View Full Version : Tipping & Bargaining

20-05-2010, 04:42 PM
i was contributing to another thread here when i suddenly realise tat i am one of those cheongster who always pays "market rate" or always looking for bargaining. in otr words, i am a cheapo. :D

1) for example in legal GL hse when i ask for 150 gal, automatically i will say to OKT tat i got no money, $120 can or not? habit lah .... sometimes i kena suan. but ever got occasion when i actually got discount. when it happen, it feels like win lambo at casino.

anywyas most of time OKT will say: "uncle (okay i look like uncle but me in actual only 30 plus), bo lui mai sio kan / cheong" ("uncle got no money don't cheong").

2) when i enquire ST price, whatever the WL quote me, straight away ask for discount.

3) I go Club Infintude, Tian An Men & Vegas when ask for ST always try for $200. (Unfortunately I not yan tao, in fact I look downright ugly. Even Wayne Rooney/Shrek aso better looking). so kena reject 90% most of the time...... when the few tat agree, (those dam desparate ones!) after finish, i almost never tip .... only one gal from CI i tip..... $10!

i never run aeroplane, fly pigeon 放鸽子and will always pay my share but never pay extra in tips.

will share a few real stories.

20-05-2010, 04:57 PM
As a start, these are my tips:

For KTV:

1) BS, New Shanghai, 情歌, (and all otr KTV at GL): its $20 standard.

2) Macau / Amani / Jade / Dongmen etc (and otr mid range KTV): $30 standard.

3) Vegas (only go one time) / TAM / Club Infinitude (& otr havelock rd base 'high end ktv'): $50 standard.

yah .... got occasionally give $10 extra for good service, but mostly its these rates.

For Internet FL:

Mostly at most $10 tips. and nil if service is not up to standard.

one of my bro tokong .... he buy one box Ferro Rocher (don't know how to spell the chocolate ..... me if eat chocolate, only take from SAF combat ration......). afterward he further tip gal $20 and up to $50 if service is good. me always suan him spoil marker.

For HC

Never give any extra after price is settled during GQ. and i usually still go $100 (altho now mostly open mouth quote $120)

my little story: one regular I got FJ from I paid $80. I still go to her - now on my eight yrs oredi - from mid 20s to aunty/milf. during all tis time, i act blur & never ask for revised rates - straight away pay $80 until one day she ask me indirectly about inflation. i then suan her tat she aso older wat & tat contra with inflation. i very the mean hor?

20-05-2010, 05:03 PM
At lease you can go Geylang for cat $150 and nightclubs KTVs ,I had not been to GL and nightclubs KTVs for a long time ,pocket damn tight this few year .
Only go to Petain aka Banana Leg if needs $20,$30,$40 or $50 . to me $40 one damn good liao .

Ask for discount to me it's still ok ,what if the girls no good will they give you discount ?

20-05-2010, 05:08 PM
For GL & otr Cat hse

i usually give $10 extra. so after bargain, i add $10 tip.

For mummy and xiao mei/waiters

mummy i give $50 tip and xiao mei/waiters $10. if got a lot of waiters serve, i give only at most two of them. i tell mummy right away i don't want assistant mummy if i see her.

Drink hustler lady at thai disco / or duxton pubs

Buy one drink. try to tock cock as long as possible .... aim for ST. i usu go later to these places bcos easier to get discount. and its mostly one shot .... no waterfall or any simi lancheow exotic concoction.

Beer Aunty at kopi tiam

Ah tis one i like donald trump ..... i always tip them $15. becos of my "generousity", i got a free fuck from one aunty .......but this case better earse from memory, the free fuck aunty i got wore dentures, and have to take it out during BJ. well as they say 一分钱 ........

20-05-2010, 05:09 PM
I would gave tips whenever i feel like it, bargain seldom, an old friend's habit, well? He told me he gave tips to regular gals, those 1st time, below stds, don't bother. Everybody work for her/his $, only no stds ask for extra.

Eg, 3 or more PRC FLs asked for it, 1or 2help herself with the hotel balance $10, also want, no :o.

20-05-2010, 05:21 PM
At lease you can go Geylang for cat $150 and nightclubs KTVs ,I had not been to GL and nightclubs KTVs for a long time ,pocket damn tight this few year .
Only go to Petain aka Banana Leg if needs $20,$30,$40 or $50 . to me $40 one damn good liao .

Ask for discount to me it's still ok ,what if the girls no good will they give you discount ?

bro i am a heartlander ... where got can afford to go high class ktv ....... i take bus/mrt to go cheong one. so cheapskate i am tat i hardly buy ciggies anymore nowadays - i always free load. (i an ex ciggy addict who manage to quit my two pack a day to now whatever people can provide).

how i get to go tis places is usually i free loader my bros ..... drinks all free except for tips to each his own. tks god for generous ple who donch mind leechers like me. ;)

now with my uncle looks, no chance for me to pick up gals. knn, even one drunk aunty aso reject me one time at st james .... she actually told me straight in my face (in a taxi) tat she change her mind to One Night Stand because she didn't realise i so 丑.

20-05-2010, 05:34 PM
bro ansonsohna, must really learn from you.... used to chiong in china ktv and always got assistant manangers, assistant mummy, sit in the room only a few mins also ask for tips. must know how to reject them in the future...

20-05-2010, 05:34 PM
Eg, 3 or more PRC FLs asked for it, 1or 2help herself with the hotel balance $10, also want, no :o.

Drink hustler lady at thai disco / or duxton pubs

Buy one drink. try to tock cock as long as possible .... aim for ST. i usu go later to these places bcos easier to get discount. and its mostly one shot .... no waterfall or any simi lancheow exotic concoction.


bro, you know sometimes disco , pubs like to give loose change in coins? everytime i sapu all change .... even if got 5 cents coin!

& everytime i go cheong, i make sure i carry $10 notes. pay chun chun ....

20-05-2010, 05:51 PM
Ya, i also dun give tips, i also cheapo.

22-05-2010, 12:46 AM
Ya, i also dun give tips, i also cheapo.

Bro nukebomb .... i give tips lah.... but seldom extra even for gd service i pay market rate!

gotta to tell u a story. i got an outing once with this guy Johnson who sebei cai with tips. at a mummyless ktv, we were swarmed with gals. johnson 拒绝 reject all their advances. he however say tat his wallet only got $200. he tell the gals tat they must sit with him for least 10 mins & tat he willl give them only $10 tip. if they agree sit down. disagree walk away. surprising most of them never walk.... (and johnson not exactly yan tao) ....... donch know maybe the gals particularly agressive tat day or no biz but frm only eight gals suddenly ballon to up to 20 gals ..... quite good deal as easy for gals .... so many to entertain Johnson and ten minutes also ...... johnson finally sat with 20 gals and he spent only $200.

it is a record -- sitting with 20 gals in my books! i btw aso tried tis two trick two time but without success .......

22-05-2010, 07:26 AM
bro, you know sometimes disco , pubs like to give loose change in coins? everytime i sapu all change .... even if got 5 cents coin!

& everytime i go cheong, i make sure i carry $10 notes. pay chun chun ....

Yeah, M51 is very notorious for this. Happy Hour beer at $23++ and they give up to $6-7 in $1 coins. I bo hew, just keep all of them. Got once the waiter was staring at me for doing that, I just hack care him.

22-05-2010, 10:57 AM
Yeah, M51 is very notorious for this. Happy Hour beer at $23++ and they give up to $6-7 in $1 coins. I bo hew, just keep all of them. Got once the waiter was staring at me for doing that, I just hack care him.

good job bro creeve .... high five. Me not the only cheapo around :D

invisible tips like tat can add up - esp for those who drink like siao ..... its like every "free" drink for two consumed.

BTW my best record for bargaining is from $400 overnight to $200. tis was at a La Sup Bar. got gd service some more ..... next night i try again. but the WL refused - even at closing time & she has no customers - she at most give "discount" of $50 - called me Lao Gong and otr KNS sweetwords ....... i walked off.

since giving rep pts is free, here's five for you my fellow cheapo!

22-05-2010, 11:15 AM
Beer Aunty at kopi tiam

Ah tis one i like donald trump ..... i always tip them $15. becos of my "generousity", i got a free fuck from one aunty .......but this case better earse from memory, the free fuck aunty i got wore dentures, and have to take it out during BJ. well as they say 一分钱 ........[/QUOTE]

Brother, that really funny... almost fell of the chair laughing.

Up you my humble points.:D

22-05-2010, 11:28 AM
I always try to bargain $150 - $200 for 2 shots with ktv girls. They sometimes want $300 one time. Those can just forget, for DongMen and Amani, where have this type of rate ?

22-05-2010, 02:05 PM
For GL & otr Cat hse

i usually give $10 extra. so after bargain, i add $10 tip.

For mummy and xiao mei/waiters

mummy i give $50 tip and xiao mei/waiters $10. if got a lot of waiters serve, i give only at most two of them. i tell mummy right away i don't want assistant mummy if i see her.

Drink hustler lady at thai disco / or duxton pubs

Buy one drink. try to tock cock as long as possible .... aim for ST. i usu go later to these places bcos easier to get discount. and its mostly one shot .... no waterfall or any simi lancheow exotic concoction.

Beer Aunty at kopi tiam

Ah tis one i like donald trump ..... i always tip them $15. becos of my "generousity", i got a free fuck from one aunty .......but this case better earse from memory, the free fuck aunty i got wore dentures, and have to take it out during BJ. well as they say 一分钱 ........

Do you guys tips when going for proper massage with no hanky-panky like Oriental massage at club street?

22-05-2010, 02:24 PM
i like yr frankness bro.

i like yr humour when u said shrek or rooney look better than u! that's really farnee. :D

it's ok to ask for discounts, but juz dun overdo it such that it makes u a real cheapo lor. ask for what is mkt rate n reasonable. eg HJ is $50 for mkt rate; u can try bargain to like $40 but dont overdo it like asking for $20 or below. $30 is d old rate but dun thk it's 'acceptable' now lest d gal is really chin chai.

not every1 of us here are rich n can afford to pay above mkt or mkt rate. i sugg if u wanna bargain better dun try it with d GL OKTs ... d better ones may tell u off nicely, but those chow ah beng ones may not be so kind with their words.

22-05-2010, 02:38 PM
I used to use one standard tactic for bargaing.

1. First have to know beforehand what is the std charge.
2. Leave only the amount you are willing to pay plus $10 bucks for transport, the $10 bucks add a little realism to it.
3. Go into place and ask, when informed of the rate, check your wallet and say sorry, only have $XX so cannot, maybe next time, act sheepsih and turn to leave. Don't try to do direct bargaining, this is passive bargaining. Gives the impression you are sincere but do not have enough money so apologise and leave. If the amount you stated is acceptable, the okt will just say ok, if not, will just let you leave.

Can do this with booking ktv girls for sessions or houses. Don't try with fls or in hcs cos they know this already and with fl, not cool to do it.

Key to it is being sincere. I have only been to houses bout 4 times and the only time I tried it on a new house that I go to, succeeded in getting $20 off. KTV girls a bit harder, only bout 10-20% chance success rate.

23-05-2010, 02:02 AM
Beer Aunty at kopi tiam

Ah tis one i like donald trump ..... i always tip them $15. becos of my "generousity", i got a free fuck from one aunty .......but this case better earse from memory, the free fuck aunty i got wore dentures, and have to take it out during BJ. well as they say 一分钱 ........

Brother, that really funny... almost fell of the chair laughing.

Up you my humble points.:D[/QUOTE]

Tks bro, i will up u in reciprocation.

anyway dam malu to admit, but toothless bj from aunty sensation not bad. only later when i see all tat saliva tak boleh tahan .... eeeewwwww ... trauma man.

I always try to bargain $150 - $200 for 2 shots with ktv girls. They sometimes want $300 one time. Those can just forget, for DongMen and Amani, where have this type of rate ?

bro colt, $300for DM & Amani too ex lah .... for this price can get CI & TAM (whose gals are generally better looking). even then for this place, i aim for $200 tops if cannot get $200.... its hannah palmer and her five sisters while surfing at sammyboy.

i poor thing, becos i qte ugly .... look like uncle ..... gals don't always give me good deals. and i always want two shots too ...... sometimes kan cheong, fumble fumble then cum before start how .... waste. so a two shot deal like machm contingency. in case cum too quick.

Do you guys tips when going for proper massage with no hanky-panky like Oriental massage at club street?

yes .... i usually round up to the next $10. (if $45 i tip $5, $38, I tip $2). if chun chun at muliple of $10, i give $4 only. and chao kuan me, will sapu some counter sweets .... sibei chialat. :rolleyes:

23-05-2010, 02:34 AM
i like yr frankness bro.

i like yr humour when u said shrek or rooney look better than u! that's really farnee. :D

it's ok to ask for discounts, but juz dun overdo it such that it makes u a real cheapo lor. ask for what is mkt rate n reasonable. eg HJ is $50 for mkt rate; u can try bargain to like $40 but dont overdo it like asking for $20 or below. $30 is d old rate but dun thk it's 'acceptable' now lest d gal is really chin chai.

not every1 of us here are rich n can afford to pay above mkt or mkt rate. i sugg if u wanna bargain better dun try it with d GL OKTs ... d better ones may tell u off nicely, but those chow ah beng ones may not be so kind with their words.

bro owen tks for the reminder ..... kena suan before by chow ah beng OKT. but me 厚脸皮, sometimes today cannot give discount but on another slow day can. GL heng ah no got ISO cert ..... no system - no consistency.

when i 'bargaining' for discount, i always make joke, never serious serious one:.

for example: "uncle here forget to take viagra, less than 3 minutes cum oreidi. most of the time yur gal can rest, like tat got special price or not ...."

if OKT want to give discount, then give lah, if cannot, 算了. of course, if friendly OKT (can win GEM award type) give discount, i becum more regular lah. i go tat hse first to check out.

as for my looks, 30 plus got terok receding hairline (hah hah - rooney 20 something oreidi kena hair problem.... he oso like me got fuck grandmother kuay before ---- tat's why i love him :D),

26-05-2010, 10:05 PM
good job bro creeve .... high five. Me not the only cheapo around :D

invisible tips like tat can add up - esp for those who drink like siao ..... its like every "free" drink for two consumed.

since giving rep pts is free, here's five for you my fellow cheapo!

Bro ansonsohna

Thanks for the up.

Paisey, take so long then reply. Last couple of weeks, keep having problem with accessing SBF at night (stupid Starhub) and as my daytime are all spend in libraries, trying to surf SBF is always a challenge. (Got once, after setting up lappy in the library, I subconsciously clicked on my bookmark for SBF instead of another work-related forum. The next minute, the girl sitting beside me was like... staring at me and quickly moved to another table... LOL..)

Anyway, during tough times like now, no point playing the generous 老爷, especially at places like M51 (between GL Lor 42 - 44, Mask51). I do give a couple dollars tips to waitresses at another pub that I frequent and end up they do give me more attention lor... Also, during busy times, easier to "sai nai" for table if I happen to go late lor...

Other than that, it's normally market rate to the service provider for me, whether it be FL, HCs, GL WL, Viets/Thais/Pinoys/PRC sitting with you in pubs/KTVs etc. Only exception is if I really kenna 电到 by the girl, then maybe extra $10 (and that's provided she don't sai nai for more tips in the first place.)


26-05-2010, 11:43 PM
i give 10, 20 for FL, club i give 20 to 30 depend on lady.

27-05-2010, 01:21 AM
Tipping is not a must but do it with grace. Usually I also don't give tips. TS maybe you can try bamboo lounge or Da Lu. Heard there at night a bit happening with some younger PRCs. Tips can range from $2-5 for those who just want to sit sit with a girl and $10-$20 for those who want more than just that.

27-05-2010, 02:32 AM
Beer Aunty at kopi tiam

Ah tis one i like donald trump ..... i always tip them $15. becos of my "generousity", i got a free fuck from one aunty .......but this case better earse from memory, the free fuck aunty i got wore dentures, and have to take it out during BJ. well as they say 一分钱 ........

LOL Bro.. ... :D

Thanks for sharing

A Simple Man
27-05-2010, 03:49 AM
$10-$15 for tip if the service is good or you enjoy the session. :D

27-05-2010, 12:29 PM
Tipping is not a must but do it with grace. Usually I also don't give tips. TS maybe you can try bamboo lounge or Da Lu. Heard there at night a bit happening with some younger PRCs. Tips can range from $2-5 for those who just want to sit sit with a girl and $10-$20 for those who want more than just that.

bro hotdeal4u .... tks for the hot deal tip, bamboo lounge and da lu got SYT prc now? cheong ah .... the last time i there gal all CMI Aunty. i tink to myself: "wah lao .... sit down and tock cock to aunty, might as well join my mother when she play mahjong with her lau kwei bu kakis ..... still can tock cock and maybe win some money from them some more" :D

i pai-sei (and i homat u). u generous woh give $2 to sit with you. i last time act blur ....... thot tat since she proposition me, tat's her sales pitch no need to give me $.

tocking abt propostion, last time in places in BS etc ... when got persistent gal (ugly ones) i used to give $10 just for them to F - off so tat i can bao the pretty ones. now no such thing anymore - i even resuce my bros who kena accost by agressive uglies. 英雄好汉 (me hero ..... just like shrek!)

......Got once, after setting up lappy in the library, I subconsciously clicked on my bookmark for SBF instead of another work-related forum. The next minute, the girl sitting beside me was like... staring at me and quickly moved to another table....


bro creeve, maybe u handsome lah (where gal peep at your computer if not a bit interested) .... me if got lady looking at me, straight away go toilet and check if i accidently got pen stain on my face.

LOL Bro.. ... :D

Thanks for sharing

bro, i like yur avatar, but if i scooby doo, i take daphne instead of wilma. :D

real life prob its wilma tat i got most chance ..... u know thick glass 近视, hair fashion very the orbit, face round round and can talk cock a lot ..... (hey, i realise that i am talking abt my present gf......!)

i give 10, 20 for FL, club i give 20 to 30 depend on lady.

bro lukeking, wh club u refer to? and wat must the gal do to earn tat extra $10 (from $20 to $30). for me - one criteria is tat i must touch her puss! outside panty raba puss aso can lah!

31-07-2010, 09:09 AM
Long time never contribute to this thread oreidi .... anyways, yesterday i was at this Hanging Flower Joint at Lavender.

As usual, unless the place really cmi, I hang around for a long time at one place. in otr words, from hh all the way up to sh.

this one gal after i tip her $50 (standard $30 at this place) actually asked me for double that. she says $50 for HH and $50 for SH. she butterfly some more. (i know she frm china and this metaphor will be lost on her). I told her to look around the place and see if she can spot any 蜘蛛 (spider), and if she does see one, she can "F" it ......

got another gal (sexy milf) whom i give same amount not only thank me, but aso send off as well as kiss me ......

anyway the whole point i want to make is tat "value" is subjective .... and some gal like to price themselves very high. the "F spider" gal above is maybe young but not even sexy, just normal - will def not reject if offer to F, but not really lao nuah if you see her ...... (only plus thing is tat she can converse and sing very well)!

31-07-2010, 11:43 AM
bro superfox, I like your statement ' if the gal no good, will they give you discount ' !! tats true.. how many times have we come across super fuckup gal whom just go thru the motion, not that we ask for gf feeling of fuck, but some just cant be bother, e.g. cant touch pussy (finger lots of germs), cant suck nipple (too sensitive) etc.... best still, some of these chinese tuina shop, $50 for a hj which cant touch them.. wtf...... then better wank off at home if cant even touch...

31-07-2010, 12:02 PM
I never bargain over a fair price. In fact I usually pay more. What one pays will come back in another way.

31-07-2010, 12:57 PM
Reading your post really cheer up my day bro ansonsohna. Thank you.
Though I can even afford to pay for super expensive local FL Dome 3 but I am certainly not willing to...hehehe. No way I am gonna throw SGD 300 and above for an hour job. Just because they're locals, so what? A pussy will always be a pussy. Only difference is in the packaging.

I seldom go KTV or HC. Pay HC minimum entry fee and with that same amount I actually can go for a cheapo fuck at Petain and ask my regular girl to massage me a bit. Go Petain, price is fixed(max price is SGD 50) and no need tip.
I long time never go for GL Thai legal house after they increased the price to SGD 50. I prefer to go for GL FLs streetwalker. It's more fun and enjoyable. You'll never know what you're gonna get. If you're lucky you can get a fresh blur looking shy PRC SYT below 25 years old(for SGD 50/hour) who just reach down Singapore in the morning for the first time and her friend bring her to work standing in GL road. Had my lucky encountered few times.

Some first time PRC MILF in Singapore is also a good catch. Though their friends already brief them the SOP but since they are new in the GL field, it's easier to negotiate and bargain with them. Unlike those seasoned GL FLs who came on and off to our country or those FLs who already stay here at least a month. They already know how to work and these seasoned FLs usually won't lower their price, especially at evening peak hours(20:00 - 01:00). Standard is SGD 50-60/hour and above without room. Some are even stuck up and play hard to get. Pissed me off sometimes.

But after peak hours they can tell you, SGD 50-60/hour with room..hehehe. I get the advantage cos sometimes I am free at night till the next morning and that's where I haunt for my prey. Those same FLs who reject my bargain earlier, sometimes I met again after midnight still looking for customers. Calling me to come over and after realizing that they reject me earlier they become pai seh and I also boh cup them.

My form of tipping is usually by RTF-ing these FLs(once in a while give tips too) and at the same time building a good relationship with them. It will become handy sometimes when you have the urge to bonk but no FLs in sight because of raid. Just call them and they will be happy to entertain you.

One way for me to give this so called "tip" to these FL is by bargaining her price from 60 to 50, then when the session is over and I find that her service is good I gave her 60, hehehe... you see her eyes become big. I am happy, she's also happy.

31-07-2010, 07:21 PM
i think streetwalking and KTV bargain is fine, but if want to sms FL i think bros should include your own offer price and don't expect the FL to reply you. also don't keep calling if they ignore your counter-offer, because why should they waste 5 cents on sms to reply you if they don't agree with the quote?

my 1sms worth...

31-07-2010, 08:24 PM
No way I am gonna throw SGD 300 and above for an hour job. Just because they're locals, so what? A pussy will always be a pussy. Only difference is in the packaging.

hehe i agree with u on this bro. somemore for that 300/hr i can find a made in china pussy for overnight with better standard (in terms of looks and maybe even service). i think bro lovestoned is a businessman too. :)

overseas outsourcing is still the way to go :p

abit off topic but i just remembered 1 of my friend once told me:

u go dating/clubbing - say spend $100, 6 hr
say for every 5 days u fuck her once u would have spent $500 and 30 hours of effort and that is provided u fuck her every 5 days.

Somemore u got to pay hotel if u wan to have a really wild time unless you are living alone but still you have to consider your neighbour hearing and the mess you may create. if u get her pregnent even worst. wedding,flat,baby expenses....

u go for a thai fl:
time to book - 5 mins to sms and confirm
money spent - $150-$180
baby - their tai chi.
mess - they clear
sex - no need to convince them at all...somemore they can teach u new stuff


31-07-2010, 08:54 PM
bro superfox, I like your statement ' if the gal no good, will they give you discount ' !! tats true.. how many times have we come across super fuckup gal whom just go thru the motion, .. wtf...... then better wank off at home if cant even touch...

bro ajlover, we all joke or hear abt the WL reading newspaper while guy is doing her and giving fake moans - after a while the WL will say "Cum oreidi?". if not yet, then say "kin leh! si kang si lui" ("Quick leh, time is money").

while never kena so jialat b4, i got one case whereby a WL was looking at the ceiling while giving me hj and making the most fake moan ever (something like someone abt to sneeze ..... "ah ah ah"). kns sai, i half expect the CHOO (as in sneeze sound "ah choo") to come out.

I never bargain over a fair price. In fact I usually pay more. What one pays will come back in another way.

bro dromeday, u got $ leh. heartlander like me must stretch $. if u give high price, you set benchmark. next time must give tis level if not girl black face.

aso ah, sometimes if never bargain, u see tat yur buddy got cheaper price for same gal (and prob better service). if tat happens i always feel a little abt shortchanged and carrothead.

aso since, i know i not yan dao material, (look like uncle), gal will NOT give me cheap rate automatically so i learn to bargain. and most of the time, bargain can work ...... if got piss ugly horny bros like me here will understand what i mean. (you know u ugly when gal close her eyes during F session in missionary position but open her eyes during doggie) :D

Reading your post really cheer up my day bro ansonsohna. Thank you.
Though I can even afford to pay for super expensive local FL Dome 3 but I am certainly not willing to...hehehe. No way I am gonna throw SGD 300 and above for an hour job. Just because they're locals, so what? A pussy will always be a pussy. Only difference is in the packaging.

correct leh .. local so what. if i want local might as well go to my gf.

okay, my gf breast like airport (like two pieces of prata - without egg some more) but if i shud post her under FL dome, prob can command "premium" over some of the preetier foreign talent when in fact she is special only tat she is local. errr .... my not pimping her ah, just say only to put my point across. :D

31-07-2010, 09:06 PM
......I seldom go KTV or HC. Pay HC minimum entry fee and with that same amount I actually can go for a cheapo fuck at Petain and ask my regular girl to massage me a bit. Go Petain, price is fixed(max price is SGD 50) and no need tip.

..... I prefer to go for GL FLs streetwalker. It's more fun and enjoyable. You'll never know what you're gonna get. If you're lucky you can get a fresh blur looking shy PRC SYT below 25 years old(for SGD 50/hour) who just reach down Singapore in the morning for the first time and her friend bring her to work standing in GL road. Had my lucky encountered few times.

Some first time PRC MILF in Singapore is also a good catch.....

.... But after peak hours they can tell you, SGD 50-60/hour with room..hehehe. I get the advantage cos sometimes I am free at night till the next morning and that's where I haunt for my prey. Those same FLs who reject my bargain earlier, sometimes I met again after midnight still looking for customers. ...

My form of tipping is usually by RTF-ing these FLs(once in a while give tips too) and at the same time building a good relationship with them. It will become handy sometimes when you have the urge to bonk but no FLs in sight because of raid. Just call them and they will be happy to entertain you.

One way for me to give this so called "tip" to these FL is by bargaining her price from 60 to 50, then when the session is over and I find that her service is good I gave her 60, hehehe... you see her eyes become big. I am happy, she's also happy.

bro lovestone, yur post so dam good tat i hv to address it twice. pls remind me to up u in case i forget (just upped someone and must wait 24 hours!).

yah, i agree with yur tricks of getting best value. yur insight very the good. sometimes after bargain and then pay the original quoted price after deliver good service can work special. i find tis better than giving tip outright in terms of gal reaction.

aso if u want to rtf, u set baseline low. pussy like airline and hotel room, if not used wasted asset.

no matter how pretty and ang-pai, there are times when got no customers and gal in need of quick $$$ (thanks mbs and resorts world!!!). this is the time to make a cheap propostion......... got a few ang pais this way at a affordable rate. :D

01-08-2010, 01:03 AM
hehe i agree with u on this bro. somemore for that 300/hr i can find a made in china pussy for overnight with better standard (in terms of looks and maybe even service). i think bro lovestoned is a businessman too.

hehe, no lar bro luvpaper. i am not a businessman, just a small fly working for my boss. anyway for local pussy based on the OKT price, we can get them starting from 200/hr onwards without room but CD included depending on the gal quality.
No offence to the FLs and OKTs but IMHO for that kind of starting price, having a 10 dollar per hour room in the package should be fair enough. A CD from the hotel counter cost you 1 dollar only, best if you bring your own. If just want to have a feel of different local pussy, go club, get ONS, done :p
If lucky managed to exchange contact, next time just belanja her dinner for another bonk session.

Last time when I pass that 200 to one of my PRC FL, she accompanied me from afternoon till morning the next day. Only bonk her once during the period but she make sure I am the King for the day. Bring her out for sightseeing, dinner, stay and sleep with me the whole night. Since that day whenever I RTF her, her service is always above par and no longer customer oriented service, more to GF-BF making love session, some are FOC sessions hehehe

Prepared to pay more if we want to look for pretty face, body, service and status. Just hope her pussy is also still tight. Had a few encounter of loose pussy when the owner itself is still considered SYT and not yet given birth :confused: Me already panting from pumping hard poking in all directions and her pussy still won't gripped my cock :( That's the time when having your mind focussing on bonking your pretty office colleague becomes handy, to finish the deeds :D

01-08-2010, 01:40 AM
correct leh .. local so what. if i want local might as well go to my gf.

okay, my gf breast like airport (like two pieces of prata - without egg some more) but if i shud post her under FL dome, prob can command "premium" over some of the preetier foreign talent when in fact she is special only tat she is local. errr .... my not pimping her ah, just say only to put my point across. :D

Bro Ansonsohna, i really like the way your put things across, fun, humour, humble and a little sacarsm at times. :D

What you said about Local FL and FT FL, i totally agree, an FL holding Pink IC command a premium rate and also they can choose not to show Pics.. ....

The FL trade is the only 1 Trade in Sillypore that Local have an Edge over F.T.. . :D

01-08-2010, 02:25 AM
Bro Ansonsohna, i really like the way your put things across, fun, humour, humble and a little sacarsm at times. :D

What you said about Local FL and FT FL, i totally agree, an FL holding Pink IC command a premium rate and also they can choose not to show Pics.. ....

The FL trade is the only 1 Trade in Sillypore that Local have an Edge over F.T.. . :D

have another one; politician too

01-08-2010, 05:11 PM
I always try to bargain $150 - $200 for 2 shots with ktv girls. They sometimes want $300 one time. Those can just forget, for DongMen and Amani, where have this type of rate ?

You need to pay??:mad:

You can always bonk and run...:mad:

01-08-2010, 05:48 PM
yah, i agree with yur tricks of getting best value. yur insight very the good. sometimes after bargain and then pay the original quoted price after deliver good service can work special. i find tis better than giving tip outright in terms of gal reaction.
bro, I am actually applying the same tactics like these GL FLs did. It's part of their marketing strategy. For example, they will quote you 60/hour without room but once you show any interest they will say
"shuai ge, bu yao danxin. jin wan wo hen kai xin ren shi ni, wo hui gei ni zhekou. liushi kuai wo bao fang"
and see if you took their bait.... hehehe.

They will then tell you that their service is good, got massage, etc.
But don't be too happy first if you think that you managed to get a good deal. If they never tell you what kind of service they provide, ask them clearly. Most of them will say, any service also can/have. Be careful with this kind of offer as it might not turned to be exactly as they say once you and her are inside the room. Those yaya papaya one will not entertain you and instead kept pushing you to take her, but those sincere one will patiently explaining to you.

Also don't forget to ask how long is the session. If she say 1 hour duration, ask again where are we gonna do it? If she say do it at those cheapo rented rooms(5-6 dollars) in certain houses, then you will definitely get chopped because those rooms don't allow 1 hour duration. Even if the FL say so and willing to have a one hour session with you, but the room's caretaker/OKT will not allow you to do so. I had one session where the caretaker bang the door room cos he said time is up and it was just a petty 15 minutes. Luckily we already finished the session and I was washing myself. So you can imagine how fast and chop chop the bonking session was.

These FLs who bring you to cheapo rented rooms are normally trying to make quick bucks, especially during peak hours. So best is to get a hotel room to have more time or ask her to bring you to a 10 dollar per hour rented rooms. Better quality and not those rundown type, with CD given as complimentary. If you don't know where are these houses, don't worry as the FLs knew where it is. I find this way is safer for bro(s) who don't wish to have their IC recorded at hotel receptionist and to avoid AV raid as AV seldom checking these houses.
Even if the FL turned her words and want to rush the session, you can play your game by delaying it. For example, taking shower slowly, TCSC or exchange some bo liao SMSes first with your friends, GF or wife before starting the action...hehehehe

Call me cheapo but if FL offer me 50/hour, even if I can afford plus tip, I will still bargain with her to include room for 50. If she say no, don't be pai seh to walk away...ahead of you or maybe just besides her there are more of them parading around. Choose and pick your selection wisely. Anyway it's like a buyer and seller strategy. Either the seller "makan" the buyer or the buyer "makan" the seller.

01-08-2010, 10:26 PM
Just dun pay and see what they can do. These WL or FL tought SG samsters are carrot heads. Some FLs just CMI yet they thought their pussies made of gold. :cool:

02-08-2010, 02:40 AM
hi bros,

sorry i cant contribut, just enjoy reading the pointers on tipping & bargaining...

i also lousy in bargaining... its been a good thing to know from reading bros experience...

i hope to make the skills useful for me too...

thanks again

02-08-2010, 11:03 AM
"shuai ge, bu yao danxin. jin wan wo hen kai xin ren shi ni, wo hui gei ni zhekou. liushi kuai wo bao fang"
and see if you took their bait.... hehehe.

帅哥? :D seldom a WL will call me tat. I remember a recent incident when a cmi aunty from BS KTV call me tat in order to seduce me to 坐台 with her .... i said: me帅? you 盲 (blind) or what?

When she replied tat in her eyes i am very 帅 ..... i laughed out loud - and so did all the other gals who surrounded me trying to market me to 坐台.

..... They will then tell you that their service is good, got massage, etc.
But don't be too happy first if you think that you managed to get a good deal. If they never tell you what kind of service they provide, ask them clearly. Most of them will say, any service also can/have. Be careful with this kind of offer as it might not turned to be exactly as they say once you and her are inside the room.

......Also don't forget to ask how long is the session. If she say 1 hour duration, ask again where are we gonna do it? If she say do it at those cheapo rented rooms(5-6 dollars) in certain houses, then you will definitely get chopped because those rooms don't allow 1 hour duration. Even if the FL say so and willing to have a one hour session with you, but the room's caretaker/OKT will not allow you to do so.

I had one session where the caretaker bang the door room cos he said time is up and it was just a petty 15 minutes. Luckily we already finished the session and I was washing myself. So you can imagine how fast and chop chop the bonking session was.

.... These FLs who bring you to cheapo rented rooms are normally trying to make quick bucks, especially during peak hours. So best is to get a hotel room to have more time or ask her to bring you to a 10 dollar per hour rented rooms. Better quality and not those rundown type, with CD given as complimentary. If you don't know where are these houses, don't worry as the FLs knew where it is. I find this way is safer for bro(s) who don't wish to have their IC recorded at hotel receptionist and to avoid AV raid as AV seldom checking these houses.

Call me cheapo but if FL offer me 50/hour, even if I can afford plus tip, I will still bargain with her to include room for 50. If she say no, don't be pai seh to walk away...ahead of you or maybe just besides her there are more of them parading around. Choose and pick your selection wisely. Anyway it's like a buyer and seller strategy. Either the seller "makan" the buyer or the buyer "makan" the seller.

bro lovestoned, kum siah so much for the $10 per hour house tip. don't know abt tat.

the one time i tried the house like u kena hurry up by the OKT .... (I shouted back from my room: don't hurry me leh, afterwards lembek). and frm then on i always use htl room ..... now tat i know abt the better quality hse, i got options .... i not super stud to need more that one hr - in fact i can even consider $5 per half hour rate hse if got such thing. :D

bro, yur tis posting very the good, tis post shud go right up at the stickies ..... even a lao cheapo and lao tiko uncle like me learn new tricks ... kum siah!

bro lovestoned, i wonder when u walk away from a deal do you say anything. for me, i just say "u changed your mind? accept my offer now?" (and keep repeating the same phrase over - without listening to gal counter offer). look at them ernestly when u say it (and sometimes add sadly that is all you can afford).

what do you know? some times after too long no biz, a FL will say okay. i got several very value Fs (from ang pai gals even) simply by this trick ....

simple mind game lah, but tis 'trick' is at least better than my fren's reaction, he will keep repeating: "at this price i rather 打手枪 (masterbate)" as he walked off .... (sometimes he will also mimic the hand wanking action as he said tat ... dam malu but aso dam funny to see)....... anyway till now he got no special "offer" like me and he is handsomer, richer and younger than me some more. :D

02-08-2010, 11:43 PM
bro ansonsohna, when i walk away i always say "thank you, next time then". Please take note that it is always a good practise to treat FLs with respect when trying to close a deal. Try not to offense or show black face if a FL reject your offer or even if she is the one that showing black face to you. Just smile, say thank you and walk away :)

The first reason is because as long as these FLs still around, chances are you will bump with them again in future. You might reject her today but maybe not tomorrow. Don't think just because you met a FL in Lor AA then you won't bump with the same FL in Lor XX. Nowadays FLs stand maximum 30 minutes at one spot then move around to different spots before coming back to the same spot again. Today she reject your offer and you reject her offer too, but tomorrow or next week when you have the urge and your dick take over your brain, you will succumb to her offer.

Also pay a good attention to where the FLs stands. Certain lorong has its own pricing and the FLs will follow suits when they move around. So don't be surprised that after you walked away from a rejected bargain at lorong DD because the offer you think is too high, you accidentally met the same FL at lorong QQ but this time she can offer you lower price before you even bargain. Or worst, she might even quote you higher than the original price because you met her at high price lorong :( hehehe.
I have met some budget type FL who quote me double the original price, thinking that I never saw them before and when I enquire the service they provide, its still just the same. Which is why I say yesterday, either they "makan" you or you "makan" them :D
Getting the best bargain with FL is like a waiting game. You gotta get them at right time and lorong. You need to be "GL street smart"

The second reason is these FLs have "eyes and ears". Most of them are connected with each others. Just because you saw them in different lorongs and under different mafu doesn't mean that they don't know each other. This is because mostly FLs are staying in a room where it is shared with at least 4 people in 2 bunk beds. Depending on the landlord's mercy, a small TV normally placed in the so called 'hall/living room' to be share watched among all the tenant. Else, most of the time they just stay in the room sleeping, staring at the wall or chit chat with each others. They will share their working experience and exchange pointers. Some stunt that you pull to a FL might be already made wide known among them.

In addition to this "eyes and ears", don't be surprised if you walk pass some FLs and the moment you turned your head back to take a second look, you couldn't find a single FL in sight. And when this happen it is advisable that you seize your mission and go home unless you have the whole night to wait because it is normally gonna take a few hours until past midnight before the field is safe again. For those who's so desperate for a release then bo bian gotta go visit the GL legal house.
Even if the field is safe you might find lesser FLs standing compare to few hours before. This is because some FLs might have so fed up with the raid and prefer to go home instead of waiting in the safe place. While you are still there standing and wondering, what's with all this raid now, those FLs already knew way before you :p

04-08-2010, 03:01 PM
Getting the best bargain with FL is like a waiting game. You gotta get them at right time and lorong. You need to be "GL street smart"
Right time refers to:
1. Off peak hour.
Getting their service at off peak hour means you can safely get their full attention/service based on the agreeable deal. For example, if its 1 shot/hour then she will stay with you till the time is almost up. Even if your bonking session is done within fingers count, she is unlikely to rush and leave the room within 30 minutes. FLs also human, there are times when they have earn enough for the day, they are tired of standing or moving around(sometimes their mafu will ask the girl to be proactive instead of just sitting or standing at one spot), no customer, humid weather or raining outside. So at certain times, having a customer is a one way for them to take a little rest.

2. Rest time, rest day or before they start work.
Same reason with above only this time the timing mostly in the afternoon after they wake up. In this way you need to arrange an appointment with them. A one day advanced reservation is preferable just in case they needs to attend their personal matters. Most of them would be happy to give you their mobile number after engaging their service for the first time, for RTF.
But fret not! You can always request their number without engaging their service first. Some of them will still give you their mobile number depending on how sincere you are asking for it and the way you approach. Please take note they are also cautious, in case those men turned out to be AV or just some pranksters who only call and disturb but never engage their service. Please have a heart, they are already pity in this state and just merely trying to earn a living.
One way that always works for me is by giving them my number before hand, e.g:
Me: hi Miss, may i have your number?
FL: Yes sure.
Me: Great, my number is 12345678. could you give me a missed call now?
FL key in my number and dial
Me: Alright, so your number is 87654321 and your name is?
FL: My name is Jane Doe
Me: Nice to meet you miss Jane, my name is John Doe. Thank you.

Prior to this conversation, i normally gave excuse that i can not engage her now due to ........(you can fill in the blank to whatever excuse that you wish :p) but will engage her tomorrow or next time. Also please confirm if she is willing to meet at her resting time after she wake up. One good thing when you are doing this, is you can offer her for a meal before or after the session. Or bring some drinks and tidbits when you meet her. Just a 10 dollar meal at nearby coffeeshop is sufficient enough to leave a good impression on her. The rest is up to your TCSS skill.

If bro(s) have a little free time, can get yourself armed ready with a piece of paper(half a size of name card) written your "bonking" name and mobile number. Just type in, copy and paste in microsoft word, print in A4 size paper, cut them and put some in your wallet. This will come handy when you are in the middle of FL hunting and you spot your target 20 meters ahead and both of you exchange eye contacts. You quickly dash forward but at 5 meters mark another bro step in and secure the deal. At this stage of course you can't cancel their deal but keep a close distance with her while they are walking to the lovenest. She will be aware of your presence and once there is a chance, pass her that paper. She knows what it means and you just wait for her to call you.

For me, i will not wait until she finished her session with that bro. I will carry on looking for another target to bonk. If she call back, then bingo you can enquire and proceed to make appointment at an agreeable time and place.
For bro(s) who's not comfortable in giving their personal number, prepared yourself with a prepaid card and a cheap phone specially designed for bonking session.

04-08-2010, 04:44 PM
For me, i will not wait until she finished her session with that bro. I will carry on looking for another target to bonk. If she call back, then bingo you can enquire and proceed to make appointment at an agreeable time and place.
For bro(s) who's not comfortable in giving their personal number, prepared yourself with a prepaid card and a cheap phone specially designed for bonking session.

Thx for the many tips in this thread will try it soon.

04-08-2010, 05:55 PM
bro lovestoned .... this is truly amazing advice!!!!!! shud really go up to the stickies section on how to engage FL.

now for some controversial viewpoints / opinions from bros: supposing u and WL are "an item", do you still tip them after the deed? Or do you simply buy presents, pay their rents, give allowance etc ...if you still tip them, is it less or more as customers?

waiting for some response b4 telling u my situ .....

05-08-2010, 09:15 AM
now for some controversial viewpoints / opinions from bros: supposing u and WL are "an item", do you still tip them after the deed? Or do you simply buy presents, pay their rents, give allowance etc ...if you still tip them, is it less or more as customers?

I'm curious - why would anyone want to be an item with a WL?

05-08-2010, 03:59 PM
I'm curious - why would anyone want to be an item with a WL?

bro chenzong, because we sensitive new age man (SNAG) woh .... the phsyical sensation of fucking not enuff, we want the sayang, the TLC, the KC feeling.

come on, even wanking the female fingers so much better, rough hands like mine can give my sensitive didi blisters! :eek: me so delicate like flower.

yes, sir, we want to feel special altho we know its a commercial transaction.

.... but most of all, when we have a WL as a gf, we hope to get "it" for free and for as much times as possible! :D

Okay, okay, i know the drill lah..... sure got ple say no such thing as free lunch. having a WL as gf must pay even more in terms of gifts plus 生活费, must pay in terms of making time for them, must pay bcos WL very le-cheh - got full of problems from home to visa etc .... in other words, "having a WL as gf can be fun, but aso 烦" :rolleyes: (wah leow .... pat myself on the back ..... for a ang mo and mandarin koyak guy like me, good one siah!)

but you know what, for a cheapo, bus taking heartlander like me, (wet market and sheng siong (not Co0ld Storage) ..... i count the overall cost for maintaining a WL gf and i add up the rtf sessions ... it is indeed cheaper for me.

Only two problems:

1) Very hard to get WL to be my gf cause of my looks and my $ status.

2) WL is too 现实, after being my gf for a while, feel very the sipun (money terms) so very fast dump me and move on. (hey, i so cheapo that I sometime s kapoh flowers from the office and give it to them as presents, scotch tape and wrapper also use office one .......)

05-08-2010, 04:33 PM
(hey, i so cheapo that I sometime s kapoh flowers from the office and give it to them as presents, scotch tape and wrapper also use office one .......)

bro ansonsohna, u are my hero :D

06-08-2010, 03:30 AM
帅哥? :D seldom a WL will call me tat. I remember a recent incident when a cmi aunty from BS KTV call me tat in order to seduce me to 坐台 with her .... i said: me帅? you 盲 (blind) or what?

When she replied tat in her eyes i am very 帅 ..... i laughed out loud - and so did all the other gals who surrounded me trying to market me to 坐台.

bro lovestoned, kum siah so much for the $10 per hour house tip. don't know abt tat.

the one time i tried the house like u kena hurry up by the OKT .... (I shouted back from my room: don't hurry me leh, afterwards lembek). and frm then on i always use htl room ..... now tat i know abt the better quality hse, i got options .... i not super stud to need more that one hr - in fact i can even consider $5 per half hour rate hse if got such thing. :D

bro, yur tis posting very the good, tis post shud go right up at the stickies ..... even a lao cheapo and lao tiko uncle like me learn new tricks ... kum siah!

bro lovestoned, i wonder when u walk away from a deal do you say anything. for me, i just say "u changed your mind? accept my offer now?" (and keep repeating the same phrase over - without listening to gal counter offer). look at them ernestly when u say it (and sometimes add sadly that is all you can afford).

what do you know? some times after too long no biz, a FL will say okay. i got several very value Fs (from ang pai gals even) simply by this trick ....

simple mind game lah, but tis 'trick' is at least better than my fren's reaction, he will keep repeating: "at this price i rather 打手枪 (masterbate)" as he walked off .... (sometimes he will also mimic the hand wanking action as he said tat ... dam malu but aso dam funny to see)....... anyway till now he got no special "offer" like me and he is handsomer, richer and younger than me some more. :D
lol... I LIKE!

at this price I rather PCC, lol.

can imagine the FL reaction! hahahahhahahahhaha

06-08-2010, 12:18 PM
1. Off peak hour.
Getting their service at off peak hour means you can safely get their full attention/service based on the agreeable deal.

2. Rest time, rest day or before they start work.
A one day advanced reservation is preferable just in case they needs to attend their personal matters. Most of them would be happy to give you their mobile number after engaging their service for the first time Just a 10 dollar meal at nearby coffeeshop is sufficient enough to leave a good impression on her. The rest is up to your TCSS skill.

If bro(s) have a little free time, can get yourself armed ready with a piece of paper(half a size of name card) written your "bonking" name and mobile number.

For me, i will not wait until she finished her session with that bro. I will carry on looking for another target to bonk. If she call back, then bingo you can enquire and proceed to make appointment at an agreeable time and place.
For bro(s) who's not comfortable in giving their personal number, prepared yourself with a prepaid card and a cheap phone specially designed for bonking session.

Nice tips handy in future

06-08-2010, 09:51 PM
bro chenzong, because we sensitive new age man (SNAG) woh .... the phsyical sensation of fucking not enuff, we want the sayang, the TLC, the KC feeling.

.....WL is too 现实, after being my gf for a while, feel very the sipun (money terms) so very fast dump me and move on. (hey, i so cheapo that I sometime s kapoh flowers from the office and give it to them as presents, scotch tape and wrapper also use office one .......)

bro very power,can learn from you.if have chance really wanna go pub/club with you so can teach me those skill.FYI i not handsome too:p

07-08-2010, 01:25 AM
bro ansonsohna, u are my hero

bro alan, i am aso the "hero" at my office (the gals there call me "Lao Hero"). :eek: ..... especially after they learn that i sup office flower to give gf.

one spinster bitch even say if i her bf, she dump me straight away. i told her, if she my gf, i wudn't even bother to pick up flower frm dustbin to give her.

at this price I rather PCC, lol.

can imagine the FL reaction! hahahahhahahahhaha

most of the time kena cuss under their breath ... but who cares!

i remember one WL cuss my fren to have sprained wrist.

his answer classic: he say sprained hand still better than being jerked off by rough "farmer" hands (农村手). kena showed middle finger.

Nice tips handy in future

bro lovestoned does give good and useful tips ... here's waiting for more gems from him.

bro very power,can learn from you.if have chance really wanna go pub/club with you so can teach me those skill.FYI i not handsome too:p

wah lao my fellow ugly bro, me cheapo only cos money no enuff, where got skill one .... anyway how can i teach u seasoned cheongster like u. 不敢当 .....

just now only at a joint in lavender, when bill come, one gal took very long to come to collect tip.in fact she never cum to collect at all. i waited for bill to come, bill being settled and plus additional 5 minutes, still she never cum, i then ciao ...... yur bad luck to meet a cheapo lady!

anyway, if such situ happens, i usually give minimum tips if last minute kena caught out for tips. i like to pretend to be angry to have to wait for them for tips (actually more annoyed with myself that last minute kena). Yes, i never try to purposely siam tips but i will NOT be chasing gals just simply to tip them (like some of my buddies) at going home time.

08-08-2010, 09:26 PM
Bro Anson, this is a useful and informative thread you got going there.

I enjoy witnessing "Tipping" social dynamics and what it covetly reveal about a person. I was taught by my biz mentors early in my life that how much you tip and more importantly how you administer the tipping is being observed by your biz associates - especially the biz titans.

As an aside, do take note of the various forms on how a person tips. I shall provide a broad scope picture of the type of tipping behaviour that I observed during my cheonging sessions.

Do note that the below is only a simplified generalisation, there many categories (and sub categories) and nuanced behaviours that are not included.

Also remember, that the Tipping Behaviour below is directed to a specific agenda - to win the gals heart (and/or enter her lovehole) with no other vested interest such as creating an impression for your friends/associates.

Remember this cardinal rule: If you are operating on a limited budget, never use tips as a strategy to win a gal. You can never out tip or out spend a well heeled bro and/or an obsessive person.

The Generous Above Market Rate tippers:

1) The Flamboyant Tipper who flaunts the amount of tips he dispenses - and to as many ladies as possible- often above market rates. It is as if the tipper intends to communicate that he has the wherewithal and the financial muscle as well the capacity to be generous.

It is good to be around a Flamboyant Tipper. As clear and night and day, we can observe which ladies are the hanger-ons, the passive and the agressive ones who go for what they want.

2) The covet generous tipper who slips the tips into the ladies hand in a surreptious manner. The tips are often generous and above market rate.

Knowing that information on the amount tips is often shared amongst the ladies, the Covet Tipper modus operandi falls into two distinct types:

a) The Egalitarian tipper - who gives all ladies an equal amount of money regardless on their treatment of him. He plays long term - and it posits on him sitting with less and less gals until there is only one special lady left.

b) The Discriminatory Tipper. He gives his target a little extra (remember that the assumption of tipping information being shared). This subtly communicates to his gal tha she is special.

The Market Rate Tippers

Implicit here is that there is "an agreed upon and accepted" market rate - bro anson has given several indicative tipping rates at various joints in this thread.

The market rate tippers commands "premium" from the fact that he will be a repeat customer. Ceteis Paribus, his appeal on the gals is not as compelling as the Generous Tippers. The market rate tipper has to therefore impression managed that he will a more regular visitor vis-a-vis the Generous Tipper.

Again how he dispenses the tips is the key - sometimes it is not the amount per se but how he delivers the tip is the key. The key strategic move here is to be selective with the gals in the first place. You give market rates, but you do not allow too many gals to sit with you. Having too little gals sitting with you erodes the generousity profile and simply allowing all and sundry to sit with you dilutes the element of exclusivity/selectivity.

The market rate tipper communicates that he is not profliate and he is not foolish by paying unnessarily extra. He earns the respect of the gal for this particular attribute.

The Below Market Tippers

This can manifest in many forms.

For example, The devious: he leaves a early and passes the tip to his friends to hand it to the lady. Almost invariably, the tips are market rate and usualy below.

Now don't belittle this strategy. It can be very powerful (and I have used it myself). While he pays less at the present, he actually leverages for the future. At the next session, he give a little "extra" or pay market rate. Most WL gals remember the amount of tips you gave btw.

By that simple gesture - it communicates to the gal that you are mindful and have a sense of fairplay (an attribute that many gals find appealing). Overall you may pay less, but the good vibes you generate has multiplied.

Also do remember to impression manage that you have to leave early because of your busy work schedule (a busy man creates an impression of an industrious and responsible man - two qualities that women find attractive).

If you can, append the following to your prospect - that she has made such a wonderful impression on you that intentionally came down just to see her. The earlier below market tip is usually forgotten if you manage to deliver the lines well and dispense the second tip with the right aplomb.

Got to go now .... take care bros!

09-08-2010, 12:01 AM
just did my night outing(again) few days ago. these few days GL is like a ghost town with only a few FLs standing around. yes, you can count it by fingers. can you imagine from 9pm till 6am the next day, i was there browsing from lower to high lorongs and all the FLs don't dare to come out cos plain clothes AV are around. Even a few FLs that comes out only standing for less than 30 minutes before disappear again.

can't help it but big events coming so as usual some area needs to be cleaned up till big events are over. basically i was sweating from walking but its good cos me work in office seldom exercise hehehe. saw the usual FLs looking for customer but i did not take them.

if you are familiar with some area in GL you will notice that although the field is not safe there are a few FLs that dare to stand around and don't seems to be bothered with the presence of MIB or plain clothes AV. they are normally holding white card unlike other FLs who's only holding tourist visa or other pass.

everyday new FLs comes to our country, either by their own will or under OKT. its just a matter of time before these independent FLs will show up working in streets of GL. lucky for me, after finished work i can drop by at GL for a while for sightseeing and hunting for new FL. the main reason why i like hunting for FL rather than going for WL is because these ladies who's doing FL are so called "fresh" in this trade :). most of them comes to make a quick bucks then return to their country after earning enough. that's why sometimes you see or call a FL today but you don't see her again tomorrow when you want to RTF. sometimes you need to let your instinct go with the flow when you see your FL target. get her while you can cos once she's gone means she's gone. once an independent FL return to china its unlikely she will come again.

you'll never know what you're gonna get, they come from different backgrounds. sometimes you get a housewife(who never have sex with anyone else execpt her husband), sometimes a PDMM, sometimes a student(with or without BF) who's studying locally, or a SG PR, etc ;)
and unlike WL who are trained and professional in their jobs, engaging service with FL IMHO is always challenging because they can be very shy/green or even better than WL depending on your luck.

just like the one that I had during my last night outing when i was about to end up my outing. got this FL at 4am and was surprised to see her out on the street so early because I got her number last time but haven't got time to engage her service. she has the sweet look but boy oh boy she is wild in bed. thanks to her, i managed to unload before i go home :D

bro ansonsohna, my lousy and cheapo method of bargaining might works for me but might not works for others but i believe in sharing and caring.

10-08-2010, 11:25 AM
.....now for some controversial viewpoints / opinions from bros: supposing u and WL are "an item", do you still tip them after the deed? Or do you simply buy presents, pay their rents, give allowance etc ...if you still tip them, is it less or more as customers?....

......my lousy and cheapo method of bargaining might works for me but might not works for others but i believe in sharing and caring.

bro lovestoned, you have dispensed very good advice - probably gleaned from First Hand experience. I may be mistaken, but I have a distinct impression that you may be have an "insider's" view on a FL's modus operandi and perspective on how they conduct their trade.

IF THIS IS NOT TOO CONFIDENTIAL, care to share about your "relationship" with them? It will make compelling reading (especially if there is a story behind the "instruction" and perspective). I am sure with your writing ability, the post will definitely generate many learning points as well as find resonance with many bros who have that "aha, I too experienced that" moments....... only if you are comfortable in doing so, bro lovestoned.


10-08-2010, 12:52 PM
you'll never know what you're gonna get, they come from different backgrounds. sometimes you get a housewife(who never have sex with anyone else execpt her husband), sometimes a PDMM, sometimes a student(with or without BF) who's studying locally, or a SG PR, etc ;)
and unlike WL who are trained and professional in their jobs, engaging service with FL IMHO is always challenging because they can be very shy/green or even better than WL depending on your luck.

Nice write-up my friend ;)

These words always reminds me of Forrest Gump's "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gona get" :D but then I always beg to differ cause you definitely know you gona get chocolates, just that flavours may varies ;)

20-08-2010, 11:56 AM
Strategy for those who do not like sleazy pubs and buying ladies' drinks:

[1] There is a 7-11 on the main street where 80% go to stock up on drinks, condoms, etc before work.

[2] Some stay for at least 15 mins eating there and there are also several coffeeshops/cafes on streets nearby or parallel, where you can see product.

[3] Just pass your number or ask for their number.


No need to pay for ladies' drinks (about $100 for a blow) and for $100, you can fuck for 2 hours. Repeat fucks are free if you take them on a date i.e. dinner and movie or drinking, or even just driving around town.


Need to wait until 1.30 - 2.00 am on weekdays and until 3.00 am on weekends.

20-08-2010, 12:47 PM
Strategy for those who do not like sleazy pubs and buying ladies' drinks:

[1] There is a 7-11 on the main street where 80% go to stock up on drinks, condoms, etc before work.

[2] Some stay for at least 15 mins eating there and there are also several coffeeshops/cafes on streets nearby or parallel, where you can see product.

[3] Just pass your number or ask for their number.


No need to pay for ladies' drinks (about $100 for a blow) and for $100, you can fuck for 2 hours. Repeat fucks are free if you take them on a date i.e. dinner and movie or drinking, or even just driving around town.


Need to wait until 1.30 - 2.00 am on weekdays and until 3.00 am on weekends.

hi bro poonani,

(small digression - i smiled when i see the word 'poonani'. it reminds of russel peters '(a canadian comedian) joke. in one of his monologues, he told his dad tat poonani is a fruit!)

tks for the fantastic strategy. i had forgotten abt tis. it works when my malaysian fren tried tis trick outside one of pubs at Duxton. there are loads of pinoy gals there and sometimes if biz is slow they will go to the convenience store to buy staff. there are aso several stores tat sell pinoy food and invariably one of the gals there will be arrowed to ta-pao food.

i can tell you 100% tat wat bro poonani say works!

pinoys, in my humble opionion offer excellent gfe - probably the best. they are usually aso very wet. my malaysian fren cb kia - he kept the panty for me (knowing tat i like such things). he took and panty and shoved it in my face .... and it is still wet!

anyway, a cheapo like me (only last week) i did stake out 'Maganda' (pretty) pinoys at the above site. at i cannot loiter at the 7-11/cheers for too long, i sat at the stone kerb just outside the car park. smoked four sticks in the meantime - bcos i quit smoking (supposed to). when i spot a manganda babe going inside the store, i will walk there, buy something small and strike up conversation.

unfortunately for me, i did not find a suitable target last week. :( watever it is, i know tat bro poonani's plan for sure can work - and it is a cheap way to get discounted - probably wet pussy!

30-08-2010, 10:58 PM
If bro(s) have a little free time, can get yourself armed ready with a piece of paper(half a size of name card) written your "bonking" name and mobile number. Just type in, copy and paste in microsoft word, print in A4 size paper, cut them and put some in your wallet. This will come handy when you are in the middle of FL hunting and you spot your target 20 meters ahead and both of you exchange eye contacts. You quickly dash forward but at 5 meters mark another bro step in and secure the deal. At this stage of course you can't cancel their deal but keep a close distance with her while they are walking to the lovenest. She will be aware of your presence and once there is a chance, pass her that paper. She knows what it means and you just wait for her to call you.

Walao this paper thing I had fond memories in ZH's famous Lian Hua Lu whr streetwalkers slip the little note to potential customers.... Neber expect to happen in Sillypore :p

30-08-2010, 11:06 PM
Was abt a year ago when I spotted2 SYT at GL Lor. I quickly parked my car & move up quickly to the 2 MM. I spoke to the shy one & usual qn from the MM quoted me $60. Then I countered offered 2 x $50 for 2 MM. The other MM quite anxious to earn $$$ agreed on the shy gal behalf and off we go to 81.

Very value for $$$ for 3Ps as the 2 gals from Hubei only 19 & 20 yo & fresh at work in Sillypore. Both the neinei quite pink and light brownish, not much hair below & quite tight. We change a few positions, used 2 CDs & feel so shiok & shack after I cummed.

Nowadays, very rare to find this type of quality in GL liao :(

31-08-2010, 11:39 AM
........ I spoke to the shy one & usual qn from the MM quoted me $60. Then I countered offered 2 x $50 for 2 MM. The other MM quite anxious to earn $$$ agreed on the shy gal behalf and off we go to 81.

Very value for $$$ for 3Ps as the 2 gals from Hubei only 19 & 20 yo & fresh at work in Sillypore.....
Nowadays, very rare to find this type of quality in GL liao

wow bro owl, this is solid value leh ... very well done. 拍拍手 (clap hands)

i must try tis bargaining tactic. KNS, its the same promotional trick used by GNC (vitamin and supplement store) - "buy one get the second one at special discount".

Talking about value, very hard to find good ones these days. I think got inflation or the economy really sibei good. or some bros really spoil market - as even for during HH, the gals open price $100 for ST (nowadays some even go for $120 to $150 at the GL KTV "triangle" of QG, BS, NSH) :eek:.

... and you just know tat during ST, these gals will quickly want to 'settle' you so tat they can go back to collect their tips ...... as such, i seldom go for it anymore. actual action - if you time it - very short. wat i do then is to save my horny energy and later prowl the streets of GL (or even legal GL hse) to settle. at most if really can't tahan i can offer $30 for HJ - still got some who accept tis sum from me cos i long time customer. :D

03-09-2010, 04:02 AM
now for some controversial viewpoints / opinions from bros: supposing u and WL are "an item", do you still tip them after the deed? Or do you simply buy presents, pay their rents, give allowance etc ...if you still tip them, is it less or more as customers?

bro ansonsohona, i am back. sorry, was very busy lately and no time to access SBF. from my past sexperienced as “an item” with WL and FL, it was not a buyer and seller transaction anymore once we are in a relationship. All the sessions were FOC. sometimes i just paid for the hotel be it for short session or for stay overnight, sometimes my girl paid, sometimes we slept in her place. My girls refused to accept payment so what i did was accompanying them, buying them gifts, treat them nice dinner, giving monthly allowance and paying their rents.

WL and FL are also human with feelings. Most of them would rather not involved in a real and sincere BF and GF relationship with their customer because it will make their jobs difficult. Most BF and GF relationship that do happened normally comes with a motive. i have had my hard lessons to learned. will share with bros here when i have the time next time.

23-09-2010, 01:58 AM
mebbe make this a poll in the polls section easier?

23-09-2010, 02:27 PM
Bro Lovestoned, Ansonsohna and other bros out there,

Thank you so much for all valuable insights! Didn't know that there is a whole art to going about bargaining for services. Heh!

I am quite new to this, so the advices are really valuable. I will try it sometime... but I skin very thin lei, usually they quote what I will pay what.

My thinking is, out to have fun just be willing to spend loh... Should learn to stretch my dollars more...


23-09-2010, 07:53 PM
.... Didn't know that there is a whole art to going about bargaining for services. Heh!

I am quite new to this, so the advices are really valuable. I will try it sometime... but I skin very thin lei, usually they quote what I will pay what.

My thinking is, out to have fun just be willing to spend loh... Should learn to stretch my dollars more...

bro me justoutforfun, me actually very the shy type of character, but what to do, money no enuff ...... so thick skin ask for discount, pay chun chun tips etc

.... a case in point, just last night at Orchard Towers, there are two visitors whom i have to entertain. There are two viet gals who tried for an overnighter with my visitors. From the opening price of $400 when the bar is crowded, to the near closing hour price of $300. Simply hang around when the crowd is thinning saves you $100 (pre-bargain price)

From $300, in separate negotiation, the gentleman who bargained got his gal for $250. While the other "shy" type got his for $300 (and the $250 better looking some more).

Me being the hero that I am pulled the gals aside and told them that its $250 (either both go or none). Know that the gals always always will compare notes - so might as well be open about it. I also told them that they have to accompany my visitors till at least eleven am.

After a few "ding-dongs-ding-dong" discussion between themselves, the gals agreed.

besides the overall saving, most importantly, bargaining (the process of it can be dam fun ~ especially if taken in the right spirit of gamemanship). macham game like that.

Sometimes I purposely do it because it allows for playful banter with the gals. And when the gal is drunk, you will be shocked at the discount sometimes offered. I ever got a KTV ang-pai overnighter for as little as $150....

23-09-2010, 09:15 PM
I ever got a KTV ang-pai overnighter for as little as $150....

kamsia kamsia LAO HERO for the tips, me must go find drunk gals liao... :D

23-09-2010, 10:08 PM
besides the overall saving, most importantly, bargaining (the process of it can be dam fun ~ especially if taken in the right spirit of gamemanship). macham game like that.

Sometimes I purposely do it because it allows for playful banter with the gals. And when the gal is drunk, you will be shocked at the discount sometimes offered. I ever got a KTV ang-pai overnighter for as little as $150....

Lol! Gamemanship indeed!

Seems like I've got a lot to learn. Most of my friends don't visit this kind of places one, so I've got practically no one to learn from.. heh! ( Either that or they are assuming some other identity here unknown to me.. sneaky bastards. lol )

I'm new to this field, probably only tried 1-2 places here and there. The only experience I have are those of China ones, c'oz went over there for a long long trip sometime back. Come back to sg liao thinking if sg got as cheong as there or not, so asked one of my lupsup friend. My friend told me to check this forum for good stuff. I register liao, walau, whole night reading the forum. Really very extensive FRs. Hahaha.

This tipping and bargaining thing, think really helps. As I was in China previously, the power of exchange rate allows me to just tip to my content.. everything is divided by 5 there, so convert liao also hell lot cheaper.

Cheong in SG different liao, so must learn to stretch the money. Heh....

23-09-2010, 11:09 PM

24-09-2010, 01:35 PM
kamsia kamsia LAO HERO for the tips, me must go find drunk gals liao... :D

Hmmm, good idea. :D:)

24-09-2010, 05:06 PM
I ever got a KTV ang-pai overnighter for as little as $150....

A few years back (before invasion of PRC FL), a few Lido / Tiananmen KTV girls were operating out of Grand Central, Riverview, Furama, Cape Inn.

Their price was also S$150 but this included room. Super worth it, as at night they charged S$300 - $500 short time.

Now hardly see thread on them, as OKT invasion keeps bumping them down or OKT stock is cheaper.

24-09-2010, 06:05 PM
A few years back (before invasion of PRC FL), a few Lido / Tiananmen KTV girls were operating out of Grand Central, Riverview, Furama, Cape Inn.

Their price was also S$150 but this included room. Super worth it, as at night they charged S$300 - $500 short time.

Now hardly see thread on them, as OKT invasion keeps bumping them down or OKT stock is cheaper.

bro poonani, the above hotel plus mirama and copthorn ... anyway, I got to know this piano player very well (from one of the above mentioned hotels) ... now i think no more piano bar/lounge type of setting :mad:

He used to pass a lot of this type of kangtau over. He is not a OKT - just a friend doing a favour. Since Pussy un-utilized is a wasting asset much like plane seats, hotel rooms ... the girl would "benefit" as they may sometimes do not get customer.

Piano player is a malay chap, always clad in a suit and whose name is associated with "Open Sesame" - Open legs and enter "cave" in my case. :D

Anyway this chap drinks a only a little. Blanjar him from my bottle (which I open already anyway) for this type of lobang the returns very high. Best part, me bargain champion, once tis price benchmark is agreed, always use this as standard for RTF.

There was once a gal whose RTF rate go higher ... i suan her that her CB macham like taking aeroplane, got high season, peak traffic type of pricing one. I refused to bite. Sure enuf a few days later, she quoted me back her "original" price.

BTW, Piano man told me out of the so many reco he does, only once does a gal give him a freebie.

.... A CB Freebie (ada rhyme sial!) ......

13-12-2010, 01:14 PM
seeing in other thread that some bros encountered bad sexperience with PRC FLs. well, indeed is true that gone are the days of good old streetwalkers time. this present batch of PRC FLs are out to make quick cash and forgo their service.

it was already like this and with the recent ongoing raids, they have to make use of their time whenever they can come out on the streets. some of them who get some tip about the raids would rather shift their operation to elsewhere like chinatown.

for example, those who are interested in getting FLs along L21 in evening times, you will likely be chopped becos most of them are under OKTs. though the girls will speak thousand sweet words but once inside the room, its all hell. they won't agree of using room in hotel and they will adivice you to use the cheap room nearby. pricing are between 50-60 without room per shot.

same thing goes to L17-L19 FLs, but at least they will refer to a hotel nearby. if you are still interested in getting them, try to get them in the late morning or afternoon. they are around, open for negotiation and can be get with lower price per shot.

don't worry bros, there are still streetwalkers gems, just need to spend a little time in searching and be at the right time and place then you will be rewarded :)

31-03-2011, 02:13 PM
Its been quite since I contribute my $0.20 worth of opinion - last time only $0.02, now "ki keh" (price increase). ... dam inflation!

anyway, since recuperating from operation I am not allowed to drink as much. so now whenever open bottle, i will tarik to last for at least another session. Last time two bottle one session, now one bottle sometimes spread over two or three sessions. :D

so this cheapskate, lao hero uncle take to monitoring girls' drink. those that drink like like fish - i "suan" - saying i don't like gals reeking of alcohol. why ruin your beautiful womanly scent by letting alcohol mask it.

for those ugly, cmi for sure I won't call again type - i even 'snatch' the glass away from them. i once even took out a "red card' macham referee, mimic a whistle and took her drink away, remarking directly: "enuf whisky already, you are wasting my drinks, this is for girls that I intend make drunk one" (which is dam to the point but ultimately true).

don't worry about decorum or being gentlemanly etc ... trust me the gals can take it ... and if you deliver your lines well, they might even enjoy the banter.

ignore the retort of "xiao qi" (small hearted), siah suay (no standard) etc .... but whatever the results, most of the gals will drink less ..... and if they want to chu jie, they will do so anyway. and for those who "push door", they will still try for you again despite the above antics. Confirm that the above observations is 100% true. Pui nua and chop correct!

uncle here dam ultimate lao hero siah: personal appearance wayne rooney ugly, bus taking heartlander and somemore cheapo to boot ~ i think i better siam "high class" holland village! ;)

31-03-2011, 04:24 PM
Bro Anson, nice to see u back, where have u been ha ? Go "chiong" never jio me n forget bout all your bros here, how can !! :D and Bro, Holland V no KTV la, invite u also u won't go la Bro

01-04-2011, 04:37 PM
welcome back bro ansonsohna. good to see back again. still cheonging GL bro? :)
i was there yesterday night again checking out the stocks. lesser and lesser streetwalkers than before, some more the makan shop at corner lor 20 closed down since last month. now mostly are MILFs strolling the streets
more AV dogs on the road, yesterday night saw 3 AV dogs inside a sedan parked at lor 20 in front of fragrance hotel ruby waiting to make a move.
what a turn off...

02-04-2011, 07:51 PM
Bro Anson, nice to see u back, where have u been ha ? Go "chiong" never jio me n forget bout all your bros here, how can !! :D and Bro, Holland V no KTV la, invite u also u won't go la Bro

Samantha Bitch on ladio say Holland V high class - no bengs and low class people allowed there, so i know my place in society and avoid there. kns some people ah ..... :rolleyes: ha ha ha .... but no need to be angry or agitated, organise singlet and shorts day etc .... take it easy lah

anyway my cheongs sessions nowadays always last minute type. last time want to cheong, simply say, see customer and then keng. but now ever since got promo and added responsibility, cannot suka suka go as i kena attend meeting after meeting.

(when i attend meeting, just try not to koon and then the "Any Other Business" part of the agenda comes, I say "nothing my side". so easy a bladdy monkey can also do that. and the monkey is probably cuter than me! )

welcome back bro ansonsohna. good to see back again. still cheonging GL bro? :)
i was there yesterday night again checking out the stocks. lesser and lesser streetwalkers than before, some more the makan shop at corner lor 20 closed down since last month. now mostly are MILFs strolling the streets
more AV dogs on the road, yesterday night saw 3 AV dogs inside a sedan parked at lor 20 in front of fragrance hotel ruby waiting to make a move.
what a turn off...

nowadays GL become no more shiok so i hardly go there anymore. don't feel the energy, life and colour anymore. Streetwalker WL now 90% cmi. might as well buaya for beer aunty at kopi tiam. maybe get free some more!

in GL, even my fave ktv, bs, close down. $20 tip can suck neh neh, play with mei mie pubes .... where can find now?

so now its mostly the usual ktv scene china doll, amani, and occasionally vegas (becos i want to buaya one mei-mei) and joo chiat. dam boring siah. time to find a new playground where things are more pi-chi and tua liap nee.

btw, i heard that a lot of chickens is plying in IR casino. want to go there to look see look see, but too cheapo to pay levy.