View Full Version : seek advice-pcc can erect,go Fls also ok,porn also ok but w wife cannot hard,how?

03-10-2009, 11:20 PM
beginning with wife still ok to get erection but as marriage pass 1-2 yrs, cannot liao, every time do soft soft, or hard a while but she not wet yet then by time she wet i soft liao.

But problem is i watch porn i ok to get erect, i pcc also ok, visit fl also ok(sorry i really bo pian i explain b4)

so now problem, wana have baby le...

will having viagra help? cos it's just the erection. sperm and ejaculation still have.

i think partly is my fault but i being visual guy like everyone, but also my wife gain quite a bit of weight and bad ezcema cause all the scars on her body so become not attractive at least not enuf to give me sustain erection, i think for me quite difficult to erect during love making liao and very fustrating cos i do wan to satisfy her too. i still love her very much, i really do.

so when she ask me what prob, i just say i can pcc but do actual i cannot.

she ask is it her? i just said dun know...

can guys with similar experience advise me and also tell me if viagra or sex enhancement drug helps and if seeking a fertility treatment helps? cos i think quite ex for IVF but i dun mind hearing about the cost....

03-10-2009, 11:48 PM
bro..i have same situation as u..
With FL, or other gals steam till so hard..even when 2nd round also hard and bang like crazy..
when with OC, sigh.. v hard to hard..now i also gave up.rather go n look for FL...problem is she just like to lie down like dead fish..dnt kw how to stimultae me..i always need to do the work..but she enjoy it if i am in her la..
can pant n pant...but sometime really take so long to hard..need to resort to gel etc..sigh..
so i think ur problem is with her,,not u..
tell her straight in the face that she need to stim u...not other way round,,
i have done it with plump gals but also can become hard..get it...?
4 info, i have not do it with oc for 2 months..no mood to do with her n cnt stand her crazy mood swings!
but 1 week i do 2 times with FL! HO SAY BO?

04-10-2009, 12:08 AM
I think if you quit FL for good, it will help you get aroused when with your wife.

04-10-2009, 12:18 AM
If you can get stimulated by visiting FL & Porns, you do not need Viagra.
But if you just wanna get HARD with your wife with Viagra, that will not totally solve the problem.
Its quite normal in your case that most men do get abit bored screwing the same pussies years after years, however that is marraige, nothing much you can do about it.
Maybe try to talk with your partner how you 2 get solve these problems rather than saying "I dont know", that will make her mind think may other things - fact that you will post this problems shows you still love her, so talk to her & solve this issue together.
Thats why the girls always keep gromming themselves as they themselves know about this fact.

Cheers Out..

04-10-2009, 12:39 AM

You already identified the problem. You are a visually stimulated guy, so since your wife has put on weight and has scars, you find it off putting. :o

So maybe you could try a bit of kink lor, maybe play dress up or cosplay uniforms, or maybe more extreme, have her dress up in a tiny ripped dress with stockings etc, anything that visually stimulates you like you see in porn. Might help lah, if really everything try leow, go for psychiatric counselling lor. :D

04-10-2009, 02:01 AM
Bro, your problem is not uncommon among regular cheongsters who find their wives less attractive. I agree with bro sequence79's suggestion of quitting FL for good. Stop watching porn and pcc would also help. This is probably the ultimate solution, but u must endure the pain of having to resist temptations.

Another way (though not as correct in spirit, may also get the job done) is to suggest watching porn with your wife to set the mood. As u start the foreplay and carry on with the deed, leave the porn on to keep yourself visually stimulated and erected. If your wife doesn't mind u watching porn and doing her at the same time, this may be worth a try. Although the principle may be flawed, it can alleviate your frustration for the time being, while u seek help from professional counselors.

All the best bro. I can only offer u my two cents worth. The person who knows best is still yourself. Hope u sort out your problem soon. Cheers ;):)

04-10-2009, 04:04 AM
If you are 40 y.o., look at 20+ y.o. naked vs look at OC eg 38 y.o., sure got hell lot difference. So with OC, tend to be less sensitive and may not stand. Bros here suggest quit eating outside for 3 to 6 months try out. Then u share with us. Me now is ok