View Full Version : Urgent Help Needed for Son's Operation
13-01-2010, 09:24 AM
Please those kind hearted guys i really need the money for son's operation , i really got no one to turn to and this is the only area where i can seek help . i cannot check the pms here as its laggy . Pls email me at
[email protected] Please Help My Son thanks
Age : 29
Stats : 36a/25/34
Height : 1.55
Weight : 45kg
Looks : Normal Babyface ( dun look 29 )
NO NO : BBBJ , Raw , CIM
DMG : 150/1/1
[email protected]
Pls help kind sir
13-01-2010, 11:06 AM
Best wishes for your son's operation.
What race are you?
13-01-2010, 11:12 AM
this is her other thread: ;)
I'm in here looking for some help from bros here as i am a single mum and of coz need Vitamins M . My figure is 34b 26 34, height 1.57 tall and weighing 45kg . Chinese Female and loves to laugh m if u are interested pls pm me and let me know ur number or msn so that i can contact thanks DMG is 150 per hr , with bj thanks .....
13-01-2010, 12:43 PM
Brothers lets all try to help this poor girl ...big or small amount will add up..I have already send her email to ask for her account number to contribute.
Its time like this we can tie rubber band on our dicks and contribute some money to help her child in need.....always remember what goes around comes around...
13-01-2010, 01:17 PM
I have e-mail u.
Await your revert pls.
13-01-2010, 04:16 PM
hi sis yue79
hope ur son will b fine!!!!thruthly frm the bottom of my heart!!!GOD BLESS!!!
Pls help kind sir
13-01-2010, 04:17 PM
Hope ur son will b fine!!!thruthly frm the bottom of my heart!!!god bless
15-01-2010, 07:48 AM
I will be contact you this morning around 9plus.
Take care till then.
samuel 2008
15-01-2010, 10:49 AM
Hi Yue
Dont forget abt me...u forgotten to contact me yesterday...hope everything is fine.
15-01-2010, 10:52 AM
Brothers lets all try to help this poor girl ...big or small amount will add up..I have already send her email to ask for her account number to contribute.
Its time like this we can tie rubber band on our dicks and contribute some money to help her child in need.....always remember what goes around comes around...
15-01-2010, 10:54 AM
Hi yue79, all the best to your son. I hope he gets well soon.
15-01-2010, 11:06 AM
May our prayers be there for her son...............
15-01-2010, 11:20 AM
Brothers lets all try to help this poor girl ...big or small amount will add up..I have already send her email to ask for her account number to contribute.
Its time like this we can tie rubber band on our dicks and contribute some money to help her child in need.....always remember what goes around comes around...
Agreed.. let's help out this poor lady.
15-01-2010, 11:59 AM
Re: Urgent Help Needed for Son's Operation
Originally Posted by maituleow
Brothers lets all try to help this poor girl ...big or small amount will add up..I have already send her email to ask for her account number to contribute.
Its time like this we can tie rubber band on our dicks and contribute some money to help her child in need.....always remember what goes around comes around...
Agreed.. let's help out this poor lady
YES BRO OUt there PLs Help her!!
15-01-2010, 02:55 PM
Brothers lets all try to help this poor girl ...big or small amount will add up..I have already send her email to ask for her account number to contribute.
Its time like this we can tie rubber band on our dicks and contribute some money to help her child in need.....always remember what goes around comes around...
Strongly agree with you. I think the bro's here should get together and contribute to help save her child. No need to FL. Hope she provides her acc number soon for us to send some $$$ and hopefully it can help her out.
15-01-2010, 03:25 PM
Is this real?? Any bro meet up with her before?? I tried, but no reply..
15-01-2010, 07:13 PM
Not sure if real. Hope she is not real as the story is quite pathetic. Nowadays i see thread coming up with asking for help of son's school, operation and hospital expenses etc., I am ready to help them not by having their service. If they are willing to work and earn, i can recommend various temp jobs!! Last time i offered the same to a malay girl and found that she is not real.
my deepest condolences.:(
16-01-2010, 01:55 AM
Strongly agree with you. I think the bro's here should get together and contribute to help save her child. No need to FL. Hope she provides her acc number soon for us to send some $$$ and hopefully it can help her out.
Agree wif u bro.... Let us all bros here help dis lady here. God bless us...:)
16-01-2010, 03:59 AM
May our prayers be there for her son...............
Can't believe some sadist guy zap me for trying to help......hope the guy who zap me get into some shit n then he will know the problem of ones suffering.....:eek:
16-01-2010, 08:15 AM
all the best and good recovery.
emailed you.. lets see how I can help.
17-01-2010, 11:50 AM
This lady is real. have tried before. hope the best for you.
18-01-2010, 07:15 AM
Is this real?? Any bro meet up with her before?? I tried, but no reply..
Real?? :confused: ??
18-01-2010, 07:20 AM
i emailed .. no reply.. maybe not real.. or maybe ev'thing went well...;)
18-01-2010, 02:34 PM
Probably staying by her son's side after operation. hope all is well. really respect some of the brothers helping her with money than actually engaging her services for money.
18-01-2010, 02:58 PM
TS is a real case as she had appointments with some bros here before.. (based on FRs written)..
Willing to contribute abit as long as TS PM me her bank account..
Lets hope all's fine for her.
18-01-2010, 07:25 PM
i really like the idea bro maituleow has given ... it shows that not everyone in SBF think with the 'other' head ... thumbs-up to the bros who chipped in too ;)
18-01-2010, 07:55 PM
she real and i did managed to get a email reply from her and also transfered some cash to help her . But till now no news from her thu i had sms her and ask her how things after the ops.
Let hope everything is fine for her and her son
19-01-2010, 12:21 AM
Hope ur son will b fine!!!thruthly frm the bottom of my heart!!!god bless
19-01-2010, 01:15 AM
If she can pm me, I am willing to help too...
19-01-2010, 01:29 AM
i dun think she is real, sorry to say that, just copy her email and paste at facebook, u will see the real(
[email protected]) her there.
Will u still playing facebook games everyday while ur son going for operation??
19-01-2010, 07:05 AM
i dun think she is real, sorry to say that, just copy her email and paste at facebook, u will see the real(
[email protected]) her there.
Will u still playing facebook games everyday while ur son going for operation??
Real or not??
19-01-2010, 07:47 AM
i dun think she is real, sorry to say that, just copy her email and paste at facebook, u will see the real(
[email protected]) her there.
Will u still playing facebook games everyday while ur son going for operation??
Why cannot. If your loved one is in hospital bed for 1 year, would you refrain from all your usual activities for 1 year?
Also did she say what kind of operation? Maybe just to remove ingrown toe nail!
Finally, some of you say you want to "help". Please la, you just want a cheap bong. This is not the forum to do charity.
20-01-2010, 10:35 AM
Bros who wants to help can pm me for her account. I already send her through her account. I am not related to her nor have I engage her services before so if you are uncomfortable to help her son's operation cost den dun help if you are worried about this and that.
Her account tagged to her name if you deposit over the counter.
small small amount will add up to help.
*for those who expect "service" in return...GO AWAY.....
20-01-2010, 11:23 AM
bro maituleow, no offence, but i though she started this forum to seek get money in return she 'do' us a 'favour'. if not i would recommend that she can look up her GRC MP for help.. don't think this is the right channel for donation..
20-01-2010, 11:32 AM
All I can say is that I contacted this lady and sent some $$$ to her. I can only hope that it helps her out. I have never met her at all and I can only say that whatever doubts we may have, I think she is for real. Even if not, it is not as if $100 or $200 is gonna bankrupt any of the bro's here.
20-01-2010, 11:35 AM
bro maituleow, no offence, but i though she started this forum to seek get money in return she 'do' us a 'favour'. if not i would recommend that she can look up her GRC MP for help.. don't think this is the right channel for donation..
None taken bro. its becos her urgent need for paying son's operation dats why willing to help. In the first place, she did not ask for "donation" but to render service in exchange for money needed for the operation.
Maybe its a ploy i dun know.....but again I stress dat i give without any obligations...and if you give in exchange for service ..its fine too...
I think better u all pm her or send email direct to her to get her account...I dun want to get myself misunderstood as I already helped as I promised.
20-01-2010, 12:01 PM
fake.... the person post also don't know the age of the person anyhow crap... The person should be 30 by now. Furthermore the facebook picture was taken down liao...
20-01-2010, 12:20 PM
Dun know what to say leh but it just dun seems right... :(
I just feel that if she really needs help, she needs to provide more information. Right now we are just discussing among ourselves and we dun even know what's real or not. But base on previous thread, she does exit though.
20-01-2010, 12:32 PM
fake.... the person post also don't know the age of the person anyhow crap... The person should be 30 by now. Furthermore the facebook picture was taken down liao...
What fb account? Where can you find that? Tried pasting her email on facebook search but nothing came out.
Anyway like bro maituleow and Wins88, I too sent her some money, so anyone else can pm me for her account no. I am not okt or whatever but will never like to see kids suffer.
20-01-2010, 01:32 PM
I never met her before and never engaged her service, but I trasferred $100 to her bank account yesterday since she told mr her daughter had fever and no money to see the doctor. First of all, I don't know whether everything is true. I was trying to verify, but she has appointment this noon and I will be busy Friday. I shall try to meet her and go to visit her son. If her son is sick indeed, I will try to arrange a donation. Hope all the bros and give a hand. Anyway, if it is fake, $100 is just a few bottle of beer. I will keep you guys updated. Nice day...
21-01-2010, 11:40 AM
Guys, here is the update. What she said is somehow true. She has one son and onE daughter. She was lack of money to pay her son's medical bill, since he arm was broken. But he is discharged already and she postponed the payment of the balance. She shares a handphone with her sister. I still did not meet her yet, what I know is from the conversation through phone. I shall try to meet her, maybe try her service? Hehe..
21-01-2010, 03:33 PM
Guys, here is the update. What she said is somehow true. She has one son and onE daughter. She was lack of money to pay her son's medical bill, since he arm was broken. But he is discharged already and she postponed the payment of the balance. She shares a handphone with her sister. I still did not meet her yet, what I know is from the conversation through phone. I shall try to meet her, maybe try her service? Hehe..
Bro u steady.. Let us know the out come ya.. :cool:
21-01-2010, 03:51 PM
Pls someone post a Field report before anyone gives her the $$...think it's a scam...
21-01-2010, 08:39 PM
Ermnnn...maybe real...ermnnn...maybe for me, i'll rather wait and see :D
TS, if u r really poor and destitude, de hospital wont turn back on ur son...approach them and explain ur hospital will try their best to help u if u r genuine case and not a FAKE :)
22-01-2010, 04:45 PM
I m a newbie here. And decided to post some Q but no to make offend anyone here.
I have b keeping this thread.
a) So far some bro mention tat had contacted her service but I wonder y no FR???
b) Some bro did transfer her $$$ n mention small amount. I wish to noe those bro which mention small amount, how small is e amount???
c) If "Yue" post this thread for asking donation to pay off her son medical bill. I tin all bros here will willing to chip in e $$$. But she is asking exchange service for $$$.
d) I saw one of e post tat she tot e bro her son injure his arm but wat she tot mi was her son injure his back. So which is which????:confused:
Y I made such comment was as follow:-
On 19/01/10 morning she sms me tat she is available onli on "Thurs" & mention in e sms tat her baby gal was having fever & got no $$$ to c Dr or buy food. I manage to call her, she tot mi tat she need S$200/-. I don mind lending or giving tis amount as some bro here mention tat is onli very small amount. When I asking her where to pass e $$$ to her. She claim inconvenient. As I just wan to c whether truth a not. If yes at least I can call more pple to help. By e end of e call, she tot me tat will meet up on Thurs. On 20/01/10, I reconfirm w her & she tot mi tat one of e Bro had already make an appointment w her last wk & she had forgotten. At e end she again tot mi to reconfirm w her on Thurs as e bro had yet to confirm w her as she claim tat tis bro is goin for oversea trip. When I sms her on Thurs, she claim tat she is sick & tot mi to sms her agin on Fri morn. Which I did so today. Again she say she haven't recovered & tot mi to sms her on Mon.
I suspect tat she is fooling us around.
Once again bros TKS for reading tis POST. If any bros had met her or used her service before, Kindly stand up for her....To clear all tis doubt for her so tat more bros here will donation a "small amount" to her especially CYN is round e corner
25-01-2010, 01:03 PM
a) So far some bro mention tat had contacted her service but I wonder y no FR???
All the FRs are here if u bother to look:
c) If "Yue" post this thread for asking donation to pay off her son medical bill. I tin all bros here will willing to chip in e $$$. But she is asking exchange service for $$$.
She ask for help NOT donation.....and willing to exchange service for $$$..
If u want to help den do so without fuss , if u want to pay $$ for her services den go ahead no need to act u want to help...
I stress again I have not MET her nor have enagage her services before.
24-01-2011, 01:18 AM
can share ctc pls? tks
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