View Full Version : What's her name....never did ask

10-03-2011, 05:58 PM
"Oh hello!" I said and held open the door for her to come through.
"How have you been? " I continued on.

"Not too bad." she replied. "Could be better." she added on.
"You look a little off." I said.
"Yeah, I am having diarrhea, not too good." she said.

"Oh....I don't need to know that." I said.
"Serious, I just finished round 3....feeling a little better now after the pochai." she continued on.

"Ah..pochai...they work." I said.

"So how've you been...apart from the watery stools...haha." I said trying to avoid her condition altogether.

"I'm good...ohhhh." she replied holding onto her tummy.
"Oh no.....you need to go again." I said

"No, no...it's just churnning." she replied. "I need to attend a meeting now and I hope I can sit through it." she said.

"Well, it's a good excuse to use if it's getting no where." I said

"Bye." she said and walked towards her meeting venue.

"See ya." I said and closed the door.

She turned back to wave....."oh....." she exclaimed and smiled.

I stared at her and quickly walked off......I swore I heard her release gas.

10-03-2011, 06:40 PM
Camping here :D

10-03-2011, 07:43 PM
Humble newbie camping here tooo....although i can smell her fart. :p

11-03-2011, 05:01 PM
Headed out of the building for a smoke break.
That's a first, my thoughts speaking out loud. I see her almost every other day, we exchange a few words and greetings and smiles....and now she's telling me she's got diarrhea?!!!! And describing the feeling?

I took a long drag on my cig and pondered about what's gonna happen for the rest of the day.

"OK, I'll be right up in about 10 mins." I said and hung up. Needed to give a short briefing to a colleague who had just took on a new position. Nice way to end the day.

I pushed the door to the executive loo open just to catch the sounds of release of gas and I believe the person occupying the one and only cubicle expelling shit.

"Is that you?" came the question.
"Errr...sorry to barge in, it was not locked." I said fully recognising the voice.
"Shit!..." she said. "Never mind then...urgh......ohhhh....." she moaned as the mixture of shit and gas expelliing echoed in the loo.
"You sound bad." I said. "You need me to get something or someone?" I asked.

"Oh..." she groaned again as short bursts escape from her shit hole.
"Just when I need to make a call, the damn batt died on me." she said. "Could you be a dear and get me some toilet paper?" she said and unlocked the cubicle door. As it opened slightly, I could see her bare knees and her lacy panty at mid calf.

"Sure. Be right back." I said.

11-03-2011, 05:38 PM
I went into the handicap loo and very nearly emptied out the toilet paper supply. Saw a small empty container, placed what I had into it and headed back.

"Here you go." I said and handed it to her while standing out of her view.
"Thanks....oh...." she said and continued with her bombing.

"Errr.....I'm making a move, do you need anything else?" I said. Not wanting to stay any longer, listening to a woman emptying her bowels and breathing in the air is not what I had in mind for the remainder of the day.

"Err....can you stay till I finish....I may need.....ohh.....a little more help." she said out loud trying to drown her other sounds she was creating.

"Sure. if you dont mind...I mean...err...." I replied.

"Not at all if you dont mind the sounds and smell....hahaha....ooohhhhh." she replied in between the wet farts and shit hitting the water level.

"Hahaa...it's not everyday that I get to spend time in the loo with a woman for the worng reasons...hahahaha!" I replied and laughed.

We both burst out laughing at the remark I made.

"Too funny you are." she said.
I was probably in there for 10 mins talking to her while she was busy.

The sound of toilet paper being torn and being used echoed in the loo. The container was filled and splashing was heard. She was washing up.

This was done with the cubicle door still ajar.

"You still there?" she asked.
"Yeah." I replied and subconciously walked into the cubicle while finishing off an email on my blackberry.

"What?!!.....NO!.....So Sorry!" I exclaimed as I looked up and saw her seated on the bowl with her legs opened wide.

"Shit!' she exclaimed. "What the.....do you think you're doing?" she added as she looked up and saw me.

Time stood still for a moment when we stared at each other. I could see her pussy dripping wet from I guess the washing, she was nicely trimmed.

She leaned forward to slap my thigh setting off the auto flush. Good thing too as I caught a glimpse of what came out of her.......not describing.

11-03-2011, 05:52 PM
"Close the door and lock it." she said. "In case someone else barges in like you did." she added.

I did as I was told.

"You feeling better?" I said thinking it was the only polite question to ask.

"Much, thanks." she replied.

"Errr...." I stammered while still glancing at her wet love hole.

"You mind not staring." she said but had no intention of shutting her other trap.
She leaned forward again, setting off the auto flush. "What have we got here?" she asked grabbing my crotch.

"Huh?" I exclaimed as she held onto to my buldge.
"My, my.....you some kind of sicko? Getting a hard on while watching a woman shit?" she said as she began to size me up.

Damn, she was working my semi erected cock to a full erection, she was good.

"Apart from my conditon, I am actually a little turned on with all the washing and wiping." she said and massaged me eagerly.

"Relax....dont look so tense." she said.
"I'll reward you for your kind assistance, come nearer." she said
She kissed the buldge formed on the outside and traced the shape with her finger.
"Show me." she said

I stepped back a little, not wanting to dick slap her upon my release, undid my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped.

"Wow, a big erection!" she exclaimed as my manhood came into full view.

11-03-2011, 06:11 PM
"Try and keep still." she said as she examined my swollowen cock.
Her fingers gently teased each blood filled vein and traced them.

Her hand rested at the base, her other hand massaged my balls till they began to tighten. Still seated down, she pulled me closer by my cock and I ended up between her now widely spread legs wiht her undie fully stretch at her ankles.

"Mmmmmm....." she sounded off as her tongue lashed out and licked from base to tip while positioning my cock in a 12 o'clock position. Up and down her tongue went, lubricating it with her saliva.

"Shit!" I grunted as I watched her licked hungrily away.

"Ready?" she said as she stopped and held onto the base. I nodded.
"Keep your hands to yourself." she smiled.

She moved her hand from the base over my full length to the tip, unrolled me fully exposing my blood filled cock head and took me at one go till the tip of her nose touch my pubic region.

"Shitzzzz....." I groaned and felt my legs shiver a little as she withdrew and went down again. She held onto my cock base and gave me a sensational head twisting, tongue lashing cock suck.

She lubricated my cock well and I swore she must have deep throated me a few times as she gaged a little with me full inserted and her hands placed on my bare ass.

Her saliva was trickling down to my balls as she ravaged on. Her suck sounds became a little audible as she worked her cheeks and mouth worked away.

"Mrphh....mrph...mmmmmm." she grunted as her head moved back and forth along my entire shaft.

"Mmmmmmmm." she grunted and frowned with her eyes closed as I caught her shivering a little and heard the sound of dripping.

"OHHHHHH.......that was good!" she exclaimed as she removed me.
"What?" I said
"Believe it or not, I came and squirted a little...something which I have not done in a long time." she said.

11-03-2011, 10:22 PM
nice... am i 1st here?

14-03-2011, 05:22 PM
"I trust you're not stopping now?" I said feeling the strain on my sucked cock yearning to be finished off.
"I'm catching my breadth, have not been doing this for a long time." she said as she held onto my rod and gave me firm storkes, stopping at intervals to massage my tightening balls.

"Dont mind me asking, how long since?" I said.
"I seriously dont know." she replied.
"Well, you have not lost your touch I believe." I replied.

She continued to wank on with firm strokes switching to two hands at intervals seeing that I am enjoying the pleasure she's providing.

"You sure have a big erection, and able to hold it, while I'm working on it." she said.
"My husband counldnt hold it for long the last time, and we didnt even have penetration." she said.
"You must have serviced him damn well with both mouth and hands." I replied. I was beginning to breathe a little heavy as I could feel my balls tightening and the my proteins boiling.
"I didnt even get to use my mouth, mind you." she replied almost immediately.
"Really...urgh...urgh.." I was breakng into short grunts as she worked my cock well.

"Oh.....precum." she said as my precum oozed out.

"How about a little more of your fantastic mouth?" I said as I thought about spewing all down her throat.

14-03-2011, 07:05 PM
camping here as the 2nd in line :)

14-03-2011, 10:23 PM
Camping for more

18-03-2011, 12:27 PM
"That's it...urgh...." I grunted as her mouth once again went to work.
Damn she was good! I could feel her tongue on the underside of my shaft she worked it. She very tactfully curled her tongue as she withdrew till mid length nad extended it back when she took in.

"urgh....mrphh.." she exhaled in between mouthfuls.
"Yeah....yeah....urgh.' I grunted as I felt my eruption growing and traveling up my shaft.

I fired off my first. "URGHH.....MRPHHH!" she exclaimed with a deep frown. She placed a tight grip on the base of my erupting cock and removed herself.
"Hey!...urgh." I exclaimed as I felt a sudden stop to my eruption.

As soon as my cock was undocked, she released her grip and was caught with a direct shot at her nose.

18-03-2011, 05:46 PM
"Hey!" she exclaimed. But it was too late to avoid the remaning eruptions.
I spewed continuosly.
"URGH!....." I grunted as hot man juice fired off towards her face, catching her on her cheeks, hair, cheeks, chin, shoulders.....
"Damn,it...urgh.... wank it!" I said. In the midst of the showers she was receiving, she obeyed.

"Oh...Oh......" she exclaimed as I continued to spew on while she worked my pipe and balls at the same time.

"Oh shit!...what a mess...that was a huge load.....stored up for too long?!!" she said as she continued to milk whatever I have left to give.

My cock was half erect but I knew I was spent.

"Orugh...that was good..I needed that." I said after she gave my half erect a squeeze.

"You're a mess there." I said looking at the state she was in.

25-03-2011, 02:03 PM
"Good grief! You sure hosed me down well." she said after checkng herself.
"You'd better go while I get cleaned up." she continued.

She gave my half erect a last milking. "Quite a tool you have there." she said as the last of sex juice landed on the floor.

"Urgh....ohhh." I exclaimed as she finished off. I wiped my tool bit and kept it.
"Maybe next time it'll get to meet your's." I said and left.

I went into the common male toilet to clean myself up. I went drained alright. Took a piss and headed back to the office.

WTF! I stopped in my tracks. There she was, talking to Sam in the conference room where Sam and I had an afternoon romp. Both looked up as I passed, and Sam smiled and waved.

I returned a weak wave and caught what's-her-name winking at me.

Colleagues!.....I never did ask her name.

25-03-2011, 02:20 PM
gah....ai ni kuan also can ....looks interesting, coming here for more