View Full Version : My life....

28-02-2011, 02:09 AM
It's 1.30am now. Here I am sitting on the sofa with the tv on but I am not watching it. My husband of 8 years and my 3 year old daughter is asleep in the Master bedroom.
As I am typing, I am having recollections of my past. What I have done and what I regret doing and what I enjoyed doing.
I love my daughter a lot and I guess she is the reason that made me stay in this marriage though I am not happy at all.

A little background info about me:-
I am in my late 30s but I don't look my age at all as I have a what they call baby face. Most would thought that I am in my mid 20s. I am petite in size. Slim build. Ample assets. And I would say I have the right curves at the right places. I get hit on quite regularly if I am alone running errands.
So what's my problem and why am I here, you guys must be thinking because I am asking the exact question also. To be honest, this is my second marriage.

My first marriage ended in a ugly divorce as a result of marrying too young and my first husband had a gf who has a personality of always using tears to get her way. And as a result, a lot of my personal photos including my younger days baby pictures were thrown away without my consent and knowledge. Adding to that, I am being forced to pay my ex a few thousand just to make him sign on some legal papers.

So, at late 30s, I have gone through marriage twice, divorce, birth, abortion, affairs, flings and one night stand....

28-02-2011, 04:16 AM
Sister ... think u might have too much on your mind ... take some time out. I would be great to hear your stories but somethings might be too private to share??? Just a thought.

28-02-2011, 04:29 AM
Take a chill pill sis, and take some time to sort out what you are willing to share and what you shouldn't inculde into your story. :)

In the meantime, will keep track and see what follows.

28-02-2011, 06:27 AM
Relax sis. If you willing to share and I'm willing to listen. Sharing is caring.

28-02-2011, 07:52 AM
life has it's many ups and downs. hope u remain strong for your lovely daughter's sake.

do continue to share aspects of your life story if it helps to bring back fond memories. try to forget the unhappy moments though.

28-02-2011, 07:59 AM
Stay Strong there sister.. Do hope to hear from u soon

28-02-2011, 08:07 AM
Hi sis looks like we gt accompany here , waiting for more of ur writing :)

28-02-2011, 09:12 AM
Agreed with bro corsiar74... Sharing is caring...
If you don't mind sharing, we don't mind reading, and understand, and perhaps, provide some solution towards the problem you had.

What bro mr_missile said is correct... Stay strong for the sake of your daughter...and to forget the unhappines/sad stuff =)

28-02-2011, 09:13 AM
Life is not a bed of roses sis , you are the only one that you can take control of your life, take care , you are not alone, i will be here to support you all the way ! Cheers !

28-02-2011, 09:23 AM
Hey sis sweetmilf, like Forest Gump said: Life is like a box of chocolate, got sweet and bitter. You just need to look forward and don't dwell on the past. If u feel the need to let it out then by all means do share with us as some of us here are willing to listen but there are those that will just piss u off. So hope to hear from u soon.

Cheer up !

28-02-2011, 09:29 AM
many listening ear is waiting to hear more.....sis juz forget the past n look forward...........cheers

28-02-2011, 09:38 AM
Don't you think after you went so much made you stronger? Life experiences does make one to think and understand better in life and builds up courage and grit. Your daughter is part of you, the child coud not have ask for the warmth of a family. It's not easy to stay in a broken marriage, but ask yourself, it is you or your current husband, for you have admitted affairs, flings and ONS.

28-02-2011, 10:30 AM
I am not the one having the affair. Though I am unhappy, it never cross my mind to have any affairs. The affairs were done by my ex and current husband. As for the flings and one night stand, it happened between the time i was already divorced from my ex husband.
Please read my whole story first before judging me or speculating and putting a chop "adulterer" on my head.
I haven't even finish my story yet. Thank you.

28-02-2011, 10:31 AM
Hi sis, look forward to the furture with your current marriage...enjoy the time with your gal like what i doing now. No point looking back, I used to be liked you thinking about the past but you will be more miserable the more you think about it..

28-02-2011, 10:43 AM
Sister (younger) as i m definitely older than you...

I believe life is never fair with everything. In life you achieve some u lose some.

There are never ideals or perfect marriages in life.

I had my first marriage when i was only 26yrs old...than my first wife was a Thai lady who was working her in a massage parlour.

The marriage ended after 2 over years and we were childess but the biggest problem the marriage destroyed my family relationships with my parents and siblings.

When i was with my first wife i really thought she would be the one to give me that perfect life. We had the BEST Sex ever; she was a good cook, good masseuse and gentle..list goes on.

Because of her i almost disowned everyone i knew in my life, at that time i felt my own happiness was the most important. But i was wrong, really wrong.

Anyway sister, i share your feelings and sorrow because i had been through something similiar like you too.

Whatever it is, my advice is to let it all out, talk about it through this forum? or find some good friends and throw out all your anxieties, unhappiness, sorrow and let the wind bring it away. Whatever the situation, rememeber this, life still needs to go on, if not for yourself its for your kids that you have brought into this world.

Be strong and i m sure many Samsters here will be happy to lend you their listening ears.


Wet Floor
28-02-2011, 10:47 AM
Dun think too much & take care.

28-02-2011, 10:52 AM

I am sure other parts of the body we also will gladly lend.


28-02-2011, 11:15 AM
Girl, its brave of you to first admit there is a problem and next published it. I am new to this forum but people here had been very respectful thus far. I am in pretty similar position except I am still in my first marriage with 2 kids.

Life has been a journey of decision making. Every day of my life.

28-02-2011, 11:36 AM
Would like to hear your story.. Please do type your story and will wait patiently.


Dun take too long...

01-03-2011, 01:08 AM
To those who think that I am writing a fictional story then so be it. I am writing everything from a woman's point of view, a wife and a mother.

01-03-2011, 02:38 AM
Hi sis...first of all thanks to you if you are sharing with us your experience. Well, it's always good to talk about your past at times (well that's if you are ready to so :-)) as I believed that's the only way to exorcise our ghosts, slowly numbing the pains and spreading the load with your listeners rather than carrying it on your shoulders....so once you are ready....we are at all ears. :D Jiayou!

01-03-2011, 03:30 AM
Something different...

01-03-2011, 08:20 AM
I am not the one having the affair. Though I am unhappy, it never cross my mind to have any affairs. The affairs were done by my ex and current husband. As for the flings and one night stand, it happened between the time i was already divorced from my ex husband.
Please read my whole story first before judging me or speculating and putting a chop "adulterer" on my head.
I haven't even finish my story yet. Thank you.

dun bother about such labelling here gal. Many here are very open minded, those who are not, should not be in this forum anyway. U dun hv to explain to anyone here.
Having said that, its good to get this off your chest. Do continue.
cheers :)

01-03-2011, 09:45 AM
sis, keep them coming! thks for sharing.

01-03-2011, 09:53 AM
I am not the one having the affair. Though I am unhappy, it never cross my mind to have any affairs. The affairs were done by my ex and current husband. As for the flings and one night stand, it happened between the time i was already divorced from my ex husband.
Please read my whole story first before judging me or speculating and putting a chop "adulterer" on my head.
I haven't even finish my story yet. Thank you.

First of all, read what you wrote. You mention it yourself. I did not judge, or speculate or chop your head as an adulterer. No point arguing this alright. Do continue your story, i am sure myself or most bros here are interested to read.


01-03-2011, 12:00 PM
Hey sis sweetmilf, like Forest Gump said: Life is like a box of chocolate, got sweet and bitter. You just need to look forward and don't dwell on the past. If u feel the need to let it out then by all means do share with us as some of us here are willing to listen but there are those that will just piss u off. So hope to hear from u soon.

Cheer up !

Agreed with you :) sis sweetmilf, I think you will feel better if you just say out what is hoarding in your heart, you will definitely feel better by letting them out after bottling in you for so long. :):D

01-03-2011, 12:29 PM
To those who think that I am writing a fictional story then so be it. I am writing everything from a woman's point of view, a wife and a mother.

Look at your points. 29 points from three posts. Why do you worry about the minority who call you names and ignore the majority who call you to continue your story and don't be so sad?

The majority of us want to know your views and what happened. We are an encouraging and supportive forum for ladies with problems, whatever kind of problems.

01-03-2011, 12:36 PM
Jia You Jia You...

It must be hard to handle such turbulence in life...

Jia you...Be strong

01-03-2011, 12:39 PM
To those who think that I am writing a fictional story then so be it. I am writing everything from a woman's point of view, a wife and a mother.

Sis TS, well, i think most of the people here will always treat it as a real story from your own point of view, as one of the Bro said here, those who do not believe should not be even be in this forum.

Sharing your story here will be one of the ways for you to release.


01-03-2011, 12:46 PM
Sis TS,
Please carry on if you feel like sharing. We will provide you with the moral support. Ignore those unwanted comments

01-03-2011, 01:00 PM
Wow... Your opening post kinda sad.

Do share with us more, Jia you Jie Jie~!

01-03-2011, 05:00 PM
It's 1.30am now. Here I am sitting on the sofa with the tv on but I am not watching it. My husband of 8 years and my 3 year old daughter is asleep in the Master bedroom.
As I am typing, I am having recollections of my past. What I have done and what I regret doing and what I enjoyed doing.
I love my daughter a lot and I guess she is the reason that made me stay in this marriage though I am not happy at all.

A little background info about me:-
I am in my late 30s but I don't look my age at all as I have a what they call baby face. Most would thought that I am in my mid 20s. I am petite in size. Slim build. Ample assets. And I would say I have the right curves at the right places. I get hit on quite regularly if I am alone running errands.
So what's my problem and why am I here, you guys must be thinking because I am asking the exact question also. To be honest, this is my second marriage.

My first marriage ended in a ugly divorce as a result of marrying too young and my first husband had a gf who has a personality of always using tears to get her way. And as a result, a lot of my personal photos including my younger days baby pictures were thrown away without my consent and knowledge. Adding to that, I am being forced to pay my ex a few thousand just to make him sign on some legal papers.

So, at late 30s, I have gone through marriage twice, divorce, birth, abortion, affairs, flings and one night stand....

alamak there are more postings from readers in this thread rather than the threadstarter.

01-03-2011, 06:01 PM
Hey Sis, read your sad intro.melt me to know people who were married out of love can still end up in sorry situation. Pls do give us the story account from your point of view would very much like to know.

01-03-2011, 08:51 PM
Hi lady,
Dont need to be mindful of those negative comments. You dun own anyone an explanation. Just type out what you feel if that makes you feel better.

01-03-2011, 09:31 PM
alamak there are more postings from readers in this thread rather than the threadstarter.

Of coz la, I'm sure her pm is full with lots of "concern" messages too :rolleyes:

TS, pls post it all out here instead of limiting to one or two bros. Let others learn from your experiences. You'll get a broader view in the open. Having 2 marriages behind is not that uncommon, you try one and fail, u give it another try but still fail, then u'll either stop there or succeed at the 3rd or more. That's it.

I've know peole who have had 5 marriages before finally end up having a happy family.

01-03-2011, 11:17 PM
Yes, I will be continuing my recollections. It does not really matter to me what people think. This is the truth and this is what has happened and what I have gone through.
We were all young before. When you are in love, you do not really go and think deeply about it.

01-03-2011, 11:40 PM
I got to know my ex husband who is 3 years older than me in school. I am in secondary 3 at that time and he is in secondary 5. He was sort of a popular guy, not because of being good looking but because he is a 'mr nice guy' in every girls eyes. Because we are in the same ECA group, we got to know each other. For that one year, we got closer and I became his gf. He went on to poly while I am still in secondary school and we are still together.
Everyday is the same, after school meet up, go movies, lunch or his place or my place. Its becoming like a regiment. After he graduated from poly, he got a stable job and income. While I went on to JC and then university.
When I were 21, we went ahead and got ROM. At that point of time, it seems like the correct thing to do. We had been together for 5-6years. And I am going to graduate from uni soon and start my working life. And we did to apply for our own flat. Everything went smoothly, I got a job and after 2 years we held our customary marriage. At that point of time I felt so happy. I was 23/24.
Life as a young married couple was quite simple. Work, dinner, sleep. Very quickly it became he does his own stuff in the study room while I am doing my own things in the living room. Communication were getting lesser between us. Tried talking to him but he is always in his own world.
Then one day, while I was sitting on the sofa looking out the window and dazing. I begin to wonder, is this the life I wanted? Does my husband really love me? Waited for him to come home. And decided to have a open heart conversation.

02-03-2011, 12:41 AM
Thanks for sharing. Look forward for your next post.

02-03-2011, 06:46 PM
Yes, I will be continuing my recollections. It does not really matter to me what people think. This is the truth and this is what has happened and what I have gone through.
We were all young before. When you are in love, you do not really go and think deeply about it.

Agreed. Don't have to care what others think.

Just let out your thoughts - you may feel better after that.

07-03-2011, 12:13 PM
Evrything happens for a reason. This is the only place where I could open up and share my stories and secrets...it will always be a secret only me and bros in here knows...

So sis..juz continue..there are many silent listeners here...:)

07-03-2011, 02:19 PM
hmmm ya hor...
why alot of married couples like this..husband in study doing his own thing while wife likes to watch TV?

Maybe husband is secretly talking to some girl....or watching porn....or surfing SBF.....hoping to be the hero in all the juicy stories or the actor in the porn clips..

While the wife imagines she is the character in all those weepy sobby dramas where in the end, the Prince Charming arrives in a white BMW, rescued her and off they go into the sunset....

07-03-2011, 03:32 PM
take it easy... sometimes life can never be perfect and we just have to live the best out of it, great that you have a little lady in your life, cheer up!

07-03-2011, 04:21 PM
sorry to hear that, be strong. life is alot of challenging. i know u r strong woman. if u think need to talk,please don hesitate to mail me.

07-03-2011, 05:32 PM
Not sure where you're heading to but sure it is good to share it out loud, keep it up, dear.

07-03-2011, 05:48 PM
can i make friend with u

08-03-2011, 01:28 AM
Life as a young married couple was quite simple. Work, dinner, sleep. Very quickly it became he does his own stuff in the study room while I am doing my own things in the living room. Communication were getting lesser between us. Tried talking to him but he is always in his own world. ........

Hmmm no communication is not good.

08-03-2011, 08:55 AM
It's 1.30am now. Here I am sitting on the sofa with the tv on but I am not watching it. My husband of 8 years and my 3 year old daughter is asleep in the Master bedroom.
As I am typing, I am having recollections of my past. What I have done and what I regret doing and what I enjoyed doing.
I love my daughter a lot and I guess she is the reason that made me stay in this marriage though I am not happy at all.

A little background info about me:-
I am in my late 30s but I don't look my age at all as I have a what they call baby face. Most would thought that I am in my mid 20s. I am petite in size. Slim build. Ample assets. And I would say I have the right curves at the right places. I get hit on quite regularly if I am alone running errands.
So what's my problem and why am I here, you guys must be thinking because I am asking the exact question also. To be honest, this is my second marriage.

My first marriage ended in a ugly divorce as a result of marrying too young and my first husband had a gf who has a personality of always using tears to get her way. And as a result, a lot of my personal photos including my younger days baby pictures were thrown away without my consent and knowledge. Adding to that, I am being forced to pay my ex a few thousand just to make him sign on some legal papers.

So, at late 30s, I have gone through marriage twice, divorce, birth, abortion, affairs, flings and one night stand....

Forced to pay ex to sign legal papers??? what a jerk... its usually the other way around. Now you have a happy family now, a husband a child, what more do you want. haha. Cherish those around you and leave the unhappy past behind and move on!

08-03-2011, 10:39 PM
hang in there sis...
sigh marriage is indeed a lot of hard work & it's so so so hard to read the other person's mind. wish someone had given me all the hard truths about marriage...
from your posts, can see that u are trying hard.. my heart goes out to u. take care

09-03-2011, 10:58 PM
Everything that happened, be it good or bad always have their reasons. Wether it is between your friends or family members. I always believe we existed because we need to pay off our debt owning to others in this life or past life. If there treat you well, it was because they own it to you. If there don't, it is because you own them. Your ex took off as you have duly paid him, be it your $, time and/or love.... Always have up and down in life, be strong and move on. Feel free if you need a listening ear. Cheers.

09-03-2011, 11:41 PM
Dear sister,

Indeed you should continue as this is a forum for everyone to express their opinion and input. This is a freedom of speech which we do not have many arena to do so in our small island.

I believe there are many of us who support your contribution. Keep up the good work.

10-03-2011, 07:15 AM
Hi Sis keep it up we need ladies to contribute in the forum

10-03-2011, 07:44 AM
Hi Sis, it's nice that you share yr feelings. I think both bros and siss can share and learn from it. Trust that you will be stronger after this.

10-03-2011, 08:21 AM
hmmm ya hor...
why alot of married couples like this..husband in study doing his own thing while wife likes to watch TV?

Maybe husband is secretly talking to some girl....or watching porn....or surfing SBF.....hoping to be the hero in all the juicy stories or the actor in the porn clips..

While the wife imagines she is the character in all those weepy sobby dramas where in the end, the Prince Charming arrives in a white BMW, rescued her and off they go into the sunset....

Haha. this is sooo true.

10-03-2011, 10:19 AM
This is like watching a 24hrs movies....s-l-o-o-o-o-w moving...

10-03-2011, 11:00 AM
Can we hurry up and get to the part where some guy had you bent over his office desk please.;)