View Full Version : A fling that turn my life upside down
24-11-2009, 01:58 PM
Just a input to share my latest experience with a girl. Sorry if it looks a bit long....
It started with a drinking session with a male friend at a pub. It was just the two of us drinking, singing songs and chatting, when a girl out of no way approaches us or rather me. I was more than delighted when she asked me whether can we be friends because I am not those that usually will be approaced by the opposite sex in a pub beside the waitresses.
She is short about 1.6, slim, a mix of Chinese and baba, looks adorable but not consider pretty.
With a sense of "hao lian", I gave my friend a wink until she continued on the conversation that nearly made me fell off the chair. She said "Actually, my friend over there would like to know you". We looked over the direction at where she pointed and my heart sank in embrassement while my friend burst into laughter, not forgetting to wink back at me.
The girl signalled her friend over and I sweared I would have dug a hole and buried myself. The friend walked up to us and introduce HIMSELF as Dennis.
It was the most wierd situation and I totally do not know how to react. I would love to reach out my hands and slapped my friend who giggled non stop throughout and for encouraging them to stay with us even though I kindly rejected them. I kept talking to the girl, by the way let's called her DD (because now I called her Dear Dear), and tried my very best to avoid the guy. We sang songs, drink and chatted.
When it was about time for us to leave, Dennis asked me for my number which I rejected him. Later DD came over and asked me for my number which I knew she did it on Dennis's behalf. I asked her number in return which she reject.
DD: Aiya, friend friend mah, why you so afraid to give Dennis your number?
Me: Ya lor, friend friend mah, why you so afraid to give me your number?
In the end, she exchanged her number with me for Dennis.
Next few days, Dennis did called me or sms me but our conversation is short and cold; at times I even missed his calls or smses. Same things happened when I called or sms DD.
About 1 week after we exchanged number, DD sms me whether to have dinner with her and Dennis and my condition is only if DD stayed throughout the dinner. DD agreed and we met that evening for dinner.
You would have guessed what happened at the dinner. Dennis kept his attention on me, while I kept mine on DD. It wasn't totally a disaster as I guess DD was trying to lighten up the dinner by keeping chatty and shared a lot about herself and asking me about myself. I got her msn and of course Dennis too and started to chat with her on msn frequently. DD started to felt relax with me and opened up to me as we chatted more things and soon she began sharing about her ex boyfriends and her sex life to me.
We have 2 other sessions of this wierd combination of dinner. There was another one but last minute Dennis was caught up at works and DD wanted to cancel it which I protested enthusiastically on why we cannot have dinner without Dennis since we are friends and since we are already at the meeting place.
So, that dinner was only me and DD. We chatted about almost anything under the sun and of course also the subject on "sex". The conversation that night was getting hotter and bolder and it really turned me on HOT. I suggested going for a drink since it was still early. At first she didn't want to but surprisingly she gave in after a short persuading.
We went to a nearby pub and order some beers. Soon, after 1 and a half jug, she started to move her body to the music of the KTV system; and soon she was leaning her back on my body which gave me a good feel of her butts against my already harden birdie. I am now no longer HOT, it is now on FOREST FIRE mode.
24-11-2009, 05:18 PM
Interesting.....more please........:)
24-11-2009, 05:59 PM
nice....start my camp fire liao.......
24-11-2009, 06:29 PM
Cool TS, pls continue. But pls dun tell me you bonked DD in the end and also discovered that she is actually a she-male at the end......
24-11-2009, 06:33 PM
Ts pls keep the story cumming :D
24-11-2009, 06:39 PM
Cool TS, pls continue. But pls dun tell me you bonked DD in the end and also discovered that she is actually a she-male at the end......
my guess is DD fake drunk and went hotel wif TS oni to drug him wif her lips, tat's when Dennis appear out of nowhere wif whips and candles...DD reaches out for her HD video cam eagerly...
jus kiddin TS...a little humor to keep this thread alive...plse cont'
24-11-2009, 06:44 PM
Oh oh do i sense a threesome here...TS on top of DD and Dennis on top of TS....:D:D:D
24-11-2009, 06:49 PM
camping for more
Roman city
24-11-2009, 06:56 PM
interesting story, parking here for more:)
24-11-2009, 09:06 PM
What a good start.
25-11-2009, 12:55 AM
setup camp!
25-11-2009, 03:10 AM
firers check ... check ... check ...
firers burst fire .... engage ....
25-11-2009, 05:52 AM
Interesting. Please continue.
James Teo
25-11-2009, 10:03 AM
firers check ... check ... check ...
firers burst fire .... engage ....
Quick get the firemen on standby . :p ;) Bro TS nice story . Please continue.
25-11-2009, 10:39 AM
Thanks all the bros.
2nd part
DD moved her body according to the music while her back still leaning on me; in other words her butt was massaging my already on fire birdie. My thought then had only one option, I wanted her, but how? I am never good in situation like this, but I knew I needed to get a place and the nearest I can think of is Hotel 81 at Keong Siak Street. I need to buy condoms and there is a 7-11 at Keong Siak Street. So how to bring her there?
I knew I need to proceed fast as I am not ready to let her drink more and get drunk and not to drag too late for fear she gave the excuse of “it’s late I need to go home”.
So stupidly, I asked her
Me: You looked tipsy. U ok?
DD: Im ok, think a bit high.
Me: You want go out for a walk and drink some water?
DD: Still got half a jug left leh. Finish first lah.
Me: Aiya, is ok lah. No need to finish one lah. Dun want you to go back drunk.
We stepped out of the pub and I asked her
Me: Hey, you been to Keong Siak Street?
DD: No
Me: Let’s take a stroll there. Go there see see.
DD: Yeeee….Dun want lah. That side got lots of chicken.
Me: Aiya, now no more liao lah. Now down there a lot of pubs and people, very safe. Some more I am here to protect you.
DD: OK lor.
So we proceed to walked from Tanjong Pagar to Keong Siak Street. I led her to hotel 81 and then proceed to ask her whether she needed a rest and some more can watch her favourite TV show “Little Nonya”. At first, she gave me that shock look, but after hearing “Little Nonya”, she agreed, but her condition was she would leave after “Little Nonya”.
I agreed to it with my fingers crossed and asked her to wait for me while I go to 7-11 to buy mineral water for her to wash down the beer. Of course, main item, condom, and some beers for myself.
We booked a room and proceed up. She tucked herself comfortably in the bed as she watched the show, while I sat beside her side by side. To me the signal was not strong enough to lay her and yes, I was a bit chicken not knowing how to proceed from there.
There was only one bedside sideboard and so all the drinks are put there. As I didn’t offered her any, occasionally she would lean her body towards me with some form of contacts and took the drink herself and put back. The smell, the touch and her boobs acted like a gasoline keeping the fire on my dick burning but yet I didn’t know how I should proceed from there.
Tick tock tick tock, “Little Nonya” is ending soon and I have already succeeded half way. What should I do next?
see see only
25-11-2009, 10:52 AM
Just a input to share my latest experience with a girl. Sorry if it looks a bit long....
soon she was leaning her back on my body which gave me a good feel of her butts against my already harden birdie. I am now no longer HOT, it is now on FOREST FIRE mode.
O sorry hor...... Me really cuntfusing la....... TS is boy or girl or she-male or what .........:confused::confused:
She got a birdie or he got blur blur liao, I think me too striaght la
BUT maybe TS can continue with your story faster la, so me can be enlighten :D
25-11-2009, 05:34 PM
TS = Male
DD = Female
Dennis = Gay
25-11-2009, 06:16 PM
TS = Male
DD = Female
Dennis = Gay
TS = Shemale
DD = Female
Dennis = Katoey-lover
25-11-2009, 06:26 PM
Interesting stuff, camping here for more, :D:D
25-11-2009, 08:57 PM
Maybe Ts is your turn to act tispy n drunk.. who noe 1 action lead to others n both hands clapping liao.. :D Is That time the “Little Nonya” acting of the raping scene??
25-11-2009, 09:30 PM
interesting story. camp here for more update. :)
26-11-2009, 10:30 AM
Good. Please continue.
26-11-2009, 02:21 PM
It’s getting interesting….please carry on……....
26-11-2009, 03:41 PM
Staying tuned.......
26-11-2009, 04:15 PM
Thanks bros for all your support and good comments.
To answer to some confusion,
TS=100% male
Dennis=Gay+DD's good friend
I can't recall what scene of "Little Nonya" was shown during then as I was too busy thinking about my next move.
26-11-2009, 04:18 PM
Nice story. :D
26-11-2009, 04:42 PM
Tick Tock, Tick Tock; time is running out for me as “Little Nonya” is coming to an end and I have no clue what is my next step. Still thinking hard, I suddenly felt something on my shoulder; I turned around and saw her head resting on my shoulder and I saw on the TV set that “Little Nonya” has just finished.
I asked her whether is she tired and whether she needed a rest first since we still have another hour. She slightly raised her head up from my shoulder and our faces were very close. She looked at me for a short while making me very shy and before I could open my mouth to repeat my question, she gave me a peck on my lips.
“Ho Say Liao”, I was telling myself. All the worries and thinking were in vain. I pushed my head over and we had a deep long kiss. I can’t recall how long that kiss lasted, but as we kissed, she grabbed on to my neck and we slowly sink onto the bed and slowly me on top of her.
I started to feel her body with my anxious and desperate hands while she took her time slowly caressing from my neck to my back and finally ending on my “brother”. She was teasing with her hand on my shaft skillfully over my pants. I would love to release my birdie out, out of its agony, save him from the torture since the last 2 hours. But I knew I had to play it slowly and not seen as desperate type.
Bit by bit she removed my clothing and bit by bit, I removed hers. Without further hesitation we fuck. Two good sessions in one hour.
After the sessions, without any word, she proceeded to the bathroom and closed the door. I was taken aback by this action. I can felt a sense of sadness coming on her and she seems to cut out any chance of conversation with me. She came out of the bathroom shortly and proceeds to dress while I tried to ask her if there is anything wrong. She just shaked her head and continue on her dressing up. I told her to wait for me as I rushed to the bathroom to clean up. What has happened? Were my sessions earlier with her that bad? Not that I can sense it as she was biting her lips and moaning during the sessions and grabbing me tightly. Was it guilt that she felt as she just fucked a guy she hardly known?
I wanted to send her back, but she refused and insisted to go back on her own. I can sense that she was sad. My mind was wondering what I did.
I didn’t ask her and we departed separately. On the way back, I was still thinking and envying myself about the good fucks I had earlier, it has been sometimes since I had such a good session; but at the same time I was worried for her, not knowing why she suddenly went quiet and a sense of sadness surrounding her.
I sms her while on the way back but she did not reply to any of them. I was worried.
I will continue tomorrow in regards to why she went quiet suddenly, but just to share some lights; later I found out that she was actually waiting for me to take actions on her. When she finds that I am still not taking any action and is getting late, she has to do it and that’s why she gave me a peck to kick start the session. Like me, she was all hot up after the “sex” talks during dinner time.
26-11-2009, 05:13 PM
TS = Shemale
DD = Female
Dennis = Katoey-lover
bro,ur sudden out of the blue comment made me burst out laughing
26-11-2009, 06:05 PM
nice story...keep it going
30-11-2009, 10:56 AM
Thanks bros and my apologies as my home internet was down over the weekend.
Allow me to continue the story.
That night, I was still puzzled by the reaction she gave.
The next morning, I saw her logging onto msn and started my chat with her. After much persistent, she finally revealed that she don’t feel good going to bed with me as it was like stealing her best friend’s boyfriend. WTF! Since when I became another guy’s boyfriend?
I assured her again and again and again that Dennis and me can never be together and I confessed that I am interested in her and that Dennis is just a one sided and of course I am no gay. Anyway, she knew but just felt bad and afraid that her relationship with Dennis will go down the drain. After much assurance, I guessed she felt better and we continued chatting and flirting around.
The next day, as usual we chatted on msn. She told me that she was having morning half day that day and I grabbed the opportunity to ask her for lunch. She was ok and we decided to meet Chinatown for lunch.
When she met, she asked me how come I looked so tired and I confessed to her that I went drinking that night before and have yet to recover. I am not sure about you brothers but alcohol does increase my sex drive, especially the following day. I don’t deny that day I was horny and was wanted a good fuck. I asked her whether she mind if I took a rest at a hotel room first as I was really tired and then we proceed to lunch, I ensured her that she will not be late for work. She hesitated a while but nodded her head.
Ho Say liao. Needless to explain further what happened next in the room. That day, she called back office and took the other half day leave. We spent one whole day in the hotel naked in bed chit chatting and at least have sex 5 times.
During that day, she confessed that she is comfortable with me and has a slight liking for me. Of course I felt good but I wasn’t really ready for any relationship as I only took her as a fling, a sex buddy. She also told me that she can spend a night over that coming Saturday as she told her parents she will be out with friends having a hen night. I grabbed the chance to ask her whether she can change her plan to staying over night with me instead. She said “See how first”.
We had more sessions of sex for the next few days to come; during lunch time, after works until the hotel 81 at Chinatown asked me whether I wanted to be a member.
Soon day by day, one week passed. On a Friday night, I was drinking with my friends and got myself very “high”…..
30-11-2009, 12:49 PM
Hi TS,
Yes...... HIGH... but please do not leave us HIGH AND DRY........ Keep it cumming.
Keep the story coming. Looking forward to read the next installment.
Big Sexy
30-11-2009, 05:27 PM
here comes the scary part..:D
Excerpt from the Straits Times 13 July 2008:
Although well-read, the 49-year-old had never bothered to find out more about Aids and other sexually transmitted diseases because he was celibate.
That lack of curiosity is something he now regrets deeply.
'I wish I had known about PEP. I could have been HIV-free now, even if I cannot erase what happened to me,' he told The Sunday Times.
He said he had contracted the virus after being raped during a trip to Taiwan in March this year.
A series of tests found him HIV positive. There were also lesions on his anal wall and he had anal warts, gonorrhoea and chlamydia too.
Blinking back tears, the devout Buddhist said: 'Imagine - from having no sex to getting everything at one go.'
Soon day by day, one week passed. On a Friday night, I was drinking with my friends and got myself very “high”…..
30-11-2009, 10:53 PM
here comes the scary part..:D
Wad's done cannot be undone...hoped he complete the story before...:p
see see only
01-12-2009, 01:38 AM
Thanks bros and my apologies as my home internet was down over the weekend.
Soon day by day, one week passed. On a Friday night, I was drinking with my friends and got myself very “high”…..
"High" is good...........:D
酒醉失身最自然 :D
I try my best to translate to english ........
You will act most natural and at your true side when you lose your "body" if you are drunk .. :D
01-12-2009, 10:39 AM
I still don't see how the fling could turn your life upside down unless... you're converted! :eek:
Gan kar-chng arh!:eek::eek::eek:
01-12-2009, 10:45 PM
"High" is good...........:D
酒醉失身最自然 :D
I try my best to translate to english ........
You will act most natural and at your true side when you lose your "body" if you are drunk .. :D
:eek: Dangerous, bro...what if you wake up and you see SHERINE AKA INCREDIBLE HULK beside you???
see see only
02-12-2009, 08:51 AM
:eek: Dangerous, bro...what if you wake up and you see SHERINE AKA INCREDIBLE HULK beside you???
Err....... :D At least during the half drunk state, you enjoy the sexsion mah - and my statement did not mentioned anything on the wake up part right ???? :D
Fcuk now (but safety first) think later :cool:
02-12-2009, 09:59 AM
I still don't see how the fling could turn your life upside down unless... you're converted!
Gan kar-chng arh
Gan kar-chng? Sekali it is his kar chng tio gan....:p:p
02-12-2009, 12:39 PM
To my concern bros, dun wori, still a pussy believer, not converted.
It was 12 am plus, my friends had left and I am damn high from the drinking. I thought of DD and called her and said I wanted to meet her now, how I missed her, blah blah blah. She rejected at first but relent later and sms me her address. I boarded a cab and off to her house.
When I reached her block, she was waiting for me downstairs. Still high in alcohol, I stepped out from the cab, grabbed her and French kiss her, forgetting to close the cab door, until the uncle horned us to get our attention.
She took me to the level of her house and asked me to wait at one corner, as she told me she needs to ensure her parents were sleeping. She came out awhile later and asked me to sneak in quietly. Like thief, we sneaked in quietly to her room. Once inside the room, she started to undress me bit by bit, in a tidily manner. First my shoes, then my socks, then my shirt which she hanged it up neatly, followed by my pants and again she folded neatly and place it on the chair. I was now left with my underwear and I was about to grab her and have a good fuck, when she stop me and guided me to the bed and tugged me to bed like a child. She then lay beside me quietly and asked me to sleep. I wanted to strip her, but she stopped me and warned me sternly that I should go to sleep. After many attempts, I failed and soon I fell asleep.
When I woke up, she was already waken and laying beside me looking at me. She planted a peck on my cheeks and greeted me “Good Morning”. I have to admit, the feeling was nice. In response I kissed her and things just happened after that.
Now, it was Saturday and we supposed to be out over night. I went back home first to wash up and changed after her parents left the house and met her later outside in the evening.
I wanted to book a better hotel at least 81, but she felt that Frangance is good enough. You brothers should know the differences between a Frangance and 81. Frangance don’t even provide a proper blanket; but of course what can one complain as the pricing is so much difference for overnight stay. I wanted to bring her to a restaurant for dinner, but she insisted on a coffeeshop. We didn’t fuck the whole evening; we went for a show “Slumdog Millionaires”, walked a bit, went back hotel watched Ch 5 “Lords of the Ring”, then have our first fuck for that evening. It wasn’t what I had in mind, but things turned out a bit differently.
That day, she gave me a sweet girlfriend feeling, from the moment I woke up when she pecked on me to the evening when we just enjoyed each other company.
From then onwards, we started to chat more on the phone, especially at night; we can chatted like hours about anything. I would make an effort to meet her for lunch everyday. We still have our fuck sessions, but not that much. To meet, I met fewer customers and brought in lesser sales because I wanted to meet her more.
Things started to change when a girl asked the golden question. “Where are we heading from here?” I was caught off guard when she asked me that, I can only said “No where, I am comfortable at where we are.” The next day, she called me up and said that we shouldn’t meet anymore; she wanted to end this relationship. Being a prideful guy, I responded “ok”. The next few days, even when we were online, I restraint myself from talking to her.
Two weeks passed, my life seems to be missing something. I knew it was her. The past I would go down and have lunch with her, now I eating alone. The past every night I would chat with her over the phone, now I am so lost not knowing what to do. Then I didn’t do my sales because I wanted to meet her, now I didn’t do my sales because I have no mood.
Finally one day, I received a sms from her. She told me she got a boyfriend……
see see only
02-12-2009, 12:50 PM
Err.. TS sorry hor, your story upto this portion - the title should sound like this - better :rolleyes: i think
"I turn my life upside down for a fling" .............. :D
But enjoying - please continue
02-12-2009, 03:27 PM
Bro TS, you sound like an asshole! :eek:
02-12-2009, 03:43 PM
so is she turn ur life upside down ?
or bcos of her , u make ur life upside down ?
den sallow ur pride n ask her back lo :)
02-12-2009, 03:51 PM
superb, actually i think if i consolidate all the stories abd publish it, can be best seller in Singapore!
see see only
02-12-2009, 04:00 PM
superb, actually i think if i consolidate all the stories abd publish it, can be best seller in Singapore!
"Chicken Soup" is one of a bestselling book :cool:
02-12-2009, 10:39 PM
Feel sorry for TS...
03-12-2009, 03:15 AM
Continue Pls....Dun stop....
03-12-2009, 11:49 AM
Thanks bros for all your comments and sorry about the title which caused some confusion.
She sms me that she had a boyfriend. I was sad but still I put up a strong front and congratulate her. You can call me an asshole, but then my feeling had sank to the bottomless pit after learning she had a boyfriend and I just felt like chasing her back. I started to flirt with her over the sms and soon our sms became intimate. I confessed to her that I missed her a lot during these two weeks and that I realized I have fallen for her. She replied back that she missed me too but is too late now that she got a boyfriend. I can understand and did not force my way through; after all it was me that “gave her up” initially. We arranged for lunch that day.
After we stopped our sms, there was still 2 hours before we met. I wanted to do something to make her feel happy as I can sense that she was sad over the sms. I search through the internet to find the lyrics of our song, “An Jing”, a song that both of us like. I spent that 2 hours learning that song, I wanted to sing to her and made her smile.
We met and she looked sad. We have our lunch chatting about our work, avoiding the topic on relationship. I can sense that both of us were controlling our emotion. It was one of the worst lunch I had.
Finally we finished our lunch and it was time for her to go back to work. I walked her to her office. Now her office is those older shop house type where there is a crampy wooden staircase that brings you up to the second or third level. I walked her up the staircase and halfway, I stopped her and out of no where I sang that song to her. Mistake! My plan backfired; instead of making her smile, she burst into tears. I panic and started apologizing to her as it was never my intention to make her cried. Somehow we ended up hugging each other tightly as I tried my best to comfort her, trying to make her stop crying. After a while, she stopped crying. She laid back her head from my shoulder and we were still in the position of hugging. Our eyes met and not knowingly, our lips met and we kissed most passionately on that dark, crampy staircase. Soon, she needs to go back to work and we departed. Soon after we departed, she sms me thanking me for the lunch and the song and that she is very touched. She hopes that we can still be friend. That night, we chatted on the phone and it was then I knew that she is now staying with her boyfriend and that her boyfriend is in the retail line.
For the next few days, we met quite often for lunch again, but we always avoid the topic on “us”. She didn’t want to leave her boyfriend and I didn’t want to force her as long as I can get to be with her. She didn’t tell her boyfriend about me and we can’t go out as much as we used to as her boyfriend would call and check on her.
I thought we can just be friends and as long as I can spent time with her, I am happy; but I was wrong, it didn’t work that way. We continue to have lunch everyday and one day as I sent her back to office, something happened.
07-12-2009, 02:00 PM
Her boyfriend called and he was waiting at her office downstairs. She told me what happened after she put down the phone and I make a 45 degree turn, no question asked. I never get a chance then to see her boyfriend, but the feeling was terrible.
The next day which is a Saturday, she called me up early in the morning and chit chat. I have to admit I missed her and so I asked her whether she want lunch together since her boyfriend was working. At first, she didn’t want; say she can’t go to town in case her boyfriend called to check on her. I told her that I didn’t mind going to her area or rather her boyfriend area since she is staying with him now. She agreed.
Just as I was about the leave the house, she called me to asked me whether I am going out later as she bought something for me and knowing I wouldn’t like to carry it with me if I am going out. I told her yes and insisted to know what she has bought as I didn’t want any expensive present from her.
Me : Aiya, what you buy for me? I don’t want any present from you lah.
DD : Is ok, anyway I have already buy. It’s just a brief (underwear). Thought it look nice on you.
Me : Don’t know lah. Anyway later I go out, don’t want take a box of underwear around. (thinking why all my girlfriends like to buy brief for me. Those I buy also not ugly)
DD : Hmmmmm…..why not you come don’t wear, later u go kopithiam toilet to put on.
After much here and there, finally I relent.
Finally I reached her place, it was from one corner of Singapore to another, but to me is worth it. I called her and asked her to come down meet me, but she say she was not ready and needed a while more with her housework and ask me to go up waited for her.
Seriously, I wasn’t thinking of anything initially, but when she asked me go up, my lower head started to think of something before my top head. I went up and she invited me in saying she need more time. Then she led me to the room, passed me the underwear and asked me to change. She left without closing the door, leaving me hard and don’t know what to think of. I started to unzip my jeans when I heard her coming in; she was holding some laundry and she just put it on the chair next to me. By then, my jeans is already half way down, showing my hard cock. She looked at it, move to me, and ask me “Can I?” I knew what she meant and responded with a yes. She knelt down and started to suck me. The feeling of my cock in her mouth was good, and after a while, I pulled her up, kissed her while at the same time, undressing both of us. Soon, we were in bed, dragon fighting the phoenix. I stayed there from 11am to 8pm.
After that, things change; we didn’t remain just lunch mates, but every Saturday, when her boyfriend was off to work, I would sneak in and spent time with her.
Two month later, I can’t take this relationship anymore. Ironically I asked her to choose between one of us. She asked me not to force her, but I insisted as I don’t feel right about this relationship at all. Finally after some arguement, she gave in and asked me to give her 1 week to think through.
We still maintained our lunch meetings for the next two days which on the third day, she asked me whether I would like to go over to her place as she was on leave and her boyfriend was on an oversea trip for four days. Of course I went over, and yes we fucked most of the time, but for the next few days it was special.
We took leave on the next day, both of us. We woke up and she made me breakfast, on her computer for me to play, bring me hot tea to drink, make lunch for me, fuck a bit in the afternoon, boiled home make barley, took a nap together, cook dinner together, watch tv together and we didn’t do all these just on that day but for the next two days. I have to leave on the fourth day as her boyfriend would be coming back. Those three days was heaven to me.
Yes I know I am an asshole, but I was madly in love then, and during that 3 days, she assured me she will leave her boyfriend and even planned with me how to break with him.
7 days is up, I asked for an answer, she told me her boyfriend is giving her a hard time, she needed another week to tell him. I consented.
Another 7 days passed, she called me and asked to meet me at Toa Payoh, where she broke the news that she is breaking up with me. She said she couldn’t leave her boyfriend and when I pressed for an answer, she refused to tell me and walked away, saying she is sorry; leaving me puzzled and hating her and heart broken.
07-12-2009, 03:54 PM
bro look on the bright side.. @ least u "tan tio" a few days of great sex...
07-12-2009, 05:30 PM
i want more, pls continue!!!
07-12-2009, 06:35 PM
Another 7 days passed, she called me and asked to meet me at Toa Payoh, where she broke the news that she is breaking up with me. She said she couldn’t leave her boyfriend and when I pressed for an answer, she refused to tell me and walked away, saying she is sorry; leaving me puzzled and hating her and heart broken.
You up her first, refuse to commit, she LL go get a committed BF, you up her again, then ask her to break up with her BF that you push her to in the first place.
You are puzzled? Bro... you are an asshole. Why you want her to be with an asshole?
You hate her? You should thank your lucky star that she don't hate you instead for almost destroying her life... a SECOND time.
And your heart is broken? You broke hers first what.
Maybe you should ask her to arrange for her BF to meet up with you. Print out these few pages from SBF and pass it to him. After that, take it like a man.:D
07-12-2009, 07:19 PM
You up her first, refuse to commit, she LL go get a committed BF, you up her again, then ask her to break up with her BF that you push her to in the first place.
You are puzzled? Bro... you are an asshole. Why you want her to be with an asshole?
You hate her? You should thank your lucky star that she don't hate you instead for almost destroying her life... a SECOND time.
And your heart is broken? You broke hers first what.
Well said. Claps claps. ;)
People always dont know how to treasure what they had until the day they lost it but it is too late for regrets.
07-12-2009, 09:31 PM
Somehow, I got a feeling that she will still go back to TS....and a storm is brewing... imho...
Nevertheless, very nice to read! :D
08-12-2009, 12:38 AM
Maybe her BF was Dennis.............
08-12-2009, 11:59 AM
Maybe her BF was Dennis.............
Yeah, probably they may scheme to let TS kena gan kar chng by Dennis as revenge. :D
08-12-2009, 12:18 PM
Very nice story...:)
08-12-2009, 01:47 PM
Thanks all bros who take time to read and comments.
Yes, I am an asshole. I have no right to be angry or “hate” her. But at that moment I have to admit, I did have these feelings. She has assured me she will choose me; we even planned on ways she can break with her boyfriend, but why the sudden change. My world came crushing down. What happen? She refused to tell me. I called her up after she walked away seeking for an answer but she just refused to tell me. Was it that he had something over her? What happened? She just refused to tell me. All she say was she is sorry and she still loves me.
My anger turned into disappointment and worry by the end of the day, still worrying what had happened. Disappointed because I was all geared up to be with her; I was ready to take back my rental unit to stay with her, forgoing my $2500 monthly rental; everyday dreaming about spending time with her; enjoying our world; but it crushed all of a sudden and not even knowing why. Worried because I didn’t know what happen; is he holding something against her.
For the next few days I earnestly seek an answer, but she just refused, crying saying she is sorry, she didn’t mean it and that she still loves me. Finally I gave up after she assured me she is ok and nothing is held against her by her boyfriend. She asked me whether can we still be friends and would love to continue to meet up with me for lunch. I told her yes, at least to me I can still spent time with her. However we understand that things can never be the same again and we make a pact that we stop meeting in private, no more lovely dovely, no more kisses and of course no more sex. I guessed that is the best we can do since the break up.
We still met for lunch but not that often; but each time I met her, it was a terrible feeling inside. It was like we love each other but yet we can’t respond to that love. I knew she wasn’t happy at all and it hurts me to see that.
One week later the break up, after our lunch, I sent her back to her office. As usual, by then I would take my leave; but she asked me whether I can accompany her up. I knew something is coming and I knew is against our pact and is unfair to her boyfriend; but I can’t help it. I accompany her up. Half way the staircase at a corner, she asked me whether she can hug me as she missed me; without further ado, like a hungry lion, I grabbed her and we kissed violently. Yes, we have sex on that staircase that afternoon; a quickie. She was hungrily unzipping me and pulling out my dick while I turned her around, pull up her skirt and down her panties. Yes I am again an asshole. Yes, we wanted each other so much that we just let things happen. No, I didn’t shoot into her. Yes, that staircase contains my sperm.
After that, for the next few meet up with her, even a blind man can see that she is more cheerful, happy. About our sex life, yes, we continued back to meet every Saturday and also having exciting quickies on the staircase.
By now, I think most bros are tired of our break up and patch back. But the key question to me then is still what make her broke her promise to me by refusing to be with me. She rather has a secret love affair with me than to be my girlfriend.
One Saturday, as usual I was with her. I was meddling with her notebook as she was busy doing the household chores. I came across, through her history, her blog. She never mentioned to me she has a blog. I read it; it was normal, nothing much as she didn’t update it much. One blog leads to another; I clicked on it and realized it was her boyfriend’s blog. I read it from the beginning and as I read, then something from the blog shocked me.
08-12-2009, 02:15 PM
woooo ... what was written on the blog ??? quick tell : )
anyway ... I have the same type of experience ... involved with a girl who is already attached ... I tried to hint to her to leave that guy but after a while, I realized she won't do it ...
there are a few reasons that I guess are holding her back
1) she don't want to be the person to break her partner's heart ... she told me she will be happy to find out that her partner is having affair but I guess after many years together, it's hard for her to leave
2) she don't want to take the risk ... our relationship maybe hot n caring now as it's an affair but if we become bgf, our sparks might die down and becoming as boring as the relationship that she is having now
3) maybe I am not the man that she want to settle down with. tho she complain abt the boring sex life with her partner n how boring he is, he is able to provide her a big house and relative safe n stable life.
4) last but not least, maybe she is greedy .... just like men who like to have wife n mistress outside .... she might be having the best of both worlds ... and sadly, I am the "mistress"
anyway ... I did want to leave her but at the end of the day ... i realized, once I acknowledge my position and come to terms with what we can only have ... I am at peace with that and no longer wish to ask her to leave him
and plus ... why give up on a good shag partner for some petty emotions? that my 2 cents worth ;)
08-12-2009, 02:26 PM
Let me guess her so call bf is actually gay...
08-12-2009, 09:45 PM
Getting really interesting... :p
Please continue, bro washabi!
09-12-2009, 01:28 AM
continue please... getting interesting
09-12-2009, 01:49 AM
1) most guys miss out the greatest gift of life from the female gender to get into a serious relationship, get married and divorce.
2) Hey TS, why don't u jus giv her life back to her.if she's destined to be ur's, she'll be back anyway.
3) Meantime, enjoy ur regular free fuck and passionate great sex while stocks last aye!
09-12-2009, 03:44 AM
09-12-2009, 09:40 AM
i hope it's not similar another famous story posted here before, the bf got someone to rape her n so she cannot be with TS
09-12-2009, 09:53 AM
The bf wants a threesome and he is bisexual.
09-12-2009, 10:54 AM
Thanks to those brothers that up me and those that encourages and advise me.
I was shocked in what I read. In his blog, it was written he actually knew DD for many years and was her boyfriend for a few years. DD had tried to break up with him once, but he went into a depression and got crazy and threaten DD that if she leaves him, he will go oversea for good never to return. Below are some abstract from his blog,
Suddenly, I realise my character began to change, I started to speak differently to her.
I cursed her, giving her rude remarks.
She was shocked that this is not the me she knew...
I was always romantic, never curse, warm, forgiving, no foul words...
It was not me at all...
We went off to sleep and I did not sleep a drop.
I woke up early and was not myself.
I cried, she saw me and came to hug me.
But I was like talking to myself and looking at things around the house.
I kept talking to myself and I was finding for places to hide.
At one time I went into the walk-in wardrobe and was hiding around the clothes.
I wanted to go out but she kept all the house keys and my wallet.
She refused to let me out as she was worry that I might do something foolish.
She only let me out if she follows me but I wanted to go alone.
After 1 hour, she let me out, I ran but she followed.
I walked 1 round with her and came back.
I told her that I am considering to leave SG.
It will not be a temporary one but it will be a permanent one.
She cried so hard, she begged me not to leave her.
That she wants me to stay in SG and that she needs me.
She does not know how to answer to my mum as it will hurt the old lady heart.
But this is the only choice that I can do to forget her.
I am doing it for her and not myself.
She admitted to me that I am still her hubby, that she still have love and feeling for me.
That she don't want a break up...
Both knew that there was something that is preventing this break off.
Later, I tried to recall the happening but I can't fully remembered.
In the end, I told her that the doctor dignosed that I was suffering from depression.
1) weight loss, 2) eating habit, 3) lost of sleep, 4) get nervous easily, 5) At times, talk to himself. 6) He do not know himself.
She was in shock, she did not knew it and that she has caused this to me.
She told me not blame myself, to love someone can be very painful.
She now at this very hour is waiting for my decision.
Am I able to accept her back as my lover?
To some brothers, this might seen confusing. What happened was, DD tried to break up with him once before. She found someone, but her boyfriend refused to let her go and go into depression. In the end, he amazingly turned the table over and made DD guilty. After that incident, DD’s boyfriend started to check on all her bills, what she spent on her credit cards, check on her handphone call logs and messages, her bank statement, call her every hour to check where she is, emails, etc
At that time, I was angry and also pitied her. I confronted her about the blog. She broke down and admitted that the reason why she had to gave me up at the 11th hour was that she can’t bear to see him going into another stage of depression and that she doesn’t want to see him leaving Singapore permantently leaving his mother all alone here as he is the only child. I was hot, to me this is all just an act to keep her; how can this guy treated her like that; I wanted to confront him, but DD stopped me. We hugged as I comforted her and she cried herself to sleep in my arms. I was in no mood to sleep as I was more determine to “save” her from this guy.
To clear the air on why she didn't tell me about him when we met, that's because she treated me as a fling initially and she see no reason to tell me; but after she falls for me, she didn't tell me as she has no solution to her current situation until after I didn't accept her the first time.
P.s : Lolz, when I told my friend about this, he is more interested in the depression story so that he know what to tell the doctor to excuse himself from reservist.
09-12-2009, 11:09 AM
Hmm... Still sounds like a better BF than you are, bro TS! :D
09-12-2009, 11:20 AM
it is a sad story, very eager to know how u save her from her depressed bf
09-12-2009, 11:34 AM
TS, although many brothers here felt that you are an asshole but I remain neutral. I seldom respond to tread in Adult Discussion as everyone has his own life but this time I need to speak up.
DD's bf seriously needs help and the only person who can help him is his gf (DD). Your way of thinking is very selfish and ungracious. You had already 'ate' her and chew up into pieces and still not willing to let go? You wanna see something drastic then you happy? Your pride and ego forbits you to let her go. I can assure you if DD's bf is not in the picture, you would have treated her differently.
My 2 cents worth of PERSONAL opinion. No offense intended.
09-12-2009, 12:22 PM
Very often, is only when you have lost somebody dear than you will realise that they are important to you.
Lets not blame the TS, it is part and parcel of his growing up. Yes, it did started on the wrong foot, but again, he is trying to make amends to what he had done wrong. It is not easy for a man to bring down his EGO.
However, I do not agree with you meddling with her laptop and finding out information that she didnt want you to see in the first place. It is not ethical.
As for her current BF, seeking help would be the best. In the event that you manage to convince her to leave her BF, and if anything happens to her BF, the 2 of you will be feeling guilty til the day you lay motionless in the coffin.
You need to be very aware of what are the consequences and repercussions of whatever decisons you and her make.
Be very cool headed when you make a decision.
Good luck.
09-12-2009, 12:52 PM
Really interesting story.....bro washabi, more please..
Very often, is only when you have lost somebody dear than you will realise that they are important to you.
Lets not blame the TS, it is part and parcel of his growing up.
Good luck.
That is nature of most people, and journey to be mature - becoming better man and woman :cool:
09-12-2009, 08:16 PM
wow! DD bf sounds like romeo. always hide in the woods at night and hide in the room during day time! :P hahaha!
09-12-2009, 09:15 PM
I have this feeling that actually, DD is the one playing with bro washabi's feelings & not the other way round...more to it than meets the eye...note bro washabi's thread title....
Regardless, this is very very interesting to read! :D
11-12-2009, 11:18 AM
Thanks all the bro for both positive and negative comments.
I have to admit, I did tried to persuade her to leave him as I felt painful for her. I felt it was not fair to her. She claims she loves me more than him, but didn’t want to leave him because she doesn’t want him to go through another round of depression. I felt she was noble but yet sorry for her as she had to go through all these. I wanted to protect her, love her; thus I can’t bear to see her going through all these. At the same time, I also slowly turn my anger towards DD’s boyfriend into pity, so after a while I stopped trying to persuade her.
Seriously I did entertain the thought of wanting to leave this relationship; but then every times her “I love you” would melt my heart. This relationship is no longer a fling but emotion is involved in it. I hung on to it, at times hoping she will one day choose me. So officially I become a “mistress”.
Months passed and we have our many good times. I remember celebrating her birthday and seeing her so happy was a joy to me. Despite a typical “mistress” life, like last minute can’t meet me coz the boyfriend meeting her; or when I talking to her over the phone, boyfriend call I have to put down the phone; secretly meeting her; I was still pinning on the hope that she will one day choose me.
One day, a bomb shell drop on me. She called me one night and told me her boyfriend has proposed to her and she has accepted the proposal. They will be getting engage three months later. I was stunned after I heard the news; immediately I knew all my wishing thinking hopes about being with her was destroyed.
That night I couldn’t sleep at all. Finally I came out from my bed and on my computer and wrote her a letter at 4am in the morning. Of course I created an email account where her boyfriend has no access to and put it there.
This is an abstract from the letter
Dear DD
It really took me sometimes before I decided to write this letter to you and with great difficulties and pain. For the past many days, I have been thinking a lot about us, what we are doing, where we are going and I found no answer. I knew it was wrong for us to carry on, but the heart has ruled over my head and that I still wanted very much to see you and be with you; however I think after yesterday conversation when you told me about the engagement, I knew it is all over for us.
My world has collapses. I stayed up the whole night pondering what is happening. Up to now, I did not come out with any conclusion. I believe you know this relationship meant a lot to me; I rather end it now and keep the good memory rather than things turn ugly for all three of us later.
Even as I am writing now, it brings back so many of the sweet memories with you. Do you know what is the one of the most enjoyable thing I have when with you? It is when you are happy and seeing you smile. It is like a God’s mission for me to make you smile, and by seeing you smile, you have melt my heart and bring joy into me too. I will never forget the day when we celebrate your birthday together; it was so thrilling seeing the excitement you shown on your face as we took the bus to Jurong. Remember the words you told me at the Pub when I asked you whether are you comfortable there? Maybe you have forgotten, but not me. To me, seeing you happy is more than anything else.
I remember then when we first started, it was meant to be a fling, but who would have known it ended up having a relationship evolving. During then, our so call first break up, I was so sad that I knew instantly something is amiss in me because disappointment and sadness grabs my heart. I knew you didn’t have a good time too. For the first time, I have experience my true love as never in my life I have experience this feeling with any girls I dated.
I remember then, we finally got a chance to meet for lunch. I guessed you were sad, and the first thought I have in my mind was to make you smile and happy. I spent that morning searching and learning the song 安靜 and sang to you on the staircase. It was our song. You cried and then break into a smile, that’s all it matter to me and that is to see you smile.
I guess by now you know that you meant a lot to me. I was so worried for you when you came back from your trip sick that I didn’t even bother whether is H1N1 or I be infected; all I knew was that I was worried sick for you and I wanted to fly to you to take care of you and see you. I would have fly down if you have not stop me but still, I am so glad and thankful that you have allowed me to accompany you to see a doctor and let me cuddle you in bed to sleep and buy lunch for you. My worries for you did not stop for the next few days until I knew you are well.
The second break up was like a stab in my heart. I still remember I treated you badly because I was shocked and disappointed. I did not know how to react and up to today I felt so bad in treating like that.
Then, I knew my love with you is so strong that I am prepared to take back my house for you. I was fantasying everyday for that many days about we living together; it must be so sweet and happy. Unfortunately this dream did not happen and like the word I used, it was pure fantasying.I was confuse why you have make that decision, but I choose to respect you because I told myself “loving one person doesn’t mean having her by my side, as long as I know she is happy”; at least that’s how I console my friends.
But I have to admit, that statement is noble and is hard to exercise. It was not an easy period for me. I missed you very badly, I wanted to be able to dote on you, able to protect you, able to do things together with you. In the end, I knew I can’t have any of those moments with you, so I convinced myself just by seeing you and spending some times with you will be good enough.
By some luck, I managed to stumble onto your boyfriend writing about his past experiences with a breakup. At that time, my heart went out for you and him, and only then I understand why you have made this decision. The air has clear for me. I told myself I will wait for you as your decision is not of what you want. I will give you times to settle and I will support you in all ways.
However after learning about the engagement, I knew and understand that you have made your final decision. I guess you know what you want and I will respect your final decision. I have told myself I shouldn’t hold any hopes of us being together anymore.
By continuing on what we are doing only bring more pains to me and you, I hope for your understanding that I did not choose to desert you and as for me, do not worry for me. No doubt I will be sad, but I am strong and I will try my utmost to live by the noble statement, that is to “not having being with you and yet wish to see you happy”.
And because it is you, I wish from my bottom of my heart you and your boyfriend well and happy.
After she read this letter the next morning, she called me and cried over the phone saying how sorry she is; but I was firmed in the break up as I knew that is the last straw for me.
We did talk over msn and occasionally over the phone, but I have set in my mind that our conversations were strictly friends. It was very painful in my heart, but I guessed all good things have to come to an end.
Tick Tock, tick tock….as the day for the engagement is drawing near, it’s like waiting for 2012 to happen. Lolz.
11-12-2009, 12:16 PM
Always remember, history is written by winner. If DD can't bear to break the news to the bf, you should do the job. Best if you can show him some intimate photo of you and DD.
So what if he fall back into depression? Doesn't concern you anyway and you don't lose a single cent even he commit sucide. Not to worry about the guilty part, my current gf was engage and suppose to tie the knot with her fiance in Jan next year after 2yrs of courtship, still I manage to win the battle although it real tough during the 2mth I woo her. I know in the beginning that she is getting marrige, still I stepped in. I remember clearly that when she intro her fiance to me during the initially meeting up to make me give up hope of pursuiting her, I didn't even bother to shake the guy hand even though he stretch his to me. Told him 'Don't smile to me, I might be your biggest competitor'.. That joker thought I was joking back then.
To be frank, when that bum call my girl friend saying that he wants to end if life if she doesn't return to his side, deep in my heart, I was hoping that he would really do so and I will be the last man standing because my girl sometime do mention to me that she feel she is indebt to him etc etc.
Sad to say he is still alive after the threat cause I saw him in Butter factory last Saturday..
11-12-2009, 12:27 PM
Hahahahaha. Nice thread. Was in a similar position a few years back. Except I lost. But in the end that was a good thing lah.
Anyway Bro TS it doesn't sound as if you have been burnt too badly by the whole affair so whatever that may happen you oso wouldnt come off that worse for wear.
No matter what happens never ask someone to stake something very important and fundamental and yet not be prepared to back up with similar. A close friend of mine was caught in something similar. She called his bluff. He called hers. In the end she still maintain the lifeline to the other party so what you think?
No one will exactly know your situation so the best of luck!
11-12-2009, 12:49 PM
Love hurts Love scars - Nazareth
11-12-2009, 12:55 PM
Welcum to the "Mistress" club :cool:
remember to have fun and not a whiny time here :D
11-12-2009, 02:15 PM
Time will heal you. Take it as a lesson learnt and move on, you have done your part by stepping out of the relationship, it takes great courage to do that. I salute you for that. What cannot kill you, will only makes you stronger! :)
11-12-2009, 02:56 PM
Hurray! Wedding bells! :D
Bro TS, glad you finally let go.
Go Butter Factory to up chabor and find kindred souls liao! :p
11-12-2009, 03:19 PM
Good story...Many many ups for u TS.....Dun be sad...Dun give up 1 forest becox of 1 tree....Still got many Trees around......Cheers....
14-12-2009, 04:51 PM
I would like to thanks those bros who up me and taken time to read.
This will be the last installment of this story as all stories need a conclusion and this is the up to date conclusion.
Yes, we did talk occasionally on msn and met for lunch. I knew that as long as we are in the open public place, we are safe; safe from getting intimate, safe from having sex with her. I wanted to; to me that is making love more than having sex; so passionate so loving, I really missed that.
There is one thing that she always do since we started this relationship and that is she would make an effort to call me every day at least once, usually in the morning as we both travel to work separately.
During a week before her engagement, she called me saying she burnt a CD of my favourite animation and asked me to meet her for lunch and to collect from her. I agreed. After we had our lunch, she told me she left the CD in the office and asked me to go with her to collect. I wanted to wait for her downstairs, but seeing me perspiring so much from the hot afternoon, she invited me up for some aircon. I didn’t want to, but she told me its lunch time and I only stayed a while so it’s ok.
Passing through the staircase up her office brought back lots of memories; afterall, we have some many memorable time there. I rebuked myself for thinking that even though the thought did make me hard.
We stepped in the office and I was surprised to see it empty. I asked her where her colleagues were and she replied they went for the company trip leaving her behind to mend the calls. She then stepped forward in front of me and pecked on my lips which caught me by total surprise. What is she thinking and doing? I stepped back and told her I needed to go and headed off even though I wanted that peck but I knew I shouldn’t do anything further.
Very soon, she called me on my mobile and she apologized to me what happened as she cried. She asked me to go back and picked up the CD and said that she did that because she misses me and she will not do it again. I was softened by her crying and I went back. Once I reached there, she was crying and I went over to comfort her. I wanted to hug her but I restrained myself from doing it. I stood just beside her and comforted her; but as she cried she moved over and hugged me tightly. I was lost, but in the end I caved in and returned the hug. The hug was so tight that I am sure she can feel my harden dick. She then looked up to me as our eyes met. Her eyes were tearly and sweet; it melted me and I knew I wanted her very much. I grabbed her head towards me and our lips met. Our kiss slowly raised the heat as it now turned into a very fast pace. We were kissing breathlessly and the next moment she was “tearing” my shirt apart. I stopped the kiss and asked her whether are there any camera, which she answered in a fast “no”. Ok, what happened next is very direct.
After that, foolishly, my hopes of her being with me surfaced again. I asked her one last time, but she again seeks my understanding for her decision and she ended the conversation with a “I’m sorry”.
A few days later, she was engaged and after which she still called me daily.
One week after she was engaged, she called me and asked me to go up her place as she bought a present for me, it was an underwear again. I smelled something not right. It was quite obvious what she wanted. I rejected her. Three days later, she called me and asked me to meet her for lunch to pass me the 2nd part of the CD, again I rejected. Ever since then, she stopped calling me, not even msning me when both of us are online.
Am I sad? Of course I am sad. Am I happy? Yes, in a way that this thing is finally over. Does she really love me? I really don’t know. All I prefer to know is that it has been a sweet memory being with her.
All the best my DD, and wish you happy with him.
14-12-2009, 07:29 PM
有缘无份 , 相识恨晚
wishing u will be happy in e road ahead , got fate u will find someone else
take care bro ~ :)
有缘无份 , 相识恨晚
That is exactly my feeling too. :)
14-12-2009, 09:31 PM
maybe DD's fiance can't satisfy her?? :eek: lol
On a more serious note, i feel strongly that she was playing with your feelings, bro washabi... and I am glad that you resisted the urge to get into a web of mess again. You will find someone better!
Thanks for the great, albeit sad story...
14-12-2009, 10:14 PM
it's really a sad story that will engrave into ur heart
14-12-2009, 10:29 PM
Ahhh very nice story and very well written too
16-12-2009, 01:40 AM
Always remember, history is written by winner. If DD can't bear to break the news to the bf, you should do the job. Best if you can show him some intimate photo of you and DD.
So what if he fall back into depression? Doesn't concern you anyway and you don't lose a single cent even he commit sucide. Not to worry about the guilty part, my current gf was engage and suppose to tie the knot with her fiance in Jan next year after 2yrs of courtship, still I manage to win the battle although it real tough during the 2mth I woo her. I know in the beginning that she is getting marrige, still I stepped in. I remember clearly that when she intro her fiance to me during the initially meeting up to make me give up hope of pursuiting her, I didn't even bother to shake the guy hand even though he stretch his to me. Told him 'Don't smile to me, I might be your biggest competitor'.. That joker thought I was joking back then.
To be frank, when that bum call my girl friend saying that he wants to end if life if she doesn't return to his side, deep in my heart, I was hoping that he would really do so and I will be the last man standing because my girl sometime do mention to me that she feel she is indebt to him etc etc.
Sad to say he is still alive after the threat cause I saw him in Butter factory last Saturday..
I agree with you, bro Tigershark.
I strongly believe in Darwin's theory of natural selection.
Those weakest will die/be killed first. Similarly, in life, those who cannot master their inadequacies and commit suicide from depression, don't deserve to live anyway.
Their weakness and stupidity must not be passed on to their offspring through their genes. Which is why they are slated to kill themselves before having any offspring, as nature intended. If you keep such people alive, you will pollute the gene pool, upsetting nature's balance, and instead of the human race becoming stronger and better, you promote weakness.
I don't think it's heartless to tell a potential suicide victim to 'go ahead'. I believe it's more of helping society rid itself of those too weak to go on with life by themselves.
16-12-2009, 01:44 AM
Thanks for sharing, Washabi.
Very gut-wrenching to read, but I think you are very brave and strong to be able to reject DD's advances after her engagement.
I hope you find someone else who will love you as much as you will love her.
16-12-2009, 12:15 PM
I don't think it's heartless to tell a potential suicide victim to 'go ahead'. I believe it's more of helping society rid itself of those too weak to go on with life by themselves.
Bro, I think you would do great manning the SOS Helplines. :rolleyes:
Either you're really young and have yet to shoulder some really heavy responsibilities before or you grew up in some Ivory-Tower surroundings.
There are times when life beats us down to the ground and no hope is in sight. The level of tolerance before we break are different from one another.
Are you sure it's even morally correct to tell someone to end their life in their moment of weakness? If they are going to die because of some trifle matters, then I agree with you. If not?
Anyway, since you want to be a crusader for 'society', why not go to IMH and do something about their wards that houses patients with depression? All talk and no action... Darwinian Laws specifies that it can only work where there is a Prey-Predator relationship for both to grow, you know? :D
Also, I think you did not read enough books. Mental fortitude is NOT hereditary. Nor is intelligence. Or else Albert Einstein's father should be more famous than him. I ask you lar, you prefer to fuck and impregnate a mentally fragile Lin Zhi Ling or a sibei resilient Mo Xiao Ling?:p
17-12-2009, 12:01 AM
bro newscapegoat- are you one of those cult members at Pulau Ubin.
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