View Full Version : Will AIDS die off one day?

16-01-2010, 04:01 PM
In future, we might have robot woman (90% real like) to settle our needs. If every man having their own, even more if they want, will FL/pro needed any more? If no FL/pro, no sharing of woman and so, the risk of having AIDS is reduce and eventually, gone?

Maybe I thinking too much but in the future, any thing can happen. But for now, enjoy FL/pro bonking. :D

see see only
16-01-2010, 04:24 PM
If it really works .............. :eek:

:D i guess AIDS will surely die off ...

........... AS WELL AS our Mankind :o .......... TS Terminator si bo????????:rolleyes:

16-01-2010, 04:44 PM
Maybe you get a robotic version of the HIV...

You're betting off cloning the perfect chick than to fuck a robot. At least the technology for cloning is available. I do not know of a fucking robot yet and I wouldn't want to do one for various concerns, especially short circuits and mechanical problems!

Bro, that's weird thinking you have there man. Must be watching too much cyborg chick movies...:D

16-01-2010, 05:16 PM
maybe it will !
maybe there will be a nano technology that can replace human white blood cell improve our immune system or maybe genetic engineering .

Highly possible hiv will die off

16-01-2010, 07:41 PM
If I can "study", I might create such "woman" n teleport it from future to now for me to enjoy. Dreaming is not bad, might come true one day.

I just love to imagine but hey, my idea/s came true some time, esp I witness some myself :p :eek:

16-01-2010, 07:58 PM
AIDs will not die one day.

I believed there will be a cure and in future it will be just another illness. However another deadly strain will come out which will repeat itself.

This is my 2 cents worth of opinion.

16-01-2010, 10:54 PM
I remember read on an article that in the past, there are some disease(now is called illness) that could not be cured but now it is possible. I believe that AIDS one day will have a cure but like the above bro said, it might develop another disease that is unable to cure.

I look at it like a pattern of life or of this world. Old things will go dead and new things will comes.

:) SMILE Live life to the fullest! :) Be safe then sorry :)

16-01-2010, 11:06 PM
Even if there is a cure for AIDs one day, more deadly virus will surface.
However, i still believe in science:)

17-01-2010, 12:04 AM
Maybe AIDS will emulate the flu virus, hard to kill and still going strong after donkey years.

How many people always kenna seasonal flu?

17-01-2010, 01:32 AM
Add on to Bro alphonsus post above,

Aids virus will not die off.

Our hope would be for scientists to focus in on the subject of how the AIDS virus mutates, then they can begin to find out how to help the immune system to identify it. "If" a vaccine can identify the AIDS virus cell and "if" the vaccine can change the surface of the cell so that the immune system can identify it (like changing the surface of a HIV cell to look like it is infected with a cold virus), then the vaccine can help the immune system to identify AIDS, which will allow the immune system to kill it.

However, Aids virus mutates rapidly so even "if" we have found an effective vaccine, it would need to be changed on a frequent basis to catch up with the evolving virus (Mutations), much like we do today with the flu vaccine.

It is a BIG "IF", I would hope for an "If" than looking forward to bonking a robot. :):D

17-01-2010, 01:54 AM
Regardlessly, we wouldn't want machines and robots to take over such shit man...
Women are irreplaceable.

17-01-2010, 02:26 AM
Everything Dies one day

17-01-2010, 12:09 PM
Even if there is a cure for AIDs one day, more deadly virus will surface.
However, i still believe in science:)

Yea.... I totally agree with you bro.... But currently AIDS still the deadly virus....:)

17-01-2010, 03:28 PM
I dunno if anyone of you read science news. In recent years, scientists uncovered RNAi. RNA interference. They discovered that certain malfunctioning genes may be switched on and off using the process of RNAi.

RNAi is the new frontier in medical sciences and promises a new class of drugs which will aim to deal with illnesses like HIV, AIDs, cancer and etc, which conventional drugs are not able to. Medical schools like those from Harvard and MIT are hard at work at bringing RNAi based drugs to the market.

Major drug makers like pfizer, roche and gsk are also involved. Alnylam Laboratories is among the leaders in this science. Although no RNAi based drugs are available in the markets at the moment, proofs of concepts have been obtained, regarding the efficiacy of the RNAi based drugs. Animal models have been used to confirm the effectiveness of RNAi based drugs.

Although the probability of a working cure for aids, cancer and etc may not be coming this year or so, it is certain that it will likely happen in this decade. We have to be optimistic.

RNAi will revolutionise the way medicine works. The market for HIV drugs is measured by billions. This is not a hoax. ;)

17-01-2010, 08:51 PM
Hey Bro!

Look at it from this perspective....
Gonnorrea, syphliss, vietnam rose etc are all still around AND they all have cures.

What does that tell you about AIDS?

Difference between AIDS and say heart problems, cancer, ebola, influenza etc... is that AIDS is 100% preventable. The others are not.


18-01-2010, 03:09 AM
Ok, tomorrow I will inform WHO (World Health Organisation) to instruct all the women in the world not to wash their CBs for 3 yrs.

Then this will lead to men completely losing their interest in having sex with women.

Then AIDS will be eradicated once and for all!!!!!

Oh shit...I forgot about the gays and lesbians....aiyah i think best is all men and women should stop washing their privates and let it stink like shit lah. Thus turning everybody off and no one wants to have sex anymore!! Don't even wash/gargle your mouth and/or brush your teeth!! Let bad breath lingers and no one will give or receive oral sex also!! AIDS will then die off!!!

18-01-2010, 02:11 PM
even if u dun wash for 3 years... sure got people continue to have sex... :p

18-01-2010, 03:01 PM
......to instruct all the women in the world not to wash their CBs for 3 yrs....Then this will lead to men completely losing their interest in having sex with women...Let bad breath lingers and no one will give or receive oral sex also!! AIDS will then die off!!!

There will still be some who like exotic smell and taste... :D:p

18-01-2010, 08:33 PM
There will still be some who like exotic smell and taste... :D:p

bro.. VERY EXOTIC leh!!! hahahaha..

imagine ur gf/wife ask u... "dear.. tonight you wanna eat oyster??"

i'm imagining your facial reaction.

18-01-2010, 08:49 PM
....i'm imagining your facial reaction.

Wahahahaha..that will be the day!!!

If girlfriend, I would run away without taking a breather or 2nd take.

If wife, then no choice, I will go check if we have any lemon, garlic, tabasco or other sauce. :D:p

19-01-2010, 11:39 AM
A cure of for AIDS has been found.

Only thing is that I believe it will cost in the region of USD $500 000. And it invovles bone marrow transplant.

20-01-2010, 10:47 AM
Not sure if aids will dies off one day, but sure thing is you will dies off earlier than u should if you get aids...

21-01-2010, 02:13 AM
Let's not forget there are still some guys who have a fetish for smelly CBs. The more smelly it is, the more they like it. Personally I do have a friend into this and how he wish he can lick a woman directly after 8-12 hours of work without taking a bath. Ladies, any takers? :D

21-01-2010, 01:59 PM
The more smelly it is, the more they like it. Personally I do have a friend into this and how he wish he can lick a woman directly after 8-12 hours of work without taking a bath. Ladies, any takers? :D

Man.....that is like totally gross.....

Just thinking of it sorts of churn my stomach....