View Full Version : To all those who travel to JB
14-06-2011, 02:47 AM
Dear Bros and Sis,
do have a read at this.
14-06-2011, 06:00 AM
every country hv their own rules & laws.
they indeed did not get their passport chop b4 entering my.
they only came back 2 the ICQ half an hour after entering my.
the my authority hv the right 2 accuse them of entering my illegally.
the issue on being ordered 2 strip & do squats with their hands on their ears @ a detention centre,it might not be normal but not necessary illegal in my.
but it remains 2 be seen where the fine paid has gone 2 ...
if ppl do not appreciate visitors entering their country 2 boast up their tourism,then perhaps the visitors could consider giving that a miss.
14-06-2011, 07:24 AM
The traffic is just tooooo heavy, i guess i will wait for a while to see how it goes before driving in again :(
14-06-2011, 01:53 PM
Sorry to ask but do we need to fill up the white card and get our passport stamped ?
14-06-2011, 03:54 PM
Need to check that passport is chopped before proceeding .
14-06-2011, 05:42 PM
advice: "take care of yourself...."
check ur own passport after taking back from counter, before u leave the complex...
encountered once, we realised tat the officer din chop my gf passport, stopped car immediately and walked back to the counter to get it chopped...
14-06-2011, 05:49 PM
every country hv their own rules & laws.
they indeed did not get their passport chop b4 entering my.
they only came back 2 the ICQ half an hour after entering my.
the my authority hv the right 2 accuse them of entering my illegally.
the issue on being ordered 2 strip & do squats with their hands on their ears @ a detention centre,it might not be normal but not necessary illegal in my.
but it remains 2 be seen where the fine paid has gone 2 ...
if ppl do not appreciate visitors entering their country 2 boast up their tourism,then perhaps the visitors could consider giving that a miss.
Bro, Agree with ur statements totally.. Seems like you are a seasoned traveller? :D
Saw a number of nasty comments on the race, intelligence etc.. BUT people here forgot its THEIR Country.
Situation could be worse in other places (e.g. Africa, Vietnam, Thailand etc)
14-06-2011, 05:53 PM
Bro, Agree with ur statements totally.. Seems like you are a seasoned traveller? :D
Saw a number of nasty comments on the race, intelligence etc.. BUT people here forgot its THEIR Country.
Situation could be worse in other places (e.g. Africa, Vietnam, Thailand etc)
totally agree with bro joew2005 & singexpat...
it may not be "right", but it's THEIR country...
and things could be even worse in other places...
14-06-2011, 06:58 PM
hello hello hello has no one remembered the case of the chinese woman made to strip and squat and the accompanying handphone clip?
I saw it all those years ago and goddamn if it wasnt real :)
14-06-2011, 08:27 PM
DAP says nude squat case ‘humiliating’, demands Home Ministry response
KUALA LUMPUR, June 14 — The DAP has demanded tat the Home Ministry respond 2 reports tat 2 Singaporean women were handcuffed & made 2 do squats naked by Malaysian immigration officials.
Ipoh Barat MP M Kulasegaran said tat the act was “humiliating” & “ridiculous,” while Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa said the incident would give other countries the perception tat Malaysia was a “lawless” country.
“You cannot do tis, why subject these women 2 tis form of interrogation, it is humiliating,” Kulasegaran told The Malaysian Insider.
Batu Gajah MP Fong Po Kuan had brought the matter up earlier 2 deputy home minister Datuk Abu Seman Yusop, but Abu Seman had declined 2 offer a response as Fong’s question was not included in the list during question time.
“I tried 2 bring it up, but the deputy minister did not answer [my question],” Fong told The Malaysian Insider.
“People won’t 1 2 come 2 our country anymore if tis kind of practice occurs ... tis will affect the country’s image as a tourist destination.
“The Home Ministry must give a response, they must investigate wat happened,” Er added.
2 Singaporean women who drove 2 JB 4 supper were questioned by Malaysian immigration officials, handcuffed, thrown behind bars & made 2 do squats while naked, the Singapore Straits Times reported 2day.
The 2 women said they had driven in2 JB without getting their passports stamped, thru an unmanned immigration lane.
Following their punishment, they were allowed 2 return 2 Singapore aft 48 hours with a warning.
Now back in Singapore, both women say they will never go back 2 Malaysia.
the politicians in my k say tis is wrong,tat is wrong & etc.
but the 2 women were so unfortunate tat they didn't get their passport stamped the 1st time round.
when they gone back half hour later,they were arrested 4 entering my illegally.
nothing done k relieve the women of the treatments they received there.
14-06-2011, 10:03 PM
it is absurb to ask two ladies who have yet to be convicted to do such a punishment...doing squats while naked..
14-06-2011, 11:57 PM
All countries has their own sets of rules.
But personally i think, that this is overboard. But then again, i wont expect our useless MFA or Singapore Embassy to do anything. Their mere existence is to provide new passports for those that hv lost them and bring ur dead body back. Thats about it. Thats MFA/Singapore Embassy for you.
15-06-2011, 12:42 AM
As long as u make sure ur passports are stamped, everything will be fine.
The other girl goes in quite often with frens, she shld have known better than just to drive thru withoit getting the passports stamped.
15-06-2011, 01:01 AM
confine them is enough
y need to go to the extend of strip naked
2 sg men go kill
now 2 sg ladies go kn insult
like tat cant be friendly country liao
15-06-2011, 04:06 AM
Malaysia investigates alleged abuse of S'porean duo at customs
The Johor Immigration Department says it has completed its probe in2 the alleged mistreatment of 2 Singaporeans by immigration officers @ the JB customs checkpoint last week.
But when asked 2 comment, department director Mohd Nasri Ishak said, "Please wait 4 the decision by the department headquarters & the (home) ministry."
He declined further comment, reported Malaysian news portal Malaysiakini, as he said he did not 1 2 contradict anything the headquarters might say.
However the case -- which saw 2 Singaporean ladies being strip-searched & ordered 2 do squats in the nude while being detained -- has sparked widespread outrage among Singaporean netizens.
Since it was 1st posted late on Tuesday evening, the story has been shared on Facebook over 3,000 times & drawn over 700 comments.
Some hv called 4 a boycott of shops in Johor Bahru while others called 4 the MFA 2 launch a proper investigation in2 the alleged abuse.
Yahoo! Fit-to-Post reader SH commented, "As consumers & tourists, we should vote with our pockets, boycott poor service shops & countries which do not appreciate our tourism dollars."
Another reader Koh wrote, "Is the MFA doing something abt tis ? Tis is a common trick of Malaysian Immigration 2 extort money fr Singaporeans. Why do we need 2 go 2 JB to save money. Patronize a country tat obviously do not welcome you?"
Yet others questioned why the 2 ladies ventured up 2 JB 4 supper @ such a late hour.
Reader Patriot wrote, "1.30am going 2 JB 4 supper just 2 ladies ? Must be out of your mind right? Singapore got so many night haunts 4 supper & yet you choose JB."
The 2 Singaporeans in question were reportedly detained by Malaysian law enforcement officers in JB early last Thursday morning aft they were accused of entering Malaysia illegally.
The pair were also ordered 2 strip & do squats with their hands on their ears for 10 times when they were sent 2 a detention centre.
The ordeal happened when Lim Lili & Zhan Tingting (not their real names) drove across the Causeway 4 supper @ abt 1:30am. When they reached the Malaysian customs checkpoint, both women inadvertently did not get their passports stamped.
According 2 Lianhe Zaobao, Lim said she had entered a lane tat displayed a green light which signalled tat the lane was in operation.
Lim recalled seeing tat the lane had no immigration officer @ the counter & it was @ tis point tat they didn't get their passports stamped. Zhan then alighted 2 purchase a "Touch N Go" prepaid card 2 pay 4 their entry in2 Malaysia.
As it was their 1st time experiencing the new biometric scanner @ the counter, Lim used the intercom & tried 2 ask another officer 4 help. Both waited @ the counter for 5 mins b4 they decided 2 move on as Lim thought tat there would be another counter 4 them 2 scan their fingers.
But instead, they drove in2 JB without getting their passports stamped & fingerprints scanned. Realising something was wrong, Lim drove her car back 2 the customs 2 obtain an entry chop 4 their passports.
However, when reached the customs at 2am, they were accused of entering Malaysia illegally & questioned by Malaysian law enforcement officers.
"When my statement was taken, both of us tried 2 explain ourselves & requested 4 them 2 check with Singapore's immigration department 2 check their departure timings & CCTV footage 2 clarify tat 1s we knew there was a mistake, we quickly turned back," said Zhan.
The officers then curtly informed them of the offence & punishment, emphasising the RM10,000 (S$4,069) & jail term.
Both women were detained in a room until 5pm on 10 June & were only allowed 2 make a phone call each.
1 of them called a friend while the other spoke 2 her brother, who contacted the Singapore High Commission in Malaysia & the MFA.
"Somebody with a higher rank came & started speaking 2 us in Malay. A translator told us if we were willing 2 accept a fine of RM3,000 (S$1,220) 2 resolve the situation," said Zhan.
"And becos we were so tired, we agreed 2 pay the fine & we signed an agreement tat was in Malay," Zhan added.
Officers led the 2 women 2 an ATM machine 2 withdraw cash 2 pay the fine. But the women received another shock when the officers suddenly said tat they will be sent 2 a detention centre in Pontian district & will be detained 4 up to 14 days.
Lim then asked the officers, "I thought we already settled the case?"
They were later handcuffed & sent 2 the women's division @ the detention centre. Lim & Zhan met a female officer who ordered a strip search. Both women were made 2 strip & do squats with their hands on their ears for 10 times b4 they were allowed 2 change in2 their prison uniforms.
Zhan said: "The place was dirty & smelly, the roach-infested room was 2-3rds of the basketball court, no bed, 4 wooden walls, with 50 people in it."
"We were treated like criminals even b4 we were pronounced guilty, it was humiliating. Most of the detainees were Filipinos & Indonesians without passports. We were the only Singaporeans."
Aft a night in the centre, the officers woke them up at 5am to do the Islamic morning prayers.
She said in the span of 24 hours, besides eating & praying, we were stuck in the room. When it was time 2 eat, we did not hv forks & spoons & ate with our hands. We did not dare 2 finish eating, but the rest of the detainees told us 2 finish becos if we did not, the officers will punish us."
At the detention centre, the 2 of them were bitten by mosquitoes & bugs the whole night. Zhan's hands & legs had red spots & her whole body hurt while Lim's back & neck were bitten, & her skin was red & itchy.
Both women were detained @ the centre for 24 hours b4 another immigration officer transferred them back 2 the Malaysia customs & detained them 4 another 6 hours.
Zhan said tat other immigration officers mocked them & asked if the detention centre was like a 5-star hotel.
On Friday night, an official handed both woman a warning letter & informed them tat they will not be charged, jailed or fined.
When Lim went 2 retrieve her car, she saw it was badly scratched & damaged. They were also told by an immigration officer who handled their departure proceedings tat they would not be able 2 enter Malaysia easily next time.
Looking back, Zhan acknowledged their mistake but said, "Tis is only a trivial mistake. Does it warrant a need 2 detain us @ the detention centre?"
The pair angrily added: "Next time even if you invite me over 2 Malaysia I wouldn't 1 go in!"
They were worried tat the incident would affect their jobs, & wanted 2 remind their friends 2 be more careful when travelling 2 Malaysia.
Under their lawyer's advice, the pair might seek compensation fr the Malaysian authorities.
Tis is not the 1st time Malaysian authorities hv been accused of abusing their power. In November 2005, another woman was made 2 perform nude squats.
According to police, the nude squats r meant 2 dislodge any hidden illicit drugs but the incident led 2 the formation of an independent commission, which subsequently recommended tat the practice be stopped.
15-06-2011, 07:01 AM
S’porean women to file complaint against M’sia Immigration
The 2 Singaporean women who were detained & allegedly mistreated by the Johor Customs r set 2 file an official complaint against the Immigration Department of Malaysia.
A spokesperson fr the MFA told Yahoo! Singapore tat the 2 women had met its consular officers 2 discuss the issue, with the women also recounting the incident 2 them.
He said tat they had indicated tat they would like 2 lodge a formal complaint 2 the Malaysian High Commission abt the alleged mistreatment tat they experienced while being detained in Johor.
It is understood tat the MFA will help 2 4ward the complaint — 1s it has been made — 2 the Malaysian High Commission.
The spokesperson added tat its consulate in JB has also contacted the Malaysian immigration authorities 2 inquire on the immigration & detention procedures tat the Singaporean women were subjected 2.
Last week, the 2 Singaporean women in question -- Lim Lili & Zhan Tingting (not their real names) -- drove across the Causeway 4 early morning supper without getting their passports stamped.
They had drove in2 a lane which was not manned & as it was their 1st time experiencing the new biometric scanner @ the counter, Lim used the intercom & tried 2 ask another officer 4 help.
Both waited @ the counter for 5 mins b4 they decided 2 move on as Lim thought tat there would be another counter 4 them 2 scan their fingers. But they realised there would not be 1.
Shortly aft when they realised their mistake, they returned 2 the customs checkpoint but were subsequently sent 2 a nearby detention centre & ordered 2 strip & do squats in the nude.
Both women were detained in a locked, crowded room until 5pm the next day & were initally asked 2 pay a fine of RM6,000 (S$2,440). They were eventually let off with a stern warning.
Since the issue was reported by the media, it has sparked outrage among Singaporeans with some questioning the standard procedures tat detainees r subjected 2 by the immigration authorities in Malaysia. Others also called on the MFA 2 launch a proper investigation on the incident.
Meanwhile, the Immigration Department of Malaysia is conducting an internal probe in2 the case.
But the assistant director of the Special Administration Unit @ the Malaysian Immigration headquarters, Kaisan bin Kassim, told Yahoo! Singapore tat he is not in a position 2 comment, as the case is now being handled by the Malaysian MHA.
However, his department, which is based in Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, is taking steps 2 look in2 the incident internally.
"We will investigate tis issue since it has been raised by Singapore thru various reports, & we will take tis issue seriously," he said in Malay. He said tis also in response 2 comments fr opposition Malaysian MPs abt the incident.
He declined 2 comment further when asked if what the Singaporean women had allegedly experienced was standard procedures.
However, other representatives fr within the Immigration Department headquarters tat Yahoo! Singapore spoke 2 said the 2 women could hv "blown the story out of proportion".
A public relations officer, who wanted 2 be known only as Haidir, said the 2 ladies should hv waited @ the immigration counter 4 an officer 2 assist them, even if the booth was unmanned.
Otherwise, they should hv approached any of the other officers in adjacent lanes, he added.
"It is common sense 4 1 2 get his or her passport stamped upon crossing the Causeway," said another immigration officer @ the Immigration of Johor State headquarters.
"Just like Singapore, you need 2 get your passport stamped b4 u enter the country; if not, you will be arrested... so it is the same procedure in Malaysia," said the officer, who declined 2 be named.
While declining 2 comment further on the RM6,000 fine allegedly slapped on the Singaporeans, Haidir said it was possible tat the women were making tat part of the story up.
He further added tat it was indeed standard procedure 4 detainees under the Immigrations department 2 be subjected 2 nude squats, particularly 4 females.
He added, however, tat male officers will never conduct these strip searches & nude squats where female detainees r involved.
"It is always a female officer who will handle a female detainee," he emphasized.
15-06-2011, 09:41 AM
every country hv their own rules & laws.
they indeed did not get their passport chop b4 entering my.
they only came back 2 the ICQ half an hour after entering my.
the my authority hv the right 2 accuse them of entering my illegally.
the issue on being ordered 2 strip & do squats with their hands on their ears @ a detention centre,it might not be normal but not necessary illegal in my.
but it remains 2 be seen where the fine paid has gone 2 ...
if ppl do not appreciate visitors entering their country 2 boast up their tourism,then perhaps the visitors could consider giving that a miss.
Well Said!
15-06-2011, 10:52 AM
This two women brought this shit unto themselves, where got ppl just entered a country just because the booth had no ppl manning..even if u pass by a house and the door is open u don't entered it without the owners invitations right?
I have to say most sporeans are super yaya when traveling and I hope this serves as a lesson to all Yaya sporeans..every country and house have their own rules and regulations. If Doing nude squat is part of entering MY illegally procedure, it means u LL have to do it because u entered MY illegally. What makes u so special to be exempted on doing it?
15-06-2011, 10:58 AM
Lesson learnt:
1) Do not enter My in the middle of the nite
2) Always spare a bit of time to go thru' the rite channel
3) Learn some Bahasa Malaysia or go with companion that speaks Malay
4) If u found out u have entered Malaysia illegally, don't turn back immediately. Why? See (5)
5) Put yourself as a junior officer at the customs. Even if the officer were to release the 2 ladies by stamping on the passports, scarly they come back & post on FB saying My custom very slack, blah, blah....etc They will kena shit! So they follow the book, escalate the problem to their bosses.
6) The immediate officer, long time nvr minum kopi so got 2 fat sheep to slaughter so why miss the opportunity. But they oso dunn wan to get into trouble so take $$$ plus escalate the problem to the My Police.
7) The My Police will follow their SOP since the rpt said the 2 gals entered My illegally.
8) So if u kena entered My illegally, dunn turn back. Call for help, ask for advice, etc. Make sure u look for some senior officers who have the capacity to make decisions!
My 8 cents.
15-06-2011, 11:07 AM
I did ask some 'friends' about squats before. It is to check if there are hidden things like drugs inside the vagina. Druggies do hide drugs there. Squatting pushes the drug packets out. Explains why the lady need to be nude too. As long as the officer watching is a lady, not so bad right?
Don't blame the Malaysians for following procedures. The two ladies are wrong to drive through without getting passport stamped. After so many reports and someone even got jailed before, the two are still so relaxed when they cross customs. Anyway, with the need to scan your index fingers now, it's less likely that we can enter Malaysia accidentally right?
15-06-2011, 12:00 PM
i am just curious...DID the two ladies pay any money to the officers??? it was not clear.....and what is heck going to JB at 1 am....and first time also??? any officer would not dare to let you leave the country and believe what you say at that hour....they have to think of their asshole also....
15-06-2011, 01:07 PM
They never observed the simple rule of making sure passport chopped before entering.
This doesn't applies to applies to ANY foreign countries you visited.
Things get messy and nasty if you are found with un-chopped passport.
The MY custom officers had been known to make "honest mistake" of not chopping passport.
It is your job to make sure they chop.
I always double check my passport upon leaving the counter. My friend always scold me slow coach. Why check and check again.
15-06-2011, 02:45 PM
if a foreigner leaves singapore without an entry stamp, what would happen to him?????
15-06-2011, 05:17 PM
if a foreigner leaves singapore without an entry stamp, what would happen to him?????
Nothing? Pay a fine? or maybe charged? but definitely not be subjected to such abuse.
15-06-2011, 08:18 PM
M’sia Immigration: Women's explanation 'suspicious'
Malaysia's Immigration Department has questioned the version of events given by the 2 Singaporean women who alleged they were mistreated by immigration officials in JB, labelling their explanation "suspicious".
In a statement obtained by Yahoo! Singapore, Immigration Department Director-General Alias bin Ahmad confirmed the 2 women were arrested last week under the Immigration Act 4 not having valid passes 4 entry in2 my.
The duo could hv been fined RM10,000 or jailed up to 5 years & caned 6 times.
Datuk Alias said the women's earlier explanation tat they were unsure of immigration procedures @ the Customs checkpoint was suspicious becos "both passports showed tat both had been 2 my a number of times."
His statement added their most recent visits were on 31 July 2010 & April 6 tis year. As such, the statement said their allegation tat there was no immigration officer at the check-in counter was "not reasonable".
In addition, the statement said "all 38 counters were fully open 2 the public" on the day.
In earlier reports, the 2 Singaporean women -- Lim Lili & Zhan Tingting (not their real names) -- claim the lane they had entered was unmanned.
In particular, Miss Lim said she had been 2 JB many times with her friends but it was her 1st time driving across the Causeway. Also becos it was her 1st time experiencing the new biometric scanner @ the counter, the estate agent in her 20s said she tried using the intercom 2 ask an officer 4 help.
Aft waiting for 5 mins, they decided 2 move on without getting their passports stamped but aft realising their mistake, they returned 2 the customs checkpoint but were subsequently arrested & sent 2 a nearby detention centre. There, they were ordered 2 strip & do squats in the nude.
The statement said the women's treatment @ the detention centre was according 2 "sop" as required 4 admission of new prisoners. Tis includes a "thorough examination of the body of the new detainees 2 ensure tat no prohibited goods were hidden in body parts".
The examination, it said, was conducted by an on-duty female officer in a room in accordance with the standard procedures. The case was referred 2 the DPP, who finally decided 2 let the women off with a stern warning the next day.
Meanwhile, both women are set 2 file an official complaint against the Immigration Department of Malaysia.
A spokesperson fr the MFA told Yahoo! Singapore on Tuesday night tat the 2 women had met its consular officers & tat they wanted 2 lodge a formal complaint 2 the Malaysian High Commission. It's understood the MFA will help 4ward the complaint.
The spokesperson added its consulate in JB has also contacted Malaysian immigration authorities 2 inquire on the immigration & detention procedures the women were subjected 2.
However, other representatives fr within the Immigration Department hq in KL tat Yahoo! Singapore spoke 2 said the 2 women could hv "blown the story out of proportion".
A public relations officer, who wanted 2 be known only as Haidir, said the 2 ladies should hv waited @ the immigration counter 4 an officer 2 assist them, even if the booth was unmanned.
Otherwise, they should hv approached any of the other officers in adjacent lanes, he added.
"It is common sense 4 1 2 get his or her passport stamped upon crossing the Causeway," said another immigration officer @ the Immigration of Johor State hq.
"Just like Singapore, you need 2 get your passport stamped b4 u enter the country; if not, you will be arrested... so it is the same procedure in Malaysia," said the officer, who declined 2 be named.
15-06-2011, 08:28 PM
The MY custom officers had been known to make "honest mistake" of not chopping passport.
It is your job to make sure they chop.
I always double check my passport upon leaving the counter. My friend always scold me slow coach. Why check and check again.
Very true! Sometime those yaya Sillyporean deserved it too! So many time reported in ST, Sillyporean took wrong passport when departing fm Airport to another country. When faced problm they started blaming the immigration of Spore for being careless. KNN, typical Sillyporean always blame others but not themselves. U try doing tat to Msia. See what u get!
15-06-2011, 08:31 PM
I have to say most sporeans are super yaya when traveling and I hope this serves as a lesson to all Yaya sporeans..every country and house have their own rules and regulations. If Doing nude squat is part of entering MY illegally procedure, it means u LL have to do it because u entered MY illegally. What makes u so special to be exempted on doing it?
Yup! ICA oso "interrogate" Indon who came to Sillyporean. At time oso kena body search, bag oso kenna search. Wat to do? To them "terrorist" always in their mind! Scare of their own shadow! KNN! :mad::rolleyes:
15-06-2011, 09:53 PM
i am just curious...DID the two ladies pay any money to the officers??? it was not clear.....and what is heck going to JB at 1 am....and first time also??? any officer would not dare to let you leave the country and believe what you say at that hour....they have to think of their asshole also....
I am curious to know too. 2 women driving to JB just for some special seafood supper? To me, it is pretty incredible. They are not afraid to be robbed? molested or worst still raped? Not that JB is such a safe place to go after midnight. I guess kenna arrested is lesser of a tragedy than to be raped, robbed or molested.
My take is that no normal women would drive to JB just for supper. I am cock sure that they are there for some other purposes. Just cannot think of what it is only.
Maybe, these 2 gals hold karate black belt..... Even then, they ain't no match for 2 thugs with parangs.
15-06-2011, 10:07 PM
My take is that no normal women would drive to JB just for supper. I am cock sure that they are there for some other purposes. Just cannot think of what it is only.
I know of normal singaporeans.. both male/females.. that drive into JB for supper.. Has it ever occured to you that the petrol is half the price? food, massage, movies are lots of cheaper then compared to singapore?
personally i go into JB at night, after work, to relax, wash my car and pump petrol and get a nice supper.
Would you like to enlightened the rest of the bros, of what other purposes this two ladies might be seeking, since you are so cock sure? And honestly, i believe that if these two ladies are related to you in any manner, you wont be saying such cock sure stuff. Don't cast stones at others when they are done.
15-06-2011, 10:32 PM
moral of the story? sometimes you can always keep your mouth shut if you got nothing better to talk about. my 2 cents worth.
I am curious to know too. 2 women driving to JB just for some special seafood supper? To me, it is pretty incredible. They are not afraid to be robbed? molested or worst still raped? Not that JB is such a safe place to go after midnight. I guess kenna arrested is lesser of a tragedy than to be raped, robbed or molested.
My take is that no normal women would drive to JB just for supper. I am cock sure that they are there for some other purposes. Just cannot think of what it is only.
Maybe, these 2 gals hold karate black belt..... Even then, they ain't no match for 2 thugs with parangs.
15-06-2011, 10:59 PM
moral of the story? sometimes you can always keep your mouth shut if you got nothing better to talk about. my 2 cents worth.
Well said!.
18-06-2011, 04:19 AM
JB officials suspended as M'sian probe continues
2 officials @ the JB Immigration Office hv been suspended, pending the completion of Home Ministry investigations in2 the alleged mistreatment of 2 Singaporean women last Thursday.
Malaysian immigration director-general Alias Ahmad told reporters tat the 7-man multi-agency panel headed 2 Johor 2 commence their investigation.
He said tat the committee has been instructed 2 complete their probe within 5 days, & submit their findings & recommendations in a report 2 the Immigration Department.
Alias stressed, however, tat the pair's detention was legal, as the women had violated Malaysia's immigration laws by not passing thru the biometric fingerprint system checks.
The duo, who remain known only as Ms Lim & Ms Chang, hv since said tat they will be submitting written statements of their experience 2 Singapore's MFA 2day, reported The Straits Times.
Correspondingly, the MFA said in a statement tat it would closely monitor the outcome of the investigation, as well as assist with handing the women's written statements 2 the Malaysian High Commission in Singapore.
The spokesperson said on Tuesday that its consulate in JB has also contacted the Malaysian immigration authorities 2 inquire on the immigration & detention procedures tat the Singaporean women were subjected 2.
"Hopefully tis will help the Malaysian investigators 2 come 2 a quick conclusion," the statement said.
Ms Chang, an insurance company manager, said tat she planned 2 take legal action, albeit not having consulted a lawyer yet. Her companion, a real estate agent, planned 2 drop the matter aft lodging a formal complaint.
"If I 1 2 sue, I will hv 2 enter Malaysia 2 go 4 the hearing, & I do not 1 2 step in there anymore," she said.
On Wednesday, Malaysia's Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein ordered an investigation in2 the matter, telling reporters tat an inquiry committee had been formed, consisting of representatives fr the police, prisons, immigration & detention centre departments.
"We hv 2 get 2 the bottom of tis," he said aft a parliamentary session.
Alias said tat the committee will determine whether or not the detention centre officers followed proper procedures, & may recommend changes 2 the standard operating procedure if necessary.
"We 1 2 resolve tis quickly, 2 show tat we're serious abt tis case," he said."Be fair 2 us. The inquiry team has been formed. Let them do their job."
He maintained, however, tat the officer involved in the incident had followed the standard operating procedure of conducting a full-body check @ the detention centre.
"How the check is conducted is up 2 the discretion of the officer," he added.
Malaysian tourism minister Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen said tat the case is "not a small issue", & tat anything tat affects public perception of the country with regard 2 its hospitality is a serious 1, according 2 AsiaOne News.
"The officials must be taken 2 task if they r found 2 hv broken the rules," she said, when the issue was raised @ a press conference in KL on Tuesday.
"1 shouldn't be asked 2 do nude squats @ all unless you hv an absolute reason 4 suspicion. And it must be done with proper supervision," she added.
"We r an international player so we must make sure things r done the right way."
Last week, Ms Lim & Ms Chang drove across the Causeway 4 early morning supper without getting their passports stamped.
They had driven into a lane that was not manned and as it was their first time experiencing the new biometric scanner at the counter, Lim used the intercom and tried to ask another officer for help.
Both waited at the counter for five minutes before they decided to move on as Lim thought that there would be another counter for them to scan their fingers, but after they passed through, they realised there would not be one.
Shortly after they realised their mistake, they returned to the customs checkpoint but were subsequently sent to a nearby detention centre, and ordered to strip and do squats in the nude.
Both women were detained in a locked, crowded room until 5pm the next day and were initally asked to pay a fine of RM6,000 (S$2,440). They were eventually let off with a stern warning.
Since the issue was reported by the media, it has sparked outrage among Singaporeans and Malaysians alike, with some questioning the standard procedures that detainees are subjected to by the immigration authorities in Malaysia.
18-06-2011, 10:49 AM
just 2 scrapegoats at the bottom being blamed and scarificed.
The fact remains Malaysian Malays hate Singaporeans but love your $.
At the slightest excuse they will tekan you. Why still go back there to get tekan. Spend your money in $ and make our business and economy grow. I lnow what isi self respect especially when you are not welcome in the a country "Truly Asia"
being forced to squat down naked at the pretext of being a smuggler and open your private parts to a total stranger is really inhumane. No sense of respect & decency. This is sexual assault under the law of singapore and malaysian.
18-06-2011, 11:02 AM
every country hv their own rules & laws.
they indeed did not get their passport chop b4 entering my.
they only came back 2 the ICQ half an hour after entering my.
the my authority hv the right 2 accuse them of entering my illegally.
the issue on being ordered 2 strip & do squats with their hands on their ears @ a detention centre,it might not be normal but not necessary illegal in my.
but it remains 2 be seen where the fine paid has gone 2 ...
if ppl do not appreciate visitors entering their country 2 boast up their tourism,then perhaps the visitors could consider giving that a miss.
That's a low class (versus elite high class SG) country. Why even bother to go there. I mean you can drive through Little India with your car windows rolled up and basically the same thing.
18-06-2011, 06:23 PM
18-06-2011, 09:13 PM
We just have to take preventive measures, check that your passport is chopped....before going off....
18-06-2011, 09:19 PM
best get MACS faster clearance no need check for chops
22-07-2011, 12:35 PM
best get MACS faster clearance no need check for chops
Yup.. i have that too. considering the fact i go into jb almost daily for work.
23-07-2011, 09:45 AM
2 gals driving into jb aft midnite ??
don't tell me they nvr read newspaper or watch news on tv/net ??
could they be going 2 搖頭 ??
22-10-2011, 05:45 PM
Nude squat case under Malaysia's jurisdiction
The case of 2 sg women being forced 2 perform nude squats while being detained @ a Johor detention centre will hv 2 be resolved according 2 Malaysian laws, rules & regulations said Law & Foreign Affairs Minister K Shanmugam.
In his reply 2 a question raised in Parliament on Friday abt the June incident, the minister said he understands & shares Singaporeans' concerns over the treatment of the 2 women who were temporarily detained @ the Pekan Nanas Detention Depot.
The minister shared the last correspondence with the Malaysian High Commission in sg on 9 September & was informed tat a thorough investigation of the case has been completed. However, the report of the investigation is still being finalised by the Malaysian Attorney General's Chambers, reported Channel NewsAsia.
"We r all aware of recent media reports tat the Malaysian Minister 4 Home Affairs has made a statement on tis case 2 the Malaysian Parliament," said Shanmugam.
"He was reported 2 hv said tat based on the probe, the female Malaysian immigration officer had carried out the body search on the 2 Singaporean women in an orderly manner & the inspection was according 2 tat stated under the Detention Depot's SOP," added the minister.
Shanmugam said tat sg has sought a clarification fr both the Malaysian High Commissioner in Singapore & the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs abt the statement becos sg is unaware & was not informed tat investigations hv concluded.
"The Malaysian High Commissioner informed us tat it did not hv any further information on the Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs' statement in the Malaysian Parliament & tat his ministry will be seeking an update fr the Malaysian Attorney General's Chambers on the status of the investigation," said Shanmugam.
The minister revealed tat the Malaysian High Commission in Singapore has said it will provide the official report of the investigation as soon as it is available.
He said: "I know tat many Singaporeans r anxious 4 an expeditious resolution 2 tis case. So r we. We hv registered our concerns with our Malaysian counterparts & reminded them of their commitment 2 conduct a thorough investigation & update us on the outcome of those investigations.
"We will continue 2 press 4 the official investigation report but even as we do tis, it is important 2 bear in mind tat tis matter would hv 2 be resolved in accordance with Malaysian laws, rules & regulations."
The minister added tat the ICA does not track the number of incidents where Singaporean passports do not get stamped @ the JB immigration unless it is reported 2 them. The minister also adviced all Singaporeans 2 check their own passports & ensure tat they r stamped whenever they enter or exit the Malaysian customs.
tis is wat a so call "elite high class sg" society can do 4 it's ppl.
so wat so great in belonging 2 a so call "elite high class sg".
if u kept saying others r low class, it's becos u r the low class 1.
must compare apple to apple, not apple & orange.
22-10-2011, 08:59 PM
In case you guys haven't realised, the Malays in Malaysia do not welcome us. Why go to a country that does not welcome us and complain about it?
23-10-2011, 01:22 AM
I think so the custom they always give the ' KNN Singaporean agiain' kind of look...
23-10-2011, 06:50 AM
agree tat some quarters of the my community might not welcome sg ppl.
but sg ppl still 1 2 go there 2 "flaunt" their so-call wealth.
it takes 2 hands 2 clap ...
alot of the sg community also think & believe they r of a higher class when compare 2 others.
in actual fact, sg ppl(including myself) only looks good on the outside ... inside is empty.
28-10-2011, 03:02 AM
Dear Bros, i travel up north quite often for work, and at times when i see the way some singaporeans behave, the way they drive, the way they speak, etc.. all i can say is, i am really embarrassed to be called a singaporean.
I believe that if you travel to another person's country, u have to respect their culture, their laws etc.. after all, it ain't your own home. same feeling as when we singaporeans get pissed off with the overwhelming influx of PRCs and etc.. (no offense to any bros here). But the bottom line is, when you are in someone's country, respect their laws and boundaries.. don't do things that would invite trouble, ie flaunting your wealth? driving a sports car like the road's belong to you.
I've had the nasty experience of being locked up overseas before and trust me, it ain't a good feeling. Most of the malaysians that i know are just interested in making a living, ie, try washing cars for 24 hrs just to make ends meet, respect them, treat them as humans and obviously avoid "troubled" spots, i believe we would all be fine. Malaysia afterall is an alright place to be in.
Just my humble two cents worth.
28-10-2011, 11:55 PM
i agree...
i travel up north at least once a week for meals and for work with my buddies. and for many incident, we see Sgporean flaunting their wealth and treating the malaysian like dirt. many people made comments "its so cheap here", "only how much only...", "just buy lor, so cheap"... all these comment will attract the attention of evil doers.
there was once i was washing car at JB car wash, just a bit down the 1st shell station. basically for just RM8 u get car wash + vacuum + wipe dry... and i see many singaporean wanna pick on little dirt and instructing the worker there on what to do, and at times when they wipe the side mirror a bit hard, they shout at the worker. really a disgrace. some even comment that "i pay $ so you better do it properly".. i was thinking like WTF.. why not u wash in SG for $15 and see if those cheena bother with ur comment..
31-10-2011, 10:35 PM
there was once i was washing car at JB car wash, just a bit down the 1st shell station. basically for just RM8 u get car wash + vacuum + wipe dry... and i see many singaporean wanna pick on little dirt and instructing the worker there on what to do, and at times when they wipe the side mirror a bit hard, they shout at the worker. really a disgrace. some even comment that "i pay $ so you better do it properly".. i was thinking like WTF.. why not u wash in SG for $15 and see if those cheena bother with ur comment..
how lian singaporeans in jb; siat suay singaporeans in china, cheapskate singaporeans in china. y singaporans so like this har?
02-11-2011, 04:19 AM
Not all la, bottom line is, just treat everyone the same way that you would wanna be treated.. period..
someone once said, "the best way to tell a person's character, is the way they treat people that don't matter to him"... be humble and meek..
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