View Full Version : Why samsters until now still so naive ?

05-03-2011, 09:53 PM
Why ... why .... why .... people still believe fake FRs, fake photos, fake studio pics of OKTs ?

Why after so many years, people still dont realise the marketing gimmicks ?

05-03-2011, 10:06 PM
Why ... why .... why .... people still believe fake FRs, fake photos, fake studio pics of OKTs ?

Why after so many years, people still dont realise the marketing gimmicks ?

Well, i do agreed with you that there r many fake FRs and photo here, but however i like to say that there r also many true FRs here and im sure many of the bros here have try b4 and agreed with what i say. :D

laser rod
05-03-2011, 10:33 PM
TS Yama,

That the reason we need the Bros here to share the real stuff.As long those who had tried and tell the truths. The OKT will suffer and they cant operate with fake FRs and picture. The honest OKT will stay and the rotten will keep changing their NAME. That the tell tail sign to stay away from them.:cool:

06-03-2011, 01:16 AM
Well, I dun blame the OKTs. Why. Well, do you expect buggers like OKT to tell you the truth, nothing but the truth. Now, we all know that salesman, lawyers and to a certain extent politicians LIE. So, dun expect OKTs, who live off the earnings of WL to tell the truth, to embrace integrity and be honest with you.

Next thing I like to say. Why do we see ugly WL, old fat and ugly aunties from PRC come to SG to be WL. This is becos they can EARN money from SG men. The fact is that there are buggers in SG who accept 3rd rate WL at first world pricing. Our SGD60 is actually worth RMB300.

If all of us DEMAND a high standard, accepting nothing but the BEST, the youngest and the pretty, we WILL get it. ONLY the best will come to our shores.

Those ugly ducklings still take the chance to come to SG becos they know that they can still earn some dough from some cock SG men. Well, enough said.

07-03-2011, 01:38 AM
The seasoned brothers here are able to differentiate between the genuine and the fakes. :D

It's usually the newer ones who can't tell. Guess that's their learning curve.

07-03-2011, 09:02 AM
Well. For 'fake' FR, I think individual have different taste in it... Eg a certain therapist of a certain health centre. Some will think she's 8/10 on looks, and some may think 5/10 only. Individual have different taste right?

As for fake pics, I believe more or less to protect the identity of the person.

07-03-2011, 11:47 AM
The fact is that there are buggers in SG who accept 3rd rate WL at first world pricing. Our SGD60 is actually worth RMB300.

If all of us DEMAND a high standard, accepting nothing but the BEST, the youngest and the pretty, we WILL get it. ONLY the best will come to our shores.

Pls be realistic. The BEST from China will not come to Singapore. The world is their market and they can get better returns elsewhere.

07-03-2011, 12:21 PM
U pay for wat u get....

If the FL is 60/2/2 compared to a FL whom is 300/1/1 there must a reason for the disparity. Oso b4 u dump 300, u would have done ur due diligence.

07-03-2011, 12:48 PM
Hi TS,

below just my own opinion.. no offence to you or anyone...

if there is an okt or whoever advertise a gal with a attractive pic n report (whether is real or fake), as a reader, if i feel i got attracted by his gal. i will go try the gal.. bcos if u dun try how u know is real or fake? of course, if the outcome turn out unpleasant, then just take it n dun rtf to the gal or okt lor..

so whether the fr is real or fake, we got to decide whether wan to go try to verify further.. of course, if there is a bad fr from bro who hv already tried.. then u can based on that fr if u believe the bro or not lor..

so is not a matter of naive or not naive... is just that we whether wan to give a try first...

07-03-2011, 05:21 PM
TS Yama,

That the reason we need the Bros here to share the real stuff.As long those who had tried and tell the truths. The OKT will suffer and they cant operate with fake FRs and picture. The honest OKT will stay and the rotten will keep changing their NAME. That the tell tail sign to stay away from them.:cool:

Well said bro, that is y forum is needed, and we need more forums :p