View Full Version : Bonking a Lesbian

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01-03-2011, 03:41 PM
With the support of many bros here, I decided to continue sharing my experiences with all samsters....

This one is unexpected & different..quite sad but life's like that I guessed....

I was working in a new company when I 1st come into contact with Butches...I know of a couple but never worked with them in my life. Butches are well, afterall women, so no matter how much they try to act male, they're still female, period!

During the 1st few weeks of work, it was quite stressful, new environment & new colleagues, I struggled to keep up with the stress of my new job till I met, Chris aka Christy who is a Butch...She was helpful and always willing to lend a helping hand whenever I got into any difficulities. After 3 mths into the job, I was like an Old bird, made new friends and colleagues! Chris was my best pal at work as well as Bernard, who came in later to be my another buddy! We had a happy working environment.

One day, Chris organised a birthday party for herself at a KTV (decent one) at duxton road and a few close colleagues were invited! After work, we went down to the KTV, I bought Chris a cake and bernard bought a Chivas..we intended to make her drunk! When we arrived at the joint, me & bernard was hanging outside the KTV when a chiobu walked past us and entered the joint. I was captivated by her sparking eyes and smile......i turned to Bernard & said:" Wow bro, u saw that..si bey chio man!..one of the chioest bu in duxton so far since we arrived"

"Yeah man but too bad, I attached & no balls to "eat" outside" bernard replied

"Haha..what a faithful guy u are..let me call Chris to see which room is she in" I said

We proceeded to the KTV looking for 108..upon reaching the door, Bernard pushed open the door and there she was standing in front of us...Yes, it was the chio bu we saw earlier on! I was shocked & couldn't believe my eyes, thanking God for this opportunity to meet her so soon!

"Hey guys, let me intro my girlfriend, Fiona...." Chris said...Fuck man...till today I can't understand why butches always have the chioest girlfriends...but anyway I'm glad to meet her!

We had lotsa fun, laughter & booze...Chris & Fiona were good drinkers and after 2 bottles of Chivas, they were still sober! Chris intro Fiona to me as her best pal in office...After shaking her hand, we were already chatting like old friends..Bernard was playing fist-guessing with Chris so I had Fiona to myself..She was still schooling at Ngee Ann Poly but graduating soon! After scanning her from head to toe, I reckon she was about 160cm tall but the only thing that turns me off was her bust size..She was at least a 34/5C with a small waist 24/25...I never liked tua neh neh but anyway, it wasn't as though I was gonna sleep with her!

We stayed on till 4am before we went back & I had to sent all 3 of them back as Bernard & Chris were already pretty drunk from playing fist- guessing! Fiona sat in front and we chatted all the way back her place in Serangoon...I helped her to support Chris back to her place and led her to her bedroom..."Chris is staying with you??" I asked Fiona

"No lah..she's too drunk to go back so might as well stay at my place...my parents know her too so they're ok" Fiona replied....I thought to myself what the fuck is her parents thinking..knowing that her daughter is dating a butch & still approve!

"Oic..anyway, do drop me a sms to let me know she's ok yah" I told Fiona and gave her my Hp number. I left her place & then send Bernard back home...After I got home, I took a shower and rested on the sofa...it was almost 6am so if I sleep, I know I won't be able to wake up for work so I watched tv instead but images of Fiona keep flashing across my mind. She was sexy, and I still recall the tight black dress she was wearing, her bust was screaming to come out and there wasn't any visible panty line, probably she was wearing thongs that nite!

I left for work, "Stoned" and sleepy at 8am...when I got to office, Bernard was already there..I was surprised..but Chris's desk was empty..haha guessed she had a hangover. "BEEP BEEP!" my hp alert...it was a foreign no. so when I read it, it was Fiona, she said Chris is still sleeping. I was happy to get her no. so easily and I informed our boss that Chris was sick today...

I exchanged a few more sms with Fiona asking her to update me on Chris condition.

................to be cont! :D

01-03-2011, 03:51 PM
Let me be the first one to say, good start to another good story!

01-03-2011, 04:08 PM
cAMping for more!!

My ofx also got 1 dam chio butch... She's the female of the butch. :0

Most guys eye pop out whenever we see her... Maybe, after ur story, I can learn from you ... heee... But like they always say, Don't shit, where u eat!

01-03-2011, 04:10 PM
camping for updates

01-03-2011, 04:12 PM
3rd camper here. waiting

01-03-2011, 04:38 PM
Variety, variety. Afterall, only death and taxes are certain. Who say a butch can't swing both way?

TS, waiting for your next instalment.

01-03-2011, 04:44 PM
Camping here for more :p :D

01-03-2011, 04:54 PM
"Hey guys, let me intro my girlfriend, Fiona...." Chris said...Fuck man...till today I can't understand why butches always have the chioest girlfriends...but anyway I'm glad to meet her!

Beats me too... Greatest mystery next to who killed JFK!

01-03-2011, 05:00 PM
Camping here for more

Lao Da lai liao:p:D. Nice kick off, camping for your update.:D

01-03-2011, 05:38 PM
Thank you!

Nice startup, waiting for more.

01-03-2011, 06:36 PM
TS hope I'm not to late
Wait for me

01-03-2011, 06:51 PM
Wa I am here to camp with the others for the next update as well.

01-03-2011, 09:14 PM
im here to camp too. :)

01-03-2011, 09:32 PM
nice 2 see these type of stories .... please continue

01-03-2011, 09:44 PM
Bro, please keep going I am a butch's lover too !!:D

01-03-2011, 10:35 PM
tom boy huh. Good good good. tom boy also gal.

01-03-2011, 11:30 PM
TS a bit slow liao. i already bonked a butch b4, pls visit my thread on Butch to fuck buddy conversion

02-03-2011, 09:32 AM
Let me be the first one to say, good start to another good story!

Tks bro ;)

02-03-2011, 09:33 AM
cAMping for more!!

My ofx also got 1 dam chio butch... She's the female of the butch. :0

Most guys eye pop out whenever we see her... Maybe, after ur story, I can learn from you ... heee... But like they always say, Don't shit, where u eat!

Haha bro..read on for more knowledge :D

02-03-2011, 09:40 AM
camping for updates
Updates are usually Mon-Sat at appx 1030am
3rd camper here. waiting
Patience bro....
Variety, variety. Afterall, only death and taxes are certain. Who say a butch can't swing both way?

TS, waiting for your next instalment.
haha well said..its lesbian this this round..Next story will tell how my gal become a butch!
Camping here for more /QUOTE]
Tks bro
[QUOTE=anton;5723935]Beats me too... Greatest mystery next to who killed JFK!
haha...who shot JFK ...kekeke
Lao Da lai liao.. Nice kick off, camping for your update.:D
Tks bro :)
Thank you!

Nice startup, waiting for more.
Coming soon.....
TS hope I'm not to late
Wait for me

Definitely not late...!
Wa I am here to camp with the others for the next update as well.
My good supporter :D
im here to camp too. .
My other supporter :)
nice 2 see these type of stories .... please continue
Yup...everyday will have updates
Bro, please keep going I am a butch's lover too !!
Wow...great to know that !

02-03-2011, 10:04 AM

Fiona kept me updated on Chris's condition the whole day..at least 20 over smses were exchanged and I couldn't really work on that day partially cos I was dead tired & also my mind kept thinking of Fiona. Chris called me up about 3pm shortly and apologise for her absent..anyway, Chris was only 23yrs old..how much responsibility can that a young person have? But having worked in the company for 4 yrs plus..she was considered a "senior" although my colleagues know about her late night partying & absence the next day pattern...haha!

Somehow, it became routine that the 3 of us (me, Chris & fiona) will hang out after work, be it dinner or just a drink at the pub, we will meet up almost every other day...It was only soon I discovered that Chris have quite a disfunctional family..she's a butch while her brother is gay..I can understand how upset her parents were when they thought they had the perfect balance of a son & daughter only to realise that their sexual preference changed over the year..hey dun misunderstand that I'm biased or dislike them..just find that it's such a pity although they can't really help it either. Chris was blessed with flawless skin, smooth & free of pimples..and if she were to keep long hair, I'm sure she will be quite chio..but funny thing is that she was born flat..yeah..flat chested! Initially, i tot she bind her breast only to realise that she doesn't cos she's too flat. She just wear a sports bra out underneath.

Fiona was different..she had a figure many women would die for and those eyes kept electrifying me! Soon enough, Fiona kept in touch with me via sms and Chris was comfortable with it! Tell you guys a funny story..the reason why Chris trust me is because I was single and have only been hanging out with my great guy friend's company so she reckon I'm gay...although she asked me many times, I will simply give her an indefinite answer, keeping her in suspense!

One night, we when to play pool at prinsep street...Fiona was in her shorts & low cut tank top, I was already having a hard on every time she bends down to play pool. Chris was ok with her dressing as she believe "If u have it, Flaunt it!" We were closed enough to share jokes & disturb each other...I then casually passed a remark to Fiona:" U should give me half of your neh neh & let me share your burden!" She came over & hit my shoulder then said:"Chris was right about u being gay..u want my neh neh so u can become woman right so you can be with John (my best pal)"

I just laughed it off and refused to answer her..Bingo..Chris wasn't even pissed I bio her GF's titties! But I kept thinking to myself..wah lau..so big..how to "eat" but then again, I never had or rather not a fan of busty women. Somehow, Fiona was just different, I had to "try".

After pool...we went over to the pub for a couple of beers...Both of them drank quite a lot as I needed to drive, i only had a mug plus while they finished the rest..It was time to go back but this time, Chris was going back to her own house and I had to send her back 1st

.....to be cont...got urgent meeting!

02-03-2011, 10:25 AM
Nice story here :D

02-03-2011, 11:33 AM
tom boy huh. Good good good. tom boy also gal.

Read on bro..its tom boy's GF..not tom boy herself :rolleyes:

02-03-2011, 11:34 AM
TS a bit slow liao. i already bonked a butch b4, pls visit my thread on Butch to fuck buddy conversion

Sorry bro..i din bonk the butch...I bonk her GF :D

02-03-2011, 11:38 AM
I really wonder about something, why do butchs have gfs that are so pretty ? Seen a few myself and I think, there goes the advantage given to us by guys that turn gay.

02-03-2011, 11:41 AM
Sorry bro..i din bonk the butch...I bonk her GF :D

I guessed so.... :p

02-03-2011, 03:05 PM
I really wonder about something, why do butchs have gfs that are so pretty ? Seen a few myself and I think, there goes the advantage given to us by guys that turn gay.
Haha...well,according to my butch friends, even if they screw around, it doesn't hurt as much as a guy screwing around cos intercourse never took place in terms of the penis!
I guessed so.... :p

Yeah bro ;)

02-03-2011, 03:36 PM

When we reached Chris place, she leaned over & gave me a goodbye hug :"Tks buddy..help me get Fiona home safely..i can't make it liao..gg back to slp..see ya in office later!"

"No worries Chris, I make sure she gets home safely..I'm meeting John after that guessed u're too seh (aka drunk/high) to join us liao!" I replied

"Wah lau, u 2 gays must meet every nite ah...haha..next time ask him join us lah" Fiona said

Chris left the car, followed by Fiona, they both had a long passionate kiss before Fiona went to the front seat to sit with me to cont her journey home! I was jealous but yet LL....As she got into the car, she slumped to the seat and tilted her head to rest on the neck rest...she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. I could see her deep cleavage and was damn tempted to touch them! I keep bioing her neh throughout the journey & tot to myself, how nice if i can try big titties for a change!

When I reached her void deck, I asked if she I needed to send her up but she declined, she will drop me a sms instead. When she was about to open the car door...she leaned forward to give me a hug too..I was shocked!

"Tks gay boy...msg u later when i'm up safely..." she said.......I just smiled and said bye to her..even though the hug was less than a minute, I cld feel the sincerity and of cos not forgetting her busty chest pressing against mine! I waited patiently for her sms before driving off to meet John.

.............to cont tml morn guys!

02-03-2011, 03:43 PM
please faster cum back for your stream stream story:D

02-03-2011, 08:31 PM
Nice one..keep it coming

03-03-2011, 09:34 AM
please faster cum back for your stream stream story:D

Nice one..keep it coming

Thanks guy...stay tune for updates :rolleyes:

03-03-2011, 10:02 AM
Bro 9dragon, Chris just have sunny side up eggs instead of papayas only...
but have abalone what... still can let hotdog meet abalone... ;)

03-03-2011, 10:03 AM

After I met up with John, I shared with him about Fiona...John has already met them so he knows who she was. Andy supported me to screw her..haha..wat a pal! But we both knew it was quite impossible cause she's a lesbian. I need to find out more about her before making any move...

I went back home that night, thinking about how would her breast looks like since I've never come into contact with any girls whom is more than 33B ;) That fantasy made me even more determine to go after Fiona! The next morning, I went to work, surprisingly Chris was earlier than me...She greeted me with a smile and thank me once again for sending her gf back (it was definitely my pleasure..it wld be even greater if i cld bonk her..hahaha)

I dated the both of them for dinner & drinks tonite together with John...John came up with this ingenious idea to keep the both of them thinking that we're really gay to gain bigger trust from Chris that Fiona will be safe in my hands. After work, we headed down to boat quay for dinner..John was already there, I went down with Chris but Fiona was late. So we ordered food 1st while waiting for her to come. When Fiona finally came, she was in this 1pc dress with a belt, showing off her slim waist..that dress came with a plunging neckline which shows her deep cleavage so clearly. I almost salivate upon seeing her.

"Sorry Sorry...i'm late, got presentation in school!" she said

"Wah, what kind of presentation man! That you gotta dress like this & 'kill' the judges ah!" i disturbed Fiona

"No lah...it was more of a business presenting for my this term module lah..i dun have any other dress liao lah..I know this pc is a bit too revealing but no choice lor!" she sulk!

"okok..dun disturb u liao..come, her's a beer for you...cheers!" i said

With that, she happily took her mug & cheers with me before downing the whole mug! Boy was she thristy! haha....Fiona was seated beside me as it was a square table so me & john sat opp each other while Chris & Fiona too so we can face our "partners" respectively. Chris was in a mood to drink (as usual) so she ordered a bottle of vodka to be mix with some other drinks. It wasn't long before Chris was already high from the potent alcohol content...Fiona too had a sip too much but she was more sober than Chris...

"Guess she gotta stay with me tonite again liao...look at her..how she go back?" Fiona said

"Your house like a Inn for drunkards hor..so next time if I drunk, u take me in too can?" I disturbed her!

"Hehe...u dun need me...u got John to take care of u..." she rebutted me....Nabey, like that also can...I can't lose to her so I said "Yah..just in case John not around how? He's always away on business trip and I always hang out with u girls mah""

"Like that also can...haha..I think my parents will be shocked if I bring a guy home! Dunno if they'll be happy or not...maybe happy lor since u're a guy..but then when they find out u gay, they will be disappointed again...hahahaha!" she said

"Well, if that day happen..we see what's your parents reaction!" I told her

Fiona's parents are pretty cool with her..The rules are no drugs & cigarettes...the rest they're ok. They have come to terms that their daughter is not interested in the opp sex and they do not wish to force her too! What cool parents she have I tot to myself.

When we called it a night, on my left arm I have Chris & on my right, I have fiona...both were unbalanced hence need my support to walk back to the car..As i held Fiona by her shoulder, she almost fell so I held her waist instead..even with so much beer inside her..she barely got tummy! I felt like her bf holding her..Chris was too drunk to know wat's happening & started mumbling nonsense! Suddenly, Fiona tripped over something & almost fell down..As she was falling forward, my hands automatically when upwards to support her..that was when I "accidentally" touched her breast for the 1st time..She was busty enought not to wear padded bra..I could feel her whole breast when It brushed against my hand! I had a hardon immediately! She managed to get hold of her balance and probably din know what happened....

........more to come when we reach her place :rolleyes:

03-03-2011, 10:06 AM
Bro 9dragon, Chris just have sunny side up eggs instead of papayas only...
but have abalone what... still can let hotdog meet abalone... ;)

Hi bro..good to see u around..always love your comments & advices..
Honestly speaking,its ok to bonk a "sunny side up eggs" gal but her despite having sharp features & flawless skin,its the haircut like a guy..crewcut leh..cannot take it lah..hotdog see the abalone also become from Frankfurter to Cocktail sausage leh :(

03-03-2011, 10:19 AM
Bro 9dragon, thanks & u'r most welcome... :o
BTW, like one of the bro in SBF had mentioned (can't remember who leow)...
U may consider using a pillow 2 cover either her face or ur eyes... lol... ;)
Hi bro..good to see u around..always love your comments & advices..
Honestly speaking,its ok to bonk a "sunny side up eggs" gal but her despite having sharp features & flawless skin,its the haircut like a guy..crewcut leh..cannot take it lah..hotdog see the abalone also become from Frankfurter to Cocktail sausage leh :(

03-03-2011, 10:26 AM
Honestly speaking,its ok to bonk a "sunny side up eggs" gal but her despite having sharp features & flawless skin,its the haircut like a guy..crewcut leh..cannot take it lah..hotdog see the abalone also become from Frankfurter to Cocktail sausage leh :(

BTW, like one of the bro in SBF had mentioned (can't remember who leow)...
U may consider using a pillow 2 cover either her face or ur eyes...

Simple mah , cover the face and fire the base :p :D

03-03-2011, 10:47 AM
Camping for more .... :D

03-03-2011, 10:54 AM
Camper reporting in too... :D

04-03-2011, 12:02 AM
reporting in
Damn i am late

04-03-2011, 03:11 AM
My god, bonking a lesbian (or both of them tgt) has been my life long dream and fantasy and mission. Salute to you bro if you've succeeded (which im sure you did). Wish me luck i'll need a lot.


04-03-2011, 09:31 AM
Bro 9dragon, thanks & u'r most welcome...
BTW, like one of the bro in SBF had mentioned (can't remember who leow)...
U may consider using a pillow 2 cover either her face or ur eyes... lol...
Wow cannot lah bro..the body may be willing but the mind overcome the body :(
Simple mah , cover the face and fire the base
Cannot fire bro..sure come out blanks..hehe
Camping for more ....
Tks bro!
Camper reporting in too...
Enjoy your stay =)
reporting in
Damn i am late
Never too late for reading ;)
My god, bonking a lesbian (or both of them tgt) has been my life long dream and fantasy and mission. Salute to you bro if you've succeeded (which im sure you did). Wish me luck i'll need a lot.
haha...lesbian Yes..Before my gal turn Butch Yes..TGT nope...wish u luck bro :D

04-03-2011, 09:55 AM
Bro 9dragon, y not drink some alcohol... plus pillow & long-hair wig?? ;)
W/these things... may b u'll miss-fire?? :D
Wow cannot lah bro..the body may be willing but the mind overcome the body :(
Cannot fire bro..sure come out blanks..hehe

04-03-2011, 10:09 AM

When we got back into the car, Chris said she needed to go home as she had some documents back at her place which she need to present to boss tml.."Lucky Bastard" I tot to myself since I can drop Chris back home 1st then have Fiona all by myself :rolleyes: Fiona was fast asleep at the back of the car..so after I dropped Chris off, as usual, a 'thank you' hug from her then off she went...I was smiling to myself as I drove off with Fiona. I kept looking at the rear view mirror to steal glances at her, she looks good even when drunk & sleeping..I wonder how good will she look naked! haha....Anyway when I reached her place, I went to the back of the car to wake her up:" Hey girl..we're back liao..wake up"

She mumbled:" Praise the lord..let's drink!" before slumbering back to the seat...I dunno how come she got this drunk cos before that while at the restuarant, she was more sober than Chris...I just sat at the back seat, with her head resting on my thigh. I was so tempted to open this revealing plunging neckline dress of hers to peek at her breast but I had no balls to do it! Looking at her tits screaming to come out has already led me to another hard-on again. I know nothing's gonna happen if we stayed in the car so I whispered to her ears "Let's go home..I send you up girl!" she just nodded her head.

As I helped her outta the car, she accidentally zaogeng! Saw her translucent black panties but couldn't see her pussy as it was too fast...Wah, at this point, I really wanted to rape her lor! I held her by her waist while she rested her head on my shoulders. In the lift, I just rubbed her waist, hitting the side of her breast occasionally. She was took drunk or high to notice! I asked for her keys to open the door and she fumbled to find them so I had no choice but to go thru her bag and find her keys...Guessed what I found instead? A mini vibrator! Fuck man...this girl must be horny! WTF is Chris doing to her I tot to myself!

I'm already more horny..After I found her keys, I managed to open the door and led her back to her room. Guessed it was easy to find cos her room was the only door opened! I helped her back to her room and laid her on her bed after closing the door, didn't wanna wake her family up!

"Hey girl, u're back home safe & sound...I'm leaving already k!" I whispered to her.

"Tks gay boy....u're so sweet..too bad u're a gay if not many girls will fall for u!" she replied with her eyes closed.

I dunno what gave me the guts but I just gave her a peck on her forehead and patted her head before leaving. As I got up, she opened her eyes slowly..looked at me, smiled and closed back her eyes...wtf was she thinking...How I wished I had the balls to plant that peck on her lips instead!

I went back home that night...smiling to myself the whole journey and kept thinking of our next meetup!

The next day...When I went to work, Chris did managed to wake up too!
"Chris, surprised u can wake up man! I'm damn seh already...even I drank less than u guys!"

"Nah, LL man..if I din have to present some documents to boss, I wld have took urgent leave...btw tks again for sending Fiona back last nite...wanted to stay over her place so u dun have to run two places." Chris replied

"Always my pleasure Buddy...u girls are nice lah!" I just smiled at her

Back in office, I kept thinking of Fiona...couldn't focus on my work but I didn't dare to sms her too! At about 12pm, my hp beep...it was an SMS from Fiona.."Tks Sweetie for sending me home & putting me to sleep..i had the sweetest dreams last nite!" i was stunned...was there any hidden meaning behind her msg...it sounded so much like I was her BF! I kept telling myself she probably treated me like a "SIS" & not a guy anyway. I just replied her "It's my sweetest pleasure" via sms. We exchanged a few more sms that afternoon and I was smiling the whole day at work till even Chris noticed I was super happy!

.....................to be cont

04-03-2011, 10:31 AM
Bro 9dragon, if i were u... i guess i would grab some papayas... ;)
I dunno how come she got this drunk cos before that while at the restuarant, she was more sober than Chris...
In the lift, I just rubbed her waist, hitting the side of her breast occasionally. She was took drunk or high to notice! I asked for her keys to open the door and she fumbled to find them so I had no choice but to go thru her bag and find her keys...Guessed what I found instead? A mini vibrator! Fuck man...this girl must be horny! WTF is Chris doing to her I tot to myself!
I dunno what gave me the guts but I just gave her a peck on her forehead and patted her head before leaving. As I got up, she opened her eyes slowly..looked at me, smiled and closed back her eyes...wtf was she thinking...How I wished I had the balls to plant that peck on her lips instead!

I went back home that night...smiling to myself the whole journey and kept thinking of our next meetup!

04-03-2011, 11:26 AM
At about 12pm, my hp beep...it was an SMS from Fiona.."Tks Sweetie for sending me home & putting me to sleep..i had the sweetest dreams last nite!" i was stunned...was there any hidden meaning behind her msg...it sounded so much like I was her BF! I kept telling myself she probably treated me like a "SIS" & not a guy anyway. I just replied her "It's my sweetest pleasure" via sms. We exchanged a few more sms that afternoon and I was smiling the whole day at work till even Chris noticed I was super happy!

Sounds like flirting.. Chances very high.. ;) BTW, nice story.. :cool:

Rasta Marley
04-03-2011, 08:52 PM
Nice build up Bro....Fiona probably dreamt that you were in bed with her and Chris....and you were in between them...hehehe:p

SMS from Fiona.."Tks Sweetie for sending me home & putting me to sleep..i had the sweetest dreams last nite!"

04-03-2011, 09:20 PM

05-03-2011, 02:15 AM
awesome story...keep it cumming

05-03-2011, 09:29 AM
Bro 9dragon, y not drink some alcohol... plus pillow & long-hair wig??
W/these things... may b u'll miss-fire??
Hmmm...good idea...can try bro :p
Bro 9dragon, if i were u... i guess i would grab some papayas...
No balls lah..not "ethical" to take advantage when a person is drunk ;)
Sounds like flirting.. Chances very high.. BTW, nice story.. :cool:
Haha...yeah that's what I tot but I din wanna assume :D
Nice build up Bro....Fiona probably dreamt that you were in bed with her and Chris....and you were in between them...hehehe
Well..hopefully that's what she was dreaming
awesome story...keep it cumming
Enjoy your stay here brossss

05-03-2011, 10:27 AM

As it was closer to knocking off from work, Chris came over..."Oei today I noticed you're extremely happy...why...what happened? Share leh!"

"Aiya..nothing lah..just happy lor...!" i replied

"Why???Yesterday Kanna ah" She gave me a sly look!

"Yah lor, happening with John last nite so very happy today...." I answered her back!

"Hehe...so who fucked who ah? I kaypoh can?" she asked

Nabey, i nv touched a male in my whole life how to answer her? Maybe she got gay friends so I gotta be careful with my answer. I simply told her ..."Well, we take turns to make each other happy...full stop!" She din probe further.

"By the way...i'll be taking leave next week. Going holiday with my family so you gotta clear my shit for next week" Chris said

"Nah...go enjoy yourselves u bitches.." I rebutted her

"what bitches, I'm going with my family lah, Fiona not coming along!" she signed

In my mind, i was already starting to plan my program with Fiona during Chris's absence. Will she try to follow Chris too..etc. I started smsing Fiona telling her that I know about Chris absence next week...suprisingly she replied saying she's not too worried cos got me & john to accompany her as well.

Time flew and it was already the next week. Chris was in Phuket with her family while poor me had to work in office. I decided to date Fiona out...just the 2 of us..I text her asking if she was free after my work but she had a project group meeting which will only end at 830pm so only after that she's free. Of cos no matter wat time, i sure onzz man! After work, I met up with John for dinner, sharing with him my anxiety of meeting her later. My hp beep..she said their project discussion got delayed and she may not be able to meet me..KNN, I was damn disappointed..i simply replied her that her project was more impt, complete it 1st & if she's not too tired, she still can "date" me later that nite...she just replied "see how later" I sian 1/2...so I decided to go play pool with john to "vent" my frustrations & disappointment.

It was closed to midnite and I know Fiona won't be meeting me when my hp suddenly beep...it was an SMS from Fiona "hey gayboy, i'm hungry..bloody discussion even longer than our parliament speech! if u're in bed, then nite nite yah!" My eyes opened big big, then I told John that I had to leave...he simply laughed at me! I called her immediately to ask where to pick her up! I drove as fast as I could to pick her up from the Mcdonald's near her school. She was waiting for me at the road side...waving at me like waving for a cab.

"Wow, that was fast, you speed ah!" she said

"no lah...traffic was smooth mah & its already so late so where got cars...so what u wanna eat?" I asked

"I craved for Dim Sum..."

"Okie, I bring u go Geylang then..." I replied

"Wah,there got Dim Sum meh...why u guys go such sleazy place to eat?" she asked

I jokingly replied "got lah, its called 126 (in cantonese)..we go there so that people who see us know we confirm not gay mah..think we go there for chicken instead"

She just laughed, hit me on my shoulder. When we arrived there, as usual, Geylang is one of the most horrible place to find a parking lot. In the end, I gotta parked opp the eatery. While standing at the road side, I was shocked when she held onto my arms to cross the road. I simply held onto her too & crossed the road. We chatted & I even fed her during our meal and enjoyed ourselves. After we finished, while waiting to cross the road..I simply held her hands interlocked like a couple to cross the road. She din reject nor loosen her hand..she simply too held on tight!

I was a happy man as this was a good start for a relationship..even if i knew she was a lesbian. When we arrived at her place..her standard s.o.p was to give me a goodbye hug..but this time round, I hugged her tighter & slightly longer.
"wow,u are a bit different today" she said

"Well...probably its bcos I had a great nite & company" I replied

"Hehe..well, I enjoyed myself too..tks for supper" she said

"Its my pleasure..." I smiled

This time round, I insisted on sending her up on the pretext that Chris wasn't around so I had to ensure her safety. She not only obliged while in the lift, she actually rested her head on my shoulders. I just stood there stunned! When she reached her door, she turned over to give me another hug before bidding goodbye..I happily hugged her back...

..............to cont on MON bros :D

05-03-2011, 04:27 PM
9dragon bro... thanks... nice story... waiting for u to update yr story soon...:D:D

05-03-2011, 06:05 PM
Bro, did u feel raisins? or siew mine (dim sum)? ;)

Rasta Marley
05-03-2011, 11:20 PM
Hey Bro, please continue.....only get hug huh? Thought she would have "raped" you la:p
She actually rested her head on my shoulders. I just stood there stunned! When she reached her door, she turned over to give me another hug before bidding goodbye..I happily hugged her back

06-03-2011, 12:08 AM
Wa, great story. Hoping to see more. And hope you successfully bonk her. Dun keep us in suspense:) way to go ;)

07-03-2011, 07:48 AM
This time round, I insisted on sending her up on the pretext that Chris wasn't around so I had to ensure her safety. She not only obliged while in the lift, she actually rested her head on my shoulders. I just stood there stunned! When she reached her door, she turned over to give me another hug before bidding goodbye..I happily hugged her back...

Hey Bro, please continue.....only get hug huh? Thought she would have "raped" you la :p

Bro Rasta Marley, I guess her body language has already mentally rape Bro 9dragon! Hopefully Bro 9dragon got her hint. ;)

Disclaimer: I'm too horny for my own good! :Grunt: :Grunt: :Grunt: :D

P.S: List Of UPPEES is not in full due to the capacity limitation of the signature function (not be longer than 300 characters excluding BB Code markup). Rest assured I've all ur nicks n u'll be awarded. If I do missed u, kindly PM me. :)

Appreciate the PM, Bro BatistaSG, Bro steamystreamsg, Bro Linkus, Bro Regaine, Bro evo7_5, Bro Thongchai, Bro curiouslooker, Bro PS3SG, Bro Red-Card, Bro jerrystockton, Bro Cytan7, Bro =WK=, Bro dbhh, Bro awesome04, Bro skyhawk958 and Bro dingding75!

07-03-2011, 09:27 AM
9dragon bro... thanks... nice story... waiting for u to update yr story soon...
welcome bro..glad u like it....
Bro, did u feel raisins? or siew mine (dim sum)?
awww bro..u never feel to embarrass me..nope..cldn't feel as it was not that long ;)
Hey Bro, please continue.....only get hug huh? Thought she would have "raped" you la
yup...well, she probably treated me as a "sis" instead of a regular guy!
Wa, great story. Hoping to see more. And hope you successfully bonk her. Dun keep us in suspense way to go
Hopefully bro..lesbian are quite straight in their sexuality :rolleyes:
Bro Rasta Marley, I guess her body language has already mentally rape Bro 9dragon! Hopefully Bro 9dragon got her hint.

Disclaimer: I'm too horny for my own good!

Yeah man...if she was straight, i probably wld hv caught the hint :D

07-03-2011, 09:31 AM
welcome bro..glad u like it....

Yeah man...if she was straight, i probably wld hv caught the hint :D

Hint or not hint, you are the man :D:) Upz and waiting for your updates :)

07-03-2011, 10:01 AM

She asked me "Hey, u wanna come in for awhile...its still early"

"yeah..why not..let me check out what you & chris being doing in the bedroom" i cheekily replied.

Her family was already fast asleep (she told me her parents sleep by 1030pm) and her sister was sick...SISTER???hmmmm....wonder if she's just as chio...i thought to myself...She led me to her bedroom..it was simple yet functional...hmmm I dunno how to explain..she's staying on the 4th level and the windows are kinda facing her neighbour's so I wonder if she make out with chris, will they "disturb" them..hahaha!

On her table laid her family photos..yeah, saw her sis in it..they both both bear much resemblance except that her sister looked older & more mature despite only 2yrs difference. There was a queen size mattress on the floor and her bedsheet was Strawberry Shortcake characters...how childish..or rather girlie! She then switched on her computer and asked me to take a seat on her bed...i "tested" her bed out...hmmm...firm & bouncy enough for a good makeout! haha....She went out to the kitchen to get me a drink and came back with a pack of 6s tiger beer....

"let's have a drink!" she said

"Wow,at home u also drink..." I was surprised

"My whole family loves beer so our fridge stock up a lot of beer...we may not have water but Beer...definitely!" she replied

No wonder even time we go drink beer she can really hold her liquor well...only when we drink hard liquor then she will get drunk. We started chatting & drinking beer and she was sharing how she met Chris & they ended up together..Well, she was straight before..but badly hurt by her ex-boyfriend hence she turned into a lesbian. When I asked her whether she will go back being straight, she gave me a firm NO...i was disappointed & know that we won't happen liao..I told her that it was such a waste to be a lesbian and she rebutted me back that I'm a gay too. I just laughed & kept quiet as I do not wish to spoil our beautiful "friendship" if she knows I'm straight...

"Too bad u're a gay too..if not u'll definitely melt women's heart" she said

"Who knows I may go straight one day..i may love John (*puke*) but I dunno we both may go straight one day" i replied

"haha...wish u guys good luck then..." she said

Soon, i had already down 6 cans of beer cos she went back to the kitchen to get another 6...we each drank 6 cans in less than 2hrs...I was getting sleepy...very sleepy...I told her that I can't drive as I'm feeling drowsy from the beer. She told me to take a rest on her bed. I guessed I knocked out in no time...

"RINNGGGGGGG" it was my hp alarm...I got startled by it & set it back to snooze...when i regained my "consciousness" I realised that I was home...I was sleeping beside fiona and her hand was on my chest...I was shocked cos I couldn't remember that I slept over at her place. I had to wake up, go back change and get ready for work.

I lifted her hand away and got up from the bed..I stood there, staring at her...Holy shit...she was in her nighties with only her panties on. I cld see a little protrusion of her nipples. And as I just woke up..I already had a slight hard on..seeing her in her gown..i lagi steam! I needed her to open the door for me to leave so I had to wake her up...

I kneeled down beside her..still staring at her from head to toe then lean over her ears & whispered "Hey...morning..sorry I slept over but I had to go now..I need to go back & change"

She slowly opened her eyes and stretched herself "Morning...hope u slept well cos I certainly did..ok,let me open the door for you!" She got up, slowly open her door to see if anyone's awake..whew...they're still sleeping at it was only 6am in the morn. I had a habit of waking up early to read the newspaper before going off to work.

She send me off to the door and bid me goodbye...as she was waving & saying bye to me, she let off a yawn with her eyes closed...at that point, I was staring at her tits...i mean more of her nipples as they were yearning to come out of the gown. I couldn't see the colour and could only let my imagination run wild.

I rushed back home to change & went to work........

...............to be cont!

07-03-2011, 10:26 AM
Bro 9dragon, sorry that i'd ask a straight forward question... ;)
BTW bro, did u check whether ur hotdog have any gun-powder residue?? :D
"RINNGGGGGGG" it was my hp alarm...I got startled by it & set it back to snooze...when i regained my "consciousness" I realised that I was home...I was sleeping beside fiona and her hand was on my chest...I was shocked cos I couldn't remember that I slept over at her place. I had to wake up, go back change and get ready for work.

07-03-2011, 10:58 AM
I also like Bonking Lesbians ... more please:D

07-03-2011, 10:59 AM
Keep it cumming:) getting popcorn

07-03-2011, 11:14 AM
great story bro, Hoping to see more. :D

07-03-2011, 11:33 AM
nice nice.. a great update to start the week off.. :)

07-03-2011, 01:35 PM
I rushed back home to change & went to work........

...............to be cont!Wow, TS, you are such a saint. Seeing her in nightie with just panties, yet all that's on your mind was to leave and go to work? Amazing! If I were you, I would have called in sick and started thinking how to get behind the panties. :D

Anyway, good story, please continue.

07-03-2011, 01:54 PM
Hint or not hint, you are the man Upz and waiting for your updates :)
Tks bro
Bro 9dragon, sorry that i'd ask a straight forward question...
BTW bro, did u check whether ur hotdog have any gun-powder residue??
I made a mistake in my entry..I wrote when i woke up I was home, it should be I wasn't Home cos I was at Fiona's place..
Haha..bro, no time to check lah! :D
I also like Bonking Lesbians ... more please
More to come bro ;)

07-03-2011, 01:56 PM
Keep it cumming:) getting popcorn
hehe..plus a drink too :D
great story bro, Hoping to see more.
Yup this one left a deep impression on me..my 1st dua neh neh :D
nice nice.. a great update to start the week off..
tks bro...stay tune!
Wow, TS, you are such a saint. Seeing her in nightie with just panties, yet all that's on your mind was to leave and go to work? Amazing! If I were you, I would have called in sick and started thinking how to get behind the panties.

Anyway, good story, please continue.
Bro..she's a Lesbian and we already talked about it last nite saying she will not like any men :(

07-03-2011, 02:00 PM
You should charge for vip seats then :)

07-03-2011, 02:14 PM
Bro..she's a Lesbian and we already talked about it last nite saying she will not like any men :(A lot of women don't say what they mean, or may not know what they really want. Just like a ex gf of mine told me before we met, she never knew she would love sex. I told her its not that she didn't like sex, just that she had not found someone who could bring her the joy of a good sex. :D

07-03-2011, 02:31 PM
Bro Junior_cannibal, gd point...
I also didn't know the taste & enjoyment until someone provide me an abalone & papayas... ;)
A lot of women don't say what they mean, or may not know what they really want. Just like a ex gf of mine told me before we met, she never knew she would love sex. I told her its not that she didn't like sex, just that she had not found someone who could bring her the joy of a good sex. :D

07-03-2011, 03:59 PM
Bro Junior_cannibal, gd point...
I also didn't know the taste & enjoyment until someone provide me an abalone & papayas... ;)In life, we should teach or learn as and when we can. 学无止境,唯勤是岸

07-03-2011, 04:02 PM
A lot of women don't say what they mean, or may not know what they really want. Just like a ex gf of mine told me before we met, she never knew she would love sex. I told her its not that she didn't like sex, just that she had not found someone who could bring her the joy of a good sex. :D

Fully agreed. My lover when I met her 6yrs ago, she was 42 then divorce with 3kids. After 1 months into our relation, and after 4th session of love making with her, she told me, she did not know making love can be so fun. And we still do regularly evevry week, and her skill increase since than.

up you liao bro.

07-03-2011, 04:24 PM
Fully agreed. My lover when I met her 6yrs ago, she was 42 then divorce with 3kids. After 1 months into our relation, and after 4th session of love making with her, she told me, she did not know making love can be so fun. And we still do regularly evevry week, and her skill increase since than.

up you liao bro.Tks for the upz. To me, there is a distinction between love making and having sex. The latter is a sub set of the former, while the former has a lot more elements to make it good and enjoyable.

There are quite a lot of women out there who have not experienced a real love making. All they have gone through this far, is merely having sex with their partners. However, this may also be a blessing, versus having a good love making session once and never get to repeat it. Human is such, if never know how sweet the honey tastes is fine, once taste yet not able to taste again, may live in agony. :p

Rasta Marley
07-03-2011, 06:41 PM
It's great when you have a threesome, especially when the 2 gals are bi-sexual....what an awesome experience....I've had the pleasure of several such experiences, and trust me, your adrenalin will be pumping big-time :p

I also like Bonking Lesbians ... more please:D

07-03-2011, 07:07 PM
It's great when you have a threesome, especially when the 2 gals are bi-sexual....what an awesome experience....I've had the pleasure of several such experiences, and trust me, your adrenalin will be pumping big-time :p

I second that! by the time you are done, you will be so dehydrated that you will need water. :)

07-03-2011, 07:36 PM
Bro 9dragon, sorry that i'd ask a straight forward question... ;)
BTW bro, did u check whether ur hotdog have any gun-powder residue?? :D

:D:D bro did you .....
Love to read yr thread
Keep it flowing

08-03-2011, 01:24 AM
Wa bro, keep writing! Damn swee. We're anticipating them anxiously, just like her nipples yearning to come out :cool:

08-03-2011, 02:17 AM
Officer spiritz in camping... Sir

08-03-2011, 09:50 AM
You should charge for vip seats then
haha..its a free for all bro ;)
A lot of women don't say what they mean, or may not know what they really want. Just like a ex gf of mine told me before we met, she never knew she would love sex. I told her its not that she didn't like sex, just that she had not found someone who could bring her the joy of a good sex.
Honestly bro..I'm quite SHY not so garang & daring :(
bro did you .....
Love to read yr thread
Keep it flowing
read on bro =)
Wa bro, keep writing! Damn swee. We're anticipating them anxiously, just like her nipples yearning to come out
Tks bro.....stay tune:)
Officer spiritz in camping... Sir
Tk you SIR :D

08-03-2011, 11:15 AM

When I reached office, my mind was heavy..heavy with tots of Fiona...Chris was on leave, yeah, i wished she won't be back. Chris was right, I had loads of shit to clear during her absence! During the next 4hrs I was busy clearing all the backlog from my side & Chris's. I dun hate her for that cos to me it was just a repayment for "loaning" Fiona to me :D

RINGGggggggggg....my hp rang...it was Fiona..wow, her 1st time calling me as we always communicate via smses!

"Helloooo, rare caller" I answered

"Huh..wat rare caller?" she said

"Nah..u never call me before mah so this is your 1st time calling me" I replied

"hahaha....oic...ok gayboy (i hate it when she calls me that)..hey what you doing afterwork? Wanna go East Coast?" she asked

"I've got nothing on..what u wanna do over there?" I asked

"Let's go cycling..haven't done that for a long time" she sounded so enthusiastic that I happily obliged.

I was like waiting for the time to passed so that I can knock off to meet her. Came 5:30pm, I rushed outta the office like a calculative employee. When I reached the carpark, i could see a familar figure from a distance standing near my car...She looked good from the rear view...Check out those butt I tot to myself..As I got closer, she turned around...it was Fiona!

"Surprised!!! hahaha..i got nothing on so I came down to look for you instead!" she said

"A surprised indeed...haha..but I need to go back & change leh!" I said

So we went back to my place..she waited for me downstairs while I when to change out to something more suitable for cycling. Off to east coast...we rented 2 bikes and did some cycling..As she was always cycling in front of me, I would either cycle behind her or beside her as so to admire her figure..damn was she hot in those shorts & singlet! After we returned the bikes, we went to lagoon hawker center for our dinner & of cos not forgetting beer session! We ordered 2 large bottles of tiger and she probably finished 1.5 bots while I only had half as I need to drive. She was in another drinking mood so she ordered another 2 bots & finished it all by herself. She was slightly high by then.

After that I had to send her back but she said it was still early which was quite true since I'm not an early bird but rather a nite owl. So I suggested for a drive for her to sober up. I took her from ECP to AYE then back to CTE to go back her place. It was past 12 midnite and she was slightly better but still could tell that she drank & was high! As usual, I had to be a gentleman to send her back home so I helped her outta the car, with my hands around her waist, i held her to the lift land. When the lift arrived, we got in..after I pressed the close button, she turned over and hugged me without saying anything..of cos I hugged her back..tightly with pleasure. I stroked her hair and back. I could feel her bra strap from the back and how I wished I could removed them!

When we arrived at her floor, she held me by my arm for support while walking back to her unit. I could feel the side of her breast..boy were they soft! After we got in her, we went back to her room...I gladly sat on her bed machiam I her boyfriend..haha! She laid on her bed and told me she had a great time just now...

"nothing beats a good cycling session follow by good food with beer and company of my gay partner who's sweet enough to go for a joy ride with me!" she said

"Well..likewise, I had great company too...i enjoyed your company just as much as John's!" I replied

"Hey,u take a short nap before going driving back...its late...I go take a bath 1st!" she said

She just grabbed a towel and left the room, switching off the room lights for me to nap! There was only a dim light near her wardrobe to barely light up the room. I just closed my eyes to rest as I barely slept the previous night and had a long day today. I fell asleep until I was awoken by the sound of the opening door, i just open my eyes slightly ajar to see who was it as I was afraid of fully opening to see her parents staring at me. Whew..it was Fiona wrapped in a towel. She was definitely not wearing a bra as I could see her bare shoulders..She din see me opening my eyes earlier on and must have tot that I'm deep asleep. When I heard her wardrobe opening, I opened my eyes slightly to peek as her back was facing me. She took out a panties & wore it with her towel on then she removed her towel to wipe her upper body & hair. She's only wearing her panties & I wished she would turn around so that I could see those lovely & long awaited tits of hers! As she reached in to take a Tshirt, I could see the side of her tits hanging out but I just couldn't see her nipples. She went on to put her Ts before turning towards me. I quickly closed my eyes...but the earlier sight resulted me having wild thoughts so i happened to have a hard-on in my nike shorts.

As she walked over to the bed, I could smell her coming. I just pretended to be in deep sleep as she sat beside me & stroked my face. I was smiling to myself in the heart. She then whispered "Hey, are u ok to drive? if not, u can sleep over."

As much as I wanted to, but I had the feeling of rushing to work in the morning so I politely decline but not without another proposal. "Hey, if you've nothing on Friday, lets go pubbing, then I can pop over your place to chat till wee morning since I'm off on Sat" i said

"Sounds good..ok then!" She replied

I then got out of her bed & sat up..She told me to wait for awhile while she go & take something. As she got up from the bed to wake towards the door, I could see her pink panties as her Ts was neither long nor short! I couldn't keep my penis down as it was yearning to come out. When she went out, I quickly adjusted my dick so it's not so obvious of its erection. She came back with a damn face towel & helped me to wipe my face. Aaawwwww...i was so damn touched by her gesture..so considerate till I wanted to give her a thank you kiss! From that incident, I told myself I gotta eat her and make her straight again!

......................to be cont

08-03-2011, 11:22 AM
every morning 1st thing come office is to read your story.. :p:D

08-03-2011, 12:02 PM
From that incident, I told myself I gotta eat her and make her straight again!

......................to be contFucking hell, TS, you are making me hungry too. :D

08-03-2011, 08:20 PM
Is this the Fiona u are talking about??


08-03-2011, 09:02 PM
nice story....more plsss

08-03-2011, 09:44 PM
9dragon bro.. nice nice... eager to read more... update soon okie??:):)

09-03-2011, 12:21 AM
keep up bro, camping here with a beer in 1 hand, a bowl of popcorn in the other & a full erection....

09-03-2011, 06:28 AM
Camping for more!

09-03-2011, 08:37 AM
Thumbd up bro ts.

09-03-2011, 09:36 AM
every morning 1st thing come office is to read your story..
Thank you bro..glad u enjoy reading =)
Fucking hell, TS, you are making me hungry too.
hahaha..i myself is hungry too ;)
Is this the Fiona u are talking about??

Bro I wished but dun fancy her breast..too big for my liking..in fact, my fiona got almost the same size as her if not bigger :D
nice story....more plsss
9dragon bro.. nice nice... eager to read more... update soon okie??
Updates every morning around 10am +/- or more in the afternoon if I got spare time...rest days on SUN :cool:
keep up bro, camping here with a beer in 1 hand, a bowl of popcorn in the other & a full erection....
hahaha...bro, u sounded as tho u watching a porn movie *thumbs up*
Camping for more!
Tks bro....
Thumbd up bro ts.
Thank you bro =)

09-03-2011, 10:33 AM

After wiping my face, I leaned over & said "bao bao" (hug hug) to her and thank her for her sweet gesture...she return the hug willingly:) After I left her place...i kinda regretted my actions..she has already opened the "door" & invited me to sleep over & i declined...felt super kum gong with my actions but I guessed its a bit too late & I felt that there'll be more to come. I drove back home...as usual, with her images flashing across my mind all over my mind especially the part where she zaogeng with her pink panties and watching her changed out from the damp towel. If she were my GF, not so steam..but knowing she's a lesbian, its a different feeling altogether.

I was looking forward for Fri, making plans & trying to make the best outta the nite with her. We din meet for the next few days due to my workload plus she had project to complete. But I felt that she too was looking forward for Fri nite :D

Finally it was Fri...I went to office early with a good mood and hoping for the time to pass faster so that I can meet Fiona. The clock was ticking like an old man dying..so bloody slow. It was lunch time, as I was waiting for the lift to come...i was sending an sms to Fiona asking her about tonite's plan. "Tink" the life came..when the door opened, I got the shocked of my life...it was CHRIS....WTF...she's supposed to be on Holiday...i stood there stunned & speechless..she looked at me & said: "Oei...she saw ghost ah!"

"Yah..the ghost of Chris cos she's supposed to be overseas" answered a shocked me

"Dun talk about it..the CB boss made me come back for an urgent proposal to a client" she grumbled "I gotta cut short my holiday to come back..nevermind, we go for drink after work together with Fiona..I haven't told her I'm back yet!"

I suddenly lost my mood to do anything that day..my plans was disrupted or rather shattered! I can't stay over her place not even mentioning about making out with her...I just replied her "Not tonight lah..u know when u're gone, I got so much shit to clear...very tired so will go back & rest tonite..u go meet up with Fiona & I'll see u girls another day"

At about 4pm, I rcv an sms from Fiona telling me that Chris was back which I fucking obviously know lor! And asked me to go together for drinks with them but I was already fucking disappointed & no mood to go liao...seeing Chris will only pissed me further since she came back earlier than planned!

After work, Chris left on time, probably to meet up with her darling Fiona while I stayed back in office to sulk! I was just staring at my computer screen, stoning...till I hear my hp beep...It was Fiona...the msg read "Hey,I just finished my project discussion,u wanna eat anything since u not joining us for drinks, i'm hungry!"

I replied "Huh...tot u with Chris already. Aren't u meeting her"

She replied "Yah but she's with her friends now & I just finished my project so was wondering since u r not going for drinks with us, maybe u wanna acc me go eat something"

Somehow, that sms managed to put back a smile on my face. I quickly replied her & zoom down to pick her up. After I picked her up, we headed down to havelock road for teochew porridge and had a wonderful chat, laughing, tickling & teasing each other. I was like totally in love with her...so I realised that she no longer mention John in front of me nor Chris.

Sadly, after our meal, she gotta head down to central mall to meet Chris & friends. I told her I will send her down & head back to rest..funny thing is that she knows I'm not going but she din ask why. When we were almost reaching the destination, Fiona asked me to dropped her off at the other lane instead & not outside the disco. I just obilged without asking her why...when I finally stopped my car, both of us were just very quiet. I looked at her and said "ok..we're here..hv fun & dun get drunk yah..I'm not here tonite to save u girls"

"yah lor, u not here tonite so I must be careful with how much I drink!" she replied.

There, she leaned over towards me & I responded by leaning towards her and we hugged...this time her head was resting on my shoulder. She was rubbing my back and hugging tightly. Something was wrong cos it was not a thank you nor good bye hug..this hug was longer & tighter than usual. When we finally "loosen" ourselves, we looked into each other's eyes...leaned forward & we kiss for the 1st time...it was a passionate kiss rather than a horny one..our kiss was disrupted by her ringing hp...it was Chris! We stopped so she can answer the call.

"hello...ya dear (calling chris)...yes i just got here..waited very long for a cab" she said...at that point, i knew she was lying to Chris..Now I know Chris didn't know Fiona was meeting me for food nor know that I sent her down...After she hang up, she just smile at me before opening the car door...as she was about to close the door, she told me she'll call me later. I dunno what she meant by that but I was happy....very happy! I went home to take a shower , watched tv while waiting for her call. I know she won't call me so early but that effort she put in was "sweet".

It was already 2am and I was pretty sleepy by then...I reckon that she was either drunk or she's still clubbing with Chris since the disco ends at 3am. I couldn't keep my eyes open so I fell alseep on the sofa. Suddenly I felt a strong vibration, it was my hp ringing..It was Fiona!!!!!

"hello drunkard!" i said

"Hey, i'm very much sober leh, I din drink much also..very guai hor me" she replied. At this point, I was fully awake and realized that it was already 3:30am.

"haha, hard to believe but glad that u're home safely." I said

"Actually, I'm not home yet..I'm at Chris's place...she drunk as usual..whole nite Kao peh her boss this & that!" she replied

"Oh...I see...u staying over tonite?" I asked

"Actually no..so I was wondering if u could come & pick me up?" she whispered

Of cos I'm more than happy to pick her up. I quickly changed out and rushed to Chris's place to meet her. When I reached Chris's place, she was already downstairs waiting for me...When she got up my car, she had a sweet smile on her face & said "Thanks sweetie..for picking me up so late at night!"
I couldn't believe my ears...she would normally call me gayboy or other names but not Sweetie!

"You're forever welcome & its certainly my pleasure" I replied............We took a slow drive back to her place

.........................to be cont

09-03-2011, 10:58 AM
nice nice...waitin for the next chapter

09-03-2011, 11:15 AM
sweet.. definitely very sweet, right bro 9dragon??

09-03-2011, 11:45 AM
Very sweet and nice story. I kinda like the way the story or plot is going. Nice and steady. Frankly speaking, kinda like reading a love novel. Or something like those Japanese Love Manga minus off the cartoon.

Thumbs up for you!

09-03-2011, 11:51 AM
waiting for ur favourite bonking ... steaming liao

09-03-2011, 12:12 PM
Very nice and engaging story. Keep it up Bro! I love every bit of it...:)

09-03-2011, 12:33 PM
I like this stories a lot.. Bro, kampateh! I am waiting....

09-03-2011, 01:01 PM
There, she leaned over towards me & I responded by leaning towards her and we hugged...this time her head was resting on my shoulder. She was rubbing my back and hugging tightly. Something was wrong cos it was not a thank you nor good bye hug..this hug was longer & tighter than usual. When we finally "loosen" ourselves, we looked into each other's eyes...leaned forward & we kiss for the 1st time...it was a passionate kiss rather than a horny one..our kiss was disrupted by her ringing hp...it was Chris! We stopped so she can answer the call.

Of cos I'm more than happy to pick her up. I quickly changed out and rushed to Chris's place to meet her. When I reached Chris's place, she was already downstairs waiting for me...When she got up my car, she had a sweet smile on her face & said "Thanks sweetie..for picking me up so late at night!"
I couldn't believe my ears...she would normally call me gayboy or other names but not Sweetie!

"You're forever welcome & its certainly my pleasure" I replied............We took a slow drive back to her place

.........................to be cont

Ho sei liao lor ... faster leh bro :p :D

09-03-2011, 01:08 PM
great story bro... keep it coming!

09-03-2011, 02:48 PM
I guess it's time 2 eat papayas & abalone? ;)

09-03-2011, 03:37 PM
Generally, if not for certain reasons, who want to be gay? Its just when a man or a woman says he or she does not enjoy sex, does the person mean it or the person just has not met someone that will make a lovemaking session desirable?

This story is getting more interesting as TS is building up the tempo. Please update the story soon.

09-03-2011, 04:29 PM
definitely a story worth waiting for.... nomination for best story so far......

09-03-2011, 04:43 PM

Get on with the seduction and action already!! I am gonna burst soon!! Hahahahaha! :D

09-03-2011, 06:23 PM
Bro please continue with your story. Getting real steamy already. Bth liao!!

Rasta Marley
09-03-2011, 08:54 PM
Hey bro, your story is getting piping hot....may need to go under snowfall in order to really cool down :D

09-03-2011, 09:49 PM
wow... 9dragon bro... getting more n more interesting n hot... looking forward to read the next chapter tomolo.. Cheers!! :D:D:D

09-03-2011, 10:17 PM
sweee, upz you with my new found power hiak hiak hiak :cool:

09-03-2011, 10:18 PM
your turn has finally come. Fiona fiona fiona....

09-03-2011, 10:35 PM
Nice story, up you. camping for you to cont

09-03-2011, 10:35 PM
hotting up...

10-03-2011, 12:55 AM
seriously ah TS... everytime i read ur story... i will laugh like mad when i came across the name john n the nick gayboi... freaking hilarious can!!! nevertheless... wonderful story u gt there... cheers!!!

10-03-2011, 10:09 AM
nice nice...waitin for the next chapter
Tks bro..coming now
sweet.. definitely very sweet, right bro 9dragon??
hehe..everything was sweeter when you're younger =)
Very sweet and nice story. I kinda like the way the story or plot is going. Nice and steady. Frankly speaking, kinda like reading a love novel. Or something like those Japanese Love Manga minus off the cartoon.

Thumbs up for you!
Tks bro..actually its my real account except for name changes & some locations as I'm worried who's reading this in SBF
Very nice and engaging story. Keep it up Bro! I love every bit of it...
Tk u bro..glad u enjoy reading =)
I like this stories a lot.. Bro, kampateh! I am waiting....
Tks..hope I won't disappoint u :rolleyes:
Ho sei liao lor ... faster leh bro
haha..i've a virtue..that's patience :rolleyes: good things must wait!
great story bro... keep it coming!
tks bro..updated!
I guess it's time 2 eat papayas & abalone?
Not quite yet bro...it's only the beginning :D
Generally, if not for certain reasons, who want to be gay? Its just when a man or a woman says he or she does not enjoy sex, does the person mean it or the person just has not met someone that will make a lovemaking session desirable?

This story is getting more interesting as TS is building up the tempo. Please update the story soon.
Totally agree....
definitely a story worth waiting for.... nomination for best story so far......
Tk u so much bro..glad u enjoy =)

Get on with the seduction and action already!! I am gonna burst soon!! Hahahahaha!
Patience bro...patience!
Bro please continue with your story. Getting real steamy already. Bth liao!!
hehe...do release some ammunitions...it helps ;)
Hey bro, your story is getting piping hot....may need to go under snowfall in order to really cool down
haha...tks bro..no need snowfall lah..colc shower will do!
wow... 9dragon bro... getting more n more interesting n hot... looking forward to read the next chapter tomolo.. Cheers!!
Tks bro...read on =)
sweee, upz you with my new found power hiak hiak hiak
Tk u so much bro =)
your turn has finally come. Fiona fiona fiona....
Not quite yet bro...I'm not sure if she can take on a man!
Nice story, up you. camping for you to cont
Tks bro..updating..read on!
hotting up...
hahaha...cool down buddy!
seriously ah TS... everytime i read ur story... i will laugh like mad when i came across the name john n the nick gayboi... freaking hilarious can!!! nevertheless... wonderful story u gt there... cheers!!!
Tks bro =)

10-03-2011, 12:13 PM

So sorry for the late updates....had a urgent meeting to attend.....

During the drive, we were just kept chatting. As much as I was curious to know why she wanted me to pick her up but I was just afraid that by asking, it may spoil her plan or surprise if any! Everytime we talked, she would turn over to look at me with those captivating eyes of hers..I was also tempted to bio her neh neh everytime I looked at her..I see those drainage which will definitely fit my dick if I were to put it in :rolleyes:

When we arrived at her place, I din know what to expect..cos her instructions were to pick her up & send her back.

"Oei, aren't u gonna park your car?" she said

I looked at her with a blur look before I realised that she probably wanted me to go up with her. "Oh yes yes..i was actually looking for a lot" I said and obviously she knows I'm lying! She just giggled and got out of the car after I parked. As we were walking towards the lift landing, she held onto my arm just like any other GF would do. I had a warm feeling but I didn't wanna assume anything. When we got into the lift, she suddenly hugged me & said "I'm so tired today..and she (chris) was complaining the whole night till I din get to enjoy myself plus the fact that you din come lor!"

I just stroked her hair & said "Nah,if its just the both of u,i'm fine but I'm not familiar with her friends & I was pretty tired after work so I din come..anyway, u see, I'm now so much more energetic after a good bath & rest at home!" She just smile and con't hugging me till we reach her house. When she opened the door, we were shocked by her sister's presence! She was on her way to drink water in the kitchen when she was greeted by us..hmmm not too bad looking her sis..her boobs were much smaller than Fiona's but just the size that I liked. She's pretty cute in real life compared to the photos I saw the other day.

"Hi Jie..this is (9dragon)..and this is my sis, Felicia" Fiona introduced us. Felicia just smiled at us and proceeded to the kitchen to get her drink. Fiona held me by her hand & led me back to her bedroom.

"Die liao..ur sister caught us..how ah?" i said panickly

"Dun be silly lah,we're very close & she won't say anything one lah..she's like my best friend lor!" she assured me.

I then lay down on her bed and on the radio to listen to some music. She was removing her make up then turn to tell me she will take a quick bath. How I wish I could ask her if she needed company for her bath! Having wild thoughts again! As usual, she just took her towel out and headed for the bathroom without bringing in fresh cloths. Hmmm i was thinking I'm in for a show later liao! As she headed out, she off the lights as usual only leaving the dimmed one on!

I patiently waited for her return while reading a magazine & listening to the radio. My heart was pounding fast as I heard footsteps approaching...Just before she enter the room, I suddenly had this thought..Why am I here..am I suppose to stay overnight? or Am I just suppose to send her home safely?...ahhhhh fuck lah...play by ear lah! Din wanna give myself any false or high hopes.

With a towel wrapped over her body, I got horny again seeing her in this state. "Hey, u tired? If u are, go sleep 1st...I'll join u later!" she said..BINGO...I "assumed" she's asking me to stay over right!

"Nah...I'm still ok..but I need a beer before I sleep so maybe u can get me one later?" I said before pretending to read the magazine.

"ok sure..I go get one for u now" she went off to get. When she came back, she was holding onto 2 cans..probably 1 for herself too. After she helped me open the can of beer, I just took a sip & "continue" to read the magazine. She headed by to the wardrobe to take fresh clothings. Oh my gosh...she just removed her towel in front of my eyes...no doubt her back was facing me and I could only see her ass but I'm already more than happy liao! She probably forgot that I was in the room..No doubt my face was facing the magazine, but my eyes was at the side watching her drying herself with the towel, wiping her body and ass..she got one of the firmest ass I've ever seen. She got the right curves & everything seems proportion on her figure except that I couldn't see her pussy & tits. But her ass...whew...power man!

I watched her from walking back to the room to wiping herself dry & wearing her white transculcent panties and her nighties (almost like lingerie but not so thin) She then came & sat beside me and we cheers our can of beer! I still din know what to do next..whether to eat her tonight or save it for other night..in fact I'm not even sure if I can eat her!

After our beer, we both lay down on the pillow. I just lie down flat with my front facing the ceiling and she came over to hug me like a bolster. She gave me a peck on my cheek before saying goodnight, I returned her kiss by a peck on her lips..she just smiled & went to sleep. I din dare to move then as she had already "settled" herself on bed & I'm left in an awkward position.

......................to be cont!

10-03-2011, 12:22 PM
After our beer, we both lay down on the pillow. I just lie down flat with my front facing the ceiling and she came over to hug me like a bolster. She gave me a peck on my cheek before saying goodnight, I returned her kiss by a peck on her lips..she just smiled & went to sleep. I din dare to move then as she had already "settled" herself on bed & I'm left in an awkward position.


Lucky she was holding on to you not your shifting gear :p :D

10-03-2011, 02:24 PM
bro 9dragon,

Can't wait already.

10-03-2011, 03:06 PM
Interesting and slow pace story...

Tuning in every afternoon

10-03-2011, 03:25 PM
Bloody hell, this Fiona can really tease. In fact, with hindsight, TS should know that she was interested in you in the first place. Whether she's les or straight, it didn't make sense to ask you to stay over for the night if she ain't interested in you. She is either a bi or les in the process of becoming straight. Either way, I think its really a turn on!

10-03-2011, 03:53 PM
dragon bro waiting for your next 1 day 1 update !!!

10-03-2011, 03:55 PM
wow she's really a cock teases:D

10-03-2011, 03:55 PM
Hi TS pls write faster la :) now like chasing drama hee

10-03-2011, 04:07 PM
Hi TS pls write faster la :) now like chasing drama hee

TS every morning update once only machiam watching serial like that de haha

10-03-2011, 04:30 PM
they are les because they have not meet us SBF bro. We make them become woman. More pls.

10-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Yeah, agree with other senior bros, she definitely has the hots for u and she's also starting to lose interest in her les partner. I guess it's always a dilemma for guys caught in that situation, move and risk being accused of molest but also losing the chance, ot dun move and risk losing her as he thinks that u r not interested since u do nothing even after she stripped naked!!! Classic do and die, don't do also die....... Then??? Die die la...

10-03-2011, 08:31 PM
Got chance la.. turning straight soon.. :D

still, i admire TS's courage to act GAYBOY in order to secure his conquest... haha..

10-03-2011, 09:29 PM
9dragon bro... another nice chapter... waiting for the next... cheers!! :D:D:D

11-03-2011, 03:07 PM
Lucky she was holding on to you not your shifting gear
haha..bro if she holds or touches my shift gear, I sure eat her!
bro 9dragon,

Can't wait already.
Cumminggggg sooonnnnnn.....
Interesting and slow pace story...

Tuning in every afternoon
Limited time to write daily bro..tks for your patience =)
Bloody hell, this Fiona can really tease. In fact, with hindsight, TS should know that she was interested in you in the first place. Whether she's les or straight, it didn't make sense to ask you to stay over for the night if she ain't interested in you. She is either a bi or les in the process of becoming straight. Either way, I think its really a turn on!
Bro..i din wanna assume, cos my only assumption is that she thinks I'm a gay so its practically taking me as a "female". haha but it was really a turn on!
dragon bro waiting for your next 1 day 1 update !!!
Updating in process bro =)
wow she's really a cock teases
Hvn't tease my cock yet...hopefully soon ;)
Hi TS pls write faster la now like chasing drama hee
Hehehe...good stuff must wait bro...I can only use about 15-20mins "kopi" time to update every morn!
TS every morning update once only machiam watching serial like that de haha
haha...well said bro =)
they are les because they have not meet us SBF bro. We make them become woman. More pls.
That's quite true to certain extent but I hv also Bi-sex female friends =)
Yeah, agree with other senior bros, she definitely has the hots for u and she's also starting to lose interest in her les partner. I guess it's always a dilemma for guys caught in that situation, move and risk being accused of molest but also losing the chance, ot dun move and risk losing her as he thinks that u r not interested since u do nothing even after she stripped naked!!! Classic do and die, don't do also die....... Then??? Die die la...
Yes...totally agree but I choose to take the safer route..dun eat until both horny :D
Got chance la.. turning straight soon..

still, i admire TS's courage to act GAYBOY in order to secure his conquest... haha..
No choice bro..i'm afraid if she knows I'm straight, I won't even end up staying over at her place!
9dragon bro... another nice chapter... waiting for the next... cheers!!
Tks bro..updating in process =)

11-03-2011, 03:08 PM
Sorry everyone..i couldn't update this morn due to some technical error :(

11-03-2011, 03:16 PM
Hi Bro,

Nice to see u back, pls continue your story.


11-03-2011, 03:48 PM

She sure was a sound sleeper as she din even move a bit for the past half hour..I fell asleep only to wake up 2 hrs later seeing her hugging me in the same position when she fell asleep. My body was numb but I din dare to move (I hv a habit of turning here & there whenever I sleep) i tried moving a bit but she was still not moving..so I turn my head & looked at her face...I already started to hv some wild imaginations..just by staring at her fantasizing, I got turned on. I held onto my cock & imagined her stroking it....I couldn't resist anymore while looking at her so I planted a kiss on her lips. She shivered a bit before opening her eyes slowly...

"Did I wake u up?" I asked

"hehe..not really..i felt something on my lips so I see what it is?" she said

"oh is it..i din see any lizard or cockroach running past ur lips leh" i replied cheekily.

"Yah...i also din feel that it was those pest but I saw a big lao shu (RAT) in front of me" she rebutted me

I let out a giggle before shifting my body towards her...soon both eyes met and before u know it, we were frenching in bed. At that moment, i guessed that she wasn't that "les" until she won't kiss a guy! Our kiss was hot & wild unlike our 1st kiss which was more passionate. My hands were on her back while hers was on my waist & head pushing me closer to her. For the 1st time in a hugging position in bed, I could feel a woman's breast...my prevs fucks had smaller titties that during a hot frenching, I couldn't even notice them till I squeeze them..Fiona was definitely different..I could feel her tits against my chest. Soon she turn around & I was lying on my back while she was on top of me...The way she forces her tongue into my mouth just gave me a super hard on..she was sitting on my dick & I was pretty sure by now she could have felt it! Slowly, my hands went from her back to her ass...yeah, her ass was the 1st asset I saw naked & i knew I had to "try" them..when I reached them, she moved up slightly so that I could have a better grip on her butt...I assumed she wanted me to squeeze them so I opened up both palms, laid them on her butt cheek & caressed them...She left out a soft moan which turn me on even harder...I thrust up my pelvis so that my dick hit her on her panties.

She was hot..soon she sat up and moved downwards where she sat directly on top of my dick & started rocking on it. I held onto her waist while she did that...I could feel tat some cum was coming outta my dick and I had to release them soon! My hands when from holding her waist to rubbing her flat tummy...she was too "far away" for me to grab those titties of hers! But upon seeing my hands on her tummy, she gladly lean forward so that my hands could grab her breast. When "they" were in target, I grabbed the both of them softly and caress them carefully...She covered her mouth as she left out a louder but muffled moan. I started searching for her nipples..they were pretty easy to find as it was already protruding outta her nighties..I twist & turn them...they were really "tiny" for her breast size but I really liked them.

It wasn't long before I had a pre-ejeculation. I haven't even seen her titties nor pussy & I already had pre-cum...One conclusion, this girl is powerful..never had this feeling before! I know I had balance ammunition inside as I haven't released all yet! My hands then went below her nighties to feel her breast...Gosh..those were the 1st time I laid my hands on such big neh neh and it really really felt good :p I just love her moans & how she covers her mouth whenever she moaned!

My underwear was wet & I reckon her pussy too so I slowly took one of my hands and grabbed her ass, pushing he upwards nearer to me so that I could get access to her pussy. I went beneath her panties to squeeze her ass while frenching her at the same time..before I know it, my index finger felt something wet & sticky..I was near her pussy. I followed the wetness till I reached the side of her pussy lips..I played with her pussy lips only to hear her moaning even louder while our mouths were interlocked!

I went in for the kill and inserted my index finger into her..her pussy was really tight..Is she a virgin, I thought to myself, she might be if she was a lesbian all her life! I couldn't care less of her past..I just wanna enjoy this moment we had. Despite what I was doing to her, I realised that she didn't even touch my cock! Oh fuck..is she really a lesbian or virgin???

I pulled up her nighties till her breasts were revealed in front of me & I launched forward to taste them...they were delicious..its like bedding a girl for the 1st time! I couldn't make out the colour of her nipples but they were only like 20cent coin size and I sucked the hell outta them! I then tried to remove her panties till she stopped me by holding onto my hand and placed them back onto her ass. So I just con't rubbing her butt...I din know why nor do I wanna push my luck further as end of the day, i just wanna EAT her...

.............to be cont'

11-03-2011, 03:58 PM
Oh yeah faster update. :D

11-03-2011, 08:42 PM
tat a gd one bro! but hor read untill steam liao den have to wait ur story again whahaha....upz you!

11-03-2011, 11:01 PM
wow !! bro ts, seems like you are going to make her "straight" again with ur manhood !!! :D

11-03-2011, 11:46 PM
gd gd... 9dragon bro... really interested to noe how u gonna eat her... update soon okie... :D:D

12-03-2011, 12:44 AM
cool bro, keep it coming

12-03-2011, 01:09 AM
nicenice....please continue! :D

12-03-2011, 09:22 AM
Tk u to those bros who have upz my points but sadly i can only return 1 pt a day :( so be patient yah..tks ;)

12-03-2011, 09:33 AM
Hi Bro,

Nice to see u back, pls continue your story.

tks bro..updating in progress!
Oh yeah faster update.
hehe...updating in progress bro!
tat a gd one bro! but hor read untill steam liao den have to wait ur story again whahaha....upz you!
tks bro..sorry for the delay..can't write too much on my BB..tiring u know ;)
wow !! bro ts, seems like you are going to make her "straight" again with ur manhood !!!
Shall keep u in suspense...read on bro!
gd gd... 9dragon bro... really interested to noe how u gonna eat her... update soon okie...
Hmmm...base on what u hv read...i hvn't ate her ;)
cool bro, keep it coming
Sure..tks bro!
nicenice....please continue!
Tks..updating in progress!

12-03-2011, 10:08 AM
waiting for the kill:D

12-03-2011, 10:15 AM
Bro Ts,

This chapter now look like (love drama), one day one chapter. Hehe........

12-03-2011, 10:29 AM

We exchanged position and now I'm on top of her. We con't kissing & rubbing but with my shorts on, I was pretty uncomfortable..normally in this state, women will automatically help me remove my shorts & underwear but not Fiona..she din even touch my dick. I could only rub her pussy with my dick in my shorts! How pathetic! I kissed her downwards from her ears to her neck while pushing up her nighties till her titties were revealed once again..With the dim lightings, i could see her nipples were light coloured althought I couldn't tell if they were brownish or pinkish! As i fondled with her breast & her nipples, my hand lifted up one of her legs & caress her thigh! She was choking from her moan as she was trying to keep her volume as soft as possible!

"Fiona, u make me a man again!" i told her

"I must be so good that u're turning on by a woman" she replied...of cos i'm turn on by women, i was never gay lor..but I couldn't bear to let her know the truth just yet!

"I wanna make love with u" I whispered to her ears, still stroking her thigh & sucking her tits....

"Aaahhhh...mmmmm....sorry dear...I'm mmmmm not...mmmm....readyyyyy yet!" she replied

"Ok...i will not force u but u made my little bro below very uncomfortable u know" i told her...

"Then how...what u want me to do?" she asked....nabey..dunno if she really virgin & never make love to a guy before..Dun she have guy friends who talk about how men cum??? Feeling a bit pissed with her answer but i LL & just went with the flow with my answer "I need your help to release 'them'"

She din answer me but kept frenching me instead..I got the signal so I din wanna push my luck further. Then she push me down to the bed again, changing our position and laid my head on the pillow before attacking my lips again. I just grabbed on to those breast of hers and fondled with them..Suddenly, I felt something on my dick..it was her hand!...Finally she "touched" it..she was stroking it gently, saying: "U are sure one hard penis!" as tho she was talking to my dick! I lifted my ass up in hope that she would remove my shorts but I guessed she din get the signal. But she then went below my shorts and starting playing with my dick. I let out some moans too as I was already suppressing my urge to release my sperm!

Finally she took the initiative to pull down my shorts & let my little bro grab some fresh air! It was so stiff & hard that when she pulled down my shorts, my dick hit her face..."ouch!" she said.."what a naughty penis" the fact she kept using the word penis really give me the impression that she's a virgin or have never come into contact with dicks & cocks! ahahaha.....Surprisingly, she gave a peck on my cockhead with some pre-cum on it before she started giving me a handjob..she wasn't pro in it but it was definitely better than not giving me! I moan as she was masturbating me and in turn, i played with her titties too! I asked her to removed her nighties but she refused saying that she was shy! Nabey..act shy lor! I thought to myself! As I moan louder, she shook my dick even harder & faster...The fact that she was practically looking at my dick, so when I cummed, it shot right at her face! Bingo...hahaha

"Wah so much sperm u have" she commented

"Of cos,its 1st time seeing a woman hence the amount" i joking answered

She took some tissues to wipe her face as well as helped me to clean up whatever sperm left on my dickhead! I always love women who help me to clean up after I cummed! After we clean up, we just hugged ourselves to sleep!

..............to be cont on Mon! :D

12-03-2011, 10:34 AM
Nice story.. Just in time to read the latest chapter..

Looking forward to Monday episode.. :)

12-03-2011, 10:52 AM
nice story , keep it up

12-03-2011, 01:37 PM
Bro 9dragon, after papaya soup & BBQ hotdog...
Any abalone soup coming up? :D

12-03-2011, 02:13 PM
camping for more.

12-03-2011, 02:47 PM
Nice story, ts! Keep it up.. Can't wait for next chapter

12-03-2011, 02:56 PM
Bro TS, today saturday can issue another session.

13-03-2011, 09:10 PM
Bro TS, guess this encounter that you are sharing is really getting "STEAMY" !!! Please continue soon...:D:D

13-03-2011, 09:25 PM
9dragon bro... waiting for yr next chapter.... cheers!! :D:D:D

Rasta Marley
13-03-2011, 09:56 PM
Wow Bro, you story is getting spicy. Now even your dick is being serviced and clean by the gal.....just like as if you are in a car wash and the blow-drying portion has just started !! :D

........She took some tissues to wipe her face as well as helped me to clean up whatever sperm left on my dickhead!
..............to be cont on Mon! :D

13-03-2011, 10:49 PM
Woo nice story, i also want to do the Les hehe...:D

13-03-2011, 11:46 PM
Up la bro! power story! cant wait for the next input!

14-03-2011, 02:59 AM
Wah power lah bro...

14-03-2011, 03:15 AM
Camping ... :p

14-03-2011, 09:30 AM
Nice story.. Just in time to read the latest chapter..

Looking forward to Monday episode..
Tks bro..TGIM (Tk God Its Mon) =)
nice story , keep it up
Tks bro!

You are G O O D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep it up please.
No lah..just sharinmg some experiences..i'm sure got others got even better experiences ;)
Bro 9dragon, after papaya soup & BBQ hotdog...
Any abalone soup coming up?
Hehehe..hopefully bro...hopefully =)
camping for more.
Tk u...updating in progress!
Nice story, ts! Keep it up.. Can't wait for next chapter
Tks bro...updating next chapter today!
Bro TS, today saturday can issue another session.
hehe..sadly I can only do 1 chapter a day except sundays..unless i got spare time in the afternoon :(
Bro TS, guess this encounter that you are sharing is really getting "STEAMY" !!! Please continue soon...
Tks bro..this one hard to fuck..cos she's a lesbian!
9dragon bro... waiting for yr next chapter.... cheers!!
Tks bro..updating in progress =)
Wow Bro, you story is getting spicy. Now even your dick is being serviced and clean by the gal.....just like as if you are in a car wash and the blow-drying portion has just started !!
No lah..not really a BJ..just a HJ =(
Woo nice story, i also want to do the Les hehe...
Well..nowadays got more Bi-sex..hard to change a Les's mind! hehe
Up la bro! power story! cant wait for the next input!
tks bro..read on for more juicy news =)
Wah power lah bro...
tks bro.....
Camping ...
Remember to take some drink & popcorn too..plus maybe some tissue to wipe off *AHEM* :D

14-03-2011, 09:32 AM
Waiting for your next update. Keep it hard!

14-03-2011, 10:10 AM

When we got up...it was already 10am...fuck, so late liao! I'm off so it's wasn't work that I was worried...How am I supposed to get outta her house when her family's around? Nevermind, I leave that problem to her then! I cuddled her for awhile longer when she was stretching herself while yawning! I gave a peck on her forehead as well as a kiss on her lips before greeting her morning :rolleyes:

She gave me the sweetest smile and return my kiss before we stared into each other's eyes once again...Soon we ended up frenching again and my hands were on both her butt, caressing them. I always wake up with a hard dick so naturally I'm horny in the morn! As I was squeezing her butt, her cunt rubbed hard against my dick and I moaned softly before she covered my mouth...

"We gotta be quiet...my parents are outside I think" she whispered....

Hearing that I sian 1/2 already cos based on last night's experience, if we were to fuck later, we confirm will be loud lor! But then again, its her problem not mine to explain to her parents. She then got off me as I think she's afraid we got "discovered"! What a spoil sport I thought but I knew the risk we were taking if we were to cont! And i respected her decision. She got up of bed & when to her wardrobe..She took off her nightie in front of me and wore her bra & tshirt...I steam already but can't do anything...She placed her finger on her lips and show me the quiet sign as she's going out of her room to see the situation outside!

She opened her door quietly and shut it before I could hear her greet her parents morning..She was talking to them but I couldn't make up what she was saying as the door was closed! She came back in later with a smile on her face!

"Wei,why are u smiling like that?" I asked

"No lah, cos my parents tot Chris is in my room & I told them it's a gayfriend and they laughed!" she replied

"wat, u told ur parents I'm here ah??die liao..wat am i suppose to say to them later when i go out?" i panicked

"Just say Hi Uncle Auntie lor...I'm (9Dragon)..like that lor!" she said

So i braced myself,adjust my dick & clothings before going out of her room. I was greeted by her family, yes, her sister was there too! I was so pai say when I saw them "Sorry uncle & auntie, I got a bit tired yday & fell asleep at your place"

"Its ok..better rest instead of driving & get into an accident later if u fall asleep" her mum replied

"Safey comes 1st & besides, thank u for sending Fiona back" said her father...

Her parents are totally cool with my presence! I felt comfortable with them...Her sister smiled at me and I gave her the "I'll eat U next" smile although I dunno if she gets it or not...hahaha!

I took a slow drive home, recollecting on what happened last night and I couldn't wipe off the smirked on my face! When I got home, i took a nice shower & while bathing, I fantasized about making love with Fiona in the bathroom! Haha...I called her immediately after my shower & we chatted for awhile and made plans to meet that nite, hopefully without Chris! But it was difficult as Chris was totally crazy over Fiona! We decided to go for dinner together and I suggested to go for drinks after dinner..I wanted to make Chris drunk so that she can go back & sleep so I made some excuse that I'm celebrating some occassion that we should drink till we get drunk!

We went to Zouk winebar for some hardcore drinking and it wasn't long before Chris got high & started talking nonsense. Fiona had to hold onto her. Fiona was high but sober so we ended chatting while Chris took a nap on the chair. I held her hands while chatting but she was wary about the surrondings as she was afraid Chris's friends would see us and tell her what we were doing. So she decided not to take the risk. I sent Chris home 1st before heading back to Fiona's place. When we got back to her place, I asked her "U want me to go up?" i was trying my luck & hoping she would say yes but her reply was" I think tonight better not as I dun want my parents to get suspicious"

I was disappointed and the look on my face told her immediately...She then say "Dun be like tat lah, got other chance one k!" With that reply, I smiled at her and we ended frenching in the car..one thing lead to another. This time round I got bolder. I went under her blouse and tease her nipples causing her to moan before I whisper into her ears "U know wat dear..I really wanna make love with u"

She replied: "Someone's being unfaithful & betraying John hor"

"If I go out with other men, yes, i'm being unfaithful...but i'm with U..now that's different!" I quickly answered her back

She giggled and forced her tongue deeper into my mouth. As she was wearing tights, I rubbed the exterior near her pussy and slowly I could feel her tights getting wet! I need to finger her soon I told myself!

................To be cont...sorry a bit short of time today! See later noon I can cont or not :)

14-03-2011, 10:18 AM
Every morning this time, must log in to read your thread. It's like a drama! Hehe

14-03-2011, 10:43 AM
Shit, I am also getting wet. Ha ha. Bring on the meat, TS!

14-03-2011, 10:53 AM
super nice story;) have been clicking this thread everytime i log in to sbf :D

14-03-2011, 11:26 AM
wow.. another steamy chapter just concluded for this morn.. nice.. good one bro..

big wood
14-03-2011, 12:08 PM
TS great story read liao sibei steam tks for the effort cheers

14-03-2011, 12:24 PM
come on bro .... wat a nice story .... Keep it coming lol:p

14-03-2011, 01:12 PM
Excellent stories.... setting up my camp overnight here :D

14-03-2011, 01:26 PM
Great story so far :)

have been following quite a few of your works so far from My Best Friend's Sister to your Polygirl.

All nicely written :)

14-03-2011, 03:19 PM
Bro 9dragon,
I am addicted to your thread. cheer.

14-03-2011, 05:32 PM
Haha. My current favorite thread in sbf! Steamy story line...

14-03-2011, 09:55 PM
keep the story cumming...
good one

14-03-2011, 10:54 PM
hi 9dragon bro... thanks for yr story... looking forward to yr next chapter... everyday must sure login to read yr story... thanks ya.. :p:p:p

15-03-2011, 12:47 AM
my tent filled with coke and chips now waiting for your next instalment :D

15-03-2011, 09:20 AM
Every morning this time, must log in to read your thread. It's like a drama! Hehe
tks bro..glad u enjoy reading =)
Shit, I am also getting wet. Ha ha. Bring on the meat, TS!
haha...patience bro..patience =)
super nice story..have been clicking this thread everytime i log in to sbf :D
Tks bro..hope u won't be disappointed!
wow.. another steamy chapter just concluded for this morn.. nice.. good one bro..
tks bro..cont reading yah =)
TS great story read liao sibei steam tks for the effort cheers
tks bro...glad u like it =)
come on bro .... wat a nice story .... Keep it coming lol
tks bro..yup..still got a few more chapters so dun worry =)
Excellent stories.... setting up my camp overnight here
hehe..no need overnight bro..every morn got liao ,)
Great story so far

have been following quite a few of your works so far from My Best Friend's Sister to your Polygirl.

All nicely written
Wow..tks bro..glad u liked all of them =)
Bro 9dragon,
I am addicted to your thread. cheer.
hehe...ok but dun over-masturbate yah ! =p
Haha. My current favorite thread in sbf! Steamy story line...
tks bro..stay tune for more "steam"
keep the story cumming...
good one
Tks bro..will cont writing as there's a few more chapters to go!
hi 9dragon bro... thanks for yr story... looking forward to yr next chapter... everyday must sure login to read yr story... thanks ya..
hahaha...tk u so much...glad u liked the story =)
my tent filled with coke and chips now waiting for your next instalment
Hehe..stand by tissues too :D

15-03-2011, 10:12 AM

I climbed over to her seat, while on top of her, i tried to unhooked her bra but it was pretty hard to access as she was lying on the car seat. I pulled down the car seat flat so that it was easier to "do" whatever we're gonna do :D I kept squeezing her tits till I dunno lf I really started loving big titties or was it new to me hence this reaction. Got mixed feelings with those breast as sometimes I find them too big for my liking! Nevertheless, I still couldn't remove her bra so I went down to kiss her navel, pushing her top upwards till her bra was exposed, I slipped my fingers into her bra & fiddled with her nipples, with that, she spreaded open her legs like a signal for me to fuck her! I rubba her thighs,moving upwards towards her pussy and then onto her waist. I was trying to divert her attention so I frenched her vigorously while playing with her nipple. I slowly slipped my hands into her tights and felt that she had sucked in her tummy when I did that..hmmm was it a signal for me to go in???? I din give a fuck as i was already super horny & ready to fuck anytime!

Finally my hands went into her tights..this time round it was different as the previous time, I was accessing her pussy from her butt..this time its from the front! I was waiting to feel for pubic hair before knowing I'm almost there but as i slipped in deeper, I could only feel her skin till I reached a wet area..I was outside the slit of her pussy...She's SHAVED!!!!! So smooth...I had a thing for shaved pussy and before u know it, i was teasing her clitoris with my index finger..she moaned even louder in the car..guessed she din have to hold back since noone can hear her. I went in to finger her slowly..picturing her pussy in my mind, fascinating it was small, tight & pink in colour..I could only guess till I see it with my own eyes!

She then went for my dick, stroking it slowly & squeezing it occasionally..she will squeeze them harder whenever my finger went in deeper! Soon, my finger was like a machine guy..finger her so fast till she came!..."AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......aaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww" she moaned "I want more dear....please...." she begged!

"I would love to my dear but its a bit hard to 'perform' better in my seat......let's go else where!" i said

"Okie..but where..its quite late liao...nevermind...let's go back to my place 1st then we think!" she replied

Both my big & small head agreed...it doesn't matter where we go..its just where we're gonna make out thats all! hahaha....I quickly shut off the engine, we got off the car and while in the lift, we were kissing like we're on fire..even in the lift, I was teasing her pussy! She was really hot but I hope that when we get into her room, she won't back out & leave me disappointed! After we got back to her room, she closed the door & started hugging me!We frenched & both my hands were squeezing her butt till she jumped onto me with her legs locked onto my waist..she's light as she's pretty petite so I had the strenght to carry her....

"Take off your top baby" I commanded her and like a soldier, she obeyed and removed her top while clinging onto me...I stared at her chest..looking at those lacy bra of hers which was transclucent...I could see her nipples...they were light brown in colour and small and slightly pointed..I had a harder erection upon seeing those titties. She held onto my neck while my hands when on to remove the back of her bra strap! In less than 5 seconds, her bra was removed, left only her tights! She had a pair of beautiful breast....althought they are big but its not saggy & u can see the firmness & contour of it. I tried to kiss them but was in an awkward position! So I walked towards the bed & lay her down before kissing her on her forehead, to her cheeks, lips & finally her breast! I sucked her nipple so hard till she covered her mouth once again to prevent her loud moans from coming out! I went on to finger again till she pulled my head back to her face & kissed me wildly! Even as we were kissing, I could hear her moan!

She then turn me around and started kissing my earlobes..boy were it ticklish! She took off my topped & started teasing my nipples with her tongue, it felt so good...slowly, she went downwards to my navel, licking it and started removing my belt...Ho Say liao..i thought to myself..at least tonite would be disappointed! Like a seductive partner, she seat on my dick while remove my belt & unzipping my jeans..soon she pulled down my jeans & left only my underwear on..it was bulging out like a bloated can of sardine! She pulled down my underwear and was greeted by my sturdy "pole" She looked at it and placed both hands of it & started give me a HJ...hmmmm I felt slight improvement compared to the prevs round! She applied the correct pressure this time round!

Hey where's my BJ i thought to myself..I had a devious plan..I told her to HJ me with her back facing me as I wanted to caress her butt, she complied and turned around..with her butt facing me, I squeezed her butt and tickled her butt crack! I slowly pulled down her tights from left to right till her whole ass was in front of me! I pulled her legs towards me so that I could have a clearer look of her pussy..It was definitely a delight finally getting to see those smooth & shaved pussy of hers and when I used my fingers to spread open those lips, it was pinkish in colour, my dick just got harder.

I couldn't resist just fingering it so I lifted my head up & licked it..with that lick, she moaned very loudly and I can see her using her other hand to cover her mouth while HJing me..I pull her even closer to me so it was easier for me to give her a tongue job...soon my tongue was licking & attacking her pussy...in no time, she couldn't control her moans. Suddenly she just let go of my dick and her head went down towards my dick. She placed my dick in her mouth! Hahaha..what an ingenious way to tone down those moans I thought to myself...I was in heaven once again with my dick inside her mouth but her moans was quite disturbing as my dick could "hear" it hahaha! Soon she was sucking it like a lollipop while I was enjoying my "ABALONE" ...it was only when she was sucking it so professionally I reckon she couldn't be a virgin..but her pussy was so tight...haha, lets see if my dick can penetrate it later to confirm the verdict.........

....................to be cont :D

15-03-2011, 10:22 AM
A nice chapter in the morning !

15-03-2011, 10:22 AM
Can't wait for Tomorrow.. Haha.. Nice one as usual

15-03-2011, 10:25 AM
bro, well done ... keep it going ....:p

15-03-2011, 11:16 AM
Bro TS, I gota suggestion. I believe a lot of Bros here is HJing ourself when reading your post and i also believe one post is not enough to get our HJ done.

I strongly suggest either you extent the thread per post or 2days 1 post.

just my 2cents suggestion.

15-03-2011, 11:26 AM
awesome story bro!! Keep it cumming!!

15-03-2011, 11:29 AM
Nice one bro!! Keep it cumming!!!

15-03-2011, 11:41 AM
Bro TS, I gota suggestion. I believe a lot of Bros here is HJing ourself when reading your post and i also believe one post is not enough to get our HJ done.

I strongly suggest either you extent the thread per post or 2days 1 post.

just my 2cents suggestion.

Can't agreed more. Now I am high and dry...

15-03-2011, 11:45 AM
bro, definitely reading on.. but always read until almost climax up to heaven but then immediately anti climax back to earth.. machiam like train run out of tracks to travel on.. looking forward to reading more soon, i hope..

15-03-2011, 12:04 PM
Great Story bro! you are one of the great writer in SBF

15-03-2011, 12:11 PM
Great writer ! Nice stories...

15-03-2011, 01:37 PM
HI bro,
when is episode 13 cum?

15-03-2011, 01:55 PM
Bro 9dragon, how does this abalone taste?? ;)
Soon she was sucking it like a lollipop while I was enjoying my "ABALONE" ...it was only when she was sucking it so professionally......

15-03-2011, 02:41 PM
wow very interesting story more pls

15-03-2011, 03:17 PM
Nice bro camping for more

15-03-2011, 03:53 PM
Lesbian abalone is juicy that for sure. Had 1 accidentally at uni days. One thing is I cannot figure is they love to clean shave. Coincidently TS abalone also clean shaven. That my first and last lesbo.

15-03-2011, 04:23 PM
Bro Populex, just wondering, how u accidentally had lesbian abalone leh?? :confused:
U mean this lesbian abalone accidentally drop into ur mouth?? ;) lol... pls share... :D
Lesbian abalone is juicy that for sure. Had 1 accidentally at uni days. One thing is I cannot figure is they love to clean shave. Coincidently TS abalone also clean shaven. That my first and last lesbo.

15-03-2011, 09:43 PM
wow... 9dragon bro... getting more n more sexciting liao... faster update next chapter... can't wait to read how u going to eat her 'alive'... wahaha... :p:p

15-03-2011, 11:59 PM
Lesbian abalone is juicy that for sure. Had 1 accidentally at uni days....

Care to share your story...? :D

16-03-2011, 08:14 AM
what a way to start the day... reading bro 9dragon's story makes me HARD .... damm it... bro... MORE !!!! cant tahan liao.... give us more....

16-03-2011, 09:26 AM
A nice chapter in the morning !
Tks bro..glad u enjoy..stay tune for few more chapters !
Can't wait for Tomorrow.. Haha.. Nice one as usual
Hehe...updating in progress bro =)
bro, well done ... keep it going ....
Tk u Tk u =)
Bro TS, I gota suggestion. I believe a lot of Bros here is HJing ourself when reading your post and i also believe one post is not enough to get our HJ done.

I strongly suggest either you extent the thread per post or 2days 1 post.

just my 2cents suggestion.
hehe...u mean 2 POST in 1 DAY right? if 2 days 1 post then u guys deprived :D
awesome story bro!! Keep it cumming!!
Cummmminnggggggg soooonnnnnn bro =)
Nice one bro!! Keep it cumming!!!
Cummmmmmmmmiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggg :D
Can't agreed more. Now I am high and dry...
haha...bro..one chapter a day just nice for u to recover ammunition! =)
bro, definitely reading on.. but always read until almost climax up to heaven but then immediately anti climax back to earth.. machiam like train run out of tracks to travel on.. looking forward to reading more soon, i hope..
haha...tks bro..hope u get climax on this chapter!
Great Story bro! you are one of the great writer in SBF
Tks for the compliment..but there're better bros in SBF lah ;)
Great writer ! Nice stories...
Tks bro =)
HI bro,
when is episode 13 cum?
Updating in progress bro =)
Bro 9dragon, how does this abalone taste??
Bro..i tell u..its outta this world...diff juice from other abalone..maybe no men went in before thats y so tasty !
wow very interesting story more pls
Tks bro...updating in progress..hang in there!
Nice bro camping for more
Tks bro...remember to get some food & drinks =)
Lesbian abalone is juicy that for sure. Had 1 accidentally at uni days. One thing is I cannot figure is they love to clean shave. Coincidently TS abalone also clean shaven. That my first and last lesbo.
Great to hear that..yeah, i just loved those shaved pussies!
wow... 9dragon bro... getting more n more sexciting liao... faster update next chapter... can't wait to read how u going to eat her 'alive'... wahaha...
hahaha...hang in there bro...cummmmmmiiiinnnnngggggg!
what a way to start the day... reading bro 9dragon's story makes me HARD .... damm it... bro... MORE !!!! cant tahan liao.... give us more....
hehehe...remember to "clean" up after that yah! =)

16-03-2011, 10:09 AM

This time round, I spread open her pussy lips once again to see if her hymen was still intact..we didn't off the lights so we had a clear view on each other's private parts! Her pink pussy really turn me on...it was like a secondary school girl whom haven't reach puberty yet. I could see her hole was small but by inserting my finger in,it wasn't big enough to break her hymen I thought..My curiousity got me to asked her:" My dear..are u still a virgin?" With my dick in her mouth..she stopped & turned her head & looked at me, smiled & replied "What do u think?...."

"Hmmm of cos not..u r with Chris!" i said..what a fuck up reply i know cos end of the day women fuck women are still virgins. But I din wanna guess the wrong answer so bringing Chris into the picture would be the safest bet!

"Silly boy..how can I lose my virgin to Chris..she's a girl too!" she giggled then turned to a straight face and looked at me into the eye "Well, sorry to disappoint u but I'm not a virgin...l lost it to my 1st & last boyfriend years ago!" She almost cried upon saying that! Then I sat up & hugged her..."its ok dear..that's the past...what matters now is that u're happy!" I wiped her tears away, lifted up her chin and gave her a loving kiss on her lips. She responded by kissing me back and I started playing with her boobs, teasing her nipples....before going down to suck them!

"Dear...why u wanna be a gay? John too..very sayang lor u both gay!" she said while I was sucking her nips..what a spoil sport by asking me this kinda questions now...can ask me later after we make love mah!

"Well...i got something to confess, I was never gay & so is John..we're both straight but just that we're always together & never in the company of women so people thought of us as gays!" i just told her straight knowing that this may jeopardize our relationship since she knows i'm a straight guy now!

She just laughed and hugged me even tighter now...I laid her down onto her bed and spread open her legs. We frenched once again ( i know quite boring to hear that but quite standard s.o.p mah) while my hard dick was trying to figure its way into her. Once she felt that my little head was outside her clitoris & was ready to plug him..she stopped me..

"Sorry dear..do u have a condom?" she asked....WTF, how the hell I know we're gonna make love & of cos I dun carry condoms with me (u carry on u the girl thinks u're a player..dun bring, u can't screw her..its a die die stituation!)

"I'm sorry my love, I didn't know we're gonna make love & I dun carry condoms with me!" I looked sadly into her eyes...She refused to make love without a helmet on & I din wanna force her.

"So how now..u made my brother so hard again & refused to let him inside u...I hv to punish u" i said

"Ok..my fault..so how u wanna punish me?" she asked

I just shifted my dick to her breast & placed it in between her tits and let her breast fucked me. I asked her to squeeze her tits together so that I can get a better feel! Breast will be breast...u can't cum on breast fucking..not for me at least, so i removed her hands, played with her nipples while hearing her moan again. At that point, I shaft my dick into her mouth..she took it with stride and sucking it hard like a candy! I was thrusting it into her mouth but carefully as I dun wanna choke her!

"Ahhhh....ahhhhh.....ahhhhhh" I mumbled..her hands were grabbing my ass as though she's really enjoying it so much...She used her tongue to twirl around my dick, making it even harder...I thrust it even harder but not deeper till her head came up to suck it deeper..so I just let her head do the thrusting...

"MMMmmmm...mmmmmm..mmmmmm" I was panting hard...panting very hard....I was cumming but i kept quiet as I really wanted to shoot into her mouth....in less than a minute...My 1st shot went into her mouth..surprisingly, she not only didn't get choked but also didn't remove my dick from her mouth...She made sure every drop went inside her mouth before removing it.

She spit out into the dustbin before commenting "Wah, u got choked inside is it? So much sperm!"

"Hehe...i got really turned on by u so my testicles worked harder to reproduced more sperm lor! But it would have been much better making love to u instead!" I said

"Then next time u know what to do liao hor" she replied..Bingoo...Signal me to buy condoms before making out with her....of cos next time I sure standby in my car, my wallet, socks...etc wherever I can hide!

I gave her a peck on her forehead as a thank you for such a wonderful blowjob plus CIM..haha better if she swallows! I hugged her & held onto her breast and soon we felt asleep..naked!

..................to be cont!

16-03-2011, 10:18 AM
Well, bro I seldom comment on ppl thread but this time round I must reali say BRAVO!!
I dun suppose tat both of u become a couple since u n chris are such good buddies

16-03-2011, 10:32 AM
Wow bro 9dragon, i really envy u... can share her abalone soup w/me?? lol... ;)
Bro..i tell u..its outta this world...diff juice from other abalone..maybe no men went in before thats y so tasty !
Hmmm.... let me guess... ur plan is 2 consume her abalone raw?? :D
"Sorry dear..do u have a condom?" she asked....WTF, how the hell I know we're gonna make love & of cos I dun carry condoms with me (u carry on u the girl thinks u're a player..dun bring, u can't screw her..its a die die stituation!)

"I'm sorry my love, I didn't know we're gonna make love & I dun carry condoms with me!" I looked sadly into her eyes...She refused to make love without a helmet on & I din wanna force her.

16-03-2011, 10:35 AM
Bro, I really loved your thread, hope that both of you can end up being together, Cheers..

16-03-2011, 10:51 AM
Thumbs up for you bro. Cheers !!

16-03-2011, 11:29 AM
*clap clap* well done bro. Another base down. Can't wait to hear how you conquer that sweet "abalone" of hers with your rod. :-)

16-03-2011, 03:57 PM
well done.. one more step closer to the base.. :)

16-03-2011, 05:36 PM
Bro, a very nice erotic story. keep it up.

16-03-2011, 05:49 PM
Bro Populex, just wondering, how u accidentally had lesbian abalone leh?? :confused:
U mean this lesbian abalone accidentally drop into ur mouth?? ;) lol... pls share... :D

Well, happen in aust, one of the uni orientation nite. Intro to her by friend. She a freshie back then. Hook her for a drink few days later. Got drunk and en up at my humble flat. The deed was awkward eg she very queer when i ask her to blow me. Funny feel all I can say. But when abalone end at mouth with active fingering u should see her estacy. Soon it's gushing spilling on my face. Well finish the deed, but I feel funny. End up ons coz call her out she keep declining . Then saw her with another sweeter girl. Found out fr friends that she actually alpha in lesbo relationship. I did not know all this since ons only so I called it accidental lor.

16-03-2011, 06:17 PM
Ooo CIM !!!! :D

16-03-2011, 06:53 PM
Great Story!!! thanks... many fond memories.. especially being single

16-03-2011, 07:57 PM
good job.. 9dragon bro... another step closer to eating her "alive"... update soon.. :D:D

16-03-2011, 08:07 PM
bro 9 Dargon, u no horse run lo ..... POWER man!!

17-03-2011, 09:46 AM
Well, bro I seldom comment on ppl thread but this time round I must reali say BRAVO!!
I dun suppose tat both of u become a couple since u n chris are such good buddies
haha..we were never officially a couple..more like FB..i even partner Chris to do business later but she cheated my money..maybe she found out about us & wanted revenge! hahaha
Wow bro 9dragon, i really envy u... can share her abalone soup w/me?? lol... ;)
Hehe..sorry bro..some soup are best consume alone ;)
Hmmm.... let me guess... ur plan is 2 consume her abalone raw??
At that moment..yes, i wanted it raw! hahaha
Bro, I really loved your thread, hope that both of you can end up being together, Cheers..
Tks bro...well, lets not spoil the suspense..read on bro =)
Thumbs up for you bro. Cheers !!
Tks bro =)
*clap clap* well done bro. Another base down. Can't wait to hear how you conquer that sweet "abalone" of hers with your rod.
Not so easy to conquer..almost there tho!
well done.. one more step closer to the base..
Tks bro..tk god i'm patient!
Bro, a very nice erotic story. keep it up.
tks bro...hope u din wet yourself :D
Well, happen in aust, one of the uni orientation nite. Intro to her by friend. She a freshie back then. Hook her for a drink few days later. Got drunk and en up at my humble flat. The deed was awkward eg she very queer when i ask her to blow me. Funny feel all I can say. But when abalone end at mouth with active fingering u should see her estacy. Soon it's gushing spilling on my face. Well finish the deed, but I feel funny. End up ons coz call her out she keep declining . Then saw her with another sweeter girl. Found out fr friends that she actually alpha in lesbo relationship. I did not know all this since ons only so I called it accidental lor.
Wow...erotic + sensual...but at least it was a good experience!
Ooo CIM !!!!
All men's favourite =)
Great Story!!! thanks... many fond memories.. especially being single
Tks bro...glad u enjoy =)
good job.. 9dragon bro... another step closer to eating her "alive"... update soon.. /QUOTE]
Yeah man..hopefully soon! =)
[QUOTE=jj583;5765282]bro 9 Dargon, u no horse run lo ..... POWER man!!
hahaha...tk u bro =)

17-03-2011, 10:28 AM
.................................................. .....

When I woke up, Fiona was sleeping on my chest, hugging me like a bolster. My dick was wide awake, standing upright hard & sturdy protruding outta the blanket. I was horny again but I know i can't fuck her without a condom! Soon she opened her eyes as she was woken up by my movement. She gave me a morning kiss (awwww...so sweet...) and place her leg over mine to hug me tighter till she felt something hit her! (hahaha..my dick lah)

"Wah,so early in the morning u horny already?" she said

"I'm horny for u my dear..seeing u naked & hugging me to slp turns me on!" I replied

"Yah right..u men are all the same..see naked girls sure horny one.." she rebutted me! I think she had a bad experience with her ex BF hence wary about men!

"Well, I shall not defend nor say anything..it comes from the heart and only time will tell if i'm just a sweet talker or natural!" I explained to her

Hearing that she hugged me even tighter and said "Having known u all these time, I felt u're very real & genuine..not like my ex who's so fake but I'm blinded by love back then" she then held on to my dick and played with it!

"Hey, u make me hornier wait I rape u dear...my penis is like a magnet to your vagina..it attracts each other!" I said

She laughed "Well, let's see if I'll let u enter the forbidden zone without protection!"

We just caressed each other while I enjoy her HJ...I starting squeezing her tits and sucking her nips. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before letting out a moan. Suddenly, she looked at the clock to see the time..I was slightly taken aback as I was enjoying myself when she did that action. "Hey what u doing" I ask............."Nah..just checking the time..noone's home now..they've all went out"

This girl is super power..know her family's schedule. We cont our petting session with lotsa rubba & kisses.....I turned her around and spread open her arms! I held onto them while I move my body upwards to her breast...I wanted a breast fuck again! This time, I diy..holding onto both tits & placed my dick between them and started fucking it! At the same time, I tickled her sensitive nipples and watched them erect slowly. She tilt her head upwards as tho she wanted to lick my dick so I happily obliged! I stopped titty fuck her and insert my dick into her warm & wet mouth..when I did that, her hands went on to grab my ass and squeeze it tight! My dick was super hard from the ordeal...in my mind, i told myself I had to fuck her today as I couldn't resist anymore..the environment & situation is so conducive for a great love making session! I signalled her for a change to 69 position and soon both of us were happily licking & tongue fucking each other's private parts!

I pre-cummed into her mouth and this time round, she din even spit out as I knew I came abit and she was still sucking it! This made me work even harder on her pussy from sucking it hard to deep tonguing till i finger fucked her at top speed...Her panting & moaning lead me hornier & hornier.......She was screaming like hell (probably she dare as she knows noone is home)

"I'm gonna fuck u soon baby!" I said....She din reply me and kept sucking my dick! I wanted to go in so badly till I was desperate! I changed my position back to frenching her again and finger her..this time I inserted 2 fingers....she was on the brink of climax...

"Ahhhhhhh....ahhhhhh......*panting hard*....faster dear...deeper...deeper" she pleaded...so I knelt down while fingering her and watching her in front of me enjoy the process! She was screaming on top of her voice..then she came...there was so much juice flowing out that her bed was wet...very wet. I din stop just there as I was horny myself & had to release my load somewhere....So as I was fingering her I kissed her navel all the way to her breast. At this time, my dick was just beside my fingers which was still fingering her..I slowly removed them but still playing with her outer clitoris while spreading her pussy lips...Throughout this whole foreplay, her eyes were shut tight & she was just enjoying herself. I slowly rubbed her pussy with my dick, pretending that they were my fingers before I slowly inserted it in! Yes..it was finally in and when I went inside her deeper, she grabbed onto both my hands & let out a deep breath before opening her eyes...I din wanna give her the opportunity to say anything so I started pumping her...

She was not only enjoying it but ever spread her legs wider for me to pump. Haha..the power of sex over the mind! I had her missonary for a good 10mins before she softly asked me to do her from behind! Like a service provider, I came outta her and let her position herself for doggy fuck..It was a fucking good "sex"sation when I went in from the back..her pussy was wet but also tight that I could feel my dick cumming just after a few thrust.

"Grab my breast dear..pls...grab them!" she begged...I grabbed onto those huge papaya and thrust my dick even harder & deeper...

"Ahhh...ahhh....ahhhh....ahhhhhhhh" we both shouted. "Let me know when u coming okie" she said......"Yes dear" I replied

I dun think I've ever thrust a women so fast & hard before and Fiona was like a sex goddess despite the fact that she's little sexual experiences! The doggy fuck was too much for me to bear till I needed to come soon..I shouted that I'm cumming soon she was came outta me and grabbed onto my dick, masturabating it hard & fast while placing it onto her breast...soon I came...shot every single sperm onto her breast! It was a wonderful sight! Using her thumb, she wiped away the last drop of cum & gave it a lick before looking at me.........


17-03-2011, 10:55 AM
Excellent update :)
keep it up bro :)

17-03-2011, 11:00 AM
. I slowly rubbed her pussy with my dick, pretending that they were my fingers before I slowly inserted it in! Yes..it was finally in and when I went inside her deeper, she grabbed onto both my hands & let out a deep breath before opening her eyes...I din wanna give her the opportunity to say anything so I started pumping her...

rmasturabating it hard & fast while placing it onto her breast...soon I came...shot every single sperm onto her breast! It was a wonderful sight! Using her thumb, she wiped away the last drop of cum & gave it a lick before looking at me.........


AT LAST !!!!!!!!! Yipppppppppeeeeeeeee :D

17-03-2011, 11:11 AM
all the hard work paid off!!! *pop the champagne....

17-03-2011, 11:59 AM
Finally it is the home run! Nice story, bro keep them coming. :D

17-03-2011, 01:31 PM
bravo.. well done.. *claps claps..

17-03-2011, 02:57 PM
She laughed "Well, let's see if I'll let u enter the forbidden zone without protection!"

Most women will pretend to be demure and won't let the men get into the lovehole as soon as wished by the men. They will seemingly put up a fight and resist with their might. Making the lovemaking looks like a crime scene of rape. However, the moment when the dick enters the pussy, they will start to wriggle like a bloody snake, enabling the dick to penetrate further.

Frankly, for me, I would prefer the woman to cut the chase, if she wants me, she does not try to play the hard to get. Else, she can go pcc herself. Life is short, be straightforward.

17-03-2011, 03:48 PM
Steady lah bro!!!! Conquered her abalone and COB...shiok man!!!

17-03-2011, 04:49 PM
Bro 9 Dragon, just want to let you know you have a new fan (me) :D
Please keep it up.

17-03-2011, 05:50 PM
Bro TS, now that you penetrated fiona, will you finish up chris too. Tom boy i think also good to bonk if we can get them horny.

17-03-2011, 09:44 PM
What a nice story and a fruitful ending, TS...

Clap Clap Clap...

17-03-2011, 11:29 PM
A very good read indeed...

17-03-2011, 11:32 PM
Awesome story bro!! Box office standard!! Haha!! Nice bro!!

17-03-2011, 11:36 PM
yeah... BINGO!! 9dragon bro... u've successfully eaten her "alive"... well done!! ;)

17-03-2011, 11:40 PM
enemy 'over run' over!! keep it coming bro - nice story ..... enjoying every single bit .....

18-03-2011, 12:12 AM
nice story... hope this get carry on... :D

18-03-2011, 03:51 AM
Bro 9dragon well done

following the story of ur make me so damm high ... omg u r so lucky to hv found her

dont let her go man

18-03-2011, 09:30 AM
Excellent update
keep it up bro
Tks bro...still got a few more chapters =)
AT LAST !!!!!!!!! Yipppppppppeeeeeeeee
Yes bro...at last hahahhaa =)
all the hard work paid off!!! *pop the champagne....
Yeah bro..i always knew that patience will finally pay off most of the thing =)
Finally it is the home run! Nice story, bro keep them coming.
Haha..this is only the beginning..more to come bro!
bravo.. well done.. *claps claps..
haha...tks bro!
She laughed "Well, let's see if I'll let u enter the forbidden zone without protection!"

Most women will pretend to be demure and won't let the men get into the lovehole as soon as wished by the men. They will seemingly put up a fight and resist with their might. Making the lovemaking looks like a crime scene of rape. However, the moment when the dick enters the pussy, they will start to wriggle like a bloody snake, enabling the dick to penetrate further.

Frankly, for me, I would prefer the woman to cut the chase, if she wants me, she does not try to play the hard to get. Else, she can go pcc herself. Life is short, be straightforward.
Bro, u may be surprised that those who played hard to get are the better lovers themselves so they're more careful with their "selection" so be patience...better to get fucked & fuck than no fuck at all ;)
Steady lah bro!!!! Conquered her abalone and COB...shiok man!!!
Yes man..that feeling was awesome!
Bro 9 Dragon, just want to let you know you have a new fan (me)
Please keep it up.
Tks bro...Hope I won't disappoint u =)
Bro TS, now that you penetrated fiona, will you finish up chris too. Tom boy i think also good to bonk if we can get them horny.
haha...nope...chris is too "manly" to give me an erection!
What a nice story and a fruitful ending, TS...

Clap Clap Clap...
Tks bro..more to cum =)
A very good read indeed...
Glad u enjoy it bro =)
Awesome story bro!! Box office standard!! Haha!! Nice bro!!
Haha tks bro..no lah, no box office standard..just sharing nia =)
yeah... BINGO!! 9dragon bro... u've successfully eaten her "alive"... well done!!
Haha..yeah man! it was a good fuck =)
enemy 'over run' over!! keep it coming bro - nice story ..... enjoying every single bit .....
Tks bro..more cumming!
nice story... hope this get carry on...
Yup...still got more to cum..no worries bro =)

18-03-2011, 10:00 AM

I took some tissue to wipe of any excess on my dick then helped her to clean up the "mess" i made on her breast. While wiping "them" I kept imagining fucking her over & over again..just the tot of it makes me horny but my little bro is too tired from the prevs ordeal! Lets give it a break!

"I'm gonna take a bath..will be out soon!" she said

"Hey, why dun we bath together then..i need a bath too!" I replied excitedly....

"Love to dear but this timing a bit dangerous as my mum would be back anytime!" she replied

Feeling a bit disappointed but I can understand where she's coming from...it would be a bit stupid to eat & shit at her place and get caught! While she went for a bath, I cleaned myself up and changed. I was watching tv when she open the door wrapped in a towel.........it was a familiar scene as I've seen her in her towel many times and of cos not forgetting her tight firm ass which was facing me everytime she changed! This time was different, it was in the day where I can see her ever so clearly after her bath!

She smiled at me while I pretended to watch tv...she took off the towel and used it to dry her hair...This time round, she was more natural in front of me as she was looking at the tv while wiping her head. I had the perfect view of her tits & figure while she was standing up...I then called up to her: "My Dear...."

"Yes..." she answered me while fiddling with her hair and her body turned to face me.

I scanned her from her to toe...admiring her beautiful asset as well as those nicely shaven pussy of hers...

"Hehe...nothing..just wanna tell u that u're so beautiful......NAKED!" i replied

Hearing that, she walked over to pinch my cheer...wow, her pussy was just beside me when she did that so I took the opportunity to grab her ass to pull her towards me and I gave her pussy a good suction kiss "MUACKS!" She smiled and slowly walked back to the wardrobe to get changed.

I had to go back to shower & change out so i made a date with her soon. We had to keep a lower profile now since we're now a "couple" without Chris's knowledge..she doesn't wanna leave Chris nor do I wanna fully commit to a lesbian as I dunno what she's thinking next! Unless she runs off with a chiobu instead of a butch then I'm ok...haha kill 2 birds with 1 stone then!

We gave each other a good hug & goodbye kiss before I went back. When i got home, I went on to take a bath...while showering, I fascinated that I was bathing with Fiona..and that tot led me to another hardon...fuck man, I was horny again but I din wanna masturbate..I wanna screw Fiona again. After my shower, I called fiona to chat. I din wanna sound so desperate so I diverted our topic to other stuff other then sex & our sexcapade!

Chris msg me to jio for drinks tonight..I was telling myself..too much alcohol will spoil my sexual performance so I had to cut down on my drinks. But Fiona was going...sigh, I already started missing her! So I agreed to meet them for drinks at a new joint at boat quay. We met at boat quay at about 9ish then came Chris & Fiona, holding hands & walking towards me..yes of cos there was a hint of jealousy but in my heart i told myself "Chris can never give her what can i give cos end of the day she dun have a dick" After consoling myself, I smiled at the both of them and headed for the pub. Both me & Fiona acted naturally like nothing happened before.

We drank, talk cock and laugh throughout the night and fiona being seated between us placed her hand on both our legs like buddies and Chris din suspect a thing...While drinking, Fiona was using her fingers to caress my thigh..that woke my brother up..and I was yearning for a fuck with her again. I gave her the "come fuck me baby" look and she responded with a sly smile all that without Chris looking..and when Chris went to the toilet, she leaned over & say " I wanna fuck u soon dear"

I was pretty shocked cos when I know her, it din hit me that Fiona was a horny bitch or maybe I brought out the horniness in her...hahaha...I replied her "I wanna eat u NOW!!!!!!' But both of us knew that with Chris's presence, its not gonna be easy.. We stole many light pecks before Chris came back and I tell u the feeling was exciting avoiding getting caught knowing Chris was there!

After our drinks, I sent them back but that night, Chris wanted to go over to Fiona's place..Knowing Fiona, I knew she won't reject Chris and Fiona knows I'm disappointed from my facial expressions! I dropped the both of them back and smiled at them before heading home. Yeah..fucking disappointed but LL lor....halfway back home, I rcv a sms from Fiona..."Sorry dear, I'll make it up to you the next time!"

That put back a smile on my face & I went home a happier man!

..............................to be cont

18-03-2011, 10:02 AM
Bro, u may be surprised that those who played hard to get are the better lovers themselves so they're more careful with their "selection" so be patience...better to get fucked & fuck than no fuck at all ;)Ya, you are right. Used to know one in SZ, every session with her was as if I was raping her. However, the moment when my dick finally got its entry, she turned into the sex goddess and never failed to ask me to unload inside. Hmm, those were the days. :rolleyes:

18-03-2011, 10:13 AM
"Chris can never give her what can i give cos end of the day she dun have a dick"

I like this phrase man! haha. Thanks for today's chapter :)

18-03-2011, 10:15 AM
Bro 9dragon, like that how 2 tahan?? :eek:
Hmmm... let me guess, she's going 2 make it up using her chrysanthemum?? :D
and when Chris went to the toilet, she leaned over & say " I wanna fuck u soon dear"
halfway back home, I rcv a sms from Fiona..."Sorry dear, I'll make it up to you the next time!"

18-03-2011, 10:55 AM
wow.. nice.. both of you are on the high drive mode.. cool.. looking forward to read the next part soon.. :)

18-03-2011, 01:35 PM
Wow bro, so long never read liao. Just read that you entered without protection!?! Eh pro leh. Good luck as i think that there are still some "uncharted" areas you might want to explore:) cheers.

18-03-2011, 02:54 PM
Out of curiosity, are U still with Fiona?

18-03-2011, 04:02 PM
I rcv a sms from Fiona..."Sorry dear, I'll make it up to you the next time!"

That put back a smile on my face & I went home a happier man!

..............................to be cont

very nice and exciting....thanks brother :)

18-03-2011, 05:35 PM
nice one man, great story!

18-03-2011, 05:46 PM
Interesting development. looking forward for new updates.


18-03-2011, 08:38 PM
wow... 9dragon bro... i tot tat is the end of the story liao... now there r more... please continue with yr story.. luving it... reading how u eat her and describe her body give me the hard onz too.. cheers!!! :):):)

19-03-2011, 12:48 AM
Interesting Story! ;)

19-03-2011, 04:22 AM

19-03-2011, 05:49 AM
haha bro best story EVER

19-03-2011, 09:20 AM
Ya, you are right. Used to know one in SZ, every session with her was as if I was raping her. However, the moment when my dick finally got its entry, she turned into the sex goddess and never failed to ask me to unload inside. Hmm, those were the days.
Haha..glad that u had that experience too!
I like this phrase man! haha. Thanks for today's chapter
No problem bro..glad u like it =)
Bro 9dragon, like that how 2 tahan??
Hmmm... let me guess, she's going 2 make it up using her chrysanthemum??
Bro..cannot tahan man...haha...she's keeping me in suspense..i shall find out the next time we meet :D
wow.. nice.. both of you are on the high drive mode.. cool.. looking forward to read the next part soon..
Its always after the 1st few fucks, both parties yearn for more =)
Wow bro, so long never read liao. Just read that you entered without protection!?! Eh pro leh. Good luck as i think that there are still some "uncharted" areas you might want to explore..cheers.
Haha...I was her 2nd guy to screw her so I tot it was pretty safe :rolleyes:
Out of curiosity, are U still with Fiona?
haha..gladly NO..cos she had a bad temper after that which I couldn't take it!
very nice and exciting....thanks brother
Tks bro..glad u enjoyed it =0
nice one man, great story!
Tks bro...cont reading yah!
Interesting development. looking forward for new updates.

Dun worry bro..updating in progress liao =)
wow... 9dragon bro... i tot tat is the end of the story liao... now there r more... please continue with yr story.. luving it... reading how u eat her and describe her body give me the hard onz too.. cheers!!!
CUMMMmmmmiiiiiinnnnnnggggggg soon for more erection bro =)
Interesting Story!
tks bro...=)
Read on buddy =)

19-03-2011, 10:21 AM
.................................................. ...............

It was a brand new week and back to work for both me & Chris...we were all busy with our workload while Fiona had several projects on hand. She's a pretty smart gal with fucking good time management...with all her programs including our fuck session, she still manages her school work well & excel in her studies!

Chris birthday was coming up and FIona suggested booking a chalet to celebrate for her. I was unhappy at 1st but the thought of eating Fiona at the chalet excites me...I had to think of a plan how to lay her that night without getting caught...the best bet would be when Chris was drunk...she totally cannot remember what happened the prevs night! I managed to get a chalet at changi..it was a bungalow type with dbl storey. So Fiona went on to plan the guest list while I did the food & beverages plus accomodation. We had expected a crowd of 35paxs but we dunno how many will stay on..Initially I wanted to book 2 chalets so that I can have a spare bungalow to bonk Fiona but then again, its a waste if I din manage to screw her & end up sleeping all by myself there.

When her bday came...Chris was touched by me & fiona's planning. She was so happy that she hugged & gave me a peck on my cheek..Fiona laughed upon seeing that and I felt disgusted but I kept my cool and retain a smile on my face...Chris still thinks I'm gay! We started off with BBQ and lotsa beer and hard liquor! Most of her friends had a fucking good time with all those booze & food. After food, we had a cake cutting ceremony for Chris & we took many pics together! Fiona & I stole many glaces at each other and if i bump into her in the kitchen, I would whisper to her ears "I'm gonna eat u" and she would just giggle and stick out her tongue at me!

After finishing the cake, 3 of her friends stayed back to play mahjong while me & fiona were clearing up the mess but we din complain as we had time to "ourselves". We stole many kisses in the kitchen and hugs upstairs as they were busy playing mahjong downstairs. Chris was a mahjong fanatic, besides drinking, she loves mahjong as well..thank god both me & fiona dunno how to play. Chris was on a winning streak and the rest of them were so bend on winning her money! All 4 of them were totally engross in their game. Chris knew I was staying over & she was more than happy to have my company so that I can accompany Fiona while she can focus on her mahjong! After we cleared up everything, we told Chris that we're gonna watch tv upstairs....she was so bloody engross in her mahjong that she din even reply Fiona & just wave her hand to acknowledge.....

"That's how Chris is when it comes to Mahjong...got Mahjong no me" Fiona said

"Isn't that better, we got more time to ourselves!" I replied while holding her hands walking back to the bedroom! We snuggled ourselves in bed while watching tv and Fiona was pretty sure that Chris will not come up but only worry that her friends may come upstairs to use the bathroom! I wasn't too concern as downstairs have a bathroom too. If Chris knows that I'm accompanying Fiona, it won't be a surprise that we're found in the same room. Banging on that fact, we caress each other in bed and started frenching each other but everytime the mahjong tiles stopped, our heartbeat stopped too as we kept thinking that someone is coming up, hence we din dare to make out! But my horny genes couldn't take it anymore. I had an idea.."Let's make out in the toilet dear" i told Fiona..

"Cannot lah, wait someone knock how and asked where are u?" she panicked

"Remember they're playing downstairs at the corner so they can't see the entrance..just pretend that u tot I was in the room can liao..then later when the coast is clear, I pretend to "come" back from a stroll outside since the main door is not close" i replied

Hearing my ingenious idea, Fiona agree and we both made our way to the toilet..once inside, I locked the door and our tongues fought feriously. In her Ts, I squeezed her tits like I haven't squeezed them for years! She jumped onto me in excitement & i was holding her ass to support her. I placed her on the basin top while I took off her Ts and she helped me took off mine! I then stripped off her bra and I thought her tits looked different tonight...She laughed at my imagination and came down from the basin to help me remove my berms...After she took off my berms, she pulled down my underwear like a rapist and started sucking my lifeless dick...The moment it went into her mouth..it erected like a speeding train. She was enjoying the process while I placed my hand on her head to "help" her with the back & fro motion. I was gonna explode in her mouth, although I loved the CIM feeling, but I didn't wanna waste that shot in her mouth! I signal her to come up and started unzipping her shorts...down came her shorts and left with her lacy pink panties on...I could see her vagina from the thin material of her panties..that led me to an even bigger erection.

I pulled aside her panties in started rubbing her pussy till it was super wet before i inserted my fingers inside..After 2 fingers were in, she moaned and hugged me tightly "I want u inside me dear pls...now pls..." She begged.... I removed her panties and led her to the shower room where she spread open her legs & placed her hands on the wall...I slowly inserted my rod from behind and she let off a slight scream..I immediately covered her mouth! KNN..wait kanna discover I told her..she nodded her head & closed her mouth while I thrust her from behind...it was our 1st time doing that position and we enjoyed it so much....she bent even lower for me to thrust deeper and I held onto her left breast, teasing it while thrusting even harder....

"Dear, I'm cumming soon..." I said

"Ok..then go in faster & deeper!" she said

"Huh...u want me to shoot inside u? is it safe?" I asked

"I had my period a few days back so it should be safe" she answered me...knn..one moment insist I use condom then now want me to shoot inside her...WOMEN!!!...hard to pls them sometimes...But of cos I happily obliged...how often can u shoot inside a woman williingly?

It wasn't long before I did a final thrust and I came into her....I held onto her breast and collapsed on her back, panting hard..."It was such a good fuck" she said...I slowly remove my semi hard dick from her pussy and watched my sperm dripping from her shaved pussy! It was such a sight, she spread open her pussy lips to let out the excess sperm..that sight was an even better turn-on! I wanted to fuck her one more time...I turn on the shower head and helped her to wash her pussy...at the same time, admiring her pink shaven pussy..I fingered her again!

The whole process took about 15mins..we timed ourselves as we din wanna get caught. So we quickly dressed up and hear for the sound of the mahjong tiles before coming out of the bathroom!

......................to be cont!

19-03-2011, 10:56 AM
awesome story bro!!!

19-03-2011, 01:36 PM
bro .. jus curious ... will you bang chris if she is drunk ? LOL or maybe a 3some with fiona n chris :p

19-03-2011, 04:51 PM
great.. didn't waste the time to switch on comp and log in to check this thread.. keep it up bro.. :)

19-03-2011, 10:38 PM
haha so chris got huat or not :D

19-03-2011, 10:54 PM
good job.. 9dragon bro... u r now eating her on a regular basis liao... update soon... cheers!! :):)

20-03-2011, 11:50 PM
fiona sounds so amazing! this is the best story(in my opinion)in a long long time. so many stories focus just on sex, and not the storyline/the sensual bits/the 'chase'. good for you TS, good for you!

Ps. im looking forward to the point where fiona and chris breaks :D

21-03-2011, 09:11 AM
awesome story bro!!!
Tks bro..read on =)
bro .. jus curious ... will you bang chris if she is drunk ? LOL or maybe a 3some with fiona n chris
Ummmm...nope...dun think can get an erection bro :rolleyes:
great.. didn't waste the time to switch on comp and log in to check this thread.. keep it up bro..
hehe...tks bro =)
haha so chris got huat or not
Well..we can't be bothered if she was on a winning streak..what matters most was our bonking sessions :D
good job.. 9dragon bro... u r now eating her on a regular basis liao... update soon... cheers!!
Tks bro...all good things will end eventually but in next chapter, we're still making out =)
fiona sounds so amazing! this is the best story(in my opinion)in a long long time. so many stories focus just on sex, and not the storyline/the sensual bits/the 'chase'. good for you TS, good for you!

Ps. im looking forward to the point where fiona and chris breaks
Tks for the compliments bro..well,she's great but really,I'm not into big titties ;) haha...I shall keep u in suspense whether they got break or not!

21-03-2011, 09:51 AM
.................................................. ....

Fiona opened the door slightly and made sure the coast was cleared for me to come out. She went downstairs just to pretend to see how Chris was doing and I went back to the bedroom. It wasn't long before Fiona came back to "our" room.

"She's still totally engross in her game..haha..and she lost some money, so I guess that they will play till next morning!" Fiona said

"Haha..that's great then..that leaves us more time for round 2" me giving her a wink.

She pinched my dick cheekily and gave me a kiss & a hug before we snuggled each other and watched tv. It was 3+ am and i was pretty sleepy. I wanted to sleep with Fiona but of cos we both were aware of the consequences if we got caught! In fact, she was tired too so I decided to withdraw from the room and go back to "my" room to sleep. We frenched for one last time before I went back to sleep.

When I woke up,it was already 9am so after brushing my teeth, I went down to take a look. Everyone had left, I think as Fiona's room was closed so probably Chris went back up to sleep with her. Damn, how I wished I was the one sleeping beside her. I sat on the sofa & watch tv before I heard the souond of an opening door...followed by footsteps from above walking towards the staircase....hahaha..who else can it be...it was Fiona!

"morning dear...why u wake up so early?" she asked

"how can I sleep properly without u?" i replied

She came over to hug me and gave me a morn kiss :rolleyes: so sweet! She told me that Chris was sleeping like a dead log as she only went to bed at about 8ish just now. My mind was running wild again...having thoughts of making out with her but I also didn't want her to think that I only want her for sex! So I decided to withdraw my thoughts and asked to take a stroll in the garden instead. We walked hand in hand, talking & laughing along the way and I couldn't resist peeping at her cleavage every now & then with those loose tank top! And those tight shorts made me wanna ripped them off and screw her again...I was outta focus again..man, this girl turns me on very easily!

I decided to bring her to a more secluded corner so that we had more privacy to ourselves. Thank god that we stayed at the chalet during an off-peak period. There wasn't much crowd and the chalet was pretty "quiet".

We arrived at a bench and sat down to chat...for the past 15mins of chatting, there wasn't any human traffic at all so there I go again, having tots of bonking her there & then! haha...horny bastard hor! I looked at her eyes with a seductive stare and went forward to kiss those lovely lips of hers before rubbing her back up & down. She moved over to sit on my lap and soon my hands were underneath her tank top. I was squeezing her tits in no time...She let out moans again but I wasn't too bothered by it as this area was really pretty quiet. But Fiona was concious by the surrounding and couldn't realy focus on our fore-playing session as she was worried that we will get discovered.

"Dear, I'm not comfortable here..lets go back to our chalet!" she said

I thought to myself, isn't that more dangerours as Chris could wake up anytime or maybe she din wanna make out at all...I had no other palce to suggest so I LL obliged! As we were nearer to our chalet, we let go of each other's hands just in case Chris was awake & saw us. After going in to our chalet, both of us went up to the room. Fiona open ajar the door and we saw that Chris was still in the same position when she left her. Now I know what Fiona meant when she says Chris sleeps like a dead log! I closed the door and pulled Fiona towards me and lifted her up. I carried her back to "my" room and "threw" her onto the bed before locking the door.

Like a wolf hunting a lamb, I pinned Fiona down with both hands & legs and kissed her from her head downwards. Like a paralysed prey, she just closed her eyes and let me continued. I took off her top and seeing those pair of breast covered with her cotton white bra greeting me eagerly. I pulled aside her bra and suckled on her nipples, she grabbed on to my ass tightly..with every suck, she grabbed even tighter. I got really turn on....I unhooked her bra and lifted it up to see 2 pointed nipples staring at me...I played with the both of them with my thumbs rubbing them gently and hearing the moans of Fiona in pleasure.

She helped me to removed my Ts and her hand went on to grab my dick...I moved upwards so that she can have a better access to it, with that, she helped me unzipped and removed my shorts before opening my underwear and let my little bro out for a breather. Upon seeing light, it was plunge into darkness once again when Fiona took it into her mouth, teasing it with her tongue gently. This time round, I made Fiona sit upright on the bed, leaning against the wall while I stood up to let her do her BJ. I placed my hands on the wall as well while thrusting my dick into her mouth. It was like mouth-fucking her and the feeling was great. She was enjoying it too as she was even holding onto my arse and pushing my pelvis deeper into her mouth!

...........................to be cont, hang in there bros! :D

21-03-2011, 10:14 AM
Ps. im looking forward to the point where fiona and chris breaks :DMy guess would be, they didn't break. For lesbians, it may not be sex over emotion/love, usually the latter is the stronger factor in a relationship between two women.

May be we should start a betting here, whether they break eventually. :D

21-03-2011, 10:19 AM
well u r making me hanging hard early in the morning :P

21-03-2011, 10:24 AM
Superb and power stories.. You deserved my 9 points :).. Please write more & continue.. :D

21-03-2011, 01:28 PM
Omg bro 9ragon. Im a fan of urs nw. Hee. I love the way u write ur story. Erm can somebody tell me hw to up points? I still find it. Thx.

21-03-2011, 04:35 PM
You write great stories bro. Thank you thank you. Sorry can't up you cos no power.