View Full Version : FB that love me so much

see see only
05-10-2009, 07:38 PM
Was waiting :mad: for the SYT recommended by Bro fengheshang, she was late, so decided to write a little story: (no lah, actually waiting for an insurance agent who last min postpone appointment time)

This story is totally fiction and the names are changed to protect the parties involved. (What am I saying:confused:? A fiction but needs to use fake names????? Never mind)

Name: Linda (OC of John)
Age: 29
From: SG
Look: 8/10 (long hair, look a bit like one of the TVB actress)
Height: 1.60m
Weight: 52kg
Body: 6/10 (Smooth skin, not fat just enough to hug.)
Boobs: 6/10 32B+/28/34 (nipples that stand tall)
Frenching: Of cos
Fingering: Anyway
FJ: 9/10 (tight,tight,wet,wet siok)

John was never early and comes home late after work at night during weekday, he, along with his Poly buddy, are the bosses of a multi-million worth company.

John was super tired and demoralised after failing to get an approximated 50 million deal, had decided to go home early 730 pm in evening, this time John thought to himself, “deal no get at least get a smile from OC oso shiok, and My OC will sure reward me with a CIM and a BJ that can match all the FL introduced by Bro John Lioyd in FL Dome 2”. :D

He put his laptop on the dining table and after another super satisfied smile, he start walking towards his room. But to his surprise, he heard his Linda’s moaning softly.


see see only
05-10-2009, 07:43 PM
“She had never moaned like this before, my god she must be really enjoying herself, err...... who the hell could it be??? ” as he moves toward the door with that “pink panther” music broadcasting in his brain.

He glue his left ear on the other side of the door, wanting to make sure that Linda was not just masturbating before he force his way in.

Linda: Please lick me here, here I mean here. (A Sharp Moan, continuing with intense moaning non-stop)

John stays calm - remembered what Bro see see only always said in his reply, they are always so calm and relax

“OK how many liao, if needed my help to make it 21 - feel free to let me know.”

ME 2 can make a exception case in zapping someone :D

But Then, :eek:

Linda (full of sprit): Ok ok ok, let me give it to you,my dear (she sound so gently so softly so lovingly so caringly so sweet)

This time, John could no longer hold his temper, his jealousy, his anger of his “5 double - Green one colour kana intercept by a chicken” (majong language), he slowly and steadily, as steady as Bro Steadyman1, inserted the room key into lockset to unlock the room door after realising the door was locked.

He pushed with all his might to open the room door, wanted to rush in to give the “evil man evil woman” a bashing of their lifetime.

But instead of his fist got harden up, his little same age bro salute into the sky. A SYT with at least 36-D, a pair of knockers that should be able to match the gem that brought years of tears to Bro VWGolfGTI; look innocently upward.


see see only
05-10-2009, 08:02 PM
Name: Jane (FB of John)
Age: 21
From: PRC with degree
Look: 9/10 (Curly long hair, a very CFM look)
Height: 1.71m
Weight: 55kg
Body: 9/10 (Smooth skin, a bit fleshy but felt great when hug.)
Boobs: 9/10 36C+/25/36 (little light brownress nipples)
Frenching: Of cos
Fingering: Anywhere
FJ: 9/10 (tight,tight,wet,wet siok)
AJ: presently only finger

She is Jane and her index finger together with her thumb was gently moving in a circular direction all round Linda’s fullest erected nipple as Linda preparing to prey onto Jane’s white, smooth, soft and resilience pair of act that only god could produce.

5 seconds, 5 second & maybe even more, the 3 of them were motionless, but blood suddenly starting to flow reluctantly from John’s small brain to his big brain.

John thought to himself: OMG OMG OMG what the hell is my FB doing here in my house having sex with my OC? He suddenly remembered what Jane had said before,

“Dear, trust me i will be sure that your wife will let me stay with you and along with her, we live happily after all................ :eek::eek:

see see only
05-10-2009, 09:34 PM
Jane :p look innocently into Linda’s shock & shameful eye,” your husband?” Jane asked calmly.

Linda still shock and speechless, nods. Jane with no time to waste stood up and gently pulls John into the room.

Jane places John’s right hand on Linda’s still fully erected nipple and tenderly caressing Linda’s pair of B-cupper. Jane knew exactly how to please a woman also, she leads john to every single stroke, the strength & the pressure while Jane uses her other hand to fondle Linda’s all already wet pussy.

Linda took a few minutes to overcome her shame and shyness when she started to moan softly and constantly. Jane at the same time, almost in split second, released her hand and let John do what he should know by now on his OC B-cupper.

:rolleyes:Pretending not to see Linda, Jane reaches out to John’s left hand and this time places it onto her breast that will melt most men’s heart including some ladies’ as well.

Jane, on the other hand (OIC that how these words were invented) found Linda’s G-spot and increases the speed on the fondling. Rapidly the speed on Linda pussy increased, Linda moan louder each time the speed increases, Jane waste no time, starts finger fcuk Linda with her slim but long middle finger.

....................................... Bros me take a break liao, continue other day ........ But will John's FB really love him so much? hope I can finish this story:D sometime lazy to think.... BTW if some other bros wanted to help me continue just PM me ok....

We can do something like "chicken soup" kinda story.:)

05-10-2009, 11:59 PM
Keep it up bro! :D

06-10-2009, 12:34 AM
Bro I decide to camp here liao. Damn horny story and whoa, Jane has higher scores than Linda! Very shiok sia!

06-10-2009, 09:44 AM
Thanks. Can continue?

see see only
08-10-2009, 10:33 AM
Approximately 3 to 4 months ago

Jane (whose father own a factory manufacturing construction material) took out her note book to revise on all the liking and disliking of John’s OC, which John constantly had been complaining and feedbacking to Jane on Linda’s so & so.

She took pointers from this err...”SBF” forum and the tread “How to pickup china chicks” from started by bootybonker :cool:– suggestion given by Bro GeMiNiZzzzZzz and Bro Cerberus were well appreciated by her. “Not really related but at least somehow useful”

“Darling I can’t meet you today, something important needed to be done ok?” Jane told John, and John sadly replied “alright, tomorrow see how lor”

“Ok she is here” Jane thought :rolleyes: to herself “this is for John” she pushes herself to speed up her foot steps.

Jane: Hi I saw you again what a sweet surprise, you were at Vivo city shopping alone last nite right?

Linda: Err... I er... I, ya I was, so why?

Jane: I saw shopping alone at a few shops last nite, but I remember you because I overheard you saying “ok la ok la, you go work la I shop myself”.

Jane (which actually overheard this sentence from John’s hp) said:
Sad to say, this sentence had touched me here (Jane pushes her left chest or rather say she pushes her left side’s smooth and super soft breast, creating an at least 9.2 earthquake around the low cut single piece dress with spaghetti strip; forcing all the fresh to rush out from every available gap) MAN are always like this, me too boyfriend never have time for me also.

Jane went on with her "sad" story with her boyfriend and her daddy forcing her to study overseas so as to take over his business eventually. Weapon with all her notes, Jane mentioned every single of her own feeling touching Linda's sympathy and finally hook up Linda’s interests and they decided to go shopping together. :eek:

see see only
08-10-2009, 01:39 PM
Well planned, and all are going well for Jane, she gained trust with Linda.

Linda being a native OL never suspected anything, as there went round Vivo City shopping for clothes, accessories and some fine dining. Jane sometime offered to pay as well, making Linda’s firewall grows thinner & thinner.

Suddenly, Jane remembered this tread started by Bro Garndluxe on “Powerful Bra Technology”, she suggested to Linda” Hey why not we go shop for bra?”

Linda: Great (she took a glace a Jane’s D-pair of killer) actually I wish I could have your size and .....:p

After a short pause, Linda: How is like to have a pair of killer like yours?

Jane, gracefully answer: Well I sincerely do not know, sometime I hated my pair of knocker, guys always concentrated on my pair of neh neh but they just can’t seem to touch them well enough to give me that wow kind of feeling. (pretending :( to be real upset with the situation)

Both enter into a bra shop (alamah sorry guys, I cant remember any bra shop name but NVM la), Jane picks up a pair of skimpy and lacy bra for a B-cup. With a sweet but cheeky smile: “try this?”

Linda nod shyly, and they went on picking bras for each other to try like some innocent school girls, enjoying every mischievous moments. It was in the afternoon, the shop was quite “bo liang” both of them sneak into one changing room, encouraged by Jane.:D

Jane knew this is going to work and according to her great plan. She is going make Linda her FB (maybe not FB but LB).

Acting shame but yet playful, Linda took off her top and started to drop her pair of bra that many SBF bros would love to masturbate with, onto the ground.

Linda was kind of shock, she had never seen such a piece of art right in front of her. Noticing that Linda was amazed with her boobs size, Jane deliberately hop playfully with a hmmm hmmm sound, “don’t like this la, we both girls right, why you make me so shy?”

In a split second, Jane remembered Bro sammygal’s story on Cindy, :”Not fair! I took off my top and now you turn!” immediately but somehow and I also don’t how, gently pull up Linda’s blouse (I think only girls can do that) revealing Linda’s pair of bra that err... I guess only grandma will wear kind of bra.

Feeling extremely bashful, Linda covered her unassuming nature with her hand. But Jane charmingly leads Linda’s hand away from her B-cupper, with her modelling experiences; Jane strip Linda’s pair of bra that only museum can find away.

"Bingo, step 1 completed" thought to herself....

................. Guys give me a break, got to go work :confused: (sorry forgot me jobless) Anyway will be back

08-10-2009, 09:05 PM
TS, interesting! camping here for more. :)

see see only
09-10-2009, 01:47 PM
Thks v much bros, for your kindest support on an carzy story: :rolleyes: here we go!!

Jane time to time continue to tease Linda, by hopping around with full excitement creating a pin ball effect as the pair of D-cupper crashing into one another, while they gossip a bit on some celebrities boob sizes.

Linda controlling herself in the first place, started to “nose bleed” liao, she asked timidly: “Can I touch them?” :p

Jane pretending to be extremely withdrawn for a second, and then tenderly lead Linda’s hand onto her creamy white fleshy breast in the next second.

Linda: “It so soft, really ... in fact I had never touched something so smooth so soft so creamy & so gigantic.” Linda took her hand off Jane's breast after saying.

Jane: “Please” she beg “my heart beat stop” she lied. “Can you please, I had never felt anything so warm touching here before”

Not wasting any second, she took both of Linda’s hand, pressing them onto herself forcing some of the uncovered fresh thrusting out between the gaps of their fingers.

With a slight moan, she demonstrated along with Linda’s hand, on how she usually caressed her own breast. Moaning continue, Linda, instead of feeling shock in the first place started to cuddle the pair of man-killer gently, only this time they kill woman as well.

Linda just as she begin to enjoy the excitement and the tenderness of Jane’s breast, realised an electrifying touch on her B-cupper. Her nipples salute immediately with Jane’s patting and stoking, like a US soldier saluting upon seeing the president Mr. Obama, Linda’s nipples eagerly erected fully.

Jane :cool: made-up a sharp moan with enjoyment, thought to herself: “Next, I will cook up an excuse to move into her house, :D John, see you in your house soon.

............................. to be continued.............

09-10-2009, 02:53 PM
More more...!!

see see only
09-10-2009, 07:57 PM
Suddenly Jane’s hp rang, she take a look at her hp, “It’s John” she pressed on the rejecting bottom :mad: in her hp and pretended to answer.

Linda who look like she is stilling awaiting for the next episode, waited patiently.

Jane talking to herself: “亲爱的 ..... why so soft, louder can? I can’t hear you (worried that Linda will suspect as usually someone beside you can still hear the voice from the hp) I call you back later ok? 亲爱的 muack!”

They struggle to put their clothes back, passing all the shopping bags to Linda; Jane walked away to make a phone call. She dials her bf’s hp.

Jane:. 老公 (teasingly), (Jane’s bf – a sillyporean, early 30, small time renovation contractor, look = :eek: OMG OMG & really OMG, but importantly single) I moving to my classmate room, we maybe deciding to stay together for 1 or 2 months so that we can prepare for exam together. You know, my result was never good.

Jane’s bf: 老婆 then I how? (wow la a ... me 1 month give you $2k u tell me go fcuk myself for these 2 months?, how I wish I can be as rich as Bro fourhorseman can give $7k allowance – if like this I will tell her to stay with me or cut your allowance) (but knowing that he is in the lower hand) Ok lor, I can still come find you right?

Jane: 老公 cannot la, my friend maybe don’t like but I can still come find you once a while ok? She thought to herself, “you gave me $2k only ok, you siah meh, somemore you tell me you don’t want to marry so young, where got time to wait for u” Jane continue: “I got to go, call you once I confirm ok?

Jane’s bf reluctantly or actually, Jane already cut off her line. Jane immediately started to focus on her dead grandmother image who had pampered her so much – she is an expert an promising actress; her tear started to roll down from her eyes :( as she started to walk faintly back to where Linda was waiting.


see see only
09-10-2009, 08:01 PM
Linda is very concerned: Are you ok? What happen to you? Just now you are ok what?

Jane remained silent... but weeping away

Linda gave Jane a hug to cool her down: “you must tell me what happened so that I can help you? Money? :rolleyes:

Jane kept her silent and tears started to roll down non-stop.

Linda’s brain starting to work: “Must be money, all PRC only care about money, she must be trying to con my money”

Jane then whispered: “can we get a quiet place to sit down” her voice already started to change due to the crying but still her soft & childlike voice sounded so harmless, Linda’s heart immediately taken control again. “Ok let go over to the sea side” Both of them stroll out of Vivo city and seated along the sea side.

Linda: What happened?
Jane: He dumped me ......
Linda: Who?
Jane: My bf
Linda: It’s ok, it’s ok don't cry (she wrap her arm around Jane’s shoulder) but what can I do to help?

Jane kept her silent again ... as she move her head into the arm of Linda’s trying to take shelter from her. A well-rehearsed action that works for all her ex-bf since she was 13. ;)

see see only
09-10-2009, 08:07 PM
Silent remained, Linda shown her concern again by stoking Jane’s hair. Jane did not say anything but her tears starting to be more controllable now.

Linda has not felt so useful again :): “Please you must say something or else I can’t help you right?”

Jane took out her wallet that carried a few thousand dollars notes in it, took one piece out and sob: “Can you rent one of your rooms to me? For maybe a few months? he asked me to move out of his house as soon as possible”

Linda’s firewall immediately disappears and she thinks to herself:” This PRC is for real and I think she is really a daughter of a rich China businessman and since my that stupid Lau Gong is going for 2 months business trip” she answered delightedly:” OK, I had a guest room and if don’t mind guest room, don’t worry is attached with toilet as well.”

Linda:” But keep your money ok, friends help each other no problem, my Lau Gong gave me more than enough allowance so no problem. Furthermore, my husband is going for business trip for 2 months”

Jane knew it all the way:”Alright but you sure it is ok hor?” still with her childlike voice “Can I go tonite? I really don’t wish to go back to his house to take my things tonight”

Armed with her husband’s 3 credit cards with a combined of $60k limit, Linda say:”OK don’t cry anymore, let go shopping and forget all the 臭男人”

Anyway Linda thought to herself, stupid Lau Gong say his driver can send him to airport :(

....................... to be continue with my long-winded story.....

see see only
09-10-2009, 08:24 PM
Bros this story is based on some of my bros sad story combined ....

Hope u guys don't mind if the story appeared similar to your real life case

sorry in advance again, bros. like it or not, its happening :)

Bottom Line
09-10-2009, 10:49 PM
Dun worry abt it bro... juz keep writing..

11-10-2009, 12:25 AM
Do continue with the story.

see see only
12-10-2009, 09:49 PM
Thanks for the feedback :)

Jane was impressed: “OMG OMG, 2900sqft maisonette penthouse facing the sea – can see Sentosa somemore”.:eek:

It is a maisonette penthouse, with 4 bedrooms, a private rooftop terrace complete with a mini-roof garden that offering gorgeous view of the whole Sentosa. One can enjoy the panoramic views from the roof while BBQ with a luxury touch on everything that you can find in the house.

An exotic Italian touch fitted kitchen, electronic control of almost every appliances controlled by the handphone of the owner if needed. A house that can only be afforded by the cream of the top.

Jane was led by Linda to her room at the 2nd level while the master-bed room was actually at the 1st. There are 3 bedrooms at the 2nd level; all fitted with solid Teak doors with the most contemporary ironmongery design.

Linda generously offers the bedroom that faces the sea attached with a balcony to Jane.

Linda opens the door to the bedroom; speechless :eek: for a while, Jane cleverly grabs Linda’s hand innocently, holding her hand between their fingers, pulling her to the balcony to take a look at the sea view - like a boyfriend trying to impress his girlfriend.:rolleyes:

Linda immediately was wondering to herself: “when was the last time my Lau Gong hold me this way enjoying this view, he was always so busy?”

see see only
12-10-2009, 10:09 PM
For a minute or two, Linda was quiet, searching through all the gigabyte of her memories, when out of the sudden, Jane wrap her waist from behind and asked: What are you thinking? (Completing the question with a sweet smile ;))

Linda felt weird in beginning, try to struggle away from Jane this time, but Jane: “Hey you jump I jump ok? :D”. Breaking the ice at all the right timing, Linda begins to smile and feel at ease and they both started to copy the famous Titanic pose.

When they eventually hug each other tightly like a newly couple that just agreed to go steady.

Jane gently started to sport a sweet kiss on Linda’s cheek ;) and Linda’s face started to burn up a little.

Embarrassed but yet hoping Jane could continue “不 要..... 不 要停” Linda already found herself started to kiss Jane’s lip – and in no time their tongues are tied into some wet kisses in front of the breathtaking view.

The breathtaking view is the only witness that witnessed the two already half naked woman licking each other almost everywhere, searching for all the sensitive areas that could bring them closer to their organism.

When Jane who has always been the leader so far in this unnatural relationship started to go under Linda’s skirt to finger fcuk Linda’s hole of all love, penetrating it in and out her drenched pussy.

She can hear Linda moaning away while she started to kneed down on the balcony floor, spreading Linda’s thigh slightly apart to finger fcuk Linda with the third & forth fingers, increasing the speed steadily, feeling her getting wet at every penetration.

Linda in turn was helping up in this situation, started to caress her own B-cupper gently rubbing her fully erected nipples making them salute to their limit.

The moaning got louder and faster, Linda was worried that her neighbour could hear her but who in this world would care when your organism is almost coming in any of the next second.

Came ... but Jane simply refused to stop, she hit gear 6 in her fingering work while Linda struggle aggressively to push this long lost feeling away.:p but how could she bear to give it up.

Jane just will never stop, she continue the motion - in & out - in & out - left & right - left & right. Linda has no choice but to resolve to pinching her own nipples hard and sharply; she started to scream at the top of her voice instead of moaning.

She squirted, her cum juice grasp out from her pussy like those that appeared in the squirting Japanese AV show. Linda felt extremely weak, drop to her knee disregarding the sharp pain on her knees, she had never squirted before and had never understand this type of sensational feeling of being “overjoyingly” tired; until she met Jane.

............................. hehe time for reading emails liao ...........

12-10-2009, 10:10 PM
awesome...keep it coming! :p

13-10-2009, 12:43 PM
Hope u guys don't mind if the story appeared similar to your real life case

Oh, no problem, bro!

Having to fuck a pair of nymphos is an everyday occurence to me. :rolleyes::p:D

see see only
14-10-2009, 06:58 PM
Bro Born2Skru & Bottom Line, lend me your nick ok (but no hardfeeling ok:D)

Sitting in the mediation room 2 in the Family Court of Sillypore, Linda appears to be dazing on her own, along with her lawyer, Bro Born2Skru. They waited.

Linda subconsciously is still recalling her occurrences with Jane, with John & etc, but she meticulously recalled the moment with Jane when she first did lesbian in the guest room. She remembered every single detail, every single sensational feeling and every single organism - she indeed enjoyed it very much. However she beginning to wonder, why did she give in to her, to Jane?

Their number has already been called for 5 minutes but the respondent, John and his lawyer Bro Bottom Line have not entered the room. Both still discussing among themselves along the long corridor leading to the other mediation rooms.

John: It is not that we wanted to waste time with this, we simply should not give in to her, remembered she was the one who had an extramarital affair.

Bro Bottom Line: Ya, but according to the women’s chapter, you did had sexual penetration with another woman other than your wife during your marriage. I went through the women’s chapter and obviously the Act did not mention anything about lesbian.

John: So how??? Surrender? Let her take my $25 million as per her request?? I get you for what? Pay you to tell me to pay her. A 3 year old boy also knows how to say ok.

Bro Bottom Line felt insulted: Sincerely it may not be wise if we go to court, the judge I heard is Sis adviseme, sure to favour their own gender. (Sorry Sis adviseme to use your nick, hope you take this with a smile ok?)

Reluctantly, they went into the mediation room 2. This room wasn’t as big as room 1 but it was painted white with a small window facing the public carpark. A round table furnished with breech laminate with 6 normal office chairs are what it has. (Bros, don’t mind – that’s what I can only recalled)

Mediator, a forty odd lau chio: In Ms Linda’s writ, the claimant is requesting for $25 million settlement without maintenances.

Bro Bottom Line: My client does not agree and he is only willing to compensate $2 million.

John interrupted: :mad: NO! I am not going to pay this bitch a cent; she had an extramarital affair not me!!

Mediator: Mr. John, please mind your language in the mediation room.

Bro Bottom Line: :o We apolgise, my client was very upset and disappointed with his busy schedules and this case as well. Mr. John please.....

......................... to be continued .................

14-10-2009, 09:48 PM
TS, good story! camp here for the next instalment. :)

14-10-2009, 10:04 PM
wow...i'm a lawyer now lol :p

15-10-2009, 10:41 AM
Bro see see only, what a fun and flamboyant story! Upped you with my humble points!!!

Do continue... ;)

see see only
15-10-2009, 12:17 PM
Bro the_e_ones, thanks will get u a drink of 7up soon

Bro see see only, what a fun and flamboyant story! Upped you with my humble points!!!

Do continue... ;)

Thanks guys for reading my indeed bold but long winded story :)

My big day is around the corner, had to be more involved - future OC already started to complain liao :mad:

Outline & ending already in my mind - but hehe sometime writing a story can be quite taxing, really have to salute all the other writers here in SBF - "Jia You". But chinese always say: "Got Starting Got Ending" - I will complete this


see see only
20-10-2009, 04:05 AM
Bro Bottom Line, thks for your nick again - Please no hardfeeling :D

The Lau Chio Mediator: I do not want to waste time anymore; I give you both gentlemen 10 more minutes outside. Please make an understanding and decision whether you and your client agree to the settlement proposed or we make arrangement to see the judge, and please remember 10 minutes.

John has already made his decision while walking out of the mediation room, he is ready to go court but he will be engaging another solicitor that is willing to fight this case instead of surrender.

Bro Bottom Line: Mr. John, please understand your situation. Your OC have proof that you have ...

John was not listening, instead he is bringing all the sweet memories back to his mind, though a bit regretted but shiok man, he always said: ”What is life? If you keep everything simple?”:D

Memories started to rush into his brain ignoring everything Bro Bottom Line had to say

...... John: “死就死了” he leans forward towards to kiss Jane nipple not bothering on how his OC will react.

Still tendering on his OC B-cupper with one hand, he took another glance on Jane’s light brown fifty cent coin wide nipple on top of her D-cup before he pull Jane near enough for him to start licking Jane’s nipple like a kid that first tried a lollipop. It really tastes much better perhaps it is due to the situation he is in now. A threesome with his OC & his FB - what a dream come true for most men.

The professional touching, the unstopped left to right and in & out on the Linda’s love hole has makes her grumbling with joy. She begins to shift side way to avoid the extremely wonderful feeling provided by Jane.

But not forgetting her Lau Gong’s contribution, she begins to finger herself on the other B-cupper making both nipples rise tall and stand proud.

Linda came 3 times non-stop which some called it a multi organism, the satisfied Linda really wanted to reward Jane as she pulls Jane to herself while they started to wet kiss each other.

At the same time, Jane turns her attention to her Lau gong, John as well, her finger crawl under his pant, with her index finger, she gently rub the tip of John’s manhood.

Linda had been masturbating herself frequently since her Lau Gong always not at home, knew actually how to satisfy another woman as well, with her unoccupied hand she fiddle correctly with Jane’s pussy too, making Jane close her eye tightly and moan loudly with her childlike voice.:D


see see only
20-10-2009, 04:16 AM
Happened to saw this in someone's else tread

John's FB look a lot like the girl below:


:D Must try to ask John to recall whether his FB has a mole on her left cheek :D

20-10-2009, 02:05 PM
anyone needs tissue :D

see see only
27-10-2009, 10:07 PM
Checked, no mole ler :( ???? but really look quite alike.

The moaning of his OC & his FB combined had created an irresistible melody that immediately assembles & recalled at least 20% of John’s blood to his twin brother.

What a hard-on, John’s twin brother has pushed himself to another new height, at least standing tall at his record breaking 6’’ long :eek:. John drops his pant down along with his underwear when his OC almost immediately grab it with delight and started with deep throat BJ.

Jane somehow was a bit frustrated as she almost coming with Linda’s fingering :mad:, controlled her disappointment grabs John butt tightly, hugging Linda’s face along with John butt; started to light kiss Linda’s ear & face.

No resistance from Linda, approval given, Jane thought to herself. She gently snake her neck around Linda’s head to start licking John’s pair of sperm making factory.

Jane’s tongue belonged to those long, narrow & sharp types; therefore with her tongue licking, with her curvy long hair brushing & her skill in licking, it sincerely can match a feather tickling effect.

John withstanding the brain busting itch on his balls complete with the deep throat blowing of his twin brother have make him the shiokest man on earth. He calls it heavenly treatment. :D

see see only
27-10-2009, 10:23 PM
As he felt like he is floating, he immediately crossed his index & middle fingers of both his hand forcefully causing a sharp pain to try jam his shiokness – :mad: but failed.

He fires his load into his OC mouth, causing her to thrust backward. And the full load of white protein is proving too much for Linda to swallow as they begin to flows out of Linda mouth but Linda who is enjoying every moment of this, is pushing the overflow with her right thumb back into her mouth along with a sucking action from her upper & lower lips, :) suck dry all the cum.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm .... Jane grumbled as she drives toward John’s proud 6” long, sucking all the balanced white protein dries from his dick :). At the very moment, Linda playfully pushes forward to snatch the 6” from Jane’s mouth and starts sucking as well.

OMG OMG OMG OMG & .. OMG - John standing tall with an ultimate shiokness, looking at these two lovingly women snatching & pushing to have a taste of his proud 6” is a total satisfaction. His twin brother did not shorten even by 1 mm after one load away, was almost impossible; John thought to himself. He usually knock out after 1 load but tonight his twin brother is extremely cooperative.

He started to grab both his cock attacker by their hair and start looking at their desperate faces. He did not loss his mind luckily as he pull & push his OC to the bed and start pumping at her extremely wet pussy, causing his OC to moan loudly.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... :mad: again, as Jane fire up to push John laying on the bed forcing her wet pussy welcomingly to John's mouth. Linda at the same time, almost like well rehearsal, hop onto John groin area, place his dick into her love hole and starts shoving herself onto him, satisfyingly.

John totally lose his brain but at least he manage to remember that Jane has a pair of D-killers, grabs both of them with some controlled strength making his hand shivering with joy. 6 min 21 sec past, another unwillingly load fires off. At least at the same time, he felt the tightness of his OC’s cunt – she came as well.

Linda slowly & tiredly move aside, started to hug his Lau Gong but she for that moment felt that she should not be so selfish started to shake John’s dick again – still standing but this time maybe at 5” plus, signal to Jane.

Jane hop onto to John and became the wildest cowgirl one has ever seen. Causing John to moan wildly & almost shouting as he enjoyed his FB wet tight cunt while wet kissing his OC in a salivate floated session.

Jane smile to herself and inside her, as she knew that her plan works and is working perfectly. “Now I can live with John & err ... his wife happily ever after”


see see only
19-11-2009, 08:48 AM
10 years ago

John was a near bankrupt, his failed business had given him a broken marriage, ex-oc dumped him of his house for not giving the promised $5k allowances to her after 5 months. How practical a woman can be? :eek:

As well as given him a huge debts to carry, along with all his 6 gold cards which were up to the limit as he desperately tried to save his company and his marriage by advancing from all his cards.

With more than $300,000 debts, he managed to negotiate to a reduced debts of $180,000 which was still almost impossible for him to clear. He hides in his HDB house which was left over after he brought a private, for more than 6 months jobless, and with only $500 in his wallet he survived. Every single Maggie Mee meal & every single egg he added in his Maggie Mee was budgeted as well. He sincerely can never forget how he survived this shit.

Somehow he managed to clear those blood sucking bankers with his family’s help who initially refused to. What a lesson learned, John thought to himself.

After 7 months he got his first job as a delivery man cum driver after he deliberately hide the fact that he was an A level & degree holder. But his confidence grows gradually once he admitted all his failure & mistakes made, gracefully.

From a driver he hopped to a sale executive, hopped to a manager in an listed company. All which he worked his juices out in all the companies he was in. Not forgetting at least another $120,000 debts owed to his previous vendors, which he paid $50 a month to them at least up to more than $3000 a month for 5 years. All his previous vendors salute his will and determination to clear the debts regardless how small the amount was for these past few years, and to his surprise they waived the balances.:)

Finally with the help of the chairman of the listed company which he assisted in helping them multiple their share prices, he started a new company with another 2 partners, which they piggy backing :D on the listed company.

In less than 3 years, they turn the $3 startup company to a multi-millions worth company.


19-11-2009, 02:47 PM
interesting story!

19-11-2009, 03:40 PM
I like this, very good story line, and get the reader here involve. Thumbs up to u, TS.

19-11-2009, 08:11 PM
bro see see only, im here to read read only. interesting story! :)

19-11-2009, 10:37 PM
Its a very good story . Keep it bro.

see see only
20-11-2009, 08:58 AM
Thanks v much bros for the supports - recently not much of interesting topic to discuss :D so started to write again.

In the 3 years of intense hard work, the trio have never believed in entertainment that involved with KTV and hostess, as most sincere & serious businesses are penned after scores of sincere and serious sale talks, presentations and performances.

Though the world of commercial sex is no stranger to the 3 of them, they restraint themselves to frequent such places or perhaps seldom should be a better word. So concentration is in building the business.

But a twist in John’s life comes after he received an SMS from (err... Bro Cabayasi lend me your nick) Bro Cabayasi.

Bro Cabayasi is a proud owner of a double unit pub in Boat Quay. It used to be a small pub however with his sense of brotherhood and sisterhood to all his customers, he managed to expand his business by buying over the next door.

As an accountant in profession, his book was well kept and all his investors were extremely happy with a profit return of at least 10% annually.

He also makes it a point to befriend every single new walk-in customer, keep them in contact and shower them with discounts. He gave away free “1 jug of beer” voucher to almost every new customer as well :), which he took the opportunity to gather information and contact number.

Tactfully he gathers hobbies of each customer and importantly the dates like birthday, wedding anniversary, couple anniversary and whatever special dates he can accumulate. He will then key into his database.

And he never failed to SMS them weeks ahead before those dates to offer them something special in his pub including events that triggered their hobbies as well.

(THOSE who are going to use my sales idea please give me a lifetime membership ok ;))

This personalise service had created different groups of regulars that frequent his pub during weekends & importantly weekdays as well. :cool:

see see only
20-11-2009, 09:37 AM
This time round, John who used to represent his pub some donkey years ago, was invited to participate in their Pool competition.:)

Bro Cabayasi sms: Yo Bros, we sincerely extend our invitation on 11th Sept 2008 to you guys an opportunity to walk away with a bottle of “Cordon Bleu” and $500 cash for winning our pool competition. 2nd can still walk away with $300 cash.

John’s sms: Hey what a pleasant surprise long time no hear from you

Bro Cabayasi sms: Ya lor, so long no come drink liao, come la sincerely hope to see you play pool man.

John’s sms: Ok but me rusty liao hor anyw see you but book 2 places for me and my friend

Bro Cabayasi: No problem, cya.

BINGO! Bro Cabayasi thought to himself, but true enough more contestants replied with great anticipation for the event.

Bro Cabayasi knew his business well, crowd attracts more crowds. With the event, coming near he prepare notices and posters to display outside his pub. But guess what, his notices & posters on the pool event were printed beautifully but with a big red bold statement on them “Sorry all slots are taken”.

In the particular night when the posters are up, pool of interested parties started to ask him on this pool event and most shown their disappointment that it is full. However he selectively told some of them that he will increase the number slots just for them, really making his regular customers felt important, special & most important of all, felt privileged :rolleyes:. Haha, another great event is coming along the way, he thought to himself.

......................... take a break, long or short no ideal :D .........

20-11-2009, 11:37 AM
haha, when I become so good business minded with so much creative idea.....:D

see see only
20-11-2009, 12:30 PM
John did not wait until the event day in fact the day itself, he gathered his partners and told them to go for a drink for a small celebration as they just collected a $2million plus chq from their client.

The pub was elegantly decorated; the wall paper in the front hall is metallic black with exquisite lightings and the table & chair perfectly upholstery with some flashy red syntactic-tanned leather that make the place suitable for perhaps some successful yuppies to TCSS.

As for the next hall it endows a paradise for all wine takers with a chain of contemporary leather sofa and a row of long coffee table that give that cosy family kind of layout.

Finally to the back of the pub a gorgeous looking, well maintained 9” pool table was standing alone in the limelight attracting some pool-crazies to indulge in every of the comfort feel when they put their hand on.

True enough, John spotted Bro Cabayasi; he was as usual introducing new customers to other regulars making the newbie feel at ease and comfortable at a not so familiar place.

Not in a short while, a beautiful SYT PRC came forward, “can I arrange a table for you” she said politely (and yes she eventually became the so-called John’s 小姨, soon enough it will be elaborated)

小姨 profiles

Name: May (John’s 小姨 one of his partner’s FB)
Age: 22
From: PRC
Look: 7/10 (not very long hair)
Height: 1.55m
Weight: 45kg
Body: 7/10 (Smooth skin, nicely shaped)
Boobs: 6/10 32B-/24/32 (nipples no idea)
Frenching: no idea but should have
Fingering: no idea
BJ: no idea
FJ: sorry still no idea as 小弟 never like to discuss such details

see see only
20-11-2009, 01:09 PM
John as usual, always teasing away with chic disrepectfully, “Please and kindly arrange it near the pool table ok but if nearer to beautiful ladies like you, that will be very ………. fantastic la”

May somehow appreciate the candid request, pause for a while and pointed to a table reasonable far from the pool table. But her school mate, Jane was sitting alone at the table next to it. (Ha- that’s how John gets to know his FB??)

May, 小姨 : Ok you guys take that table ok, my school mate is sitting there alone and came to support me, as tonight is my first night of work here.

小弟 was fast to react: “Sure, no problem” but he was not looking at the table he was looking into the eyes of 小姨

John: Was not impressed as he came here for pool and some drinks not for woman, in the first place. So he playfully but with firm tone “No :eek: not interested, I want there” pointing to another table very near the pool table.

小姨 was kind of shock and embarrassed :o, took them to the table requested by John but along the way, she introduced another waitress Ding Ding, (proudly present ................ John’s 二姨, FB of 二弟)

(Warning: :confused: it is going to be confusing along the way in their conservations as 二弟 & 二哥 might mixed you guys up.)


Name: Ding Ding (John’s so-called 二姨 FB of his another partner)
Age: 19
From: PRC
Look: 8/10 (long straight hair)
Height: 1.63m
Weight: 48kg
Body: 8/10 (Smooth skin)
Boobs: 8/10 34C-/26/34 (nipples pink)
Frenching: heard: heaven is a place on earth
Fingering: both front & back
BJ: 10/10 non-stop :eek:
FJ: 9/10

20-11-2009, 03:03 PM
Good. Please keep posting.

see see only
21-11-2009, 01:38 PM
Hope to rush out the boring introduction part :o but ...... as it is kind of necessary to intro intro a bit.

John who used to be within the top 30 ranked snooker player in sillypore 10 years ago, begin to pick up his momentum after years of not playing snooker or pool.

After a few of his games, other pool players started to gather around the pool table just to watch him play, donating their $2 per game as some don’t even get the chance to cue on the white ball. :eek: Yet most of them are delighted just to see how the object ball got pocketed into the hole and the white ball position to perfection for the next targeted object ball.

And amazingly on top of his sharpness, John almost took less than a second to aim or react to his next cue, shot after shot he pocketed his object ball and the hand ball positioning was what they called 用手放的.

He dance around the pool table like a professional pool player and the performance was appraisingly not only to the pool players around the pool table but importantly to Jane, who was sincerely amazed by the pulling power when John was doing his pool stuff.

She deliberately walked a detour pass the pool table pretending to head for the ladies which was totally out of the way. As she did that, she saw May.

Jane: “May, who’s that guy? He really very good in pool meh? So many people watch.”

May: “don’t know leh but heard he is the boss friend and represented his pub before”

Jane: “introduce him to me can?” As it is always a young girl’s & Jane’s dream to be associated to someone that appears to be a hero.

May: “Ask Ding Ding la, she is serving their table over there, is her working zone, honey”

Jane went to Ding Ding and Ding Ding signals to her no problem. As she mentioned that she was already chit chatting with his other partners. Deep inside, she had actually already targeted 小弟.

Finally Bro Cabayasi was free and he who was not a lousy pool player as well, approached John at the pool table. “KNNBCCB (with a big smile :) ), Si Pa Ho Si Bo, I challenge you la”

Bro Cabayasi put in his $2 arranged for the break and waited for his turn that never came but a roar of approval came from the crowd when John pocketed the black 8 ball. Bro Cabayasi kana one cue and they called it “7 dragon ball” ending :o

John bows to the crowd twice : “Bro Cabayasi, continue for me ok? a bit tired liao” He walk towards his table which he found that Jane & Ding Ding was already chit chatting away with his partners.

21-11-2009, 08:03 PM
wow good leh bro see see only... no wonder got time to play "scissor , paper , stone" with me.. u writing soo many friction stories ah.. Camping for the next story :D

see see only
24-11-2009, 09:20 AM
Bros thanks for reading, and Bro Cuntworth lend your nick for quite a while ok? I think u alright lah ….

John smiles as he joins the table, playfully he introduced himself as 大哥 as in 大 in size with both his hand signalling his waistline is 大. Bro Cuntworth, who is not as tall immediately admitted that he is 二弟, pointing to another partner as 小弟. So 大哥, 二弟 & 小弟 are formed, for fun purposes :D.

Anyway John noticed Jane did immediately turn her attention to him when he joined in. Deep inside him, he knows tonight may last longer than he had anticipated.

They started to chit chat about everything in the world and started to play some five-ten game and so on.

Since Ding Ding needs to work and had to move around to serve other customers as well, Jane was naturally targeted but she was quite a drinker and held her drinks reasonably well. But somehow she was getting a bit tipsy soon so she declared deliberately that she is getting drunk soon and wish to go home. wow :rolleyes:

Bro Cuntworth 二弟, who noticed her D-cup asset as well, immediately offered to send her back.

Jane frowns for a split second waited for John to react, which did not come.

John not wanting to disappoint his partner for a girl, wave goodbye smiling cheerfully (but “SHIT” he thought to himself)

A min later, Bro cuntworth was holding Jane’s waist as he helped her out of the pub taking every opportunity to feel the smoothness and the softness of a sweet young thing.

But it was less than 3 minutes when Bro cuntworth came rushing in “KNN, forgot you drove me here bastard, car in office” :) (with a big smile on his face).

John look at him, puzzled: “O Yah hor”

Bro cuntworth is a very steady man also, he knew as well both John and him like Jane quite a fair bit, suggested that both of them send her back instead. “Brotherhood more important lah chio bu second” he thought to himself.

John suggested to pick up his car first, looks at the weather and he saw a lot of stars in the sky, signal that it would not rain tonight; and wanting to impress Jane as well, he lowered down his BMX’s hard top (ok lah BMW) before he drove off to pick them both up.

Jane saw a pair of fierce looking spotlight coming towards her; she was actually not drunk and was quite sober actually, have to pretend pretend a bit so that she can still protect a bit of her dignity if she got what she wanted (a great night) tonight.

"What a beautiful car" her pussy started to get a bit wet as she starts planning for a MMF, "let see how it work out" she smile to herself ;)

24-11-2009, 10:07 AM
Wahaha..love the descriptions you use in your story. Keep it going bro!

24-11-2009, 12:14 PM
"Cuntfusing"....... But am enjoying myself...... Continue please.

24-11-2009, 05:27 PM
Of cos i dun mind u using my nick... Hopefully u can link all bro's nick into the story that will be GREAT!:D

see see only
28-11-2009, 04:33 PM
Enough of standing supervision on sat on my workers :mad: – tired liao come up office to write write a bit la. Bro label34 if no mind, lend me your nick as 小弟

John sincerely appreciates his partner, Bro cuntworth’s offer. The chance to also have a piece of this SYT. He suggested Bro cuntworth to sit at the small back seat of his 2 doors BMX so that Jane could be taken care of if she vomits or what.

John: 二弟 you sit behind with Jane la, it will be easier if she needed help.

Bro cuntworth: 大哥 like this - you become Ah Mak ler, me shy ler :D.

John: 二弟 later she need help and no one to help – more shy lah. No problem you go ahead.

Bro cuntworth leads Jane to the back seat as he squeezed to the back seat clumsily as well. Bro John ask Jane where she live but no reply, both 大哥 & 二弟 took turn to ask her but still no reply. “Wow so drunk until cannot reply?” :eek: both of them thought to themselves.

(Ya right!!!) :eek: Jane was actually pretended to lose conscious with the effect of the alcohol as she know if she kana MMF, the situation could still be ok and saveable “Because … she is so drunk, so got excuse” What a smart woman.

So 二弟 suggested to check her into Riverview hotel claiming that H81 this type of hotel no very safe. It was a short drive to Riverview hotel but 二弟 already managed to have some deep & wet kisses with Jane while roaming her pair of over-size white melon.

see see only
28-11-2009, 04:35 PM
Feeling super horny, 二弟 sportingly volunteer to check in for the hotel room while John go park his car. John went down to the basement carpark, parked his car and started to try carry Jane out. However instead of carrying Jane out, Jane pulls John falling down onto her, kisses John’s lips in the wildest manner while John trying his best to get back to his feets. But John's resistances soon soften and they both kiss each other like there is no tomorrow.

二弟 witnessed the scene with some kind of disappointment as he knew deep inside he did not get that type of service when he kisses Jane. And at the same same time, Jane was moaning and asking John to “kiss me kiss me, 大哥 I like you very much, fcuking kiss me ok ......... hmmmmm touch me here also”

二弟, Bro cuntworth is an extremely cool and steady man, he dropped the key and the pack of CD in John’s front seat, signal to him, that it is really ok and said: “大哥… the next whole month's lunch & drinking sessions all on you” gave John a big smile and left the carpark.

What a brother..........;) John thought to himself, "Thank you brother, you are great, real great" just after his words of appreciation he was pulled back by Jane when he continue to kisssssssssssssss Jane with his tougue totally inside her mouth; and well locked.:D


28-11-2009, 06:47 PM
Feeling super horny, 二弟 sportingly volunteer to check in for the hotel room while John go park his car. John went down to the basement carpark, parked his car and started to try carry Jane out. However instead of carrying Jane out, Jane pulls John falling down onto her, kisses John’s lips in the wildest manner while John trying his best to get back to his feets. But John's resistances soon soften and they both kiss each other like there is no tomorrow.

二弟 witnessed the scene with some kind of disappointment as he knew deep inside he did not get that type of service when he kisses Jane. And at the same same time, Jane was moaning and asking John to “kiss me kiss me, 大哥 I like you very much, fcuking kiss me ok ......... hmmmmm touch me here also”

二弟, Bro cuntworth is an extremely cool and steady man, he dropped the key and the pack of CD in John’s front seat, signal to him, that it is really ok and said: “大哥… the next whole month's lunch & drinking sessions all on you” gave John a big smile and left the carpark.

What a brother..........;) John thought to himself, "Thank you brother, you are great, real great" just after his words of appreciation he was pulled back by Jane when he continue to kisssssssssssssss Jane with his tougue totally inside her mouth; and well locked.:D

I steady 1 :D So is it true
大哥… the next whole month's lunch & drinking sessions all on you” :D camping for more ..

01-12-2009, 01:32 AM
Bro see see only, thanks for the great story. I admire your respect for the bros reading it and the way you’re taking steps to improve the story as it develop. Camping here for more. :):D

see see only
01-12-2009, 03:59 AM
Big Thks to bros who have read & supported … will try return favours in form of getting you guys a drink of 7up asap. :)

John’s face turned red when a couple walked past his car while Jane kept pulling him back without the slightest shame in the situation that they are at.

“有影 BO?” :eek: John thought to himself “my god she so drunk! How? Carry her up?”

John with the most loving tone: “Darling shall we go up?”

With the plead from John, Jane pretends to be getting more sober and started to tidy herself a bit before they move up to their room, #07-85.

However Jane still pretended to be drunk, swaying from side to side, as John was trying his very best to hold Jane while trying to walk in a straight line with some great effort.

It was a funny scene, when one having the intention to fall and the other trying to walk straight as they finally the reach the hotel room. John opens the doors and immediately he was pushed into the room, “bang” Jane slam the door while she pushed John to the bed.

Both their tongues were immediately locked into some watery & bottomless kisses, while John desperately trying to remove all the cotton barriers that detached his & her skin from feeling each other.

Mission accomplished, no more cotton barriers. John felt the tenderness of the skin of a SYT, those you will know even you can’t see the person. The resilience of her fresh pushing back immediate when her skin was touch or felt, was just so good enough for all men in world to have a hard on ;), not mentioning her D-cup asset :D

see see only
01-12-2009, 04:11 AM
Jane at the same time roams her fingers to John’s twin brother to give him a HJ, firmly with all her fingers she grip the lower part of the fully erected dick right after the balls; she started to shake. The little pain combined with her skilful sensational stroke, gave John a wonderful HJ.

John no longer can withstand this shiokness naturally closes his eye and start moaning away as it was the only things that he can think of at that time to show his enjoyment to this fantastic HJ.

Jane did not waste a second upon John's enjoyment, suddenly gave him a deep BJ which almost force him to fire away his first load. Almost fire off? That did not last long, when Jane's firm HJ united with her deep BJ incorporated with a steady rhythm, no man with a right mind will not fire off his load to show his appreciation to such an extraordinary phenomenon.

Jane suck dry all John’s cum as John moan out loudly in complete appreciation. Jane always seems to know her every step, already unpacked a CD, put on the nice transparent jacket to John’s twin brother and started riding on it.

The raincoat protected the small head from getting wet but John sincerely could feel the wetness of Jane’s cunt, making him called on his full power & strength.

He switches her to his favourite doggy position when he pumps her real hard, creating a pop pop pop jingle that comes with a deep breathing noise from Jane. He felt multi squeezing on his proud 6” as he proudly unloaded his second.

Jane at that time, completely lay face flat on the bed as John pulls out his 6” rifle :p. But to his surprise he realised that he lost the CD that he was wearing. “OMG” :eek: John thought to himself but only to realise he have to pull the CD out from Jane’s cunt with some kind of effort.

With that he knew Jane had enjoyed his effort and the griping of the CD was the best reward he got for his endeavour to this great session :D.

He join in with Jane to lay flat on the bed when he realised that he totally forgotten Jane's pair of killer D-cup :eek:


01-12-2009, 10:43 PM
:( Reading your stories make me excited, but CANNOT PCC BECAUSE DKJ SAYS SO! #@$#$@

see see only
02-12-2009, 08:03 AM
:( Reading your stories make me excited, but CANNOT PCC BECAUSE DKJ SAYS SO! #@$#$@

Bro, excuse me if me stupid .. :confused: BUT Who is DKJ ??? :confused:

Nevertheless i do have to confess, my story cant use for PCC but just spinning some stories & facts that i gathered ... :D Thks for reading

02-12-2009, 11:52 AM
interesting write up. camping here for more :p

02-12-2009, 07:07 PM
Nice. Keep it Up!

02-12-2009, 07:12 PM
Bro, excuse me if me stupid .. :confused: BUT Who is DKJ ??? :confused:

Nevertheless i do have to confess, my story cant use for PCC but just spinning some stories & facts that i gathered ... :D Thks for reading

Ya who is DKJ?? :rolleyes:

see see only
03-12-2009, 04:09 PM
Sincerely still dont know who is DKJ :rolleyes:

John slowly and gently started to lick Jane’s left breast and proceeded to thumb her right nipple. As Jane started to get horny again eventually when her nipple saluted and was experiencing goose pimples around her nipple.

However despite Jane’s plead to take a break, John licks on and increases the speed. He could even felt the micro little hair around Jane’s nipple straighten up as well.

With a loud Hmmmmm..... and Jane scrabbles up as she fumbles a bit to grab another pack of CD, dress up John’s twin brother as she hop on to ride on John again.

This time John not only enjoying the her tight & wet pussy, he was admiring the pair of white melons swinging side to side during the fumble to look for the CD and then bouncing up & down and bouncing up & down while she …….. he started to grab them in super full pleasure ....

Wow the sight of those bouncing D-sized melons is just OMG, OMG, OMG & …..O..M..G.. :eek:

At the exact moment, Bro cuntworth, 二弟 just ended his call with 小弟, Bro label34, as he was heading back to the pub in a cab.

Bro label34 was chit chatting with Ding Ding at the same time already holding her hand, while he saw Bro cuntworth: Hey Bro cuntworth … Err… no no (pause for a while) 二哥, where is 大哥?

Bro cuntworth (with a big smile): Meh say la :mad:, KNNBCCB that 大哥 because of woman betray the country liao, CB man …:D

Bro label34, shocked but said nothing.

As Bro cuntworth continues: I tot we say Hor Sah liao with 大哥, we go MMF one wat, then …… CB lah

Bro label34, is also a fantastic politician that have been helping around with those (pay and pay) men in white, quickly to ease the anger say : Alamak like this better la or else I have to called Ms. Jane 大二姨, 大二姨 ??? or 二大姨 like this very blur lei”

With that, Ding Ding & Bro label34 both burst into laughter ignoring Bro cuntworth but a second or so Bro cuntworth, himself joins in the laughter as well. They all then bottom up a few more cups of Martel on the rock.

Causing Ding Ding to feel like spinning liao

03-12-2009, 04:53 PM
Building a 5-star hotel here..more please...:D

07-12-2009, 12:13 PM
Bro, excuse me if me stupid .. :confused: BUT Who is DKJ ??? :confused:

Nevertheless i do have to confess, my story cant use for PCC but just spinning some stories & facts that i gathered ... :D Thks for reading

sorry bro..was away the past few days. DKJ is my manhood therapist :D

see see only
07-12-2009, 01:26 PM
sorry bro..was away the past few days. DKJ is my manhood therapist :D

Wow can elaborate a bit on how wonderful he/she is ??? :rolleyes:

If good can introduce Bo? :D

see see only
12-12-2009, 02:06 PM
KNNBCCB me myself oso started to cuntfuse liao …… :D

二弟 Bro cuntworth & 小弟 Bro label34 both rested for more than an hour for the alcohol to be subsided but continued to attack at Ding Ding & May, as May joined in their TCSS session when the volume of the customers reduced.

Both ladies were almost 烂醉如泥 while the two brothers had almost recovered from the alcohol influence, decided to send them back.

二弟 Bro cuntworth, again suggested Riverview hotel. But this time, he is not going to make the same old mistake … :D told 小弟 Bro label34 to register the room instead.

In no time, all 4 of them got into the room. 小弟 :cool: never failed to come out with ideas, turned on his lap top and started to play some dance songs while the 4 of them started to dance wildly into the music. It was then at the song of “No body” the two of them started to dance into some well rehearsed dance steps that make the ladies burst into laughter :D.

YouTube - Wonder Girls - Nobody performance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFjP-OJ7Bh4)

see see only
12-12-2009, 02:49 PM
Immediately after the “but you…you... you …..”:rolleyes:

YouTube - A-mei - Wo Ke Yi Bao Ni Ma (Can I Hug You?) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsdENPRltoA)

Upon the start of this song .... :D

The two brothers open up their arms and the ladies both almost drugged like went straight into their arms.

May was the first to react went immediately to 小弟 open arms as that leave Ding Ding with no choice but went into 二弟 opening arms as they both couple waltz into this beautiful song by A-mei.

It was the first chorus, when May already locks her tongue with 小弟. :rolleyes: Hehe sometime we called it “monkey see monkey do”, as 二弟started to kiss Ding Ding as well. Though Ding Ding was kind of unwilling at first ..... but the influence of the alcohol told her “what the fuck, mind as well just enjoy it”

Series of slow songs follows and their so-called waltzing started to heated up, as May turn off the light and pushes 小弟 onto the bed and they ……. (with or raw –sincerely dont know - details was not given)

And not soon after the hornyness in Ding Ding kicks in as well, she also let 二弟 to pursue for his ultimate motive as well. Both brothers started to bang on their individual love holes causing the two lovely ladies to moan away like that's no tomorrow .... :D