View Full Version : Xiaxue has a VERY poor impression of all you guys.
04-03-2011, 03:45 PM
Singaporean Men: An introspection, please
Seriously what the FUCK is wrong with some Singaporean guys?? Nothing against ALL of them of course but there is a distinct bunch who are disturbingly crude, uncivilised, pervertic, horny, bitter, and worst of all, extremely opinionated.
Yes I am talking about those who contribute to disgusting forums by posting up all sorts of smut (girls' upskirts/their PRC girlfriend's vagina pics etc) and menstrating all over the internet with their perverse views.
If you have ever viewed Sammyboy forums or $$$$$$$$$$$$ or even Stomp, you'd know EXACTLY the sort of men I'm talking about.
Sammyboy forums... Just looking at it gives me gonorrhea.
I don't actually KNOW any guy who is this disgusting in real life, probably coz my friends are like, eligible, educated dudes, but I imagine that most of these men are either old - like 40-50 plus and just learnt to use the internet and realised that you can get porno!!!!!!111111... Or they are just like dumbshit crude blue-collared workers, the sort who will whistle at girls as they walk past.
I don't know if they are unhappy with their lives, not getting any, simply mei jia jiao (no parental guidance since young) or whatever, but they are constantly ANGRY and at the same time they think they are better than everyone else.
And one more common thing? They all treat girls like sex objects.
Seriously they are so similar that I can almost always know what they are going to respond given any situation.
For example right... Some dude will post up a photo of an escort he banged and ask "How much upon 10?"
...and some other dudes will be like "look like tranny but I'd still fuck her" or "Wonder if her cheesepie is as wet and soft as her mouth (insert creepy smiley like this is funny)" or (help me here I'm trying to be as crude as them) "How much ask her to call me 92757532 Ah keong . wants to piak piak! veri intrestd".
You know what I mean lah.
I don't know WHY but they all talk in the same 'language' and it's kinda like lolspeak except for horny shit. I hearby term it HLS - stands for Horny Loser Speak.
HLS is SEXUAL BABYTALK ("wah sarpork! Cheesepie [cheebye]! Raisin [nipple]!"). Mad gross and makes all my hairs stand!! Slang is mildly funny normally but just disturbing for sexual talk, ok?!
Test your boyfriend today to see if he knows what these mean:
- piakable (fuckable)
- fapfapfap (The sound of masturbation)
- PCC (pa chew cheng - to wank)
- GPGT (got picture got talk)
- BBBJ (bare back blow job)
- GL (Geylang?)
- FR (no fucking idea what this means but it's some kinda rating so I'd guess Fuck Review? Fuck rating? Fornication rank?)
And perhaps most disturbing of all:
- GFE (From urban dictionary: Girl Friend Experience. A professional that kisses and cuddles her client and gives him intimacy like a girlfriend. A prostitute that enjoys her clients and lets them know it with kisses and not rushing.)
Wah I learnt a lot today just by researching for this article. If your bf knows any of these terms beware! He may be a forum-contributing loser!!
All men are horny and some are less... evolved than others. I get that. But why must they also have internet access?!
And I can't even avoid them because some of them leave comments on my blog!!! Whatever it is I post they just like to say that I'm ugly/plastic and they'd never wanna fuck me. Yeah *scoff* like that's ever happening.
Thank god most readers are girls now phew.
There are 3 reasons why I am triggered to write this blog post despite already knowing about these men for a long, long time.
Reason 1)
Sammyboy's "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades" section.
I was just discussing with Jess the other day about how Singaporean men love to TALK about sex A LOT. They yak and yak about how prostitutes or flings or milfs lick their "little brother" until they buay tahan and shoot their semen on whatever object. Please! Can't they just enjoy their sex and SHUT UP ABOUT IT AFTERWARDS?!
And she told me about this section in the forum where the men post up photos of their naked wives/fuck buddies/girlfriends...
And maids...
That's all fine and dandy except...
It seems like most of these girls DO NOT KNOW OF THE PHOTOS TAKEN!
And this is the grossest of all I swear I gagged a little in my mouth:
Btw you can't view the photos coz you have to have some sort of exclusive membership so yeah don't bother.
Also in the forum are prostitute reviews (never knew prostitutes had to do ass rimming and swallow cum somemore must pretend to enjoy it really FTLs), how it's like to have sex with ladyboys, and dirty ktv discussions etc. You know, all that classy shit.
04-03-2011, 03:53 PM
if base on wat she commented, boss you r the worst cuz u r the owner of the forum.
04-03-2011, 03:55 PM
Almost feels like a personal if her opinions count :p
ah rat
04-03-2011, 03:58 PM
She needs a dick to shut her mouth :D
04-03-2011, 04:00 PM
Well Boss If she hate soooo much why she read soooo much.......?
Sigh....She post on the wrong thread should post on the mess OG maybe that will help her to reduce stress.
Just my though :)
04-03-2011, 04:01 PM
May b she was trying 2 attract SBF bros 2 bonk her?? :D
04-03-2011, 04:02 PM
as if people give a shit to what she thinks. :rolleyes:
attention seeking... AGAIN. But then... what's new for her?
04-03-2011, 04:07 PM
May b she was trying 2 attract SBF bros 2 bonk her??
i'll give her a miss....:p
can somebody pls give her a mirror....?!!:eek:
why is she so shamelessly trying to attract for attention....??!! :confused:
04-03-2011, 04:12 PM
someone forced her to read?
ask her dun act until like so innocent...
04-03-2011, 04:12 PM
Why would she be surfing SBF in the first place?? And if she's so disgusted by all the terms here, how on earth can she remember all the terms that's being used here?? Hmmmm....... :confused::rolleyes::D
04-03-2011, 04:17 PM
i'll give her a miss....:p
can somebody pls give her a mirror....?!!:eek:
why is she so shamelessly trying to attract for attention....??!! :confused:
actually she quite ko-lian de ne.
during sch days, she had to use recess makan money to buy hotdogs and tie around her so that the strays dogs will crowd around her
- which she had sadly misinterpreted that she was well welcomed by them
- which again, those hounds were just after her hotdogs...
and now she is again, (old tricks, haiz...) tying hotdogs around her, AGAIN to garner attentions...
04-03-2011, 04:20 PM
There's bound to have please, and displease among people...
Don't really need to care what others said...
First thing la, if this xiaxue don't surf sbf, will he/she know about it too? Doubt so... So if he/she is scolding ppl for surfing sbf, he/she is scolding himself/herself too =X
04-03-2011, 04:20 PM
actually she quite ko-lian de ne.
during sch days, she had to use recess makan money to buy hotdogs and tie around her so that the strays dogs will crowd around her
- which she had sadly misinterpreted that she was well welcomed by them
- which again, those hounds were just after her hotdogs...
and now she is again, (old tricks, haiz...) tying hotdogs around her, AGAIN to garner attentions...
well said!
04-03-2011, 04:26 PM
maybe her angmoh bf ask her to come out and do FL cos angmoh need money as well as her cheeby need a dick
04-03-2011, 04:34 PM
Some ex bf of xiaxue pls post pictures of her up. Let her know she is as slutty as those whores.. not that I wanna see though. Just to make her welcummed. Someone pls post a fr as well..the prob with her is her high n mighty stance, compounded by her lack of self awareness. Don't think she is better than any sbf bro.
04-03-2011, 04:35 PM
this blogger sure tio.
04-03-2011, 04:59 PM
she is xia xue? i tot sia suay. :D
04-03-2011, 05:03 PM
Maybe recently not getting enough attention so wants attention from bros here haha.
04-03-2011, 05:05 PM
maybe her angmoh bf ask her to come out and do FL cos angmoh need money as well as her cheeby need a dick
Her kind of face like kena lorry bang type also can find boyfriend (purposely spell out for her as I am sure she's going to read this. :))?
She come out do FL? I say, if her rate is maybe $20/2hr/unlimited shots I can consider. :D
04-03-2011, 05:07 PM
She is seeking attention.
Just ignore her... girls like her are not worth it.
04-03-2011, 05:17 PM
She come out do FL? I say, if her rate is maybe $20/2hr/unlimited shots I can consider. :D
if she's willing to pay me to fuck her, then maybe, and only maybe hor, i will consider. :D
04-03-2011, 05:19 PM
Perhaps she's very pissed off bcos her angmoh bf gave her a very poor rating, like -8/10, based on sbf standard.
04-03-2011, 05:22 PM
She must have ran out of topics on her blog...
And as if her BS will be channeling more traffic.... GHEESH!! :rolleyes:
04-03-2011, 05:23 PM
She needs a dick to shut her mouth :D
Lol, i think so too....damn funny...upz u!
This bitch too free la...needs to be fucked more often...
04-03-2011, 05:31 PM
She is seeking attention.
Just ignore her... girls like her are not worth it.
Same sentiments...... This bitch really XIA XWAY ......... :(
04-03-2011, 05:34 PM
i tink better get Dawn Yang here to give her two tight slap again to wake up Xia Sway fucking ideas :cool:
04-03-2011, 05:38 PM
if she's willing to pay me to fuck her, then maybe, and only maybe hor, i will consider. :D
i tink better get Dawn Yang here to give her two tight slap again to wake up Xia Sway fucking ideas :cool:
oh ya, that's right. her nemisis dawn yang.....
this should infuriate miss sibei xia my humble opinion, i think quite a number of bros here will be willing more than willing to pay to fuck dawn and not her! eat that bitch! :D
04-03-2011, 05:46 PM
as if she's a very nice person.. go let dogs fark.. LOL..
dont act too noble scali 1 day her angmoh hub do the same thing.. but post on angmoh forums..
von otto
04-03-2011, 05:55 PM
another stupid SPG la she think she so high and mighty see her bloody face kana cannot make it. she a bloody MF attention bitch i have to agree with besafe,and i know why she get a angmo cause she not able to get a sg bf tat y. hope someday someone can put her to shame and tat will be fun to see.
04-03-2011, 06:00 PM
....dawn yang.....
Though I do not know who is this unknown female blogger in this THREAD title so nothing to comment on this unknown blogger (Btw, is she famous in Singapore?).....but
I totally agreed that Dawn Yang is the prettiest female boggers in Singapore. She is those type of girls whose glittering of eyes will lighten Marina Bay in the darkest night and whose presence with the combination of her beauty with lovely natural personality creates a sensual and enchanting vibration to all around her. Everyone including women will be enchanted by her and you thought it was love ;) So sweet! :p
Dawn Yang - You are simply the most beautifiul and famous bloggers!
Again, who is this thread title girl anyway? My Chinese is not so good but does it means "Snowing" in Chinese?
It would be very romantic to walk with Dawn Yang on a snowy night. So romantic! :p
04-03-2011, 06:09 PM
if she's willing to pay me to fuck her, then maybe, and only maybe hor, i will consider. :D
By the time she took off those fakies hung on her body u most probably won't be able to recognise her after u came out of the shower...
Anyway everyone has dirty little secret, by the time hers came out, she'll ganna the big bang
04-03-2011, 06:27 PM
I distinctly recall her saying about her courtship with Mike "OMG i forgot he has the password to my private blog where i blog about what i did with this guy lolololo" :rolleyes:
This also coming from a blogger who sold out quite some time ago and does shitfucktons of advertorials and blags "i can make or break a brand if i want to"
And also photoshops 99.5% of all her pics on her blog.
never knew prostitutes had to do ass rimming and swallow cum somemore must pretend to enjoy it really FTLs They do it to earn money so they can use the money for other things...... The rabbit hole goes deep... very deep...
If she is reading this:
Ordinary people also never know how the feeling of stand at attention behind MM's table and must not show on face how bored with speech, can????? :D
04-03-2011, 06:28 PM
But nevermind anyhow as From Once On, anything she doesnt agree with she will wave her hand and say BAH :rolleyes:
Anyway.... luckily most people dont have to know the feeling of devoting one whole blog post to a product that very likely wont ever use again... and have to pretend to like it:p
Wow, my average wait time for a blog entry is about 2.5 months. - Her own words, copied verbatim. *shakes head - what happened to that old XX who worked at a handphone shop and was happy when her colleague sold a phone to a kid who just wanted bears?
04-03-2011, 06:29 PM
Think i need to shut her mouth up with my dick. She's just jealous when she finds herself incomparable to whores.
Looks: 1/10 (Enhanced nose, plastic looks)
Body: 0/10 (Extremely short and fat legs)
Boobs: 1/10
GFE: 0/10 (Whines about Singaporean guys)
Lets move on.
04-03-2011, 07:00 PM
i tink better get Dawn Yang here to give her two tight slap again to wake up Xia Sway fucking ideas :cool:
Dawn Yang is indeed much better than XiaXue, XX looks a bit strange, not sure what but she looks a bit off.
04-03-2011, 08:05 PM
she gimme free fuck i also reject sia.. fat bitch who had tons of plastic surgery done.. and with tt mouth and language of hers, dun think any guys would wanna even go out with her.. shallow bitch.. wonder wat does her angmo hubby see in her seriously.. maybe a platform to get spore citizenship? hahaha~ :)
04-03-2011, 08:59 PM
All the things big or small she says on her blog has one sole purpose... $$$...
Its as simple as that..
04-03-2011, 10:03 PM
lol...she's just trying to attract more attention to her blog la...I used to read her blog for KayKay...she's for XiaXue even though her photos are heavily photoshopped I don't find her attractive at all... but people like to read her blog for her whining.... yeah maybe some bro here can write a story on XiaXue...hahaha
04-03-2011, 10:06 PM
Wah, this drangoness spitting fire is even more fierce than Alexis Ong.
But you better get yr facts right Xia Xuey. The majority of forumers here are not yr average D.O.M as you are implying. If you had done a more thorough research, you will know that many bros here are in their teens and up to mid thirties. Thats means any one of the Nicks here could be yr brother, brother in law, future husband or all of the above! So there!!
04-03-2011, 10:34 PM
Well xiaxue can kiss my lion butt .... Then vacuum my lionrod to cleanse her brainless comments .... :)
04-03-2011, 10:38 PM
First off all what the fuck is with girls who's blog is dying have the tendency to post about SBF just to gain popularity. They are the really very depressing ones that need to get a life so that they can blog about it.
Yes sure those who post (girls' upskirts/their PRC girlfriend's vagina pics etc) are disgusting to you? We can say the same about ugly woman trying to pretend to be pretty via photoshop.
If you ever visited [insert you know what], you probably have a good idea what i am talking about.
Just Looking at some of this pictures posted by them give us blindness maybe? Seriously no one is forcing you to go there, which reminds me you have a membership to actually view those pictures? wow.
And which cave did you crawl out from? Porn has been around for a long time since even before you are born. Without this kind of "education", we have really mess up examples of people with high education poking the wrong hole.
For one thing, We don't think we are better than you. But somehow you think you are better then us. Guess what? it shows because you are judging!
There is nothing wrong with guys interested in sex at all, telling us not to think about it is like asking to girl never to even go shopping to buy another piece of clothes or to makeup as ugly as possible all the time. You have your needs, we have ours.
Seriously if you are asking girls to test their boyfriend, how about an easier one. Next time notice your bf has any new sex trick up his sleeves, cause if he has chances are he didn't think it up.. he freaking surf the net to get it.
Or you can prepare for long years of just plain sex.
i have known about that miserable excuse for a blog, last i heard xialanxue(or something) did a pretty good job messing you up.
I think boss sam did a pretty good job organizing this forum.
Where better to learn about Safe Sex, Sexual transmitted disease and Con scheme then here?
Last but not least, Learn to Respect Others first before commanding respect, Learn to Understand before you comment and Learn to feel before you Judge and Learn to think before you even write your entry.
Because it maybe your BFF, your SO, your Relatives or even the father of your child you might just be letting loose at.
04-03-2011, 11:04 PM
She has very poor impression on us guys here??? oh..........I'll say this to her...
Bi Ci Bi Ci (Same to you)
04-03-2011, 11:21 PM
[QUOTE=sammyboyfor;5732963]Singaporean Men: An introspection, please
BOSS. Can i blame you for uploading the link to that blog?
I will have nightmare tonight after seeing that photo.
OR i shall blame myself for viewing.... 不喜欢, 可以不要看。。。。。。
Is that sai in that heart shape plate?
04-03-2011, 11:28 PM
She is a number one loser in singapore. I think only STEVEN LIM's DICK can shut her up.
If ever her EXbf post ur picture her then someone should post at her blodg:o:o:o
04-03-2011, 11:29 PM
Yes sure those who post (girls' upskirts/their PRC girlfriend's vagina pics etc) are disgusting to you? We can say the same about ugly woman trying to pretend to be pretty via photoshop.
I really wish to hear her reply to this if she has any.
04-03-2011, 11:30 PM
Bro Saintdevil, good ur comments.....don't bother the "Xia sway" example of a singaporean girl.......:)
05-03-2011, 12:12 AM
Just wonder why the hacker bros have not initiated an attack on this bitch yet?
Without her knowing, change some contents on her blog to be anti-government, in some of the paragraphs, also to make racist contents hidden in her blog, and lastly religious hate stuff written in as well, in her past posts, coz she will never check past entries.
Then report her entire blog to the authorities and get into shit and investigated.
Then also report to Wanbao to incite more hate against her from the public.
05-03-2011, 12:13 AM
i only have 1 feeling after reading all this..
Xiaxue is just one bitch who keep grumbling, complaining, whinning non stop for matters like peanut. Just like a "SAN BA PO" !! A bitch trying every ways to gain the pathetic attention from media and to show media how "high class" she is.
As for your looks, you are just someone on the street that most guy won't even take a second look when you walked past. You are just a plain jane with nothing unless you hide behind that screen and play a role of a bitch.
By the way, pls be informed that quite a numbers of bros here are expats at Shenton Way, businessman, doctors, lawyers and even policeman.
Just be sure of one thing,
I enjoy getting a syt who can give me a slurrrping bbbj and give me lotsa gfe. Thats money well spent.
05-03-2011, 12:22 AM
She is a number one loser in singapore. I think only STEVEN LIM's DICK can shut her up.
If ever her EXbf post ur picture her then someone should post at her blodg:o:o:o
hahaha .. i like the steven lim part!
its just another PR-act, to gain publicity, she's just another SPG-whore. Can't be bother with her.
She can go fuck ang mo, negger, ah neh, bangla or whoever fuck. whatever ..
she is just plain irritating!!!!! :mad:
05-03-2011, 12:28 AM
Wah lao.. i thought this girl is long history.
No breast no butt but lucky got one mouth able to gag it.
this kind of standard is worse then indonesia girl but lucky lah abit better then those indian milf at lor 20.
05-03-2011, 12:28 AM
her father will know what these means if she ask him.... LOL
Test your boyfriend today to see if he knows what these mean:
- piakable (fuckable)
- fapfapfap (The sound of masturbation)
- PCC (pa chew cheng - to wank)
- GPGT (got picture got talk)
- BBBJ (bare back blow job)
- GL (Geylang?)
- FR (no fucking idea what this means but it's some kinda rating so I'd guess Fuck Review? Fuck rating? Fornication rank?)
And perhaps most disturbing of all:
- GFE (From urban dictionary: Girl Friend Experience. A professional that kisses and cuddles her client and gives him intimacy like a girlfriend. A prostitute that enjoys her clients and lets them know it with kisses and not rushing.)
05-03-2011, 12:31 AM
whether is it a business idea to attack SBF bros or not, to gather more traffic/support from females for her blog, it will not work in the long run.
#1 who likes reading a whining website ---> only negative folks and people with no life will enjoy being negative putting down sg guys. (every guy in the world is actually the same, be it white, black, yellow skin)
#2 after a while, mature adults know its just a little girl (xiaxue) ranting away and cannot accept human beings for who they are --> Guys are born to fuck, gurls love to shop and like to be/appear more pretty, prettiest if possible. (Average-looking girl feels SUPERIOR SUPER MODEL Chio standing amongst her average ugly duckling friends. Alot of average girls are guilty of this but wont admit it, cos their best friend is the ugly duckling.)
#3 Her blog is suffering from immense poor traffic, and well since she also surf sbf, what better ways to just blast abuse and hope to attract more traffic.
05-03-2011, 12:39 AM
She thinks her 'educated, and eligible' guy friends are so sophisticated.
Because they cant give a shit about her.
If you're reading this - For the mother love of god, please wake up your idea of how Atas you are, or how "cool" or pretty (i just slit my throat saying that) you think are. You have an angmoh bf because they like tight asian pussies. And you probably forced-fuck him to make him be your bf, you fucking SPG.
I am sure we will await for the day your dirty pictures coming sprawling all over the net. You better pray that it doesn't. Im sure your bf wont do it. Im so sure about it. :cool:
05-03-2011, 12:47 AM
is it me or do i think that xiaxue is hella ugly??
05-03-2011, 12:55 AM
is it me or do i think that xiaxue is hella ugly??
She's fugly bro...a midget with a big cb mouth...
05-03-2011, 01:02 AM
Her kind of face like kena lorry bang type also can find boyfriend (purposely spell out for her as I am sure she's going to read this. :))?
She come out do FL? I say, if her rate is maybe $20/2hr/unlimited shots I can consider. :D
She tiap me money, I also don't consider to bonk her. :p And by the way, she's no Xia Xue to me, more like Xia Lan
05-03-2011, 01:09 AM
Just read through some of her posts in her blog. I think a lot of samsters/samstress can write much better than her.
Can't fathom how she can be a blogger and received those awards. :confused::rolleyes:
05-03-2011, 01:57 AM
- FR (no fucking idea what this means but it's some kinda rating so I'd guess Fuck Review? Fuck rating? Fornication rank?)
Lol...I don't know why but I just can't stop laughing at the word "Fornication rank"
Well...I will rebut by saying:
"You can't change the laws of nature"
Wonder what made her said all these all of a sudden. Must be one of her sniped pic kanna posted here. :p
Who sniped her ah? :D
05-03-2011, 02:18 AM
Last but not least, Learn to Respect Others first before commanding respect, Learn to Understand before you comment and Learn to feel before you Judge and Learn to think before you even write your entry.
BRAVO!!! Nicely done!
She needs a dick to shut her mouth :D
yeah...agree :D
05-03-2011, 02:27 AM
Just another FROG who has been living in a well that's all. I'm sure all these knowledge will hunt her forever.
The biggest blow she can get is to find out one day that her ang-mo BF Mike has been whoremongering behind her back too. I'm sure she's banking on the hope that her BF is "special".... decent, and all.
"My man is different..." LMAO.
05-03-2011, 02:30 AM
For a girl who cohabited with an angmo guy and having sex with him long before they got married, I think she is in no position to talk about morality. She's just an attention whore. Ignore her.
And she's fugly, with her fake eyebrows, fake hair, and fake photoshopped photos. I don't know how her ang mo husband can fuck her when there are so many Sg girls with pinkerton syndrome who will be willing to fuck him. I wouldn't want to touch her with a ten foot pole. Any $50 thai looks better then her.
05-03-2011, 02:32 AM
The biggest blow she can get is to find out one day that her ang-mo BF Mike has been whoremongering behind her back too. I'm sure she's banking on the hope that her BF is "special".... decent, and all.
"My man is different..." LMAO.
When that happens, well.....her man hides it better. :D:D
05-03-2011, 02:35 AM
aiya bros she is just trying to attract attention as too long never heard of her she want to copy the Muzi mei from china who claim has sleep with all provinces of China:D pussy also become loose liao
haha, anyway, xia xue is just a SPG,a slut who think onyl angmo is good as she like thick and long hotdog:D
but i must admiy she should have a great ass for doggy, forget the face, and attack her ass, should find 3 guys and each bro take one hole of her, i volunterr her asshole:D
05-03-2011, 02:39 AM
Hahahaha ^5!
05-03-2011, 02:43 AM
All these joker bloggers ah...sigh...
Saliva more than the tea need to pen down and let people read their half-wit thoughts....
To begin with, most of these jokers' so-called standard of English is only good enough for reciting the alphabet.
I would say to the SBF bros here, relac lah...dont get worked up over a midget's bird-brained comments.
Her IQ's probably as fucked as her height is!!
05-03-2011, 03:27 AM
Ugly duckling talking cork, attention seeker.
05-03-2011, 03:37 AM
think she secretly jealous. not bad for knowing so much acronyms -- proves she surf it - and jealous of it. she's a media whore la. fake plastic faced SPG.
05-03-2011, 03:58 AM
She jealous that you guys bonked pretty girls
05-03-2011, 04:51 AM
She is just attracting attention. And getting more traffic for her blog and increasing her "popularity" by getting more people to hate her.
Bet she discovered sbf when her bf was surfing. And for those bro who suggested posting her pic nude or not, please dun... You will make me sick..
And I will sure zap you! Haha
05-03-2011, 05:41 AM
she is a loser as well. Ang moh wannabe. Dye whole head blonde want bluff who? Wow i'm surprised that she know so much. I know BBBJ is blow job but not sure about the full name. Fapfapfap = masturbation? i don't even know. and what gpgt? Wow her husband must be careful. she know more stuff than me sia. siao liao. maybe last time she FL la. nobody want her cause ugly than now want talk so much. lol.
05-03-2011, 06:33 AM
[B]Sammyboy forums... Just looking at it gives me gonorrhea.
Yo Mic or Mike, bewarned. She got gonorrhea de wor... use a condom please.
Test your boyfriend today to see if he knows what these mean: (Wait XX, you mean your bf knows all these? Well even if he does, my guess is he is refering to you as...)
- piakable (fuckable) (only refering to your own michelin baby fat arse)
- fapfapfap (The sound of masturbation) (Wrong... the sound of your flapping A cupped twin cam air bags when you ride him while facing the fan direction - you know where I meant, right? mai keh keh k?)
- PCC (pa chew cheng - to wank) (Pathetic Caucasian Cock la, you ar... anyhow only)
- GPGT (got picture got talk) (He told you that when you itchy tio bo? You know why? He asking you to leave him alone la... Go Play Go Tidur, mai lai cha siao, limpeh surfing SBF)
- BBBJ (bare back blow job) ( No it meant you, Bloody Big Butt Joker)
- GL (Geylang?) (No no no... This is the real meaning of suck cock in hokkien - Gum Lan, zai bo?)
- FR (no fucking idea what this means but it's some kinda rating so I'd guess Fuck Review? Fuck rating? Fornication rank?) (It meant you la, Fucking Retard)
Wah I learnt a lot today just by researching for this article. If your bf knows any of these terms beware! He may be a forum-contributing loser!!
The fact is, you always kena these kinda terms from him to you and you don't know what it meant. Therefore you came here to geh siao kuah kuah, right? You like to use the term loser leh... Ok la you winner k? Tomorrow ask garment to present you a 18k Gold tarm pui.
And I can't even avoid them because some of them leave comments on my blog!!! Whatever it is I post they just like to say that I'm ugly/plastic and they'd never wanna fuck me. Yeah *scoff* like that's ever happening.
Eh???! Buay pai oh... you also know that's not gonna happen, got 自知之明 leh! I'll give you credit for that. :)
Yoohoo~ XX in case you are still geh geh reading...
05-03-2011, 06:40 AM
Aiya she is a loser lah... dyeing a fake blonde hair and wear some contact lens wanna act like lady gaga... And look at the way she talks straight up stereotypical what her guy friend so educate as if any of her friend nv watch porn wank off before... i didnt know her friend were all so holy....... SHIT!!! haiz i dun wanna say liao pity ppl like her dye a blonde hair and wear some lens to cover her roots as a asian wanna act angmo.. SAD CASE....
05-03-2011, 06:51 AM
she is a loser as well. Ang moh wannabe. Dye whole head blonde want bluff who? Wow i'm surprised that she know so much. I know BBBJ is blow job but not sure about the full name. Fapfapfap = masturbation? i don't even know. and what gpgt? Wow her husband must be careful. she know more stuff than me sia. siao liao. maybe last time she FL la. nobody want her cause ugly than now want talk so much. lol.
the another word like fap is from $$$$$$$$$$$$ sub thread forum call eat drink man woman...amulet zeh zeh is kawaii
05-03-2011, 09:01 AM
How she got access to the private section?
05-03-2011, 09:01 AM
Where in SBF samsters use terms like "piakable", "fapfapfap" and "GPGT"??
HWZ bros use these terms/aroymn ?
Learn 3 new vocabulary...
Is she piakable? LoL
05-03-2011, 09:07 AM
Guess she must be masturbating while reading all our nice story..perhap she is upset we did not write abt her....hehe
05-03-2011, 09:57 AM
How she got access to the private section?
How do you know she has access to the private section???:confused:
05-03-2011, 10:09 AM
How do you know she has access to the private section???:confused:
Followed the link and saw the screenshots..look like private section to me. No?
I might be wrong.
05-03-2011, 10:23 AM
if this is malaysia, i call my man rape her this instant. fooking porn local made.
05-03-2011, 10:52 AM
I read through some and see the word plastic, meaning she has gone through plastic surgery ?
I really don't understand, did she pay money to look like that ? I thought it was people who like she does that goes for plastic surgery.
Not trying to suan her or what, but she really looks...... :(
05-03-2011, 11:28 AM
Chill guys...This is CLEARLY Flame bait...She want to "AROUSE" pardon the pun...all of us to action.
Her source of income is directly correlated to Blog viewership so we'll all be landing into her trap the moment we swarm over to her blog.
Though she used to be successful, she's now a has-been and is desperately looking for ways to increase her average viewership.
DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT go to her blog.
She has the right to her opinion of SBF bros here but the best way we can do to counter her salicious view is to boycott her blog.
To: SammyBoyForum Boss, please put a warning on your post...I don't think its a good idea for us to be sending her traffic, esp for somone who lives to flame bait others...
05-03-2011, 11:43 AM
boss is not good!!! make me vomit my breakfast when i saw her photos. :mad: :D
btw, who the fuck is tat heavily made up gal ? :confused:
seriously, look like tis better dun come out and scare ppl, the uncles in here have very weak heart, cant stand tis type of scary looks :D
05-03-2011, 11:54 AM
i think SBF traffic is gonna go up, as her site is gonna have increased traffic too. ha.
SBF is one of the most active forums ard.
05-03-2011, 12:39 PM
eh boss, y were u reading d midget blog at d first plc?:rolleyes:
she gt pay u 2 generate traffic 2 her blog issit?:rolleyes:
Let's hope she got gonorrhea soon.
05-03-2011, 01:10 PM
So, like, who is she and why would I want her to have a good impression in me ?
05-03-2011, 01:29 PM
Sammyboy forums... Just looking at it gives me gonorrhea.
I don't actually KNOW any guy who is this disgusting in real life, probably coz my friends are like, eligible, educated dudes, but I imagine that most of these men are either old - like 40-50 plus and just learnt to use the internet and realised that you can get porno!!!!!!111111... Or they are just like dumbshit crude blue-collared workers, the sort who will whistle at girls as they walk past.
LOL, she's either..
1) plain stupid.
2) plain ignorant.
3) both.
maybe she's feeling sad that she's ugly, many men(and women) find her butt faced ugly anyway.
and bro IwantbustyKim is right, looks like this has-been midget is desperate for cash.
05-03-2011, 02:53 PM
I read through some and see the word plastic, meaning she has gone through plastic surgery ?
she's a perfect example to remind those girls who always want to look prettier that how plastic surgery can go wrong...!!!!
just think of the scenerio tat u may wake up from the surgery and look into the mirror and find urself look like her....
so think twice b4 going for plastic surgery, girls....
ai ya so many thread in tis forum but no one discuss abt her la tat y she unbalance n bom tis forum ma....whahahah loser! might be she the one!
05-03-2011, 02:56 PM
Can we file complaints against her blog n close it down? Like say te contents too disgusting, especially with her cb face.. its like porn except no satisfaction. Yah, don't go her blog, she is really an expired blogger. No class, no smarts n no personality. Who knows, maybe she is one of those losers who kena flamed all the time in this forum, always kaobaykaobu about morality n then kena zapped upside down
05-03-2011, 03:06 PM
Can we file complaints against her blog n close it down?
Who the hell gave you the right to censor stuff you don't like.
If you don't agree with the contents of a blog, you can simply avoid the site. Nobody is forcing you to read the contents!:rolleyes:
Xiaxue is absolutely right when it comes to you. You certainly are loser.:eek:
05-03-2011, 03:39 PM
Followed the link and saw the screenshots..look like private section to me. No?
I might be wrong.
Are you saying you can't view the threads in the private picture section?:confused:
05-03-2011, 06:13 PM
btw is 'she' a trans:rolleyes::confused::D
05-03-2011, 06:50 PM
Are you saying you can't view the threads in the private picture section?:confused:
dunno about him though, but i can't
05-03-2011, 06:58 PM
I tried this dwarf few years ago.... here is as much as I can remember...
looks : 6.5 (with heavy make up and fake eye lashes)
ht/wt : about 1.45m 47kg
boob : not as big as she dressed up to be. guess is only B cup. but nice shape
Catbath/BBBJ/ball sucking : 6/10 very average
frenching : allow
CIM/AR : dont do
paintaing : allow ; but I smell very CCB when I go near... so I didnt paint
FJ : loose CB but very wet ; willing to do many postion
damage : 200 including room
05-03-2011, 07:11 PM
seriously, i think she is a faithful reader of our forum herself.. look at how much thing she knows? must have read quite a number of posts to know what is going on in the forum... think she just open the blog world to sammyboy haha... and i know lots of gers read her site.. free publicity for the forum...
05-03-2011, 10:16 PM
She look like a horse.. cant imagine a bro here actually paid 200/1.
05-03-2011, 10:18 PM
I want to see the look on her face when she catches her husband screwing another girl.
06-03-2011, 12:48 AM
Chill guys...This is CLEARLY Flame bait...She want to "AROUSE" pardon the pun...all of us to action.
Her source of income is directly correlated to Blog viewership so we'll all be landing into her trap the moment we swarm over to her blog.
Though she used to be successful, she's now a has-been and is desperately looking for ways to increase her average viewership.
DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT go to her blog.
She has the right to her opinion of SBF bros here but the best way we can do to counter her salicious view is to boycott her blog.
To: SammyBoyForum Boss, please put a warning on your post...I don't think its a good idea for us to be sending her traffic, esp for somone who lives to flame bait others...
True ture....i agree, dont go to her blog..
06-03-2011, 12:51 AM
hahaha .. i like the steven lim part!
its just another PR-act, to gain publicity, she's just another SPG-whore. Can't be bother with her.
She can go fuck ang mo, negger, ah neh, bangla or whoever fuck. whatever ..
she is just plain irritating!!!!! :mad:
HAHAHA....i damn agree....Steven should stick his irritating dick to shut her mouth up....n choke her with his cum while hes at it!
06-03-2011, 12:59 AM
dunno about him though, but i can't
That's really strange because I configured that section so that EVERYONE could view the threads including guests and those not logged on.:confused:
06-03-2011, 01:04 AM
Maybe her dad was doing a whore before he did her mum the nite she was conceived n the mum gave the dad a damn good bj to get a proper erection...hence the half developed body with the extra big mouth. :D:D:D
06-03-2011, 01:30 AM
Just because I said her. somebody zap me.what I said is true if she don't like why she read? Zap a new members like me shame on that person.anyway zap if u like I still want to said we not a fool by posting bad thing abt SBF you think we will go to your blog and give you web hits so that u can ask people to buy your web space.if you in need of money you should try posting your FR here maybe I can spent $100 cover my eyes and screw u.
06-03-2011, 01:39 AM
Not Found
The requested URL /pictures-our-sexual-escapades-private-section/ target= was not found on this server.
Her link wrong?
But well, she's probably introduced us to a whole new group of people who might not have heard of this place before.
Good good, more pictures and stories to be shared :cool:
06-03-2011, 02:22 AM
as i didnt have any idea who the sh*t is this XX, i decided to check out her blog...F*** i hate myself for for that! ya bros here damn rite tt she is really ugly!!!!!! even as i m writting this post i feeling like puking sia :mad:
06-03-2011, 02:29 AM
That's really strange because I configured that section so that EVERYONE could view the threads including guests and those not logged on.:confused:
No problems accessing the threads. ;) Maybe some bros r confused between accessing the threads vs viewing the pics?
06-03-2011, 02:39 AM
maybe her angmor bf/husband just want to get PR status lah...easier if he managed to fool a local SPG into marriage...
06-03-2011, 02:56 AM
Singaporean Men: An introspection, please
boss... the last thread about this blogger was considered off-topic and all those who posted in it got zapped by you
are you going to zap yourself for starting this thread now? the content is becoming similar to the previous thread :p
06-03-2011, 03:15 AM
boss... the last thread about this blogger was considered off-topic and all those who posted in it got zapped by you
are you going to zap yourself for starting this thread now? the content is becoming similar to the previous thread :p
If the thread was considered to be off topic, it would have been [tagged].
06-03-2011, 03:18 AM
If the thread was considered to be off topic, it would have been [tagged].
not really boss... that was before you started the tagging. you can check the zap records :D
anyway i'm just joking. no worries boss :p
06-03-2011, 04:57 AM
Hilarious comment made, only sentence for her, is " Cause she's a girl, wait til she reincarnated into a boy next life. Then only she'll understand! haha :D "
06-03-2011, 02:33 PM
Took a look at her blog, I tot I saw a freaky monster!!
06-03-2011, 02:41 PM
Chill guys...This is CLEARLY Flame bait...She want to "AROUSE" pardon the pun...all of us to action.
Her source of income is directly correlated to Blog viewership so we'll all be landing into her trap the moment we swarm over to her blog.
Though she used to be successful, she's now a has-been and is desperately looking for ways to increase her average viewership.
DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT go to her blog.
She has the right to her opinion of SBF bros here but the best way we can do to counter her salicious view is to boycott her blog.
To: SammyBoyForum Boss, please put a warning on your post...I don't think its a good idea for us to be sending her traffic, esp for somone who lives to flame bait others...
No wonder i couldn't find any reasons that such a ugly person wants to get herself with SBF, thanks bro IWANTBUSTYKIM for reminding...
Readers of this thread...DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT go to her blog.
06-03-2011, 03:36 PM
No wonder i couldn't find any reasons that such a ugly person wants to get herself with SBF, thanks bro IWANTBUSTYKIM for reminding...
Readers of this thread...DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT go to her blog.
YES do not go into her blog.. we are just increasing her damn viewership which is her source of income. she always try to create some big hooha or jump on certain bandwargon to stir shit to increase her blog's visit..
i met her before at some event few years ago... knn really ugly.. and she is just another fucking gold digger... :rolleyes:
06-03-2011, 04:25 PM
Ok now bros all, relac, relac and please relax
Dont be taken in by this Xiaxue person becos her strategy's to have you angry, cursing and upset
By name calling, accusing and other terms on local men she tries to demean
so if we respond likewise, we are doing exactly what she had been planning
becos not only are we helping her to confirm her anti-local men airing
but most of all, unwittingly, her cheap blog we are also promoting
Thus, I'll treat her as a lady alto Xiaxue in Hokkien means a "shameless slut"
So as I attempt to explain to Lady XX, I will also her unfair rumblings I'll rebut
on local men, especially SBF guys whom she claims do nothing but fuck
why, sex is normal since Adam and Eve... even gays screw, cock-to-butt
unless of course one is a eunuch,
but I cannot say the same of you becos you are prick-less, tough luck
just as it is wrong & unfair to brand all local ladies with angmohs as silly SPGs
to say SBF respondents are old, useless semi-literates, you're equally guilty
unknown to you, there are many successful "scums" who are MBAs and PhDs
but best of all, there are many who also help the poor and the needy
If you, my dear Lady XX who had to dress skimpily in your blog to impress
and had your hair dyed blond unlike the majority of the Singapore lass
so why tarnish all of us here as losers when your behaviour is no less?
Just as there are guys who are different, bad even and also the very good
there are also women who chided others when they themselves are not any good:D
Big Sexy
06-03-2011, 04:57 PM
i find some of her remarks harsh but fair..
the rest are pessimistic conjecture
Xiaxue, you are a 3rd class plastic comedian at best..
Cheerio Cheerio Cheerio..
Nothing against ALL of them of course but there is a distinct bunch who are disturbingly crude, uncivilised, pervertic, horny, bitter, and worst of all, extremely opinionated. - I Agree
They yak and yak about how prostitutes or flings or milfs lick their "little brother" until they buay tahan and shoot their semen on whatever object. Please! this part makes me laugh..
"How much ask her to call me 92757532 Ah keong . wants to piak piak! veri intrestd". - LOL..
06-03-2011, 05:05 PM
lianbeng says all u guys fucking tokcok here make her horny liao nvr fuck her thats why shes fucking tokcokking here lor.:D
06-03-2011, 05:16 PM
Singaporean Men: An introspection, please
I don't actually KNOW any guy who is this disgusting in real life, probably coz my friends are like, eligible, educated dudes, but I imagine that most of these men are either old - like 40-50 plus and just learnt to use the internet and realised that you can get porno!!!!!!111111... Or they are just like dumbshit crude blue-collared workers, the sort who will whistle at girls as they walk past.
I am amused by her stereotyping of SBF bros.
Someone please inform her that our demographics consist of much more than the 40-50s, blue collar men, and still growing dynamically.
I'm guessing based on my circle of guy-friends, 50% of Singapore men visits SBF occasionally/frequently either as a member or a guest. Of course I am talking about those of us who uses the internet, and are still interested in sex only.
I have know/encounter SBF bros from the following:
Sec, Poly, ITE , Uni students.
Army boys, teachers, professors, doctors, lawyers, CEOs, blue/white collars, PMEB/Ts, politics-related people, social-welfare-related people, retirees.
Fathers, Sons, Uncles, Classmates, Colleagues, Guy-friends, BFs, Husbands, Bro-in-laws, Son-in-laws, Father-in-laws
So, to XX's disappointment, her circle of "eligible, educated dudes" friends, are most likely (like most of us here), trying to be the Mr Nice Guy in front of her only. In reality, they may be wanking hard right now to the thought of gang-banging her, and CIM, COF all over her.
She should be glad that Singapore men are still horny. Look at what is happening to the pandas now.
06-03-2011, 05:21 PM
Just ignore that 'SHORT FART'. Either attention seeking or driving traffic. She is indeed Singapore's Icon .... leading OxyMoron.
06-03-2011, 07:11 PM
To:Miss XiaXue,
1. It is never wrong or right for you so voice you comments in you own blog but please, if you are a mature enough you should know why Sammyboyforum is still up even if this website has been in the news a few months back. By doing this you are telling people that you are nothing deep enough. In another words, you are immature.Also, by doing this you are highlighting to the government that they miss out sammyboyforum. So let me ask you, what makes you think that you are more capable than the government? Everything government is doing have its own reason. You do not need to make such a big ho ha. You are indirectly inviting more problem to yourself, especially there title “Singaporean men: an introspection, please”.-what makes you think you can comment on Singaporean men? Are you trying to create a war between women and men? That is a dangerous move even you added “Nothing against ALL of them of course”- it is not going to serve any purpose.
2. Mistakes to highlight:
• “but I imagine that most of these men are either old - like 40-50 plus and just learnt to use the internet and realised that you can get porno!!!!!!111111... Or they are just like dumbshit crude blue-collared workers, the sort who will whistle at girls as they walk past.”-you are still a immature kid, most of the people between 40-50plus already knows how to use internet at the age of 30-40plus because internet started at 1951 sending emails became common in mid 1970 and the first WWW is invented during 1991,at the time most 30-40plus already knows how to access to internet, the time is not telly. Also, by saying this, you are criticising the blue collared workers as dumbshit, rude, crude and all the “whistle at girls stuff as the walk past” are done by blue collared workers only. That is a serious accusation done.
• “I don't know WHY but they all talk in the same 'language' and it's kinda like lolspeak except for horny shit. I hearby term it HLS - stands for Horny Loser Speak.
HLS is SEXUAL BABYTALK ("wah sarpork! Cheesepie [cheebye]! Raisin [nipple]!"). Mad gross and makes all my hairs stand!! Slang is mildly funny normally but just disturbing for sexual talk, ok?!” –what are you writing about. Don’t tell me you never use this word before, you will be an alien if you didn’t use this words before and if yes,you are make you own hair stand, so blame it on yourself don’t always blame others.
• “Test your boyfriend today to see if he knows what these mean:
- piakable (fuckable)
- fapfapfap (The sound of masturbation)
- PCC (pa chew cheng - to wank)
- GPGT (got picture got talk)
- BBBJ (bare back blow job)
- GL (Geylang?)
- FR (no fucking idea what this means but it's some kinda rating so I'd guess Fuck Review? Fuck rating? Fornication rank?)
And perhaps most disturbing of all:
- GFE (From urban dictionary: Girl Friend Experience. A professional that kisses and cuddles her client and gives him intimacy like a girlfriend. A prostitute that enjoys her clients and lets them know it with kisses and not rushing.)”-What are you trying to do, break couples up? Or you are trying to show other girls that you are smarter then them and they are dumb?
• “
OMG SORRY BUT PAYING FOR SEX DOES NOT MEAN A GIRL LOVES YOU, LOSER!” –Guys are not so stupid to the extend .Then again trying to prove that you are smarter that guys now.-.-
• “Wah I learnt a lot today just by researching for this article. If your bf knows any of these terms beware! He may be a forum-contributing loser!!”-So now you are trying to prove to the girls that their boyfriend is a loser,so who is the winner-you???
• “All men are horny and some are less... evolved than others. I get that. But why must they also have internet access?!
I FUCKING HATE READING THEIR SHIT!!!”-Great, are you hinting that girls are more superior then? What are you trying to do now, Creating a world war Between Male and Females and in the end human race face extinction? So who are you, a devil?
• “Sammyboy's "Pictures of our Sexual Escapades" section.
I was just discussing with Jess the other day about how Singaporean men love to TALK about sex A LOT. They yak and yak about how prostitutes or flings or milfs lick their "little brother" until they buay tahan and shoot their semen on whatever object. Please! Can't they just enjoy their sex and SHUT UP ABOUT IT AFTERWARDS?!
And she told me about this section in the forum where the men post up photos of their naked wives/fuck buddies/girlfriends... It seems like most of these girls DO NOT KNOW OF THE PHOTOS TAKEN!
And this is the grossest of all I swear I gagged a little in my mouth:”- So what can the bystanders like us do? catch them? break the couples apart? Ruined their relationship? People will hate you if you do this…..
• “Btw you can't view the photos coz you have to have some sort of exclusive membership so yeah don't bother.
Also in the forum are prostitute reviews (never knew prostitutes had to do ass rimming and swallow cum somemore must pretend to enjoy it really FTLs), how it's like to have sex with ladyboys, and dirty ktv discussions etc. You know, all that classy shit.”-Since it is a exclusive membership access page,how do you manage to go in? You must have posted something in the Sammyboyforum in order to gain access or hack it. So which one did you do? And you say don’t bother so why are you showing it now to the public on your blog? Self-Contradicting
06-03-2011, 07:11 PM
• “THIS STOMP POST. A blog reader linked me to this and it seriously infuriated me.
Anyway the page is either down or taken down coz all I could find of it is its cache so I printscreened it: What pisses me off first of all is the kind of content Stomp relished in churning out for the past few years.
What started off as a million dollar website for Singaporeans to be a web version of The Straits Times has turned into this GOSSIPY and LOW BROW site mostly having people snap shots of unknowing citizens participating in various disgraceful activities. Like eating on the MRT or leaning on the MRT pole. Or bad parking. Or students kissing. Stupid shit like that.
And to think I was discontinued my contract with Stomp partially because I kept posting up "controversial" material with vulgar language! And IS THIS NOT CONTROVERSIAL OR VULGAR?!”-This have nothing to do with this branch of crude ,rude, horny Sammyboyforum brother,this is stomp not sammyboyforum,so now you are trying to scold the Singaporean guys as a whole.In that case ,why did you put “Seriously what the FUCK is wrong with some Singaporean guys?? Nothing against ALL of them of course but there is a distinct bunch who are disturbingly crude, uncivilised, pervertic, horny, bitter, and worst of all, extremely opinionated.” YOU ARE OPENLY PROVOKING SINGAPOREAN GUYS.
• “This blog post is written by someone anonymous who was determined to give 1001 reasons why he HATES Singapore (I'm going to call him 1001), and I was reason 19:
Ignoring the fact that a Singaporean can come up with so many reasons to hate Singapore, including having to wear seat belts... You know what? Let's NOT ignore that. I'm gonna talk about it.
I fucking HATE Singaporeans who are constantly complaining about Singapore. Even before I got relatively well-off and lived in a 3 room flat I have always LOVED living in Singapore.
It is fucking fantastic! It is SUPER safe, which is SO underrated by Singaporeans. Just ask anyone from anywhere else (besides Japan I guess) how scary it is to be mugged! Even Malaysian friends from across the border admit that burglary is frightening common and has occurred to them or they know someone it has occurred to. I don't even KNOW any Singaporean who has been burglarized before.
No homeless people here, the govt is not corrupt, the food is fantastic, and exciting new things are ALWAYS happening!! The roads are lined with pretty trees and our airport has free wifi... Always a joy to step back into Changi airport after trips overseas. Sure we have our flaws. So we are sterile and rigid. Every country has flaws. But all in all, Singapore is an excellent place and that's why we have so many people wanting to migrate here.
But instead of appreciating or being proud of our tiny city, many Singaporeans like 1001 here decide to nitpick. Instead of giving 1001 reasons why "Sillypore" sucks, why don't you come up with 1001 reasons why your existence in Singapore makes Singapore suck?
I'd give you reason no. 1: You contributed to "Singaporeans make stupid remarks online", because "Sillypore" is a dumbshit nickname. Surely you can do better. How about Stupidpore? Or Spasticpore? Singapuke? Stinkypoo? or Singingpore? Coz pores can't sing, right? MUAHAHAHA!!
Here's one more reason to add to the 1001 reasons - no. 342: Many Singaporeans choose to complain but contribute nothing to their country, or to society in general.
Yeah. So you want to migrate, Mr Loser. Don't worry, you surely won't leave an imprint here. And let me know when another country wants your whiny ass! ;)
Sorry for the digressing.
So. I was reading that article (also linked by reader), and I seriously don't give a shit about people feeling that my blog is overrated. Some people like it and some don't. So be it.
But then I saw the bottom of the entry where 1001 showed 6 links of blogs he DOES like.
Since he hates that I'm the top blogger in Singapore, I am assuming 1001 believes that THESE bloggers right there should be representing us instead.
I have not seen some of the links but as I clicked on all of them, I nearly laughed my ass off.
1 to 4 are dumbshit chicks who show their cleavage on most pictures and have no opinions except demure ones. (ok to be fair no. 4 never show cleavage)
1 and 2 are race queens/lingerie models.
3 is a liar and plagiarizer who is ashamed of her own heritage.
Like literally photos of ass and tits and cheebye with no face. Just stupid sex stories gloried as "art".
When it comes down to it, THIS is what Singaporean men like and want.
A demure, unopinionated dumb girl with big boobs (must be pretty with conventional long black hair and big eyes of coz) who are really horny.
And this is what they EXPECT from Singaporean girls!
Now how many modern Singaporean girls whom you know who are like that?!
And summarizing, here is the general consensus. These men are bitter because no decent girls would EVER be with them. Singaporean girls are smart and educated and a lot of us dress well and look presentable. But they don't want that. And we them. Because we look down on these guys and think we deserve more than them, they get ANGRY.
When they get angry, they bash Singaporean girls and any other factor that contributes to SG girls not liking them (ie angmohs), and sing praises for China girls with no opinions (and thus won't humiliate or mind their flaws so much).
But wait. Looking upon the behaviour of these embittered SG men with such a serious chip on their shoulders, can you blame us girls?!?!
Who would want to date a man who hides a camera during sex and SUBMITS THE PICTURES TO A FORUM?!
Who would want a man whom, instead of being proud of his woman's intellect, feels that it bruises his ego?!
Who would wanna hear a guy whine all day about everything that sucks around him (except himself of course)??
Can you see a guy who snaps random photos of strangers on MRTs... EVER GET LAID?!
So yeah... I am talking to you chauvinistic fucktards out there.
Stop making disparaging/sexual remarks on women, because it is an unchivalrous thing to do. Didn't your mother ever teach you when you were a little boy? No matter how much you think I'm ugly, I'm still a girl, so treat me like one! In fact, treat all women with respect!
And yes even though you guys don't like to hear this, Caucasian counterparts DO treat women with much more respect than local guys. Yeah I said it. You know what? When I'm in malls in the states, nobody yells bullshit at me like the guys in Sim Lim do. Fact.
Instead of being so bitter, why don't you start an introspection and improve on yourself?
So you are poor - well maybe you can make it up by being loyal and nice. If you are ugly, improve your looks!! WORK ON YOUR ATTITUDE! And stop visiting brothels!! You think you gonna find a nice decent girl there?!
Coz since all you people are doing is sitting on your pimply asses commenting on girls and issues and WHINING like no tomorrow, it is no surprise your self worth is now less than that of a used pad.
Yeah, everyone wants to date a bitter loserly man.
It is not Singaporean women who have to change, it is YOU MEN.
p/s: I am obviously not talking about ALL Singaporean men, just the sort that I've described here. If you are angry, it is because you are one of them and you suck.
06-03-2011, 07:45 PM
No wonder i couldn't find any reasons that such a ugly person wants to get herself with SBF, thanks bro IWANTBUSTYKIM for reminding...
Readers of this thread...DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT go to her blog.
Bro, you are doing it wrong...You need to bold your words like this...
DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT go to her blog.
Actually, I was thinking...instead of NOT going to her blog...I'm pretty sure she is reading this thread to see how many ppl wld respond and swarm to her blog...One of the ways I know that will piss her off is instead of going to her blog, we go to other Younger, PRETTIER gal blogs. She's like what..>30+ yrs old now rite?
I did some quick research and found some really up and coming pretty gal blogs.
Though its quite a low bar...some of the prettier gal blogs are listed below...
Bros tt noe of other chiobu or more fascinating blogs, do add on to the list. LOL.
High Standard
06-03-2011, 08:57 PM
look at her blogspot, is jus another whores tat think she is high class.....
06-03-2011, 10:49 PM
One of the ways I know that will piss her off is instead of going to her blog, we go to other Younger, PRETTIER gal blogs. She's like what..>30+ yrs old now rite?
I did some quick research and found some really up and coming pretty gal blogs.
Though its quite a low bar...some of the prettier gal blogs are listed below...
Bros tt noe of other chiobu or more fascinating blogs, do add on to the list. LOL.
Bro, you left her XX's big rival - Dawn Yang
Not sure if it is the same one but who cares, she sure is much much better looking than XX :p
They will be pretty curious on the sudden surge in traffic... :confused::D
06-03-2011, 10:52 PM
Bro, you left her XX's big rival - Dawn Yang
Not sure if it is the same one but who cares, she sure is much much better looking than XX :p
Bro Northern, Yes. It is the correct pretty babe - Dawn Yang ;)
Mother Nature seems very unfair cos there's such a huge divide between the “haves” and “have nots”. :D
06-03-2011, 11:21 PM
Mother Nature seems very unfair cos there's such a huge divide between the “haves” and “have nots”. :D
Check out her pics in her blog, some of them are quite hot. KER&previous_action=TICKER_ITEM_CLICK&ciid=3098476543784435499
Miss XiaXue, eat your heart out :D
06-03-2011, 11:28 PM
Check out her pics in her blog, some of them are quite hot. KER&previous_action=TICKER_ITEM_CLICK&ciid=3098476543784435499
Wow! Sometimes one really amazed at the wonder of mother nature and her works!!! :)
You know, this reminds me of the story: The Nightmare Before Christmas - It tells the story of Jack Skellington, a being from "Halloween Town" who opens a portal to "Christmas Town. :D
At first glance, it seems that Halloween and Christmas couldn't be more different. The again, one is a nightmare and the other is sweet dream :p
06-03-2011, 11:30 PM
who's xiaxue? what's the commotion about?:D
06-03-2011, 11:41 PM
Haha, XiaXue is desperately jealous of Dawn Yang, and has repeatedly accused Dawn of having plastic surgery, called her nasty names like Plasticzilla, and even posted before/after photos of her as "evidence".
Frankly, I dun give a shit if Dawn had plastic surgery. She looks good, much much better than XX. So what IF she had plastic surgery. Her doe-eyed looks and long shiny hair makes me want to hug and sayang her. She manages to look both delicate and glamorous at the same time.
XX bleaches her hair, wears blue contact lenses and humongous fake lashes. She's 100% fake herself. It's a wonder she still dares to accuse others of being fake. Sheesh. I'll take Dawn any day any time over XX.
Oh Dawn, please come to FL3 :-)
Bro, you left her XX's big rival - Dawn Yang
Not sure if it is the same one but who cares, she sure is much much better looking than XX :p
They will be pretty curious on the sudden surge in traffic... :confused::D
06-03-2011, 11:46 PM
But seriously does it matter??? She is a nobody.... imagine when she is naked taking her shower.... who the phuck is she??? Just another human being....
Just a SPG.... "SIA SWAY SINGAPORE" Ang Moh dicks got gold.... Ask her to repair her phucking gums first lah.... ppl smile see teeth, she smile see gums....SMLJ!
06-03-2011, 11:52 PM
I think XX Photoshot every single pics she post online.... think she had another nick given by other bloggers like "Photoshot Queen"
Correct me if i am wrg...:D
06-03-2011, 11:53 PM
Ask her to repair her phucking gums first lah.... ppl smile see teeth, she smile see gums....SMLJ!
thanks bro, this sentence really brighten up my day, cheers
06-03-2011, 11:56 PM
XX simply sux, can't survive in sg, have to become empty blonde
07-03-2011, 12:17 AM
Believe she either kena pitch by her bf,
or her current bf kena caught in the act by finding lobang here
07-03-2011, 12:21 AM
Just looked through Dawn Yang's blog, she is seriously hot :eek:
07-03-2011, 01:14 AM
Found this link with a video of her dating Steven Lim.
"Beauty" and the Beast, they say. Who is the Beast?
07-03-2011, 02:09 AM
Found this link with a video of her dating Steven Lim.
"Beauty" and the Beast, they say. Who is the Beast?
how can ppl call steven lim a "BEAUTY"??
07-03-2011, 02:15 AM
how can ppl call steven lim a "BEAUTY"??
Relatively speaking, maybe can? :rolleyes:
Or they should say "Beast and the uglier Beast"?
07-03-2011, 02:35 AM
...and some other dudes will be like "look like tranny but I'd still fuck her" or
So how else does she think she got laid ?
Pilot Preceda
07-03-2011, 04:52 AM
Don't know why, I've always have a liking towards slut/bitch...
and this Xia Xue is my top wish-list for year 2011 to get her fucked...
how i wish i could slap my dick on her face and gagged her fucking big and stinky mouth...
and don't worry I will post FR here...
07-03-2011, 07:15 AM
Singaporean Men: An introspection, please
I don't actually KNOW any guy who is this disgusting in real life, probably coz my friends are like, eligible, educated dudes, but I imagine that most of these men are either old - like 40-50 plus and just learnt to use the internet and realised that you can get porno!!!!!!111111... Or they are just like dumbshit crude blue-collared workers, the sort who will whistle at girls as they walk past.
well simply this "i let a car buang me but i somehow survived thing" here doesn't know that more than 50% of the whole internet being used daily is for porn stuffs.
Don't know why, I've always have a liking towards slut/bitch...
and this Xia Xue is my top wish-list for year 2011 to get her fucked...
how i wish i could slap my dick on her face and gagged her fucking big and stinky mouth...
and don't worry I will post FR here...
well done bro, last year saw my friend with her than intro....i dun find her look pretty
07-03-2011, 09:51 AM
out of 10 points, after seeing her videos posted ... i would rate her 3/10 for looks, not totally CMI ( cant make it ) yet :D
out of 10 points, after seeing her videos posted ... i would rate her 3/10 for looks, not totally CMI ( cant make it ) yet :D
ya agreed man... but dunno why her angmoh bf with her so many years wor...maybe she good in skill haha ... see her face like that sure puke like hell...:D wahahaha
07-03-2011, 10:11 AM
Wa lao boss, she obviously needs a dick la. I believe she got picked & now she picks. Dont worry this site is the BEST
07-03-2011, 10:21 AM
out of 10 points, after seeing ..... videos posted ... i would rate..... 3/10 for looks, not totally CMI ( cant make it ) yet :D
I watched it several times too.
I agreed with you.
You mean Steven Lim, correct? :D:p
07-03-2011, 12:06 PM
Just another lame attempt by a wannabe has been trying to get some attention, got better eye candy on other blogs, more sensible talking too.
07-03-2011, 12:58 PM
Her kind of face like kena lorry bang type also can find boyfriend (purposely spell out for her as I am sure she's going to read this. :))?
She come out do FL? I say, if her rate is maybe $20/2hr/unlimited shots I can consider. :D
$20 too expensive i also dun wan...unless she pays me...den again I must do it with all the lights off and be totally intoxicated so that I can't think properly :D
07-03-2011, 01:01 PM
hi to all bros..dont need to care about her..let her say what she wants..we horny so what?no big deal right?maybe she thinks that sg guy's dick not enough for her..maybe she wants ang mo dick..even she is here to let us fuck for free i wont want it..see her also wont stand..
07-03-2011, 01:13 PM
even she is here to let us fuck for free i wont want it..see her also wont stand..
If got free fuck, maybe just fuck la. If cannot stand then take out Dawn Yang's photo to paste over her face lor. :p
07-03-2011, 01:19 PM
i cant bro..her pussy is not dawn yang..if is dawn yang confirm can stand..haha
07-03-2011, 01:36 PM
Why bother with such a person?? She not worth it!!
She is 1 of us already since she had read some of our post. I believe she is also reading this thread as it process. Maybe after some time she may bring out what we guys think of her in her blog and say we are shallow or what. We never know what her intention is until the very end, beside the money she earn from stupid people who read her blog.
Those person are the ones who has no lives and live on other people online diary. We got some interesting life ourselves. We ventures into "dark black caves", "water falls" both local and foreign countries, then we share with others who wish to make exploration. I wonder what her group of friends is missing out in life. :rolleyes: :D
07-03-2011, 02:21 PM
$20 too expensive i also dun wan...unless she pays me...den again I must do it with all the lights off and be totally intoxicated so that I can't think properly :D
Bro, can just cover the face and bang the base. Or as one bro mentioned, paste a pic of her good friend Dawn Yang over her face.
$20 ok lah. Those aunties at Desker Road also worth around the amount. ;)
07-03-2011, 02:24 PM
who cares about her comments really.. and by the way.. she really does look like a freak.
07-03-2011, 03:25 PM
or sammyboyfor could be xiaxue itself? lol :D:D:D
07-03-2011, 03:48 PM
Dun bother about her lah... Her blog is a waste of time, and we know wat's in her brain... She's just trying hard to get attention.
Just ignore her...
07-03-2011, 04:10 PM
Is Miss Xiaxue had a point? Again most people in this country are polite, scare to get straight to the point. Daniel Craig could not have said it better in golden compass, "lets get to the point".
Rather my impression of local guys, to TW guys especially the young punks. We lose in respecting the elders, Chinese says no big no small, maybe local guys are pamper by everybody.
TW also had NS, their officers respect their old birds, including the NSF. Here no body cares, i LOL whenever i watched the NS recruitment ads. Funny is it? The young punk don't even respect his officers, his seniors in his work place. How can he win the respect of the people?
The culture here, maybe above 40s u are allreally old, a young punk excutive got the closed 1eye by management, the old bird got tagreted by management. Of course i am not talking of old birds with problems at work.
The motto; faster cheaper and younger, i think it rules here. XX turned the hold issues, she don't want to engage the topic head on. Same with The Noose, carry FTs ball no matter which ways they present the skits.
07-03-2011, 10:09 PM
HLS is SEXUAL BABYTALK ("wah sarpork! Cheesepie [cheebye]! Raisin [nipple]!"). Mad gross and makes all my hairs stand!! Slang is mildly funny normally but just disturbing for sexual talk, ok?!
I have to admit that I hate Singlish in sex talk.
If anyone talks like that, no offence, but I wanna slap your face.
07-03-2011, 11:07 PM
Bro, you left her XX's big rival - Dawn Yang
Not sure if it is the same one but who cares, she sure is much much better looking than XX :p
They will be pretty curious on the sudden surge in traffic... :confused::D
Dawn Yang so pretty!!!! XX is cmi =( DAWN YANG GOGOGO!
07-03-2011, 11:17 PM
she missed out FL dome 3
Dawn Yang is absolutely much better looking and writes better. XX is really fulgy and keeps shooting wildly at anything hoping to get back into some attention.
09-03-2011, 03:04 AM
I remember her as the idiot who justified giving herself priority to the Disabled/Handicapped washroom when all the other girls were queuing up for the main washroom.
Back then she had lots of fans. I'm sure at least one or two local guys would have asked to be her bf. No luck of course. She's too holier-than-thou. Then all of a sudden one ang moh came around, posted on her blog, proposed and she marries him. Says a lot about her.
Btw I noticed a lot of our ugly girls like xiaxuey are only taken up by ang mohs. I guess they share in our view that these girls are exotic, though our definition tend to gear towards the jungle sense of the word.
Do not visit her blog. Save your dinner.
09-03-2011, 03:37 AM
Her opinions means shit to me. Can we get back to our FRs please...:D
10-03-2011, 01:04 PM
But just one last one for the road eh???
I'd still hit Tammy. Come on admit it, she looks just fine before makeover....:rolleyes:
10-03-2011, 01:18 PM
I'd still hit Tammy. Come on admit it, she looks just fine before makeover....:rolleyes:
That is true, she looks decent enough before, but now she looks more like someone hit her with the ugly stick :eek: like a case of self expression of her individuality gone horribly wrong :(
I would so be all over Dawn instead :p
10-03-2011, 03:13 PM
XX is definitely an ugy bitch. What's with that ugly hair colour?
Trying to be Ang Mo is it ? What a weirdo.
10-03-2011, 04:54 PM
Xia xue is an example of the typical Singapore girl today, like to criticize Singapore guys and end up with an Ang Mo guy..
I wonder what happens down the road when the Ang Mo leaves Singapore for other pastures, will our Singapore girls follow them and leave family behind
10-03-2011, 05:00 PM
Sometimes, may not be so bad if the sg gals do not follow their ang mo husband back. Heard quite a few cases whereby sg wives follow their husband back and they either ended up need to be whores or their husbands force them to serve their friends. They take full advantage that being in a foreign for a woman, they are helpless
Xia xue is an example of the typical Singapore girl today, like to criticize Singapore guys and end up with an Ang Mo guy..
I wonder what happens down the road when the Ang Mo leaves Singapore for other pastures, will our Singapore girls follow them and leave family behind
10-03-2011, 05:17 PM
I just did something really disgusting....
I PCC and shoot at XX's pics...
Bros.. please forgive me..:(
10-03-2011, 05:38 PM
I just did something really disgusting....
I PCC and shoot at XX's pics...
Bros.. please forgive me..:(
omg you damn power sure up you bro~:D
10-03-2011, 05:39 PM
But just one last one for the road eh???
I'd still hit Tammy. Come on admit it, she looks just fine before makeover....:rolleyes:
sorry bro, i just zap u for scaring the shit outta me :D
10-03-2011, 06:12 PM
sorry bro, i just zap u for scaring the shit outta me :D
You cant be serious, that scares you???? come on...
Anyway i was referring to that Tammy , that gal in that post. still looks okay without makeup :D
10-03-2011, 06:20 PM
Simply said, after all the fucking with her angmo hubby, she ran out of things to post on her what better things to do that attacking the things she cannot get......local prick!
10-03-2011, 06:27 PM
I just did something really disgusting....
I PCC and shoot at XX's pics...
Bros.. please forgive me..:(
hats off to u, bro...
i dun think i can even stand looking at her pic... let alone shooting at it....
Gentle Beast
10-03-2011, 09:36 PM
I just did something really disgusting....
I PCC and shoot at XX's pics...
Bros.. please forgive me..:(
I forgive you Bro; and hope you forgive me too - I failed to CUM :D
10-03-2011, 10:24 PM
All these talk about XX and Dawn Yuen inspires a New JuaGen method...
Place Dawn Yuen and XX pictures side by side.
Look at Dawn Yuen pic to bring bro up and XX to bring it down.
Practise enough and those pics will etch a permanent image in your brain... by which time, you will be able to up and down your bro by will power alone. ;)
10-03-2011, 11:01 PM
All these talk about XX and Dawn Yuen inspires a New JuaGen method...
Place Dawn Yuen and XX pictures side by side.
Look at Dawn Yuen pic to bring bro up and XX to bring it down.
Practise enough and those pics will etch a permanent image in your brain... by which time, you will be able to up and down your bro by will power alone. ;)
bro, innovative method you have there. ups
10-03-2011, 11:14 PM
I just did something really disgusting....
I PCC and shoot at XX's pics...
Bros.. please forgive me..:(
You POWER!!! My dick duno disappear to where when i see her pics! lol
Big Sexy
10-03-2011, 11:25 PM
enough said.....FULL STOP.
11-03-2011, 12:18 AM
Walau! This is an insult to thousands of SBF members! :mad:
Brudders, isn't it time we STAND united, wank over XX and drown her in our semen? :D
Pilot Preceda
11-03-2011, 01:35 AM
[QUOTE=Big Sexy;5751154]Ah dawn..
puke... :(
11-03-2011, 04:54 AM
nvm her bros.. no one ones to fuck her afterall.
Who knows her hubby is one of the members posting pic of his sexcapades :P
Not putting hers because he know he goona get 'zapped' by sbf members after doing so :D
11-03-2011, 03:07 PM
Don't your think Xiaxue look like 人妖. The way she doll up herself is disgusting.
11-03-2011, 03:10 PM
For those who are horny and really want to look for girls, looking at XiaXue really dampens everything, takes away the mood. It did for me. Her picture should really carry a Warning Label - Hazardous To Sexual Health.
11-03-2011, 03:13 PM
I just did something really disgusting....
I PCC and shoot at XX's pics...
Bros.. please forgive me..:(
Fantastic bro :D
UPz u Liao !
11-03-2011, 03:19 PM
Brudders, isn't it time we STAND united, wank over XX and drown her in our semen? :D
see her? my cock cannot stand leh. think got to imagine it's dawn then can pcc. :p
11-03-2011, 04:07 PM
Bros tt noe of other chiobu or more fascinating blogs, do add on to the list. LOL. KER&previous_action=TICKER_ITEM_CLICK&ciid=3098476543784435499
Some sites to mitigate the horrible experience after seeing XX pics :D
11-03-2011, 04:20 PM
Some sites to mitigate the horrible experience after seeing XX pics :D
very nice...keep in coming...
11-03-2011, 11:28 PM
Plastic surgery or not, does look natural to me. Piakable anytime :D
Not only the looks is natural, it's hard to fake a cute voice, personality and charisma.
Whereas XX is pukeable. :rolleyes:
12-03-2011, 12:19 AM
Definitely Agreed! Dawn is DEFINITELY better. XiaXue is SOOOO FAKE! she is known for her plastic enhancements, etc. saw her engagement photos (or was it wedding) photos on her blog once, i think majority are 'sponsored'. sometimes, i find that her postings are so shitty....probably bf had a shock on their BIG nite when all makeup are cleaned off.....maybe that's why she went with an ang mo....for them anything also can! We singaporean guys have a higher standard to maintain....
Dawn Yang is indeed much better than XiaXue, XX looks a bit strange, not sure what but she looks a bit off.
12-03-2011, 12:23 AM
and XiaXue photoshops all her photos on her blog...said so herself....
Sexy Under
12-03-2011, 03:17 AM
waste time!
12-03-2011, 08:00 AM
Any updates from XX in her blog about our comments here so far?
12-03-2011, 08:06 AM
Don't your think Xiaxue look like 人妖. The way she doll up herself is disgusting.
She's trying to 'doll' herself up to look like Dawn. End result is as what you said, disgusting. She was an ugly duckling and has grown up to be an fugly duck. At least Dawn is now a graceful, beautiful swan. :)
I wonder if XX will have any 'business' if she ever goes to CV.
12-03-2011, 08:09 AM
Being a public figure is really hard, hoped she can make it internatonally like 如花....
12-03-2011, 08:28 AM
Even if she at CV I will not patron her cos Kenna scare I become impotent after try to up her :eek::D:D
12-03-2011, 08:35 AM
see her? my cock cannot stand leh. think got to imagine it's dawn then can pcc. :p
Bro u cannot cum when see her face ???
No worry u can just cover the face n fire the base !!:D:D:D
12-03-2011, 09:37 AM
I'm suprised there is still guys going on about this. I'm sorry if I seem cynical but there are more important world issues to talk about like the tsunami in Japan then a silly girl on a blog who starves for attention.
Girl's love attention, some even more than sex don't we already know the obvious? Why do you think girls like dawne, xia xue and others like them put up such personal blogs? Guys I mean c'mon seriously who cares what xia xue thinks? Would you really value the opinion of justin bieber or lady gaga if they said men had no backbone? I don't think so. *shrug
12-03-2011, 09:51 AM
[QUOTE=cho27;5753826]I'm suprised there is still guys going on about this. I'm sorry if I seem cynical but there are more important world issues to talk about like the tsunami in Japan then a silly girl on a blog who starves for attention.
Agreed but then why u still here the sex forum ??? If u want to talk about what happened in Japan then obviously u r in the wrong place
12-03-2011, 11:34 AM
I'm suprised there is still guys going on about this. I'm sorry if I seem cynical but there are more important world issues to talk about like the tsunami in Japan then a silly girl on a blog who starves for attention.
THERE ARE ALSO MORE IMPORTANT THINGS LIKE THE ELECTION 2011 :rolleyes: Etc et etc...............
I'll entertain u for a while. so... japan has another tsunami... what news will be out other than the usual death count, survival story, rescue story, (insert country here) troops help to rescue story, damage story, and so on... so on...
Unless i see another 9/11 event, krakatoa, NEW PRESIDENT BEING ELECTED or Spermgate/watergate ... its not news!!!!
Quick, what u wanna to talk about the Japan Tsunami? ;)
12-03-2011, 11:48 AM
Here i'll give u a news nao
SHOUTS OUT TO YOKOTA AFB personnell for their selfnesslessness and other etc etc etc!!!!
In other news: RSAF units stop training and assist in disaster relief. Blah.
12-03-2011, 12:34 PM
1st of I'm not singaporean, so I apologise on my own ignorance of local politics and 2) are you encouraging ignorance by saying that news on other matters is not important?
So I guess within the last month Egypt gaining independence by overthrowing Mubarak and Student protests in UK due to the tuition hike isn't important, perhaps you should learn to articulate before you type.
And you miss the point perfectly, the point of my post isn't talking about world issues here in a sex forum, its about bashing a girl with an iq lower than a crayon and feeling good about it. I was merely giving an example.
Also your sarcasm on a global disaster really shows your incompassion as a human being and isn't appreciated.
12-03-2011, 12:43 PM
Agreed but then why u still here the sex forum ??? If u want to talk about what happened in Japan then obviously u r in the wrong place
Yeap, maybe your right. My apologies then, wrong place for this kind of discussion.
12-03-2011, 01:43 PM
*wrinkles eyebrows. U got thn point. Yes it is sarcasm, bu please remember, it is only those in the immediate regi0n who are m0st c0ncerx with the news. Blow me if im wr0ng, but u thk the world is c0ncern about sg? ^^ one m0re thing, XX does n0t have the iq of a cray0n but she is a member of mensa and used to blag about her PSLE score 269 or 296 :p
12-03-2011, 01:50 PM
Plastic surgery or not, does look natural to me. Piakable anytime :D
Not only the looks is natural, it's hard to fake a cute voice, personality and charisma.
Whereas XX is pukeable. :rolleyes:
DY vs XX ---> successful surgery vs failed surgery.....
12-03-2011, 02:05 PM
Even if she at CV I will not patron her cos Kenna scare I become impotent after try to up her :eek::D:D
Ya! She would appear to be like a 'pontianak'! :eek:
12-03-2011, 02:07 PM
DY vs XX ---> successful surgery vs failed surgery.....
XX should be engaged by the The Association of Plastic Surgeons in Singapore for their advertisement.
"The End Results of What Could Possibly Go Wrong In A Surgery"!!! :eek::D
12-03-2011, 02:26 PM
Xiaxue has a very poor impression of us?i want leave a very deep impression on her face when i step on it.well she must be really getting more then what she deserve from her bf or maybe nothing at all from him and caught him checking out FLs on SBF.looks like she really dig deep in her "Research" on SBF.what people do is their own thing.We can be on SBF and leave a perfectly normal life out of it.if someone wants to post pics of his wife,gf,maid or grandmother,thats his prob.there are other here who jus looking for fun jus like going geylang or finding sex partners.We know what we are Xiaxue dont try to to hero when u are big fat zero.try some other crap to boost yr pathetic blog.Anyways blogs are so Y2K.Who wants to know what shit u had for dinner?When was the last time u ever posted anything thats relevant or useful?You will never find yr pics here on SBF cause WE got BETTER TASTE then that when it comes to chics:D
late bloomer
12-03-2011, 03:06 PM
Some ex bf of xiaxue pls post pictures of her up. Let her know she is as slutty as those whores.. not that I wanna see though. Just to make her welcummed. Someone pls post a fr as well..the prob with her is her high n mighty stance, compounded by her lack of self awareness. Don't think she is better than any sbf bro.
I agree with bro oneheart.
I honestly haven't visited her blog for years and it is only because TS post this entry that I click on the link to see the rest of the rubbish she wrote.
I read until halfway, don't bother to read the rest already.
At the comments section, I also notice she already kanna slam jia lat jia lat by a few ppl. I also don bother to comment, cos she say she don welcome critical comments. Even if she welcome, I won't bother slamming her. Don't think she even deserves my negative comment. I'd rather be posting my comments here.
My father gan me for being a horny bastard, I say sorry and eat humble pie.
My Catholic Church Father gan me for screwing babes I got to know in SBF, I kneel down and say Father I'm sorry I have sinned but I just can't help myself. Even if I help myself, I end up masturbating.
People like XX have very poor impression on me, well, all I can say is, the feeling is mutual.
At least what I read here is honest (well, maybe not totally). Real people, real lives, flawed human beings, no holds barred.
What does she have? Makeovers, fake eyelashes, petty trivial catfights cos she jealous of Dawn Yang who looks better than her, stooping so low to fight with ppl like Steven Lim. On the outside, she may pretend to look beautiful and righteous (though no one knows why she herself uses vulgaritites in her blog), but deep inside she is just as rotten as us, if not more. Nothing worth reading. Just a narrow-minded, sanctimonious ranter who may take another 10 years before finally admitting that the stories here are far more entertaining than her shallow, over-rated blog. :mad:
12-03-2011, 05:51 PM
[QUOTE=Big Sexy;5751154]Ah dawn..
puke... :(
Lunar Seventh Month arrived early this year? What's '好兄弟' video doing here?
thks TS,
that was really funny !
Ps: XX should marry steven lim !
13-03-2011, 01:33 AM
Come on guys.. give her a break... even plastic surgeons cant help her and she needs to rely on photoshops for her pic. Opps... even photoshop cant do any good. She needs another decade of technology on her.
13-03-2011, 08:06 AM
XX likes to write like that, sensationalize, do anything just to get her readers' attention, boost her ratings. She can keep that "holier than thou" attitude, but let's not be affected by her. Life goes on, so keep the stories/pics etc flowing.
03-04-2011, 04:55 PM
This is funny shit. XX must have read SBF for a very long time to give such indepth comments on her blog. Well I guess more of her "peeps" will cross over to surf SBF to find out more about sex related articles from now on. ;)
Long live Sammyboy :D:D:D
09-05-2011, 05:31 PM
Bimbo SPG biatch got many thing to say about singaporean cos of GE. Go her blog and vomit.
So KNN obvious why she support lying pigs wearing white cos she only enjoys being FUCKED left right centre by white people mah!
Some more thick skin so censor comment. Typical PAP whore technique. Only hear the good thing how to improve? CCB!!
10-05-2011, 10:07 AM
For her blog statements, she needs at least 5 years to REPENT!
10-05-2011, 10:50 AM
she is just a BIG BIMBO. ( Big as not in her Boobs)
10-05-2011, 11:14 AM
Just posted the following response in her comments column. Not sure if she would scrub it though. Nonetheless, someone has to speak up for the boys!
“I don't actually KNOW any guy who is this disgusting in real life, probably coz my friends are like, eligible, educated dudes” - sorry to burst your bubble but I reckon however sophisticated/decent your friends appear to be, pretty sure some of them whack off to weird shit somewhere down the road. Its a guy thing. If you think that’s an unfair generalization, well, you're guilty of the same: "They all treat girls like sex objects" - No we don't >.>
Btw, just fyi, there are many female swingers who contribute on that site too.
The way I see it, if some fellas wanna talk about their sexual predilections and fantasies on some smutty website, hey, I'll rather they unleash it on cyberspace than keep it pent up before going bonkers and start raping/molesting people yea? That’s something the internet is good for – an anonymous platform to vent your stresses or gush about your interests. Some folks blog about makeovers, others look for wanking material.
Not everyone is born superfly or pimptastic pussy magnet. If they don't have the luxury of going for plastic surgeries or what not to improve their eligibility/confidence, sometimes, the only way they know to get their rocks off is via hookers. Is it right for you to judge them so harshly just because you perceive yourself to be better than them? Isn't it everyone's prerogative to do whatever they wished as long as they don't hurt another?
I do agree with you on the point regarding hidden cameras, as those acts are unequivocally criminal in nature. Have nothing against Caucasians too. Your “reason 3” just bugs me though – “When it comes down to it, THIS is what Singaporean men like and want. A demure, unopinionated dumb girl with big boobs” – it is nothing more than an opinion based on limited knowledge of a few individuals. True, your detractor may suck ass, but that’s no reason to lump us all together with him.
That said, I feel that there is nothing wrong with dudes favoring demure ladies with big boobs. Just as there is nothing wrong with ladies favoring SNAGs with 6-packs who can cook and dance and play the piano to boot.
10-05-2011, 12:36 PM
Read XX's FB page ... and get slapped with bimbotic dribble plus the rest of the people posting on the wall are just as jiat lut ... bth ...
go ride the lightning and now crash and burn ...
10-05-2011, 10:13 PM
thank you for zapping me for flaming XX ! thank you very much ! To me the above post was true ! my own POV !
10-05-2011, 11:28 PM
For her blog statements, she needs at least 5 years to REPENT!
Hahaha... bro.. u r damn funny... or r u somebody????
Should be:
For her statements in her blog, she will live to repent for the next 5 years....
13-05-2011, 02:54 PM
she is just a BIG BIMBO. ( Big as not in her Boobs)
Only her 'Kar Tui' aka Leg is BIG .. Majiam Billard Table legs ..
13-05-2011, 09:47 PM
High class whore? Nar I skip and pass. Rather bonk meaty woman or milf still got feeling and can mari kita. Her ???? Pay me 20k for emotional stress banging her I doubt the fear of entering BIG WILD JUNGLE will never cure my depression on such .... woman or 贱人
13-05-2011, 11:22 PM
Personnally, if you ask me she is just a dumb girl trying to be a fake angmo but fail miserably. Also an attention seeker that tries to create attention but writing stuff that make no sense at all. She should change her name from xiaxue to xia sway. Trying to act virgin. I feel sorry for the guy who is her boyfriend.
14-05-2011, 01:59 AM
Lets try this, if we put her up for FL from a local stable. How much do you think you will pay?
14-05-2011, 02:16 PM
Lets try this, if we put her up for FL from a local stable. How much do you think you will pay?
Siao!! u wan us to pay?? Free i also dunwan.
14-05-2011, 05:22 PM
Siao!! u wan us to pay?? Free i also dunwan.
What if she toh tiap you emotional hurt and stress? 20k toh tiap hahaha what if la hahaha
14-05-2011, 09:38 PM
Fuck that bitch :mad:
15-05-2011, 09:41 AM
she is married i thought?anyway she damn ugly
15-05-2011, 03:49 PM
Attention seeker bimbo using sillypore number one popular website to beg for people to notice her and remember her.
But she does make an effort to read through all posts in different forums using her free time. Wonder how many weeks or months did she commit to sammyboy but I am more curious did she masturbate or get wet down there at her pussy while reading through the exotic stories and FRs. :D
Below are my ratings on her
Looks : 6/10 (after surgery)
Neh Neh : A+
Butt : flat
figure : 5.723/10
Brain : -7/10
BJ : never try (not interested)
Frenching : never try (too smelly)
Attention seeker : 10/10
RTF : never. Nowadays I don't go for piracy. Always go for 'real' stuff bros.
24-05-2011, 12:11 PM
I Hate Xiaxue :)
24-05-2011, 12:14 PM
Attention seeker bimbo
Attention seeker : 10/10
Wa this thread is still going on and on for so long. She has achieved her aim which is ..... free publicity. :D
24-05-2011, 03:30 PM
[QUOTE=Pilot Preceda;5751505]
Lunar Seventh Month arrived early this year? What's '好兄弟' video doing here?
wah lau!! GL CAT50 looks so much better. I pity her ang mo bf. :(
24-05-2011, 03:33 PM
wah lau!! GL CAT50 looks so much better. I pity her ang mo bf. :(
haha... true dat bro.
but her nose & face & boobs all operated already.
so nothing like her orig self.
i think she married the angmo alreadi
24-05-2011, 06:18 PM
I believe she is pure attention seekers, just ignore her hotdogs tricks.
In fact if she strip naked, nothings really interests us guys around cos she isn't real and she can only attract Dogs in her own world.
Poor her husband.
24-05-2011, 07:04 PM
Wa lidat step sammyboyforum face
24-05-2011, 07:07 PM
xia xue (xia xuay)
12-06-2011, 11:42 PM
i hate xiaxue too,
but bro damnyou, your arguments to her blog quite weak leh:(
12-06-2011, 11:59 PM
She is just simply a bimbo seeking attention ...!!! heehee:D
13-06-2011, 01:07 AM
another stupid SPG la she think she so high and mighty see her bloody face kana cannot make it. she a bloody MF attention bitch i have to agree with besafe,and i know why she get a angmo cause she not able to get a sg bf tat y. hope someday someone can put her to shame and tat will be fun to see.
She is just another SPG to let Ang Moh fuck free. Worst than the WL.
Look at her chee bye face, want to act like ang moh but look 100% fake ang moh.
13-06-2011, 01:11 AM
Attention seeker bimbo using sillypore number one popular website to beg for people to notice her and remember her.
But she does make an effort to read through all posts in different forums using her free time. Wonder how many weeks or months did she commit to sammyboy but I am more curious did she masturbate or get wet down there at her pussy while reading through the exotic stories and FRs. :D
Below are my ratings on her
Looks : 6/10 (after surgery)
Neh Neh : A+
Butt : flat
figure : 5.723/10
Brain : -7/10
BJ : never try (not interested)
Frenching : never try (too smelly)
Attention seeker : 10/10
RTF : never. Nowadays I don't go for piracy. Always go for 'real' stuff bros.
Her right hand is scrolling the mouse and left hand digging her pussy.
24-07-2011, 03:50 PM
as if people give a shit to what she thinks. :rolleyes:
attention seeking... AGAIN. But then... what's new for her?
Totally agree with you Bro.:)
24-07-2011, 06:14 PM
XiaXue seems to have the most innocent and beautiful look. But why is she interested in reading our threads? Maybe she fantasy it too but too proud to admit it. Base on the language she used, she's not that "INNOCENT" too. I wonder how many "CUM" she swallow already?
24-07-2011, 09:47 PM
If you are so righteous, why are you in this forum lurking around?
24-07-2011, 11:42 PM
XiaXue seems to have the most innocent and beautiful look. But why is she interested in reading our threads? Maybe she fantasy it too but too proud to admit it. Base on the language she used, she's not that "INNOCENT" too. I wonder how many "CUM" she swallow already?
maybe she has a nick here and read the FR everyday imaging her the girl in the FR :p:p
25-07-2011, 02:50 AM
Well About Her I Think Recently Like 2-3 Weeks Ago Just Saw Her At
E-Hub Cathay Cineplex With Some Ang Mo-ish Guy..
If She Was THAT Attractive I Would Notice Her In An INSTANT..
It Took My GF To Tell me "hey isn't that Xiaxue"
i was like hmm where ? took like 2-5mins Looking Out..
Then I Just Said.. " Owh... Okay" Nothing OUTSTANDING...
Fake Eye Lash... My Eye Lash Are More Longer & Sexier Then Hers :)
Wear Brown Contact Lens... Well I Wore Green More Mesmerizing :D
25-07-2011, 12:23 PM
OMFG!!! Just checked her blog and facebook... I think she is an upstart whiny spoiled brat who craves for attention. The reason she complains about SBF is she is secretly want some of you bros to give a few hard rounds and write some fr about her. As you recall, all her friends are decent and good... hence she is not able to have all the wild and kinky stuff done. She acts like she is 'holeir' than thou. Please guys just do her a favor and stick it up her 'holey trinity' like bro frankenstine use to say.
25-07-2011, 12:31 PM
her males frens should have a account in SBF too. she is just a SPG.
25-07-2011, 12:33 PM
Her right hand is scrolling the mouse and left hand digging her pussy.
HAHAHAHA! funny man bro.
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