View Full Version : Holland Village Bitch . . . . .

24-03-2011, 03:43 PM
I apologise if this is not the right place to post this but I wanted to get this to out to as many people as possible and thought this is the channel with the most "viewship" . . . . if I am wrong, please move it to the right place.

Again I apologise.

Listen to this BITCH . . . . .


Can someone with a BIG BIG dick, please go and shove it down her throat
to shut her up . . . . . What a fucking snob . . . . .

24-03-2011, 03:51 PM
what to do.. Who can teach her a lesson? pls do it fast. if only we can put a face to the voice..

24-03-2011, 03:51 PM
My goodness... a big big dick will shut her bitch up right up!!!

24-03-2011, 03:56 PM
yeah agree.. someone should go teach her a lesson.. what nonsense... is this for real?!!

24-03-2011, 04:01 PM
man... listen to this 2nd clip...


even worse....

24-03-2011, 04:16 PM
so snobbish... WTF.. if she is really so high class.. then ask take plane to holland.. why stay at holland V :/

24-03-2011, 04:20 PM
by talking in the way she does, she is not showing any signs tat she is a cultured person at all. :eek:

should shut her up using this (http://www.google.com.sg/imglanding?imgurl=http://www.howtounclogatoilet.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/toilet-plunger.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.howtounclogatoilet.org/how-to-unclog-a-toilet-without-a-plunger/&h=385&w=386&sz=8&tbnid=rbk0hHXV6d8ENM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=123&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtoilet%2Bplunger&zoom=1&q=toilet+plunger&hl=en&usg=__tAH5p5cOBHjiL96ZmPqxDOl3Qd0%3D&sa=X&ei=Xf-KTZ70K5CyrAfq36nSDg&ved=0CF0Q9QEwCA) :p

Sexy Under
24-03-2011, 04:21 PM
Name a ward in IMH as Holland and rehabilitate her there. She doesn't want to see the world nor do we want to see her.

This idiot deserves to be beaten up when seen on the streets. :mad:

24-03-2011, 04:22 PM
she sound so stupid... :S

24-03-2011, 04:23 PM
by talking in the way she does, she is not showing any signs tat she is a cultured person at all. :eek:

totally agreed!

24-03-2011, 04:25 PM
Damn my dick is not big enough so I cant shut her up, any bro here with the real big tool please stand up!! :)

yang punk
24-03-2011, 04:34 PM
She is nothing more than a SPG wannabe...speaks with potato accent!;)

24-03-2011, 04:41 PM
I don't think she is real, why? If she is real, there would not be "culture" mention in it. It should be race issues, so she has such issues?

Never fall into media traps, we are smarter then they think. Btw, i don't see the effects of the parties forum at NUS. Look at the ppl many young punks, have not work full time yet how advance is their mindsets?

If they really want, have one with many experience members here. Best sit at coffeeshops, engage discussions on common topics. Let's see the mad doctor face, see is he so daring as we seen on tv.

Back to the HV bitch, my Q to her, is she saying HV is an ang mo town? So others are ban from visitings. Girl! I think you are not modern, you are not even a SPG. Go home to your parents, if you are real?

24-03-2011, 04:47 PM
She is just a young very gal trying to get some attention and trying to think she is from "high-class"status. She can't speak properly, she can't pronounce words properly and she can't define what exactly is cultured! One day she will learned her lesson, likely the hard way. What's she behave defines the family up bringing...so sad on this gen Y.

24-03-2011, 05:05 PM
cannot agree more with her!!

24-03-2011, 05:34 PM
I seldom tune to this station, so did any heartlander call in and fire her?

24-03-2011, 05:45 PM
shoving my dick into her mouth? Who do she think she is? Take queue number 1st la!

but since she is saying holland village is the 'atas' place for 'atas' people with 'lagi atas' income then ask government to increase whatever rates and fees there better.

we from heartland poor thing no money one, waive off all those fees better.

By the way, 'atas' people don't really take bus, right? So what's the train and bus shoving got to do with you? 真的是漏整褲, 哈哈哈哈...

Any bros and sis staying in Holland V de mai dulan k?

24-03-2011, 05:47 PM
A Heartlander from Bedok did call in...

geez.. the whole thing degenerated into samantha's views of how heartlanders are uncouth & what-not...
sadly imo the heartlander didn't manage to really give it to her :mad:
bloody hell, s'pore is already freaking small... that stupid bitch is trying to create some differentiation between postal codes??!!

man... I hope someone is able to put a face to this Sam *claws out*

24-03-2011, 05:50 PM
wonder if it my problem in hearing or not, how come she sound like our MISS ex-SG ris low?

24-03-2011, 05:51 PM
I seldom tune to this station, so did any heartlander call in and fire her?

got ah... there is this Bedok Maddy who is... sad to say. Too cultured to even wanna start firing at the airhead.

Which I think is good la. What to do? Who asked us to be too overly cultured compared to that Holland 'royalty'? :rolleyes:

Some more wanna carry balls lor... waliew. You try listening to the way she trying to 'ankat' the DJ. I think the DJ also hand hair stand. :D

24-03-2011, 05:51 PM
I seldom tune to this station, so did any heartlander call in and fire her?

look forward to hear more info.:D

24-03-2011, 05:54 PM
Ridiculous little bitch..... her parents still around or not? knnz

24-03-2011, 05:54 PM
wonder if it my problem in hearing or not, how come she sound like our MISS ex-SG ris low?

Nah la sis, i can bet she's not her.

Arbo there should be 'Boomz' and 'Preenz' liao. :D

Oh ya, 'Horse-Pee-Tarik-Tea' (hospitality), anyone?????!

24-03-2011, 05:55 PM
she sound so stupid...act atas but 'shove' oso cannot pronounce properly...

realli wtf wen she said 'omg' wen maddie said tat she from bedok...realli wan to rofl...

24-03-2011, 05:56 PM
Ridiculous little bitch..... her parents still around or not? knnz

Bro cool cool...

No parents pls... ;)

24-03-2011, 06:07 PM
Am heading to Holland Village this evening... I wonder if this Sam bitch would be around??!!
the hunt is on *growl*

hahaaaa.... as if!?! not worth breaking into a sweat for

24-03-2011, 06:25 PM
She is just a young very gal trying to get some attention and trying to think she is from "high-class"status. She can't speak properly, she can't pronounce words properly and she can't define what exactly is cultured! One day she will learned her lesson, likely the hard way. What's she behave defines the family up bringing...so sad on this gen Y.

That day couldn't come soon enuf if you ask me. What a shallow lil gal Samantha is. Spore is already a small place so we don't need ppl like her telling others where they can't go. Just stick to your country club girl, ie. if u have a membership.

24-03-2011, 06:27 PM
Am heading to Holland Village this evening... I wonder if this Sam bitch would be around??!!
the hunt is on *growl*

hahaaaa.... as if!?! not worth breaking into a sweat for

you are right! she is just a poor wannabe SPG who thinks ang mo got big dicks but is so ignorant that nowadays the bosses of these ang mos are actually Asians with big bucks!

Anyway, really cultured people do not talk the way she does.. and being cultured is not just about the way u dress and how loud u talk, and definitely not about talking down on others at all!

And what she says really shows how air-headed she is... for example, if her wish were to come true..no one else goes to Holland, starting this very minute.. soon it will be a ghost town and u think those so-called "nice" cafes and restaurants still around??? They will swat houseflies for 2 months and then close shop!!!! And then that makes Holland Village same status as Potong Pasir... another part of Singapore where there used to be a Samantha and her wishes came true!

Rasta Marley
24-03-2011, 06:52 PM
Nice one bro :eek: Actually, no one will endanger his precious dick and have the potential of getting a disease from this bitch :o I would describe her as an "APOS"....abbreviation for "Absolute Piece Of Shit"!! :D

Can someone with a BIG BIG dick, please go and shove it down her throat to shut her up . . . . . What a fucking snob . . . . .

24-03-2011, 07:06 PM
wonder if it my problem in hearing or not, how come she sound like our MISS ex-SG ris low?

nothing wrong with yr hearing bro. i think holland Vlanders will be more pissed with her than heartlanders for her damn powerful england.:D

she should relocate to the national or arts museum and lives there for the rest of her life, for sure will be very the cultured.:p

24-03-2011, 08:28 PM
I like her, "when in Rome, do as the Romans, and when in Holland, do as... er... as... like us, you know?" :D

Hahaha, it's Dutch you f**king bimbo!

She does sound familiar though, I take my clients to Holland V a lot, she sounds a lot like this SPG I see everytime with a different ang mor at the Japanese restaurant. Cos I always like to sit next to her table, the way she sit, sometimes can get to beoh her upskirt.... :D

24-03-2011, 08:48 PM
juz a bitch w n attitude. but shes in d wrong place too. so go further. places like BK timah. ats where real high class r.

24-03-2011, 09:40 PM
Knn i live at Holland Village and i always wear slippers and shorts there. I go Holland to visit my friends also wear slippers and shorts.

That bitch can't even speak fluent english want to act smlj cultured. She sounds more like a ah lian to me.

24-03-2011, 09:45 PM
This bitch wanna talk like an ang moh, try to curl her tongue at the begining but slowly fades away as she talks. btw, those curl up fuck-up english she spoke is nowhere ang moh english nor accent. You dun need to curl your togue when you speak Queen's English! Listen to how the older generation of english speaker, dat's cool. Also, ang moh accent are nowhere "atas" cos ppl in the UK make fun of each other accent. They have scottish accent, irish accent, Geordie accent & even liverpool accent...too many to list...

Talk about shoving, I bet she had never been to London. U get shove around in the underground & shopping district.The Londoners are known to be rude. And if she has been to Rome, hope she got rip off by the Gypsy.

And she definitely got a pathetic command of english. People who uses "its like" "its like" are running out of word to describe something they wanna say.

Just one more thing to add, there are a few HDB flat surrounding HV...she could be one of those staying at the rented flats & try to act "atas"...:D

24-03-2011, 09:54 PM
Reminds me of MP's daughter who told Singaporeans to "Get out of my elite uncaring face."

24-03-2011, 10:02 PM
Wonder what term this Samantha would use on people who turn up in Holland Village nude?
"Nude uncultured heartlanders who should wear clothes like us HV-ers do"!?!?

Remember the A-star scholar? sorry old already -- forgot name...

24-03-2011, 10:11 PM
Eng Kai Er, 24 & Jan Philip, 21:)

24-03-2011, 10:26 PM
Really want to jam my rod up her high class arse .... Then we seem how cultured she is ....

24-03-2011, 10:54 PM
She's juz a SPG uncultured bitch seeking attention...a loser who cant even hold a good argument.."go Rome behave like romans...go Holland..ah..aa...behave like us"...pUi..pUi..PUI!!...u r not even a Dutch..bitch!! :mad:

24-03-2011, 11:09 PM
Really want to jam my rod up her high class arse .... Then we seem how cultured she is ....

ya should treat her eat your lionrod bro

25-03-2011, 12:08 AM
ya should treat her eat your lionrod bro

Hmmmmmm.... Later the supposed high class bitch suffocate and choke because of my big rod .... Might not be a good idea hahahaha

25-03-2011, 12:46 AM
I hope her husband is cheating on her:)

25-03-2011, 01:06 AM
This CB really got a problem. She thinks she damn high class? Maybe suits our high-end Estate guy.

25-03-2011, 01:20 AM
for a snob..the way she speaks doesn't sound like her command of the language is good :rolleyes:

25-03-2011, 01:20 AM
Actually, I think this might be a stunt done by the radio station to create attention only. The holland V lady's ""when in Rome, do as the Romans" reminded me of the recent UCLA "Asians in the library" Youtube fiasco... so they might just be trying to do the Singapore version of it...


25-03-2011, 01:21 AM
WTF :mad: & she mention abt Ah Beng & Ah Lian too.

25-03-2011, 01:51 AM
Am heading to Holland Village this evening... I wonder if this Sam bitch would be around??!!
the hunt is on *growl*

hahaaaa.... as if!?! not worth breaking into a sweat for

So, ms hickeybites, when you were at HV this evening, was there a buzz about this little snob/#@$@%/#$@%$ ?:mad:

I mean, was some SBF bros with BIG BIG dicks wondering around the high class cafes and food joints looking to shove their members down this little brat's throat ? :eek:

25-03-2011, 02:09 AM
This Samantha can KPKB all she wants. We r still going Holland V when we feel like it. :D

She not happy can bring it up with Lim Swee Say...see if he gives a rat's ass. :p

25-03-2011, 02:18 AM
SAMANTHA, one day you will get wack like a dog, trust me.
I will rape your whole family, it's worth it !

25-03-2011, 10:13 AM
lucky dun have her pic ! if have i sure post on stomp whahahha
WTF she think she is? holland c bey high class meh!!! KNN!!!

25-03-2011, 12:08 PM
So, ms hickeybites, when you were at HV this evening, was there a buzz about this little snob/#@$@%/#$@%$ ?:mad:

I mean, was some SBF bros with BIG BIG dicks wondering around the high class cafes and food joints looking to shove their members down this little brat's throat ? :eek:

hmm... even on usual days i check out guys (esp those with big dicks anyways) so I can't really tell if those i saw yesterday were sbf bros!?! ;)

funny thing was seated next to our table was this couple who were also slamming this samantha-bitch..
we winked at each other cos we could hear each other grouse about the "unculturedness" of her bloody comments
and we were all decked out in slippers & shorts! hahaha

25-03-2011, 12:33 PM


25-03-2011, 12:37 PM
Hahaha fucking typical SPG tsi bai! U go HV especially weekend seem lyk ang mo kuku is standard fashion assessory for some of these sluts liao !

But anyway whole thing is probaby fake la cos that radio show in the past pull so many prank oso half planted or got script one. No need take so seriously. ony thing is so believable cos many SPG out there all think like dat! PUI!

Toyota Honda
25-03-2011, 01:08 PM
Everything sounds fake. I think its a internal job by 913 to get more listeners.

Toyota Honda
25-03-2011, 01:09 PM
This Samantha can KPKB all she wants. We r still going Holland V when we feel like it. :D

She not happy can bring it up with Lim Swee Say...see if he gives a rat's ass. :p

No wonder Lim Swee Say coming over to Bedok!

25-03-2011, 01:13 PM
Holland V nia....

chey. How much you need to earn to stay in that area?

Not as if it is Greenwood Ave or Orr-cho-Lok.

25-03-2011, 06:27 PM
OMG! how can she utter such rubbish :mad:
I think this must be a prank :eek: and does not represent the majority of Singaporeans' views :o
She must be some inmature creature not fully grown up to face the world at large :)
Pity her parents for such up bringing! Luckily we survive and come a long way to the First world!

25-03-2011, 06:36 PM

maddy from bedok defended heartlanders......

and samantha called back to apologise....


25-03-2011, 07:22 PM
Stupid Bitch pussy hvnt grow hair la....let her boyfriend fuck upside down liao now wake up!!!

25-03-2011, 09:08 PM
and samantha called back to apologise....


She apologized if her statements made heartlanders felt bad but she does not retract her words. I really wish to see the face behind the voice. Some newgroup wanted to interview her but she declined.
So, "cultured" people do not dare to own up now ?

25-03-2011, 10:04 PM
She got call in again to apologise leh:


Although I think the apology damn bloody fake. Feel the need to hunt down this person. If she is hot, I will just wait for all bros to do whatever they want with her then stone her to death, if she is not hot, i will just stone her to death.

Or perhaps she would prefer a cultured punishment? hanging? boiling in oil? drowning?

25-03-2011, 10:07 PM
LoL, now have visit Samantha Day somemore. She reminds me of someone I know in my secondary school days, always wants to remind people he don't take buses, only cabs.

25-03-2011, 11:41 PM
She got call in again to apologise leh:


Although I think the apology damn bloody fake. Feel the need to hunt down this person. If she is hot, I will just wait for all bros to do whatever they want with her then stone her to death, if she is not hot, i will just stone her to death.

Or perhaps she would prefer a cultured punishment? hanging? boiling in oil? drowning?

haha...and i posted before you...and u repost again... :s

25-03-2011, 11:54 PM
oops sorry i didnt realise

25-03-2011, 11:54 PM
hmm... even on usual days i check out guys (esp those with big dicks anyways) so I can't really tell if those i saw yesterday were sbf bros!?! ;)

funny thing was seated next to our table was this couple who were also slamming this samantha-bitch..
we winked at each other cos we could hear each other grouse about the "unculturedness" of her bloody comments
and we were all decked out in slippers & shorts! hahaha

Really hope that a bro with a massive totem pole will just ram her mouth juz to shut the silly bitch up .... So is there any volunteer to hunt down this silly girl .... Hahaha :D

26-03-2011, 12:25 AM
No wonder Lim Swee Say coming over to Bedok!

Just for fun... :D

(At a recent meet-the-people session of Holland-Bukit Timah GRC)

Samantha: Mr Lim, as your cultured constituent, i demand that u fence up HV and get police to keep heartlanders out!

Lim Swee Say: Huh? :eek: I'm Secretary-General of NTUC. Almost all my union members r heartlanders. They will resent me for that.

Samantha: Hummph! If u don't do it, i will call 91.3 again and complain that my MP got no-class. Tell people not to vote for u!

Lim Swee Say: I'm sorry, but if i accede to your request, my image as Mr NTUC will be tarnished. I will lose a lot of votes and the union members won't let me be union chief anymore. :(

Samantha: I don't care! I'm high-class. I live at HV. I only want high-class people at HV!

Lim Swee Say: (losing his patience) I give up! Think i'll just go to Bedok. U can't complain to your next MP. I rather rub shoulders with heartlanders than entertain high-class complain queens like u! :mad:

26-03-2011, 12:49 AM
This so Call, High class Gal. Tok So many....

Just to Said her, A Bitch that is Born in Holland, Is so good in cultured...

So next time, i see Her.....

i Will Ask My Big Rod, To speak and talk. Sex cultured to this Gal..

I will ask Her to Learn Cultured to my ROD..
And my ROD, will tell her..

what is the Cultured in Her Mouth.......

26-03-2011, 04:00 AM
what is the "hello Samantha day"?? They said it's from the Facebook? Anyone know where is the site?

26-03-2011, 05:15 AM
As a Bacteria of Holland Village, that's the only culture she has cos she was breastfed with fermented milk that are rich in live bacteria as a baby. :rolleyes:

Samatha said: "I am who I am" -Ya right, you are a bacteria mah :D

Samatha said: "What makes you think I'm not a rich person hmm?" - Ya correct, you are rich in bacteria, we know. :p

26-03-2011, 08:19 AM
4 of us went to holland v, the guys in berms and slippers, the girls in normal clothes.
we went to eat gyu kaku the japanese grill, and den inside the restaurant, talk loudly and laugh out loudly.
after that, we headed to haagen dazs for fondue.
again, we sit outside, talk loudly and laugh out loud.

no eyes on us leh.
we so 'uncultured' meh?
the ang mohs walking outside also wearing berms and slippers leh.
somemore, talk even louder den us.

where so low class liao !?:D

26-03-2011, 08:22 AM
hey hey bitch samantha,

u are rich only because you are born by rich parent
in another word, you are born rich and not work rich

i know of another idiot girl by the name Joyce
she had a rich dad and act like she is superior to others
and end up marry to an idiot man
both of them are dumb, the way they talk and share things
means they basically have no knowledge at all
both of them just keeps getting suck dry(money) by others
and they only can complain people cheat them

hee hee

wonder are they sisters
Joyce and samantha


26-03-2011, 08:38 AM
so snobbish... WTF.. if she is really so high class.. then ask take plane to holland.. why stay at holland V :/

i second tht. she should take plane to HOLLAND road(read in hokkien).

26-03-2011, 11:04 AM
I apologise if this is not the right place to post this but I wanted to get this to out to as many people as possible and thought this is the channel with the most "viewship" . . . . if I am wrong, please move it to the right place.

Again I apologise.

Listen to this BITCH . . . . .


Can someone with a BIG BIG dick, please go and shove it down her throat
to shut her up . . . . . What a fucking snob . . . . .

up you. thanks for sharing.
I'm going to Kranji to steal a horse tonight...... get the horse to fuck her upside down in Woodlands !! KNNCCB :mad:

26-03-2011, 11:35 AM
for all we knw, this samantha might be one high class maid staying in holland V.. hmm, must quickly inform REG guy..

26-03-2011, 02:54 PM
Headline on newpaper .... Abt the stupid high class cultured bitch and her comments on the heartlanders .... She tries to attract attention and now Kena backlash ... She hangs around with too many ang mo ... Think that ang mo in short and flip flop - looks cultured and fit the HV environment ... Local in short and flip flop - looks KNS and no class..... WTF .... She better hide her face and dun go to HV .... Later I hunt her down and give her a mouth of cultured wisdom ....

26-03-2011, 04:01 PM
She was referring to u guys who have responded with such crude and vulgar remarks...show some respect for yourselves before u even type such remarks..u guys are stooping to her level if not worse...:rolleyes:

26-03-2011, 04:51 PM

I wear slipper and shorts...and without underwear too,,
i go HV coffee bean for breakfast too,,and drive a small bimmerX5...and i also hang around yishun coffee shop and bedok interchange too..

and i think heartland better than HV in terms of cultures as HV are full of so call like SAMANTHA this kind of bitch who act high class where their CB is rotten smelly...and gotta to go check up frequent due to being infected as they sit in HV toilet as they claims got no culture ppl who patronise there.

end of word,,,Samantha (or whatever name ) who cares to me just a CB mouth....fuck off..

26-03-2011, 05:40 PM
Pls dun flame me if my words offended u. This post is only referring to tat fucker bitch who reali need a gd lesson. Best is tie up in the and whip or tie there behind a lorry naked and drive ard sg ask for free SM in the public or on the move.

First u dun own the whole holland village.
Second if u r damn fucking rich then dun stay at holland buy a house like MM LEE's house employ commandos from USA OR IRAQ OR MAYBE U LIKE BLACKIES FROM TALEBAN to be yr guards. Stay in there and nv step out. Get yr PA which will screw anytime of the day to do all things for u. U r oso human born by yr horny parents which applies to all as we all r born by parents unless u r pick from roadside or rubbish chute. I believe yr kids or rather adopted kids cos u can't give birth or god punishing u for being damn fucking dog eye. Despise average income fellows Singaporean. Even china national or bangala better than u this fucking bitch regardless where u r from. I just hope u this kind of person will die asap in accident which can't find even yr bones. Take car car exploded, or take plane plane crash, take cruise cruise sunk but the rest of ppl will survive with hurt only u die without a tomb. This is the best punishment for u for being such a bloody cb bitch. Or maybe u r bored and wanna get fame by creating news headline then get attention by others to know u. I guess u r just a ugly boobless assless inverted nipples unlevel legs cork eye fucking bloody bitch. If u see this and wanna sue pls put yr horse come I'll see the public support who. I din see y those staying orchard or high end peak area got such ppl like u. Pls think and if dare stand out in news show all yr bloody face and I'm sure all will know u on road.

26-03-2011, 10:14 PM
up you. thanks for sharing.
I'm going to Kranji to steal a horse tonight...... get the horse to fuck her upside down in Woodlands !! KNNCCB :mad:

no need waste time
i can use my dick


26-03-2011, 11:27 PM
This bitch wanna talk like an ang moh, try to curl her tongue at the begining but slowly fades away as she talks. btw, those curl up fuck-up english she spoke is nowhere ang moh english nor accent. You dun need to curl your togue when you speak Queen's English! Listen to how the older generation of english speaker, dat's cool. Also, ang moh accent are nowhere "atas" cos ppl in the UK make fun of each other accent. They have scottish accent, irish accent, Geordie accent & even liverpool accent...too many to list...

Talk about shoving, I bet she had never been to London. U get shove around in the underground & shopping district.The Londoners are known to be rude. And if she has been to Rome, hope she got rip off by the Gypsy.

And she definitely got a pathetic command of english. People who uses "its like" "its like" are running out of word to describe something they wanna say.

Just one more thing to add, there are a few HDB flat surrounding HV...she could be one of those staying at the rented flats & try to act "atas"...:D

well said :)

28-03-2011, 01:18 AM

I wear slipper and shorts...and without underwear too,,
i go HV coffee bean for breakfast too,,and drive a small bimmerX5...and i also hang around yishun coffee shop and bedok interchange too..

and i think heartland better than HV in terms of cultures as HV are full of so call like SAMANTHA this kind of bitch who act high class where their CB is rotten smelly...and gotta to go check up frequent due to being infected as they sit in HV toilet as they claims got no culture ppl who patronise there.

end of word,,,Samantha (or whatever name ) who cares to me just a CB mouth....fuck off..

er, I dun care if you wanna rape, kill or torture this samantha bitch but dun get the rest of those living in HV involved.

28-03-2011, 01:33 AM
Just told my mum about the incident and she commented that the Holland V bitch needs a more cultured place call "Hollang Gan" Hahahaha

28-03-2011, 02:35 AM
i guess thats just the way some singaporeans are

28-03-2011, 03:11 AM
To me this HV bitch is just a pathetic loser. Her families and friends will be utterly ashamed of her judgemental behaviour, likewise as a fellow singaporean, I felt disgraced about her questionable upbringing.

28-03-2011, 06:39 AM
Revoke her citizenship and deport her to Holland...

Or if she's really loaded, can consider selling the whole Holland V to her and impose a $1k entrance levy per entry... of cos yearly taxes and charges will be levied at much higher 'cultured' levels.. :)

Just my worthless half cent's worth...

28-03-2011, 07:21 AM
I apologise if this is not the right place to post this but I wanted to get this to out to as many people as possible and thought this is the channel with the most "viewship" . . . . if I am wrong, please move it to the right place.

Again I apologise.

Listen to this BITCH . . . . .


Can someone with a BIG BIG dick, please go and shove it down her throat
to shut her up . . . . . What a fucking snob . . . . .

can't get the sound clip....but i wann help TS... drill my machine till deep and deep

28-03-2011, 02:47 PM
Come on... why get so worked up... There's so many such prototypes in SG...

We have a lot of people here in SG thinking that they are a class above the rest.
Just ignore these small groups of self-centered people and life will be better, who
bothers what they say?

PS. I'm one lizard who drives a volvo now in crocs sandals, wearing cheap giordano
bermudas and a simple sleeveless TEE at holland V enjoying my cup of Starbucks
Latte and watching the people walking by. I like to eat at Hawker centre and I also like NanYang Coffee from kopi tiams... And yes, I talk like one typical Singaporean
with mixture of all language known to me... And yes... I am proud of who I am... I
mix well with both angmos and locals... not forgetting bedding them.

Happy bonking bros... Dun get worked up... :D

28-03-2011, 05:24 PM
Guys guys guys...chill out.....

Why get angry? Did it ever cross your mind that this is just a publicity stunt for the radio 91.3?? Its so obvious....the way she talks and tried to behave obnoxious...the caller even managed to call in at least twice within a short period....anyone who have tried calling radio stations knows how hard it is to even get through to the station, let alone twice or three times within a short span of days......even if you keep redialling also no use....

This so called Holland Village Bitch is just a planter by the station to generate publicity....see the reactions of samster and fellow Singaporeans....they got their wish....I have to admit this is a good stunt though....free publicity and very very effective!!!! :)

28-03-2011, 08:20 PM
Hey bros, actually, I was thinking that this was a publicity stunt... used, maybe by holland V store owners to bring more attention there? :)

28-03-2011, 09:40 PM
Just told my mum about the incident and she commented that the Holland V bitch needs a more cultured place call "Hollang Gan" Hahahaha

Ur mom POWER la bro!!!

28-03-2011, 11:34 PM
If it is really a publicity stunt like you said, it's a bad stunt. It's one thing to rake in more listeners and another to earn the wrath of the nation.

Example the graffiti on the SingPost Post boxes. And that 'gorilla' at the bus stop.

29-03-2011, 06:50 AM
Just go and fuck this samantha.

01-04-2011, 05:31 AM
Looks like the recording had been removed...

06-04-2011, 01:55 PM
Does any bro still have the clip?

I stay at Holland area for god knows how long too, and I don't give a damn about going there in singlet and shorts....

Is anyone going down to HV over this weekend? The appeal on facebook? Hoping to clock 1000 attendances.... does anyone know what I mean?

Toyota Honda
06-04-2011, 03:38 PM
Guys guys guys...chill out.....

Why get angry? Did it ever cross your mind that this is just a publicity stunt for the radio 91.3??

This so called Holland Village Bitch is just a planter by the station to generate publicity....see the reactions of samster and fellow Singaporeans....they got their wish....I have to admit this is a good stunt though....free publicity and very very effective!!!! :)

2nd you. And hit the newpaper headlines somemore. Can say she is on par with our MM or SM when they make headlines comments on tv the night before.

06-04-2011, 11:57 PM
i'll be there this saturday with singlets and slippers!!!

07-04-2011, 12:26 AM
cant listen to the clip not there anymore =\

07-04-2011, 12:34 AM
Guys guys guys...chill out.....

Why get angry? Did it ever cross your mind that this is just a publicity stunt for the radio 91.3?? Its so obvious....the way she talks and tried to behave obnoxious...the caller even managed to call in at least twice within a short period....anyone who have tried calling radio stations knows how hard it is to even get through to the station, let alone twice or three times within a short span of days......even if you keep redialling also no use....


Agree with u....not easy to call in to the radio station...let alone this person can just keep calling back so easily to talk to the DJs....something fishy...quite obvious its just a PR stunt.

Is that barbarella from The Noose who called in??

07-04-2011, 02:10 AM
cant listen to the clip not there anymore =\
Not to pour fuel or anything, but for bros who missed the the clip like I did, it's also available on this blog:


07-04-2011, 08:20 PM
Anything can happen true or not, i think its still a very irritating comment from her to say that other singaporeans are uncultured

07-04-2011, 11:05 PM
we should start voting for opposition and get opposition to approve a bangala quarters to be built just next to her home...

08-04-2011, 01:33 PM
hahaha maybe it's really staged ... or else she's just waiting to get bashed