View Full Version : Orchard Towers ladyboys
17-12-2009, 11:50 PM
Thought I'll resurrect the Orchard Towers info and include all ladyboys there.
First you've got Crazy Horse on the 4th floor. It's a mix of Indonesian and Filipino gals and Thai ladyboys. The ladyboys number around 10 usually and they come in around 8.30pm. You've got a stage with dancing girls (The Filipinos and Indons alternate) and a DJ. Happy hour till 9pm, Tiger mug at $4.50. Ladydrink $18.
Club Romeo on the 3rd floor is the main joint. All ladyboys. Ladyboys dance on stage when they feel like it. Average around 20 ladyboys (currently less) and they come by 9pm. Happy hour till 10pm, Fosters draught $7 and ladydrink $22. Closes 3am Sunday to Thursday, 4am Friday and Saturday.
"Take out" prices for both clubs -asking for locals $150, non locals $200 at least. Hotel and cab extra. Better chance for bargaining between Monday to Thursday.
The suggested style - take a look whilst outside the clubs and once you spotted something you want to go for then aim for that when you go in. Inside it's darker and much harder to see details and they tend to surround you if they don't know you.
But us locals are not their first choice (we don't pay as much) so don't set your hopes up too high.
Ground Floor - from about midnight outside 7-11, local Malay ladyboys, tend to be older asking prices about same.
That's for starters, any questions please ask. I don't know everything but I'll try. ;)
18-12-2009, 12:38 AM
Bro that's a great call, thanks for all the info. Here's a question. Where do you normally take them? Got any standard hotels they go to? Is it possible to meet them back at their rooms?
18-12-2009, 01:40 AM
Bro that's a great call, thanks for all the info. Here's a question. Where do you normally take them? Got any standard hotels they go to? Is it possible to meet them back at their rooms?
Few years back, book one of Thai LB for overnight. And this LB take me to his/her apartment near river valley.
18-12-2009, 02:56 AM
wah sure expensive right?! how much did you pay? Hardly see you in the forums here, maybe because you are old hand, while I am new. Please share your experiences with this humble newbie!
18-12-2009, 04:59 AM
wah sure expensive right?! how much did you pay? Hardly see you in the forums here, maybe because you are old hand, while I am new. Please share your experiences with this humble newbie!
The usual hotels will be around Balestier or Bencoolen. Say around S$40.
Tiger bottle at Romeos, S$15 ! Stick with the draft IMO.
18-12-2009, 10:09 PM
Bro that's a great call, thanks for all the info. Here's a question. Where do you normally take them? Got any standard hotels they go to? Is it possible to meet them back at their rooms?
Usually it's Hoover in Balestier ($18, 2 hours), Hotel 81 at Bencoolen ($30? 2 hours) or a hotel near Serangoon Road ($20, 2 hours).
Usually if they stay at an apartment wherever it is, it's looked after by a "minder" and it's strictly no guests. If they get caught they're in deep shit.
Some of them stay at a hotel so you may be able to save the $20 for a room.
You normally have to go with them unless you take the long and patient process of becoming friends with them then it becomes much more informal. :D
Capcrunch were you asking me how much I pay? Well long story, but as a first timer and you don't take one of the prima donnas maybe $100 to $120 on a quiet day.
You see, in the lb game it's good to experience this once in a while. If anything for experience sake.
28-12-2009, 05:34 PM
Following this thread, I went to orchard towers to have a look. Walked into Romeo...cant really differentiate whether they are female or ladyboy. Some of them are so so lady like. But I guess there are taller and bigger in size so sgould be ladyboys. And they are chio too oh. Was talking to one of them, her sound also very ladylike, unlike those hoarse hoarse one. Just talk to her and buy a lady drink, din proceed further as it was a recce trip. May return again in future.
05-01-2010, 10:40 AM
i was in orchard tower last weekend. i noticed some of the ladyboys are hanging together with real gals. maybe i am mistaken but i am not sure. can anyone help to advice how to differentiate ladyboys from the real gals - without talking to them (do not want to offend anyone)?
05-01-2010, 10:03 PM
i was in orchard tower last weekend. i noticed some of the ladyboys are hanging together with real gals. maybe i am mistaken but i am not sure. can anyone help to advice how to differentiate ladyboys from the real gals - without talking to them (do not want to offend anyone)?
If you go to Romeos, then for certain they are all LB's. In Crazy Horse I would say if they are Thai they are LB's. But if you target the tall ones, you surely will be pointing in the right direction. Bigger trick is to make sure you get a pre-op and make sure they aint lying. I got a post-op once, despite she said she was still packing meat. Adams apples are another give away as well as that distinctive LB voice many of them have. If all else fails, start grabbing some crotch ! :D
06-01-2010, 09:29 PM
Generally, the ladyboys stick together. The ladyboys may have the odd conversation with GGs but by and large they always look out for their friends and have long conversations with them.They also stick together with their clique, these are usually the ones they share rooms with or are old friends.
Incidentally, over the last few days quite a number have arrived in place of those that have gone back. Prices are about the same, $120 to $150 locals and the others $200 and above. As usual, you may get lucky if you go on a quiet day. Or, if you're not ready to take the plunge, just sit down and buy them a drink and maybe build up a friendship. ;)
30-03-2010, 11:29 PM
In answer to a bro that started a new thread on Orchard Towers.
No there's been no major raid in the building itself as far as I know. In Orchard Towers it's the usual checking of passports to make sure nobody has overstayed.
It's the streetwalkers on the ground floor that are the main target. Everything is back to normal.
Both clubs have pre-op ladyboys, unless you know who's who, you have to ask the ladyboy herself.
Things in Club Romeo and Crazy Horse are pretty much the same. Every week usually on Wednesday or Thursday you see new faces. One or two I've not seen before, some I've not seen for a long time and so on.
Prices of girls and drinks about the same.
31-03-2010, 04:47 AM
dickrick, thanks for the info. Sorry for creating another thread, I had no idea how to find this one.
I just went down again today to look up a 'friend'. Quite pity her cos she say no client all the way, maybe cos she too quiet, so just wait for her end work chit chat with her, send her back hotel and buy food for her.
Anyway, the rest of the pickings at Romeo was rather good. One of them propositioned me very passionately, and was quite friendly and pretty too. Too bad I'm not in the mood today. Definitely worth a look though. I think economy's not doing too well in OT, so bros can go and try and shoot for bargains.
31-03-2010, 11:59 PM
You're welcome capcrunch. By the way, all the ladyboys tend to say they've got no clients. In the afternoons they're buying shoes, dresses and sending money back home. So all that money does come from somewhere. :confused: A number of clients do tip them quite well in the bar. Some $10/$20 but there are some who give $50. And some customers pay rather well for services, I know of one who gave a laptop to a ladyboy on top of the usual fee.
Usually Fridays and Saturdays are their busy days, which why I always suggest looking for a bargain from Mondays to Thursdays.
Cheers all. :)
06-06-2010, 02:03 PM
Suddenly have interest in chionging OT again. After awhile of going to thai WLs from FL Dome, my interest in thai LBs has been resurrected. Is anyone interested in joining up for a trip to OT over one of the weeknights?
06-06-2010, 05:13 PM
A number of clients do tip them quite well in the bar. Some $10/$20 but there are some who give $50. And some customers pay rather well for services, I know of one who gave a laptop to a ladyboy on top of the usual fee.
Some were conned into giving extra as they dun know the price. :)
A couple of years ago, an english friend came on a business trip and was staying at the nearby Hilton hotel. We recommended OT as he wanted LB but forgot to let him know the price. He went and got an indo LB to overnite.
Next day we heard from him the LB asked for $800 british pounds! As he did not want an embarrassing scene at the hotel, he lan lan paid the amount. That night we went to OT to look for the LB and we spotted him outside the 7-11. As my friend called out to him, he bolted we gave chase but lost him along Orange Grove road. :mad:
06-06-2010, 05:22 PM
Hi capcrnch bro
I dun mnd going over to have a drink
u can pm me so we could go over some weekngts?
06-06-2010, 05:47 PM
Yep, same here, I can also join in, but I only can go on Sat night. I'm not into LB though, but we still can go to OT and split up to different clubs. I usually go to Ipanema.
06-06-2010, 07:30 PM
Just picking up on Lone Wolf's post and his friend that paid 800 UK pounds for an overnite. The ladyboys that hang around outside the ground floor of OT are free lancers. Actually it's more probable she was Singaporean. The ladyboys there guard their territory quite well.
Anyway, the main thing I always tell people is to always negotiate the price first. Max he should have paid would be S$400 for an overnite job.
Short time asking price is still S$200 but here again you can get a better price if a)it's a quiet night, usually Mon to Thurs b)You're local and you go early (so they can come back in time to try for another customer) c) they don't look so great and business isn't good.
Sometimes it's just down to luck and being at the right place at the right time.
Cheers :)
06-06-2010, 11:00 PM
800 british pounds! You could have told him to ring this ( one up back home in london!
Anyway yea, I'm mainly looking for guys to go to Romeo's with in particular. Not very keen on the other bars, but yea we could meet up and have a drink or two. Drop me a PM whoever's keen.
Batboyz, Hornyclown nice to meet you guys! Let's KIV and wait for more bros to sign up if keen. Looking at maybe next week or next next week as I'm sick now (Bugger)
06-06-2010, 11:07 PM
Batboyz, Hornyclown nice to meet you guys! Let's KIV and wait for more bros to sign up if keen. Looking at maybe next week or next next week as I'm sick now (Bugger)
Nice to meet you. Sure, no prob, I have no issues going to Club Romeo, but I won't be making any deal with the LBs. Anyhow, if I don't feel like it, I can just go down to my usual club. :)
06-06-2010, 11:23 PM
no probs... but we should try to go on weekdays, it's cheaper then! who knows, maybe you might find a liking for LBs :p
07-06-2010, 08:09 AM
Hello Bro ! Im heading down to OT on this tuesday nite...any chance that you and others are able to meet up? I usually hang around in Ipanema and Naughter Girls...keen to drop by at Crazy horse and Romeo to check things out...
07-06-2010, 08:24 AM
Hey bro.I'm a regular at Ipanema and CrazyHorse.I do went to Romeo once but find them too pushy for drinks n stuff.Dont mind to going there again since its been quite awhile,lol..Speaking of LBs,i prefer the company of those in Crazyhorse though,lol.:P
I've also tried Crazy Horse. From my observation, they're quite the same. They're quite pushy when asking for drinks. This is one thing that I don't like about those LBs. At least, most of Vietnamese girls at Ipanema are not pushy about it.
I've tried an LB once. She didn't have adam apples, but her pussy really felt weird. Obviously, it wasn't real as a start, hence the reason.
As for going on weekdays, I won't be able to go unless I take 1 day leave, because I need to get up quite early the next day for work.
07-06-2010, 12:22 PM
Wah okay... to clarify... the reason why I prefer going to Romeo's is cos it's quite straightforward that there's only LBs there, then the only differentiating I need to do is whether it's post or pre-op =P
I've heard that Crazy Horse has some girls, that's why dowan to go there, so troublesome. But of course, the options are all open. Right now, I'm sick, so can't organize anything. Any other bro wanna take the initiative to start it off without me?
07-06-2010, 08:53 PM
I agree with Triple-X as regard with the girls at Ipanema prefer caucasians, which makes sense as most of them have more buying power, more open, and more fun to be with. However, I've been approached by few viet girls at Ipanema without me signaling them, although I've never tried to take any of the viet girls myself as their rate is quite expensive comparing with Thai FL overnight rate.
Most girls will ask for $300-$400 for overnight and $150-$200 for 2hours. I've only got one girl saying yes to my $200/overnight offer, but I didn't take the girl as I didn't feel like it :)
07-06-2010, 10:56 PM
Bros, about Club Romeo, the ladyboys know they can charge ang mohs $200 even $300. I've even seen ang mohs do deals for 2 lbs for $300. So, they go after them in the first place.
It's true we locals are second choice especially amongst the lookers.
However, if you a get a reputation for buying them a drink or two or passing them a tip $10 to $20 you can go a far way. But that's after a couple of times.
Some ladyboys are more practical, they don't want to wait so if you give them a reasonable offer ($150?), they'll take it.
About Crazy Horse, the ladyboys come around 8.30 and head straight for the bar area. They're usually a head taller than the girls. The lbs are Thai. The girls tend to be either Indon or Filipino. So it's fairly straight forward to tell which is which.
If it's girls you're after, the Indon dancers can be very friendly and they're not so greedy as they get a salary being a dancer.
Hope that helps. Cheers. :)
13-06-2010, 07:08 PM
The World Cup and Ladyboys
If you want to watch ladyboys and the World Cup at the same time head down to Crazy Horse on the 4th floor. They're showing all matches. Decent size screen on the left as you go in. Happy Hour till 9pm, Tiger at $5 a mug.
Ladyboys come in around 8.30pm.
2nd choice is the football pub on the 3rd floor across from Romeos. They charge a flat $20 for entry but they give you 2 drinks.
Cheers :)
18-06-2010, 09:41 AM
Any bros know the flood situation at OT.
19-06-2010, 02:31 PM
Any bros know the flood situation at OT.
No problem. It was as though nothing happened.
There's a flood of ladyboys at Club Romeo though. :)
I counted 30 last night!
21-06-2010, 11:09 AM
Anyone for club romeo's tonight? Maybe the veteran himself, dickrick, might be keen? Pm me :)
24-06-2010, 04:43 AM
Just went down with one bro who PM-ed today. The pickings at romeo's looks good, but unfortunately mostly post-ops. For bros who like post-ops, I must alert you to the very good crop. There were quite a number that I definitely would have taken if I had interested in post-ops.
Leading the pack would be this one Eva (I think that's her name), who looks like a Korean star, and some of her friends who are absolute stunners. Another one called Sonia is very friendly, touchy but not pushy.
Finally found out one pre-op that looks decent, but too late in the night to make a move. Probably another trip down next week. brothers PM me with your number if you want to join in!
29-06-2010, 09:54 PM
Just answering a question from the Craiglist's thread about price and quality of service from Romeos.
First of all, you have to understand that the ladyboys first target are people that pay them $200 for short time. With those kind of customers they can cover their costs quickly and make it worth their while coming here.
Therefore, in general, they reserve their best service for these guys.
However, business being business they will accept less but obviously if you pay less they will do just enough but no more.
If you're their boyfriend and/or you're young and handsome then $ price is very low but you pay in other ways. (You can forget your freedom for example)
So for locals, expect $120 to $150 generally unless it's a weekday, last customer of the day, really slow day then around the $100 mark. But don't expect top service. Trust me, I know these people.
I hope that answers it.
01-07-2010, 09:37 PM
Anyone interested to head down to OT tonight? I'll be there! PM to have a drink or two together!
06-07-2010, 06:50 PM
Thinking of going OT tonight, but only if got accompany, PM me if interested.
07-07-2010, 09:13 PM
Bro batboyz how was it? I was busy all night, so couldn't go. sorry! Hope you had a smashing time!
07-07-2010, 09:52 PM
Bro batboyz how was it? I was busy all night, so couldn't go. sorry! Hope you had a smashing time!
I didn't go, no accompany & felt sleepy :)
hi bros, it been year nv go ot liao need some help frm u guyz.
planning to go dwn ot next fri with my fren but not sure which pub is happening n cheapers...actually plan to go naughty gal but heard frm fren tat the drink is damn ex n the gal chop chop u like carrot head....
so any recommed pub to go to in ot tat have a resonable price for drink n it happening with nice LD?
RotiPrata Man
12-07-2010, 11:14 PM
Hi anyone wanna go OT tonight? Although i know is rather late to jio...
13-07-2010, 11:54 PM
Hey bro i tried 4some with my friend last weekend and it was hell of a time we went club romeo and got 2 fucking hot ladyboy but look exactly like a pure lady but our damage made us cry altogether we paid about 450$++ include cab, room and etc...
15-07-2010, 10:08 PM
Hey bro i tried 4some with my friend last weekend and it was hell of a time we went club romeo and got 2 fucking hot ladyboy but look exactly like a pure lady but our damage made us cry altogether we paid about 450$++ include cab, room and etc...
If you include room and cab and what you paid on a weekend that actually sounds about right. It's weekdays that you can bargain on price generally.
Who did you take by the way? Any names?
16-07-2010, 05:11 PM
after read 3 pages,seen like sounds interesting
may want to go down take a look.if next week any brothers going can PM me?:D
18-07-2010, 04:22 PM
thinking of going OT tonight for a drink or two. Not looking for action, but definitely to check out the LBs. Any bros interested? PM!
1128138 you wanna go tonight?
RotiPrata Man
19-07-2010, 04:33 AM
Just went OT with bro capcrunch and stinger1 :D All of us had a great time! Cant wait for the next session :)
19-07-2010, 05:37 AM
definitely a great time had by all! I'd say all 3 of us left the place happy men. More reports to come, but now it's time to snooze!
19-07-2010, 01:22 PM
Sorry for my ignorance...but the Ladyboys there, are they really pretty? complete changeover to girl ?
RotiPrata Man
19-07-2010, 11:55 PM
Sorry for my ignorance...but the Ladyboys there, are they really pretty? complete changeover to girl ?
There are kinds of LB...1 is pre opt and other is post opt.
Pre opt = haven cut
Post opt = cut already
But that doesnt means Post opts are always prettier and Pre opt. OT LBs are quite of a standard i would say..u got to check it out yourself bro :D
RotiPrata Man
20-07-2010, 04:31 AM
Just had another round of great fun at OT. No actions but really enjoy ourselves alot tonight especially when 1 Amercian approach us out Romeo and ask " Can i ask you guys something? Are those gals? Or LBs? i cannot tell man!" LOL
Btw anyone wanna go OT tonight? Pm me k. I am in the drinking mood~~~:cool:
20-07-2010, 11:19 PM
Good to hear you guys had a good time at OT. No further details for the bros here? Price you paid? Tips you paid? Names?
Good to compare info. :)
20-07-2010, 11:29 PM
Since it's a quiet night, might as well recollect the events that transpired.
Without going into too much details, Stinger1, The Prata Man and myself headed down to the familiar joint, Romeo a few times. Like I've said, the post-op talent there is stunning. Quite a number who're absolutely model quality. As for the pre-ops, pickings are a little thin, with about 7-8 of them out of the whole bunch.
Spent most of our time chatting, having a beer or 2, or 3, or 4 and just enjoying the company of some of the more friendly and eloquent ones. Beckie in particular has always been a real sweetie.
I finally settled for Belle, a tall, thin wisp of a girl. She had the most beautiful electric eyes, a thin, captivating smile, and mannerisms that were just very very sweet and girlfriend like. Had a good time with her, spent a fair bit of money (200 in all incl room), but felt like it was totally worth it. One big drawback though, she couldn't cum. As in, was fully functional, but just couldn't cum.
So those were fun times, hope more bros will come out and join in the good times, hopefully check out the talent and share the info with everyone!
any bros going romeo soon? will like to join.
23-07-2010, 06:02 AM
Another great night with RotiPrata Man and Capcrunch. Serious party bros! Even more amazing crop pf ladies, and I choose the the word "ladies" for a Capcrunch mentioned earlier, about 95% or more in Romeo's last night were post-opt. Many were brand new and several were just stunners. We had made friends earlier in the week with Beckie, who we learned was an old-timer there. I took Beckie last night, and I can tell you she is right up there with Primaleen in my top list now. Actually she is a MILF (for you younger hunters), but you would never know it. Great body, great skin, pretty, and verytalented. Damage was $200. RTF - Absolutely, and so far I have not done that with anyone else as of yet. If you are going to Romeo's these days and have something definite in mind, you really need to check with your prospective gal as to her plumbing in order to get the "fitting" you are really looking for. Happy hunting...
23-07-2010, 08:13 PM
Ya Beckie is a great gal. Real slim and great personality. One of the few that speak English really well. Her degree in English helps. You're calling her a MILF? LOL For a 32 year old that's kinda overdoing it a bit! Beckie is one of the senior girls although the rest aren't far behind in terms of age.
Romeos in OT is absolutely great, especially the first few times when everything seems so new.
If you guys find Romeos so great give Bangkok or Phuket a try. You won't want to come back home. :D
23-07-2010, 08:46 PM
Yea Romeo's is great, even if for nothing but a few drinks and some good company. Generally, it's great fun to just watch the crowds, watch the girls doing their standard routines of swarming the next guy that comes in. We figured that we're at the bottom of the barrel, they won't come to us until they're bored. Which is fine, cos we don't get harassed that much :D
(Explanation: It's not like they discriminate or anything. It's just that for the 3 of us, our preferences are pretty well-known among all the ladyboys, so they don't bother to hard-sell :))
There was some drama yesterday. Apparently pretty ladyboy no 1 was engaged with a customer, slowly but surely building up rapport with her less-than-fluent english, when ladyboy no 2 intervened and very quickly went off with the guy. No 1 was pretty upset that she had lost $300 just like that, so was sobbing on and off for the next few hours.
Offered to buy her a drink, but she declined. Which led me to think that this girl's just a genuine hardworking slogger, with no ill-intention to con the next sucker.
I felt a tinge of sympathy and sadness, as she told me between sobs about the usual story of working hard for the family back home. Oh yes, cliché, but when it's accompanied by genuine tears of frustration, it all becomes real.
Yea, as dickrick says, it's great fun, and overwhelming sometimes, but there are also many facets of humanity in there to observe - the hierarchy, the alliances, the sometimes false fronts of friendliness, and other times genuine sweetness that comes through from these girls.
Sure they may be different, they may be our objects of pleasure, but they're surely human too.
PS as you probably can tell, I have a bit of a soft spot for pretty ladyboy no 1 (she's post-op by the way), cos I think she's pretty, and she's quite genuine in the sense that she lays it out that she's clearly there for the buck. If you wanna meet her, PM me and we'll head down to OT together :D
PPS Oh and this particular ladyboy has been spotted at OT. I've seen her around for the past month or so, so she might not have long left. Rush on down if you like what you see :)
Cartoon 1 (
Cartoon 2 (
Cartoon 3 (
23-07-2010, 08:54 PM
Little joke about the MILF thing Dickrick...I am way older than Beckie, but we do agree she is great. What Beckie, RotiPrata Man, Capcrunch and I were discussing were just how few pre-ops frequented Romeo's lately. Beckie mentioned that the large crop that arrived the other night were all but one post-ops.
23-07-2010, 10:26 PM
Yea, as dickrick says, it's great fun, and overwhelming sometimes, but there are also many facets of humanity in there to observe - the hierarchy, the alliances, the sometimes false fronts of friendliness, and other times genuine sweetness that comes through from these girls.
Sure they may be different, they may be our objects of pleasure, but they're surely human too.
You hit the nail on the head capcrunch. It's the many facets of humanity. There's times that you feel they deserve a good scolding and times when you could almost cry with them. Ya sure they give the usual bullshit but it's mainly harmless stuff but it's a hard life they lead not knowing where the next buck will come from and that's why I jump to their aid in my blog and do what I can for them.
Good report, thanks!
24-07-2010, 04:44 AM
Only my honour to be of service :)
The Prata Man was just saying, we should jio more bros to go down together. Come on, who's interested? Get in touch guys!
RotiPrata Man
26-07-2010, 03:58 AM
Well...Sometimes going there just for drinks is already fun. Shit I keep thinking about Tiffany (Stinger tried before and keep tell me how gf she is) This post opt is really really fucking choi!:eek:
RotiPrata Man
27-07-2010, 05:34 PM
Anyone keen to go OT pm me... I will arrange for the session.
31-07-2010, 08:37 AM
Back in town :) ready to hit the towers again!
01-08-2010, 02:01 AM
Who's up for a get-together on Tuesday? Go for a few drinks, hit on a few ladies if you like :) PM me.
02-08-2010, 12:05 PM
Who's up for a get-together on Tuesday? Go for a few drinks, hit on a few ladies if you like :) PM me.
oops make it Wednesday! Tuesday not free. Come on bros... suddenly all so quiet no interest already?
02-08-2010, 11:54 PM
Hey Bro. Never tried LB before and don't mind having drinks with new friends. PM me
03-08-2010, 03:38 AM
never been there for fun as well. interested in getting together for a drink. you guys mind a new guy joining ?
03-08-2010, 09:12 AM
Hello to all. I am an LB lover and wish to make some friends with the same interest. May I join in the party? Time and place? Thank you in advance.
03-08-2010, 01:45 PM
I am new to the LB scene. Is it easy to hook up with a LB? Hope can join u guys some day
04-08-2010, 07:08 PM
Bros, so far most cancelled. Left one bro who cannot confirm until later. For the moment, tonight's outing is off! Hope next time can be more successful in organizing.
Anyway, just like to clarify: hoping to jio like-minded brothers who like LBs to go down, have few drinks, make friends, get to know the pretty LBs, and also ultimately to get some action with the one you like :D
It's not a trip to the zoo please. For newbies, please read elder statesman dickrick's blog for tips on how to treat these beautiful ladies with respect. For starters:
1. Don't lead them on unnecessarily. You can be friendly, but be clear with your intent so no one wastes their time.
2. Don't "out" them to tourists - meaning don't comment when they ask if these are girls. Just say dunno is best. My friend did this once, he had to run damn fast when they got mad. Let the tourists go sort things out with them privately.
3. Treat the ladies with respect and kindness, you will get some in return
4. Negotiate within reasonable limits. For the stars, expect to pay maybe 200 and above. If you're lucky, the girl likes you, you might be able to take her away for 150? ST, LT or all night depends on your luck, and how many customers are around, and what time of the night it is.
Non-exhaustive. But just remember, they are human too, and they are here to make a living. Respect them and be kind to them.
04-08-2010, 11:33 PM
Well said bro capcrunch. That's really it in a nutshell. But no lah, I'm no elder statesman. Just some AH who's hung around these characters for a while.
Frankly their behaviour towards local customers can be condescending especially those who are better looking and have regular customers. But the majority are decent enough.
They're all here to make a buck in the short time that they have here. A lot of them earn the bulk of their money only 6 or max 7 months in a year due to visa problems.
Another way the newbie can take a look without going in is to have a meal at the little Thai restaurant next to Club Romeo at around 8.30pm.
Read my blog this week I'll do an update on how to handle these lovely ladies.
Cheers all!
05-08-2010, 07:41 AM
dickrick, your having hung around them for a while is precisely what makes you the elder statesman here :) Hard to find anyone else with such a keen interest in them coupled with a desire to share like yours. I believe I represent everyone here in expressing my gratitude!
(for the great new blog post, as well as all that came before. Looking forward to the next one!)
05-08-2010, 03:56 PM
newbie here.bro capcrunch and dickrick are right about one thing and that is to treat them like ladies cause thats who they want to feel like. i've been around these ladies for quite sometime now but never got to post here. this is my first post. anyway do include me if you guys are heading down to OT anytime soon.cheers
08-08-2010, 09:11 AM
Capcrunch and I went for drinks last night first to Romeo's and then briefly to Crazy Horse, and the former was really jumping with a lot of customers and talent. An interesting change seems to be taking place according to one of the ladies...we had talked about the increasing number of post-ops, and the fewer pre-ops in earlier articles. Now there are an increasing number of real girls frequenting Romeos, and they are quick to tell you they are real, and not try to pass themselves off as post-ops to make a sale. Probably just another phase of human life, and this time next year we will see something different. Be interesting to get bro Dickrick's take on this, as Cap and i view him as the god of all things OT. Great blog btw Dickrick.
08-08-2010, 04:17 PM
Bros, regarding bro stinger 1's post. It must be remembered that the group of people that work out of Romeos are a very close knit bunch which is divided into small cliques of usually four. They are are extremely defensive about their "territory". If for example, any ladyboy is assaulted, the entire bunch, good friend or not, will rally around and help.
The situation in Club Romeo is such that even the local ladyboys dare not intrude into their territory. So on that score trust me, they are all ladyboys. A girl would probably last 5 minutes.
It must also be remembered, that the latest operation (last 2 years) is done so finely that you cannot distinguish between the real pussy and the fake one. In fact one particular post-op surgeon in Bangkok is claimed to be the best in the world. I heard some can even imitate pre-cum from the pussy.
Furthermore, I was there on 2 occasions last few days. I did not see any girls.
Provide me with the name of the "girls" and I will confirm 100% the situation.
08-08-2010, 05:32 PM
Bro Dickrick it was actually Jeen who told us about the 4 being females. There has been a petite looker (usually wears a white with black stripe mini) there for several weeks who we all thought was an incredible post-op, but Jeen said no, she was actually a female. There were a few brand new arrivals in there that she said were female, one of which was confirmed personally by Capcrunch when he asked one if pre or post. Can only go by what we heard. I have noticed the cliques you mentioned, and that was where we noticed the girls had hung together initially.
08-08-2010, 06:50 PM
I actually get a little confused by them. Can't believe that's happening as I would've thought we'd be wiser by now! :confused:
Some of them who've claimed to be girls, I've counterchecked all the signs. Small hands/wrists/shoulders, no apple, but damn their voices still sound a little rough. So I get befuddled, shrug my shoulders and say whatever.
At the end of the day, who cares? To me, a post-op and a girl are no different, I'd take her if she was a lovely sweetie who'd munch on me :) Really prefer pre-ops most of the time though.
Speaking of which, Stinger1, PRata Man and my reputations seemed to have preceded us most of the time. Whenever we go in to Romeo's, the post-ops just know to avoid us, knowing they're not getting any business from us. Pity! Some of them are so pretty I would really consider making an exception for them. After all, I do like the occasional GG too, and as I said above, post-op, GG - no diff to me.
08-08-2010, 08:30 PM
Spot on Capcrunch...I like them all as they are all beautiful ladies...period. Bottom line it really doesn't matter so much the plumbing as long as no one gets hurt, and everyone has a good time, and everyone did seem to be having that last night! Cheers!
09-08-2010, 01:49 PM
Ok guys situation is, Jeen is a pre-op and street smart. If she knows you guys don't like ladies and like ladyboys, anybody else outside of her clique is a lady! :)
It's nothing personal, it's business - to her and her friends.
Also if it's the same petite one who looks 100% like a girl, small hands etc....she's not. She's been there for about three maybe four years now.
09-08-2010, 03:15 PM
Gotcha dickrick, you're the guru! And yup, that's probably the one we were referring to. Like 1.5m tall? Very very small and petite. Incredibly ladylike. There're a few who're very very pretty and feminine! Also some nice new pre-ops!
09-08-2010, 03:32 PM
Re: Szeto
Gosh... when's the next outing? Hope can join you guys!
Well, we've jio-ed many times, but each time, fallen through, not that many bros actually do turn up except bro Prata Man and Stinger1. So the three of us have been going quite regularly. Fair enough, notice I give is usually quite short, but those of us with regular lives really have to take whatever opportunities we have, hard to plan ahead.
Anyway, it's also more fun when it's a small group of 2-4 guys, having a beer, chatting and having a good time together. Not so when you have 7-9 people, all rowdy, can't get to know one another better and it becomes like a circus.
However, I think the 3 of us are still up for meet-ups if anyone's interested. I've kinda given up coordinating, so if anyone else wants to, just post, or PM, leave a contact, and we'll get in touch.
09-08-2010, 05:41 PM
Yep Dickrick, you are right on all points. Capcrunch and I were talking last night on exactly your thoughts. It really makes no sense for girls to hang there, as Romeo is LB territory. We figured Jeen was pulling our collective legs, so we had a laugh, and watched the gorgeous petite one gyrate on the stage while watching herself in the mirror. We've also noticed how the petite one makes contact with a lot of guys with her looks, but doesn't close many deals. Probably in the stratosphere, price-wise...As always, we defer to your expertise Dickrick. Thanks again.
14-08-2010, 06:35 AM
Wanna warn all you brothers about one particular ladyboy in Club Romeo, the ultimate in cheaters - big bodied, thick makeup , love to wear black ribbed dress and pantyhose
She took me for a ride man, not in the good way
$250 - that's fine
$50 hotel - that's fine - except the fucking room cost $35
Then ???? Bar tab - $50 or no action after we undress already -- WTF .......
Then ??? She use the shower cap instead of proper condom - How much to buy? $50 ----- *&*&*$#)$#)(
And when she doing ? "faster ! Faster! " Not Me , HER!!!!
Why? "Time up!" - 1 hour only and times up , and i haven't done the damage yet, she suggest I jerk off MYSELF ,and when she feel it time up ? she stop
And on top of everything else ask for taxi fare back to OT
Fucking Ladyboy
I am so going to go back and pour pee on her next time
Ultimate prostitute whore, not a lady by any definition of the word
14-08-2010, 09:18 PM
Bro xderslut, sorry to hear you got ripped off. You're referring to one ladyboy I guess? Going by your description that could fit a number of them there. Any name, height, short/long hair. You did ask the price before anything else didn't you?
Er...first time I heard of a shower cap being a substitute for a condom. ;)
But I do see your point and can only say that not all of them are like that at all.
15-08-2010, 04:15 PM
Ya bro xderslut, can provide more details? That description is too all-encompassing!
As for me and the other bros that frequent OT, so far all our experiences have been great... They generally provide very good service!
15-08-2010, 09:24 PM
I miss the 'Gals' from Club Romeo ...
They are Pretty ....
I used to frequent ther and now browsing the forum, I started to miss my 'Gal' ... So SaD :(
Ist time up her ... Pre-Op ...
2nd time up her .., Post-Op ...
Miss her GF Feelings ....
16-08-2010, 08:30 PM
Wanna warn all you brothers about one particular ladyboy in Club Romeo, the ultimate in cheaters - big bodied, thick makeup , love to wear black ribbed dress and pantyhose
She took me for a ride man, not in the good way
$250 - that's fine
$50 hotel - that's fine - except the fucking room cost $35
Then ???? Bar tab - $50 or no action after we undress already -- WTF .......
Then ??? She use the shower cap instead of proper condom - How much to buy? $50 ----- *&*&*$#)$#)(
And when she doing ? "faster ! Faster! " Not Me , HER!!!!
Why? "Time up!" - 1 hour only and times up , and i haven't done the damage yet, she suggest I jerk off MYSELF ,and when she feel it time up ? she stop
And on top of everything else ask for taxi fare back to OT
Fucking Ladyboy
I am so going to go back and pour pee on her next time
Ultimate prostitute whore, not a lady by any definition of the word
wha so jia lat?
02-09-2010, 03:30 AM
In what's becoming a wednesday routine, just met up with bro stinger1 and one other bro. Will leave it to him to identify himself if he wants to :)
had a good time, looked around both bars. Unfortunately, 80-90% in Romeo and Crazy Horse are all post-ops. Sad! Hope to be able to find some nice pre-ops there soon.
Cheers bros, meet up for drinks soon.
04-09-2010, 01:14 PM
Hi, though i'm new here, but i do hang out ard this two bar pretty much. Mind if i join your on your next outing??? But please plan it on a saturday as the nature of my job prevents me on going on a regular weekdays. Cheers
04-09-2010, 03:05 PM
can try this LB from club romeo...
i went down on wkday and put my eye on dis LB call May,
Looks gd like japanese babe with a tools still attached.
However price is slightly on the higher end @ $200 ST only and not forgetting $30 for hotel room.
Overall experience quite gd as i dun want to go much into details....
any bros into LB can arrange to go together one night. I found the beer there for 1 jar gg at $40 which is quite ex.
Enjoy the Fun :)
07-09-2010, 11:14 PM
Any bros heading to Romeo or CrazyHorse this week?
Give me a pm if you guys are planning a trip there. =)
08-09-2010, 10:48 AM
When do you guys usually go? Weekends? Around what time?
08-09-2010, 01:20 PM
any bros gg today ard 10plus for a see see look look session @ club romeo :)
08-09-2010, 07:38 PM
any bros gg today ard 10plus for a see see look look session @ club romeo :)
u wanna go together? can drop me a PM bro.
08-09-2010, 08:59 PM
Drop me a PM too, i wanna go check it out too. :)
09-09-2010, 05:54 PM
Drop me a PM too, i wanna go check it out too. :)
thought of going there this friday nite? any bro interested?
09-09-2010, 06:42 PM
thought of going there this friday nite? any bro interested?
I am interested, Club Romeo?
09-09-2010, 06:54 PM
I am interested, Club Romeo?
oso can .. just need someone to bring me there see see look look .. :)
09-09-2010, 07:55 PM
oso can .. just need someone to bring me there see see look look .. :)
I also never been there before leh. :(
09-09-2010, 08:15 PM
I also never been there before leh. :(
hmm... let me ask another senior bro whether he is gg.... den let u know.. can?
09-09-2010, 09:03 PM
hmm... let me ask another senior bro whether he is gg.... den let u know.. can?
Er mind if i join u guys?
10-09-2010, 05:20 PM
Sounds good guys! Tell me if anyone going tonite?
11-09-2010, 11:44 AM
Another night, another satisfying shag
dropped in on OT last night. was suprisingly quiet for holiday and long weekend and the LBs were complaining how come nobody around...
romeo was rather quiet, with 20+ LBs hanging around so i got plenty of attention and grabbed boobs/asses everywhere while having a few drinks
nothing really catching my fancy so grabbed a LB from CrazyH instead. FR as follows
Name: Ch***l 22 y.o , thai
Looks: 8/10 ultra feminine LB, barbie doll look with sand blonde hair
perfect tits, slim legs and probably ard 1.76 in heels, with a bit of imagination, can almost pass for one of those victoria secrets models woohoo
the rest, SOP. went hotel, showered together, catbathed for long time, good bbbj (and its one of those proper LB BJs, where they take your cock in so deep her tongue can caress my balls and she's almost choking as i'm quite big and thick)
somehow they always deliver better bjs..
capped, started banging away at the petite ass (tight!) in long strokes until cumming, then pulled out, whipped the CD off and with a couple of strokes pumping, guided her mouth close and CIM in a couple of explosive spurts... she managed to swallow most of it but some dripped on her nice and firm B cup tits. licked me clean and we collapsed back on the bed and slept for 20 mins.
11-09-2010, 11:57 AM
Good detail Tribal_Hawk, what was the damage by the way?
Uploaded with ( (
Uploaded with (
anyone tried this SQ "Girl"
Does SIA hire Transvestites ?
11-09-2010, 01:55 PM
something not right on OT last night , was really quiet, in short no ladys were seen outside OT . usually there will be about 10 ladys standing outisde but yesterday only can see 3-4 , in the end nv have a lady to cure my horniess . wasted trip
Ladyboy Lover
11-09-2010, 06:15 PM
Uploaded with ( (
Uploaded with (
anyone tried this SQ "Girl"
Does SIA hire Transvestites ?
i used to work for SIA for 7 yrs. as i hv a slim figure, sometimes i would wear my collegue's kabaya n then she would put on make up for me so that i would look like a SQ "stewardess".
11-09-2010, 06:53 PM
Another night, another satisfying shag
dropped in on OT last night. was suprisingly quiet for holiday and long weekend and the LBs were complaining how come nobody around...
romeo was rather quiet, with 20+ LBs hanging around so i got plenty of attention and grabbed boobs/asses everywhere while having a few drinks
nothing really catching my fancy so grabbed a LB from CrazyH instead. FR as follows
Name: Ch***l 22 y.o , thai
Looks: 8/10 ultra feminine LB, barbie doll look with sand blonde hair
perfect tits, slim legs and probably ard 1.76 in heels, with a bit of imagination, can almost pass for one of those victoria secrets models woohoo
the rest, SOP. went hotel, showered together, catbathed for long time, good bbbj (and its one of those proper LB BJs, where they take your cock in so deep her tongue can caress my balls and she's almost choking as i'm quite big and thick)
somehow they always deliver better bjs..
capped, started banging away at the petite ass (tight!) in long strokes until cumming, then pulled out, whipped the CD off and with a couple of strokes pumping, guided her mouth close and CIM in a couple of explosive spurts... she managed to swallow most of it but some dripped on her nice and firm B cup tits. licked me clean and we collapsed back on the bed and slept for 20 mins.
Sounds like you had a great time bro last night at OT bro. =) awesome details.
12-09-2010, 04:21 PM
something not right on OT last night , was really quiet, in short no ladys were seen outside OT . usually there will be about 10 ladys standing outisde but yesterday only can see 3-4 , in the end nv have a lady to cure my horniess . wasted trip
If you're talking about the ground floor then it could be because of an police/immigration raid. If you're talking about the third floor where Romeo is, normally after 10pm they're all supposed to be inside. The odd ones outside will be so called on a drink/smoke break.
14-09-2010, 07:31 PM
just got news that King's Corner in Patpong is now closed for renovation and the girls should be swarming down to Romeo/ Crazy Horse next week - just in time for the lusty crowd coming for F1 ... happy hunting !!
14-09-2010, 10:35 PM
just got news that King's Corner in Patpong is now closed for renovation and the girls should be swarming down to Romeo/ Crazy Horse next week - just in time for the lusty crowd coming for F1 ... happy hunting !!
Yup, last year there were about 30 in Club Romeo, this timimg and Chinese New Year is about the only time you get that many. But don't get your hopes up too high, I remember a number of them saying business wasn't so great, but either way should have more than the usual selection in both bars. :)
15-09-2010, 01:35 AM
just to get the juice pumping :
personal fav :
15-09-2010, 07:13 PM
Just had an absolute ball (pun fully intended) of a time with a gorgeous ladyboy from Crazy Horse. I got to know about her from a bro who took her on one of our previous jaunts to OT. And boy, was his recommendation solid! Million thanks to that bro! Called her outside of her office hours, fixed up a meeting at 430 pm.
I arrived at the room slightly early, just in time to see her walk towards it and open it with they key. Suffice to say, I was floored when I saw her. Wow just about describes her. Nevertheless, some details for bros who are sticklers for details:
Height: 1.68m
Weight: approx 50kg? She's not skinny, perfect build
Boobs: B to C cup, very good feel, look beautiful on her
Face: GORGEOUS with long black hair slightly past the shoulder
Cock: approx 6 inch, but thick
overall figure: perfect! flat stomach, no abs but very slim all over.
She was hard by the time we reached the bed. Very impressive. Lots of frenching, lots of caressing, and I sucked her for a good 15 min before she asked to fuck me.
Herein was the only problem. She gave it to me for about 10 min, and she wanted to cum already. Too fast, but she promised me that next time she'd take much longer, said she didn't control herself this time. Of course, when she pulled out, I hurriedly rushed to take it all in my mouth - her cum is sweet sweet nectar! On the way home, I remember licking my lips in the hope that I could find some leftovers to savour :D
After which, it was my turn to top her, took her in a variety of positions, before finishing with a cum in her mouth too. (Both times we did the snowball thing, very erotic.) Very accommodating and fun, willing to try anything with you.
We washed up and spent a good hour chatting, she was genuinely friendly and willing to share her life with me. Really enjoyed my time with her. And she speaks great english, so that was a big plus. Barring the familiarity I have with Leen, this girl has gotta be my favourite from now on. It's a hard fight between the 2 of them! Maybe I'll have both together at the same time :p
Price was expensive, 200 for her, 50 for room. She won't go below that, so if you don't wanna shell out, no point trying bros. But I will say I did not have an ounce of regret paying that money for her. She was fantastic!
So I asked her, and she's willing to share her number here. 84240259. Her name's Petra, but she's going home in 2 days time (18th Sep) so better hurry and grab her. Also, she's having a friend from thailand come over to visit on the 17th and 18th, so time is limited. Act fast!
15-09-2010, 07:16 PM
just to get the juice pumping :
personal fav :
What a gorgeous babe candy is... too bad she has no cock. Otherwise she'd be close to perfect! :D
15-09-2010, 07:26 PM
Just had an absolute ball (pun fully intended) of a time with a gorgeous ladyboy from Crazy Horse. I got to know about her from a bro who took her on one of our previous jaunts to OT. And boy, was his recommendation solid! Million thanks to that bro! Called her outside of her office hours, fixed up a meeting at 430 pm.
I arrived at the room slightly early, just in time to see her walk towards it and open it with they key. Suffice to say, I was floored when I saw her. Wow just about describes her. Nevertheless, some details for bros who are sticklers for details:
Height: 1.68m
Weight: approx 50kg? She's not skinny, perfect build
Boobs: B to C cup, very good feel, look beautiful on her
Face: GORGEOUS with long black hair slightly past the shoulder
Cock: approx 6 inch, but thick
overall figure: perfect! flat stomach, no abs but very slim all over.
She was hard by the time we reached the bed. Very impressive. Lots of frenching, lots of caressing, and I sucked her for a good 15 min before she asked to fuck me.
Herein was the only problem. She gave it to me for about 10 min, and she wanted to cum already. Too fast, but she promised me that next time she'd take much longer, said she didn't control herself this time. Of course, when she pulled out, I hurriedly rushed to take it all in my mouth - her cum is sweet sweet nectar! On the way home, I remember licking my lips in the hope that I could find some leftovers to savour :D
After which, it was my turn to top her, took her in a variety of positions, before finishing with a cum in her mouth too. (Both times we did the snowball thing, very erotic.) Very accommodating and fun, willing to try anything with you.
We washed up and spent a good hour chatting, she was genuinely friendly and willing to share her life with me. Really enjoyed my time with her. And she speaks great english, so that was a big plus. Barring the familiarity I have with Leen, this girl has gotta be my favourite from now on. It's a hard fight between the 2 of them! Maybe I'll have both together at the same time :p
Price was expensive, 200 for her, 50 for room. She won't go below that, so if you don't wanna shell out, no point trying bros. But I will say I did not have an ounce of regret paying that money for her. She was fantastic!
So I asked her, and she's willing to share her number here. 84240259. Her name's Petra, but she's going home in 2 days time (18th Sep) so better hurry and grab her. Also, she's having a friend from thailand come over to visit on the 17th and 18th, so time is limited. Act fast!
Forgot to add that she placed top 3 in one of the Ms Tiffany competitions, and also does makeup modelling in bangkok. Good stuff!
15-09-2010, 11:59 PM
Forgot to add that she placed top 3 in one of the Ms Tiffany competitions, and also does makeup modelling in bangkok. Good stuff!
Great FR ..... hope to hear more of your escapades
Maybe this is how she fucks you:
16-09-2010, 02:03 AM
Great FR ..... hope to hear more of your escapades
Maybe this is how she fucks you:
Different positions... but the idea remains the same :D Thanks bro for the compliments, I hope to have many more escapades too!
17-09-2010, 12:22 PM
Sounds like you had a great time bro last night at OT bro. =) awesome details. usual.
Dickrick, DMG was usual local rate 150. Note I never discuss rates with LB...ever. Just grab and bang away in hotel room. After that then I pay, and they never complain or ask for upfront
Never had unpleasant experiences, although there are 2 times I encountered LB wanting an 'extra tip or which case I give 20 more for taxifare.
17-09-2010, 10:59 PM usual.
Dickrick, DMG was usual local rate 150. Note I never discuss rates with LB...ever. Just grab and bang away in hotel room. After that then I pay, and they never complain or ask for upfront
Never had unpleasant experiences, although there are 2 times I encountered LB wanting an 'extra tip or which case I give 20 more for taxifare.
Understand where you're coming from bro, but it's always wise to establish price. Fine, you get an lb that doesn't want to rip you off. But there have many instances reported here and in other lb forums where people get ripped off. Going price could be $150 for locals but some may demand extra saying their price is $200. It's not a case of you can't afford it - it's an unnecessary argument that could turn nasty. Don't forget ladyboys are still guys, I've seen them whack guys up. For sure don't try that in Thailand.
18-09-2010, 04:28 PM
Just had an absolute ball (pun fully intended) of a time with a gorgeous ladyboy from Crazy Horse. I got to know about her from a bro who took her on one of our previous jaunts to OT. And boy, was his recommendation solid! Million thanks to that bro! Called her outside of her office hours, fixed up a meeting at 430 pm.
I arrived at the room slightly early, just in time to see her walk towards it and open it with they key. Suffice to say, I was floored when I saw her. Wow just about describes her. Nevertheless, some details for bros who are sticklers for details:
Height: 1.68m
Weight: approx 50kg? She's not skinny, perfect build
Boobs: B to C cup, very good feel, look beautiful on her
Face: GORGEOUS with long black hair slightly past the shoulder
Cock: approx 6 inch, but thick
overall figure: perfect! flat stomach, no abs but very slim all over.
She was hard by the time we reached the bed. Very impressive. Lots of frenching, lots of caressing, and I sucked her for a good 15 min before she asked to fuck me.
Herein was the only problem. She gave it to me for about 10 min, and she wanted to cum already. Too fast, but she promised me that next time she'd take much longer, said she didn't control herself this time. Of course, when she pulled out, I hurriedly rushed to take it all in my mouth - her cum is sweet sweet nectar! On the way home, I remember licking my lips in the hope that I could find some leftovers to savour :D
After which, it was my turn to top her, took her in a variety of positions, before finishing with a cum in her mouth too. (Both times we did the snowball thing, very erotic.) Very accommodating and fun, willing to try anything with you.
We washed up and spent a good hour chatting, she was genuinely friendly and willing to share her life with me. Really enjoyed my time with her. And she speaks great english, so that was a big plus. Barring the familiarity I have with Leen, this girl has gotta be my favourite from now on. It's a hard fight between the 2 of them! Maybe I'll have both together at the same time :p
Price was expensive, 200 for her, 50 for room. She won't go below that, so if you don't wanna shell out, no point trying bros. But I will say I did not have an ounce of regret paying that money for her. She was fantastic!
So I asked her, and she's willing to share her number here. 84240259. Her name's Petra, but she's going home in 2 days time (18th Sep) so better hurry and grab her. Also, she's having a friend from thailand come over to visit on the 17th and 18th, so time is limited. Act fast!
Hey Dude,
Glad you enjoyed that little "treat" from me..... Petcha is the real name actually..... and like I said, the 3 don't lie...... and what the 3 doeth, the 3 shareth haha!!! Looking forward to our next jaunt to CH/CR with Stinger1!!!!
It's time to cometh out of the closet, been a long time connoisseur of the 3rd sex, and I'll be damned if I had to keep it in the closet!!!
Bro 3
18-09-2010, 06:48 PM
Sounds good Bro3. Petcha sounds pricey but tasty. Like the forum has been saying, sounds like next week should be quite the talent show.
19-09-2010, 12:27 AM
Bro 3, she smsed me back, signed off as Petra leh, I think she anglicized her name to make it easier for us english-speaking folks. Anyway, you didn't tell me her english was so good! It's a big plus :D
Yea bros, time to hit the clubs again soon... once I recover my footing. Spending too much recently!
19-09-2010, 10:53 PM
Sounds good Bro3. Petcha sounds pricey but tasty. Like the forum has been saying, sounds like next week should be quite the talent show.
Yup, time again for a couple of beers at CH/CR and check out the new stuff
Bro 3, she smsed me back, signed off as Petra leh, I think she anglicized her name to make it easier for us english-speaking folks. Anyway, you didn't tell me her english was so good! It's a big plus :D
Yea bros, time to hit the clubs again soon... once I recover my footing. Spending too much recently!
Yah, that was quite surprise, her standard of English, not that it mattered to me, we mainly conversed in Thai haha!!! Looking forward to our next trip there!!!
20-09-2010, 10:54 PM
Points do not bother me. If you think by cutting my points can make you happier just because you do not agree with me, pl carry on,
I post because of my opinion and I do not expect everyone to agree.
To each its own.
21-09-2010, 02:03 AM
I hurriedly rushed to take it all in my mouth - On the way home, I remember licking my lips in the hope that I could find some leftovers to savour :D
Hi Bro Capcrunch, U want take mine cum too? I can give it to U:p
21-09-2010, 04:21 PM
wtf is wrong with you betta?
21-09-2010, 10:32 PM
dink he is trying to be funny ....:rolleyes:
23-09-2010, 01:01 PM
I hurriedly rushed to take it all in my mouth - On the way home, I remember licking my lips in the hope that I could find some leftovers to savour :D
Hi Bro Capcrunch, U want take mine cum too? I can give it to U:p
Bro Betta, if the avatar of that girl is a predicator of your taste in women, why don't you come over to the "Third Side"? ;) :rolleyes:
23-09-2010, 06:47 PM
Hey guys, any real pre-op stunners in Crazy Horse or Romeos this Grand Prix weekend?
I am heading there tonight, my problem is that I usually go to either CH or Romeos and end up taking a ladyboy from there without checking out the talent in the other bar...always wondering if I could have done better that night...guess that's why they call it buyer's regret!
was hoping the famous Beer from Guess Bar might be in town this week but apparently she is in BKK...
23-09-2010, 06:55 PM
Hey guys, any superstar preops working in CH or Romeos this Grand Prix weekend?
I am heading to OT problem is I got no self-control...I will end up in either CH or Romeos and pick up an LB there without checking out the talent in the other bar...always end up wondering if I could have done better. I guess that's why they call it buyer's regret!
Was hoping the famous Beer from Guess Bar in BKK would be in SG this week but apparently she has been sighted in BKK so no dice.
24-09-2010, 12:06 AM
"Bro Betta, if the avatar of that girl is a predicator of your taste in women, why don't you come over to the "Third Side"?"
Thanks for the invitation bro:)! But for a man to suck cocks and drink cum sounds really weird to me. Btw have anyone bonk a ladyboy without make-up:eek::eek::eek:
24-09-2010, 01:03 AM
ya i have. nothing very much special. u fucked ur wife w/o make up b4?
24-09-2010, 01:19 AM
Yes bro, for morning quickies!:D She is a natural beauty dun need much make up la;);)
25-09-2010, 04:58 PM
Last night - Romeo must have made a tonnes of money .. it was flooded with a UN crowd of horny males ... The "girls" must have laughed to the bank. I spied only 1 "star" from King Corner's -she's fair and must have had her 3rd customer when I managed to grab her .. enjoy boys !!
25-09-2010, 05:58 PM
some so pretty
26-09-2010, 06:36 PM
mine isn't unfortunately. got the idea?
30-09-2010, 06:52 AM
anybody wanna drop by OT to go CR and CH tmr?
!kung pow
02-10-2010, 07:05 PM
who is going tonight? :)
08-10-2010, 02:22 PM
Still find Crazy Horse the best place. Good mix or girls and LBs. Some stunners.
!kung pow
10-10-2010, 11:36 AM
Text bro capcrunch but unfortunately he was not available. Went to Romeo alone and crops were still plentiful around 1+ am. Manage to set my eyes on one LB and she introduced her friend as well. Small chat in placed to build some rapport, and finally down to business. Persuaded me to take both of them and jokingly said “buy 1 get 1 free” ya, right! Anyway agreed on price and took both.
Damage: $150 each, good looks, great figure, good price I should say, I got the fun I want and they got what they want.
RTF? Maybe but there are too many choices!! Shall go again.
11-10-2010, 09:32 PM
good damage for $300
12-10-2010, 12:06 AM
Text bro capcrunch but unfortunately he was not available. Went to Romeo alone and crops were still plentiful around 1+ am. Manage to set my eyes on one LB and she introduced her friend as well. Small chat in placed to build some rapport, and finally down to business. Persuaded me to take both of them and jokingly said “buy 1 get 1 free” ya, right! Anyway agreed on price and took both.
Damage: $150 each, good looks, great figure, good price I should say, I got the fun I want and they got what they want.
RTF? Maybe but there are too many choices!! Shall go again.
That's a good price for a Saturday night. I notice once it's past 1am prices for those still around can be good. Also noticed it's been on the quiet side these last few days. The pickings are still pretty good IMHO. Looks like a good time to go.
(Hmmm...gotta try a threesome one fine day! :D)
!kung pow
12-10-2010, 11:53 PM
Agreed with you bro, business was pretty bad at Romeo, same LBs hanging around, customers come and go, (Japanese, Caucasians, Koreans, Indians), but none seems interested and you could see the LBs trying very hard to get their attention. After my second drinks, went to CH to have a look, was molested on my way to the bar counter, which was a norm? And oh boy! their draft beer really tastes weird. Manage to secure a LB; she was trying so hard with her half-baked English, oh well, got to give her a “9” for the effort. Quote $200, agreed on $150, and proceed with business, she was a post ops but balls clearly visible, transformation still in progress? Hmmm… meditate on this I will. Gave the GFE and pretty good massage after deed done, not a clock watcher, or any kind of those crap. Lay down together and chit chat till we almost forgot the time, tip her and parted our way.
A job well done. Damage: $150 + $50
14-10-2010, 09:34 PM
hi would like to go to OT one day, but kinda shy and nervous..
heard CH is great .. but dunno anyone for orientation...haiks...
14-10-2010, 09:42 PM
hi would like to go to OT one day, but kinda shy and nervous..
heard CH is great .. but dunno anyone for orientation...haiks...
21-10-2010, 10:54 PM
hi would like to go to OT one day, but kinda shy and nervous.....
Actually you could just have a meal at the Thai food joint just outside Club Romeo on the third floor and look at the "fashion parade"about 9pm just before the "gals" go in.
That should give an idea and then go in as they arrive for work.
Once you go in order a beer and sit and watch the action.
If any of the lbs approach you, just chat and see what happens.
If you're not ready for a bonk, just give some excuse - work early next day or something. Then if you like them then slip them $10 as a goodwill thing and split.
Or if you want to bonk them be prepared to pay about $150 and take it from there. :)
25-10-2010, 02:14 AM
any1 wanna meet up and go tgt?
26-10-2010, 10:33 AM
Actually you could just have a meal at the Thai food joint just outside Club Romeo on the third floor and look at the "fashion parade"about 9pm just before the "gals" go in.
That should give an idea and then go in as they arrive for work.
Once you go in order a beer and sit and watch the action.
If any of the lbs approach you, just chat and see what happens.
If you're not ready for a bonk, just give some excuse - work early next day or something. Then if you like them then slip them $10 as a goodwill thing and split.
Or if you want to bonk them be prepared to pay about $150 and take it from there. :)
Bro dickrick, thanks for the tips... i was wondering the same thing. i did venture in one of them.. think on the 3rd or 4th level... right infront of the escalators. anyway, had a beer, was not really sure what i was doing there.. just taking it all in i guess. and yes, made up some excuse to leave quite soon after that.
27-10-2010, 09:56 PM
Bro dickrick, thanks for the tips... i was wondering the same thing. i did venture in one of them.. think on the 3rd or 4th level... right infront of the escalators. anyway, had a beer, was not really sure what i was doing there.. just taking it all in i guess. and yes, made up some excuse to leave quite soon after that.
Sounds like you went into Crazy Horse but anyway that's the idea, get a feel of the place, look at what goes down and see your comfort levels. Next time maybe recce the whole area and maybe try Club Romeo which is one floor down. :)
26-11-2010, 12:38 AM
Hi bros,
After a long break from the scene, I called up 1 ladyboy from CH, named Sonya. She advertises in Vicesisters using another girl's pictures. Actually I heard about that from another bro who posted that earlier. However, still took the plunge as was in need of my LB fix.
So she arrived at the appointed time, slightly late, but understandable due to the crappy weather today. Not the girl in the pics, but still pretty! Nice body, slim with the right curves in the right places...
Got down to the action, lots of kissing, fondling and hugging. It was intense! Got around to her cock, quite surprised as it kept growing. Nice circumference, very nice looking cock, and about 7 in long. Good size :D
Rode her for a bit, before we came together. In all, very good experience, was fun and good to chat with. Get in touch with her!
Brother's who're keen to try can PM me for her no. Or can just go CH and ask around for sonya :)
!kung pow
28-11-2010, 11:11 AM
Was at CH last night, lots of LBs but customers were few, situation gets better towards midnight. Interestingly, there are quite a number of caucasian ladies around (Russian perhaps?), however in terms of aggressiveness, they definitely lose out to the "home team". Even the petite waiteress chased two guys out because they ain't ordering any drinks, just standing near the entrance looking around. Saw couple of new faces, good crops I should say, unfortunately I was fiercely guarded by my regular Lb hence no chance, shall explore next time :D
28-11-2010, 01:54 PM
Hi bros,
After a long break from the scene, I called up 1 ladyboy from CH, named Sonya. She advertises in Vicesisters using another girl's pictures. Actually I heard about that from another bro who posted that earlier. However, still took the plunge as was in need of my LB fix.
So she arrived at the appointed time, slightly late, but understandable due to the crappy weather today. Not the girl in the pics, but still pretty! Nice body, slim with the right curves in the right places...
Got down to the action, lots of kissing, fondling and hugging. It was intense! Got around to her cock, quite surprised as it kept growing. Nice circumference, very nice looking cock, and about 7 in long. Good size :D
Rode her for a bit, before we came together. In all, very good experience, was fun and good to chat with. Get in touch with her!
Brother's who're keen to try can PM me for her no. Or can just go CH and ask around for sonya :)
Hey bro capcrunch, is this the one you are talking about? :)
28-11-2010, 02:53 PM
Hey bro capcrunch, is this the one you are talking about? :)
Yes bro, that's her!
By the way, anyone interested in going tonight? I've got my curiosity piqued by an accidental trip there early this morning. Unfortunately had my friends at some lady joint...
28-11-2010, 04:04 PM
Bro capcrunch, may tinking of going CH around midnite after my movie date..interested to see the russian ladies after posting from Bro kung pow..
28-11-2010, 04:06 PM
hi bro
i am interested in tonight's outing..
but would like to go club romeo instead
28-11-2010, 04:48 PM
bro hornyclown, if u ok..can meet u outside OT 1st, then take a look at both club..will be free around 11
28-11-2010, 05:37 PM
Why go to ot ? The pubs n girls are out there to cheat n con ur money. They charge too high. All the ang moh can go n die for paying so much. It is a fuck place n need to be raided.
29-11-2010, 02:04 AM
Vit M dry as its end of the month. But recharge coming soon. Hoping to head down to OT after Vit M is sustained back to normal. Anyone interested?
29-11-2010, 02:18 PM
This morning took Kim(or Sonya her other name at VS) and her post op friend(can't remember her name)..Kim was great as described by Bro Capcrunch and her friend look demure with a hyperactive attitude..3some with them is challenging and took me an hour to hav my shot while Kim hav her shot earlier..Sorry to bro capcrunch n the other bro, left earlier n should meet up again with u all..
03-12-2010, 09:55 PM
anyone wan heading to OT tonite??
11-12-2010, 11:39 AM
Hey guys...bit of a newbie here....went last night and was told there is a $50 bar fine. Is that right?:confused:
11-12-2010, 01:05 PM
Hey guys...bit of a newbie here....went last night and was told there is a $50 bar fine. Is that right?:confused:
Untrue. Don't be taken in by that scam!
11-12-2010, 08:24 PM
Much appreciated!
19-12-2010, 11:03 AM
Hey guys
Just a quick question, what does RTF mean? If you do RTF with a transgirl?
I saw this phrase a bit, but not sure what it means...
19-12-2010, 09:38 PM
Hey guys
Just a quick question, what does RTF mean? If you do RTF with a transgirl?
I saw this phrase a bit, but not sure what it means...
RTF means return to fuck.
for a list of abbreviation u can go this link here
18-01-2011, 04:52 PM
Just some quick info on an old stomping ground.
Numbers of lbs are low now e.g. counted only 16 in Club Romeo on Friday night. Most of the gals are aiming to come in around CNY. Hoping to collect hong paos. :)
Saw the usual mix of familiar and a few new faces. Still always a good spot to hunt, if you're in that market, especially on weekdays.
Anybody got any info to share?
18-01-2011, 07:22 PM
RTF means return to fuck.
for a list of abbreviation u can go this link here
if u dun say i also dun know hehe:p
18-01-2011, 09:18 PM
Just a question. Is there any Viet LB?
20-01-2011, 12:26 AM
Just some quick info on an old stomping ground.
Numbers of lbs are low now e.g. counted only 16 in Club Romeo on Friday night. Most of the gals are aiming to come in around CNY. Hoping to collect hong paos. :)
Saw the usual mix of familiar and a few new faces. Still always a good spot to hunt, if you're in that market, especially on weekdays.
Anybody got any info to share?
damn bro! hope you jio me go next time too man.
20-01-2011, 11:31 PM
Just a question. Is there any Viet LB?
No, not heard of any coming to Singapore. As I understand it, even in Vietnam especially the north they're rare. In the south, very few and nowhere near the style and class of their Thai sistas.
zhu star
21-01-2011, 10:30 AM
Just a question. Is there any Viet LB?
Yes, but not many. Depending on your luck u can go to JC to find them. Spotted a few very nice and sexy looking lb there.
21-01-2011, 01:05 PM
No, not heard of any coming to Singapore. As I understand it, even in Vietnam especially the north they're rare. In the south, very few and nowhere near the style and class of their Thai sistas.
bro i 100% agreed with u in the north are rare. for wad i know Viet LB works for funeral as they sing for the dead..they are expensive to hire..they drive to work mostly.:p
30-01-2011, 06:15 PM
hi guys.. any lady boy to intro to me... pm me their number...:)
08-02-2011, 11:01 PM
Bros, just some friendly advice especially for newbies.
In the Singapore ladyboy scene, most of the lb work on a face to face contact - i.e. you see, you ask a few questions, you take.
Except for vicesisters and last time craig's list who depend on phone calls.
Telephone numbers don't do anything. How do you know if the lb looks fat, thin, short, tall etc. In other words, how do you know she's your type?
You know, in lb hunting, you have to make an effort - go look around the venues, Rowell, Geylang, Changi, Orchard Towers. Learn the terrain, what time they come, what's the selection like, see how they behave.
In this game where lbs are few, knowledge is key. Take the trouble, read the threads here. Share information about specific locations, prices you paid, service received etc. Give and you will receive.
Wanna know something? In 20 years, I've never made a first contact by phone, it was always face to face or on rare occasions by e-mail.
Those lbs that want to be contacted by phone will know where and how to advertise their phone numbers.
Crazy_horse 02
16-02-2011, 12:15 PM
Hi bros, newbie to LB here. Any bros going down to OT or Rowell road? I would love to join. Thank you.
25-02-2011, 06:56 AM
Hey bros
Went 2 Romeo the other night lookin 4 beckie cuz read here that shes pretty hot and good fun. We had few drinks an chatted but seems she wont do kissin like the other gurls an wen I asked her to come back to my hotel she said shes already committed (i figure boyfriend or sumthing). Couldnt even convince her to straddle my lap in those hot tight jeans she was wearin.
Anyone had any luck with this one recently??
25-02-2011, 11:55 PM
Hey bros
Went 2 Romeo the other night lookin 4 beckie cuz read here that shes pretty hot and good fun. We had few drinks an chatted but seems she wont do kissin like the other gurls an wen I asked her to come back to my hotel she said shes already committed (i figure boyfriend or sumthing). Couldnt even convince her to straddle my lap in those hot tight jeans she was wearin.
Anyone had any luck with this one recently??
Yup, Beckie has a boyfriend. Serious relationship.
05-03-2011, 11:12 PM
Any one know what happened to Brady? Local Lb Indian looking?
07-03-2011, 01:14 AM
Made a trip down on Saturday night together with stinger1, to catch up over a couple of beers. Club Romeo was well crowded... at least 20-30 ladyboys in there, not that many customers. It's a buyer's market. Notable ones spotted included Chinny (!C-RE4!R-SO0!O-Page-6!P-XC-ID51209!D.html) (can confirm that she looks very good in the flesh, quite tall) and Bell.
Now Bell - I've had the pleasure of spending some time with her. Quite some time ago. In fact, when I met her this time, it was she who remembered that we last met 7 months ago. She remembered my name even though we had not met since then. Such a beautiful girl with such wonderful personality. She's really a charmer, courteous, sweet and gentle. She's also easily the most passable LB around. I feel quite confident I can take her walking down orchard road without anyone knowing or guessing.
Unfortunately, Bell has had her big op (snip snip), and so has lost important equipment. For those who like post-ops, I really highly recommend paying her a visit. She will charm your socks off of you, and you are bound to have a good time. No moneyback guarantee on this, but do take my word for it.
For pictures and review of Bell, head here ( It's an amazing resource, and you will find much to entice you to go to BKK. You do have to sign up to be a member first. Not hard.
14-03-2011, 07:05 PM
Anyone interested to go to OT tonight?
16-03-2011, 01:33 AM
Hi guys,
Heard from one of the ladies there that business has been very slow these 2 days. Less than 5 customers for all ladies accounted for, but that's just a rought estimation.
Anyway, I believe your custom will be very much appreciated if you do make your way down. Good opportunity to have some authentic tomyam LB at a good price.
I'd go if I were you.
16-03-2011, 01:58 AM
Any one know what happened to Brady? Local Lb Indian looking?
Is she from Rowell?
Crazy_horse 02
16-03-2011, 02:05 AM
Hi guys,
Heard from one of the ladies there that business has been very slow these 2 days. Less than 5 customers for all ladies accounted for, but that's just a rought estimation.
Anyway, I believe your custom will be very much appreciated if you do make your way down. Good opportunity to have some authentic tomyam LB at a good price.
I'd go if I were you.
So bro, why don't u check it out? Do share some good finding with us:D
16-03-2011, 02:40 AM
I've seen the entire crop that's there now. I know what I want, and I'll go if I want it. I just happened to be having dinner with one of them and she remarked that business is rather bad. Passing on the news to bros who might wanna go get some cheap deals.
Crazy_horse 02
16-03-2011, 08:46 AM
I've seen the entire crop that's there now. I know what I want, and I'll go if I want it. I just happened to be having dinner with one of them and she remarked that business is rather bad. Passing on the news to bros who might wanna go get some cheap deals.
Wah got good deal, must share share bro:D
16-03-2011, 06:48 PM
In other news, the winner of this Miss AsiaNYC pageant had one plied her trade in Singapore. Very intelligent, sweet and lovely girl.
16-03-2011, 06:56 PM
In other news, the winner of this Miss AsiaNYC pageant had one plied her trade in Singapore. Very intelligent, sweet and lovely girl.
She's hot mah.
16-03-2011, 09:11 PM
I mean once. I have to clarify that she is now in New York. I don't have her contact!
20-03-2011, 08:19 AM
Hi guys,
Heard from one of the ladies there that business has been very slow these 2 days. Less than 5 customers for all ladies accounted for, but that's just a rought estimation.
Anyway, I believe your custom will be very much appreciated if you do make your way down. Good opportunity to have some authentic tomyam LB at a good price.
I'd go if I were you.
Sounds like a buyer's market for sure - cant wait to get amongst it! Hope the lack of demand doesnt cause a block in supply though!
21-03-2011, 06:43 AM
Sounds like a buyer's market for sure - cant wait to get amongst it! Hope the lack of demand doesnt cause a block in supply though!
Hmmm, u reckon the girls would b happy to know this is how u guys think of them, like meat???
21-03-2011, 09:56 AM
gloves, when do you intend to make a trip?
21-03-2011, 02:03 PM
gloves, when do you intend to make a trip?
bro! u nvr sms me or call me to go man!!
21-03-2011, 04:15 PM
lol bro. I haven't gone myself. very long liao.
21-03-2011, 05:45 PM
Hmmm, u reckon the girls would b happy to know this is how u guys think of them, like meat???
Your words, champ. Not mine.
28-03-2011, 10:08 AM
Any brothers tried picking up Chinny before? I saw her profile on VS and quite interested in looking her up..
28-03-2011, 06:58 PM
Any brothers tried picking up Chinny before? I saw her profile on VS and quite interested in looking her up..
Hi bro, I've seen her at Club Romeo. According to 2 other bros who were there, they say don't look like, and feel that she's not good-looking. I, on the other hand, felt that she looks very good and I wouldn't mind taking her at all. One man's meat another's poison. You can go there and decide for yourself :)
30-03-2011, 01:06 PM
Hi bro, I've seen her at Club Romeo. According to 2 other bros who were there, they say don't look like, and feel that she's not good-looking. I, on the other hand, felt that she looks very good and I wouldn't mind taking her at all. One man's meat another's poison. You can go there and decide for yourself :)
Are you a regular at Club Romeo? Cuz I never been there b4 so not sure what to expect there... Maybe you can provide some tips?
30-03-2011, 07:01 PM
not really a regular bro. don't need tips one. If I give you tips then you must tip me in cash also... :D
Just go in there, sit down, have a beer. Smile at someone you like, she will come over and chat with you. If you find that it's a good match, then ask her want to go with you or not. Just ask "want to go?", she will answer accordingly.
good match = chemistry, looks, feel (body parts), and your preference (top or bottom?)
It's not difficult. Just remember, if someone gives you bad vibes, don't try too hard and up the price. Stick to your budget, get someone who you feel can really give you a good time. There are some stars who are just out for farang (westerner) customers. Don't bother with them if you find them aloof, or always looking at some other customer while talking to you.
Chemistry is very important!
30-03-2011, 07:55 PM
not really a regular bro. don't need tips one. If I give you tips then you must tip me in cash also... :D
Just go in there, sit down, have a beer. Smile at someone you like, she will come over and chat with you. If you find that it's a good match, then ask her want to go with you or not. Just ask "want to go?", she will answer accordingly.
good match = chemistry, looks, feel (body parts), and your preference (top or bottom?)
It's not difficult. Just remember, if someone gives you bad vibes, don't try too hard and up the price. Stick to your budget, get someone who you feel can really give you a good time. There are some stars who are just out for farang (westerner) customers. Don't bother with them if you find them aloof, or always looking at some other customer while talking to you.
Chemistry is very important!
Agreed bro!!:D
31-03-2011, 10:49 AM
Thanks bros for the wonderful tips... Maybe can arrange outing to OT.. Hahaha
I scared going alone... LOL
01-04-2011, 08:25 PM
good luck on your virgin trip bro.. do let us know ur experience...
do note that some do ask for tips if you decide not to up them... happened to me before..just try to ignore and walk off.. :)
03-04-2011, 04:58 PM
Just go in there, sit down, have a beer. ....Don't bother with them if you find them aloof, or always looking at some other customer while talking to you.
Chemistry is very important!
Excellent tips capcrunch and very accurate.
Just to add on a bit...if you do get an lb to sit with you and don't feel like taking her at that time, do the decent thing and slip them a couple of bucks. ($10 or so)
It'll go a long way for future visits.
Incidentally, the rule now is that you can't buy them a beer in the bar and it has to be the $22 ladydrink.
And oh, don't let the attitude of the staff bother you. Except for one or two they're quite an indifferent lot. Just order your drink and keep an eye on your change, they seem to have a short memory! :)
Club Romeo FRAfter reading so many fellow brothers recommandation, finally got the time to visit OT last Thurs nite. Reached there around 11pm, scouting outside Crazy horse and realised alot of foreigners went in, decided not to follow in as it seems packed, so went to 2nd level and saw "club Romeo".Took up the courage and walked, so many tall, slim and pretties doing cat-walk ont the stage, and only got little patrons inside. Took a seat near the entrance, behind my table were 3 "toms", happily chatting and sometime squeezing the hot babes (thou they are ladyboys, but easily mistaken as beautiful ladies). 4 lady boys stood infront of me and asked me to choose one..all were pretty and I chose one of them called "party"weird name :rolleyes:.She is tall, lean, fair and smooth, cant tahan her seducive eyes too. I didnt take long to ask for business, she asked for S$150 per 2hrs at H81..I were hesitating as more pretties walked into the club.In end, finished the S$12 beer and went home, as this was my check-out round only.
Conclusion: a wonderful place to go again..with 1 or2 friends would be good.
06-04-2011, 03:18 AM
Made a trip down to Club Romeo today to meet a BM. I was sorely disappointed when he texted me at around 1045pm to tell me he was leaving with a hottie, but somehow, he made a U-turn, and I quickened my steps to get there. Wasn't really that keen to be hanging around on my own.
Upon arriving, was greeted by the usual friendly smiles and waves. After a short while, sweet Belle came by to say hi, and notified me of a new friend of hers that had just arrived in Singapore.
So we sat around for awhile, scouting out the talent, of which there were a few that were quite appealing. I was just thinking to myself that I might get impatient and settle for someone else instead of waiting for Belle's friend. Finally, at about 1215am, she arrives back in the bar after having gone with a customer for ST. This was when I was introduced to Pupae for the first time. Strange name, I know, but she was beautiful! Everything in the right place, and the kind of eyes that you could stare into all day and night.
Since she came with Belle's recommendation, I got straight to the point and asked her how much. I got quite a shock when she asked for S$250, so I laughed and told her no, S$150 only. She was quite insistent on S$200 being the lowest she could go, and I caved in just because she was Belle's friend; I was placing my trust in Belle's recommendation.
So off we went to a ST hotel in Balestier. On the way there, I was getting a little skeptical and wary, as she seemed to be rather reticent, and didn't participate in much conversation. Oh well, we had gone so far, no way I was turning around to drop her off at the bar again
My fears melted away once we arrived in the room. Quickly but not mechanically, we proceeded to take a shower together, before jumping into bed to do the dirty deed. I will give big plaudits to this girl, for the fact that by the time we stepped out of the shower, her tool was already standing at full attention. So obviously I gave it a good seeing-to, and was rewarded with her enthusiastic reactions. She was clearly enjoying it.
Proceeded to top her in various positions. It was when she climbed on top of me for a cowgirl that I realised that she had cum while I was pumping her in missionary. Gotta love a girl who does that. Of course, waste not, I went on to help her clean off her cock and her tummy ;)
Finally reached my point of no return in doggy position, after which I just slumped on top of her - I was totally exhausted. In between, I made her cum a second time, had her squirming as I continued to lick her as she was cumming. We didn't take very long, but it was intense and very nice. What really did it for me was her nice hard cock, and her passionate but gentle frenching.
Beautiful girl, with all the right bits in the right places. Lovely, sweet personality as well. S$200 well spent. I'm gonna be so lucky to have Belle as my tour guide when I go to Bangkok later this year!
10-04-2011, 01:55 AM
Just went down to OT, and today is my first engagement with a LB.
Have read the forum for many posts and replies, finally determined to go today. Though I’m not really a LB lover (actually never before), but I like to give everything a try.
Arrived at OT around 10:30pm, went upstairs, saw some ladies (or LBs) at the entrance of Club Romeo, smiled at me with their eyes, can be called friendly la, cos I was a bit afraid that they will like to hit on ang mohs, not us local-like. Still, determined to go Crazy house first, since there may be a mix of LBs and real girls, - give myself a buffer before really be around LBs.
Bought one heineken, and sat around one table. Not as many people as expected, (not crowded as Ipanema lah). Then a pretty girl came along to ask if she can sit with me, uh~~ why not? She is pretty nice and soft in the attitude, though I have the feel that she is one of the “so-called” LBs. chit chat a while, confirmed LB but post-op, opps, too bad. wanted to find a pre-op, since think post-op and real girl have not that much difference. The the first LB left, introduced her friend came over, not good-looking, a bit mannish for me, also English not so good to communicate. Then I changed a spot to avoid the awkwardness, another LBs came, slimmer but skin too tanned. She is not that soft attitude as I like, though she even let me feel her cock. Then two more LBs came along, still not pretty and a little bit plumpy. I became a little bit disappointed, as I found that most of the LBs are not as pretty as the real girls. (Maybe I’m at the wrong place, or bad luck?) I changed another spot in CH. I didn’t want to be thought like “too picky”.
Saw a nice, talk lady with good body shape and skin, went up to talk, say from “%*&^%”, a country near Russia. Oh, a non-Asian lady as I always dreamed about, but too bad, today I’m here for LBs. So proceed to Romeo, as I felt that I didn’t have my luck at CH. Entered Romeo, greeted by several girls (or LBs, as I always cannot tell clearly, right?). It seemed that I need to pick one, so I chose the most pretty one. Again, turned out not to be a LB. She told me she is from Laos (wow, an unexplored category), she is quite beautiful though a little pushy to ask for drinks and tips. Not from me today, as I decided to spend the money at the sward edge. I told the Laos that I’m looking for a LB, then one of her friend came over. (it turned out that that’s my lady for tonight)
We chat a bit, got to know that Her name is Nuke, from Thailand (as expected), has been in Singapore for 1 month, and will be back on 21th of April. She is very nice and soft in attitude, and her voice is very soft as well. (I was amazed) She directly told me that she still has the penis even without me asking. I said it’s my first time with a LB, and I’m a bit nervous. She said, no problem, she can lead me. Asked the price, say 200, offered 150, deal, not as that difficult as I would imagine. (maybe the business not so good? hehe, it’s Saturday night ya) Went out of Romeo, one of her friend (wear glasses, don’t know the name) came along to offer two girls together. Not today. Also that Laos came, asked me to buy her cigarette. Also no. (Sorry bros, that it seems I’m not that generous, I’m just not sure where to draw the line, then just be the bad guy first.)
Bought the condom, and took a cab to H81. cost 40 bucks since 10 bucks for registration. (next time would be 30 bucks then). Head to room, and strip. I was amazed when I finally saw her “thing”. I touched it a bit, and all of these are my first time, to face or play with a person with a penis like mine. Nuke smiled very friendly, and spoke softly and also politely. She is just a nice lady to me, though with a cock. Proceed to shower, then the work started. She catbath me a bit with her hand on my cock. Then she capped me, for the oral job. good suction while keep looking at me. I was all hard. Then the moment came. She asked if I want to try her thing, and I ….didn’t refuse. She laid down, and I began the suction. She became hard easily. I would never imagine, that one day I would be sucking another person’s cock, but I am!! It felt weird but not bad. I finally experience the feeling on the offering side of the service. I would say if I really like to please, it didn’t feel that bad or humiliated or tiring as I would think. So should my gf and previous WL, right?
I sucked for about several minutes, she said that we can suck each other at the same time, and we did, it felt new and nice. Then I asked her to ride on me. She put on a little lotion, then she began to ride with good skills. I can masturbate her cock while she is riding me. Then we change to missionary, doggie and she on top again, and missionary again. She kept smiling at me during the process, though I sometimes a bit shy to look at her. And I always tend to finish the job a little bit fast, as i don’t want to become bored, and make the other one felt bore. (I should re-think it).
While we are doing the missionary again, she masturbated herself, and she came! really fully functional. Then after a short while, I came as well, almost at the same time. She moaned very good, make me sometimes really confused that I’m have sex with a lady or a man. (Sorry bros, sometimes too many thoughts in my head). Then we showered, and I tipped her 50 bucks for the nice company and feeling. She gave me real satisfaction and she worthy it. All of these are my first time!
Went out the hotel, she went to 7-11 to buy her friend cigarette. we exchanged contacts, and I sent her back to OT, she kept saying thank you. I like her being so polite. On the way back, I asked what she does in Bangkok home, she said, the same. Also, she had a sister that is older than her, and now she is earning money to support her parents to buy a house. I asked what she did during the day time, shoppting? she said no, 21th she go back, she will shop only at 20th, what a lovely and hard-working lady.
After send her OT, we kissed goodbye, I continued the taxi home.
10-04-2011, 09:32 PM
hey bro, care to share ctc? pm me plz, thnx
Just went down to OT, and today is my first engagement with a LB.
Have read the forum for many posts and replies, finally determined to go today. Though I’m not really a LB lover (actually never before), but I like to give everything a try.
Arrived at OT around 10:30pm, went upstairs, saw some ladies (or LBs) at the entrance of Club Romeo, smiled at me with their eyes, can be called friendly la, cos I was a bit afraid that they will like to hit on ang mohs, not us local-like. Still, determined to go Crazy house first, since there may be a mix of LBs and real girls, - give myself a buffer before really be around LBs.
Bought one heineken, and sat around one table. Not as many people as expected, (not crowded as Ipanema lah). Then a pretty girl came along to ask if she can sit with me, uh~~ why not? She is pretty nice and soft in the attitude, though I have the feel that she is one of the “so-called” LBs. chit chat a while, confirmed LB but post-op, opps, too bad. wanted to find a pre-op, since think post-op and real girl have not that much difference. The the first LB left, introduced her friend came over, not good-looking, a bit mannish for me, also English not so good to communicate. Then I changed a spot to avoid the awkwardness, another LBs came, slimmer but skin too tanned. She is not that soft attitude as I like, though she even let me feel her cock. Then two more LBs came along, still not pretty and a little bit plumpy. I became a little bit disappointed, as I found that most of the LBs are not as pretty as the real girls. (Maybe I’m at the wrong place, or bad luck?) I changed another spot in CH. I didn’t want to be thought like “too picky”.
Saw a nice, talk lady with good body shape and skin, went up to talk, say from “%*&^%”, a country near Russia. Oh, a non-Asian lady as I always dreamed about, but too bad, today I’m here for LBs. So proceed to Romeo, as I felt that I didn’t have my luck at CH. Entered Romeo, greeted by several girls (or LBs, as I always cannot tell clearly, right?). It seemed that I need to pick one, so I chose the most pretty one. Again, turned out not to be a LB. She told me she is from Laos (wow, an unexplored category), she is quite beautiful though a little pushy to ask for drinks and tips. Not from me today, as I decided to spend the money at the sward edge. I told the Laos that I’m looking for a LB, then one of her friend came over. (it turned out that that’s my lady for tonight)
We chat a bit, got to know that Her name is Nuke, from Thailand (as expected), has been in Singapore for 1 month, and will be back on 21th of April. She is very nice and soft in attitude, and her voice is very soft as well. (I was amazed) She directly told me that she still has the penis even without me asking. I said it’s my first time with a LB, and I’m a bit nervous. She said, no problem, she can lead me. Asked the price, say 200, offered 150, deal, not as that difficult as I would imagine. (maybe the business not so good? hehe, it’s Saturday night ya) Went out of Romeo, one of her friend (wear glasses, don’t know the name) came along to offer two girls together. Not today. Also that Laos came, asked me to buy her cigarette. Also no. (Sorry bros, that it seems I’m not that generous, I’m just not sure where to draw the line, then just be the bad guy first.)
Bought the condom, and took a cab to H81. cost 40 bucks since 10 bucks for registration. (next time would be 30 bucks then). Head to room, and strip. I was amazed when I finally saw her “thing”. I touched it a bit, and all of these are my first time, to face or play with a person with a penis like mine. Nuke smiled very friendly, and spoke softly and also politely. She is just a nice lady to me, though with a cock. Proceed to shower, then the work started. She catbath me a bit with her hand on my cock. Then she capped me, for the oral job. good suction while keep looking at me. I was all hard. Then the moment came. She asked if I want to try her thing, and I ….didn’t refuse. She laid down, and I began the suction. She became hard easily. I would never imagine, that one day I would be sucking another person’s cock, but I am!! It felt weird but not bad. I finally experience the feeling on the offering side of the service. I would say if I really like to please, it didn’t feel that bad or humiliated or tiring as I would think. So should my gf and previous WL, right?
I sucked for about several minutes, she said that we can suck each other at the same time, and we did, it felt new and nice. Then I asked her to ride on me. She put on a little lotion, then she began to ride with good skills. I can masturbate her cock while she is riding me. Then we change to missionary, doggie and she on top again, and missionary again. She kept smiling at me during the process, though I sometimes a bit shy to look at her. And I always tend to finish the job a little bit fast, as i don’t want to become bored, and make the other one felt bore. (I should re-think it).
While we are doing the missionary again, she masturbated herself, and she came! really fully functional. Then after a short while, I came as well, almost at the same time. She moaned very good, make me sometimes really confused that I’m have sex with a lady or a man. (Sorry bros, sometimes too many thoughts in my head). Then we showered, and I tipped her 50 bucks for the nice company and feeling. She gave me real satisfaction and she worthy it. All of these are my first time!
Went out the hotel, she went to 7-11 to buy her friend cigarette. we exchanged contacts, and I sent her back to OT, she kept saying thank you. I like her being so polite. On the way back, I asked what she does in Bangkok home, she said, the same. Also, she had a sister that is older than her, and now she is earning money to support her parents to buy a house. I asked what she did during the day time, shoppting? she said no, 21th she go back, she will shop only at 20th, what a lovely and hard-working lady.
After send her OT, we kissed goodbye, I continued the taxi home.
10-04-2011, 09:35 PM
I was amazed when I finally saw her “thing”. I touched it a bit, and all of these are my first time, to face or play with a person with a penis like mine. Nuke smiled very friendly, and spoke softly and also politely. She is just a nice lady to me, though with a cock.
Nice report - thanks for sharing. It brings back memories of my first time with a ladyboy (whom I met at Crazy Horse), and the feelings I was experiencing when I first saw her lovely cock flop out of her lacey little panties (and later when I had it in my mouth or up my arse).
Also gives a good insight into the way things work at Crazy Horse and Club Romeo.
10-04-2011, 10:48 PM
Nice report - thanks for sharing. It brings back memories of my first time with a ladyboy (whom I met at Crazy Horse), and the feelings I was experiencing when I first saw her lovely cock flop out of her lacey little panties (and later when I had it in my mouth or up my arse).
Also gives a good insight into the way things work at Crazy Horse and Club Romeo.
Actually I never let her thing touch my hole, still felt a bit wired or afraid, right?
11-04-2011, 11:15 PM
hi bro, can pm me the contact ??
12-04-2011, 07:52 PM
hi bro, can pm me the contact ??
Pm ed you.
15-04-2011, 04:29 PM
Excellent tips capcrunch and very accurate.
Just to add on a bit...if you do get an lb to sit with you and don't feel like taking her at that time, do the decent thing and slip them a couple of bucks. ($10 or so)
It'll go a long way for future visits.
Incidentally, the rule now is that you can't buy them a beer in the bar and it has to be the $22 ladydrink.
And oh, don't let the attitude of the staff bother you. Except for one or two they're quite an indifferent lot. Just order your drink and keep an eye on your change, they seem to have a short memory! :)
One more thing: If you're specifically in the market for a pre-op or post-op, don't be shy, it isn't rude to ask, but it sure as hell hurts your pocket not to ask, and find out at the hotel. Usually if a girl who comes to your table isn't your preferred type, ask her straight off before chatting whether she's a pre-op or postie, and usually words spreads out pretty quickly, and you'll only get your preference coming to your table before long!
15-04-2011, 05:06 PM
One more thing: If you're specifically in the market for a pre-op or post-op, don't be shy, it isn't rude to ask, but it sure as hell hurts your pocket not to ask, and find out at the hotel. Usually if a girl who comes to your table isn't your preferred type, ask her straight off before chatting whether she's a pre-op or postie, and usually words spreads out pretty quickly, and you'll only get your preference coming to your table before long!
wise words from a wise brother :)
17-04-2011, 11:22 PM
wise words from a wise brother :)
Wise brother says we should hit OT for "Audrey Hepburn" hehe
18-04-2011, 01:35 PM
Wise brother says we should hit OT for "Audrey Hepburn" hehe
sounds like a plan. let's aim to go some time this week... bro stinger1 was just asking me on saturday too :)
Noob here and could do with some help from some of the regulars :)
Last week, ventured to Club Romeo's in OT during my trip to Singapore. I'm ok with LBs, although not too much experience there, and wanted to see what was on offer as I haven't visited singapore in about a year.
Was approached by a gorgeous korean-looking, tall slim lady. I had a beer and she had a white wine, and we proceeded to chat. Her name was Kimmi and she claimed she was from Mongolia and a genuine girl.
Anyways, found her very attractive, so we agreed on a price and left together for my hotel, where we had a great time together. I assumed here as well that she was a genuine girl as her hips were quite noticeably wide, and she was getting wet naturally.
But reading through this forum thread, the regulars seem to be saying that ALL the girls at Romeos are LBs. Can one of you who know clarify if Kimmi is really a LB or a girl?
As I said, I don't have a prob with LBs and like to play that way every now and again. But I don't like being duped and mislead.
Thanks in advance. :)
22-04-2011, 01:34 PM
100% was a ladyboy...there are no genuine working 'girls' in Romeo..
well, as long as you had fun...LOL
22-04-2011, 05:34 PM
Her name was Kimmi and she claimed she was from Mongolia and a genuine girl.
She didn't lie to you as she's a genuine girl now (post-ops) :p ..... but she told me she's half korean :rolleyes:
23-04-2011, 01:09 PM
Since the last six years, Club Romeo took on ladyboys and it's been that way since. If you sit at the entrance of Romeos you will hear all the post op ladyboys say that they are ladies.
You have to understand that not many people are into ladyboys and to get business they will claim to be girls.
Secondly the advances in SRS, sexual realignment surgery, have been so great in Thailand that post op ladyboys are able to "cum". (I've seen this myself)
To understand a ladyboy you have to go by their actions and not their words.
You have to understand the context in which these people operate - they can only work maximum six months in a year and have to cover their flight and accomodation. They have to make money fast. Therefore if they mention these words of "I miss you", "I'm half Japanese", "I'm a girl", and the most dangerous one - "I love you" they must never be taken seriously.
The way to operate at OT is - pick up your gal after a conversation to see if there is some chemistry, ask key questions - price, time, dick or no dick depending on your preference and go enjoy.
If they tell you stuff like "I'm half whatever", tell them you're half American! They'll get the picture. :)
11-05-2011, 05:58 PM
OMG all this while i thot can only find working girls around Geylang area...i was wondering like hell where can i find LBs in SG coz i know SG should have those finnest LBs from Thais...bumped to them several times on my late nite visits to Mustafa...but they were doing their normal shopping so i wouldnt approach...Geylang only got real all this while i have to settle for PRC or those Thais in Geylangs..sigh!
don't understand why got bros here like LBs?
they are GUYS too....
12-05-2011, 10:03 AM
kizz its a matter of preference..some like to drive Honda Civic...some will go all the way for Ferrari..end of the day they are cars...
so in this case, end of the day...its still SEX :)
12-05-2011, 09:31 PM
Just heard Russian ladies now working in Club Romeo! No longer ladyboy only club! Saw some last night and was told by an lb friend who works there that they're "working" in the club.
More info when I get it!
12-05-2011, 10:59 PM
Not necessarily a good thing. They'll draw a different clientele. I've always appreciate that we can be sure most of the people in romeo are at least tolerant, if not appreciative, of the beautiful third gender.
12-05-2011, 11:23 PM
Was at romeo on wednesday night. PAid the lady drink $30 and chatted with the beautiful tall russsian gal. ( actually armenian ) She said she doesnt go out with customers. Just chats, dances and gets paid by the club and tips from the customers. Dunno how far this is true. said bye after a nice long conversation and went for pre op by name of poo.
FR will type soon.
13-05-2011, 08:02 PM
Was at romeo on wednesday night. PAid the lady drink $30 and chatted with the beautiful tall russsian gal. ( actually armenian ) She said she doesnt go out with customers. Just chats, dances and gets paid by the club and tips from the customers. Dunno how far this is true. said bye after a nice long conversation and went for pre op by name of poo.
FR will type soon.
Oh Armenians! This getting paid by the club bit is interesting - that wasn't the previous arrangement with the lbs.
But I sense there's going to be trouble between the two groups. As it is, there were already quarrels over customers when it was an all ladyboy club. And I'm told the "Russians" are already telling customers that the Thais are ladyboys!
Watch out for fireworks!
15-05-2011, 12:52 AM
Any update for OT Romeo's? went there last year end and had a good experience with a ladyboy called Chinny. Wonder how the russians and thai stay together peacefully.
22-05-2011, 10:03 PM
Oh Armenians! This getting paid by the club bit is interesting - that wasn't the previous arrangement with the lbs.
But I sense there's going to be trouble between the two groups. As it is, there were already quarrels over customers when it was an all ladyboy club. And I'm told the "Russians" are already telling customers that the Thais are ladyboys!
Watch out for fireworks!
Surely everybody knows that the Thais are all ladyboys anyway. So that area is settled. The only thing may happen is that the ladyboys are pushed off somewhere else which is not necessary good.
23-05-2011, 11:58 PM
Surely everybody knows that the Thais are all ladyboys anyway. So that area is settled. The only thing may happen is that the ladyboys are pushed off somewhere else which is not necessary good.
You'll be surprised at the number that don't. A fair number of the guys that walk in haven't a clue what a ladyboy is.
A more serious concern for the ladyboys and ladyboy lovers is that Orchard Towers is looking pretty ripe for an en-bloc redevelopment. It sits on prime freehold land and en-bloc sales are still pretty hot. I sense it's days are numbered.
24-05-2011, 01:19 AM
Planning to go to OT on Wednesday evening. Anybody fancy beer and looking around?
24-05-2011, 09:20 AM
.... and ladyboy lovers is that Orchard Towers is looking pretty ripe for an en-bloc redevelopment. It sits on prime freehold land and en-bloc sales are still pretty hot. I sense it's days are numbered.
NOT to worry, Bro Dickrick , the owners of such clubs will find another place. Besides it will take a while before it will go en bloc.
Where there is LBs, hardcore lovers will be there.
I really disagree with the Russians being there as this will dilute the number of LBs.
For seasoned players like us, we can tell the difference, but what about newbies.
25-05-2011, 10:29 PM
My many years of surfing the LB scene has brought me several conclusions.
For one, no LB is worth more than $120.
Those who advertise in VS are not 100% genuine. More often than not, the photos are "makeovers" and claims of extraordinary statistics and abilities is a bi bucket of bull shit.
I agree that paying ten times the price does not give you ten times the pleasure. In fact, if you build up a relationship with a particular LB, the service can blow your mind.
Here, I would like to point out that 70% of LB who claim rigidness are liars. Some are on "Viagra" to create an erection.
The lower end transvestites at Rowell are controlled by local pimps who behave like big time gangsters, and standing too long outside the gates to make your selection can cause a big scene. Again, hand signs showing their virility is a scam.
My two cents worth.
25-05-2011, 10:52 PM
so what advise do you have for us newbies then, king69?
26-05-2011, 01:11 AM
wow....its expensive huh:(:(
26-05-2011, 10:58 PM
so what advise do you have for us newbies then, king69?
Depend on the recommendations of our senior Bros, but make sure it is genuine and not a LB posing as a Big Bro. Ask around, and you will soon find out.
These days, many LBs post under different names, giving us the impression that they are customers and paint a real good picture of themselves.
Go on and enjoy
01-06-2011, 10:06 PM
Any bro keen to head down to OT tmr nite??
Either CH or CR then we can pick them n hav a groupie tog..
08-06-2011, 10:19 PM
Yo all, any Bangkok LB superstars working in Romeos or Crazy Horse this week????
11-06-2011, 10:27 PM
Any one know what happened to Brady? Local Lb Indian looking?
LOL she was my NS mate LOL
12-06-2011, 09:32 AM
LOL she was my NS mate LOL
Last time i know brandy whn she was at sungei gedong camp.. i remember she was charged.. due to wearing a short skirt n pt-kit shirt while booking in.. so during tat time RP call the rsm to guardhouse.. The rsm was shocked n call brandy to follow him to CO office.. When CO saw brandy he was anger n charged brandy with heavy charges.. CO straight away call up brandy's OC.. n to take charge full control of brandy..
13-06-2011, 08:22 AM
went to Orchard Tower for the first time last Friday nite..arrived very late around 2am...went straight to Crazy Horse...mannn, its CRAZYYY!!!
instantly approached by a thai LB named Cici...she wanted me to take her and willing to offer Sgd100...but her physical didnt really attracted me, bought her drink then some tips...then another LB from Laos named Jib...this one i had fun with hehehe
though she's post op and insisted that she's a female...haha
23-06-2011, 10:57 PM
Was in Romeos few days ago and bought a lb a drink which costs $30. Nothing to shout about but when I was asked to pay for the drink, I gave the waiter $100. After talking to the lb for about 10 or 15 mins, when I was leaving, I enquirer for my change. After a few mins, the waiter came and gave me $65. It was supposed to br $70 so I went to the bar to enquire. The waiter then took out $2 dollar from the black wallet which was supposed to be given to me as part of the change together with the receipt which suppose to be given to me in the first instance. I again enquired that the remaining change was to be $5 instead of $2. The waiter said that was his tip!! I told him that I would have given him tip but not now. I took all the change and left!
Not a good visit. Stock there was not good. Better few months ago. Spotted a Russian whom I was told by the lb that she charges $1000!
Anyway won't be going back to Romeos for quite some time now....
24-06-2011, 02:26 AM
Was in Romeos few days ago and bought a lb a drink which costs $30. Nothing to shout about but when I was asked to pay for the drink, I gave the waiter $100. After talking to the lb for about 10 or 15 mins, when I was leaving, I enquirer for my change. After a few mins, the waiter came and gave me $65. It was supposed to br $70 so I went to the bar to enquire. The waiter then took out $2 dollar from the black wallet which was supposed to be given to me as part of the change together with the receipt which suppose to be given to me in the first instance. I again enquired that the remaining change was to be $5 instead of $2. The waiter said that was his tip!! I told him that I would have given him tip but not now. I took all the change and left!
Not a good visit. Stock there was not good. Better few months ago. Spotted a Russian whom I was told by the lb that she charges $1000!
Anyway won't be going back to Romeos for quite some time now....
some cheapskate of a waiter there in Romeos :o
24-06-2011, 02:48 PM
I've had that experience 2 times now. They are very very very very fucking slow to give back your change there. For that reason alone, I don't think I will go back there anymore.
Personally I think it's abit better to look around in there than upstairs at Crazy Horse as it's too bloody dark there, but because they have done that to me 2 times already (the past 2 times out of 2 that I've been) they can fuck off and I will take my patronage elsewhere
24-06-2011, 07:20 PM
HOCK19 - I know what you mean, and who you are talking about. There is one male waiter there (dyed red hair), and he has done the same to me. The few times I have been back there, I refused to have him serve me, or return the change. I only ask the girls to handle my drinks, one in particular who has been there forever. She always gets a good tip, and she knows now that I won't deal with Red (she said they are getting lots of comments about him). If I knew who the management was, I would tell them that this guy is playing games with customers...hoping they will forget their change, and then when pestered about it, takes some more time AND his "cut". DDJONGE - like you said, that's one of the reasons I've not been to Romeos much in the past 8 months - because of Red. Not good business practice...
24-06-2011, 07:46 PM
hock19, you guys are being cheated and con. OT is a fuck place. They will steal and con ur money. You should have call the police.
24-06-2011, 11:56 PM
Should have just fucked him knnccb there and then. I'll try it when I go. See if he dares to fuck around.
25-06-2011, 01:08 AM
anyone here tonight?
25-06-2011, 05:53 PM
hock19, you guys are being cheated and con. OT is a fuck place. They will steal and con ur money. You should have call the police.
Well, I won't be going back there still that guy f++ks off!!! Use to have some waitresses there which was ok.
25-06-2011, 06:55 PM
Oh gosh yes, that's been the Romeo style even before the red hair dye guy was around. It's damn bloody slow to get back your change. On the rare occasions that I go in, I change money beforehand and then give exact change. My friend whom I brought for the first time nearly had a big argument over this.
I've not had a problem in Crazy Horse but I always make sure my change is small. I never pay with big notes.
28-06-2011, 12:06 AM
Yup, the change problem there. Easy solution is buy stuff from the mama shop outside and get change for drinks. If you give 50 for a beer you are screwed as it'll take forever to get change if at all
These days i throw down a ten for a beer and act surprised when informed its fifteen bucks, then just take out another 5, throw on counter and saunter away to the hottest lb nearby LOL
04-07-2011, 01:16 AM
had my virgin trip to OT this weekend. wah, must say that this place is really one kind. either police close one eye or got something more going on.
anyway, cos i read ccconstantinez post and thot i better follow his advice, so went to look for club romeo. but err, couldn't find? saw ipanema, ba li ba, crazy horse on top floor. then when at 3rd floor, saw the bouncers in their red shirt again, look closer, aha! club romeo! turn around and saw the entrance.
walk in and wah lao, didn't expect to see so many lb! quickly walk out from the shock. but this lb in white dress, really cute, can pass off as real girl, she bring me back in. (maybe next time will up her, if i dare go back to OT and can find her) saw got 2 or 3 other customers inside. also got 2 euro at the poles and expose their undies when dancing.
sat with tina, post-op lb. i ask for pre-op, she bring her friend, q (for cupid). cut long story short, i end up w tarma session.
lady drink - $30
heineken - $15
one hand rubbing q's pussy-covered cock while other hand expose and fondle tina's neh neh... in public! - priceless
04-07-2011, 04:27 AM
Difficulty in getting the correct change back has always been the problem with CHS. I experienced a few times this pratice and now I change into $10 and $5 notes. The shops around there always have no change for big notes, but will have when you buy a drink or sweets
Newbies, pl be careful, but to be fair not all waiters/waitress is like that, albeit that they all do take long time to return change.
05-07-2011, 09:31 PM
Difficulty in getting the correct change back has always been the problem with CHS. I experienced a few times this pratice and now I change into $10 and $5 notes. The shops around there always have no change for big notes, but will have when you buy a drink or sweets
Newbies, pl be careful, but to be fair not all waiters/waitress is like that, albeit that they all do take long time to return change.
I always use my card to pay.
10-07-2011, 04:10 AM
Went over on Thursday. Was quite disappointed, the LB there was too eager to 'close the deal' (go hotel.) 2 min into our lady drink talk and he/she was going in for the kill. Once you let on that you are local and was here for a lookseelooksee only, they start to turn nasty and scarstic. Haizzzzz. Better to just go Rowell.
13-07-2011, 12:10 PM
im heading down SG later today...gonna check out OT tonite :)
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