View Full Version : What will a HIV-positive Singapore woman do?‏

01-01-2010, 02:46 PM
hi i received this email from a friend. i think this kind of possiility is very real. do let me know what you think about it?


Imagine this: A girl born with HIV trying to blend in with her classmates. Will her classmates play “catching” with her, or will they avoid her at all cost?

Imagine this: A teenager with HIV trying to find a boyfriend. Will she eventually find her true love, or will she ever find a lover?

And now, imagine this: This HIV-positive girl grows up with an antagonizing vengeance contributed not by the virus, but by the stigma. What will she do?

Low Kay Hwa’s latest novel, Lilith, tells a story about a HIV-positive woman who was infected due to parent-to-child transmission. Since young, she has been marginalized by society for her illness: No one gave her a second chance. When she was a child, she had no playmates. When she was a teenager, she had no “BFF” (best friend forever).

When she was sixteen, she said that “when a person’s limit is broken, either she breaks down, or she breaks others. I used to break down. But now, I break others.”

And so, she started to seduce men and have sex with them to infect them with HIV. For if she cannot disregard the fact that she is HIV-positive, then she will make everyone HIV-positive.

“If I cannot get out of hell, I will bring everyone to hell.”

Read the disturbing story, set in Singapore, here:

Goody Books - Words That Speak, Stories That Touch (http://www.goodybooks.com/lilith.htm)

01-01-2010, 03:24 PM
Without reading the book, here are some thoughts.

Unlike what most people think, a person is unlikely to get HIV from 1 fucking session even with an infected person (statistically, its like 1/1000 chance of infection when having sex with a HIV+ woman). It takes multiple fucks to get infected, so she'll have to keep banging the same guys.

Of course, since she's banging them raw, there's a chance that one of the guys is already infected by another strain of HIV (a guy who's willing to do raw is probably a high risk anyway), which could in turn infect her (women have higher chance of infection compared to men ). This will kill her faster, as infection by multiple strains of HIV are much harder to treat.

01-01-2010, 05:19 PM
Imagine this: A girl born with HIV trying to blend in with her classmates. Will her classmates play “catching” with her, or will they avoid her at all cost?

Imagine this: A teenager with HIV trying to find a boyfriend. Will she eventually find her true love, or will she ever find a lover?

And now, imagine this: This HIV-positive girl grows up with an antagonizing vengeance contributed not by the virus, but by the stigma. What will she do?


This been covered some time ago, and without going to the same topic again, she can choose whether to fuck around, or just remain a pure person.
And no need to imagine the first 2 scenario, if the other party knows she is HIV-Postive, 99% of people will siam one country :eek:

02-01-2010, 12:15 PM
hey peanut123,

i dun think the infection rate is low... with so many people getting HIV... i dun think its realistic that is its only 1/1000 out of chance if not all of us will f--- raw... just my 2 cents worth...

02-01-2010, 03:21 PM
hey peanut123,

i dun think the infection rate is low... with so many people getting HIV... i dun think its realistic that is its only 1/1000 out of chance if not all of us will f--- raw... just my 2 cents worth...

All the same no unprotected sex with WLs and ONS.

02-01-2010, 05:19 PM
There is no such thing as unlikely to get it from 1 fuck.... in fact there are proven cases of 1 fuck was all it took..... There were of course contributing factors such as open wound etc.

Well it is not impossible someone will do what the character did and Im not surprised someone is already doing it.

There was a recent case of a guy who infected his own wife with his HIV tainted blood cos she stopped having sex with him after he was tested positive.... That one is really one selfish bastard...

03-01-2010, 01:52 AM
Without reading the book, here are some thoughts.

Unlike what most people think, a person is unlikely to get HIV from 1 fucking session even with an infected person (statistically, its like 1/1000 chance of infection when having sex with a HIV+ woman). It takes multiple fucks to get infected, so she'll have to keep banging the same guys.

Of course, since she's banging them raw, there's a chance that one of the guys is already infected by another strain of HIV (a guy who's willing to do raw is probably a high risk anyway), which could in turn infect her (women have higher chance of infection compared to men ). This will kill her faster, as infection by multiple strains of HIV are much harder to treat.

I agree with your latter portion but not your first portion. You are giving other people the wrong impression here that HIV is hard to catch even if you have unprotected sex. Raw sex with anyone, WL...FLs...ONS....gives you the risk of HIV and like what the other bro said, one time is all you need to kenna HIV. FYI, there are some people that are more susceptable to HIV than others due to their genetic conditions....do all these calculations and I can assure you it will never be 1/1000...or else there won't be so many guys infected with HIV...Given the number of active bros here in SBF versus the number of actual HIV/AIDs cases in Singapore, there is a good proportion of us already carrying the HIV virus...best part is, some of us don't even know or don't even wish to know...

03-01-2010, 02:12 AM
There is no such thing as unlikely to get it from 1 fuck.... in fact there are proven cases of 1 fuck was all it took..... There were of course contributing factors such as open wound etc.

Well it is not impossible someone will do what the character did and Im not surprised someone is already doing it.

There was a recent case of a guy who infected his own wife with his HIV tainted blood cos she stopped having sex with him after he was tested positive.... That one is really one selfish bastard...

u guys are confusing statistic probability with likelihood. statistic probability of 1 out of 1000 people does not mean you cant get it on first attempt. it just means that the probability, or chance,of getting it in the first attempt, is1/1000. and the prob of NOT getting it the first time is 999/1000.

03-01-2010, 12:43 PM
There is only one fool proof 100% gurantee with bond and chop way of no get HIV.

1st: No more Sexs EVAR!!!!11!!!
2nd: stay in a hospital quality "clean" environment like they use for ICU or semiconductor assembly. Better yet Biohazard proof "clean" room
3rd: All food and drink should be quadruple tested and sterilised before consuming.
4th: in fact you might as well survive wholly on water and intravenous drip. With the occasional drink of whisky as your life now totally suxors.

Fact: Even if the only sex you had is with a Virgin on her wedding night, it does not rule out the possibility that
a) she is positive from birth and no one ever told her.
b) she has got raped or had sex before just she dont tell u or she dont know
c)There is always the chance the hospital infected her by using HIV tainted blood just they dont know , and she didnt know. (This kind of shit really does happen).

Unless both y'áll wanna take a pre-marital HIV test and if it then comes bac positive, its time to ask the question: HOW NOW???? :rolleyes:

03-01-2010, 03:44 PM
u guys are confusing statistic probability with likelihood. statistic probability of 1 out of 1000 people does not mean you cant get it on first attempt. it just means that the probability, or chance,of getting it in the first attempt, is1/1000. and the prob of NOT getting it the first time is 999/1000.

My friend u are quoting the wrong person.... It is peanut that implied u are unlikely to get it from first time not me.