View Full Version : Do Singapore Girls Studying Abroad do FL?

09-11-2009, 02:45 AM
It just got me thinking today when I went for my round at area G. Among the PRC streetwalkers, 1 out of 5 is a SYT, uni-going age.
I'm just thinking, whether any of my char bor frenz studying in Australia, USA or Europe also resort to FL-ing.. I think it's very likely, considering the cost of living is higher over there. And when you are studying abroad, there's no 1 to control u!

What do bros think? Or do you know that any of them really does it? Share the story please!

09-11-2009, 02:51 AM
Highly unlikely... Did my degree abroad and I've yet to encounter such stories...

I guess we are more aware of the standard of living overseas and have done our maths before flying over. The most I heard of was working part-time at Chinese restaurants or waitress at bars or disco... This is just to earn some extra pocket money when they are free... But however, you can bonk them when you hit the right chord with them... FOC... :D

09-11-2009, 05:46 AM
anything is possible. me in australia & i see alot of korean gals here studying english course and doing FL

09-11-2009, 07:18 AM
Unlikely. But some have done FL before they went abroad.

09-11-2009, 07:37 AM
Not surprising........

09-11-2009, 01:37 PM
Unlikely. But some have done FL before they went abroad.

Bro... U tried...?

09-11-2009, 02:01 PM
Possibly. Those who could go overseas for studies would most probably have been prepared right from beginning to fork out a lump sum of money to go study overseas. Those who did not, could have most probably gone over to study and then thought of "crossing the bridge when they eventually reach it".

Some might have encountered problems such as parents not having enough money to support them mid-way and thus resorting to being FL. There are all kinds of possibilities. And it's only luck + timing whether will you or me being able to encounter such a lady. ;)
But I still believe the chances of picking up an ONS with a local girl studying overseas would be much higher then encountering a local girl doing FL overseas.

09-11-2009, 10:13 PM
Hmmm... yes they do ... but mostly because of sudden financial problems... like parent's business failed etc.

I know a few personally.

09-11-2009, 10:16 PM
The ones I knew from abroad did not do FL, they gave it for free, but only if you have white skin. Fellow countrymen pay them also they dowan... :(

09-11-2009, 10:34 PM
lol.. like ppl always say, got angmoh, our sg gcb where will wan us sg guys

Fat Fatt
10-11-2009, 01:24 AM
The ones I knew from abroad did not do FL, they gave it for free, but only if you have white skin. Fellow countrymen pay them also they dowan... :(

Ha ha, this is funny. Well, some girls still find ANG MO interesting romantic and all those things you see in the movies. not really sure if its just a stereotype. Fellow countrymen can be good lovers and good fxxK too.

10-11-2009, 04:02 AM
possible but rare. if our spore girls can afford to study overseas they r likely to come fr quite well-to-do families.

unless they r there on scholarships or they r self-dependent who work in spore for a few yrs n pay for their own sch fees abroad. otherwise i feel sporean gals want face too much to want to work in the most degrading realm of jobs. as bros oredi summed it up, d gals muz b financially very strapped or they juz love d angmo cocks too much.

10-11-2009, 09:04 AM
possible, but the PRC here in the local uni are normally from well to do family and on scholarship. so its not really possible for these gals, but for those who came on their own account to take part time studies here, they might.

11-11-2009, 01:41 AM
Hmmm... yes they do ... but mostly because of sudden financial problems... like parent's business failed etc.

I know a few personally.

Bro iyauh, u know a few personally? any story to share?

11-11-2009, 02:19 AM
I doubt there are any who work as FLs while doing their degrees overseas. I think that for most of the times, they are likely to be doing it for the companionship or as a ONS only.

12-11-2009, 07:41 AM
I knew this girl called C when I was studying in Perth years ago. At that time, she was 19 and was one of those people who had gone overseas to study after poly. Already knew her in Singapore because she was one of my army mates' girlfriend. Still remember that she was quite pretty, about 155 cm but very very fair and nice hair and nice big boobs. Of course, PCC about her already during army days whenever go out with friends.

When I was in Perth, I was one of those people that chiong a lot... Koreans, PRCs and stuff. Just one day when I was at the casino, my contact called me and said that recently there has been a singaporean girl making waves in Perth's chionging line. All who has been there will know that Singaporean kangtaos don't come easily. So ho seh... make booking ... when I got there, I got a shock lo.

It was like a fantasy come true.

Fat Fatt
17-11-2009, 02:20 AM
Ha ha, this is funny. Well, some girls still find ANG MO interesting romantic and all those things you see in the movies. not really sure if its just a stereotype. Fellow countrymen can be good lovers and good fxxK too.

Strange, someone zap me with a comment "zap u okt".

I am no okt, but not sure what is the issue with my comment? Sigh....

17-11-2009, 01:38 PM
[QUOTE=Angelsonline;4274788]I doubt there are any who work as FLs while doing their degrees overseas. I think that for most of the times, they are likely to be doing it for the companionship or as a ONS only.[/

Agreed! Sg gal more stupid than other countries, like china or korea or even usa,
others do it for money to support themselves in terms of school fees or whichever reasons, SG gals dun do it for money, they do it for FREE!:D