View Full Version : PE, any advice for it?
14-12-2010, 03:30 PM
Hey bros, I need some help. Recently I've been experiencing premature ejaculations when I'm screwing this really hot girl and it's really irritating when you can't handle the heat.
Any bros here who can give me some advice? Would really appreciate it.
14-12-2010, 03:42 PM
So how long can you fuck before you cum ?
14-12-2010, 03:53 PM
Hey bros, I need some help. Recently I've been experiencing premature ejaculations when I'm screwing this really hot girl and it's really irritating when you can't handle the heat.
Any bros here who can give me some advice? Would really appreciate it.
Brother, the main issue is probably you are not getting enough sex. So you are getting overexcited like never had pussy in a year or more so shoot maybe before enter or when she pull your pants down? You need to have sex more frequently.
14-12-2010, 03:57 PM
It depends, it's usually a heavy foreplay before fucking. And it tends to vary, sometimes 5secs, some other times would be around 20-30secs. It's always during the first shot that I take such a short time to ejaculate. After the first it'll usually last around 5mins sometimes 10mins. It's been really bothering me.
14-12-2010, 04:07 PM
u r not having premature ejaculations on this gal.u having it all along....
14-12-2010, 04:42 PM
fuck more, train ur cock more, sure u will be better :D
14-12-2010, 05:02 PM
Brother, the main issue is probably you are not getting enough sex. So you are getting overexcited like never had pussy in a year or more so shoot maybe before enter or when she pull your pants down? You need to have sex more frequently.
It's usually after entering. Have it like once in a few weeks, usually for 2 or 3 rounds. Guess it's not enough?
14-12-2010, 05:20 PM
Yeah, like other samster said, do it more often n u should prolong the cum.
Likewise, can try to focus ur thoughts on other matters while thrusting. Or try to regulate ur breathing evenly. Or once u insert in, u and her don't move, leave the cock inside, once the urge to shootz stabilise, then start to thrust.
Just my thots. No guarantee will work.
14-12-2010, 05:27 PM
Use thicker condom? it might help i think!
14-12-2010, 06:12 PM
bro manifestation, u can try using those numbing spray that the sex toy shops use. I used to cum within 10 i feel more confident. but pls remember to wash yr dick clean b4 entering raw. If not...she'll feel numb
14-12-2010, 06:21 PM
It depends, it's usually a heavy foreplay before fucking. And it tends to vary, sometimes 5secs, some other times would be around 20-30secs. It's always during the first shot that I take such a short time to ejaculate. After the first it'll usually last around 5mins sometimes 10mins. It's been really bothering me.
Don't worry. You are currently at level 1 advancing to level 2 soon. In the past, I was just like you.
Now, I am at level 2 advancing to level 3 soon. With heavy foreplay before fucking, it tends to vary, sometimes 5 mins sometimes 10mins or so. It's during the first shot that I take around such a time to ejaculate. After the first it'll usually last around 50mins sometimes cannot cum at all and I need to rest longer. It's also bothering me as usually I can only cum once now.......
14-12-2010, 07:03 PM
TS, may b u need more lubrication 2 reduce the sensation...
U may consider 2 try using "this ("... easy 2 apply & definitely very slippery...
In fact, it's so slippery that ur hotdog may not have feel that it has pentrate the abalone... :cool:
* Important note: Don't use it w/CD... ;)
Hey bros, I need some help. Recently I've been experiencing premature ejaculations when I'm screwing this really hot girl and it's really irritating when you can't handle the heat.
Any bros here who can give me some advice? Would really appreciate it.
14-12-2010, 07:12 PM
U may consider 2 try using "this ("... easy 2 apply & definitely very slippery...
* Important note: Don't use it w/CD... ;)
*Peng* you are faster this time. Previously, I asked another guy to use this (**http%3a// as it can make a guy last longer and the woman moan louder.
14-12-2010, 07:15 PM
Sorry that i got the first joss-stick... :o
*Peng* you are faster this time. Previously, I asked another guy to use this (**http%3a// as it can make a guy last longer and the woman moan louder.
14-12-2010, 08:44 PM
Maybe can try using a thick condom or are you doing it raw..pcc before upping that hot girl, sure can help..or don't let her cowgirl, some girls commando, once in cowgirl position will rock till the guy KO in less than one minute...try to think of other things while bonking and not french and caress the girl's body but it will be less enjoyable since cannot savour her hot bod
15-12-2010, 02:09 AM
If cowgirl position I last even longer but missionary around 5 mins, I dunno abt others but u can try cis cowgirl divert my attention hence can last longer
Learn to relax, don't over hype yourself and more practice.
I used to encounter the same problem. Sometimes too kamchiong.
Once I was about to bonk a girl of my dream(a model), have been fantasizing about her. When the moment of truth came, I cummed in less than 10 seconds. Super turn off rite!!!
Never got chance to screw her again.
So my advice, practice and know more bout yourself.
15-12-2010, 09:20 AM
*Peng* you are faster this time. Previously, I asked another guy to use this (**http%3a// as it can make a guy last longer and the woman moan louder.
LOL!! this remind me of a joke:
Bro xxx go geylang, worry the condom broken, so he wear a CD then he apply axe oil, then he wear another CD.
when having sex,
if the women shout pain, the outer CD broken.
if u feel pain, the inner CD broken.
if both feel pain, STOP ALL ACTION!!
cheers :D
15-12-2010, 09:26 AM
LOL!! this remind me of a joke:
Bro xxx go geylang, worry the condom broken, so he wear a CD then he apply axe oil, then he wear another CD.
when having sex,
if the women shout pain, the outer CD broken.
if u feel pain, the inner CD broken.
if both feel pain, STOP ALL ACTION!!
cheers :D
Hee hee sounds quite logical.... :D
15-12-2010, 10:20 AM
Bro Hotdogsoo... will axe oil disintegrate both CDs?? :confused:
IMHO, i think may b can consider using mustard ( pg) or Tobasco Sauce ( instead... :D
LOL!! this remind me of a joke:
Bro xxx go geylang, worry the condom broken, so he wear a CD then he apply axe oil, then he wear another CD.
when having sex,
if the women shout pain, the outer CD broken.
if u feel pain, the inner CD broken.
if both feel pain, STOP ALL ACTION!!
cheers :D
15-12-2010, 12:16 PM
Bro..if got ED it jus go to family clinic for advise or get vigara.. Tks
15-12-2010, 12:36 PM
Actually I do have problem like you too...
One thing like other bros mentioned is to exercise your dick...
the other is pills... but pills are not forever... so well, most important is still exercise.. =)
I used to cum like 10-20 sec for first round of penetration... And even 2nd or 3rd or 4th round... Also like 20-30 sec... or max 1 min... But when come to HJ or BJ, can take more than 30mins... even how good the girl is...
Foreplay alot in advance is required for me, in order to satisfy my girl too...
For now, thx to all bros for the 'tips' and 'suggestion' in exercise it, hence controlling of cumming is not a problem for me...
15-12-2010, 03:15 PM
Actually I do have problem like you too...
One thing like other bros mentioned is to exercise your dick...
the other is pills... but pills are not forever... so well, most important is still exercise.. =)
I used to cum like 10-20 sec for first round of penetration... And even 2nd or 3rd or 4th round... Also like 20-30 sec... or max 1 min... But when come to HJ or BJ, can take more than 30mins... even how good the girl is...
Foreplay alot in advance is required for me, in order to satisfy my girl too...
For now, thx to all bros for the 'tips' and 'suggestion' in exercise it, hence controlling of cumming is not a problem for me...
True enough, whatever you just mentioned really applies to me too. The HJ's and BJ's can last forever but when it comes to the penetration part it's like everything's just wrong. Especially when she's tight and she's very wild and rides you like crazy in cowgirl position.
15-12-2010, 03:23 PM
Hey bros, I need some help. Recently I've been experiencing premature ejaculations when I'm screwing this really hot girl and it's really irritating when you can't handle the heat.
Any bros here who can give me some advice? Would really appreciate it.
I have the same problem last time. but what i do is masterbed first before doing with girls. currently, i have no more this problem, like what other bros say, you might not have enuff job done. you need to work harder day night long ya...
15-12-2010, 04:18 PM
TS you watched the show "Something About Mary". Like one of the characters said in the movie "Flog the Dolphin" before you go on a hot date.
15-12-2010, 04:59 PM
TS you watched the show "Something About Mary". Like one of the characters said in the movie "Flog the Dolphin" before you go on a hot date.
Never, by flog the dolphin you meant?
15-12-2010, 05:05 PM
Bro Manifestation... check out the below link:
TS you watched the show "Something About Mary". Like one of the characters said in the movie "Flog the Dolphin" before you go on a hot date.
Never, by flog the dolphin you meant?
15-12-2010, 06:39 PM
This is some suggestion from me which u might want to consider.
1) Wank before u meet the gal.
2) Cum during foreplay.
3) During sex, if u feel like cuming, withdraw and use finger to continue stimulate ur partner. The main thing is to cool urself down first.
4) During sex, if feel like cuming, change position. Heard that cowgal can prolong sex duration.
5) Clinch ur ass muscle when u feel like cuming. (Heard from friend say one.)
6) Must DIY everyday to train ur endurance.
17-12-2010, 10:40 AM
well if all else fail there is a new drug in town check out straits times 17th dec i dont have the link, maybe bro here can point the link. cheers
17-12-2010, 10:58 AM
ya something new... who want to try? :D
Dec 17, 2010
A world's first for S'pore
MEN who experience premature ejaculation during sex may finally get some belated relief.
They can soon pop a pill, which will be available here from March next year, which may help with the problem.
Priligy, manufactured by Janssen- Cilag, is touted as the world's first oral medication for premature ejaculation.
The new drug, to be taken one to three hours before sex, is said to triple the time a man can last in bed.
The Health Sciences Authority approved the medication last month for men aged 18 to 64 years old.
But doctors say the pill is not meant as a cure for the condition.
17-12-2010, 11:40 AM
block interested?
i can get....hehehe
Not sure whether does doing a lot helps or not :confused: I have the same problem and doing a lot doesn't really help me. I used to think it helps too but for my case, it has been 10+ years already and still not improving.
I understand your feeling. If go chiong also scare dunno will the WL will laugh at you or not coz cum too soon. One night stand also that girl will never look forward to do with you again. And I don't think we can get any fuck buddy too :(
Now me and my gf seldom do anymore coz both of us know if do also she won't satisfied and me also won't feel good :(
I hope you will not be in my position and improve. If not, honestly, our sex life will really suck.
Now my loyal sex partner? My hands :p
18-12-2010, 10:06 AM
This is some suggestion from me which u might want to consider.
1) Wank before u meet the gal.
2) Cum during foreplay.
3) During sex, if u feel like cuming, withdraw and use finger to continue stimulate ur partner. The main thing is to cool urself down first.
4) During sex, if feel like cuming, change position. Heard that cowgal can prolong sex duration.
5) Clinch ur ass muscle when u feel like cuming. (Heard from friend say one.)
6) Must DIY everyday to train ur endurance.
This is very true and good, which I used often when bonking my OC or helps in 'ease' your sexual desire, and goes for more... Moreover, usually after your really shoot out, it will be alot... instead of few drops kind...
As for no# 6, I dun think it really helps... At least for my case previously...
Not sure whether does doing a lot helps or not :confused: I have the same problem and doing a lot doesn't really help me. I used to think it helps too but for my case, it has been 10+ years already and still not improving.
I understand your feeling. If go chiong also scare dunno will the WL will laugh at you or not coz cum too soon. One night stand also that girl will never look forward to do with you again. And I don't think we can get any fuck buddy too :(
Now me and my gf seldom do anymore coz both of us know if do also she won't satisfied and me also won't feel good :(
I hope you will not be in my position and improve. If not, honestly, our sex life will really suck.
Now my loyal sex partner? My hands :p
Bro.. As for FL, I think they will be happy if you cum fast... Why? Cause they can get paid, and go for more 'clients' =D
Since its call ONS, well, it will be a One Night of course. So dont give up easily...
For FB and OC wise, well, you may need to train up using bro D-joker points... Next is maybe can get those pills, like 'Revival' to help in it... (Which helped me too =)
As for 'loyal sex partner = hand', don't think you want to marry a pair of hands right? So well, still useful to train up oneself...
Sat st times got new drugs for PE... Very costly though.
18-12-2010, 10:55 AM
Temporary method is to use Magic Tissue.
A box of 6 sachet (range from S$6.00 to S$9.00) and could be kept for re-use. Do not apply too much as it numb your penis too much till you could not cum and feel so frustrated instead. Can get in mam-mam shop or even along the stretch of Geylang Lor 18.
18-12-2010, 09:40 PM
Not sure whether does doing a lot helps or not :confused: I have the same problem and doing a lot doesn't really help me. I used to think it helps too but for my case, it has been 10+ years already and still not improving.
I understand your feeling. If go chiong also scare dunno will the WL will laugh at you or not coz cum too soon. One night stand also that girl will never look forward to do with you again. And I don't think we can get any fuck buddy too :(
Now me and my gf seldom do anymore coz both of us know if do also she won't satisfied and me also won't feel good :(
I hope you will not be in my position and improve. If not, honestly, our sex life will really suck.
Now my loyal sex partner? My hands :p
try this
or this
both i try before...very good!! the review not so choon one.
but i don't know got side effects or pls do not blame me
maybe someone can do a group stock running out
i used to buy when i go usa.
singapore used to have the durex one..but nowadays..i seldom see liao
if you use the cream with the Durex Performa can last 15min!!!!
19-05-2011, 05:55 PM
I was at JC in the afternoon just now, strolling pass the famous house utensils shop (5B), and dropped by to the next door shop which sells Jamu and stuff, and found magic tissues there at a box of $3 (6 sachets) only, super cheap. There are others, men oil, and the leech oil which bros here discussed before ($12.50). I also found this product called Kuku Bima TL, which can improve PE & ED and sperm quality, energy and vitality, increase body defence. This has tablet form (but there are a few ranges) and powder type. While queuing up for payment, 3 syt passed by and one in pink t-shirt wink at me.....later found that she is a vietnamese, but not sure if she is a FL.
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