View Full Version : This GL150 girl got an attitude problem.
10-03-2004, 12:23 AM
I don't know if any bro here had any bad experiences with Cat 150 girls but I encounter one recently. I don't consider this a FR but I just wanna know if anyone has the same experience as me with this girl.
The girl is called East from Lor 20 and the moment I met her I knew right away something was wrong- no smile, no expression, stone face. My guessing was that maybe that was her character so I went on with the business. She's quite tall actually- about 165cm, very slim around 45kg, fair skin and long hair.
In the room she continued her stone face- as if someone owed her a million dollar so I decided not to talk much. With that kind of environment I kind of lost my mood for fucking. And because of that my dick had a hard time getting hard. The first really bad moment came when she had finished her bbbj and seeing my dick still not 100% awake, she said something to me in hokkien which goes something like "go in my pussy now if still cannot then forget it". When the hell.....I think she had forgotten that I was actually the one paying her for the service. I later found out from her that she had a few bad customers before me so that was her reason for the bad mood. But to put it in a cruel way- her problem is not my problem, she should at least keep her mouth shut and carry on with the job. l have problems too with my work so what should I do? Show my attitude or just leave the work place??? Since she decided to prostitute herself she must be prepare for such thing to happen and able to handle them. It's all part of the job. Those girls are all well paid so I have no sympathy for them. But having said that I do pity them in a way that they have to serve all kinds of customers everyday.
The next bad moment....when I asked her to turn over for doggie, she showed an unhappy face and told me right away to hurry up and finish it. This time my blood was starting to boil and the truth is we were just about 25 minutes into the session!!! In the past when I was a bit inexperience those kind of words might put me off totally but now being more experience, I tried to reverse my thoughts and screw her even harder to let out my anger!!! Fortunately it worked and I was able to get hard and cum during doggie.........
Now the worse part is about to come.......after I took out the condom she immediately turned over and said to me in chinese " your dick got problem, go see doctor!" On another day I would have slap her on her face and I wonder what's the charge for slapping someone in Singapore????? (cos I nearly did it at the heat of the moment.) It was quite clear that she said those words deliberately to cause troubles. I just laughed it off and she went to the shower.
Note: this is just my personal experience, others might have a different encounter. Maybe I picked her on the wrong day but this girl certainly look bitchy to me. But anyway, she has serviced me and I have fucked her and cummed so I have no complaint there. Just want to let people know that although we are the ones who show the money there are some chicks in Geylang who still don't realize that.
10-03-2004, 08:03 AM
Hi Bro,
Yes, this girl is know to be tempremental. Some days when I have seen her she is all smiles, arm across the shoulder of the customer on the way to the room. Other days she could turn milk to yoghurt by the look on her face. You were unlucky.
10-03-2004, 11:19 AM
I agreed with u bros that she has attitude problem. I was there yesterday and was reccomended to try her as my regular are not avaliable, so not to waste too much time, just grab her.
In the room, she make rude remarks and when she bbbj, it is mechanical. Worst is fj, she complained that i did her too deep and cause her pain.
I have been in geylang for last 20 years and she was the worst of the lots.
10-03-2004, 01:13 PM
East was great the last time. :D
10-03-2004, 02:12 PM
Bro Jang,
So I am not alone in saying that this East has a real attitude problem. I just wonder if she is so often unhappy working there then why don't she just leave Geylang....or find some place else to sell her body.
She has been working there for more than a year now according to her, and I don't believe no one has fucked her upside down verbally during this time.....I nearly did.
10-03-2004, 02:52 PM
Bro Traveller,
So you were another unlucky one. I always hate to see any Bro here who had a bad experience with a girl. Now I can confirm that this chick has a serious attitude problem.
If she often make rude remarks to customers deliberately then I suggest she should leave Geylang for her own safety. Since she is so ignorant and doesn't seem to realize at all that she is asking for troubles making rude statements, one of these days she will end up in trouble. If not for my good mood that day she would not have leave the room in one whole piece.
She should only open her mouth during blow job.
10-03-2004, 02:56 PM
give them a break
its not an easy job especially dont know how many guys fuck them each day lor......
sometimes i get this kind of temperamental treatment from one of my darling, just a bit of understanding for them and you will get a good fuck on the next visit......i can only say its just our luck if we get them after they serve a bad customer thats all
10-03-2004, 03:24 PM
I can understand your point but there is a difference between giving bad service and deliberately making rude remarks to try to stir you up. It's just like the difference between someone stepping on your shoes accidentally or deliberately. Spot the different ???
It was clear that she wanted a challenge by saying those things.
I won't and will not spend $150 to take shits from a prostitute.
10-03-2004, 03:30 PM
Ok Piranas......lucky for you then :)
10-03-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Compass2005
Bro Jang,
So I am not alone in saying that this East has a real attitude problem. I just wonder if she is so often unhappy working there then why don't she just leave Geylang....or find some place else to sell her body.
She has been working there for more than a year now according to her, and I don't believe no one has fucked her upside down verbally during this time.....I nearly did.
when she first came, she was a full bodied happy babe with an excellent attitude and service. Now she is a little too skinny and her attitude has changed. Unfortunate.
Like what Bro Kent says, it is a tough job and maybe she has had an especially hard time.
Best to just move on. There are other girls out there.
Good hunting
10-03-2004, 06:32 PM
Well, as always.... 2 sides of the coin to look at.
Good comments and bad comments... East has it all. Thankfully my few sessions with her were awesome... maybe we click.
Those who had a shitty time from her, consider it a bad day... I know it's wrong for the girls to show us customers freak faces but can't blame em too... this is just no ordinary job. How would we feel if we were in their shoes?? Maybe she kenna some guy on steriods n rampage? Can be quite scary n degrading.
One thing for sure, even with the existence of the forum...nothing is affirmative from FRs.
The Hustler
10-03-2004, 06:57 PM
Bro Jang,
What I don't understand is that why she has to deliberately make personal attacks on customers. There is absolutely no reason for her to do that even if she was in a bad mood and having a hard time.
I have some bad services from some girls too but I am fine with that, at least they didn't purposely want to wind you up.
My guess is that you have tried her when she first arrived and from your comments on her she obviously have overworked.
10-03-2004, 07:28 PM
Well, if I were in their shoes and having a rough ride, I would at least keep my mouth shut and carry on with the job and stay out of any further troubles.
It is alright for me that you show me a sad face, but deliberately making personal attacks is another thing all together.
Yes nothing is affirmative from FRs, just like there is a Cat150 girl which was condemn by many bros here but I had a really pleasant time with her.
My belief is that good or bad time, we should get our job done, afterall we are all being paid to do a job. And if this chick is having a problem doing that she should just leave for her own good.
10-03-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Compass2005
Well, if I were in their shoes and having a rough ride, I would at least keep my mouth shut and carry on with the job and stay out of any further troubles.
It is alright for me that you show me a sad face, but deliberately making personal attacks is another thing all together.
Yes nothing is affirmative from FRs, just like there is a Cat150 girl which was condemn by many bros here but I had a really pleasant time with her.
My belief is that good or bad time, we should get our job done, afterall we are all being paid to do a job. And if this chick is having a problem doing that she should just leave for her own good.
Like I said, theirs is an abnormal job. And dun keep throwing the logic of being the paymaster etc... I'm sure u r aware of customers being asked to leave the rooms too... thus our $150 do not warranty us results... I know it's a screwed philosophy and mind u, I ain't protecting the girls... somehow it's just so different for crying aloud if there's a fly in ur soup.
Sorry if the personal attacks by her were harsh, but I'm sure East is not such a person.... and I also believe that u are a rational guy.
Yes, complains bout her have been heard, so do compliments. My point here is that u should fcuk her (which u did! haha) and enjoy other delicacies... no pt. harping over it.
The Hustler
10-03-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Compass2005
Bro Jang,
What I don't understand is that why she has to deliberately make personal attacks on customers. There is absolutely no reason for her to do that even if she was in a bad mood and having a hard time.
I have some bad services from some girls too but I am fine with that, at least they didn't purposely want to wind you up.
My guess is that you have tried her when she first arrived and from your comments on her she obviously have overworked.
When people are pissed off, sometimes they "just don't care". Know what I mean? So maybe she was in one of those moods and just let fly. Is it right to do so in this so called service industry? No, I guess not but hey, it is her right to do whatever she wants.
Let it go Bro. Put it down to bad luck and move on. No point getting too upset over it. She isn't worried about losing you as a customer so don't sweat it.
Yes, I had her when she first came and she was great. Have not had her since after hearing about some of the negative things about her. Many other girls in GL.
Relax and Good hunting
10-03-2004, 10:40 PM
Those customers were asked to leave the room because they were dead drunk or trying to create trouble. If they have the right to demand something being the payee (and in those situation rightfully so).....then surely we have the right to say something being the payer. Everything happens for a reason.
And being in an abnormal job does not give you the right to act differently or say things differently.....or am I wrong? lol
Whether East is that kind of person or not I think no one will know for sure, but I'll give her the benefit of a doubt.
I am not saying $150 is big deal, that's not the point. I'm just trying to share with bros here my encounter with this girl and wonder if anyone has the same problem with her.....that's my point.
10-03-2004, 11:11 PM
I know what you're trying to say but making personal attacks risk the high chance of landing yourself in deep trouble, I just don't want that to happen to her. Maybe her character change is due to the rough times she had or maybe she thinks she is rich now and become an air head I don't know.
So maybe next time when I'm in a bad mood I will fucked the girl in the room physically AND verbally too...haha.. maybe I should do that it should be fun.
Actually I'm not that upset about the whole wasn't that bad in the room since I was having a good mood that day. Just that now thinking back I want to discuss this girl or any other girls with bros down's a forum after all.
11-03-2004, 10:22 AM
Everyone got your point and understand your frustration. I did not have a good time with her also.
Humans are of different types and behaviour. We cannot expect everyone to be the same. East's style is direct comments on the customers. She may or may not realise that. You know now, so dun go back to her. I believe there are other gals with variant moods too.
Important thing is can click or not. If can click, she will be nice in her words even she is in bad mood.
Just remember, humans are all different.
11-03-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Compass2005
I know what you're trying to say but making personal attacks risk the high chance of landing yourself in deep trouble, I just don't want that to happen to her. Maybe her character change is due to the rough times she had or maybe she thinks she is rich now and become an air head I don't know.
Bro, She does not care what you think when she does it so why should you worry if she gets into deep trouble??
So maybe next time when I'm in a bad mood I will fucked the girl in the room physically AND verbally too...haha.. maybe I should do that it should be fun.
Then you take the chance of changing more girls who behave like East.
11-03-2004, 01:52 PM
Bro zyxel,
Glad that you speak sensibly here. Don't worry I won't get too bother by the incident. I just want to let bros here know about my experience.
And also hate to know that you did not have a good time with East too.
11-03-2004, 02:06 PM
ok Bro Jang, I know that but it also doesn't matter if she cares what I think or not.....I just give my views and that should be it.
Maybe bros here can try Vanessa, she's also those who can get on your nerves but somehow I could get along well with her.
11-03-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Compass2005
I don't know if any bro here had any bad experiences with Cat 150 girls but I encounter one recently. I don't consider this a FR but I just wanna know if anyone has the same experience as me with this girl.
wa , worst than gucci
11-03-2004, 09:03 PM
East used to be one of my regular gal but I have stopped patronizing her altogether now because of her rather unusal mood swing. I find it hard to adapt to it cos it dampened my mood to f**k.
11-03-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Compass2005
I don't know if any bro here had any bad experiences with Cat 150 girls but I encounter one recently. I don't consider this a FR but I just wanna know if anyone has the same experience as me with this girl.
The girl is called East from Lor 20 and the moment I met her I knew right away something was wrong- no smile, no expression, stone face. My guessing was that maybe that was her character so I went on with the business. She's quite tall actually- about 165cm, very slim around 45kg, fair skin and long hair.
In the room she continued her stone face- as if someone owed her a million dollar so I decided not to talk much. With that kind of environment I kind of lost my mood for fucking. And because of that my dick had a hard time getting hard. The first really bad moment came when she had finished her bbbj and seeing my dick still not 100% awake, she said something to me in hokkien which goes something like "go in my pussy now if still cannot then forget it". When the hell.....I think she had forgotten that I was actually the one paying her for the service. I later found out from her that she had a few bad customers before me so that was her reason for the bad mood. But to put it in a cruel way- her problem is not my problem, she should at least keep her mouth shut and carry on with the job. l have problems too with my work so what should I do? Show my attitude or just leave the work place??? Since she decided to prostitute herself she must be prepare for such thing to happen and able to handle them. It's all part of the job. Those girls are all well paid so I have no sympathy for them. But having said that I do pity them in a way that they have to serve all kinds of customers everyday.
The next bad moment....when I asked her to turn over for doggie, she showed an unhappy face and told me right away to hurry up and finish it. This time my blood was starting to boil and the truth is we were just about 25 minutes into the session!!! In the past when I was a bit inexperience those kind of words might put me off totally but now being more experience, I tried to reverse my thoughts and screw her even harder to let out my anger!!! Fortunately it worked and I was able to get hard and cum during doggie.........
Now the worse part is about to come.......after I took out the condom she immediately turned over and said to me in chinese " your dick got problem, go see doctor!" On another day I would have slap her on her face and I wonder what's the charge for slapping someone in Singapore????? (cos I nearly did it at the heat of the moment.) It was quite clear that she said those words deliberately to cause troubles. I just laughed it off and she went to the shower.
Note: this is just my personal experience, others might have a different encounter. Maybe I picked her on the wrong day but this girl certainly look bitchy to me. But anyway, she has serviced me and I have fucked her and cummed so I have no complaint there. Just want to let people know that although we are the ones who show the money there are some chicks in Geylang who still don't realize that.
She has "wierd" mood swings. Believe me. i know. Have patronized her 7 times or so................
12-03-2004, 02:49 AM
so you had a rough time with gucci ?
12-03-2004, 03:01 AM
Yes it is true that when a girl put on an attitude it will definitely spoil the mood for fucking. I had experienced a few times of that in the Thai fish tank type so I switched to Cat150 girls. But this East would be my first bad experience with $150 girls. they say.....there's always the first time.
12-03-2004, 03:25 AM
Well.....with so many people confirming this East has a weird mood swing, I think she is PROBABLY mentally unstable too. This can happen when someone is under too much depression. It must be a real shit life working as a prostitute.
12-03-2004, 03:55 AM
Whatever perception u have of East...hahaha, forget it lah... just not worth our troubles suspecting what their strange characteristics are.
Here's one gem I just had earlier today: Cartier from 2222, fantastic session... all the works in there and very accomodating, from GF feel to even Commando.... go try her, u'll forget East in no time...FR akan datang.
Watch Collector,
The Hustler
12-03-2004, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by The_Hustler
Whatever perception u have of East...hahaha, forget it lah... just not worth our troubles suspecting what their strange characteristics are.
Here's one gem I just had earlier today: Cartier from 2222, fantastic session... all the works in there and very accomodating, from GF feel to even Commando.... go try her, u'll forget East in no time...FR akan datang.
Watch Collector,
The Hustler
bwhahah will be fighting you for her. She is one of my new favorite girls. Commando service for me with girlfriend chit chat after hehehe
12-03-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Jang5556
bwhahah will be fighting you for her. She is one of my new favorite girls. Commando service for me with girlfriend chit chat after hehehe
Hehehe... new girl for u...sounds weird to me man. I've been enjoying her for 2 years liao...keke. Thanks to you, a little rekindle for me and her... gee it was sweaty n gluey stuff last night! Surprise she's improved quite a bit... told me she picked up from years of working experience.
Cartier's Old Collector,
The Hustler
12-03-2004, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by The_Hustler
Whatever perception u have of East...hahaha, forget it lah... just not worth our troubles suspecting what their strange characteristics are.
Here's one gem I just had earlier today: Cartier from 2222, fantastic session... all the works in there and very accomodating, from GF feel to even Commando.... go try her, u'll forget East in no time...FR akan datang.
Watch Collector,
The Hustler
Actually East is one of those, whom you have to put in effort (ie..sweet talk, compliment her looks.... after all she is pretty) to break the ice. Once that is over-come she will open up to you. She will tell u a lot of her personal stuff and service u better.
So it is up to you guys, if u want to bonk a looker with ok service like her, u must do your part not that i support that though.
I personally have stopped patronizing her due to some incident after which i also pai seh to call her.
12-03-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Compass2005
Well.....with so many people confirming this East has a weird mood swing, I think she is PROBABLY mentally unstable too. This can happen when someone is under too much depression. It must be a real shit life working as a prostitute.
"mentally unstable" is too harsh a word lah. I would say that she is very frank & moody........ but pretty.
12-03-2004, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by The_Hustler
Hehehe... new girl for u...sounds weird to me man. I've been enjoying her for 2 years liao...keke. Thanks to you, a little rekindle for me and her... gee it was sweaty n gluey stuff last night! Surprise she's improved quite a bit... told me she picked up from years of working experience.
Cartier's Old Collector,
The Hustler
Yeah but she is one who has not been recommended by anyone. Even you. By chance someone told me her service good and since I never had her before, decided to try. Shiok boss hehehehe
But guess there will be a lot of guys in here who may not like her due to physical appearance.
12-03-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Jang5556
Yeah but she is one who has not been recommended by anyone. Even you. By chance someone told me her service good and since I never had her before, decided to try. Shiok boss hehehehe
But guess there will be a lot of guys in here who may not like her due to physical appearance.
Dun anyhow humtum hor! U go look at our private D forum...I've listed her as one of my fav and I also open a folder with a FR on her... it's not often u see me doing dat... just blame urself 4 not being observant...hehehe..
"Private" Eyes,
The Hustler
13-03-2004, 02:05 AM
"Actually East is one of those, whom you have to put in effort (ie..sweet talk, compliment her looks.... after all she is pretty) to break the ice. Once that is over-come she will open up to you. She will tell u a lot of her personal stuff and service u better.
So it is up to you guys, if u want to bonk a looker with ok service like her, u must do your part not that i support that though.
I personally have stopped patronizing her due to some incident after which i also pai seh to call her."
__________________________________________________ __
Well......I actually did say something nice about her that day like compliment on her good figure and all that but she was still giving me the stone face look. The problem with her that day was not that she gave me bad service, it was that she deliberately made some personal attack remarks and want to stir my blood. I guess she just sux that day.
So you stop patronizing her due to what incident? Did you damage her pussy or she fart in the room? lol
13-03-2004, 02:30 AM
ok Hustler, thanks for your recommendation on Cartier. I might try her next time I go if she's available.
Well to me Xiu Wen is a gem too, tried her sometime back and she really like to please and felt really comfortable with her. Pretty and some more can CIM. Worth a try though Li Zhen is still my all time favourite, it's a shame that she has retired cos if I can find any girl half as good as her I'll be more than happy.
13-03-2004, 02:44 AM
The reason why I said she is "mentally unstable" is because she made verbal attack on people when you have done nothing wrong to her. Only an unstable person will attack people on the street for no reason. To put it simple....when someone bite you, you bite back. That is perfectly normal to me. But when you start biting people for no reason then there must be something wrong.
13-03-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by The_Hustler
Dun anyhow humtum hor! U go look at our private D forum...I've listed her as one of my fav and I also open a folder with a FR on her... it's not often u see me doing dat... just blame urself 4 not being observant...hehehe..
"Private" Eyes,
The Hustler
Sorry Bro. I stand corrected. Just that it was so long ago bwhahaha
Stir stir
13-03-2004, 10:25 PM
i hv been out of this forum for ages but do come in once in awhile for a look see and yr post perked my interest enuff to warrant a response...
on balance i think u were right to come out and share yr experience warts and all...
if u r fibbing, i hv no doubt some other 'good samaritan(s)' shall take up the cudgels on East's behest! me, i hv seen it all before!<chuckles>...
although i hv generally had good experiences with East in the past, it had come to my attention that this gal is temperamental & moody to say the fact she has admitted this to me on afew past occasions...i told her that if she was feeling moody for whatever reason, perhaps she sld consider knocking off work early on that day instead of taking out her mood on innocent unsuspecting punters...there r gals who hv acted in such a professional manner such as Toto, Elaine & Bai Xue to name but afew...
sad to say, it appears that East has chosen to act in her own manner...well i hope she get's the message loud & clear(which i hv no doubt she will fm the bbcs' in this forum) together wif other gl gals who r prone to act in such a manner...
however, whether she and these other gals consider their unprofessional attitude i do not know...but perhaps a temporary dent to their paypacket may make some difference and wake up their ideas...who knows eh?!...
do not waste yr sympathy on these gals...they r not children but grown up adults...regardless of their reasons for getting into vice, they r being paid handsomely for their services and sld act long as the punter does not act out of the reasonably accepted parameters of commercial sex then the gal sld provide a reasonable std of service...if she is not prepared to do so, then she sld take the day off if it is temporary or just pack it in altogether if she can't hack vice any longer...
finally, i hope u made yr displeasure known to the okt as well so he/she can take it on board for future referrals...put it down to a bad experience and don't call again...
13-03-2004, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by kent32
give them a break
its not an easy job especially dont know how many guys fuck them each day lor......
sometimes i get this kind of temperamental treatment from one of my darling, just a bit of understanding for them and you will get a good fuck on the next visit......i can only say its just our luck if we get them after they serve a bad customer thats all
dude wif all due respect, i don't think they deserve a break provided the punter has treated them within reasonably accepted parameters wif regards commercial sex...
sorry to say, but u treat yr lover/gf/spouse wif understanding NOT the WL...wif the WL it is first & foremost a commercial relationship...if u get friendly wif a WL all well & good but u forget that it is primarily based on $$$ at yr own peril...
as i said to Compass...East or any other WL for that matter sld act in a professional manner as they r being paid good $$$ for their services...if they r in a bad mood for whatever reason, and i can sympathise wif them on that account as we r all flesh & blood...they sld NOT be working over that period as they wld invariably provide shitty service at the expense of innocent punters...
if these WLs cannot take the heat, they sld just get out of the kitchen...may sound harsh but welcome to the real world...
13-03-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by The_Hustler
Well, as always.... 2 sides of the coin to look at.
Good comments and bad comments... East has it all. Thankfully my few sessions with her were awesome... maybe we click.
Those who had a shitty time from her, consider it a bad day... I know it's wrong for the girls to show us customers freak faces but can't blame em too... this is just no ordinary job. How would we feel if we were in their shoes?? Maybe she kenna some guy on steriods n rampage? Can be quite scary n degrading.
One thing for sure, even with the existence of the forum...nothing is affirmative from FRs.
The Hustler
greetings after a long hiatus which will most probably resume after this appearance!...<chuckles>...
i repeat what i said to Compass and Kent abv...
if the gals don't like it or can't hack vice no longer they sld just turn their cards is that simple...
the best things in life r free, but u can give it to the birds & the bees, i want the money, that's what i want, i want the money...THEN u got to pay the piper:)
14-03-2004, 04:13 AM
Welcome back omnia,
Long time no see. Totally agree on u that this is a commercial txn & we should not sympathise. We r afterall the customer, and it is not as if we are paying a discounted rate. So why should we mutely accept lousy service. I say do exactly what we would have done in the real world. Complain!
If the WL is feeling shitty, then for goodness sake dont come to work!
Horny King II
14-03-2004, 04:19 AM
To all the bros:
I am a regular of East and have tried her >50 times. In terms of services and looks, she is rated one of the best especially now with a lot of ang pais retired. She is very hardworking unlike some of ang pais who are always not working.
Btw, this is not the 1st time ppl posted bad attitude FRs on her. She is a very straight forward person and dun hide her feelings. She knew about it too and have tried to control her temper. I guessed that day is a really bad day for her. For the past few mths, I noticed that she has control her temper very well and slim down a lot till I find her too skiny now.
I am not writing this to defend her. I am advising bros out there that we should post more FRs on gals rather to talk about her anymore.
14-03-2004, 04:35 AM
Originally posted by omnia
greetings after a long hiatus which will most probably resume after this appearance!...<chuckles>...
i repeat what i said to Compass and Kent abv...
if the gals don't like it or can't hack vice no longer they sld just turn their cards is that simple...
the best things in life r free, but u can give it to the birds & the bees, i want the money, that's what i want, i want the money...THEN u got to pay the piper:)
Allo! Where have u been all this while?? It's just me n poor pl' me rotting away here... sighing at every childish word games going on. It's no longer what it used to be... cries of falling in love with tiraks, storming personal attacks at each other with public dirty linen washing, tons of "Where to find her"..."her service good or not"..."errr..I newbie, dun flame me hor" etc.. Haiz... simply pathetic.
Have be dabbling with a few girls, namely Malay Lily, Cartier, CK and Celine. U've had ur fair share of fun at Lexon n Delphi forum eh? C'mon, politics ain't u... but on 2nd tots...after all the ruckus u've conjured... perhaps!
Welcome back Supernova!
Your Friend,
The Hustler
14-03-2004, 10:06 AM
The cold hard truth is that these ladies are service providers. There is no room for feelings. The paying customer has a right to expect at least his $150 worth of service, not to be abused. If the service provider is unable to prevent her feelings from affecting her work for the day, she should either take a short break or just go home for the day.
To me, East's excuse is unacceptable from a contracter-client POV.
Originally posted by Horny King II
To all the bros:
Btw, this is not the 1st time ppl posted bad attitude FRs on her. She is a very straight forward person and dun hide her feelings. She knew about it too and have tried to control her temper. I guessed that day is a really bad day for her.
14-03-2004, 11:37 AM
I also have not so pleasant experience with her but not as bad as yours. face black, black but did give me a good blowjob. When comes to fucking, only gives the conventional position cannot try others say here pain there pain, nabeh. Also me the tulan face when I was fucking her
So finish her in conventional position but did like what you did, bang her with all my strength to vent my frustration bcos she asked for it! Though I understand they also have feelings, but I paid so I'm expect some minimum service and we paid to enjoy not to see a black face. Some bros may argue that $150 is no big deal and we can't expect it too much but to me this is "relativity" question. If you have $1m, then $150 is no big deal but you have only $200, then it is a big deal.
I'm sorry that I did not post a FR earlier to warn bros thinking that that was her off day after seeing so many bros singing praises of her. I was thinking maybe I too ugly and she doesn't want to service me but now I can confirm it is her attitude problem
14-03-2004, 12:32 PM
Tried her once many months ago....did not smile or talk a lot...pretty SOP session if I can recalled....
14-03-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Horny King II
To all the bros:
I am a regular of East and have tried her >50 times. In terms of services and looks, she is rated one of the best especially now with a lot of ang pais retired. She is very hardworking unlike some of ang pais who are always not working.
Btw, this is not the 1st time ppl posted bad attitude FRs on her. She is a very straight forward person and dun hide her feelings. She knew about it too and have tried to control her temper. I guessed that day is a really bad day for her. For the past few mths, I noticed that she has control her temper very well and slim down a lot till I find her too skiny now.
I am not writing this to defend her. I am advising bros out there that we should post more FRs on gals rather to talk about her anymore.
Hi there,
perhaps u cld do East a big favour...i suggest u politely & gently raise this issue to her the next time u see her...only good can come out of obligations on yr part though:)
14-03-2004, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by The_Hustler
Allo! Where have u been all this while?? It's just me n poor pl' me rotting away here... sighing at every childish word games going on. It's no longer what it used to be... cries of falling in love with tiraks, storming personal attacks at each other with public dirty linen washing, tons of "Where to find her"..."her service good or not"..."errr..I newbie, dun flame me hor" etc.. Haiz... simply pathetic.
Have be dabbling with a few girls, namely Malay Lily, Cartier, CK and Celine. U've had ur fair share of fun at Lexon n Delphi forum eh? C'mon, politics ain't u... but on 2nd tots...after all the ruckus u've conjured... perhaps!
Welcome back Supernova!
Your Friend,
The Hustler
i am mostly based out of s'pore for the foreseeable future, hence my absence as i hv nothing of interest to report, although i hv had my fair share of fun in the international fleshpot arena...a leopard never changes its spots!!<chuckles>....
as for sam's interest there is wanning as the same issues keep repeating themselves albeit in different forms...afew colourful characters(including an earlier version of sam) hv gone mia as well, apart fm the 'famous' animal handler!!<chuckles>...
take care, peace out!
Horny King II
15-03-2004, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by omnia
Hi there,
perhaps u cld do East a big favour...i suggest u politely & gently raise this issue to her the next time u see her...only good can come out of obligations on yr part though:)
East knew about people talking about her atitude in the forum long ago. Some ppl from forum always feed back to her. As you say a leopard never change its spot.
I guess you people are unlucky to get her on a bad mood day. She shouldn't have throw her temper as she is a service provider. She is human after all. I suggest that you all should try other gals with good atitude.
Horny King II
15-03-2004, 03:03 AM
Originally posted by Compass2005
The reason why I said she is "mentally unstable" is because she made verbal attack on people when you have done nothing wrong to her. Only an unstable person will attack people on the street for no reason. To put it simple....when someone bite you, you bite back. That is perfectly normal to me. But when you start biting people for no reason then there must be something wrong.
Hi Compass2005!
I have talked to East. She knew who you are, young man. You tried her at 2033, rite? She is very unhappy about your comment about her. She already told you that she had a few bad customer earlier on. You also console her that you also understand. How can you said that she is mentally unstable when she had a bad day. When you had a bad day, your mood also will be affected rite?
I am not defending about her though I am her regular. Btw it is very normal for the Cat 150 gals to finish about 35 mins instead of the normal 45 mins nowadays. You can check there are some other gals that finished before 30 mins, eg. CK, AB and so on... The fasted record is CK who finished within 20 mins. Go and check it out, man.
I am not saying that you have to apologise to her. Please think before you want to post your comment about her. Nobody force you to try her. In future you should go and try gals that meet your requirement. There is a saying 1 man's favourite maybe another man's poison.
15-03-2004, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by Horny King II
Hi Compass2005!
I have talked to East. She knew who you are, young man. You tried her at 2033, rite? She is very unhappy about your comment about her. She already told you that she had a few bad customer earlier on. You also console her that you also understand. How can you said that she is mentally unstable when she had a bad day. When you had a bad day, your mood also will be affected rite?
I am not defending about her though I am her regular. Btw it is very normal for the Cat 150 gals to finish about 35 mins instead of the normal 45 mins nowadays. You can check there are some other gals that finished before 30 mins, eg. CK, AB and so on... The fasted record is CK who finished within 20 mins. Go and check it out, man.
I am not saying that you have to apologise to her. Please think before you want to post your comment about her. Nobody force you to try her. In future you should go and try gals that meet your requirement. There is a saying 1 man's favourite maybe another man's poison.
what the fuck ???????? you told east about this forum ????????
Sabo Kia...............
15-03-2004, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by Compass2005
"So you stop patronizing her due to what incident? Did you damage her pussy or she fart in the room? lol
can't really say that. Wait some sabo king go and tell east later............ :D
Horny King II
15-03-2004, 03:15 AM
Originally posted by ROCKY_MAIVIA
what the fuck ???????? you told east about this forum ????????
Sabo Kia...............
Before you made any comments, please go and checked before you barked. A lot of working gals knew about this forum. Btw East is not a new gal, she knew about people talking about her atitude in the forum. This is not the 1st time people made comments on her atitude in the forum.
I knew a lot of forum brudders told their regular gals about the forum. Go and check! there is a thread about these before.
15-03-2004, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by Compass2005
The reason why I said she is "mentally unstable" is because she made verbal attack on people when you have done nothing wrong to her. Only an unstable person will attack people on the street for no reason. To put it simple....when someone bite you, you bite back. That is perfectly normal to me. But when you start biting people for no reason then there must be something wrong.
Bro Compass,
Yes, she can be too frank. Who knows, maybe she misses me so she takes it out on others....:D . But seriously, she does it to others too.
She told me once that some guy with bad "BO" called her once. You could imagine what she said to him. Don't really want to say much, wait get saboed..... Will PM you if u want.
15-03-2004, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by Horny King II
Before you made any comments, please go and checked before you barked. A lot of working gals knew about this forum. Btw East is not a new gal, she knew about people talking about her atitude in the forum. This is not the 1st time people made comments on her atitude in the forum.
I knew a lot of forum brudders told their regular gals about the forum. Go and check! there is a thread about these before.
yeah... but you can leave out the details when u tell her stuff rite. I mean, now east knows who compass is........ (bad joke).
if all the bros here go and tell their fav gals, about every detail about the poster's message, u think anyone will post constructive messages in future ?
Horny King II
15-03-2004, 03:50 AM
Originally posted by ROCKY_MAIVIA
yeah... but you can leave out the details when u tell her stuff rite. I mean, now east knows who compass is........ (bad joke).
if all the bros here go and tell their fav gals, about every detail about the poster's message, u think anyone will post constructive messages in future ?
Hi Rocky!
Are you jealous that I am close to East? I did not tell her the detail. Dun forget that this thing happen only a few days ago? She remember that she had a bad day and she show her swinging mood that day. She knew the guy as she always serve her regulars for the past few days.
I am asking Compass2005 question, why do you keep on probbing?
15-03-2004, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by Horny King II
Are you jealous that I am close to East?
this 1 sentance proofs want a loser u are.......... so u get your kicks by getting close to WL.............. I guess u spent valentine day by visiting her rite...........
Horny King II
15-03-2004, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by ROCKY_MAIVIA
this 1 sentance proofs want a loser u are.......... so u get your kicks by getting close to WL.............. I guess u spent valentine day by visiting her rite...........
If you are a winner, you should be loyal to your companion. What are you doing in Geylang then? I got the right to be in Geylang to satisfy my sexual dsire.
Please think before you call people names. I think you are too immature. Let's stop arguing. We should post more constructive things in the forum.
16-03-2004, 12:44 AM
Hi compass,
Think you got a very big problem with this cat East. I tried her a few time and find that she is great and as you mention her attitude problem i think that is her playful personality. As anyone who tried her can denied the fact that she is great in looks and figure!
Anyway if you feel she is so bad than keep to your regular cat lor next time dont get her lah!
Well my comment is let our brother out there try her for themself then let them pass their comments! Cause this is your own point of view. Maybe you got something that makes her dont like you!
Lastly for your info! If you had slap her! You would have been in deep deep shit! Trust me!
16-03-2004, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by Horny King II
East knew about people talking about her atitude in the forum long ago. Some ppl from forum always feed back to her. As you say a leopard never change its spot.
I guess you people are unlucky to get her on a bad mood day. She shouldn't have throw her temper as she is a service provider. She is human after all. I suggest that you all should try other gals with good atitude.
Hi there,
perhaps u did not grasp where i was coming fm...generally East had provided me wif pretty good service in all my sessions wif her...however i hv not called her for a v long time...hence my suggestion to u:)
16-03-2004, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Horny King II
Btw it is very normal for the Cat 150 gals to finish about 35 mins instead of the normal 45 mins nowadays. You can check there are some other gals that finished before 30 mins, eg. CK, AB and so on... The fasted record is CK who finished within 20 mins. Go and check it out, man.
Hi there
time ain't the issue is the QUALITY of service that counts...gals like CK & Theresa finish pretty quick time but u rarely(if ever) hear complaints made agst them because they generally provide excellent service...
16-03-2004, 02:24 PM
Sorry i was refering to COMPASS2005! The one who has and attitude problem!
My experience with her is that she really too straight forward..........Therefore easy to offend her customer.;)
17-03-2004, 08:48 PM
Yes being professional
I'm back and I can see there's quite a lot going on here these few days.
What I'm about to say I think omnia has already said it for me.....if you can't take the heat then leave the kitchen. It's just a shame that this East has chosen to behave in such a rude manner. But it's a free world she can do whatever she Horny King has put it " a leopard can never change its spots". And for those girls who knocked off work early when they didn't feel right for the job.....then credit must go to the few girls that mentioned Toto, Elaine & Bai Xue and others for acting in a professional way.
The problem with East is not that she was showing a black or moody face, I am fine with that. It's not also that she provided bad service....I am fine with that too. The real problem with her is that she made unnecessary rude remarks on customers. If she could just shut her damn mouth and even with her average service things would have been much better.
And for your suggestion to make my displeasure known to the okt I don't know if that will make any difference, I don't know if the okt will ever care about it at all.
17-03-2004, 09:11 PM
Yes it is true that she always give you the "black" face if she's not in the mood for service. Futhermore the way she talked was like you had killed her parents! She was just so unhappy working that you almost feel like leaving the room straight away.
And it is ok that you did not post a FR about her earlier.....always better late than never. It is always good to see someone posting a FR, whether it's good or bad, early or late.
17-03-2004, 10:20 PM
Hello Horny King II !
No... I was not the one that she thought. I called her in the afternoon that day around 4 pm at 1429 and not 2033. It was last tuesday 9th March and I remember she was wearing a black dress and black g-string. She should know who I am. And who was that young man that she was talking about? So she said the same thing to him too ? I guess it's her habit now to give the same excuse for her bad attitude...."oh I got a few bad customers before you".
Quote:" Please think before you want to post your comment about her. "
And why should I do that when she didn't even think when she made those remarks about me? Did she think or care when she made those comments? So why should I care what she thinks? I think you have to admit that you were trying to defend her in a way which I can understand even though you hate to admit that. But at least you were reasonable in saying that we should try other gals that meet our requirments and all that. And yes when I have a bad day my mood will also be affected but at the very least I won't start barking at people for no reason. And I also don't care if the session finished in 15 mintues as long as the attitude and quality is there! It's not about the timing that I'm talking about it's the attitude.
You telling me to "think" before I make a comment about her.....but did you tell East to "think" also when she made those comments about me? After all she was the one who started it first. If she said whatever she want then I can say whatever I want too. It's a free world.
But I'm glad that you talked to East about let her know her problems even though I believe she will never change. ( From your own words "a leopard can never change its spot" ).
17-03-2004, 10:47 PM
Yes, she can be too frank. Who knows, maybe she misses me so she takes it out on others .... . But seriously, she does it to others too.
She told me once that some guy with bad "BO" called her once. You could imagine what she said to him. Don't really want to say much, wait get saboed..... Will PM you if u want.
Bro, in that case you should try calling her regularly so that those bros who screw her will not end up the same fate as me...haha
I'm really curious what she said to the customer with "BO". I guess it went something like " smell like your dead mother !" I hope she didn't really say that if not......poor guy lol
17-03-2004, 11:05 PM
And yes woa75, we all know you got an attitude problem and thank you for letting us know!
And I'm sure we have enough comments from so many bros here to have a reflection of what her personality is.
18-03-2004, 02:41 AM
bro compass2005,
I believe we should move on and not dwell too much on her.
I agree totally with what you said that her behaviour is uncalled for and you have a right to say what you want to say here. But I guess everyone has heard the message.
I WAS also a regular of her but has cut-down drastically on calling her. She still give me good service and when I call her we still have a good time but the "freshness/shiokness" has sort of diminished.
I always believe that the best we customer can do with poor service is stop giving them any business.
Horny King II
18-03-2004, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Compass2005
Hello Horny King II !
No... I was not the one that she thought. I called her in the afternoon that day around 4 pm at 1429 and not 2033. It was last tuesday 9th March and I remember she was wearing a black dress and black g-string. She should know who I am. And who was that young man that she was talking about? So she said the same thing to him too ? I guess it's her habit now to give the same excuse for her bad attitude...."oh I got a few bad customers before you".
Quote:" Please think before you want to post your comment about her. "
And why should I do that when she didn't even think when she made those remarks about me? Did she think or care when she made those comments? So why should I care what she thinks? I think you have to admit that you were trying to defend her in a way which I can understand even though you hate to admit that. But at least you were reasonable in saying that we should try other gals that meet our requirments and all that. And yes when I have a bad day my mood will also be affected but at the very least I won't start barking at people for no reason. And I also don't care if the session finished in 15 mintues as long as the attitude and quality is there! It's not about the timing that I'm talking about it's the attitude.
You telling me to "think" before I make a comment about her.....but did you tell East to "think" also when she made those comments about me? After all she was the one who started it first. If she said whatever she want then I can say whatever I want too. It's a free world.
But I'm glad that you talked to East about let her know her problems even though I believe she will never change. ( From your own words "a leopard can never change its spot" ).
Hi Compass2005!
Thanks for your reply! I admit that I am trying to defend her in some ways. You have your rights to make comments about her. I do hope that the next time you made any comments about any gals, please spare a thought for them. They are human after all, have feelings.
I also understand that who will have the mood to enjoy when the gal show you atitude. In the case of East, I think both parties are at fault. We shall close this case and not talk about it anymore.
I hope we can cheong together 1 day!
19-03-2004, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Horny King II
Hi Compass2005!
Thanks for your reply! I admit that I am trying to defend her in some ways. You have your rights to make comments about her. I do hope that the next time you made any comments about any gals, please spare a thought for them. They are human after all, have feelings.
I also understand that who will have the mood to enjoy when the gal show you atitude. In the case of East, I think both parties are at fault. We shall close this case and not talk about it anymore.
I hope we can cheong together 1 day!
Bro Horny King II,
I salute you!!!
19-03-2004, 11:57 AM
Hi compass2005,
I also have a bad experience with East too. Can feel that she really hate her job. Mechanical action, black face, rude remarks, etc. After hearing her rude remarks, I just bang her hard, cummed and left. Everything just 30mins. After all, we just want to enjoy our day, so if they hv attitude problem, just treat them like mechanical machine for us to unload and enjoy.
19-03-2004, 01:54 PM
My experience with East was totally different. I was having a bit of flu and I asked her to service me. She smiled and did all the work. She was very hardworking, trying to please me, making a lot of conversation and even asked me to look for her again. Overall, she is one of the best service providers I’ve came across in Cat150.
I guess the answer to gals having bad mood is to respect them. They are human beings also? No point getting incensed, just tell the gal it’s OK, tell her that you’ll look for her when her mood is better and you’ll service her instead to make her mood better….hehe
Originally posted by skyman111
Hi compass2005,
I also have a bad experience with East too. Can feel that she really hate her job. Mechanical action, black face, rude remarks, etc. After hearing her rude remarks, I just bang her hard, cummed and left. Everything just 30mins. After all, we just want to enjoy our day, so if they hv attitude problem, just treat them like mechanical machine for us to unload and enjoy.
19-03-2004, 02:25 PM
Hi Compass2005!
Thanks for your reply! I admit that I am trying to defend her in some ways. You have your rights to make comments about her. I do hope that the next time you made any comments about any gals, please spare a thought for them. They are human after all, have feelings.
I also understand that who will have the mood to enjoy when the gal show you atitude. In the case of East, I think both parties are at fault. We shall close this case and not talk about it anymore.
I hope we can cheong together 1 day!
Horny King II,
I can't even start to imagine why BOTH parties were at fault when all I did was shut my mouth and try to enjoy myself. Anyway this is your own opinion.
One should never forget that no doubt the girls are humans with feelings but so too are the's an undeniable fact.
Cheong together one day? Sure, why not......maybe we can both find East together.....that would be interesting ;)
19-03-2004, 02:37 PM
Hi skyman111,
Thanks for sharing your experience with us here.
You are just one of the many bros here who fell victim to a Cat 150 girl who is totally unprofessional in her job.
Just treat it as a bad journey.
19-03-2004, 03:16 PM
I like your lips :)
No one will denial the fact that we have to treat the girls nice and respect them. But respect works both ways. It is something that need to be earned. You cannot expect people to give you respect just like that. So how we going to give them respect when they don't even have the basic respect for humans?
Many things in life work both ways. It takes two hands to clap, it takes two people to make a marriage work, it takes two people working together to have a good sex life...... We should never look at things with just one angle.
I hope this will enlighten you a bit.
19-03-2004, 04:03 PM
I’m fully enlightened by your words of wisdom. There are both sides of a coin no doubt, guess no one would challenge that. True about the gals showing us the due respect (we are the one paying aren’t we?).
However, it only takes one fuck-up customer to spoil the day for these gals, just like it only take one horrendous service to spoil our day.
What I’m trying to say is, don’t feel mad, be more understanding and I’m sure the gal shall reciprocate. If not, just treat the $$$ as lost on S'pore Pools.
Life is not a bed of roses and we don’t need a rocket scientist to work this out. Looking at both sides we have to, understanding that serving more than 7 men a day are not easy.
Finally, not all comments on her were that bad, do just give East a break.
P.S. Those lips aren't mine, I like the lower lips better.. : )
Originally posted by Compass2005
I like your lips :)
No one will denial the fact that we have to treat the girls nice and respect them. But respect works both ways. It is something that need to be earned. You cannot expect people to give you respect just like that. So how we going to give them respect when they don't even have the basic respect for humans?
Many things in life work both ways. It takes two hands to clap, it takes two people to make a marriage work, it takes two people working together to have a good sex life...... We should never look at things with just one angle.
I hope this will enlighten you a bit.
19-03-2004, 05:12 PM
What your problem? People wants to make peace with you any and you still have to nag nag nag like and old hag! If you find her not to your standard GO AND FIND OTHER CATS THAT IS GOOD ENOUGHT! Dont waste time repeating your same story!
19-03-2004, 05:51 PM
please lah
you all want East to resign then `cum guan' is it???
20-03-2004, 01:12 PM
Piranas, I'm glad you realize that it is not always the customer that is at fault like some people always like to think. There's also no doubt that most of the problems came from the customers..... some of them went into the room dead drunk and start making unreasonable demands. There are always good and bad in both the girls and the customers.
P.S. I know those lips ain't yours, and I like the lower lips better too ;)
20-03-2004, 03:52 PM
Nvm, just relax.....however bad she is will not rival that those of some of the china mei mei :D:D
20-03-2004, 05:26 PM
You can't be serious! :eek: I just can't imagine anyone who had a worse experience than I did. How bad were those china mei mei? What happened? Don't tell me there were fightings in the room lol
20-03-2004, 05:55 PM
Want to know how bad china mei mei are pay $120 and find out yourself la!
Horny King II
21-03-2004, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by woa75
What your problem? People wants to make peace with you any and you still have to nag nag nag like and old hag! If you find her not to your standard GO AND FIND OTHER CATS THAT IS GOOD ENOUGHT! Dont waste time repeating your same story!
Hi idiot woa75!
No brothers in the forum find me as a nag. I think you are the 1 that has a big attitude problem. Btw, I have made peace with Compass2005, so what is your fucking problem? You have not been contributing but keep on provoking people. I think you are not welcome in this forum. Please scram!
Horny King II
21-03-2004, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by Compass2005
You can't be serious! :eek: I just can't imagine anyone who had a worse experience than I did. How bad were those china mei mei? What happened? Don't tell me there were fightings in the room lol
Hi Compass2005!
To enlighten you a bit, China mei mei gives you lousy service. Most of them dun bbbj you, some dun even bj you at all. There are some of them who gives you lousy service with lousy attitude. That is why I dun go for china mei mei unless she is very beautiful.
At least Cat150 gals bbbj or bj you, only some only gives attitude. Cat150 gals standard is way above those china gals and you have to pay about $30-50 more. Who do u think is more worth it?
21-03-2004, 09:41 AM
Hey you bloody fool hornyking II
So what if you made peace? That your problem! If you dont like me that your bloody problem! UNDERSTAND YOU BLOODY FOOL! Welcome or not is not for you to say! If you dont like than me than that your problem!
21-03-2004, 06:37 PM
Peace peace...all are here to share and gain fucking knowledge and not to fight lah.... :D
21-03-2004, 10:19 PM
All bros, i hope all these talk abt East ends here. dun let small unhappiness ruin more happy session that is going to happen.
No personal hard feelings and lets have more happy cheong sessions...
21-03-2004, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by freddykuah
All bros, i hope all these talk abt East ends here. dun let small unhappiness ruin more happy session that is going to happen.
No personal hard feelings and lets have more happy cheong sessions...
Totally agree with bro freddykuah. Prolly this thread has done enough to let fellow samsters know about this matter.
May more soothing and happy sessions come your way. :)
22-03-2004, 06:38 PM
Horny King II,
You're right in saying that it's more worth it to pay $30 to $50 more for much better service. But I guess if the mei mei is very chio then even with bad service I think it's still worth it.....just do it for the looks. Because some of the mei mei were as good if not better than all the Cat150 girls that I have seen ( in terms of body and looks )
Horny King II
23-03-2004, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Compass2005
Horny King II,
You're right in saying that it's more worth it to pay $30 to $50 more for much better service. But I guess if the mei mei is very chio then even with bad service I think it's still worth it.....just do it for the looks. Because some of the mei mei were as good if not better than all the Cat150 girls that I have seen ( in terms of body and looks )
How is the current scene for the china mei mei? For the past few months, the standard has dropped a lot. That is why I have not been active in the scene there.
23-03-2004, 02:17 PM
Horny King II,
The quality (in terms of looks) is still there but not the quantity. There were still some very chio mei around......but the number of girls has dropped. It's not like last time when we were really spoil for choices.
24-03-2004, 10:57 PM
bro compass, i never had any problems with east, but i have heard her swear against other customer. the okt told me she got attitude problem. if she likes you wow on the balls, otherwise jack off and hold your 150$ in the other hand.:D
25-03-2004, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by natto3
bro compass, i never had any problems with east, but i have heard her swear against other customer. the okt told me she got attitude problem. if she likes you wow on the balls, otherwise jack off and hold your 150$ in the other hand.:D
I think everything is forgotten and forgiven liao about east. We all know who and what she is like. We know what to do.
Let's not talk about her anymore.
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