View Full Version : do u reveal u married when targetting for FB???
11-09-2010, 12:12 PM
is it better to be upfront about it?
11-09-2010, 12:31 PM
it would be smarter to reveal AFTER the first fuck :D
11-09-2010, 12:37 PM
beta to reveal everything initially before any actions...
At least if you have action ltr, confirm the girl can accept ur status.
Otherwise... u gotta fight External and INTERNAL war... can u imagine tht? :eek:
11-09-2010, 12:40 PM
i would delcare it if i were u.
Its better to frank with them.
better the inform the status else later u get more issues haha
11-09-2010, 03:14 PM
I think it will be good to be frank and open at least you clearly indicate your intention in the very beginning that you only want to have fun. :):D
11-09-2010, 03:19 PM
yes i did told my 2 fbs upfront, actually, i think they find married guys more matured n charming in a way. they like the honesty too.
11-09-2010, 03:26 PM
If you reveal and your fb like it means she loves competition. You may get commando treatment on the bed:)
11-09-2010, 04:22 PM
For me, it is always I love you / want to be with you but bo pian, we met too late. So we heavy pet and don't do anything else. From there, I have successfully upz 99% of the girls. The only 1% is, she was having menstrual. The secret to success is very simple. Make her feel that u want her very much but u are still loyal to your partner & Petting is actually to fulfill her needs rather then yours. When she gets horny.... U know what to do liao :cool:
11-09-2010, 07:46 PM
yup better reveal... den like this ur fb will know wad to do & wad not to do...
11-09-2010, 07:54 PM
it is better to tell the truth and she finds out tat u do not tell the truth urs marriage life game over... yrs life be burst.
11-09-2010, 09:29 PM
I just got to know a pinay from FB and she gave me her mobile contact also. I've told her I'm married with 2 kids also. I think this one will have potential as she said we should go out at other day....hehehe
I prefers to be open so as to avoid problem at a later stage. ;)
11-09-2010, 10:21 PM
Honesty is the best policy. Just tell your potential FB that you're married and don't expect you to marry them. You don't want to end up in a battle with 2 fronts to fight. Everybody would want to have fun... cover your tracks well friend... :D
11-09-2010, 10:29 PM
Yes, be honest about it. Better to tell the truth and get rejected than to be shouted at by both parties when FB finds out.
11-09-2010, 11:24 PM
U r looking for a FB not a wife so it makes sense to be honest with her n urself. ;)
11-09-2010, 11:48 PM
I have a friend who hides his status. His luck is at least 20 times better than mine even though he is older and fat.
12-09-2010, 02:42 AM
Yes from a girl pt of view. My ex or current fbs did tell me their status. Whether attached or married, it's best to say clearly.
12-09-2010, 03:02 AM
it depends on ur target's perspection...
4 me (a few incidents) its better 2 reveal, less headache in future dealings wif fb, otherwise hv 2 keep remember so many details (gals got SUPER memory wen they're attached emotional 2 u) :o
jz sharin onli
12-09-2010, 10:37 AM
its better to reveal b4 the fuxk is not later...
(night long dreams alot)translate from chinese...:D:D
12-09-2010, 01:30 PM
..."I have a friend who hides his status. His luck is at least 20 times better than mine even though he is older and fat. "
female is not stupid. older and fat is not the main point, in fact most females knew older man is most likely not available. they choose older man maybe because they can spend $$ or those females themselves don't want commitment!!! :D
To TS,...always better to declare. Your life will be screwed if she won't let you go after you bonk her with lies. If declared and she still give in, then expectation is set :cool:
There is alot of experienced bros here. hehehe...
12-09-2010, 02:10 PM
better to reveal. i will too. then it's clear that it will be no strings attached. :cool:
13-09-2010, 10:55 PM
better to reveal before any action take place .. if not later you will have heart attack when she always call you or even went to you home to give you suprise... and somemore you wife will feel that you have something to hide from her if you behave abnormal when you phone ring or sms ... believe me bro.. woman sixth sense cant play play one... better honest to FB as you only need to make up story to your wife if not later you will confuse with the excuse to give to both of them..
14-09-2010, 12:38 PM
Yes, Reveal before any action will help. Be truthful, cos if they know they
know the limits. That's how I maintain with my current FB, and twin lovers.
14-09-2010, 01:03 PM
I will =)
If the other party are 'on' to play the game, then lets play the game and enjoy it. Rather than not to reveal, and game over very fast when the other party found out.
Better to be honest with them. If they can accept, and still fling with you, then good, if not, too bad.
You dun want to encounter a situation of the gal taking revenge on you by stalking you, making a scene at your house or at your office, and let the whole world know that you are a cheater. Can cost you your job and marriage
15-09-2010, 05:56 PM
From my personal experience with my FB who's been with me here in SG for more than a year, from the beginning its always honesty.
Shes a foreigner working here as a professional Pass holder in a hotel here.
Letting her know my status is the right thing because when we go out together with her friends she is never shy to intro me as her BF.
At the same time it allows me to set limitations of when she can or cannot call after 10pm when i get home we have an agreement not to have any phone calls. Even sms is done descreetly too and i always log my phone with password just in case :D
I think the most important thing is that if she really wants to be with you and understands your situation, she will be agreeable to set guidelines and dos and donts etc.
So far (touch wood) everything has been going on fine and really enjoying this FB relationship and at the same time fulfulling my role to my CO hehe.
Best to always plan ahead on meeting places and time, and i tell you, if have time bring her to Desaru, Bintan or Batam for short trips and bang the hell out of each that kind of short holiday is so wonderful...hehe..brings back so many nice memories for me.
Just sharing my 2 cents.
sex crusader
15-09-2010, 10:27 PM
Yes...i have a Chinese FB in China and she knows my marital status. She is not any KTV gal but as an Interpreter working in a JAp firm in Shenzhen. This is to avoid sensitive issues being pop up. In my opinion, a FB should be anyone that understand it's only a sex game not love. Just my two cents!:)
26-09-2010, 01:17 PM
Definitely. I think all the accumulated wisdom by the brudders above makes it pretty dang clear that those of us who are mainly out to get action in bed (even with a current steady), do not need all the emotional train ride of false expectations from the gal and the wayang that may follow IF your cover gets blown.
Just think about it, if at that time the truth comes out, both of you would have invested some 感情, and accusations of betrayal will start flying. The less cool headed and confident types amongst us will start getting fears of losing the gal ... she may say, you choose - "your wife or me" and other blackmail. You can probably even kenna other battle tactics from her like her starting to try to improve her position (more $$$, more time, more restrictions on what you can do) through playing the betrayal card. In calmer moments you may even start thinking if she knew all along (they cannot be so naive!!) and was just waiting to size you up and spring her extra conditions at the right time.
Unless you're single and looking for a life partner, I think you gotta be clear to her she is on contract at best for a time, or that she is the 小老婆 whilst the CO is the head wife. I have always made clear my marital status from day 1 and the number of kiddies so that later there will never be any misunderstanding or any fiction in their heads that they have it all the way (or a chance to be the da lao po). Those pals that did not, tended to have a lot of problems down the line emotionally although any relationship IMHO should be one of power to the guy with the dick and the $$$ and not the other way around. I think all these women coming over here are no sweet innocents. They must have made all their calculations and are motivated mainly (initially at least) by the big S and 11, as one of my regular Mummies at LV would say.
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