View Full Version : a fantasy about an ex class mate / colleague

31-07-2011, 03:21 PM
Hi all, i would like to share with you my fantasy of my colleague.

Her name is Jenise, 25, Chinese, tanned skin, long hair, skinny girl.

We used to be classmate during our school time but i never find her to be an attractive. We hardly talk to each other during study time and after graduating we never keep in touch. I started working since then.

Until last year, she called me up and ask whether my company has any vacancy and i introduced her to work at my place. After long time never meet, i found out that she changed alot. from a nerdy girl change to an office lady with some special charm. I only notice i started to have a little hard on when looking at her few months ago.

She usually drives to work and since we live nearby i used to tag along. SOmetime when i sat at front row passenger seat, i always take a peek at her long legs. SHe dont usually wear skirt, always long black pants. Which really shows her long legs. i even secretly take pictures of her legs. she's driving so she wouldnt know.

She is not pretty to be honest but theres something about her. i especially like her in a purple shirt with a snood covering her neck. with her long hair put down and a tight black pants. She has a small mole at her right cheek which makes her sexier for me.

she dont have a big boobs. B the most i guess. i guess she has a really tight pussy as i always take peek at her when she's wearing black pants. She's very skinny and i guess would be good to fuck from behind. I dont think she has a boyfriend as the years i know her, i never heard she has boy friend. which means she could be still a virgin. She has a small mouth. I always fantasize her giving me a head. that would be fun. She's a daring driver and dont ususally give other cars chance to cut her lane. I'm thinking she's wild in bed and a dominant lady. would love to fuck her untill become obedient.

I'm a married man, which means i cant do anything to try to get her. I only fantasize about her. I tried to send her anoynymous sms to her to see whether she interetsed for ONS but she never reply. I think if i really put effort she would be mine. Sometimes i masturbate after seeing her. The best fantasy is raping her in her car.

Thats my fantasy. please feel free to give me some inputs.

31-07-2011, 05:20 PM
nowadays the ppl really has alot of fantasy ...
merely by taking a peek a female's pants, some can that the gal has a realli tight pussy. :confused:

guess skinny body could mean good 2 bonk fr behind ...
nvr keep in touch aft graduation, & guess she could be still be a virgin ...

a daring driver on the road could imply(let him think) that she's wild in bed & is a dominant lady ...

Stop thinking la, put in some real effort & she could belong 2 the 1 that has alot of fantasy about her.

01-08-2011, 09:15 AM
nowadays the ppl really has alot of fantasy ...
merely by taking a peek a female's pants, some can that the gal has a realli tight pussy. :confused:

We are living in a high stress environment and it is good to have fantasy . As long as in real life they don't really go and do it .

01-08-2011, 10:14 AM
Bro TS, u gave so much info. I think if she reads this thread, she may just guess that she's the fantasy that u are talking about.

Anyway, too skinny & try doggy, u may just hit her backside bones. So I don't think it's that shiok. And I believe virgins are more or less extinct at her age.

But nonetheless, take some actions & update us again. Best of luck.....but remember that u still have a wife. So beware...

01-08-2011, 12:00 PM
I tried to send her anoynymous sms to her to see whether she interetsed for ONS but she never reply.

beware hor, later she report to police about the sms u send then u jialat hor :D

01-08-2011, 10:36 PM
Dear brothers. thanks for the input. I understand that it's just a lousy fantasy which wont take me any further. Maybe brothers can recommend any way for me to get her ? i just wanted to fuck her. maybe once or twice only to satisfy my lust for her.

i truly believe she's a virgin. i never heard she has a boyfriend. 100% sure. i hitched her ride to work again today. pony tailed. feel like pulling her hair while doggie.

brothers, what is it feel like to bonk a skinny girl with small boobs ? is it not that enjoyable ?

06-08-2011, 08:19 AM
We are living in a high stress environment and it is good to have fantasy . As long as in real life they don't really go and do it .

fantasy is ok la, but hope he doesn't get 2 "obsession" & commits a crime ..... & lands himself behind bars.

06-08-2011, 08:55 AM
brother this is a common fantasy but it's really more of a regret. I could think of a number of women I should have made an attempt to bed post education and in corporate society. Ironically sometimes the feeling is mutual. Just last year I ran into an old university friend on a business trip to London. She was recently divorced and we had sex twice during the course of a week over there. Then met her in SG and we made love again.

06-08-2011, 10:46 AM
Brothers.. Please teach me what should I do to make her mine ?

Feel like too obsessed... When I seeker everyday I feel like want to cum in her mouth... Sometimes I help her to buy coffee in the morning... Feel like doing something to the drink... Any ideas brothers ? Please enlighten me..

07-08-2011, 12:22 AM
For women if no immediate sparks then hard to develop. Has to be sexual tension ie she touches you a lot or gets nervous talking to you and or stands close to you etc. Does she play with her hair or adjusts her blouse when see you coming? You seem really inexperienced with women. Jacking off in her coffee is sexual assault.

I think shes you as just an asexual friend.

08-08-2011, 01:09 AM
Bro, she usually would tell me stuff about her family when we are in the car. I don't really see her adjusting her clothes or whatever when she sees me..

Anyway, I got a wife.. So u can't really say I'm not experienced in women.

Sometimes I do feel like desperate to have her.. Any recommendations ?

09-08-2011, 07:09 AM
Brother your male friends also tell you about their family. So means she sees you as a non romantic friend maybe like a brother cousin or some other asexual male in her life She's not displaying the signals I outlined so its a non sex based friendship. A woman talking to you doesn't mean consent nor any desire on her part to take it beyond that. The fact you have a wife has nothing to do with this gals desire for you. Probably after years out of the bachelor scene you think you still have the it factor but you misgauge your sexual appeal and ability to flirt and bed women. A woman who sees you as a person they would sleep with would give you signals early. In fact they would not be able to wait.