View Full Version : shenzhen n guangzhou

23-10-2010, 11:05 PM
any bro can give me "proper" guidance for SZ n GZ.. will be there for 20 days for biz so i need some guidance.. thks..


24-10-2010, 06:18 AM
any bro can give me "proper" guidance for SZ n GZ.. will be there for 20 days for biz so i need some guidance.. thks..

Since you open a new thread unnessary, no guidance will be given.
But u still can approach those china agent.

24-10-2010, 10:51 AM
any bro can give me "proper" guidance for SZ n GZ.. will be there for 20 days for biz so i need some guidance.. thks..

simi is "proper" guidance har ??? :D :D

24-10-2010, 10:53 PM
...can give me "proper" guidance for SZ n GZ.. will be there for 20 days for biz so i need some guidance.. thks..

simi is "proper" guidance har ???

Maybe you can try to go to a big book store and look for your "proper" guide book for A - Z places! :cool:

24-10-2010, 11:01 PM
Yo three senior bro you all are very bad lor........ You all are not good man, i better, you go to GPRS goolge map and find heehee