View Full Version : Snake died from biting Woman's breast

21-03-2011, 01:41 AM
Any brother who has a fetish of biting breast have to be aware. A snake died after biting a Woman Model Breast. It was diagnosed with Silicon poisoning while the Model survived. So please be careful when biting breast. Make sure it is real! When unsure, do not bite.....just suckle! :D

21-03-2011, 12:52 PM
And what's the link to such an article I would like to know...most snakes even if venomous or nt when they bite the fangs excreet venom or saliva which numbs the prey...anyone who watch nat geo channel will know this...beside the fact that snakes do not suck but swallow their prey whole.....so wat type of sucking snake ate u referring to? Pls let us know

21-03-2011, 05:26 PM
A snake died after biting a Woman Model Breast. It was diagnosed with Silicon poisoning while the Model survived. So please be careful when biting breast. Make sure it is real! When unsure, do not bite.....just suckle! :D

:D Bro, thanks for sharing the news.... hahahaha

21-03-2011, 11:30 PM
Hahha I fucking cracked when I saw the article the other day! Well, poor snake, he had to be our guinea pig. Bros with fangs, heed the warning ;)