View Full Version : Have sex with friend`s gf

16-08-2009, 12:50 AM
Hi all dude out there who have sex with their friend`s gf or think of that before. care to share ?

16-08-2009, 09:47 AM
wow a lot of people think before that . i also see my friend's gf very pretty but i think i will not do that .

maybe when i get a very pretty gf all my friends are trying very hard to find way to do her?

how do you feel if your gf is been done by your best friend behind your back ?

16-08-2009, 10:18 AM

16-08-2009, 10:19 AM
Hi all dude out there who have sex with their friend`s gf or think of that before. care to share ?

Let's start from you?

16-08-2009, 10:22 AM

Another version is 朋友妻,不客气...

16-08-2009, 11:11 AM
better dun... I scared of retribution...:D

16-08-2009, 11:36 AM
well , it happen to me once in chalet ... my gf was drunk and at nite she hug my friend and start sitting on hiim... but calling my name .. i ask my friend not to speck out ... was kind of jeolous but after it seen kind of kinky...

16-08-2009, 01:30 PM
well , it happen to me once in chalet ... my gf was drunk and at nite she hug my friend and start sitting on hiim... but calling my name .. i ask my friend not to speck out ... was kind of jeolous but after it seen kind of kinky...

i dun mind if she sits on me:cool:

16-08-2009, 01:42 PM
Another version is 朋友妻,不客气...Got meh? Like that very bad leh......unless that friend,u dislike him very much.

16-08-2009, 02:05 PM
hmm... my friend ex wife count? i am married also... :eek: so count as i eat outside and eat friend food? :p

16-08-2009, 03:18 PM
TS, what's your plan instead?

Why don't you tell us about it?

Posting a picture will earn you 5 points from me.


16-08-2009, 09:41 PM
I ever bang a fren's gf, and it was damn shiok! :cool:

Now wait, before you guys start with the "Nabei, you KNN, ur 兄弟 gf also you potong jalan, etc"

It was a gal pal of mine who is a lesbian, and one of her gf who is a bi. She was feeling horny one night and bored and wanted a dick inside her for a change, so I stepped up to the challenge. All I can say is that, it was somewhat different. :D

16-08-2009, 10:13 PM
i think is kinky... to see my gf enjoy other guys cock,... but no string contacts... share like some bro here like to share their wifty

16-08-2009, 10:51 PM
I ever bang a fren's gf, and it was damn shiok! :cool:

Now wait, before you guys start with the "Nabei, you KNN, ur 兄弟 gf also you potong jalan, etc"

It was a gal pal of mine who is a lesbian, and one of her gf who is a bi. She was feeling horny one night and bored and wanted a dick inside her for a change, so I stepped up to the challenge. All I can say is that, it was somewhat different. :D

Is that bi les chio or not?:confused::D

17-08-2009, 12:36 AM
It was a gal pal of mine who is a lesbian, and one of her gf who is a bi. She was feeling horny one night and bored and wanted a dick inside her for a change, so I stepped up to the challenge. All I can say is that, it was somewhat different. :D

Galfriend's friend still somehow "acceptable" lah:D

17-08-2009, 12:46 AM
oh happened to me once too, but i ain't as unlucky as u. i got the butch end... was kinda surprised that she came to me one nite as she had a fight with my female fren(whose her gf). that time i alrdy not very close with my fren so decide to comfort n console her for the nite. who knows she told me she wanted smth diff. it was also the first time i took off one of those tight tight chest fitting bra of hers too.

17-08-2009, 12:58 AM
Lets be honest bro. I think all guys would fantasize if their friend's gf is a chio bu! Especially if she is a busty chio bu! But to do it is another matter. However, if the gal is drunk or just had a quarrel with ur friend and flirting with u, I am sure a lot of bro cant tahan! To do or not to do??? Haha

17-08-2009, 01:31 AM
my friend's gf like to flirt with me, some times i guess it's to make him jealous?
i did thot of bonking her though, and i guess since i'm not tat close to my friend i dun feel bad abt it.

eventually when it comes to a steamy situation, the other head just over-rides all moral and rationale! :P

17-08-2009, 01:59 AM
i once did my buddy's fb.
which was quite shiok.

17-08-2009, 05:01 AM
Is that bi les chio or not?:confused::D

Quite chio, body damn solid. Looks somewhat like Malin Ackerman. :D

17-08-2009, 06:17 AM
oh happened to me once too, but i ain't as unlucky as u. i got the butch end... was kinda surprised that she came to me one nite as she had a fight with my female fren(whose her gf). that time i alrdy not very close with my fren so decide to comfort n console her for the nite. who knows she told me she wanted smth diff. it was also the first time i took off one of those tight tight chest fitting bra of hers too.

Did u managed to convert her into real woman from then on:D

Quite chio, body damn solid. Looks somewhat like Malin Ackerman. :D

Lucky Bastard! :D

17-08-2009, 10:25 AM
i think is kinky... to see my gf enjoy other guys cock,... but no string contacts... share like some bro here like to share their wifty
Bro,care to pm me ur contact,would like to know ur gf,tks.

17-08-2009, 12:20 PM
haha ... is the thrill that made u wan more ... i ever do to my gf sister ... so nice ... i act drunk and bonk her with my gf slping a side around ... So even if she call out for me .. i just act drunk and fall a slp .... haha

17-08-2009, 02:30 PM
and ur gf sis just let u bonk her?


17-08-2009, 02:40 PM
Yah .. both know i m DRUNK .... we came back from clubbing ... actually plan very long time for this to happen ... u ned the courage to act blur ...haha.. But my gf sis pussy not as tight as my gf... guess she ons alot with alot of guys... All i noe my gf was looking at us with tear droping ... Abit guilty but than is always nice to have a new pussy to refresh the little bro... haha .. Since she went to ride my friend cock in infornt of me ... y not

17-08-2009, 02:51 PM
Got kena once. Friend's gf was drunk.
Sadly can't do a single thing.
My friend was sober enough to stare at us.

Still hot and scary at the same time!

17-08-2009, 03:05 PM
oh i see. guess ur gf can't complain since she cheated on u too.

so after that incident, no more hapening with her sis?

17-08-2009, 03:42 PM
Hi bro,
Bros before Hoe.............that the rule that I have always stuck by.

My humble two cents.

17-08-2009, 04:22 PM
Bro,care to pm me ur contact,would like to know ur gf,tks.

are u serious??!!


17-08-2009, 11:15 PM
well ... of cos got more exciting with my gf sis and also my cousin gf ... ever bonk my friend gf ... when she is blind fold ... when my this best friend own me a few thousand. ,.. say i wan to bonk her gf with out she knowing ...

17-08-2009, 11:59 PM
Mine is my ns buddy's fb.
Whom he introduce when clubbing.
Got once my buddy have to book in while i get to stay out.
I called the lady "O" to check if she wanna go clubbing.
After clubbing, i offered to send her home.
She was tired i offered my shoulder, and slowly i reached for her lips.
When both of us was frenching like mad, i know confirm "ONS"
I told the driver to go H81 instead.
Inside the hotel room i acted gentlemanly, i removed her shoes and covered her in blankets & lie beside her holding her hand.
She began to take the intiative and climb over me.
She pulled my boxer half way, pulled her panty aside (wearing mini skirt)
Inserted my didi into her mei mei, and ride like mad.

After about 30 mins, i blew all my load in her. (I so scared she get pregnant, and yes i also damn scare that i did her raw. But small head over big head, cannot think properly.)

We hugged till morning, she dressed up, gave me a kiss and left the room. (To work, she is working as a retail sales assistant.)

This happened months ago, luckily nothing happen.

Am willing to exchange her number. Please drop me a PM.

18-08-2009, 12:28 AM
what i want to know is, how is sex with a butch like??? :D
it is one theme i dont see being used for either story or av.


18-08-2009, 04:21 PM
Mine is my ns buddy's fb.

Am willing to exchange her number. Please drop me a PM.

she wear stocking and g string panties? Is she tight when you fuck her? Please pass her contact, would love to bonk this retail sales assistant raw, I am sure she will love by long thick dick inside her too

19-08-2009, 01:29 AM
parco bro,

gals r very sensitive, she knows even if she is blindfold. your smell, your dick size, the way you thrust, touch etc. I don't think she don't know seriously. Probably she playing along.

19-08-2009, 10:43 AM
i also curious how fucking a butch feels like...

19-08-2009, 11:02 AM
I am appalled by what men can do. Not that I am new to it... but even more aghast after reading this thread!!! :eek:

And bro markck is right. Girls can feel if the dick is a different one.

19-08-2009, 11:48 AM
what i'm going to relate happened about 15 years ago, when i was still in school downunder.

i had a good mate of mine who was a singaporean dyke 'G'. she has a live in local girlfriend 'J'. i was having an interim between relationship so we spent a lot of time together either at my place or theirs. they brought me to lesbian bars and clubs where i was the only bloke. it was great for viewing but practically impossible to get any action.

it was during one of these clubbing session, when i told 'G' that she is teasing me by bringing me to places where i can only see and not get anything, and its been more than a month since i had any and i'm getting the horn watching all those girls rubbing each other on the dance floor. what she replied nearly floored me there. 'G' said "hey, are we not good friends? as good friends aren't we supposed to help each other? don't worry, we won't leave you high and dry tonight, we'll make sure you have a good root and we'll take care of you untill you find your next root." with that, we went straight to her place.

that night was an eye opener for me. 'G' was flat as a runway while 'J' has the most beautiful pair of tits i've ever laid eyes on. we spent the whole night and most of the morning making out. i'm not gonna go into details.

we had regular sessions until i got into another relationship, that is another episode of my life downunder which i don't think i'll share.

i found out later from 'G', 'J' had always fancy doing me while 'G' watches. and they were too shy to approach me, and when i mentioned that i'm horny, they were more than willing to accomodate me in their sex life.

19-08-2009, 12:08 PM
Truth as some bro here say maybe she knows , but is still fun ... seeing my friend turn on his gf and start fucking her and half way i take over .. and cum in side her is so shiok ... haha

Cheeky GUI
19-08-2009, 01:32 PM
how about this question instead.

if u guys somehow caught your friend / buddy, fucking your wife/gf behind your back, what would u do?

i would definitely wallop the crap outta that friend and after that no more contact. same goes for the spouse.

19-08-2009, 01:37 PM
Hi all dude out there who have sex with their friend`s gf or think of that before. care to share ?

Better not ba. How to face your frz wor...

19-08-2009, 03:00 PM
I had a fling who was damn pretty and sexy. My fren knew our status of relationship. Since the fling and I were just F**k buddies, unknown to me my fren asked her out and screwed her too. I said to myself, nah ... she's just a slut ... who really care.

The next time, my fren found a new fling. I knew he was like me "touch n go" type. But deep inside him, I was unaware that he liked this gal so much but just that the gal treated him like any other FB. One night, I went out partying and bump upon this gal. My fren was not around. After drinkings and cut story short we ended up in a hotel room. Somewhat this gal mouth like CB cannot keep quiet. She go and tell my fren. She said my fren kept calling for her but she did not pick up the phone the previous night. My fren was angry and upset and we were not talking for quite a while. He thought that I wanted a revenge after he screwed my fling but I told him no, no such thought was intended but I just said that things just happened and I didn't know that he had feelings for her. In the end, he knew that the gal was not meant for him and we are frens as per normal.

Toyota Honda
19-08-2009, 09:13 PM
I had a fling who was damn pretty and sexy. My fren knew our status of relationship. Since the fling and I were just F**k buddies, unknown to me my fren asked her out and screwed her too. I said to myself, nah ... she's just a slut ... who really care.

The next time, my fren found a new fling. I knew he was like me "touch n go" type. But deep inside him, I was unaware that he liked this gal so much but just that the gal treated him like any other FB. One night, I went out partying and bump upon this gal. My fren was not around. After drinkings and cut story short we ended up in a hotel room. Somewhat this gal mouth like CB cannot keep quiet. She go and tell my fren. She said my fren kept calling for her but she did not pick up the phone the previous night. My fren was angry and upset and we were not talking for quite a while. He thought that I wanted a revenge after he screwed my fling but I told him no, no such thought was intended but I just said that things just happened and I didn't know that he had feelings for her. In the end, he knew that the gal was not meant for him and we are frens as per normal.

Ur friend is no gentleman at all.. He can fuck yours, you can't fuck his? And if he treated you as a friend, he wouldn't do yours in the 1st place.. whether or not its your fb, gf, wife.

but if he told you he is interested in doing yours before he done the deed, its different.

20-08-2009, 12:57 AM
Ur friend is no gentleman at all.. He can fuck yours, you can't fuck his? And if he treated you as a friend, he wouldn't do yours in the 1st place.. whether or not its your fb, gf, wife.

but if he told you he is interested in doing yours before he done the deed, its different.

Well .. he did mention to me if he had the chance, he would like to have a good time with my fling. He know me very well that I have no feelings towards this gal and I dun really care.

As for him, like I said I never thought that he had feelings towards that gal. It wasn't him that I know. Moreover, that gal was "any-rider" type.

That's the different. I did apologise to him as I do not want our frenship to jeopardise.

20-08-2009, 12:10 PM
This is wrong...friend's gf???...i guess i m old fashion.

20-08-2009, 12:55 PM
This is wrong...friend's gf???...i guess i m old fashion.

Me too, i too old fashion also. Few more years to go to collect my cpf liao :(

20-08-2009, 01:21 PM
There is an unspoken code... Never touch your friend's meat no matter the status, not even ex (if u r really a friend). It is not as if there aren't another fishes out there unless you're a Loser with a capital 'L'!

20-08-2009, 01:31 PM
Fren's gf not. But my ex-gf's sister.
Tat time was in the pre-u . I was staying my fren's house but with a room myself..
1 day she called up suddenly n told me tat she quarrelled with her bf n don't want to go home. So want to stay at my place. I hesistate at the first place but she beg me. Then i let her stayed with notice my fren.
First i don't have any evil thought but thing change after she put up her transperent black lacy sleep suit (inside without bra) n said let us have a nice chat...Wow in my heart i told her how to chat like tat , is how to f isn't?
I chat with her my eye like roam her body n i notice tat she didn't wear panties as well. Tat time i really really very hard n hot liao..She suddenly come n hug me n cry . In my heart i tell myself ' mai tu liao' n roam her slowly. She quiet n moan soflty . Wtih encourage i start action liao ..
Then when i pump her half way, she moan loudly . Suddenly my door open .. (Forgot to lock it paiseh). My fren asked me y gd things never share ? N i stare at the gal asked for permission. The gal agreed with sexy smile(After tat we know the gal want to revenge fr her bf betrayed her)..
Wow we finish off the gal until morning ..Play all the pattern n her 3 hole full of our cum..
She became our FB for 1 or 2 yrs ( Forgot liao things happened to long ago). N of course hide from my ex-gf ..

20-08-2009, 05:17 PM
Since everyone sharing, i will share 1 of my experience also.
This happened afew yrs back. I once witnessed my wife (that time still gf when it happened) flirting with my ex colleague in chinablack. It was a casual night of partying, happen to meet my ex colleague there. Intro to my wife and i rmb i was pretty drunk tat night n my wife had trouble holding on to me. I managed to slump n rest on a sofa as i watch her flirt with him. She was v close to him and when they danced, their eyes met n connected like long lost lovers. At that time we were just starting out in the hotwifing lifestyle. I kmew she wanted him as her prey that nite.

When it was time to go home, i acted v drunk n having difficulty walking. In actual fact i had sobered up after vomiting in the toilet. Wife didnt know i was acting as well n asked him to help send me bk.

While in the cab, i lay in my wife's lap n pretended to slp. I peeped n saw them still mesmerized in each others eyes. Once home i was tucked into bed swiftly n lights off. The door was closed but my wife didnt lock it. I waited for awhile n peeped from the door gap at the bottom n i couldnt hear anything. I slowly opened the door slightly n saw wat i expected. He had his top off n had his hands in my wife's top n was playing with her boobs as my wife reached down n unzipped his jeans n freed his cock. I was watching all these live from the crack of my door.

After all the foreplay of licking and sucking, they were both naked v quickly n looks like the inevitable sex was to follow. Wat suprised me was she was coming into my room to get condoms. I sprang back into bed and pretended to slp with my heart beating v v fast. He followed behind her n peeped at me to mk sure i was still aslp. I peep thru my pillow n blanket gap n saw my wife putting on the condom for him. Wat happen next was really exciting. He picked her up n turned her around n bend her down to the bed next to me n postioned his cock at her entramce n in 1 shove, his cock was in n my wife let out a loud gasp as he covered her mouth n fucked her nxt to me!!!

She turned ard n tried to ask him to go out n fuck. But Obviously he felt good fucking my hotn sexy wife in front of my while i was aslp. He purposedly fucked her v hard but she had to control not screaming. I bet the excitment was too much for him as well. He didnt managed to last long n came after mb 10mins. I watched as my wife's face was flushed red n i knew she had climaxed tgt with him. She removed his condom n licked him clean. I saw his cock grew again to another solid erection n i knew he was bk in biz. Rd 2 was done in the shower n i cant really see the action from my angle without being noticed. Wifey told me he lubbed up with lots of dove n try his luck in her butthole. She enjoyed it alot and he eventually deposited his 2nd load of the nite inside. She bathed n cleaned him up before sent him down.

I was waitimg for her at the door when she returned n she knew i was watching all along. I finally got to have my round as well.

20-08-2009, 05:45 PM
Fren's gf not. But my ex-gf's sister.
Tat time was in the pre-u . I was staying my fren's house but with a room myself..
1 day she called up suddenly n told me tat she quarrelled with her bf n don't want to go home. So want to stay at my place. I hesistate at the first place but she beg me. Then i let her stayed with notice my fren.
First i don't have any evil thought but thing change after she put up her transperent black lacy sleep suit (inside without bra) n said let us have a nice chat...Wow in my heart i told her how to chat like tat , is how to f isn't?
I chat with her my eye like roam her body n i notice tat she didn't wear panties as well. Tat time i really really very hard n hot liao..She suddenly come n hug me n cry . In my heart i tell myself ' mai tu liao' n roam her slowly. She quiet n moan soflty . Wtih encourage i start action liao ..
Then when i pump her half way, she moan loudly . Suddenly my door open .. (Forgot to lock it paiseh). My fren asked me y gd things never share ? N i stare at the gal asked for permission. The gal agreed with sexy smile(After tat we know the gal want to revenge fr her bf betrayed her)..
Wow we finish off the gal until morning ..Play all the pattern n her 3 hole full of our cum..
She became our FB for 1 or 2 yrs ( Forgot liao things happened to long ago). N of course hide from my ex-gf ..

Ex-gf sister also so horny, GF shld be a very horny gal too? I would really love to see how ur ex-gf sister looks like. :D

20-08-2009, 06:22 PM
This is wrong...friend's gf???...i guess i m old fashion.

Mateee...Honestly, it wouldn't be your friend's GF anymore if you're f#@kin his coz I wouldn't think he would want a friend like this right!!!

20-08-2009, 06:35 PM
i also curious how fucking a butch feels like...

For me, it was a first of many firsts.

It was the first time I was actually let into the act, normally I'm the one who starts the seduction.

It was the first time she touched my dick first before I even had one hand on her breast.

It was the first time she bent down and sucked me. Normally, I'd have to push their heads down or whisper an obvious hint to them.

It was the first time she actually laid herself back, spread herself, then grabbed my dick and pulled me towards her.

It was the first time she whispered in my ear she wanted me to cum on her face. Normally, I'd just do it without warning and prepare to kena F afterwards for shooting sticky stuff onto their hair. :D

Like I said, the experience was somewhat different. :D

21-08-2009, 01:06 AM
Bro Peterpan

Your stories of having your wife fuck by other men always thrilled and excited me.
I shared the same thoughts as you have!

Thanks for your sty.

21-08-2009, 04:37 PM
Ex-gf sister also so horny, GF shld be a very horny gal too? I would really love to see how ur ex-gf sister looks like. :D

My ex-gf looks normal. But her sister look more slutty n Busty.. Aim for her long time liao. Hee hee ...:D

21-08-2009, 05:25 PM
Bro Peterpan

Your stories of having your wife fuck by other men always thrilled and excited me.
I shared the same thoughts as you have!

Thanks for your sty.

Have u put ur thoughts into actions yet?:D

22-08-2009, 02:01 AM
For me, it was a first of many firsts. .... .... .... ....

Like I said, the experience was somewhat different. :D

WoW... a good first of many firsts you had there. I guess for most of us, the firsts you mentioned usually comes separately. But, in your case, so many firsts happening together must have gave you a wild night and a life long memory. :cool: