View Full Version : Gers Are Still Gers
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End of day I really wonder if they know their maths. All the manicure, pedicure, gels, creams, pills etc adds up compare to us wanting an Xbox 360............:cool:
So my sister-in-law got my younger brother Xbox so that he can stay at home most of the timw when he is free. Me also get the chance to play WWE Raw lah.
Five Stone
16-04-2006, 11:10 AM
So my sister-in-law got my younger brother Xbox so that he can stay at home most of the timw when he is free. Me also get the chance to play WWE Raw lah.
Then good for you. At home can play then go out also can play. :D
sir cum-a-lot
16-04-2006, 04:09 PM
It reminds me of a friend complaining to me. He stay in Woodlands and his wife made him drive all the way to Seng Xiong Supermarket because the milo is 20 cents cheaper and maggie mee 30 cents cheaper than NTUC......:rolleyes: What never occurs to them is that the petrol and parking cost does not justify the savings. She will simply say, "buy car why don't use??" (pulling a long face, as though her rationale make perfect logical sense).
And if the man refuse to budge, she then starts ranting away saying "fetch colleagues, fetch other people or even fetch other girls can! But fetch me, everything also cannot!"
And then can hear the cat1 siren blaring.. :confused:
sir cum-a-lot
16-04-2006, 04:13 PM
..but one lady called and said sometin tat blew all of them off ... she said "How happy can u feel when u hav a piece of damp and sticky pad downunder for the whole day ?" :cool: what the f***! she dont know hygiene, or she been buying the wrong type of "bread"?
those things as advertised are meant to keep things dry, and when recommended to change new ones within the time frame as recommended. for her folly to make herself uncomfortable, is not other's fault.
I would very much say, that in itself is a very lame & weak reason for "making" others day.. especially during the time of the month.
sir cum-a-lot
16-04-2006, 04:22 PM
I wonder if pedicure is a word invented in modern time? All these stuff damn financially sinful. Its modern word, no doubt about it. the old days only have 1 word called "cure" - to heal. So today they tamba the "mani" and "pedi" in-front of the cure.. so the ladies can use it as excuse for "healing" (as if the price to pay is justified).
Xbox 360 good what. At least, u play at home, she won't have to worry about u playing bunny on the bed with some other girl. lol. but if the toy is not xbox 360, but camera or car parts or golf? Its alot harder to justify to the ladies liao.
She'd say "camera? want to take photo of which chiobu?", if car parts, she'd say "want to go faster, so you can fetch girls & show off is it?", golf "go play 18 holes at which resort? why cannot play on local turf?"...etc
u guys should watch 1 litre of tears. A jap drama. Makes me wonder why Singapore women (most) cannot be half as noble. Sg woman can and will show you more than 1 litre of tears if you don't comply with her requests or demands
Five Stone
17-04-2006, 12:45 AM
but if the toy is not xbox 360, but camera or car parts or golf? Its alot harder to justify to the ladies liao.
She'd say "camera? want to take photo of which chiobu?", if car parts, she'd say "want to go faster, so you can fetch girls & show off is it?", golf "go play 18 holes at which resort? why cannot play on local turf?"...etc
End of the day, they have their keeps and we have our toys. Nothing right or wrong if both spend at their oen expenses. ;)
17-04-2006, 08:16 PM
End of the day, they have their keeps and we have our toys. Nothing right or wrong if both spend at their oen expenses. ;) LOL, i 2nd that! but often she spends without keeping receipts, and lose track of expense, and then end of the month - the hubby get 01 x super expensive bonk with the wife (with shocking credit card bills attached)
they say when men treat the lady nice is when they did something wrong, think again, it should be the other way round. :D
Thai Rak Thai
18-04-2006, 04:30 PM
After reading the whole thread...which took me some time, mind you...the conclusion is similar...
Gers are still gers...can't live with them...can't live without them...:D
18-04-2006, 04:40 PM
After reading the whole thread...which took me some time, mind you...the conclusion is similar...
Gers are still gers...can't live with them...can't live without them...:D
This may the obvious case but then again, perhaps certain issues may be addressed and dealt with in a more amicable manner. More than often things are sorted out in a unpleasant manner. :cool:
This may the obvious case but then again, perhaps certain issues may be addressed and dealt with in a more amicable manner. More than often things are sorted out in a unpleasant manner. :cool:
Read your signature, didn't know you become so Zen liao
Five Stone
19-04-2006, 10:25 AM
they say when men treat the lady nice is when they did something wrong, think again, it should be the other way round. :D
Sometimes the female gender cannot seems to comprehend our need for affection as well, there will be time that we want to be extremely romantic, exceptionally caring, unusually loving but then this is just us. :)
19-04-2006, 02:17 PM
Sometimes the female gender cannot seems to comprehend our need for affection as well, there will be time that we want to be extremely romantic, exceptionally caring, unusually loving but then this is just us. :) to them, when men are being nice to them or being a little more generous in spending power for them.. we're up to no good. sad to say, we're a species that do not need justifications for our actions (but rationale often makes sense) - men do things as we please
as for them, they too have the right to be nice n sweet. however, with punt intended most of the time (coveting some jewellery that her friend received from her bf/hubby, wanting the bf/hubby to shower her with some big spending at the up-coming mega sale, wanting the bf/hubby to bring her on a round the globe holiday). what's the sense in it...? to please her cravings at our expense - women want us to do things to please them
besides, if at such early stage expect to be touring the world... by the time get married, literally have to fly via NASA go to the moon for honeymoon liao. either that, there's already no place left to visit in the long run.
19-04-2006, 02:26 PM
it is said, and believed to be that women are supposed to be more mentally matured, more family orientated, and far-sighted in most aspects of life.
sad to say, these days... its the direct opposite. career woman wanting their girl power - woman's rights (thanks to the womans charter), equal/higher achiever than the man, yet expecting the man to fill very big shoes - adopting the role as the bread-winner (incl all necessary chores/duties in the domestic matters).
its no wonder SG men are higher demand these days - able to work, settle family errands, tutor the children, take care of the folks... most importantly possess a valid class 3 licence. fulfill all the Cs; career, cash, condo, car, credit card, caring, concern, considerate, confidant..etc. bonus: if he's an all-rounder & fantastic in bed.
modern woman = nightmare.. they're fast mutating into very selfish monsters that engulf any who fit that bill.
sir cum-a-lot
19-04-2006, 02:49 PM
it is said, and believed to be that women are supposed to be more mentally matured, more family orientated, and far-sighted in most aspects of life.
sad to say, these days... its the direct opposite. career woman wanting their girl power - woman's rights (thanks to the womans charter), equal/higher achiever than the man, yet expecting the man to fill very big shoes - adopting the role as the bread-winner (incl all necessary chores/duties in the domestic matters). Bobian mah. Nowsadays, its all for oneself and no one else. Its all down to: Basic Instinct-Survival Instinct.
Although I must agree with you, most girls these days very 1 kind lah...
fulfill all the Cs; career, cash, condo, car, credit card, caring, concern, considerate, confidant..etc. bonus: if he's an all-rounder & fantastic in bed. HAHA! High demand indeed!
19-04-2006, 03:39 PM
its no wonder SG men are higher demand these days - able to work, settle family errands, tutor the children, take care of the folks... most importantly possess a valid class 3 licence. fulfill all the Cs; career, cash, condo, car, credit card, caring, concern, considerate, confidant..etc. bonus: if he's an all-rounder & fantastic in bed.
modern woman = nightmare.. they're fast mutating into very selfish monsters that engulf any who fit that bill.
Maybe u just ask urself this simple question.
If you are a girl, will u choose a man who is
-unable to work, cock up all issues, run away when children need help in homework, unfillial child, throw old folks onto the streets, do not possess any single licence, NO Career, NO Cash, NO Condo, NO Car, No CC, Uncaring, UnConcerned, InConsiderate, Don't understand feelings? Worst is fucked up on the bed and dislike sex.
If u yourself do not have any requirements, U would have now been married to any plain jane on the streets now instead of criticising the girls in these way.
19-04-2006, 04:03 PM
Maybe u just ask urself this simple question.
If you are a girl, will u choose a man who is............
If u yourself do not have any requirements, U would have now been married to any plain jane on the streets now instead of criticising the girls in these way.
Not that your arguments are without merit...
...but the purpose of this thread is to KPKB about local girls, right? :D
Five Stone
19-04-2006, 09:42 PM
Not that your arguments are without merit...
...but the purpose of this thread is to KPKB about local girls, right? :D
Point noted and concurred. This is just an avenue for us to release our displeasure, take a deep breath and go back to the real world. :D
19-04-2006, 11:09 PM
Point noted and concurred. This is just an avenue for us to release our displeasure, take a deep breath and go back to the real world. :D
Brings to mind that some girls are just not meant for us. ie, simply high achievers, even we work another one lifetime, still can't catch up with them.
I wanted to date 2 ladies earlier in the week. One uni freshie in the finance industry, while the other is also a uni freshie but a medical grad earning big time.
I know where I stand. The med grad actually agreed to go out with me on a date, but after thinking about her tastes and preferences. No way man .... rather go for speed dating and get some numbers and girls to go out with.
The ST article some months back compared women with cars. Both have parallels. ie, if u have the money, u go for a prettier and more attractive girl. Or, of course, go for the otherwise, where budget is a relevant factor.
Women are just like cars. Either u bought urself a good car or a crappy one, which u have to tahan for a long long while.
I don't mind a plain jane, who is down to earth. Because wherever you are working, you want to know that back at home there is girl at home waiting for you to go home for dinner. But, these days the girls don't give me this kind of assurance.
Even the guai guai mei mei in office is damn havok one. Backside expose a bit can see dragons and other mythical creatures. I was like wtf.... very ah lian.
19-04-2006, 11:52 PM
Not that your arguments are without merit...
...but the purpose of this thread is to KPKB about local girls, right? :D
This thread has evolved into a thread where SG girls has been deemed as 'mercenaries'.
Everyone have expectations. Some has high ones, some has low ones.
Just that some girls who has higher expectations and happens that we men do not fit into their expectations, doesn't mean that we have to slam them. To put it simply, we just 'do not have the weight' to bring ourselves up the level they expected of us.
If their expectations are high, if we can, we fit in.
If we can't fit into their expectations, we just don't fit into their plans.
Some of the people here talk as though that the SG girls owe them something.
C'mon, to put it in simpler layman terms, if you are good enough, u choose them. U will need these girls to fit into your expectations and not saying that these girl's expectations are too high.
Why can't just admit that we ourselves is cannot make it?
If we can say that SG gers have high expectations, expect these and that, just go and get a girl with lower expectations whereby we can click with them.
Why don't choose a girl with lower expectations? Is it because the girl doesn't fit into our own's expectations instead? or is it we ourselves have high expectations?
Many a times, we just chose the easy way out to just simply blame some others for our failures.
We point our finger at them but unknowingly we have 3 more fingers pointing back at ourselves.
When we say SG gers cannot make it. Buey Kan. Why don't we ask ourselves, how good we are? How Eh Kan are we then.
If you are good, others will say u are good. We don't need to say others are bad to prove that we are good. Which is what this thread is sadly heading towards.
I am not standing on the side of men or on the side of the women. But just stating my POV and my stand.:cool:
20-04-2006, 05:34 AM
Geesh man...last time i commented on this subject was in 30.6.2004 and now we are still on this subject.
gers really that terrible?
20-04-2006, 08:08 AM
Hmmm.. Was browsing thru the pages when I saw this heading. Kinda curious so took a peek and before I knew it, I had read 13 pages and the sun had risen.
As I had only read 13 pages, I'll just comment on my own POV from the posts that brothers like OceanEleven and some others have posted (from the 1st 13 pages and the posts on the last page).
All I can say is that your gfs/ wives are really shen zai fu zhong bu zhi fu.
But of cos, after fast forwarding to the last page (eyes really buey tahan liao, have not slept), and having read Bro SiamCutey's post, I really do admire him for being fair to the fairer sex too.
That said, I can only say that a relationship is built on trust, understanding, tolerance and many other attributes. Sometimes, one or a few of these attributes might be lacking but that does not condemn the relation if TOLERANCE is strong.
Whatever it is, there has got to be something in your respective partners that drew you to them. So why let that special attraction be clouded by her petty faults?
Basically, like what the Superstar judge always say, " Bi Duan Yang Chang" - Cover the flaws and magnify the plus (Roughly that lar... my chinese fail de.. hahah)
Five Stone
20-04-2006, 10:03 AM
Most of us here lamenting about the women in Singapore, yes indeed we are but then at some point in time in our life we are in contact with at least one woman. And we are commenting base on this woman. We are not deeming nor labeling all of them in the same particular way, it is just base on the actual facts we’ve seen or experience. Hence these may be some coincidence that the few here share the same point of view.
Though we may be bellowing about the female gender here but still some of us are romancing some gals at the same time. We deem some unreasonable, incomprehensible, uncompromising but we still try and learn to coexist with them.
They have their traits, we have our behaviors as well, I believe there are sufficient sisters in here to stage censure against our words or perhaps they are reading all these with a grin and a pinch of salt. End of days, the fathers, husbands, boyfriends who leave their mark here, went back to their love ones and continue life. :)
Deep Blue
20-04-2006, 10:10 AM
gers really that terrible?
Girls are not that terrible, it is basically a mixture of many emotions. There are many with various experiences that when compile together will put any encyclopedia to shame. Put it this way, perhaps this thread is just where some who are once hurt and grieve from past ventures who find solemn peace by pouring out their discontentment. Like a heavy baggage, they leave it here and move on. :)
22-04-2006, 10:40 AM
If u yourself do not have any requirements, U would have now been married to any plain jane on the streets now instead of criticising the girls in these way.
SC LOL, everyone has their right to have criterias/requirments/specs for their future spouse. its afterall, a life-long decision (sad to say, many these days taking divorce papers like tissue paper).
the stats also shown that its becoming a trend (in alarming rates), that the women are the ones that change after putting the pen to paper. whereas the men have been steadfast.
their financial stability gives them liberty to enjoy the pleasures they indulge in(not entirely wrong), and very much the cause that eventually leads to their infidelity.
its not as if their incompetence in the domestic duties are bad enough, but doesnt give them excuse not to learn or improve in their shortcomings. hiring a maid to lighten the chores, doesnt excuse 1 from lifting a finger or the right to only assert "eye power".
in many cases, the men are the 1 that bend over, make the compromise & improve on their own short-comings, whilest the avg (and fast growing) populace of the sg woman... aspires to live the legacy of a 太太
it seems they forgot that there's no fruits if there's no labor. and in their dictionary... man=labor, woman=slumber (very soon will become timber), at the end... the man suffer
how? why? when avg joe meets plain jane, life was bliss. but jane eventually wants avg joe to morph into joe millionaire, so she can be 太太, joe may or may not achieve (but requires time to do so), jane cant wait.. she moves on.
tsk tsk tsk. so much for the "I...take you... for my husband/wife......for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health.. till death do us part.. " its funny, they recite it like its a song... and then the song stales... the love pales..
22-04-2006, 10:51 AM
Brings to mind that some girls are just not meant for us. ie, simply high achievers, even we work another one lifetime, still can't catch up with them. well, expectations & desire for better life, who wouldnt understand??? 人往上爬,水往下流 (its something that gives everyone the driving force and its afterall good), and very much so, being the typical out n out singaporean, we've also been instilled with the notion of: 人不为己天诛地灭
but these days, it seems the girls have left out a big chunk of that long painful process, and so constitues theír mentality & aspirations of: 一步登天
they dwell so much on korean drama these days, they sob at the soap opera 大长今... end up learn nothing (tears drop for fun)... the lead role didnt just appear in the imperial court as a somebody. she went thru the long painful process to morph from chicken to phoenix.
in retrospect, even in the 80's there was the jap drama series of Oshin. the lady who toiled half her life away for a better future, not for herself but for her descendents... there was a re-run some yrs back too.. again, our sg-girls, tears drop for fun. learn nothing
22-04-2006, 11:02 AM
If we can say that SG gers have high expectations, expect these and that, just go and get a girl with lower expectations whereby we can click with them.
Why don't choose a girl with lower expectations? Is it because the girl doesn't fit into our own's expectations instead? or is it we ourselves have high expectations? 1 with reasonable expectations is fine, but wait till the leopard spots reveal. that revelation only comes on or after the day she puts the pen to paper. those fortunate enough to see the spots prior to marraige.. considered lucky.
dont forget, we singaporeans have the tendency to be competitive & comparison is inevitable. men usually stomach the minor issues of domestic disputes... but the girls bring their issues to the workplace, and then they start bitching, and then start comparing, compare every little detail possible... then the man will soon be in for some pleasent surprise.
she starts her nonsense: "why my friend's hubby buy her diamonds, but you dont even give me almonds?", "why my friends hubby so romantic, but you so realistic?", "why my friends hubby fetch her in benz, "but you only come driving a van?"....etc. and the list goes on.
their intial small expectations soon will swell into a big vacuum (under the influence of friends/colleagues) ... even our simplest plain jane these days know & perfected the art of 扮猪吃老虎
Kyser Soze
22-04-2006, 11:41 AM
dont forget, we singaporeans have the tendency to be competitive & comparison is inevitable. men usually stomach the minor issues of domestic disputes... but the girls bring their issues to the workplace, and then they start bitching, and then start comparing, compare every little detail possible... then the man will soon be in for some pleasent surprise.
she starts her nonsense: "why my friend's hubby buy her diamonds, but you dont even give me almonds?", "why my friends hubby so romantic, but you so realistic?", "why my friends hubby fetch her in benz, "but you only come driving a van?"....etc. and the list goes on.
their intial small expectations soon will swell into a big vacuum (under the influence of friends/colleagues) ... even our simplest plain jane these days know & perfected the art of 扮猪吃老虎
Well said, I believe this "competitive & comparison" syndrome is inevitable. We men too do compete and compare. Can you remember the last time you try to compete the sales quota with your colleague? Do you remember the school days when you compare the exam results with our classmates?
Well, back to the topic. I myself is consider as a victim under the "competitive & comparison" syndrome. As a graduate, I'm now working as an engineer. But often than not, I'm deemed as a not-good-enough man among most young Singaporean women, as I look ordinary, my ~$3k monthly salary is never a big deal (they can earn as much or more) and I do not possess a car. Hence, for most part of my life, I only managed to have 2 relationship with local women, and despite many attempts. I do not condemn our local women, as each and everyone have their needs and requirements. If the requirements do not meet, then sorry.
Ironically, I'm considered as an eligible bachelor among young China women (not FL and WL but fellow factory operators working in my factory). What does this imply? Probably our local population is too small to look for love. Probably we must let our intention to marry a local woman die off. Recently, I have shake off my belief that my future wife will be a local. More likely, I'm seeking our ministers' motto and entreprenuers' advice to look for chances overseas... this case foreign women. :(
22-04-2006, 02:25 PM
I went out wif my frds for dinner ytd & there goes our conver..
Guy: What u girls want to eat?
Girls: Anytings la.. u decided lo
Guy: Mmmm jap foods?
Girls: HUH dun wan la...
Guy: Pasta? TimSum?
Girls: HUH we just had it recently eh
Guy: -_-"
GIrls: Aiya we ok wif anyting de... as long as not jap, timsum & pasta
Guy: 4get it.. u girls decided alrdy.... tell me where to mit...
End up is have to please them .....
23-04-2006, 08:58 PM
back in the 60s 70s & early 80s, there seemed to be less issues of the messy issues of divorce, spouses making unsound comparisons of their hubby. typically (not trying to be chauvenist), those were the harder times, those were the days they're mostly homemakers, those were the days when the motto 有爱情-吃面包就够了. in fact, most due to face & honor; have the tendency of boasting & singing praises of their hubby with content. (to be fair, those were also the days when the women suffered in silence)
since the mid-late 80s to date, girl power & woman independence start taking place. woman wanting to wear the pants in & outside of the house etc. even if their not the breadwinners, they too have their fair share of supplementing expenses - somehow or other, the ladies too have a job, and in the given environment, the competitiveness morph n change them into monsters.
at the turn of the new millenium.. what happens? woman liberation? woman independence? its becoming rampant.. and what do we hear these days? women can make do without the men... so, does this mean that the male species is now redundant??
1 thing's for sure, they cant live without: dial-a chauffeur. who's readily available to pick her up at her demand. (so they can slouch & recline in the seat to catch a little shut eye, while resting those blistered feet - after a day of gruelling shopping in killer heels)
23-04-2006, 10:14 PM
lol. used to it liao
Hahahah.. LOL :D
This happens to me also .. same dialogue...
sometimes just dun understand gals.. when u ask them they say ANYTHING!
When u suggest something they say alot of negative suggestions...
Haizzzzzzzzzz.......... :cool:
23-04-2006, 10:27 PM
how? why? when avg joe meets plain jane, life was bliss. but jane eventually wants avg joe to morph into joe millionaire, so she can be 太太, joe may or may not achieve (but requires time to do so), jane cant wait.. she moves on.
It is a pity that avg joe could not meet the expectations of jane. But u as Avg joe, do not need to comply.
To put it simply, u just do not fit into their plans. So whats there to complain? Don't tell me u don't have jane, u cannot survive meh?
Jane does not need Avg joe to survive. Women these days are capable enough to take care of themselves. Don't need you to say so much.
I supposed if you say your point to the women in SG, they will simply tell u to "FUCK OFF" and they wouldn't beg you to be with them. U can whine all u want about them, but I just have to say they simply don't need men like you.
23-04-2006, 10:29 PM
since the mid-late 80s to date, girl power & woman independence start taking place. woman wanting to wear the pants in & outside of the house etc. even if their not the breadwinners, they too have their fair share of supplementing expenses - somehow or other, the ladies too have a job, and in the given environment, the competitiveness morph n change them into monsters.
at the turn of the new millenium.. what happens? woman liberation? woman independence? its becoming rampant.. and what do we hear these days? women can make do without the men... so, does this mean that the male species is now redundant??
1 thing's for sure, they cant live without: dial-a chauffeur. who's readily available to pick her up at her demand. (so they can slouch & recline in the seat to catch a little shut eye, while resting those blistered feet - after a day of gruelling shopping in killer heels)
I can only say u are a MCP. They can live without men like you, but the problem is you cannot live without women like them, thats why u are complaining and blasting them non-stop.
23-04-2006, 10:36 PM
I went out wif my frds for dinner ytd & there goes our conver..
Guy: What u girls want to eat?
Girls: Anytings la.. u decided lo
Guy: Mmmm jap foods?
Girls: HUH dun wan la...
Guy: Pasta? TimSum?
Girls: HUH we just had it recently eh
Guy: -_-"
GIrls: Aiya we ok wif anyting de... as long as not jap, timsum & pasta
Guy: 4get it.. u girls decided alrdy.... tell me where to mit...
End up is have to please them .....
Now we change a scenario,
Girl: What style u like?
Guy: Anything la, u decide cos i am enjoying it.
Girl: Mmmmm, u on top?
Guy: No lah, I am bit tired, back pain
Girl: Doggie?
Guy: Nope.
Girl: Breast Fuck?
Guy: Always Breast Fuck, I sian liao
Girl: -_-"
Guy: Aiya, I ok if u just blow me off and suck me dry as long as I don't need to maneuver
Girl: U go pcc yourself. Ask me for fuck?
Moral of the story: Guys have 1001 reasons to blast girls, but you forgotten that when u point 1 finger at them, u have another 3 fingers pointing back at yourself:rolleyes:
24-04-2006, 04:28 AM
Now we change a scenario,
Moral of the story: Guys have 1001 reasons to blast girls, but you forgotten that when u point 1 finger at them, u have another 3 fingers pointing back at yourself:rolleyes:
Hahahah..... Good One!!!! Going to up you for it.... :)
24-04-2006, 07:57 AM
have you guys been hit with the deadly question when she almost couldn't fit into one of her jeans/dress
Am I fat??
24-04-2006, 08:49 AM
have you guys been hit with the deadly question when she almost couldn't fit into one of her jeans/dress
Am I fat??
If she asks you that... it's DEAD TIME !!
cus from experience... no answer is a right one....
But now I'll probably flip her over and make steamy love to her and then after it's all over when she's panting and catching her breath... quickly dress up and leave for the pub before she can ask it again...heheh :p
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES
24-04-2006, 09:50 AM
have you guys been hit with the deadly question when she almost couldn't fit into one of her jeans/dress
Am I fat??
this is a killer Q!!
u tell her she is fat means you're tired of living..
no u tell her she is not fat, she will claimed u r lying and make a fuss..
so best is pretend nvr hear.. just walk away... :D
24-04-2006, 11:42 AM
It is a pity that avg joe could not meet the expectations of jane. But u as Avg joe, do not need to comply.
To put it simply, u just do not fit into their plans. So whats there to complain? Don't tell me u don't have jane, u cannot survive meh?
Jane does not need Avg joe to survive. Women these days are capable enough to take care of themselves. Don't need you to say so much.
I supposed if you say your point to the women in SG, they will simply tell u to "FUCK OFF" and they wouldn't beg you to be with them. U can whine all u want about them, but I just have to say they simply don't need men like you.
SC LOL, be reminded.. we men are realistic... the gals tend to be idealistic and demand what is hollistic. which literally is eratic.
i never claimed that i'm fantastic, but in view of your poor comprehension to misinterpret that i've been portraying the posts on a personal scale... you really should buck up..
and do us all a favor, dont be so pathetic.
24-04-2006, 11:46 AM
I can only say u are a MCP. They can live without men like you, but the problem is you cannot live without women like them, thats why u are complaining and blasting them non-stop.
SCwah! so now GE coming along, you campainging for Woman's Action Party or wat? did i even mention words of ego, stating that the male species being almighty & all??
read carefully, if its not clear enough for your poor comprehension skills - in a nutshell: i'm suggesting that there should be some equality and/or balance
fyi: blasting the gals is 1 thing, least to say, i've never condemned...:rolleyes:
24-04-2006, 11:55 AM
Now we change a scenario,
Girl: What style u like?
Guy: Anything la, u decide cos i am enjoying it.
Girl: Mmmmm, u on top?
Guy: No lah, I am bit tired, back pain
Girl: Doggie?
Guy: Nope.
Girl: Breast Fuck?
Guy: Always Breast Fuck, I sian liao
Girl: -_-"
Guy: Aiya, I ok if u just blow me off and suck me dry as long as I don't need to maneuver
Girl: U go pcc yourself. Ask me for fuck?
Moral of the story: Guys have 1001 reasons to blast girls, but you forgotten that when u point 1 finger at them, u have another 3 fingers pointing back at yourself:rolleyes:
SC LOL... a sex partner with such performance/form in bed... its life long suffering. but wait... more scenarios:
Girl: shall we try for baby?
Guy: i've been waiting long for tongiht
Girl: but my mensus cycle should be here anytime
Guy: then we try after the cycle lor
Girl: so how? want or dont want?
Guy: we try after the cycle lor. tonight just the usual bonk lor
Girl: why do you have to put it off? you take me as sex object or a whore?
Guy: well, i suppose it'd be better timing after your cycle or when you ovulate again.
Girl: -_-"
Guy: so how? you really want to try??
Girl: U go pcc yourself !!
24-04-2006, 11:57 AM
Girls, or for that matter, women are perpetually imperceptible to the mind of a common man.
Agreed with ya generally...true good gf or wives will even support ya when ya financially down...
but back to the topic...women are wired differently, go borrow the book from library "Man from Mars women from Venus" then ya know why sometimes women are so unpredictable!!
24-04-2006, 11:58 AM
have you guys been hit with the deadly question when she almost couldn't fit into one of her jeans/dress
Am I fat?? wah! the killer question... that is the ultimate test for showmanship... having to lie straight face... "NO, not fat.. where got?" or "you sure that's your jeans or was it someone else?" or "erh, i think its the lousy cotton quality lah, shrunk after the wash lah"
then what happens next? pocket burn.. go shopping for new clothes that actually fit
24-04-2006, 12:02 PM
wah! the killer question... that is the ultimate test for showmanship... having to lie straight face... "NO, not fat.. where got?" or "you sure that's your jeans or was it someone else?" or "erh, i think its the lousy cotton quality lah, shrunk after the wash lah"
then what happens next? pocket burn.. go shopping for new clothes that actually fit
shopping is another nightmare! go with them, u get bored.. dun go n the swipe ur card as if its FOC..
giving comments is the worst.. they always ask u which piece is nicer when they oredi made up their mind.. more often than not they end up buying both pieces...
24-04-2006, 01:13 PM
LOL, be reminded.. we men are realistic... the gals tend to be idealistic and demand what is hollistic. which literally is eratic.
i never claimed that i'm fantastic, but in view of your poor comprehension to misinterpret that i've been portraying the posts on a personal scale... you really should buck up..
and do us all a favor, dont be so pathetic.
Whether men are realistic or women are idealistic is only from your own perception.
Whatever things that these girls want, is up to them. U can choose to give or choose to move on.
If u want to choose to give, then u must use your fav phrase that is 甘愿就好。
Whether u are portraying the posts on a personal or general scale, we leave it to the readers to judge.
I am portraying you from my personal scale because of the fact of you saying SG girls from your own personal scale.
If SG girls are so chum, then u better spend time with foreign girls and don't rattle non-stop here as SG girls REALLY don't need men like you. Just like men like you think too much of yourselves that SG girls can't live without you all. But in actual fact, SG girls can.:rolleyes:
*Btw, please read your idealistic signature.
24-04-2006, 01:14 PM
shopping is another nightmare! go with them, u get bored.. dun go n the swipe ur card as if its FOC..
giving comments is the worst.. they always ask u which piece is nicer when they oredi made up their mind.. more often than not they end up buying both pieces...
Can u live without this kind of girl? If u cannot live with it, them u just have to bear with it:rolleyes:
24-04-2006, 01:37 PM
shopping is another nightmare! go with them, u get bored.. dun go n the swipe ur card as if its FOC..
giving comments is the worst.. they always ask u which piece is nicer when they oredi made up their mind.. more often than not they end up buying both pieces...
Nope, it's another way round for my missus. When she's indecisive, she will call off the buy and went again some other days. She prefer to shop herself as she knows that whatever she choose, I will comment "quite nice" or "buy buy". :p Luckily she's not brand conscious, except yearning for a branded Gucci bag. Which is not too overboard. :)
24-04-2006, 01:49 PM
wah! so now GE coming along, you campainging for Woman's Action Party or wat? did i even mention words of ego, stating that the male species being almighty & all??
read carefully, if its not clear enough for your poor comprehension skills - in a nutshell: i'm suggesting that there should be some equality and/or balance
fyi: blasting the gals is 1 thing, least to say, i've never condemned...:rolleyes:
This is what you quoted earlier
since the mid-late 80s to date, girl power & woman independence start taking place. woman wanting to wear the pants in & outside of the house etc. even if their not the breadwinners, they too have their fair share of supplementing expenses - somehow or other, the ladies too have a job, and in the given environment, the competitiveness morph n change them into the turn of the new millenium.. what happens? woman liberation? woman independence? its becoming rampant.. and what do we hear these days? women can make do without the men... so, does this mean that the male species is now redundant??
1 thing's for sure, they cant live without: dial-a chauffeur. who's readily available to pick her up at her demand. (so they can slouch & recline in the seat to catch a little shut eye, while resting those blistered feet - after a day of gruelling shopping in killer heels)
These analogies by you are enough to say you are a MCP
1) Why can't women be breadwinners?
2) Why can't there be woman liberation and independence?
3) Who says they can't live without a dial-in chauffeur or is it because you cannot be the one to drive the wheels instead?
*Btw, I CONDEMNED PROSTITUTES WHO CON MEN FOR MONEY, instead of WORKING FOR IT. IT's fine if they sell their service but not to the extent of CON/LIE to get their dough. :rolleyes:
24-04-2006, 02:00 PM
Whether men are realistic or women are idealistic is only from your own perception.
Whatever things that these girls want, is up to them. U can choose to give or choose to move on.
If u want to choose to give, then u must use your fav phrase that is 甘愿就好。
Whether u are portraying the posts on a personal or general scale, we leave it to the readers to judge.
I am portraying you from my personal scale because of the fact of you saying SG girls from your own personal scale.
If SG girls are so chum, then u better spend time with foreign girls and don't rattle non-stop here as SG girls REALLY don't need men like you. Just like men like you think too much of yourselves that SG girls can't live without you all. But in actual fact, SG girls can.:rolleyes:
*Btw, please read your idealistic signature.
SC well, as much as i've read here, i'm not the only 1 with the same problems with sg gals. i'm sure there've been many who've concurred with some of my postings, and opinions on sg gals
no doubt, in most cases, its just a constant struggle on the term 甘愿就好. nonetheless, has it been all that worthwhile??? if you claim that gals of other nationalities take the men for a ride of their life... think again, are the reciprocations of the sg gals any better - by taking their men for granted??
idealisitic signature? if its not all about 甘愿就好, i really dont know how else you've misinterpreted it once again (as always) :rolleyes:
24-04-2006, 02:15 PM
These analogies by you are enough to say you are a MCP
1) Why can't women be breadwinners?
2) Why can't there be woman liberation and independence?
3) Who says they can't live without a dial-in chauffeur or is it because you cannot be the one to drive the wheels instead?
to answer your questions to prove otherwise:
1) by all means they can be the breadwinner, and the men stay home to be homemakers. whoever brings home the moola, as long as it sustains the runnings of the household - but by no means should they ever breathe a word about he man not being able to contribute.
2) liberation & independence, sure why not..? which also means there shouldnt be double standards, comlpaining & comparing what others' men can provide for the friend/colleague - precisely because we're all individuals with different qualities & attirbutes. (they settled for a man who's less extravagant - too bad so sad... just as you said it - live with it)
3) dial-a-chauffeur..? well, if its not the case... and a growing trend among ladies these days, it wouldnt even be brought up in the thread. (about me not being able to drive??? LOL, sorry.. many have proven that they cant go anywhere without car - often forgetting that there're cabs readily available. more likely perhaps their hands stuffed with shopping bags/handbag, while the other hand is holding the phone; busy yapping away - unable to raise hands to flag down cab.)
24-04-2006, 02:20 PM
well, as much as i've read here, i'm not the only 1 with the same problems with sg gals. i'm sure there've been many who've concurred with some of my postings, and opinions on sg gals
no doubt, in most cases, its just a constant struggle on the term 甘愿就好. nonetheless, has it been all that worthwhile??? if you claim that gals of other nationalities take the men for a ride of their life... think again, are the reciprocations of the sg gals any better - by taking their men for granted??
idealisitic signature? if its not all about 甘愿就好, i really dont know how else you've misinterpreted it once again (as always)
Gers are still Gers. They have certain characteristics due to the fact they are girls.
But not to the extend of being deemed as 'Mercenaries', 'Unreasonables' as quoted in your examples.
No problem. Since all blast liao very shiok right, then kenna blast feel shiok or not?;)
Those who concurred with u, how many of them are married to SG girls? Come here rant and rant then lan lan at home suck thumb ah. So now is who cannot live with who? If one is not happy with them, leave them lor.
All say until so garang but in the end still are the ones still cannot live with SG girls. Not SG girls cannot live without you all.:D
24-04-2006, 02:28 PM
to answer your questions to prove otherwise:
1) by all means they can be the breadwinner, and the men stay home to be homemakers. whoever brings home the moola, as long as it sustains the runnings of the household - but by no means should they ever breathe a word about he man not being able to contribute.
2) liberation & independence, sure why not..? which also means there shouldnt be double standards, comlpaining & comparing what others' men can provide for the friend/colleague - precisely because we're all individuals with different qualities & attirbutes. (they settled for a man who's less extravagant - too bad so sad... just as you said it - live with it)
3) dial-a-chauffeur..? well, if its not the case... and a growing trend among ladies these days, it wouldnt even be brought up in the thread. (about me not being able to drive??? LOL, sorry.. many have proven that they cant go anywhere without car - often forgetting that there're cabs readily available. more likely perhaps their hands stuffed with shopping bags/handbag, while the other hand is holding the phone; busy yapping away - unable to raise hands to flag down cab.)
I have already put it very simply.
1) If the man is unable to contribute and wants to be a gigolo and eat soft rice, then his face must be damn thick. U think this kind of thick face man can be bothered by what people say when he already agreed to be gigolo?
However if both husband and wife are working whether the husband is a homemaker or a breadwinner, he contributes in a way. People will understand the wife's success in her career is because of the man behind her.
It's only people like you who loves to magnify the flaws and cover the good, that is why it seems this way. Why don't you magnify the good parts instead?
2)That is the capability of Women these days. U should be happy over it and not feel threatened over their presence. People who felt threatened is because of their incapability and also because of their low self-esteem.
3) They don't need u to drive them around. They have their ways and can do what they want. They want to shop with bags this and that, who are you to stop them?
U go Geylang call prostitutes, they also cannot stop you. Now u want to criticize them for going shopping with bags while yakking on the phone?
24-04-2006, 03:52 PM
I have already put it very simply.
1) If the man is unable to contribute and wants to be a gigolo and eat soft rice, then his face must be damn thick. U think this kind of thick face man can be bothered by what people say when he already agreed to be gigolo?
However if both husband and wife are working whether the husband is a homemaker or a breadwinner, he contributes in a way. People will understand the wife's success in her career is because of the man behind her.
It's only people like you who loves to magnify the flaws and cover the good, that is why it seems this way. Why don't you magnify the good parts instead?
2)That is the capability of Women these days. U should be happy over it and not feel threatened over their presence. People who felt threatened is because of their incapability and also because of their low self-esteem.
3) They don't need u to drive them around. They have their ways and can do what they want. They want to shop with bags this and that, who are you to stop them?
U go Geylang call prostitutes, they also cannot stop you. Now u want to criticize them for going shopping with bags while yakking on the phone?
SCeh... SC ah SC.. better get it straight hor..
1) home making hubby doesnt mean he's a gigolo that is incapable of earning his own keep or contributing to the household. some entrepreneurs operate from home office, and make pretty decent earnings. and nothing wrong about the female spouses being career women and all... bt more so the point of discussion was based on taking their men for granted..
2) i never saw them as a threat. the more career women the better... and the better the economy too. its nevertheless their character & air of arrogance these days that makes us buay tahan...
3) well, consider it fortunate that you've yet to encounter 1 that is car-bound...
24-04-2006, 04:00 PM
eh... SC ah SC.. better get it straight hor..
1) home making hubby doesnt mean he's a gigolo that is incapable of earning his own keep or contributing to the household. some entrepreneurs operate from home office, and make pretty decent earnings. and nothing wrong about the female spouses being career women and all... bt more so the point of discussion was based on taking their men for granted..
2) i never saw them as a threat. the more career women the better... and the better the economy too. its nevertheless their character & air of arrogance these days that makes us buay tahan...
3) well, consider it fortunate that you've yet to encounter 1 that is car-bound...
1) Men also take women for granted, then why u never say? Thats why I always said you like to magnify the flaws and put the good at 1 side.
2) These women are capable, that is why they can be arrogant. They can be arrogant because they don't need men like you or us. It takes 2 hands to clap. If they do not want to clap hands with you, why you still insist on it. Why can't u just leave these so-called arrogant women alone, and instead chose to whine at them. By whining over this situation only magnifies your incapability.
3) When I encounter 1 that is car-bound, I either live with it, or I leave her. As simple as that. I don't need to live with her and chose to grumble all her flaws(like what u are doing now) on an online community.
I still reiterate my point. if u think these group of gals are unsuitable for you, don't go for them, because u may think they are unsuitable for you but in actual fact, you are actually not suitable for them either.
24-04-2006, 04:28 PM
Nope, it's another way round for my missus. When she's indecisive, she will call off the buy and went again some other days. She prefer to shop herself as she knows that whatever she choose, I will comment "quite nice" or "buy buy". :p Luckily she's not brand conscious, except yearning for a branded Gucci bag. Which is not too overboard. :)
lucky u.. i rem my ex is so brand conscious.. no brand no buy.. and her facial! i dunno spend how much on her SK II!!!!!
24-04-2006, 05:07 PM
1) Men also take women for granted, then why u never say? Thats why I always said you like to magnify the flaws and put the good at 1 side.
2) These women are capable, that is why they can be arrogant. They can be arrogant because they don't need men like you or us. It takes 2 hands to clap. If they do not want to clap hands with you, why you still insist on it. Why can't u just leave these so-called arrogant women alone, and instead chose to whine at them. By whining over this situation only magnifies your incapability.
3) When I encounter 1 that is car-bound, I either live with it, or I leave her. As simple as that. I don't need to live with her and chose to grumble all her flaws(like what u are doing now) on an online community.
I still reiterate my point. if u think these group of gals are unsuitable for you, don't go for them, because u may think they are unsuitable for you but in actual fact, you are actually not suitable for them either.
SC LOL, well... i express just as much as many others with the similiar issues, yet you continuously make your rebutals personal... as for the above 3 points you echoed repeatedly like a broken recorder... not to worry.. its been noted. we dont have comprehension levels the likes of yours.
either live it or leave it.. haha! easier said than done. wait till the pen is put to the paper, and having more implications when you choose to leave it. and when you lppl, and living it, i truly wonder if you'd reminisce n recall the postings shared here
(thats only if you'd ever find 1 who'd be willing so settle with you, accept your over bearing nonsense on your policies & anal pessimist outlook)
24-04-2006, 08:50 PM
LOL, well... i express just as much as many others with the similiar issues, yet you continuously make your rebutals personal... as for the above 3 points you echoed repeatedly like a broken recorder... not to worry.. its been noted. we dont have comprehension levels the likes of yours.
either live it or leave it.. haha! easier said than done. wait till the pen is put to the paper, and having more implications when you choose to leave it. and when you lppl, and living it, i truly wonder if you'd reminisce n recall the postings shared here
(thats only if you'd ever find 1 who'd be willing so settle with you, accept your over bearing nonsense on your policies & anal pessimist outlook)
U should learn to speak in simpler layman english terms. Don't bring people on merry go round.
U have said 11 lines and they are all simply redundant.
Now the question is Why do you all have to kan n kan the SG girls non stop regarding their tempers, mood swings, their character, their pattern whatsoever, when you can simply choose not to be with them.
Thats why I really have to say you are a LOSER. SG girls don't need you, just that you think they need you a lot. :rolleyes:
24-04-2006, 09:22 PM
Well said, I believe this "competitive & comparison" syndrome is inevitable. We men too do compete and compare. Can you remember the last time you try to compete the sales quota with your colleague? Do you remember the school days when you compare the exam results with our classmates?
Thats true man. During school, mothers would compare their children's academic performance. After so many years of schooling, turns out that girlfriends take over our mothers' role and compare their boyfriends. Sigh....
Well, back to the topic. I myself is consider as a victim under the "competitive & comparison" syndrome. As a graduate, I'm now working as an engineer. But often than not, I'm deemed as a not-good-enough man among most young Singaporean women, as I look ordinary, my ~$3k monthly salary is never a big deal (they can earn as much or more) and I do not possess a car. Hence, for most part of my life, I only managed to have 2 relationship with local women, and despite many attempts. I do not condemn our local women, as each and everyone have their needs and requirements. If the requirements do not meet, then sorry.
And, I'm facing the same prob. Earning 3+ a mth and having my own car. Its still a tough match.
After all, i realise car more fun than having gf. u never know a gal well enough until u marry her.
I had a date with this gal one day (she was earning 5k+ a mth). The date was fixed about 5 days something in advance. Come the day when I was supposed to meet her, I got a SMS from her in the morning. It read, "sorry, can't go out with her. got wedding to attend."
It didn't really surprise me, but she lack the decency to even make the effort to let me know a day or two before hand. Both parties have a right not to turn up. And, she is a singapore gal and her face shows it all as if guys are at her bidding. It happened a couple of times.
Now, I'm like u. I'm only interested in settling down with a foreign wife, cos' local gals are mostly keen on high achievers.
Ironically, I'm considered as an eligible bachelor among young China women (not FL and WL but fellow factory operators working in my factory). What does this imply? Probably our local population is too small to look for love. Probably we must let our intention to marry a local woman die off. Recently, I have shake off my belief that my future wife will be a local. More likely, I'm seeking our ministers' motto and entreprenuers' advice to look for chances overseas... this case foreign women. :(
Don't fret. China women can be prettier too. Just don't be conned by them.
I'm not even considered eligible, but most of the girls think I'm doing very well. Few even realised that I dread singapore gals. I have a car, but never offered to send them home, because once they know they expect more and more.
24-04-2006, 09:30 PM
it is said, and believed to be that women are supposed to be more mentally matured, more family orientated, and far-sighted in most aspects of life.
Far sighted? I know one woman who was more short sighted than anything else. Burnt almost every single cent on her car. Right now, not earning much and hardly have any savings.
Other younger females I know are just idealistic. Their partners must have car, condo, credit card and other Cs.
24-04-2006, 09:40 PM
Now, I'm like u. I'm only interested in settling down with a foreign wife, cos' local gals are mostly keen on high achievers.
What kind of girls are you keen on then? They have their expectations, u have yours too.
If you are only keen on foreign wife, no one is stopping you.
If today you are a girl, u also want to marry a guy who is financially capable. Some girls have higher expectations.
Even if you marry a foreign wife, if you are not financially capable, you think your foreign gf want to marry you? Its only because Singapore Currency exchange rate is better when going to many foreign countries, that is why if you earn $3K SGD in Singapore, suddenly you become a high achiever in another country.
Eg: 3K SGD can change to 82K Thai Baht if you are in Thailand.
DO you think your 3K is only 3000 in the eyes of Thai People? Your 82K thai baht makes you in the bracket of 8000 to them. Even a Thai Manager only earns in the bracket of 25-50K Thai Baht.
So are you a High Achiever in the eyes of Foreign Women?:cool:
24-04-2006, 09:48 PM
Far sighted? I know one woman who was more short sighted than anything else. Burnt almost every single cent on her car. Right now, not earning much and hardly have any savings.
Other younger females I know are just idealistic. Their partners must have car, condo, credit card and other Cs.
I have a client a single lady who has several properties in Dist9, 10, 11, 15. And she only drives a Camry.
She invests most of her money in bank sales units, properties, and to say that if she doesn't need to work now, she still can survive on her rental that she gets from her tenants.
She works to keep herself occupied.
And she says men have low self esteem when they meet up with her. She doesn't need a man who is a high achiever.
So who are we to say that women are short sighted? Is it her fault to be successful in her career and investments. She is only in her early 30s.
Have u ever asked yourself whether u have the 5Cs or other Cs and why do you need them?
Five Stone
11-05-2006, 12:01 PM
lucky u.. i rem my ex is so brand conscious.. no brand no buy.. and her facial! i dunno spend how much on her SK II!!!!!
On a lighter note, we can think that she wanna look good for us to us but deep down......she wanna look swee for all to see......:cool:
11-05-2006, 12:21 PM
On a lighter note, we can think that she wanna look good for us to us but deep down......she wanna look swee for all to see......:cool:
ya.. end up still broke up.. haiz.. all my 'investment' gone to waste.. :D
Five Stone
11-05-2006, 03:19 PM
ya.. end up still broke up.. haiz.. all my 'investment' gone to waste.. :D
That is why never spend so much on a gal for expectations soars after time. Better do it the right place and right time. ;)
11-05-2006, 04:04 PM
Some time a woman too friendly to you like light punches or touches u, u thought they like u. But think again, they dare to do that to u, they also dare to do to other guys. Maybe they already been sleeping with them n so, u wait long long.
I just encounter one recently. As my friend works in a salon, one of her boss is over friendly n like to touch me whenever she is near me. But yesterday, saw her touching another guy in the salon n in front of me. Just now, if not wrong, she is with him n maybe, on the way to hotel. :rolleyes:
11-05-2006, 04:26 PM
One evening last week, my wife and I were getting into bed.
The passion starts to heat up...and she eventually says, "I don't feel like
it, I just want you to hold me."
I said "WHAT??..What was that?"
So she says the words that every husband dreads to hear...
"You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me
to satisfy your physical needs as a man!"
She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who
I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?"
Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep.
The very next day I opted to take the day off from work to spend time with
her.We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big unnamed
deptstore. I walked around with her while she tried on several different
very expensive outifts. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her
we'll just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes,
so I said let's get a pair for each outfit.
We went on to the jewelry dept, where she picked up a pair of diamond
Let me tell you....she was soooo excited. She must have thought I was one
wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me, because
she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play
tennis. I think I threw her for a loop when I said, "That's fine, honey."
She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement.
Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, "I think this is all
dear, let's go to the cashier". I could hardly contain myself when I blurted
"No, honey, I don't feel like it".
Her facejust went completely blank, as her jaw dropped with a baffled
I then said, "Really honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a
while............You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man
enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman".
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why
can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either......
Five Stone
12-05-2006, 10:42 AM
If you are only keen on foreign wife, no one is stopping you.
If today you are a girl, u also want to marry a guy who is financially capable. Some girls have higher expectations.
Even if you marry a foreign wife, if you are not financially capable, you think your foreign gf want to marry you? Its only because Singapore Currency exchange rate is better when going to many foreign countries, that is why if you earn $3K SGD in Singapore, suddenly you become a high achiever in another country.
Eg: 3K SGD can change to 82K Thai Baht if you are in Thailand.
DO you think your 3K is only 3000 in the eyes of Thai People? Your 82K thai baht makes you in the bracket of 8000 to them. Even a Thai Manager only earns in the bracket of 25-50K Thai Baht.
So what's your point? :confused:
12-05-2006, 11:12 AM
She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who
I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?"
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why
can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either......
Hi there,
Don't know whether to say Good or not, but certainly sad to encounter such matter.
Anyway, I don't think it is not just abt not having sex later in the nite, care to share what happen next....
Love needs bread and water too.
Hope everything goes well.
12-05-2006, 01:52 PM
A joke to share:
Penis Study
In 1993, the American Government funded a study to see why the Head
of a Penis was bigger than the rest of it.
After one year and $180,000.00, they concluded that the reason the
head was larger than the shaft was to give the man more pleasure during
After the US published the study, France decided to do their own.
After $250,000.00, and 3 years of research, they concluded that the
reason was to give the woman more pleasure during sex.
Poland, unsatisfied with these findings, conducted their own study.
After 2 weeks and a cost of around $75.46, they concluded that it was to
keep a man's hand from flying off and hitting him in the forehead. (Masturbation) :D
12-05-2006, 04:48 PM
So what's your point? :confused:
My point is some people turn their choices to foreign ladies because they said local SG girls looking for high achievers.
But however little did these men realise that they are considered "high achievers" in the eyes of these foreign ladies because of currency conversion.
Foreign ladies also have expectations, just that foreign men like us after currency conversion, suddenly we become "high achievers" in their eyes. And the sad part is many have this impression that these foreign ladies really love us when in actual fact, its because we meet their so-called "high achievers" range due to our currency conversion.
18-05-2006, 09:45 AM
.....Other younger females I know are just idealistic. Their partners must have car, condo, credit card and other Cs.dont know how many were tuning into class95 some nights ago, the topic discussion for the evening was about singaporean gals suffering from the "cinderella complex". basically illustrating that the gals being pampered/spoilt rotten by the folks, expect/demand the same kind of affection/TLC from their men.
several callers responded... basically both genders agreed that sg gals these days really have such issues...
1) male callers; in general commented that the gals are becoming hard to handle, namely because of their contradiction/quirkiness (as said the DJ). 1 moment crave for all the TLC, next moment chanting the Destiny's Child - Independant women~
2) female callers; responded & confessed that they're guilty of the C-Complex from time to time. (some dont even realise that its a problem)
wonder if any bros here were tuning in, and would like to share a cent or 2 on the issue in mention...?
18-05-2006, 09:51 AM
........"No, honey, I don't feel like it".
Her facejust went completely blank, as her jaw dropped with a baffled
I then said, "Really honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a
while............You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man
enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman".
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why
can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either...... well done!!! let her taste some of her own medicine. if she really want to, she can still pay for it herself.. just as what they say simply... if you really need to release.. you go pcc yourself!!
18-05-2006, 04:09 PM
dont know how many were tuning into class95 some nights ago, the topic discussion for the evening was about singaporean gals suffering from the "cinderella complex". basically illustrating that the gals being pampered/spoilt rotten by the folks, expect/demand the same kind of affection/TLC from their men.
several callers responded... basically both genders agreed that sg gals these days really have such issues...
1) male callers; in general commented that the gals are becoming hard to handle, namely because of their contradiction/quirkiness (as said the DJ). 1 moment crave for all the TLC, next moment chanting the Destiny's Child - Independant women~
2) female callers; responded & confessed that they're guilty of the C-Complex from time to time. (some dont even realise that its a problem)
wonder if any bros here were tuning in, and would like to share a cent or 2 on the issue in mention...?
Eh, many Thai Prostitutes also have this kind of symptoms. So what do you think?:rolleyes:
Many Thai Prostitutes are being pampered/spoilt rotten by their sponsors, expect/demand the same kind of affection/TLC from their sponsors while conning money from them so that they can buy their Pradas, LVs and Guccis.
18-05-2006, 05:36 PM
.......Many Thai Prostitutes are being pampered/spoilt rotten by their sponsors, expect/demand the same kind of affection/TLC from their sponsors while conning money from them so that they can buy their Pradas, LVs and Guccis yes, both scenarios is being spoilt. but for the double standards, of wanting TLC, yet wanting to be independant woman... dont seem to tally for the cases for cross reference. hence remotely relate to context of discussion on the term given; "cinderella complex" :rolleyes:
18-05-2006, 05:41 PM
yes, both scenarios is being spoilt. but for the double standards, of wanting TLC, yet wanting to be independant woman... dont seem to tally for the cases for cross reference. hence remotely relate to context of discussion on the term given; "cinderella complex" :rolleyes:
Si mi si "cinderella" complex?
Thai prostitutes also want TLC and yet want be independant. The only times they are submissive is when they want to get money from sponsors. :p
18-05-2006, 06:09 PM
I then said, "Really honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for awhile............You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a manenough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman".
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why
can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either......Clap! Clap! I salute your action! :)
19-05-2006, 01:47 AM
I then said, "Really honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a
while............You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man
enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman".
And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why
can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?"
Apparently I'm not having sex tonight either......
Truly appreciate . You're my master . :rolleyes:
19-05-2006, 02:38 PM
Si mi si "cinderella" complex?
Thai prostitutes also want TLC and yet want be independant. The only times they are submissive is when they want to get money from sponsors. :p
SC well, since you see it that way, then transpose that into context of a non-WL... the behaviour/attitude/mentality for which they choose to adopt, during & when she wants/demands gifts & attentions... no major difference to that of a whore.
bottom line... gers r still gers :rolleyes:
09-06-2006, 09:32 PM
I support what you said, my mum just nagged at me said that I am not having GF. I told her and my dad, that gals at GL are abundance, if KTV also can. I am having phobia to commit, recently, a gal from movie was lamenting why I neber go full throttle after her and I was thinking and worrying too much. My 2 biggest worries, not gotten over my phobia after severely hurt by BGRs before, and this gal is a the DHL jumbo.
Wah, ur mum nagged at u? My mum never nagged at all. Its like she feels that I'm still a kid (though i'm coming to 30 soon).
Its no surprise that you have phobia towards bgr. I kenna one really bad one before. It was my first and last I ever had. Back then I had nothing, the girl basically latched onto me like a leach. Mum was totally against the relationship.
Right after I broke up, I had no faith in any relationships, especially after encountering some other materialistic girls. When I started work about 3 years back, I worked day and night and even during the weekends, just hoping to forget about her and the silly women I met before.
During the process of working hard, I also discovered my other strength. That was to teach and also understood the meaning of hardship. Since then, syt only seemed like good companions, but no good wives.
The only thing I want to do now is to buy for my mum that very last car she had. The most touching thing was that she sold the car at a heavy loss, just so that the family has enough money for the housing loan.
I still remembered that moment back in 99, she asked, "Should I sell the car? Cos' if sell at a loss, still can get back some money." I didn't know why and told her, "just sell it." She was in deep silence. It took me a while to realise how much that car also meant to her.
Even my ex had never been this emotional and selfless in giving.
If its a rx-8 which will make my mum a happy retired lady, I hope I can buy that for her, cos' it was my mum that led me out of the desolate state of distress I was suffering from, after I broke up. :)
Actually, I recently got attached and she is a great gal, maybe it's still honeymoon period. But we seemed to be ok when got into fights because we hugged each other 5 mins after every fight. SHe did not mind me having paid sex before, now we are just very open to each other. Hope that whatever confess won't turn into evidence when we fight. I got a fear now, and that is this relationship which seemingly perfect to me will fade.
10-06-2006, 12:26 PM
Actually, I recently got attached and she is a great gal, maybe it's still honeymoon period. But we seemed to be ok when got into fights because we hugged each other 5 mins after every fight. SHe did not mind me having paid sex before, now we are just very open to each other. Hope that whatever confess won't turn into evidence when we fight. I got a fear now, and that is this relationship which seemingly perfect to me will fade.
U must be prepared to leave this girl when one day she quarrel with u and tell you that "u f#@Ker, u visit prostitutes last time"
Its the same as when a man marries a prostitute and then during quarrels bring out the part that she has worked as a prostitute before.
SO u must talk to her nicely, draw the lines where it is. One day if she brings out all your dirt during all your quarrels, is the day when you should move on to the next girl.;)
Do not fear of such scenarios because it is such scenarios that enable you to see a person's true feelings.
U must be prepared to leave this girl when one day she quarrel with u and tell you that "u f#@Ker, u visit prostitutes last time"
Its the same as when a man marries a prostitute and then during quarrels bring out the part that she has worked as a prostitute before.
SO u must talk to her nicely, draw the lines where it is. One day if she brings out all your dirt during all your quarrels, is the day when you should move on to the next girl.;)
Yah lor, my fren told me the same and tell me PA si pun mai gong. but I cannot hide becos you cant expect her to believe that for 8 years without sex and totally hj is impossible. If I am a virgin to make her cum and cum lagi unbelievable. So no choice, kanna kempeitai questioning methods I confess. :o
10-06-2006, 01:26 PM
Actually, I recently got attached and she is a great gal, maybe it's still honeymoon period. But we seemed to be ok when got into fights because we hugged each other 5 mins after every fight. SHe did not mind me having paid sex before, now we are just very open to each other. Hope that whatever confess won't turn into evidence when we fight. I got a fear now, and that is this relationship which seemingly perfect to me will fade.
Have faith T123, my gf also knows about my past and she hardly brings it out during fights. However be prepared that she might use your past to make u do things that u normally too lazy to do or provoke u to buy things for her
10-06-2006, 03:47 PM
Actually, I recently got attached and she is a great gal, maybe it's still honeymoon period.
Great news bro, finally venturing into uncharted maps. Glad to know that you found someone. Have some faith and confidence, what is there to lose, right? :D
10-06-2006, 03:55 PM
Have faith T123, my gf also knows about my past and she hardly brings it out during fights. However be prepared that she might use your past to make u do things that u normally too lazy to do or provoke u to buy things for her
Yes, they always know where to poke where it hurt most. :D
Five Stone
10-06-2006, 03:56 PM
Have faith T123, my gf also knows about my past and she hardly brings it out during fights. However be prepared that she might use your past to make u do things that u normally too lazy to do or provoke u to buy things for her
Haha, I agree.One misdeed from us equals to forever making up.....:o
11-06-2006, 12:32 AM
Yes, they always know where to poke where it hurt most. :D
haha agree. but when we get to poke at the end of the day we will get the last laugh. haha:D
11-06-2006, 12:36 AM
Haha, I agree.One misdeed from us equals to forever making up.....:o
Well who can do no wrong?
but if we promise them to repent, we better be on our guards on all time. Infrequent checks will still come no matter how long the past is.:o
Five Stone
11-06-2006, 11:00 AM
Well who can do no wrong?
but if we promise them to repent, we better be on our guards on all time. Infrequent checks will still come no matter how long the past is.:o
Once bitten, twice shy....For them, once bitten, forever shy.....:D
Great news bro, finally venturing into uncharted maps. Glad to know that you found someone. Have some faith and confidence, what is there to lose, right? :D
Well thanks I am just counting myself lucky to have her.
provoke u to buy things for her
IN th end, she did nothing but I bought a pearl ring.:o
16-06-2006, 01:05 PM
due to the WC, nowadays wherever u go, u hear pple +++king abt it. but one thing i can't stand is ger +++king abt it. i am not prejudicing abt charboh n upselling abt my knowledge of soccer, is i really bth abt them +++king abt soccer but at the end of the day +++king abt guys. hear oledi, @ the end, sian ji bua cos the whole 90 mins, they looking at guys but come to +++king, they +++ macam they woching the games for 90 mins
16-06-2006, 02:13 PM
IN th end, she did nothing but I bought a pearl ring.:o
So buy for her or yourself.....:D
So buy for her or yourself.....:D
You say leh? I wear Pearl Ring no way man.
16-06-2006, 04:36 PM
IN th end, she did nothing but I bought a pearl ring.:o
Wah u r such a doting man. Ur gf beri lucky man.
Got a friend who is good at getting ons once told me that whenever his gf ask him for something expensive, he tell her to go to her sugar daddy. Now his gf become his sugar mommy:D
16-06-2006, 04:41 PM
Once bitten, twice shy....For them, once bitten, forever shy.....:D
ya gf although seems not to be bothered of what i do, she always manage to call at the oddest hour.
But girls are only shy before u know them well. once u know them too well........ then u siao liao.:D
16-06-2006, 06:52 PM
You say leh? I wear Pearl Ring no way man.
I not sure lah....if the ring is big enough....:D
Some wear ball bearing, you more high class mah, so wear pearl ring lor.:D
16-06-2006, 06:58 PM
ya gf although seems not to be bothered of what i do, she always manage to call at the oddest hour.
But girls are only shy before u know them well. once u know them too well........ then u siao liao.
Nothing new as usual.
Like us for example, during courtship, we are understanding. When BF/GF, cant understand a thing. :p
拍拖后,怨女 :D
Kyser Soze
16-06-2006, 08:15 PM
(Applause!) Well said.:D
I not sure lah....if the ring is big enough....
Some wear ball bearing, you more high class mah, so wear pearl ring lor.
I cut skin liao, how to wear ball bearing.:D
Wah u r such a doting man. Ur gf beri lucky man.
Got a friend who is good at getting ons once told me that whenever his gf ask him for something expensive, he tell her to go to her sugar daddy. Now his gf become his sugar mommy:D
If I am happy in the courtship, I will please her like she second to none. I mean that's me, every GF also experienced the same thing. Its when those fights come in, that I will probably feel helpless. Because I don't like to fight.
19-06-2006, 02:24 PM
If I am happy in the courtship, I will please her like she second to none. I mean that's me, every GF also experienced the same thing. Its when those fights come in, that I will probably feel helpless. Because I don't like to fight.
Hi there
2-cents worth! I don't think any gers like to fight too! For me sometimes my guy in a grouchy mood, he will complain this and that, if i keep my "black" face and say nothing. Most likely when we reach dinner destination. Everything will be over the bridge! :p Sometime silent is really golden!
Hi there
2-cents worth! I don't think any gers like to fight too! For me sometimes my guy in a grouchy mood, he will complain this and that, if i keep my "black" face and say nothing. Most likely when we reach dinner destination. Everything will be over the bridge! :p Sometime silent is really golden!
Me hate fighting the most, i really kept silent most of the time. The last relationship, silent or no silent I got slap and mentally abused.
19-06-2006, 03:21 PM
Hi there
Sometime silent is really golden!
Not really.. My last ex, got problem no problem also keep slient..
She dun wanna talk about any problems.. So end up big problem.. Big shock for me also..
end up we broke off... :(
19-06-2006, 04:47 PM
Hi there
2-cents worth! I don't think any gers like to fight too! For me sometimes my guy in a grouchy mood, he will complain this and that, if i keep my "black" face and say nothing. Most likely when we reach dinner destination. Everything will be over the bridge! :p Sometime silent is really golden!
So why show a black face in the first place? What is the point when you decide to swallow everything that comes along your way?
But no doubt, guys also like to bitch about the unpleasant day they had as well, silence is the best treatment but do try to throw in some care and concern as well and this will surely make his day. ;)
21-06-2006, 10:38 PM
Hi there
2-cents worth! I don't think any gers like to fight too! For me sometimes my guy in a grouchy mood, he will complain this and that, if i keep my "black" face and say nothing. Most likely when we reach dinner destination. Everything will be over the bridge! :p Sometime silent is really golden!
Ehh... some girls do like to fight. And, how they do it? Provoke a fight, so that it wouldn't seem like their fault.
21-06-2006, 10:43 PM
So why show a black face in the first place? What is the point when you decide to swallow everything that comes along your way?
But no doubt, guys also like to bitch about the unpleasant day they had as well, silence is the best treatment but do try to throw in some care and concern as well and this will surely make his day. ;)
Women and their funny moods. :(
When they are happy, you don't know why.
When they are unhappy, you also don't know why.
When they finally explode, its too late to know why.
21-06-2006, 10:53 PM
Me hate fighting the most, i really kept silent most of the time. The last relationship, silent or no silent I got slap and mentally abused.
Not mentally abused, but being treated like an abusable cabbage patch doll. argh! :mad:
06-07-2006, 12:22 AM
Me hate fighting the most, i really kept silent most of the time. The last relationship, silent or no silent I got slap and mentally abused.
Eh.. thats a little extreme though..
06-07-2006, 12:25 AM
Not really.. My last ex, got problem no problem also keep slient..
She dun wanna talk about any problems.. So end up big problem.. Big shock for me also..
end up we broke off... :(
There's the magic word! Sometimes.. When there are things to be iron out.. i dun gib a damn and will say my piece de.. sometimes the slient time (cold war) between the squabbles help one to think!.. Once again its SOMETIMES only.. and different ppl got different thinking!
06-07-2006, 12:27 AM
So why show a black face in the first place? What is the point when you decide to swallow everything that comes along your way?
But no doubt, guys also like to bitch about the unpleasant day they had as well, silence is the best treatment but do try to throw in some care and concern as well and this will surely make his day. ;)
Hi there
I do agree but times when i kept silent is when he's grouchin about me! which is why i say silence is golden! But if he's bitchin about his day, well then i will have the cure!:rolleyes:
06-07-2006, 01:06 AM
As I walk pass them I was like laughing my heart out inside me man. Don't you think its so ironic that sometimes when we are really telling the truth women simply don't believe us??? It happen to me so many times when I was telling the truth to my ex she simply don't want to believe me. Then I got fed up I told her lies then she starts to quarrel with me and give me a cold shoulder. Well in away it was good for me as I have a few days of peace Share yr sentiments too...gers?!? unpredicatable :rolleyes:
Only exception is when you abt to make them reach orgasm, you can predict when the moans is coming :D
06-07-2006, 11:45 PM
Women and their funny moods. :(
When they are happy, you don't know why.
When they are unhappy, you also don't know why.
When they finally explode, its too late to know why.
Funny? I prefer hysterical though. Too many a time I find their actions impossible to comprehend, or perhaps we are too shallow. Life been not too kind to us already, I find it rather exhausting to play mind readimg. :cool:
Yesterday, celebrated her birthday with a dozen of lilies and a cake. But this morning was screamed at, shouted at, becuase her cousin saw me leaving. She tried to not make it obvious that we are sort of having physical relationship. But it was not the first time I was seen. It certainly hurt me to a certain degree. Sometimes, I wonder am I born to be suay. Just now she told me to leave her alone for the rest of life because she doesn't wants to hurt me. For me, its another relationship failed.
07-07-2006, 09:45 AM
Bro, at least u get to be 'physical' wif her before she 'siaosiao'. I tell u my story...
I kinda of haf a fuck buddy. She used to be my gf but we broke up abt a yr ago. Although she have a bf now, we still haf sex regularly since we both enjoy our sexxion very much. So when i need to 'GO' i'll call her, likewise for her.
It was also her birthday when this ridiculous thing happened. Her bf dunno for wat reason cannot celebrate her birthday wif her. So she called me to accompany her for the nite. I thought, ok, i could juz go over cheer her up since its her birthday (of course i want to bonk her for that nite also lah :p ) So, i go buy a cake and drove to her house.
Upon reaching her house, i was quite surprise that she wasn't as sad as i thought she would be. She seemed quite cheerful despite her bf not celebrating wif her. So i thought, good, i dun haf to go thru the process of cheering her up. We drank, eat the cake, and even smudge the cake on each other, fooling ard. We then bath together and she even shampoo my hair for me.
Here comes the ridiculous part... We were next on bed fore playing. When she was wet enough and moaning for me to do her, i was getting into missionary position to stroke her. This very moment, knn i farted... juz a middle sound fart, the no smell type... Wah lan eh she immediately scold me like hell. Her face from suductive looks becomes ferocious look. She throw me my clothes and ask me to get out of her house!!!!! I was stunned and did not know what to do. She was then pushing me to her door and ask me to get out. I then ask her if she was juz joking, cos if its really her idea to surprise me back cos i fart, she really did succeed in doing so. She became more violent and start to push me wif all her drink milk strength to her door :eek:
LanLan lor, put on my clothes and walk out. Still being puzzled dunno what happen to her. I walked towards my car still in disbelieve that i spoil my fuck for the nite juz bcos i farted at that moment. Wats wrong wif her? Its not that she never hear or smell my fart before lah......
After a few days, she called me and apologise for that incident. But she sound very serious that i do not ask her anything abt that nite or to ever mention it again.... She is still my fuck buddy up till today. but i never ever dare to question her on that incident since i still want to keep her as my fuck buddy. And I DO NOT DARE TO FART IN HER PRESENCE NOW!!!
WTF? up till now i still cant figure out wats wrong. She behave this way bcos her bf cant accomapny her that day or juz simply bcos i farted....................
07-07-2006, 10:33 AM
WTF? up till now i still cant figure out wats wrong. She behave this way bcos her bf cant accomapny her that day or juz simply bcos i farted....................
Desires, lusts, yearns are just some very simple needs in life. The thrill of being unfaithful, coupled with emptiness, disappointment on her birthday may be yet another compelling concoction to drive one to hysterical. Does it need a reason? Or does it matter afterall? ;)
07-07-2006, 11:00 AM
I still maintain my 'fuck buddy' relationship with her. So i guess it don't really matters to me. But I still don't dare to fart if she is around :eek:
08-07-2006, 08:10 PM
I still maintain my 'fuck buddy' relationship with her. So i guess it don't really matters to me. But I still don't dare to fart if she is around :eek:
"Silence is Golden". Sometimes best form of attack is defence. :cool:
Kyser Soze
09-07-2006, 12:22 PM
Just seeking you guys opinions here. I have a guy friend (called him Sam) who falls in love for a 25 year-old girl (called her Jane). Both are my friends. Sam is an Engineer, Jane an Technical Assistant. Both are single and not in relationships. The guy definitely isn't, the girl claims she isn't. Everything seems 'problem-free', until one day, Sam discovered through some scribbles of writings on some rough papers on her desk that were written... ... 'I love Dick Yang'. This Dick Yang is Jane's ex-boss (a Supervisor), who left the company months ago. But the fact is this Dick Yang is a married man. Jane clearly upset of Sam discovering her secret love over Dick Yang, for fear Sam will reveal for others to know. But Sam is heart-broken over the fact she loves a 'wrong man', a married man. I believe this Dick Yang is just trying to get fresh from this girl. I do know this person as my acqaintance.
Sam questions Jane further. She claims she and Dick Yang are just friends. Jane denies there is any relationship between the two, although they still meet each other regularly, not with the other colleagues but just the two of them. This clearly upset Sam, he reveal his liking of her and plead her to give him a chance to be her boyfriend. I see this as Sam trying provide her an alternative to pull her away falling further, of course Sam do like her a lot. However, Jane still meets Dick Yang this day, and have yet respond to Sam.
My questions:
1) Do you think Jane and Dick Yang are as simple as just friends? (Note: Dick Yang is married)
2) Do you think Sam should give up altogether over Jane?
09-07-2006, 12:51 PM
My questions:
1) Do you think Jane and Dick Yang are as simple as just friends? (Note: Dick Yang is married)
2) Do you think Sam should give up altogether over Jane?
It may that simple just as friends but may be another matter altogether. Let me put it this way, if Sam values Jane, then perhaps he should work harder and win her over completely, else continue to be a bystander in this matter. Like a guy getting a new GF while she has 3 relationships before him and all involve sex, will he mind, does he wanna continue to pursue?
To give up or not is not entirely in his hands, Jane is the final decision maker. Why not be gracious and woo her over rather then lamenting that she is in love with another man? ;)
09-07-2006, 02:26 PM
After a few days, she called me and apologise for that incident. But she sound very serious that i do not ask her anything abt that nite or to ever mention it again.... She is still my fuck buddy up till today. but i never ever dare to question her on that incident since i still want to keep her as my fuck buddy. And I DO NOT DARE TO FART IN HER PRESENCE NOW!!!
WTF? up till now i still cant figure out wats wrong. She behave this way bcos her bf cant accomapny her that day or juz simply bcos i farted....................
U insensitive farting fellow, how can u be so ignorant to fart a medium sound fart when trying to do a missionary? you had a fcuking mission, not a farting mission! Don't you know that you would hurt her pride and ego to fart while u fcuk? It shows that you dun give a fart and what the fcuk!
And can't you fart b4 you fcuk? Thats common courtesy and you deserve to be fart! Fart you ok?
Haha....ok, brother...just offence ya?:p Will up you for your farting good story!!! Cheers.:D
Kyser Soze
09-07-2006, 05:30 PM
It may that simple just as friends but may be another matter altogether. Let me put it this way, if Sam values Jane, then perhaps he should work harder and win her over completely, else continue to be a bystander in this matter. Like a guy getting a new GF while she has 3 relationships before him and all involve sex, will he mind, does he wanna continue to pursue?
To give up or not is not entirely in his hands, Jane is the final decision maker. Why not be gracious and woo her over rather then lamenting that she is in love with another man? ;)
Bro OceanEleven,
Thanks and my apology for making you the 'Aunt Agony'. You indeed provide a constructive solution. This is similar to what I have told Sam. Of course, since I know Jane personally, I did some analysis on her character with him. Generally, I do find her a nice lady in many ways.
I hope Sam will see my posting here. To Sam, no one is flawless. Open up your mind, stop being so stuck up and whinning things over. Be gracious and woo her over. Ultimately, Jane is still the final decision maker.
10-07-2006, 05:34 AM
U insensitive farting fellow, how can u be so ignorant to fart a medium sound fart when trying to do a missionary? you had a fcuking mission, not a farting mission! Don't you know that you would hurt her pride and ego to fart while u fcuk? It shows that you dun give a fart and what the fcuk!
And can't you fart b4 you fcuk? Thats common courtesy and you deserve to be fart! Fart you ok?
Haha....ok, brother...just offence ya? Will up you for your farting good story!!! Cheers.
Haha, bro dun like that leh... fart want to come out, how to control? :o Bad for the stomach you know... For now, i'll juz walk away from her, and fart :D
Five Stone
10-07-2006, 06:25 PM
Bro OceanEleven,
I hope Sam will see my posting here. To Sam, no one is flawless. Open up your mind, stop being so stuck up and whinning things over. Be gracious and woo her over. Ultimately, Jane is still the final decision maker.
I think Sam needs to think more about the relationship, I mean not even started one but thinking of ending it. Why ponder and start whining and put it this way, who is he to question her integrity? Why not make the first move then decide the next move?
Prior to be anything but boyfriend already doubting her, this is a big NO NO. Go ahead, make her head turn and his feelings count. ;)
15-07-2006, 11:44 AM
I think Sam needs to think more about the relationship, I mean not even started one but thinking of ending it. Why ponder and start whining and put it this way, who is he to question her integrity? Why not make the first move then decide the next move?
Prior to be anything but boyfriend already doubting her, this is a big NO NO. Go ahead, make her head turn and his feelings count. ;) i'm not expert in relations, but something i learnt along the way, and is quite funny how we singaporeans handle relationships.
i think when a couple start seeing each other, they still entitled to go out meet other people, date other people (date doesn't include sex). only when they are condfirmed about 1 another, then maybe need throw in more commitment & agreement of not seeing other people on 1-1 date. give it some more time down the road. then call it steady & have more plans about the future together.
dunno why, but it seem many singaporean couples nowsadays like to rush into things.
i have a fren, parktor with 1 girl since schooling days, havent even met others girls, he can confirm that the current gf is the 1 he confirm, steady wanna marry. i felt he haven't seen enough to make a wise decision.
i also predict if there's some problems encounter in future, and if the relation fails, he will be feeling super rock bottom morale. sigh
Kyser Soze
15-07-2006, 06:48 PM
i have a fren, parktor with 1 girl since schooling days, havent even met others girls, he can confirm that the current gf is the 1 he confirm, steady wanna marry. i felt he haven't seen enough to make a wise decision.
i also predict if there's some problems encounter in future, and if the relation fails, he will be feeling super rock bottom morale. sigh
I feel your friend has kind of '1st girlfriend syndrome'. Not actually a bad thing, it reflects he's a loyal chap. I agree that without going out with other girls might be difficult for him to make comparison. On the other hand, his reluctance to do so may be his current girlfriend has little bad points to complain about.
It all depends on individual's perspective. My view is there is no relationship that is permenantly rock-solid. Perhaps your friend's view is different. Or perhaps he is still green in exploring relationships. :D
19-07-2006, 07:27 PM
When you plan your wedding, consider this...
the Rule of 72.
Basically, it's a quick and easy way to figure out how fast an investment will double, with a certain interest rate.
So, let's say you got an investment earning you 10%. 72/10 = 7 years.
So if you took some money and invested it @ 10% and never touched it for 7 years, it would double.
So if your wedding cost $20,000 and you invested it instead, 7 years later, that $20,000 would become $40,000.
Another 7 years later, and it becomes $80,000.
Another 7, $160,000.
Another 7, $320,000.
Another 7, $640,000.
So let's say a young chap decides to put off marriage and start investing instead @ 25 years old. By the time he's 60 years old, he'd be $640,000 better off. Just because he decided not to spend $20,000 on marriage when he was 25.
Now of course, here's when it comes really useful: your ger really wants to get married and spend over $40,000 of your money.
Save $20,000, invest it at 10% per year, don't touch it and you'll be better off by $640,000 35 years later.
Something to think about, samsters....
Kyser Soze
22-07-2006, 12:20 AM
Save $20,000, invest it at 10% per year, don't touch it and you'll be better off by $640,000 35 years later.
Something to think about, samsters....
This is an idealistic scenerio, something that is always portrayed by Financial Advisors whenever they try to sell to their potential clients. Investment always involve risk. There is no clear-cut 'recipe' of earning 10% returns every year safely. You could have paper loss at any point of time. Few samsters here are Warren Buffetts.
I appreciate part of your point here, probably to have sufficient money before indulge into marriage. But will the passion between the couple still sustain when they have enough money? Like making money, relationships do not have a sure-win recipe.:D
22-07-2006, 09:51 AM
I appreciate part of your point here, probably to have sufficient money before indulge into marriage. But will the passion between the couple still sustain when they have enough money? Like making money, relationships do not have a sure-win recipe.:D
There are too much unforeseen circumstances to have such a idealistic scenario presented to you at all times. It is also the unpredictability in life that makes being alive so interesting. It is indeed nice to have things in our ways but always remember, in order to have a winner, there must be a loser.;)
There are too much unforeseen circumstances to have such a idealistic scenario presented to you at all times.
I fully agree, becos there's no perfection except for the one in your mind. Last weekend, she checked my hp and asked me on some phone calls I received. I began to freak out. Now asked all my buddies, dun call unless necessary and all smses kept minimal. she cried and I got into the same limbo I experienced before. haiz.
Kyser Soze
29-07-2006, 06:58 PM
Girls to me are still very much unpredictable. This is an update what I have encountered recently. Sam was wooing this girl (Jane) for quite sometime. Likewise, another married guy (Dick) was also wooing her. In the end, Lyn chose Dick instead of Sam. I am quite puzzled till today.
Here's the comparison betwen Dick and Sam:
Dick: 28 year-old, average looking, Malaysian, graduate, married (promise her to divorce, to be with her), smoker, tattoo, humorous and outspoken (according to her), scheming (according to colleagues).
Sam: 29 year-old, average looking, Singaporean, graduate, single (promise marriage, if that's her priority), non-smoker, no tattoo, humorous and outspoken (according to my friends), helpful (according to colleagues).
With all rational analysis, Sam actually lost to a guy of lesser worth. In addition, Dick actually lost a substantial sum, if his divorce proceedings to go through. Bro OceanEleven, probably you can enlighten Sam and me. Is it the truth that girls only love bad guys? I offered nothing to Sam, and almost jaw-dropped when I heard this. I am really really puzzled as though Brazil has lost a football match against East Timor. I feel so sorry for Sam...:(
Maybe life is such a bitch.
29-07-2006, 09:24 PM
i have same thoughts too.. actually i feel girls nowadays if wanna go pak tor will find bad guys cos of the excitment they can provide for the girls, but when come to marriage, the girls usually will find good guys.. that's really irony..
Girls to me are still very much unpredictable. This is an update what I have encountered recently. Sam was wooing this girl (Jane) for quite sometime. Likewise, another married guy (Dick) was also wooing her. In the end, Lyn chose Dick instead of Sam. I am quite puzzled till today.
Here's the comparison betwen Dick and Sam:
Dick: 28 year-old, average looking, Malaysian, graduate, married (promise her to divorce, to be with her), smoker, tattoo, humorous and outspoken (according to her), scheming (according to colleagues).
Sam: 29 year-old, average looking, Singaporean, graduate, single (promise marriage, if that's her priority), non-smoker, no tattoo, humorous and outspoken (according to my friends), helpful (according to colleagues).
With all rational analysis, Sam actually lost to a guy of lesser worth. In addition, Dick actually lost a substantial sum, if his divorce proceedings to go through. Bro OceanEleven, probably you can enlighten Sam and me. Is it the truth that girls only love bad guys? I offered nothing to Sam, and almost jaw-dropped when I heard this. I am really really puzzled as though Brazil has lost a football match against East Timor. I feel so sorry for Sam...:(
Maybe life is such a bitch.
Kyser Soze
30-07-2006, 01:12 AM
Ironic isn't it. I appreciate bro shrek's view though. :rolleyes:
The heart and mind of a woman are always alien to me.:eek:
30-07-2006, 09:35 AM
the Rule of 72.
Basically, it's a quick and easy way to figure out how fast an investment will double, with a certain interest rate.
So, let's say you got an investment earning you 10%. 72/10 = 7 years.
So if you took some money and invested it @ 10% and never touched it for 7 years, it would double.
Sad to say, all these are nothing but craps and unrealistics, be it MLM craps or financial sales talk. I found all these ppl are being idealistics and fantasizing their 'paper money' instead of cold cash. I've been doing investment for the past few yrs, and never came across a 10% NETT ROI annually (without any risks), not even my property across the bridge.
So, pls let me know which investment tools with 10% certain interest rate? :rolleyes:
31-07-2006, 09:24 AM
Girls to me are still very much unpredictable. This is an update what I have encountered recently. Sam was wooing this girl (Jane) for quite sometime. Likewise, another married guy (Dick) was also wooing her. In the end, Lyn chose Dick instead of Sam. I am quite puzzled till today.
Women are talking about the security feeling, whether they felt secure and protected being with you. Perhaps that's the key to it?
Please dont ask me how to measure or improve on that factor. I really dont know too. :(
Women's thinkings are as deep as ocean. And the search for answer is futile. :D
31-07-2006, 09:45 AM
Girls to me are still very much unpredictable. This is an update what I have encountered recently. Sam was wooing this girl (Jane) for quite sometime. Likewise, another married guy (Dick) was also wooing her. In the end, Lyn chose Dick instead of Sam. I am quite puzzled till today.
But most of the times, girlfriend of guys with tattoo are usually pretty as wat I seen so far.
Maybe love at first sight. I feel that every girl had an idle boyfriend in her mind. So maybe Dick is the type of boy she liked.
Sometimes, its liked that & u need to accept it. Don't be disheartened, there is always a lot of choice.
Its better for a girl to love u than u chased the girl unless u are just play play.
Anyway, real love does not exist nowaday. $$$ always win above all.
Kyser Soze
01-08-2006, 05:38 PM
Women's thinkings are as deep as ocean. And the search for answer is futile.
I agree. There's definitely no scale to measure a woman's thinking. Likewise for her integrity, character and values. How we hope there are equations of what women want really.
Sometimes, its liked that & u need to accept it. Don't be disheartened, there is always a lot of choice.
Its better for a girl to love u than u chased the girl unless u are just play play.
For your info, my friend Sam has decided to move on. Jane's choice of liking a married man will obviously cause more damages than returns.
Here's the last update, before Sam calls it a day:
Sam had personally tried to talk Jane over. He was amazed by Jane's reply.
1) She admitted that Dick has high chances of deceiving her.
2) She knows Dick's and her family will depise her, if they know she's breaking up his marriage
3) She admitted that they are very different in terms of character, background, interest etc.
4) She asked Dick not to reveal their relationship to Dick's wife. Here, Dick is having the luxury of having 2 women liking him at the same time. But she believe he will divorce his wife eventually to be with her.
5) To top it off, she decide to 'gamble' on her relationship with Dick, rather than giving Sam a chance, whom I always think is a long term blue-chip 'investment'.
To sum it up, whatever Jane thinking now is of little logic and common sense. Perhaps love is blind. Perhaps some people need to fall down over and over again to have their lesson learnt.:o
01-08-2006, 06:02 PM
Well, Sam could still be that "blue chip investment" if things do not turn out right for Jane and Dick. Nice guys are always on the girls' reserve team never the first 11. So i hope that Sam will truly move on, find a better girl and live happily ever after. And dun xing ruan when Jane comes running to him when she things go wrong with Dick. Do not fall into that "nice guy always be there" cycle.
Kyser Soze
01-08-2006, 06:14 PM
Bro JAXXX, well said --"Nice guys are always on the girls' reserve team never the first 11". I believe you are a football fan. My view is Sam is like an excellent player as Shaun Wright-Phillips, but just could not break into Chelsea's first team. Sam's value is always there. Eventually things will change for the better. Move on, the grass is always greener ahead.:D
17-08-2006, 01:55 AM
Sorry dudes, i'd like to vent my anger on stupid women. here are how our conversations went...
jimbo: my icq is kinda slow and facing some problems. care if we chat in msn instead?
*No reply from her yet. So i typed my hotmail address, which obviously is my msn address. I did it 5 times just to make sure she gets it*
Yanyan (1:34 AM) :
i read you j**.. that's why i ask you to leave me your msn so i can chat with u there...... do u understand me?
Jimbo (1:35 AM) :
jimbo*** is my msn address. sigh, simple english yet u dun understand.... sigh....
Yanyan (1:42 AM) :
i guess there is some minunderstanding here... i think you shouldn't say in that way... I read you so clear.. i guess you just got me wrong..
you said your icq is slow and would love to chat via MSN.. am i right? .. if yes, then I asked you to give me your MSN so i can change to chat with you there.. but you didn't leave me that.....
Jimbo (1:43 AM) : wat do u mean by 'leave your msn here'? arent u asking for my msn address which i already given 5 times. if my hotmail address isnt my msn address, why did i give it to you? i am NOT retarded... i am NOT stupid...
Yanyan (1:46 AM) : hey, Jimbo.. I swear to God that I don't lie to you that.. I DIDN'T HAVE YOUR FIVE TIMES MSN address..
I didn't get that reply from you..
without knowing if I got your MSN address , you speak so rude to me.. I am trying to be 'patient' and wait for your reply..but didn't expect to hear such an 'impolite' reply from you..
END. I'm running out of patient with stupid women. I dont understand, if she is willing to chat in icq, what different does it make if she gave me her msn address and we chat in msn? women are weird and difficult to understand.
17-08-2006, 02:00 AM
Another bad experience with women on msn.
ME: Can I see your photo?
HER: Sure. I wont send it over but will display over my msn.
ME: thanks... cant see clearly coz the pics is too small.
HER: too bad lor...
ME: how tall r u?
HER: cant u see how tall am i from the pics displayed meh?
ME: *fainted* :eek:
17-08-2006, 12:58 PM
Logic: This is her perception of the situation done to her best liking.
Solution: Ways to solve problems that suits her taste.
Democratic: It is either her way or her way.
Freedom of Choices: We have two choices and they are “YES” or “OK”.
Freedom of Speech: Words spoken is what she wants to hear.
Equality: Man and woman have equal rights but woman retains the benefits of the weaker sex.
Beauty & Spa: Her glamour is your honor, so you must chip in a part.
Electronic Gadgets: To her is a waste of time and money but demand surround sound and plasma when watching her “Huan Zhu Ge Ge. (还珠格格)”
Soccer: 22 idiots chasing for one ball.
Golf: Pay money, sweat under the hot sun, whack the damn ball and then start searching for it.
Great Sale: Buy first, then think of the use later.
MANGO Sale: Buy first even if it doesn’t fit her because she has plans (started planning 3 years ago) to loose weight.
Save Cost: Drive from Jurong to Carrefour because the Milo there is 10cents cheaper than NTUC.
Five Stone
25-08-2006, 11:30 AM
I agree. There's definitely no scale to measure a woman's thinking. Likewise for her integrity, character and values. How we hope there are equations of what women want really.
Likewise, things we deem as diminutive are often bigger than life for them. Making a mountain out of a molehill seems to be their forte; their ability to relate one matter to another is ever fascinating. :cool:
25-08-2006, 01:36 PM
Likewise, things we deem as diminutive are often bigger than life for them. Making a mountain out of a molehill seems to be their forte; their ability to relate one matter to another is ever fascinating. :cool:
that is why woman are not born to lead ... real life example is the ex-HP CEO will is sogood in bring down the HP share price and now the Mark new male CEO bring HP back to life...
woman can do good BBBJ ... but to drive in a car ... thye only can contribute to more traffic jam
Actually garment should not impose COE for controlling cars as they tot that traffic jam is caused by more cars on the road.
But when you are caught in the jam, try your ways to squeeze to the front of the jam and you can see no jam at all, but a woman driving in the centre lane and another aunty driving on the 2st lane both driving at 60 to 70Km at peak hour ...
sir cum-a-lot
25-08-2006, 02:21 PM
sometimes we find it so damn freaking difficult to understand woman, yet, its so damn often that they're actions are so predictable.
her rationale of dourning nice clothes = so she's noticeable
her rationale of dourning something revealing = so men can pay attention
her rationale of dourning something outrageous = so she's an excuse to label on-lookers as lechers
her pre-requisite of a guy with wheels = he's my chauffeur
her pre-requisite of a guy with NICE wheels = he's my chauffeur that i can show off to my friends.
(however, there-in lies a set of invisible rule, that the co-driver seat is exclusive for her butt only - and justifiable cause to demand material compensation "extravagant gifts", if another female takes the seat)
on the contrary, she's the liberty to do as she will with another male species, all in the name of fun, pleasure & leisure.
odd it seems but i happen to notice that such mindsets rather prominent amongst sg chicks, whilst such grounds for arguments rather scarce in angmo countries.
sir cum-a-lot
25-08-2006, 02:26 PM
END. I'm running out of patient with stupid women. I dont understand, if she is willing to chat in icq, what different does it make if she gave me her msn address and we chat in msn? women are weird and difficult to understand.
jimbo maybe she's just an IT-gundu, so she's got problem running 2 applications at the same time. Ironic it seems; women are touted to be "good multi-taskers", but these days, I'd beg to differ
sir cum-a-lot
25-08-2006, 02:35 PM
Bro JAXXX, well said --"Nice guys are always on the girls' reserve team never the first 11". I believe you are a football fan. good guys finish last, nice guys never the 1st choice on the list. yet when we choose to move on in search of greener pastures, she goes on a violent trance threatening to die, as though we're the cause of her misery, and we owe her everything under the sun.
double standards i might add, for she transposes the benchmark from the ex to the new guy, or if not raises the standards due to the shortcomings that the ex failed to fulfill, and that the new guy on the list shall & must comply with. on many occassions witnessed - how much ($/gifts) you shower on me is how much you love me.
otherwise in context of football, expecting the sub to come in with 10min to final whistle to slot in goals, that the 1st choice failed to in the past 80min of the game.
sir cum-a-lot
25-08-2006, 02:49 PM
i have same thoughts too.. actually i feel girls nowadays if wanna go pak tor will find bad guys cos of the excitment they can provide for the girls, but when come to marriage, the girls usually will find good guys.. that's really irony.. i think there's more to add i might say, the good husband is nice & responsible (aka: BORING!). Hence, reason for her to meet guys & still go on single dates to have "fun". especially since the man rarely does the laundry, there's no concern if there'd be semen traces found on her clothes.
while if the husband is shrewed & has attitude, goes on a drinking binge once in awhile. 1 thing's for sure, she'd fly into fury if lipstick/woman's perfume traces was found in the laundry.
what they usually say: when the man Suddenly treats the wife too nice/ buy her expensive gift (apart from special dates)/bring her on a romantic dinner - he's probably been naughty.
what they don't say is: when the wife Suddenly changes the sheets/ cleans the house/ do the laundry (despite the load being little)/ whip up a sumpcious dinner - she's probably been naughty too.
Kyser Soze
25-08-2006, 06:00 PM
what they usually say: when the man Suddenly treats the wife too nice/ buy her expensive gift (apart from special dates)/bring her on a romantic dinner - he's probably been naughty.
what they don't say is: when the wife Suddenly changes the sheets/ cleans the house/ do the laundry (despite the load being little)/ whip up a sumpcious dinner - she's probably been naughty too.
I have no qualms about what you said for both the man and woman.:D Seriously speaking, women are no longer the weaker sex. They are capable to outshine men in many areas, be it studies, career etc. Not to mention, these days women are also as good in finding 'the other man' outside their marriages. I wonder if this is called 'the vicious cycle'?
Often, it is more painful to see a married/attached woman having another man. As most of the time emotions are involved, the pain inflicted on the man is always unbearable. :(
25-08-2006, 06:44 PM
Logic: This is her perception of the situation done to her best liking.
Solution: Ways to solve problems that suits her taste.
Democratic: It is either her way or her way.
Freedom of Choices: We have two choices and they are “YES” or “OK”.
Freedom of Speech: Words spoken is what she wants to hear.
Equality: Man and woman have equal rights but woman retains the benefits of the weaker sex.
Beauty & Spa: Her glamour is your honor, so you must chip in a part.
Electronic Gadgets: To her is a waste of time and money but demand surround sound and plasma when watching her “Huan Zhu Ge Ge. (还珠格格)”
Soccer: 22 idiots chasing for one ball.
Golf: Pay money, sweat under the hot sun, whack the damn ball and then start searching for it.
Great Sale: Buy first, then think of the use later.
MANGO Sale: Buy first even if it doesn’t fit her because she has plans (started planning 3 years ago) to loose weight.
Save Cost: Drive from Jurong to Carrefour because the Milo there is 10cents cheaper than NTUC.
bro oceaneleven, wanted to up u for this post but realised i upped u before.
u talking about me cos i experienced every single thing u have said. women are like that, and i m sure women who trawl this forum will be looking closely at this thread. to the women reading this, yes, please do not deny it, u all r guilty as charged for the above.
my ex-gf stopped me from buying a $150 valentino tie at taka, but 2 hours later made me sign her up on a $2k slimming course in the same bloody building, which had no effect though. honey, if u want to lose weight, how about hitting the gym which u went like twice in 6 months, which also coincidentally paid $1600 for u???:mad: best part, the $2k course is a 24-mth interest free credit card instalment plan and i just paid the last instalment 2 mths ago.
ladies, justify for all u want. dont blame us when u push us away with yr behaviour. at least with fls, wls, ktv gals, we spend on them and usually we get much better sex than the "can u wash the dishes first, 1 min bj, special treat" love making session! One word, women are SELFISH, period. dont need to blame it on the time of the month, insecurity. even better, blame it on the ex-bf who treated her like a queen, so the current bf must treat her like one. does that mean that i can bonk her best friend on the side, beat her up on many occasions and ask her to pay my credit card bills like her ex-bf did??? so, go back to the ex-bf lah, i would say... that usually is followed by the emotional blackmail, eg. the tears, the poor puppy face and the "u dont love me anymore"s. women, u cant live without them, u cant live with them... haiz
25-08-2006, 06:53 PM
But most of the times, girlfriend of guys with tattoo are usually pretty as wat I seen so far.
Maybe love at first sight. I feel that every girl had an idle boyfriend in her mind. So maybe Dick is the type of boy she liked.
bro doomday123, guys with tattoo usually have gfs who are pretty, that's quite true, come to think of it. but they r not the ones the girls will probably just to get that rush of having danger lurking around the corner. gangster mah...:p that's why quite a number of my tattooed friends change gfs very often.
hey!!! that sounds likes much more fun than what i m having. maybe should go get a tattoo...:D just kidding...
Five Stone
28-08-2006, 08:36 AM
Seems that many still "suffer" the prowess of the ladies. :(
28-08-2006, 10:47 AM
bro oceaneleven, wanted to up u for this post but realised i upped u before.
Never knew than I am gonna unleashed the lighter side of you by that post. Anyway more than often we are still walking on tight rope when we talk about them. Honestly we do have to shoulder part of the blame as well for we are so keen to bring out the megawatt smile in them, for we love them so much so that we rather pinch on boozing than pinching on them. Hopefully one day we will all get appreciated. :)
sir cum-a-lot
28-08-2006, 02:47 PM
I have no qualms about what you said for both the man and woman.:D Seriously speaking, women are no longer the weaker sex. They are capable to outshine men in many areas, be it studies, career etc. Not to mention, these days women are also as good in finding 'the other man' outside their marriages. I wonder if this is called 'the vicious cycle'?
Often, it is more painful to see a married/attached woman having another man. As most of the time emotions are involved, the pain inflicted on the man is always unbearable. :( honestly, though the females now are becoming more independant & self-sufficient, personally i don't see that as a threat. in fact, I gladly welcome their self-sufficiency. the only down side that pisses me big time is when, they think with that little financial independance, they can start to put on airs, put their nose up in the clouds & belittle us.
despite their claim to "girl power", woman's independance etc, they still have tendency to adopt the age old "logic": men are stronger than women, men must take care of women.
galavanting/infidelity issues quite subjective i should say, bcos not everyone goes round bedding others. however, the lame excuse "other's are doing so, so why not?" gets on everyone's nerves sometimes.
Deep Blue
28-08-2006, 08:12 PM
Ex GF wanted a slimming course, help her to paid half on the condition that she will attend every session and not expecting me to be "Ahmad". Meaning dont expect me to fetch her to the slimming center for every session, wait for her like an idiot for 2 hours then send her home.
NOTE: I work in the extreme West and she in the CBD, we stayed in the north and the slimming center in the East.
End of the day, I am like a bus driver with a fix route as long as she has a session on that day. Certain days where I cannot make it or late, I faced the backlash. Cannot send but can pick her up right? So, there I am again, driving into CBD during the peak hours, pay ERP, pertol, parking, wait 2 hours, have late lousy dinner as she was on a strict diet.....What do I get at the end of the day? Perhaps a "Thank You" will be very much appreciated but I guess not.......:cool:
30-08-2006, 05:59 PM
I dun think women were meant to be understood. They are like a wave. Ride them when they are high. When they crash, just move out of the way and be a silent passive pillar of support. Trying to actively solve her problems will only make things worse. We men just have to accept it that way.
I could never understand the way women make important decisions. This is a personal case of mine. A close female fren of mine got involved with a guy, went out fine.. she got pregnant, she wanted to keep the baby. The guy couldn't take it, abandoned her and cut contact. My fren is raising the child now. She's in her early 30's, child is presently 2 months old. A joy to look at considering the way he came about.
Here's more details, which really disturbs me how things could turn out this way:
- She's quite a high-flyer. She runs her own company. Very much better off compared to the guy. She didn't mind him, but he couldn't stand it most of the time that she's better off. Which is not really wrong because most guys need to be strong, better than their female counterparts (it's in our genes)
- She's attractive and outgoing. He's not that great looking n rather introvert.
- In all aspects, she was much better than him but she was still attracted to the guy. (which is still fine with me, love can't be explained)
BUT, she got herself pregnant, and the spineless and irresponsible guy didn't want to take charge and marry her. Also good lah, he wun be able to take it for life that she's much better than him.
I was sort of chasing her also coz I could communicate so well with her even though i'm younger than her by a few yrs. This was about 1 yr ago. After a while, I knew she was spending more time with that useless dick, so I gave way n respected her wishes. N suddenly I receive news that she was pregnant, the guy dumped her and she's distraught.
I was speechless, I dunno what to say. She's not only my close fren, but someone I was emotionally close to. I dare to say at a young age in my mid 20's despite meeting many women, she was the 1 woman whom I could connect the most emotionally with. Thoughts were racing in my mind - why did she do it? I still stood by her and gave her moral support, calling her once in a while to check with her.
She has moved out of staying with her family. Rented a house by herself. I check in on her regularly. Call her often, visit her little baby. Somehow, i'm no longer attracted to her. But she's still my dear fren. I alwaz hope she'll find a good man who can take care of her and accept her past.
Irrational, illogical, ridiculous, insane, love, passion, crazy? I dunno. I wun bother to figure it out coz I can't and it wun be possible. I dun even harp on the past with her. I just encourage her to focus on her future, her career and her pride of joy.
Women were nvr meant to be understood. Take the illogical and irrational approach with them. That's why nice guys always finish last coz they think in terms of rational thinking methods which girls find boring, but hey it could be good for them. I gave up my Mr Nice guy ways..
I walk the route of Mr Nice Jerk :)
as the saying goes - nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai. To our non-chinese frens, it means if the guy is not bad, the girl wun like. So true.. so true.. lol.
Kyser Soze
31-08-2006, 03:55 PM
Women were nvr meant to be understood. Take the illogical and irrational approach with them. That's why nice guys always finish last coz they think in terms of rational thinking methods which girls find boring, but hey it could be good for them. I gave up my Mr Nice guy ways..
I walk the route of Mr Nice Jerk.
as the saying goes - nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai. To our non-chinese frens, it means if the guy is not bad, the girl wun like. So true.. so true.. lol.
Like you, I'm also taking 'the route of Mr Nice Jerk'. What's the point being the nice guy when people wouldn't give you a damn? Now I dread trying to woo a girl now. The harder I try making things better, the more disappointed I become. Apart from woman, there are a lot of things to focus on. For instance, career, family and money. Bro, it's time to move on. The grass is always greener up front.
02-09-2006, 02:52 AM
Never knew than I am gonna unleashed the lighter side of you by that post. Anyway more than often we are still walking on tight rope when we talk about them. Honestly we do have to shoulder part of the blame as well for we are so keen to bring out the megawatt smile in them, for we love them so much so that we rather pinch on boozing than pinching on them. Hopefully one day we will all get appreciated.
bro oceaneleven, sorry for the late reply but u hit the nail square on the head with your post. never really seen a post which i have experienced every single statement/point personally. wished i could put my angst in words as well as yr contribution, regardless whether u wrote them or cut and paste from somewhere else. :D
another nail to the head about us trying to bring that megawatt smile in them. what is it with us and their megawatt smile, die die must break our bank account just to see? think u r right, nothing wrong with them, the problem lies with us!!! we better stop blaming them and take a look at ourselves. we r delusional :- thinking that they would appreciate us lah!!!
but luckily, i dont have to pinch on my boozing nowadays, cos i found a woman who stopped me from buying a diamond bangle for her today but still showed me the megawatt smile for washing the dishes after dinner.;)
02-09-2006, 03:06 AM
I walk the route of Mr Nice Jerk :)
as the saying goes - nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai. To our non-chinese frens, it means if the guy is not bad, the girl wun like. So true.. so true.. lol.
nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai. the next line is:
nan ren yue huai, nu ren yue ai.
to our non-chinese frens, it means the worse the guy gets, the more the woman loves the man...
but bro verisio, can u live with people saying that u r in the same mould as the bastard who left yr pregnant fren to fend on her own? he was nice, then he is a jerk. so he is also a nice jerk in a way. society (condemnation) and nature (STD, HIV, so must wear condom!) will find a way to curb the population of such "nice jerks" so as to keep the balance and not cause chaos. otherwise, every other guy would be running all over the place sowing their wild oats and impregnating every single woman they come across, yours truly included.:D
u would be surprised how ruthless u have to be to qualify as a jerk, not every guy has the heart to be one. try impregnating yr gf/fling/fcuk buddy/ONS and have them coming to your doorstep, knock on your door, crying and asking u to take her back!!! see if u have the heart to turn a crying woman away. that's why, my fren, women rule the universe.
just my worthless thoughts.
02-09-2006, 09:30 AM
For me, gers are just like a hamper. During courtship, they are like a beautiful hamper, not open yet. After married, it is just like an opened hamper, nothing much things inside leh, also, not beautiful one leh.
02-09-2006, 10:40 AM
But at the end of the day, when we need help or somebody that we can trust, they are the one that is beside us and never play us out. That is the beauty of it. :)
20-09-2006, 02:56 PM
“男人不坏,女人不爱” whether gals really prefer the bad guy over the good guy remains a mystery, cos they seem to want both at times.... seems to me, they want the bad guy to change & have the qualities of the good guy.
they tend to associate good guys with the word "boring", when the problem only lies within themselves, because good guys can have a sense of humor, and can occassionally be naughty too. just that they never gave it much thought.
Kyser Soze
20-09-2006, 08:53 PM
“男人不坏,女人不爱” whether gals really prefer the bad guy over the good guy remains a mystery, cos they seem to want both at times.... seems to me, they want the bad guy to change & have the qualities of the good guy.
Contradiction isn't it?! :D That's women I supposed. Haha, we men too contradict as well. We always want to find a gf/wife who is attractive and well-mannered. Anyway, everyone lives their own lives. No one is perfect.
22-09-2006, 02:28 PM
Contradiction isn't it?! :D That's women I supposed. Haha, we men too contradict as well. We always want to find a gf/wife who is attractive and well-mannered. Anyway, everyone lives their own lives. No one is perfect. indeed noone's perfect, but there being the irony of wanting the best of both worlds can really be disturbing. its just like someone's changing the objective ever so often.... 1 moment want A, next moment want B. they cant make up their minds, and i believe by now, many would agree that women dunno how to compromise.
ideally, she wants the man to be rich so as to supplement her extravagant expenditures on luxuries, so she can look good (indirectly make her man look good), yet she demands his; unfailing love, undying fidelity, undivided attention... etc.
factually, such species of men are rare, probably extinct, or urban legend, unless he strikes jackpot & has loads of expendable cash for her indulgence.
woman... sigh.. cant live with them.. cant live without them...
31-10-2006, 11:52 PM
Funny? I prefer hysterical though. Too many a time I find their actions impossible to comprehend, or perhaps we are too shallow. Life been not too kind to us already, I find it rather exhausting to play mind readimg.
We aren't shallow. Women are just unimaginable with the way they do things, while being able to get away with their crap.
Ever remember reading this, "Crying is blackmail", yet women do this all the time. Ever heard of this, "When God created earth, he rested. When He created man, He rested. Ever since God created woman, neither God nor man has rested."
I'm exhuasted in this quest to understand the cryptic ways of a women. Lets not even talk about materialistic females. sigh.... I blew a thick wad of cash on a gal that other day, on a date. After that, never heard from her again. MSN never reply. It was like wtf. Amount of $$ burnt on a simple date was enough for a week's worth of petrol. At least, now know she cannot date liao.
A friend (older guy) was saying that dating is a kind of investment to find out more about a gal. But, after that silly date, I find that dates are only to uncover where are the bottomless pits. :rolleyes: ie, so that u won't end up committing to a bottomless pit for good.... (ermmm) I mean for an eternity.
If only, can test out the gal's "performance" while dating her. lol. That would be perfect, don't have to guess her dimensions and exhuast decibel. :D After all, when get married, cannot complain that the decibel too soft or no power. hehehe.
31-10-2006, 11:59 PM
But at the end of the day, when we need help or somebody that we can trust, they are the one that is beside us and never play us out. That is the beauty of it. :)
Its something so simple, yet so hard to find.
Some said that it takes time. Others said its about opportunity. Many said its fate. The exceptional (including moi) don't have any of the above.
The only thing that I can trust..... and its always around when I need it ..... it had never played me out ....... whats that ..... its money. Its there when I need to go pak tor/ buy flowers/ get a new coat/ get a car/ call the gal. It has never failed me and does everything for me, really.
Sad, but true. :(
01-11-2006, 12:06 AM
hard to find a girl that can be trusted ler.. :o
01-11-2006, 01:11 AM
I ask one of my female friend(from other country studying in same university) for dinner ( i study oversea), she ask a entire group of people to go..then i ask her
me: eh why,cannot have a meal with me one to one is it?
Girl: I dun want to take risk
me: What risk
Girl: Yr gf lor..Nt good, cos i Noe her pattern too well already and she my best friend
me: O..ok
Girl: My rule of thumb is never to go near guys with gf
me: Ok..guess our relationship as friends up to this point is via msn
Girl: Haha..Eh u say u want to bring me around Singapore when i come over
Must ask yr gf for permission first whether i can stay over and u bring
me around k?
me: What the hell, go for dinner say until like that already, still want to come singapore stay my place and ask me to bring u around..isn't that breaking yr rule of thumb. Somemore ask me to ask my gf for permission when u know her so well what her answer will be.
01-11-2006, 01:00 PM
Few weeks ago, I went to China/CP for some kinky fun. When I came back to sillypore, I shared some of my experiences with her (certainly NOT those explicit details).
Upon sharing, I told her that the world has changed and China women (very pretty and young) are easily accessible especially at those poor provinces. We are no longer needed to face the never-ended-demand from sillypore women and our sillypore govt supported the inter-country marriage (not those fake marriages) to increase our populations. (Hope I get the facts right hehe...) I warned her that men will no longer tolerate their stuck up attitudes and high maintenance. We can just walk off and marry those superb young and pretty china lady. yes, there are cases where men are cheated by them.
I did all these to prevent my OC shitting on my head and pull my nose around. Contigency plan... mah :p
01-11-2006, 01:09 PM
Seems like many had such experiences before..
Having known the response to the question "What do you want to eat?" I asked this instead.
Me: What do you don't want to eat? Rice or Noodles?
Wife: Er..don't want rice
Me: Ok, so anything with noodles is fine?
Wife: Yes
Me: Soup or dry?
Wife: Anything
In the end, we still couldn't find out what she really wants.
I think whats worse is that after you order the food, say dry noodles, and bring it back to the table,
She says :"Ayiah, i prefer soup leh"
murphy's law at it's best man!
I kena dunno how many times liao.
01-11-2006, 02:17 PM
...I did all these to prevent my OC shitting on my head and pull my nose around. Contigency plan... mah :p
jimbo its quite funny i find. some gals (highly noticeable in many sg gals)will treat the guy like shit while they're together, expect the bf/hubby to be faithful. then when the guy treats her cold (sometimes due to stress), she's jealous & suspects the guy to be flirting outside the relationship, turn the whole world upside down 没完没了
and when she loses the guy for good, as he's moved on to find a better partner... she'd 一哭,二闹, 三上钓... cry until the eyes like swollen humjimpeng, some to the extent where she'd draw a few lines on the wrist to say she attempted suicide, but didnt die bcos somebody was coincidently around to intervene...etc.
and for some extreme ones, will go thru all means to destroy/wreck the new found relationship for the ex & new squeeze. i.e.:
1. call the ex for no apparent reason so as to sow jealousy in the new squeeze
2. create a scene at the ex's residence & seek empathy from the family & neighbors
3. threaten harm to the new squeeze, and claim the relationship not ended yet.
4. get family & relatives to drop in on the ex's family & make a scene; citing suicide as the cause of concern
5. summon her friends to call the ex & lecture him on being heartless to end the relationship...etc
too many scenarios that i've seen & heard about. too much drama series i think.
seems to me, they like to quote stephen chow 《西游记-之-仙陆奇元》: “承经有一份真诚的恋情我不懂得珍惜,直到这段感情没了,我才后悔莫及。若能给我一个机会再来一次的话,我 会对他说“我爱你”,若要我在这段感情限上一个限期的话,我希望会是亿万年!”
01-11-2006, 02:42 PM
Few weeks ago, I went to China/CP for some kinky fun. When I came back to sillypore, I shared some of my experiences with her (certainly NOT those explicit details).
Upon sharing, I told her that the world has changed and China women (very pretty and young) are easily accessible especially at those poor provinces. We are no longer needed to face the never-ended-demand from sillypore women and our sillypore govt supported the inter-country marriage (not those fake marriages) to increase our populations. (Hope I get the facts right hehe...) I warned her that men will no longer tolerate their stuck up attitudes and high maintenance. We can just walk off and marry those superb young and pretty china lady. yes, there are cases where men are cheated by them.
I did all these to prevent my OC shitting on my head and pull my nose around. Contigency plan... mah :p
faster dumped your sillipore gf lah, why you still hanging on to her? :rolleyes:
why do you still need your sillipore gf as contingency when there are so many syt in china, thailand , vietnam????
01-11-2006, 02:49 PM
its quite funny i find. some gals (highly noticeable in many sg gals)will treat the guy like shit while they're together, expect the bf/hubby to be faithful. then when the guy treats her cold (sometimes due to stress), she's jealous & suspects the guy to be flirting outside the relationship, turn the whole world upside down 没完没了 must have dated alot of non sg girls to say that. :rolleyes:
so which country's girls is the best (other than sillipore ones) :rolleyes:
01-11-2006, 02:54 PM
I think whats worse is that after you order the food, say dry noodles, and bring it back to the table,
She says :"Ayiah, i prefer soup leh"
murphy's law at it's best man!
I kena dunno how many times liao. not to mention, she'd demand that you have it changed, and meanwhile, give you the "you'd get hell from me if you dont comply" face. when trying to pamper her, she just looks away like she's deaf & mute.
so, being gentleman & don't wanna spoil the day, you get up & re-join the queue to get her the soup noodles, return to the table to find her burying her face in the dry noodles.
she look up & say, i only wanted to try since it looked quite delicious. (already boiling inside) you calmly sit and give her the souped noodles, she says she's full already, and you can have it for yourself. to top it off with icing & cherry on the cake... she excuses herself to go to the loo, but never returned.
you finished the noodles, call her to ask where she was, she says she's busy trying out some clothes at the department store.
01-11-2006, 02:55 PM
faster dumped your sillipore gf lah, why you still hanging on to her?
why do you still need your sillipore gf as contingency when there are so many syt in china, thailand , vietnam????
Well said. I suppose when I could have the best world, why would I rush into making the decision now? In another words, I'm earning money in SGD$, why would I rush back to Msia now? Why not enjoy the both world and monitor the situations till it last?
Only fools rush in... :rolleyes:
01-11-2006, 03:01 PM
When you plan your wedding, consider this...
the Rule of 72.
Basically, it's a quick and easy way to figure out how fast an investment will double, with a certain interest rate.
So, let's say you got an investment earning you 10%. 72/10 = 7 years.
So if you took some money and invested it @ 10% and never touched it for 7 years, it would double.
So if your wedding cost $20,000 and you invested it instead, 7 years later, that $20,000 would become $40,000.
Another 7 years later, and it becomes $80,000.
Another 7, $160,000.
Another 7, $320,000.
Another 7, $640,000.
So let's say a young chap decides to put off marriage and start investing instead @ 25 years old. By the time he's 60 years old, he'd be $640,000 better off. Just because he decided not to spend $20,000 on marriage when he was 25.
Now of course, here's when it comes really useful: your ger really wants to get married and spend over $40,000 of your money.
Save $20,000, invest it at 10% per year, don't touch it and you'll be better off by $640,000 35 years later.
Something to think about, samsters....
if you spend 20k for your wedding dinner, you will recoup some/most through ang bao lah. So, whats the big deal??
01-11-2006, 03:49 PM must have dated alot of non sg girls to say that. :rolleyes:
so which country's girls is the best (other than sillipore ones) :rolleyes: i dont have the habit of ranking the girls i've met/dated, the following nationalities in no particular order of merit:
(disclaimer: the remarks does not represent the entire nation, but limited to my personal encounter)
asia pacific:
1. m'sian - quite accomodating, congenial, but sometimes too ignorant, appreciative
2. thai - accomodating, fun loving, spicy, opinionated
3. indon - cordial, spicy, rather homely
4. khmer - accomodating, fun loving, spicy
5. taiwan - sweet, attention seeking, fiesty at times
6. prc - sweet, happy go lucky, sometimes too easy to please
7. jap - sweet, accomodating, opinionated
8. kor - pleasent/mellow character
9. viet - havent dated, but heard of too many good reviews.
10. phil - accomodating, fun loving, spicy, opinionated
11. aus - fun loving, liberal, opinionated
12. nz - fun loving, liberal, opinionated
1. fra - romance addicts, pleasent character, feisty
2. ita - pleasent character, opinionated, obstinate at times
3. ned - fun loving, liberal, vocal
4. ger - physical, nice encounter
5. swe - fun loving, liberal, passive
6. nor - fun loving, liberal, vocal
7. can - fun loving, liberal, feisty
8. usa - fun loving, liberal, romance addicts, opinionated
9. uk - i didnt like the experience
last but not least
sg - i dont have to spell it for you...
01-11-2006, 04:01 PM
Well said. I suppose when I could have the best world, why would I rush into making the decision now? In another words, I'm earning money in SGD$, why would I rush back to Msia now? Why not enjoy the both world and monitor the situations till it last?
Only fools rush in... :rolleyes:
So what are you trying to say here? that singapore girl very good , so just keep her first at the mean time also find girls from china (who you say very good also).
but then all I see here is people ( and you also) keep condemning sg girls leh. :rolleyes:
if there are plenty of girls (outside singpaore), then you can easily get one. why still need your sg gf as back up?
same lah, if you have plenty of opportunities outside singapore and you can make it, y still need to stick around and earn SGD$. If you can make big money in china or thailand or whatever, you dont need to stick around singapore to earn sillipore $. Can means can.
many people are going to china to set up biz, you mean they are fools? after they earn everything, by the time then you go in, then you are the real fool.
but then all I see here is people ( and you also) keep condemning sg girls leh. :rolleyes:
if there are plenty of girls (outside singpaore), then you can easily get one. why still need your sg gf as back up?
Its almost same as this ........... S$1 million is too much money, its no good, thats why I dont want it.
Haven't have it yet say no good; have already then come and say lah
01-11-2006, 04:31 PM
...... same lah, if you have plenty of opportunities outside singapore and you can make it, y still need to stick around and earn SGD$. If you can make big money in china or thailand or whatever, you dont need to stick around singapore to earn sillipore $. Can means can.
many people are going to china to set up biz, you mean they are fools? after they earn everything, by the time then you go in, then you are the real fool. red_perrier1099, from your postings, its very clear that you're the fool.
in this modern day & time, with available technology, its not always necessary to be located in the specific country to be earning that particular currency. dont know what gives you the idea that everything earned/transacted here is in SGD only? just because you earn/transact SGD, doesnt mean everyone else must be like you.
fyi. anyone can be located in any part of the world & transact in any currency they so please. and i reiterate... can means can. :D
01-11-2006, 04:38 PM
red_perrier1099, from your postings, its very clear that you're the fool.
in this modern day & time, with available technology, its not always necessary to be located in the specific country to be earning that particular currency. dont know what gives you the idea that everything earned/transacted here is in SGD only? just because you earn/transact SGD, doesnt mean everyone else must be like you.
fyi. anyone can be located in any part of the world & transact in any currency they so please. and i reiterate... can means can. :D
then you tell that to jng1103 loh...he rush to malaysia/china/vietnam also can earn sing dollar or whatever currency you fancy what, why need to stay in singapore and have sg gf as backup??.. hahaha:rolleyes:
you just proved my point. thanks
01-11-2006, 04:56 PM
So what are you trying to say here? that singapore girl very good , so just keep her first at the mean time also find girls from china (who you say very good also).
but then all I see here is people ( and you also) keep condemning sg girls leh.
if there are plenty of girls (outside singpaore), then you can easily get one. why still need your sg gf as back up?
Errr... not too sure if u understood what i meant, "enjoy the both worlds till it lasts". Hmm...
same lah, if you have plenty of opportunities outside singapore and you can make it, y still need to stick around and earn SGD$. If you can make big money in china or thailand or whatever, you dont need to stick around singapore to earn sillipore $. Can means can.
Hmm... I do not understand why it's so difficult to understand that in fact many foreigners come to SG to earn strong SGD and enjoy the both world (in another words, their home country has lower income as per capita). OK, let's not get carried away from the focus point here, it's all about SG gers, as the thread started. It aint monetary gain for this debate and OK, SG gers are all great. Happy ending?
01-11-2006, 05:02 PM
Its almost same as this ........... S$1 million is too much money, its no good, thats why I dont want it.
Haven't have it yet say no good; have already then come and say lah
agree. is that the reason why so many singaporean men flock to Batam/Bintang every weekend coz they already tasted SG abalone? :D just kidding
01-11-2006, 05:11 PM
then you tell that to jng1103 loh...he rush to malaysia/china/vietnam also can earn sing dollar or whatever currency you fancy what, why need to stay in singapore and have sg gf as backup??.. hahaha
If I need u to tell me what's the best for me in terms of women or money, I'd be sleeping on the street. Again, let's not make mistake here, it's a personal choice/decision after weighing the pros and cons. Well, only fools believe that their points are as valid as for others.
================================================== =====================================
Originally Posted by Thai Rak Thai
Everyone is a package deal: kind of like the "Blue Plate Special." When you marry, you acquire a package: some good, some bad, some wonderful, some horrible. As long as the good outweighs the bad, there is little to no horrible, and reciprocity and compromise rule the marriage, that is a good-enough marriage for most people.
================================================== =====================================
Great quote from ThaiRakThai. That's exactly what I meant. We think carefully if the good outweights the bad. Excellent quote, I must say...
For the wise man (who PM me for my comment), thanks a lot. Sometimes it pays to use our brain to think instead of heart, eventhough if it's relationships. Take good care, u know who u R. :)
01-11-2006, 06:34 PM
Equation 1:Women = Time x Money
Equation 2: Time= Money
Sub Equation 2 into Equation 1
Women= Money x Money
= Money^2
Equation 3: Money= is the root of all Problems
Equation 4:Women= Square root (Money ^2)
Sub Equation 4 into Equation 3
Women= Problems
01-11-2006, 06:46 PM
its quite funny i find. some gals (highly noticeable in many sg gals)will treat the guy like shit while they're together, expect the bf/hubby to be faithful. then when the guy treats her cold (sometimes due to stress), she's jealous & suspects the guy to be flirting outside the relationship, turn the whole world upside down 没完没了
and when she loses the guy for good, as he's moved on to find a better partner... she'd 一哭,二闹, 三上钓... cry until the eyes like swollen humjimpeng, some to the extent where she'd draw a few lines on the wrist to say she attempted suicide, but didnt die bcos somebody was coincidently around to intervene...etc.
and for some extreme ones, will go thru all means to destroy/wreck the new found relationship for the ex & new squeeze. i.e.:
1. call the ex for no apparent reason so as to sow jealousy in the new squeeze
2. create a scene at the ex's residence & seek empathy from the family & neighbors
3. threaten harm to the new squeeze, and claim the relationship not ended yet.
4. get family & relatives to drop in on the ex's family & make a scene; citing suicide as the cause of concern
5. summon her friends to call the ex & lecture him on being heartless to end the relationship...etc
too many scenarios that i've seen & heard about. too much drama series i think.
seems to me, they like to quote stephen chow 《西游记-之-仙陆奇元》: “承经有一份真诚的恋情我不懂得珍惜,直到这段感情没了,我才后悔莫及。若能给我一个机会再来一次的话,我 会对他说“我爱你”,若要我在这段感情限上一个限期的话,我希望会是亿万年!”
一哭,二闹, 三上钓 is wrong.
一哭,二闹, 三上吊 then is correct.
亿万年 is wrong
一万年 then is correct
U say its highly noticeable in sg girls thats because you mix around with sg girls. If you mix around with thai girls also more or less same. Just that your thai not good enough, thats why thai girls want to request anything, you also don't understand what they say. That's why you don't notice it. :rolleyes:
01-11-2006, 06:48 PM
Hmm... I do not understand why it's so difficult to understand that in fact many foreigners come to SG to earn strong SGD and enjoy the both world (in another words, their home country has lower income as per capita). OK, let's not get carried away from the focus point here, it's all about SG gers, as the thread started. It aint monetary gain for this debate and OK, SG gers are all great. Happy ending?
Before SG guys want to slam SG gers, they should first buy a mirror and look at themselves in the mirror.:D
01-11-2006, 07:46 PM
Before SG guys want to slam SG gers, they should first buy a mirror and look at themselves in the mirror.
Well, quite true. Perhaps we should buy "mirrors" for both SG men and women *LOL* (coz they also complain SG men are un-romantic, un-gentleman, un-caring, etc... mah) :D
just kidding, hor...
01-11-2006, 07:49 PM
Equation 1:Women = Time x Money
Equation 2: Time= Money
Sub Equation 2 into Equation 1
Women= Money x Money
= Money^2
Equation 3: Money= is the root of all Problems
Equation 4:Women= Square root (Money ^2)
Sub Equation 4 into Equation 3
Women= Problems
*LOL* I like ur equation, it is as complicated as Enstein's E=mc(2) (just kidding).
Anyway, u and I got to buy mirrors coz we comment about sg gers :D Pasar Malam got sale bor? :=)
01-11-2006, 08:41 PM
Well, quite true. Perhaps we should buy "mirrors" for both SG men and women *LOL* (coz they also complain SG men are un-romantic, un-gentleman, un-caring, etc... mah) :D
just kidding, hor...
Whichever country we go to eventually will be the same. The kind of girls also depends on the education that they received. Girls which are highly educated, tend to be more dependant on themselves. They get good careers, and draw good pay.
Most men that feedback here are mostly MCPs. Why? Because we have jobs, careers earning money and its instilled in our heads to work for our families. Most would of course if financially capable would not want wife to go out and work and want a gentle submissive wife at home. If today we become women, with our capabilities still unchanged will we want to be a gentle submissive wife or go out and see the world and carve out a career? :p
Thai Rak Thai
01-11-2006, 11:48 PM
Whichever country we go to eventually will be the same. The kind of girls also depends on the education that they received. all women same..but SG one women charter cover their behind...
01-11-2006, 11:50 PM
Hmm... I do not understand why it's so difficult to understand that in fact many foreigners come to SG to earn strong SGD and enjoy the both world (in another words, their home country has lower income as per capita). OK, let's not get carried away from the focus point here, it's all about SG gers, as the thread started. It aint monetary gain for this debate and OK, SG gers are all great. Happy ending?
This thread is all about (slamming) SG gers is it? So sorry then. I thought it's a thread for guys to rant about gers in general.
Ok you guys carry on. :D
01-11-2006, 11:57 PM
yes.. please keep to singaporean women only so i can direct my female friends here.. ;)
Kyser Soze
02-11-2006, 12:15 PM
If given a choice, 2 girls readily available:
1) a normal Singaporean girl working as an executive (monthly income $3k)
2) a good looking PRC girl working as an factory operator (monthly income $1.1k)
Which would you choose to be your girlfriend? Assuming that their other qualities (i.e. character, moral values) are on par. This is a situation a friend of mine is facing right now.:o
02-11-2006, 12:28 PM
If given a choice, 2 girls readily available:
1) a normal Singaporean girl working as an executive (monthly income $3k)
2) a good looking PRC girl working as an factory operator (monthly income $1.1k)
Which would you choose to be your girlfriend? Assuming that their other qualities (i.e. character, moral values) are on par. This is a situation a friend of mine is facing right now
I would choose the girl working as an executive to be my wife and the factory operator to be mistress.
Like dat can or not. :p
Good looking PRC will not stay good looking forever. But a normal girl with a good paying job can ease off quite a few financial burdens if got house, car. Also no need to give wife so much money for housekeeping because she is working.
Then ur own pay, can use to "finance" mistress. Eat finish, wipe mouth. Don't like then change taste.
If be with PRC, sooner later, have to feed her more because financially she is not very well.
This is the most realistic situation we faced. :p
02-11-2006, 04:03 PM
I would choose the girl working as an executive to be my wife and the factory operator to be mistress.
Like dat can or not. :p
Good looking PRC will not stay good looking forever. But a normal girl with a good paying job can ease off quite a few financial burdens if got house, car. Also no need to give wife so much money for housekeeping because she is working.
Then ur own pay, can use to "finance" mistress. Eat finish, wipe mouth. Don't like then change taste.
If be with PRC, sooner later, have to feed her more because financially she is not very well.
This is the most realistic situation we faced. :p
wah lao ... i agree to that... if any thing bad happen to me and the sg gal i still have the mistress..
02-11-2006, 08:44 PM
If given a choice, 2 girls readily available:
1) a normal Singaporean girl working as an executive (monthly income $3k)
2) a good looking PRC girl working as an factory operator (monthly income $1.1k)
Which would you choose to be your girlfriend? Assuming that their other qualities (i.e. character, moral values) are on par. This is a situation a friend of mine is facing right now.
We got to weigh what's the best for us, in another words, what's our strength and gains for the decision we made.
If you have strong earning power, I do not see any problem marrying the PRC factory worker with $1.1K. This amount is insignificant if u hv good income, so u can carry on her load for a decent life in SG. However, if U are not able to fully support the lifestyle she wanted, plenty of 'wolves' out there eagerly waiting to take over ur place.
The main problem here is the "Intelligent Level" (no offence to anyone here) coz if u r a good earner at executive level, I suppose ur IQ/EQFQ are higher than her and that may cause conflicts from the communication gaps.
If U r a decent earner like most working adults, I suppose choosing the SG executive lady making more senses from the financial terms as well as communication level. I suppose she will bear 50% of all the expenses and carry on the same goals as u in the future.
Here is a simple illustration: A 42" plasma costs $5000 and if u cant afford $5000, u better find someone to share the 50% of the cost. Otherwise, U and ur partner will never get the plasma.
Think with your brain, NOT your heart. Love means NOTHING is a couple struggle financially.
Kyser Soze
02-11-2006, 10:06 PM
I would choose the girl working as an executive to be my wife and the factory operator to be mistress.
Like dat can or not.
Hehe...I like that. That's what I told my friend exactly. :D
The main problem here is the "Intelligent Level" (no offence to anyone here) coz if u r a good earner at executive level, I suppose ur IQ/EQFQ are higher than her and that may cause conflicts from the communication gaps.
If U r a decent earner like most working adults, I suppose choosing the SG executive lady making more senses from the financial terms as well as communication level. I suppose she will bear 50% of all the expenses and carry on the same goals as u in the future.
My friend worked as an engineer. That's how he met this PRC girl at work. I have told him unless he wants a short term fling or relationship, the PRC girl is not for him. No offence to the PRC girl. But her intellect level and earning power is not there. After all, he's earning $3k per month, not $8k or $10k. The financial burden will be felt for sure. On top of that, the PRC girl is not here to stay. After her 2 year-contract ends, her contract is subjected to renewal, which can be a yes or no situation.
In terms of compatibility, the SG girl will definitely be a better choice. :rolleyes:
02-11-2006, 11:37 PM
work as executive can earn S$3k ah?! doing clerical job so good?? :eek:
Kyser Soze
04-11-2006, 01:40 AM
work as executive can earn S$3k ah?! doing clerical job so good??
Not clerical job lah. :D She has several accounts, meaning customer base. Her job is to liaise with the clients of the specs on the product to be made, and make sure the production people adhere to it. Some engineering and marketing involved. That's why she command a decent pay.
04-11-2006, 09:04 AM
一哭,二闹, 三上钓 is wrong.
一哭,二闹, 三上吊 then is correct.
亿万年 is wrong
一万年 then is correct
U say its highly noticeable in sg girls thats because you mix around with sg girls. If you mix around with thai girls also more or less same. Just that your thai not good enough, thats why thai girls want to request anything, you also don't understand what they say. That's why you don't notice it. :rolleyes:
SC thanks for the spell check... well, as i said its highly noticeable, but doesnt denote/represent the entire populace of sg gals. i believe there'd be black sheeps amongst the flock (regardless of nationality/origins), sad to say in sg's context there's becoming more n more.
and in any given case, not that our sg guys r incompetent, but often the problem lies in the gals having expectations beyond reason/reality. and in those cases in particular, they can jolly well hang themselves high up there to dry, and i'm sure not many would be even keen so much as to bat an eyelid.
04-11-2006, 09:16 AM
...... Most men that feedback here are mostly MCPs. Why? Because we have jobs, careers earning money and its instilled in our heads to work for our families. Most would of course if financially capable would not want wife to go out and work and want a gentle submissive wife at home. If today we become women, with our capabilities still unchanged will we want to be a gentle submissive wife or go out and see the world and carve out a career? :p
SC you're not wrong in saying so, and i agree that there'd be some amongst us who bear the sentiments as you've illustrated. however, the irony sets in when IF, given the scenario of a role reversal.
i.e.: on account that the wife does better than the hubbby, and he chooses to sacrifice his career to be the homemaking husband. not many women out there would be too concerned about financing the hubby with allowances. simply bcos most career ladies tend to think along the lines of; "what's mine is mine, and what's your's is also mine"
they'd probably go on to justify citing reasons such as;
1. i need to portion my nett earnings for shopping
2. i need to portion my nett earnings for hairstyling
3. i need to portion my nett earnings for manicure/pedicure
4. i need to portion my nett earnings for cosmetics
5. i need to portion my nett earnings for fine dining (hawkers ruin my make-up)
6. i need to portion my nett earnings for entertainment
7. i need to portion my nett earnings for more shoes
8. i need to portion my nett earnings for spa
9. i need to portion my nett earnings for cab incase i cant drive in my heels
she'd probably claim that there's nothing much to spend for the homemaking husband. yet to my understanding, most homemaking wives do have pre-requisites when being the stay home spouse.
i guess we call that... double standards.
06-11-2006, 09:33 AM
If given a choice, 2 girls readily available:
1) a normal Singaporean girl working as an executive (monthly income $3k)
2) a good looking PRC girl working as an factory operator (monthly income $1.1k)
Which would you choose to be your girlfriend? Assuming that their other qualities (i.e. character, moral values) are on par. This is a situation a friend of mine is facing right now.:o
I guess this leads us to the question "Who can you live with and who you cannot live without." ;)
Picked this up from the ThailandQA forums as thought it was rather cute...
Original Post - wahfreak
Personally I didn't go "looking" for a Thai wife either. I met her at a Thai resturaunt that my friends and I went to every Friday night. She had a very bright personality that seemed very genuine. After thinking about it for a long time I finally asked her on a date and the rest was history. Actually, it may have been different had I known all the challanges up front. But in the end it all worked well and I am very happy today.
We would chit chat as she was waiting on our table. I would do my best not to let her know I was asking questions that informed me of her status. Questions like "any plans for the week end"? She would say things like "no just work and go shopping". She never mentioned a boyfriend. Then a friend of mine actually asked her directly when I wasn't there and told me she was single.
One afternoon, I think it was our 3rd or 4th date. Our status as boyfriend/girlfriend wasn't defined yet. Our signals got crossed and I went to pick her up at her apartment while she was waiting for me at the resturaunt. I was mad at her for not being there, she was mad at me for not being there.
When I finally picked her up at the resturaunt, I told her how sorry I was for being late and for the mis-communication. She still acted mad. I asked her "are you still mad at me"?? She said "that depends". I said "depends on what"? She said "are you my boyfriend". In an instant I knew it was a defining monent. I really couldn't say "no" because I really liked her, so right away I blurted "yes". Then in her angry Thai voice she said "then I still mad at you". I knew she was the one!!
Kyser Soze
12-11-2006, 01:46 PM
I told her how sorry I was for being late and for the mis-communication. She still acted mad. I asked her "are you still mad at me"?? She said "that depends". I said "depends on what"? She said "are you my boyfriend". In an instant I knew it was a defining monent. I really couldn't say "no" because I really liked her, so right away I blurted "yes". Then in her angry Thai voice she said "then I still mad at you". I knew she was the one!!
Yes, it's quite a good one. Maybe this is an ideal scenerio of true love. Reminds me of the puppy love we have while in school. We may never chance this again.
16-11-2006, 05:31 PM
Picked this up from the ThailandQA forums as thought it was rather cute...
There is no barrier in cross races, country, religion, for I believe it is afterall a matter between two person, no one would really set out looking for a particular kind of partner but when we see the right one there will be no turning back then. ;)
17-11-2006, 09:39 AM
When I finally picked her up at the resturaunt, I told her how sorry I was for being late and for the mis-communication. She still acted mad. I asked her "are you still mad at me"?? She said "that depends". I said "depends on what"? She said "are you my boyfriend". In an instant I knew it was a defining monent. I really couldn't say "no" because I really liked her, so right away I blurted "yes". Then in her angry Thai voice she said "then I still mad at you". I knew she was the one!! funny it seems, but in retrospect, i cant help but to think that we (men) are trouble seekers... but in a good way.
much as we yearn to please her, and when adverse effects come to part, we'd try even harder. but all in all, many things are still tagged with emotions/feelings, so i guess there's really no wrong, so long as she's the ONE.
in the words of ken watanabe <katsumoto> from 'the last samurai': scene; post battle, wounded badly & harikiri assisted by tom cruise <cpt alghren>.. says: "in the end... *choke*... it is all... *gasp*... per...fect" (tear trickle down the left cheek, lips tremble a little & hang the head with sigh of last breath)
Deep Blue
05-12-2006, 12:16 PM
funny it seems, but in retrospect, i cant help but to think that we (men) are trouble seekers... but in a good way.
much as we yearn to please her, and when adverse effects come to part, we'd try even harder. but all in all, many things are still tagged with emotions/feelings, so i guess there's really no wrong, so long as she's the ONE.
Matter of fact, we seek no less trouble than they do. Asking to be fetch from work while both working on the different end of the island, what do you call this then, considerate? :rolleyes:
05-12-2006, 03:16 PM
Matter of fact, we seek no less trouble than they do. Asking to be fetch from work while both working on the different end of the island, what do you call this then, considerate? :rolleyes: i meant doing things to please her, not to become slave/errand boy for her. if within the vicinity & offering to fetch her, i think is still reasonable. to travel ½way round the island just to fetch her, is a little overboard. and all the more ridiculous if it was actually her request.
gals from many other nations are known to be independant, and less likely to inconvenience the man, not unless its an emergency.
05-12-2006, 03:30 PM
i meant doing things to please her, not to become slave/errand boy for her. if within the vicinity & offering to fetch her, i think is still reasonable. to travel ½way round the island just to fetch her, is a little overboard. and all the more ridiculous if it was actually her request.
sometime i guess guys also think abit funny(like me). jus like paying for something, actualli we guys dun mind paying but if a gal makes an "effort" to pay for the bill also we wil feel happy paying for it.:confused: but if a gal dun even bother abt the bill at all and expect us guys to pay, we complain. haha....i guess guys also like gals to be "considerate" by shwing some concerns/actions even if they wun reali do the things.
if my gal ask me to fetch her at the other half of the island, i wil be like sianz...but i will actualli offer to fetch her if i knew she was and when she did nt ask me. weird rite? :confused: or i'm the onli guy thinking these ways??
05-12-2006, 03:43 PM
if my gal ask me to fetch her at the other half of the island, i wil be like sianz...but i will actualli offer to fetch her if i knew she was and when she did nt ask me. weird rite? :confused: or i'm the onli guy thinking these ways??
bro, u def not the one who thinks this ways... i'm also.. some ppl might say we do it for a motive.. but i think other wise.. like wat u mention.. we also need ppl to appricated things we do for them... fetching (be it drive or take cab) gals from A to B seem easy but $, time, concentration u need on driving the car with no accident cos she ard, u dun wan her to be hurt...
but sometimes gals just take it fro granted...
05-12-2006, 04:32 PM
sometime i guess guys also think abit funny(like me). jus like paying for something, actualli we guys dun mind paying but if a gal makes an "effort" to pay for the bill also we wil feel happy paying for it.:confused: but if a gal dun even bother abt the bill at all and expect us guys to pay, we complain. haha....i guess guys also like gals to be "considerate" by shwing some concerns/actions even if they wun reali do the things.
if my gal ask me to fetch her at the other half of the island, i wil be like sianz...but i will actualli offer to fetch her if i knew she was and when she did nt ask me. weird rite? :confused: or i'm the onli guy thinking these ways?? much as i've observed, its usually the case lah. if guy dont pay for her, she will say not gentleman. but the gals often forget that she should also chip in... so as to make the outing a little more pleasent.
at the end, what is spent is spent.. dont look back liao
Deep Blue
05-12-2006, 04:34 PM
i meant doing things to please her, not to become slave/errand boy for her. if within the vicinity & offering to fetch her, i think is still reasonable. to travel ½way round the island just to fetch her, is a little overboard. and all the more ridiculous if it was actually her request.
gals from many other nations are known to be independant, and less likely to inconvenience the man, not unless its an emergency.
Perhaps the small context of the place we are staying also dictated the mindset of the many living in there as well. One cant really imagine the possibilites of all the "If only...." that they are willing to do. When the day come, I can only think of "What A Wonderful World." :D
05-12-2006, 04:48 PM
much as i've observed, its usually the case lah. if guy dont pay for her, she will say not gentleman. but the gals often forget that she should also chip in... so as to make the outing a little more pleasent.
at the end, what is spent is spent.. dont look back liao
actuali we dun ask the gals to pay anything. wat i mention was only a gesture frm them shwing tat they had intentions to pay for it and nt assuming tat it does nt concern them. i have some gal friends whom they jus continue wif their things and pretend nt to see the bills when it comes. i'm nt demanding them to pay but at least dun take us for granted. :o
07-12-2006, 07:17 PM
actuali we dun ask the gals to pay anything. wat i mention was only a gesture frm them shwing tat they had intentions to pay for it and nt assuming tat it does nt concern them. i have some gal friends whom they jus continue wif their things and pretend nt to see the bills when it comes. i'm nt demanding them to pay but at least dun take us for granted.
Absolutely agree. I have few groups of lady friends who frequent clubs (Thumper and Devils Bar) ONLY on LADY NIGHT. Just in case if you dont know, lady night is either Wednesday or Thursday and the next day is WORKING DAY. :rolleyes: This bunch of women are low class and no sense of pride.
However, we shouldnt stereotype them either. Some women are top notch and willing to take care of the checks. I noticed that these group of "elite" are more witty and intelligent compare to those bunch of "welfare" women ;)
08-12-2006, 09:27 AM
However, we shouldnt stereotype them either. Some women are top notch and willing to take care of the checks. I noticed that these group of "elite" are more witty and intelligent compare to those bunch of "welfare" women ;)
agree bro. unless we guys have other "intentions", if nt most of the time these sort of gals attract guys mre than the other type. :p
19-12-2006, 03:02 PM
actuali we dun ask the gals to pay anything. wat i mention was only a gesture frm them shwing tat they had intentions to pay for it and nt assuming tat it does nt concern them. i have some gal friends whom they jus continue wif their things and pretend nt to see the bills when it comes. i'm nt demanding them to pay but at least dun take us for granted. :o actually, i'd rather them not having to put up with the wayang. pretend to pay, but end up the guy pay.. ? still back to square 1.
by far, i reckon to make things seem less 1 sided, so long as she offer to buy a kopi or drink after the makan.. or suggest to pay for supper before calling it a day... would be a nice.
or she pay for the cab fare home + a good night peck on the cheek... wakao.. good enough liao. a nice gesture as such, i'm sure is not too difficult to demonstrate, and i dont think that's gonna demand their life, or shorten their lifespan. hehehe
19-12-2006, 03:12 PM
agree bro. unless we guys have other "intentions", if nt most of the time these sort of gals attract guys mre than the other type. :p gals that expect guys to foot the bill, to me is just boring... but gals that have a share in the bill are more interesting... i pay once, you pay once... it keeps the night going... the fire is fuelled. hehehehehe.
19-12-2006, 03:39 PM
a nice gesture as such, i'm sure is not too difficult to demonstrate, and i dont think that's gonna demand their life, or shorten their lifespan. hehehe
nt difficult but alot seems nt able to do it or worse, dun wana do it. :confused:
20-12-2006, 12:36 PM
nt difficult but alot seems nt able to do it or worse, dun wana do it. :confused: what to do? alot of them can be havoc & go crazy as if possessed & in trance like a "medium" when she goes out to unwind. some can go to the extent of being groped & teased while having some fun in the sun, clad in bikini (that looks like will fall off anytime)... half the time zaogeng until people get bored watching.
but when it comes to simple gestures... suddenly become maiden virgin... shy.
20-12-2006, 12:39 PM
but when it comes to simple gestures... suddenly become maiden virgin... shy.
if its due to "shy" i stil dun mind....but r they? most of them tot we are "carrot head". :(
20-12-2006, 08:03 PM
gals that expect guys to foot the bill, to me is just boring... but gals that have a share in the bill are more interesting... i pay once, you pay once... it keeps the night going... the fire is fuelled. hehehehehe.
For some, they feel that men are "robert chai". they wont foot the bills coz they need the "insufficient" funds to pay their cigarettes, cosmetic, hp bills, etc... what's left? ZERO :eek:
Few days ago, i met up with a very young and rude lady student for dinner. She kept talking about how boring to work deskbound and cant wait to start her own biz... bla bla bla... end up i foot the bills...
conclusion: talk is cheap... another NATO (No Action, Talk Only)
Five Stone
07-02-2007, 04:44 PM
End of the day, dont spend on girls unnecessarily. :cool:
08-02-2007, 12:43 AM
End of the day, dont spend on girls unnecessarily.
Either spend on a social escort/ hooker or wife (not even gf). Gf can run and change heart. Wife want to run also need time.
If really kena cupid arrow, then bo pian. :(
08-02-2007, 12:54 AM
For some, they feel that men are "robert chai". they wont foot the bills coz they need the "insufficient" funds to pay their cigarettes, cosmetic, hp bills, etc... what's left? ZERO
Few days ago, i met up with a very young and rude lady student for dinner. She kept talking about how boring to work deskbound and cant wait to start her own biz... bla bla bla... end up i foot the bills...
conclusion: talk is cheap... another NATO (No Action, Talk Only)
Exactly. Some act as if they are saints and free of any moral sin.
I also learnt to be more wary of those who bad mouth their ex and suitors. Its horrifying to know that some girls do bad mouth about their suitors and even ex.... If happen to be friends with the ex or any of the suitors, it wouldn't be nice at all. Imagine if she were to bad mouth about you.... in front of some other guy. :mad:
Besides, its one of the stupid things that girls do. I still remember this girl criticising how some guys would spend some hundreds of bucks on a set of sports rims. The best part was that.... she said this few hundred bucks can buy her dozens of tops, which (IMO) she can't finish wearing, even if she changes a top for different day of the month.
Women (mostly) are ever so prone to making such silly and incomprehensible statements. You can't trust them, except to thrust them in bed. Its sinful to say so, but some literally deserve to be struck by a 1000 bolts from the heavens or even kena strike by laser satelites from space.
08-02-2007, 02:20 PM
amidst all the gripes & displeasures.... 1 thing coincidentally common... most of which happen to be locally born & raised spoilt chicks. which leaves me to ponder, whatever happened to the good ones?
if they're so called independant & crave for woman power...etc. the illustrations shared, has since been rather ironic to some extent.
not that gals from other nations arent capable of the negative examples, but seems it hasnt gone to the extent where the good ones are on the verge of extinction. sigh....
Deep Blue
08-02-2007, 03:33 PM
As one said.....the equality in man and woman but the benefits of the weaker sex. :cool:
08-02-2007, 04:22 PM
As one said.....the equality in man and woman but the benefits of the weaker sex. :cool: of late, i've been doing some reading across several lifestyle magazines. it seems there's an increasing number of columnistwriting more to teach guys how to sextisfy the ladies.... what's new? its funny how many ladies magazine seldom provide info for our 'dead fishes', that they can learn how to sextisfy us men.
some articles are influencing the ladies to have certain expectations of us. on how the guy should be a SNAG (sensitive new age guy)... categorize us as metrosexual male, übersexual male... etc. less emphasis these days about being hunted by the Alpha-male.. but to be hunting for the Mr. Do-It-All.
*consolation... no need for 6-pack abs... just be well equipped with cunning linguist skills.
so what's happening bros???? we're being classified as the weaker gender? maybe its time that some columnist start teaching the female readers on, sextisfying us males... teach them how to give us a gd rub down, gd & proper techniques on (bb)bj... and tell them to get off their fat bums & start sweating while making out...??
Deep Blue
09-02-2007, 09:39 AM
Influx of westernized modern thinking that promotes equality in man and woman but yet at the same time men are expected to hold the doors for ladies to be deem as a gentle…….tell me about it……..:rolleyes:
09-02-2007, 11:44 AM
Influx of westernized modern thinking that promotes equality in man and woman but yet at the same time men are expected to hold the doors for ladies to be deem as a gentle…….tell me about it……..
Talk about equality...!!!??? It's not suprising for women to say "see how u treat me first lor", "see how u melt my heart lor", etc... U will realise that it's always the case where women come first. called it 'self-centered' but if we/men bow to their so called 'superiority', they will be pull our nose around.
Remember, if u spend $500 on the ring, make sure the ROI is more than $500, or the "satisfaction" which is equilibrium to the amount. Tough? I did it, and still doing it...
09-02-2007, 12:54 PM
Got a reply from an unknown lady from a local clubbing forum.
######## Meet at Dragon Fly, facing perfomance stage, at the left side staircase. I will be wearing green long sleeve and blue jean. We shall see each other at 1 am there. #######
She is a typical sillyporean aka no brainer. First of all, she doesnt include her contact number (I did ask to contact via SMS ONLY). A person with decent IQ will know the place is crowded, noisy and dark. If that's the case, yet she still expect me to find her in the dark, crowded n noisy place based on her description for her clothing? :rolleyes:
Low IQ....
09-02-2007, 02:17 PM
######## Meet at Dragon Fly, facing perfomance stage, at the left side staircase. I will be wearing green long sleeve and blue jean. We shall see each other at 1 am there. #######
She is a typical sillyporean aka no brainer. First of all, she doesnt include her contact number (I did ask to contact via SMS ONLY). A person with decent IQ will know the place is crowded, noisy and dark. If that's the case, yet she still expect me to find her in the dark, crowded n noisy place based on her description for her clothing? bro, she's not a no brainer... she's playing hard to get. reasons??
1. doenst provide contact number = can camp & adopt sniper position
2. indiscriminate descriptions of dress code = can be bogus description/ use her less attractive fren as shield
she's just deliberately baiting, she hides, while you seek. she'd probably not dress according to what she's described to you, she could be camping in another spot with gd view of the location, she could be laughing her head off to observe you bobbing your head high & low screening the crowd....etc.
blind date is quite passé already... and of all places... a crowded joint???
09-02-2007, 02:36 PM
bro, she's not a no brainer... she's playing hard to get. reasons??
1. doenst provide contact number = can camp & adopt sniper position
2. indiscriminate descriptions of dress code = can be bogus description/ use her less attractive fren as shield
she's just deliberately baiting, she hides, while you seek. she'd probably not dress according to what she's described to you, she could be camping in another spot with gd view of the location, she could be laughing her head off to observe you bobbing your head high & low screening the crowd....etc.
blind date is quite passé already... and of all places... a crowded joint???
It aint a blind date, coz it's kinda a group outing. I aint those desperado who will seek hide and low for her while i'm chilling out with my lady/guy frens over few beers. My first thought was that she is a shy lady, but hey, this is a clubbing forum group. Shy? :rolleyes:
Perhaps u r right. She is playing hide n seek, another typical trait of sillypore women. Alas... :cool:
09-02-2007, 05:59 PM
Remember, if u spend $500 on the ring, make sure the ROI is more than $500, or the "satisfaction" which is equilibrium to the amount. Tough? I did it, and still doing it...
One of the best advice. Make sure ROI is more that the capital outlay. I normally aim for not more than -$200 per bonk. Some of my better investments actually yielded +ve per bonk ratings. However, I have made losses as well... current longstanding one is difficult to recoup... too much money involved and unquantifiable amounts of multiple heartbreaks.
09-02-2007, 06:03 PM
As one said.....the equality in man and woman but the benefits of the weaker sex. :cool:
Only two ways to maintain equilibrium. Add to the smaller or subtract on the bigger of the two.
Its obvious which way was chosen to equalize.
09-02-2007, 06:04 PM
amidst all the gripes & displeasures.... 1 thing coincidentally common... most of which happen to be locally born & raised spoilt chicks. which leaves me to ponder, whatever happened to the good ones?
The woman's charter ensured that there were none left.
09-02-2007, 07:28 PM
The woman's charter ensured that there were none left.
It's not too difficult to understand why there is NONE left for the girl-next-door. For example, if an employee has been working in a big GLC for few decades and enjoy all the perks and big payouts, would u think he/she wont take full advantage of the seniority system instead of meritocracy? Which woman (except high flyers) would not demand for alimony?
Undoubtedly, women hv the upper hands under the woman's charter. THat's life in sillypore :mad:
09-02-2007, 07:33 PM
Gers are still gers......
ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor....... :rolleyes:
Every Girls do that everytime, going mac or long john asking what they wanna eat they be saying anything lo, then you order they say Yee, i dun like
09-02-2007, 07:53 PM
Gers are still gers......
ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor....... :rolleyes:
Every Girls do that everytime, going mac or long john asking what they wanna eat they be saying anything lo, then you order they say Yee, i dun like
09-02-2007, 09:27 PM
in places like UK and SG where the new rush of sexual equality clashes with our conservative ways, it allows women to take advantage of the situation to practice double standards.
when it suits them they claim must have equality if not we're MCP.
when it doesnt, they claim must give way to ladies, if not we're ungentlemanly.
we can never win with them. so why not look for alternatives in other countries?
im considering :)
Deep Blue
10-02-2007, 04:50 PM
The woman's charter ensured that there were none left.
Yeah...the woman's that keep matters in "balance" base on the 70s and continue to rip out arse wide where we still have to pay for it.:cool:
12-02-2007, 11:47 AM
......perhaps u r right. She is playing hide n seek, another typical trait of sillypore women. Alas... :cool:
jimbo she 钓起来卖... sigh... this type, frankly, i wouldnt be bothered. she thinks its a game 班清高, as though is CNY, watching the lion 采高青. where got time... bro... there's plenty of better ones out there lah.
12-02-2007, 11:49 AM
The woman's charter ensured that there were none left. couldnt agree more on that. they're over protected to some extent, despite their motion for gal pwr & gender equality. sigh. double standards....
12-02-2007, 11:51 AM
Every Girls do that everytime, going mac or long john asking what they wanna eat they be saying anything lo, then you order they say Yee, i dun like true... so to save the trouble of the guessing. tell her to do the buying.... and if she asks what i wanna eat. i'd say "u buy, i eat"... brings a smile to her face everytime.
12-02-2007, 11:57 AM
Yeah...the woman's that keep matters in "balance" base on the 70s and continue to rip out arse wide where we still have to pay for it.:cool: womans charter makes them believe: the guy must...
1. pay it forward (dowry)
2. pay during the process (livelihood+maid's levy)
3. pay it after its over & done with (alimony)
in most western countries, in case we're all unaware.
1. woman pay it fwd (wedding ceremony, dowry not necessary)
2. couple co-contribute (livelihood...etc)
3. man pay alimony (after the marriage is over)
so as you can see... its clearly a double standard here, especially when they complicate matters with asian customs.
12-02-2007, 12:46 PM
we can never win with them. so why not look for alternatives in other countries?im considering :)
Yes. No point whining and bitching about singpaorean women here.
12-02-2007, 01:51 PM
Yes. No point whining and bitching about singpaorean women here.
Not so much Singaporean women... think its universal though to varying degrees... cannot stereotype.
I've had Singaporean, Thai, M'sian, Japanese and Korean GFs. The most trouble I had was from... surprise surprise... the Japanese.
Btw, I married a Singaporean... not perfect but at least the cultural bias is the least.
12-02-2007, 02:08 PM
I've had Singaporean, Thai, M'sian, Japanese and Korean GFs. The most trouble I had was from... surprise surprise... the Japanese....cannot tahan spending USD500 a month on some stupid chihuahua, right? :D
but at the same time, it feels good to be given a deep bow before bonking her? hmmmm..... oh boy! what a dilemma! :D
12-02-2007, 02:25 PM
cannot tahan spending USD500 a month on some stupid chihuahua, right? :D
but at the same time, it feels good to be given a deep bow before bonking her? hmmmm..... oh boy! what a dilemma! :D
Not a Chihuahua... it was a mongrel mix between a poodle and a daschund.
Didn't bonk so much towards the later parts of the relationship... was more contented with her catbaths and bjs... keeps her mouth busy and unable to talk so much crap as well.
12-02-2007, 03:03 PM
Not a Chihuahua... it was a mongrel mix between a poodle and a daschund.
Didn't bonk so much towards the later parts of the relationship... was more contented with her catbaths and bjs... keeps her mouth busy and unable to talk so much crap as well.count your blessings that your japanese meal is over.
Was in the land of the rising sun last week. After dinner one evening, decided to take a walk under the neon lights of Shinjuku. Involuntarily stopped outside a shop, and walked in. The place was crammed with good looking jap women, with their pet dogs and cats. I picked up some brochures and stuff and finally managed to figure out what they were doing there.
It's actually a pet boutique, and these women had brought their pets here to design their summer wear, as winter will be over soon. I picked up a bill someone dropped on the floor and read it, the amt read jpy 55,000! that's SGD$700 for a freaking dog suit!
From another perspective, maybe sg women aren't that terrible after all.
12-02-2007, 03:32 PM
count your blessings that your japanese meal is over.
Not really over... she was in SG last month and was whining like her bitch dog.
It's actually a pet boutique, and these women had brought their pets here to design their summer wear, as winter will be over soon. I picked up a bill someone dropped on the floor and read it, the amt read jpy 55,000! that's SGD$700 for a freaking dog suit!
I have a theory that women who spend too much on pets are probably deprived of affection. They're probably easier to hook but are likely to be mentally imbalanced as well.
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