View Full Version : True Tales of 1nottiboy

08-04-2011, 10:30 PM
Have been wanting to do this for a long time but never got round to doing it. SBF has too few contributors so I decided to do my part for society-that is sharing my stories. So here goes…

I am in my late 30s now and fairly successful but I was not borned with a silver spoon. I was borned into a poor family. My father was a full time gambler and part time worker at his brothers business. My mother was a lowly clerk (who is now a very successful career woman). And because my father was a gambler, my growing up years were very turbulent. We went from poor to rich and back to poor again-with a lot of fighting, shouting and crying in between.

From very humble beginnings, my parents worked their way up and actually managed to give my sister and myself a very comfortable life. This was in the 70s when we had 2 maids and 2 cars. But when you are a gambler, all good things must come to an end. My father lost everything. No more home. No more cars. He often abused my mother physically and one day she decided that she had enough. Took my sister and myself with her, filed for divorce and headed out the door.

Because my father lost everything, life after the divorce was hard. My mother had to work and take classes at night. I had to cook for my sister and made sure both of us revised our school work nightly. (My sister and myself did well in school and we were in branded schools-all the way to university) We did not have maids. We slept on form mattresses. Bought second hand wardrobes, tables, chairs and electrical appliances. Luxury was our once weekly Saturday night dinner at the tze char stall.

And because I knew we were poor, I had an inferiority complex. I did not know how to approach girls. It didn’t help that I went to an all boys school and looked very very cute/underage. I did not have my first girlfriend till 16 and my first fuck till 20.

P/S sorry for the boring life details. This is allow the readers to understand me-e.g. the decisions that i would make, the views that I have today, and most importantly...the adventures that I will share from the next posting!!!

09-04-2011, 10:12 AM
Definitely From Branded School, Very Well Written Opening :)

09-04-2011, 10:18 AM
Waiting for more from notti boy .,...... Haha

09-04-2011, 10:19 AM
Nice epilogue.

From rags to riches. I'm more intuned on how your life is gonna unfold rather than the women your gonna meet.

I'm gonna park my caravan here.

09-04-2011, 01:28 PM
I had my first girlfriend when I was 16 and it was in the USA. (Actually before I had any girlfriends, I did experiment kissing with my cousin and neighbor but I don’t think you guys would be interested.) My paternal grandmother decided to send me to the USA for studies. When school started, I got to know a Taiwanese girl, Sophia. She was short and plump. Not pretty but cute. Didn’t dress well but very friendly and chatty. It wasn’t long before we became best friends and I would send her home everyday.

Because Sophia had such a friendly disposition, she made friends easily. Among her friends was this pretty Japanese girl called Junko. I was hooked the moment I saw her. I told Sophia and she readily agreed to set us up. The 3 of us would go for lunches, dinners, and walks in the park together very often. From time to time, Sophia would not turn up for the outings, leaving me and Junko to get to know each other better.

Junko was from a rich conservative family. We were very different from each other. Rich girl, poor boy. Conservative girl, relatively liberal boy. Matured girl, not so matured boy. And because we were so different, we found each other fascinating and soon sparks began to fly. She must have found me to be a breath of fresh air-so young and different from the guys she had met before i.e. so full of energy. And to me, she had breasts bigger than mine. Yummy! Anyway, one day, during lunch…

Me: So Junko, do you have a bf now? (Half expecting her to half a dozen or so.)

Junko: of course not! I am so ugly. No guy would ever want me.

Me: Are you kidding? I think you are beautiful. (I thought she was very modest. Pretty SG gals would always walk with their noses high up in the air)

Junko: GASP…!!!...... You find me beautiful? No guy has ever said that to me before. (She had this look of TOTAL SHOCK on her face).

Me: Will you be my gf?...Blah blah blah…

To cut the long story short, the relationship lasted only 1 month. We took nice walks in the park and romantic dinners by the beach but nothing happened between us ( no kissing or touching). I was too young then. She was 7 years my senior and she had trouble accepting that. It may have been easy for her to ditch me but it was THE END OF THE WORLD FOR ME! Back then, when I was still a gentleman, I believed in true love. Love was EVERYTHING!! I cried for days. What a silly young boy I was… So guess who appeared to save me?? It was Sophia.

Sophia listened to me pour out my grief. She ate with me every night. She cried when I cried. She would hug me when I was dead tired from all the crying. (It was during our hugs when I felt she breasts squashed between our bodies and my cock started to tingle.) She walked with me when I needed fresh air. She held my hand when I needed her to be close. She was with me all the time. Within a week of Junko dumping me, I was now falling in love with Sophia. So one day when we were walking in the park, I told her that I have fallen in love with her. She was SHOCKED.

Me: I have something to tell you. I am in love with you.

Sophia: GASP!!! No! it’s wrong.

Me: Why is it wrong? Nothing can be wrong when it comes to love.

Sophia: But we are god sister and brother. This is wrong. (I forgot to mention that I called her Jie and she called me Di. She is 3 years older.)

Me: I know we are god sister and brother, but don’t you feel anything for me?

Sophia: I don’t know. I am very confused. Give me some time to think. Let’s talk tomorrow.

And that was how we parted that evening.

P/S if you guys haven't figured it our by now, I am a BREAST MAN! Absolutely love BREASTS! Dunno why. Part of my DNA make up I guess. Just to fill you readers in on my looks. I have always looked very boyish. Never handsome but cute enough to be an auntie killer. Aunties absolutely love me. Dunno why. Over the years, I have also realised that some girls love this cute look, though most don't-which would explain my low success rate. Body-wise, I was never slim. Have always been a little meaty but I was a sports person-basketball, baseball, golf, swimming, so my weight was always kept in check.

09-04-2011, 02:03 PM
Parking my trishaw here too (hope it'll turn into a lamborghini after reading). :D

09-04-2011, 03:25 PM
Nice start Bro, camping for more :D

09-04-2011, 04:54 PM
Awaiting for more from cute little boy :D

09-04-2011, 05:11 PM
notti boy,pls continue with yr tales .....

09-04-2011, 05:34 PM
More notti more better.

09-04-2011, 06:58 PM
Bro 1notti boy, welcome to the BOOBs man club.

10-04-2011, 10:45 AM
The next day, I brought a bottle of wine with me to Sophia’s apartment. I knew that if Sophia rejected me, I would be very very sad. 2 rejections in 2 weeks would be hard for any guy to bear. Only alcohol would soothe the pain.

Me: So have you thought about it?

Sophia: Yes. Even though I love you as a brother and have some feelings for you as a guy, I cannot accept you. It is just wrong. You are too young.

Me: But the feelings we have between us… don’t they mean anything to you? (The feeling of devastation was building.)

Sophia: I do feel something for you but it is just wrong. I am sorry.

Me: This is too much for me… (tears welling up)… I think I am going to need to drink. Will you drink with me?

Sophia: NO! And don’t you drink here! If you drink here, I will just go into my room and leave you alone to get drunk!

Me: Fine… suit yourself (Totally devastated…sigh…)

I opened the bottle of wine. Sophia shot me an angry look and stormed into her room. When she left, my world crumbled. It was just me and 1 bottle of wine. I didn’t take any glasses with me. None was needed. I drank straight from the bottle. Finished the whole bottle in 2 breaths. It was gone in 3 minutes.

Dunno how long it took. Maybe 5 minutes before the wave of alcohol hit me. I felt I got hit by a truck. I just laid flat out on the carpet floor, crying, semi-conscious. My crumbled world was spinning. I was suffering but there was no pain. Alcohol is a wonder drug.

Then I heard a click. Sophia’s bedroom door opened. Sophia, was a girl with a ton of motherly instincts. She could not bear to leave me suffering alone. She came nearer to check on me. Went to the bathroom to get a hot towel and placed it on my forehead. I was thinking, “Man! Those Taiwanese movie scenes are real!! Taiwanese girls are genetically programmed to take care of sad drunken men. God bless all Taiwan women!”

After Sophia placed the hot towel on my forehead, she ran her fingers through my hair. I think she was trying to soothe me. I knew she was worried about me. It was now or never. I sat upright suddenly. Grabbed her shoulders and forcefully placed my lips on hers. I forced my tongue through. I felt her mouth open slightly. I felt her tongue for a split second. I was thinking again, “Man! This is just like the movies!”

She pushed me away. Looked at me in shock. And gave me 1 tight slap!! Now it was my turn to be in shock. The world stopped turning. It was silent except for that slight ringing in my ears. It’s amazing how fast the human brain work. In that split second of a split second, I imagined that there were hidden cameras somewhere, we were in a real live Taiwanese movie, and we were the leads. And in all good movies, the ending is always happy. And so I decided to forcefully kiss her again. I pushed my lips against hers again. She tried to push me away. I held on. Slowly but surely her resistance faded. We started frenching. I laid her slowly onto the carpet floor and climbed onto of her. We continued to french harder. She was running her hands all over my back. I could tell she was enjoying herself. I decided that I needed to feel those big breasts of hers. I pressed my palm against her breast. (My first feel of boobs! YAY!) She froze. Pushed me off her and her hands covered her face. She started crying. That was only 3p.m. in the afternoon.

P/S This was sometime in the early 90s and there was a HOT legal discussion going on. Does “No” mean maybe? My experiences with numerous women so far in life do show that “No” means maybe. So when does “No” mean no? Truth is I don’t know, but my advice to the younger bros here is to err on the side of caution and there is a good reason. Because if a girl says no (when she really means maybe), and you decide to stop, 2 things happen.

1. She develops respect for you because you exercised self control and showed respect for her.

2. You leave her hanging and she desires you more. She will be wet for you the next time you see her.

And if she really meant “No”, you just saved yourself a trip to the police station.

Of course, all these are easier said than done. It is very hard when your cock is doing all the thinking for you. Sophia was the first girl to say no to me but she wasn’t the last. Luckily for me, no girl has ever decided to go to the police. But a certain Mr. Ong wasn’t so lucky.

If any of you wanna share your feelings, thoughts, or even personal experiences in the thread, please feel free to do so. That’s what sharing is all about.

10-04-2011, 02:47 PM
tat certain mr. ong would becom an instant celebrity 1s he enters changi.

11-04-2011, 12:04 AM
TS, u nottiboy 你坏:D 不要,不要。。。。不要停 :D

11-04-2011, 01:36 AM
looks good! more pls!

11-04-2011, 05:25 PM
It troubled me that Sophia was crying. There were many reasons why I should be troubled. There was the genuine fear that she was going to run off to the police and tell them I molested her. And my course, part of me, was just sad that she was crying. Was she having “first kiss” remorse? After all, she never had a boyfriend before and I know what a hopeless romantic she was. Always fantasizing what her price charming would look like and how her first kiss would be. But most importantly was that after feeling a 1 boob for the first time, my cock was raging to spring free. My cock was hard as a rock. I needed to realise. If she kept crying, who was gonna help me??

After letting her cry for a few minutes, it was my turn to run my fingers through her hair to soothe her. I lowered my face to hers and asked if she was alright. She had calmed down somewhat. I laid down next to her. We started discussing about the kiss we just had, our feelings for each other and where we would go from there. In between, there would be a few intense hugs (really enjoyed feeling those breasts squashed against me) and gentle caresses of the face. That was a very tender moment. It was 6p.m. when we decided to have dinner.

I don’t remember what we ate that night. What I do remember were the loving looks we gave one another and helping of each other with the food. And after dinner was over, we washed the dishes and proceeded to watch tv.

For a 16 year old boy to have a sweet smelling, big breasted woman sitting next to him, (looks didn’t matter to me at this point in my life) is akin to dangling a piece of meat in front of a hungry dog. It wasn’t long when I went berserk. I knew that somehow I had to feel those breasts again. After some I-don't-what-program started on tv, I moved my arms around her. It wasn’t long before I started playing with her hair and her ears. That was followed by gentle kisses to her face……then to her shoulder…… then to her neck. I could hear her breathing getting louder. I looked up and I saw her face… flushed. Her eyes showed desire.

I attacked her lips and pushed my tongue into her mouth. This time, there would be no resistance. There was only hunger and desire from her. The frenching was intense. I proceeded quickly to cup her breasts. A moan escaped her lips. I knew that she was going to let me feel her this time. As I frenched her, my hand was furiously massaging her breasts. Her big breasts felt like heaven to me. And her moans got progressively louder. I took that as I sign that I could unbutton her blouse. Feeling her breasts through her top was not enough for me. I had to see the real things.

This was when things got a little funny. When I undid her first button, she realised that I wanted to see her naked, so she made feeble attempts to prevent me from unbuttoning more buttons. So it was a funny scene of 2 people kissing and the guy trying to get the girl naked and the girl trying to prevent it from happening. It was a weak battle put up by her but soon I had her down to her bra. And then I wasted no time in loosening the clasp behind her. Out popped 2 heavenly globes!! Sophia had very fair skin and her breasts looked like 2 heavenly buns and they looked DELICIOUS. Her nipples were small and inviting. I dove in for them.

The moment my lips touched her nipples. My tongue started to twirl round the nipples. This drove her to a new high. Her moans were really audible now and she was holding my head quite tightly to her chest. I was in breast heaven.

But a 16 year old boy gets bored pretty quickly. After 10 minutes in breast heaven, I decided I needed to visit pussyland. I needed to see what or how her pussy looked like. Like a ninja, my fingers stealthily moved towards her bottom and gently rubbed her pussy. This drove her to an even higher high. She pulled me back up to kiss her. She then bit and sucked my lips real hard. I was in genuine pain but the quest for pussyland was more important and I beared with it. When she finally allowed me to pull my lips away from her, I looked at her. She had this glazed look of ecstasy. She was so high on these new sensations that her breasts and pussy were bringing her that she was lost in her own world.

I decided that I had to taste her pussy. After all, that’s the natural progression of things right? At least in porno world it is. And 16 year old boys live in porno world.

Before she knew it, I had slipped my hand into her shorts and had pushed her shorts down slightly. Before she could stop me, I pushed her shorts all the way down, placed my head between her legs and darted my tongue onto her clit. This was when all hell broke loose. She was almost screaming in pleasure. Her legs clamped my head so hard that I thought she was trying to force it into her pussy. I don’t know how long I licked but I felt I could go on forever. Her pussy had no smell and her juice was watery with just a hint of slime. There was an intense satisfaction in me that I was pleasuring her. I was enjoying myself. Then I decided to push my luck. I wanted to see if I could go all the way. My cock felt as if it was going to burst.

In between licking her pussy, I was trying to get myself naked. When I finally succeeded getting my pants off, in a quick motion I moved my body up. I tried to kiss her but she turned away. The fact that I just licked her pussy wasn’t lost on her. I then kissed and sucked her neck gently-alternating between sucking and licking. Meanwhile, 1 of hands was trying to position my cock at her pussy, which incidentally involved a lot of rubbing. It must have been very pleasurable, she still didn’t know I was trying to put my cock into her. But when my cock was at the entrance of her pussy, she froze. Everything came to a standstill. She looked at me with genuine fear in her eyes. She tried to clamp her legs together but I was in between them. I decided not to proceed. I didn’t want to go to jail. She had this look of relief when I climbed off her and I took the chance to tell her that my balls were in pain. I asked for a HJ. She said shyly, “ You have to teach me.”

Having a girl touch my cock for the first time, with her big breasts dangling in front of me was MINDBLOWING!!! She studied my cock intently before starting with the stroking. As the pleasure built, I reached out to touch her breasts and squeezed them hard. I played with nipples which brought a mixture of pain and pleasure (from the looks on her face). I tried to push her head down to give me a blow job but she simply refused (what a selfish bitch I thought). And just as I was nearing eruption, I signaled for her to kiss me and at the point of orgasm, I bit her lips hard. When the high had subsided, she evaluated the damage. Semen on her hands, the carpet and on our bodies. And the smell was throughout the apartment, so she did the “ewwww……” thing… as in “ewwww…. this, ewwww… that”. I left her apartment at 11p.m..

To cut the long story short, Sophia and I lasted 3 years. I never got to fuck her and never got her to blow me, even though I did go down on her many times more. She was a selfish lover to the end. But the happiness and numerous walks in park and by the beach are priceless. After we broke up, we remained as friends and she continued on her quest for true love. Her journey wasn’t easy and I think it was because of me. I made her feel beautiful. She went on to make mistakes that beautiful girls make- i.e. to ask for the sky. She eventually married a very average guy she met from the internet and they have a daughter now. She seems happy and her career is soaring. I am happy for her.

Looking back, it was indeed true love. True love because I fell in love with personality and her looks never did matter to me. Although, if I were to meet her today, I would never give her a chance. Fat girls and average looks don’t appeal to me anymore…… but then again 世上无绝对

P/S Sorry if my life story has been boring you guys. Just like Anakin, it will take some time before I join the Dark Side. I promise that as you read on, and as I get progressively older, the stories will get juicer.

12-04-2011, 02:30 AM

I have a feeling we are similar in some areas...

12-04-2011, 03:42 AM

Great story!!!

However, I have something which I'm not clear of...

What does it mean by
"make mistakes that beautiful girls make- i.e. to ask for the sky"

I'm not so sure about the 'ask for the sky'?

Could anyone explain more to me? Thanks!!

12-04-2011, 09:56 AM
P/S Sorry if my life story has been boring you guys. Just like Anakin, it will take some time before I join the Dark Side. I promise that as you read on, and as I get progressively older, the stories will get juicer.

It is definitely not boring.
Typically the background and the non-XXX part of the stories are the most fascinating parts.
Keep up the good work, I'm definitely camping on this thread.

12-04-2011, 07:42 PM

Great story!!!

However, I have something which I'm not clear of...

What does it mean by
"make mistakes that beautiful girls make- i.e. to ask for the sky"

I'm not so sure about the 'ask for the sky'?

Could anyone explain more to me? Thanks!!

The beautiful girls I know are usually very demanding. They want everything. They want you to work hard and yet be able to spend time with them. They want you to buy things for them, yet have enough savings to buy a condo and car. They want you to pay for their shopping but they don't wanna cook for you. In a nutshell, they want to ask you for everything, but give little or nothing back in return. Does it sound like any SG girl you know?? :) My experience with girls is that, the prettier they are, the more demanding they get. Not all, but most. Don't know if it's the same for you guys.

12-04-2011, 07:58 PM
The beautiful girls I know are usually very demanding. They want everything. They want you to work hard and yet be able to spend time with them. They want you to buy things for them, yet have enough savings to buy a condo and car. They want you to pay for their shopping but they don't wanna cook for you. In a nutshell, they want to ask you for everything, but give little or nothing back in return. Does it sound like any SG girl you know?? :) My experience with girls is that, the prettier they are, the more demanding they get. Not all, but most. Don't know if it's the same for you guys.

Beautiful ? most of the girls i know that behave this way, THINK THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL which in fact they are just plain jane, the beautiful ones i know are just the opposite what Bro TS mentioned. And they are really the beautiful type who will cook to keep you with them.

13-04-2011, 06:12 PM
TS, wonderful way to start.

Personally, i prefer to read threads like yours then those that goes right into the action.

Frankly speaking, i have gone through similar experiences in life like you.

Hope to hear more of your experiences.

13-04-2011, 09:39 PM
Bro pse keep it coming.

14-04-2011, 12:15 AM

Before the breakup with Sophia and me getting my 2nd gf, I actually had a few adventures on the side. Nothing too exciting but I will fill you guys in anyway. A girl called Bessy (from HK) actually professed her love for me. This incident actually started my journey towards the dark side. Because, I found the excitement of cheating and realized that I was not as ugly as I thought. Why else would Bella like me? I took Bessy out to our school dance and tried to kiss her. Then she did the “I haven’t kissed any guy before” act, which for was a total turn off for me. It didn’t help that Bessy wasn’t pretty and had hair that looked like a lion’s mane. Many years later, I found out that she eventually married my classmate. I was actually their match maker. Incidentally, when I pointed Bessy out to my classmate for the first time, he went “Eeeeeee… I don’t want. Can you introduce Junko to me?” What a bastard. Isn’t it funny that he ultimately married the “Eeeeeee…”.

During a period of time when I was back in SG for a while, as it was the pre-internet age, I did the pen-pal thingy. Got to know a girl whose name I can’t remember now. She was a nice girl but our difference were just too great. She was from a very very low income family, did not do well in school, not pretty, and plump with no boobs. Brought her out for a movie and she had this foul smelling perfume on her… yucks! It was a torture sitting through the movie with her but I took it all in my stride, because I wanted to bring her to somewhere quiet after the movie and see if I could kiss her. Anyway, she did the “I haven’t kissed any guy before” act with me too, so I didn’t pursue further. She wasn’t worth the trouble.

After that was a girl called Elin. Elin was a very clever and pretty girl. I was 18 and she was 16 when I met her. Unfortunately, after we went steady for 2 days, her parents found out about me and forced her to break up with me. I was sad because she was very pretty (7/10), and all we managed to do was a short kissing session and a quick feel of her boobs (Small B Cuppers). I lost contact with her and had totally forgotten about her when 2 years later, out of the blue, she called me. We went out. I brought her home. Managed to strip her naked, played with her breasts, licked her pussy and got her to give me a HJ. I think she would have let me fucked her if I had asked, but I didn’t dare. She was a virgin. I was very surprised she had let me go as far as I wanted without any resistance. She disappeared again after that session and I never saw her again. But I know she eventually became a government scholar. I am glad I met her because she made me realized that I have the ability to attract pretty girls and not only the few ugly ones before her. She was a big confidence booster for me. She changed my life.

Then I met a girl called Christina. 1 of my platoon mates introduced her to me. She was OMG!!! Pretty!!! She had fair skin, a very pretty face and reasonable boobs. I was totally SMITTEN by her even though she was a Lian (I.T.E. student who spoke perfect Singlish). Unfortunately, she knew that, and she literally brought me for a ride. I was her chauffeur, always driving her around. I was also her paymaster because I would be paying for her meals and movie tickets whenever we went out. Now before you guys call me a cheapskate, I want to let you guys know that she always initiated the dates. She would call me whenever her friends weren’t free for her, or when she wanted to watch a particular movie or wanted to go to a particular restaurant. Sure I could have said no, but I was still a Jedi Knight then (couldn’t make girls pay) + I was lonely + I was horny. Back then, when I was still a innocent young man, I thought that girls would let you spend so much money and time on them only if they liked you (now of course, I know that to be false). So given that I had spent so much time and money on her, I concluded that she must like me. (haha, what a fool I was) Then I tried to hold her hand and kiss her. She did the “I haven’t kissed any guy before” act with me too. I gave up after that not because she wasn’t worth the trouble… she was worth ANY trouble. She was really very pretty. But I gave up because I had to leave Singapore again. Anyway, many years later, I found out that she had a shotgun marriage and married a cook. She then proceeded to cheat on him with a colleague, divorced the husband, and married that guy. I wonder what happened to that virtuous girl who wouldn’t hold my hand or kiss me???

Just before I left Singapore again, I met a girl called Yen. She was a nice girl from one of the polytechnics. I met her when she was performing at the community near my home. I wasn’t keen on her at all because she her looks wasn’t my type. But as I treaded slowly towards the Dark Side, the temptation to pass up a free meal was just too great. I decided to go out with her. Might as well since she was readily available. We went for walks at the beach and had suppers often. And because I was leaving Singapore, the “goodbyes” when I sent her home would be quite teary (for her), which then turned into I-don’t-want-you-to-leave-kisses, which then turned into full make out sessions in the car. I touched her breasts only. Never did anything more. I was stupid back then.

For the reader/s who is/are more interested in my financial history… after my parents’ divorce, we actually moved in with my maternal grandparents. Just like us, they were also in a very sorry state. We moved into their very small flat and sometimes there wasn’t enough food to eat. Electricity was cut off whenever someone forgot to pay the bill. We lived like that for 2 years, till my mother was able to afford a 3 room flat. Even though the living conditions improved, it was still tough. There were few luxuries if any. However, slowly, my mother’s career started to take off. By the time I met Elin, my mother was already able to afford a humble Suzuki and were living in a much bigger flat. I want to point out that as poor as we were, we were never on welfare, nor did we borrow money from anyone.

P/S I had wanted to tell my tales chronologically, but some recent events have made my life a torture. As such, from the next posting, I will write about a recent event and I would love to hear your views.

14-04-2011, 01:19 AM

Before the breakup with Sophia and me getting my 2nd gf, I actually had a few adventures on the side. Nothing too exciting but I will fill you guys in anyway. A girl called Bessy (from HK) actually professed her love for me. This incident actually started my journey towards the dark side. Because, I found the excitement of cheating and realized that I was not as ugly as I thought. Why else would Bella like me? I took Bessy out to our school dance and tried to kiss her. Then she did the “I haven’t kissed any guy before” act, which for was a total turn off for me. It didn’t help that Bessy wasn’t pretty and had hair that looked like a lion’s mane. Many years later, I found out that she eventually married my classmate. I was actually their match maker. Incidentally, when I pointed Bessy out to my classmate for the first time, he went “Eeeeeee… I don’t want. Can you introduce Junko to me?” What a bastard. Isn’t it funny that he ultimately married the “Eeeeeee…”.

During a period of time when I was back in SG for a while, as it was the pre-internet age, I did the pen-pal thingy. Got to know a girl whose name I can’t remember now. She was a nice girl but our difference were just too great. She was from a very very low income family, did not do well in school, not pretty, and plump with no boobs. Brought her out for a movie and she had this foul smelling perfume on her… yucks! It was a torture sitting through the movie with her but I took it all in my stride, because I wanted to bring her to somewhere quiet after the movie and see if I could kiss her. Anyway, she did the “I haven’t kissed any guy before” act with me too, so I didn’t pursue further. She wasn’t worth the trouble.

After that was a girl called Elin. Elin was a very clever and pretty girl. I was 18 and she was 16 when I met her. Unfortunately, after we went steady for 2 days, her parents found out about me and forced her to break up with me. I was sad because she was very pretty (7/10), and all we managed to do was a short kissing session and a quick feel of her boobs (Small B Cuppers). I lost contact with her and had totally forgotten about her when 2 years later, out of the blue, she called me. We went out. I brought her home. Managed to strip her naked, played with her breasts, licked her pussy and got her to give me a HJ. I think she would have let me fucked her if I had asked, but I didn’t dare. She was a virgin. I was very surprised she had let me go as far as I wanted without any resistance. She disappeared again after that session and I never saw her again. But I know she eventually became a government scholar. I am glad I met her because she made me realized that I have the ability to attract pretty girls and not only the few ugly ones before her. She was a big confidence booster for me. She changed my life.

Then I met a girl called Christina. 1 of my platoon mates introduced her to me. She was OMG!!! Pretty!!! She had fair skin, a very pretty face and reasonable boobs. I was totally SMITTEN by her even though she was a Lian (I.T.E. student who spoke perfect Singlish). Unfortunately, she knew that, and she literally brought me for a ride. I was her chauffeur, always driving her around. I was also her paymaster because I would be paying for her meals and movie tickets whenever we went out. Now before you guys call me a cheapskate, I want to let you guys know that she always initiated the dates. She would call me whenever her friends weren’t free for her, or when she wanted to watch a particular movie or wanted to go to a particular restaurant. Sure I could have said no, but I was still a Jedi Knight then (couldn’t make girls pay) + I was lonely + I was horny. Back then, when I was still a innocent young man, I thought that girls would let you spend so much money and time on them only if they liked you (now of course, I know that to be false). So given that I had spent so much time and money on her, I concluded that she must like me. (haha, what a fool I was) Then I tried to hold her hand and kiss her. She did the “I haven’t kissed any guy before” act with me too. I gave up after that not because she wasn’t worth the trouble… she was worth ANY trouble. She was really very pretty. But I gave up because I had to leave Singapore again. Anyway, many years later, I found out that she had a shotgun marriage and married a cook. She then proceeded to cheat on him with a colleague, divorced the husband, and married that guy. I wonder what happened to that virtuous girl who wouldn’t hold my hand or kiss me???

Just before I left Singapore again, I met a girl called Yen. She was a nice girl from one of the polytechnics. I met her when she was performing at the community near my home. I wasn’t keen on her at all because she her looks wasn’t my type. But as I treaded slowly towards the Dark Side, the temptation to pass up a free meal was just too great. I decided to go out with her. Might as well since she was readily available. We went for walks at the beach and had suppers often. And because I was leaving Singapore, the “goodbyes” when I sent her home would be quite teary (for her), which then turned into I-don’t-want-you-to-leave-kisses, which then turned into full make out sessions in the car. I touched her breasts only. Never did anything more. I was stupid back then.

For the reader/s who is/are more interested in my financial history… after my parents’ divorce, we actually moved in with my maternal grandparents. Just like us, they were also in a very sorry state. We moved into their very small flat and sometimes there wasn’t enough food to eat. Electricity was cut off whenever someone forgot to pay the bill. We lived like that for 2 years, till my mother was able to afford a 3 room flat. Even though the living conditions improved, it was still tough. There were few luxuries if any. However, slowly, my mother’s career started to take off. By the time I met Elin, my mother was already able to afford a humble Suzuki and were living in a much bigger flat. I want to point out that as poor as we were, we were never on welfare, nor did we borrow money from anyone.

P/S I had wanted to tell my tales chronologically, but some recent events have made my life a torture. As such, from the next posting, I will write about a recent event and I would love to hear your views.

Now now, I feel this is a more plausible story than the other one about his best friend bonking his gf!!!!!

Yeah Good story and seriously, youre not nottiboy at all, it part and parcel of sexual venture during your days of growing up. Well, at least you have much to tell than mine which is less adventurous and worst less encounters. Maybe I was too proud back then. Lol of course now I have much to regret as age catches up. Sadly singapore toooooooooo repressed on sex, that many marriages broke up cause of sexual incompatibility and and woman or young panic girls dont know what they want out of the partner besides financial support to her.

Hoping to read from you more from as to also encourage others to open up and be able to voice out. Life is really a roller coaster man,.... hope one day can share mine with you guys too ,...

14-04-2011, 11:15 PM
This story actually involves my sister-in-law. (Do I hear people screaming “SCANDAL! SCANDAL!”?) She is my wife’s younger sister and I met her when she was in her early teens. She wasn’t pretty then and compared to my wife (who is a stunner and stronger in every aspect, including intelligence), my SIL wasn’t worth a second look. Throughout her growing up years, I never looked or thought of her sexually, until she asked me to asked me to help her with her stuff. She either had things that needed fixing or things that she needed me to teach her or things that she need to move.. During those times when I helped her, she was always bra less (she’s a B Cup) and even though she wasn’t pretty, to me, I was still attracted to her boobs. I love all boobs. I love breasts in case you guys have forgotten. So I was always trying to catch her down blouse and, of course, I succeeded numerous times. But even then, sneaking peaks at her nips and boobs where just cheap thrills. Nothing sexual… until one day…

When she was 22 (by this time, she had become a beautiful woman 8/10), I found out that she had a boyfriend and it had been going on for a few years. Her boyfriend turned out to be her student a few years her junior. She was a tutor back then. I was SHOCKED. And the reason was because my wife’s family is as clean, and pure and uncomplicated as most families come. They led very simple lives and the main reason was because they had very little money (simple folks lead simple lives). They did not have enough money to lead complicated lives. Furthermore, my MIL was a housewife and she watched the kids like a hawk. Another reason why I was SHOCKED was because my SIL had always maintained a very clean and pure image. Other than a failed puppy love in school, she was never known to have been involved with guys. And as a tutor, I expected her to take the moral high road. (I always thought a teacher is supposed to be a guardian, not a predator. Anyway, I am not here to debate the issue, but for her case, to me, was immoral, mainly because of the nature of the relationship, how she got to know the boy and the boy’s age) And when I found out about the illicit relationship, I surprisingly discovered a few emotions in me. I felt anger, jealousy and lust. There was anger and jealousy because that bf of hers was a loser. He did not do well in school, came from a poor family and even had the cheek to take money from her. While, on the other hand, I was a relatively successful businessman who outsourced work to her and allowed her to make thousands of dollars a month. I could have given the jobs to someone else. So I was indirectly giving her money to give way to her “toy boy”!!! And of course, the feeling of lust… if she could bring herself to be intimate with a young boy, it would mean that she is quite open minded.

Without giving away too many details, my SIL and I are pretty close because of our jobs. We are in the same industry and so we met up quite often as we were often invited to the same parties. One day, as chance would have it, we were invited to a mutual client’s anniversary party. The atmosphere was nice. The food was good. The music was catchy and the alcohol flowed. We were thoroughly enjoying ourselves. It wasn’t long before she started getting high and started hugging me. But I was cautious. I didn’t want to get myself into any trouble so I didn’t reciprocate. I merely hold onto her waist to steady her. But it was only another 10 minutes before the alcohol got to her and she started throwing up. I decided it was time to send her home.

19-04-2011, 01:08 AM
After helping her into my car (rear seat), I quickly got into the driver’s seat to send her home. Unfortunately, I had barely driven 100m when I could hear her puking all over herself and my car. I drove to the nearest 7-11, bought some water and a big bag of tissue paper. I could not let her go home in that state. Her mum would kill her. After getting into the car, I drove to a quiet spot, parked, got into the back seat with her and started cleaning her up. As I cleaned her with the wet tissue paper, I studied her features and realized that she had become a very beautiful woman. After a while, she opened her eyes and looked at me. The cold wet tissue must have woken her up. I asked her to drink some water, relax and I was going to clean her up. Then she started crying.

SIL: My mum will scold me if she sees me like this. (sniff…sniff…)

Me: Don’t worry. She won’t see you like this. I won’t let her. I will clean you up.

SIL: I am very smelly. I am so sorry. (sniff…)

Me: Don’t be sorry. I am always happy to help a beautiful girl.

SIL: I am not beautiful. I am sorry.

Me: Don’t be sorry…… I love you.

SIL: I love you too.

And at this moment, I didn’t care anymore. I kissed her and she kissed me back. My arms were around her and I held her close to me. I didn’t care that she was soaked with vomit. I just wanted her. Our tongues danced with each other and my hands went in search of her breasts. Finally!! The breasts that I had been waiting for so long. They were now in my hands. I squeezed her breasts and kneaded them with her bra on. My other hand went down looking for her pussy. She was moaning through our kisses and her breathing was heavy. Her hands moved down to my jeans and she started rubbing my cock through it. I was super high!!! At that moment, nothing mattered anymore. All I wanted was her. We petted with each other for 15 minutes, (maybe more, I don’t know), and it was punctuated from time to time with words of “I love you”. Then I decided that I wanted more. I had to fuck her that night. But she was wearing a dress with no buttons and she was wearing thick stockings over her panties. I tried to undress her but it was impossible. I was drunk. She was drunk. It was too much work getting naked. I decided not to proceed, partly also because I thought she was a virgin. We cleaned up. She passed out. And I sent her home.

It was about a week later when I asked to meet up with her. The emotions inside me were killing me. I arranged for dinner at a very romantic restaurant. She looked stunning when she entered the restaurant. We talked about nothing and when dinner ended, I asked if we could take a walk by the beach. I needed to talk to her.

Along the sandy beach and the gentle breeze, we started chatting…

Me: Did you enjoy the party we went to the other night?

SIL: Yes. It was fun, but I drank too much. Thank you for bringing me home safely that night.

Me: No problem. It was my pleasure. Do you remember what happened that night?

SIL: Not really. What happened?

Me: You started hugging me. Do you remember?

SIL: Issit? Sorry. I didn’t mean to.

Me: Oh… then do we remember that we kissed?

SIL: We did? Oh no… it’s impossible… I don’t remember.

Me: Really? You don’t remember anything at all?

SIL: I don’t remember anything. What did we do?

Me: You want me to tell you everything?

SIL: Yes. Tell me everything.

Me: We kissed and I touched your breasts. You were moaning and you were enjoying yourself. And we said “I love you” to each other.

SIL: Did we fuck?

Me: We wanted to but we didn’t. Both of us were too drunk.

SIL: Phew…

To cut the long story short, she basically broke my heart that night. Over the next few days were a few unhappy meet ups. She refused to console or kiss me. She was very cold to me. All she offered was a consolation hug. I was deeply hurt. I had given her so much (concern, love and money) and she couldn’t even be bothered to console me. I gave her everything but she chose to give her body and money to that little boy she called a bf. I found out from her that she had been giving him educational and sexual lessons in his room. Also found out that she had sex with that puppy love of hers at age 15.

Since that night, I have been suffering. It has been a few years but the pain remains. At first, I took to drowning my sorrows in alcohol at night and when I realized that the pain wasn’t subsiding, I went to KTVs often to look for girls who look like her to fuck. I have been doing that for years. Spent tons of money and even though the pain has lessened somewhat, it resurfaces from time to time. It seems that nobody can replace her in my heart. Also found out not too long ago that she was a tycoon’s mistress for about a year. (Tycoon is married with kids.) And the irony…… I was the one who introduced them to each other. Sigh… I must be the world’s greatest fool. He must have entered her pussy thinking that it’s just another piece of pussy he bought, when it’s a piece of pussy that meant the world to me. She would rather give it to an old man than me… I also suspect she had a fling with at least 1 of her classmates.

This was a life changing experience for me. This was a classic case of “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. She would be 1 of the last few people on Earth that I thought was capable of being a rich man’s mistress. Her image has always been SQUEAKY CLEAN!!! I kid you not!!! Other then the men she has fucked, nobody knows her true colours. Only she and I know of all her relationships. AND she doesn’t know that I know. She has always thought that she was flying below the radar but ha…ha…ha…(evil laugh).
She has a boyfriend now, but he has no paper qualification. No money. No background. Not much of a future. And, yes, she is fucking him too. Although I haven’t found out if she has done it with any of his friends.

Because this whole saga is quite dramatic (by my standards), I can only share it with a very close friend of mine (who happens to be my FB). She suggested that I drop hints to my SIL that I know about all her relationships. “She might let you fuck her. Ha! Ha!” said my good friend.
Of course I won’t do that. I don’t have the guts and I have too much to lose. But I am wondering, what would you do? Let me know and share it here.

1. Would you threaten to expose her for money/sex?

2. Would you just expose her slutty true nature to the world? Tell the world about her misdeeds?

3. Do nothing?

4. Other suggestions?

For my female readers… if you were my SIL, and you are in love with your current bf and want to marry him, and I were to threaten to expose your past/true nature, would you:

1. Offer to pay/fuck me?

2. Offer to do ANYTHING so that nobody knows?

3. Go to the police?

4. Ignore?

5. Others?

Please feel free to comment. If any of you want to share your experiences with your SIL or BIL or some other relative, or some friend, please feel free.

19-04-2011, 01:47 AM
TS...you shld altogether drop the idea of banging her.

Like you've mentioned...you've got too much to lose.

19-04-2011, 09:10 AM
Don't understand why you are sad & drown yourself in sorrows when you have a fucking "Stunning" in every aspect wife (as you mentioned :rolleyes:)

She's not even your mistress as you called it - just cause you cannot get into her pants, you feel so sad :D

Oh btw, when you drink - pls do not drive & endanger the innocent parent's son or daughter outside :eek:

19-04-2011, 02:18 PM
Yes, I shouldn't be sad, but affairs of the heart are often beyond our control. It's not like I can stop loving/liking her. But I will try. The way I have been reacting, with regards to her, has surprised me. Didn't expect myself to lose my mind over her. I have always been very rational, always taking into account tangible and intangible costs and benefits. The potential costs of this saga is high and somebody has to pay for it and it isn't gonna be me.

Anyway, forgot to ask, would you guys be able to accept a woman like my SIL as your wife? would you be able to ignore her past? do you think your parents can accept her past?

OK, moving on... having posted "non-fucking" events in my life, my following posts shall be on how I lost my virginity and how I went on my way to be a real nottiboy :D

21-04-2011, 01:02 AM
When I was still with Sophia, I had 2 friends who were super Bengs. They were into commercial sex and they shared with me details of all their paid sex experiences. At that point in time, I was totally disgusted. “Paid sex are for losers.” I thought.

Slowly, as my pool of friends grew, so did the teasing. It seems that guys like to tease guys who are still virgins. I would have male friends asking me if I had fucked before and when I answered “no”, their response would be e.g.

“Saving it for what?”

“Wanna call chicken? I can help”

Blah Blah…

It never bothered me although I wished they wouldn't ask me so often. I was somewhat proud to be a virgin. I wanted my first time to be with that special someone and that someone had to be a virgin. And so, I met Ally.

Back in the 90s, travelling wasn’t as common, cheap or easy as today. A significant number of new students were unseasoned travellers. So in college, the seniors take it upon themselves to help the newcomers settle in. There were no rules as to who was to help who. It was all very informal. Newcomers will meet other newcomers and they will form their own clique with a senior usually joining them. I was in a clique of 3 girls (Ally, Yan, and a super fat girl) and 3 guys (myself, Jay and a unimportant character) for a total of 6 people.

Ally was not a looker (4/10) but she had an amazingly warm and easy character. It was easy talking to her. Daughter of a successful Taiwanese food manufacturer, she was very accommodating. Her parents sent her lots of money every month and so she was able to join every outing the clique organized. I almost forgot. Ally was a C Cupper. Just a little big at the thighs but otherwise slim.

Yan was a looker (9/10). A stunning beauty from HK (think Cecilia Cheung), she could have easily been an actress if she wanted to. Petite, slim, long straight hair, perfect skin and teeth, Yan’s only flaw were her A Cups. Because she knew she was pretty, she often walked with her nose in the air. She seldom joined in the clique’s activities. She must have looked down on us at the beginning. She caught my eye the first time I saw her, but I kept my distance. I didn’t think she would be interested in me. She was after all a stunning beauty. Also to note, she and Ally were BFFs.

Super fat girl- don’t think any of you would be interested rite?

Jay was a pretty average dude. Average looks. Average intelligence. Average everything. But he was a nice guy. Genuinely kind. And genuinely desperate. I could read him like a book. I could tell that he would use his kindness as his main choice of weapon. And I was right! Haha…

Jay was the organiser in the clique. He would arrange for all of us to go for hikes, karaoke sessions, pot luck, and for the clique to watch and cheer me on in whatever sporting event I participated in. (I was playing basketball and baseball then.) He was really sweet (but I knew that he did all those things to get closer to the girls.) I never did anything except gave them travelling information. Nobody had a car then. We had to use the trains or buses to get around.

So slowly, as the weeks went by, all of us got to know each other better (except for Yan) and were more comfortable in asking for help or favours. As I was the resident sportsman (I watched all types of sports, even curling), Ally came to me for help one day. She wanted to get a baseball glove for her bf back in Taiwan. So on a particular Friday after classes, we went to the local sports megastore to look at sporting equipments. We took a pretty long time shopping. That megastore had everything-canoes, winter sports equipments, summer sports equipments, etc. It was my wonderland then. Ha! Ha! When we finally settled on the glove to buy, I asked her out for dinner. Now before you guys thought I was having notti thoughts, please remember I was still a Jedi Knight then. Overseas, it was normal for schoolmates to eat together because our family weren’t with us. If she didn’t eat with me, the alternative was to eat alone.

Over dinner, we chatted about everything-her family, her bf, and about herself. Found out that her family was very wealthy, that her relationship with her bf was so-so, etc. From the conversation that we had, I realised that she was a rather simple girl. She laughed often at my jokes and I thought she enjoyed my company. Even though I enjoyed her company too, she still didn’t come across as “less ugly” (the way how nice people come across as less ugly and evil people uglier) but her body made up for it somewhat. Her breasts bounced whenever she laughed. Because it was a Friday and there weren’t any lessons the next day, I invited her to my home/room to look at my baseball equipments-gloves, balls, bats, shoes, etc. She agreed and off we went.

The walk back to my home was a non-event, but the moment she entered my room, she was fascinated by all my sporting gears-bballs, bball shoes, golf clubs, ice hockey sticks, skates, etc. My room was like a mini sports megastore. I then took out my sports equipments one at a time and told her stories of my battles-the victories and the losses. She seemed totally engrossed in my stories. We chatted till midnight till she yawned. She was getting tired and she wanted to leave. But I was enjoying her company so much that I asked her to stay a little while more. She was quite hesitant, because her roommate (Super Fat Girl) would worry about her but she was enjoying herself chatting with me. Suddenly, we had a voice in the dead of the night shouting “Ally! Ally!” from below my window. It was Jay. (Hmph…!)

Apparently, Super Fat Girl was worried about Ally because it was already late and she wasn’t home. She called Jay to tell him that Ally might be with me so he came to check. He was trying to play the knight in shining armour, telling her that it was late, it was time to go and he would walk her home. For some unknown reason, she kept looking at me and then back at him. Back and forth her eyes moved between me and him. Then she gave me the “what should I tell him" look, so I told her to tell him to go home and that she wanted to stay a while longer. And she did just that.

When Jay finally left, she sat next to me and said that she was tired already. I offered her my bed and I promised that I wouldn’t touch her. She didn’t quite believe me but laid down anyway. I slept next to her and just like I said I would, I didn’t touch her……………… for 15 minutes. Ha! Ha!

23-04-2011, 09:36 AM
I turned around, spooned her and asked if it was alright that my arm rested on her tummy. It was a rather small bed. She reluctantly said yes but I could tell that as much as she wanted to remain the “chaste and virtuous” girl, she was also secretly enjoying the attention and the bodily sensations. My arm stayed there for a good 5 minutes before I started sliding it upwards and cupped her breasts. I heard her take in a sudden breath. I started massaging her breasts for a few minutes, totally enjoying the feel of her FULL breasts in my hands. Suddenly, she turned around to face me.

Ally: “I can’t. We shouldn’t be doing this. I have a bf.”

Me: “But don’t you like me? Aren’t you enjoying this?”

Ally: “I am enjoying this and I like talking to you but if we continue like this, bad things will happen.”

Me: “Are you a virgin?”

Ally: “Yes, I am.”

Me: “Don’t worry. I promise to be good. I won’t put it into you.”

After I said that, we got into one of the hottest frenching sessions ever!!! Gone was her resistance and she was thoroughly enjoying the sensations of our tongues twirling. My hands were kept busy too. I was busy squeezing and massaging her BIG breasts. Squeeze and squeeze… I was squeezing them so much I thought they would burst. Slowly, one of my hands crept below her T-shirt and started caressing her back. I needed to undo the bra hook. When I found it, I unhooked it in a swift motion. The moment she felt the tension of her bra loosen. She froze.

Ally: “Don’t (shyly)…”

Me: “Please… I really want to see your breasts… I like them.”

Ally: “Promise me that you will only look at them?”

I nodded my head and soon she was topless. I studied Ally’s breasts closely. MY GOD THEY WERE HUGE! I was in breast heaven. But her nipples were kinda big too which would have meant that her bf in Taiwan had been playing with them quite intensely. I was a little disappointed. Wasn’t used to using 2nd hand goods back then. But when the cock is hard, the brain doesn’t think. So once she was naked, I frenched her again and used my hands to massage her now naked breasts. They were so soft and full to the touch. All this time, I was also dry humping her. I was mad with lust. Out of control. And soon, I did more than just look and touch her breasts. I tore my lips away from hers and planted my mouth on her nipples!!!

Ally: “Arg… no… no… don’t” There was a mixture of pleasure and rejection.

I ignored her and continued alternating between sucking and twirling her nipple in my mouth.

Ally: “Arg…no…please stop…please…”

And so I stopped and looked at her.

Me: “Why?”

Ally: “Because I am gonna puke.”

Me: “Huh? Why?”

Ally: “I don’t know. I just feel like puking whenever my bf sucks my nipples.”

I had no reply to that except……

Me: “Can I get a HJ?”

Ally looked at me lovingly me and helped me take my jeans off. Once they were off, we started frenching again. My hands started playing with her breasts and her hand roamed to my cock. She had a gentle but firm grip and started with short steady strokes. This girl really knew how to give a HJ. (That is the difference between a girl with a bf and a girl who is a relationship greenhorn.) After a while, her strokes started getting faster and I could feel the pleasure building. My squeezing on her breasts tightened too. Her face showed a mixture of pain and pleasure. Faster and faster she stroke. Tighter and tighter was my grip on her breasts. Then it/I cummed. The cum was powerful and my semen must have landed in a thousand spots all over the room. We cleaned up and went to sleep-skin to skin.

27-04-2011, 01:45 PM
After that night, we sort of became an unofficial couple. We didn’t commit anything to one another, but we were often together. She was my unofficial cheerleader at my sporting events, and we met every day for dinner and most importantly, we would get together to satisfy our sexual needs. So on a typical summer night in her room……

Ally: “Can you come over and help me with my work?” She was laying on the carpet floor.

I went over, laid down next to her (our bodies were parallel) and looked at her textbook.

Me: “Ok, this is what you need to do…blah…blah…blah…”

After she understood the solution, she went about writing it all down. Meanwhile, I had nothing to do, so I decided to let my hands roam. My hand started caressing her back. Then I played with her hair and slowly moved to her ears. I could tell that she had trouble concentrating because she would write and then stop, and then continue writing again, and then stop. Seeing that she was enjoying herself, I placed my body on her back and started kissing her neck. She stopped writing and her breathing got increasingly heavy. I started to suck her neck lightly and then moved to licking her ears. This was when she started going crazy.

Ally: “Ahhh…! It’s so good…”

Me: “Sh… not so loud. Your roommate might hear us.”

Ally: “I don’t care. You make me feel so good. Quick! Let’s take off our clothes. I wanna feel your cock rubbing my pussy.”
(Just in case all of these doesn’t make any sense…remember Ally said that she was still a virgin? I was very timid then. I was afraid to break a virgin, so to speak. So our petting sessions typically ended up with us getting naked, my cock would then rub the entrance of her pussy but never going in, she would get high and once she had enough, she would give me a HJ to wrap up the night.)

So we took off our clothes very quickly that night. And we were in the missionary position with me frenching her and 1 hand holding my cock to rub against her pussy. Usually it would have been enough for me, but that night, for some weird reason I was very very horny. I rubbed my cock at the entrance of her pussy for a REALLY LONG TIME. (Don’t ask me how long.)

Me: “My god! It feels so good today. Your pussy is so sweet. All that juice is making the sliding feel sooo… good. Ah…!”

Ally: “Ah… I feel very good too… Don’t stop… Keep rubbing…”

I kept holding and sliding my cock up and down the entrance of her pussy. It felt really good.

Me: “Ah… I hafta stop now… I am going to shoot… You wanna give me a HJ?”

At that moment, Ally stopped moaning. Her body also stopped moving. She looked at me and said.

Ally: “I lied… I am not a virgin…”

After saying that, she reached down, replaced my hand with her hand and was now holding my cock. She then guided my cock to the entrance of her pussy. She then moved her legs over my butt, locked me in, and pulled me down!!! And that was when my cock felt as if it had gone home. As my cock went in, I could feel the warmness of her pussy engulfing my cock. It felt so comfortable… so homely. It was at this point when I lost control. I just pumped and pumped and pumped. All I could feel was the heavenly sensation transmitting from my cock. Nothing mattered anymore. I was riding her like a crazy animal.

It wasn’t long before I felt the cumming sensation and she could sense it. She quickly pushed me off and put my cock into her mouth. She then started bobbing her head up and down and made me shoot into her mouth. It felt so good. I felt so spent. And after the initial euphoria subsided, reality sank in. I had just been raped :(

P/S I would like to hear more views or comments on the little episode with my SIL. She was the main reason why I decided to come online to share my stories. Somehow that little non-event with her is my most erotic experience to date. On another note, the postings will slow down a little cos I am having internet connection issues and kinda busy these days. Meanwhile, you guys have fun.

11-05-2011, 04:51 PM
After that night with Ally, it became a sex buffet of sorts for me. I was still young then and Ally was ever ready to satisfy my needs. She never rejected me. It was the same shit everyday until one day at the library – Yan and Ally were seated together. Ally waved me over and I joined them. I can’t recall what we talked about that day, but Ally had to leave for her class, leaving Yan and me alone. We chatted and found out that she had a bf in HK and that was the main reason why she didn’t join us in our outings. It seemed she loved and missed him a lot. She didn’t want to get close emotionally to any guy, in case she felt tempted to cheat. And temptation did visit her and she did succumb.

After the chit chat, she asked if I could help her with her homework. I agreed and spent the next hour teaching her. I must have left a good impression on her because after that day, I began to see her more often and she would hang out with Ally and me.

One night, we went somewhere nice for dinner and when dinner was over, I sent Ally back home first. That was a turning point in my life. I desired Yan so much that I didn’t care if Ally knew that I wanted some action with Yan. That was 1 big step that I took towards the Dark Side. And of course Ally knew something was up but she was too timid to question me. Yan, too, knew that I was up to no good but I guess she must have been quite horny then and need some action too. I suggested that we drive up a nearby mountain to enjoy the night view. She didn’t object.

When we reached the peak, we found a nice romantic sport where we could enjoy the city view and started chatting. She started telling me about how much she missed her boyfriend and about the things that they would do during the weekends. Blah Blah… Then she started crying and I leaned over to hug her. She felt so soft and so small in my arms. I felt that I needed to protect her and I wanted to protect her. I wiped away her tears and she looked up. I leaned in to kiss her and it was heavenly. Her thin lips. Her small tongue. I was in 7th Heaven. It was very special for me because it was the first time I got to kiss a TRULY BEAUTIFUL GIRL. We started with soft, tender, no-tongue kisses, which then progressed slowly to gentle probing tongues. But I was anxious. Even though she was a A-Cupper, I just had to feel her breasts. Haha!!! And the moment I gave her breasts a gentle squeeze, she pushed me away and slapped me!!! It wasn’t totally unexpected and I would have gladly taken another slap if I could squeeze her breast another time. Haha!!! I am truly notti.

Yan: “We are even now. I don’t owe you anything.”

I guess she must have felt indebted to me somewhat. I paid for all her meals and movie tickets, helped her with her homework, and gave her emotional support She must have known that I had the hots for her. She had to. She was a gal after all. And she must have thought that letting me kiss her and squeeze her breast was a suitable compensation for my love/attention/efforts.

Yan: “I am tired. Let’s go.”

And go we did. I drove to my home. We went quietly to my room.

Yan: “Why didn’t you drive me home?”

Me: “I enjoy having you here with me. I want you.”

And with that I forced my lips onto hers. She resisted somewhat but I could tell it wasn’t a sincere effort. I played along, deciding to let her play out her role as a chaste girl. It wasn’t long before I had her top off and her breasts exposed. She had small tits, but they were nice. I could tell that her boyfriend didn’t abuse her tits. Unfortunately for her, she just met the “Tit Man”, and so I dove for her tits. Sucking her tits with all my might, I really wanted to abuse her. I wanted to ravage the beauty. Unfortunately for me, I wish I could tell you guys that I fucked her that night…but I can’t. She refused to let me pull down her panties and I didn’t force the issue.
A few days later, Ally confronted me about Yan. I thought long and hard about the 2 girls and at the end of the day, sadly, I chose Ally. It was a mistake that I would regret to this day. I chose Ally because Yan was just too beautiful. I was beast. I was not worthy of her beauty. And a beast like me only deserved another beast, and that was Ally-albeit, she was a big breasted beast. Now when I look back, I think that it is a sad and cruel thing when a man doesn’t have confidence in himself. Because Yan was so beautiful, I was afraid that she would one day break my heart. And I decided that I would never give her that chance. I was so wrong…

I found out much later that the 2 girls actually had a secret meeting over me. They talked between themselves about me and their feelings for me. And they concluded whoever I chose to be with, they would remain as BFFs. Yan went on to be Jay’s gf (My jaw dropped when I found out. That luck SOB.) and she subsequently dumped him and had many more bfs. She was too beautiful to be alone.

14-05-2011, 05:33 PM
This is one very nice story to read and I like your style of writing. Please do not stop.....:D

15-05-2011, 12:00 AM
sometimes beautiful girls also can be players...

16-05-2011, 03:13 PM
Thanks for a very interesting insight of your notti life. Can't wait for more :D, cheers bro ................

19-05-2011, 11:56 PM
ok bro i don't post here very often but i have resurfaced and your story has me intrigued! more about your problems with the SIL. first off, i'm not sure what you want out of her:

do you just want to bang her? or do you want to divorce your wife and get with her? if i were you i would never marry someone with her kind of rep and background. but i would bang she shit out of her haha. so you have to know what you want then we can figure out the path to take. in my case i've banged sisters and girls that are best friends with each other so it can be done. good luck!

20-05-2011, 01:52 AM
Hi Guys, nice to see that I have some followers. I havent been writing but I hope to post something new soon.

With regards to my SIL, I have gotten over her and I have decided on her punishment so it will be dished out in due time. Meanwhile, I am busy making money, doing my FB and the occasional KTV.

Anyway, stay tuned.

20-05-2011, 09:35 AM
nice to read!!!

23-05-2011, 03:00 AM
Anyway back to Ally. It wasn’t long before Ally and I moved in together. It made sense because we could save on rental, get a bigger place and have sex as and when we wanted. Ally became somewhat of a sexual animal. 1 incident that I remember very clearly was a day in summer. For some weird reason, I had only night classes that summer, so I slept in late on most days. On the other hand, Ally had morning lectures that would start at 8 and she would be home by noon. The beauty of that is that she would come home, drop her bags, flip open the blanket, and lower her mouth onto my cock. Sometimes she would suck me till I cum. Other times, she would just take off her panties and lower her pussy on to my hard cock and I enjoy the views of her big bouncing breasts. To this day, nobody wakes me up better. Ally also developed some weird fetishes. Sometimes when we fucked, she would want me to slap her!!! And I mean SLAP HER!!! She would want me to slap her face, slap her breasts or slap her thighs and butt. That really got her going. Anyway, we lasted 1 year before I got sick of her. I 2 timed her with my classmate, June (Taiwanese)

I noticed June one day when I was in class and I saw the most beautiful back view. Long silky jet black hair that would have caught any guy’s attention. Unfortunately, June was not a pretty girl. She had poor skin and her facial features were average at best. But what attracted me to her was her innocent sweet nature. She laughed easily, was intelligent and hardworking, and petite body frame that was just nice to hold.

One day, I asked June out for lunch. I brought her out to an expensive restaurant that overlooked the beach. We had an enjoyable lunch. I remember that I ordered a pan fried salmon and a bottle of chardonnay. When lunch was eaten and paid for, I asked her if she would like to take a walk by the beach and she nodded her head. We went down a flight of steps and enjoyed the light summer breeze along the sandy beach. Because we were quite stoned from the wine, we didn’t speak. And when we came upon the first bench, we decided to stop for a rest.

Me: “Are you enjoying yourself?”

June: Nod

Me: “Did you like the lunch?”

June: Nod

Me: “Are you stoned?”

June: Nod

Me: “Ha ha… You have cute ears…”

I then moved my face close to her. I sniffed her hear. I looked at her reaction… nothing… I kissed her ear. I kissed it again. It was followed by a nibble. Then bigger nibbles. Then I started to lick her ears. She started to breathe heavily. I wanted so much to rape her there and then… but we were on a public bench on a summer afternoon… So I practically made out with her ear for half an hour. When I was done, I realized that we were both suffered sun burns. I then asked if she would like me to cook for her. And her nodded again.

P/S I know my story is kinda boring as of now. The early part of my life was not exciting because I was still quite a decent guy when I met June. But it will get progressively more exciting and my conquests will soon end in fucks quite often.

23-05-2011, 05:57 AM
In regards to your SIL, what she did with the student is breaking the law anyway. She has probably slept with a handful of guys so you sleeping with her probably is just another statistic to her.

Go for it I say!!

24-05-2011, 12:26 PM
Not to worry bro TS, just carry onz with your pace and story, thanks! Cheers ..............

06-06-2011, 11:31 AM
The following Friday, I invited June to my apartment for a private feast. I was and still am quite an accomplished chef. Ha ha! That is how I became so fat. I can’t recall what I cooked but I remember that it was an enjoyable dinner. When dinner was over, I invited to look at the view outside my window.
It was almost sundown, and the sky was a mixture of red, orange and pink. Very beautiful and very romantic. As you guys must know by now, June doesn’t talk much. As she was enjoying the view, I had my arms around her and I slowly began to nibble on her ears again.

Because we were now in the privacy of my apartment, our desires sprang free. As I began to nibble and lick her ears, June’s breathing got heavier and she started to moan. Suddenly, she turned her head and planted her lips firmly on mine. I forced my tongue into her mouth and she gladly received it. Our tongues began to feel each other furiously. My hands then started to roam. I started to caress her face. 1 hand then followed the contours on her back and rested on her waist. The other hand followed the contours of her back and rested on her ass cheek!!! I squeezed her ass tightly and her lips tightened their suction on mine. The hand that was on her waist then slid to the font and gave her breast a soft squeeze. She then pushed me away!

I was shocked. I thought I had frightened her. I was worried that she was upset and was going to cry or run out of the apartment. But I was wrong. After she pushed me away, she looked at me… and started to remove her blouse over her head. She then continued to reach behind her and unclasped her bra. And then, her breaks stood before me. That was the first time I didn’t have to fight for my food! Finally, a girl who willing let her breasts out for me. (Till today, I don’t understand why girls usually make me work for their breasts.)

I needed no second invitation. I led her quickly to my bed. Pushed her down and planted my lips onto her nipple. I LOVE TITS!!! I sucked and I licked and I twirled her nipple in my mouth. And when I was done with the left one, I went to the right one. Meanwhile, she was moaning and moaning and moaning. I knew that she was wet and her pussy would require some attention. One of my hands then went down and pressed her pussy softly. June’s moaning suddenly became much louder!!! I took that as an acceptance and proceeded to remove her panties and true enough, her pussy was WET!!! My finger then gently circled her clit and I feel it engorged with blood. I teased her clit with my finger and June began to buck. Slowly, my middle finger moved down and found the entrance. When I tried to push my finger in gently, she shouted out in pain…
June: “It’s painful.”

Me: Nod.

June: “I am still a virgin.”

Me: Nod.

June: “Can we not fuck?”

Me: Nod.

June: “Are you unhappy?”

Me: Nod.


Me: “Can you give me a blow job?”

June smiled. She then proceeded to lower her mouth onto my cock. It was 1 of the worst BJs I have ever had in my life. Even till the day we broke up, she still couldn’t give a decent BJ. But a BJ is still a BJ right? I cummed finally but it took a lot of coaching from me.

Because June and I didn’t have sex, I shall not write too much about her. We became a serious couple and lasted a year. It was a boring year. Our sessions always involved her giving me a lousy BJ and she would climax with some light rubbing of her clit. Till today, she is still the girl who cums most easily.

06-06-2011, 11:48 AM
more pls .....:)

11-06-2011, 03:33 AM
TS, like you said, a BJ is still a BJ. At least you got someone who gives you BJ willingly. Imagine some of the poor souls out there who can only receive relief from their trusty five "ladies".

14-06-2011, 05:54 PM
Because June was 1 of the most boring girls I have ever met, I went out with other girls quite often. And Ayumi was the pinnacle of my cheating career.

One of my final exams had to be done as a pair and my partner was a Japanese girl called Eri. Eri was not pretty at all so naturally, I wasn’t too keen. To make matters worse, she would always ask to practice and practice and practice our test together, and that always kept me back in school. But one day, my niceness paid off.

During practice, a girl came in to say hi to Eri. When I saw her, my jaw fell. She was stunning! Because it was summer, this girl was in jeans shorts. Being a tall girl, her legs went on forever. Her creamy smooth legs were to die for. And her face… she had the face of an angel. Super pretty (9.5/10). She could have easily been an actress or model. Pure stunner!!! She gave me one of those WOW moments.

When the girls were exchanging pleasantries, I kept nudging Eri. I wanted Eri to introduce Ayumi to me. I think it must have been quite a funny sight because Ayumi was laughing slightly. (Imagine a guy who keeps nudging his friend and drooling at the same time.) After the introduction was done, I composed myself, chit chatted with her, and offered to bring them out for authentic Chinese food. Most Japanese have never tasted real Chinese food. It was a short conversation and she left to see other friends. The moment she left, I bugged Eri for Ayumi’s details, but I could see that Eri wasn’t keen to let me know Ayumi better. It seemed that Ayumi had a boyfriend and Eri felt that I had the potential to break the couple up (which I thought was totally silly because I am NO Brad Pit. I am closer to looking like Brad Pig.). So taking into consideration that Eri was my friend and Ayumi had a boyfriend, I did not pursue Ayumi. I didn’t want her to be label a couple-breaker-introducer, if there is such a thing at all.

However, a few weeks a later, I got a call from Eri. She said that they were free that Saturday and asked if I was free to bring them out for authentic Chinese food. I was quite reluctant actually. This was because the girls stayed 20KM from me. The restaurant they wanted to go to was 40KM from them. So to bring them out, I had to do A LOT of driving. And I didn’t want to do so much driving for a girl who was attached and I had no chance with. But since I did promise to bring them out, sigh… I agreed.

Saturday came and I picked them up. Brought them out for food and bubble tea and they absolutely LOVED it. But June, out of the blue, called and wanted to see me. (That was proof that girls have ESP.) So the night ended early. I sent the girls home and rushed to see June. By time the night was over, I had driven 160KM. Tired…

14-06-2011, 10:48 PM
continue please . thanks .

21-06-2011, 02:40 AM
I did not think much of the dinner I had with the 2 Japanese girls. It was a simple dinner. A simple outing. It was something that nice friendly people do – a cultural exchange sort of thing. But I found out later, that niceness has its payoffs sometimes . :)

Because chit chatting over the phone was a popular thing to do back then, I called Eri about twice a week. (My classes were in town and it was a long drive home. Talking to her made the driving less boring.) It was during one of these sessions when Eri said that Ayumi told her that I never called her (Eri made it sound like a complaint of sorts.) and it was true. I did not want to call Ayumi because I know myself. I am SUPER CHEE HONG. And I know that once my SUPER CHEE HONG behavior appears, it can ruin relationships (that’s because I have ruined my friendships before. Haha!) I felt really bad that I let my fear of my SUPER CHEE HONGness get in the way of a potential beautiful friendship. I felt that I was wrong to be so practical. Cannot fuck also can be friends right? So a few days later, after my night class, I called Ayumi instead of Eri. We chatted about nothing and I got to find out that she was a super pleasant, super nice girl. She was borned in a rural part of Japan but grow up in Tokyo. She was down to earth and gentle – everything any guy would want in a woman. But she was not a country bumpkin either. She was very well versed on classical music, knew all the latest movies, and was somewhat of a sports woman.

So this ritual lasted about a month. One night when I called her, she told me that she would be going back to Japan for vacation. I told her to enjoy herself and to have a safe trip. The day before she left, I even left a message on her pager to wish her bon voyage. It was all very friendly in nature. I did not dare habour any hopes about her. She was a stunningly beautiful woman with a boyfriend. I did stand a chance at all. All I wanted to do was to be a good friend to both Eri and Ayumi. Nothing more.

A few weeks later, on 1 of the regular phone calls to Eri, she invited me for dinner. She said that it was her birthday and all her friends were throwing her a party. I jokingly asked if Ayumi if would be going and when she said yes, I again jokingly asked to be seated next to her. Eri laughed and said she knew what to do.

Saturday came and I headed to a nice mid-end restaurant in the city. Dinner was supposed to be 7p.m. and I was on time. I wanted to leave a good impression, but when I entered the restaurant, I was almost the last person to arrive. The only person later than me was, surprisingly, Ayumi. (Now for you guys who do not know the Japanese well, I just want to let you know that the Japanese are almost never late and usually arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. For a Japanese to be late… it is almost unheard of.) Eri showed me my seat and told me that Ayumi would be sitting next to me. Just before I was about to take my seat, Ayumi stepped into the restaurant and time stood still. She looked even more stunning!!! The way she elegantly walked to the table… I have no words to describe. When she reached the table, she apologized for being late. (She was always so nice.) Then Eri told her that she was to sit next to me and I thought I caught her blushing. We exchanged pleasantries and she told me that she was late because she went to set her hair and apologized again to me. To cut the long story short, dinner was ok and the whole group proceeded to KTV after dinner and Eri & friends were very “automatic” and basically left Ayumi and me to alone to chat and get to know each other better. And I surprised everyone when I sang a Japanese song. When the night was over, Eri said she would allow me to send Ayumi home even though Eri’s boyfriend could have easily sent the both of them home together. In the car, I thanked Ayumi for coming out tonight and for allowing me to send her home. I found out that even though she had had 2 boyfriends, she had never received any flowers. I could not believe my ears. Being a romantic back then, I believed all girls should receive flowers from their boyfriends, especially pretty girls. So I promised to buy her flowers the next time we went out and I invited out the following week. She agreed.

Now before you guys start thinking that I was showing my wolfie nature, I would like to state on record that even till then, I was just being friendly. To me, Ayumi was still an impossible goal. Friends do go out for dinner, right? Not everything has to lead to sex, right? Anyway, the following Thursday came and I went to pick her up. I can still remember that it was raining very heavily. I then drove her to my night class. Funny, right???!!! Bring her a girl to sit in your class??? What kind of date is that??? So like I said, all I wanted to do was to show her around. To show her the city and to show her what university lessons are like. I was just being friendly. There was no way in hell a beautiful girl like her would ever like me.

After my lesson ended, I brought Ayumi to a revolving restaurant nearby. I knew that it was a romantic place but more importantly, it was a place that I knew was still opened. We had a nice time enjoying the cakes and ice cream and more importantly, we enjoyed each other’s company. We stayed till the waiter told us that they were closing.

Because it was raining and I had only 1 umbrella, she held onto my arm to and from the restaurant. The night was perfect. And I was going to make it “perfect-er”. When we reached my car (a red sports car by the way), I opened the car door for her. I think she was pleasantly surprised. I then proceed to the boot and took out a bunch of red roses. When I entered the car, I presented the flowers to her and she was shocked! She was lost for words. I kid yout not. The look on her face was worth a million dollars. However, as happy as she was (and so was I), the drive back was surprisingly silent. It appeared she had something on her mind. It was not long before she said…

Ayumi: “Notti-san, why do you like me?”

I was shocked. Caught unaware. I was not expecting that question. Usually when girls want to reject me, they would be more subtle. They would say things like-

“I enjoyed tonight but…”

“You are a nice guy but…”

“Why are you so nice to me? If only…”

I was ready for the rejection...

02-08-2011, 09:35 PM
bro..more!!!... up ya for not getting rejected!!!

03-08-2011, 02:19 PM
Bro 1Nottiboy, either you had a special scent in your body or having a sweet tongue that can attract so many of your uni mates. Salute you bro and very impressed in expressing the adventure or sexventure of your life story. Keep it coming please.

Toyota Honda
03-08-2011, 05:41 PM
The beautiful girls I know are usually very demanding. They want everything. They want you to work hard and yet be able to spend time with them. They want you to buy things for them, yet have enough savings to buy a condo and car. They want you to pay for their shopping but they don't wanna cook for you. In a nutshell, they want to ask you for everything, but give little or nothing back in return. Does it sound like any SG girl you know?? :) My experience with girls is that, the prettier they are, the more demanding they get. Not all, but most. Don't know if it's the same for you guys.

I got to agree with you. So long as she thinks she is pretty, she has got a certain expectations on the material side. Even then, there are the normal looking ones who are also like that because they think they can ride on the waves of 'stupid'Singaporean men.

Its like... hmm.. the pricing of new cars are soaring so damn high. And 2nd hand cars, whether good or lousy, also commanding higher pricing thats potentially way beyond the normal guys. We sporean guys who doesn't earn well enough or rise fast enough will end up with no car (or girls) or have to fork out alot alot for a lousy car.

That is y I am so giving up now.

04-08-2011, 11:01 AM
Keep it coming bro .

04-08-2011, 01:42 PM
Hi Guys! it is nice to know that I have some fans. Sorry for not posting more often. Lost the momentum to write + work + some ECA outside + misc problems + I don't get paid for writing...

but I will try. I am trying to recall everything from memory and trying to provide as much details as possible. It's not going to be a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am type of thread.

04-08-2011, 01:44 PM
I didn’t know how to reply Ayumi. What was I suppose to say? Yes, I did like her but everything that I had done was out of friendship. I thought for a moment……

“Ayumi, I like you because you are beautiful. And you are so nice. You are my dream girl.”

Silence… Ayumi looked disturbed…

Ayumi: “Notti-san, my bf and I just broke up earlier in the week. It was because he went behind my back to check on the messages in my pager. I didn’t know that until he asked me who you were. I felt that he totally disrespected me. So I broke up with him. But, if I were to become your gf now, would you think poorly of me?”

I was ecstatic!!! It was like striking Toto!!! And that stupid ex-bf of hers… How stupid could he be? All I did was wish her “Bon Voyage”. Nothing more. But he got all upset and now this pretty thing wanted to be my gf. Wow!!! So of course, I said,

Me: “Of course not. You are a good girl. You should follow your heart and do what you want.”

Ayumi: “Give me 2 days to think about it. I will call you ok?”

I nodded.

When I reached her place, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She got down from the car and I watched her walk slowly into the house. What would her answer be???

I can still remember clearly. It was a Thursday evening when Ayumi called me. I was preparing dinner.

Ayumi: “Notti-san, I have thought about it. I will be your gf.”

Me: “That’s great! Can I see you tomorrow? Pick you up?”

04-08-2011, 03:16 PM
Bro 1nottiboy

I wished I'd studied in the States :-) Please continue with your interesting life-story.

04-08-2011, 08:56 PM
Other people will always think that your lady is beautiful, and that their lady looks average after getting used to seeing the same thing so often and Vice Versa.

That's men.

So to say what a waste for the ex-bf/hubby after breakoff is.....:D

Anyway looking to hear more :rolleyes:

05-08-2011, 02:26 PM
a Japanese girl, nice experience pal;)

05-08-2011, 10:39 PM
nice please carry on , thanks

11-09-2011, 02:43 AM
I can’t recall what I did the next day, but I can recall that I could not wait for school to be over. I was all smiles when I drove over to pick Ayumi up and my face almost smiled itself apart when I saw her. My beautiful goddess was waiting in front of her house.

After she got into my car, we discussed what we were going to do that evening. We decided that we would buy take-out, hope over to Blockbuster Video and pick out a couple of movies. I can still remember that the movies I picked-“What’s Eating Gilber Grape?” and “Scent of a Woman”.

When we got into my room… no, we didn’t tear each other’s clothes off. We were decent people. We got onto my futon and watched the movie and ate dinner at the same time. And I guess the Chinese saying is true饱暖思淫欲. So midway through the movie, when dinner was done and over and cleared, my mind started wandering into the sexual abyss and my fingers started to wander too.

First, my hand went below the blanket (it was autumn so it was cold) in search of her hand and we held hands for a while… maybe 15 minutes or so. Then I decided that I wanted to pull her close to me, so my hand wrapped round her shoulder. After 5 minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore and I decided to french her. So in a quick and sudden move, I turned my head to face her and planted my lips onto hers. I was surprised she that she was not surprised, and even more surprised that there was no resistance from her. Most of my experiences till then, consisted of girls putting up some form of resistance.

Her mouth readily opened to receive my tongue. We frenched lovingly for about 2 minutes before my hand started to wander to her right breast and I started squeezing on it. It was ALL BRA… I was somewhat disappointed but I was too horny to stop. She then pulled her lips away from mine and shyly said, “My breasts are very small.”

Me: “It’s ok. I don’t mind. I would love to look at them. Can I?”

Ayumi: “You don’t mind? You are not lying? (Happily)

Me: nodded (Lying)

Ayumi: “OK… I will let you see them.” (Shyly)

Me: “Let me help you.”

I then proceeded to take off her T-shirt and I saw her in her bra. Her breasts were so small that they did not even fill her A-Cup bra. I proceeded to unhook her bra…then when the bra fell away, there she stood, topless.

Now I know, this is an anti-climax of sorts. I wish I could tell you guys that she had the biggest melons that I had ever set my eyes on, but that would be lying. Truth was the opposite, she had the smallest pair of breasts that I have ever seen. Even till today. But she also has 1 of the most beautiful faces that I ever set my eyes on and the sweetest, most gentle, warmest personality ever. So I guess, God is fair.

Even though Ayumi had the smallest pair of breasts ever, I was beyond caring. I planted my lips onto her nipples and I started licking and sucking them. Even though her breasts were small, her nipples were decent sized, and most importantly, they were very very sensitive. The moment my lips latched onto them, she started moaning. Rather loudly, I might add. It seemed that I had found a moaner!!!

Ayumi: “Ah…! Ah…!”

I could see that she was enjoying my licking. After a while, she bit on her lips. She wanted to control her moaning!!! She was so cute!!!

After a while, my hand started to wander again and headed for her pussy. I cupped my hand over her pussy. She gasped and drew in mouthful of air. Then she opened her eyes, looked at me and asked, “Do you have a condom?”

I shook my head.

Ayumi: “Eri said we can’t have sex if we don’t have a condom.”

Me: “Oh… ok…”

Ayumi: “Are you angry? (Looking worried) Don’t be angry. It’s just not safe if we don’t use a condom.”

Me: “I am ok. Don’t worry.”

Ayumi still looked worried.

Me: “Can you suck my cock?”

Ayumi’s face lit up.

Ayumi: “Really??? You will let me suck your cock? You really want me to suck your cock??? (Very happily)”

I nodded. I don’t know why some women are so fascinated with my cock. She was the second girl to exhibit such extreme happiness when I asked her to suck my cock. I was only too happy to oblige. If my cock can bring her such happiness, it is only right of me to sacrifice my “dick-nity”.

Ayumi then threw me the sluttiest CFM look I had ever seen. I didn’t know she had that in her. She sexily pulled down my jeans and underwear. And when my cock was exposed in all its glory, she devoured my cock hungrily-like a cock hungry slut. Her mouth engulfed my whole cock and she sucked me like a vacuum cleaner. In between bobbing her head up and down, she would twirl and swirl her tongue around my dick head. I was in cock-sucking heaven. Even when she was sucking my cock, she would frequently look up to study my face; to see if I was enjoying myself. It didn’t take me long before I could feel the explosion coming. I told her I was cumming.

Ayumi: “S…h…oo…t… in…si…de… my… mou…th… (she said as she was sucking and slurping)”

OMG!!! I was truly in cock sucking 7th heaven!!!

I shot my load in her mouth and she took everything in – just like the obedient slut/gf/bitch that every guy would want.

11-09-2011, 01:42 PM
good experience bro ;)

11-09-2011, 03:42 PM
Nice write up bro ..
1 thing i can guarantee is true : u came from branded school .
2nd (which i cannot guarantee but somehow i assume) : u love to walk ard beaches & garden with all above mentioned ladies :)

12-09-2011, 05:23 PM
After that session with Ayumi, I made sure that I always had a condom with me whenever I was going to meet her. It wasn’t easy because I was officially attached to June and all hell would have broken loose if she were to find a condom on me. June and I never had sexual intercourse.

Anyway, sex with Ayumi was good for many reasons. Ayumi had a body made for sex. She was sensitive all over. I remember once when we were watching tv and I was just lovingly stroking her legs. She told me to stop because her panties were soaked. I was like “WTF??” Then whenever we had foreplay, she would want me to caress or stroke her anywhere on her body. It could be her arms, her back, and her favorite, her inner thighs, etc, and her pussy would be dripping. And when I meant dripping, I meant DRIPPING.

One incident that I remember clearly was when we met after being apart for many months. I flew to Japan to meet her. That night in her room, she showed her hunger for me.

We took turns showering because she was living with her grandmother and we had to be quiet. She showered first followed by me. When I came out from the shower and into her room, she looked at me shyly from beneath the blanket. I could tell that she was desperate and hot for my cock but the conservative nature in her prevent her from devouring me.

I went towards her, slid my body onto hers, and without a word, our lips met. It was wild!!! Our tongues fought and we exchanged saliva. It was a hot battle! And the moment I tore my lips away from hers and latched onto her nipples, all hell broke loose. She took in a large amount of air and I could see her biting hard on her lips. She was trying really hard not to moan out loud. It was a funny yet sexy sight. And when my tongue flicked and twirled her nipple, her body would curl and uncurl in ecstasy. Because it was winter, all this sex generated a lot of heat and actually made us feel even better.

But being the nice girl that she was, she would never allow me to service her for too long. It was barely 5 minutes when she pushed away and asked to suck cock. It was then she truly devoured me. Till today, I have not met a girl who totally enjoyed the feel of my cock in her mouth. She would suck my cock, bob her head up and down, lick the shaft – all these actions in no particular order. She did what her instincts told her. (There were a few times during our sessions when she swallowed my cum and proudly opened her mouth to show me- NO CUM IN HER MOUTH!!!) That night, she sucked and licked and bobbed her head for a really long time. I didn’t think she was ever gonna stop and I was feeling too good to stop her. But she did finally stop. But it wasn’t fatigue that stopped her. It was her pussy. It seemed her pussy was dying to be fucked by my cock. She lifted her mouth from my cock, stood up, walked to the tissue paper box, took a piece of tissue and started cleaning her pussy…… from her ANKLES!!!!!! She was so aroused that her pussy juice flowed from her pussy all the way to her ankles. It was quite a sight.

Once she was clean, she came over to me, held my dick in her hand and cow girled me. OMG!!! This gal was truly service driven. She rode on me but her eyes were opened and from time to time she would ask me if I was feeling good. I could only nod my head. Then she asked if I wanted to come. I then realized what a loving gal she was. She didn’t really wanted to make love. She wanted to service me; to make me cum. It seemed to her that her wants were secondary. Only my orgasm mattered.

I then lovingly told her -

Me: “Ayumi, you must be tired. Lie down. I don’t want you to service me. I want you to enjoy the sex.”

Ayumi: “But it’s going to be uncomfortable for you. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I don’t want you to be tired. Just cum.”

Me: “It’s ok. I want you to enjoy.”

Ayumi: “Notti-san, you have changed. You have become so yasashii (gentle). I feel so shiawase (blissfully/happy).I will listen to you. I will enjoy.”

She then closed her eyes and started to focus on her own body. I could see that she was beginning to relax and enjoy the sensations going through her body. I was only in my mid-twenties then, so I had a dick that could stay hard the whole night. I paced myself nicely and I focused hard on not cumming. I thrusted her deep and hard but I varied my pace according to her facial expressions, the strength of her grabbing my arms, her shivers and of cos, my own sensations. The sight of her face enjoying her pussy being stretched by my thick cock was priceless.

By the time the sex was over, we were totally spent. She continued to shiver for a good 5 to 10 mins after I shot my load into her. Needless to say, both of us had difficulty walking to the toilet to wash up. When we returned to the room to sleep, I saw a very happy woman with the most beautiful smile telling me that she was the most blessed woman on Earth. She was totally in love with me and me with her.

Ayumi was also quite open minded when it came to sex. She gave me a bj once when I was driving her to the airport. She swallowed my cum. (That to me was the ultimate. Total dominance!!!). She was willing to let me try poke as many fingers into her. Unfortunately, her pussy could only take 1. Maybe I just had fat fingers.

Unfortunately, this was a love story that did not have a happy ending. In our mid 20s, after many years together, she asked me to marry her more than once. I asked her to wait more than once. It was not that I wasn’t willing to marry her but I had my concerns back then. Because she was the love of my love, I wanted to give her a comfortable future with me. But I graduated in the middle of the Asian financial crisis. There were only low paying jobs and I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. No responsible man can ever want to marry a woman under such conditions. At least not me. Eventually, she got tired of waiting. Found someone new and left me. It took me many many many years to heal. And it was always painful whenever I dreamt of her because it only reminded me of how much I missed her. I found out a few years later that she eventually did get married and I decided that the best thing I could do for her was to delete her number from my phone. I have since lost contact with her. Sure I miss her. But for all the love that she had given me and for all the beautiful times we shared, I owe it to her that I give her my best wishes and not ever bother her anymore. Till today, not marrying her has been one of my biggest regrets.

12-09-2011, 11:41 PM
Bro I sincerely hoped that you have overcome her and happily married yourself. Seems like both you and ayumi really love each other but I always believe that there is a reason to everything that happens.

Anyway thanks for your post. I enjoyed every single of them. I really thin you can be a very good fiction writer!

12-09-2011, 11:43 PM
Sorry I didn't mean to say your story is fictional.

13-09-2011, 10:36 AM
Sorry I didn't mean to say your story is fictional.

Don't worry about it.

Anyway, I have written a few more parts. Will try to post more soon.

13-09-2011, 12:45 PM
Nice sharing! Sounds like LA to me. Spent some time there but nothing as happening for me. Thanks, bro.

15-09-2011, 05:26 PM
Before I continue, I thought I would like to point out to my readers that some these girls overlap i.e. I was 2 timing. Why am I telling you this? Because I am penning down my stories in chronological order in terms of each girl’s first appearance and not in the order of the sexual events, it might seem a little confusing. Recalling my experiences with each girl makes it easier for me to write. At least that’s my brain works.

Anyway, moving on…

After graduating from university, while still attached to Ayumi, I had a TOUGH time getting a decent job. I was told from reliable sources in a bank that they had 200 applicants for each opened position. It was hopeless and I was devastated. Then along came a job offer. It was for a supervisory position in Shanghai.

For those of you too young to recall, China was going through economic reforms under the than premier, Zhu Rongji. He sold off many state enterprises and this offer came from one of them. A big MNC had bought over this company and a few of its subsidiaries and they were losing money. The Chinese, back then, were super lazy and had no concept of profession work ethics. They needed someone relatively cheap who was able to supervise them and I was that candidate. China wasn’t an attractive place back then. Nobody wanted to go, unlike today. But being the responsible and eager young man, I took up the challenge and needed no consideration for the offer.

Being a horny young man, the moment I entered the company, I was on the lookout for prey and soon, I found my first prey in the I.T. department. She was Xiao Q. A young fresh diploma graduate, she was a tomboy of sorts. She had short hair and very boyish mannerisms. To the untrained eye, she was a ill-mannered, average looking girl. But to a hum sup professional dirty young man, she had pretty features and a decent pair of C cup boobs beneath the thick sweater and was just ripe for the taking.

Because her boss was also an expat like me, I frequently went over to talk to her and took the chance to ask Xiao Q to show me around since I was new to Shanghai. She gladly took up the offer and brought me to the various places of interests in Shanghai. I thought she enjoyed the day more than I did because I paid for everything that day. The meals, the tickets, the transport, etc.. Shanghai 15 years ago was a cheap place for an expat. She got to experience the “high life”. And being the dirty young man that I was, at the end of the evening, when we were taking a walk in the park, I took the opportunity to slide my arm around her shoulders. She resisted but I held firm and she looked shyly at the ground. I remember lowering my head to bring my lips to hers and she was shocked. But I held her firmly and continued kissing her. I felt her resistance softening and we started kissing passionately in the park. Never happy with simply kissing a girl, I slowly moved my hands towards her breast and when my hand was resting nicely on the mould, I gave it a soft but firm squeeze. She jumped!!! She then said that it was late and it was time to go. I agreed but I was very happy, because I was sure that beneath the sweater was a pair of firm, untouched C Cup boobs!!!

Because Xiao Q did not scold or hit me after squeezing her breast, I knew that she liked me and it was only a matter of time before I progressed further. And because I sent Xiao Q home, I knew that she lived in deplorable conditions (Shanghai 15 years ago was really different from what it is today), as compared to how we live in Singapore. The apartments had no lift. The stairs were made of wood and rotting. The apartments had no bathroom and they had to go to public bath houses to bathe. Etc. Just to list a few examples. So I knew that she would be curious about how the expats lived. And if I could get her into my apartment… HA…HA…HA…!!! (Evil laugh)

16-09-2011, 04:51 PM
Touching and interesting story

06-10-2011, 05:17 PM
So for the following weekend, I asked if she would be keen to visit my apartment, and we could spend the day watching movies and eating in it. Now, 15 years ago, and still likely today, you could get anything delivered to your apartment in Shanghai. When Xiao Q agreed to come over, I got the best restaurant, within the residential estate, to cook up a feast and deliver it to my door. (I am sure it can also be done in SG but it would cost a bomb. In Shanghai, it costs the same as eating at the restaurant.) She was thoroughly impressed.

So the famous saying goes, 饱暖思淫欲, after we had our meal, and while we were watching movies from my bed, our minds started to wander. Because Xiao Q never had any boyfriend before, I decide to take things slow. I first began by putting my arm across her shoulder. After about 15 minutes, I pulled her close to lean against me so that I could hug her. It was about 10 minutes later when I started smelling her hair, telling how good she smells, and started nibbling her ears.

It must have been the first time she felt those sensations because she was giggling and moaning at the same time. She was pushing and grabbing me at the same time too. It wasn’t long before I moved my hand to her breasts and started squeezing them.

Xiao Q: “Don’t. It’s not good. It’s notti.”

Me: “It’s it ok. I already felt them the last time we went out. They are big and they are sexy. I enjoy touching them.”

Xiao Q: “Really? But I feel so shy… and I feel so notti…”

Me: “It’s ok. Just trust me. Just enjoy the feeling. You enjoy it right?”

Xiao Q: “Mmmm… mmm… mmm…”

And so I lowered my lips onto hers and I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Even though she never had any experience before, she was a fast learner. Her tongue reciprocated the action and soon we were in the midst of a war of the tongues. It was winter and soon both of us were feeling very hot beneath the thick sweaters we were wearing.

Me: “Don’t you feel hot?”

Xiao Q: “Yes. Maybe we should stop.”

Me: “Of cos not. We should remove our clothes. It’s more comfortable that way.”

Xiao Q: “I don’t want. I am so shy. I have never taken my clothes off in front of a guy before.”

Me: “It’s is ok. I am your boyfriend. You have a sexy body. I want to see it. I am sure you have beautiful breasts.”

Xiao Q: “Let’s not…”

Before she could finish her sentence, my lips were on hers again and I had my hands under her sweater ready to pull them above her head. She did put up a token resistance but she was feeling all these sensations for the first time and she was curious where I was going to bring her. It wasn’t long when both of us were naked.

Me: “OMG! You have such a nice body. Your breasts are beautiful!”

Xiao Q: “Eeee… you are so bad… don’t look at me.” Her hands covering her breasts.

Me: “No. Don’t. Let me look at them. They are beautiful.” Gently pulling her hands away.

Xiao Q: “Are you sure? Do you think they are beautiful? I think they are sexiest when my breasts are in a half cup.”

I nodded my head and started frenching her again. I wanted to suck on those fresh nipples. Her breasts were flawless. One of the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen. Even till today.

When I tore my lips away from hers, I latched onto her virgin nipples and started licking them. Xiao Q went ballistic with all the new sensations transmitting to her brain. She was screaming in ecstasy at the top of her voice. She started pulling and grabbing my hair wildly. I could tell she was now into the zone.

I decided to up the notch a little and I started kissing her tummy, followed by her belly button, and the when I found her clit, I licked and sucked on it!!! That was when she clamped my head between her legs. She was no longer moaning now. She was SCREAMING in pleasure!!! As my tongue licked and poked her pussy and clit, I could feel her juices gushing out from the hole. She had the biggest, longest clitoris that I have ever come across and I suspect that must have been the reason for her reaction. Her brain must have been a blank. I was sure she could no longer think and all she felt was pleasure.

Seeing that she was in so much pleasure, I turned my body around in an attempt to do a 69 with her. She was shocked.

Xiao Q: “What are you doing? Why is your cock in my face?”

Me: “I want you to suck my cock.”

Xiao Q: “But I don’t know how too.”

Me: “Just do whatever I am doing to you. Try.”

Xiao Q: “Eeee…”

But she did put my cock in her mouth. But I could sense that she did not put in any effort to give me a bj. I was disappointed. So I turned my body around and attempted to penetrate her. But it did not work. She said it was painful and I was never the type of guy to force the issue. So she ended the session by giving me a HJ.

I knew there and then that she was not the lover that I was seeking. After 5 months, over a small quarrel, I took the opportunity to break up with her. Over the next 2 years, we would meet up from time to time to have non-penetration sex. It was worth the effort. After all, she did have one of the most beautiful pair of breasts I have ever seen. Even till today.

06-10-2011, 05:54 PM
Hi Bro Ts,

Nice story ,i think our back ground quick similiar .I came from poor family too .Finish my studies in Japan for 8 years .Have a lot of notti experiance like you too .
Enjoy your story very much .Thanks for sharing .

06-11-2011, 02:33 AM
One of the reasons why I broke up with Xiao Q was because I got to know a girl – a waitress at a high end dessert café that expats go to.

Because I am a dessert person, (I just love sweet stuff) and the café was holding a promotion at that time, I would go in there and order 10 tubs of ice cream to take home, since that was the max my freezer could hold. Because of what I did, all the waiters and waitresses knew me and it wasn’t long before I caught sight of Fang Fang.

Me: “Please give me 10 tubs of mango (flavor).”

Fang Fang: “Sure, sir. You like mango a lot it seems.”

Me: “Ya. It’s the best tasting thing you got. Are you new here?”

Fang Fang: “No. It’s just that I seldom work this shift.”

Me: “Oic. Hey! You know, Aaron Kwok is holding a concert here soon. I want to go but I don’t wanna go alone. Do you think you wanna go with me?”

Unknown Male Waiter: “Sure! I am sure Fang Fang will wanna go. Why don’t you write down your contact number for Mr. Notti?”

I was pleasantly surprised. It was the first time I saw a China man happily pimping out his colleague, but who was I to argue right?

Fang Fang scribbled her number onto a piece of paper and handed it to me.

Fang Fang: “This is my number. Call me.”

Me: “I will.”

A short description of Fang Fang. Fang Fang was of average height and build and was a little fleshier than slim. Somewhere between slim and plump. What attracted me to her were her lips. She had nicely formed thin lips – just the type that I liked, the type that Yan had (if you don’t remember who Yan was, refer to previous pages). Fang Fang also had a beautiful face. The typical but pretty Chinese face. (I was now beyond the stage of having to like just any girl. I was on an expat pay package and I was a gold mine to any Chinese girl. Any girl I liked had to be at least a 7/10.) In terms of looks, Fang Fang was a 7/10.

And so my first date with Fang Fang was to Aaron Kwok’s concert. She turned up in a gown which I thought was over the top, but I was not going to criticize a girl on her dressing on a first date. That’s not the way to go if I wanted her pussy. I wasn’t stupid.

And Fang Fang wasn’t stupid either.

The atmosphere outside the concert hall was a pasar malam of sorts. They had stalls selling various types of foods, snacks and souvenirs. One of the most popular food stuff was actually mutton satay. In Shanghai, the hawker actually offered spicy and non-spicy options for the mutton. If the customer wanted it spicy, he would dust spicy powder onto the meats. Because that night was a very windy night, some of that spicy powder actually got blown into my eye… and they got into Fang Fang’s eyes too.

Fang Fang: “Ouch! My eyes… I can’t open them… The chili powder must have gotten inside…”

Me: “Are you ok? Can you see?” Showing genuine concern.

Fang Fang: “I can’t see…” Grabbing my arms

I then used my hands held her head, pulled her close to me and blew into her eyes. I blew into her eyes longer than it was necessary and I held her closer than it was necessary. I knew she was acting and it made sense to play along with her.

09-11-2011, 07:16 PM
One of the reasons why I broke up with Xiao Q was because I got to know a girl – a waitress at a high end dessert café that expats go to.

I then used my hands held her head, pulled her close to me and blew into her eyes. I blew into her eyes longer than it was necessary and I held her closer than it was necessary. I knew she was acting and it made sense to play along with her.

Welcome back!!!! .. never thot i will say this to a guy but.. but... i missed u!!! :p

11-11-2011, 09:56 AM
waiting for more updates bro:)

11-11-2011, 01:19 PM
How I wish I have the opportunity to work overseas too...
Camping for more...

16-11-2011, 06:56 PM
The night at the concert went on without any incident. It was, after all, our first date together. I could not show her my true colors yet.

Over the next few weeks, I would wait for her to get off work and bring her to a 5-Star hotel nearby to…… have supper (what were you guys thinking???). She was impressed, of course. China back then was still quite poor. Normal folks did not dine at 5-Star hotels. I did try my best to get her to come to my apartment but it seemed her mum left her strict instructions never to go to my apartment. She was a wise woman.

But of course I had my ways. I was losing patience. So one night after we had our usual supper, I told her I had a gift for her but I forgot to bring it and left it at home.

Me: “Fang, I bought a perfume for you but I left it at home. Shall we go get it?”

Fang Fang: “Let’s not. My mum told me not to go to your place.”

Me: “Is it because she is afraid that I would have sex with you?! Are you afraid that I would have sex with you?!” I was getting genuinely angry.

Fang Fang: “No. Of course not. Let’s go to your place.” She replied me timidly.

And at that moment, I knew I had my prey.

Now before you guys start flaming me, let me assure you that Fang was not the innocent SYT that she wanted me to believe she was. When we first met, she had a boyfriend who worked on the trains. But she dumped him for me because I was more savvy and suave and made more money. If I had a choice, I would have preferred that she continued the relationship with her bf and used me as the part time bf or sugar daddy. But I wanted her tits too much, and so I presented myself to be the true and sincere bf i.e. I projected that I wasn’t a player. Had I portrayed myself more as a player, I might have been able to keep her as an FB rather than a gf.

16-11-2011, 06:59 PM
I am sorry that my postings have been far and few between. I do have a regular day job and I am quite popular with my frens - both male and female, plus I have to travel sometimes plus family commitments, it is not easy to write.

I have also embarked on a new advanture so lets hope I am able to get sex out of this new girl. Will keep you guys posted ;)

17-11-2011, 06:29 AM
camping for more

18-11-2011, 07:48 AM
no worries bro write whenever u are free to do so. ;)

19-11-2011, 12:52 AM
you're a very hardworking writer
never mind, take a rest, at times
if you spend too much time writing to us, you have less fucking time

21-11-2011, 11:57 AM
And at that moment, I knew I had my prey. Now before you guys start flaming me, let me assure you that Fang was not the innocent SYT that she wanted me to believe she was. When we first met, she had a boyfriend who worked on the trains. But she dumped him for me because I was more savvy and suave and made more money. If I had a choice, I would have preferred that she continued the relationship with her bf and used me as the part time bf or sugar daddy. But I wanted her tits too much, and so I presented myself to be the true and sincere bf i.e. I wasn’t a player. Had I portrayed myself more as a player, I might have been able to keep her as an FB.

I remember that it was a cold winter night when Fang Fang decided to come to my apartment. I can even remember that she wore a black sweater.

The moment I entered my apartment, I told her that I needed the toilet and she could lie on my bed if she was tired. It was a ploy on my end. Of course she was tired. She had just ended work. I knew she would lie down. And so I took my time in the toilet – relieving myself, washing my face, etc. And when I came out she had her eyes closed and her head was on my pillow. I went over to hug her (all girls love hugs) and told her softly that I was happy that we could finally be alone.

I leaned over to kiss her. No resistance. :) We started to french each other. Then once the kissing started heating up, I wasted no time in grabbing her breasts. Finally!!! THEY WERE MINE!!! And her breasts were truly huge. Till today, Fang Fang’s breasts were 2 of the biggest I have ever held in my hands. There was no resistance from her. :) And so I quickly sat her upright and pulled the sweater off her. Seeing that she was alright with me taking her sweater off, I proceeded to remove her jeans. Then for the first time, I saw some hesitation. But she removed them nonetheless.

Now, if it seemed that all these actions took place very quickly, it was because they did take place very quickly. I was tired from playing the gentleman for so many weeks. Because of the long wait she made me endure, I had become an animal – a beast that was hungry for her.

Once her clothes were off, it wasn’t hard to get her to go under the blanket with me. It was winter remember? And in winter, nothing feels better than the warmth of another naked body. And so the devouring began. The love making with her was not gentle. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and pinned her hands onto the bed. When my lips were not on hers, I was biting her ear lobes or sucking hard on those nipples of hers. And when I could not take it anymore, I use my knees to spread her legs as wide as I could. Before she could object, I pushed my cock into her pussy.

The moment my cock entered her, she gave a little yelp of pain. But I told her to bear with it. It would all be over soon. I needed to get my rocks off that night. I assured her that I would shoot outside. It wasn’t long before I climaxed and shot all over her body. I was a monster and I didn’t treat her kindly. She quietly picked up her clothes and went into my bathroom to wash up.

When she came out, there were tears in her eyes. All she could tell me was that she was in pain. All I could do was to hug her tightly. I dressed up and sent her home.

I know, the session with Fang Fang was a deviation from my previous love making sessions. That session with Fang Fang was just pure SEX. And the reason for that was ANGER. She made me wait too long. I was upset. I was angry. Mr. Notti waits for no pussy – if you know what I mean. Anyway, till today I do not know if I deflowered her or not. My guess is that I did not – that she was deflowered by the train employee bf of hers. And the reason – no blood. I did not see any blood on the bed sheet. I know some virgins don’t bleed… blah… blah… blah… Not that it was important to me but I was cheated before and I didn’t want to be fooled again. And she was attached for years. And she was moaning all the way during the foreplay – until I entered her did she show any pain. And I found out later that Fang Fang was the type of girl who produced very little pussy juice. She could be highly aroused (or so she claimed) but her pussy would ooze out very little juice which made sex painful for her. So you guys draw your own conclusions.

22-11-2011, 10:58 PM
Superb writing. Keep it coming!!!

23-11-2011, 01:12 AM
yeah, you're correct, some girls don't lubricate much
so, that's why if you think a girl is very high when she is wet can be misleading because some girls can lubricate a lot even if they're not so high
yeah, carry on be notti, girls like notti boys, good boys are dumb boys to girls:)

25-11-2011, 11:56 AM
After that first session with Fang Fang, she began to come to my apartment frequently and the sex with her flowed. A few memories that stood out included a session which involved some naked dancing. If you guys remember, there was a period in time when Para Para Dancing was in vogue and China sold a cheap D.I.Y. P.C. version. I bought one for her and installed it on my P.C. because she loved that game so much.

One thing I forgot to tell you guys is that, even though Fang Fang was not highly educated, she had a diploma in dancing from a proper publicly funded dance academy. Let’s just say that her dancing skills were very very good.

So one day in the privacy of my room, she was totally naked and started playing the Para Para Dance thing in my room. I could see her big breasts bouncing and swaying with every move, turn and jump. I am getting hard just thinking about it. It is one thing to see a pretty girl dance but it is definitely another to see a pretty girl with BIG BREASTS dance. It was so fucking HOT!

So after she finished one number and was taking a break, I asked her more about the types of dances she learnt in school. There was one type of dance that gets me hard and that’s the ballet. I have always found ballet very graceful and very elegant. And when she told me that she did the ballet well, I told her to dance it for me.

She picked herself up from the bed and started with the little jumps and turns that comes with ballet. Watching the beautiful dance routine and the graceful arm and hand movements, my cock started to stir. With every bounce of the breasts, my cock got harder and I could feel the beast in me growing. When her dance routine brought her closer to the bed, I grabbed her by the waist and threw her onto the bed.:D

25-11-2011, 03:33 PM
After reading through the entire thread, I salute you nottiboy. :D

You are THE MAN!

26-11-2011, 12:36 AM
Nice, do keep it up!

02-12-2011, 02:37 PM
Fang Fang: “Hey! What are you doing?” In a surprised tone.

Me: “I want to fuck you. You got me so horny. Your breasts are so big.” I was driven crazy with lust.

Fang Fang: “You are so notti. I won’t let you.” She was smiling.

Me: “Are you sure?” And I cupped her pussy in my hand.

Fang Fang: “Stop me… you are making me all horny.” Lust slowly showing on her face.

Immediately, I planted my lips onto hers and pushed my tongue into her mouth. One hand squeezed hard on one of her breasts. The other hand went south and tried to tease her hole. I tried to get the juices flowing but no matter what I did, the juices simply refused to flow. Slowly, Fang Fang started getting upset and disappointed at herself (and her pussy) and I was getting frustrated too.

Me: “How? You have no juice.”

Fang Fang: “Don’t say that. It’s very hurting when you say that I have no juice. It’s just like a woman telling a man that he is not hard.”

Me: “I am sorry. I didn’t know you feel that way. But what am I to do. I really want to fuck you.”

Fang Fang pondered for a while…

Fang Fang: “It’s ok. Just force your cock in. I want to make love too. I can take the pain. Just push it in.”

I needed no second invitation. With a little saliva, I slowly pushed my cock in. Although her pussy was dry, with a little wringling, my cock progressively got in. It is kind of hard to explain but I tried to maximize my feel with minimal movement so that both of us wouldn’t feel too much pain. Slowly but surely, more pussy juice flowed but it wasn’t enough. I could tell between her “ooo’s and ahhh’s” that she was feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure. And for some strange reason, it got me very aroused. Although I am too timid to ever do it, deep down inside me, I have a rape fetish. And that session with Fang Fang allowed me to play out the little fantasy of mine.

With my cock rock hard from fantasizing about “the rape”, I channeled all my energy and focus into plunging my cock into her pussy. I fucked her deeply, strongly and hard. My cock went ALL THE WAY INTO THE DEPTHS OF HER PUSSY. I was in a trance-like state but I could hear that she was no longer moaning… she was beginning to scream!!! It was the ultimate fantasy!!! And for some weird reason, I had difficulty cumming. And so there was I fucking/raping her like a mad man and her screaming like a bitch in heat/pain for easily 30 minutes. And 30 minutes later…

Fang Fang: “I can’t take it anymore… It is too painful. Can you cum?”

All I could do was nod. I used my remaining energy to focus on the sensation that my cock was giving me and soon I could feel the climax building. The thought of shooting inside her did cross my mind, but cumming on her face would give me the same satisfaction. Hee hee…

When we were done and over with, we wanted to go to the kitchen to get some food. When we opened the bedroom door, my part time maid was outside!!! Although she didn’t say anything, she did give me the disgusted look. Ha ha ha…

14-01-2012, 02:13 PM
The sex with Fang Fang was good and it did not occur to me to stray. But my job gave me access to numerous young women in universities. My job required that we use part-timers for various marketing and sales projects. Because labour in China was cheap back then, we only picked part-timers from the best universities and each project would have anything from 20-40 girls. And because of my position in the company, at my whim and fancy, I could appoint a personal helper. All this girl had to do was to help make me comfortable e.g. make sure I have a chair to sit on, help me buy food and drinks, tabulate sales numbers, etc. Easy tasks. Nothing physically demanding.

It was during one of these projects when 2 girls caught my eye. One was Jialin and the other S.C.. A little description. S.C. was the prettier (7.5/10) one. She was a graceful girl. Well mannered, serious and matured. Going out with her was like going out with a woman. I managed to squeeze her out for a date and we went to a nice revolving restaurant for drinks. After getting her a little tipsy, I asked if she would like to take a walk along the streets. I remember asking if we could hold hands but she firmly said no. However, after a while, I noticed that the cold winter air was bothering her, so I told her to come closer to me and to wrap her arm around mine. That way we could both stay warm. Surprisingly, she did and I am sure she could feel my right elbow touching her left breast. Because I was sure that she enjoyed my company, I decided to take things slow that night. I decided not to kiss or hug her in case she thought I was some kind of pervert, even though I was. Instead I invited her to my apartment later in the week so that I could show off my cooking skills and she agreed. So we called it a night and we said our goodbyes.

Sigh… BIG MISTAKE!!! When Friday came, I tried calling and beeping her but she avoided me. I guessed she woke up and realized that I was up to no good. Damn!!! I actually let a fish get away. Should have gone for the kill that night. Anyway, she is the daughter of a government official in Sichuan, so I think she would have seen all these hanky panky before. So lesson of the day - Must always strilke the iron while its hot!

20-01-2012, 02:27 PM
Anyway, let’s go back to the fish that did not get away. Jialin. Even though Jialin was not as pretty as S.C., she still scored a decent 7 on my score card. She looked like Miriam Yeung. She had a bubbly personality and had a very silly personality about her. Even though she wore a very loose t-shirt on project day, she did not take care of her modesty and gave me down-blouses the whole day. She did not do it deliberately. It was just her personality. In fact, when she accidentally spilled some tea on her t-shirt, she complained to me and started to clean the stain vigorously. So other then showing me her full C cup breasts readily, she was also shaking them for me!!! She was indeed a very cute girl.

On the pretext of wanting to give her future jobs, I took down her number and proceeded to call her from time to time. We were on the phone regularly for the next week or so. Found out that she was going out with a school mate but he wasn’t doing so well in school. Her parents were teachers and she stayed in a hostel room with 5 other girls. Blah Blah… So one day, I offered to buy my colleagues dinner and tea on the condition that they played along with me – that we would all go for dinner and then proceed to a tea house to play cards. I called Jialin and invited her but she turned down my invitation saying that she felt bad because she was attached. So I left it at that, put down the phone and told the guys that the deal was off. But 15 minutes later, I got a call from Jialin.

Me: “You looking for me?”

JL: “Ya… I don’t feel so good. I just want to talk to you.”

Me: “What’s wrong? Are you ok? Why aren’t you feeling good?”

JL: “I feel bad because I said no to your invitation, but I really want to say yes. And when I put down the phone just now, I felt really bad, because I want to come out with you.”

Me: “Then why don’t you just come out? We are friends.”

JL: “That’s because I have a boyfriend. And I stay in the hostel. If I go back too late, the hostel front door would be already locked up and the Auntie (door keeper) would be upset if I woke her up from her sleep.”

Me: “That’s ok. Why don’t you stay over at my place? I have a maid who stays with me and I have an extra room. You will be very safe. Why don’t you just do what you want to do?”

JL: “….erm… Let me think about it… I don’t know…erm…ok then… I will see you guys tonight.”

And the game was on.

05-02-2012, 09:33 PM
I don’t remember much about the evening. I remember us walking to the tea house and us taking a cab to my apartment when the night was over. Up till that point, both of us were simply just friends. There was no touching, loving eye contact or any flirtatious talk. But things changed the moment we entered my apartment. Because I had called home earlier to get my maid to prepare for my guest, my maid had waited for us to come back – to welcome her. The guest room was nicely spruced up. There were fresh lilies, the beddings were neat, toiletries were laid out, etc. There was even an new pair of slippers at the door and a soft toy on the bed – one BIG PAKACHU!!!

That was when SHE started the seduction!!! The moment she saw the Pikachu, she turned around put her head into my chest.

JL: “I don’t like Pikachu. I am afraid of Pikachu.”

Me: “Is that so? Don’t worry. Auntie, please remove the Pikachu and take it into your room. JL, is that ok now? The Pikachu is gone. You can rest here now. If you need anything, Auntie is just next door and you can just knock on her door. My room is across the hallway if you need me.”

JL: “But I don’t want to sleep alone…”

Me: “Hmmm… Ok… then I guess you can sleep with Auntie. The bed should be big enough.”

JL: “(whispering) but I don’t wanna sleep with her…”

Me: “(whispering) but my room has only 1 bed.”

JL: “(whispering) promise me you won’t touch me ok?”

Me: “(whispering) ok I promise.”

And with that I told the Auntie that we didn’t need her and she could go back to sleep.( The reason why we were whispering was because the Auntie was with us the whole time. Jialin didn’t want Auntie to hear that she was the one initiating to sleep with me.”

So off we went to my room. I don’t remember why but I showered first while she watched TV. I came out properly dressed – shorts and t-shirt. But when she was done showering, she came out in bra and panties wrapped by a towel!!!???

19-11-2012, 02:28 PM
There has been a recent drought of FRs recently. So i thought i would just re-activate mine.

Jialin came out wrapped in a towel. And I pointed to the right side of the bed - that was where she was going to sleep. She silently slid in. We said our goodnights and turned away from each other.

I didn't know if she was really going to sleep. It was really difficult for me. For the first time, a girl initiated to sleep with me but made me promise not to touch her. What should I do?

I decided to go for broke. I turned around. Grabbed her by the shoulder and planted my lips onto hers. There was no resistance!!!

27-01-2013, 08:47 PM
please carry on , thanks

29-01-2013, 03:56 AM
Interesting build up so far~

29-01-2013, 12:08 PM
Wah.. Damn interesting read.. TS pls continue!!!

29-01-2013, 05:19 PM
The kissing with Jialin was filled with lust and passion. Here was a BEAUTIFUL girl who had a bf and yet willing to go into bed with me!!! Just the thought of it was enough to make my balls explode.

We frenched for a really long time. I pushed my tongue deep into her mouth and hers into mine. Our kisses slowly turned into slobbering each other with saliva. It may be disgusting to some but at that point in time, that was heaven.

Slowly and carefully, my notti hands started to wander to her breasts. I gave her left breast a quick squeeze. No resistance!?! And then my hands wandered to her back and tried to undo her bra. I needed to see those breasts!!!

But it was not to be... her "clasp" was impossible. Eventually, she giggled and decided to take off her own bra. Then I saw it! The lengendary home-made bra. It was a bra that her mum made for her and it had buttons instead of clasps!!! That's why I could not unhook it!!! I bet none of you have seen a buttons bra.

And once the bra came off, I could not help but stared at her breasts. In front of me, were the most perfect breasts I have ever seen. Even till today. They were full and rounded C-Cup breasts. Perfectly and evenly shaped. Nipples were small and cute. And immediately, I launch my mouth at them and sucked on her nipples.

She let out a loud gasp and started moaning. That was when I knew, we were going to fuck like rabbits. The foreplay started to become gradually more passionate. The frenching was becoming harder and fiercer. My squeezing of her boobs were becoming tighter...... and then I guided her hand to my throbbing hard cock. The moment she wrapped her tiny fingers around my cock, I went crazy. My demon in me was unleashed!!!

I pulled down her panties and tried to finger her clit. But instead she stopped me and said "Put your cock in me..." OMFG!!! it's the biggest fantasy come true!!! without waiting for a second invitation, my cock slid into her and the mad fucking began.:o

29-01-2013, 05:30 PM
The fucking began in missionary position. I would stare passionately at her while pistoning in and out of her sweet pussy. I would alternate between going fast and slow. For some strange reason, I didn't want the night to end. It felt magical. i wanted the night to last forever. Whenever I felt my balls close to bursting, I would slow down. And when even slowing down couldn't help, I just took my cock out and held her in my arms.

Then we would begin chatting. i don't remember much about what we chatted about. We probably talked about what was going to happen the next day, our sex experiences, etc. and in between all this chatting, there would be the soft caresses. my fingers would be running down her back or my hands could be gently squeezing her breasts. Her hands could be busy stroking my cock or her fingers could be having fun tickling my balls. And when the passion started started heating up again, she could be between my legs sucking my cock, or she could be riding cowgirl on me, and when shes tired, I would go missionary on her.

We did that from midnight till noon. Almost 12 hours non stop. She climaxed countless times and as for me...... not a single time. I had fucked her raw so both our genitals had become "raw" too. But it was the most fun I had ever had... even till today.

30-01-2013, 08:20 PM
I got a cab to send Jialin home the next day, gave her RMB200 and told her to go home safely. after that session, we would meet up once a week or so for dinner. we would go to nice fancy restaurants and had nice food, followed by romantic walks by the bund. and sometimes I would take her shopping and buy her nice blouses or dresses. but we weren't an item. she didn't want to break up with her bf and i was happy with the way things were. However, things came to a head when her bf saw me sending her home one night. she took the opportunity to tell him that she wanted to be with me. it was quite scary actually. if he had gone crazy and wanted a fight, i would have given it to him actually. But i was glad he was sane enough to stay away from me.

jialin and I became a couple and it was VERY COLOURFUL being with her. for one, I was still attached to Fang Fang and I also had a Japanese gal waiting for me in SG. it was a lot of work juggling life between 3 women. and even then, i could still squeeze in the occassional ONS. life was good.

The reason why life with Jialin was very colourful was because she was one VERY INTELLIGENT girl. One of, if not, the smartest gals I have ever slept with. so she was able to foretell that i was going to go out with gals, and I got caught a few times. Hell broke loose... a few times. haha... but it was almost the same for her too. because she was so pretty and had big firm bouncy breasts, she had constant male attention. And she loved the attention! So there was this one one time when we went to a hair salon and the male hairdresser started chatting her up and hitting on her... ALL IN FRONT OF ME!!! I was like WTF!?! And I decided that I had to punish her the moment we went home... stay tuned

30-01-2013, 10:04 PM
wowww powerrrr haha

31-01-2013, 06:44 PM
So once we got home, I started raising my voice at her.

Me: "Don"t you know he was flirting with you? why did you even give him your number? is that what you want? to go out with him?!!!!!!"

all she did was sob.

Me: "dont let me hear you cry. go to that corner. come back to me only when you are done crying."

and off to the little corner she went...sobbing

after 10-15 minutes when i had cooled down...

Me: "Are you sorry?"

she nodded.

Me: "Wanna make it up to me?"

she nodded.

Me: "Come suck my cock."

she looked up. smiled. and crawled into bed. she gently pulled down my shorts and when she saw my hard erected cock, she engulfed it in her warm wet mouth. Her suction was excellent. Her tongue movements were heavenly. Not only was she providing a superb service, she was actually enjoying it. She was moaning as she was sucking. Turns out, she liked to be dominated. she sucked for really long - a real cock sucker.

And when I was close to cumming, I took her by the shoulders and threw her onto the bed. Literally tore off her clothes and panties and what i discovered was a very very wet pussy. :D

03-10-2013, 06:22 PM
Fucking Jialin was always a pleasure. her wet pussy always made my entrance smooth and easy. And her pussy could take all kind of abuse. With her, I liked to plunge my cock deep into her and when my cock could go no further, i would thrust my pelvis to torture her a little more. all the best thing was that she never showed any pain. whenever my cock was in her, her face showed only pleasure. she was a small but intense fucking machine.

once i saw her glistening pussy, i pounded my cock into her. i had to release the animal rage in her. it was a good 15 mins of non-stop pounding and with her squeezing her own breasts... it was a sight to behold. when i was about to cum, i grabbed her by the hair and got her to suck me...... released all my sperm into her mouth :D

Jialin and I lasted about 18 months. it had to end cos I was ending my stint in Shanghai and her parents weren't abt to let her come to SG. Till this day, no gal has been able to service my cock as well. If only life had dealt us a different set of cards, she might have very well been the one i chose to become my wife.

I will end this thread with this story. for future adventures, i will just start a new thread. thanks for reading.

03-10-2013, 06:39 PM
In less than 16 minutes i have consumed what you have taken years to write

And godddamned if u aint no goody two shoes college boy, u a full fledged playa and shit....ll
