View Full Version : This post is for the LOSER who zap me ...

11-04-2011, 03:42 AM
This post is targeted to the LOSER who zap me.


To the FKing LOSER:

Who the FKing LOSER who zap me?

Share things also kana zap ... Where is justices?
Got power means can any how Zap people, where is the forum moderator?
Seriously I wonder who allocate the LOSER such power ...

" Hentai PC Game - Real... 10-04-2011 07:10 PM go back to school kid "

I bet he never see game review or anything, see the title Hentai automatically in his mind say this must be school kid post ...

Please be more open-minded, there are many kinds of things that get other brothers sexcited ... You not into Hentai, doesn't mean other people not into Hentai, if you not interested, you FKing mind your own business and FK off, why the need to zap me? To show me your forum power? Let me tell you I FKing not scare of you, at most kill my SBF account, I will register new email and register new account with a cooler forum nick.

Game graphics are more towards 3D and real world, in my mind I see it as a alternate fantasy to real world (it is cheap and good for time passing, if bored, just delete it), so those that see porn and get aroused, is just grow up kids, there can never be be a grown up who see porn in his FKing mind?

They MUST only have real sex, than in his FKing mind equal to adults, else consider as small kids who have not grown up? And by the word sex, in his FKing mind, must confirm have the guy's dick in the gal's virgina. Having oral sex, mean the kid not yet into adulthood yet? In his FKing mind he cannot allow rooms or spaces for other things, and only purely REAL SEX, can get his dick up, otherwise his dick can never get up, no even porn, cause in his mind porn is not real, it is picture and if his dick can't get up he assume the rest don't enjoy seeing porn also.

He (the one who zap me) must be so old plus ball-less to zap me without leaving the name. Otherwise I would not be posting this post.

Hentai is part of my interest means I kid? If that is the case, I guess you better F someone your own race only, F someone your own age only. Or you do not have any preference, as long as there is a hole you will insert your dick?

Why I say so? Because people have preferences, things you like might not be things people don't like, and vice verse. Why the need to ourcast people, because they are different then you? If you can choose to enjoy things that you like and share the things with the brother here by giving FL numbers, why can't I share the things I enjoyed with my fellow brothers here?


11-04-2011, 10:35 AM
Ah, Da Nang DASC , i require one x immediate airstrike at my pos, do you copy my transmission?

Juliet Six Actual, i copy your transmission and the alert 5 birds have been scrambled. 7 times strike aircraft inbound, ETA momentarily

Roger that, Da nang, thank you :D

Hentai..... might be considered slightly towards the "kiddy" side of porn but then anyone who thinks so should be invited to check out GURO :D

The world is moving forwards towards 3D porn and othe fun thigns :eek:

11-04-2011, 11:26 PM
This post is for the... 11-04-2011 07:01 PM zap u for using vulgarities
>> Truly, I am sorry for that. Anger got the better of me, but still it is reasonably toned down it is spell as Fking instead of the real wordings.
But I really got your point, very sorry for those who got offended of my posts. I specifically mention not to get mad but I guess that did not work.

This post is for the... 11-04-2011 12:41 PM hi kid, today no school? wasting bandwidth
>> To whoever, please educate me how much bandwidth I wasted, guess you are one lowly educated adult jealous of an smart kid, please show me how smart you are, remember leave your name and don't hide in the shadows.

This post is for the... 11-04-2011 11:47 AM zapped u 4 complaining..happy?
>> Whatever zap more, who cares like I say kill me all you wish, show your name and don't be a cowards, dare to zap, dare not admit, that is what a real loser in the real life is.

This post is for the... 11-04-2011 11:41 AM Talk so much!
>> Since when post much also will get zap, next time no one will post stories for us reader to read, because there is such lame reason for zapping people, post your nick low life loser.

This post is for the... 11-04-2011 10:51 AM Is there a need to start a thread just for that? Zap you
>> Yes there is a lot of needs, else people in this world do not know that ball-less peoples existed, and how lame the people really are going around zapping people, people such as you existed, is the reason for my thread.

This post is for the... 11-04-2011 09:21 AM Zap you for posting such stupid thread.
>> Wow how smart can you be after coming in to read the thread, and don't even understand what this thread is for.

This post is for the... 11-04-2011 07:02 AM Zapped! :mad":
>> I am mad. I dare to stand for what I posted, and more importantly, I don't get cyber-bullied.

This post is for the... 11-04-2011 05:56 AM you got angry over virtual point? retard
>> Nope, I find myself to be in the opposite. After reading my this latest post, plus reading the second and third sentence of my first post (in CAPITAL letters), do you think I am not well prepare for after-effects? In fact, I am more than ready and expected for the third wave incoming wave, just how low can online bully gets?

Just some words for those losers, I feel very great and heroic, as in there is no one who dares to do one thing and that is to revel their identity.

Dare to zap and comment, but dare not comment here in this thread?

Only REAL LOSER do that, doesn't any of the righteous brothers in this forum agree on this point with me.

Be a MAN, post and zap me with your nick, stand in front of me and fight. Show your face!

Lastly thanks to those who upped me, your identity is kept unknown for who knows, soon you will get zapped and I definitely don't wish to get you all involve into this flaming war for no good reason.

Who knows you might get zapped!
Reasons: for upping and protecting a kid.