimbo, so I had no fears that she would suspect what I was doing. It was a simple matter of discreetly removing her phone from her handbag one day, then phoning her at work to tell her she had left it at home. I then took it to the right people, who installed a GPS system and sms screener on her phone. I could now trace her location and sms without her even knowing.
The following night and night after, she came home late again, but both times the GPS indicated she was at city hall, her usual hangout place, so that was no issue. But there were several sms that aroused my suspicions. All came late at night, after I went to sleep (I sleep earlier then Susan).
Sms (unknown number) : this weekend ok?
Sms (from susan) : ok
Sms (unknown number) : good haha how many times you want
Sms (from susan) : bastard lah you talk so much. You can how many times?
Sms (unknown number) : if only can non stop haha. K see you.
Nothing outright sexual, but still, I decided to keep a close eye on where she was going this weekend.
02-09-2009, 07:24 PM
Cb you ah si fl saviour, your 2/10 not welcome here lah knn.
Bro jchboy, please continue leh, i pcc half liao haven't cum your story stop liao, waiting patiently for your juicy story, wahahaha.
ignore fl saviour la, i bring the maid thhat im fxxking, at least 5/10...i ask her to suck you till you cum lor ... :D
02-09-2009, 10:13 PM
your story is damn juicy and wait for the next espiode.
Dont let us wait so loooong
02-09-2009, 10:36 PM
thumb up! good story .. camping for more...
Hollow man
03-09-2009, 02:24 PM
ignore fl saviour la, i bring the maid thhat im fxxking, at least 5/10...i ask her to suck you till you cum lor
Bro bberry, 5/10........ errrrrr.......... Ok lah better than nothing, can cum can liao, kumsia kumsia, wahahaha.
Bro jchboy, 1 shot on the way when can my next shot cum, kumsia kumsia huh, wahahaha.
03-09-2009, 03:02 PM
Fascinating update. Thanks and please carry on soon.
03-09-2009, 06:27 PM
The weekend finally came. I was lounging in the living room reading the papers when Susan emerged from our bedroom. She was dressed simply in a white tanktop and a denim skirt. Simple but sexy. As I looked at her, I wondered how we could still be living together and sleeping together on the same bed after what happened, but that’s a story for another day. ‘Bye dear’ she mumbled, ‘going out with my sec school friends’. ‘Have fun’, I replied indifferently, but already bursting to find out where exactly she was going.
Once she left, I gave her a 20 min headstart before tracking her on the GPS. To my horror, she was heading west on the PIE, towards the industrial estate where the guards worked! I immediately got in my car and drove off as well, keeping as eye on the GPS. I was hoping that Susan was perhaps going somewhere else, but that hope died when her car exited at the expressway exit leading to the industrial area. There was absolutely no reason anyone would go there on a weekend, since there was no residential or commercial areas. As I drove down the expressway, I was forced to admit Susan was going back to the guards to get fucked repeatedly, but from the intercepted SMS I could detect no sign of blackmail. Was she going back on her own free will? I shuddered at the thought.
I finally arrived at the building. According to the GPS, Susan had already been here for 20 minutes. I got off the car and made my way to the guards room slowly, making sure that there was no one around. The place was totally silent, so silent that I could hear the rapid beating of my heart in anticipation of what I was going to see. As I approached the guards room, I could hear faint voices…
As I got closer, the voices became recognizable, it was Susan, and her words and the other sounds that were becoming audible left no doubt as to what was going on.
‘Oh…oh…yes…oh my god fuck me harder…ah….ah…’
‘your cheebye…as tight as ever…wah lan buay tahan liao…’
‘Come change position…let me be on top…’
‘wah lan girl don’t so fierce leh, we three old liao leh’
‘oh yes so good…much bigger then John’s…ohhh….fuck…’
All these words, I listened to with a heavy heart with the ‘piak piak’ sounds of fucking clearly audible. Still, curiosity got the better of me, and I crept around the building till I found it, a small grimy window that I accessed with the help of a stool I found that allowed me to peek into the room.
03-09-2009, 09:13 PM
I dun believe it Susan so horny.
04-09-2009, 03:38 PM
TS said before this is a fantasy story .... so it is up to TS to create a story and let the bros here enjoy.
TS, me camping here for more .....
04-09-2009, 05:36 PM
You are an incredible story teller.
Very addictive.
05-09-2009, 09:31 AM
Through the grimy window, my sight was partly obscured but I could still see Alan sitting on the sofa with Susan bouncing up and down on him. Her back was facing him and his pudgy hands were cupping her buttocks guiding her every thrust. Vikram was standing on the sofa beside them, and his hands were clutching my wife’s hair as he guided her mouth on his long cock. Ganesh, the most voyeuristic of the three, was fiddling with a video camera set up on a tripod. Mustering up my courage, I wiped a little of the dirt off so that I could see better. What I saw shocked but aroused me, Susan was being fucked by Alan, but her pussy was gapingly empty! She was being sodomized and from the looks of things liking it!
I had always wanted to try anal with Susan, and tried many means of convincing her to do it, but she never gave in. But somehow these three men had their way with her. She might have been forced into it as first, but she was thoroughly enjoying it now.
‘Oh yeah uncle alan fuck my ass!’
‘your ka ching even tighter then your cheebye, uncle want to come liao’
‘Don’t come inside…oh…I want you to come all over my face and mouth…oh…’
‘oh my god…I’m such a slut for cocks…Ganesh you ok already?’
‘yup ok liao…your pussy ready anot?’
And, to my horror, Ganesh stepped between Susan’s wide spread legs and plunged his cock in one stroke into her wet pussy. My wife now had three cocks violating all her orifices simultaneously, and from the thrusts of her hips to the way she was greedily moaning and sucking on Vikram’s cock, I knew she was a willing participant.
05-09-2009, 10:39 AM
great posts TS!!
keep up e gd wk!
Hollow man
05-09-2009, 11:01 AM
Bro jchboy, pcc half way want to cum again:eek: liao you stop:p, BTH liao leh, please cum fast fast huh, kumsia:p:D.
yang punk
05-09-2009, 11:52 AM
How about throwing in some S & M too with you all tied and strung up and forced to watch the action unfolding.:D
06-09-2009, 06:17 AM
Over the next hour, I watched my sweet wife repeatedly fucked in all three holes by the security guards. I watched as she took cocks simultaneously in her vagina and ass like the most seasoned pornstar. I watched as she came repeatedly from the rough fucking she was taking, and came even as the guards dumped their creamy loads in deep in her fertile pussy and ass. Finally, I watched as the three guards sat in a row on the sofa, and my wife taking turns to satisfy each of them with her pussy, ass, or mouth. I left as Susan was gently licking Ganesh’s cock head after having such swallowed his second load, having already done so with Alan and Vikram. The image of her dainty hands, with the engagement and wedding ring sparkling on them as they lovingly caressed Ganesh’s big dark cock stayed in my mind for the rest of the journey home. When I got home, I masturbated, and waited, like an unsuspecting fool, for my wife to return from being fucked.
06-09-2009, 06:18 AM
[Special update: Short interview with Ganesh, but pardon the English if it’s too good for a guard]
Hello. My name is Ganesh. I’m 45 this year, and I work as a security guard with Vikram and Alan. Vikram is 42, a distant cousin of mine, and Alan is 44, we grew up in the same kampong together. The three of us grew up together, went to school together, NS altogether, even lost our virginity at Geylang together. We’ve been working together at XXXXX building as security for the past ten years. When the building decided to upgrade its old security system, we kao bei kao bu to our boss. Say we already old, then need to learn how to use all the fancy recording equipment, how can? But of course our boss ignored us, and we had to learn how to operate all that high tech stuff. Little did we know what a pleasant surprise that would net us…
It all started one Sunday, when Alan told me, ‘eh bro, come see this’ On the screen, a couple was wandering around the premises. ‘want to go ask them what the fuck they are doing here?’ ‘wait awhile lah. Observe first’ We watched as the couple finally found what they were looking for, the handicapped toilet, and as the moans started Vikram exclaimed ‘wah lan they fucking inside ah?’ When they re-emerged later, there was no doubt. Both of them looked shagged out, and their clothes looked like they had been hastily worn.
I suppose I should describe the couple. The husband looked like a typical yuppie, late twenties early thirties, probably a high flier at a bank or something. Looking at him, I wouldn’t have suspected him to be the kind of guy who would be sexually adventurous, but Alan said the guy had the chiongster look. As far as I know Alan was right, he was surprising acute about such things.
The wife was, for lack of a better phrase, fucking hot. We all had our eyes glued on her. She was petite, the husband was only average height and she came up to only his shoulder. Slightly permed long hair, fair skin, and a sweet pretty face. We were surprised when we learned she was 27 later, at first we thought she was in her early twenties. Her figure was va va voom for such a petite girl. Curvy hips and fairly large breasts. It was a large B/small C, but because of her size it looked much bigger. Luckily, Vikram had pressed the record button so we could observe the girl more. ‘wah lan eh she is chio man…’ bro Alan said. ‘yah so what. You where got chance liao. Kuay also don’t want you haha’ Vikram laughed. As I watched them leave, I had a feeling they would return, and a plan began to form in my head…
06-09-2009, 07:26 AM
I am mentally scarred for life! The revolting vision has been etched in my mind. The fair and exquisite must never be tainted and defiled by the vile and depraved!
Men and their outrageous fantasies...... If the guards were just normal men, it'd be perfectly acceptable.
But anyways, really good writing- definitely one of the best. ;) 20 years of English education do nothing whatsoever for most Singaporeans... but like myself, you break convention! Welcome to the club!
Cheers! Please continue.
06-09-2009, 12:15 PM
very gd story..
07-09-2009, 12:15 AM
A good twist to the story now would be A police officer slapping MR Ganesh out a bit because he got caught and is facing multiple charges :D
This will mollify all the silly people out there who think that this story is reality.
07-09-2009, 07:59 AM
Sure enough, they came back the next week and proceeded as usual to the toilet. ‘Wah lan eh young people these days ah’ said Vikram. ‘What the fuck is the bed for’. ‘goondu lah you, more exciting this way mah’, Alan said. I kept silent. A devious plan was running through my head, but it was too early to put it in action, nor did I want to share with them yet, knowing they are kancheong spiders. I merely made sure I recorded and kept the footage safely. But we have been brothers for so long, that by the forth week the two of them caught on to my plans. ‘eh Ganesh, why you recording and keeping all the tapes ah?’ Alan looked at me with a knowing smirk.
Knowing that Alan had Vikram had already an idea of what I was going to do, I decided to go ahead and tell them my full plan, and to bear all consequences together if it screwed up. There was after all going to be hell to pay if the couple freaked out and disregarded the consequences, but I was guessing that an executive couple like them had too much to lose. And, truth be told, I think all three of us were listening to our cocks by then. A month of fantasizing and listening to that girl get fucked had made us horny as hell. I suppose I should mention we’re all married, but all of us cannot remember the last time we fucked our wives. For release we go geylang around once a week or two weeks.
The day to put our plan in action finally came. All three of us had not masturbated for a very long time. It was bearable at first since we are old liao, but the past few days as we thought about finally being able to fuck that chick it got harder and harder to refrain. Thankfully, today we’ll get release one way or the other. Believe me, when we confronted the couple, we were as scared as they were. But we maintained our composure as best as we could to cow them into submission. And when we gave them the ultimatum, my heart was beating so fast I felt it was going to burst out of my chest. Imagine the relief and horniness that took over when the couple agreed that we could fuck the wife.
The wife, Susan, was a picture of class and innocence. Exactly the kind of girl we three had always wanted to fuck, but never got a chance to. The kind of girl who would probably snub us in the streets as three losers. Throughout my 45 years of geylang thai whores, Indian FLs and my own wife, I had never fucked a Chinese girl before. I knew Vikram had not as well. Alan had his wife, who was nothing to look at, and in his early days some ah lians, but now he was too poor to chiong Chinese hookers as well. So imagine the sight before us, a sexy Chinese girl just waiting to be fucked by us with her husband watching. Vikram, the sensible one among us, gave the girl some cognac to loosen her up, and then the show began.
Its been so long liao, how to give details of the whole session? Siao lah you. But I do remember the feeling of power and control I had over the girl as she knelt before me and took my cock into her mouth. God is fair also lah, gave us three bigger then average cocks, but no pretty girls to use it on. Now was the chance. Her husband’s eyes almost popped out when he saw the cocks that would be fucking his petite wife. And when I first entered her, it was like sliding into tight exquisite oil. She was so tight, yet so wet…wah lan think liao horny already.
I think we were all surprised also when Susan responded to the fucking. We were expecting her to be completely knocked out by the cognac, hell it was a big glass and she was so small size. But throughout the fucking I remember she was still aware of what was going on, and very enthusiastic as well. Once her inhibitions were down she was frenching me, locking her legs around my ass, and thrusting her hips back at me at well. Guess she never had such a big cock before, and from personal experience I can tell you bigger is better. Ask all the whores I fucked haha. What we didn’t expect was that she will be so horny and not shy about showing it. Thanks bro Vikram for the cognac man. And when I came inside her…how can I describe the feeling? Imagine fucking a beautiful Chinese girl, watching my dark cock sliding in and out of her pussy, having her responding to the fucking, then coming raw into her pussy with her husband watching, that’s how it felt.
07-09-2009, 08:31 AM
Awesomely massive.
07-09-2009, 08:49 AM
Solid story. Please keep it coming, bro.
07-09-2009, 09:38 AM
Super hot story.:)
07-09-2009, 12:16 PM
great story!!!!!!
07-09-2009, 01:07 PM
Sex story of the year!!! Just gotto hand this to u bro :D
Keep it up, 3 cheers for u!
07-09-2009, 04:20 PM
We took turns fucking the girl senseless that day. Its not the first time we fuck a girl together before, thank god for thai whores, but it was the best sex we probably ever had. The girl was so horny that she was practically begging us to fuck her. Up till now I still wonder, the husband stand there watch, we also never tie him up or anything, why didn’t he do something? I know he was being blackmailed and it was three against one if it came to a fight, but if your wife is being ravished before your eyes at least try to do something right? But Alan said some people actually like to wear green hat. Dunno if true anot lah. Young people these days ah…
Anyway, that day all of us manage 2 shots. Think its NS since we could do that. When we planning the next session, Vikram actually kind of chickened out. He said that once the couple had time to think things through, they might realize we would be in trouble as well if we release the tape. How did I deal with that? I just showed him the tape of our fuck session. Once small head take over he was all game for the next session. We went to Geylang and bought a cheap skimpy outfit and bra and panties, then sent it together with instructions to their address.
We had something else in mind too. We wanted to fuck that girl’s virgin asshole. But that was risky, since the husband might really freak out seeing his wife sodomized. So we simply agreed to lock him out that day. The honor would go to Vikram, so that her ass can get used to cock hah! I think if her first was mine or Alan’s she wouldn’t be able to enjoy so much. Alan said once we loosen her up she should be a willing participant. Like I said, he was surprisingly acute about such things.
On that day, when Susan catwalk for us in the skimpy clothes, teasing us with glimpses of her panties, wah lan eh blood vessel almost explode. Again, I was surprised when she actually started to enjoy anal sex. That fucker Alan really accurate man. If anything, her asshole was even tighter then her vagina, and when we double fuck her it was so damn tight my cock almost couldn’t move if not for the lubrication. And all the while, she was responding like a sex starved bitch. I actually had scratches along my back from her nails. Haha we also fulfill our fantasy of bukakke when we three all come together over her pretty face. Shiok man…to see her face plastered with our cum.
But the biggest surprise of all was yet to come. One day, Susan turned up alone at our room without John. I still remember she was wearing a long coat, that kind that flashers wear, but only up to the knee. We were of course surprised, had she gone crazy or given us up? ‘Eh ah girl? Why you come alone? Where your husband?’ She didn’t reply. Just looked at us with a struggled and confused look on her face, like she also cannot understand why she is here. The anticipation was killing us, I think all three of us were thinking this is it.
Then, her face still having that confused look, her hands slowly started unbuttoning her coat, like they were moving of their own accord. As the buttons slowly came undone, we could see she was wearing only a sexy lingerie set underneath and nothing else! Of course nothing else needed to be said, we got the signal clear enough. That day, we fucked her brutally again in all three holes, and this time there was confirm no doubt about it. She was a fucking horny chick, and she liked being gangbanged by our big cocks so much she didn’t care about the consequences liao. Since then, we’ve fucked her a few more times without the husband knowing. In fact, she said her husband is going overseas for business soon, and that she will be alone at home, and that she wants to fulfill a particular fantasy of hers. Haha but that’s a story for another time.
07-09-2009, 08:52 PM
great writing la TS!!
keep up e gd wk!!
07-09-2009, 08:57 PM
we have a good writer hope you write more:):)
07-09-2009, 10:53 PM
Guys, for next arc, you prefer
1) Susan fulfills fantasy of robbery cum gang rape in our bedroom (my point of view)
2) Susan seduces Jason (the army boy downstairs, Jason point of view)
Please let me know!
07-09-2009, 10:58 PM
my vote goes to 1):D
07-09-2009, 10:59 PM
Guys, for next arc, you prefer
1) Susan fulfills fantasy of robbery cum gang rape in our bedroom (my point of view)
2) Susan seduces Jason (the army boy downstairs, Jason point of view)
Please let me know!
Actually I love to see how U two make up and have a fantastic sex plus anal which U long for :D
07-09-2009, 11:09 PM
Guys, for next arc, you prefer
1) Susan fulfills fantasy of robbery cum gang rape in our bedroom (my point of view)
2) Susan seduces Jason (the army boy downstairs, Jason point of view)
Please let me know!
my vote for no . 2
07-09-2009, 11:55 PM
i'll vote for 2 oso something new haha
anyway shes too willing now shall make it seems more blackmail haha
08-09-2009, 12:02 AM
Guys, for next arc, you prefer
1) Susan fulfills fantasy of robbery cum gang rape in our bedroom (my point of view)
2) Susan seduces Jason (the army boy downstairs, Jason point of view)
Please let me know!
I vote 1)... forced to submission... it's like she is cursing at herself... why it is happening to her again... isn't 3 is enuff... why more must happened... but at the end... her body act on it's own... :D
08-09-2009, 12:05 AM
Guys, for next arc, you prefer
1) Susan fulfills fantasy of robbery cum gang rape in our bedroom (my point of view)
2) Susan seduces Jason (the army boy downstairs, Jason point of view)
Please let me know!
I vote for 1). :)
08-09-2009, 06:23 AM
Susan fulfills fantasy of robbery cum gang rape in our bedroom (my point of view) 3 votes
Susan seduces Jason (the army boy downstairs, Jason point of view) 2 votes
Will consolidate votes tonight and start writing
08-09-2009, 09:04 AM
Fantasy told in eloquent fashion. Thanks.
08-09-2009, 09:55 AM
i going for jason.... somehow i can link up wif many fantasy.... robbery also good... confused...:confused:
08-09-2009, 10:14 AM
Hmmm...tough choice....can we have both? lol
Anyway, my vote goes for the robbery cum rape. Maybe how about Jason being in the apartment at that point in time...tie him up and force him to watch before he gets to fill her up? just a suggestion... :)
cheers bro:o:D
08-09-2009, 10:14 AM
I vote for 2)....
Hollow man
08-09-2009, 10:28 AM
Guys, for next arc, you prefer
1) Susan fulfills fantasy of robbery cum gang rape in our bedroom (my point of view)
2) Susan seduces Jason (the army boy downstairs, Jason point of view)
Please let me know!
Bro jchboy, y don't you try Susan seduces Jason then fulfills fantasy of robbery cum gang rape, i think that will be more good, wahahahaha.
08-09-2009, 10:39 AM
hey.. i vote for 1!
And just like yang06,
I'd love to see how you and Susan make up and have a fantastic sex plus anal which you had waited long for.
ups for your story man.
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