View Full Version : Talking Point aka PT Corner :p
Fetish Joe
23-08-2010, 12:41 AM
Goood evening all brothers,sisters.
Created a corner for us to discuss about ANYTHINGS & EVERYTHINGS about our Famous Banana Plantation :D
(just in case we got zap for talking about other subject at other ppl thread)
23-08-2010, 10:43 AM
Good suggestion but, sorry! I think no need, we have enough infos on PT brothels. Sometimes i think, messy does have its goodness. It force the readers to go thru everythings, digest the available stuff and, made his own choice.
27-08-2010, 12:42 PM
Anybody got idea how much PT charge Ang moh?
Fetish Joe
27-08-2010, 02:53 PM
Anybody got idea how much PT charge Ang moh?
there was once in the afternoon ( abt 2 weeks ago wkdays) lunch time.. i saw a middle age ang moh walking hse to hse in PT.. ( dun knw he cant find who he like or got rejected ) in the end he just walk out... ** not sure where he go... maybe to desker or GL.....
27-08-2010, 03:13 PM
Anybody got idea how much PT charge Ang moh?
WLs in PT will charge from $20 - $50 per session regardless if you are "ang moh" or not.
But WL told me that they do not prefer "ang moh". Most likely might get rejected but no harm in trying.
Hope this helps.
27-08-2010, 05:37 PM
Btw Ang Moh Cheongers is common in PT .
but if can get Ang Moh WL at PT lagi best .
27-08-2010, 05:41 PM
Btw Ang Moh Cheongers is common in PT .
but if can get Ang Moh WL at PT lagi best .
Oh yeah! That will be the day Bro!
Happy weekend!
Fetish Joe
27-08-2010, 05:50 PM
Oh yeah! That will be the day Bro!
Happy weekend!
wah... want to try some ang pai already difficult leow... if got ang moh WLs there... i can imagine seeing hello kitty Q at PT :D:p
28-08-2010, 11:59 AM
Ang Mo WLs? I think we have to chiong Pubs to find them, they r FL no lic 1. Back to PT discussion.
A member PM me, he claim he is ang mo disallow fr walking into PT brothels. Probably by the keeper uncles hanging outside. If he is real? I told him to take their advice, u see PT is the place for cheap sex and, cater for locals.
Say he pay $50 receive $30 services, now this is pulling a fast 1. The keepers r experience to direct him to other places, 1such i told him GL brothels. I think he will pay above $50, but this is unoffical SOP so to give a statement. I can imagine i go to America lic brothels and, got charge more than the white folks over there. I can live with that, i think non locals who r non Asian need to ordinate their mindset.
An ex PT WL told me, she has never seen ang mo at PT brothels. That was 4yrs ago, she also told me if ang mo man wanted, she will worked. I ask her what is the charges, she don't want to tell me. I guess everybody can imagine above locals. Service wise, i think i will not write on this.
Have a good weekend and, spend wise is payday again.
28-08-2010, 01:37 PM
Since this is a talking point. Maybe I can share some thoughts that I came across a few days ago.
After a session with Joyce, I decide to stroll along the PT houses just to catch some glimpse on the available ladies. Then I goes into house 22. I saw quite a number of old ladies with thick cosmetics. My conscious struck me. I pity them. I'm not sure how much years they have been in PT or why they are still in PT at this age.
Don't they have children to look after them?
Don't they have their meaningful life of their own?
Do they want to become a prostitute until their last breath?
Have you guys ever feel the way I feel?
Fetish Joe
28-08-2010, 04:55 PM
Since this is a talking point. Maybe I can share some thoughts that I came across a few days ago.
After a session with Joyce, I decide to stroll along the PT houses just to catch some glimpse on the available ladies. Then I goes into house 22. I saw quite a number of old ladies with thick cosmetics. My conscious struck me. I pity them. I'm not sure how much years they have been in PT or why they are still in PT at this age.
Don't they have children to look after them?
Don't they have their meaningful life of their own?
Do they want to become a prostitute until their last breath?
Have you guys ever feel the way I feel?
bro bombastic...
u know i always like to roam around from hse to hse looking at Wls be it old or young... ( becos the WLs i want door close so i roam around rather than waiting there)
to my surprise... some old WLs got regular customers lo.. not young guy but much older men mayb 50+..
everytime i go PT.. i will see this old men visit the same WL at hse 24 rm...??
sorry i did not take note cos i go hse 24 just to see lai lai working ant:D
sometime i heard older wls talking to each other asking * hey ur old men today didnt come huh** (in canto)
I WANT TRY HSE 14 RM 6 violet.... door always closed..... :(:(
Fetish Joe
28-08-2010, 05:12 PM
I did try 1 old wls some years back....
$20 onli.. cos she say to me when i walk pass...i remember that hse is 18...
**little boy... come ... i message for u..$20.. today i no business... take it as u helping me can.. ( talk to me in chinese )
hmmmm.... went in pay $20..
while massaging... i ask her...
me:- DA JIE.. u quite old already hor..
wl:- almost 50.
me:- y u still working here?
wl:- kill time lo.. nothing to do mah.. im single also. no family
me:- ............. orh ok
wl:- u always come here?
me:- sometimes loh
wl:- remember.. watever u do .. dun let gal eat ur didi.. if not u old time cant stand...!!
me:- shock!! ..... orh....:p
wl:- ok come i pcc for u shiok shiok 1.....
me:- .....................!!! ** lost of words**
she lub my didi with ky 1 hand shake the other rub my ass hole/balls till i cum....
hahaha my 1st experience with older wl in PT....:p
28-08-2010, 11:55 PM
I did try 1 old wls some years back....
$20 onli.. cos she say to me when i walk pass...i remember that hse is 18...
**little boy... come ... i message for u..$20.. today i no business... take it as u helping me can.. ( talk to me in chinese )
hmmmm.... went in pay $20..
while massaging... i ask her...
me:- DA JIE.. u quite old already hor..
wl:- almost 50.
me:- y u still working here?
wl:- kill time lo.. nothing to do mah.. im single also. no family
me:- ............. orh ok
wl:- u always come here?
me:- sometimes loh
wl:- remember.. watever u do .. dun let gal eat ur didi.. if not u old time cant stand...!!
me:- shock!! ..... orh....:p
wl:- ok come i pcc for u shiok shiok 1.....
me:- .....................!!! ** lost of words**
she lub my didi with ky 1 hand shake the other rub my ass hole/balls till i cum....
hahaha my 1st experience with older wl in PT....:p
$20 for a HJ ok lah
Some times walk in and out till sweat and tired and those WLs u want door closed lan lan and horny then go for $20 WL
I like Milf HJ me also .
28-08-2010, 11:58 PM
Ang Mo WLs? I think we have to chiong Pubs to find them, they r FL no lic 1. Back to PT discussion.
A member PM me, he claim he is ang mo disallow fr walking into PT brothels. Probably by the keeper uncles hanging outside. If he is real? I told him to take their advice, u see PT is the place for cheap sex and, cater for locals.
Say he pay $50 receive $30 services, now this is pulling a fast 1. The keepers r experience to direct him to other places, 1such i told him GL brothels. I think he will pay above $50, but this is unoffical SOP so to give a statement. I can imagine i go to America lic brothels and, got charge more than the white folks over there. I can live with that, i think non locals who r non Asian need to ordinate their mindset.
An ex PT WL told me, she has never seen ang mo at PT brothels. That was 4yrs ago, she also told me if ang mo man wanted, she will worked. I ask her what is the charges, she don't want to tell me. I guess everybody can imagine above locals. Service wise, i think i will not write on this.
Have a good weekend and, spend wise is payday again.
Never had chance to try out Ang Moh ,must be a new experience to you .
Fetish Joe
30-08-2010, 02:22 AM
haahhaha WTF... kanna zap for my own comments at my own thread..
zap me leave ur name lar.. or rather tell me wat i said offended u..
or is it the wl ur mother dats y u not happy...knn u... lol
Fetish Joe
30-08-2010, 02:31 AM
$20 for a HJ ok lah
Some times walk in and out till sweat and tired and those WLs u want door closed lan lan and horny then go for $20 WL
I like Milf HJ me also .
hahaha ya lor bro superfox... sometimes i feel older wls just knows how to do it as in more experience :p
30-08-2010, 08:27 AM
Maybe i cheong too much lately. Bros... Is there any remedy or tips to make your dick hard rock? What is your advice? :D
30-08-2010, 09:17 AM
Maybe i cheong too much lately. Bros... Is there any remedy or tips to make your dick hard rock? What is your advice? :D
Bro, I understand what you are going through, so maybe, I might be of service.
These accounts or information I gather from my own experience, from doctors, from the internet and of course straight from WLs I have tried.
Don't cheong too much, give it a rest. Having said that don't even think of PCC while in between rests. I mean, I'm horny as hell but as much as possible I try not to PCC. While porn on the internet are good stimulants for the mind, try not to get carried away.
Yes, it's all in the mind. I once read that the most powerful sex organ in the human body is the brain. You believe that shit? Haha! Now, in a way, I do! Ever think of your past sessions and suddenly your dick stands up? When you see a hot babe in the office, your eyes will emit the information to your brain and the brain will send the signals to your dick, and your dick will tell you to go PT. It's true Bro, if not for you, it is for me.
You need ample rest and sleep. Also, try not to always think of PT, think of something else. Get some exercise also, yes, it is important, on top of walking in and out of the houses in PT, haha.
Lastly, food. They also play an important role to stimulate our little Bro. You may not believe it but somehow it works, eat fruits and veggies, also: chocolates, almonds, oysters, banana, and eggs, all in moderation of course. Yes, that is another key, everything should be in moderation, never overdo it, especially if you smoke and drink. I am not saying you stop, just do in moderation and of course if you are planning to go to PT, you should not be taking any alcoholic drinks, that to me is a no-no.
If you need more info, just google it and make a search. I think Viagra should be the last resort. I don't even want to go there.
Hope this helps.
Fetish Joe
30-08-2010, 11:36 AM
Maybe i cheong too much lately. Bros... Is there any remedy or tips to make your dick hard rock? What is your advice? :D
$$$$$$$ (gingseng candy) also works
30-08-2010, 12:49 PM
Thanks bro. I dont really smoke and seldom drink. I just saw a chio bo from my company. She was wearing a tight shirt mini. Her gstring is clearly be seen from the rear view... Damn... My cock start the triggering already... Should i go pt or not??!! :(
Bro, I understand what you are going through, so maybe, I might be of service.
These accounts or information I gather from my own experience, from doctors, from the internet and of course straight from WLs I have tried.
Don't cheong too much, give it a rest. Having said that don't even think of PCC while in between rests. I mean, I'm horny as hell but as much as possible I try not to PCC. While porn on the internet are good stimulants for the mind, try not to get carried away.
Yes, it's all in the mind. I once read that the most powerful sex organ in the human body is the brain. You believe that shit? Haha! Now, in a way, I do! Ever think of your past sessions and suddenly your dick stands up? When you see a hot babe in the office, your eyes will emit the information to your brain and the brain will send the signals to your dick, and your dick will tell you to go PT. It's true Bro, if not for you, it is for me.
You need ample rest and sleep. Also, try not to always think of PT, think of something else. Get some exercise also, yes, it is important, on top of walking in and out of the houses in PT, haha.
Lastly, food. They also play an important role to stimulate our little Bro. You may not believe it but somehow it works, eat fruits and veggies, also: chocolates, almonds, oysters, banana, and eggs, all in moderation of course. Yes, that is another key, everything should be in moderation, never overdo it, especially if you smoke and drink. I am not saying you stop, just do in moderation and of course if you are planning to go to PT, you should not be taking any alcoholic drinks, that to me is a no-no.
If you need more info, just google it and make a search. I think Viagra should be the last resort. I don't even want to go there.
Hope this helps.
30-08-2010, 12:50 PM
$$$$$$$ (gingseng candy) also works
Where can i get it and how much? ;)
30-08-2010, 01:52 PM
Thanks bro. I dont really smoke and seldom drink. I just saw a chio bo from my company. She was wearing a tight shirt mini. Her gstring is clearly be seen from the rear view... Damn... My cock start the triggering already... Should i go pt or not??!! :(
Trust your instincts Bro. Listen to your mind, what does it say? Does your mind justify as to what your cock's intents? If so, go! If there are doubts, then better not.
There are times when my mind and cock doesn't get along and build doubts, but still I would go, and the result is not always good.
Hope this helps.
30-08-2010, 02:50 PM
Trust your instincts Bro. Listen to your mind, what does it say? Does your mind justify as to what your cock's intents? If so, go! If there are doubts, then better not.
There are times when my mind and cock doesn't get along and build doubts, but still I would go, and the result is not always good.
Hope this helps.
My mind, my cock is fighting right now... Damnnnnn
30-08-2010, 03:21 PM
My mind, my cock is fighting right now... Damnnnnn
Ah, then don't go! They should work together and be united! If mind say no and cock say yes, bad idea Bro.
Still, the decision is up to you Bro, hehe.
30-08-2010, 04:34 PM
Ah, then don't go! They should work together and be united! If mind say no and cock say yes, bad idea Bro.
Still, the decision is up to you Bro, hehe.
Ur FR r the fucking root cause of my problem... Damn u :D
Y singapore got so many chio bu who always zao geng one lehhhh.... Haiii... :(
30-08-2010, 04:41 PM
Ur FR r the fucking root cause of my problem... Damn u :D
Y singapore got so many chio bu who always zao geng one lehhhh.... Haiii... :(
bro, where is ur office?
raffles place huh?
ai ya, go GL to release ur stress.
best to find someone who is close to that kind of OL.
damm shiok.
else keep seeing the same girl n cannot fuck.
will go insane.
30-08-2010, 05:45 PM
Ur FR r the fucking root cause of my problem... Damn u :D
Y singapore got so many chio bu who always zao geng one lehhhh.... Haiii... :(
Hahaha!:D I take that as a compliment Bro! Thank you for your kind words! Don't worry, I working late tonight so I not going PT so got no FR. But wait tomorrow when I go for my sessions, haha, you will get problem again, sorry.
I change my mind, so my advice to you, go to PT now! Haha! Enjoy Bro, you need to release! Don't forget FR yah.
30-08-2010, 10:51 PM
bro, where is ur office?
raffles place huh?
ai ya, go GL to release ur stress.
best to find someone who is close to that kind of OL.
damm shiok.
else keep seeing the same girl n cannot fuck.
will go insane.
my office is not far from GL. almost everyday i saw this lady colleague of mine... who's married... but still damn bloody chio. everytime she was wearing those tight skirt... damn... i feel like pulling her aside... drag her to the stair case... lift up her skirt... pull her panties aside... licking her pussy like those horny japan AV bastards... then ram her pussy with my hard rock dick...
but all these is just my wishful thinking laa... :D
Hahaha!:D I take that as a compliment Bro! Thank you for your kind words! Don't worry, I working late tonight so I not going PT so got no FR. But wait tomorrow when I go for my sessions, haha, you will get problem again, sorry.
I change my mind, so my advice to you, go to PT now! Haha! Enjoy Bro, you need to release! Don't forget FR yah.
u really bloody fucker laaa... now only ask me to go PT... knn :cool:
today i release my tension by going for a bloody 10km jogging. i just run and run and run... during my last lap... again i saw this chio bu!!! she was wearing some tight black shorts, pair with sleeveless shirt. her body is damn bloody solid... shen she ran pass me... my eyes keep on scanning on her bouncing butt!!!
oh god... pls help me!!!:D
30-08-2010, 10:58 PM
my office is not far from GL. almost everyday i saw this lady colleague of mine... who's married... but still damn bloody chio. everytime she was wearing those tight skirt... damn... i feel like pulling her aside... drag her to the stair case... lift up her skirt... pull her panties aside... licking her pussy like those horny japan AV bastards... then ram her pussy with my hard rock dick...
but all these is just my wishful thinking laa... :D
u really bloody fucker laaa... now only ask me to go PT... knn :cool:
today i release my tension by going for a bloody 10km jogging. i just run and run and run... during my last lap... again i saw this chio bu!!! she was wearing some tight black shorts, pair with sleeveless shirt. her body is damn bloody solid... shen she ran pass me... my eyes keep on scanning on her bouncing butt!!!
oh god... pls help me!!!:D
Bro Bombastic... at least your office has chio mu and g string... KNN.. my office in industral park. the entire office about 200 staffs (about 80 females). never even see a g string before. also, no chance to see any long kang :mad:
30-08-2010, 11:08 PM
Bro Bombastic... at least your office has chio mu and g string... KNN.. my office in industral park. the entire office about 200 staffs (about 80 females). never even see a g string before. also, no chance to see any long kang :mad:
all lao kui bu?:D
30-08-2010, 11:37 PM
all lao kui bu?:D
I dont mind LAO KUI BU with if they show long kang :p or CFM face
but hehe... think of it. to eat in office is very dangerous. My sister in law work in same office as me. My hands are totally tied up in office :(
30-08-2010, 11:50 PM
I dont mind LAO KUI BU with if they show long kang :p or CFM face
but hehe... think of it. to eat in office is very dangerous. My sister in law work in same office as me. My hands are totally tied up in office :(
That's why we can't have relatives to work in the same place .
My brother in law used to work with me too but lucky not now as he resigned .
31-08-2010, 12:14 AM
how can we create a chatrooom for PT topic ?
I think it will be good if we have a chatroom for PT cheongsters.
It will be good if we can TCSS about PT in a chatroom
31-08-2010, 01:16 AM
u really bloody fucker laaa... now only ask me to go PT... knn :cool:
today i release my tension by going for a bloody 10km jogging. i just run and run and run... during my last lap... again i saw this chio bu!!! she was wearing some tight black shorts, pair with sleeveless shirt. her body is damn bloody solid... shen she ran pass me... my eyes keep on scanning on her bouncing butt!!!
oh god... pls help me!!!:D
Haha! Very good Bro! You managed to shrug off the urge, some more, I tell you to go PT and you managed to control yourself! I salute you Bro! Is good also you doing exercise! But sad to say, you cannot run away from temptation.
I tell you, everyday, I try my best to turn away but everywhere I go, in the office, in the bus, in the MRT, even I just go read magazine in Popular bookshop, aiyah, temptation everywhere Bro!
So, I sympathise with you lah. Oh God...please help us!!!:p
31-08-2010, 01:18 AM
how can we create a chatrooom for PT topic ?
I think it will be good if we have a chatroom for PT cheongsters.
It will be good if we can TCSS about PT in a chatroom
Good suggestion Bro!
But sorry, I also don't know how!:o
Fetish Joe
31-08-2010, 01:37 AM
Where can i get it and how much? ;)
bro bombastic... allow me to check the contacts 1st n i let u know ok.. i will pm u :D
Fetish Joe
31-08-2010, 01:42 AM
Bro Bombastic... at least your office has chio mu and g string... KNN.. my office in industral park. the entire office about 200 staffs (about 80 females). never even see a g string before. also, no chance to see any long kang :mad:
wahahaahha bro alvin36... u even count how many females arh...
so sort out in groups ant..
how many malaysian..??
how many china women..??
how many indian women..??
Fetish Joe
31-08-2010, 01:44 AM
Good suggestion Bro!
But sorry, I also don't know how!:o
can try asking the boss (
i pm him already.. hopefully can do somethings :cool:
31-08-2010, 02:25 AM
wahahaahha bro alvin36... u even count how many females arh...
so sort out in groups ant..
how many malaysian..??
how many china women..??
how many indian women..??
hahaha... i got the figure during the fire drill lah :D
Fetish Joe
31-08-2010, 02:29 AM
hahaha... i got the figure during the fire drill lah :D
hahahahhaha oh ok ok...firedrill huh...
u got check for other things ant during the "DRILL"... :p
or u are drillng during fire drill
firedrill aka cock on fire needs to drill :D
Fetish Joe
31-08-2010, 11:28 AM
can try asking the boss (
i pm him already.. hopefully can do somethings :cool:
msg from the boss (sammyboy)
You need to install a plug in. The chat room is USD119.95 per year.
31-08-2010, 12:56 PM
msg from the boss (sammyboy)
You need to install a plug in. The chat room is USD119.95 per year.
Wah lau eh! I think this forum enough leh. Haha, sorry I stingy, my $$$ might as well go to WL.:p
Fetish Joe
31-08-2010, 01:01 PM
Wah lau eh! I think this forum enough leh. Haha, sorry I stingy, my $$$ might as well go to WL.:p
yes i think so too... a bit expensive...
in USD some more leh...
03-09-2010, 10:14 AM
Just now read internet papers, Mediacorp latest Channel 8 serials, The Family Court. Hong Hui Fang role of an older sex worker, now mine friends we know this gen of PRC pdmms and meix2 at GL.
Impossible for a local or across the causeway, WL to compete with PRCs. Hong's role older some more, no way the OKT operators will allow her to stand at GL.
But over at PT and Desker, well it is accepatble and, certain extend she had pull off her role well. She did remind me of PT wls, those we can find at H17 24, she almost come near to Xiao Li H24R05.
I, believe Hong's role had indirect brought in more customers for this 2old brothels. It is the place for value and, fantasy of bonking MILF gals. Maybe this yr PT Oscar i can award her an outstanding award, in a foreign role.
Fetish Joe
10-09-2010, 01:53 AM
Quiet nite after 7th month...
Relax 1 corner.....
11-09-2010, 01:04 PM
30yrs of GL
B4 going into this topic, we have got GL who I think is into the 3generations. Same with health centers, KTVs this biz ordinate enterprises.
After the relocate of Bugis brothels in the early 80s, Geylang was in the process of building up. The first batch, lots of quality sex workers were Thais. That period not many brothels were set up, maybe the sex industry was not really.
Sometime later, news spread senior customers venture there, giving biz to the operators. Forward to 10yrs later, Malaysian high class call girls came and, gave the Thai houses a run for their $. These groups of sex workers, speaking Chinese Canto certain extend, manage to increase the charges. They were in high demand, that period of 10yrs plus, younger Malaysian sex workers at KS brothels charging up to $100 per session.
I remember ex colleagues told me this, in the 90s, we want cheaper sex, search for older WLs at Banana Leg’s and, Desker brothel. Today, we knew is PT brothels, Desker we got LBs and a small group of old WLs. Me thinking, this old group of WLs is not subject to Kelantan Clinic supervision. So, we should try to avoid them. Forgive me, I hope I’m wrong. Is better to play save, members got this, non members who don’t access this website. Be very careful practice safe save everywhere.
Into the Y2K, PRC sex workers came on board, these ladies were arrogant, and they don’t care the rules. Never bother the law and orders of this country, first time we experience PRC FLs hanging around HDB coffee shops. Social issues of men who had got their saving rip off, broken family by this group of sex workers. Remember that time they were not under any supervision.
Somewhere in 2006, PRC sex workers got their licenses, we have seen the big incoming of females. Include, a small % of so called PDMM, these ladies wanted to settle down have a peaceful lives. They are willing to drop their hubby, love ones make fast $ here. Include, breaking the laws and, men hearts. Human must never forget to look into their heart, the souls not $ is all it is.
In certain extend, PRC sex workers is rather new. Yet she had proven she can transform the sex industry. We have seen the new brothels, also a new kind of KTVs. Yes! I read that Bukit Timah Duck shop. I think it cater for both sexes, we want chicken they got. We call ducks they also have.
11-09-2010, 01:05 PM
In 2007, this website wrote the 1st batch of ex GL WLs migration. Hold on! 1yr early, ex KS Maggie, Munx2 and Tingx2. They came on board because KS is cleaning up the image, there were now few brothels standing.
First lot of ex GL, many members thought was Violet and Li Wen. Well I think not, b4 them we have Yox2 and few we not really sure. Let’s not argue over it.
Mine experience, almost same it is the $50 and above. At least she allows longer timing, follow instruction in certain degrees. But, PT brothels will always the place, where old past the prime sex workers still operate their biz.
I can imagine younger across the causeway WL, wasted to pry their biz over there. All biz have Morales, theirs allow the older sisters to make some $. Plus, GL still need the younger sex workers. Maybe, ex Inter and Sugar had return to home base?
These 30yrs, PT old timers had disallowed PRC WLs to operate biz. Market demand, $ calls PRC sex workers richer, she willing to pay higher for room rental. Carol H11 told me no PRC there, she is too fast to believe this shits. As history had proven, PRCs is here to stay, sex industry making $ due to them.
Well? We customers have to adapt when time comes. Meanwhile, enjoy the PT WLs, next gen they will be lesser over at PT.
Fetish Joe
11-09-2010, 02:34 PM
wah... history lesson..bro hw u know so well..??
11-09-2010, 03:21 PM
Hi guys................this is ana,i am a new member of this forum,i read it thoroughly but still i am quite confuse regarding this topic.please explain me more about this forum.
Debt Solutions (
12-09-2010, 11:14 AM
Dear F Joe, is really nothing much, i choose commercial sex as mine only 4SIN. Certain degrees i must be good, don't u think so?
Most of all, i am homeboy, this is a part of god forsaken red light history that we share among us.
Fetish Joe
12-09-2010, 01:38 PM
Dear F Joe, is really nothing much, i choose commercial sex as mine only 4SIN. Certain degrees i must be good, don't u think so?
Most of all, i am homeboy, this is a part of god forsaken red light history that we share among us.
hhaahahha bro jacky43.. now i know :D
u got BSc sexciology degree :p
15-09-2010, 01:46 PM
After last eve Tuesday reports, topics on family planning in the 60s. I recalled into the 70s, where i was in Pri school. There were 2 edu videos on sexual health.
I don't really recalled, think i watched it with parents on TV5, English channel that period. I don't remember did they also dub in Chinese. Anyway, 1 was on commercial sex and, the other on VD.
Black and white, memory very fussy think they shot the doc over at ex Bugis st brothels. No KS, Desker and PT no GL during that age. Next, abit on LBs, now i am curious no CD days how the deal was done. Maybe sex workers have to go under the knife? But still a risks of VD.
Maybe last eve that retired nurse, know the hold thing. Thinking of this, Kelatan Clinic appeared in the 90s. I don't think it was around there b4 90s, could be that time was merge with health authority.
Sharing with everybody, i don't think the authority will bring back this 2 videos from the past. That time edu videos was shocking, i do recalled 1 on drugs. It does scare the shits out of people, today kind of like sharing experience. Too gentle and weak.
17-09-2010, 10:43 AM
Compare to GL, HC and KTVs we notices there were many changes in this biz. We have got new operators taking over, PRC WLs over at lic GL brothels. Yet PT and KS maintain the 1 generation.
I guess other than gov rules, the operators are still making profit. They don't wish to change, don't blindly follows other. Stick on to what they know is best, i think WLs over at PT are doing a rolling biz.
The operators are highly paid, they run other type of biz, then good for them. As at now, i think many customers are angry because good WLs seldom turn up. Eg, Vivi Ada and recently we have not seen Violet.
21-09-2010, 03:25 PM
Just maybe? Other than GL the rest are rather lowdown in terms of environment. So our gov don't really encourage expats to seek commercial sex at PT, KS and Desker.
There was a member who PM me, i have posted here quite some time ago, he claim those uncles disallow him to walk in. If this is true, i guess this is 1 disadvantage of being an expat, FT and new comers.
Remember 6yrs ago, i think was ex Zhenx2 at H07, i told her say i holiday at USA. Probably the Ang Mo WL will charge me higher than her homeboys. We have a good laugh, think she will also do the same.
She told me, if the Ang Mo want, she will work charges i'm afraid she don't wish to tell me.
23-09-2010, 06:43 PM
rainy day... cold weather make me fucking horny now.
feel like going PT now... but KNN reach there will be 7.30pm liao.... CCB.. how I wish PT can open until 10 pm at least :mad:
09-12-2010, 10:45 AM
I guess i discovered something about PT WLs, i am still learning, which is all are attitude problems. The 2 books, no $ no honey had fail to mention the full circle. I remember it talked on red light dstricts, it did not have case studies.
All this while, Desker and PT brothels is known for older sex workers to operate their trade. Gov controlled areas have shorter timing, for the ang pai who can take 7 clients per day, it is still not enough if she only have 1 place of biz.
I guess those from overseas need long permits, that way she can travel or stay long term. It is a must, maybe? She need to open a room at legal joint. But not necessary to turn up, so long she pay her dues.
Local girls, no pemit maybe lic is still a must. Again, requirment for a reg place of biz, this case PT brothel. These are what i think how the girls made $ in this trade.
09-12-2010, 11:01 AM
Strange thing i discovered all mine session, include PRC FLs they got their eyes opened big, few times they heard wrong. They mistaken that i being single, PRCs FL even comes near looking at me with dreamy eyes. They wanted something.
All this yrs, i guess WLs run btw 2states, many were rich that they can afford to employ sex workers. No wonder, i am not suprised they greed each other, "good morning", even time is after 12 noon.
Many new comers lockoff after 6pm, i wrote b4 the night is still young. 2 round of biz, KTV girls or mama sans. I think better term is Hotel Manager as mention in that TW, LOVE series well it is still FLs.
Escort services we have got call in customers, many i guess are attachment to hotels. Include 5stars, why not? The strong $ attract many girls which came here to earn it.
HCs another $ place, many WLs may have invested $ in it. This gen, PRC girls are cheaper, many variety with high turn over rate. And much much more.
However, mine advice to every call girls, put a bit of soul into everywhere. Don't let $ cover the eyes, they make enemies who will strike anytimes. So much so, i guess Inter and Diamond gave up because of their enemies said no. Or they decided to give up, seems they make more $ elsewhere.
29-12-2010, 03:54 PM
Reading papers on that Sentosa incident, the PRC KTV girl drown in customer's house. I am not writting about the case, usual let my imagination fly.
We were told 1 night booking, $800 many people eyes opened big, i too was until i wait. I think many PRC FLs had from beginning of this yr, reduced pricing because i wrote b4. Many PRCs spoilt the soup. It is true.
GL this yr, i guess overloaded with PRCs, and regular customers are playing hard to get tricks. What thats to do with PT brothels? Everything!
PT is operating biz, a problem i think WLs faced is transport issue. With this many cannot come in, we seen ltd choices so decided to spend $ elsewhere. This yr, i guess GL SEX workers had reduced $, many men after going there may not return.
This 1 of the oldest brothel can make $, is just like all WLs heart and souls are not at this place. The people there were not managing the biz well. I beginning to see red light's district cultureX.
Take care and counting down to NEW YEAR.
Bro jacky, think u can write a book for the SG red light history, i will be in the queue for it :D
Happy new year 2011 !!
01-01-2011, 10:03 AM
Bro jacky, think u can write a book for the SG red light history, i will be in the queue for it :D
Happy new year 2011 !!
ThankU, Sir! I am not that good. Plus even if i could, this country never support literature. We have only Catherine Lim, rest CMI here.
11-01-2011, 01:58 PM
Sorry! I have to bring the above discussion to here, over there was Munx2 threads. Brother Fornicator informed everybody to note the above 2 days, PT will be shut down on these days.
For the benefits of new members who wonder, why so? Because i think last yr, members wrote few WLs returned on 2day of LNY or 3rd day. We are awared the keepers or, OKTs uncle and aunty are all Chinese. They are on leaves too so, houses cannot open for biz if the key holders are not in.
However, i think the $20 WLs and few brown sugars might be working throughout. I guess maybe, H17 20 where there are more $20 WLs. This few yrs we are seeing a pool of off work F workers.
There is $ to be made, thing is sometime not possible to do so.
11-01-2011, 03:01 PM
Sorry! I have to bring the above discussion to here, over there was Munx2 threads. Brother Fornicator informed everybody to note the above 2 days, PT will be shut down on these days.
For the benefits of new members who wonder, why so? Because i think last yr, members wrote few WLs returned on 2day of LNY or 3rd day. We are awared the keepers or, OKTs uncle and aunty are all Chinese. They are on leaves too so, houses cannot open for biz if the key holders are not in.
However, i think the $20 WLs and few brown sugars might be working throughout. I guess maybe, H17 20 where there are more $20 WLs. This few yrs we are seeing a pool of off work F workers.
There is $ to be made, thing is sometime not possible to do so.
Confirm Bro jacky43. 2nd day of Lunar New Year, CAT20 and Brown Sugar (Malays) WLs may be working provided OKTs open the houses. As per last year CNY (14-15 Feb.), some houses were open on 2nd day (15 Feb.). H02, H17 and H20 open for biz! They, CAT20 and Brown Sugars take opportunity as the ang pais all not working and plenty of our Indian and Bangala Bros will flock to PT!
Hope this helps.:D
14-01-2011, 03:05 PM
Brother Fornicator, u walked over to the POSB ATM, along Jalan Besar road. A long way i guess u know this gen, the nearest 1 is in CSM.
Curious is there another ATM below the hdb flats? U walk out to the main street, the coffeeshop cross over to the Indian temple. Next, there is a petrol station, further down blks of flats. There was a ATM machine downstair or, it is no longer there.
Can anybody help me on this?
Bro, the ATM in CSM is way much farther! You go CSM some more must go to basement! The other one in HDB flats, I have no idea.
Those POSB ATMs at Jalan Besar are the nearest IMHO. Go out alley, turn right, go straight, cross Jln Besar Rd. and that's it, 3 ATMs in a row! Hehe.
On another note, very dark outside, heavy rain coming. Take extra care Bros!:o
Hope this helps.
21-01-2011, 03:08 PM
May i remind brothers we are approaching peak periods, 2weeks to go b4 CNY, probably next weekend many WLs allreally shut down biz. Read Julie H11markup to $40, i am not too sure and, not suprise she select brothers.
This weekend i am least suprised, the 3LBs at H09 also markup another $10, talk about races. I think WLs this periods will aim at Chinese brothers, especially the above 50s 1, many might said $30 above, some actually increase to $50.
I am looking at Sophie, Mei Ling, Ah Bao and Yuki over at H14, that day allreally notice they smilling so sweet. New sexy dressing so on, telling each others to up CNY deco shits.
Btw Violet could b too kind, she letting her sisters earn more $, however she might just return today? Next trip that will be after the long holidays.
21-01-2011, 03:43 PM
:DMay i remind brothers we are approaching peak periods, 2weeks to go b4 CNY, probably next weekend many WLs allreally shut down biz. Read Julie H11markup to $40, i am not too sure and, not suprise she select brothers.
This weekend i am least suprised, the 3LBs at H09 also markup another $10, talk about races. I think WLs this periods will aim at Chinese brothers, especially the above 50s 1, many might said $30 above, some actually increase to $50.
I am looking at Sophie, Mei Ling, Ah Bao and Yuki over at H14, that day allreally notice they smilling so sweet. New sexy dressing so on, telling each others to up CNY deco shits.
Btw Violet could b too kind, she letting her sisters earn more $, however she might just return today? Next trip that will be after the long holidays.
Mine Bro you are most cunning! I reading your observations and I agreed! Yes, CNY around the corner and soon to come allreally! Time coming so fast! WLs marking up fees for the season because they know the 'ang pais' all go back allreally and our 'itchy' Bros got no choices so on lah!
Yah, those not 'ang pai' suddenly become smiling sweet and trying hard to look sexy. Lucky 'ang pai' Violet H14R06 still MIA otherwise they no business, hahaha! But some are staying until 01 Feb, probably to reach sales quotas, so competition will be fierce in this coming weeks.
It could be two scenarios: crowded because of 'ang pais' going back or no crowd because saving up for the CNY expenses!
Just sharing views with mine Brother and friend Bro jacky43 and to all you Bros out there.:D
21-01-2011, 05:14 PM
Last session with Pauline, she said she returned on 3rd day of CNY because she stayed over the causeway. No problem in tpt but that is only her. I did not promise RTF her or anybody.
PT WLs learned fast, we being repeating it, never tell them of us, very true because ones they aware of their popular, they will pull a fast 1. Pretty soon they going to be lesser $20, many WLs will spend $ on touching up learned from the new comers.
Don't u guys wonder? Sophie, Miss Attitude LW and, Candy dress the same outfits. Next time ask $, i tell u all said $50. Notice last session Yuki looking good in her short dress.
Make full used of the PSL, this is 1 of the weapon we have. A good weekend to all!
23-01-2011, 03:11 AM
A Bro has sent me a PM but unfortunately I cannot reply back to him via PM. I think he is still in modreation.
Anyways, Hxx refers to the house number and Rxx refers to the room number of the WL.
Hope ths helps.
25-01-2011, 04:55 PM
We being watching the trailers of Is a Great Great World, we know the former site is near to Petain. That time was also known as Flanders Sq, is in 1 of the past threads. I was reading a moment ago, saw ex Inter and Diamond stuffs. Brought back fond memories. I missed Inter firm tits, long blond hairs as she cowgirl me. Let's move on.
I am much too young to remember much on GWC, asked my senior barber he told me this. That park was not really an ideal family outings, don't believe the shits what they tell u in the movie.
There are bargirls in those drinking places, open air with fights every nights. These girls were pioneer of KTV girls which today has many trades. (We have FL WLs HC girls, all were SEX workers). He also told me, his younger day he booked girls, brought them to behind GWC. There were that periods illegal brothels operating in the 5foot way.
Other then the 3points of the golden trangle, we have KS, Desker and PT after the 80s. B4 the expanding of GL town, official RLD was former Bugis street. Today stands Bugis MRT. Seems liked the former GWC played a part in transforming the RLDs too.
Join all the points, we can see it is almost near, GWC, Desker/ PT towards Bugis Street. Another point not that far which lasts till this gen, KS brothels. That maybe the golden period of RLDs from the 40s till today.
I wrote, dear brothers again this website look out of the classroom windows, unwritten history which nobody dare to tell. But of course, it is just me i have no proof, history is never fixed. It is open for discussion and mistakes.
25-01-2011, 05:08 PM
Additional, my barber also mentioned an old term when approaching Streetwalkers. He don't really remember much in the 70s, btw he is 75yrs old. He said during that period, most were from across the causway, so? Many he recalled spoke Canto, i told him nothing really change.
PT WLs also spoke Canto, my barber uncle has retired from all this more then 10 yrs ago. Good for him and, i wish him many more years.
The old term spoke in Canto, "are u $3.6?" She said yes! Then is on, brother!
02-02-2011, 06:07 PM
Can anyone tell me,the corner one is house number??and the second one is?TIA.
02-02-2011, 06:09 PM
can anyone tell me what is the house number for the corner one and also the second one,thanks.
25-02-2011, 01:52 PM
I got senses the below WLs may quit this year.
H02R16 Michelle $50
H04R11 Mei Qi $30 (after incidents i don't think she will return)
H07R02 Jac $50
H07R03 Cookie, R06 Joyce both at $50, 1 might leave.
H07R01 (2floor) Ann $50
H10R06 Irene $50 (seldom turned up on biz)
H10R1A Rina (B sugar) $40
H12R1A May $50
H12R08 Janet $50 (Kelatan clinic probably KIV her travelling plans)
H16R12 Jennifer $50
H16R13 Vivi $50
H16R15 Amy $50
H16R16 Carol $50 (she is trying to out smart Kelatan clinic)
H22R09 Sally $30 (operating other biz during working times)
H11R21 Xue Er $50 (I will missed 1of the white bunnies)
H11 and 24 are the 2 houses that followed rules, this is what i felt every time i worked into the houses.
25-02-2011, 02:21 PM
Let me introduce a few house keepers, normally saw them during my trips. The keeper aunty of H04 don't seems to be around. Anyway this is my stories.
H02 The latest is an uncle, he liked to sit in office and read papers. This house WLs only need him to buy tissues and, wishing materials for them. He is plain lazy.
H04 Maybe this 2 houses shared the same keepers? Sometimes an aunty will appear and sit in her office. This house is rundown, till last year incident still much low key.
H10 I am not too sure, the office seems to be empty most of the time. I think is an aunty. She took more care of Big S and Kico, rest of her girls think they draw lines btw them.
H11 Ah! The 1eye aunty, looks fierce she appear during peak hours. She will sit outside JJ room, sometimes took bookings for clients. Actually friendly if u are interested to take her girls, she gave me the impression she was WL during her younger days.
H12 An aunty who walks slow, she is rather fierce if she is not in the mood. I think WLs loved her, because she kept the water warm. Used to see her taking kettle walked to the toilet, opposite Joey's room.
H14 The around 50s uncle, he look organized but, no Sir! He don't bother much, normally he turned up after 1 pm. We find his girls at provision shop smoking, chatting with the lady shop keeper. His house ang pais are; Candy and Ah Bao
H16 It is an aunty, there used to be 1 or 2 around 50s men sitting in her office. They no customers, they are i think repair man, plain lazy most of the time. The group were looking at 4Ds and Toto.
H22 The uncle with the walking cane, i think he is smart, never be fool by his outlook.
H24 An aunty who a WL told me, i have yet to meet her, probably she is busy over at other houses.
Have a good weekend!
02-03-2011, 02:20 PM
Seems liked papers and media are getting into the mood, i shall post my concern here. Is the same, politics and calling chickens, this is my story.
I believe this gen is not they owned me, after i gave them the confirmation. Rather i paid them high, yet i don't see much improvement.
I take Joyce H07R06 $50, above sexual standards, after deal nothing outstanding. On the other hand, i take Ah May H11R09 $30, she is above many $30 WLs in sexual standards.
Both are nothing much i wrote, it is after the deals i really look into it. Now my point is, this economy slowdown where things are getting expensive, with another mother of all battle coming soon. Over at Libya and, I take Ah May, she is value for $, i looked into the future, it is costs saving. Yes No?
I am not paying more for above stds chicken, not in this slowdown i don't want chilli crads, no thanks!
03-03-2011, 05:12 PM
Reading papers, saw this "Dad smothers children before plunging to death'', the court closed the case after 2 years. I was right in certain degrees, allow me to share my 2 cents with everybody.
This age, MAN must not anyhow spend the $, it is difficult to run away from SINs. No way to hid, manage it tight. For GIRL?
Never mix with the wrong/bad company, it will be your downfall. Trust me.
07-03-2011, 09:11 AM
Watched the charity ads, 1900 shits coming next weekend, cannot help notices MILF Pan Ling Ling. I would like to comments on PT Carol and Jolene.
Carol with Pan Ling Lind look alike, main customers were below 50 years old. While, sweet young thing, Jolene’s clients were all rounded. Of course, Jolene younger clients could click with her better. That does not mean MILF, Carol is unable to attract more customers.
Seems liked, sex workers which bare some similar to actress, could make a little more monies. It might not be wrong to say, Carol (Pan Ling Ling) had ousted Violet, Quan Yi Fong. Consider Violet was the popular WL past 2 years. Carol had to work harder; maybe she could up her icy cool beauty? Many Johns would love to give her biz, however sweet Jolene, needs to improve her services.
These 2 years, there were not much FRs on Jolene; probably she is just above standards. Both WLs don’t provide frenchings, that’s for sure. Based on my PT trips, I think both WLs with average customers only, comes nothing closer to Big S and over at H22. The 3 white bunnies with piercing love moaning sound.
They have to work much harder, both got the beauty and this country, is not like $50 is expensive. (Just reduce 1 IRs trip that’s about all). The aunty okt have to promote these 2 WLs more, she seems to be concentrating on JJ, Yen Yen and Rose. In fact, Julie also is value bonking, probably that aunty though brown sugars clients are Malays. It is smaller market compared to others.
Have a good week everybody!
07-03-2011, 10:48 AM
Watched the charity ads, 1900 shits coming next weekend, cannot help notices MILF Pan Ling Ling. I would like to comments on PT Carol and Jolene.
Have a good week everybody!
I like to fuck Pan lingling, but dont like Carol the timer watch :p:p
07-03-2011, 12:32 PM
I like to fuck Pan lingling, but dont like Carol the timer watch :p:p
Ups you. :cool:
Welcome to power 1.:p
I thank you.
11-03-2011, 04:20 PM
I would love to put it in PT history book, b4 it is faded from memories. I pretty much believed the new ages started in 2007, the first official (KS) WLs migration into PT brothels.
Forgive me; there are many names, which I did not put into pictures.
This period it is captured in this website, Maggie, Mun Mun and, Ting Ting came on board. These girls had brought with them, a group of customers from their former brothels. They call $50 with nothing less and, history had proven again, older call girls had to reduce pricing. It has happened all really, off peak periods they might take below $50 customers.
Many members would remember H07R01 2floor, Queen Jac who quit the scene in this year. There were postings of her; it said Jac left because she doesn’t want competition. And, there were also postings of; she had made enough, well? Rumors fly my friends.
New girls provide value added services; it also came with beauty for many guys were charmed by Mun Mun. Of course, Ting Ting’s tits which are a force to be reckon with. However KS girls were old fashion, probably they need to upgrade services by AR, BBBJs and CIM. A short period of time, this new girls create competition but, not taking away customers from current PT girls. One such is, H07R06 2floor Kathy also $50.
On Oct 25 2008 a dark cloud covered the PT sky; Coco had her life taken away at H22. Suddenly there were interests on PT, by an old bird name Mary. She grand an interview, her room was also shown in the new paper. Mary is at H17.
Still, $50 is above many average clients’ budget. Then, a global force blew into PT, not only ex GL girls, also Lehman brothers. It begins a 10 years of slow economy, tighten savings, b4 we spend, I code Miss Ris Low; “Use your brain”.
The year 2008 saw problems at the world financial centre; it does not help by another migration of GL girls. We seen here, an increase of FRs, normally many were ex GL girls. Pretty Violet and Li Wen, H14 saw Qs forming, while a reduction at H04. We cannot forget, many were located, that year at H03; we have Vivi, Ivy, Moon and Carol. There are many more, this is also the year where we watched H11. Then, we loved H11R12 Carol; the Pan Ling Ling looks alike.
11-03-2011, 04:21 PM
Interesting 2 years, which inspired me to award the PT Oscar’s, the 13 best girls based on favorable postings. The year 2009, saw Miss Diamond who commands a Q at H24, which did not happen for a long time. This house has many $20 WLs. Not long afterwards we have got, Lai Lai and Xiao Tian who called $50.
Strange this year, there is peace over at PT ground. Probably the economy slowdown plus, increase of PRC brothels over GL. Yes! The ex GL girls, there were postings of they had done better compare to former GL days.
Members will be angry if I did not write on services level. There is H12 MJ; she had given a touch on English moaning. I think many non English speaking clients were shocked, after hearing dirty English talks during SEX. We have got, Diamond with MJ then, H10 Rina too had FR on, “fuck me baby.”
The opening of City Sq Mall, thanks the management for, we have a place to relax b4 and after sexual experience.
Beautifully flowers do not bloom forever; the year 2010 saw 5 working girls left the scene. Soon there were replacement by Candy, Cookie and Joyce. Almost when we put the past away, at H04R11 Mei Qi got attached. Security is still below standards, it then shock many that the most popular Violet had quit the scene.
Fear not, PT will search for ways to attract horny guys; it came from the 3 white bunnies. This house 22, we experience crowd at R20, not as long as the 1 in 2007. Many $50 WLs, perhaps some may leave, several reasons and, the ultimate 1 will be she had offence the operator.
The coming years, PT brothels will grow even older; her surrounding by new buildings. Take a walk up CSM, you will see my point. The open ground may be taken by a heritage village; I think is reported in news last year. Will it stays? I think so, only if it follows the rules. So do everybody which love PT brothels and, its girls.
11-03-2011, 04:28 PM
Mine Bro, well done!;)
Good memories always last.:p:D
11-03-2011, 05:12 PM
Thinking back this 5yrs, brother Fornicator, do u agree 2009 was a peaceful year?
No major issues clock up, no crimes that we know of, maybe the CCTVs help after the Coco incidents. Plus, we have to note the past 2yrs, no more illegal stuffs sold along the alley.
But if u look carefully, i think RLD have people who wish to make a fast $, so long it stays hidden i have no complaints.
Have a good weekend!
11-03-2011, 05:23 PM
Thinking back this 5yrs, brother Fornicator, do u agree 2009 was a peaceful year?
No major issues clock up, no crimes that we know of, maybe the CCTVs help after the Coco incidents. Plus, we have to note the past 2yrs, no more illegal stuffs sold along the alley.
But if u look carefully, i think RLD have people who wish to make a fast $, so long it stays hidden i have no complaints.
Have a good weekend!
Yes mine Bro, agreed that 2009, for me no hassles at all. Peaceful, yes, no untoward incidents.
Illegal stuffs like gambling, yes, I can still remember that, they were run by Indian or Bangala Bros? Got 3 plastic cups in table and you will guess where the stone is hidden, place your money or bets to your best guess. I never try this shits because I know they will cheat and I don't want trouble. I just spend mine dollars on WLs. Then there were those illegal pills that suppose to enhance our dicks! Full of crap, to me is dangerous and must exercise cautious! This drugs can kill.
To this day there still this uncle selling DVD. Haha I not much into blue films anymore, since I can do it "live"!
You too mine Bro and all Bros here, happy weekend.
11-03-2011, 06:16 PM
But if u look carefully, i think RLD have people who wish to make a fast $, so long it stays hidden i have no complaints.
Have a good weekend!
Anyone who go to PT with their eye "open" will know what's happening there, anyway we are there to have a good "deal" which is more important...
12-03-2011, 12:53 AM
I don't know what is a Q until I saw H7r32f, which does not exist anymore and ex-h7r31f certainly had an invisible Q..once when I came out and along the aisle, this guy just started running in from the entrance!
Some veterans are holding well because they improve but some ex-gls after the hype are struggling now.
I thought one of the odd number h was done with renovations but yet to open?
Anyway just to share an observation although you might disagree, you generally see the slimmer ones standing to wait for customers. Those that sit or wait on the bed tend to be or grow horizontally.
Interesting 2 years, which inspired me to award the PT Oscar’s, the 13 best girls based on favorable postings. The year 2009, saw Miss Diamond who commands a Q at H24, which did not happen for a long time. This house has many $20 WLs girls.
I would love to put it in PT history....before faded from memories.......remember H07R01 2floor, Queen Jac who quit .....popular Violet ...quit ....
OLD Petain
Sammyboy forum was quite dead - many zaps for newbies. Petain not so popular - more for "cheapos", older generations, Indians, construction workers etc.
Very surprised on first visit to see: H22R9 Ada, ex H7(2)R1 Jac, H7(2)R6 & H10R10 - Kathy(s) and H16R11 Pat. They were so young, sweet, sexy and beautiful. Approached Ada and was surprised with a "$30". Took months before I dare to approach: Jac - Queen of Petain & Pat - Princess of Petain. Very surprised with their excellent services.
Petain - Till now
Visited Diamond (Sammi) ex H24R12 and Sugar (Emelda) ex H7(2)R3 - their 2nd Days in Petain. Told Diamond publicity is needed - H24 not popular, also a bit remote. Sugar did not "chio" clients (not her nature in Geylang) - but scared of publicity. Posted both first posts for Diamond and Sugar in Petain to help them - to thank them for their excellent services. Joyce (Seiko) H7R3 was also struggling, then.
Started list on ex CAT 150 Geylang WLs to inform Petain/Geylang supporters - also to bring the Geylang crowd over:
This is the start of the Petain S List. Got zapped and condemned by Geylang OKTs: 23-10-2009 10:36 PM KNNBPCB!!! U petain OKT izzzitt!!! KNNBPCB!!!
Surprised to see Violet, ex H14R6 half year ago (her 1 month leave) in Ocean "Hotel". (Rooms are not fixed for WLs). Chatted with her. She was afraid of publicity - maybe for permit reasons. Kept her secret - unfortunately no use.
Enough, do not want to bore U all. Thanks to all - fornicator, U-D-Man, Jacky43 (Just up U - Cheers :)) etc. for making Petain/forum what is today.
12-03-2011, 11:46 AM
OLD Petain
Sammyboy forum was quite dead - many zaps for newbies. Petain not so popular - more for "cheapos", older generations, Indians, construction workers etc.
Very surprised on first visit to see: H22R9 Ada, ex H7(2)R1 Jac, H7(2)R6 & H10R10 - Kathy(s) and H16R11 Pat. They were so young, sweet, sexy and beautiful. Approached Ada and was surprised with a "$30". Took months before I dare to approach: Jac - Queen of Petain & Pat - Princess of Petain. Very surprised with their excellent services.
Petain - Till now
Visited Diamond (Sammi) ex H24R12 and Sugar (Emelda) ex H7(2)R3 - their 2nd Days in Petain. Told Diamond publicity is needed - H24 not popular, also a bit remote. Sugar did not "chio" clients (not her nature in Geylang) - but scared of publicity. Posted both first posts for Diamond and Sugar in Petain to help them - to thank them for their excellent services. Joyce (Seiko) H7R3 was also struggling, then.
Started list on ex CAT 150 Geylang WLs to inform Petain/Geylang supporters - also to bring the Geylang crowd over:
This is the start of the Petain S List. Got zapped and condemned by Geylang OKTs: 23-10-2009 10:36 PM KNNBPCB!!! U petain OKT izzzitt!!! KNNBPCB!!!
Surprised to see Violet, ex H14R6 half year ago (her 1 month leave) in Ocean "Hotel". (Rooms are not fixed for WLs). Chatted with her. She was afraid of publicity - maybe for permit reasons. Kept her secret - unfortunately no use.
Enough, do not want to bore U all. Thanks to all - fornicator, U-Da-Man, jacky43 (Just up U - Cheers :)) etc. for making Petain/forum what is today.
You are most welcome Bro Kalv. ;)
Agree that "OLD Petain" was a bit boring, not much choices. But then again, I didn't know about SBF. In 1996 when I started visiting PT, houses were open from H01 to H30! Have I been a member here say starting 2001, maybe I wouldn't call it boring since I can exchange and/or share with other Bros.
Again, 1996 June - 2006 August I was on and off coming to PT. It was only in 2006 September to present that I have been full-time active! Especially in 2008 when ex-GL WLs migrated, and also in 2009 November when I became a member here in SBF.
As I went through the threads and posts, only then did I realised what I was missing through the years and I thought it was only apt that I do justice for this well deserving forum "Petain Romps".
On behalf of my other Bros, I will do what I can to help and make this forum alive and prosper. :D
May Petain brothels continue to operate for more years to come! :D
14-03-2011, 10:12 AM
I recalled b4 CSM, about 7 yrs ago my first time with H14 Kid, there is an old house 30. All the way towards the end, near the earth god temple, 1 of the old houses.
If i am correct, in H30 few old WLs operate their biz, i think Mary was in this house. Today, Mary is still working she had not quit PT brothels. I was afraid to walked into this house, because the old girls were, fierce in chionging customers. Some pulled down their dress show the breasts, 1 or 2 actually present their pussy. They were not wearing any underwear.
After H30 closed, no more this type of marketing except, there is a WL at H10. Don't know her name and room numbers, she is straight ahead upon walk into this house. Sometimes, she set on bed, open her legs shown off her hairy pussy.
Serious this modern times, i don't think PT girls need such marketing, show off 1/2 balls is all right, rest tone down. And, if i am right a short period of time, former H30 has 2 younger WLs. 1 was the late Coco and, another 1 i cannot recalled her face. They cannot worked in this house, maybe? Many old girls and, too run down it scare off customers from taking the younger girls.
15-03-2011, 01:47 PM
I remember in the 70s, the time of black white tv, b4 this gen of pretty CNA news candy Chan Eu Imm. I saw this on tv.
The police had issue a statement to the public. There are no headhunters in Singapore. Whoever spread such rumours will be subjected to..
Sorry! I had forgot the rest, different time my brothers. Today, it is much too kind until certain degress. Let me get the balls rolling.
This Sammyboy forum had this statement, there are no Radiation that falls on PT ground. All are fine.
15-03-2011, 03:49 PM
I remember in the 70s, the time of black white tv, b4 this gen of pretty CNA news candy Chan Eu Imm. I saw this on tv.
The police had issue a statement to the public. There are no headhunters in Singapore. Whoever spread such rumours will be subjected to..
Sorry! I had forgot the rest, different time my brothers. Today, it is much too kind until certain degress. Let me get the balls rolling.
This Sammyboy forum had this statement, there are no Radiation that falls on PT ground. All are fine.
bro, I really have to applaud you. you very the CAN :D
you can talk things out of no where. no head no tail :D
15-03-2011, 09:44 PM
I remember in the 70s, the time of black white tv, b4 this gen of pretty CNA news candy Chan Eu Imm. I saw this on tv.
The police had issue a statement to the public. There are no headhunters in Singapore. Whoever spread such rumours will be subjected to..
Sorry! I had forgot the rest, different time my brothers. Today, it is much too kind until certain degress. Let me get the balls rolling.
This Sammyboy forum had this statement, there are no Radiation that falls on PT ground. All are fine.
Mine Bro, I cannot get over CNA news Genevive Woo, she's so have the x-factor! For me she MILF! :p
On another note, receive sms that radiation falling on Singapore. Now just hear in news it is hoax!
Hope this helps.
16-03-2011, 05:57 PM
So brother Fornicator, u also desire Genevive Woo. ;)
Many men too, a bit not too much don't want to get zap, we knew people are sensitive in this country.
She is so CFM, many news readers are candies, so much so i watched the news beacuse of this girls. Btw, i find Loke Wei Sue, sorry if i spell wrong, icy cool beauty charms me. She is not giving CFM face, rather good clear professional English.
Refleshing! Looking fw to your FR, sir!
16-03-2011, 09:33 PM
So brother Fornicator, u also desire Genevive Woo. ;)
Many men too, a bit not too much don't want to get zap, we knew people are sensitive in this country.
She is so CFM, many news readers are candies, so much so i watched the news beacuse of this girls. Btw, i find Loke Wei Sue, sorry if i spell wrong, icy cool beauty charms me. She is not giving CFM face, rather good clear professional English.
Refleshing! Looking fw to your FR, sir!
I also loike this SYT who do the business reports, Wei Du. Mine Bro I find her face cute + her voice solid and her English very good.
Yes, my FR coming, hehe.
17-03-2011, 08:32 AM
So brother Fornicator, u also desire Genevive Woo. ;)
Many men too, a bit not too much don't want to get zap, we knew people are sensitive in this country.
She is so CFM, many news readers are candies, so much so i watched the news beacuse of this girls. Btw, i find Loke Wei Sue, sorry if i spell wrong, icy cool beauty charms me. She is not giving CFM face, rather good clear professional English.
Refleshing! Looking fw to your FR, sir!
Haha, I now watching CNA and I see this Loke Wei Sue. Yes I like her also, kinda reminds me of the ang pai Violet because of short hair.
Funny we desire this CNA women, oh my Genevive, what would I give for just 1 session with her, hehe! :p:D
Good morning Bros! :D
17-03-2011, 09:14 AM
So brother Fornicator, u also desire Genevive Woo. ;)
Many men too, a bit not too much don't want to get zap, we knew people are sensitive in this country.
She is so CFM, many news readers are candies, so much so i watched the news beacuse of this girls. Btw, i find Loke Wei Sue, sorry if i spell wrong, icy cool beauty charms me. She is not giving CFM face, rather good clear professional English.
Refleshing! Looking fw to your FR, sir!
Hahaha! I desire Otelli Edwards! :p
I thank you.
17-03-2011, 02:19 PM
Yesterday in H24, Mong Peng is it? Her room is behind Xiao Li, she is $20 and have took her long time ago. I think she had taken away her room numbers, probably she is aware of us members. No worry we know her.
Now during that time, she was on HP, chatting very loud in Canto, a nick of these girls. They are not awared many brother understands, somehow we could piece the pics or something.
This is her conversation in Canto; " she is on medication! Tell her to stop, some girls also on drug. What make you think only man." Last but not least, "How is she going to work?"
Probably this WL is managing some body, all the while many came here because they need the long stay permits. No wonder many seldom turn up, every trips i learn more. Of course happy to share over here and, not on PT ground.
17-03-2011, 11:51 PM
Some PT WLs, ex or present are even this forum members with power some more!
Yesterday in H24, Mong Peng is it? Her room is behind Xiao Li, she is $20 and have took her long time ago. I think she had taken away her room numbers, probably she is aware of us members. No worry we know... course happy to share over here and, not on PT ground.
20-03-2011, 09:49 AM
Men desired big boobs’ call girls; fact is many overlooked PT brothels had such stocks. But, do we guys know how to handle this? With the exception of H2R3 Sally and, H7R1 (2floor) Ann who till now I have yet to seen. Do I have your attention? Yes!
I will rank them per my sexual experience with the girls; as usual brothers have their own popular girls, different from mine which is acceptable.
The brightness spotlights of all, I would give to H14R9 Miss Attitude, aka Li Wen $50, such beautifully firm tits. Whichever ways we take her, front and back her tits provide good gripping. However Li Wen might not allow more than a slight touch, you need to use your charms gentleman. Her major problem is stone cold, too quiet and almost tasteless session.
My diamond crown goes to H2R15 Tingx2 at $50, she still command such rate because hers is a force to reckon with. Tingx2 boobs tend to look promising when she stands straight, upon lied on bed they drop downwards. No worry you see, Tingx2 had a set of assess which you could hold onto during doggy. She proves to be a good lay at this amount.
Silver I would award to H2R2 $50 Maggie, probably KS brothels brought in 2 big tits girls, to up the sales of this house. Maggie’s tits not bad, I say firm nice to fondle and, she is accommodating during sex. I have taken her from the front; holding both boobs and frenched her deep.
My dear Maggie, age is catching up with you, you need to maintain your service standard. If not, consider an early retirement.
There is a reserve force, mine you, I would give it to a $20 WL, she is done other then H24R19 Mong Peng. Ah Peng had her room number taken down; we know she is behind Xiao Li upon walked into inner lane. Never let her fool you, guys!
I notice her boobs are nicely done, not really big liked the 3 girls. They are pointed, hard and provide good fondling during sex. Like all old call girls, her time has run out yrs ago. I might return to suck those tits, don’t think she mind that is provided I pay her $50.
Ah Peng is friendly; in fact I think her customers knew of her spotlights. No wonder, for $20 over at H24. I think she is more popular then, Ah Fen and Jessie.
There you have it, only when we know how to handle, we can get the ultimate pleasure from it. There are many things to learn, my brothers we will see when we get there.
21-03-2011, 12:16 PM
I pretty much believe the new age started in Y2K, it could be the offical big group of PRC pdmms, which came with their childrens. This women were suprised, that so long as they willing to sell their pussy, they will make profits.
The SEX operators of this country saw this willing women, they might wonder hei! Bring it on, bring it to the gentlemen at HDB estates. They have the $, the beginning where the supply was limited, and i think it took the industry to pickup less then 2 years.
We knew b4 migration of PRC WLs at GL, also b4 beer girls who are getting younger and sweeter. Willing to please too, with many allreally hit the target less then a year. Then it bomb overnight, i mean the Chinese papers reported on black glass hair saloons, or was it HC MP around the HDB markets.
Morale is wrong! Gods forgive us, brothers! We were not aware that we being struck by SIN. Wives complaints of hubby hanging around such joints, they not at RLDs, no Sir! Just behind the block, i think that period was above market rates.
Then many moved to PRC towns, maybe due to reporting in papers? Customers and their girls need to be low keys, anyway it is wrong to have such activities around town.
Rather around 2008, or early the first batch of PRC WLs appeared at GL brothels. It leads to retrenchement of Malaysian WLs, probably these girls were shocked and it serve them right. Why? They should see it coming.
Probably the authority decided, control and manage the future, this case knowing that many PRC SEX workers may not stayed in legal brothels more then a year. I say grant them the permits!
There are no turn back the clock, many FTs (man) came and, the market bloom thanks2their support. PT KS girls need to learn from the PRC sisters, but we know people are proud to ask to be guided. Future fierce competition btw these 2 group of girls. The customers win no doubt but, be prepare to face the dangers of commercial SEX, because the girls will be taking more FTs.
Maybe? Leave all this, it is still not too late, if not stick to legal joints. That will be fine, at least for a short while.
22-03-2011, 04:09 PM
How could i miss it? All the yrs passing thru PT ground, and reading postings from brothers here. Let me write a few.
H14 opens after 1 pm, usually few girls, Ah Bao, Kid and Sophia screamed, "good morning!" Is not like they don't know the time or something. There was also a posting from a brother, long time ago, he notice Li Wen came to work, she lockoff a short while later. He wrote she is not feeling well.
I wonder? Did she had outcall, maybe? H2 Tingx2 seldom turn up, her sister Michelle too and, many also with this habits. Wait! How can i not mention, H22 Sally seems to be busy with other affairs elsewhere. I heard she talking on HP, i think is $ issues.
Many brothers are aware Vivi and, Cookie were unpredictable, but why? I have seen Vivi came in, soon a customer follows. Probably if i had $200, i could take her at a budget hotel. Maybe?
Are the office not functiong? We seeing the uncles and auntys on phones, if not they seems to be busy somewhere else. Time to change a new keeper, somebody who ensure who cannot come today.
The focus is on Good Morning, if it is outcall, then our legal brothel sys failed.
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