View Full Version : Cheating wife

21-12-2010, 03:23 AM
"Are you sure your phone is charged?" Her husband asked from the kitchen as Katy double checked that everything she needed was in her purse, though once they got down to Clarke Quay her purse would probably wind up in the trunk anyway.

"Yes, Daddy," she joked, joining him in the kitchen and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"I know you can take care of yourself, hon. It's your friends I don't entirely trust. I don't mind coming out to get you guys if Mo doesn't keep sober." Mo was Maureen , one of Katy's oldest friends and the evening's designated driver.

"Stop it, because you really are sounding like my father now, except without the drunken temper. Mo knows she's driving and I will keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't drink. We were down there the year everything went crazy and we got out of there completely fine." She was referring to four years ago when everything on Orchard Towers got out of control and just about every cop in the city had to be called in to control the drunken mob. A bunch of guys had helped Katy and her friends onto the roof of a minivan to stay safe until the crowd passed them by. Yet another example of where being an attractive woman was helpful, Katy thought. She knew she was no Playboy centerfold, but Katy turned heads when she dressed up to go out. At 5'7" and thirty-two-years-old Katy still had a nice, curvy body, though she didn't do anything to maintain it. She'd just lucked out in the genetics crapshoot was all. Her shoulder-length hair was naturally auburn, but Katy kept it a couple shades redder than nature intended with the help of Miss Clairol.

There was a honk from the driveway, cutting off any further protest from her husband and Katy, laughing, told him not to wait up as she headed for the door. She slipped into the back of the minivan beside Angie and the women were off for the night. The wine was already open and Katy was passed a full plastic glass. Heading out for a night of partying with her three best friends made Katy feel like she was right back in high school. Besides Mo and Angie, Patty was there as well, sitting in the front passenger seat.

"So are you girls ready for a night of no responsibility? No husbands, no kids, no work tomorrow morning. Just the four of us, some booze and hopefully some cute guys to flirt with." Patty said, raising her glass. The other women, except for Mo who was driving, raised their glasses and drank. It was a poor choice of words with Mo present though, as her husband had left just six months before. She did her best to let the comment pass without dwelling on it. Two of the four, Mo and Patty, had kids and all of them were married.

"Here's to partying like it's 1989!" Katy chimed in, initiating another round of drinking.

21-12-2010, 03:27 AM
Hitting Clarke Quay on Tuesday was a tradition that went back to their senior year together at Nanyang Polytechnic, when they cut class to do it. Katy and Mo had been friends since primary school and they'd met the others in secondary and been lifelong friends ever since. Whatever paths life took them down, the four made sure they stayed connected. Over the years the city had changed a lot, going from a fun, but drunken celebration to a party big enough to rival any other club scene in Asia. The scene could get so out of hand that Angie had suggested maybe they get together somewhere else this year, but the others wouldn't hear of it.

It was only half past eight when they hit Boat Quay, but the area was thronging with people who'd been drinking since early in the day. The closest parking they could find was a garage ten blocks away and despite the brisk night Katy and Patty chose to leave their jackets in the minivan. Katy was quite chilly on the long walk as she was just wearing a see-thru black sweater with a camisole under it and an above-the-knee skirt and boots. Patty wasn't much better off as she had chosen a skirt even shorter than Katy's and a low-cut, sleeveless red top, décolletage provided by the Miracle Bra. With her pale skin and jet hair she looked like a million bucks in the outfit, but she was paying the price as she shivered all the way to the first bar they stopped in.

While Patty pushed her way up to the bar to fill their drink order the others searched fruitlessly for a table and Mo and Angie shed their coats to get more comfortable. Mo was dressed in black slacks and a green top and looked good. She'd always been more cute than sexy, what with her freckles and auburn hair, but she did have a curvy body, which some would say had improved with age. She didn't have the body she'd had at eighteen, but the extra ten pounds or so she now carried were in all the right places and she was more self conscious about her butt than she really needed to be. Angie, on the other hand, was the polar opposite of Mo and the latter had always resented that Angie could eat anything she wanted and stay thin as a pin. Angie was attractive, with classic Paranakan features and blonde hair, but she had no curves at all and her skirt and tight sweater just seemed to hang on her. In truth she'd always envied Mo for her big chest, even in a Miracle Bra of her own she barely managed to raise two bumps in her sweater, so that made the women even.

Angie helped Patty carry their drinks back to where the women were crowded together. The bar was so crowded that it was a constant challenge to get their drinks down without spilling them all over themselves. The people around them constantly jostled them and Katy noted that more than one guy used it as an excuse to cop a feel as he pushed past her. When they finished their round they decided to try somewhere else.

The next bar was also very packed, but at least they found a corner where they could form a circle and have a bit of breathing room. Of course there was still nowhere to sit and Angie and Mo were left holding their coats.

"Every year this gets worse. It's really becoming a zoo," Mo said with some distaste.

21-12-2010, 03:28 AM
"But come on, it's fun!" Katy said. "I love the energy of a big crowd having a good time."

"I don't know. I think it's a little much," Mo replied.

"You're just getting old." Patty joked.

"Hey, so are you then," Angie piped up.

"It's all a state of mind, hon. You'd feel a lot better if you weren't the designated driver." Patty said.

"We can switch if you want. I'm barely buzzed, I could definitely be sober by the time we leave." Katy told her friend.

"No, it's okay. You guys are right, though. I really need to loose up. I feel like there's been a black cloud following me around for months now."

"I know it's been hard, but tonight is the perfect night to forget about all that and start fresh." Patty said.

"Okay, tonight I will just go with the flow."

"That's more like it!" Katy exclaimed and they all toasted. Mo was drinking beer, but was severely limiting herself. "And for the record, no one here is getting old!"

"Easy for you to say with a body like that," Mo kidded.

"Oh, come on!" Katy protested.

"Pu-leez, hon! Look at that ass," Patty said, and to demonstrate she smacked her friend on the behind. "I'd kill to have an ass like that."

"Not to mention your chest," Angie threw in ruefully.

"Knock it off, guys! You're making me feel like a piece of meat. This is all the magic of wardrobe and makeup. You should see me naked. Wait, scratch that!" They all broke up laughing.

After a couple rounds they left that bar and circulated through the crowds swirling on Clarke Quay. Katy wryly noted that it seemed like the crowd got younger every year, though she didn't want to admit that maybe it was just because she and her friends were getting older. Patty was right, age is all a state of mind. There did seem to be some men their age, but she could find hardly any women. More than once Katy found herself stepping around puddles of vomit by the curbs, the fragrant side effect of so much public drinking. They had a round each in a couple more bars and by the time they arrived at the fifth bar of the night, a little Irish pub a couple blocks off Clarke Quay, they were all half-smashed. Even Mo found herself buzzed despite her efforts to remain completely sober. There was breathing room there, but they still had to stand by the bar.

21-12-2010, 03:30 AM
"So what's the game plan now, ladies?" Angie asked.

Patty wandered back from the jukebox and said, "There's actually some room here and some good songs on the jukebox, so I think we make camp and do a little dancing." There was a small space that passed for a dance floor in the middle of the bar, but no one was up there.

"I don't want to dance if no one else is." Mo said.

"If you guys get up there I will," Katy said.

"Remember, tonight is the night to cut loose," Patty reminded her friend.

Angie quickly volunteered to watch the coats and their drinks and Katy and Patty dragged Mo out to dance. Katy found a CD of early 90's dance music and selected a couple tracks. Their dancing drew some attention from the people sitting right by the dance floor, but after a couple minutes those people went back to drinking and ignored them, especially after one guy's girlfriend smacked him for checking out Katy's ass. The girls had a good time up there and soon forget there was even anyone around them, except that Katy noticed a table of about six guys watching them from the back of the bar. They were all in their early twenties and it made Katy feel sexy to be checked out by a bunch of good looking young men so she put a little something extra in her moves for the boys.

A couple stools had actually opened at the bar and when the ladies went back over to Angie, Mo sat beside her and knocked back a pint. "Don't forget you've got to drive us back to suburbia," Katy warned.

A young guy with dark hair spilling out of a backward baseball cap and wearing jeans and a rugby shirt approached the women and introduced himself.

"Hey ladies, I'm Mike. My friends and I are sitting at that table back there we couldn't help but notice that none of you have any beads."

Katy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Patty actually burst out laughing and was the first one to speak. "You're kidding, right? You think we're just going to walk back there and flash you our tits?"

Mike reddened, but he kept with it. "Something like that. We're willing to negotiate."

"Tell you what, Mike. You go around and ask every other woman in here first and if you can get three of them to do it we'll consider it. And don't try to cheat, we'll be watching." Katy said.

"Are you crazy? I'm not taking my top off." Angie said as soon as Mike walked away.

"Don't worry about it. I'm guessing there's only about fifteen other women in here and most of them are with guys. I don't think we have anything to worry about."

Unfortunately Katy wasn't quite right. Mike and another of his friends worked the room, each with strands of beads over their arms, and they convinced five women to pull up their tops. Two of them only pulled up their shirts to show their bras, but the others flashed their breasts for the whole bar to see. And so much for Katy's boyfriend theory because one guy obviously worked hard to convince his reticent girlfriend to do it. And another girl, who looked to be about twenty, pulled off her shirt to show a cute, perky little set of breasts and the fact that she hadn't been wearing any bra at all. When Mike returned with his friend, who he introduced as Leo, he had a triumphant grin.

"I hate to have to tell you guys," Katy started, but was interrupted by Patty.

"We're not really impressed by beads. What else do you guys have to offer?" Patty said.

"What are you doing?" Mo said under her breath.

"Don't worry, I just want to have fun with these boys. I haven't had a chance to play with boys in a long time." Patty answered, returning her attention to Mike.

"Like I said, we can negotiate. Why don't you ladies join us at our table?"

"I don't know..." Angie said.

"My feet are killing me in these heels, so I will be more than happy to." Patty said and started following the boys without checking to see if any of the others were with her.

"Let's go," Katy said. "Let's live dangerously." The other two women didn't look thrilled, but they followed her.

"Have a seat ladies," said one of the boys, who identified himself as Ted, a broad chested army boy with a toothy smile. He introduced the others at the table as well. There was a lanky, pale boy with black hair called Andy, Cal a heavyset kid with brown hair, and Tai, a tall Makay kid with a smooth head. There was only one open seat and Angie snagged it, leaving the others wondering what they were supposed to do. There weren't any other open seats in the whole bar. Ted kicked back in his seat and looked up at Patty. She gave him a knowing smile and sat down on his lap. Katy was thinking that she had no intention of sitting in anyone's lap when Mike grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down into his.

21-12-2010, 03:31 AM
"Comfy?" Mike asked with a cocky grin.

Katy wiggled her butt around and answered, "Sure, if you are."

That left Mo standing and after a moment of hesitation she settled down onto Andy's lap stiffly.

"So we kept our part of the bargain, how about you ladies? Are you going to keep yours?" Ted asked, putting an arm around Patty, who was sitting facing the side with her breasts practically in his face. His hand rested on her knee.

"We came over to see what we could do for you boys that wouldn't involve taking our clothes off," Patty said.

"Something within reason," Katy added.

"I told them we could work something out, but it would have to be something damned good considering what we would be missing." Mike said, nakedly eyeing up Katy and Mo's chests.

"Come on, won't you just give us a little peek?" Cal asked.

"You just saw those young girls, why do you even want to see us?" Mo countered.

"Because those girls have probably been showing what they've got all night. They're hammered and it's no big deal to them, but with you guys it's different. I can tell you're not whipping your tops off every other block." Mike said.

"And I know I would rather see a woman than a girl anyway." Added Ted.

"Even if we would consider doing it," Patty said, which brought her a look of pure venom from Angie, "we're certainly not going to get topless in a crowded bar. Sorry, boys, but if you don't want anything else you're out of luck."

"We could always go back to our place," Cal said hopefully.

"Let's start with a dance and see where it goes from there." Ted said, taking Patty by the hand over to the jukebox. They selected a couple tunes and moved onto the tiny dance floor and through the first song Ted kept trying to get as close as possible to Patty and she'd let him think he was getting somewhere before moving off. She was definitely enjoying teasing the young man. The second song was slower and Ted pulled her in close. The first couple times he put his hands on her ass she moved them back up to her waist, but after a couple more tries Ted succeeded and he rested his hands on her butt.

"We should join them. I know you like to dance," Mike said.

Katy had to think about it. Being pawed by the young man would be bad, but it did look like Patty was having fun teasing Ted and Katy could be a shameless flirt when she wanted to be. "Okay, but you'd better behave yourself."

Mike did behave himself, more or less. He didn't just grab her ass, but he did keep his hands as low on her waist as he could get away with. He also held her very close, crushing her breasts into his chest. Mike was a good dancer and Katy enjoyed being in his arms. She could tell he was enjoying it too when she got really close and knowing she was giving the young man a hard on gave her a thrill. When the song ended Katy realized, with some embarrassment, that her nipples were rock hard and poking through her top.

21-12-2010, 03:32 AM
When they were all seated again Cal ordered up a round of shots and Katy found hers went down very easy. As the warmth spread through her Mike rested his hand on her leg and she found she didn't mind at all. She was glad she wasn't the only one, though. Ted had Patty very close, so her breasts were practically rubbing his face and Mo was sitting very still on Andy's lap, causing Katy to wonder if something was going on over there. Angie was chatting with Cal, but was very careful to keep her distance. Katy thought her friend should loosen up. There was nothing wrong with harmless flirting.

On Tuesday the Clarke Quay bars close early to avoid trouble and it was barely midnight when the bartender announced last call. Over Katy's protest Tai ordered a final round of shots and Mo took one this time. That does it, Katy thought, she's not driving home now. She knew she was in no condition to drive and hoped that Angie was as sober as she seemed. Mike again suggested that they go back to their place to continue partying and just as Katy was going to say she didn't think it was such a good idea, Mo piped up.

"Sounds like fun," Mo said, to the shock of her friends. Even Patty, who seemed to be getting very close to Ted was surprised.

"I think we really should be getting back," Angie said, clearly ready to get out of there.

"If you'll excuse us for a minute, boys," Patty said, getting unsteadily to her feet and leading the other women away from the table.

"We are not going to that house." Angie said firmly.

"I think it'll be fun. They seem like good guys." Mo said. She was all flushed and visibly drunk.

"You're crazy." Angie told her.

"Are you okay to drive?" Patty asked Angie.

"I will be in a little while, I think. I didn't do those shots. Obviously our designated lush here isn't," Angie said, ribbing her friend.

"You guys told me I should cut loose."

"I think we should go over for one drink. Ted, Mike and Cal share a place and Ted told me it's only a couple blocks away, so I don't see the harm. And after that you'll be ready to drive, Angie, and we can go home. What do you think, Katy?" Patty said.

"I'm not ready to go home just yet. I'm having a pretty good time."

"I don't believe you guys. It's like you're all teenagers again." Angie said, realizing she wasn't going to win. "Just remember we're all married."

"It's okay, Ang. We're not going to get in any trouble," Katy reassured her friend.

The guys were thrilled the women were coming home with them and they walked as a group over to the Colonial era townhouse near Bugis that the three of them shared. It was three stories with a living room and kitchen on the first floor, two bedrooms and the bathroom on the second, and a third, loft-sized bedroom on the third. While Tai put on some music, Cal and Mike got everyone fresh drinks.

The living room was quite small and it was crowded with so many people. Mo sat on the couch with Andy and Tai, while Katy again ended up on Mike's lap, this time in a recliner in the corner. Ted and Patty disappeared into the kitchen while Cal, Leo and Angie sat at the small table in the narrow dining room that joined the other two rooms. The living room was dimly lit and the way the recliner was situated Katy really couldn't see what was going on in the couch. It sounded like Angie and Cal had started playing quarters in the dining room and Katy could hear talking, but not specific conversation over the music.

Katy heard the ringing of a quarter landing in a shot glass, followed by Patty and Angie cheering. Another bounce and silence. Mike was becoming a bit handsy and Katy thought it would be a good time to get up, especially since she knew she was letting him get away with too much.

"We'd better see what's happening in there." Katy said, struggling out of Mike's lap, which exposed a lot of leg to the young man. When she got up it seemed to her that Mo jumped between the two boys, but all their attention was on the game of quarters in the dining room. "What's going on?" Katy asked.

21-12-2010, 10:38 AM
bro, this round like quite complicated lei.

21-12-2010, 10:57 AM
Ehh..I read also wanna faint liao..btw need to really read :) as what our bro here says..its getting complicated liao.. :) btw a good effort and waiting for more ;) keep it up :)

21-12-2010, 12:31 PM
Hmmm nice story
but not really original
sounds cutted and pasted with a few amendements
very American... JUkebox with CDs?
The beads and flashing of boobs is definately
a tradition of Mardi gras.....
Maybe thats why its too confusing

21-12-2010, 04:25 PM
Yah, its difficult writing. Easier to modify... imagine just typing a thousand words take how long.. sustaining a long running story is realky dificult. Thats why u see so fee pple writing sagas already...

21-12-2010, 04:37 PM
dont worry T S you have my support . waiting the next post

21-12-2010, 06:04 PM
Think I've seen this somewhere...



next time, just paste the URL... haiz... :P

21-12-2010, 06:43 PM
awesome cyber sleuthing man...

21-12-2010, 06:59 PM
Thanks for sharing. :p

21-12-2010, 08:26 PM
No problem bro. Still thks for your contribution. But i stil like sandy,ms.huang...........

21-12-2010, 08:32 PM
Cheating wives out prowling in Clarke Quay? CHEONG ah. :D

21-12-2010, 09:53 PM
Think I've seen this somewhere...



next time, just paste the URL... haiz... :P

Spot on bro liberatte..

Plagiarising is bad...!!!!

22-12-2010, 01:31 PM
"Ted wouldn't leave it alone, so I told him that if Cal could beat Angie in poker we would flash our tits. And if we win they all have to drop their pants." Patty said.

Katy was shocked by the bargain, but then remembered that in her day Angie could not be beaten at pokers. "You agreed to this?" She asked.

"I was kind of pushed into it," Angie admitted, watching as Cal was about to go again, "but this boy's ass is mine."

"I hope so!" Cal.

"You should be so lucky, squirt." .

"What's the score?" Katy asked. Mike had come up close behind her and rested a hand on her hip.

"I'm up by two now. Three wins."

Standing, Katy felt all the alcohol working on her and standing there watching Angie playing pokers against the college kid she really did feel like the last dozen or so years had been wiped out and she was a kid again herself. How many times had she and her friends hooked up with a bunch of guys to hang out and have fun? And a lot of times she'd ended up on some boy's lap in a dark corner getting it on. But she was not eighteen years old anymore and she was married and the only person she should be hooking up with was her husband. Still, flirting with Mike and walking the line of being bad did feel good. She thought she might even have to wake her husband up and fuck him silly when she got home.

Cal pulled even with Angie and Katy thought they might be in trouble. We're not really going to have to flash these guys, are we? She wondered. She thought about all the teenaged bodies the boys had probably seen and did not feel good about the idea of flashing them. "Come on, Angie," she urged.

"I'm trying to concentrate here," Angie grunted and she decided to go for broke. "Damn it."

"Come on, Cal, buddy, put her away," Leo said.

Cal theatrically flexed his fingers . The room grew hushed but for the music drifting in from the living room. Katy held her breath as she watched Cal reveal his final card.

"Fuck!" Angie shouted. "No way! I don't lose."

"Sorry, babe, but you did tonight." Cal taunted.

"I want a rematch."

"Sure, but you've still got to take your top off," Mike said.

"Christ, I can't believe this," Patty said. Clearly even she thought this was too much.

"I guess we're sunk," Mo said from the living room, not sounding upset at all.

"Okay, boys. You all go into the living room. We're going into the kitchen. And no peeking!" Patty said, dragging her friends into the kitchen. The boys all headed for the far end of the living room.

22-12-2010, 01:33 PM
I guess we're sunk," Mo said from the living room, not sounding upset at all.

"Okay, boys. You all go into the living room. We're going into the kitchen. And no peeking!" Patty said, dragging her friends into the kitchen. The boys all headed for the far end of the living room.

"We're not really going to do this?" Angie asked, furious.

"We're not welchers, are we?" Patty asked.

"Do you think I'll look okay?" Mo asked.

"We are just going to tell them no. It's not like they can make us." Angie insisted.

"No, but Patty's right. We shouldn't go back on what we agreed to, although you guys should have asked me before you agreed."

"They were just so damned cocky. I wasn't thinking," Angie said. She was endlessly competitive and couldn't help rising to any challenge, no matter how silly, a quality which had gotten her into trouble more than once over the years.

"Well now we're in, so how are we going to do this as painlessly as possible?" Katy asked.

"Quickness is the key, I think." Patty said. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra through her shirt. "Just pull up your shirts and give them a quick look and we've filled our part of the bargain." Patty pulled her bra out of the arm of her blouse and untucked the blouse from her skirt.

"Sounds like a plan," Katy agreed, trying to figure out the best way she could flash. She was wearing a strapless bra underneath her camisole, which would have to go, but she knew she couldn't pull up her sweater and pull down her camisole at the same time. Something was going to have to come off. After a moment's consideration she shed her sweater and then pulled her bra off and with just the camisole on it was obvious she was braless. Katy felt a thrill at being so on display.

Angie removed her bra from under her sweater as Patty did and Mo unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a black satin bra with a front clasp. The women all looked at each other, firming their resolve.

"Don't be so nervous, it's just a quick flash, it's really no big deal," Patty told Angie reassuringly.

"Yeah," Mo interjected.

"And it's not like you haven't shown them to young guys before, even if it was just on a one-on-one basis." Katy said. "I'm actually hoping they enjoy the show!"

"Tramp," Angie laughed. "But last time guys their age saw me like that I was their age. And usually it was in the back of a dark car or something."

22-12-2010, 01:34 PM
"Are you all ready?" Patty asked and was answered by nods all around.

"Then let's give these boys a thrill." Katy said.

"Our husbands better never find out!" Angie said.

"Who'd tell them?" Asked Mo, the only one who didn't need to worry about a husband. "Let's go!"

The boys eagerly awaited them in the living room, some of them sitting, other's standing, everyone making sure they'd have a nice view for the show. There really wasn't enough room for the women to stand side by side, so they formed a semicircle, gave each other a last look and showed the goods. Patty and Angie pulled their tops up, each revealing a nice chest. While Angie was very small, they were also nice and perky, with tall, skinny nipples. Patty was about average, a large b-cup with a little hang, and dark, almost brown nipples that wrinkled and hardened even as the boys looked on. Mo, who's shirt had been hanging up, unclasped the front hook on her bra and her huge breasts, well into d-cup territory, sort of dropped into view. They didn't hang to her waist or anything, but after a couple kids they did sag a bit, not that any of the boys seemed to mind. They clearly thought she was sexy as hell. And finally, Katy simultaneously pulled down the straps of her camisole and lowered it to her waist. She was a 36C and had the nicest chest of the women with just a tiny amount of hang and thick, wine coloured nipples that had been hard before she'd exposed them. The freckles that made Katy so cute also spilled down her chest and dusted the slopes of her breasts. Having the young men checking her out like that was having a profound effect on her and she could feel her pussy dampening. It wasn't something she'd ever thought she would do, but Katy was glad they were "pushed" into it.

Angie tried to do a quickly flash and pulled her top down, while Patty followed suite, but the boys voice a chorus of disappointment and seeing their other friends made no move to cover themselves, they pulled their tops up again. Actually seeing the boy's approval made Angie feel really good, while Patty just enjoyed teasing the boys. In all they exposed themselves for about 30 seconds, Katy even gave her breasts a playful shake, before covering up again, with Mo being the last to do so. The boys hooted and applauded, making all the women feel like sex stars.

As soon as the display was over it seemed that everyone returned to their corners. Katy made to go back to the kitchen to get her sweater and bra, but Mike took her by the arm and pulled her down into the recliner on his lap again. Mo rejoined her boys on the couch, without bothering to close her shirt, and Patty went on through to the kitchen again with Ted while Leo and Cal joined Angie at the dining room table again with a deck of cards, apparently continuing the drinking games.

"That was quite an impressive display," Mike commented as he pulled Katy closer. His arms were around her and his hands caressing in innocent places, but creeping toward the forbidden.

"Why thank you, young man."

"Sure, ma'am," he said with a tip of his head.

"Don't ma'am me. I'm not that much older than you. Just old enough to be your sister's hot friend, or maybe a really young aunt. How old are you?"

"Twenty-two." Mike replied, his hand just below he curve of her breast. His face was buried in her hair and she felt the brush of his lips on the side of her neck. Katy's heart was racing and she knew if the room was lit better he'd see just how flushed she was. Staying in Mike's lap much longer would be a bad idea, and yet she did not move.

"So I'm not even ten years older than you," Katy lied, shaving a couple years. Mike began kissing the side of her neck and she turned to jelly. "Mike...uhmm...that's not a very good idea," she said breathily.

"I think it's a great idea," he said between kisses and he captured her breast, her nipple seeming to burn into his palm like her camisole wasn't even there. She suddenly felt naked without her bra.

"You're going to get me in trouble. I'm married." Katy said without conviction.

"It's not any trouble as long as it stays our little secret." Mike kissed her and she offered only a second's hesitation.

Coming up for air, Katy protested, "But there are people around." Mike gave her nipple a soft pinch and she gasped. For such a young guy, she thought Mike had great hands, knowing exactly how to touch her to make her willpower melt away. His other hand was rubbing her thigh, just underneath the hem of her skirt, and Katy struggled to keep her legs closed to him. Mike dipped his head and gave her nipple a playful nibble through her camisole, causing pure pleasure to zip through Katy. Involuntarily her legs parted and he took the opening. Katy grabbed Mike's face and kissed him. Soon her hips were moving, pushing into his hand, which made her ass grind into his growing erection. Katy didn't know how long they sat there fooling around like teenagers, but she only stopped Mike when he brought her close to cumming with his hands. Her pantyhose were soaked through and he'd managed to work her panties out of the way so he could rub her pussy right through her hose. She was trembling on the edge, but had to stop him because she knew she couldn't possibly stay silent. Katy had never been a quiet cummer.

22-12-2010, 01:35 PM
"If you're worried about your friends maybe we should go upstairs."

"I just need to go to the bathroom," Katy said, forcing the words out. What she really wanted to do was to say yes and drag the boy to his bedroom.

Mike didn't look too disappointed. "It's upstairs to the left on the second floor."

Katy stood up and fixed her clothes. Walking past the couch she saw Tai had his arm around Mo and she snuggled against him while her legs lay across Andy. Katy didn't see them actually doing anything, but she would have sworn that Mo's bra was unhooked again.

In the small bathroom Katy splashed water on her face and caught her breath. She stared at herself in the dirty mirror and tried to calm down. Her hair was all mussed and her lips looked plump from all the kissing. Katy looked sexy and about ready to tear someone's clothes off, but she kept telling herself she shouldn't. Getting caught wasn't what mattered. She briefly considered making herself cum right there in the bathroom to take the edge off. Once she was reasonably sure she'd regained some self-control, Katy exited the bathroom only to find Mike standing right by the door.

"Mike," was all she could get out before he was all over her. He pressed her into the wall, kissing and grinding into her. Katy gripped him and ground right back. Her skirt rode up as the bulge in his pants rubbed right into her sensitive pussy. In her boots Katy was the perfect height for Mike to fuck her right there against the wall. He nearly ripped her camisole pulling it down and orally attacked her breasts. She threw her head back and moaned loudly, hoping no one downstairs could hear. In a matter of moments Mike had her right back to the edge of orgasm and when he took her hand and led her to the third floor she wordlessly followed.

22-12-2010, 01:35 PM
In the bedroom Katy never got fully naked, which made everything seem dirtier and hotter. Her camisole was pulled down to her waist and her skirt pushed up and she kept her boots on. Mike lay on top of her on his unmade bed while kissing and touching her everywhere while Katy wrestled his clothes off. He had a nice solid frame and a nearly hairless, strong chest, which Katy ran her hands over. His cock was as solid as the rest of him and every bit a big as the bulge in his pants had promised. Size mattered to her and Katy wasn't disappointed. Mike pinched her clit through her pantyhose while rubbing her and Katy exploded.

"Ohhhhhh Gooooddddd!" Katy cried, tensing under Mike, her orgasm ripping through her. He kept his hand in place and it seemed like one orgasm was just going to flow into another. "Yesss!"

Mike did take his hand away and Katy wanted it right back, but he was reaching over to his nightstand, pulling the drawer open. She paid no attention to what he was doing as her eyes were still screwed shut as she enjoyed the fireworks behind them. Her eyes did snap open when she felt cool steel against her thigh. She looked down to see a small pocketknife slicing through her pantyhose like butter. He opened a slit between her legs and then sliced her panties away. Mike tossed the knife onto the nightstand and put his hand over hers on his shaft. Katy did have a pang of guilt, but then she felt Mike's helmet push into her folds and she guided him the rest of the way into her. She dug her boot heels into the bed and pushed up, embedding Mike inside her.

Katy gasped, feeling Mike's cock riding in and out of her. He was so big and hard. His shaft felt like it had been molded from burning steel and now it was setting her on fire wherever it touched her. She hooked her legs around his and locked him into her. She could feel his hairy legs against her thighs through her pantyhose and couldn't believe he'd just slit them open and taken her. She thought it was about the sexiest thing ever. He craned his neck and caught one of her bouncing breasts in his mouth, nibbling on the pliant flesh.

"Ohhh..." Katy moaned.

Mike looked up at her smiling and asked, "Does that feel good?"

"Mmm, yes, oh God, fuck me! Fuck me harder!" Katy cried, no longer concerned that her friends might hear her. Her husband loved it when she talked dirty in bed and Mike brought it right out of her. "Harder! Harder! Oh, fuck, oh yesss!" Katy wanted to moan his name but in the heat of passion she couldn't remember it. She screamed when her orgasm hit her like a freight train, knocking all sense from her. She tensed, raking her nails across his back, and then went limp as a rag doll. Although her pussy was tight as a fist around him, Mike still did not cum and didn't show any signs that he was going to soon. Instead he turned Katy over and she obligingly climbed onto her hands and knees so he could slam her from behind, one of Katy's favourite positions.

22-12-2010, 01:36 PM
Katy's breasts swayed beneath her while Mike grabbed her pantyhose-covered ass and hammered his cock home. She gripped the sheets in both hands and hung her head down while throwing herself back at him just as fiercely. He moved a hand up to her shoulder and was pulling her back so hard she felt his balls slapping between her thighs. Again she was screaming, "Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh, God, right there...just a little..." Katy lost the ability to speak as she came for the third time that night. Now it seemed like she wasn't even coming down from her orgasms, one just seemed to flow into another. The third time proved the charm for Mike as well as he grunted while he shot his load inside her. He kept his cock buried until her churning pussy had milked out every last drop.

"That was fucking incredible," Mike sighed, laying beside Katy on his bed. She still lay face down beside him with her eyes closed. Aftershocks shot from her pussy all over her body and she just felt too content to move yet. She answered him by softly moaning and reaching blindly to stroke his slimy, depleted prick.

Although time seemed to have lost its meaning, Katy knew she'd been up there too long and that she had to get up. She sat on the edge of the bed and fixed her top and pushed her skirt back into place. "I'd better hit the bathroom and make myself presentable," she told the young man, who lay there watching her. On unsteady feet she made her way to the bathroom as quietly as she could. She heard someone in one of the bedrooms on the second floor and didn't want to be seen in her current state.

Katy washed her face and raked her fingers through her hair in an attempt to look not quite as trampy, but with her purse back in the minivan there wasn't much she could do. Her lipstick was gone and her eye makeup was smudged. Mike's cum had started dripping onto her pantyhose and she cleaned up down there, but there was nothing she could do about her ruined panties, so she pulled them up and then down her legs on the outside of her hose. Tossing them into the trash Katy smirked, thinking it would give the boys something to talk about in the morning. Her nipples strained through the camisole and Katy knew she had to go find her bra before she went anywhere. She looked hot braless and in the camisole, but she hardly looked presentable.

The noises coming from the bedroom were more distinct when Katy left the bathroom and she knew someone was having sex in there. Since they were the only females in the house she knew it had to be one of her friends and she couldn't help taking a peak to see who else was being bad.

22-12-2010, 01:37 PM
The door was ajar and the lights were on, giving Katy a perfect view of the three people in the bedroom. Andy was on his back on the bed while Mo was riding him, stark naked. Tai was beside them on the bed playing with her enormous, jiggling breasts and she had a hand on his dark shaft while she bounced up and down on Andy's cock. Mo was slamming up and down hard and the bed sounded like it was going to collapse under them. Katy's friend had her head thrown back and her eyes closed and no idea that they had company. While Katy watched Mo grew louder and louder, until Tai pulled her over and stuffed his cock in her mouth, cutting off her moans. Now Mo was on her side and Andy was stuffing her from the rear while Tai held her head and fucked her mouth. Katy knew she should leave them alone, but she stood in the doorway, transfixed.

"Some show, isn't it?" Mike whispered from behind. Katy nearly jumped out of her skin. He put his arms around her and she pressed back into him. "Your friend Mo's a hot one, isn't she? Would have never guessed." He was touching Katy again and her body responded.

"Come on, we shouldn't be watching," Katy said and tried to turn away. Mike was rolling her nipple between his fingers through her top and he pulled her skirt up to touch her bare pussy, which was still soaked.

"Something tells me you don't really want to go." Mike whispered, kissing her neck.

Oh God, Katy thought, knowing she was headed from trouble once again. She let him pull down one side of her camisole so he could caress her bare breast and he teased her pussy. She felt so exposed with no panties and her hose slit open. He pressed his fingers inside her while grinding his cock into her ass. Meanwhile in front of them his friends still mercilessly fucked Mo to ecstasy.

Katy heard Mike fiddling with his belt and she whispered, "No, not again." He didn't offer an argument, but he didn't stop touching her either. Her pussy was a swamp now and he could barely keep her clit under his thumb as she jerked her hips around, but he did work two fingers inside her and started fucking her with them. Katy bit her lip, desperately trying to stay quiet. Fortunately the three people in front of them were so focused on each other they paid no attention to anything else.