View Full Version : Why men must pay for sex?

09-09-2009, 11:17 PM
Now and then will see some female claiming that they are innocent, young, pretty and lonely. End up, the norm is they are trying to catch the attention and then sell their service.
Some of their "price tag" is as much as few hundred dollars. However, there will definately be some kind bro here who are willing to pay for their service.
This really makes me wonder why must we men pay for their service and not the other way around? Also few hundred for an hour! Some of us here dun even earn that amount in a day. So is it worth to spent it in an hour?
Just air out my thought only, hope no offence to anyone here. I'm not anti commercial sex, just wondering why not the other way and why must it be so expensive only.

09-09-2009, 11:26 PM
Reasonable thoughts! 1 Up for that!

09-09-2009, 11:39 PM
well..i would also like to know why too...

thou people maybe be wondering;

why is the sky blue..?
why is it call Mother Earth..?

goes on...

maybe somethings cant be explain..

yang punk
09-09-2009, 11:49 PM
It all boils down to the question..."who needs who more?"

10-09-2009, 12:07 AM
ithink not everybody can easily to get laid even with "the other way around" :D

10-09-2009, 12:18 AM
Its all about demand and supply...:D

10-09-2009, 01:12 AM
It all boils down to the question..."who needs who more?"

Jz a short reply ..... but it is so clear minded & correct !!
bro,u r wise.

10-09-2009, 01:23 AM
It all boils down to the question..."who needs who more?"


when rich old tai tai needs young toy boy..
then it's them who pay..


10-09-2009, 01:40 AM
Go join duck shop be a quack quack then will have gals pay for your services...:p

10-09-2009, 01:46 AM
If payment is involved, then there is no string attached. You don't want the gal to show up in front of you house if you're married, right?

10-09-2009, 01:50 AM
ever heard of this phrase ' woman gives sex for love, man gives love for sex '.

replace the word love with money and u can see a clearer picture, man just cant live without sex.

10-09-2009, 02:19 AM
Woman only has one head to think so she can control n say NO at right time.
Man has two heads but unfortunately our body cannot produce enough blood to let two heads to think at same time....small head always take control of big head.
We r still living in a more oriental country......where got so much happening w syt , milf n ONS......So demand n supply.....Guys also only just want to FnF wo any problem ...not to mention we r getting out number of FT PRC, VN, THAI, etc etc into FL industry n more n more chio ....how to control....

but there still some exceptional.

10-09-2009, 03:53 AM
Only the angmohs and the businessmen from India pay a few hundreds for 1 hour. Personally I don't think it's worth it.

There are two points to remember:

1. The drive/urging for sex can drive a man mad;
2. A woman is able to offer sex to dozens of men each day;
3. But a man is not able to offer it to dozens of women.

So itīs all a matter of demand and supply

10-09-2009, 05:08 AM
cos men buay lun, cos men wan to choose swee swee wan, cos men wans to fuck around more, cos men wan instant gratification.

so must pay...

10-09-2009, 09:04 AM
It better to pay. When you pay, you become the boss and therefore, the one in charge.

10-09-2009, 09:45 AM
cos guys are horny n need sex...so if u need but cant get, then u just have to pay for it..

if u can PCC only n b v happy, then u wont waste a single cent mah..its all up to u

see see only
10-09-2009, 10:07 AM
Young man, everything comes with a "price" (but may not always = to $)

"Give & Take" when u give u take & when u take u give as well.

Old uncle like me & some of the bros here, cannot shower love, time, care & etc to some pretty gal to exchange for what we want. So we give $ in exchange (amount depends on yourself).

However the same particular gal can give young man like you free of charge (provided u r handsome or got a 7" didi) can even buy expensive gifts (with the $ we gave her :D:mad:) just in order to make you happy.

U in turn will surely have to give her the feeling or shiok that she is looking for as well.

Finally in another words: "Benefits exchange" which = anything really anything that the person thinks is a benefit. ok this is free because i nothing to do now - can burn my time. :rolleyes:

Bangkok Master
10-09-2009, 10:57 AM
In this case, whoever gets to pump has to pay, if want to get paid then you will have to sacrifice being BONKED...:D

10-09-2009, 11:36 AM
IMHO it has to do with the whole evolutionary process. Since cavemen time women have always been the selector while men have been the pursuers. Whichever male could bring back the biggest chunk of meat would get laid by the most beautiful female. Same goes for animals, for example male peacocks with the fanciest feathers would attract the best female peacocks. It's survival of the fittest basically. Average men are not built to mate with the hottest women.

With the introduction of prostitution however, any man with a fat wallet is now able to become the selector and choose whichever female he wants to mate with, along with a price tag attached. So, by paying for sex, we can in a way go against nature and bone the most beautiful women without having to bring any chunks or meat or show off any feathers.

And if you think about it, sex, although enjoyed by both sexes, is much more favorable to us dudes cause we'll never risk getting pregnant. Females get the shorter end of the deal. Maybe that's why seldom do women pay guys for sex. =P

10-09-2009, 11:51 AM
IMHO it has to do with the whole evolutionary process. Since cavemen time women have always been the selector while men have been the pursuers. Whichever male could bring back the biggest chunk of meat would get laid by the most beautiful female. Same goes for animals, for example male peacocks with the fanciest feathers would attract the best female peacocks. It's survival of the fittest basically. Average men are not built to mate with the hottest women.

With the introduction of prostitution however, any man with a fat wallet is now able to become the selector and choose whichever female he wants to mate with, along with a price tag attached. So, by paying for sex, we can in a way go against nature and bone the most beautiful women without having to bring any chunks or meat or show off any feathers.

And if you think about it, sex, although enjoyed by both sexes, is much more favorable to us dudes cause we'll never risk getting pregnant. Females get the shorter end of the deal. Maybe that's why seldom do women pay guys for sex. =P

But got condom what. why scare?
How about gf? can fuck for free. No need to pay.
So who say men must pay for sex?

10-09-2009, 11:58 AM
But got condom what. why scare?
How about gf? can fuck for free. No need to pay.
So who say men must pay for sex?

bro don't tell me ur gf never ask you to buy present or gift or movie etc... for stuff u never think all of the cost that u been paid? that's mean ur gf feeding u than u feeding her for food and spends??? i don't think so cos anything will have a return de~

10-09-2009, 12:05 PM
But got condom what. why scare?
How about gf? can fuck for free. No need to pay.
So who say men must pay for sex?

Dude even with rubber there's still a SLIGHT MINUTE chance that she'll get pregnant. *touch wood*

And girlfriends would fall under the category of a female which you've pursued and impressed with whatever flowers or gifts you've showered her with, which of course would have cost money.

So, people who pay for sex can skip the whole courtship bullshit and select whoever (provided they're WLs) they wanna bang.

It's a whole different ballgame man.

10-09-2009, 12:18 PM
It all boils down to the question..."who needs who more?"

dat the "truth" the only "truth":cool: thumbs up bro

10-09-2009, 12:19 PM
it is more like, pay and F%&K off liao....no attachments mah.

10-09-2009, 12:26 PM
Women can live w/o sex but not men. Both sexes are also "programmed" differently and biologically.

How about gf? can fuck for free. No need to pay.

Are you sure? Pls re-think this again. :eek:

10-09-2009, 12:29 PM
Now and then will see some female claiming that they are innocent, young, pretty and lonely. End up, the norm is they are trying to catch the attention and then sell their service.
This really makes me wonder why must we men pay for their service and not the other way around?

TS, u know what's gigolo mean ? :) I dont think gigolo do it for free

see see only
10-09-2009, 12:30 PM
But got condom what. why scare?
How about gf? can fuck for free. No need to pay.
So who say men must pay for sex?

I think u havent even start working la.

Your time spent with ur gf could be exchange for OT in work = equal to $ or opportunities lost as well (indirectly u have to pay just to accompany ur gf, accompany gf already must pay)

UNLESS you can say like this, then i no comment :rolleyes::


I believe like that say, most of the bros here will have nothing much to comment ;)

10-09-2009, 12:53 PM
It all boils down to the question..."who needs who more?"

Its all about demand and supply...:D

Agreed. Just so simple and straight forward.

10-09-2009, 03:16 PM
They have what you need and you have what they need. You just exchanged. Who is paying?

10-09-2009, 03:49 PM
For me is very simple,i am old and bald,i don't expect to pick up any syt on the street and ons with them.So paid sex is the only channel where i can get to lay a syt.

10-09-2009, 03:53 PM
Nothing is free in this world.

Girlfriend can fuck for free? I beg to differ. Even in committed relationships, sex comes at a price, while not in terms of money but time invested and other opportunity cost that you need to commit to her in order for her to be able to fully and freely give herself to you. This is a fundamental element of a relationship. It ain't free at all.

The difference between Sex for Money and Sex for Free is that Sex for Money always costs a lot less. Paid Sex is a simple and mutually beneficial transaction, and more "decent" than Sex for Free, where invariably there are always strings and expectations attached.

10-09-2009, 04:00 PM
Nothing is free in this world.

Girlfriend can fuck for free? I beg to differ. Even in committed relationships, sex comes at a price, while not in terms of money but time invested and other opportunity cost that you need to commit to her in order for her to be able to fully and freely give herself to you. This is a fundamental element of a relationship. It ain't free at all.

The difference between Sex for Money and Sex for Free is that Sex for Money always costs a lot less. Paid Sex is a simple and mutually beneficial transaction, and more "decent" than Sex for Free, where invariably there are always strings and expectations attached.

Exactly, I prefer to fuck, pay and run. Alot cleaner this way.

10-09-2009, 04:31 PM
In Commercial Sex, its all about Supply and Demand, Willing Buyer Willing Seller. Never too expensive or economical.........thats my personal thoughts!


10-09-2009, 04:33 PM
For me is very simple,i am old and bald,i don't expect to pick up any syt on the street and ons with them.So paid sex is the only channel where i can get to lay a syt.

Similar case for me but the difference is that I go for some hug and HJ if I miss the company of woman. SYT or not does not matter as long as pleasing to me.:)

10-09-2009, 05:08 PM
In Commercial Sex, its all about Supply and Demand, Willing Buyer Willing Seller. Never too expensive or economical.........thats my personal thoughts!


I agree. It's our choices with respect to the bundle of services on offer and our willingness to pay for their services and comfort levels. Cheers.

10-09-2009, 07:03 PM
Sometimes called "the world's oldest profession", prostitution has been around in some form or another since the dawn of written history. In many ancient cultures, female prostitution was an accepted profession for many women, especially those who could not earn a living any other way - husbands killed in war or died from laboring. It wasn't until the church - especially the Christian church - decided that sex was bad that prostitution became a 'sordid' form of employment. Even then, on and off, prostitution and brothels enjoyed varying levels of acceptance in the public eye. Some cities and towns had entire 'red light districts' where brothels were, if not welcomed, at least tolerated, so long as the owners and management made their 'donations' to the local law enforcement. Thus, while strictly illegal, the proliferation of prostitution enabled police corruption to flourish as well. In western society, there has always been a two-faced, rather double standard towards prostitution. Men who publicly railed against 'painted women' and touted morality and decency were also the prime customers of many madams and prostitutes. When prostitution is illegal, standards for cleanliness and safety are difficult to carry out or enforce, and also leads to the rise of 'pimps' to manage and control the individual prostitute, paying off the police and controlling their 'turf'. When prostitution is legalized and regulated through standards, the women are safer and cleaner - parts of Nevada have legalized brothels, and the world hasn't come to an end yet from it.

Source : WikiAnswers - What is the origin and the evolution of prostitution (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_origin_and_the_evolution_of_prostituti on)

10-09-2009, 09:10 PM
I prefer to be the payee lol....:)

10-09-2009, 09:50 PM
The population ratio of today's men to women is 5:1. Low supply so you feel men must pay for sex and women don't. Because women mostly enjoy free sex from us men.
The day, the ratio turns around, maybe we have free sex, lol

10-09-2009, 09:56 PM
To put it bluntly wheter you are in a relationship or paying money for sex, u still are paying Cashy Monies to get Sexy Fun :D this apply to the majority of cases.

Show me a gf that didnt need a single cent to get attached to you. I grant you that this is theoretically possible (Romeo N Juliet for instance), but then dont tell me u dont buy her gifts, buy her food, and of course PAY for the budgets hotel.

If you somehow managed to find a source of "soft rice" whether old or young, good for you then. :rolleyes:

After some thinking, there is one form of sex that is free but its come with a heavy price. That sex is Rape or Slavery. Abduction also counts i suppose. To get it is simple. U go out, hit/drug a gal, rape her, and its absolutely free. Alternatively you could nurse a girl baby to teenagehood and train her to be your real Sexy Slave.

Before any sillyporean who dont know the nasty extents of Sex flame/zap me, and think we live in a 100% clean world where Rape/Slave/Abduct dont happen, think again. just few weeks ago there was a case in the States where a couple abduct a gal when was 11 years old, start fucking when is 14yr old, and had her for 18 year total. in that time , she gave birth to 2 children, and u can of course guess what the 2 children are use for.

10-09-2009, 11:14 PM
Exactly, I prefer to fuck, pay and run. Alot cleaner this way.For married bros,i also suggest this way, no leftover problem.

12-09-2009, 10:58 AM
I fully agreed why men must pay for sex now.

But still do not understand why is there such a big diff price tag between local and others. (e.g. local = few hundreds, others = few tens)

BTW, thanks for all the upz. How do i upz u back? :p

see see only
12-09-2009, 12:00 PM
I fully agreed why men must pay for sex now.

But still do not understand why is there such a big diff price tag between local and others. (e.g. local = few hundreds, others = few tens)

BTW, thanks for all the upz. How do i upz u back? :p

:) good start,

But still do not understand why is there such a big diff price tag between local and others. (e.g. local = few hundreds, others = few tens)

But as for this question :confused: I think you still don't really get it but good try, you will undertsand when u grow older. Anyway me put u in must upz list.